- a~ THE VELOCITY BEHAVIOR OF A GROWING CRACK by ERNEST NEIL DULANEY SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE Is\NT. TEc DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE LINDGREN at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 34h-I. /9(q Signature of Author..........*0 Department of Geology and Geophysics May 25, 1959 Certified by...........-. ... .. ... ........ Thesis Supervisor Accepted by.. - ....... ............. Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students ?LLx V.4 OcITr RaVIaxc Of A :v IS @OSACI W l DAas er ;aeo rle nAeSe te t Dparteunt et QGeoloAegy M tA ophyes Asn prial ae Sor the 4 tault NIIewjin K. F. flmot ot asgy 1a aPAlie to a *a 3ileat t theaclLre&meB of te nqrutiamt1ee the priniplo ta 1. oneravati nLeek pr"pIlattxl in as Latinatte plate of vaaishn%6 thiokaes with a uatoera tnosLo ap4li1 tiqe veleita ask a&t iaLiuty. A rtiaement or *vr that ust V *tt yiUls * *1 0e the a+geth itial .ak 14 The pr~Oi t data taken oin shee*t athastteal aetb; e trie vlooeity behavior is eompare ot jAkelethlm aebeflate * The h* npariSna af the data wit, t4 thqr is taoeoncluive benonsus antsk Oerng Pr "it oesk 6Ist wa. nt onstant sAt beoau'O at ot er oftectsena as Astle flew. It is oatluetd that vaMusfAoa of vet4ity. bealor pnrtteted / Mtt* thnSy oust a*ait eatul veloeity tQties on a brittle rebal ae as 4as. enerA 4*. t sns14sdenti fs of saca an oreariaet Ttale, Aseitant rfessor o9 Ge~olg *ha"A ol Costa b atnboA*atitio Z. statnmnt *t tM £flin6 2, U. tuwta Qneek 10 the Oentvlbnttoa of ftobefle sa sa1S Z settennnt of maheatte4l teehague the Gvowla nApS eiSoa The isenltg 15 nhe Aa1eLe .t 2. 3. 4. ttfelapon p"apatson ll, 14 1* 2. Dnr*iptio , *eapastanri 4.o t*he att 15 Zawtte4 La te Zaljrate ot thE a Ve*2ntttn L to taQ M with sof wlpnat XV. n Is jntbfl*th#Mranlat* e aportmn fe , t oftvtastn 1 at te Zas 19 a8 th tbnq amtao tnay of OAha 50 Few Uat Quesk Leaflh , A) oree Sftiih * flnowr 4 a to be laLeantst ran Crca #utun erteens Aaete ~* ~k~cr~kA44ass lav~ vm ixgak Am-olob~Lllm- hwne I fla Vfew of a Glftth G4n* flur* * '&nnteafly $?nttedM Vs5tty flotted gaat one Urtk l $4 S t? ?A3oi 0 OOaw?4 (net) l late 5 ThsXrfSlioa 44*tt 7101.*4 Crasek V*1lnlty Veroai rsl~lfu4 ;Velootty 4 4ttt oadltkh 17 4nh*k toaoh La iPolyaetkq]L 4otflatrylato Pi za I said a3, flgr. 6 23 figure ? Otof Ve"Lotty Y is inpnnl Ortok Lon6th far Two 4oien flgsre a Ylat of Ylnoityr Veroa tsiprooal Ovtoe-k Luegth for Two 4sePoc ns 27 -anai"eaivma s authr wtfln to **Paon h otuer P. Inn we * Instw -a4 *ntubsox to the a 4t* pnftfl easannms Staesta seaeatne set tin neatagthe nstnst of tin thne tenst4 nef th attnr oxpmnn, Me gnttw t ioten aS faor aplAthe Eat. - *a.ntiwas i pas~i~fsa oezt"ntsaM 0sWata bt the po4a0e of the tneSa Ihe ntawe ebbaes sr*~4tae~r~ **~ Me 4Asa annstasrr eat en,. e** ampiw n asma Ay .no n An ac appnatto. to 4***3 ilaAll astomn Os~As: Maear~ll~top asr mamnw eaguesses seeseenes~P s W um seornastena ae THE VELOCITY BEHAVIOR OF A GROWING CRACK I. Introduction 1. Statement of the Problem The problem investigated in this paper is that of theoretically predicting the behavior of the velocity of a propogating crack in a brittle material from the time of onset of rupture until terminal velocity is approached. The crack will be considered to grow from an originally static one at an interior region of an infinitely thin plate, infinite in the other two directions. A uniform tensile stress is applied at infinity normal to the long axis of the crack. The tensile stress is increased until the crack becomes unstable and starts to grow in its own plane. The stress is held fixed at this critical value during propogation of the crack. The crack is approximated by an ellipse with a very small minor axis. See Fig. 1. 2. Previous Work Some work has been done on predicting the terminal velocity of rupture. The agreement of the predicted terminal velocities with those found experimentally is apparently not conclusive according to some authorities, App oilaaft ellipa with a by a la7 safl maieo axis the sack grows In the positive sat negative tnos u ta se4n* tasO due to the aetion t th wa U, appli at lutiat . -- x--i-~~----i-- 00 -c' C---- FIG I jfh"cs~,k.,,_.~~.l~l*~d~,, ,._~~~_r~*CblC,~:riC. r91~.LI i\*1~' 8 VI*LIYL*1I~C~II .I .II-/ e.g., Schardin 1 . Schardin feels that terminal crack velocity is a function of an effective free surface energy and is not simply related to other parameters. In support of this, he points to the evident lack of success of other proposed prediction theories. Stroh 2 feels that a propogating crack is similar to the phenomenon of Rayleigh waves and hence inertial effects would determine terminal velocity. Yoffe 3 has calculated the stress field about a moving elliptical hole of constant length in a simple two-dimensional geometry. She tabulates the stress field at the head of the hole as a function of velocity and shows that the direction across which maximum tensile stress occurs branches noticeably at approximately 0.5 the speed of transverse waves in the material. Cracks are observed to branch at roughly this velocity; if the branching velocity is necessarily the limiting one, then the limiting velocity would be controlled by inertial effects. Irwin 4 concludes that inertial effects control the limiting velocity and states that Irwin and W'ells in a personal communication calculated that terminal velocity should be 0.5 the speed of transverse waves. Irwin presents a brief table of data showing excellent correlation with properly performed experiments on various materials. Mott 5 demonstrates on theoretical grounds that terminal velocity should be equal to a constant times the square root of Young's i odulus divided by the square root of the density. Schardin presents a plot of this quantity versus terminal velocity for several types of glass. The data points substantially deviate from a straight line. The developments of this paper are a direct extension of Mott's work in which he applied the principle of conservation of energy to a moving crack of the simple two-dimensional geometry which we are considering here. Lacking precise information as to the manner in which terminal velocities were measured in the glasses, the apparent disagreement with Mott's theory is attributed to experiments inadvertantly performed incorrectly relevant to the criterion presented in Irwin and discussed in this paper. Mott and later Roberts and Wells 6 were primarily concerned with the terminal velocity of cracks while apparently overlooking that Mott's approach will also yield the behavior of the velocity from zero to terminal velocity. The following study is directed toward pre- diction of the entire velocity behavior. II. Analysis of the Behavior of a Growing Crack 1. Review of Mott's Approach Consider Fig. 1. The ellipse represents a crack in an infinitely thin plate growing equally in the positive and negative x-directions. a represents a uniform plane tension applied at infinity. Mott applied the conservation of energy to the growing crack. This can be expressed as the sum of three terms F+S+K=constant. The terms represent the following three energies associated with the crack: S= the stored elastic energy in the plate in the presence of the crack minus the stored elastic energy in the plate in the absence of the crack with the same uniform stress at infinity in both cases. F= free surface energy of the crack. K= kinetic energy of the time varying displacement field associated with the moving crack. When properly evaluated, the kinetic energy term, K, accounts for elastic disturbances radiating energy from the region of the crack. If the half length of the crack is c as shown in Fig. 1, and T is the free surface energy for unit area, then the free surface energy, F, is given by F=4cT. Evaluation of terms S and K depend upon the stress field about a moving crack. It is appropriate to note that Yoffe's expression cannot be used in the evaluation of these terms. We require integration of the stress and displacement fields over all space where the approximation of substituting a moving elliptical hole of constant length for a crack is no longer valid. In In order to evaluate terms S and K we must use the expressions for the fields associated with a standing crack due to Inglis 7 primarily because these are all that are available. Roberts and Wells, and Irwin offer brief discussions of the validity of using the standing crack expressions; howeter, the most convincing demonstration to date of the validity of using Inglis's expressions is a series of photographs of the photoelastic effect associated with a moving crack presented by Wells and Post8 . The photographs show that the dynamic stress field and static stress field do not noticeably differ significantly. Assuming that the static crack representations are valid, we have Mott's expressions for S and K. S = -io ca /E and K = 0.5kc2 62 o'Z/E' where E = Young's modulus, k = a numerical factor less than 1 determined by Roberts and Wells, q = density and c = the time derivative of c, i.e., t'e velocity of propagation of the crack. The resulting equation for the conservation of energy in a growing crack is 1kqc 2 _? EZ - no' c a + 4cT = constant E (1) Mott then differentiated with respect to c to remove the unknown constant. Because he was primarily investigating terminal velocity, Mott allowed E_ to equal zero to facillitate the analysis, which then leads c=)T1 (1- O +o when for 4T we have 4T * 2x' e/S twUOrttifh's eiterion at eo is te initial orafk length Lortu%.tAo of 0belP and 4all! 2h 2. rupture The value of th,e known nuereal constant k mse not doeaiMaS by 4*ott Mott preseated an integral tosselation of k which R berts and .411s evluatoe4 for ratio equal to 0.25. oAseoao i its value is sOhk thatVSF deae, Me &* 's * oj.3 theory as evaluatea w Roberts and by ojaYWr vu£iyij . the approxtastioa used by a and wells of setting 0 (2) oett *Ad later Roberts Vad when & vly A io is vry near tenminal veleetty. 4 k is so evaluate4 4shoa Sq. (2) shots that # 0 in tetianee of the assurptios Sq. (1) sy to the be solveW rigorously without appealhag The solution of Sq. rsmqniation above so obtaiaea is lapLe4 in coirnet withia the traework assaptions Sq. (1). oritrion in (1) Let us replace 4? by the Griffith 0o* q. (1) and call the conatasnta then have e. wwo t sa a 3 13 3 e . Se for the et poiat ou ell at a that a bemaary 4, is elaoet, f O. 0oe% law Applyr~athias bousary ooadition to q. (3) enorg therott sheen s Sq. (4) we have value of iflGriff ith balsaae equation of a gw NO *oo a3 nfly tor 4. t * ay be seld alsbie sq. () (4) I .tt*' ea + ta te it14s 3 3 Lubtitatia onaitioan r+ a a 4 vsfws (L.o) S~t aoefdin etof the velotty behavior (6) is the paietie to Mott Sq. C6) ditters tro a 0, i ar (4) the behavior pretditet then. (lfi a square root sign is St. 4, ustuag thesppmaatioa that felnt b that the te he Rea4tta1ok As the *rack g1ow 4azei without by ) i Sqt. (6) eppears (2). aM 4fow t9 n itt ow]la 0 /* will approah seor ant the terminal veleTity wil be Yft/ us Let releity. Vt1 the trail i . 7) (V (V/) S* l O ts AMen & t pletted saant 1/* a stmaLot line nVa Inae is O L ~h6 vloetity axs in Pig. 2. as s)he atOeeept of the s1Vv anA the eosiproeal erask lawth ass isato ept . Tis plot when appliet to v*teiity sessutaelts provides a sonveatesoteetk of the thenBr 0s eonolteA that th prope solution vele lty shoult sake tak that e neagy equation pretis tOMett's an hyprpebolle asymptotio approach to teoyinal velo lty. Figs ) Is a pot tf reasfs a taSq. (7) hea the psetited velocity nure. AM the. AARM"anica n lnnet 0. In a4dition to the asumed vali4dity of stanUing cak stress and displasement tiolts when applLt to a oving erack the following sonaitioas aust be set bv the phrstrcl situation Aesoribed by the athomatics of the above analysi7s a. The surtae eneay per untt length of the Wrack Is constate b. No work tS addse at the bouadaries hdur propagation of the racak* This orrespouts to constant strain at infinity ratuer than costant stress but is a valid assumption for an ianfiiteo plate as dise seed by 4obef s a~nda IS- - &lls. The vleitsp (4) axis intce"pt is the tegnaal veloity (V a VW V t to te reniproc&d length of the leasgth ax"isatt initiatag e4a othe v44it o vool7 OIC: e (1/ ) e is givn by veloeity oal makes a e lrack while the inase t (1.). Th asyaptotte approach to V* , ;:tO so 4 l n n~ i Z,, ) eaprth!oVl ----- ----;.-:--II~-, I II I _~~-~-~i-rczL ~---~- ~~n-~qlzs~Cg~ VT C o o Co FIG 2 VT C oo C I1 FIG 3 17 Ill(^ 912s n-* infinite plate as discussed by Roberts and Wells. c. The elastic parameters of the material are constant during propagation. In particular this includes Young's modulus. d. The fracture is brittle; i.e., no plastic flow. e. The plate is infinite. The effects of a physical situation not complying with some of the above conditions are discussed in the following section. III. Comparison of Theory with Measurements of Crack Velocities in Polymethylmethacrylate 1. Description of the Experiments In order to test the theory developed above, measurements of crack velocity in polymethylmethacrylate were made available by Professor E. Orowan from studies of Mr. J. Neimark to be published elsewhere. Rupture was initiated in sheets measuring roughly 6 ft. by 2 ft. by 1/4 inch at a sawed notch a fraction of a centimeter to two centimeters long cut halfway along one of the six foot sides. Tension was applied at the ends by means of a configuration of clamps suspended on knife edges. When rupture occurred, the passage of the arack across the face of the sheet was observed photographically on a cathode ray oscilloscope as the crack broke evenly spaced lines of printed circuit paint placed perpendicularly to the path of the crack. From these data velocity of the crack versus orack. a trnoae data velocity of the track vorsus kr e sett t .* d e of dst-nc~e froa obtaiaon. wP~a tosoe veloaity versus distansoe curvos are xof j Qised b .eal ones teoutat 4%ecieas are thu p n apte ecLeas 10l and lk l wijth velocity with4in the toerisal naioa of the e de Fing. 4. e e reseted apvQoaz a 1 of the ow a4 11f branchod betwen 35 and 4c selatenrS 0t" azd Ilk are vorl u.aoth and btoe rtAkuhtort ho owk& in rti:iatin crack aoac the te surface o te 63 cntimeters. total width of the Plate beia11 projreasivoly usA before fAkimag t e swrface is so Uth r ,:u e~4 that sas1 brncia A (up to %ao ceatisetOre in teoAth) cracks occur. asumptioa ls probably a goo It LmieS an itaoroao lu of Vatt tibo rouieghnin * o surface energy por unit erack length otive Ater branching, *4 of the cracks becoes proroessively *aootker ad te other eolatively rueri aaintaias a the other specitas In til. esaller cha neo inlufa tee propagation. edto of the plate is rneibd ero oAly a Oi.htly treted crack aurtaes t,,and earlier 2alr iiotS 4 exhibit * amuch charater turiau By the time the ap proaczia amBnch as is surface. not applicable afte.r brahFbnt. theory is alearly thse sOalos 'atea n sLamIs of ViIe 0LP antA rack. 19 P at a much e lestathanna g Fhese are sa prrenet ot Pntonr onsa's 4a, n for se.eatsrd enat sen peteae . .um Lath to thoe pe . beS meseeOe ea 5Ples 6 10 P 5 4 3P 104 CM SEC 3 2 I- 5 10 15 20 FIG 4 25 30 3 40 CM flger 5 aM Ftr se s The or4ks braa hed whoj* th* earve ieat. Thor7 ppaiats that when atteetie eu;rtan mnry per muIt anot length Sia in the apecilans, ases with craek lngth, as it does the voolity whea plotted a&anst seiproal eoack length ihoul& not be straight Itneos as it is ver a easiterable rarg A eeabiSatia of eofteets ho"OTC in thee ePrs. auses a straight line plot 9 91A wo ---v tp dOl e oet* that te a range contrwr Tho eeks hOes 0. lflmaa.ardwmanneAmma 0 *s are not sttigb t lices over to the pr*etioa AA seot brsh of wsple theor. withi"A the wit4th of the 6 7P 4- 3 2 4 10 cm sec Oi .02 cm .03 0 4 .0 5 .06 O, .0 8 .0 9 .10 I c FIG 7 ,", =, ,,,,, r ,. .. . I il mI nlnm n .. . . . . n -- II .. . ... . ... . . . .. . . . . . . ay Wae ltW Sim*e 44t n sheeMt. ilO the Aalel fin n A wia t"suhe t .M. ot the 6 5 4P 4 3P 10 ' - cm Sec L I .01 .02 .0 3.04 cmCmT L L L-I*,±- 0506 .07 .08 .09 .10 1 00 F;G 8 :6-~: 4 I6 :9j-~jt on the character of the surfaces when the studies are published. A brief discussion of some reasons for roughening may be found in Irwin. 3. Comparison with Theory The comparison with theory is best done by plotting velocity versus inverse crack length. Figs. 4 and 5 show such plots for specimens 10P and 11P. The small circles are not data points but are points used to redraft the velocity curves. The points for transcribence were selected at 5 centimeter intervals. The theoretically predicted curve would be a straight line between co and V T = 0.38V7 . c 0 in this case would be the length of the sawed notch plue a dmall tack ghat grew from the notch while the specimen was brought up to load. The value of VT obtained from Young's modulus could not be determined because Young's modulus varied according to strain rate, etc. Hence the best determination of VT according to Mott's theory is obtained by extrapolating the straight line regions of the curves which lie approximately bwtween 10 eentimeters and 35 to 40 centimeters. When the extrapolation is done as in Fig. 5 and 6 we see that the terminal velocities lie between 5 x 104 and 6 x 104 cm/sec. The crack velocities never reached this value of VT but branched first. Branching might have occurred too soon because of the influence of the approaching edge. At the point of branching the cracks were 2/3 of the way across the sheets and it is to be expected that the approaching boundary would have some influence on the stresses near the crack. Nhether or not the edge caused branching cannot be answered here; however, we can say that if the edge was not influential in branching then the terminal velocity as predicted by Mott's theory was not reached. Since Yoffe's calculations show that a continually increasing branching of the stress field at the head of the crack would occur at crack velocities below VT, the question arises whether or not the terminal velocity predicted by Mott's theory will ever be reached or will branching occur instead. to VT is hyperbolic. Therefore, barring infinite crack lengths, to say that VT is approximation. The approach "reached" must involve some The theory states that when the crack length is 100c0, the velocity is c = 1000c o , c = 0.9 99VT. = O. 9 9VT, when Hence VT can never be *reached' before branching occurs or the edge of the plate is reached. At the present time it cannot be said at what fraction of VT branching will occur. If the extrapolated value of VT is taken as that predicted by Mott's theory, then it will be seen that in Fig. 5 and 6 the measured velocities are everywhere less than those predicted. The straight line portions of 10P and llP behave as if the cracks originated at an effective c0 approximately 5 times the c o observed. the behave at I 0? and 11 o this 4Ans*n pesj betwen Pre410tt it eerio froa the region of the aek. elt rol oul for by a 00aoctd ha04inUg Ion"e tfAis reovat 1earfas oal4 be per talt u ,ner these of Losee. *egy elatie e ts of Vshe plate 4r plastic floew i of the oreek. possibly be Wrsatest d4ratn int, w o oid the arly stagee of La seaest. ably acceleraton prs iadtative losse loe;a e rdtitive teels that th -rh arnm woee sonha ow rmovet e to raiatiave Losses o sould be to otber rgfi rgia at4 obnrved veloc4ity by oeter typue laacgth of the cras k o observet, the e aprotiatsely, 5 ties ottfotive 1r wact 0;t444ate4d at a rask will be assAuM satil la order to The l oss of euer~ due to ;Iastie 4tozraioa probabt taportant In these QaasQ*eants beenuse do*es ezaibit plnsti aollothkiAZtherlat tVo effet is aneta on. s t"# work i.i*volvf 4he qualitativ eCet easared velocstise Less t.a at t evens7 ssea this o Qarves 1WP e of the aous of f1w an be glvea beosnS andinre 4eoerAtioa aaa4js4s o quafatittiv for slow staain ratOea. teora oIs he case. se la th w-alt be to ae reAete4. p4 flii, Ia 6, S" 7, lndk plot as stra1,ht Ahns over 3o . is swa of their ranag La te otteoltiVe srtfse ener L a ffeset as t e. unit length aU a fation (O) was vieblty an In the spOOiLsenOS above, (1) t a o (004 ) wno (O) tnt The *ettiv length. Ss that apear ent. at lrea be evaluated as tollws iaeresi% ftlntloa of o t oa ~er estrfae energy ter T(s) is ieoeabie otin*r the a e *p t t*en t * e as s ene Mr the laaSS io obt8iLe4 ftI t (s)S)4 e 4s "a is outsastnt. hen 0 toa *a Destsnato to a the value ott teen s Grittith otrtron e have (e)sl e . Then Ie (s) sat ia alst sh ) Oms (). *as T a(*) s Lrways 1., s ( o tofor >, ewe have the result tree Sq. (5) who ae >> e q. (5) o% 5 AW say be uest to evalsate a it ekaaagI% surfsee (a en"y per malt orak lagth it 1ie14 a hyperbola for e. marten energy will .till e peia A 10P lP are hyerbol*e Over ausco et Aeapite the notieoeable ohange La ettetive txeir rate eoFerg with 0 aOk l enth. sartes nes. (16(e) e serked continual ~tserase La trm o o 4. (9) sh es that T(e) * other otteoots are also present ea tor the oters nae that this aeither these ourvee fit the eleple theory of 4et tnive for brittle material 99#tstfl&4ML >. 4reasqnereiaBn t be'I# 4o o4nelue that seataeas 10V and Ik fit the ourve ~reLcteA by M lott*s tbery over a cosiderable ange but t e sade at the effet of a formulation 1 *hAnsing srtfaoe enOrgy, such as arvesl ano finger it the t probably pastie tflow leoq s observ the nd oth*Vr Otffoots are laportant also, The aeasure4 veloeties of the other tour speeotee to"e when plottet against re,4proeJ orck iecgf Arvfd ltu a a stari~ t oe over their entire na.je rather than y as th ory mi setes Roe of tat speebers tit &tt*s tieory. C Ii be du* ts effects that are ?roporties of eterral s camy or de t 4 effeeCts frts This Lat.sti nich brtttle uatrlals would suafer, too. leeits t±at ueld 4cease brittle 4ubstsa.ces s 3Z early stages of the crack growth (b)edge effects when working with cracks initiated from an edge (c)addition of work at the ends under tension during propagation of the crack. (d)dynamic unloading of the sample so that it is not moving in the same stress field that it would move in if a uniform tension was applied at infinity on an infinitely long plate. In the above list (b) refers to edge effects of the plate perpendicular to the direction of the crack while(c) and (d) refer to the parallel edges. Effects that presumably would be important in plastic materials only are: (a)changing surface energy of the crack as it grows (b)plastic deformation particularly in the region of the crack. The effect in (a) may be a result of (b)ll . We tentatively conclude that primarily due to plastic flow, plastic materials should require a greater ratio of crack length to initiating crack length before terminal velocity is approached or branching occurs than would brittle IV materials. Suggested Future Experiments A searching test of Mott's theory must await careful velocity measurements, such as those furnished by Professor Orowan, performed on a brittle substance. Glass is suggested. The surface energy of a crack in glass does not noticeably change by important factors as the crack growsnnor would plastic flow be expected. In order to eliminate the effect of the edge at the beginning of rupture it would be best to start from a crack in the middle of a large plate. However, the edge effect is probably very small after the crack is a few centimeters long. This could be evaluated by experiment. Whether rupture is initiated at an edge or in the middle, the plate should be of sufficient width that by the time the crack has grown to 50 or 100 times the length of the initiating crack no more than half the plate should be traversed by the crack. Hence initiating crack lengths should be kept as short as possible. If elastic disturbances radiated by the moving crack are important,the edge to which the uniform tension is applied will have to be far enough away from the crack so that stress waves will not be reflected by these edges and returned to the region of the crack before terminal velocity is approached and branching occurs. If it is felt after expetiment that stress waves reflected from the edge that the crack is approaching could be causing deviations from the theoretical velocity values, then the plate will have to be made wider or the size of the initiating crack further reduced. Design of velocity measurements to conform to the 3t above conditions require an estimate of accumulated time as a function of the ratio c/c o The accumulated time . may be obtained from a first time integral of the velocity expression. do = VT(1-c ) dt -C C Sdt= So VT c -c -o 0 The integral is singular at c= c o do . This is an expression of the fact that the crack is in unstable equilibrium at c = co, hence the crack may stay at length co for an infinite amount of time or no amount of time. Accumulated time may be calculated between the length c and co(l+6) where 6 is any positive number greater than 1 and c>co(l+6). That is, after the crack has started to move, the time between any two points may be calculated. When the integral is so formulated we have t 0 [accumulated between c=co(1+6) and c>co(i+6) 1 do Sc 0c(1+6) C-C The integration yields t = c 1 (1+6)(n-l)+lnn(l+6)-l] -- , VT where ~i'= co (1+6) 0 '3S- 6 3 = If 6 << 1 and n >> 1 then t = co [n+ln n), n large, 6 small. V It is not possible to state how much time expires between c 0 and c (1+6). We should like to have an 0 estimate of this time because presumably stress waves are emitted by the crack as soon as it starts to grow from c . The only simple way out of this difficulty is to assume some average velocity when calculating the time to grow from c o . The above equations can be used for calculating the time between observations of the cracks as a function of crack length. Placement of conducting strips could be arranged so that approximately equal time intervals would appear on an oscilliscope or timing between camera exposures could be adjusted so that the crack had moved approximately equal distances between exposures, thus obtaining maximum resolution in both cases. U. bAfla it. j 4o.-VjtqA4 AMtM 4~*rSo,12, CORLwN I 4 L2.0-149, ti. is Ar, a,3,ot*# S. Ma,, jj 6. 4wjcottt Ma 19, fAtfra #*'JA "nt.%:n AsZ1 As. o~ ZE$' pnon ittitt Unsk, S;h44 .jk "ThO ;anias flr /, fl* (1951). Y.. aA *stels* Aobrt0o, 4 VoeIntty of 1913).) ktotat 8* , 4* of1l,4tq Doi # Z4ntao AES (19*>. ZoS PAna ~, Wfl, ~xs9vC J*. -io tot 90 *o (oaaaajo c~ ;I, * 4*j TA"S.4 Afto ;i40COe841* - Orlom A, 1t35t 19l). IC? ,# ?M aas poiatot out tb iOtsor?. ;#*t*saor ournA TA* Ma"o nrtkt ttat plastic flow Aatt Sacroas. th# bri-ttl*aas* in tho oafl4, star.v -o oa4' growt n*&sia, a this "iogin. 37 oa*th @nck surftaf in