AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF WILLIAM EDWARD MARGOLIS for the (Name) in MATHEMATICS (Major) presented on DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Degree) 9212t- <- 6"//Q 26 (Date) TITLE: TOPOLOGICAL VECTOR SPACES AND THEIR INVARIANT MEASURES Signature redacted for privacy. Abstract approved: T. R. Chow First, topological vector spaces are examined from a partial order structure derived from neighborhood bases of the origin. This structure is used to produce a minimal vector norm for every Hausdorff locally convex space. Then, topological vector spaces are examined to find translation invariant measures with respect to which functions in the topo- logical dual are integrable. It is shown that every conical measure has a unique translationally invariant on a locally convex space E extension to all of a(E), the Riesz space generated by the real valued continuous affine functions on E. Invariant measures are constructed, characterized, and extended. An integral representation on certain complete weak spaces is found. Topological Vector Spaces and Their Invariant Measures by William Edward Margolis A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy June 1971 APPROVED: Signature redacted for privacy. Assistant Professor of Mathematics in charge of major Signature redacted for privacy. Acting Chairman of Department of Mathematics Signature redacted for privacy. Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented Typed by Clover Redfern for June 26, 1970 William Edward Margolis ACKNOWLEDGMENT I wish to thank Professor T.R. Chow for his encouragement, patience, and sound suggestions. I also wish to acknowledge Clover Redfern for her excellent typing, which gave undeserved clarity to many sections of this work. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Chapter I. INTRODUCTION 1 TVS PRELIMINARIES 6 6 8 TVS Posets POSET DESCRIPTIONS OF TVS E is a TVS is a LCS is a Separable Space Bornology 10 10 19 22 25 VECTOR VALUED NORMS 28 INVARIANT MEASURES 33 33 41 57 65 Riesz Space Representation Characterizations of Invariant Measures 0(E) and Other Extensions Integral Representation on Weak Spaces BIBLIOGRAPHY 70 APPENDIX Notational Index 72 72 TOPOLOGICAL VECTOR SPACES AND THEIR INVARIANT MEASURES I. INTRODUCTION Ina series of three papers, 1917-1920, P. J. Daniell initiated the investigation of integration from the point of view of positive linear functionals on a vector lattice (Riesz space) satisfying U "(L) if f1 (p) > f2 (p) lim U(fn) = 0" > ... and fn(p) = 0 for all p, (Daniell, 1917, p. 280). He also required that the functions in the Riesz space be bounded. In his second paper, Daniell (1918) produced the first examples of integrals for functions defined on an infinite dimensional space which do not reduce to an infinite series or to an integral over a finite number of dimensions. Banach (1937) generalized Daniell's first example by considering as the domain of the functions the unit ball in a separable Hilbert space. The more standard approach to integration is the Lebesgue theory: a countably additive set function on a sigma ring or sigma algebra is given, the integral is defined on linear combinations of characteristic functions, the integral is then extended by taking sup s or inf's over a set of previously defined integrals. Bochner (1939) produced a Riemann integration theory with respect to positive finitely additive set functions on an algebra of sets by considering limits of partitions. 2 Tolstov (1962) showed that the Daniell approach to integration theory lead to Lebesgue integrals when the function space included all bounded Borel functions. The necessity for that a positive linear functional U (L) holding in order on the bounded continuous func- tions be represented by Lebesgue integration with respect to a positive Baire measure had been shown 11 years earlier by Glicksberg (1951). In the same paper, Glicksberg proved that for a completely regular space E, every positive linear functional on the space of bounded continuous functions is represented by a Baire measure if and only if E allows no unbounded continuous functions. This is obviously not the case when E is a Hausdorff topological vector space. This clarified the result of Hewitt (1950), who studied the representation for positive linear functionals I on the space of all continuous functions on a completely regular space. He discovered (Hewitt, 1950, p. 168) that I would then be represented by a Baire measure, with respect to which every continuous function is bounded except on a set of measure zero. In a later paper (Hewitt, 1952), he returned to the more general setting of Daniell: the investigation of positive linear functionals I on some Riesz space L of functions. By using the bounded functions in the Riesz space he found a finitely additive measure which represented I for some functions in L. But he did not succeed in finding reasonable necessary and sufficient conditions in terms of I alone for the representation to hold for all 3 bounded functions in L (Hewitt, 1952, paragraph 3.8). Glicksberg's 1951 paper and Hewitt's 1952 paper highlighted the difficulties in investigating Riesz spaces of unbounded functions. The investigation of the Riesz space generated by the dual space of a locally convex Hausdorff topological vector space was initiated by Choquet (1962), who introduced the ideas of conical measures and affine measures. Choquet (1969) proved that conical measures on the complete weak spaces E(X), X denumerable, were localizable by Radon measures. He discovered rotationally invariant conical and affine measures on pre-Hilbert spaces. Umemura (1965) emphasized the importance of investigating measures--not necessarily sigma additive--on function spaces, both for the theory of stochastic processes and for quantum mechanics. He proved the existence of a continuum of quasi-invariant Borel measures on infinite-dimensional vector spaces, and asked about the existence of essentially different invariant measures. This thesis is concerned with investigating this question using translation groups, from the Daniell point of view, and seeing how the properties of the resulting measures depend upon properties of the topological vector space structure. We first consider some new properties of a topological vector space, and see how the measures are affected by this structure. Chapter II recalls and assembles the notation and basic facts 4 needed concerning topological vector spaces and partially ordered sets. We introduce the concept of co-initialness and observe a simple property of it. Chapter III relates characteristics of the topology of a vector space to certain properties of related posets. There is introduced the equivalence relation .e. and the partial ordering .a. on the equivalence classes, and classifies spaces according to lc-type. Chapter IV uses .e. to show that every Hausdorff locally con- vex space is (vectorially) normizable. Chapter V begins with a representation theorem for Riesz spaces. Although the theorem must be known to at least a few people, neither its statement nor its proof seem to have ever been published. A similar statement could probably be made for the other theorems in the first section. In particular, the proof of Theorem 3 is too short to be unknown. Theorem 4 arose out of an attempt to simplify some of the arguments in Hewitt's 1950 paper. The method of proof reap- pears in Proposition 4; it also appears in Choquet's 1967 paper and throughout Chapter 8 of his 1969 book. In the second section, The- orem 6 was stated but not proved by Choquet. Theorem 13 was announced by Courrege (Bony and Courrege, 1964). The other results are all original. We show that no non-zero affine measure has an extension which is translation invariant for any translation group. We show that every positive invariant measure on a complete weak 5 space E(X), X denumberable, is a non-localizable extension of a localizable conical measure. We show that invariant measures are not zero as conical measures without being identically zero. We show that although invariant measures are plentiful, they correspond to no even finitely additive set function on a subset of the Baire sets. We show that ever conical measure has a unique translation invariant extension, and produce two characterizations (Theorems 15 and 17) of invariant measures. Finally, for weak spaces E(X), X denumer- able, we produce an integral representation. 6 II. TVS PRELIMINARIES TVS The present section recalls and assembles notation and basic facts from the theory of topological vector spaces which are used in this paper. The reader who is familiar with the basic facts of the theory may skip this section and refer to the Notational Index if confronted with any unfamiliar or unusual terminology or notations appearing in the remainder of the paper. For further elucidation of the assembled notations, the reader is referred to Choquest (1969, Chapters 5, 6), Horvath (1966), or Schaefer (1966). The section ends with some terminology from lattice theory. We shall deal exclusively with topological vector spaces over Let us recall that a topological vector space (TVS) is the reals R. a set E equipped with a real vector space structure as well as a topology such that the vector space operations, addition EX E~E and scalar multiplication R X E E, are both continuous. denotes the vector space of all linear maps from E into algebraic dual). E' F (the R denotes the vector space of all continuous lin- ear maps from E into If E* R (the topological dual). is a second TVS and if f E F is an algebraic iso- morphism which is also a homeomorphism, we shall call f a 7 toplinear isomorphism and say that F and E are toplinearly isomorphic. A base for the neighborhood system at the origin is called a be subsets of E. 0-neighborhood base. Let A, B absorbs in {x} for R, IsI > t. A for all x in E. sI such that provided there exists a t > 0 B is called absorbing provided A The subset <1. 0-neighborhood absorbs We say A B C sA for A absorbs sA C A is called balanced provided of A If A. E A is bounded provided every is absorbing, the gauge of A, g(x) = inf {t > 0:x E tA}. If E has a 0-neighborhood base of convex sets, it is called locally convex. We say that E is an LCS provided it is a locally convex hausdorff TVS. Suppose A is balanced, convex and absorbing. Then is a semi-norm. We let EA denote the vector space with the topology determined by the semi-norm E gA furnished gA. A TVS is called locally bounded provided it possesses a bounded 0-neighborhood. Suppose Then the E is a vector space and o-(E, F)-topology spect to the set of maps An LCS E identical with for E F is a subspace of E*. is the initial topology with re- F. is called a weak space provided its topology is cr(E, E'). Notice that in general, o-(E,E') is a 8 weaker topology. On any vector space weak topology is X, let E(X) = RX furnished with the product is a (complete) weak space whose dual E(X)' =R(X). E(X) Actually, it is well known that is a complete weak space if and E is toplinearly isomorphic to some only if E a complete weak space, let map i:E E(X) in y X it is clear that the finest cr(E,E*). For any set topology. E and E, Given be a Hamel basis for 2. X given by point evaluation: in E(X). Then the i(y)(x) = x(y) for x is the required toplinear isomorphism.-1/ E Posets We shall also have need of some elementary notions concerning partial orderings. Suppose ordered set) a subset provided for every u, v w < u and w < v. that u<s 0 = u. S, T for all If then S S s in S, (S, <) of is said to be left filtering for S there exists a T, in If then is a poset (i.e., a partially has an element S S in w u T such that is said to have a zero element has an element w such that s < w for all is said to have a unit element We define such s 1 = w. u V v = sup(u, v) = the zero element of the poset {w ES:u <w and v < w}, when it exists. We define 1/See for instance, Choquet, 1969, Volume II, p. 58-61. in 9 u A v = inf(u, v) = the unit element of the poset {w S:w < u and w < v}, when it exists. A semilattice is a poset in which either of the following two conditions hold: Every two elements has an inf. Every two elements has a sup. that t T is a poset and If (S, <) T is co-initial in S is a subset of provided sES S is left filtering and also left filtering. For let s T implies there exists a and is co-initial in t and ment w E T u < t. By the co-initialness of such that w < u S then be elements of T. is left filtering there exists an element u<s then we say S, such that t < s. If S T u of T S is T Since such that there exists an ele- and therefore such that w < s and w < t. The next chapter relates characteristics of the topology of a TVS to certain properties of related posets. For a presentation of other uses of posets to the investigation of TVS, see Birkhoff (1966). 10 III. POSET DESCRIPTIONS OF TVS E E is a TVS In this section let E be a TVS, and let be a fixed B B we introduce 0-neighborhood base consisting of balanced sets. In the following relations: for provided .e. V U is absorbed by provided and U for V; in V U let B, and in V U .a. V let B, U .a. V and V .a. U. Propostion 1. The following properties of elements U, V of are equivalent. U .a. V U is a subset of tV for some t > 0. Proof. implies (b): by the definition of absorbing. implies (a): because the elements of C tV C tsV for IsI > 1. Therefore, B U C XV and for all Q. E. D. >t. If are balanced; U C sV and V C tW then U C stW V .a. W implies that U .a. W. established, it is clear that .e. so that U .a. V With the transitivity of .a. is an equivalence relation. 11 Corollary. The following properties of elements B U, V of are equivalent. U .e. V U C sV C tV for some s, t >0. Let U [U] ={v E B:V .e. U}. an element of B, U .e. U' If U' .a. U V .e. V' and induces a partial order on BI.e. by .a. [U] and Thus, . in V [U] .a. [V] Proof. It is clear that [U], [V] provided for some U .a. V .a. U in is a left filtering partial order. (B/.e., .a. ) is a partial order. Sup- are elements of BI.e. But then [W] .a. [U] and Proposition 3. If B/.e. Thus, which will continue to be denoted neighborhood base, there exists W in then then since U .a. V, [V]. Proposition 2. B/.e. pose and it is the case that U' .a. V'. V .a. V' and be the canonical surjection, so that for B/.e. :B [ B Then since B B is a such that W CU fTh V. [W] .a. [V]. Q. E. D. is closed under finite intersections, is a semilattice under A . Proof. Let [U], [V] [U] A [V] = [U n V]. For, be elements of B/.e. U rm V .a. U and . We show that U cm V .a. V so 12 that [U cm V] .a. [U] [W] .a. [U] and that We sU and V] .a. [V]. [U Now suppose Then W C sU and W C tV [W] .a. [V]. Thus W .a. U rm V tV C max(x, t)U rm V. so Q. E. D. [W] .a. [U rm V]. Recall that a subset provided that for all that so [U] T of the poset in B/.e. is co-initial (B/.e. , .a.) there exists in [V] T such [V] .a. [U]. Notice that itself is co-initial, so that the set of all B/.e. co-initial subsets of B/.e. is nonempty. 2/ lc(B) = minfcardinality T :T C B/.e. is are well-ordered, so that exist a co-initial subset lc (B) The cardinals is well defined. Indeed there must such that T Let lc(B) = the cardinality of T. Proposition 4. Co-initial sets are left filtering. Proof. This follows from Proposition 2, and the remarks at the end of the preceding section. Theorem 1. If balanced sets for E, Proof. Let B' Q. E. D. is another zero-neighborhood base of then T C B/.e. lc(B) = lc(B1). be co-initial in B/.e. . lc is a typewritten version of the small script aleph as written in Hebrew. 13 co-initial in MC [U] E B/.e. . V C U, V E B'. in Let m([U]) of that chosen 137.e. is a neighborhood base, we may choose a B' Since is constructed as follows: Let V. Then M is co-initial in B'/.e. Since . B Since . B1/.e. For let Let M m(T). . M is surjective, the cardinality of m: T Thus, for each co-initial subset T of BI.e- there exists a co-initial subset M of 137-e. B1 lc(B1) < lc(B). Thus, lc B and and thus by the Schr6der- lc(B) = 1c(31). Q. E. D. is independent of the choice of neighborhood base, and so we may set lc(E) = lc(B), of of as low cardinality- Since the argument with respect to is symmetric, also lc(B) < lc(131), Bernstein theorem, be an element of [W] But then m([U]) .a. [U] .a. [W]. M < cardinality T. Thus, [U] is a neighborhood base, there exists a U in U C W. such that the equivalence class in Performing this choice for every defines a map m:B/-e- B/.e. 137.e. [la equal and consider as a function lc E. Theorem 2. The following are equivalent statements about lc(E) = 1. The partially ordered set B/.e. E is locally bounded. has a 0 element. E. 14 Proof. (i) implies (ii): Since co-initial subset {[U]}. This means that [U] [U] .a. [V] So is a (ii) implies (i): The initial subset for B/.e. We show that V V' V' C V. U .a. V' .a. V and thus origin in E. U' C U. 0 element of B/.e. Then there exists an element [U] .a. [V] But U is a [U'] be an element of B/.e. so that be a bounded neighborhood of the Then there exists an element We show that . Then 0 U' of element of B such that B/.e. Let U' .a. U .a. V so that [U'] .a. [V]. Q. E. D. The following are equivalent statements about E. Theorem 3. lc(E) = 1 or lc(E) = E has a countable zero-neighborhood base. E is semi-metrizable. Proof. . is absorbed by V. U implies (ii): Let [V] be the [U] is a bounded neighborhood of the origin in E. Let U such that B . lc(E) = lc(B) = 1. so be any neighborhood of the origin. of B/.e. B/.e. in [V] element furnishes a singleton co- 0 implies (iii): Let for all element for 0 has a lc(E) = lc(B), 13/.e. (ii) implies (iii) and (iii) implies (ii) are well known theorems. Suppose E is semi-metrizable. Then there is a semi-metric 15 d :E X E whose open balls form a base for the topology of E. R+ {{x E E :d(x, 0) < n} :n E N} is a countable zero-neighborhood Then base. Now suppose that E has a countable zero-neighborhood base. We sketch one possible construction of a semi-metric: Given a countable neighborhood base form a sequence B = {Bn:n E N}, {Vn:n E N} of balanced zero-neighborhoods inductively as follows. Choose as any balanced zero-neighborhood such that V1 Having chosen such that Vn + Vn-1, C Vn neighborhood base, d:EXE'R+ C B. let Vn be any balanced zero neighborhood Then {Vn:n E N} is a zero Vn-1 Bn. Vn + Vn C Vn-1, and Vn\ {o}. Define by inf d(x, y) = n EH The semi-metric F(N) = {H C N:H finite}. (ii) implies (i): Suppose a co-initial subset of Bi.e. V C n U. Let [U] generates , [U n]}. has a countable zero- E neighborhood base. Then clearly that d For details see Schaefer (1966, p. 28-29). the topology of E. T = {[U11, [U2], V} 2-n : x-y E { H E F(N) n EH where V1 1 < lc(E) < Suppose T of finite cardinality. There is some element V of But then [V] .a. [U.] for all 1, i B ,n. i=1 [Ui] .a. [U] be an element of Bi.e. so that is [V] .a. [U]. . Then for some Thus, {[v]} i is co-initial so such 16 lc(E) = 1. (i) => (ii): Suppose Then there exists a balanced lc(E) = 1. bounded zero-neighborhood C in E. B' = So a countable zero-neighborhood base. For if neighborhood in E, t >0. some So U for U t < n. Suppose C C tU for lc(E) = B'/.e. , where B' {[Un]:n E N} be a co-initial subset in and let is a balanced zero- then by the boundedness of C, n-1C C is EN} is the collection of all balanced zero-neighborhoods of E. Then B" {m-1Un:n EN, m E N} is a countable zero-neighborhood base for E. exists that For let V E B' U be a balanced zero-neighborhood. Then there such that V C U. [U n] .a. [V] so [U n] r- U. Thus neighborhood implies there exists V E B" suppose m-1Un, r-1Us E B". U C tU for some and thus, .a. [U], So for m > t, m-1U n tE R Also, there exists n such U a zero- such that V C U. Now We need only show that there exists such that q-1Ut C m-1Un r-1Us to conclude that B" is a zero-neighborhood base. By Proposition 4, there exists q-1Ut E B" ] .a.] and such that [Ut [U] .a. [U]. Thus, Ut C MUn t s n for some M, S E N. So (mM)1 U C m1 SUs Ut Un [Ut and and q (rS)-1Ut C -1 Ut base rUs. Let q = max(mM, rS). Then C m-1Un r-1Us. Thus if lc(E) = 1 or B". lc(E) , there exists a countable Q. E. D. 17 In the proof of the preceding theorem, we have shown the following: <, 1 < lc(E) if cardinals which lc(E) 1c(E) = 1 or lc(E) 0 so 2, 3, 4, etc. Are there any other never equals that lc(E) then avoids? The answer to this question is no, as shown by the following. Theorem 4. Suppose is a set of cardinality X Then > there exists an LCS E such that lc(E) = cardinality of X. Proof. Because of Theorems 2 and 3, we need only assume that cardinality (X) > tko. that is, E = E(X), Let equipped RX, with the product topology. We have seen in the preceding chapter that E is locally convex Hausdorff, and that its topology corresponds to Let cr(E,EI). B' =S `BS, n F(X) = {SC X :S is finite} B B' S, n = {f E E F(X), n E N} where and E: -n1 < f(s) < + n.-1 for all s E S}. is a zero-neighborhood base for the topology of E. if and only if S D S. [B] = {BAS, n :BA A .e. B S,n } 5, n S, n {BA BS, n .a. BA A If we set S, n B = [BS , n then S, n so = = {B 5,3 B' /.e. = {Bs : S E F(X)}. cardinality (B'/.e.) = cardinality F(X). Now j E 1\1}. Clearly But as is well known, 18 00 cardinality (F(X)) = cardinality (X). For let us write F(X) = i Fn(X) n= 1 This is a Fn(X) = {A C X :A has exactly n elements}. where countable disjoint union of sets of cardinality the same as that of For clearly cardinality (X) < cardinality (Fn(X)) < cardinality cardinality (X). So indeed X. (X11) cardinality (F(X)) = cardinality (X). The next construction shows that by removing sets from F(X), we X remains are not in danger of lowering cardinality so long as covered. Let T be a co-initial subset of B'/.e. value. Then clearly = cardinality (X). only show that of minimal lc- cardinality (T) < cardinality (B'/.e.) So to conclude the proof of the theorem we need cardinality (X) < cardinality (T). Because in that cardinality (X) = cardinality (T) = lc(B') = lc(E). case Let E = {S C X :Bs E T}. cardinality (Z) = cardinality (T). Clearly Also Because by the co-initialness of T, B E XE S. T such that Bs .a. [B{x}, 11 For each S eZ Enumerate S so that for all x X there exists which is the case if and only if construct a map fs: N S= E , sn}. X as follows. Then let 19 1<j<n if fS(i) if n < j sr Clearly fs(N) = Now we can consider the map p: S X defined by )< N p(S, n) = f (n). By (*) and (**) p is surjective. So cardinality (Z)). cardinality (X) < cardinality (Z X N) = max( But 0 < cardinality (X), so cardinality (X) < cardinality (Z) = cardinality (T). Q. E. D. E is an LCS We shall now suppose in this section that E that B is an LCS, and is a fixed 0-neighborhood base consisting of convex balanced sets and closed under finite intersection. Proposition 1'. The following properties of sets U, V E B are equivalent: U .a. V U C XV for some the identity map E in X id EV is continuous, where E 20 is the seminormable locally convex space on the set E U, gu. generated by the gauge of (a) implies (b): by Proposition 1. Proof. implies (c): Suppose (b) holds. Consider the map E id E V Because . g(x) < X for all x bounded on the unit ball of E , in id(U), id is is a bounded linear so that id mapping of normed spaces, and thus (c) follows. implies (a): if id inV so id(U) .a. V is continuous then id(U) and thus U .a. V. Corollary to the Proposition. U, V in is bounded Q. E. D. The following properties of sets are equivalent: B U .e. V U C E V C X2I-1 EV for some X.1, X2 in as topological vector spaces. Theorem 2'. The following are equivalent statements about E. lc(E) = 1. Bi.e. E is a semilattice under A with 0. is normable. Proof. (iii) implies (ii): Suppose E is normable. Then the norm is the gauge of a bounded zero-neighborhood, say C .a. V for every zero-neighborhood V. There exists Thus C. U C C 21 such that Then U E B. [Ul is the of 0 Bi.e. . So by Propo- sition 3, (ii) holds. (ii) implies (i): Follows from Theorem 2. (i) implies (iii): By the statement preceding Theorem 1, we may choose a co-initial set of minimal cardinality, say {[C']}. Let be any zero-neighborhood, and U V CJ U. [C] .a. [V], Then C' a. U so that C' V in B such that so that C' .a. V .a. U, and thus is bounded. Choose a zero-neighborhood W which is balanced convex and absorbing, such that W C C'. identity map E neighborhood. EW is continuous because W is a zero- The inverse map Ew is bounded. Therefore E is continuous since W is toplinearly isomorphic to the normed E Ew. space Q. E. D. Recall that there exists nonlocally convex spaces lc(E) = 1 let E The E for which but condition (iii) of Theorem 2' does not hold. For instance, LP[O, 0 <p < 1. where Then 1 f(x) Pdx < 1} U = {f E E : 0 is a bounded zero-neighborhood in the topology generated by the pseudo-norm 1 f(x) Pdx. f 0 22 So lc(E) = 1. empty. So But E' is not locally convex. Indeed, E is is not normable. Thus, Theorems 2 and 2' are E essentially different. E is a Separable Space This section will be concerned with separable spaces. Theorem 5. Suppose lc(E) < 2 vector space. Then Proof. Suppose (D) = is a separable Hausdorff topological 0 . is dense in E, D and cardinality be an open zero-neighborhood base. For each A P(D) let E F(A) = {G each Then X. E E A Let F P(D) = {A:A C D} = the power set of D. Let . 0 E :G D = A}. choose a For Let A = {A E P(D):F(A) Uk E F(X). Finally, let B' = {Uk: E cardinality (131) < cardinality (A) < cardinality (P(D)) = Moreover, Bi is a zero-neighborhood base. For suppose open neighborhood of the origin. Then there exists a G A}. 2°. V is an Er such GC GC V because Hausdorff topological vector spaces are regular. For X = G D there exists a U E 13/. But UC'TCGCV. The first inclusion holds because any open set X not containing a point of X cannot meet Uk, section would be an open set without a point from indeed, a zero-neighborhood base. Therefore since their interD. So 13° is, 1 23 lc(E) = lc(B4) < cardinality (BI) < 2 ". Q. E. D. That the conclusion of the previous theorem cannot be strengthened may be seen from the following example of a separable Hausdorff locally convex space E, Let E = E( [0,1]). with lc(E) = 2 By Theorem 4, so that E lc(E) = 2 Ko, is certainly nonmetrizable. Because it is possible to pass a poly- nomial through any finite set of points in the plane, it is clear that the continuous functions C([0,1]) are dense in E. Now C([0,1]) is separable with respect to the stronger uniform topology, so a fortiori is separable with respect to the weaker relative topology. For the possibility of set theory of the real line without the continuum hypothesis, see Geidel (1964). The following proposition may present a stronger result than the preceding paragraph. Proposition 5. Let X C [0,1] be such that cardinality (X) > ,;() Then E(X) Hausdorff locally convex space with of is a nonmetrizable separable lc value equal to the cardinality X. Proof. Theorems 3 and 4 establish all but the separability of the space. Let Dx Now {f D be a countable dense subset of E( [0,1]). Rx :f = glX for some g E D}. We claim that B = {Bs, n(f) :f E E(X), n E N, S C X finite} Let Dx = E(X). is a base for the 24 topology of E(X), BS, n(f) Then since D B. -1 for all s E S). such that Choose any T E E( [0, 1] ) -1 for all s S. Therefore dIX E DX Q. E. D. dIX EB5, n(f). and 71 S = f I S. there exists a dED such is dense in Ed 0, 1]), Id(s) - 7(s)I < n that <n = fg E E(X) : g(s) - f(s) B5 So let where Theorem 6. Suppose is separable if and only if is a complete weak space. Then E is toplinearly isomorphic to some E where cardinality of X < 214°. E(X) Proof. By our remarks in the preceding chapter and the pre- vious theorems, it is sufficient to show that E(X) is separable whenever cardinality (X) < 2 o. Suppose Then there exists an injection i :X able dense subset in E( [0, 1] ). DX = Clearly, B S, n Choose cardinality (Dx) < cardinality D = where S D 0 a count- Let E E(X): there exists d E D such that d (co) C E(X), BS, n(cp) [0, 1]. cardinality (X) < 2 is finite, = {f E E(X) : I f(s) - cp(s)1 < n -1 n E N, i = f}. Consider any EE (X), and for all s ES). To conclude the proof, we need only find an element of DX lurking 25 in B S, n There exists a d ED such that (cp). for all I c(i(s)) - yo(s)I < n-1 dE Dx EB s E S. for all id(s) - go(s)1 < n and So let i. d=d sES Then so that Q. E. D. S, n (c0) Bornology Let E be a TVS. We shall now consider the E; that is, on all subsets of E. E by relation on the power set of We shall denote the power set of P(E). then A .a. B provided If A, B E P(E), B. .a. A .e. B provided A .a. B and B .a. A. A is absorbed by We use [ ] again for the canonical surjection []:P(E)~ P(E)/.e. Let of E. Let C P(E) be the set of all balanced zero-neighborhoods p c P(E) be the set of all bounded subsets of E. Proposition 6. A subset [X] is a lower bound for [y] X of E in the poset is bounded if and only if (P(E)/.e. Proof. X is bounded iff X .a. V for all [X] .a. [V] for all [V] E [y]. VE , .a. ). iff Q. E. D. 26 [Y] [G] E [y], [13] [X] E [13], as an "upper segment. " That is, sits in P(E)/.e. [H] E P(E)/.e. E P(E)/.e. [H] E [y]. as a "lower segment. " That is, sits in P(E)/.e. [y] implies that [G] .a. [H] and implies that [Y] .a. [X] and [Y] E [13]. We may define other notions from the theory of topological vec- tor spaces in terms of this partial order. The subset A of absorbing if and only if A is an upper bound for {[x]: x E}. [A] E is bornivorous if and only if [A] is an upper bound for [P]. An LCS E is bornological if and only if every balanced convex set (P):[G] satisfies the following property, is an upper bound for is E G if and only if [G] E [y] [13]. Let us consider spaces which satisfy E (P) but which are not necessarily locally convex. Call a subset for some X > 0. X of Taking E a X = 2, C-set provided X + X C XX we see that every convex set is a C-set. Call a TVS a C-space provided it has a zero-neighborhood base of balanced C-sets. By Theorem 2 of Chapter III, if lc(E) = I then is a C-space. E Theorem 7. A C-space C-set G, E satisfies if and only if for every TVS every linear map f: E is continuous. F F (P) for every balanced such that lc(F) = 1, taking bounded sets into bounded sets 27 Proof. (=>): Suppose balanced C-sets. Let F. is a C-space satisfying (P) for be a balanced C-set zero-neighborhood in V Let A be a bounded set in E. A .a. f-1(V). [f-1(V)] So Then bounded implies f(A) is an upper bound for [p]. Also, is a balanced C-set, since f-1(V) f -1 (V) + f -1 (V) f -1 (V+V) C f Therefore, by (P), f-1 (V) (<=): Now let lc(E) = 1. (V) (V). E E such that [V] Then E V is a TVS such that f: E Ev be the identity map. Then f(V) = V so that by assumption f is continuous. There- Let is bounded in E V=f (X.V) = V be a balanced C-set of is an upper bound for [p]. fore E E Thus, (P) is satisfied for V. Q.E.D. 28 IV. VECTOR VALUED NORMS For any LCS, we characterize its topology by considering its image in a complete weak space. Let be an LCS, E convex sets, a subset a zero-neighborhood base of balanced, B of T such that B initial set of minimal cardinality in Bi.e. n:E Consider the map {[U] : U E T} is a co- . defined by E(T) n(x) = (gU(x))U ET Letting r = if :T E(T) Considering x, y E E(T) with the Riesz space structure of F(T,R), E(T) see that E(T) then is the cone of positive elements in E(T). x < y if and only if y - x E(T)+ E for all U Proposition 1. x. x(U) < y(U) it is clear that n(E) C E(T)+. R : f > 0), we If if and only if T. E 0 in E if and only if n(x.) 0 in E(T). Proof. Suppose x. 1 0. Let e E T. We want to find implies that n(x.)G < E. There exists a J such X.) <E. that i > J implies x. EEG and therefore n(x.) 1iG such that i > j 1 1 So n(x.) 1 0. 29 Suppose now that n(x.) We want to find E. U E be such that T G is a zero-neighborhood in and 0 implies such that i > j j U .a. G, so that X.0 C G x. n(x.)= g U (x.) -" 0. U implies implies >J Corollary. x. x g U k >0. Therefore there exists J implies x. (x.) < Let G. for some such thatXi ~n(x.) 0 K if and only if n(xi-x) U C G. Q. E. D. 0. Proposition Z. n is continuous. Proof. Suppose x. G E T, g (x.) G x But gG(x). Ig Will show that for all E. in (x.)-g (x)1 < g (xi -x) G corollary. 0 by the Q. E. D. Proposition 3. n(x) if and only if x = 0, 0 n()x) = X.1n(x) for all E R. n(x+y) < n(x) + n(y) Proof. (a) follows from the definition. Alternatively, notice that Propositions 1 and 2 imply (a). (b) follows from the definition of n in and scalar multiplication E(T): n(x) = (gG(kx))G ET = (1k1 gG(x))G ET = (gG(x))G ET = n(x). 30 (c) follows from the fact that (x+y) < g (x) + g (y) g the order structure of E(T). and Q. E. D. Proposition 4. n is uniformly continuous. Proof. Let U be a zero-neighborhood in find a zero-neighborhood n(x) - n(y) E G in contains a set If E E(T): I f(G)I C T. 1 x- ye G implies By definition of the weak topology on E(T), U. {G. :1 < i < such that E Want to E(T). Let < E, 1 < i < n} where G = n G.. 1 E>0 U and Then EG is the required neighborhood. For, x- implies y E EG gGi(x-y) < gG(x-y) < E i = 1, ,n, which implies that = 1, ,n, which implies that n(x) - n(y) E U. Thus, Ig Gi (x)-g Gi (y)1 <6 for for Q. E. D. enjoys all the properties associated with a continuous n norm except real-valuedness. The following two theorems highlight the relationship between n and continuous seminorms on E. Theorem 1. Let is, suppose f E E(T)' f and be a positive linear form on E(T). That f(E(T)+) C R+. Then fon is a con- tinuous seminorm on E. Proof. Let since E(T)1 = R f (T) , be a positive linear form on E(T). Then 31 i=1 a. >0, where . (G.)E(T)R evaluation at G., G. and E T. Then f n(x) = /aigG.(x). i=1 So fon on E. is clearly an element of the cone of continuous semi-norms Q. E. D. A partial converse is the following. Theorem 2. For every continuous semi-norm m on E, there exists a continuous semi-norm (i) g = f x E o n for some f E E(T)', on g E such that and (ii) m(x) < g(x) for all E. Proof. If m is a continuous semi-norm on E, m(x) <a with a>0 and, we may assume, then (x) G. E T. For instance, see Horvath (1966 p. 97).) Let (This is well-known. 32 i= 1 where 1.(G.) is as in Theorem 1. Then clearly f o n(x) = i=1 is a semi-norm which satisfies (i) and (ii). Q. E. D. Notice that n is a scalar valued norm if and only if lc(E) = 1 if and only if E is normizable. 33 V. INVARIANT MEASURES Rie sz Space Representation We shall assume the basic properties of Riesz spaces, which can be found, for instance, in Bourbaki (1965, Chapter II) or even Daniell (1917, Chapter 1). If L is a Riesz space, L = (L is the algebraic dual of If ) EL = : where f(L+) C R+1, L. is a topological space, we let E designate s x v y = sup(x, y). the cone of positive elements of L. x Ay = inf(x, y). L+ real valued functions on E. F(E,R) be the set of all F(E,R) is a Riesz space which is also an algebra. Let B(E) be the subalgebra of continuous bounded functions. Let space of be a TVS. E F(E,R) Then h(E) designates the Riesz sub- generated by the elements of E', the topological dual of E. Theorem 1 in the present section will show us that h(E) = {V a. - 1= 1 1 V b.1 : a.,1 b.1 E El. The elements of h(E)*+ are 1=1 called conical measures (Choquet, 1962, 1969). Let E' + R be the set of all continuous affine functions; be the Riesz subspace of F(E,R) b(E) generated by E' + R con- sisting of all bounded functions. We shall see by Theorem 1 n n b(E) = { V a. - V b. E B(E) : a., b. E E` + R}. 1 b(E) *+ 1= 1 1= 1 are called affine measures. The elements of that 34 We shall be dealing with lattices generated by certain vector subspaces of F(E,R). It would be convenient to have a general representation theorem. Theorem 1. (General Representation Theorem). Let R be a Riesz space and S C R a vector subspace. Then the vector lattice generated by is S L(S) { V a.1 = V b.1 : a.,1 b.1 E s}. V - 1=1 1= 1 Proof. First it is shown that L(S) n V b., V a. - i=l m m _ n V a. j=1 i=1 is a vector space. Let V 1;. E L(S). - j=1 3 3 Then . V a. V b. - + . j=1 1=1 1=1 ( V a.) + ( V a.) . j=1 1 =1 V a. - V 1-3-. 3 j=1 m - ( V b.) ( V b. ) - j=1 1=1 3 m V(a.+Va.)V(b.+Vb.) j j=1 i=1 j=1 1 i=1 (n, m) (a-4-a.) V (i,j)=.(1,1) 1 = is in L(S) Suppose since X. >O. S Then (n, m) V (i,j)=(1,1) (b.+17).) 1 3 is closed under addition. Let X. ER. 35 - V b.) V X V a. - X V b. =X( 1=1 1=1 1=1 1=1 kb. E V Xa.LV 1=1 1=1 since S (S) is closed under scalar multiplication. Suppose X < 0. Then X ( V a- i=1 . V b.) = (4)( V b. . i=1 1=1 V a.) 1=1 = V (-X)bi - V (-)ai E L(S). 1=1 1=1 So L(S) is a vector space. 1 1 because aES=>a= Va- V OEL(S). S C L(S) Clearly, 1=1 V -y), xAy= Since sup's closed under inf's, and 1=1 in order to show that L(S) it is sufficient to show that x, y E L(S) => xVy E L(S). m Let x V a. y = V a. V b., - i=1 1=1 1 j=1 - V b. j=1 j m ( V a. i=1 - V 1 11 = n = ( V a.1 1=1 b.) V ( V a. - V b.) 1 m n - m _1 m ..._ V b. + V b.) V ( V a.) - V b. i=1 1 j=1 =1 j=1 3] 3 = is 36 n m i=1 j=1 m _ n m n =i( V ai + V b.) V ( V a. + V b.)1- V b, - V b. j=1 3 3 (n, m) V (n, m) 1( aid- 1;.) V( V (i, j)=(1, 1) 3 (n, m, 2) V ai, 3, k (i, j, k)=-(1, 1, 1) i=1 j=1 1 i=1 3 m I n a.+ bil- V b. - V b. (i, j)=(1,1) I j=1 belongs to L(S) 3 i=1 3 1 -VT-Vb . 3=1 j . 1=1 where a. 1, Because every V s. = V s. -V 0 1 i=1 S. E . the fact that S, L(S) is a vector space shows that (4'4(4) be- longs to L(5). Q. E. D. Theorem 2. Let from E I whenever 1=1 1=1 F(E, R) be the real algebra of all functions Let A C F(E, R) be a real subalgebra. Let be a positive linear functional on A; that is, I E A+. Supinto R. pose there exists an and f in A I(f) = 0. Then I = 0. Proof. Let (p such that f(x) > 1 for all x E E, E A. Then since for all n E N, 0 < (q-n)2 =2 - 2ncp + n2 0 < cp 2 2ncp + n f so we have 37 2n(p < 2 + n2 f 1 2 n 7 f Therefore I(q,) < 1 I(ç)2 + n 1 I(f) = Since the above inequality is true for all 1(0 <0 for all II A+ = 0, Therefore go n + 2(p + 1 < (co+1)2 0< I((p2) + 2I((p) + I(f) = cp2 E 2 ) N in A. by the positivity of 0< I(cp (*) On the other hand, I. + 2cp + f So since co E 2I((p), A. Therefore, 0 < I(9). From (*) and (4":4), (**) it is clear that I(p) = 0. Notice that if there exists any inf g(x) > 0 and g Q. E. D. in A such that I(g) = 0, X EE then the hypothesis is satisfied with f 1 inf g g- 38 The proof of the theorem is easier, of course, if it is the case that A consist only of bounded functions, or when A = A+ - A+ which occurs when A is a Riesz space. Notice that all we have used in the proof of the theorem is the closure of the vector space A under the taking of squares. But this characterizes an algebra, since fg (f+g)2-f2-g2 2 Theorem 3. Suppose A is a Riesz subspace of is a Daniell integral.-3/ Then if I(f) = 0 IEA such that for all x E E, f(x) > 1 Proof. Let co E A+. Therefore, it is clear that zero pointwise. I( co When cp then F(E,R) and for some fEA I = 0. (p(x) < n, nf(x) A (p(x) = (p(x). (nf A co) converges monotonically to So (nf A (p)) = I(q) - I(nf A (p)\ 0 I(nf A co) I I((p) But, I(nf A go) < I(nf) = nI(f) = 0. 3/Recall, this means that I satisfies the property: (pn A+, decreases to zero pointwise, implies that I(p) \ 0. E q' 39 Therefore I(co) = 0, so II A+ = 0. this implies that A = A+ - A+, That the hypothesis that Since in a Riesz space Q. E. D. I = 0. be a Daniell integral cannot be I relaxed may be seen from the following example. the Riesz space generated by the affine func- Let A = a(R), That is, tions in R. co E A if an only if is a continuous (I) "piecewise linear" function: there exist real numbers such that y9I (-00, x1], cp [x x 2], . I . are all "linear" (affine). Let I:A E A and I(p) = a. ca I [x, +00) = That is, constants, and yet I I [x n, f(t) = at + b, is well defined, 0, since, e.g., <xn +00) let is the slope of the last piece of I(y9) easily verified that yo < be defined as follows. If R where [x, + 00) and 1, xn] [x , . x1 E *+ A+, I(f) = 1 (P. It is is zero on the I for f(t) = t. the previous theorem, it is not necessary to verify that I By is not Daniell. A condition which ensures that an algebra be a Riesz space is the following. Theorem 4. Suppose A and B are real algebras of real- valued functions such that the set of positive elements of closed under taking square roots. Let homomorphism. Then 4,(A) homomorphism. In particular, L.p :A B is a Riesz space and A A, A+, be an algebra 4, is a lattice is also a Riesz space. (Take is 40 = identity map.) Proof. It is sufficient to show that for all 0 I fl ) f in A, Of) I because in that case 4)(fVg) = = (f+g-/- If-g1)) = -}(iP(f)+00+ liP(f-g) 1 ) (4)(f)+Lp(g)+1 Lp(f)-Lp(g)1 ) = Lp(f)vip(g) and 1 L1J(fAg) = LP( So let f 4i Ifl A+ If I 2 = N/ f2 E ) = Lii(f)Atp(g). A by hypothesis. if and only if there exists h in which case h2 g I Lp(f)-Lp(g) 1 2(Lp(f)+Lp(g)- is an algebra homomorphism, it is order preis in serving. For Since 1 be an element of A. Because such that (f+g If-g 1 )) = f2, Lp(If 1 )2 in A+ 4i(g) = Lp(hh) = kii(h)4i(h) = q(h)2 > 0. = So Lp(f)2. by the order preserving property of LP, 1 Lp( I f 1)1 = 1 Of) 1 LP( I fl ) But is positive. There- fore = Notice that the only properties of proof were that Lp ILp(f)I. Lp Q. E. D. that were used in the should be linear and preserve squares. Thus: 41 Theorem 5. Suppose and A are real algebras of real- B valued functions such that the set of positive elements of A closed under the taking of square roots. Let tp:A transformation such that p(f2) is a Riesz space and Lii(A) qi = Of)z for all be a linear B f A. in is Then is a lattice homomorphism. Characterizations of Invariant Measures Let be a locally convex topological vector space. Let E be a positive measure-4/ on E. Suppose I is invariant under some translation operators, and every functional in respect to case that I sets of E, that I in integrable with E' We shall study properties of this I. I If it were the I. give rise to a finitely additive measure on a ring of subit would be sufficient to require that I E (L(Er)) ; i.e. be a positive linear functional on the Riesz space generated by the continuous linear functionals (see Hewitt, 1952). p E E, If for define T : F(E, R) F(E, R) by T f(x) = f(x+p) x E E. In the remainder of this chapter, we shall consider a fixed subgroup G Let taining GO. of E, a(E) be the smallest Riesz subspace of F(E,R) E' and closed under the operation of translation in 4/See page 45. conG; that 42 is, such that p E G, f E a(E) implies that T f E a(E). space certainly exists. T F C F, space, a(E) = Such a C FC F(E, R), F a Riesz {F V p E G}. Proposition 1. a(E) contains the constants. Proof. w E E' Choose a such that ker w. This is G certainly possible by the Hahn-Banach theorem. Then w(p) some for Without loss of generality, we may assume that p E G. w (p ) = 1. 0 w E E' C a(E) => T w E a(E). Therefore, Tw-wEa(E). But Thus, 1 E a(E). Q. E. D. Proposition 2. a(E) = L(EI+R), of so that the set is independent G. Proof. By the previous proposition, a(E) for all x E E. (T w-w)(x) = w(x+p) - w(x) = w(p) = 1 E' + R C a(E). is a Riesz space, this implies that L(ELFR) C a(E). n other hand, if On the n V a. i=1 Since 1 - . V b. E L(El+R), 1=1 1 where a., b. E E' + R, 1 1 then T( P i=1 a.1 V b.) i=1 1 T ( V a.) P i=1 T( V b.) P i=1 1 = V (T pa.) - V (T b.) E L(El+R). p i= 1 1=1 43 E' C L(EI+R) C F(E,R), Thus, T L(ELFR) C L(El+R) for all p E G. Therefore a(E) is a Riesz space, and L(E1-1-R) a(E) C L(ELI-R). So L(El+R). Q. E. D. So by the General Representation Theorem, a(E) = { V a. - V b. : a., b. E Et + R}. 1=1 1=1 We also have the following representation theorem for a(E), which is modeled after Choquet (1969, Theorem 30.2(ii)). Theorem 6. Every f E a(E) has an affine decomposition: E may be written as a finite union of finite intersections of affine half spaces 1 such that the intersection of two distinct is a subset of an affine hyperplane, and for each E. f. 1 < i < m, Ei, E E' + R such that there exists i f I E. = f. I E.. 1 1 1 Proof. First, supposing affine representations exist for we show it true for f - g. f, g E a(E), a flE. = f.IE. 1 and 1 1 1 n E = v F., j=1 3 gnd IF. = g.! F. J 3 E.. = E. rm F.. 13 3 1 j f., g.j E E' + R, 1 (m, n) E. where (i,j)=(1,1) li Then E., F.j being finite intersections of affine 1 half spaces imply the same about each E... E.. r, where J satisfy the hypothesis. Let E = E., F.j I 1 m E =i=1 v E., Let C E. r- E., F. -m F. Since two distinct E.. intersect 44 in either two distinct E.1 or two distinct so that their inter- F., section is in an affine hyperplane by hypothesis. Moreover, f - g E.. 13 f. -g. 3I E..13 and Therefore, our initial g.3 E E' + R. f. 1 1 assertion has been proven. So by the previous proposition, we need only prove the theorem for i=1 proof is by induction on a. E E' + R. V a. where f The 1 The assertion is trivial for n=1. n. k+1 Suppose it has been proven for n=k f = V a.. and k Let i=1 111 g = V ai have the decomposition E =UE., gIE. = a.IE., j=1 i=1 a.EE' + R. Clearly E. = E. n J J Let f = g V ak+1. J 3 3 E E :ak+1(x)-a.(x) > 0}, J J E. = E. fx E E :a k+1 (x)-a.(x) J J r {EA: J Let J : E+. {E7 9/} SO. J 3 3 E= Each element of is a finite intersection of affine half spaces. Any two distinct elements of meet in an affine hyperplane since E. n E. C {x E E and if j1 j2, :ak+1 (x) - a..(x) = 0) E.+ n E.+J2 E._ n E.+ , 31 Ji cm E. J2 , E.- n E.- J2 31 are all subsets of E. , and 32 31 + fIE.3 = a k+1 1 E.+ n E. _ , 31 + 3 J2 45 Q. E. D. 1E7. 33 flE7 J Notice that this decomposition need not be necessarily unique, since the representation of f = V a. b. in terms of the affine i -V i . i=1 functions a. Definition 4. If p. E a(E) a(E), then Let p. p. *+ 1=1 is not necessarily unique. b., and E a(E) *+ is called a positive measure. (T f) = i(f) for all p E G and and is called a positive G-invariant measure. m(E) = a(E)*+. Let mG(E) fp. E a(E) *+ :p.(T f) = p.(f) for all p E G, for all f E a(E)}. Remarks. Since h(E) = L(EI) C L(El+R) = a(E) and b(E) a(E) every positive measure is both a coni- B(E) C a(E), cal measure and an affine measure. An example of a positive measure is the the proof of Theorem 3. Notice that prove a representation theorem for all Theorem 7. Suppose I E I E mR(R). I mG(E). E then tivity of I, Then 0 < I(f) < 0. -M < f < +M for some M E R. I(-M) < I(f) < I(M) so We shall soon MR(R) Proof. It is sufficient to show that I(1) = 0. f E b(E) presented after I b(E) = 0. Because if Then by the posi- -MI(1) < I(f) < MI(1). So 46 Let w E E' be as in Proposition 1. That is, some p E G. Then Corollary 1. If I(1) = I(T w-w) I E MG(E) w(p) = I(T w) - I(w) = 0. for 1 Q. E. D. is a Daniell integral. then I = 0. Proof. This clearly follows from the preceding theorem cornbined with Theorem 3. Corollary 2. If Q. E. D. I E MG(E), I then 0, cannot be I localized. Proof. Recall, is said to be localized if there exists a I compact set K C E and apositive Radon measure that I(f) pointwise then fn M+(K) such E a(E) fn K and fn monotonically converges to zero monotonically converges to zero pointwise uniformly by Dini's Theorem. Therefore, since Radon fn I K \ measures are continuous for the uniform topology, Thus, e for all f E a(E). 1.1.(flK) Suppose i. Vfn) (f 1K)0. Therefore, I I.J.(fniK) \ 0. would be a Daniell integral. This is not allowed, by the previous corollary. Q. E. D. Remarks. Theorem 7 is actually a nonlocalizability condition. Suppose I E mG(E), some compact set K. and f1, f2 Then E a(E), = f2 f11 I(f1) = I(f2). continuous, and non-zero only on the compact Because K. for EK f1 f2 is It is therefore 47 bounded. So Therefore f1 - f2 E b(E). I(f1-f2) = 0 implies I(f1) = 1(f2). The previous theorem and its corollaries show that I E mG(E) behaves differently than affine measures. The theorem states that invariant measures are zero as affine measures. Hence no nontrivial affine measure has an extension as a G-invariant measure for any subgroup G of E, G 0. Let us now examine the situation when E space, so that E = E(X) for some set X. is a complete weak These spaces were considered in detail in Chapter III. On these spaces the behavior of I is essentially different from its restriction Ilh(E) as a conical measure. For E = E(X), h(E) is Daniell (Choquet, 1969, The- orem 38.13). Corollary 1 states that a G.-invariant extension of this conical measure, when I = 0. Ilh(E), to all of a(E) When cardinality remains Daniell only X <0, Ilh(E(X)) is localizable (Choquet, 1969, Theorem 38.8). So Corollary 2 implies the following Proposition 3. Let E E(X) where cardinality of X < Then every positive invariant measure on E is a nonlocalizable extension of a localizable conical measure. Let us now return to the situation where E convex TVS. is any locally Then Corollary 1 immediately shows that a non-zero invariant measure is not an integral with respect to a o--additive . 48 measure on a o--algebra of Baire sets in E. Actually, the theorem implies that a non-zero invariant measure cannot have an integral in any of the usual ways--Lebesgue Theory or Riemann Theorywith respect to even a finitely additive measure on an algebra of subsets For if E. of E, in is generated by a set function I and A then E on an algebra 0 < I(xA) < I(1) = 0, is the characteristic function of A p. Thus A. where XA for all p.(A) = 0 (see Hewitt, 1952). E The following is a more constructive proof of Corollary 1. Let p E G, p by71P) (X Let 0. F = Rp = {X.p E F', X Banach theorem to a map Tr b a 1 [ b-a (TT-a) A 1] V O. , X E and consider R} Tr1 :F R so it may be extended by the HahnTr E E'. Clearly For a < b a E in R, let a(ir). for y in the closed half space E E : Tr(y) < a} = Tr-1(-00, a] for y in the closed half space Tra(Y) = E :Tr(y) > b} = {y 71(y)-a b-a for , yE Tr -1 [a, b] We shall construct fn a(E)+ such that I(fn) = 0 for all n N. Let fn = Tr1-n ingsince It -n < Tr -n-1 E E (+) [b,+) fn . / 1 pointwise but Then fn are increas- 49 For if Tr(y) < -n-1 then 0 < Tr1-n(y)< Tr1-(n+1)(y) -n -(n+1) by (+) 0 -n-1 < Tr(y) < -n then If 0= 1-n -n (y) < Tr1-(n+1)(y) -(n+1) Tr(y) + n = -n+1 < Tr(y) 1 fn -= = Tr Tr then 1-n (y) < Tr1-(n+1)(y) = 1. -n -(n+1) is, indeed, increasing. when n> 1-x; that is, when so that Tpfn = fn+1 1 1-n = 1. Tr(y)+n1-(n+1)(y) -n (y) < -(n+1) 1 If Tr(y)+n+1 = then -n < Tr(y) < -n+1 If Thus, so 11-(y) < -n T f mp 1 =f Let x E E. 1-n < x, m+1 . so Then fn 1. fn (x) 1 Also, Thus I(fm) = I(Tmpfl) = 1(f1) 1 for all m E N. Now let gn = Trnn+1 = T-2npfn. g. are decreasing and gn\60. I(gn) \ 0. But each If We can similarly show that the I were Daniell then I(gn) = I(T_2npfn) = I(f1). I(gn)\ 0 => I(f1) = 0 ==> I(1) = 0. So We now see how an invariant meas- ure depends upon its restriction as a conical measure. 50 Theorem 8. Suppose Proof. Since I mE(E) E is a Riesz space, a(E) So it is sufficient to show that then I = 0. II h(E) = 0 and a(E) a(E) - a(E) in order to conclude that II a(E)+ = 0 I = 0. Let f E f = V a. - V b. where a., b. a(E)+, 1 i=1 1 1 i=1 E 1 E' + R. Always in a Riesz space n 0< n g V aivV -a. = V (ai V -ai) = V I a.!. V ai i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1 1=1 So o < f < If! < IV ail + + V Ibi I V bi I = V I ai I i= 1 i= 1 i= 1 i= 1 Therefore, 0 <1(f) < +I(Ibil) a. i=1 If=we show that each a., 1 p. E 1 h(E) and Ia.! x., y. E E, 1 1 Tx. a, Ibi =T 1 p. Y..1 1 where 1 then the theorem will have been proven. Because 0 < I(f) <T a.) + I(T x. i=1 1 + I(pi) = 0 = Yi . 1 i=1 the last equality holding by the hypothesis on I. Without loss of 51 generality we shall show this only for al, assuming that al is not constant. (For I is zero on constants. ) Consider the affine hyperplane 3 ince {x E E : E1 Txal E E'. 0, (x) Tx(a1)(0) 1' Choose some 0}. a1(x) Tx(a1)1 = Tx(a1) V - (Tx(al) E h(E). -x, x. with !Txal 1, Theorem 9 Let SO But ITx(a1)1 = Q. E. D. 1 be a non-zero subgroup of G i f <x E a(R) < xn < +00 0<i <n and f x1) = 0 1. - 00 f. , x. I xi] 1+1 where [xi, xi +1] for and (p, q) E R+ X R+. q) :a(E) We will show that 0< R+. u°). Define <v X 0. i 1 fl[ [xn + p and functions such that 1 n-1 . f 2 b., Let -.(z) and R+ if and only if there exist real numbers . pose Then Recall that at 1 mG(R) R. p E G. 1, = So Proof. There exists x 1 Txiall. Tx al al there is a one to one correspondence between 1.(t) x E El; then R p.( p, q) by aop + anq. 1.1.(p,q)(f) is a well-defined func tion. For sup has a second affine decomposition: <y < . . . <m, where < ym < +co, functions g. where gi(t) = c.t+d., J J 52 1 <j <m-1 gj [Yj' Yj+11 = f [Yj' Yj+11 go y1 = f (-00, y gm [Ym, +3°) = f [Ym, +3* Then Therefore YlA xi] = f0 ("c' YlA xi] - go I fl c0 Y1 Axl = a0. Also, gm I [YmV xn, +00) = fn ( -00, ymV xn] fl [ymV xn, +00) I Therefore dm = an. So a0P ancl Clearly cOP F.s.(p, q) E ant. Also, the map and thus dmq' mG(R) i : R+ q)(f) =(p, q)(f) for all X is well defined. since it is positive, linear and invari- R+ fE 1.1.(p, q) mG(R) mG(R). is injective. For suppose Let x- ,x+:R t >0 x+(t) = 0, t <0 t>0 t <0 Then q = p.(p, q)(x and ) = q)(x) = q R by 53 =(p, q)(x- q)(x) = p. )= Thus, we need only show that IE with p = I(x) Let mG(R). -00 < X <X < 1 Fl q 1 , f-F as before. Let F : R 1 R by Tmp(a0x- )1 (-00, mp] +00) = T sp + (a , )1 [SP' +) mp < such that m, s E Z E a(R), Suppose =0 mp,Xsp F [x sp I(x+). < +00, a., b. n (-00, mp] = F I [X where and is surjective . Let [.1 < xn < sp. Clearly, F E a(R). (-00, mp] = bo + aomp f- is piecewise linear. sp] f - F I [sp, +00) = bn + asp f - F, continuous on the compact set [mp, sp] is bounded there, so f F E b(R). Therefore by Theorem 13. I(f-F) = 0 So I(f) = But I(F) I(T = I(T = nrip (a0 x) + T sp ( a n x+) mp(a0x)) + I(T sp (an x+)) I(Tni(a P ° x-)) + = I(a0x ) + I(a = a0I(x ) + a a0P ) anci° n I(Ts(a x+)) p n x+) I(x+) Q. E. D. (F). 54 We see from the theorem, that the positive cone of R- invariant measures on (p,q) R has two generators. Each p(p.(1,0)) 4- q(p.(0, )). So the set generates {p.(1,0), p.(0.1))) the cone and is obviously independent. Also from the Theorem, we see that y.(x, -x) generates a cone of invariants in m(R) - m(R) which vanish on E + R. This cone of measures illustrates the fact that the kernal of an invariant measure need not be a lattice. Theorem 10. space, p 1 0, mG(E) Let E pE G C Rp C E. if and only if E 2 be a locally convex topological vector Then the (linear) dimension of is toplinearly isomorphic to In general, the linear dimension of R; mG(E) > twice the linear dimension of Proof. By the previous theorem, it is sufficient to prove the last statement.. (p, GI) X E R+. Let I be a Hamel basis for Define p.(x;p,q)(f) where l(p, q) p.(x; p, q) E m(E) p.(p, q)(fl Rx) E. Let x E I, by for all f E a(E), is the invariant measure of the last theorem. It is clear that {p(x; 0, 1) : x E {p.(x; 1,0) : x E 55 q)E m Rx (E). We shall see by Theorem 15 in the next section that this is enough to insure are linearly independent. that Also, y.(x; p, Modulo this result, the theorem is proved. 1.1.(x;p, q) E mG(E). Q. E. D. We shall now examine the existence of F-invariant measures where m E is any finite dimensional subspace of E. F is n-dimensional, we may consider F and (Rn) If p. as Rn mF(F) in and define J. E m (E) by (fl F). 11(f) Therefore, it is sufficient to consider m (Rn). Rn We sketch the construction of OS; p) c m n(Rn) where (e S is an ordered basis for , e) n , 1 Let f E a(E). f. 1 1 Let 1 1 t1 E R and p E (R+)1.1. f has an affine decomposition E E., E E' + R. R+ be defined by n ti ' i=1 where t1 = inf {t >0:E. n E. (m t1 (te1 +Re2 + ... +Ren) (se1+Re2+ ... +Ren) is well defined, since each E. ci projects onto implies for all s > t}. Rel as an 56 interval. Having defined t. 1 < j < n, for some n . v tj t+1 = define 1=1 , +j 1 where +. .+Re) (tlel+ ...+t.e.+te. 3+1 n 33 tij+1 = inf{t > 0 :E.1 implies that E. (ti el+ . . . +t .e .+ se.3+1 +. . . +Ren) 33 for all s > t} Thus we may define inductively Considering t1, t2, fi t1e1+ en_ , tn. + Ren as an element of it is clear from the construction of tn that f is affine on n-ia(R), That is [tn, +00). fit e +... +tn-1 en-1 = fj itlel+ for some affine affine on R11 +tn- len- 1 +00)en f. continuous implies that a, b E Rn Then define + [t, n in the decomposition of f. f. f.(x) = (x, a) + b where + [t,n +00)en and ( for x in R is e.g., the usual inner product. 14S; p)(f) = (p, a). We claim that p. = 1.1.(S;p) E m (R11). Rn Let 57 x= + xlel + xnen R11. It is easy to verify that E For here the value of p.(T f) x.e. 1 1 for p(f) ,n. i = 1, depends only upon the behavior of p.(f) and our construction reduces to that shown in Theorem 9. fl Re., So p.(Tx 1 +x e f) = p.(Tx e 1+ nn Fi(T 1 e (Tx 1 2e2+ +x e f)) nn f) xe+ 22 ...+xen n p.(Tx e f) = p(f). nn The other properties that p. must have, its well-definedness, linearity, may all be verified as in Theorem 9. 0(E) and Other Extensions In the remainder of this chapter we shall show that every invariant measure has a unique invariant extension to a subspace of F(E, R) Let which contains 0(E) a(E) properly. be the vector space a(E) + B(E) where the subalgebra of all continuous bounded functions in Theorem 11. Proof. Since B(E) is F(E,R). 0(E) is a Riesz space. 0,(E) is a vector space, it is sufficient to show 58 that f1 in implies that f+ = f V 0 E 01(E). f- = (-f) V 0 E q(E) Then f = h + b, 0,(E) so that Ifl E 01(E). Letting h E a(E), b E B(E), f VU (h+b) V 0 = (h V -b) + b. So it is sufficient to show that h V -b E 0,(E) Since m < -b < M. there exists -b E B(E), m, M E R such that Then hVm < hV (-b) < V M Now {-M-m, h(x) <m <M M-h, m <_ h(x) <M 0, m < M < h(x) [hV M - h V m](x) = But when m < h(x) < M, ..._ 0 < M - h(x) < M-m. So that always 0 <hVM- hVm <M-m. h V (-b) = h V m + [h V (-b)-hv m], with hVm E a(E) and 0 < h V (-b) - hV m < M-m so that (h V -b) - (h V m) E b(E). Thus Theorem 12. Every G-invariant functional I E MG(E) I E 0,(E) Proof. Let f E o,(E). h v (-b) E 0,(E). Q. E. D. has a unique extension to a *+ So . f = h + b where h E a(E) and b E B(E). Define T(f) = I(h). We shall show that T is well defined. 59 Suppose is also equal to h' + b' where h' E a(E), b' E B(E). f Then h- =b- E B(E). So m < h - h' < M for some constants m, M. 0 = I(m) < I(h) - I(h') < I(M) = 0, so But Thus, I(h) = I(h') = T(f). I is well defined. It is clearly linear. Suppose f=h+bE b' E B(E) We shall find h' 01(E)+. Then, since f = h' + b'. such that a(E)+, I E a(E) );(4. , = I(h') >0. Since for some M E R. h + b > 0, h > -b > -M Then clearly, b' = b - M. So let h' = h + M, h' E a(E)+, b' E B(E) Thus, we have shown that 7 E f = h' + b'. and 01(E)*+. To conclude the proof, we need only show the uniqueness. Suppose 12 are G-invariant functionals in Illa(E) = 121 a(E). 01(E) We shall show that1 = I2 *+ and We can use the proof of Theorem 13 to conclude that I1 Let f=h+bE 01(E), 1B(E) = I2 1 B(E) = 0 h E a(E), b E B(E). 11(f) = I1(h+b) = 11(h) + 11(b) 11(h) I(h) = (h)= I2 Then I2(h) + I2(b)= I2 (h+b)= I2(f). Q. E. D. 60 We may employ the argument used in the proof of Theorem 11 to show that h(E) for h(E) + b(E) is a Riesz space. For if we substitute a(E) and mutatis mutandis. for b(E) the proof goes through, B(E), The sum of two Riesz spaces is not, in general, a Riesz space; however, it is so when one of the Riesz spaces consists of bounded functions. Theorem 13. a(E) = h(E) Proof. E' C h(E), b(E). R C b(E) so E' + R C h(E) + b(E) C a(E) L(El+R) C L(h(E)+b(E)) C L(a(E)) But since h(E) + b(E) and are Riesz spaces, a(E) L(E'+R) C h(E) + b(E) C a(E) = L(El+R) So a(E) h(E) + b(E). Let X E h(E) Then x b(E) agrees with some elements of E' through the origin of E. But x on polyhedral cones bounded implies x agrees with the zero functional. Thus h(E) rm b(E) 0. Q. E. D. 61 d E E, Theorem 14. If f E a(E) and then Tdf - f E b(E). n n Proof. It is sufficient to show f E a(E) n Tdf - f = (Td (\/v i=1 f n implies = V h., = i=1 V h.i f h. E i=1 i (E) Because if that is the case, then n k'' -V i=1 with 1 n h.)i - \ V/ h.) 1 i=1 i i=1 1< _i _< n. h.I E E' + R, for h.) - V thatbTd(V (Td h., k. 1 n n i=1 i=1 E E' +R and then 1 \/v k. i- \ /vk.)i E b(E). So let h. E Et + R. i=1 x E E. Let Suppose for all ha.(x) >h.(x) Td hP (x) > Td h.(x) i for all (A) a. i p (B). ha(x) - TdhPoo = ha(x) - h (x) - h (d) + h(0) This expression is greater than or equal to by (A), ha(x) - hp(x) > 0. On the other hand, the expression is less than or equal to ha(0) - ha(d) Tdhp(x) - Tdh a(x) > 0 -h (d) + h(0) because, because, by (B), so that h(x) + h(d) - h (0) < h (x) + h (d) - h (0). a a a Thus h(0) - h (d) < h (x) P -a Td hp (x) < h (0) - ha(d). Therefore, A h.(0) - h.(d) < 1 i=1 1 V h. -T,u i=1 V h. i=1 1 <V h.(0) - hi(d). i=i 62 So T f - fE a(E) b(E). B(E) Theorem 15. Let p. Q. E . D . E m(E). Then the following statements are equivalent: p. P. for some subgroup E mG(E ) G of E, 0. G e mE (E = 0. p.(1) = 0. Proof. (b) =-> (a) and (c) => (d) are trivial. (c) and (d) (a) => (c) have been demonstrated in Theorem 7. But (c) => (b) follows from Theorem 14. Q. E. D. Thus any G-invariant measure is automatically E-invariant, and so we may refer to such measures simply as 'invariant measures.' Theorem 16. Every conical measure has a unique extension to an invariant measure. Proof. I(h4-b) Oh) Let p. E h(E) . Define I: a(E) for all h E h(E), b E b(E). well defined on Clearly a(E). that by Theorem 15, I I I h(E) R by By Theorem 13. p. and is an invariant measure. II b(E) = 0 is I so 0. E. D. Notice that this yields an alternative proof to Theorem 8. Combining the results of Theorem 12 with Theorem 15 we have 63 Theorem 17. Let p. E 0,(E) *+ Then the following statements . are equivalent: p. J. is G-invariant on 01(E). E mE(E). = 0. PdB(E) = p.(1) = 0. Theorem 16 shows that all conical measures can become trans- lation invariant at very little extra cost. That extra cost is spelled out in the remarks following Theorem 7. We close with some observations on the extension problem. We have extended invariant measures to positive linear functionals on 01(E). Can we extend them much further? Theorem 2 immediately implies that no nontrivial invariant measure may be extended to a positive linear functional on all of C(E). (This, by the way, shows us that the results of Choquet (1967) and Schwarz (1964) are not applicable to the study of invariant measures. ) Let 0(E) = {f E C(E)+:f < g for some g E cp,(E)} where C(E) C F(E,R) is the Riesz space of all continuous functions. Let 0(E) = 0(E) - 0(E). For E = R, continuous functions which are x. 0(E) corresponds to the set of 0(x), that is, which are 'big oh of The extension theorem of Choquet (1969, p. 289) shows that each invariant measure has an extension to a positive linear functional on 64 0(E). However such an extension need not be either unique or invariant, contrasting the situation in Theorem 12. We do have the following Proposition 4. Let tive linear functional h > f2. Then h mEE. Suppose I extends to a posi- on a vector space M where I a(E) C MC F(E,R). IE Then if f E M, T(f) >0 and h E F(E, R), M. Proof. Assume that h E M. 0 < f2 - 2nf + n2 SO 2nf<f2 +n2 <h+n2 2f < n -1 h + n SO 0 < 2I(f) < n-11(h) + I(n) n1 I(h) for all n E N. This cannot happen. Let V Q. E. D. {M:M is a subspace of F(E,R), a(E) C M, and every I E mEE has a positive linear extension onto V is clearly a non-empty poset under set inclusion. It is easy to 65 verify that is inductively ordered. Therefore, by Zorn's V lemma we can find a maximal element M of The following V. two facts may be verified. f E M and If 0 < g < f imply g E M. F(E,R)+, gE 0< fn < g, f n then g M if and only if there exists +00 E M such that I(f)7 n for some I E mE(E). Integral Representation on Weak Spaces In this section, we consider operations on invariant measures, other than convex combinations. Let E linear map. Let p, E mE(E). It is clear that q(p.)(f) = 1.1.(f q). q(p.)(1) be LCS's, and let q:E F and p.(loq) = p.(1) = 0. ment of mF(F). Define qE F be a continuous R by q(p.):a(F) a(F)+ . However, Thus, by Theorem 15, is an ele- q(p.) We see that the projection of an invariant measure is an invariant measure. Let define A be a convex cone in an LCS E. p.A:a(E) R f E a(E)+. For p. E mE(E) we by p.A(f) = inflp.(co): for For f E a(E) E a(E), (p > f on A) let p.A(f) = p.A (f+) - p.A(f ). That 66 follows from the Riesz decomposition is an element of a(E) as well as from Proposition 11.2.1 of property applied to a(E) See Proposition 30.8 of Choquet (1965) in Bourbaki (1965, p. 26). which he applies the Riesz decomposition property to h(E) in order to prove a very similar proposition. We say that f on X 0 then X, Notice that if p.(f) = 0. f> 0 then if f E a(E), on is carried by X provided if f E a(E) p. on X then .i p.(f) >0. and is carried by X, Because if f> 0 then 0= 1-1-(f+-f) = 11(f)- 1-1.(f), So that 0 < p.(f+) Clearly, p. carried by A. mE(E). A < p.. = Also, . pA < p. We can now show that if and only if p.A p. is is an element of For 0 < p. (1) < p.(1) = 0. A Thus, the restriction of an invariant measure to a convex cone re-. mains invariant. Let P P(E) = {p.(x; 1,0) : x E E}, from the proof of Theorem 10 that in a(E). where it will be recalled p.(x; 1,0)(f) = p.(1,0)(f Rx) We shall always assume that P for carries the initial 67 topology defined by the set of maps f(i)= On- Notice that by f :P f E a(E)} where {f p.(x; 1,0) F1(x;1.0)Rx since R p.(x; 1,0) is carried by Rx. Proposition 5. Let E be an LCS. Then for every compact K C E, p:K positive Radon measure P v on K, and continuous map the positive linear functional p(x)dv(x) = xEK defined by p(x)(f)dv(x) p.(f) = is an invariant measure on Proof x p(x)(f) E a(E) fl 4.* Clearly E. f op is continuous on is within the domain of v. p(x)(f)dv(x) = p(x) E so that Also, it is clear that by the positive linearity of each is also clear since each K, p(x). The invariance of mE(E): p(x)(T f)dv(x). Q. E. D. The converse of this proposition holds for certain weak spaces. 68 Theorem 18. Let E be a complete weak space with lc(E) < p. Then there exists a compact E mE(E). a positive Radon measure K C E, p:K and let 0' on v and a continuous map K, such that P(E) p(x)dv(x). p. = x EK Proof. b E b(E). and h(E) Since Radon measure h(E) by H(h+b) = h where h E h(E) H:a(E) Let By Theorem 13, this projection is well-defined. is localizable, there exists a compact K CE and a v on K such that h(x)dv(x) p.(h) = for all h For each x in h(E). measure evaluation-at-x, p(x) ex0H for x For let f = h + b. let ex be the conical for all h in h(E). We K ex(h) = h(x) claim that ex0H = p.(x; 1,0) by E in and that the map p:k K Then is eventually constant along equals the slope of h defined is continuous. p,(1,0)(h Rx) p.(x; 1,0)(h+b) = p.(1,0)(h+blRx) since b P(E) R+x. on the ray R+x, But p.(1,0)(hlRx) which equals h(x), by 69 identification of Rx with R in the construction of p.(p, q). Therefore ex° H = 1.1.(x; 1, 0). 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APPENDIX 72 NOTATIONAL INDEX Terms or symbols Hints or definition Page of initial appearance the field of real numbers 6 TVS topological vector space 6 E' topological dual 6 algebraic dual 6 * toplinear isomorphism 7 absorbs 7 balanced 7 bounded 7 gA LCS EA gauge of A 7 locally convex Hausdorff TVS 7 (E, gA) 7 locally bounded 7 o-(E, F) 7 weak space cr(E, E') 7 E(X) (RX, cr(RX, R(X))) 8 po set partially ordered set 8 uVv sup (u, v) 8 uAv inf (u, v) 9 semilattice 9 73 Terms or symbols Hints or definition Page of initial appearance co-initial 9 left filtering 9 is absorbed by .a. .e. 10 10 in Bi.e. 11 lc (B) 12 lc(E) 13 B S, n 24 (f) open sets 25 bounded sets 25 26 (P) C-set x+xC 26 C- space 26 n(x) 28 33 33 F(E, R) 33 B(E) 33 h(E) 33 conical measures b(E) h(E) 33 33 "74 Terms or symbols affine measures Hints or definition b(E) *+ Page of initial appearance 33 E' + R 33 L(S) 34 Daniell integral 38 translation by p 41 a(E) 41 affine decomposition 43 positive measure a(E) *+ 45 45 m(E) 45 mG(E) localization 46 Op, q) 51 p.(x; p, q) 54 55 (S; p) 01(E) a(E) + B(E) 57 C(E) continuous functions 65 0(E) big oh of E 65 q(i) projection of p. 65 restriction to A 65 A carried 66 75 Terms or symbols P(E) f Hints or definition {p.(x; 1,0) : x E E} Page of initial appearance 66 67