Mentoring Program Thank you for participating in the Mentoring Program. Your volunteer time is much appreciated by the CSU Levin College of Urban Affairs. Mission The mission of the mentoring program is to introduce students to career professionals who will offer them advice, support, and guidance regarding a career choice. Vision Students who complete the mentoring program will have a better understanding of their academic field of study, will gain networking skills, and develop insight into the job market. Roles, Responsibilities, and Expectations The partnership between a mentor and a student is built upon a foundation of trust, respect, and professionalism. As a leader in your organization, we know that you possess the necessary skills required for establishing a close relationship with your student. With your leadership experience, you will be a great mentor. As a mentor, please keep in mind the following: First, picture yourself as a student – what would you like to gain from this experience? The mentoring relationship takes place between October and April. Attempt to include your student in as many activities as you possibly can, including board or committee meetings, a take your student to work day, or professional events. Learn the positive attributes and qualities of the student and help strengthen those attributes which may be lacking. Constructive criticism offered in a positive way can be helpful. Facilitate the networking process by taking your student to professional meetings. Show them how to greet others and how professional introductions are made. Try your best to return email and phone calls in a timely manner. We know you are busy but we would like you to have at least monthly contact with your student. Serve as an advocate and help guide the student to achieve his or her goals. Demonstrate professional conduct. 1 Part of the mentoring process is for you to share career knowledge and the ways in which you got started in your career. Although your student is in charge of making contact, please be mindful that a few students might be shy and might need encouragement during the initial weeks. Center for Experiential Learning Senator Grace Drake, Coordinator Phone: 216-687-4893 Fax: 216-687-9291 Katie DeRan, Assistant Coordinator Phone: 216-875-9880 Email: Email: Campus Location: 1717 Euclid Avenue, UR 140, Cleveland, OH 44115 Campus Location: 1717 Euclid Avenue, UR 135, Cleveland, OH 44115 2 Resume Critique Note to Mentor The student has accessibility to the CSU’s Career Success Network for additional help composing a resume. We ask the mentor, as a professional in the student’s field of interest to review the resume. The goal is to help the student prepare a complete and focused picture of his/her employment possibilities. Resume Critique Questions: 1. Is the resume easy to read and appealing to the eye? If not what are some suggestions? 2. Is the resume format acceptable? 3. Does the resume have any misspellings or typos? 4. Is the resume too long or too short, succinct or long-winded? 5. Is the resume exciting? Are there action verbs that jump from the page? Are their keywords that catch your attention? 6. Is there too much unnecessary data on the resume that is distracting from his/her qualifications for this field? 7. Are there any accomplishments that you think the student may have that are not properly captured on the resume? If so please generate a conversation to uncover those areas and why they are important. 8. Are there any critical sections that are missing or lacking important information: contact information, experience, education, or other sections that the mentor might prefer to see when reviewing candidates such as job objective, professional profile, honors and awards, professional interests and memberships, or keyword summary? 9. What is the candidate missing either on the resume or in his/her skill set/background that could be beneficial to entering into your line of work? 10. Does the resume have a specific theme related to the position or field? What are some suggestions in building a compatible theme? 11. What are the main questions/concerns/warning signs that the candidate should address on his/her resume (gaps in the resume, unrelated work experiences, too many job changes, general confusion, etc.)? 12. Do you feel that this student could benefit from additional assistance from Cleveland State’s Career Success Network? 3 Mentoring Pre-Survey Summary Mentors, The students were asked to fill out a pre-survey to determine their familiarity with professional situations. The following questions were answered with these choices: 1 (Strongly Disagree) 2 (Disagree) 3 (Neutral) 4 (Agree) 5 (Strongly Agree) Question Average Answer I know how to introduce myself to others Agree (4.4) I feel confident meeting new people Agree (4.3) I feel comfortable in new situations Neutral (3.9) I am at ease in an interviewing situation Agree (4.2) I am punctual when I have an appointment Agree (4.5) I usually think before I talk Agree (4) I like when things are scheduled for me Agree (4.2) Public speaking is easy for me Agree (4.2) I am a team player Agree (4.2) My documents and papers are organized Agree (4.1) I meet my deadlines in advance Neutral (3.6) My assignments are thorough and complete Agree (4.2) I know how to dress professionally Agree (4.7) I have a well-constructed resume Agree (4) I know the difference between a professional and personal e-mail/text message Agree (4.5) I feel confident about my chosen profession Agree (4) Every college student should have a mentor Agree (4.6) Having a mentor is a good way to learn about careers Agree (4.8) Working with a mentor will increase one’s inter-personal skills Agree (4.7) The goals of the mentoring program are realistic Agree (4.7) 4 PHOTOGRAPHY/VIDEO MODEL RELEASE I hereby give University Marketing permission to copyright, use, publish and distribute in any medium and for any purpose the photographs/video taken of me or in which I may be included with others and to use my name in connection with the photographs/video. I hereby release University Marketing, as well as the photographer/videographer, University Marketing, from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the photographs. NAME (PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY) DATE _____________________________________________ ____________ NAME/SIGNED Phone: _______________________________________ Email: _______________________________________ THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP IN PROMOTING CSU! 5 Your Name: (Write legibly) _______________________Mentee:____________________ Mentoring Log for Levin College Mentoring Program: The Center for Experiential Learning Please keep this log to keep track of all contact with your mentee. You will be turning the log in at the end of the year. Date of Contact Type of Contact Notes: (Briefly describing the length and type of conversation discussed.) Example: Set up initial meeting with mentor 6