INEQUALITIES FOR THE NUMBER OF INTEGERS 111 A SUM OF SETS OF GAUSSIAN INTEGERS by BETTY LOU KVARDA A THESIS submitted to OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY June, 1.962 APPROVED Redacted for privacy Associate rofei;or of in Charge of hematics or Redacted for privacy Chairman of Depa ment of Mathematic8 Redacted for privacy Chairman of ho o Science Graduate Committee Redacted for privacy Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented Typed by Jo1n Eriss Mav 17. 1962 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to thank Professor Stalley for his assistance during the writing of this thesi Robert D TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCT1ON....................... CHAPTER I. A "OHEO-TYPE" THEOREM.. ........... CHAPTER II. ANALOGUES OF TWO THEOREMS CW SCHNIRELMANN AND LANDAU FOR GAUSSIAN INTEGERS. CHAPTER III. ............. . 15 ANALOGUE Of A THEOREM OF MANN FOR GAUSSIAN INTEGERS........... BIBLIOGRAPHY...... APPENDIX........ ....... 26 4.. 49 51 INEQUALITIES FOR THE NUMBER OF INTEGERS IN A SUM OF SETS OF GAUSSIAN INTEGERS Let A be a set of positive integers and for any positive integer n denote by A(n) the number of integers of A which are not greater than n Then the Schnirelmann density of A is defined (15, p.65) to be the quantity a = gib 411) n Thus the set of 1 positive integers would have Schnirelmann density 1, the set of all odd positive integers would have Schnirelmann density Jlis and the set of all even positive integers would have Schnirelmann density 0, B,scovitch (1, p. 246) introduced the density glb A(n) n41 and Erdcis ( p 66) the density a = gib 1 where k n>k is the smallest positive integer not contained 2 in A. but we omit this require (Eras assumed k > 1 ment.) For any two sets of positive integers A define the sum Id C MB b, a+b a I a G A, b B Schnirelmann (15 p. 652) proved that if a, Schnirelmann densities of yZa+P- ap, are the C respectively, then p. 57) proved that A, and Landau p a 1 implies and y 1 In a famous paper by Mann it 526) that y4 in 13) This result is usually referred to as the u+ Theorem. In the same paper is proved (10, p. 526-527) a result which implies that for any positive integer n not in e have and this inequality can be strengthened, by application of a result in a later paper (11, p. 250-252) to the relation (1 B(n) for any positive integer n not in C. In a still more recent paper 12, p. 9 409 2) Mann 3 proved a theorem which implies, in our notation, that for any positive integer n either C(n) r n or there exists a positive integer < n and not in C such that in C(n)+1 (2) 611/..:411/...±-1 n+1 + This in uality is C(n) (2.1) strengthening of the inequality A(m)+11( ) n m Theorem. n order to obtain the In this thesis we will be concerned w attempts to extend the above definitions and theorems to sets of Gaussian inteciers, that is, numbers of the form x + yi Where x and y are real integers The sets discussed above were subsets of the set of positive integers; in our work we will consider subsets of the et which Mann proved yi x and y real integers, x + y are nonnegative Oj For two subsets A and of Q we will let A(S) denote the number of Gaussian integers in A CIS. In parti cular, then, is just the number of elements in S Whenever we use the notation A(S) the set S will consist of all Gaussian integers in a given bounded region of the complex plane and therefore will be finite. For any two subsets A and B of Q we define the sum set C = A+B as we did for sets of real integers. The notation AB Q(S) 4 will occasionally be used to denote the set of all which are not in B. Very little work has been done in this area; the author% knowledge, Cheo (3, p.2) is the only one to have extended the concept of Schnirelmann density to the Gaussian integers. His definition is * follows; Let + yoi be any number in Q, and let S be the set ments of A of all x +yi in such that Q Then for any subset Y Yo Q, A st gib We will refer to the ghig,dpnsitv of A a discuss the theorems obtained by Cheo for this density, as well as prove some similar theorems, in Chapters 1 and 2. These theorems also involve modifications of the Cheo density. Cheo was able to show by means of an example that the u+p Theorem is not valid for his density, but a result analogous to (2.1) for subsets of Q may still be true. Cheo's example at east does not furnish a counterexample. This result would be the statement that if + yoi is any element of Q which is not in C and S is the set of all x + yi yo in Q h then there exists an element x1 + y i in S which is not in C such that if x + yi in Q with x / xi and s the set of all yl then + B(T) (T) A(T (2.2) T Inequality (2.1) implies the p Theorem for sets 0 real positive integers, but the analogous inequality (2.2) does not imply the a+p Theorem for subsets of g. While Cheois definition of density is very natural and simple it proves to be a somewhat difficult one with which to work. Accordingly, we will modify it in the following way. Definition 1. numbers in which 0 < Q, and y> S 1, for which Q and let Than for any subset A t 1 of all x + yi in yti t A R of Q to be the quantity u = gib R$ and ** we de be y (see Figure ha density of We will look upon this density as the extension of the Schnirelmann density to subsets of Q. It will also be necessary to have an extension of the ErdOs density, which we define as follows. Definition 2. If A is any subset of modified density of A is the quantity gib taken over all sets of the type described in Definition 1 for which A(R) < Q(R) R Whether or not the (4.13 Theorem is valid for the density of Definition 1 is still a matter of conjecture; however, it is shown in Chapter 3 that MR) for every set R for which the x 1] B(R) of the type described in Definition 1 yli, Xt This extension of the inequality t1 are not in C. he main result of the thesis. The reader will notice that Theorem 1.1 and the theorem of Cheo's quoted in Chapter I both require that all numbers ji, j = 1, 2, shall be contained in the sets A and B. and that this same condition on is needed in the theorem of Cheo's which is quoted at the end of Chapter 2. The arguments used to prove these theorems are essentially one-dimensional, and these strong hypotheses are required in order to carry out these arguments. The proofs of Theorems 2.1, 2.2, and 3.1 are two-dimensional and no such restrictions need be placed on A and B. t appears that the methods used to prove the theorems of Chapters 2 and 3 can be equally well applied to sets of lattice points in n-dimensional space if density is suitably defined. The amount of exposition required is then greatly increased, of course, and we have omitted all such work from this thesis. The method used to prove inequality (3) above can also be used to give a new proof of (I) This proof, plus a second new proof, is presented in the Appendix. CHAPTER EO-TYPE" THEOREM A t be two sub and let the Cheo density of C be ya and A titan, p04) Let B (see Introduc. be the set of all numbers A such that a + ji is in A, j 0, A (x) be the number of elements 2, ii and f AA with a < x where x is any non-negative integer. Similarly define B B (x), C and C (x). Let S be the set f all ith y x for an nt Cheo p. 10) proved the following theorem: = = glb (1) and Yc B (x) for + pi ji is in 0 gib and gm 0, 1, 2, A, B Po+ pn where gib a, (2) 1 tp 2 po then 2, +p The method used by Cho° to prove this heorem 9 (among other things) using one.dimensional arguments on the sets Aj and C and then summing the involve inequalities thus obtained over all j such that ji is contained in a set S of the type described above. Theo em 1.1 below is somewhat similar to Chem's; our proof uses the inequality (2) in the Introduction and is simpler than his Theo f there is a positive integer not contained in C k be the smallest such integer, taken over all sets S of the type described above for which f there is no positive integer not con- min (Y0 y*) tamed in 'f' C A and (2) yf mit 0, 1 2, gib gib 0 For all j gib glb x + (1) let y' and + Pi 5. 1 and a1 ji A, B po s 1 for all 3Itg 0,1,2, for all then 2, p f Pro $ y0i be n element of the set of all x + yi in Q with Q with 10 and y< 0. be the set of all positive in Le + ji is in A . Similarly defi tegers a such that R(13.1]and RDCi] if j > 0 we have and REA0) x Since (Aj) ) * A0( 0) ji is in Ay B ) a Aj( KB ) j>0 1 with like relationships for the is in A Also, the fact that i andC j B, for j > 0 and Vitt C 0 A o RfC 1 D l[A4] and C and ICJ and implies that for A01 4. Rtfy all jm. 0, 1, 2, j > 0, applying Mann' (see Introduction, page ) either C ( Then for or there that 1 a positive integer m not in RCA (m and such and )44 or .960 theorem )+1 ewise Therefore, in either case, (4) and noting that Applying the same theorem to CO3 >k p. 0( (x ) we have o) A 80(m) 4. 1 m+11 xo + ( 5) Po We now add the inequalities (4) and C ( C0(x0) Cl(x ) )(y0+1) S) + 1) (c0 to obtain = C(S) 12 Therefore, +f3 for all sets $ of the type used in defining +p Y* Now for sets we clearly have ya, and . of the type used in defining S .e* a' +13 Suppose x0+ yo (4) obtained f is in < lc. Q, j > 0 is still valid. The inequality j For 0 now hay. 4. a0 + A ) . From (4), +1 Ci(x0) 2 (ao p0+ ai + 13j) j > 0. By adding these inequalities we obtain C (xo) + + Cy (x)at C(S) )(y 2 (y0+1)..2 2 ( *Po) we 13 Q(S) (a' + for all sets then C(S) S y ) . such that Q(S) a and This gives us and, therefore, >a which completes the proof. It is obvious that the of Theorem 1.1 is al ways less than or equal to the p of Cheo's heor We will now show that this is also true of the 09 Accordingly, let S be any set of the type described in the first paragraph of this chapter. Then 14 al where the are those defined in the rue for all statement of Theorem 1.1. Since this of Cheo s theothese sets S, it follows that the of Theorem 1.1. rem is greater than or equal to the Consequently, if yc y' then Theorem 1 cannot give a stronger result than Cheo's theor The two theorems are not really comparable when ye but the following example illustrates the re suits for one such Example: and j 3k+1+ji Let .2 1,2,.1 I that k A B= 3k+1. 3k+Ji 0, 1, 2, 1,0 = Qt 011. and 0,1.2." k Then C [3k+1. 3k+2 3k+j 2, and j 1/2. For Cheo $ theorem V* ye > U 4For Theorem 1.1 the 25 2/3 I We see y 4* 3 and = 1/4, and CHAPTER II ANALOGUES OF TWO THECREMS OF SCHNIRELMANN AND LANDAU FOR GAUSSIAN INTEGERS and B t was mentioned in the Introduction that if A are two sets of positive integers C . A + B. p, y the Schnirelmann densities of A B, C respectively, then a + p 1 implies y =1, and, in any case, y > a 4, p 4. Cheo (3, p. 6) was able to establish the first of these theorems for his density, and we will now prove both of them for the density defined in Definition 1 of the Introduction. The proof of Theorem 2.1 is essentially that given by Cho°. A and Theorem 2.1 Q, C A+B, a, and Now y = gib be two subsets of , y the densities of A, B C, respectively. Proof B 1 then y We know y < 1. Hence, assume y < 1 C 1 implies there exists a set of the type used in defining the density such that C(R0) < Q( which in turn implies that there exists a numberxo + yoi contained in Q but not in C. We 16 may let ao be the set of all y<y x x + yi is in some b1+ b5i Sint x0+ y B either Then for any x + yi in a or x + yi A, (bl+boi) for (xo+y or neither, but never both. in B ri Re, t cannot be in not in (b + bet) for any Pi (X0 yoi) since yi in Q such that x A. Also, boi does not contain 0. Hence, we have A(a ) + )< ) and which is a c C 0 A and B be two subsets of y the densities of A, B C, Q, rifts Then Proof: and t Theo em 2 A + B, and pectively. a radiction, Therefore, If 1 or i is missing then A and the theorem is obvious. Hence,.w assume i are in A. Also if AmQ then y a nd again the theorem is obvious, We will, therefore, assume that there exists a set a of the type used in defining the density such that A(R0) < Q(Ro 17 et H be the set of all x yi which are in but not in A By the choice of Re H is not empty. We want to partition empty subsets into disjoint, non.. of the following H I. there exists a type: For each nA number in Ro contained and a of the type used in defining such that the density, and 4' Yi e I will speak of being "based on" the n aj + a3i. Note that a1 + aji is not in Li In order to effect this partition of H be the smallest real integer for which there exis a real integer such that x either (x +1) a'i x or x in AflR, 2 Let +1)j ( ti be the smallest such x. (The existence of follows from the fact that 1 x + yi is in Ro and ei he x< at' then x + vi be that number in (2) for any and ay, x H are in A. If or y = al and and y<a is in A. but Nnw let such that < le Yi x in for any 41,1 + n)i in m) 0, su Q max(m,n) 00 there exists x+yi in with x < 41 a1 1minimal. ( I have 2,1 3. does not axis x+yi not in i or 0 and 1 in H for which which contradicts the hoice o al with the choice of 41 al S (t1 t4 4,1 1 1 Also, 1 have WO for the same reason. We continue, des in this 4,1 manner as long as possib e, and numbers m)m)+(4 n = 0, and we have a contradiction on nating numbers 41 (x and 4,1 ) 1,t ither 41..1+ 4.1 > 0, n 0, and there n)i with (4.4 and be that satisfies the con- Then since 41 nal i such tha H ditions (1) (2), 44 pick that one H inima number in H <y more than one such 41 which 44 but not in Q n 1,1 + 4,1n 4- x yi G Q x+yi Let the set the last of the Lk = 19 Then the set UL L same type as the L alt isofthe U Ln U described above. f H Ll is not empty let a be the smallest real integer for which there exists a real integer x such but either (x+1) + a;i that x + ai is in A (IR a be the or x + (a' + is in H LI smallest such x and form the set L0 based on in the same way as was done for L1 substitutin in this for 4. We continue forming sets L1, Lst, manner as long as possible. Call the last set formed Suppose there exists a number (LIU " U L ). We know that a1 M x+yilx+yi e Q, x+yi A a j s' <y<h) E A. ail in so there based on Let 1-11 Because of the way hai hs are two possibilities: i) There exists a set such that 111 was formed, the s i. J must contain at least one point not, we wou d have h1 + h5i in Lj) Let be the smallest real integer for which there exists al integer x such that x + m 20 and for any x' y'i x+a < y/ < ha have x'+ y'i in smallest such the sets in Q with Let H. would lead us to form a setL L1, which would include we would not have h 0 We have h5i in H and UL ( j > h1 whenever 11 the aj + aji upon which the exists a number x+yi in A n fi, be the Then eventually our method of forming based upon ak y<h ak ased. Then there such that hit for example, since ha > 0 by choice of ak + ai Just as Again, among these numbers we can find in (i) which must eventually be chosen as the base for a set Lk which would include h + hal. Hence the set LI U "6 U Lr exhausts Figure 2 illustra and A(RØ) < Q(R0) s Ro and A such that 1 i GA for which the set H has been parti- tioned in the manner described above. The dots represent points of A and the circles points of H. 21, a8+ati 9 .8 0 6--9 a 1) aV. +X'/ifc: , 6,, Figure 2 Now, for each j 1, we note that the x+yi lE Lj), and that set L'= [(x-a3) + (Ys* Q(L)= Q( bl+ b5i is in (a3 not in 3)i I L, B ali) + (b1 + bgi) is in C n L A. C(Ro and, therefore, Hence, 4. A(R 13( > A(R o have Q(R0) Re so we substitute to get C(R0) A Ro zg A R +p Ro) - A(110)] R a[A(R0)) We divide both members of this nequali obtain c(R0) Urj such that Since this relationship holds for any A(R0) such that it must also hold for any Q(R0) C(R0) < Q(R0), Or implies (1- )(1-p) Hence, if C(R0) = Q(110) than Ms*, 1>a+ and C(no) 1 P o, (LP CITITITT Since this relationship holds for every set type used in defining the density y>a+p Although Cheo did not prove for all sets A, B, C theorem: and lot Let Let Pc A and gib 2, Yc he did prove the following be subsets of Q C A + MB, B and yebe the Cheo densities of 1 real integers in be the set of A must have A (x) If then B B A, contains all numbers and C. and 2 Ye ce implies I this conclusion and Yc o ap . sove the requirement that ji B by means of an argument like that for j 1, 2. used to establish Theorem 2.2, since it would be necessary that the sets Li be of the type S used in dewould have to be fining the Cheo density, and thus such that for each partitioned into sets Li, We Ca Li there exists a number i in H for number A fl R0 cI and a < and x+yi Li f a1+ai) This is not always possible as the reader can easily verify by means of the example shown in Figure 3. Again, the dots are points of A while the circles are points of H. The sit Ro is the set of all rfYi in Q with and ) A + v ha 2 k d(A1+ some for integer a5 a1 - 1 that d(At Assume 1. or as d(Al+ A implies 2.2 density 'the If Proofs The 2 = n of density the be Al Introduction.) the in defined set sum the to equivalent is 2 = n if and associative, and commutative clearly is addition (This n). d(Al 1010 U Ai = An 4. 5iC A Let each set sum 0$ the define and al 2, I > n Q of sets his. as the essentially are proofs Our 655). p. (15, gers int.. positive of sets for 2.2 Corollary of statement the prove to result this used then below, 2.1 Corollary in VOn gi- that to integers positive of sets for ap result the extended 652-653) p. (15, elmann Schn same Then d ie. Ak+l d Al+ 1 and the prcof s complete. at k be a real integer, A a basic t of Q of order k k summands (or kA) equals k 1 We will call +A A Q who k is minimal. Coro1.arv 2,2. If the density a of A is posi- tive then A Proofs (1-q 16 is a basic set of Q. There exists an integer such that Then Corollary 2,1 implies that 1 - d(nA) < n< and From Theorem 2.1, d(nA) + d(nA) > 1 implies d(nA + nA or 2nA m Q. Note that the order of A is less than or equal to 2n. 26 CHAPTER III ANALOGUE OF A THEOREM OF MANN FOR GAUSSIAN INTEGERS are two sets of positive integers, C=A and if n is any positive integer not in Co then Mann has proved a result that implies that C(n) a1(n+1) + B(n) where al is the Erd;s density A of A and B (see page 2). We will now extend this theorem to sets of Gaussian integers. Accordingly, throughout the remainder of this chapter it is to be understood that A A + B. Also, al is and B are subsets of Q and C the modified density of A described in Definition 2 of the Introduction. Our theorem is then the following: Theorem to define a 1. Let R be any set of the type used for which the numbers are not in C. C(R) > Then [Q(R) 1] R(R) We will need to make frequent reference to sets of two special types. For convenience we will define them here. 27 Definiton 3. A set S will be said to be of type S1 if it satisfies the following conditions 2, and either 1, y There exist in Q numbers X x + y1 such that X X3 X/ =x = Y1 Y1 m=2 +x, then yXt. 1 equivalently, if for any thenx > yri that xu xm 1 + yui be in x'n-1 ). Not that the requirement implies that if u = I then Q max (x3, Ye) > 0. Let T = [x+yi y ix+yi T4 i,x+yi 1 t If v > 1 Ye] x+yi E Q, xl I x+yi E Q, 1 = (x+yi 1 < x+yi e Q, x4.1 < x If u > 1 let T3= [x+yi(x+yi e Q, (x+yi Tues.. (x+yi x+yi E Q, x 1 1 o yti with 2 < n < v such that n there exists xt Ya I>Y11,->- Y*1 Yu such that 1 1, Y2,and if for yli with u, there exists X2 any Yi xiv + yo1 V Yli, Yui0 xi +yi e Q, 1.10, x+yi Q, X< 28 u =v=1 5= 1. Ifu Then if S I - (.1" U e* T - (T1U T . (T V 4-, ith then Li T:.f),If u > 1, v 411, 1 then v > 1, then Tu./ ) If u UT u Li Tt Li .. Yi. Xs such that [a+yi j x+yi e Q0 X1 < with Yi > Ys such that S X Yli x y [x+yilx yi e Q, x Y 2. B(8) 3 in Yi x5) a There exist numbers Yi U I' There exist numbers xl Q v S C(s) > in B n s and If bl+ ba but not in C then (9 in Q. That is, and (b 95i) bs ba with strict in- equality in at least one of these cases. Figure 4 illustrates a set S of the type described in requirement 1 above S being those points Q which are on and within the solid lines. The set I consists of all points of Q in the entire rectangle. The reader will note that S is a set R R' where R' C: R and R',R are sets of the type used to define the density. Figure 4 will be said to be o 2, if it satisfies the following conditions +y in There exist numbers x+ y Pefinitkon A. A set type S° Q9 S such that if t > I then 1, yi Let Sr x+yi 1 and +yi C Qa X Yrb Y (In other words, . Then S x is of the same type as the set R used to define a and (S) - C(S) 3. S but no if b1+ NS. C is in S then The reader will note that a set in and in Q. S may satisf 30 or 1",2,3 of Definition 3 and a tions 1, 2, 3 of Definition 4. Thus S may be conditions ondi both type S° and type We will now prove three lemmas which wi needed for the proof of Theorem 3.1. be a set of type fying requirement 1 of Definition 3, and le S set of all in x+yi °**, u. (xi yi) S=S such that $' be the sot of all (x+yi) is in St =S U .00 for which x+yi +yii x+y Let S U Let US .) sati Si bathe Then Si and (Clearly, Q(S I then S' s just a translation Q(S) S except one, and Q(S') Assume that for some k > 1 we have Q(S9 < Q(S) k+1 (see Figure 5) whenever u < k. and consider u If of all points of Proofs FIGURE 5 Define sets k+1 +yi 1 ** k+1 follows: x+yi E So [(x+Yi) (x+yi) (Yk- Yk+1) <Y< I "14 (xk Then Q(S'k) CgSk > Q(Sk Q(Si USJ4.1 and Q(W rvyi 32 k=I Q SI k > 1 then St then St U (Si Q(11/) Q(Slu St (S'. I,J +Q(S Us U Q(S the induction hypothesis U SI) < Q(S1 U Q(S1 U Q(S) Q(W) Therefore, o(s) Q SI U + Q(W) + 1 Q(S') or 1:1(s9 Q( S) Lemma 3.2. C(S) Proof: A is any set of type S then [Q(S)) + B(S). satisfies requIrement I of Deft nition 3. We know n S is not empty. the largest real integer for which there exists s b°a be integer such that b(i) + bi bi° bo t + b°a = max (b I if fl S and baiEB 5). (That ° + b°i, b'1 a b1 ba B + b'i C Bes b'fbail a max tb1 + bsj, then b: > ID: b 3. Likewise, let g: the largest real, integer for which there exists a real integer g such that gi g:i is in S but not in Define the set r > I, Q(S) c(s) The set of all ba C 5, g+ gsi gl + g2 + g° = max (gl and C Let B(S) in Lemma 3.1. S 9c1, and Q(S') A(S i) with ( gA. b b numbers in Q (Definition S, rement 3) which are not in A4 since suppose in B fl S (g2 + g:i) gives r asi e A. (31 + bsi) (s1 + Alai) + (bs, Then qui- g2 bsi) EC which is a contradiction. Since We also show that these r numbers are in bl+bsi is in S. there exists an Sj as defined in i is in Si. This Implies Lemma 3.1 such that b j < bi, y b2. But g: + g:i is also in + (yj + n)i so (go.. m) Then (g: bl j 92 Let bt and bI bs < g:, so + ba j nce b -n=y g:i) (g: (b1 which is in Lik and, therefore, in SI with g+gi in a S 1 921 1g(1.4 g21 gives and -m)+( se, the possibly empty) set of (be+ b01) 2 1 C =I ) gc 1 but not in numbers which are in St but not in A. We must show that these two sets are disjoint. Hence, suppose that for some gl+ gsi Pt% b+ b 1 g:i (and, therefor 10(b°+ b i) bi (1i) a we have gx+91i)-(b i). Then b° We add these uslities to obtain g:) (b!+ b:) i The method of choosing that we must have But this, Hence, g2 g1 implies a and ga (b1+ b°+ bi implies d > g and b°+ bo a > b2. d we have obtained a contra.. diction. Therefore, the two sets are disjoin 35 Q(s) and Q(s) Q(S ) gA+ Q(S) 4,r0 We recall that 0(S).Q(S1).1 > 0 (Lemma 3 1), and note that S' is a set of the type R used to define al Hence, we may write C(S) A(S1)+N(S)-Q(S')-1) B(S) o1N(S')+1) + atiA(S)-Q(S')*1) * allQ(S)) B(S)* Thus, the Lemma is established for any set type Si which satisfies requirement 1. If S fies requirement 11 we may let uml and xl+y in the above, or if lot uml and x S of Xl+Yi satisfies requirement 1" we may Nisi The proof will then be the same, except that now CAS Lemma 3.1 is not needed. 3.3. If S) $ c(s) 1 0 and is any set of type (S) Prgmit( ) Suppose Q(S ) ) then B(S). B(S)0. Then C(S)=A(S) a1[Q(s) + 1) + a(s). (ii) Suppose S(S) g:+ g:i as in the proof of L Then define bp, 3.2. Let Q(S)4k(S)*VA. 36 B(B) = r 1, 191) (b1 +bai) [(914. 4(S) scg C( b1 Again, the two sets 1 baiEBrIS) -(1)14 b:i 191+ 9 i ES, gl+ gl+ give us gc -1 + r distinct numbers not in gc:+ A which now wtli be in S. o4-Rns. in the first of these assume not The number (bf+ bp.) g:i = ..(43 nod in the cont second set, then and + b°+ b°* s gi is in neither which is impossible. There of these two sets. However, in C, S but not hence not in A. Since fine is in S t of the a R pE a1 we have A 9c Q(S-d`gc C(S) Q A(S) A 41 B(S) r. used to 37 B(S) Q(s) e are now ready to prove Theorem 3.1. any set of the type described in the statement of the theWe will use induction on the number of elements of such elements being referred to R which are not in C, in the following as nu of C in R. (i) Suppose there is just one gap of C in R. orem. and Then we must have Figure 6) is in If bl+ b2i e B rl R then (x141 i)-( Therefore. Q is that gap (see x R is a set of type S0 and we may apply Lemma 3.3. Figure 6 (it) Suppose there are two gaps of in C R. (Consideration of this case is not necessary for proof, but is included for greater clarity.) Then we may have t=1, in which case x14.y1i is one of the gaps and the othei Figure 7a) x fyli and umber we may have x2415i g gni in R R (see t=2 and the two gaps are see Figure 7b). 38 Figure 7a R Figure lb the case illustrated in Figure 7a and let W B(W) = 0 is of type W type Sl and S (W) 0 V is of type Se hen V= +yilx+yi 64, then set of Hence, C(V) + C(W COO al[Q(v) + I B(V) 4' allQ(R) B(R). 1 ILQ(W)] illustrated in Figure 7b let (x+yilx+yi C Q, x <x2, y< 1/1) In the [x+yilx+yi EQ, xs< x x1, y< Yi) fx+yilx+yi CQ, x <x2, yl< y If B(W B(W5) 0 where is of type 2. = 0 thenR is J=2 Se or where then ype S. type St and 9 Assume the theorem i true for any set the proper type in which there are less than k gaps i a set of the for an integer k > 3 proper type in which there are k gaps of Co of which xt yt ,i< t < k are the points x of C If B(R) 0 then R is a we are done. Hence. assume B(R) > bi Figure 8b Figure Let b2 there exists a be the largest real integer for which integer such that x+bai E B and let bi be the largest such Ro The set Ex+yilx+yiERxb then contains precisely one element of fl y > b5) B. Also, b+bi 40 is RU of the In oduc such that 1 (for notation, see Definition I UR on); hence, there exists an integer and be biki is in implies that x54y5i is in Case 1 or all b then (R I e done. and we b*+ b*i in * ith nR B R k is a set of type b+ ba 1 b* < ba gi be the smallest real integer for which there Let exists a real integera such that of 1. then there exist numbers b*i * b Q(W)-C(W) gaps of C This implies that bl k, Q(W)C(W) Figure 8a) and that is, W, This Rs. C in If W. gsi (31 is a gap for all. b*+ b*i in 2 1 b*1 S g 1 B (*II R is set of type S° and we are done. b: be the smallest real integer Otherwise, for which there exists an integer b; such that then again R b'+ bi ER rl B bl > and fx+yi is of type 91+ , I (Note that i, so B(W) > 1 Q(Wi Then the set x yi E R. x W. co tai (w4) > There is at least one gap of xt+YI Let g C in namely be the smallest real integer for which 41 there x R -W1. such thai If we have g:i for all b a gl b b:i in is of type S. If not, let then Br(R be the b smallest real integer for which there exists 4 real ger bsa such that bw + bi E B fl (R-W and b" 1) I S Then the set = [x yi of type x yi E'.W4, (Note that W5 UW U of type Si. c( w) and X such that C( ) + 11 + al[Q( Case 2. C BW) N(R)+1] B( w) C(W) <k ( Figure ) least one but no more than k-1 conta Let )] h' be the largest real integer for which there exists a real integer is a gap of b'i of type Si Ws, n' 1[Q( gaps of C. bl Then C(R) R-W contains disjoint sets Constructed Then bflj i may continue this process until we him ) cq, 1 in RW, and let x hi, such that x+ be the largest 42 hi = x. (Not. that such be the largast real in h a gap of C in Continue this proce gaps of C (If m, = is be the largest such x* h in RW, h hl hm+ 11;i and let andh < > h1 i yit then x yi I x+y RJ x as long as possible. We will then such that 1 such that h and let R-W Let bt> f one exists, and there exists <h /111 if Yti yli y < hp, h R U 111:1. Since of the type described in the statement of Theoin which the number of gaps of C is less than rem have (R') > by the induction hypothesis. .(W U Ri). Let the h+ h1+ h' gaps of C in V. ready a set into n Because of the way in which were chosen, there can be no if any exis Elements B flV will have b< b of typo disjoint subsets R') [Q(R') + 1 Hence either WUV is al or we may partition WUV oh of typeSI, 43 n precisely the same manner as was done for the set in Case 1 Th gives us C(R) C(R') c( w) C( %MR') 1)+B(R') IN( 1[Q( ))+B(W )) + B(Wn 1] Ql[Q(R) R B(R which completes the proof. The hypothesis of Theorem that the numbers xt+y i be gaps of C analogous to the requirement in Mann's theorem that n be a gap of Co We can now see that this is somewhat more than is neces- sary, however; in constructing the disjoint subsets R in Case 1 i we had a point C in B a point b(3711 4)1.of v(n-s.)(n-1) i Let S and a gap a point bl+ bli and a gap girt that bln-1) of and of W U V in Case 2 B (110.1 i in W, gi+ gai of and a gap (n. 2 of point C (wit 91 b(n could not be included in be the smallest subscript such that 44 W, W 1 <$St From the method of construction of is in we know that x> s b "1) Wn and Thus the requirement that Yti x + y i be gap* of is then sufficient to in- C sure obtaining a last of type would be require that enough farourpurposes, howev R be so chosen that for any point b1+ b5i in B ri R there exist a gap b g in R of g in R such that C and that there at least one gap of C even if B(R) = 0. This last requirement is ne- cessary, since if B(R) = 0 then cannot conclude that AU C(R) A(R) and we a1[Q(R) + 1) unle A(R) < Q(R).) Corollarx 3.1,. Define for the set B in the same manner as a wes defined or the set A. Let y: = 1 gib taken over all R satisfying the hypotheses of The I Proof,: Then For any set R of Theorem 3.1 we have C(R) [Q(R)+1] satisfying the hypotheses and T heref o Corollary 3.2. be the density of Let (Definition 1, Introduction) and taken over all 3.1. Te B 9 satisfying the hypotheses of Theorem R Then Proof. We have C(R) IN(R) + 1] + B(R) Q(R)1+ B(R), for any set R satisfying the hypotheses of Theorem Therefore, Yi The following example shows that a+p yl may equal and thus that the conclusion of Corollary 3.1 is in a sense, the best possible. 46 Example 1. Let A l, 2, B in Q with x>5 or y>2 Then C asti, 2. 1+i, 2+1., 3+i, all x+yi in Q with x>5 or 4/5, and we have 2/5, P 41 . The proof of Theorem 3.1 given here nvolved an induction on the number of Gaussian integers in the set R which were not in the sum set C the induction hypothesis being applied only to a subset R' of R which was known to contain fewer of these gaps of C than did R. Mann's proof of the corresponding theorem for sets of positive integers, C(n) 1(n+1) + B(n) for not in C, is carried out by induction on the number of gaps of C in the interval I 74 (x 1 < x < n) How ever, his proof involves the application of the induction hypothesis in two different ways; in one case it is applied to a smaller interval which is known to contain one less gap of C than I, and in the other case it is applied to a new C which contains C as a proper n I subset. Mann's approach yields a quite simple and elegant proof for the theorem in the one-dimensional case, and it is only natural to attempt to apply similar methods to the sets of Gaussian integers. Difficulties are soon encountered, however. It appears that the extension to the 47 C Gaussian integers of Mann's method of transforming the new set x C y i of C gl+ such that for any other gap R wehave in consideration of sets R statement of Theorem 3.1 ourselves to sets R g5i of This precludes yo gi of a gap R requires the existence in CI of the type described in the t>1. for which If we restrict for which tI we find that the case in which Mann transformed C CI to the new set ion now yields to almost precisely the same one dime treatment, but the other case presents difficulties which seem to the author to be insurmountable since apparently use of the induction hypothesis will require of sets R' for which / may be greaterconsiderstien than 1. Attempts to find other ways of transforming the C set to a new set Ci to which the induction hypotheAmong these sis could be applied were also unsuccessful, attempts was one which led to a new proof of the theorem for sets of positive integers the second of the two A trans- proofs given in the Appendix to this thesis. formation of the type described therein can be success fully carried out for sets of Gaussian integers whenever the set so 1 R < s such that has been so chosen so that for some subscript to there exists a number (or b1 ba in ) and 48 and such that Ys of C not equal to x t is not necess strict ourselves to sets a in order to use this transformation; however, the case in which the in which t=1 transformation cannot be used has not yet been resolved. There are, of course, other approaches to this theorem. Artounting process" devised by Besicovitch (1, Pe 246-248) has been used in several 'says to prove the theorem for the one-dimensional case (9 pib 20..29) and may perhaps be extendible to the Gaussian integers. Attempts to apply a transformation developed by Dyson (4, p. 8-14) to the theorem for the one-dimensional case have so far not been assful p. 30-37 but this transformation cannot be completely dismissed as a pos- sibility. 49 BIBLIOGRAPHY On the density of the sum of two sicovitch, A. S sequences of integers. Journal of the London Mathematical Society 10:246-248. 1935. Chao, Luther P. On the density of sets of Gaussian Mathematical Monthly 58: integers. American 618-620. 1951. The density of the sum of sets of Gaussian integers. Ph.D. thesis. Eugene, University of Oregon 1951. 35 numb. leaves. 4. Dyson, F. J. A theorem on the densities of sets integers. Journal of the London Mathematical Society 20:8-14. 1945. Erdes, Paul. On the asymptotic density of the sum of two sequences. 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C B be two sets of posi be the Erdos den- Let (n+l) + C( for any positive integer n not in C. will apply our first new method of proof to Theorem A.2 below, which is the theorem actually proved by Mann, and then show that Theorem A.2 implies Theorem Al. Theorem A.2. Let negative integers with and A 0 in Ay B be two sets of nonin B. Let C be 52 the set of all naubers of A, is in b Let B. a1 form a+b where h is in a be the Erd6s density of A. Then for any positive integer n not in (Note: In the definition A(n) is still the number of positive integers in A which are less than or equal to n. Also, B(n) and C(n) are interpreted similarly.) Proof: Let ger* and for any se be the set of all positive nteS of positive integers let A(S) denote the number of integer in A (1 5. Choose any positive integer no which is not in C. 1 b be all the integers in < bs Let r be the maximum j such that ( ) I( J) b1. Then there exists a gap n of C such that br < n < b (If B is a finite set of r elements we have only br< t be the largest gap of C such that where S b< r n1 (If br+1 let St < o br+1 let co whichever is does not exist, then n1* no 1 x e I, bx b,4.l} If no fx < f egers The > in S. A gaps of let gives These are each less than A the other hence dist nc gA egers n-br g p of C in n ps of gc 1 number o then the set of C such that be the gc . Letting be the total number of gaps of A thus sho (1) 1. k then k is the smallest pos&tive integer not in since nt -1 is not in A. Therefore, k s in Hence from ( have I(S) g This is equivalent to C(S1) A(S1 B(S LI(S;) + = al[I(S )3 If ) ]+ Si B(S we are done. a set Sas we did Si, using can instead of b1 and 54 instead of br,t being the maximum c(sh) I(Sh) where 1 bt such that h let br+1 I IxES 2 x > br i. n the same Proceeding manner as before and k< r+i where n noting that kES'2 since is the gap of C in S2 2 corresponds to ni we obtain in ye at Eventually we mus end point is no which set whose right Then * We must now show that Theorem A.2 implies Theorem at A and A.1, which has been shown before 9, P. 9). B be two sets of positive integers, C is A + B, A U CO) B* B U [Oh set of all a b Let B C* where a be the set of 1 C U (0). is in A' b 1 with Then CI and b b is the is in Bl. in B' and the set of all a+b+1 with a in If n is a gap in CI (therefore a gap in A' b+1 C), C1 in B1. then n+i 55 I I is a gap in,. The sets A', satisfy the hypo* Bs theses of Theorem A.2, and so we must have Ci(n+1) al where A. But (n+1) + B(n) is the Erdgs density A' or, equivalen (n 1) vs C(n) + 1 and (n ) Y, 1. =B Therefore n) n+1) C( h implies Theorem A.I. 2. We will apply our second new method of proof to Theorem A.1 directly. Let A and B be any two sets of positive integers, C A + B. Let ki be the smallest positive integer not in A. is a positive integer not in C such n-I. Since A is a subset of C we must Suppose that C(n) have n kl< any then either si ve in is in B, C(n) n,.4 such that IS x< n is of the form n-a for some a in A and less than n or neither, but not both. The integer n is neither in B nor of the form n-a. Therefore, x or x A(n) (M ) B(n) Thus the theorem is established for the a gal) of C and we proceed by induction on the number of gaps of C which are less than or equal to a given gap. To be more precise, we assume that if C(n) > for some integer 2 and n not in Co then C(n)a (n+1) be the first r gaps o Let n/ so that C(n ) i) Suppose We distinguish two cases* nr. n C(nr (1 +1) 4 B(n by the induction hypothesis. Also, for any integer x then eit of the form nra for some T in is in 8, or A We have x such that or neither, but not both. r neither. x Aga 1 > k , so w write (2) > Adding (nr r) he inequalities (1) and (2) gives the desired result Ign 57 ii) may assume that r nr* the largest set such that A + B = C in the interval from 1 to n. or, in other words, that B consists Suppose n of all integers in this interval except those of the set aeAU[0), a 1 ,S then it will also be established for any set B' such that A 4 B = C. since necessaril is a subset and B(n) B4 Let k1< k2< be all the gaps o k All th gaps of C are also which are less tha gaps of A, t so 1. Ei(nr) a 0 then C 1 to and C( n B(n ex If y is in A ) ( ( is in x ) positive integer y plies that the elements of of the set [ k j 1 y + I) 4, B( B, Hence, 1<x<n then such that x + y = is in C then x + y not in C. Therefore, exists j such that in the interval from A However, n is a gap of A and there and B y = kj. This JAI.. will be found among those tj The largest element of this set is 1 call < ki, so are assuming n1 r- then xl s not in x Then there exists If xx* k 1. were in x4 B t implies is in implies that 1 h <j. C. Cons,' and the assumption B(nr)1 Hence, there can be at most j greater than This implies x and we must have ro. know that each of the integers is not in let C B. A 4. B For each in 5, A. some i<r, then there exists and k * ISn Xf k such that C B, yl less than n .) largest element o gaps of iheref ore, and 2, Let j be the smallest subscript such k in B (That is, xj is the that kh Suppose we would ha not in quently, B. such that Yi ri yi We 1 <h< and hence there ex have u h that nr.j 59 i <r, a 2g0 or aE A, such thai This implies ni > so n.1 Since We also know can only be one of the gapsnrso,u. n - a is in in C 0 have added at least one eleme Hence, but not mor than elements, Thus we have BI(n and (3) C( ) C r B(nr By the induction hypothesis, (4) Adding Ct and (4), we obtain C(nr or aEA, we have 1) + B(n in forming