.'in TIonorf' 'Phesis (ID 499) by JOf'euh IJo '.Vert BalJ ~tate Univer~ity j\f_UliCi e, Indiana I V!i~at it v:iph to eXYJrep"o,:y C,,[,ti tude to l· c, ~ - r. Dor()thy Ru_do-:1i, . ------------._-- arE" eeneci <: 11v neriod f' eV8re ')::1 tech~ically. , j') 1 1. r; " 2 Gerald Prepide~ts These peven class ifica ti ons wLic h .Ta:"eF, renresent the four character .)r: since Theodore Hoopevelt :in: vid Parber has :jut t 1 --:, e "Pres idents ~\.ctive-nosj.tive,\ctive-n(-::d~ive, Pas.sive-nos·itive, and P,1.ff::'ive-net·3tive. 'Pv'o nre renrese21.ted from eqC1 catq~ory excent t~e nappive-~ositives of ~hich there if' only one. The nurnOf e of this naner then, i~ to take thes e seven Dresidents, ide·/ti fy their character clap f:i ficati on, ~.r1(:l Fee if their chAracter shifted during their retirement term. The behavi or dV.rin e,· t'1e retirement peri od wj.ll nIp 0 he c onFyored '/'i th the others to pee if one ot':'~e'f' than the re~sons cb0ractel~ ty'Je is 'TiOre sl1.ccessful Guri rlt( tL e ret\ remerlt terrn. lJ'her., Fame nOSf i blr for the differences will be offered. PprhanF first, identified. Durine; the retj. re:Tl.ent teT''1, a President f!C'.ces bap·ic2,11.y the same 'Jroble~s he has f ced his entire So, the real nrol:lc'TI is on trle YJart 20' f Consress, t ".e bu.reaucracy, bec~us0 he can't because ~ust or t''lP Cabinet to U~'l'::'.lly gets d.one in either the President doesn't wart to, or C0ngre~s won't let him. ()ne reap on of t hes e c Or~fJtr2jnt: ident had The difference "virtUe;]. absence of any incentiv8P. c oonerat e 'l"i t"1 the Prr<; i d er,t. "lIJi ttle this neriod ter~. been defe?ted, 2~d C ,-,'Jld he t rnt the Tlres- Co~erepp is relucta~t to 3 noeitiv~s are don't~ike r~centive, cam~l~ant a~d other directed. conflict. Thev are in noliticf' for affection ~~ey a~d n'fectt'in is a revlard for bei l'g agreeable Hnd coo'nerati ve, "< not 'They are 1')(1":"'i\'( because trley a!"'~ertivE.' nnt i ni tiators. ever, 1')oliticf' 8Tl' 'r'ley "go about their \Nork v\'1 th ufu~llv q rcsnoy'derf', different turns out to be a dis 0 nnointment for them v!hen they don t t .o:et the affecti on they \"CLr:t, or \vhen tr.-Lo~e they truf't t')Tn 01).t to be loss than trvf'h"ort':lV. So, to discover ever, \,,-,~,~~ Taft . 4 not 0veryone is a nice guy." ' fe\" inti'w'!te ''''ere raT clos p V'.""c':' ;rJ l t~at , ':':,0,. 1,"~1(' 1· c.' " 8, • frie:tds, althouch, he had many frieY'ds Thi:: fits the na 'ive ~of'ltive tyne.5 nro{'Tf:f'f:i ve~e'1ublic871 Vii th no '.'!onder tlla! ~, very lCE8,l, 'raft' f' p;reatest accorrl ish~ents civil f'lli ts and 45 criminal indL ctmel"ts involvi,1'" :corti. trust, a record better than Theodore since Roo~evelt'~. 6 r;:S7, <::1iiv?nce:" in r8ilroad rc,a:ul:-etion, 1 the nr':>r cCF:".nletirm !)f the }lana of the 3. .le'!)8rt ent of Labor and the y contributi~T)S, ~rnvided '."hi te slave act, pnd cO~lserV3.tion, Cr:xal, the establi 'h:nent f~tre'Lr;!henin,!~ for a ChildreT)'s ~ur~au, ·'jf the 'Pure n~prpd a 8JY'''ointed excellent ch':Lcec'r!)r ludr,:e- 7 sY'Lins. ' IY:l 1912, ":l.ft ',va,' d efen. ted fur the Dref~·j de"cy for 2. s ec- term. Taft' p of his terr. ret~ :r'e~cni -0 held ~ term S0F'''rlP to corresT)oT)Cl to the rest n~-s~ve-nositive charncter 211 the initiat'r. '~e let t';ings remain for 'Ii' sm v:hen he tookover. 5 Ee hn.d :;to 8,1\,'8. 'rs ad iree ple8J e hi:n. 8 ~oo~evel t "fter he took offie", • t00 conserv~tive, tribute to {OO~' w c·ve 1 t 8.nd did everyt'lin:,! 'l.e c I)"~ 1 d beCPv'T'e very cool t') Tf:.ft ··,:)t lone .'i.oosevel·~: th01.l{"ht·l.ft waf bec'Y'1.ly)0· gnd he fouEht him fsr the nomination, ~lpon'p vict0ry. vc':"'tually, he even devC'loTJed PfJme "I ho.vC' >lelo the office of to retire fT'):-T];t "·j.th Tlref:'iQe~t once ••. ;:'0 I 2."1 contcit 6 life. !'{'heir of ~olitic~ J?' h~p 'Phe'T ar p They do .:" e "1 • Il l? ect-i re'rc e'lt a ~nr~ d()~~ t~e only out !1 e f' l• D~ mI) I Y d,0 e S '. '.1 '~~e "1;"" L ____ .~l. '1·3 ~eoDle'~ 1':1'1 of relief noliticn' -='1[e'" ._1". _ co ~' of duty. Ee feelF 111 't"' l>c ., Y)olitics 'I'hiF def'crintion fitf "'i'ih v. __ . __ o)l,.lblic~i reluct:,,-;-: 'lncl 'Jften un'r.'ill_i'lg to entr:r l)oliticC". FO TT n~'f' a~d C:)oliCige tl) a te(~. , beCR,we of "1,1 the rl p'::'" nds "-f-' best po he 1 Ii ()n him. - , do ill',lft ree~ :[e rIc ,t it ~"'1 'If" 7 on is I";":n. c1i d T:e :0 tlH~ eCld U. s. :,'I~'.ri rpp i '1't: 0 'iCClT;' ('7.UJ. t) bt 11::,. Ba= iC8J.ly ,few t"'" 'ociti "'1'ho the poot~ine effect of '101-;, t ~r~~Derity, five yeC"Tf'. Tie t O'-'-?rcl Doli t !he~ !..., , Y1 ~n1 ~ the non-~c~re~Give L c,' to -reY'm v __ ViOUf' ,,L, ~::ov.'ecl ,'!,:-C' i ' . ,_. lj,ttl, l'de"":-;""'''/' ~ , -,,:'.l '..or ___ \, .... ' " te_, ~',l·_(,-" _ or no initj- tive, he '''c- p • ~n~lY7tn~ t~e ~! rfor~ nee of Preridents, it if' te levi s i In 0r'lake ";,')oli t i c<:1.1c; T)(': echo "Ie ''!''jl)1rl ft· 0.1ly C on- cede etayed out of congression~1 to Y'1J sGu8bbles, and, like Coolidge, tILE? ::; :l.b~ ..,.." e t 9 l,<"tf' ','f'lic': ''''ll).l( ~ 1''1(1 C')'~,in:r: "'::'!;e fr')":; ·~t]f't YJolitic'C1,l .e , '~l ," !'l:J "0r. "JR C' ~cratic 1 0or~re;s. +u. ',7 t " . ''''" of the T>~:'i .). ?'\ 'C:. ~S5 t':p 'ni lli8:: -r:illioY"; 1') To e0d the lep~ th2~ one ~idd1e ~o~th. be off. :!e believed mnc!;. 8,P vvill be In Enst a~d ~orea, t;~8.t X0rea~ he t lreatened that if the if T)OVier necep~;1.ry cripes, he used ri(1'~lt ViW' ::=tv'a'T. to be used, u?'e S'J'~ 2,f' ··"='ter hir: threat, T)eace t8l-l{P bPf7 " .21 10f!1atic rel",tirlDP 'I'.'i th Cl:ba in .To.nu:lry of 1.061. time, he 8.p!'ed for '.'/()rld T)e:,c p '~t Vie p'~me • \p ;aid earlier, it is pO:"letimes ap im Y lorta:''1'l' to loo:{ 't!8.f' very efficti ve '{'i tIl thi:=:. Fr8m 1..952-1°59, didn't \-l.'Clve rl. f,-i.D.rrl,e veto overriddeCl. Thee', it :~isenhol','er r'ar broke:. by a ty ',j,c'cl 'lor": (J!:'Trel.l bi :1.22 D"Tt of EieenhT.'··er'f' cucceps1.oomed from his T)()T)ularity. In the ('r:" U.u'" p()11, hip T1Q Yl lari ty v.'eYJ.t frrim 49 ,; f:)r [1 f:ingle 11 0onth, t:) ~:ip ills '), 79;. e nh C)' er 'ref: ide t f:jnce Cl'"!1 V ~l ',ded tec8.lU"e of '~if\ te':actty '1c,d he had fulfj lled hiF Oll,ty ~I'~d l r Ll 'VrU3 hi'!{':t 01""1 Becsu;,"C' ''''lfhinrr:ton ~i.r(l 8 1,dll..? t''cp:re "a:' LY\TDO{ .TOE of Py'esident Xen:::1edy in re:="",~ ct Clt of 1:1 i) reap on to try :l.~ d SO~ )ve'bC'r of 1~!63. Barber 1.88 nl;1ceri .TohnE'on in t"e ''Jctive-nocs,tiv(~ cat8;E':0ry.?5 Active-n(ry~tivpp e:~otional or no nut forth ~uch effort but get little rev'arri for it. They 8.re comnulsivP-8.f, if tryinv to mak:e un for f'omethinc; or to esca"p frr)m ClDXiety into hard work. They are taken un with pelf concern, h2VP deni8,1 i~'Jen ~ .f self-e;r'll;ificati()t'1 "0cl control their 'c{':grep::ion. confronted Vii th t':n.lc;h decisionf:~, t'1.ey [lave E terrmt'Jtion to ei t:>ler fight or (Flit. 'rhe dn.YJ"er of t i p lcLnd of '!'resident is their rigid adherence to a failinc line of no l icy.26 12 enercy T)laYlt. '-Ie "ould get un 8"t S ometimf~ in t':le p>rly 1"f)r"'L1(~ nolitic",l life. Bnt ",'it'"'- ri,l' disc i u.r':1.{'e:, on Vietnam betnp; ;:ttt::1ckr>d.?8 ety nro (J"ra.m o,'fer d: T8.f' thi:=' e:1erfl,;! he nut forth, 1,"8-" ~:)oci 8,:"', and, e"1,l l:.if-' Cl""T of the noxt day. ?7'Ie of th.e ti11le he '/'0," 7::):) eS'Jeciq}ly :'li~: V,"ji"'n edi care fo:;:, t'JP old, oto 8, :r1UC""', nob.cy edl)C8~ti'n ? ete-. 2 C "mo of ,fohns on t s cflr1'V ler:'i,f'l,,"tive f'ucce:"'s t~le fact t"lat '-:e ~"'": l('(l ':lip '''r:Jr~rr:'nf' ":"18 W(erll;pdy Pro{'T~l,'''P'' he courted for their run~ort.31 for t'''e U. ( \','e c 0111.C1 an,d s houlrJ d () s om e t ',i ng to 13 ,Toh':1~o"" controlled to l1i:n on m~tterf: Pre~ident Siperilio~er forej_~::n of when YJolicy t118.t i"n'"' '1.' " fir~t "uta "- _ ~ t':e t ~e iYlformatic)2:1 S"tbout the c',)f't 'u'ld Dolicy, war , '" "''''Y''~-' f ' \J .... ,.\.. . . .'')0' '<... :,. f'8fcty rc,:~nl"'ti(nlS, Th~c~in ju~~t '1.~ he ':ad done to ~eGRte 13 - ~)Jl(1 t:'e"'j(]r:l citic~ ,'T:1.'",;T'lrr1. ~ef':. ,,3,1 "Ge:18ra ' ly, ter~. tc~e rearan '!"Hr. he the mere la~e duc~. Sti~l 14 fore j. [';!l 1] '}()'·'"er "'c'd o} i C~T. C ')'lere,:- inflw:;"'~,ce c ()U 1 r1 n: t fi!lc1. ;' Oi:J e one '."i th en OU,,11 to ::-tay l1ip h8. Yld. 36 "i t 1/:illllrt L t:-: c:w.nc"p of' ever bc:i".s:'):lf"'SE~d to r"~e.,,37 i'1 t:.e an Gctiv~ President. if i t~ con1 P ctc0 n61icy) 0 l,i'-ce I,ynd ' ) D T hn:= ~'1 hefore ~li Tn, 8.""J aJ~ain in 196~ rlfter hi;' dpfe t . " ,):18. TJ~C;{, • the~n.l for 'f,~,~ \ . c." c· 0 r ".-. " iforni8, {!,ov- '].') 0 C'l'i.n'" -~n('I'_ ',C~" '.-"'.' l'"~'- '~" ',", co,, ~j_~J.. ,b, C hnTrt _ ~c3. fi>?t'il.'rl. ,',,,,C",., '",'. ,", " , . ~_.!.. ;....."';"_) 41T ,-!.~, "p J ' ~:~\rQt~ __ () ~ll,C,O tr:velled to Pr . \'r~r>c ::f' ')r 11 ;~)_T'; Oll.:-~ :,~;:T0t, ''lC'', r· i '/')' . ~' F ''1c-- ";1. 15 1-' 10'18 '",clvi:- e of hi:' Cllf" 8r t · ,(15 trl. b 'utlCl~'l.' . " ",.,..lxon . -. _._-_._._------- 17 ~1 rL3.Y." 4 7 P E:;C'-F e " c1 -)~~~ r·?, r,.-r' :!l -' t-i c;;11 'IT .,. OT ec ......., ')- " 0' ()--r i t i ~!r nt -i. t'~ ~l 1 1 _~ OLL .. - . ,~ - . \!" • In (j:Y,e , ~lP C -f'.-,ro+ ._ ... v , i 1 Cl'7 3 , " ,~:... ~ '1 (; ~ -: }_ >~J I r_:~_ ~,)thi Y1 J () 11, t ()f e,' , j , 49 :lnd forei,":n ~~f fql,Tf' • r '-j f'~ ~ctive-~opitive~ ~ut fort~ n lot of effort ~~tead fleyible, .c::rol.-,-in,r in to his ~l~np. ~he~e o±'-'~tc,:o, ~re the of e~1oy obt~ini~~ rc,-dy to conc:-id'?r c~~r~cteri~tic~ R~~ If no~~r c~,1tpr:-~'.ti'l'·P ~.n ~.ctive- ---.--------_ . . _--. 19 ~e8vy ;"iT' ~'tril~(C", bnt on'v'lvi;c- 17 officiRI ~~nt~pr~~~0r, ~)avid Ke·, !erly, t 1lP V ~c rJ~ted f~r ler: ~r~~tic ~eRrurep.53 of thef'c could lY1Ve copt ].-lim t'le clectin in 1C:7C)t but '10 "")c!'ie'1ce TYtOre.Phe t:!:"uth if" tl-J.at I t (1. e d ,- ;.r • ,,54 couldn't ':',o.it to pt8:tt 20 Ford had nroble r liP ',':i th c1i2nerseJ. B'ord "on,~(resf' througrLout his tprm. also "lore coY]serv'ltive vv8.? t}~Lan '';o'lcress 0;"'lP e2. Bec?,u~ e of t~ese ,"or 56 only 'lad 2"bOl;tt 30; of :':.is nrogra's enacted into law by Coneress.56 Ford's retireme~t ter~ ca~e in of 1976 :ove~ber ~'\en wor1cinc on his pnl~ries, considered an increase in feder21 officials' until ,bnuary 2')." Tirne of 0 la~8 I duck Chief t'~in1{ ''1:\ '')'"2.7i ne ~xecutive s~icl w~ose tn.is is "n ,:,.ccurate ''lSi.ve rec ClE;nizea thc"tt . ~f he that ';i'ord' s. deci2 i'n dCFire to dee~e~ hip ';-"ord pee r1 f' to E't~te7YJ.e;'t. we,(e-. ~ a~d ~ SOlncr, to rea11_y T".a~-ce 2,:'l:::tr':e in history, he \",'ou1\: h0.ve to do something rjc'ht then. -{is retireMe~t st~tup, however, "still t'le 'President c~u8ed u~tilTanur~.ry him lapp of ;n." n'~er, ~o 21 T-::.is, I think, de "JnEtro.,tes t'1.at Ford rp:"8."i Yled 8.n .'l.cti ve- '1oei tive President t;lroug!1. hip retire'~leDt term. \ctive-nosi tives f:'ee'Y)ed tJ be pfJ.'l'Jed by ',is oaaracter. ,Ti'Y)Y",y Carter bec8.'ne 'resider,t in lcn6. This just wqS before !~r~0r had his new edition of his b'lok Presidential C~:laracter Y)ub.Lif'hed. So, B::lrber didntt have the advR ta""e of 'lindsi ht in YJutt·; nc: C8,rter into a character. So, uf'i:t.": what informati0:t Ford, has wo~ld al1f,'ay~' Wgp av~ilable, he said th,t Carter, like be an active-nof'itive PrcFide~t. been pnergetic. eTe "redicted ftnd life r't the t:~lat 'arte~, h~ (;arter 1:",")1)ld [()Us e fun. 59 :1.i te Indeec, Carter cia :c'ee" to be an active-'lnsi ttve ident. Ie several dipnl'l~ed econo'T~ic the sa~e onenneSE a~d Y'8cK8,,,:ef' v'l'lile in office ). _._---'----------, . ....... 1're~- ability to corn- 8arter wasntt afrpia to try ne ---------- ------. said, euc.1. ?? Carter v:orked tire1_ec sly meeting \,~'i th Beein ~:YLd ~:Rdat in 8, 'i'ere far ".':r;rt, GarteT cot t!'Jem trl corrr1Jromir-e, ~;d ''1e finally f'ucr:eeced in l'Q.a'cinc ~Y' Durinc hif' tern, I;arter 8.1so nardoned the Viet"'2,m draft evaders, created a tax rebate nrogram, ~'1romi f' ed Fl {,,;r:ldu,tl 'i'i th.dr8v'al of:Jnericf-ln trOO1JP from SO'Jt'1. Korer1-, of','ered legif'l~tion for a Youth ~onscrvation Corns, ~ade an sr~p threat to YH':,-'ce since 'I'lorld '-"hir lI"el 23 retir'" ',PV!t ter", "the i ntcr':18.ti ()"'81 e-,viron':lent \dll recpcl e _'eric'-'!l, i :"lVolverne'c'!t •.• ,,62 :\fot P0 vii th i:l i_tf' dE!-'Clnrl'" for Carter. AT);ort ~ ('-\1:--,- ,._,FFC fr~F'1 1;10 , ~l'-)fta,'~e , tV1.8.]'l)efore. -i're(1uently, hrir~ l (0 ,', felt ect 1. F t"h~t crif"if', culture to "n • 64- -J_ e t~c /'li t e to f) Y l C, -~)''1 J --: ("Y',' • ot-',,-,7' fr ,:"] ?!1 tjl~otle m:i,"'lt ':10t i'Fr- idey~cy. ~E: felt 1.·,q:tter; to "Je the ~orforrr~:tce? ner!' 0"nC11~r ref' OIOn~ 11 ':; to . et t ')::1E' ~or t~e ~o~t actErf'. Lyndon ,Tohn c ot:n.u~::', if fr)1> t~:r,y tlin:\:, n~rt, e~ch c<~:'r"ctcT : ('0 '1P tn h::nre ';,eli~'ved_ or cl()-UC~l. of r!C'inr-;r:>bove ~l,)lj+icc ~:,(l ~,j.lo:-:only. t'l dn TTll)ch, ::'1"0 'rope 'Jut o'-='i, 'T'hey '11"' 1::fLO n8;O;O i ve-n os i ti \Te , 'Pa 't, li" tr~r 0,,,,(1 of the Pre~i~e t'~' n is t:.e 0:'11:/ one Cr),:"f'ervr~'I'ivo Tl1,e tJeir lives, out p~fcl'/. 'Pr1Tt 0:1'" t lip did try, fOl.1"'ld tile,r couldr:'t of t 'emir thif: e'~ P'jr O:'lE: '~e?r'·'ln or ",'IOt:,},l:', trj,f';cl to do little, out of t'J?:i.r didn't the /lOf-'t""r?f' relJ;;:o;,r::d durin:~ :'ip 'Prep- nqr,r C'):' ivp C'lT'lcter "t;"" "~i:' e Y: 'i 0v1leT, "it',! thp Y)"l:=-'S:i.Vf';-'iPP·;':.tivps, :rover'''1e''t ;'lould be c.io.n't veY1t'JTP fort'l ',"it'l (; ') n ii (~,"'P ".n,]' ~:n:'l. C'ln~'( rV2:tivif'm. r('str~~inec1, ":,,d po nr00T8'!S. beltcr pUCC8pF l'.Ot for:~s,_"c(' , -:::0 , r' fruitlep8 if h0 were ho~tile ~~f to hin, -·t ev~-' t ~0d. " ~t.~te. ~-_T; c i .:_, 1'11'r- .1~l.<,.t C~.Lj he d )ne to 1"-('1'1 thr retirir:r: Yrt?;oi.c1ent'p FOOT i'IJO 'I' ES 1 F,unce, Valerie. "Policy r:yc1eF and the \me:>~ic8n Presidp.cy." ~:reet-i:L~; of t"'"e ~'idweFt')oli tic'l,l ~'icience ConvP'tio:l, Cincinnati, Ohio, \nril 15- 1 8,1 0 81, n.35. ,) . Pa~ber, ,Tame!" David. 'rhe T)repidentia1 (.:!haracter. (Sne;lewood r:li fff' , "~eve Ter:" ey: Pre!ltic e +,11, Inc., 10,77), n. l'7 11. 5"1.-'d uJ. • I. 6 PrinGle, -lel'ry F., l'he Life ·"':.:d TimpE' of 'iil1iarn :or,'aro 'raft. ("Te'N Yor 1\:: i!'arrar n:~ld rti:1p0.8rt, Inc., 1939), "'1.676. 7 Coletto, "P2oo1oS., The Pres ic]ency of ':iillim ;~m','8Td 'raft. (University of K'TLC'::-',P, 1973), n.?55. 8 B2.rb n r, n. 182. a -'Pringle, r). IJ~ b l~ar er, ·".147. 603. n.1115. 1" "'Ibid., n.1 L1 7. 13 Ib , " '. lO.• , ~. 11 5• ']o()ert Z., The c'oli tiN' (~oY:"Y'\,~:~y, 1973), n.lI:Ll. n.l5'!. 17-b'd .. l . , n.157. F00TY'TS' (cont.) ?l Itid ., ~.85-86. ,) 2 -Ibid., D.33. °jrOI/·:£1 2 3Cronin, ':'~OFl,3.:", The ' t l te of tl}8 "?rp side'lcy. (roston: ---.~-----PJ~d Co., 198'1), TJ.328-9. ')11 'di1ey and 'pu:" tad t l:ti Chr".2'd, rr(:;f'i cJ e clt-iJ11 Power. onp, Inc., lSP)))~-TJ:-hl-62.-- (-'Jm"" -"ork: .Tohn "I 25n~lrber . , ,_ ~ , 26 I1') l'd . , 1') • 1) • '7',0 • 12 , . )')"7 I~ , • .\.:-:-; e ri c ,'J, n ('Jew n.189. 32 ~T'Ol'd . , n.263. :~r:ic, 1~69), '''he.':r'n.~e~y ''1.510. of J';T:'(lonh~n"'on. ~)r e n.m . 37 Ibid ., ~'.350. 39 G."a-rber, _ 1]._, .11 Ollie,The '_tldYlf' , -:{48 • hi te 'iou~e Y<::arF. 1977) , t 3 Tb .; d .', " ., TJ.';].)4 • 44"'-b"d ,L 1 ., :1"' 1 ;,8.'11; lJ,efore the ~j\all. 1975), n.692. '! or~~: 4 6-[b" , " lQ., 47-,",ar bJ"r, n.161. .18 , (~r()nin, ".171. :0 ,-Dernstein, Carl o'-:ld 'IJob .oOd\",'c~Td, (cc,- York:'>..von "no:c', 19 'C)), n.331-333. ~ 2 ~ . ., 101. (I ., 53!ord, ~OOlU-', rp'1E' 2'inal i)8"YF. n. I! 86-7 • (~eraJ.:i, _ 1980), n.268. Ti;o",e t,) 'le'o i. 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