Document 11239614

___________ Semester ______
Internship Opportunities are listed on the CSUteach website and posted on the Internship Wall (next to JH 347)
Internship Requirements:
1. Internship funding is available for a limited number of CSUteach students and internships
2. Internships are $12 per hour, up to 20 hours per week (fall/spring)/ 30 hours (summer). This does not include travel time.
3. Interns must have an overall 2.5 cumulative GPA, at least 15 college credits and no current incomplete grades
4. Interns must be registered for 6 hours or more and be enrolled in EUT 201 (Step 1) or higher
5. Interns must be eligible to be student employees at Cleveland State University
Which license(s) are you seeking? Mathematics or Science (please specify):
Do you have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher?
Y or N
Are you registered for a CSUteach course?
Y or N
Which course(s)?
Do you have another on-­‐campus job?
Y or N
If yes, where & how many hours?
Do you have another off-­‐campus job?
Y or N
If yes, when and how many hours?
List your top two internship choices. CSUteach will attempt to match you with your first internship site, priority will be given to students who have been in the program longer. If your internship site does not work out for any reason, contact Courtney Nudell (216-­‐687-­‐4583, IMMEDIATELY.
#1 Choice
Approximate number of hours you would like to work each week:
#2 Choice
Approximate number of hours you would like to work each week:
1. Work hours cannot exceed 8 hours per day and 20 hours per week (semester)/30 (summer). Hours worked does not include travel time.
2. Interns are required to attend mandatory meetings, complete Site Supervisor Interview, submit bi-­‐weekly hours via Google Drive and complete an End-­‐of-­‐the-­‐semester Survey.
I verify that I have read, understand and will comply with the above statements concerning the CSUteach Internship Program.
Return this form to Courtney Nudell in JH 357. Attach a copy of your class schedule that includes other job hours, responsibilities, meetings or any other conflicts with potential CSUteach internship Hours. Please make it clear when you are available to work.
CSUteach Internship Application