Rbs* 7W AG , DETERINATIO~ OR O OARBONAOBOUS OHONDRITE JIRRAYO. by IRNA B31ISR B.S.,. The ty Oollege of New York (1961) LLLUJt SUBZTTSD IN PARTIAL PU OF TUS 1QUIREMS*~S POR THE, DSGRE OF JASTR 0? at the OP MISAOUSETTS INSTITU TE01NoLoGY January, 1964 Signature of Author ... .. U il4t44; ir. Department of Geology and Geophl-es Qertified by *...*.fii4Ye..einr6. 67fiWi. Aooepted by ...... .~ . 4.... .... Janury 20,1964 %w wW 7** thsy RSupervisor .. ******* #**1*#U, *,* e, 0 ** an ~~ate **,.* ,, 8~tdents _ I_ _~~_I__~_~_ Rb-Sr AGE DETRIMNATION OP TIM AiAOIAOJUSG-I HORTIT "MURRAY" J by ERA SISER Sub itta to the Department of Geology and Geophysts, on January 20, 1964, in partial fulfillment of the requiresents for the degree of Naster of Seienee. The arbonacoeous chondrite Murray was analyz by the Rb-Sr method fte age obtained was 4.9 0.19, x 10 yeare. The de4y constant used was 1.8 x 100 yearel#. This age is within experimental error of the isohron determined for Thus, type II carbonaceou ebhondrites the stony m teorite. are ooeonete with stony meteorites, they do not reprsent primit ve material nor the outer layer of ann aste,g4a parent body, The initial Sr itetopio ratio for r used was 0.6980 ± 0.001. Thesis Supervisor itle William R. ftnson Jr, Assooiate Professor of Geology TAZB OP 10 MN S AbWtreat 2 Uist of Tables 4 List of ?iguns 5 Aoknowledge4ent0 6 Introdution 7 zperimental ProTAre 11 Sample Preparation 11 Ohenioal Prooodureea 12 Mase Spectromter TdehniquP s 16 Onolusions 27 Appendix 2-8 iblography 30 -4-e LIST OF TAM8 Table ~Page 20 1 Rb,and Sr Oontent of Mutray 2 Isotopic Sposition of Murray 21 3 Iseotopia aomposition of Murray 22 4 RS an 23 5 Replicate Analyses of the SrO 6 Isotopi o Sr Blank Doten Oopositiow of Murray tandard 24 29 -5- TABIOF PIRE U Plga.r Pa~g 1 Isoehron of Pinson, et.al. (1963) with data for "Murray* amperimposae4. 26, 2 Wo portions of Hass Spetrometer reoord. 27 AMEN &8GIE The work was carried out in the Geochronology Laboratory in the Department of Geology and Geophysics at Kassachusetts Institute of Technology, and was financially supported by the U. S. Atomic Energy 0aomission and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The author wishes to express appreciation and gratitude to Profeossrs P. M. Hurley and W. H. Pinson, Jr. for financial support, use of the facilities, enouragement and advice. The author is indebted to MIt T; E. Krogh and Xr, R.H MoNutt for endless hours spent in enoouragment, assistane and advice in the operation of the mass spectrometers, would like to thank Mr. R The author M,. Shields for assistance in perfecting the ohemioal procedure and Mr. R. H. Roesman for assistance and encouragnment during the course of the inveetigan tion. The author is indebted to Dr. E. P. Henderson of the U. 8, National zuseum, Washington, D. 0. who supplied the sample of Murray that was used in this investigation. 4 7 " Carbona eous ohondri-tes contain more free earbon and more water and sulphur than the ordinary ohondrites. Their bulk OaZhail aompsibetion, exOlusive of Volatiles and carbon oompounds, is simil4r to that of the ordinary ohondrites. Wlik (1956) has olassified the oarbonaceous chondrites into types I, IU, and iIX, based on their oarbon, water, sulphur and metalliQ iron oontents 8102 $go 0 tpe i 22.56 15.21 3.54 20.08 6.20 Type UI 27.57 19.18 2.46 13.35 3625 Type II 33.58 23.74 0.46 0.99 2.27 0 ttrther distintions between the three types can be made on the basis of their known mineralogieo, Type I carbonaeous ohondrites oontain no apparent ohondrules. They have low densities (rN 2.2) and oonsist mainly of an amorphous, hydrous, layer-lattioe-sillioate (possibly chlorite and/or serpentine), magnetite, magnetio spinel, water*soluble sulphates, troilite, amorphous oarbon, complex hydrooarbons, and free sulphur, Type II carbonaceous chondrites more olosely resemble ordinary chondrites in texture, The ehondrules consist chiefly of blivine and enstatite or olinoentatite. the chlorite-serpentine, olivine, pyraQenes, glass, troilite, and iron are imbed4ed in agundmass that is opaque and amorphos . 2.9. Type 11 densities range from 2.5 to Much of the sulphur is in the free state. earbon*oeous ohondrite are olivine-pigeonite ohondrites. They are similar to type II in texture. range from 3.4 to 3.5. auit. olinoenstatite, ahlorite-serpentine, glass. type III Their densities Their main constituents are olivine, opti spinel, orthopyroxne, troilite, plagioclase, iron, oarb and Type I and type I carbonaceous chondrites are extremely friable, thus they are never found as large stones. May theories on the origin of carbonaoeous ohoarites exist. Current theories all aseume that they are aeoumulations of oosmic material that has been subjected to considerable alteration, dispersed, and possibly reaoumulated. Urey (1961) proposed that earbonaceous ehondrites ean not be the parent material of the chondritic meteorites dueo o the chemical composition differences within each group. He postulates tmhat the earbonaoeous ehondrites belong to the high iron group of ohondrites with the addition of hydrogen sulphide, carbon compounds and water from outside sources. Wood (1958, 1962) has postulated oxidation by G02 and later by 00. 114k (1956), Rinxwood (1961), and Mason (1960) hold the view that the oxidized, hydrated material of the oarbonaceous ohondrites is primitive. This primitive material is hypothesized to have been altered to produce - 9 - olivine by a reduotion and dehydration process. and Anders (1960) and Anders (1963), Fish, Goles, have postulated that the asteroids are the parents of the meteorites and that the oarbonaceous ohondrites represent the outer layer of this parent body. Patterson (1956) found an age of 4.55 ± 0.06 x 109 years for the Earth and meteorites from a study of Pb isotopes. Pinson, et.al. (1963) have shown, on the basis of Rb-Sr analyses, thatanroyielding an isochron yielding an age of 4.55 j 0.20 x 109 years (ARb = 1.38 x 10" 1 1 years l ) can be obtained from stony meteorites classified as *falls** (1961, 1962) has published a similar result. Gast WThs represents the time at which the chemical fraotionation of the meteorite from the parent body took place. Theshondrites apparently, since they lie on an isoehron, have been closed systems with respect to Rb and Sr since this initial chemical fractionation. If the carbonaceous chondrites represent the primordial material from which the stony meteorites were derived, the Rb8r age should be significantly greater than the 4.55 b.y. age obtained from the meteorite isoohron and the Pb data. A significantly younger age should be obtained if the carbonacoeus ohandrites represent the outer layer of material of an asteroidal body. the carbonaceous ohondrites should lie on the stony meteorite isoohron if the carbonaoeous ahondrite were formed at the same time and from the same parent body, and thus would not be an anomalous group of objects, in n10 w that respect. This investigatton ropresents an attempt at determin- ing the Rb-Sr age of the Murray, Type II carbonaceous chondrite. Some of the conclusions reached by Pinson, etal. (1963) were used in interpreting the data. The investigation was undertaken in orer to help shed some light. on the theories of origin disnssed above. BI ------I-------- ------- LILIC~I~--ILIII- .-X.~--e-LVL X-ULniY-IIII_-^_I-~-_r_~---_^~-*--- _ f 11h- Eight pieoes of Murray totalling thirty five grams._ were taken for analysis. Museum ntitber (# 1769). Each contained a U. S. National The identifying arre removed from each piece with a carboruntum grinding wheel he surface. of each saple was then cleaned of dust and clay with a wire rotating brush. A stainless steel mortar and pestle and an agate mortar and pestle were used to pulverize and fine-grind the sample. The stainless steel mortar and pestle were cleaned, firs%on a Dumore grinder mounted on a lathe and then washed with demineralized i'ter and aestone. The agate hand mortar and pestle were cleaned with pumice, laboratory soap, demineraliied water, 2N HOL, demineralized water and then acetone. An aluminum shield was made to fit over the agate hand mortar to prevent loss while grinding. Before grinding operations were begun, the entire work surfaoe was covered with a clean sheet of parafilm, The sample was coarsely broken up in the stainless steel mortar. he agate Small amounts were then transferred to to mortar where they were finely ground. This finely ground portion was transferred to a clean, screw cap vial for storage. One of the eight original fragments was preserved* ~__ - 12 - Garbonaceouns ohondrites contain very small amounts of Rb and Sr, these elements being in the range of 1 to 2 ppam b, a' 10 to 12 ppm Or. Thus, the contamination level must be kept as low as possible. various ethan es in and In order to aohi ve this, the standard laboratory procedure (erzeog itnson, 1956; Hersog, ets al., 1958; ture and tuarley, 1962) have been effected. Waaserburg (1963) has shown that strontium Qontam4a-n tion oocurs from the use of laboratory or pyre glasoware. This conta-ination is not picked up in the blank experiments and seems to ocour only when miner l samples are used4 Seemingly it is the contact of te hot solution aontaining the analysis sa ple with the glassware thnt oauses the 1eathb ing out of the strontium. Thus, the steps in whioh solutions are evaporated or residues ignited, in pyrex beakers seem to produce significant a~ ounts of conta ins' tion. To eliminate this sourxe of containation polyp opylene beakers have been substituted for pyrex beakers, Previously, the residue obtained from the ion exohange colun was ignited in a 5 al pyrex beaker, Due to the possibility of contain ntion at these high temperntures, 5ml fused quartz orucibles, obtained from the Thermal American Pused Quartz O-mpany, have been u~i~SEed Tyoor ion exchange aolumns were used in place of pyrexs Pused quartz wool was used to keep the ion exoba resin confined in the bottom of the column. Vyoor capillary tips are used to place the prepared saple on the mass spectrometer filament. In fact, the use of pyrex glaseware was entirely eliminated from the operation of preparing samples for the mass 4etroometer. In the dissolution proeeuadue, water are used. e water is then vyeor distilled. in vulor stills used is four typesa of aoi and distilled, desineralised and The HQ1 and 00 used are distilled from reagent grade HO1 and HNK0. The *X104 omeraly double distilled in rycor and shipped in vyoor aMpules from the 0. frederiak Smith QOmpany. HE was purified by Robert X. hemical hielde by nsing a polyethylene tubing and teflon bubbling apparatus with vyeor distilled water# 30,5 N HP was prepared in this manner. in the dissolution of the earbonaceous ehoadrite an insoluble blaok residue is formed, this residue must be separated before putting the solution on to the ion exobang column. The separation was affected by centrifuging at high speed in a vyor centrifuge tube. As a further precaution against oontamination, the entire work area around the ion exchange columns was covered with plastie sheeting. An aluminum cover was put over the hot platq and the inside covered with teflon tape. umetoes experiments by other workers in However, the laboratory have - 14 - demonstrated that laboratory fallout oft hband Sr is a negliglble source of contaminatlon for these elements in ohondrite analysis work. One and a half to two gram samples were weighed out on a Mettler balane and placed in platinum oruacibles. small amount of water anw A 6N 101 were added and the samples were allowed to stand overnight. It is thought that this step aide in dissolution for the olivine is readily attaoked by this acid. E Dilute Rb J le. 7 and Sr 6 were added by pipette to each Extenstre calibration work has been done aon the spike and shelf solutions ratio is quite sensitive to (P on, 1962).' The Rbp /8S86 hanes in the spike and shelf solutions, and to a knowledge of the isotoplo eomposition of these solutions. After the addition of the spikes to each sample# approximately 30 ml Hf and 3 ml i0104 were added. The samples are then plaoed on a steam bath, allowed to digsat with frequent stirring by a teflon rod When this portion of' 1 has evaporated, another portion is added, and again evaporated with constant stirring. As perfect a solution as possible was obtained by adding measured quantities of 2N 101 and water with constant stirring. It is important to obtain perfect equilibration between sample: and spike, and it is thought that this was attained from the clearness of the solutions in each oase. The sample is then removed from the -.....~ steam bath and allowed to aool. $r 8 5 and ra ioaotive tracers were added. fhe sample was then tr=naster*- M earier-fee, red to voor centrifte tubao, and oentritlued for several minatesa The supematant was poured off and placed on the ion exehange columns, The *ortn 2.5 am* by 60 e. resin, .eo hae columns are approzimately and are about half filled with Dowex 50&548 This is a strongly alotdieCation eo.xhw &8 cross-li~ resin with and a mesh size, of two to ftour hd r4ndt The column was elated with 2N H,01 anA monitored with a scintillation counter. The Rb and $r fraotions were collease in 20 t20 30 ml portions in the 100 ml polypropylens beakers. ?or both fb and Or, the beakers eentaining the highest cati vi Wty4 and S85 were combine evaporated down and transferred to a 5 ml fused quartz cruiile which contained a fw mis of 0104*. The beakers were plaoed on a hot plate, evaporated to dryness, and ignited oer burner to remove the exOas H010 4 . a -yrell A few mla of QHN10 were then added and the beaker was again taken to dryness. This. last: step was repeated. The sample was then ready to be placed on the mass spectrometer filament or to be stored for future use. Along with each group of isotope dilution analyses, a set of Sr and Rh blanks were run. treated in these blank were the same manner as the sample. Por aS isotope ratio analyses, a three gram sample was veighed out. The dissolution prooedure was the same but no Rb or Sr spikes were added. The mass spectrometer used was standard 6-inch radius, 600 sector, solid source, type machine. single collector, It was designed and built at 1I. Nier T. the ion ourrent was amplified by a vibrating reed seletrometer and peake recorded on a Brown Strip Ohart Recorder, the low pressures necessary for operating were obtained by a forepump in series with a mercury diffusion pump. The filament was tantalum ribbon that is spot welded to the posts of the sourse. All the filaments were proven clean of the analysis element in the mass spectrometer, before applioation of the sample. The sample is placed on the filament by means of a vycor capillary tip. It is put on in the form of a nitrate and slowly evaporated to dryness. - The analytical results obtained in this thesis investigtion are shown in Tables 1 - 6 MEpliaate Isotope, dilution analyses were made for rubidium and strontluma Rubidium and strontium blank determinations were made along with the isotope dilution analyses. The elemental content of Murray, on the basis of triplioate analyses, are 1.67 + 0027 ppam R; 11405 ± 0.029 ppa Sr, the precision being expressed as the standard deiation of the mean* These isotope dilution values have all been correated for blank contamination, which in all' ass were almost negligibly small, as shown in Table 4 The Rb/Sr weigh- ratio was converted to Rb 87 /8r A value for the isotopi 86 atoade ratio. oomposition was determined from a mass espotroaetrie run of 78 sets, and, by our laboratory standards, was of the very highest quality. portion of the mass speatrometric record is Figure 2. The value obtai A reproduced in d.was 07249 + 0.0005. Correcting this value for contwination, a value of 0.7250 ± 0,0005 was obtained, demonstrating again the near negligibility of contamination. On the basis of two mas sets apiese, spectrometria aruns of 18 a value of 0.7254 + 0.002 was obtained, Although the runs were of poor quality, this value lies within experimental error of the value obtained from the run of high precision. s- 18 - the standard SrQ0~ (Rimer and Amend, Lot # 492327) was used as an interlaboratory standard and to test the preotaton of the meteorite. sotope ratio determinations for the Murray A value of ( 8r 6 /r 8 ) ranging from 0.708 to 0,709 is repotted by Paurv and Hurley, 1963; and Pinson, etal. 19634 This standard was run during the oourse of the Murray Sr isotope ratio analyses, with the results shown in Table . These values were well within the values reported by several other laboratories. The S6/8r87 ratios were corrected for sotopia, fraotionation by assuming that the Sr86 /8r 8 ratio is a constant and equa1 to 0.1194. The normaliation of the Sr6/ Sr'7 ratio is achieved by applying half of the fator noesesary to adjust the Sr&E/Sr Sr87 /886 ratio. 8 ratio to 0, 1194 to the This normalization procedure has been adequately justified by Paure (1961), and Yaure andUurley fthe age formula for the Rb-Sr method Itt 8 Where (s~r 8 6 the age; is the decay constant for iP. )p is present, measured ratio; (r87T/S$W6) is the initial ratio; (fRBS/886) is the atomie ratio; t is A1drteh (1950) reported a half-life for Rb87 of 50 + 2 x 109 years; ew ll * al 405 bw,y for Anoo CNA4-i Zo1--14 wxi tlerta of i1w1 m, 1 93tr ±049zZ an zzs vootna a - 20 - TADbZ 'b 1.70 1,62 I ar 11.01 0.4455 10.99 0.4487 11.08 0.4241 0,4394 1.67 S(of the mean) E (of tas moan) z0.027T . .5 .lam++ Rb T/Srs *0tf9 $.ts1~ $ 40077 - 21 - IbotEoria Weapositin at rray sr"Y/asrp& _fPl~i~h~E~3. (Aormllzodll ,CI~B~lgsSL~SaMU~c). (e4~5 orstfr.Mr M 041194 0.7949 04244 0.72O E(oe t owns) t a (6V ta.td 430 Yt 1 - 14a02WU ynnr) 4aahnL x 40 yea* XA . p.0$ ** 22aww ZaotopS a #0 o~o~tton of Wt ny 0.1180 0 q7256 0*706 0,0730# 0170 0.7282 0*1253 6. Q2KC1" 19.0ulr45" 4 00090 0.24 1404,00 OvU84B 0 for or O*26 mZ3 - 1&SBLS 4 0*026' 0.071 - 24 - ASpth Sepliate Analyses of the Sr3" B5 Standsrd &4..2A) Lot (3wAr 86/88 87/86 07/84 0.1186 0.7105 0.7080 0.1202 0.7060 0.7083 0.1191 0.7094 0.7084 0,1179 0.7119 0.7074 0.760 *H c+ O 0.750 9a No P* 0 0 (D 0.740 ao 0 U) 0.730 SCD 3c* 0.720CD CfD 0.7 10 CD 0 0.700 0.690 0.0 0.2 0.4 Rb 8/S 0.6 r86 0.8 1.0 - 26 - Figure 2 Two portions of Mass Spectrometer record, for Murray unspiked Sr analysis. The age of 450 + 0.19 x 109 years obtained for tbhe oarbonaceous ohondrite Murray indicates that Type II carbonaceous ohondrites appear to be cogeneti with stony meteorites - i.e., they lie within experimental error of the isoohrons reported by Gast (1961, 1962) and Pinson, et. al. (1963). The isoohron of Pinson, et. al. is reproduced in Figure I with the data for 4urray superimposed on it. Within the error limits assigned to the age of Murray, and 2inson's isoehron, the hypothesis that carbonaceous chondrites represent the outer layer (which differentiated at a later date) of a parent asteroidal body (DufPesne and Aners, 1961; Anders, 1963) remains a possibility. At the present status of this work, and because of the possibility of further refining the stony meteorite isoohron, the hypothesis that the carbonaceous ehondrites are the primitive material frm which the stony meteorites are derived, is still a poseibility. However, comparing the Rb-Sr age of 4.30 ± 0.19x10 9 years with Patterson's Pb age of 4.55 ± 0,06z10 9 years, it seems highly unlikely that the Type II carbonaceous ohondrites, such as Murray, are older. Thus, the Rb-Sr is rather strong evidence that the Type II carbonaceous chondrites are not the primitive material from which the stony meteorites were derived, * 28 - Values of 0.7204 and 0.7192 were caloulatod from two of the isotope dilution analysee (Table 6). Sr86 ratio of 0.C980 (Pinson, An initial Sr87/ a at, 1963) was assumed. These ealoulatihns were made to serve as an estimate of what the measured isotopio composition would be. The ealculated value would have more significanoe if a Sr 8 4 spike had been used in addition to a $t8 spike, thus enabling a correction for instrumental fractionation to be made. In addition, the use of the above initial Sr 7/8 7rf ratio is unjustified if the carbonaceous ohondrites do not lie on the isoohron obtained from the stony meteorites. In calculating the age of the carbonaceous ohondrite, only the value obtained from the unspiked mass spectrometer runs was used. -* 29 - ?ABLA ~6 Isotopic 1easta4 Io omposition of Murray I4in Xolasmman A1na0D0tP 0.3286 0.3301 0.1086 0.7204 34 0.3385 0.2960 0.1150 0.17192 96 AsnAed a 78st initial ratio a 04980 - 30 - Aldrich, L. T., Wethgill, G W., and Tilton, G. R., (1956), Half-life of Rb,. ifhyl, wL. 2 1045-1046. Anders, S., and (oles, S. Q, (1961), Theories of the origin , 4du. fl, 58-66. of meteorites. 9.i Anders, E., (1962) On the origin of oarbonomeous chondrites. Enrioo Permi anstitute for Nualear Studies # 62217. Anders, E., (1963), Meteorites and the early history of the solar system. Prooeedings of the Obnfarenoe on the Origin of the Solar System, ed. by Jastrow and Gameron, Academie Press N.Y., N.Y.95-104. Dufesne, *. R., and Anders, E., (1962), On the chemical evolution of the earbonaoeous chondrites. oeouxg:A4t GOesesQv. A4t4 g2, 1085-1114. E. (1963), tihemical Evolution . R., and Ander-, Du reene, of the carbonaceoue ahondrites. ehap. 14, The Moon, Meteorites and Comets, IT The Solar System, ed. Middlehurst, B. M., and Kuiper, G. P., Univ. Chi. Preass, Chio., Ill. Farrington, 0i 0. (1915), Meteorites, their structure, oomposition, and terrestrial relations. PUble by the author. Paure, G., (1961) The Sr87 / Sr86 ratio in Continental and Oceanic asalts and the Origin of Igneous Ro ks, PhD thesis at Massachusetts Institute of technology* Paure, G., and Hurley P. M., (196), The isotopic- compo- sition of strontium in oceanic and continental basaltes ,_erOl. application to the origin of igneous rocks. 4, 31-50. rItA*, Ooles 1Pi, 4, G. and Anders, Ea., (1960) in the meteorites $ in asteroidal bodies, flynn, K4 P., and TMe record 4 On the development meteorites AsOtrgzwhy As U* 245-258. lendenin 8+. ES, (1959), and beta*speotrum of Rb . The half-life 74 4 . 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