AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Kirk Eugene Lancaster for the degree of in Mathematics Title: presented on Doctor of Philosophy August 15, 1980 ON TEMPERATE FUNDAMENTAL SOLUTIONS WITH SUPPORT IN A NONSALIENT CONE A Signature redacted for privacy. Abstract approved: Bent Petersen A sufficient condition for the existence of temperate fundamental solutions of a system of constant coefficient partial differential operators with support in a cone of the form R x F, where closed, convex, and salient, is proved. F is The approach is to solve a system of polynomial equations with weighted L2-estimates. Ce° dependence on the parameters is only obtained if the weight function need not change as we take derivatives in the parameters. On Temperate Fundamental Solutions with Support in a Nonsalient Cone by Kirk Eugene Lancaster A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Commencement June 1981 APPROVED: Signature redacted for privacy. Professor thematics in charge of major Signature redacted for privacy. _ Chairman of Depariment of Mathefflatics Signature redacted for privacy. Dean of G aduate Schoo Date thesis is presented August 15, 1980 Typed by Suzanne Elcrat for Kirk Eugene Lancaster ACLNOWLEDGaENTS I wish to express my gratitude to Professor Bent Petersen for his assistance, patience, encouragement, and, above all, generosity during my stay in Corvallis. I have enjoyed knowing Professor Petersen and learning from him. I would like to thank all the people with whom I have conversed, especially David Finch, Harold Parks, Kennan Smith, John Leahy, Alan Coppola, and Don Solmon. I also wish to express my gratitude to my excellent teachers, Stuart Newberger, Joel Davis, Arnold Kas, J. W. Smith, and Dave Carlson. I wish to thank my wife, Deborah, for her patience, and my family and friends for their help and encouragement. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page INTRODUCTION 1 1 SPECIALIZATION OF HILBERT RESOLUTIONS 3 2 EXACT SEQUENCES 11 3 A PARTITION OF UNITY 18 4 THE WEIERSTRASS THEOREMS 24 5 LOCAL EXISTENCE THEOREMS 34 6 SOLUTIONS OF THE CAUCHY-RIEMANN AND COBOUNDARY EQUATIONS 45 GLOBAL EXISTENCE AND FUNDAMENTAL SOLUTIONS 56 BIBLIOGRAPHY 63 ON TEMPERATE FUNDAMENTAL SOLUTIONS WITH SUPPORT IN A NONSALIE,IT CONE INTRODUCTION p x q (p In this paper we prove a sufficient condition for a system of constant coefficient partial differential operators have a temperate fundamental solution with support in a closed, convex, salient cone. qxp a system isa P(D)K = matrix K R x F < q) to P(D) when is 7 A temperate fundamental solution of such of temperate distributions such that This can be considered as a partial extension of the result I. of Enqvist. Ehrenpreis (1954) and Malgrange (1955) independently proved that every constant coefficient partial differential operator has a fundamental Since then, conditions for existence of fundamental solutions solution. with special properties have been studied. For an early survey, see Hormander (1957). We are interested in the location of the support of the fundamental This question has been studied by several researchers, including solution. Smith, Petersen (1975) and Enqvist (1976), among others. One application of our result concerns the following overdetermined Cauchy problem: Let be in the interior of the dual cone X closed half-space determined by Suppose w c D'(R11+1) convolution algebra. and P(D)tu = P(D)tw? with (0, X), i.e. supp (P(D)tw) C H Does there exist u c V' of 7 and let H = R x fx and P(D)tw (R1) with H be the R111<x,X» 01. in a suitable supD(u) C H 2 If P(D) the answer is yes. x F, R has a temperate fundamental solution with support in For details, see Lancaster-Petersen (1980). This paper can be viewed as one long proof of the result initially indicated. The method of proof is a modification of proofs by HOrmander (1969) and Petersen (1975, 1976). The paper divides into four parts. Chapters One through Four form the first part. In Chapter One we prove that the specialization of an exact sequence of matrices of polynomials is exact off a proper variety. In Chapter Two, we show that an exact sequence of matrices of polynomials is exact over the sheaf germs of Cw functions holomorphic in some of the variables. of EO We prove the existence of partitions of unity with polynomial growth conditions in Chapter Three. Chapter Four is the Weierstrass Preparation and Division Theorems with polynomial dependence on parameters and with estimates. The second part, Chapter Five, consists of several lemmas in which we construct local solutions of systems of polynomial equations with smooth dependence on a parameter and with estimates. These are similar to Lemmas 1 and l' of Petersen (1975). In the third part, Chapter Six, we solve the Cauchy-Riemann and co- boundary equations with smooth dependence on parameters and L2 estimates. with weighted Solutions of the Cauchy-Riemann equations with smooth de- pendence on parameters, but without estimates, were established by B. Weinstock. In the last part, we use the results of Chapters Five and Six and a Hilbert resolution to find global solutions of a system of polynomial equations with smooth dependence on a parameter and with estimates. then find fundamental solutions as indicated earlier. We 3 CHAPTER ONE SPECIALIZATION OF HILBERT RESOLUTIONS In this chapter, we prove a "specialization" result for exact A weaker C [C,z]-homomorphisms which will be used later. sequences of result would suffice for the purposes of this paper, but this result is The proof is a modification of an argument from aesthetically appealing. unpublished lecture notes of Aldo Andreotti. z = (z1, Throughout this paper = (z1, Cn, of e u C' z z, and will denote the first c = will denote an n-tuple in zn) will denote an m-tuple. denotes the polynomial ring the polynomial ring C [z] Cm C. C(, z) E , pxq isa . C[ z] V in all px is the principal P, then det px p M of rational , then there exists F E C [,z]cl such 0 n. Let p be the rank of P over Interchanging rows and columns, we may assume that the field C(, z). if M zn) F(,,), ) = f. and The proof is by induction on Proof: zn], so that if Cm f e C [11q, and P(0, .)f = 0, then there exists PF = 0 Rm). both over the complex field S11,z1, matrix over a proper (complex) algebraic variety that Cm Em' z' zn. P If Lemma 1.1 zn] denotes the field C(1, functions in or Em, zl, C C [z1, will be in E in this chapter (in later chapters it will be in either C [E,z1 coordinates n - 1 and det minors of P. p minor (i.e., upper left hand corner) of M has largest degree in z, say 11, among We may assume, by a unitary transformation in 4 the z-coordinates, that det M(, z) = a()z11 where det and a e NI HI CIV and of degree 1. u Let P= Let case 0. in z On Rotate coordinates also by Then M= (Pi' a and pick = (0, n so [ be the z-homogeneous term of n 6 Cn so that ..., 1) 0, and P'= P1 ...Pq] H(., 0 and denote the new = [Pi ... p]. P:3). D = det M = det(P1 ' n = 0, V H (Let zn z.) = ... + lower order terms in c and P') p Cn1D() that all minors of order V' = f e CnIa() = 01. is the required variety.) = 01 (In Notice in the matrix p + 1 -R.1 Ri have zero determinant, for p, since i = 1, sider the minor given by the first p N= -R!1 P.. 13 R1 Pij R' P P . PL. P has rank columns and the jth p. column Con- 5 where R! = (Pjl, Pjp). Expanding by minors about the first row, we see 0 = det N = E( -1)k+1 Pik Lkj + (-1)P p. .D where with the Lk. = det kth column omitted. P R' P Lkj = (-1)k+p+1 frkj Setting L. R. = [P we see P. ... ] iq =0 L. L. L. P3 0 where D is the Thus we have jth q - p component, for vectors in ker p + P. 1 _<j <_ q. Collecting these into a matrix, we get which is a q x over, if V' has rank q - p. (q - p) (or D 0 0 D matrix over V if C z] with rank n = 0), then D(, ) By the choice of M, each L.. q - p. More- 0 and so C()Z,.) has degree < in z. 6 Of course, PC = 0. (i) Now assume n = 0. A. =f./D( Let j j ) 0 Suppose for j Cq, and P(0)f V, f 0 = p + 1, ..., q and A = = 0. Ap+1 A - Then C(0)A = D(C0) A0+1 D(y A, f - C(0)A so = _ = (1). Let 0= e 1 eP 0 0 P(0)4) = P(o)f - P(0) C(0)A = 0, so o = Mgo) [ao Since M(0) Thus is nonsingular and f = C(Eo)A . Let F() = C()A )0 = 0, 0 = 0. . 7 (ii) Assume and assume inductively that the lemma has been n > 0 proved in dimension P(E0, .)f = 0. zn to divide by D(E0, .). Recall D(E, z) = c C[z] and the degree of in 6. zn J J (Note that A. If we set A= C(E0, C[z]q and + j = p + 1, ..., q. 3 A., 6. Eo 4 V', f zn. f. = D(0' E )A. + Q. where Suppose We now use the division algorithm relative to fj lower order in n - 1. contains powers of E) a(0 is < p. in its denominator.) we see Ap+1 -)A = D(E0, )Ap+1 D(0, .)A 0 Define q 0 = f - C(o, *)A = C C[z]cl . p+1 6 Notice q P(E0, .)0 = P(E0, )f - P(0, )C(0, i.e., 0 e ker P(E0, ). = 0 Considering just the first p rows of 8 P(0, -)0 we obtain -(P'*) p+1 M(0, *) q 0 By Cramer's Rule, if D(Eo, )ej = det (Pi(E0, E = )) p+1 < p, < j 1 0 P'(0, )) v -) eiCii .) L=p+1 v (with where isa jth place) in the Cij = - det (Pi ... Pi ... pxp cofactor of D(0, )ej (1 < j has degree <u zn We have shown that if in .th place) which and so has degree in z< u. P has degree < p) in (Pi in j = 1, for all V' < 2p and zn and so Thus ej ..., q. P(10, )f = 0, then f = C(0, )A + where degree A e C[z]q-P, 0 < p in zn. E C[z]cl . + a p (z') 0(z) ' z11-11 n (1) z' = 8 has If we write 1)(, z) = z(71(' z') where and each component of ai is a Z+1 z') ' (z1) pxq matrix over C[E,z1], and. (1)3 E IC[Z]q, then the condition 0' .)f = 0 becomes and this is equivalent to = 0 P(Eo, P( 01(0, .)(1)]. = 12(0' .)(P1 .)(P2 = etc. If we define tp = al 0 a1 0 a (p + 24p x pq matrix over CE, z'j and apply the induc- tion hypothesis, we can find a proper (complex) algebraic variety W C Cm V = V' LIW. e CE, V, then we can find If z']q(1 (7)'i so that the lemma holds for _<j <_ p) so that, if we set = 4)]. (1)u then 4 = 0 and 74;(0, -) = = tp. We set 10 Define H(C, z) = z1V-,171(C,z') F = CA + H Theorem 1.1 If C[C, + E CE, Z]q c PF = 0 ,P C[C, 11(1 jrz + exists a proper (complex) algebraic variety V ZIP , in Cm is exact, there so that if Co 4 V, then zi r Q(Cny ) ) P(C C[ z] cl CI z] P is exact. Proof: V Let Et C0 V' exists Clearly P(C, ) Q(C, -) = 0 for all C Cm. E be the variety determined in the previous lemma. f E C[z]q, and F E C[C, 0 ness, there exists g = G(Co, P(C0' so that G e C[C, .) e C[z]r. Then .)f = O. PF = 0 z]r Now assume By the previous lemma, there and so that F(CO3 ) QG = F. Q(Co, )g = F(Co, -) = and F(0, ) = f. and C[ C[C,z]g = f. Now set f. By exact- 11 CHAPTER TWO Exact Sequences In this chapter we prove that if C[E, z]r is exact, where consider functions C Q and P and P C[E, z]q Q P C[E, ZIP are matrices of polynomials, then, if we as maps of q-tuples and r-tuples respectively of in UxWCRMxCn with W convex (and and holamorphic in W, this new sequence is also exact. U W and open) We also introduce some notation that we will use throughout this paper. We denote the coordinates in z1 = + iy x1 ' Rm zn = xn + iyn . by El, ..., Elm C functions in Rm x Cn EO = sheaf of germs of Cm functions in e sheaf of germs of x Cn forms of type (p,q) relative to C AO = sheaf of germs of real-analytic functions in holomorphic in z is a nonnegative integer, we denote by k Rm x Cn which are zn CO = sheaf of germs of holomorphic functions in which are which are holomorphic in zn zi, k by zn zi, If Cn We will use the following notation: EE = sheaf of germs of EE(I)q)= and in Cm 4- n EkE, Ek0, etc., the sheaves times continuously differentiable in all variables and (or holomorphic, etc.) in zi, zn We will denote the stalk of a sheaf at e.g., EED, and similarly for germs. see Chapter 7 of Hormander (1966). Cm . 0 (for example) by subscript, For a short discussion of sheaves, 1? denotes the continuous sections of the sheaf F (V, S) F (J x W, EE) = over S Thus V. x W). Let R be a commutative ring with identity and R-module. B is R-flat if and only if it satisfies one of the following Def: be a right B equivalent conditions: The functor B is exact. B B is injective, for every finitely generated left I R-ideal I. If .) ap ER; bl, al, thereexist.ER and rlj ..., bp E B, and i=1 a.b. = 0 11 , then f. E B (i = 1, ..., p,j = 1, ..., q) such ) q f.r. thatZa.r.=0(j=1 ,...,q)andb.=E i . li j=1 i (i) and (ii) are equivalent by Theorems 3.53 and 3.54 of Rottman. (iii) (ii) a = If E b. 0 a. E Ker(B 0 I 33 b.a. = 0 i.e. j ) 3 then a=Eb.0a. =ZZfr. j ) j zZjZ (iii) (i) B) ) a. =Ef (s)Ea.r. z ) Define a morphism RP by R (c1, = 0 . )2, ) c.a. c ) . 1=1 K and let K B 0 exact. B RP Notice B0 K (b'c i=1 1 1 be its kernel. and b'cp) Then R B B BP P 0 K is exact; thus is B defined by R RP b' is defined by is exact. B 0 (c1, (b' l' BP K cp) b') By (i), B is 13 Now B1, is in the kernel of this last map, so there exists bp) (lb1, ..., Bq E K and fq E B fl, so that ct bp). j=1 Bj = (r1j, If we write B. E K 3 E implies rpj), a.r.. = 0 EE bi = .E r..f. 3=1 13 3 and . 13 i=1 Lemma 2.1 then is flat over A00. 0' Proof: Suppose We may extend aP E A00, bl, al, aP a1, EN, bP E and A00 O. to holamorphic germs (by power series) and apply Oka's theorem (Theorem 6.4.1 of Hormander (1966)). exists irE K = albi i=1 p, j=1, i = 1, q Then there P such that E a r = 0 i=1 P and if u1 upEA00 , and If v. E AO j 0 such that ..., q = 1, we expand P E a u. = 0 i=1 then there exists 1 u. = 1 j=ir v.. 3 i i E a b in formal power series about the origin, then i=1 i P i E a b = 0 i=1 e e (in the formal power series ring) for e near the origin. The formal power series ring is flat over the convergent power series ring, so bi = E rij sj e e for some formal power series sj, j = 1, ..., q . By Malgrange's theorem (Theorem 1 of Malgrange (1960)), q b- = E forsomet.EEE,j = I, Notice that this proves ..., q . 3 j=1 FE is flat over AO, i.e., BE is flat over AO 14 0x at each point of Lemma 2.2 r u E r (u x w, x w, Let C[xl, yl, is flat over and W open and convex in km and EE(p,q+1)) EkE f = 0 in such that Tu = f U x W, in EE(10q)) P If Cn only. C[x,y] = such that the matrix of partial differential operatorsobtainedbyreplacingby and v . by Dy '3 which we denote Cn. U x W. be a matrix of polynomials over xn, yn] AO. then there exists T denotes the Cauchy-Riemann operator in Recall that Proof: be open in Let U f E We do not know if Cn. in P(D(x,y)), represents the map T: Cm Cm (Cn) (p,q+1) (12,q) where we identify (p,q)-forms with (n) (n) (e). vectors of C functions. P Let Q be the matrix of polynomials over C[x,y] such that Q(D(x,y)) represents the map C(p,c0.2)(Cn). C(p,q+1)(Cn) Then C[x Now consider YJA P and C[,x,y]A Notice Q as matrices over D. independent of F, = is exact. C[x, y]C C[x, Y]B ) C[,x,y] is exact. (which are Then C[,x,y]B Q(D(x,y))f = 0, By the Malgrange-Ehrenpreis theorem since C[E,.,x,y]C --9-f = 0. (Malgrange (1963)), there exists P, 15 if 3 3 g.Er(11.xW)Asuclithatp(0(x,y))g7...-f inU.Thusin U. g3 x W. Let is open and convex 3 be an open cover of (u.1 3 U. U 3 consistingofconvexsetsandx.a.partition of unity of U 7 subordinate to Define U.. u = E x.g. E C 3 3(P,q) j (U x W) Then u = f in U x W. Weinstock (1973) proves this lemma for and q = p = 0, Corollary 2.1 i.e., for U Let negative integer. W a domain of holomorphy (0,1)- forms. W and be as in Lemma 2.2 and let There exists an integer N k be a non- (independent of k) such that: If f E r x W, E k+N k+N and in -5-f = 0 U x W, then there E(p,c14.1)) exists Proof: u E r(u x w, EkEkPg)) such that Tu = f in U x W. The proof of Lemma 2.2 is still valid if we use the version of the Malgrange-Ehrenpreis theorem in Hormander (1966). Lemma 2.3 Cn. Suppose U is open in W and is a convex, open set in Then r(u x Q EO)r W, , C[C, z]r Proof: Q0 = Q, ro = r, Let need not be finite); z]P is exact. r (1.1 x iv, E0)q----E-----)- F (U x Q is exact if C[C, km that is, C[, z]P C[C, and let N3} C[, z]cl Q , ... By Lemma 7.6.3 of HOrilander (1966) is exact. > 00q Since we can identify A00 POOP and is exact. be a resolution of r. ----)- 00 3 W, EO)P 000, we see C[C, z]cl Q (which --11-)- 16 r. AO 3 is exact. AOP A0c1 Since EE is flat over AO, r. is exact. "<EEcl '"<... EE 3 EEP P By a partition of unity argument, we se,e. that r. r(u x w, is exact. ,j EE) r(u x w, EE)cl This is clearly true for P also. EE(p,q) Suppose f E r(u x w, with E0) u E r (u x Pf = 0. Then there exists W, EE)r such that Qu = f Then Q u1 = Tf u and so Tu = Q u, = 0 E F(U x W, BE U x W. in 1 u1 = Q2 u2 for some u2 for some u = 0, U xW in E CCU U x W Now (1)) Q1Tul= TQ1u1 = so in x W, r2 . EE(0,2)) r. Inductivelywefin.du.Er with Qiu. = . uj -1 When By Lemma 2.2, there exists such that un = vn-1. Now x W, BE j = n, vn-1 E r W) 3 un = 0. x W, BE rn (0, n-1)) 17 Qn so -a- Thus = un (un..1 and un-1 Qn u Qn vn_i) Qnvn-1 0 E for some un-1 - Qnvn-1 =n-2 vl u1 - Q2 v1 = for some vo Now Q1u1 = Ql(ul - Q2v1) So and Q1u1 = -a-(u - vo r(U x e rcu x w, (u1 - Q2 v1) = 0 and vn_l - Continuing in this manner we find So .Qn E W, EE(0, n-2) ,r 2 EE(0,1)) with . r(u x w, EE) rl . Qiv = . Qlvd= 0 i.e., u - Q1v0 E Q(u - Q1 v0) = Q u = f Corollary 2.2 If f E g E F(U x W, EO)r Proof: Let u = f W, EO)r. . r(u x exists r(u x W, EE)r such that with -5" Qf = 0 , then there Qg = Qf. in the previous proof. Then 1 g = u - Q v0 = f - Q1v0. 13 CHAPTER THREE A PARTITION OF UNITY We will eventually need special partitions of unity with polynomial growth and so we prove a suitable result in this chapter. {Udj Let = 1, ..., Z} be a finite open cover of Rm x C. We define B(t) = {(C, Z.) E RM x 1 1 1z1 < t, < t}, suP1(dist ('z),z) c z) E D(t) = inf (d(, z)1(' B(t) - B(t - 2)1, and d(t) = min (1, D(t)} for E Rm, and = t e R, z = (z1, we mean the (topological) boundary of the set V. zn) e Cn. By nr Notice that d(, z) thedistancefromtotheboundaryofthesetU.which contains z) and whose boundary is furthest from V C Rm x Cn, then If Lemma 3.1 denotes V(z) There exist constants Ca > 0 (E z). (E, E Rm1(, z) E V}. for each m-multi-index a such 13 that,foreachzce,thereexistsapartitimofunitY{1).}0f Rm subordinate to (U.(z)1j Ipaqii(U1 if (, Z) E B(t) = 1, < Ca(1 - B(t - 2). ..., Z} so that 17,1)1a12(d(t))-1a1(21al+m)-1 is 19 Proof: of We assume (and of z is fixed and we obtain constants z c Cn For t). K(j, t, r) = {E 1 < j Z, t > o, r < z) E E Ui n E independent R, define and B(t) Ca dist ((E, z), > 2-1-1 L(j, t, r) = K(j, t, r) - K(3, t-2, r). 2-r < D(t), then Notice that if cover of by r(t) 2-r(t) = d(t)/2. Notice characteristic function of L(j, t, r(t)) = and E by s > o picked so that C2m(r(t)+1)f(22(r(t)+1) lc12 supp (w(t,j)) C closed and w(t,j)(E) = 1 If C r(R) E fm p()g = 1; p is a Define mollifier. Notice with f be the x(t, j) s < o 0 p(E) = Cf(1E12 - 1) Let and define lexp (1/s) f(s) = Z, t, r(t))1j=1, Rm with intersection consisting of relatively compact sets. < 2t pt(E) 4.1.,(j, is a locally finite open cover of t = 1, 2, 3 ...1 Let is an open B(t)(z) - B(t - 2)(z) = (E c Rml(E, z) c B(t) - B(t - 2)1. Define number {L(j, t, r)lj = 1, ..., Z} if 1) 2-(r(t)+1) E c L(j,t,r(t)) - - nbhd d(q) 21-r(q) and so, for some L(j,q,r(q)) - 2-(r(q)+1)nbhd of w(t,j) = x(t,j) * pt. of L(j,t,r(t) C U(z) 2-(r(t)+1)nbhd E e Rm, then for some positive integer d(E,z) and q, (E,z) E w(q ,j). 3=1 q=1 n(j,q,r(q)); then e E C(R) E n(j,t,r(t)). B(q) - B(q-2) 1 < j < Z, co Define @= .E of and e > 1, since w(q,j)(E) = 1. 20 {supp (0/(q,j))1j = 1, ..., Z, q = 1, 2, 3, is locally finite, has ...} intersection number < 32., and consists of compact sets. Define CO j = q1 w(ct'i)/e = 1, 11)3 ..., = 1, ..., Z. is a partition of unity subordinate to 2.} {U.(z)} liftp.(C)1. and it remains to estimate By Leibniz's formula, CO ((a3) 1Da-k(c1,3)(1){0-1)()1 -< q1 I where is the sum over all m-multi-indices such that S S < a. 13<c( Note D8(01) where (b = = I(-1)aa:(D6)1/8°4-1 is the sum over all mb-multi-indices lal) with yi < + 1b' (D8)1 = D -8 )1..... y. and 1D514(t,j)()1 < < < if D volume of C2m(r(t)÷1)r(t)m(t+1) I l, (C,z) ' E B(t) Here D = Do8 = 1 (0 = (0, ..., E zm). 0) = 1x(q,j) * Dapt(W max 1D5p (C)1 L(j,t,r(t)) C'245 +2m -e. (3111) ijm \a Also is the number of o = yb) 111 1-t yj, and nonzero yb + 'l y = (yi, Lt al t max 21131(2r(t)+3) If(k) (s)I __ o<k<lel -1<s<0 1 LII 1 1 lzi 4- 1)1 d(t) - B(t - 2), since then -2 mllog2(d(t)) t < max {W 2, - lzl 2Im 21. 21 Clearly 2 lAp.()1 So t, j, and is independent of C'a 0 0. E E E ID"w(q,j)(E,Wal $<a j=1 q=1 < C" 3 1 <C (1 + a (since on 2., z. since 6 = E E w(q,j)>1 j=1 q=1 12 d(q) -(21al+m)laHl 1 1 has intersection number < 3t). {supp (w(q,j))1 depends Ca n, m. Rm x Cn algebraic open cover of is a semi- 2,1 Weldlibeinterestedinthecasewhere{U).0=1, and we want a partition of unity with polynomial growth. Lerma 3.2. Let. {U. 1j=1, ..., 2} be a (real) semi-algebraic open cover 3 of Then there exist constants Rm x Cn. C' > 0 a and an integer such that, for each z c Cn, there exists a partition of unity R7 U.(z)1 5;111)m-climate to Proof: Let {Ipil lemma; we assume +W+ U a. Cn has been fixed. = dist ((c, z), in We consider is (real) semi-algebraic (i.e., U = {(, x, Q(E x, y) < 01 with DU)) of IzONIal2+N be the partition of unity obtained zE {tpj} such that IDay01 < for each m-multi-index N > 0 P and Q y) 6 polynomials) then the previous Cn as Rm+2n1P(E,-, {(11, z) R2n. If x, y) = 0, E Rm+2N+11 is a (real) semi-algebraic set. Since the supremum (and so infimum) of a semi-algebraic collection of semi-algebraic sets is semi-algebraic, {(t, d(t))1t > 01 algebraic. is semi- Then, by the Seidenberg-Tarski theorem, the following 22 {(t,d(t), p)It > 0, 0 < pd(t) < 11 sets are semi-algebraic: and M = {(t, p) 1t > 0, 0 < pd(t) < 1}. Mt = (111(t, Let p(t) = sup p = sup O<T<t ptMt lim d()-1 11) = (1110 < p < d(t)1} E d(T)-1. and lim D(t) = d(0,0) > O. Notice Thus t4-0 = max(1,1/d(0,0)}. is nondecreasing and finite. 11 By Lemma 2.1 T+0 (HEirmander, 1969, p. 276), there exists a rational number constant A > 0 Cta p(t) < be an integer with d(t)-1 < p(t) < t < max then d(t) -1 {10 < C(3 + 2, W if t t > o. N' = If < 10 + 1z1 1z1 + 2} so that p t > 0 > a, say N' C(l+t)N' as depending on C > 0 Then there exists a constant N' Eaj + 1. (,z) Then E B(t) - B(t-2), + 2, so 1z1)N' <C'(1 4-1E,1+ 17-1)N' Using the estimates of the previous lemma, we see Ipaqii()1 < Ca(1+1E,1+1,z1)1a12(d(t))-1a1(21al+m)-1 < C'(1+10 +1z1)Nla where N = 1 + ZN' + mN' and -+N C' a, t E (max and a so that p(t) = ATa(1 + o(1)) Let a > 0 1z11, max {10, 1z11 = C C'. a + 2) In the first line, is arbitrary.- 23 Corollary 3.1. Lemma 3.2 is true with the estimate Ipc'y)1 Proof: < 4C;(1 + Computation using the inequality + (a + b)2 < 2(a2 + b2). ?4 CHAPTER FOUR THE WEIERSTRASS THEOREMS In this chapter we prove a version of the Weierstrass Preparation and Division theorems with bounds and with parameters. methods of proof of the Weierstrass theorems. There are several Here we modify the proof based on Cauchy's theorem. If P E CE, z], then we define P'()(z:r) = 11)(,z414)1 = sup 1141<r An m-multi-index is an m-tuple The length means < a a = (al, ..., am) of an m-multi-index at < a. 13. for sup 11)(,z+rw)1. lwl<1 (al, m j=1, of nonnegative integers. and a, + is ..., am) means < a We continue to use the notation of Chapters 1 and 2. r(u x denotes the set of W, EO) holomorphic in W, r(u x W, AO) U x W which are holomorphic on of Ck Let U be a connected open subset of P E CI, z], s c (0, 1), and Let z e Cn r > 0. Assume P()(z:r) < C and assume < a and 13 a. Thus W which are F(U x W, Ek0) W, and U x W which are holomorphic in functions on am. denotes the set of real-analytic functions on Lemma 4.1 U x functions on Cc° 13 + W. and Rm P(, -) inf denotes the set 0 P(E-z1,T)I C > 0. if Let U. for each e U. 1T-Znf=rs Leto c T U and let 13(, Z1, T) number s', o < s' N+ be the number of roots of the polynomial which satisfy IT - zn < 1, depending only on < rs. a, Then there exists a n, and C where a is the 25 degree of P A = {w E 01114j1 ball B = A. z, such that the polydisc in j=1,...,n-1, < s' < 1} {14 e IwnI and so that the following properties hold: There exist unique functions U x (z with P, + rA) and P+ and U E = A' e Cn-1 1'w. 31 -1-5'()(z:r) sup z+rA f e < r(u x for each sup z+rA 0 and P-(C,-) if wez+r-E U, then E C' > 0 111{)1 + w' is monic, has degree N+ in wn, rA', all roots of the E Z/ IT - satisfy ZnI < rs, where j=1,...,n-11. depending only on C1 > 0 < C rN inf z+rA P(,)1 u, n, and and Cir-N+is"(C)(z:r). (z + rA), EO) is a polynomial in constant such that: wn, P4-(,-) P-(,w) < s' There exists a constant If rA), AO) in and I so that wn P+g, w', T) T w' = (.41,...,wn_i) h and as a polynomial in polynomial B. x Cz P = PP- so that P- are polynomials in P- and for each C and e U. p+ (iii) P c F(U are bounded in z+ rA and is contained in the unit < s} and f(,-) f = Pg + h where of degree wn depending only on P'{)(z:r) suplg(,)1 z+rA is bounded in g, h < N+ E F(U x z + rA (z+rA),E0), and there exists a u, n, and C so that <C' suPlf(,*)1. z+rA Moreover, there exist nonnegative integers Nk depending on x, 26 n, and the top order terms of depending on Kk and constants k such that P p.,(-1\14-(k+1) )(z:r) < Kk(1 same inequality for 1Dap- 2 2 Nk -N4-(k+1 +r ) P(&-)(z.. r) E r-N÷(10-1) sup 1121f(,)1 a<a z+rA 1Dag(,w)I and the same inequality for of length a for every m-multi-index and the c,w)rN+(k+1) Kk(1+1z12 +izI ID°1-1(&,w)1 < X, n, m, k, C, and lal and for = k U, E W E Z + rA. C.. If E r(u x f for each h E U, then f = Pg + h wn is a polynomial in C, N, and constants f(,.) and (z+rA), Ek0) where of degree with U, w g Z and + rA in place of De = (-2) Proof: Let C so that lal z+rA < k. The same estimate is true ()m 3rn and x is the total degree We can expand Q in powers of 3 P. Q(E,w) = P(E, z + rw). i.e., Q(E,w) = P(,w) = P, k, and a '" 3E1 of and there exist NI+ h. al Here (z+rA),Ek0), sup 1E0f(,.)1 a<a E c,r(u x z + rA 24.1z124.r2)N 1-5()(z:r)-Mr-M . E for g, h < M depending on IDah(E,w)I < C(1+W is bounded in n-multi-indices). a (E)WY(-y Y (w-z)/r) = a Yl<u (&-)(w-z)-Yr-IYI Then w, 27 Since any two norms on the finite dimensional vector space (polynomials in = az1, C[ z] there exists a constant C01 Q()(0:1) E < IYHP Notice that -Q-()(0:1) [-Co, Co] depending only on E x D, then A = U, WI E A' IQ(, 0, A C B and j=1, sl - U x has exactly ..., T,(1 Denote these roots by and e U vary in the By a compactness n. p, c n-11, D IwnI = s.) for w') if 0 and n, and s' = {T E CIITI < s}, &()(0:1)/2C, if (Note that the hypothesis becomes ITI < s - 6 roots with N+ and p is connected, we see the A' so that of Q(,w)/&()(0:1) IQ(,w)1 > < 6. if n so that, if s and wn)I > Z(C)(0:1)/C fact that P(,.) since depending only on s' and U E n, and C, and i < CoQ()(0:1). depending only on d > o argument, we can find are equivalent, Y a ()/()(0:1) that the coefficients compact set if 0 (0 A p) < depending only on > 0 C0 of degree zn] P(11,n) By Rouche's theorem and the polynomial if E j=1, U WE, WI, T) T and wf E pl. N+. N+ Define Q+(, w) = II (wn j=1 - Tj(E, w')) for E U, WI E LI and N+ P+(, w) = n j=1 (w -zn n - rr.(&, (w' a4Q Set Since a(E, Q oZn 1 w'J, = 2Tri z')/r)) (, A' for in U x Cm+11. E, E U, w' E z' + rA'. T) Q(, w', T) does not vanish on neighborhood of U x - j A' dT x 3D, eZ for i = 0, 1, 2, .. is holomorphic on an open By Cauchy's integral formula, ?8 0(, w') = E (T.C, w')) and the coefficients of powers of j=1 are elementary symmetric polynomials of (T1(E, w'), wn in Q+ w')). T Since the elementary symmetric polynomials are polynomials with rational coefficients of the "power sums" rk(x) = E x., we can find rational j=1 coefficients a =e b2, ao N are (a a ,N" ) + 1-multi-indices) so that, with -N .0 N+ Q+(E, w) = E I bt , 2, a and so a (e(E, 14'))awz' n for is holomorphic in a neighborhood of U Q+ is holomorphic in a neighborhood of U P 0 < t < N+, ' w) =EEb e(E, - x (z' z')/r)a(wn lal x A' + rA') < N+, x C. x C Similarly, and + - zn) r-NT -" . La Z'a Define w' 21 E P- = P/P+ on P-(E, rA', T U x (z' + 14f, T) rAl) x C. For each U and U x (z T. is a polynomial in By Cauchy's integral formula 1)(, P_(E, w) = if wn e zn Since IT( 1Q+(, w)I ' IP > (E, 14)1 P- + rD, so w')1 - d - s)N (114 -z 1-r(s-d)) n n P+(E, w', T)(T - dT wn) is holomorphic on a neighborhood of < s 6 (114111 r3D w', T) (by the choice of if 6), we see c U, w' E A', if E eU,w' E z' + rA). w > s - 6, and rA',1wn -zn 1>r(s-6). '79 Then IP-(E, w)I < (r)N+ ifIwn sup 11)(,.)1 z+rA - znI = and by the rs maximum principle, 1P-(, w)1 Since the roots of cients of T < Q+(E, w', T) 1Q+(, -4- w', T) roots, there is a constant ITI satisfy < e U. rA, s < 1 and the coeffi- are elementary symmetric polynomials in the C" coefficients of powers of stant C" if w E Z + (rd)-N 1-3()(z:r) are bounded by T depending only on u and n so that the So there exists a con- C". so that n and u depending only on sup IQ+(E,W,T)I < C". lil<1 P+(,w) Since = rN Q+(,(w-z)/r) sup 1121+(, w', and e U if T)I < w' c z' + Cu'rN 1T-zni<r i.e., 1134-g,w)1 1P-g,w)1 w' e z' < C"'rN4- if 1P(,w)lr-N4-/C" + rA', and Iwn - E > zni U and w e z + rA. Thus -F(E)(z:r) r/2CC" if e U, = rs, and so, by the maximum principle for 1/P-, we see 113-(,w)I > -1()(z:r)r-N /2CC" This proves A if we set If s - 6 < p < s, C1 E U, if maximum of W' E E U, w e z + rA. 2CC" and and wn + rA' f(,14',T)(P+(E,14',7) - 6-N - znI < rp, define P+(,w',wn)) dT 11('w) - 271 IT-1=r10 Zn P+(,w1,T)(T-wn) 30 E f(,W,T) 1 g( E,w) - and 2TriP(E,W,wn) P+(.,-,w',T)(T-wn) These integrals are independent of in IT - zni > r(s - f = Pg + h in x (z U For each + rA). P1-(E,W,T) since p Clearly, g, h (5). dT E r(u x (z E U, E has no roots rA), EO) WI C ZI and rA', P(,w',wn) P+(,w',T) T-W nomial in wn wn) of degree (and in T is a polynomial in of degree < h N+, so is a poly- < N+ Q+(E,w1,T) As before, if I dn(E,W)Tz, then = Z=0 if E E WI E AI and U Q+(E,14',T) T for and lwn p, < 1T1 w' c A' C Idi(E,w')1 <C" ; and so N+ Q+C,wf,wn) < C" W = p, and p>S - 6. I I z=1 j=1 C pN -1 n So if 2 P, Hr= < U, then P+(E,z'+rw',zn+rT) - P+(,z'+rw1,zn+rwn) + rT (zn + rwn) zn r N+ + (Q - Q Ct:04/tywn)) _< C2(rp) r(T - wn) where C2 depends on and C" N-1 1 and so on and n. P, P > s-6, 31 By the definition of h, we see that sup Ifg,')1C2(1-P)N+-1/(Iwn-zn1 In(,w)1 1 r 21T JIT-zni =rp if - z+rA s - 6 < p < s, w' E z' + rA', -N4- C2 1dT1 1wn 1h(E,w)1 <C2 sup 1f(E,.) lim sup z+rA r(s-6))N - zn1 < (rp)N+( rp, and wn-zn1 - E E U. Thus r(s-6))-N+ sup 1f(,.)1 z+rA = C3 sup 1f(,-)1 z+rA -N+ where depends on C3 = C26 sup z+rA 1P(E,')11g()1 < Also, 1P(E,w)1 > ii'()(z:r)/2C and 1114'11 - zn1 - sup z+rA Let rs1 < 1g(E,.)1 C. Since Pg = f- h, we have (C3 + 1) sup z+rA (by choice of 6) when c U, w' c z' + rA', rd, so, by the maximum principle, we see < 2C(C3+1)17)-(r,)(z:r)-1 sup 1f(,-)1. z+rA C' = C3 + 2C(C3 + 1). Recall and p, n, and 131-(,w) = E E i=o lal<N bz a(6(,(141-z1)/r)'(wn-zn)r 1Q(E,(wf-z')/r,T)1 > Z-(E)(0:1)/2C = -15()(z:r)/2C WI E ZI rA', E wn zn+ rD, and 1T1 = S. if E E U, 32 ez, From the definition of Iii = k, and DY = it is clear that if (441 / '1 16Yezg,w1)! _< (2C)1Y1+1-13(E)(z:r)-1Y1-1C4sZ+1 (1+1E12+Izt+rw'12 and 4 w' exists a nonnegative integer p+(E,w)1 if depending on N' K,T;()(z:r)-N1-(k+1)(1+1 < U, and IY1 _< k, w lwn - zn P- = P/P+. E E < If k so that 12.4.1z12+r2)N' K' depends on A, k, P. e U, w' = k, y Kfl(rd)-N+(k+1)13g)(z:r)- DYP-(E,*) lpyp-(z,.)1 if e U E Z' rA', and = rs, then ID1P-(,w)1 and since A, n, and z + rA, and where n, C, and the top order part of Recall P, if P()(z:r) < C(14-1E12+HI2+r2)A/2, we see that there Since E A'. Izn12 + r2s2)(IY1+1)(X-1)/2 k, A, n, C, and the top order part of depends on C + IY1-1(1+1E,2+1z121.r2)(1Y1+1)(X-1)/2 < C06()(z:r)) where is an m-multi-index, then )Ym (33,_ y U, w E Z N+(k+1)(i+w2+ z124.1.2)N" is holomorphic /c,1")(z:r)-N+(k+l)r-N1-(k+1)0..i.w24.1z124.r2)N" rA. From the definition of g h and we see that there exist constants K and the estimates on K2 > 0 P+ and and nonnegative integers P-, 33 so that N1, N2 + IDYh(E,w) N, r(EAz:r),-N (k+1)(14-1E12+r2÷1z12) (k+1);-_, -< K1kr-N E sup -Lk ID'f(,Z,-)1 B<y z+rA if E e U, w e z + rA, and Now let K", K1 N = maximum of 'k , K2 1 Notice concerned. y= k. N', N", Ni Similarly for a with K , etc. -k , N2 and let Kk = maximum of K', . k C. is essentially the same as B. as far as the proof is 34 CHAPTER FIVE LOCAL EXISTENCE THEOREMS In this chapter we prove a version of Lemma 1 of Petersen (1975) depending on one parameter. We would prefer to establish the follow- ing lemmas for any number of parameters, but the method of proof breaks down if m > 1. We are only interested in taking derivatives in the parameter E, and so we introduce the notation Lemma 5.1 Let B Mk V E r(R x Nk, for and k = 0, 1, Ck, M, and Proof: (i) + rB), E0) rtB), E0)cl (7. sup IDkv(&,*)1 z+rtB Here m= 1, and let a e CW and N < Ck > 0, and nonnegative zE k = 0, 1, 2, ..., so that if x (z u e r(R 0 < r < E, and for every for this chapter. There exist a polynomial E > 0, then there exist constants integers 3 such that: (0, 1) If -z P bea pxq matrix over C{, w], let be the open unit ball in C. tE D = with Ck(l+r Cn, then there exists Pv = aPu in R )(1+1z124-W2+r2)Nk x (z + rtB) and sup 1DiPu(E:,*)1 Z=o z+rB ... and E R. depend on and k The proof is by induction on n = 0, p = 1. P. n and P = (P1, p. and we may assume P/ 1 0. Pct) Leta=PleCW ' V= (v1, vq). are clearly true. v1 =Pu,v.=0, j Then = 2, ..., q and 3 Pv = P/Pu = aPu and the estimates 35 (ii) n > 0 Let p > 1 and and assume inductively that we have proved the lemma for all P1 Consider a polynomial a' n' < n f = -Pll' E C[V negative integers and Pig). < p. p' By hypothesis, there exists and there exist constants and v' c r(R x(v-rt'B),Eo)q N' k' t' so that E (0,1) P1v' = Ci, non- and a'P1v in R x (z+rt'B) and IDkvi(c,-)1 < C/'((l+r E )(14-1 sup 12+1zI2+r2)Nk ID'Q'Flu('')1 9..=o z+rB for E R. cmzig CI,zir Let C[Ez] be exact. By Lemma 2.3 F(R x (z+rt113),E0)q F(R x (z+rt'B),E0)r 1 F(R x (z+rt1B),E0) f E F(R x (z+rt'B),E0)r so Consider the equation p a" E 1 equations. g E r(R x (z+rt't"B), EO)r in R x (z+rt't"B) (iii) Let n > 1 and and Qf = Let - v'. PQg = PQf, which is a system of By the induction hypothesis, there exist CfV,CNj, and t = t't" is exact. t" 6 (0,1) such that with the estimates. and there exists PQg = a"PQf = a"P(a'u-v') Set v = Qg + a"v', a = a'a". p = 1 proved the lemma for all and assume inductively that we have n' < n and p' c m 36 Pq) P = (P1, of in w P = bA , where P A (,.) g 0 for under the evaluation map where P(p,n) polynomials in Let b c CE ] , Aq E w. in P 04] , and C[ C. E K CB - (01 C Cn Let and the degree u = maximum of the degrees of is We may write Pq X 0 We may assume be a finite set such that its image is a basis for P(u,n)' B P(p,n)', is the finite dimensional C-vector space of of degree C[w] < p and P(u,n) is its dual. be the dual basis of {1,(e) le c K} C P(u,n) P(p,n). Then A (,w)= IeEK and Aq('e)L(e)(w) -A- (E)(z:r) < C maxIA (Z,z+re)I eEK where u depends only on C q and Cr) V(e) = ((,w) c R x Let IA (Z,w + re)I open cover of n. such that > 1/2 max IA (,w + re')}. e'EK q R x Cn and, if A (&)(w:r) < 2CIA (, w + re) (0,,,) I. (V(e)le E Kl is an c V(e), then Define q fe(T) = A(, w + has a < p re T) roots, which we call (1/2 - 1/8u, 1 + 1/8u) si into T1, 2u + 1 2a < 2u R, there exists Isi - > 2. i" E (0, for each ..., 20, such that j=1, fe equal intervals and let of these intervals. ..., C. We divide Ta. =1/2+Tibetheirlilidpoints.(1TWj=1, intersect at most TC c CET] , a polynomial in . , . a} can So for each 37 V(e,i) = {(,w) Define SE {V(e,i)Ie K, 2=0, E E V(e)IA (Fw + rse) # 0 IsI with C 20 ..., inf < 2C(Bu+1) 22.-1 L2 8u (,w) 8u 2 R x Cn E V(e,t), (,w+rseT)I IA ITI=1 If 2t+11 1 ' is an open cover of consisting of semi-algebraic sets. ()(w:r) rl for all q TEC zE Assume now that Cn is fixed and (,z) e V(e,t). We make a unitary change of coordinates and so assume that ATh(z:r) < 2C(8u+1) where = s inf 1A,(,z',T)I IT-znI=rs Define W = W(e,t) = V(e,i)(z). Iskel. We apply Lemma 4.1 to the polynomial and we find Aq s' c (0,1), A={wEcnIlw.l< A+, Aand g,h e E r(w r(w x s' rA), E0) u =Ag+h in Wx (z the Lemma. where T Also, h < sl, 114nI rA), AO), (z (z n-1, j=1, + rA) such that A = A+A- and and we have the estimates from is a polynomial in wn of degree + N is the number of roots of the polynomial Aq(r,Iz'T) in IT- znI < rs. By the same argument as on page 197 of Hermander (1966), we see:P1f1+..+Pq_Ifq-1+Aqfq=h1dheref.EF(W x(z+rA),E0) 38 and are polynomials in fq_i fl, is a polynomial in Thus of degree < N+ < p. (of degree wn Aq fq wn by Lemma 7.6.9 of HOrmander (1966), and, < p + N+) is a polynomial in Aq fq (of degree p). < By Lemma 3.2, there exist (e' wn functions C such that E K, 2=0, ..., 2p) tp(e', 9.,1) on R supp(1.1)(e',Z1)) C W(e',2.1) 2U and E 4)(e', Z') = 1 e'EK Z.=o P f' + 11 and . + P . and f! = 4)(e, Z)A f. + A f' = h' q q f' q-1 q-1 are polynomials in f!, h Set R. Then Z)A-h. h' = 11./(e, on of degree wn < p. Also, the support of these functions is contained in W(e, Z) x (zT+rA')x C. This equation is equivalent to a system of 2p coefficients (of powers of h' of the wn) f! equations in the on the left and of and zeros on the right and in the variables (, w'). By the induction hypothesis applied to this system, we can find a polynomial a2 c CP.,1 , nonnegative integers Z=0, ..., 2p, M1 and constants and, for N1 2p PP + 1 1 and, if a j=1, Fjz E F(R x (zi+rs't, B), E0)2p F.(,w) = functions E Z=0 F. 3Z (,14')w2, +Pq-1 Fq-1 satisfy + AF q q = a2h' is a nonnegative integer < and C1 > 0 k, t1 (0,1), q, such that the 39 2p q E E -M sup lpcIF j=1 Z=o z'+rs't1 *) < C1 (l+r I 12+1z,r2+1.2)N 1)(1,1 ' B' 2p E sup z'+rs'B' z=o where *) 2p Cl -1 B' is the unit ball in ID 511i(E, hi(E,w) = E hz(E,W)wn. and L=0 Now set Set j vi(e,Z) = alFj/A < q and vq = a2t1)(e,Z)g +Fq/A-. Then a(e,Z) = a1a2. Pv(e,Z) = a1(P1F1 + + AqFq)/A- + ala211)(e,2)Aqg = a(e,Z)1,b(e,Z)u. We made a unitary change of coordinates in Cn earlier, and now we make the inverse coordinate transformation; this does not affect a(e,Z) or 11)(e,Z), which depend only on E. a =a(e,Z) and Set eEK, Z=o,..., 2p 2p I av(e,Z)/a(e,Z). v = a E C[ and 1 v E F(R x (z+rtB),E0)q eEK Z=o t = min {se, s'(e,9)t1(e' where e K, Z=o, E 20. Then Pv = Ze,i aPv(e,Z)/a(e,Z) = Ee,2a4)(e,Z)u = au. We will estimate v A (E,w) = E a ()wY = Y ct Y Y bY now. Now (E)(w - z)Y. (w) zw-Y aw(). b (E) = Let Here a and w are n-multi-indices w>1 of length n There exists < p. Co > 0 depending only on so that o Y Y ()1 1A A ()(z:r) < q lb r 21y1 < CA ()(z:r). o q p and 40 0 < r < E, E2(11-171) > r2(11-171) Since r2Iy1 u 1) E-2 (U-1Yr2 > _> 0 < E<_ 1, r21Y1 b() = Let ,w) = c ( R on c(E ,w) = bvi(E) lb ()12 2u c(,w) -1 and Notice C., D . so that A 1 (F., R, w E ,w)1 C1 C-1 r214(1 W(e b() -1 < In the unit ball in . Thus, if H=rnax{ 0,4 X] } 2 2)L, + L 2 C., (1 + 1E1 + 1z1-) Thus . + IV ) , + 2 a I z 2)-1' ,w) > C4r- z + rtB, from Lemma 4.1 (since 11014 follows from the e Cn. 2)H/2 < C3(1 + So depends on A and w e Cn. (Notice E p. 276, there exists a constant , (,w)1A1 1 (w)1 < C3(1 + Recall that on E C(E ,z) = b(). has a positive lower bound. (z:r) > w These are real polynomials 2. By a result of B. Petersen using 0.) bw(E) C-21 min (1, L = 1 +[H/2] where I for real 0 c(E ,w) Thus I< C2 max (1, R x Cn, c and lb (E)12 IY1<U Y and a rational number > and if C1r Lemma 2.1 of Hormander (1969) Ic(E,w)1 , so that E ( )ww- Yaw() and > E-2 11/-2u Thus there is a constant R2n+1, respectively, and A (E,' ) g 0 C2 > 0 _< u. 1y1 n, and I and if > (z:r) 3 If B> 1, r2 1Y1 . r2ij, u, depending on C1 and so . N+ tB C A). estimates of (z :r) for The estimate of g,F. , etc. 41 Lemma 5.2 open unit ball in Nk u c (F(R x (z such that rtB), E0) E f-(/)z+rtBV ID v('')I 2 e J CW and Ck > 0 6 (0,1) t and nonnegative + rB), E0))q, then there Pv = bPu is any continuous real-valued function on (I) Nke d r b be the B such that: Cn, 0 < r < E, and z C[F,,w], m=1, and There exist a polynomial Cn. v E r(R X (Z exists and if and Mk If matrix over E > 0, then there exist constants such that, if integers pxq P bea Let + 1E12) .< Ckea(1 x (z R in + rtB) z + /11, then k JrID2Pu(,)12e-(1)dV Z=0 where Proof: ties. a = sup z+rB icp(w') and (w")1 - z+rB .0(w) = log (1 + 11412). The proof is in Petersen (1974) and uses one of Peetre's inequaliThe proof in Petersen (1974) does not involve parameters, but the proof still works in this case. t c (0,1) Definition: If is good for t Let Lemma 5.3 s E (0,1), Pl, Pq P (,.) ,E 0 P. U be an open, connected subset of C > 0, and E satisfies the conclusion cf this lemma, we say C[Fw] and p and k Rm, c Cn, r > 0, z be nonnegative integers. all have degrees in w = (wl, ()(z:r) <C inf Suppose wn) < p, for F, p, n, s, and C z', T)1 6 U. 1T-zn1=rs Then there exists that ker (P) C F(U s' x (z (0,1) depending only on + rp), Ek0)q elements which are polynomials in wn is generated by those of its of degree < p. such 42 A = {14 6 Here ell 114.1 Cq) E r(u j < q, < SI x (z < s} Iwnl and c.P. rA), Eko)ci j=1 Proof: . 3 3 This is a straightforward application of Lemma 4.1 and Lemma 7.6.9 of HEirmander (1966). Lemma 5.4 Let be the unit ball in B cWwIr be exact with constant (z rB), Ek0)cl E r(u x (z rtB), EkO)r Proof: C[ (i) Let ,w113 b 6 C[] and a is a nonnegative integer and with Pt = 0, then there exists Qg = bf such that X (z U in + rtB). The proof is by an Oka induction and the second and third cases are very similar to (ii) and (iii) of the proof of Lemma 5.1. nomial R. such that: (0,1) r(u x f e P ,w]cl Then there exists a polynomial in = 1. z e Cn, r > 0, k If g t e Cf and U be open in C b The poly- comes only from the proof of the first case, which we present. n= O. Let E bea qxq matrix over C(c) is the unique reduced row echelon matrix of Qg' = f iff Sg' = Ef. so that S= EQ Notice that Q. be the rank of Let Then there exists a permutation ki < Q (over < k,:;1. < C()). < Zs of(1,...,rlsothatS..=Oifj<k.and S. 13 1 = 6... 13 ikj Then define g' by gi. = 1 E Z=1 E. 4 f and 0 = E =1 By Theorem 1.1, we can solve Q()g' SVg' off a proper variety. = E()fM, for = f(E) E.,f if i >p. 14 1 and so S(F,)gi () 43 is a reduced row echelon matrix, so the last q - rows are 11 zero, and thus the second condition in the definition of Now let entries of and Lemma 5.5 is satisfied. Let 6 CIV a and B 6 (0,1) and E > 0 If and P t E be the least common denominator of the b Now g = bg'. be as in Lemma 5.1. There exist a polynomial and NI v C(l+r-m)(1+ W2+lz < 2 (z+rtB), Ek0)q 1DiPu(E,.)! j=o z+rB R E Proof: E F(R x N +r-)E sup z+rtB for z E Cn, 0 < r < E, and so that if N C > 0 and IDv(,) 1 sup Qg = bf. is a nonnegative integer, then there exist k U c F(R x (z + rB), Ek0)q, then there exists Pv = aPu Sg = bEf, so such that: and nonnegative integers with g' and Z=0, k. The proof is the same as that of Lemma 5.1 except that we use Lemma 5.4 in (ii) rather than Lemma 2.3. Lemma 5.6 P bea Let open unit ball in C. such that, if constants matrix over and M and u v r(R x such that if rM rtB), Ek0)q E r Jz+rtBIL) 2 e b c CEFJ B and be the t e (0,1) F(R x (z + rB), Ek0)q, then there exists Pv = bPu is any continuous real-valued function on (I) ,m= 1, and nonnegative integers such that: N z E Cn, 0 < r < E, and (z ,14] is a nonnegative integer, then there exist k If E C[ There exists a polynomial and E > 0 C > 0 pxq dV < Ce a (1+W 2 N ) r in R x (z + rtB) and z + r-B, then Z E jz+rB 3=0 DJ Pu )! dV 44 e R for a = and 2=0, k where 8(w) = log (1 + 11412) and - gw)1. lq)(141) sup z+rB The proof is the same as Lemma 5.2 and the proof in Petersen (1974) Proof: (without parameters) works in this case. Definition that t If t c (0,1) is good for P. satisfies the condition of Lemma 5.6, we say For a given two definitions of good for P agree. P, t is independent of k and the 45 CI-IAPTER SIX SOLUTIONS OF THE CAUCHY-RIEMANN AND COBOUNDARY EQUATIONS In this chapter we solve estimates in the -ii(E-) = with weighted -) variables and smooth dependence on z L2- The proof of this result is a modification of some arguments of L. Hormander (1965). We then solve the coboundary equation 5c' = c with estimates and smooth dependence on parameters. We will use the notation of Hormander (1966, 1965) and some special Suppose notation. and is open in Rm are nonnegative integers and q 2 then to U L(p,q)(U, W. 2 L(p,q)(W, (0). cp) W and On. is open in If p is a measurable function of cp denotes the set of continuous functions from L2 (P,q ) is the Hilbert space of (p) W, U (p, q)-forms whose coefficients are square integrable with respect to e-c1V and has the norm fw lce- c 1c12 where la1=P Let b be a nonnegative integer or 2 the subset of W, ¢) +co. !2. lc L2 Pq)(U, 151N W, ¢, b) denotes consisting of those functions which are L(p,q)(U, Cb functions as mappings from U 2 to ¢) L(p,q)(W, represents the Cauchy-Riemann operator in variables only). and if a D. On (i.e., in the represents the partial derivative with respect to is an m-multi-index, a = (al, ..., am), Da = .Dm. Dal 1 Let W be an open set in Cn with C2 boundary; that is, there n exists a real function z p E C-(C) such that W = tz Cn p(7.) < 0}, 46 Cn1p(z) = (z e and = 0} dp on n E 0 pseudo-convex (or Levi-convex) iff j=1 zeM,E....1(z)hr.--.0 and DW = the boundary of W. W n E w.71, > 0 when k=1 azju'k 3 w = (.41, 6 wn) j=1 azj in C. If W is is open is pseudo-convex iff there is a continuous plurisubharmonic Cn, W in W such that u function = {z C C: W c for all c c R, where C}. WIU(7.) < A function W defined in an open set u W C Cn is plurisubharmonic iff is upper semicontinuous, and u for and w e Cn, the function z in the part of open set W C Cn j=1 z e W with a C2 n U 2 TW) function u 1( be open in R. W Let pseudo-convex boundary, let ci5 W, and let be a bounded open set in c C- value of the matrix Dzj"lc f e Lfp,q)(U, W, eK c C(W) be the lowest eigen- ) 1) such that q > 0, ) = 0 ,2 fwlf(, ) fwiDif(E -)12 -4)dV < 00 for -(15-K e j=1, aV < .7 m Cn be strictly plurisub- ( 32(I) and defined in an O. harmonic in a neighborhood of Suppose is subharmonic u(z) k=1 Dzj3Tk and w e Cn, w Let Lemma 6.1 C2 U(7. is strictly plurisubharmonic iff n for A where it is defined. C T and c U. 47 and q L(p,q_1)(U, W, 0) such that 5u(,-, = f(, -) -)12e*KdV -)12e-g5dV < for all Proof: 2 u Then there exists U. We will use the notation and results of Hdrmander (1965). 2 A be the operator on L(p,q)(W, 0) Let defined by Ah = AT eK/2 h c L2(13,q)(W, 4)). A is bounded and self-adjoint. For (1965, p. 99). h Let dom (T*) n < IIT*h lAh 112 S and T be as defined in Hormander dom(S), II2c5 11ShIl As in the proof of Theorem 1.1.4 of Hormander (1965), we see l(f(, .) for all F() E c U and 2 (1,(p,q)(W, Ilh(, -)110 dom(T*), where g I))/ R(T*) lower bound (Hormander, 1965). fkz = T*a ) is closed since Therefore, F(ç) lh()11 A has a positive is well defined for ile-K/2f11/ be an orthonormal basis of R(T*) v6i in L2(p 2 define u() E L'(p,q-1) 01 0) by u() = E F(F,)( kz) kz = for Define and 11F() Let f(E -) = A*11(, .). by FW(k) = (f(, -), g)0 where k = T*g + k2, k2 c R(T*)I. e U IIT*gll c U. Notice -), gzyz 01 , 0) and 48 111-4)(')11(2, i1F()( kz) = u It remains to show that since Tu(C, ) = f(C, ) Now the map E 12 < L2 pq-1)(U, W, ¢) .)12edV/q where u(C, -) = u(C)(.), by construction. (f(C, ), g) C fwifCC, Also,sinceSisclosed, c, ) if C1(U) is = 0 for 2 g 0). L(p,q-1) C e U, so by Theorem 2.2.1 of Hormander(1965),D.f(C,.)=Tw.(C)(.), where 3 2 w.(C) e L(p,q-1)CW, (P) exists rN(T)1 for each depending only on T C > 0 and C c U so that 1 < 11wilIcb < j There < m. CI1Twillq) (Theorem 1.1.1 (HOrmander, 1965)). From Taylor's Theorem, we see 1(f(c, f(°, ), m 1 (D.f(tC + (1-t)e, )(C. - C?), g ) = = o j1 (f1 o dt 1 3 3 3 m 2 1 < gzY (w (t+ (1-t)e), kz)cp12dt)1/2 IC J j=1 2 Then E I(f(C, f(°, *),aoz ) ') 1 Jr 2 (1) in I2 (w.(tC + (1-t)°), kz)2 (151 dt1 0 j=1 1 m o j1 = E lea.(tC + (1-t)°), k ) 111,1-(t 1 c I, o 12 dt1C cp 3 m j 02 - 3 3 (1-t)e) 2 Icp dt1F, - e 2 02 where the next to last inequality is by Parsavel's relation and C1 49 depends on T, f, and Ilu(C, Let Lemma 6.2 U, W, and (1), is a nonnegative integer or with -5f(C, E L2 (p,c1_1)(U, W, - ) < a for all m-multi-indices Proof: and Jrw with L2 (p,q-1)(11 to f c L2 1 -cp-K dV < .... ) T*gd and u(C, ) = We may assume b. Then l(f(C + he., ) - f(c, ) - hy(c, .), gz)qsi 1 Ii(hD.f(C + thej, .) - hDjf(C, .), gzyt1 = 2 - Th.12, i OD.f(E; + sthe., .)th, g ) dsdt1 1 < !hi 2 1111 1(w. 010 Jj(C + sthe.' ), k2, ) dstdt1 3 11 (I I w..(C o o 33 + sthe. ), and all ) kZ 12dst2dt)1/2 b = 1 and is independent of E(f(c, -), gz)1( 2. previous lemma. C c U (q > 0) < b. prove the lemma in this case, since the choice of u {kz = for b+1) b 2e - (P-1(dV We will prove this by induction on Let (1), Suppose and -Tu = f Daf (c, lal W, Pq)(U, (i))- Then there exists < b + 1. such that I ), gz)(p12 <C1 be as in the last lemma. K +. lal b) Dau(C, q U Thus say). f(e, IwIDaf(C, -)12e a with m-multi-indices u and = 0 .) < I = E l(f(C, *)112(1) is continuous as a map from u implies u(e, *) -I (for C° be as in the b. SO ), w..(E, Thus f(E, ) - 11.D.f(, ), o) ) - + he Zi(f( N(T)i. E JJ JJ 12 11 Esr Jr 1(w. .(E < o o .Q. + sthe., .), k ) 3 JJ 12dst2dt 11114 2, ,1 r1 i 00 j -- - -)112t2dsdt 11114 ,E, + sthe. , 1 Iwii( < c11114 J by Parsavel's relation and Theorem 1.1.1 of Hormander (1965). limilu(E + h) - - wj(E, ) = /:(Djf(E, ), where .)11cl)/11-11 j=1 h-oo u e L2 (p,q_1)(U, W, 0, 1), -) = f(E, ). -) =o 4)). c gz)(1)kz ), = Thus Then g9.)q5kz and , Similarly, q I-1:11Dju(E,.)12e-gcldV = q fw1wi(E,)12e-(1)dV <f1) 1-f(, -)12e-'15-KdV . 3 Theorem 6.1 Let W be a pseudoconvex open set in plurisubharmonic function on of plurisubharmonicity Let cp. nonnegative integers with Suppose f c W, and a Rm, and p and q > O. 2 W, O, co) with -9-f(, and .) = 0 L(Pc1)(U, , fwiDaf(E, )12edV < for Ec U and all m-multi-indices 2 u E L(p,q_1)(U, W, q for all E e U (1), m) such that IwIDau(,-)12e-dV < a. Then there exists 7U(E, ) = f(E, .) fwiDaf(E,.)12e-4-KdV and all m-multi-indices a. C2 be a lower bound for the eK E C(W) be open in U Cn, and q be 51 2 Proof: Notice L(p,q-1)(U, W, a e Cm(W) WM = be a strictly pseudoconvex function on is relatively compact in {z 6 W1a(z) < M} and q W, (0, co) pseudoconvex boundary Cm such that - gz(E, -) = f(E, ) in f 1Daa (E, -)12e-15dV_< -)12e-q5-KdV, Iw w m-multi-indices a, and 2=0, 1, 2, ..., where is an increasing sequence of reals, and M by zero outside gz (Theorem 2.6.11 of W Then, by Lemma 6.2, there exists (Hormander, 1965). c L2pq-1)(U, .. as co {MZ=0, 1, ...} , We extend 2 fgZ1Z=0, 1, 2, '..1 C C (j, L(p,q-1)CW, (p)). so Wz, = W, Wz U x Wz for all E c U, Notice this sequence is bounded in C(U, Lfp,c1_1)(W, (0)). be an orthonormal basis of 1} Let such that W Hormander (1966)) and for almost all M, Wm has g ()). = Cm(U, Lfp,q_1)(W, co) L2(1),c1_1)(W, (0). Let Notice that ((gzC-, -),tc).(-))b 1Z=0, 1, ...} is bounded in Cm(U), a Frechet-Montel space, for each j=1, 2, ... . Then there exists a subsequence (gz(1) g of fg } such that (a°(1), Z a subsequence {g (s) 1 ) 4) a1 E C(U). Similarly, there exists of ia(s-1)} such that (s) (g2. ' 4)S)cP--.'aS e Cm(U), for s = 2, 3, .. Let and u(E, -) Set vt(E, Z -0- u(E, ) = j J u E nU, We claim that 3 is in the weak closure of (gz(E, -)1 = 4)(E,-) co, for j=1, 2, ..., Now (vz(E, -), and so if itpdj=1, 2, ...1 then (vZ (E, -), (, qij)(1) -4- L2(p,c1 1)(W4)) for each E E U. .(u(E, -), ¢j)(0 as is the subspace generated by S -4- (1(E, -), ¢) (1) c S. Now let A c L-pq-1) (W, ¢). Since S as 2. -0- w for all is dense in 1,-(p,q-1)(W, ¢), 52 if E > 0, there exists so that IP E S 1(vtg, *), 'P)(1) where depends on 2, ) - u(, *), i(vzg, ) - u(, *), 4))1 C()iin - 4)14 e - (u(, *), 11(t,1 1(v2,(E, '), A C()11A < E. For some 2. > 0, < E, Then of course. 1(/2,g, 11A - 1014) - 1PY + 101(, ),A -0951 1P11gb (1 + 2C())c where C() = IIf(, weakly (in L(p,q_/)CW, (0)) in -)110.K. 2 Now let Then e---0. to u(, -), for vz(E, -) converges c U. Thus -5.1.4,-) = f(,-) U x W, by standard arguments. Now Dagz(,-) = (Dag(), 4)j) = j relation, . ()I2 < liDaf(,')1142)+K Daa.,g)tpi. Jx, for all E By Parsavel's U and m-multi- j qEiDaaz indices Thus, a. zIpaa.()12 < sup q ZI1Pa2,g)12 < IlDafg,')Iic2p+K j 3 so "Dau(,-)" defined by T Daaj()4)j Lfp,c1-1)(W4), for each U anda.ileclainthatp.u, -), defined as the limit of a difference 3 quotient, exists and is continuous. u ... C 2 C (U, L(p,q_1)(W, (1))) This will show that (i.e., the proof will be clear). 53 u(+te.,-) - u(,-) I. El.u(E-)11, 11 cP, (a (+te ) aZ()) I = 11E (D.a ) 3 112 lp Z - D.a ())4) 11j Z Da)) - Z Z 2" (by the Mean-Value Theorem, where is between and + te.) 3 ZD.a = Z (where ei Zj 2 2" is between < 2, 3 Z 2 Z )()4)z11(I) and (e.j)121 e) -12 3 < It 12 Z1D2a (e))12 j2. Z --C2,X1t12 where max sup C2 4,A c..)( 11Daf(V, U containing a neighborhood of u is differentiable. and 12 co+K lal<2 Thus X u E C(U, L2 A similar argument shows and Du is differentiable. is a compact subset of Now11Dau(,.) u E pq-1)(W4)) and Ci(U, L2cp,q_1)(W,(0)) 1,2 Elpaa.(012 11,4) ji j 11Daf(E;,-)1124)+K for all E Theorem 6.2 U and all Let W, a. eK, U, p, and q be as in Theorem 6.1. be a nonnegative integer. Suppose f E L- (, Pq)(U, W, b+2) with .f(E.-.) = 0 and Let b 54 fw!Daf(,.)12e-(1)-1( dV < U for E e and such that .1_1(E,-) for and E e U Proof: Then there exists < b + 2. lal = f(E,) and u Lfp,q_1)(U, E W,cp, b) qfwIDU(E,-)12e-cipdV < fw1Daf(E,-)12e-4)-KdV < b. lai We modify the proof of Theorem 6.1 as follows: We note that the inclusion of the sequence into is compact and Cb(U) 2 is bounded in (gz} Cb+1 (U) Cb+1(U, L(p,(1_1)(W,q5)) The proof then follows. W Suppose cover of is a domain of holomorphy in W, and is open in U If Rm. is either a nonnegative integer or b Cn, fW > 1} j is an open is a nonnegative integer and s +w, then Cs(U,(W.),Z (P,q),ct),b) denotes the set of all alternating s-cochains (s + 1)-multi-index) with for tor ((5) Lemma 6.3 (W.Ij > 1) (where a is an 2 Ca L-(pq) CU, , n "1 Here W E E U. c = (ca) = W cp, Wa' and b) -5Ca(E,-) = 0 We define the coboundary operaWas. in the usual manner (Petersen, 1975; Hbrmander, 1965). Let W be a domain of holomorphy in Cn, U be open in Rm, and be an open cover of W with the properties of Lemma 5 of 3 Petersen (1976) (and A, B and a as in the lemma). strictly plurisubharmonic function in W and let lower bound for the plurisubharmonicity of some real If with s L. Let b for be a cl) C2 be a continuous K < L on W, for be a nonnegative integer. is a positive integer, then for each 6c(E,-) = 0 eK with 4) Let c CS(U, (W.), E c U, there exists c' c Cs-1(Uj) Z(p,q), b) p,c1)4+K,b+2s) 55 Sc'(,)- = c(,.) such that and C11Dac(,*)11q).4.1( for and U E and lal Here < b. 1,b(z) is a constant depending on C Proof: =- log d(z) = - log(minfl,dist(z,3w)l) A, B, a, L, and b. The proof is essentially the same as the proof of Theorem 6 of Petersen (1976) with the lemmas here replacing those in Petersen (1976) Note that the lemma is true with as necessary. replace b = co if we by Cs. C Lemma6.4LetW,U,(W.)be as in Lemma 6.3 and let subharmonic function in nonnegative integer, and Suppose s be a is a positive integer, b C2 pluri- is a q > 0. c c Cs(U, (Wi), If C E W. p b + 2s) such that 6c(,-) = 0 for U, then there exists c' E CS-1(U, (W.), 3 such that dc'(,-) = c(,.) Z(pq) 274) + 20, b) and liDac'(E,*)11cp+211)+28 < CI IDc(,) 14) if e(z) = E U and log(l a is an in-multi-index with +1z12), 11)(z) = -log d(z), and 1a1 C < b. Here depends only on A, B, a, m, n, and b. Proof: The proof is essentially that of Corollary 7 of Petersen (1976). Note that Lemma 6.4 is true with k = if we replace C by C. 56 CHAPTER SEVEN GLOBAL EXISIENCE AND FUNDAI\ENTAL SOLUTIONS In the chapter we prove an existence theorem with estimates similar to Theorem 1 of Petersen (1975). Using the division theorem we prove, under certain conditions, the existence of temperate fundamental solutions R x F, where with support in A is a closed, convex, salient cone. F simple counterexample of the converse is provided. If isa P pxq matrix over to be the set of alternating s-cocycles U n n x Wa = U x (Wao f E F(U x c = (ca) with on f c L2 W, Eb0) n L2(U, Wa, ¢, b) and V C C W, then 00)(U V Z(00), W, then 4) , F(U x V, Eb0). f Pca = 0 in and b) . f c L00)(U, V, Z(0,0), ¢, b) for any locally (lower) bounded measurable function if Cs(U,(Wi) ,R(P) Was), ca c F(U x Wa, Eb0)q If we define ,z] C[ on ¢ W. Conversely, for some plurisubharmonic function ¢ (The proof of this last comment follows from Theorem 2.2.3 of Hormander (1966) and the fact that is upper ¢ semi-continuous). Lemma 7.1 and Let m = 1, U j>1 (1v.) 3 Z=0, ..., 3n + 3 be open in R, W plurisubharmonic function in < d(z). Cn, be a collection of open covers of W with the properties of Lemma 2 of Petersen (1975). lz - wl a domain of holomorphy in W with Let ¢ (z) -¢ and L > 0 < L be a ¢ if z E W C- and 57 Suppose pxq isa P a Hilbert resolution of good for (20, matrix over (as matrices over P so that Q2. and Q 0 n 9' X t 6 C[ E, z]) with is - (0, 1) satisfies the condition of Lemma 5.4. t a 6 C[E] There exists a polynomial C[E, z] (independent of t) and a nonnegative integer E such that: s > 1, b If is a nonnegative integer, and c Cs(U, (W.), R(P),(1),b + 3 6c(E, ) = 0 with 6 U), then there exist nonnegative integers (E M and N, C > 0, and CI E Sc'(,E ) and 3n+3 Oa. Cs-1(U, = ), R(P), (/) a(E) c(E, ) lID2. c' (E,')11(12)+mp+Ne< C(1 + W2)M j=o and P 2. = 0, and ..., b. Here M and N are as before; ky(z) = - log (d(z)) IID)c(Z, ')112 for E 6 U (I) are nonnegative integers depending on is a constant depending on b, C with NO, b) + and P, b, and e(z) = L, and 4 and 6 log (1 + The proof is essentially the same as the proof of Theorem 3 of Proof: Petersen (1975). However, we take three times as many refinements as in Petersen (1975). One set is due to Lemma 5.4. since r(u f e L2(U, W2.+1 a , Theorem 7.1 R, and W x'a Eb0) may not be in L-(U, The other is required Wa' b) but is in b). Let m= 1,P bea pxq matrix over a domain of holomorphy in Cn. C[E, z] ,U open in There exists a polynomial b c C [E] such that the following holds: Let u c r(u x b be a nonnegative integer, 4 W, Eb+E0)q (where 2 as in Lemma 7.1, and is from Lemma 7.1). Then there exists 58 v e F(U x W, Eb0)q Pv = bPu such that f 141D2V(, -)12e--M4)-NedV < C(1 + 1Ci2)N C e U and depending only on and P Here M ..., b. 2. = 0, and and b C and )12e-dV `2" j=o for W U x in - N and are nonnegative integers is a constant depending on P, b, L. Proof: The proof is essentially the same as that of Theorem 1 of Petersen (1975). r Let be a closed, convex, salient cone in r+ = {x e r Rn1 <x, y> > 0 y e Fl if and let be its dual cone. Salient means that contains no one-dimensional subspaces, which is equivalent to the interior ro + of being nonempty. F is a q-tuple of polynomials in u e Rn r(R x on W iRn), E0)cl = r+ and (z) iRn - with c(w)I <. 7.1, there exists z)I ITY417(' where C[C, 11 and cp is a C2 L if z e W lz and plurisubharmonic function co - w1 < v e F(R x (Fo + iRn), Ek0)q < C()(1 lz12)N+n+1 d(z) for 2. for k + d(z), then by Theorem such that -M-2N = 0, Pv = bPu e R and and 2 = are from Theorem 7.1 and C 2 N + 1W) =-nnn22n+N+M eL C(1 P = (P1,. ..P) and If . f1411)21pu(, -)12e-g5dV < b e C[C], M, N, and C(C) m = 1 Suppose DZP-u(, *)1120- i=o Then distribution T2'.(C) E wedefineT.:R---0-vF 3 D2.v( S'(Rn) is the Laplace transform of a temperate -) with support in by T() = To(C) 3 j F, for = 1, 2. = 0, ..., q. 3 transform is as in Petersen (1972); defined folmally by k, and Here the Laplace 59 L(f)(z) I = e -<z X> We let f(x) dx. denote the Fourier transform in F Rn S'. Then, if x e r+0, -<x,> 4dr, (E), F(f)) '*> = dE ( v.(E, x + i.), f(.)) j = (Dv(, x + i), f(.)) ( e-<x'.>T(E), F(f)) = if f " and() has compact support. - as the limit of a difference quotient, on e<x -1.111s . > DT() = e-<x 1;H(Rn)ifxer+0,andsoaT(E)=TI:(V 1 T.(E) e . 1 > T.(E) as distributions. Since Then S'. S', DT. (E) e We define y 3 1:127.(E) = T51:(E) (m), f) e S'(Rn), for e Ck (R) f c if 2. k, and the map = 0, S(Rn). By the division theorem (Atiyah, 1970), there exists with GA = 1 in trivial in the case of one variable.) some-norm 11 11H,I S(R), so on Banach space determined by Theorem 7.2 Suppose (a if A e C[E] S'(R) m = 1 1 I and C 0). G e S'(R) (Of course, this is is continuous with respect to G e .51 C S', where is the SH,, IIH,/. Q = (IQ Q q) is a q-tuple over ' c[, which is not identically zero. convex, salient cone in Let F be a closed Rn. IfQ.(z)=a()Pg,z)forj=1,...,q(aandP.polynomials) such that then Q(- iD, D) P = (P1, Pq) has no common zeros in has a temperate fundamental solution R x (F++iRn), S = (S1, S ) 60 R x F. Here with support in is the partial differential Qj(- iD, D) a operatorobtainedbyreplacingEby, 3 + e F(R x (Fo + iRn ), EE) ui, Let Proof: we may find by a partition of unity argument. exist u where b iRn), E0) (r+ and define H, I with G c S'(R) = F0 o - is the partial Fourier transform in the Crj(E), Fo(g)(, )) S e G E S1. Let (T.(E), F (g)(E,.))) (G, 3 where so that by S(Rn+1) g) Let A = ab, Pu = 1. (nonnegative integers) so that on S. By Corollary 2.2, there P), let is given in Theorem 7.1 (for GA = 1, and pick k = H r(R x e . Pu' = 1, which such that - E-variable. Here (in fact, rapidly decreasing) and we applyGtothismap.(FremtheestimtesonDv.we see that is continuous with respect to a fixed norm on and Si Thus < S. S(Rn), for all T.(E) E e R, j<q, is well-defined and a short computation shows that is continuous with respect to a norm on normswithrespecttowhichG,T.,and S(Rn+1) (depending on the are continuous) and so F0 S.ES'(Rn+l)forj=1,..., contained in 3 R x r, since is the Fourier transform in Fo TheLaplacetransformofT.(E) is E alone and supp(Tj(E))c F. v.(E, .), so the Laplace trans- ./ form of (EAT. (E) P(E, D)T(E) j=1 P(C, D)T(E) = b(E)d e Si(Rn). D)S, g) = Suppose E j=1 j J P(E,.)v(E,.) = b(E). J g S(R). Then (Q.(-iD, D)S., g) 3 ( S., Q.(-iD, D)*g) = is 3 Thus 61 E(G,(T.(), F-1 o = D)*g)(,-))) 3 (G, (T() = ) 0 (aG (EP.(, D)Tj(), F-01(g)(,)) ) ) = ( b()6, F-01g(,.)) ) = ( aG, = (GA, = (1, F-01(g)(.,0) ) -1 Fo (g)(E,0)) = g(0, 0) since if Here S(R), then f D) placing -1 ( 6, f ) = ( F0(6), Fo (f) a 9 by - 9 and 7c. by is the partial differential operator on by Qi(- iD, D) Rn obtained Rn+1 and obtained by re- in P(, D). 3x. 9xj in -1 (1, Fo (f)). = ) is the partial differential operator on Q).(- iD, D) by replacing f(0) = q=1 Notice that the converse of Theorem 7.2 is not true, even if (see Enqvist, 1976). z) = z + solution of P = side function. Theorem 7.3 m = 1) and - 1, then (P1, P2) Notice Suppose F If we set F, S = (H 0 6, 0) with and Pl(E z) = pxq matrix over a c Cp:1 so that is the Heavy- H is a common zero of P. (2[, zl, is a closed, convex, salient cone in there is a polynomial and is a temperate fundamental supp(S) = R x0}, where = 0, z = 1 isa P T = [0,+ 00) an with P(, z) = a()R(F z) -n] (with p < q. and If R + has rank p in R x (F + iRn ), then mental solution with support in R x r. P(- ID, D) has a temperate funda- 62 has a temperate fundamental solution means that there is P(- iD, D) aqxp matrix E over S'(RI1+1) so that P(- iD, D)E = SI where I is the pxp Proof: The proof of the sufficiency of the Lemma on page 248 of Lancaster identity matrix. and Petersen (1980) is still valid if we replace F by R x F. The theorem then follows from Theorem 7.2. Notice that we only require that there is a polynomial det M(E z) = a()Q(, z) that of and the P + 0 . 1 x(q) system n Q. E (Q CI, z] for each P) px p a c CE submatrix M has no common zeros in submatrix of Pand J p-multi-index (see Lancaster and Petersen 1980)). such is a 63 BIBLIOGRAPHY M. F. 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