Educational Resources Booking Desk Computerized Request Process Detailed Design An Honors Thesis (ID 499) by Jana M. Thackrey Thesis Director ---~~ L . . ) - '-------~--7~ •..... -L-·· //./ Ball State University Muncie, Indiana May, 1988 Expected date of graduation (Spring, 1988) ".-.... -. Detailed Design Document The initial work, done by the systems team during the fall quarter of 1987, has been revised to reflect and updates. This project encompasses section only of the systems life also being Storyboard. -- incorporated into cycle. a any current changes the detailed design The entire project is visual presentation using pc- PROJECT OVERVIEW Due to inventory at the huge Bracken Library at Ball State manner. existing manual Up-to-date information concerning is computers project This the University, system is no longer efficient. films, videos, and the Educational resources at will not be available limited to in the timely automating the activities and responsibilities of the booking desk. A new inventory automated levels, inventory generate system will provide current statistical analysis and scheduling reports, and eliminate excessive repetitive manual labor. This report will consist of the following: Problem Definition Summary of Findings Requirements Benefits Description of Current System Systems Constraints Possible Alternatives Design Overview Output Considerations Interactive System Considerations Ergonomic Considerations Security Considerations Cost, Schedule, and Personal Information Appendix 1 .- 2 PROBLEM DEFINITION The True Nature of The Problem The problem definition is the first and most important step in the system study. People must recognize that a need or problem exists before they can create a solution. The nature of the problem is the existing manual booking system used by Educational Resources at Bracken Library. the huge Due to inventory, which is continually increasing, this manual system in so longer efficient. There are several factors which contribute to the inefficiency of the system. 1. -Booking assistants do not always know if a film or video is available for check-out. 2. -If a video or film is not available, amount of it takes a excessive time and effort to find who has it and when it is scheduled to be returned. 3. -An updated inventory list is not always available when needed. 4. - . -Problems of scheduling computers for students and faculty are increasing causing confusion and complaints . 3 Scope The scope of this project will be limited to the activities and responsibilities of the booking desk. This would exclude those factors that are directly related to inventory control. Objectives The objectives of the new system are to provide the booking assistants with an automated inventory system and computers. A report generation required statistical analysis reports, for films, videos, program will scheduling generate reports, and other specific objectives include: 1. -Automated, up-to-date inventory checking system. 2. -Daily schedules of films, videos, and computers that will be on line. 3. -Statistical reports upon request which include the number of bookings for the films and videos the university owns and those it rents. 4. -Automatic form generation. 5. -To generate Computers and - an initial booking Sharp Portables. system for the Compaq - 4 Summary of Findings and Recommendations The Desk in Bracken Indiana system existing Library an lS the Educational Resources Booking at at outdated system. coordination and communication and the being booking done that Daily, weekly, which result and monthly in assistants. Also, a major cards to manual the system lacks inventory personnel There is an excess of paperwork no useful or reports are time limited information. being prepared manually consumption for see having if the someone the through search materials are booking any computerized system, all the accessible. information is available on a data base, however, lack of in Muncie, the availability of any film or video must now be checked manually by title University The between assistants. provides State Ball This because of the it is not being utilized. The current inventory level has surpassed the present capabilities of the manual system. Recommendations to correct this problem are to computerize the existing system, and to eliminate excessive repetitive manual labor. - - 5 REQUIREMENTS The requirements of the new automated booking system have been analyzed, and the results are as follows: 1. -Up-to-date inventory file; possible interface with existing film/video database. 2. -On line availability check for films, videos, and computers with very quick response time (1-5 seconds). 3. -Immediate updates of inventory file as items are brought back for return purposes. 4. -Automated form production. 5. -Generate statistical reports for varying time periods at any given time. - . 6. -Security controls may be necessary. Users contacted before this decision can be established . must be 6 BENEFITS The booking benefits desk are for designing numerous. a computerized system for the These benefits can be either tangible, or intangible. The tangible Some of these benefits include scheduling problems all film and are more ones that are easy to measure. efficient and delays, videos, and workers. elimination of quicker availability checks for computer generated reports (daily, weekly, and monthly) . The measure. intangible benefits These include working hours are increased and overall those employee only the employees, productivity during improved employee morale. would be operated more effectively and not that are difficult to but intangible also faster, which would make the users more content and satisfied. Another benefit would hopefully decrease in the number of complaints or at least a change in the type of complaints that the users will have to voice. - The system be a 7 Overview of Benefits Tangible Benefits: -More efficient workers -Eliminate scheduling problems and delays -Create computer generated reports -Quicker availability checks Intangible Benefits: -Elimination of complaints -Improve employee moral -Improved employee production 8 THE CURRENT SYSTEM The current booking system used by Educational Resources of Bracken Library is a manual system due to the huge, controlled. of current which has become inefficient rapidly increasing inventory that is currently The problems with the current system information at huge paper files to find the booking needed include a lack desk and sorting through information. Any statistical reports are created manually by counting papers in desired files. There are four main processes which must be discussed to fully understand the existing system. These processes are listed below: Not every 1. The request process 2. The receiving process 3. The set-up process 4. The return process request goes through process two, three, or four, but every request must go through the request phase is now broken down and explained in detail. process. Each 9 REQUEST PROCESS The first the process, activities of the booking desk. request process, A person, involves the either faculty/staff or student, approaches the booking desk and requests a particular item. of At this point, either Sylvia Powers, Peggy Stoner, their student employees checks entitled to check out items. cards. If the person can request is orally rejected. white, gold, sure the person is This is done by checking their ID- have the requested item, the If the request is valid, a form with yellow, pink, and green copies is filled out by the booking assistant. and pink be not to or one copies of The person is given the the form and proceeds white, gold, yellow, to the next process. The green copy is filed at the booking desk and to calculate booking totals. is kept on file - 10 THE RECEIVING/PICKUP PROCESS The second process is pick an item up. He/she used only goes to if the person is going to the equipment desk and gives them the copies of the form given to him/her at the booking desk. The employee at the equipment desk goes and the the white copy of the form is item is a film or video, trashed, the yellow copy is filed, and the pink copy item. is given to is If the item is equipment, the yellow copy supervisor. the If the day supervisor, or Jeff Turner, the evening Basil Renbarger, trashed, gets the white copy is filed, and the pink copy is given to the appropriate supervisor. SET-UP PROCESS The third process is executed if an item is to be set up by Educational Resources. and gives the booking desk. He/she then The individual goes to the equipment desk employee The places the forms employee files the gold the white - who assigns copy of the form. copy with the item and files the yellow copy in a second file by hour. a dispatcher he or she was given at the The pink copy is given to a delivery person to set the equipment up and accomplish whatever else is requested by the obligation has been fulfilled, the user. the pink copy is filed. Once -- 11 RETURN PROCESS The fourth and final process is the return of an item by the person who used it. is issued a When the individual returns the item, he/she The employee then, returns the item to receipt. If the item was a film or video, the yellow copy of the storage. The employee writes "returned" on form is removed form the file. it and refiles it. The white form is marked "returned I' and refiled for equipment. SUMMARY OF CURRENT SYSTEM After careful users, consideration, and it as decided that the scope several meetings with the of this project limited to only those activities at the booking desk. would be This means the project would be to develop an automated inventory system for films and videos to be used by the booking assistants. The current equipment inventory system is working fine and is not the responsibility of the booking assistants. so it will be left for updating at a later point in time. - 12 SYSTEM CONSTRAINTS constraints impact the system. categories: economlC, are those possible problems that may Constraints usually always work within the few. The booking termina1, so software used alleviate any might occur To remedy this, lim-itations financial of the one must user. or constraints for this particular system are desk al read;." has a purchases be various copies, IBM-PC and would be The purchase a Zenith dumb at a minimum. which in--house ';I'itten financial burden. this project would be to print out which problems because of the costs of the new system. The economic into four operational, political and psychological. Economic constraints are those usprs. fall ,-wuld The :3.1 so only financial outlay for forms computer order to instead of having to manually fill out the forms. the Operational constraints are keep the system running. system, an storage availability of things needed to Most of these involve the hardware and software to be used in the system. a\-ai lable specific computer Some common adequate run problems in...-ol n~ data-basp management time, and - 13 The operational constraints are also somewhat development tools. The hardware and software is already present or limited. The library also has a database for all films supplied. soon be will and videos that are currently on hand. Political constraints usually involve of people the system who make a certain person or group change over difficult. The only remedy for this problem is to try and plan a flexible schedule in order to accommodate constraints are - simple of unwillingness the troublesome personage. new to users Psychological simply The to the new system and the accept are the define. overall resistance to change in the organization. The political and psychological non-existent. willing to Director The have their of excited about are using the desire the booking system system automated. Educational student assistants, system entire constraints are practically personnel are very From Dr. Caucci, the Resources/Public Services, down to the sets of people new system. change, knowing highly The it motivated and users of the current will increase their productivity and efficiency. In designing a system, any possible problems recognizing and system successful. one must look ahead and be aware of that may impact the preparing for these problems can one make the system. Only by - 14 ALTERNATIVES several pages The next as possible solutions present three candidates considered the to currently problems facing the booking assistants when they are trying to check the availability of either a film, of the video, or computer. A brief description of each Each of these descriptions is then candidates is listed. followed by the benefits and problems associated with the candidate. - The Thrust Of Each Of The Proposed Solutions Is To Correct The Following Problem: the Requests are made at inventory file is a file at the booking stems from a must. desk is lack of booking At the desk, When an an up-to-date present time, the inventory not always current. This problem communication between the booking desk, where requests are made, and the equipment desk, returned. so item is back in where items are inventory, the booking assistants should be notified immediately, but they are not. 15 Candidate #1 Modify The Existing Manual System The simplest solution to the problem would be to enhance communications between the booking assistants and at the equipment desk. desk, the possible. booking A When an item is returned to the equipment assistants copy the employees of booking assistants so they the should be notified as soon as request form should be sent to the could update their inventory file. All statistical reports would be manually processed. Benefits Of Candidate #1 -Paper inventory file at the front desk would be updated more often and would therefore be more accurate than it is at the current time. -No costs would be involved. Problems Of Candidate #1 -Equipment desk employees may resent the added step to their work process, and therefore deter any come out of such a system. benefits that might - 16 -The booking assistants must still sort through a huge card file to check availability of a film or video. -The booking desk inventory file will not updated Thus, there immediately following the return of an item. will be be a delay in the information process concerning inventory control. Candidate # 2 Database Usage Of An IBM-Personal Computer The second create a solution was to database on an IBM Personal Computer. would assist the booking information on database. each of Query assistants to made. considered assistants the films commands could retrieve necessary A printer would be in used dBase-III to The systems team entering and videos be use the necessary into a relational by the booking information when a request was installed and special forms purchased so that request forms could be automatically produced. Benefits Of Candidate #2 -The system will be automated to provide quicker - 17 availability checks. -This change will cause the booking assistants to become more productive. -The number of complaints would be reduced because of the increased efficiency of the proposed system. Problems Of Candidate #2 -The database may personal computer. be too large to be installed on a This will cause more problems than those that currently exist. -The inventory file could only be updated from the one work station at the booking desk. The problem arises because all items are returned to the inventory desk. -Personal computer software (5 1/4" or 3.1/2" floppies) could be damaged because of use by non-technical personnel. -The statistical reports would still be manually produced. 18 Candidate #3 Mainframe On-line / Batch Processing System The final and most complex candidate considered was to use a mainframe computer as the would be created on, 3070 or the IBM-3083). to produce screens central processing A database unit. and using Ball States' IBM Mainframe (IBMCommand level CICS programs would be used for on-line availability checks. A batch program written in either EasyTrieve Plus or Cobol would be written to produce statistical reports assistants must currently calculate by hand. installed at the Terminals booking would be the booking desk for availability checks and at the equipment desk for inventory special forms that discussed as file part of updates. The Candidate #2 printer and would also be part of the mainframe system. Benefits Of Candidate #3 -Quick response time for availability checks. -The system would become increasingly user friendly. -Immediate update of inventory file by employees at the equipment desk would occur. - 19 -The booking desk and equipment desk will be linked. -Workers will be more productive. -Reports will be generated upon request. Problems Of Candidate #3 -This system represents the biggest change from the existing system. -The employees at the equipment desk, as well as those at the booking desk, must be trained. -Costs will be higher. -Implementation of this proposal will be the most time consuming. Detailed Comparisons Of The Various Candidates In deciding on which candidate to implement, the benefits - 20 were compared to the the proposed systems. manual system costs and problems associated with each of improvement to The potential the current Each of the proposed systems was also considered. were evaluated against the following criteria: 2 . - ease of use 1- - accessibility 3. - fast processing 4. - expansion capability 5. - customer service 6. - economy (additional 7. - accuracy A major factor considered No matter expansion. have the costs ability Resources grows. to cause expand a date as the inventory at Educational Of the systems considered, Candidate #1 is the problems, impractical. decision process was which system was chosen, it would have to The current inventory is large enough most limited in this area. to during the but expansion would make Candidate #1 The inventory could also expand to be too large for base on Candidate #3, a a PC, so Candidate #2 might not work either. mainframe database, is the best choice when expansion is considered. Processing speed was also considered. the system is terribly slow. through paper files and At the present time, The booking assistants make phone calls to the equipment desk, just to determine if an item is in the inventory. even worse. must search Scheduling is The booking assistants really have no idea where an 21 item is it is or when Customer service as well as available. accuracy are terrible. Candidate #1 will improve customer service and accuracy, but will not decrease the time the booking process takes. #1 is not much of an improvement over Candidate system. the existing The only advantages to Candidate #1 are the lack of costs and the fact that it does not cause much of a change in the current process. Candidate #2 would improve processing speed and accuracy and thus improve customer service. The problem with Candidate #2 1S that a PC database would be a one person unit. be used A list of returned items would by one person at a time. have to be sent from the equipment desk It to the could only booking desk, so the inventory could be updated. Candidate #3 system. represents the biggest change Accessibility is greatest with to the current this system because two terminals at the booking desk and one at the equipment desk would allow the inventory to be updated the minute an item from or returned to the inventory. Because would improve over the two other candidates. lead to time. a large improvement in was removed of this, accuracy These improvements customer service and processing - 22 The three candidates were compared characteristics matrix with varying weights given system characteristics. a desired to the desired One can clearly see that Candidate #3 is by far the better choice. ( See following page for chart.) - on 23 CANDIDATES #1 Desired System Characteristics Modified Manual System Online PC Processing #3 Online/Batch Processing Accessibility: 9 2 ( 18) 5 (45) 8(72) Fast Processing: 8 1 (8 ) 7 ( 56) 9(72) Customer Service: 4 3 ( 12) 6 (24) 8(32) Accuracy: 9 4(36) 6 (24) 8(72) Economy: 8 10(80) 7 ( 56 ) 8(64) Ease of Use: 7 2 ( 14 ) 4(28) 7(49) Expansion Capabilities: 9 2 ( 18 ) 7 ( 63) 9(81) 168 296 442 TOT ALS : : : : : : : - #2 24 DESIGN OVERVIEW Of the three candidates, Candidate #3 most closely meets the needs of the uses. makes their The jobs booking assistants unsatisfied users and the faced with. by easier want a eliminating complaints that system which the they pressure of are constantly The best way to do this is to make the availability checks a lot faster and much more accurate. Candidate #3 is the best way to achieve the requirements presented by the users. THE NEW SYSTEM The new system involves Mainframe. The database inventory of capabilities over for must 6000 expansion, creating be able a to elements. database on· the IBM handle There therefore, a the current must also be relational database would be appropriate. Command level CICS programs produce on-line query system. to control information in and maps CICS is a an will be developed to system on interactive the IBM used environment. (A 25 detailed explanation of CICS can be found in Appendix C). advantage of using an on-line system is that as data it can The is entered, This greatly minimizes be edited and checked for errors. the chance of entering incorrect data into a file or information from the database Retrieved database. will also be displayed on-line. The screen layouts for the input and output screens can also be seen in Appendix C. The main focus of this new system will be the availability The checks for film and video. proposed on-line system will allow a booking assistant to enter either the complete or partial title of the desired item. the database will be All will on displayed a partial the titles screen that contain so that desired film or video can be obtained. is known, entered. the title, title is entered, searched with the key words entered by the booking assistant. be If only and the A schedule for the item and the exact title of the Once the date the the key words complete title item is desired will be date will be displayed so the availability can be checked. Films or videos could also be searched for by use of several other keys. example, These are subject, length, and type. if a professor wanted a 30 minute VHS on a certain subject, these variables could be entered items meeting the criteria This way, for and the titles of the would be displayed on the terminal 26 screen. The availability of these items would then have to be checked. Once the availability of an item has been established, on the entered. This is currently done by a booking assistant manually The new system could filling out a request form. The booking chore. requested be information of this particular must requested assistant will eliminate most call up a menu and select which of the three request forms he/she wishes to produce. The appropriate screen will appear. then enter the requested ID number. borrowed an item before, The booking assistant will If the requestee has ever the personal data entered previously would appear and could be verified, and changed if necessary. he/she was If a first time user, this personal data must be entered by the booking assistant. The stock number of the film would be entered next, and all the necessary information pertaining to the film or video would be displayed the screen. in the The date and time the item is to be checked out, and the time the item is to be returned the screen appropriate location on in the will be appropriate places. manually entered in These procedures would update the availability schedule of the item. Once the form was complete, it would be sent to a printer at the booking desk. booking assistant would keep copies to the requested. equipment desk. one copy and give The the remaining The requester would then proceed to the - 27 A terminal would also be needed at the equipment desk. an item is returned, inventory should it is returned to the equipment The be immediately updated to reflect the return of This aspect of the new system will eliminate the an item. confusion currently facing by the booking inventory will always be assistants be assistants must currently written would to simply reports manually generate have which generate. these to assistants because the The new system will have the current. capability of generating statistical would desk. When A batch program reports. supply a the booking The date booking range to be included on the report. - The batch program would information retrieval and data used as a report generator. use. Despite the be written in EASYTRIEVE management system which is often EASYTRIEVE PLUS is easy to learn and simplicity of programming complex automized reports, the reports produced by an EASYTRIEVE PLUS be a viewed on-line or routed to printer. operates on the IBM 3070 and would be perfect for statistical reports desired by the program can EASYTRIEVE PLUS generating the booking desk. EASYTRIEVE PLUS are located in Appendix C.) - PLUS, an (Details of 28 OUTPUT CONSIDERATIONS Media It was decided by the systems team that both printed, and screen output is needed requirements. The users want quick will accomplished be if the through A batch program will outputs. statistical reports. written by the user enters the new system is to meet the users availability checks. the use be written of screen These inputs and to produce hard copy The five copy request forms currently hand will be generated as the booking assistant requesters data into the database. The forms will be printed by a letter quality printer at the booking desk. Screen Output A film or video's will be displayed availability schedule when a number or item title and the information is entered, the information displayed on the type. For each booking date certain day assistant enters the stock to schedule schedule for a be checked. Once this will be displayed. includes item The title and hour of the day, the availability is displayed. 29 If an item is unavailable, the date and time it is to be returned is listed. The borrower and his/her phone number are listed. The request generated. choose forms for The booking which request appropriate form computers will assistant will form will be to now be automatically use a The produce. shell of the The booking assistant will displayed. fill in the form on line and then selector menu to have it printed on a special five copy form on a letter quality printer. Printer Output Statistical reports will be generated using a batch program which reads a history portion of the database. at the Resources. It will contain the totals of either all the films or or month. This will and delivered to Educational out, picked up, or set up for a certain day, week Also, quarterly totals eliminate all could be produced on request. the manual number crunching presently being done to produce a tally sheet of information. -, report will be printed videos checked computer center This 30 INPUT CONSIDERATIONS Once the structure of the database has been set up, the information will be entered by student day operations using the assistants at two terminal will database will terminals be placed assistants. placed at be done the The day-toby the booking booking desk. A at the equipment desk so that equipment desk employees can also update the database. 31 INTERACTIVE SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS The following interactive systems considerations are listed in a book by Doug Lowe, entitled CICS and were the interactive considered as For The COBOL Programmer system described in the design document. 1. Shared Files More than one user same time files. so it will need must can not the system at the provide the capabilities to have shared All file updates must one user to access update a be coordinated so that more than record at the same time another user does. 2. Response Time Response time is the time period processed. Factors that may a transaction takes to be affect response time are listed below: - the size of the CPU - speed of disk drives - how the system parameters are set - 32 - the speed of the communication lines - how the application programs are written 3. Security With the interactive system terminals will be located at the that booking and security measures must be considered. has been proposed, equipment desk, so For the proposed system, a log-on procedure with a users password will be used. 4. Recovery In the event of a systems failure, a recovery system must be planned. - 33 TRAINING The training of the new users would be limited to the two They would booking assistants, Sylvia and Peggy. line by the systems team. be trained on- A simple manual would accompany the training, which would show screen outputs and user inputs to make the system more easily assistants had fully charge of After understood. understood the system, the they two booking will be in training the several students who work under them. IBM/CICS specialist should then be hired by the should any problems arise during this academic year. An booking desk 34 ERGONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS Ergonomic considerations are all those things connecting the computer and the In user. studying coordinating it with our system design, should be considered to make the a few users job ergonomics and important factors as comfortable and easy as possible. The screen design that the user have to be well planned in will have order to to look at will increase accuracy and productivity. The screen should be uncrowded and contain lots of blank space. The prevent any type of used should data should be logically grouped together to user from be non-technical being confused. and user friendly, as the majority of people working at the booking computer knowledge. The The terminology desk have a limited amount of hardware should contain a detachable keyboard and a non-glare screen to allow the users to work for a long period of time without any signs of fatigue. All of these considerations account in order for the user to be the system. would have to be taken into happy with and want to use 35 SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS Security 1S a system of safeguards designed to protect a computer system and data from deliberate or accidental damage. A few common sense security measures to be implemented are that no one be would terminals allowed and installed in that fire order to surroundings. fire hazard. to or smoke eat around (smoke detectors prevent unanticipated the computer alarms) would be destruction of the Sprinklers could also be installed to minimize any (Most of this equipment is already installed). To protect the data files, backup files of the master file and database file should be made and stored somewhere safely offsite. The copies of on-line microcomputers their diskettes in order should also make frequent to minimize the loss should the system crash. Use of the terminals would be limited to However, because of the will be no type of user user 1S authorized to nature of system or very important part of every system. implemented for the data and its function, security involved use the system. library employees. to determine not. there if the Security is a The previous steps will be Any additional security devices could be added depending on if the need would arise. - 36 COSTS, SCHEDULES, AND PERSONNEL Personnel The personnel be specialized. required to The implement the new system need to systems implementation of the new system. implement database it, programmer would a team would up to the However, to actually code and specialist need to be hired. work and an experienced IBM These professionals would be supplemented and advised by the systems team in order to create the technical aspects in producing the new system. The users of the follow{ng individuals proposed system listed below, will be who all booking system. -Sylvia Powers -Peggy Stoner -Basil Renbarger -Student Assistants - composed of the utilize the manual 37 COSTS, SCHEDULES, AND PERSONNEL Costs Hardware Hardware will be supplied by the university through funding Specific costs for library resources. cannot be determined at this time. Software Software will be created by the systems team during independent study during Winter Quarter, 1987-1988, at Ball State University. Other As stated above, specific costs cannot be determined at this phase of the project. Much investigation is needed to provide such information. Schedules The Preliminary Investigation reported on October 27, Document was The was Analysis completed and and Requirements also completed and reported at the same time of the Preliminary Investigation current 1987. Report system and Report. design of The new completed analysis of system was scheduled to be completed by the end of Fall Quarter, 1987. - - APPENDIX A: Structure Chart Context Diagrams Gantt Chart - a1 - ........ o.vtd I f ,tLM Al8tSTAHT IlJIIIWrWllt I i w.-~1 ~ Y~tll c.-t I 8CCICtNC ASSrSTANT -"lvt. ~ I BILIIPICNT IlJIDYtDl .e1.1 i I "ICKT BILl" IlJIOYIIQIt - "-iibal .. a2 Requestee ful fllled request orel request Booking Process reQuestee deli vers forms to eaulpment desk Equipment Desk - CONTEXT D~ ABRAM a3 -. Requestee Requestee ID Check For Vaild Inventary!Requestee Data Base Id veri fi ed 1D Check Availability -. Fi 1m!Vi dea Stock Number &. Requestee Number Fill Out Form Campl eted Form Equipment Desk BOOK~ HG -. PROCESS lEVEL 0 ,-, Ti tle Information ReQuestee/lnventory Data Base Enter Title or Partial Title -- Check Schedule AVI1~lb1~1ty Leve~ 1 Check as -, Select Form Style 10 Number Inventory/requestee Oete Bese Enter requestee Id Number Enter Other Requestee I nformet ion Info Screen with Requestee Info Enter Stock Number Screen with Compl eted Form Print Form - f111 OlJlt 1he form Leve1 1 a6 GANTT CHART This Gantt Chart presents the activity required for this project. be completed Phase had to by the be schedule The first end of Fall Quarter, 1987. extended three Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. additional of each major three phases will The Development weeks because of a7 - Preliminary Design Analysis Design Development Implementation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Weeks .-