Biographical Sketch

Biographical Sketch
Robert Rosales
MSW/Ph.D. Student
Boston College
MSW, Boston College
Research Interests
Mental health help seeking, barriers, and disparities among Latino populations
Selected Presentations
Rosales, R., Moreno, O., & Cardemil, E. (2012). Latino Men and Depression: Symptoms, Coping, and
Help-seeking. Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts.
Rosales, R., Moreno, O., & Cardemil, E. (2011). Older and Wiser: Age predicts Mental Health HelpSeeking for Depression in a Sample of Latino Men. Clark University,Worcester, Massachusetts.
Rosales, R., & Middleton, M. (2011). Hombres Machos: Masculinity as a Predictor ofDepression and
Mental Health Help-Seeking among Latinos. University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire.
Teaching Experience
Invited guest lecturer (2014), “Immigrant Integration”, for the “Immigrant and Refugee Issues in the United States”
course, School of Social Work, Boston College.
Research Experience
Mental Health, Culture, and Community Research Program at Clark University; McNair Scholar’s Program at the
University of New Hampshire; Pathways Program Pilot Study at Boston College’s Office of Resident Life; Research
Assistant at Boston College’s School of Social Work
Organization Affiliations
Society for Social Work and Research; National Latino Psychological Association
Career Goals
Robert’s career goals are to pursue a position in academia and conduct research on Latino mental health, disparities,
and barriers.