Biographical Sketch

Biographical Sketch
Robert G. Hasson III, LCSW
Ph.D. Student
Boston College
BA, Saint Michael’s College; MSW, Boston College School of Social Work
Research Interests
Clinical services for vulnerable children and families; Trauma-informed interventions; Foster care; Refugee
settings and migration; Family preservation
Organization Affiliations
Society of Social Work and Research
Awards and Fellowships .
Boston College School of Social Work Doctoral Fellowship 2015 – 2019; Matthew L. Pisapia Memorial
Award May 2012;
Teaching Experience
Salem State University, Salem, MA, Guest Lecturer, SWK 855: Designing Social Work Research, Fall
2015; SWK 707R: Research In Social Work Practice, Spring 2013; SWK 866: Assessment in Psychosocial
Pathology, Spring 2013
Research Experience
Research Assistant, Boston College School of Social Work, Center for Social Innovation, September 2015
– Present; Research Assistant, Collaborative Training and Evaluation Efforts to Improve Supervisory
Practice: A Massachusetts Case Study March 2011 – May 2012.
Hasson III, R. G., Reynolds, A., Crea, T. M. (under review). Housing trajectories for youth transitioning
from foster care: an analysis of gender differences.
Crea, T. M., Hasson III, R. G., McRoy, R. G. (2012). Supervisor training in support of a casework practice
model: findings from Massachusetts. Final report, Boston College Graduate School of Social Work,
Chestnut Hill, MA.
Special Experiences
Academic Planning Committee Student Representative, Boston College School of Social Work, September
2011 – May 2012; Saint Michael’s College Varsity Swim Team Co-Captain, September 2008 – May 2009
Selected Presentations
Reynolds, A., Hasson, R, Crea, T. Classroom or Workplace: Is there a tradeoff between education and
employment in obtaining secure independent housing for youth transitioning from foster care? Society for
Social Work and Research, Washington DC, January 15, 2016.
Crea, T. M., McRoy, R. G., Nisenbaum, J., Lambert, D., and Hasson, R. Collaborative Training and
Evaluation Efforts to Improve Supervisory Practice: A Massachusetts Case Study. National Child Welfare
Evaluation Summit, Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, Washington, DC,
August 30, 2011.
Career Goals
I am passionate about social justice and human rights for vulnerable children, youth, and families. I am
particularly interested in researching social work clinical interventions focused on supporting children and
families affected by trauma, and children separated from their families in the context of refugee settings,
forced migration, and foster care. I aspire to research and teach social work in a higher education institution
to inspire, guide, and mentor future social workers as well as consult individuals, groups, and communities
as they seek social justice and systemic change.
Eagle Scout Award, Boy Scouts of America, April 2005