PH115 - SPRING 2016 1 PH115 - SPRING 2016 Algebra/Trigonometry-Based Physics II Department of Physics University of South Alabama Professor: Dr. Romulus Godang • • • • Office Hours: ILB 106 MWF 8:00-9:30 AM Phone: (251) 460-6224 Ext: 2133 Email: Web: Meeting Schedule • Class: MTWF 10:10-11:00 AM ILB 250 Class Materials • • • • • • • Lecture: Physics, 4th Ed by James Walker Mastering Physics: Format: Web-enhanced Laboratory: Physics Experiments for PH114 and PH115 by USA Physics Department Tutoring: Physics and computer laboratory ILB 245 Web: If you have any questions regarding the course material please see me or make an appointment Description This course addresses the fundamental concept of physics. Second semester of a two-semester introductory course in algebra/trigonometry-based physics with laboratory and recitation. This course covers electrostatics, DC circuits, RC circuits, magnetic fields and forces, Faraday’s Law, AC circuits, geometrical optics, interference and diffraction of light, the special theory of relativity, quantum physics, and atomic and nuclear physics. Students must take PH115L concurrently and pass the lab. The PH115L grade is a component of the PH115 course grade. Prerequisites: PH114. Corequisite: PH 115L. Attendance Attendance in class is mandatory. It will be checked and taken. An official record of all meetings will be kept. There is a bonus of 5% to the final exam for students who attend all meetings. If you miss any meeting you will not get the 5% bonus. Students are allowed to miss a maximum of three meetings. Each additional meeting that is missed will result in a final grade reduction of 0.1% for each missed meeting. 2 Test and Final Examination There are three 50-minute tests. The test problems consist of conceptual problems and detail calculation problems. As per department policy, one missed test may be made up only if you have submitted a valid, written excuse to the professor within 48 hours of the missed test. The missed test will be given at the end of semester. The missed-test problems are generally more difficult than the regular scheduled tests and it will cover all materials during the semester. There will be a comprehensive final examination. The final exam will cover all materials during the semester. It is a two-hours comprehensive exam. The final exam date has a fixed schedule. It will be changed in an extreme circumstances. Request for relief from three or four final examinations on the same day must be submitted in a formal writing to the dean of college at least two weeks prior to the first day of final examinations. In the Spring semester the second exam may be rescheduled. Homework Assignments The assigned homework problems will be graded. Detailed information regarding the homework assignments can be found at Students have to register first in order to access the homework assignments. Late homework assignment will not be graded. The course ID for this class is GODANG115SPR2016. Please use your USA’s email account to register. Students need to do “The Introduction to MasteringPhysics” assignment in order to be familiar with the mastering-physics system. This assignment is for a practice guideline only and will not be graded. Laboratory The laboratory is a mandatory portion of this class. You have to pass the laboratory requirement grade (“D” or better) in order to pass the course. If you missed the laboratory for an accused reason the laboratory may be made up with an official approval from the lab instructor. If you have previously completed the course with satisfactory the lab requirement grade, you may request to have the lab requirement to be waived. You need to see the physics department secretary for the lab waiver as soon as possible since it must be processed at the beginning of the semester. Grading Policy The grade composition (see Table 1) and the grade scale (see Table 2) are shown below. The final grade is calculated using the following formula: Final Grade = 0.17 × HW + 0.48 × Tave + 0.15 × Lave + 0.20 × Fexam where HW is the homework, Tave is the average score of all three tests, L ave is the average score of the laboratory reports, and Fexam is the final exam score. Final Exam will be given on Monday May 2, 2016 at 10:30 AM–12:30 PM Dishonesty on homework, test, and final exam will result in a failing grade. 3 Change in Course Requirements Not all classes progress at the same rate thus course requirements might have to be modified as circumstances dictate. You will be given written notice if the course requirements need to be changed. Students will be given adequate notification if changes are made. Academic Disruption Policy I expect all of you to be cordial, courteous, and respectful of faculty members and fellow students. The University of South Alabama’s policy regarding Academic Disruption is found in the Lowdown, the student handbook. Disruptive academic behavior is defined as individual or group conduct that interrupts or interferes with any educational activity or environment, infringes upon the rights and privileges of others, results in or threatens the destruction of property and/or is otherwise prejudicial to the maintenance of order in an academic environment. Common examples of disruptive student behavior include sleeping in class, routinely entering class late or departing early, personal hygiene problems impacting others, repeatedly talking in class without being recognized, physical display of anger (such as throwing books or other items), and the use of cell phones or pagers. Cell phones and/or pagers are to be turned off, or put on silent before coming to class. Academic Honor Code The University of South Alabama’s policy regarding Student Academic Conduct Policy is found in The Lowdown The University of South Alabama is a community of scholars in which the ideals of freedom of inquiry, freedom of thought, freedom of expression, and freedom of the individual are sustained. The University is committed to supporting the exercise of any right guaranteed to individuals by the Constitution and the Code of Alabama and to educating students relative to their responsibilities. Any dishonesty related to academic work or records constitutes academic will result in a falling grade in the course. Accommodations for Disabilities In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, students with bona fide disabilities will be afforded reasonable accommodations. The Office of Special Student Services (OSSS) will certify a disability and advise faculty members of reasonable accommodations. If you have a specific disability that qualifies you for academic accommodations, please notify the instructor/professor and provide certification from the Office of Special Student Services. OSSS is located at 5828 Old Shell Road at Jaguar Drive, (251-460-7212). Online Writing Support The University of South Alabama provides online writing tutoring services through SMARTHINKING, an online tutoring service. SMARTHINKING is available at 4 DATE 1/11 1/12 1/13 1/15 1/18 1/19 1/20 1/22 1/25 1/26 1/27 1/29 2/1 2/2 2/3 2/5 2/8 2/9 2/10 2/12 2/15 2/16 2/17 2/19 2/22 2/23 2/24 2/26 2/29 3/1 3/2 3/4 3/7 3/8 3/9 3/11 3/14 3/14-20 3/21 3/22 3/23 3/25 CHAPTER 19-Electric Charge 19-Coulomb’s Law 19-Electric Fields Recitation Holiday 19-Electric Fields 20-Electric Potential Recitation 20-Electric Potential 20-Capacitance 21-Current&Resistance Recitation 21-Kirchoff’s Rule 21-Circuits 22-Magnetic Fields Chapters 19-21 22-Ampere’s Law Holiday 22-Solenoids 23-Magnetic Flux 23-Faraday’s Law 23-Inductance 24-RC Circuits Recitation 24-RLC Circuits 24-RLC Circuits 25-Electromagnetic Waves 25-Polarization 26-Spherical Mirrors 26-Refraction 26-Thin Lens Chapters 22-25 26-Thin Lens 27-Microscope 27-Telescope 27-Optical Instruments Midterm Grade Holidays 28-Interference 28-Interference 28-Diffraction Recitation HW/TEST/FINAL LAB HW 1 Lab Introduction Martin Luther King HW 2 Lab 1 HW 3 Lab 2 HW 4 Test 1 Lab 3 Mardi Gras HW 5 HW 6 Lab 4 HW 7 Lab 5 HW 8 Test 2 Lab 6 HW 9 Lab 7 Spring Break HW 10 Lab 8 5 DATE 3/28 3/29 3/30 4/1 4/4 4/5 4/6 4/8 4/11 4/12 4/13 4/15 4/18 4/19 4/20 4/22 4/25 4/26 4/27 5/2 CHAPTER 29-Special Relativity 29-Relativistic Momentum 29-General relativity Recitation 29-Photoelectric Effect 30-Compton Effect 30-Uncertainty Principle Recitation 30-Uncertainty Principle 31-Models of Atom 31-Bohr Model Chapters 26-30 31-Hydrogen Atom 31-Atom Radiation 32-Radioactivity 32-Nuclear Fission 32-Nuclear Fusion 32-Elementary Particles Review Chapters 19-32 HW/TEST/FINAL LAB HW 11 Lab 9 HW 12 Lab 10 HW 13 Test 3 Lab 11 HW 14 Lab 12 All Final Exam on Monday 10:30 AM–12:30 PM Table 1: Grade Composition Source Attendance Homework Three Tests at 16% each Laboratory Final Examination Percentage (%) Mandatory 17 48 15 20 Table 2: Grade Scale Percentage (%) 90–100 80–89 70–79 60–69 < 60 Others Grade A B C D F University Policy