ETNA Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis. Volume 25, pp. 27-40, 2006. Copyright 2006, Kent State University. ISSN 1068-9613. Kent State University ON THE SUPPORT OF THE EQUILIBRIUM MEASURE FOR ARCS OF THE UNIT CIRCLE AND FOR REAL INTERVALS D. BENKO , S. B. DAMELIN , AND P. D. DRAGNEV Dedicated to Ed Saff on the occasion of his 60th birthday Abstract. We study the support of the equilibrium measure for weights defined on arcs of the unit circle and on intervals of the compactified real line. We provide several conditions to ensure that the support of the equilibrium measure is one interval or one arc. Key words. logarthmic potential theory, external fields, equilibrium measure, equilibrium support AMS subject classifications. 31A15, 30C15, 78A30 1. Introduction. In recent years, equilibrium measures with external fields have found an increasing number of applications in a variety of areas ranging from diverse subjects such as orthogonal polynomials, weighted Fekete points, numerical conformal mappings, weighted polynomial approximation, rational and Pade approximation, integrable systems, random matrix theory and random permutations. We refer the reader to the references [1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21] and those listed therein for a comprehensive account of these numerous, vast and interesting applications. 1.1. Potential-theoretic preliminaries and definitions. With a compact set and lower semi-continuous external field , we set and call a weight associated with , provided the set !"#$&% (') +*-,/.0 123,4%6587!9 has positive logarithmic capacity. With an external field (or a weight ), we associate the weighted energy of a Borel probability measure : on as J % :N=K#%O ;< =:"%> ?!@2?A@CBEDGF I J I H J N : LK 2 %2=K#%4M M The equilibrium in the presence of an external field , is the unique probability < on measure measure : minimizing the weighted energy among all probability measures on . Thus, ; < P: < %>8Q/REST* ; < P:"%6 &:U.WVXYZ%94 where VX[Z% denotes the class VX[Z%N\*]:U &: is a Borel probability measure on ^94O For more details on these topics we refer the reader to the seminal monograph of E. B. Saff and V. Totik [17]. _ Received May 14, 2005. Accepted for publication January 6, 2006. Recommended by D. Lubinsky. Department of Mathematics, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY 42101 ( Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, University of Minnesota, 400 Lind Hall, 207 Church Hill, S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455 ( Supported, in part by grants EP/C000285 and NSF-DMS0439734. S. B. Damelin thanks the Institute for Mathematics and Applications for their hospitality. Department of Mathematical Sciences, Indiana-Purdue University, Fort Wayne, IN 46805 ( 27 ETNA Kent State University 28 D. BENKO, S. B. DAMELIN, AND P. D. DRAGNEV `< :< of the equilibrium measure is a major step in The determination of the support obtaining the measure. As described by Deift [8, Chapter 6], information that the support consists of disjoint closed intervals, allows one to set up a system of equations for the endpoints, from which the endpoints may be calculated. Knowing the endpoints, the equilibrium measure may be obtained from a Riemann-Hilbert problem or, equivalently, a singular integral equation. It is for this reason that it is important to have a priori conditions on the external field to ensure that the support is an interval or the union of a finite number of intervals. We refer the reader to the references [3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 15, 17, 18] for an account of advances on the equilibrium measure and support problem for one or several intervals. In this present paper, we study supports of equilibrium measures for a general class of weights on the compactified real line and unit circle and present several conditions on the associated external field to ensure that the support of the associated equilibrium measure is one interval or one arc. In order to present our main results, we find it convenient to introduce some needed notation and definitions. denote the compactified real line. It is a topological D EFINITION 1.1. Let space which is isomorphic to the unit circle . We will think of as , that is, we agree that for any . Let . Then denotes an interval which is open, closed, or half open, and has endpoints and . We define , , , . Let now be two angles, We define to be the arc , where we go from to in a counterclockwise direction. If let to be the full circle C. If or , then let be the single point . Finally, if and then define to be . We say that , is a weight on , if acb H e d f he g i* j9 k l) e mon o m . ; vuNpZqxwU e d pZqr. e d prstq p q y q>ph z[ph{q2%}| 3q>p~%2 yfpZ{qC| [qN}p" xYpZqe | y q>p)%Z \yfpZq2I %| I >. \ n &1O u=(#Tw u={-!w~jk - WLL &1 u=(#w 0UL &1 j ; uP>w u=(#w !"P% 7se s8 & ; tuPe >w =L% . d d (1.1) 2P%$ f I H L ¡T£¤ ¢¢ I % I I H is a weight on k . R 1. We note that this definition of weights on the real line is B more I general I PL% ¥ B ¦ D F ¥ R Q thanI the one given in [17] or [18], since we do not assume the existence of I I I =% is bounded from below, =U% must be as . However, since EMARK bounded from above. In addition, studying weights on the compactified real line via weights on the unit circle allows us to deduce several results on the supports of the equilibrium on the line via a general result for on the circle (see Theorems 2.1, 2.3 and measure 2.4). In the next subsection, we describe the relation between the weighted energy problem on and on . :¨§ ed k k :< ed 1.2. Connection between the equilibrium problem on use of the Cayley transform between and as follows. k ed © «ª¤¬0 z L .­k l t e defines a bijection between d and C. The inverse is H k © ­ª¬® H l¯U (. e d O ed and on k . We will make ETNA Kent State University SUPPORT OF EQUILIBRIUM MEASURE 29 °>±². e d by thee Cayley transform will be denoted by ³ and K . :L.´VX d % , we assign the Borel probability measure :¨µ on k with M :Tµ$=¤%Z M :N=L%O e This mapping is a bijection between Borel probability measures on d and k . Let the weights and be related by (1.1). The weighted logarithmic potential of : and :Tµ is defined by ? B¥D¦F H I ±8U I =±%=L% M :N=±% pC§ ¶ =L%6 <p ¶&· =%h f ? BEDGF I I H KL 2PK#%2P% M : µ PK#%} respectively ([18]). These are well-defined integrals (even though : may not have compact support), as well as ; §P:"%6 fx ?¸? BEDGF I ¹° I =U%#P°º%#% :NPL% :NP°/%}O M M From I zU° I ¼» HH l " HH l³ » I H I XIELI H ³ I I »» L L³ »» U U³ I I I I we have ±8U =±%=L%½ KU 2=K#%2=¤% . Thus, BEDGF pC§ ¶ =L%Np < ¶&· P%N ¾O (1.2) The image of To any measure Integrating this we get (1.3) ; §P:"%> ; < P : µ % ¥B D¦F ! O Since c £¤¿ À²j £¤Á we have the following correspondence between and  : H BEDGF (1.4) !P%>²ÂLà H l¯U YÄ/l I H U I I I H O For convenience we will agree on the notations !=Ŧ%h f!P Æ %¨2PŦ%Z jP EÆ %Àź. e O Also, since we have (1.5) I H U I I I Ç H I I H cr.e d l¯ t ¯l ÉÈ U Ä l H BEDGF H l È % ¥B D¦F ! À¬. e d O ÂPL%Nj à ¹ ¸l¯ ETNA Kent State University 30 D. BENKO, S. B. DAMELIN, AND P. D. DRAGNEV ³/Ê Å {Ë´. e IÌ I I I I H U UIEI H ³ L³ I #I Ì ER SZÅ4R¥Í&S I¥Æ I#£ È Ì REÊ S$ËÍ& I We find it more convenient to use angles instead of complex numbers on the unit circle. , and for . So let Clearly, ´EÆ (1.6) and D&Ï H l H L ½ \­Î Å O Therefore, using (1.6), we readily calculate that ; § =:"%N ? ? BEDGF Ì Å)Ë Î D&Ï Å4ÍG G% #­Î D&Ï ËÍG G% t x Ãл» RES »» IÌ REShÅ4Í& I I#Ì RES^ËÍG I Ä M : » » ÑjÒ Î D&Ï Å : à ΠDGÏ Ë Ä ?t? BEDGF Ì TÓ0Å)M Ë D&Ï Å D&Ï Ë B¥D¦FNÔ Ò x Ãл» RES »» 2PŦ%2[˾%Ä M : ­Î Ó M :ÉÃG­Î ÄX O » » D&Ï IÌ I Here, we used the fact that 2PŦ%$\Î ÈÆ %{;3 R¥S ÈÆ % (see (1.1)). In addition, we note that from (1.4) we get DGÏ BEDGF BEDGF (1.7) !PŦ%>Â Ò Î Å ¤Ó l IÌ R¥S Å I l !O The formulae (1.1)–(1.3) allow us to conclude the following: e :¹.ÕVX e d % minimizes the energy integral ; § P:"% over all probability measures on d ] ; < =:Tµ>% over if and only if its corresponding :¨µ.ÕVX3k)% minimizes the energy integral all probability measures on k . Moreover, the support `½§ is going to be an interval or a < e complement of an interval in d if and only if the corresponding support ` is an arc on k . We close this section by introducing some remaining conventions which we assume henceforth. ; ; e is absolutely continuous inside ; Ö if Let Ö be an arc of k . We shall say that × CÖ ; it is absolutely continuous on each compact subarc of Ö . (As a consequence, ×TØ exists a.e. on ; Ö .) ; e ; let be an interval or a complement of an interval in d . Let the arc Ö be the image of ; byNow e ; e the Cayley transform ± d Ùk . We shall say that ×É is absolutely continuous ; ; ; inside if ×)Ú± £T is absolutely continuous inside Ö O (If is a finite interval, this definition is ; equivalent to the usual definition of absolute continuity inside .) ; e ; such that We say that a function × is increasing on an interval if there exist ÛU ~ ; Ü the Lebesgue measure of Û is zero and ×½=¤%~sÝ×½; =³¾% whenever ¨#³.jÛ , s\³ . (This is a useful definition when × is defined only a.e. on .) We define “decreasing” in a similar manner. ; ; Moreover, we say that × is convex on an interval if × is absolutely continuous inside ; and ×¤Ø is increasing on . We finally note that under Cayley transform (or its inverse), sets with positive capacity are transferred to sets with positive capacity. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, we present our main results and in Section 3 we present our proofs. 2. Main Results: The Circle and the Compactified Real Line. In this section we state our main results. We begin with our main results for the circle and compactified real line. ETNA Kent State University SUPPORT OF EQUILIBRIUM MEASURE 2.1. Circle. 31 2 P,A%^+Þ!"$!3,4%%} I , I H be a weight on k and let ; ; ßuà{á-w 7ºn8á^LàÉsj i1O B Assume that is absolutely continuous inside and (2.1) WREQ¬RES!; ³ â !=%(!P³!% . ; ; whenever ³ is an endpoint of with ³o. . Let i| be any point which is not an interior point ; of . Let y # []OÞO]OÞ½ y ã4#ã be äWb7 arcs of ; k . Here, for all H s>s8ä , 7/n / s8 & H < g ; and 3` # . Suppose further ; % ;y æ and H that can be written as a disjoint union of å¯b intervals ÞO]OÞOÞ for any fixed sçså , either D F (2.2) Á}è Æ{é!ê Ì RES à Šë Ä Ø =Ŧ%NUÎ Ì Ã Å) ë ÄÐì Ì S Ã Ì RES à Šë ÄÄ ;í H is increasing on , or for some sNs8ä : Ì RES Ò Å) Ì R¥S Ò UÅ Ø PŦ%"l ÔH Ì R¥S Ò ÅC l¯ (2.3) Ó Ó Ó ; í is increasing on . Finally, we assume that B Ì#î B Ø REQ ñ PŦ%Zs REQRES!ñ â Ø =Å4%} Æï~Æò Æï~ÆÞð <ºô ; is an arc ;í H ; whenever Åi' is an endpoint of ( sçsóå ) but not an endpoint of . Then ` of k . Here sgn denotes the signum function. R 2. The choice of ë is not important, see Remark 6 and the proof of Lemma ; 3.3. We also remark that if is the full circle, then one should check only condition (2.2) and ignore (2.3) which is a stronger assumption. Below we give a condition which guarantees that ` < isH the full circle: I I ; C 2.2. Let 2P,A%ºtÞA¨$!P,A%#% , be a weight on k and let ; #à ló i"% and È \à È à È ló i"% where; iõ]ö2÷ õø . Assume that< (2.2) is increasing on ;à where is increasing on È where ë à È . Then ` k . <~ô ; is an arc of k . Let | be an interior point Proof.ë By8à Theorem , and (2.2) 2.1 ` of this arc, not identical to ¥õ ø . Choose ù ù È such that ë)n8ù È njù një>l i and both of the arcs 3 ëi#ù % and =ù È {ë1l i"% contain only one of ¥õ]ö and õø , say, P ëiù % contains ¥õ]ö and =ù È ë>l i"% contains ¥õø . Using the first observation of Remark 2, we see that (2.2) is increasing on 3ëi#ù % because (2.2) is increasing on 3ëi#ù % when at (2.2) ë is replaced by à È . Similarly, (2.2) is increasing on Pù È ë>l i"% because (2.2) is increasing on Pù È ëNló &"% when at (2.2) ë is replaced by à . < k by Theorem 2.1 and by the choice of Thus (2.2) is increasing on Pëi{ë>l &"% and so ` ë. Ô Example. TheD following example illustrates the theorem. Ì Ì g ] H ý Let !PŦ%2¼Î [úiŦ% RES"PûGŦ% defined on Ý«y !O ü¾{û¾O y ûO ü4ú! . < (Weô may define H ý k ` y ¾ O ü û O to be zero outside so that is defined on .) We claim that both and Ô ` <Wô û¾y O ü¦ú¾ are arcs of k . (One of them may be an empty set.) T HEOREM 2.1. Let be an interval with EMARK OROLLARY ETNA Kent State University 32 Ô D. BENKO, S. B. DAMELIN, AND P. D. DRAGNEV È ûO ü4ú! È ûO H-Hý þ ló & y !O ü¾{û¾O ÔH E| 3&Ø% È ljiØ ØÐl Í bÝ7 y !O ü¾{û¾O H]ý i H þ H ý y ûO´< ô ûO H]ý ` y !O ü¾{û¾O !O ü¾ y !O ü¾{û¾O H]H]ý ý y !O ü¾{û¾O and . Take One can verify that (2.2) is satisfied on but not on the whole . (At (2.2) can be chosen to be any number such that is not an interior point of . Or, simply check the condition, see Remark 6.) Also, using and we see that (2.3) is not satisfied on the whole . However, (2.3) is satisfied on the subinterval (see F IG . 2.1). So the combination of the (2.2) and (2.3) conditions implies that is an arc. ë Condition (2.2) on [2.9,3.18] Condition (2.3) on [2.9,3.18] 6 0.05 4 x 0 2 0 2.95 3 3.05 3.1 3.15 -0.05 2.95 3 3.05 3.1 3.15 x -2 -0.1 Ô ÿ F IG . 2.1. Conditions (2.2) and (2.3) on the interval Ô y û¾O ü¦ú¾ Ô y û¾O ü¦ú¾ Ô `H]ý <´ô û¾y O ü¦ú¾ y !O ü¾{û¾O Using and on is not helpful since (2.3) is a decreasing function there. Also, (2.2) is not satisfied on the whole . However, (2.3) is satisfied using and on the whole . Theorem 2.1 now implies that is an arc (see F IG . 2.2). and are not helpful on since (2.3) is a decreasing function (We remark that on .) y û¾O ü¦ú! y ûO Hiþ ûO H-ý È È Condition (2.2) on [3.95,4] È È Condition (2.3) on [3.95,4] x 3.95 3.96 3.97 3.98 3.99 5.45 5.4 -0.075 5.35 -0.08 5.3 -0.085 5.25 5.2 -0.09 5.15 3.95 3.96 3.97 3.98 3.99 x ÿ F IG . 2.2. Conditions (2.2) and (2.3) on the interval R EMARK 3. It is a natural question to ask what and numbers we should choose in ETNA Kent State University 33 SUPPORT OF EQUILIBRIUM MEASURE order that (2.3) is as weak as possible. In most cases the following statement is true: Let and ( ) be two arcs of such that . Let be an arc contained in . If (2.2) or (2.3) is satisfied with then (2.2) or (2.3) is also satisfied with . For example, this statement is true if exists and the sets y > y Ø Ø ` < y (#N y Ø Ø ¨Ø["Ø Å/. ; G Ø =Ŧ%h5 7/; nós i1½7/n¨Ø¾¨Ø¨s i k y (#T > GØ ØYPŦ% H D&Ï Å)¨Ø H DGÏ Î Ã Ä f Å. ; G Ø =Ŧ%Z5 Î Ã Å)L ¨Ø Ä consist of finitely many intervals. (The proof of this is similar to the proof of [3, second remark].) Theorem 2.1 can be effectively used when is identically zero on some arcs (that is, is a subset of finitely many arcs). If is zero on ( , , then we may choose to be in Theorem 2.1. This is consistent with the discussion above. For convenience we will state Theorem 2.3 in accordance with this remark. 2 3,4% 2P,A% y # y ) H Þ OÞO]OÞä y 7n n i"% 2.2. Compactified Real Line. äo. ¡ let g f ã y ¨ e d À Ð i n s n È s È n ¾n ãs Cã2njl)O ; be an interval and assume that  is absolutely Let !T#^Â~% be a weight on , ; continuous inside and B (2.4) ®REQrR¥S!;° â ÂPL%1ÂoP°% ¬. ; ; ; whenever ° is an endpoint of with °Ý. . Assume further that can be written as a disjoint ; ; æ H union of intervals ÞO]OÞOÞ such that for any fixed sçså either ¿1è é is convex on ; í H H or for some s>s8ä =« % ¡¨ UL%#Â Ø PL%Tl is decreasing on ;í or =z %Þ ã UL%Â Ø PL%Tl¯ is increasing on ; í O (2.5) Finally, we assume that B Ì#î B REQ ñ Â Ø PL%6s REQRES!ñ â Â Ø =U%} ï ò ï í Hð ô ; is an ; ; whenever ' is an endpoint of sóçWsjå"% but not an endpoint of . Then ` § interval. R 4. We remark that Theorem 2.3 is also valid when one interval, say, y CãA Cã- is an infinite interval or a complement of a finite interval. If )ã5 Cã (and, of course, ãn ), then the conclusion of the theorem holds if (2.5) is replaced by the condition: (2.6) =z CãG% UL%#Â Ø =U%Tl is decreasing on ;í O T HEOREM 2.3. For given ! EMARK # ! " ETNA Kent State University 34 D. BENKO, S. B. DAMELIN, AND P. D. DRAGNEV If however ã ²l) , then (2.5) should be replaced by the condition: =z %#Â Ø =L% is increasing on ;í O Finally, if ¼ (and so y is the infinite interval instead of y Cã! Cã] ) then (2.5) should be replaced by the condition ã L%Â Ø PL% is increasing on ; í O ; At (2.6) and at Theorem 2.4 at (e) one can also consider an which is a complement of a bounded interval. We leave the details for the reader. Theorem 2.4 reveals to us the following remarkable connection between previously known conditions on . It also gives us a new condition (which is (e) below). As a consequence of Theorem 2.1 and 2.3 and Remark 4, we now have the following general result for the case ! when is one real interval. See also [3]. Recall that for we define $ . be a weight on and let be an interval. Assume that is T HEOREM 2.4. Let absolutely continuous inside and satisfies (2.4). Let % be finite constants and suppose that either of the following conditions below hold: $ , $ . (a) is increasing on (b) is increasing on , . $ , (c) ! is increasing on . (d) is increasing on , (e) is decreasing on , . (f) is convex on . is convex on . (g) Then is an interval. R EMARK 5. Theoretically one should ignore (d) and (f) since (g) is a weaker assumption than both of these. Nevertheless we included them here, because sometimes they are easier to check. Notice that (a) in Theorem 2.4 corresponds to the case of Theorem 2.1 when is an arc of disjoint of the point , (b) corresponds to the case when is a proper subarc of such that , (c) corresponds to the case when is a proper subarc of such that , (d) corresponds to the case when is the full circle and a subcase of this is when (so and ) which corresponds to (f). The condition (e) corresponds to the case when is a proper subarc of which contains the point inside the arc. Finally, (g) is the only condition which corresponds to (2.2) and not (2.3). Note also that if we let & then (e) leads to condition (d), since ' # is decreasing if and only if is increasing. One may also combine the above conditions to create a weaker condition in the spirit of Theorem 2.1 and 2.3.  y o h f 2 %{| e ; +e n ;  \s ; ²y ~ ) ` § ²y ~ ) =z % \L%#Â Ø PL%Tl ; y ~}l)ó% `¨§®y ~}l)ó% =z %#Â~ØY=L% ; #; j e) Ü `¨§ß² ~ \UL%Â)ØPPL% =z % È Â)Ø[=U%L ; * )9 =z % \L; %#Â~ØPPL%Tl +y o $ `¨§«+y o $  ; !"[Â~ô % ; `¨§ y (#T H k y (# k !"P[H %N H y > k !"P%$ k y (# ¹z + 7 ¹ i y (#T k L H Ù = % L%Â)Ø3PL%Tl¯ Pz % È Â)Ø[=L%U 3. Proofs. In this section, we present the proofs of our results. We find it convenient to break down our proofs into several auxiliary lemmas. Our first lemma is L EMMA 3.1. Let , be a weight on and let be an interval with . Let and assume . Suppose is absolutely continuous inside and satisfies (2.1). Moreover, assume that 2 3,4%hÞA¨$!P,A%#% I , I H 7/ná(Wà0s8 & 7/nó­; s8 & !=Å4%Z f!PÆ]% Ì R¥S Ò Å)U Ì R¥S Ò UÅ Ø PŦ%¨l ÔH Ì R¥S Ò Å (3.1) Ó Ó k< g ; ; « uà{á-w ` y (#T ´l¯ Ó ETNA Kent State University 35 SUPPORT OF EQUILIBRIUM MEASURE ` < ô ; is an arc of C. DGÏ D&Ï DGÏ Å + \Î x­Î À¬ \Î O First, let us assume that >.jP7¾ i"% . Thus, we may assume that 70n²sàn²Ån á2sn8 & and 7ºn Ì R¥S¨P1Í& G% , 7ºn Ì RES"=ÍG G% . So +srs . From (1.7), we have D&Ï Å H D&Ï Å Ì Å Ò Ò Ò (3.2) Â Ø Î ¤Ó ² RES È TÓ Ø =Ŧ%N Î Ó O ; is increasing on . Then Proof. Let ( % Thus, = z D&%ÞÏ \ULDG%#Ï Â Ø PL%TlD&Ï D&Ï DGÏ + Ò Î Å Î 1Ó Ò Î Å UÎ ½Ó Â Ø Ò Î Å Ó Ì RES Æ £ Ì R¥S Æ £ Ò D&Ï D&Ï + Ì RES È Ì R¥S È G Ø PŦ%½Î Å ¤Ó UÎ Å O È È Now we use the following identity which holds for any >N#Å : DGÏ Å Ì RES Æ £ Ì RES Æ £ H Ì RES"=Å) ¡ % H Ò DGÏ Î Ã Ä$Ã Ì RES È Ì RES È Ä Ì REST % Ì R¥S"È % Î È È È È ! It follows that D&Ï UÎ Å ól Î DGÏ O 1Ó P ¹ Ì%Þ LÌ L%Â Ø PL%Tl¯ Ì H DGÏ D&Ï x^ R¥S Ì R¥Æ S £ È Ì RERESS Æ £ È Ø =Ŧ%"l Ì R¥S¨R¥ST=Å) % Ì RES"¡ È % % Ò Î lóÎ NÓ O È È Ì È È Ì ; Because 7n RES"P1Í& ¦% , 7n R¥S¨=ÍG G% , the right hand side of (3.3) is increasing on if DGÏ if (3.1)D&Ï holds. Thus, if (3.1) holds then P %Þ ºL%#Â~Ø[=L%&lo ise increasing on and only uÎ õÈ ]Î È w . Now consider the corresponding equilibrium problem on d e , as described D&Ï corresponding D&Ï equilibrium measure on d . < Using in Section 1 and let ` § denote the [3, ô u­Î õÈ ÞÎ È w is an interval. It follows that ` ô ; is an Theorem 7] we get that ` § arc of k . This proves Lemma 3.1 for the case when (#Ì .P7¾ i"% . Ì Now let 8s² &ósN0¯8n² & . Note that 7Ws R¥ST3½ÍG G%}{7´b RES"PÍ& ¦% . We cannot apply [3, Theorem 7] because Ùs and is outside y o h . However, we can use the observation that condition (3.1) is “rotation invariant.” be a number such that Let 7/n 7/nÉ 0 & À f Énj i1 (3.3) ! +* ) ! +* , - #- and define - à fjàX ¤á á ¤ - - È =Ŧ%Z !=Ål T%}O .- $ ETNA Kent State University 36 D. BENKO, S. B. DAMELIN, AND P. D. DRAGNEV È !T< $ô È % ` ø àu á w ` < ô ; 0¯8 x &1O # #à á and the parameters , we may apply the case we studied For above to get that is an arc of C. But this new equilibrium problem is isomorphic to the original one in the sense that everything (including the support) is rotated by the angle - . It follows that is an arc of C. Finally, we need to establish the lemma for the case when is the full circle. So let Using the rotation invariance we may assume that . Condition (3.1) is now equivalent to ; \7¾#¯\ & Ì RES È Ã Å Ä Ø PŦ%½ ÔH Ì ER ShÅ is increasing. Using (3.2) we get H DGÏ Ì RES È Å % Ø =Ŧ%1 Ì R¥ShÅÂ Ø Î Å %}O (3.4) DGÏ Thus, Â)Ø[Î that is, Â~Ø3PL% is increasing, and so Âo=L% is ÈÆ % is increasing (7onÅ´n² & ),case ` § is an interval. (The proof convex. It is well known, see [17], that in this < is againtheansupport works for our more general weight.) So ` arc. We have completed the proof Lemma 3.1. As a corollary to Lemma 3.1, we have e L 3.2. Let be a weight on d , let Û be a finite interval and suppose that  is absolutely continuous inside Û and satisfies condition (2.4). Let ¹s be finite constants with ÛUy o h , `¨§«+y X $ and assume that P % +0L%#Â~Ø[=U%l is decreasing ô Û is an interval. on Û . Then `"§ D&Ï D&Ï Proof. Recall that y o hx 2 % | , see Definition 1.1. We mayÌ find Õn¼ r®Î 3½ÍG G% , «ßÎ =ÍG G% and Ýs¸ i . Ì such that Ï 7 necessarily. Notice that R¥S~3½ÍGD& GÏ % R¥S~PÍ& ¦%6D&n Let ÛɸuÎ =àTÍG G%}]Î 3áGÍ& ¦%Yw , where sàÉsás and so áÉàÉs8 i . The left hand side of (3.3) is a decreasing function of on Û , and so the right hand ; side of (3.3) is a decreasing function of Å on fy à{á- . Multiply that right hand side by Ì Ì the negative constant R¥S~3½ÍG G% R¥S)PÍ& ¦% . In this way we get an increasing function of Å on y à{á- . So condition (3.1) is satisfied and fromô Lemma 3.1, we deduce that ` <ô y à½á- is an Û is an interval. Lemma 3.2 is proved. arc of C. This implies immediately that ` § Our final lemma is: I I H be a weight on k and let ; ßuà½á-w be L 3.3. Let 2P,A%$ÞA¨$!P,A%#% , ; an interval with 7­n+á)àós\ i . Suppose is absolutely continuous inside and satisfies ; (2.1). Let | be any point which is not an interior point of . If D Ì Å)ë Ì F Ì Å)Uë Ì ) Å U ë Á}è Æ{é ê RESXÃ Ä Ø =Å4%1Î Ã Äì S(à RESXà ÄÄ (3.5) <´ô ; is an arc of k . ; is increasing on , then ` ; R 6. Whether (3.5) is increasing on or not, it does not depend on the choice of ; ë (as long as E| is not an interior point of ). The proof of this is given in the proof of Lemma 3.3. We also remark that if is twice differentiable then condition (3.5) is easily seen to be equivalent to H Ø =Ŧ% È ló Ø Ø PŦ%¨l Ô b7 Å.à½á&% (regardless of the value of ë ). EMMA $ $ 0 ! / EMMA EMARK ETNA Kent State University 37 SUPPORT OF EQUILIBRIUM MEASURE We give the following example to Lemma 3.3. Let be one or several closed arcs on the unit circle but not the full circle. Assume the weight is zero on the complement of . Let 21 be a point in the complement of , and define EB DGF #I Ì Å)Lù I !PŦ%Z !3 EÆ %6 f ER S l M where is an arbitrary constant. The value of ë is our choice so let ë­ ¸ù . Then (3.5) is < is a set of arcs. M increasing on the whole of (in fact it is identically zero) and therefore ` < Moreover, each arc of contains at most one arc of ` . ; Proof of Lemma 3.3. First we show that whether (3.5) is increasing on or not, it does not depend on the choice of ë . We do not assume the existence of 4Ø Ø . H Let =% and P% be two real functions on 37¾ % such that is bounded and increasing, H and is non-negative and Lipschitz continuous. Then there exists Ý+P7¾ % of full measure such that ? à =¤% ½=¤% Ä Ø M És² % %½8 %3mA% if mÐ . ½mos O This observation easily follows from Fatou’s Lemma applied to the sequence of functions y¥ ¤%Þ=ºl æ %½8 %=¤%YPÍ æ , æ r7 ¡ . ; ; Suppose | and E| ø are not interior points of . Denote now (3.5) by =Ŧ% . Let ÛU | such that Û has full measure and P%´s | | =³¾% for all +s¸³ , "#³.xÛ . We define the domain of and iØ to be Û . We have | D Ì ÌF Ì =Ŧ%"ló Áè Æ{é Ã Î Æ £È | Ä S à RES Æ £È | Ä (3.6) Áè Æ{é Ø =Ŧ%( | ÀÅ.LÛ¾ »» Ì RES Æ £È | »» » » which shows that Á iØ is differentiable a.e. on Û . Simple calculation gives H Ì ) Å U ë Ô Ø ê { Æ é Ø Ø (3.7) 7ºs | =Ŧ%( T»» RES »» P Á}è PŦ%#% l Áè Æ{é ì a.e. Å/.LÛ¾O » » Replace ë by ë È at the formula (3.5) and denote it by replace in that formula | ø PŦ% ½. =Also, Á iØ by the quotient at (3.6). Thus we see that with some Ŧ% , ¤=Å4% functions |Yø =Å4%X holds, where inside à½á&% : the function is non-negative and Lipschitz | PŦ% ½=Ŧ%6l ¤=isÅ4% increasing continuous, ; and bounded, and is absolutely continuous (since Á is abso| lutely continuous inside ). 3 3 4 %5 3 6 38 .< !38 7 !38 =< :9 !38 9 ;4 9 < 3 3 >3 3 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 So, by the observation above, we have ? %5 | /l !% Ø s² | % Þ%Tl ¤ %1 | %3mA% ¤Pm!%> |Yø %½ |Yø Pm!% ; ; for a.e. m X. , where m¯s . But this integral is non-negative, since 7Ls Ø a.e. ÅL. | ø follows from (3.7). Hence, 7s | ø %½ | ø Pm!% , i.e., | ø is increasing. And this is what we wanted to show. ; We may assume that ësàn+á­s\ëZlj i . Let us rotate now to a position such that H the rotation takes iE| to the point ó . Condition (3.5) will change accordingly to a new condition where now ë+7 . (We denote the new rotated weight by x²!"#$&% , too.) We <´ô ; is an arc of k for the new ` < and new ; . Once we have done now have to show that ` ; that we simply rotate back to the original position and the proof is complete. 6 $9 3 ? !3 @9 3 9 ? 9 3 # 3 :9 3 ,3 :9 3 3 ETNA Kent State University 38 D. BENKO, S. B. DAMELIN, AND P. D. DRAGNEV This argument shows that we can assume without loss of generality that 7/s¯àLnáºs &1O Define (3.8) H à H l¯U Ä f I H U I 2P%} I I H O ëó 7 and Using the arguments in Section 1.1, (3.8) may also be given as & £ =L%( Ç H à l¯Z¡É ÈÄ À. e d O We define Âo=L% by PL%N GÞ!"^ÂPL%#% . Since is a weight on k , we know that is e a weight on d . We now show that ¿1è é Â Ø =U% is increasing on ; ' ¸uÎ D&Ï à ÞÎ DGÏ á w¦O Let ´EÆ&O Note that from (1.7) we have ¿Nè é I# Ì ÁREèS Æ{é Æ I O È Using this and (3.2), for ź.y 7¾{ &¤ we get H D ¿1è é Â Ø =U%N Á}è Æ{é 3 Ì R¥S Å Ø PŦ%½Î Ì Å %}O (3.9) ; Note that the right hand side of (3.9) is an increasing function of Å on by assumption. Now ô ; B that ` § ' is an interval. (Although this theorem we apply [3, Theorem 5], to conclude is formulated for weights with R¥Q ï LPL%C¼7 , the argument in the proof may be applied word for word for the more general weights considered here. Naturally one should ô ; ' is an interval, we conclude that ` <­ô ; is work with p)§ ¶ PL% in the proof.) Since `¨§ an arc of k . The proof of Lemma 3.3 is complete. We are now ready to present the ; Proof of Theorem 2.1. If is the full circle k , then it follows from the assumption that E É- ÉÙ E|Ù¥õ for all K . Now, if (2.3) is increasing on ;í , then (2.2) is also ; í increasing on , as one can see. (Choose à to be zero and use (3.4), (3.9) and the fact that the convexity of  implies the convexity of ÞA¨3Â~; % .) So we can get the weakest assumption if we assume that (2.2) is increasing on the whole , and we already know from Lemma 3.3 ; that Theorem 2.1 holds under such an assumption. Thus, let us assume that is not the full 2 2 2 0A A CB ED GF =F circle. As in the proof of Lemma 3.1 and 3.3 we observe that the statement of Theorem 2.1 is “rotation invariant.” So, we may assume that does not contain the point and , HF for any . We can also assume that . GF Let , , and be defined by I (1.5). Let be given by y à½á- D&Ï E ÷ H ÷ H DGÏ K ë$DGÏ7 ;í Î =ÅAÍ& G% Î 3 Í& ¦% Î = ÍG G% ;{í ¸u í í w4 7/n í í n &1 KJ and define L .L H Âo=L% #J ; í ' ¸u­Î D&Ï í ] Î D&Ï í w¦ ; ' f uÎ DGÏ à ]Î D&Ï á w¦O J L ETNA Kent State University ;' H ]OÞOÞOÞ#å 39 SUPPORT OF EQUILIBRIUM MEASURE e ; í' ç/ H sUçoså"% ; í ' 2ç y ; í' Note that is a finite subinterval of and it is the disjoint union of the intervals ( ). We assume that is numerated from left to right. Note also that $ NM (recall Definition 1.1). By assumption, for any , we can find such that either ¿1è é (3.10) (3.11) (3.12) is convex on 2 n b % and and N H s>s8ä¾%} ; í' or P¹ Þ% LU%#Â Ø =L%Tl¯ is increasing on ! =z % UL%#Â Ø PL%Tl # ; í' is decreasing on ! or ; í' O ((3.10) is coming from the argument in Lemma 3.3, (3.11) is from Lemma 3.1, and (3.12) is from Lemma 3.2.) Let 4 . We can find positive constants 4 (uniquely) such that the fol$4 lowing function is a positive continuous function inside . For , let H × È ÞO]OÞOÞ ; ' æ . ; í ' E çU H ]OÞO]O#å"% ; í' if 3.10 % is satisfied on ã!"3 ¦Â=U%#% ã =z % L % if 3.11% is satisfied on ;; íí '' ×½P%Z ã!=z %=« % if 3.12% is satisfied on O D&Ï can use the argumentD&Ï in [3, Theorem 12] to deduce the result. Let fÞA¨^Â~% . We For this purpose let ²\­Î 3½ÍG G% and x­Î PÍ& ¦% be any two numbers such that +n ; ' , ~ º% ô `¨§¹ . Let : fj: < » , y ~ )" »» è ¡ ¦é È è ¡ ¦é È ¡ , : È :´: . Using <p ¶ P%CÕp < ¶ ö =¤%½ljp < ¶ ø =¤% and the monotone theorem it easily follows that <p ¶ P% is absolutely continuous on y > , and so convergence by (1.2) pC§ ¶ PL% is absolutely continuous on y ~ ) . Also, as in [3] one can verify that ×½=L% M YpC§ ¶ =L%% M ô y 2 ) is an interval. It is strictly increasing on y ~ ~ . By [3, Lemma 4] we get that ` § ô ô ; < ; ' is also an interval and ` is an arc of k . follows that ` § QR PO 4 4 ? 4 ? ! $ S =[ U !V T W !V YXHZ ED [ $ ED We conclude this section with The Proof of Theorem 2.3 and Theorem 2.4. These follow easily using Theorem 2.1, Lemma 3.2 and the discussion in Section 1. REFERENCES [1] J. B AIK , P. D EIFT, AND K. J OHANSSON , On the distribution of the length of the longest increasing subsequence of random permutations, J. Amer. Math. Soc., 12 (1999), pp. 1119–1178. [2] J. B AIK , T. K RIECHERBAUER , K. M C L AUGHLIN , AND P. 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