/2cc& ?-jo-7/ ?I-/ Un~tedStates Depatiment of Agriculture Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station Research Paper Psw-206 6 Polymorphic Site Index U ~ V for Red Fir in California and Southern Oregon ~ Dolph, K. Lcroy. 1991. Polymorphic rite index curves lor red fir in CaliCornio and southern Oregon. Rcr. Paper PSW-206. Bcrkcley. CA: Pacific Southwest Rcscarch Station. Forest Service. U.S. Depanmcnt of Agriculture; 18 p. Polymorphic site index curves were developed from stem analysis data of 194 dominant red fir lrces in California and southern Oregon. Silc indcx was based on brcrcnst-hcight age and totaltree hcight, with a bast age of50 years at breast height. Sitcindox curvos forbreasthcight agcr LO to 164 y e m are presented for approximate estimates of rite index. For more preciseestimates, tabularvaiues oftotai tree height as a function of breast-height age and site index are given. Guidelines for selection of site lrecs and application of the site curves are discussed. Rerrievol Term: site index, stem analysis, increment (height), red Tu, Abier magnifico, California, Orcgon The Author: K. LEROY DOLPH is arcsearch forester assigned totheStation's Silvicultureof California Conifer Types Research Unit in Redding. Calif. Publisher: Pacific Southwest Research Station P.O. Box 245, Berkeley, California 94701 March 1991 Polymorphic Site Index Cuwes for Red Fir in California and Southern Oregon K. Leroy Dolph CONTENTS .. ............................................................................................................................ 11 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1 Methods .......................................................................................................................... 1 In Brief . . Cntena for Plot Selection...................................................................................... 2 .......................................................................................... 2 . . Description of Data ...............................................................................................2 Selection of Site Trees ............................................................................................................. 2 Results and Discussion ................................................................................................... 3 Curve Comparison ......................................................................................................... 4 Application ..................................................................................................................... 5 Conclusions .....................................................................................................................6 References ....................................................................................................................... 6 Appendixes ..................................................................................................................... 7 Analysis of Data A-Model Development .......................................................................................7 B S i t e Index Table for Red Fir ...........................................................................8 USDA Forest Scrvice Res. Paper PSW.206 . 1991. IN BRIEF. . . Dolph, K. Leroy. 1991. Polymorphicsite indexcurvesfor red fir in California and southern Oregon. Res. Paper PSW206. Berkeley, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; 18 p. Retrieval Terms: site index, stem analysis, increment (height), red fir, Abies magnijica, California, Oregon Site index provides estimates of relative site potentials for a given species by relating tree height to age and is a proven and practical means of estimating relative potential productivity of forested land areas. Polymorphic site index curves were developed from stem analyses ofonedominant red firtreeon each of 194sampleplots. In addition to being from the dominant crown class, each suitable site tree showed no evidence of past suppression, no visible insect or disease damage, and no damage to the bole or top that would affectheightgrowth. Amodified Weibull heightgrowth equation, which expressed total tree height as a function of breast-height age and site index, was fit to the stem analysis data. Height estimates obtained from this equationwere used to calculate curves for site indices 20 to 110 feet for breast-height ages 10 to 160 years. These height estimates are also presented in tabular form for making precise site index estimates when breast-height age and total tree height are known. Site index reference age is 50 years at breast height. Thecurresand tabular datacanbeusedfor estimating relative site quality for red fir within its natural range in California and southern Oregon. Because the curves were based on one undamaged dominant site tree on an approximately one-thirdacre plot, about three undamaged dominant site trees per acre should also be selected when the site index of an area is estimated. USDA Forcst Scrvice Rm. Papcr PSW-206. 1991 INTRODUCTION S chumacher (1928) has long been the standard source for estimating site indices for red fir. His curves were developed by measuring many stands at a single point in time, fitting an average curve (height as a function of age) to these data, and constructing a series of higher and lower curves with the same shape as the guide curve. The shape of these curves is anamor- phic, that is, they do not vary from site to site. Two major problems have been found with curves constructed in this manner(Beck 1971). First, theguidecurveisaccurateonlyifthe ranges of site indices are equally represented at all ages. Secondly, theassumption that the shape of the curves does not vary from site to site has been proven false for several species (Carmean 1972, Graney andBurkhart 1973,Hann and Scrivani 1987). Site index curves based on stem analysis studies should provide a morerealistic assessment ofpotential siteproductivity because (1) more infomation is obtained from each sample tree because stem analysis provides a continuous record of growth, (2) the stem analysis procedure allows for estimation of polymorphic height-growth patterns, and (3) the height of the site trees at index age is either observed or can be estimated with reasonable accuracy for each plot in a stem analysis study (Monserud 1984, Newnham 1988). This paperpresents height-growthequations and site index curves for dominant red fir in natural, young-growth stands in California,southernOregon,andextremewesternNevada(fiS.1). Because California red fir (Abies nzagnifica A. Murr.) and its commonly recognized variety Shasta red fir (Abies nzagnifira var. shasrensis Lemm.) are considered to be almost identical in silvical characteristics (Hallin 1957), no attempt was made to distinguish between them during the sampling phase of the study. In this paper they are referred to collectively as red fir. Because the new curves are polymorphic (vary in shape from one site to another), they represent natural curve shapes over the range of site quality and are generally considered mnre consistent with the known growth habits of trees (Brickell 1968). The new curves also are based on a reference age of 50 years at breast height (bh) instead of 50 years total age. Age at bh taken directly from increment coresis moreconvenient to use and more accurate than total age as an independent variable in siteindexestimates(Husch 1956,King 1966). Ageatbhis mnre accurate becauseiteliminates thenecessity of adding aconstant as a correction factor to obtain total age. METHODS Figure I-Natural range of red fir and site index study plot locations USDA Focesl Service Rcs. Papcr PSW-206. 1991. Fifty-sixnatural stands ofyoung-growthred fuweresampled throughout the high-elevation forests of California and southern Oregon as part of a larger study to develop growth and soil fertility models for red fir. The distribution of red fir extends from latitude 43" 35' N. in the southern Cascades in Oregon, to Lake County, California, in the Coast Range, and to the Kern River drainage in the Sierra Nevada, latitude 35"40' N. Elevations range from about 5,000 to 9,000 feet.' Red fustrata were identified on National Forest timber type maps and randomly selected for sampling. Field crews then identified suitable young-growth red fir stands within the selected strata for plot installation and measurement. Criteria for Plot Selection Each sampled stand had a cluster of five plots manged in an '2" shape, with plot centers 132 feet apart along north and east compass lines. This sample plot layout was selected to be consistentwithproceduresusedinthePacificSouthwestRegion's Compartment Inventory and Analysis (CIA) program. Each plot in the cluster was independently evaluated for study suitability by the following criteria: Homogeneous site-No more than one distinct soil type, slope percentage, or aspect was present within a 66-foot radius around the plot center. Significant amount of red fir-At least 20 percent of the trees 1.0 inches and greater in diameter at breast height (dbh) were red fir. Young-growth-No more than 25 percent of the plot trees were older than 120 years at breast height. The sampling location was retained if at least two of the five plots met these three criteria. . . Selection of Site Si-ees One red fir site tree was selected at eachplot forfelling and stem analysis, if one was present within a 66-foot radius of the plotcenter. Aplotwith a66-footradius(approximately 113acre in size) was used for selecting the site tree becauseit was half the distance to the center of an adjoining plot. A suitable site tree met the following criteria: Dominant crown position, and apparently so throughout its development. Dominant trees have well-developed crowns, in a superior position in the crown canopy, receiving full sunlight from above and at least partial sunlight from the sides. Increment core taken at breast height showed no irregular growth patterns caused by suppression or damage. A group of narrow annual rings on the increment core, indicating stress in the past, would be cause for rejection. Not visibly damaged by disease or insects. No observable damage to the bole or top that would affect growth. Age at bh at least 45 years and not greater than 120 years. .. 'To calculate metric equivvlcnts of ihc English units reported hcrc, use this table: En~lish/mctricconverrinn tshlc 1 inch = 2.54 ccnlimeters 1 foot = 0.3048 mclers 1 squarc foot = 0.0929 square meters 1 acre = 0.404686 hcctarcs If more than one site tree were available on a plot, the best growing tree (based on crown characteristics and increment cores) was selected for stem analysis. Description of Data One dominant site tree was felled on each of 206 sample plots. Stem analysis was conducted on each tree with sectioning below approximately every 10th whorl, bh (4.5 feet), and at stump height (approximately 1.0 foot). Age at each sectioning pointwasdeterminedby ring counts, and height above bh toeach sectioning point was measured to the nearest 0.1 foot. The height-agepairs foreachtree were thenplottedand inspected for indications of top damage or height suppression. If suppression or damage on a particular tree was apparent from these graphs, that tree was deletedfrom subsequent analyses. This attempt to avoid underestimating site productivity reduced the number of site trees from 206 to 194. The plotted points for the height-age pairs were connected with smooth hand-drawn curves. Heights above bh were read from thesecurves at bh age 10 and at every 5 years thereafter, to the age of the tree or age 120, whichever was less. Total tree height at bh age 50 determined the site index. This produced 2897 observations of height, age, and site index from the 194 trees. Each tree was then assigned to a 5-foot site class based on tree heightatbh age50 years. Midpoints of the5-foot siteclasses were multiples of 5 from 30 to 95 feet, making a total of 14 classes. One height-age curve for each class was produced by averaging the individual trees' curves within each class. These curves indicated the general pattern of height growth for each site class and were used to obtain initial parameter estimates of the height-growth function. ANALYSIS OF DATA Two basic mathematical models were tested initially to determine which most closely described the observed height growthpatternsoftheindividualsiteindexclasses. TheRichards growth function (Richards 1959) has been used to characterize the height growth patterns of several species (Brickell 1968, LundgrenandDolid 1970,Beck 1971,Payandeh 1974,Burkhart and Tement 1977, and others). The other model tested, a modified Weibull function (Yang and others 1978), is amathematicalfunction which seems tobecapable ofgenerating curve systems which adequately describe biological growth patterns. The Richards function, expressed as H - 4.5 = A. [I - el-B,A~")]C, (1) and the modified Weibull function, expressed as USDA Forest Service Res.Paper PSW-206. 1991 in which H = tree height in feet e = constant base of natural logarithms (2.718282) Age = age of tree at breast height A, B, C = parameters to be estimated which describe maximum attainable tree height, scale, and shape of the height-growth curve, respectively, were both fit to the height-age data for each site index class. Parameters for these and all other nonlinear regressions in this study were estimated using the secant, or DUD, method of the SAS NLIN procedure (SAS Institute Inc. 1982). The modified Weibullfunction produced better fits ofthedatafor 10 of the 14 site class curves as evidenced by a lower mean squared error for the nonlinear regressions. The modified Weibull function was therefore selected as the basic model for development of the dominant height-growth function. Extensions to this basic model were developed as site index was introduced into the equation by relating site index and age to the parameters of the height-growth function. After considerable experimentation with several possible model forms, an extended version of the modified Weibull function was used to express total height (H) as a function of breast-height age (Age), and site index (SI). The resulting equation is: H=[(sI -4.5). (1 - e@.ebl')]/[l- eCBm.Mb1')]+4.5 (3) in which B=Age.e(b'w' . b 2 . S I + [ ~ g e . e ( b ~ . b 2 .b4+b5 ]' bl, b2, b3, b4, b5 = regression coefficients of the model which are estimated from the sample data, and other symbols remain as previously defied. Steps in the development of this equation are described more fully in appendix A. Data from the average height-age curves of the 5-foot site classes were used for development of the model form and for obtaining initial parameterestimates. The 2897 observationsof height,age, andsiteindexfrom the 194individualsitetrees were combined to obtain the final parameter estimates. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The final parameter estimates for equation 3 are: Parameter bl b2 b3 M b5 R'= 0.9855 w e 1.51744 1.41512 x LO' -4.40853 x 10' -3.04951 x 106 5.72474 x 1W SE= 3.38 ft USDA Forest Sc~viceRes. Paper PSW-206. 1991 Graphs of equation 3 using these parameterestimates forbh ages 10to 160years and siteindices20 to 110feet arc presented (fig. 2). The points for plotting the site index curves were obtained by substituting various values of age into equation 3 and solving for H. Since the parameters B and B,, in equation 3 have different values for each site index curve, the curves are obviously polymorphic. Equation 3 expresses total tree height as a fpnction of age and siteindex and cannotbe solved explicitlyfor siteindexgiven age and height. In this situation, site index can be determined only by graphic interpolation or by tedious iterative computations (Clutterandothers 1983). Therefore, toobtainanestimate of site index more easily, a site index table (appendix B ) is presented which gives site index estimates for various combinations of age and total height. The estimate of the adjusted coefficient of determination, R2,was calculated using the formula R ~ = I [c(H-$E - ,. - ( H - H ) ~ ] [(N. 1)/(N-P)] in which H, H, and H are the observed, estimated, and average heights, respectively, N is the number of observations, and P is the number of parameters in the model. The estimated R2 and standard error (SE) values, though useful in comparing relative fit of alternative equations, are not unbiased estimates of the true population R2 and SE, because stem analysis measurements constitute a series of successive measurementson the same individuals, and these individuals in turn are grouped by clusters. Successive measurements on the same sample tree are not independent; norare measurements on two or more sample trees within a single cluster independent of each other (Curtis 1964). Because total tree height at bh age 50 (site index) is an explanatory or independent variable in the model, thevariances andcovariances arenon-linear functions of age with minimum values at bh age 50. The SE given for the model (3.38 ft) and the R2 value (0.9855) are therefore only average values across all age classes. That the samples are not independent of each other should not bias point estimates of heightand associated site indexvalues (Curtisandothers 1974). Inananalysisof thecomponentsof error,Monsemd (1984) also found noevidence to questionthe traditional practice of ignoring the prohlemof successive~neasurements on the same trees when developing site index curves from stem analysis data, aslong as point estimates are all that are needed. If confidence or prediction intervals are desired, some other model-fitting technique (such as maxin~umlikelihood estimation) needs to be used which could estimate the mean and covariance parameters simultaneouslybecause the variances and covariances arefunctions of bh age. Several models that expressed site index (SI) as a function of age and height were also evaluated. However, examination of residuals revealed problems with bias in addition to low R2 values for these models. For red fir, the conventional family of siteindexcurves, whereH=f(age,site index),provided the best site index estimates. Equation 3 has many desirable characteristics as a height growth function. It passes through the natural origin of the 110 100 90 80 200 180 -- 70 160 60 C a, 140 50 a, C C -.i5 5' Q 120 40 .-m 100 -m 0 m m X A z 30 80 I- -2 20 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Breast-height age (years) Figure 2--Site index curves for red fir in Californiaand southern Oregon. Base age is 50 years at breast height. Dashes indicate extrapolations beyond the range of original data. system (when bh ageequalszero, total heightequals 4.5 feet), it is sigmoidal in shape, it passes through H = SI at the index age, and it reaches a fmite upper asymptote at bh ages greater than 160 years. CURVE COMPARISON The site index curves generated with equation 3 were compared with Schumacher's (1928) site curves for red fu at three levels of site index (fig. 3). Because Schumacher's curves are for total age, a conversion factor was needed to evaluate Schumacher's curves in terms of breast-height age. The stem analysis dataofthe 194sitetreesrevealedthat anaverageof 10.5 years was required for trees to grow the 3.5 feet between stump height (1.0 ft) and breast height (4.5 ft). Because natural red fir seedlings are likely to require 5 to 10 years to attain a height of 1 foot (Hallin 1957). an average of 7.5 years was added to the 10.5 years to make a total conversion factor of 18 years. There waslittlecorrelationbetweenrateofheight growthbelow bhand site index for the 194 stem analysis trees, so 18 was subtracted from total age to approximate bh age at each level of site index. The three curves usedfor comparison were high (site index 94). medium (siteindex58). andlow (siteindex22). Thecurves differ substantially both below and above the index age of 50 years. Below the index age, Schumacher's curves show more heightforagivenage than thenewcurves. Abovetheindexage, Schumacher's curves show less heightforagiven ageonthelow and medium sites and more height for a given age on high sites. Severalfactorsaccount fordifferences betweenthe twosets of curves, the most important of which is the method used in curve construction. Based on stem analysis data, the new polymorphic curves reflect the changes in growth patterns with changes in the level of site index. Polymorphism of the new curves is most evident when the high and low site index classes are compared (fig. 3). The second major factor causing differences between the two sets of curves is the use of breast-height age for the new curves and the use of total age for Schumacher's curves. The use of a constant conversion factor to estimate bh USDA Forest Service Res. Paper PSW-206. 1991. --- SCHUMACHER'SCURVES NEW RED FIR CURVES 94 1w s 120 I L W -5 i -zi 2 2 en 22 40 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 BREAST-HEIGHT AGE (ysan) Figure &Site index curves for red fir with Schumacher's curves, converted to breast-height age, superimposed. The three levels of site index are high (site index 94), medium (site index 58), and low (site index 22). age from total age does allow for comparison of curve shapes. However, because it is a very crude procedure, the use of a constant conversion factor makes comparison of actual height/ age values difficult. APPLICATION Thepolymorphicsiteindexcurvesapply tonatural, younggrowth stands of red fir in California and southern Oregon. They were developed from stem analy sis data of one suitable site tree oneachplot. If fixed-areasample plots are used for determining site index, it is recommended that plots not exceed 113 acre. Regardless of plot size, the critical criterion is that the site is homogeneous, especially with respect to soil type, slope percent, and aspect. To estimate site index of a given plot, total height and age at breast height must be measured on one suitable site tree on the USDA Forest Service Rcs. Paper PSW-206. 1991. plot. The selected site tree should meet the following specifications: Crown position dominant and appears to have been so throughout the course of its development. Visibly free of insects and disease. Novisible topdamage (no broken or deformed top, crooks, scars, or forks). Increment core taken at breast height should not show any fire scars, mechanical damage, or any period of suppression followed by release. Age at bh, as determined from the increment core, should beatleast 10 years. Site indexes calculated with trees olderthan 120 years at bhshould bereasonable but used withcaution since such estimates are made with extrapolations of the basic data. If more than one tree on a plot is suitable for site index estimation, the best growing tree (based on increment cores) should be used for site index estimation. Thesampling intensity willdependon thevariability within the stand being sampled. In uniform stands, or smaller components of operational stands that are uniform in species composition,density, soil type, slope,andaspect, itis recommended that at least three site-quality trees per acre be selected for measurement of total tree height and breast-height age. A site index value should be estimated for each sample tree using the site index curves ffip 2) or, preferably, the site index table (appendkB). The site index of theuniform stand or stand component (such as an even-aged group) is the arithmetic average of the individual site indices from that component. The site index curves presented here reflect actual site potential for red fir within the high-elevationforests of Californiaand southernOregonhetterthanSchumacher's (1928) red fir site curves. Differences in height-growth patterns between Schurnacher's curves and the new curves have been demonstrated. The new curves, developed by fitting a modified Weibull height-growth function to stem analysis data, reflect the changes in growth patterns associated withchangesin the level of site index. The use of breast-height age rather than total age also overcomes several problems with site index estimation for red fir. Not only is bh age easier and more accurately determined than total age, hh represents a height at which the small trees have passed through their period of initial establishment and adjustment to the site. Tomake siteindexestimates for red firusing Schumacher's curves, values must he interpolated between the site curves. Interpolating alsomakesthecurves difficulttouseand decreases the accuracy of the estimates. In this paper, additional ways are presented to make the estimation of site index easier and more accurate. The height-growth equation can be programmed for computer applications so estimates of total height are obtained forvariouscombinations of ageandsiteindex. Inaddition to the site index curves generated by the height-growth equation, the precise values of site index are presented in the site index table for many combinations of bh age and total tree height. REFERENCES Beck, Donald E. 1971. Polymorphic site index curves for white pine in the southern Appalachians. Res. Paper SE-80. Asheville, NC: Southeastern Forest Experiment Station. Forest Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture; 8 P. Brickell, Jnmcs E. 1968. A method for constructing site index eurves from messurementsoftreengeand height itsnpplication to inland Douglasfir. Rcs. Paper INT-47. Ogdcn, UT: Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest SCN~CC, U.S. Dcpanmcnt of Agriculture; 23 p. Burkhan, H. E.; Tcnnen1.R. B. 1977. Siteindexequationsiorrndinto pinein New Zealand. Ncw Zeaiand Journal of Forestry Science 7(3): 408-416. Cnrmean,W.H. 1972.SIteindexcurvesforllplandonksintheCentralStntes. Farcst Science 18(2):109-120. Clutter, Jcromc L.; Fanson. James C.; Pienaar. Lean V.; Brislcr. Graham H.; Baiiey,RoknL. 1983. Timber mnnagement: a quantitativeapproach. New York: John Wiley & Sons; 54-56. Curtis,RakflO. 1964. Astem.analysisoppraaehtosite-indexcurves. Forest Science iO(2): 241-256. Cunir. R o k n 0.; DeMars. Donald 1.; Hcrman, Francis R. 1974. Which dependent variable in site index-height-age regressions? Forest Seicnce 20(1): 74-87. Grancy. David L.; Burkhan, H. E. 1973. Polymorphic site index eurves for shortleaf pine in the Ouachiln Mountains. Res. Papcr SO-85. New Orleans. LA: Soulhorn Forest Experiment Station. Fomst Service, U.S. Dcpnnment of Agricuiture; 14 p. Hailin, William E. 1957. Siivicnl characteristics of California red fir and Shastn red fir. Tech. Papcr 16. Berkeicy, CA: California Forest and Rnngc Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; 8 p. Hann,DavidW.; Scrivani,JohnA. 1987. Dominant-height-growthand siteindex equations for Douglas-fir and ponderosa pine in southwest Or. egon. Res. Buli. 59. Corvallis, OR: Forest Research Laboratory. Oregon State University; 13 p. Husch, B. 1956. Use of age a t d.b.h. as n variable in the site index concept. Journal of Forestry 54(5):340. King. James E. 1966. Site index eurves for Douglas-fir in the Pacific Northwest. Weyerhaeuser Forcstry Paper 8. Centraiir. WA: Forcstry Research Center. Weycrhacuser Company; 49 p. Lundgren, Alicn L.: Dolid. Willi31n A. 1970. Biological grostia function, dexribr puhlihhrd site index curvesfor Lake Slalrrtimbersprcics. Rer. Paper NC-36. St. Paul. MN: Nonh Central Forest ~ x ~ e r i m k nStstion. t Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; 9 p. Monsemd. Roben A. 1984. Height growth and site index curves for inland Douglas-fir based on stem analysis data and forest habitat type. Forest Science 30(4):943-965. Ncwnham, R. M. 1988. A modification of the Ek-Pnyandeh nonlinear regrrsrion model for site index eurves. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 18:115-120. Payandeh, Bijan. 1974. Nonlinear site index eqvotions for several major Canadian timber species. Forestry Chronicle 50(4):194-196. Richards, F.1. 1959. A nexiblegrowth function far empirical use. Journalof Experimental Botany iO(29): 290-300. SASlnslituteInc. 1982. SAS user s guide: statistics, 1982edition. Cary. NC: SAS Institute Inc.: 584 p. Schumacher, Francis X. 1928. Yield, stand and volume tables for red fir in California. Buli. 456. Berkeley: California Agricuiture Exprimcat Station, University of California; 29 p. Yung. R. C.; Kozak, A,; Smith, J. H. G. 1978. The potential of Weibull-type functions os flexible growth curves, Canadian Journal of Forest Research 8(4): 424-431. ~~ ~ USDA Farcst Service Res. Papcr PSW-206. 1991. Estimate of the Cparameter. The fitting ofequation A1 totheheight/agedataforeachsite class revealed that the C parameter was apparently randomly distributed withrespecttositeindex; thevalueofcforthe 14site class regressions ranged from 1.3 to 1.8. The actual value of C was therefore assumed to be a constant with avalue somewhere within this range. APPENDIX A Model Development The form of the modified Weibull equation used in this study is H - 4.5 =.&.[I - ec-B 4'1. (Al) where H is total tree height at a given breast-height age (Age), e is the base of natural logarithms, and A, B, and C are parameters to be estimated. Introduction of site index into the model depended on the existence of a relationship between one or more of the parameters and site index. The following steps in the model-building process describe how these relationships were expressed. Initial estimates of the A parameter. To describeafamily of polymorphic-disjoint curves (curves that do not cross each other within a specified age range) by eqnationA1, thereneeds to beasignificant and positiverelationship between site index and the A parameter, the maximum attainable height of the organism on a given site quality. However, estimates of A, produced by the fit of this equation to the heightlage data for each site class, were not significantly correlated with site index, probably because the oldest trees in the study were only 120years at bh. Theseestimates ofA werealso too low to be reasonable. For instance, the estimate of A for site class 80 was only 139 feet; however, tree heights of about 220 feet have been observedon Swain MountaininnorthernCalifornia where the site index is about 80 feet at 50 years bh age.' Using the Swain Mountain information, along with height data from Schumacher's curves, hand-drawn, smooth extrapolations of the site class curves, and other data on maximum attainable height^,^ some new initial estimates of A were made for the site classes. Of several possible model fonns tried, the expression best relating the new A estimates to site index seemed to be: A = -315.795 + 194.427.S1°.us (A21 The estimated value of A for a given site index was considered to be only an educated guess at this time. However, it served as a startingpoint for introducing site indexinto the model and for making other initial parameter estimates. As shownlater on, the final expression for the A parameter does not resemble equation A2. 'Unpublished data on file at Pacific Southwest Rcrenrch Station, 2400 Washington Avcnuc, Redding, CA 9MX)l. aAmerican Forestry Association. 1986. National register of big trees. Amcrican Fo~csts92(4): 21-52. USDA Forest Service Res. Paper PSW-206. 1991 Relationship of the B parameter, age, and site index. If age and the C parameter are f i e d at constant values and the A parameter has been estimated in terms of site index, an estimate of the B parameter can be made for any level of site index using equation Al. Then, therelationship between the B parameter and site index at a given age and C value, if it exists, can be determined. At each 5-year interval of bh age starting at age 10 and ending at age 120, thevalueof B wascalculated foreachsitetree usingcvaluesof 1.3 t01.8(inincrementsofO.l). Foreachvalue of C at each age interval, plotting of the data indicated a linear relationship between the B value and site index. A linear regression of the form B = a, + a;SI (A3) was thencalculated foreach5-year age interval atthesixvalues ofcforages lOto 105. Theolderageclasses(110,115,and 120) were inadequately represented for this analysis. At each specified value of C, the slope and intercept coefficients of these regressions (a, and a,, respectfully) varied with age. However, at a C value of 1.5, both regression coefficients could be estimated as acontinuons function of age: a = Age.e("8"b'l.b2 and a, = [Age.ecAp"b3).b2]2.b4+ b5. By substituting theseexpressions for a, and a,into equation A3, the B parameter, rather than being a function of site index only, becomes expressed in terms of site index and bb age. Conditioning tire eqrration. By defmition,anecessaryconditionforanysiteindexcurve equation is that H = SI at the index age. When evaluating equation A1 at the index age, the predicted height will not necessarily equal site index. Therefore, the equation was conditioned to ensure that predicted height equals site index when ageequals index age by writing the Aparameter in terms of site index and the index age (50 years at bh): mc )] A = (SI - 4.5) / [l - eCBsw where B,, equals the value of the B parameter when age equals 50. By substituting this expression for A in equation A l , the conditioned equation becomes H = [(SI - 4.5).(1- etB'wC1 )]/[I - eCBmmc']c4.5. (A4) At the index age, because B,, = B and 50C= AgeC,equation A4 reduces to H = SI. APPENDIX B Site index Table for Red Fir The site index table on the following pages is for making rapid and precise estimates of site index when breast-height age BhAge years 8 20 22 24 26 28 30 and total tree height are known for selected red fir site trees. To use the table, fmd the pageon which the total tree height and the breast-height age occur on the same line. At the top of the column in which the total height occurs, read the site index. Short interpolations between some tree heights may be necessary. Siteindexestimatesfortrees withbreast-height agesgreater than 120years will be made with extrapolations of the original data and should be used with care. Site index 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 Total frcc height (feel) USDA Farcsr Scniice Rcs. Paper PSW-206. 1991 - 26 28 30 Site indcx 32 34 36 Told rrec height ifeet) USDA Forerr Service Res. Paper PSW-206. 1991. 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 Appendix B (continued) BhAge ycors 20 22 24 26 28 30 Site index 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 Total trcc height (feet) USDA Forest Service RCP.Paper PSW-20&&991 Appendix B (eonrbtued) Sitc index 32 34 30 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 Told Vcc hcighl (feel) 54 9 10 I1 56 10 10 11 58 10 I1 12 Site index 64 66 60 62 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 10 11 12 Total tree height (feet) I1 I1 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 I4 12 13 13 68 12 13 14 12 12 13 15 I2 14 15 13 14 I5 13 14 16 13 14 (continued) ' USDA Forest Scwice Rcs. Paper PSW-206. 1991. BhAgc years 52 54 56 58 60 62 Site indox 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 Total uce hcight (feet) (continued) USDA Forest Service Rcs. Paper PSW-206. 1991 BhAge 52 54 56 yeors USDA Forcsl Servicc Rer. Paper PSW-206. 1991 58 60 62 Sitc index 64 66 68 Total ucc hclghl (feel) 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 Appendix B (confinued) ymrs Total tree height (feet) (eonrintted) USDA Forest Service Res. Paper PSW-206. 1991. Bh Age 84 86 88 90 92 94 13 14 16 I3 15 16 14 I5 17 14 15 17 14 16 17 14 16 18 years 10 11 12 USDA Forest Scrvicc Res. Paper PSW-206. 1991, Site index 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 Told tree height (feet) 15 15 15 15 16 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 I6 18 20 16 18 20 16 18 20 110 112 114 16 19 21 17 19 21 17 19 21 .. Append*. B (continued) BhAgc years 84 86 88 90 92 94 Site index 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 Total trcc height (feet) USDA Forest Service Res. Paper PSW-206. 1991 Appendix B (conlinuedj BhAgc 84 86 88 years USDA Forest Service Rer. Paper PSW-206. 1991. 90 92 94 Sile index 96 98 100 Total trcc hcight (feet) 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 Appendix J (continued) BhAgo years 84 86 88 90 92 94 Site index 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 Told tree height (feet) USDA Forest Scrviee Rcr. Pepcr PSW-206. 1991 The Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, is responsible for Federal leadership in foresDy. It carries out this role through four main activities: Protection and management of resources on 191 million acres of National Forest System lands Cooperation with State and local governments, forest industries, and private landowners to help protect and manage non-Federal forest and associated range and watershed lands Participation with other agencies in human resource and community assistance programs to i m ~ r o v livine e conditions in rural areas Research on all aspects of forestry, rangeland management, and forest resources utilization. .. - . The Pacific Southwest Research Station Represents the research branch of the Forest Service in California, Hawaii, American Samoa and the western Pacific. Persons of any race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, or with any handicapping conditions arc welcome to use and enjoy all facilities, programs, and services of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Discrimination in any form is strictly against agency policy, and should be reported to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250.