College of Graduate Studies
April 25, 2012
Present: Dean Jianping Zhu, Former Interim Dean Crystal Weyman, Professors Jeff Dean, Birsen
Karpak, Mary McDonald, Vicki Johnson, Linda Wolf, Pam Rutar, Joan Thoman, Xue-Long Sun,
Kathleen McNamara, Paul Doerder, Tama Engelking, Kate Pantano, Ann Reinthal, Grace Huang,
Lee Wilberschied, Jonathan Messemer, Karen Vitak, Jacqueline Jenkins, Karen O’Loughlin, Debbie
Espy, John Bazyk, Allyson Robichaud, Glenn Goodman, Yan Xu, Lisa Gaynier, Graham Stead,
Joel Lieske, Stella Iwuagwu, Donna Schultheiss, Birch Browning, Jacqueline Vitale, Gary Pettey,
Staff Thomas Collins, Carmen Brown, Janet Stimple, Teri Kocevar, Maribeth Kralik.
1. The meeting was called to order and the Agenda circulated.
2. Dr. Weyman shared a PowerPoint presentation of the College of Graduate Studies’ news
and developments.
 Second 2K raise in doctoral stipends
 The CSU Doctoral stipend @ $7,800 was lower than the poverty level in
 After consultations with Graduate Program Directors, representatives from
Graduate Council and Research Council, suggested minimums of $14,000
and $23,000 (biology/chemistry/biomedical engineering) were set.
 With funds from the President’s Strategic Initiative Fund and matching funds
from external grants, all doctoral stipends were raised $2,000 in Summer
2011. This now made the minimum $9,800.
 A direct result of this raise was an increase in GPA’s from 3.3 (Fall 2010) to
3.6 (Fall 2011) for incoming doctoral students.
 The second 2K raise will be implemented in Fall 2012, making the minimum
$11,800. This second raise is covered by the Graduate College. Additional
funds have been allocated to all Deans/Colleges.
 Research Facilitation Graduate Assistant Fund
 If a graduate student’s stipend is covered by an external grant, the Graduate
College will pick up 8 credits of tuition per semester for that student. This is
now a set policy.
 A direct result of this policy has been thirteen extra students recruited with an
average GPA of 3.8.
 If all GA funds have been allocated, faculty are encouraged to contact the
Graduate College if they have an additional graduate student they wish to
fund who has a GPA over 3.75 or a GRE score in the 90th percentile.
 This applies to both doctoral and master’s students.
Mailing Address: 2121 Euclid Avenue • Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214 • (216) 687-9370 • Fax (216) 687-9933
 Enrollment Initiatives
 A comparison of graduate applications vs. admits vs. enrolled students was
made for each program.
 Staff checked GPA’s of those denied. Some students with high GPA’s
were not able to be admitted because of program capacity.
 Domestic students admitted but not enrolled were called to find the reasons
for non-enrollment.
 All data was shared with College Deans.
 Outreach initiatives included sending a personal letter to graduating McNair
fellows and sending post cards to all Ohioans taking the GRE
 An undergraduate research fund has been created in collaboration with the
Provost to help engage undergraduate students in research.
 Negotiating in-state tuition for all students on GA contracts
 The surcharge on non-resident tuition charged to the GA allocation is
approximately $688,000 (0.55% of all tuition income, a small amount).
 Ongoing negotiations have been in place to reduce the difference between
in-state and out-of-state tuition for all students on a GA contract to $1.
 Recovering this surcharge would result in 37 more GA contracts.
 Introduction of new Graduate Dean Jianping Zhu
 Dr. Weyman introduced Dr. Zhu to graduate faculty.
 Dean Zhu thanked Dr. Weyman and staff for their help in his transition.
 Revision of Graduate Faculty Membership Guidelines
 Dr. Zhu explained the rationale for revising the graduate faculty membership
 CSU has reciprocal graduate faculty membership agreements with Kent,
Akron and Youngstown Universities. In recent discussions, Graduate
Council, Research Council and the Research Challenge Committees have
endorsed the CSU guidelines being in line with (or exceeding) the guidelines
at these reciprocal universities.
 Graduate College will set the minimum requirements for graduate faculty
status and individual, independent Colleges/Schools may set additional
requirements. These requirements could be higher than those of the Graduate
 A sub-committee of Graduate Council was formed to write a draft of new
Graduate Faculty Membership Guidelines. The draft was submitted to deans
to disperse amongst graduate program directors and faculty for input.
 The new Guidelines include 3 Levels with differing qualifications and
allowed responsibilities. All membership is renewable in 5-year cycles, OR
SOONER, if the faculty member’s qualifications should change. Exceptions
can be requested of the Graduate Dean (expedited request) or Graduate
Council for a one-time situation or for a specific course.
 The new criteria will be phased in over time, once all university approvals are
Mailing Address: 2121 Euclid Avenue • Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214 • (216) 687-9370 • Fax (216) 687-9933
3. Questions were taken from the floor, some of which included:
 Further clarification of possible exceptions for graduate faculty
 Clarification of the time period included in the 5-year renewal for
 Ramifications of currently using part-time faculty and lecturers for graduate
courses, as opposed to tenure-track faculty
 Cross-listed courses and 500/600 numbered courses being “introductory”
Dr. Zhu thanked all for their attendance and said he would be available if anyone wished to stay to
ask further questions.
Mailing Address: 2121 Euclid Avenue • Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214 • (216) 687-9370 • Fax (216) 687-9933