COLLEGE OF GRADUATE STUDIES GRADUATE FACULTY ANNUAL MEETING April 25, 2013 Present: Professors Sailen Barik, Aaron Severson, Girish Shukla, Crystal Weyman, Anton Komar, Aimin Zhou, Monica Gordon Pershey, Nolan Holland, Maureen Mitchell, Nicholas Zingale, Joan Thoman, Diane Steinberg, Yan Xu, Kathleen McNamara, Elliott Ingersoll, Dilani Perera-Diltz, Kate Monaghan, Graham Stead, Catherine Hansman, Jackie Vitali, Joshua Bagaka’s, Jane Keehan, Ann Reinthal, Don Allensworth-Davies, Victor Liva, Justin Perry, Glenn Goodman, Joel Lieske, Nigamanth Sridhar, Karen O’Loughlin, Mary McDonald, Donna Schultheiss; Graduate College Staff Kathleen Cuthrell, Dianne Oloff, Christine Sell, Maribeth Kralik Dr. Zhu called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m. 1. Copies of the Agenda were available on each table. Dr. Jianping Zhu welcomed all attending and thanked them for coming at this busy time. The meeting is to provide an update of changes in the Graduate College. He introduced the Graduate College staff, mentioned their major duties, thanked them for their contributions and encouraged faculty to contact any one of them for information. 2. While introducing Associate Dean Schultheiss, Dr. Zhu gave a brief overview of the recruitment initiative & software program she is working on, explaining how it will help with recruiting and tracking students for enrollment. 3. Dr. Zhu adjusted the Agenda in order to discuss the graduate faculty status item as number 3, to accommodate those that need to leave early. The first two Agenda items were requested by Dr. Joel Lieske. 4. Graduate Faculty Teaching Load—Dr. Lieske feels the University is moving to a tiered system of graduate faculty, faculty, instructors, and part-time faculty. In discussions with other universities’ faculty, Dr. Lieske has been told their teaching load is two 3credit courses, which he feels CSU is also moving toward. He would like to propose a teaching load of no more than a 2-2 (3 credit courses) per semester for graduate faculty members who are actively engaged in and value research. Dr. Zhu commented that with the revised graduate faculty guidelines, it would not be appropriate for all three, new Levels of status to have a 2-2 1 teaching load. He agrees the teaching loads should be differentiated but discussion is still needed. Faculty discussion included: teaching load is determined by the Collective Bargaining Agreement, many College graduate faculty guidelines have higher standards than the Graduate College minimums, some faculty felt their College had already established the 2-3 teaching load 5. Dr. Lieske’s second item concerned part-time faculty versus trained graduate assistants for lower level undergraduate courses. The graduate students are involved in current research with faculty and can initiate enthusiasm and commitment to Cleveland State with students. Dr. Lieske proposes graduate students instead of part-timers or lecturers. Dr. Zhu has experienced competent graduate students teaching lower level courses in mathematics. He is not sure how this would translate for other disciplines. However there may be accreditation requirements not allowing those to teach without certain credentials. A Science faculty member stated that graduate assistants are teaching in the science courses and labs. Dr. Lieske stated that in Ohio, one needs to have a degree one level higher than the group one is teaching. Discussion items: Graduate students are more costly than adjuncts. This could result in more competition for assistantship funds. Teaching would provide professional development for graduate students. 6. By-Laws vote During the spring semester, graduate faculty voted for changes and revisions to the Graduate Faculty By-Laws. From a total of 99 votes, 72 approved the changes. A two-thirds majority is required for approval, which was reached. The changes are moving through the University approval process, ending with the Board of Trustees. The changes included grammatical corrections, removing the Research Council section, with the major change occurring in graduate faculty membership and duties. A summary page of the By-Laws’ revisions was distributed and Dr. Zhu explained each point. The College of Graduate Studies has a minimum set of guidelines and each College’s guidelines will need to be revised according to the new Levels. Accommodations will need to be established for the faculty with current status that will be grandfathered in and will keep their status until the end of their term. Current graduate faculty are either termed “regular” or “special.” A suggestion was made to change the name to “G” for grandfathered. Newly granted status under the changed guidelines will be Level I, Level II, and Level III. Guidelines will be reviewed in five years. 2 7. University Web Site Tina Sell gave a brief overview of the upcoming changes to the University web site. i. The web site is moving away from html language and moving to a content management based software. ii. Individual departments will be responsible for their own web sites, content and uploading. iii. Graduate students will no longer be given access or be allowed to work on the web pages. iv. Proposed time line is completion by December 2013; however individual departments need to be completed at least one month prior to allow IS & T time to upload. v. If a web page is inaccurate, IS & T will not upload it. Please check and verify your department information. 8. Thesis/dissertation procedures The College of Graduate Studies has decided to digitize the submission of theses and dissertations. Graduate Council discussed the practices at other universities and endorsed the move to electronic copies. Individual departments and/or students are still free to acquire paper, bonded copies for their use. Dianne Oloff stated that our guidelines will be revised for students and faculty to accommodate the electronic submission to Ohio Link. 9. Cross-listed courses across two levels Dean Zhu recently sent out a memo to all Colleges stating that future submissions for new courses cross listed across two levels (undergraduate/graduate) will not be approved without strong justification. Graduate Council discussed the issue and strongly feels that cross listing across two levels compromises the quality of graduate programs. Discussion items included departmental practices for cross-listing, how the 4to-3 conversion may affect cross-listing, and undergraduate vs. graduate instruction/meeting time. 10. Dr. Zhu thanked everyone for coming and adjourned the meeting at 1:30 p.m. 3