AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Stephen Kerron Prothero for the (Name) Date thesis is presented M.A. (Degree) May 14, in Mathematics (Major) 1963 Title ON THE ENUMERATION OF CERTAIN EQUIVALENCE CLASSES OF EULER PATHS OF FULL GRAPHS Abstract approved This thesis treats the problem of enumerating equivalence classes of Euler paths of full graphs. is a complete, edges. unordered, A full graph graph with no loops or repeated Two Euler paths are equivalent if and only if one can be transformed into the other by a finite sequence of rotations and reflections of the path and permutations of its vertices. We obtain the number of equivalence classes for full graphs on 3 and 5 vertices but obtain only partial results for full graphs on 7 vertices. We prove theorems which enable us to obtain representatives of all equivalence classes with relatively few repetitions for any full graph. Finally we prove a monotoneity theorem for the number of equivalence classes. ON THE ENUMERATION OF CERTAIN EQUIVALENCE CLASSES OF EULER PATHS OF FULL GRAPHS by STEPHEN KERRON PROTHERO A THESIS submitted to OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS June 1963 APPROVED: Associate Professor of Department of Mathematics In Charge of Major chairman of Department of Mathematics Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented 91 Typed by Carolyn Joan Whittle // X73 Acknowledgement The writer thank Dr. Robert Stalley for his help and guidance in the preparation of this thesis. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Chapter I. II. III. IV. V. Introduction 1 Basic Definitions and Theorems 3 Characteristic Sequences 8 Construction Theorems and Some Applications 15 A Monotoneity Theorem 30 Index of Notation 46 Bibliography 47 ON THE ENUMERATION OF CERTAIN EQUIVALENCE CLASSES OF EULER PATHS OF FULL GRAPHS Chapter I Introduction Graph theory has its origin in the works of Leonhard Euler in the early part of the eighteenth century [3]. The subject has experienced decade. a strong revival in the past Not only is graph theory being recognized as a powerful tool in applications but the theory is being extended at an increasing rate. The standard references in graph theory are those by Berge, in the bibliography [2], [4], König, and Ore found [5]. The statement of our main problem and its treatment are graph theoretical. state the problem as as follows: a However, we may alternatively problem in combinatorial analysis "Enumerate the non -equivalent cyclic arrangements of symbols taken from a set of n distinct symbols where each unordered pair of distinct symbols occurs in adjacent positions once and only once. Two arrangements are equivalent if and only if one may be obtained from the other by reflections, a finite sequence of rotations, and permutations of the distinct symbols." This problem has not received attention in the literature. The problem has its origin in the design of computers [6], but no such application of the results of 2 this thesis are envisioned. Let n be the number of distinct symbols from which arrangements are formed. We prove that there exists an arrangement if and only if n is odd and n > enumerate the non -equivalent arrangements for 3. We n = 3 and but fail to obtain the enumeration for arbitrary n = 5, n. We do obtain partial results for We develop n = 7. several rules of construction which give us all arrangements with at most a small number of repetitions from each equivalence class. n = 7 However, even when we take this method is prohibitive without a high speed computer partly because of the necessity of eliminating the repetitions mentioned. Finally, we prove a monoto- neity theorem for the number of pairwise non- equivalent arrangements. 3 Chapter II Basic Definitions and Theorems We are interested in full graphs in this thesis. full graph is defined by the equation, G(V) G(V) = 1(a, b} where G(V) V = j < 1 j < n }, are unordered pairs. finite, A unordered, ( aeV, n > a/b }, beV, 2, and the elements of Full graphs are known also as complete graphs with no loops and with non- repeated edges. The elements of vertices and the elements of An Euler path on a G(V) V are called are called edges. full graph is cyclic sequence a of edges which contains each edge of the graph once and for which the intersection of two consecutive edges is single vertex. Thus an Euler path is (2.1) .a1,a23, a2,a33, ai-l' ail where aieV, 1 < i number of edges of ' ai'ai+11, < N, ... and where ... , aN,al } }, N = 1,n(n -1) is G(V). A simpler notation for the Euler path in (2.1) (2.2) the al a2 a3 a4 ... ai-1 ai ai+1 ..* is aN a1. This arrangement is also referred to as the Euler path. It is now evident that the graph theoretical definition a 4 of an Euler path is equivalent to the combinatorial defini- tion given in the introduction. Example V = [1,2,33, If 1. {[1,2 },f2,3 }, {3,1 } }, (2.2), 2 3 1 an Euler path is simpler notation of or in the 1. We will refer to an Euler path on n vertices as simply an Euler path on first symbols of N path on where < 1 i vertices. n The are the corners of the Euler (2.2) vertices. n full graph with a The symbol is the ai corner ith Thus several corners may denote the < N. same vertex. The next step in the investigation of Euler paths is to determine necessary and sufficient conditions on the order of the vertex set of the full graph for the existence of an Euler path on that graph. The following theorems will present these conditions. Theorem graph G(V), If 1. there exists an Euler path on then the order of V is a full odd and not less than three. Proof. We first prove that the order, less than three. That the definition of a n is full graph. full graph contains one edge. one edge with (2.1), al at n, is not least two follows from If n = 2, then the An Euler path would contain as both the first and last vertex by whereas by definition the vertices of an edge are distinct. 5 That is odd also follows from n the Euler path as defined in that the vertex Also, (2.1). a consideration of We have already noted occurs in the first and last edges. a1 if a vertex occurs in any other edge it must occur either the preceding edge or the following edge. since st edge, then (2.1). edges containing vertex Thus n -1. N -1 must occur an even number of times in al the remaining edges of is Hence does not occur in the second edge or the a1 in n -1 a1 of However, the number of full graph on a n vertices must be even which implies that n must be odd and the theorem is proved. Theorem graph G(V) 2. If the order of the vertex set is odd and not exists an Euler path on of a full less than three, then there G(V). The proof which will be given here is different from known proofs which may be found in any standard reference in graph theory and in some works of topology [1]. This proof is useful in the construction of Euler paths for study in later chapters. The proof is by induction on the order of the vertex set. Proof. Example An Euler path on three vertices is given by We assume that there is an Euler path on 1. vertices denoted by (2.2) where path on n + (2.3) b where 1 2 al = 1. Then an Euler vertices is given by b2 b3 3 ... 2 bl = a1 = 1, bi ... bN bN n bN bl' 6 (2<i<N), bi = ai k bN+2k-1 = (1<k<n), n+l bN+4k-2 = -( 1<k<%( n+1) ) , n+2 (1<k<%(n-1)), bN+4k = bN+2n+1 = n+2. Clearly consecutive edges contain common vertex. a We need to show that each edge occurs once and only once. We will begin by showing that each edge appears at least The edges may be divided into four classes. once. Class 1 h < < form < j where form {b 2. 2 < h n+l,h} 1 < i < n. and [n +1,h} is odd they are Class 3. since < N, [h,n +l} [n +2,h }. and and Consider the edges If b 112.,=+ +2h- l'bN +2zfi } h,n +2} n +2,h} and [n +2,1} The edge is h is even ' respectively, whereas [h,n +l} Edges of the forms respectively. and the edge h,n +2} and These edges may also appear in the {l,n +l} bN+2n +l , b1}. if respectively, {1,n+l} These edges may also appear in the form n+2,1} b1 b2 ... vertices. n Edges of the forms N +2h -2' b N +2h -1 they are h where forms an Euler path on Class where All edges of this class are found in the n. bi,bi +l) bN bN h, j} Edges of the form 1. 1,n+2 }. and {n +l,l} is and {b N+1 , b N+ 2 } 7 Class bN+2n' n +l,n +21. The edge 4. This edge is bN +2n +1 }' Finally, the number of edges of (2.3) N +2n +l. is Since N +2n +l = %n(n -1) = %(n2 is the order of + G(V) 2n + + 1 = ß(n2 - n + 4n + 2) 3n + 2) = %(n ±2)(n +1) for a set edge can occur more than once. V of order n +2, no Thus each edge occurs exactly once and the proof is complete. Let n k be the number of corners of an Euler path on vertices which denote N = nk and k = 1(n -1). a specific vertex. We find that 8 Chapter III Characteristic Sequences In this chapter we define equivalent Euler paths and devise a method of determining whether or not two given Euler paths are equivalent under this definition. Two Euler paths and P on the same full graph P' are defined to be equivalent if and only if transformed into by P' can be P finite sequence of rotations a and reflections of the path and permutations of the vertices of Here the terms rotation and reflection V. More precisely, two are taken in the geometric sense. Euler paths, P = bl b2 b3 b4 al a2 bN bl, and aN al, a3 a4 of the - bi a1,a2'a3'a4, on the set = same full graph are defined to be equivalent if and only if there exists ai P' ...,a permutation a which is an N element of the permutation group generated by elements of Vertex Permutation, that is the following three types: permutations for which corners which denote the same vertex have images which are corners which denote the same vertex; Rotations, that is permutations of the type, 1 < i < N; b1 = a1 Reflections, that is permutations of the type, and bi = aN+2 -i for an arbitrary integer j bi = ai +k for r t (mod N) and 1 < for t j < by N. 2 < i < N. at = aj We define where at 9 The above definition defines an equivalence relation on the set of all Euler paths on Each given full graph. a equivalence class of Euler paths contains paths which are sequences of rotations, reflections, of a given path. Our problem is that of enumeration of equivalence classes for each odd three. and vertex permutations which is not less than n This statement of our problem agrees with the statement given in the introduction. We wish to devise a practical way of determining whether or not two given Euler paths belong to the same equivalence class. For this purpose we define the right representative sequence. al a2 a3 For ... a ai ai given Euler path, +l the right representative sequence, ... aN al, or RRS, r1 r2 r3 ... ri ri where ri ... rN, corresponds to the corner (3.1) ri = min The element, ri, k I ai +k = of this sequence is ai ai, is and k > 13. called the right characteristic number associated with the corner Since each vertex is denoted by if n > 3, k = 1/2(n -1) a.. i corners, then each vertex is denoted by more than one corner and will have more than one right characteristic number corresponding to it. A vertex permutation may be considered to be relabelling of the elements of V. Thus, the RRS a is 10 invariant under vertex permutation since it is dependent a upon the order of the vertices and not upon the symbols used to represent those vertices. We always perform a vertex permutation upon each Euler path we are considering in order to bring it to a denoting the vertex precedes the first corner denoting the vertex if j If the i 1 < i form such that the first corner < j < n. Euler path is subjected to effect upon the RRS is rotation then the a to operate upon it with the permutation, (3.2) ri - ri +k. We define (mod N) E t j rt and for any integer 1< j< t by rt = rj where N. For the purpose of characterizing Euler paths to within reflection, we also always perform a each Euler path to transform it to a form a al rotation upon aN al, a2 such that the corresponding number, N r NN-i , is maximal. i=1 The right representative sequence of an Euler path which has been transformed in the aforementioned way is called the right characteristic sequence, RCS is a or RCS. The characterization of an equivalence class corresponding to an equivalence relation where two Euler paths P and P' are equivalent if and only if P can 11 be transformed into by P' and vertex permutations finite sequence of rotations a as defined above. If the Euler path is subjected to a reflection, the effect upon the right representative sequence is to operate upon it with the permutation, (3.3) ri s. -. . i 1 Upon examination of this result we find that the sequence of may be defined in another way which is equivalent s's to the above. For given Euler path, a al a2 a3 ... ai ai +l ... aN al, let the left representative sequence, or si+l - corresponds to the corner ai s1 where si (3.4) si = min We define j E a. ... k I and 1< j< upon comparing = ai +r si then , 1 ai = = ai-k for any integer st (mod N) t Thus, if s2 t LRS be, sN' and where a., k>13. by st = sj where N. with (3.1) a. J .. (3.4) we see that Moreover, we find that -sj the only difference between the right and left represen- tative sequences is the sense of direction in which we must count from the same vertex. a corner to find the next corner denoting Thus, the effect of a reflection on an Euler path is to interchange its right representative sequence with its left representative sequence. This result 12 will be used extensively in Chapter The Euler path to which a V. given left representative sequence corresponds is sometimes transformed by a rotation such that the number, N s. Ni-1 i=1 is maximal. The left representative sequence of an Euler path which has been transformed in the aforementioned way is called the left characteristic sequence, or When LCS. working with the left characteristic sequence but not directly with the Euler path to which it corresponds, will write the LCS in the following ... sN sN -1 sN -2 we form: ... sN -i s2 2 By doing this we sacrifice the correspondence between the left characteristic numbers and the corners of the Euler path to which they correspond for the purpose of sequences more easily. being able to compare characteristic Now to each Euler path correspond two sequences, the right and left characteristic sequences, and these sequences completely characterize an equivalence class of Euler paths on a full graph. Since the effect of Euler path upon its such a RRS and LRS Thus the RCS of rotation of an is to interchange them rotation also interchanges the the path. a an Euler RCS and LCS of path is identical to 13 the LCS Two Euler paths are equivalent if and only if the once. RCS of that path after that path has been reflected and LCS of one are identical to the LCS Example given by of one equals the RCS are equivalent if and only if the or LCS and More simply, two Euler paths of the other in either order. RCS RCS of the other. 2. (2.3) three vertices. If n = the following Euler path is 5, using Example as 1 an Euler path on RRS We also give the LRS and for this path. 14 Euler path: 1 RRS: 3 4 5 7 4 6 LRS: 7 2 3 6 5 3 2 5 3 4 5 1, 6 4 3 5 6 7, 7 5 4 3. The right and left characteristic sequences of the Euler path are, RCS: 7 4 6 3 LCS: 7 4 6 5 6 3 5 6 3 4 5, 7 3 4 5. 7 The above procedure of writing the for a RRS and LRS path by writing their characteristic numbers directly below the corners with which they are associated is used throughout this thesis. is identical to the property of the RCS LCS. and Note that in Example 2 This is found later to be LCS RCS the a of any Euler path on five 14 vertices. LCS It is not, however, of Euler paths in general. a property of the RCS and 15 Chapter IV Construction Theorems and Some Applications The purpose of this chapter is first to developtheorems which aid in the construction of the Euler paths which represent the equivalence classes described in Chapter III. These theorems are then to be used to construct representative Euler paths from each equivalence class for to three We also prove five. and equal n theorem which will a give some information about the number of equivalence classes of Euler paths on seven vertices. To construct the Euler paths we assign the vertex set as path, value to each of the a vertex from a corners of the N We use subject to the definition of an Euler path. described in the preceding chapter, the convention, constructing Euler paths such that the aN al al a2 of N number, such that the first is maximal and ri NN -1, i =1 corner denoting the vertex i denoting the vertex 1 j if precedes the first forner < i < j < n. Let the segment associated with the corner denotes the vertex S(i,h) = fai 1 < which be defined as the set h j ai < s, ai / ai if 1 < j < s, as = 113. The segment associated with the first corner of an Euler path constructed according to the convention mentioned 16 above is called the principal segment of the Euler path. segment associated with corner is its The length of a order. the length of the segment associated with a. is by L. Thus, a We denote the length of the principal segment . Clearly, the length of the principal segment is greater than or equal to the lengths of the segments associated with each of the other N -1 the Euler path on three vertices, 1 2,3,1}, the principal segment, Lemma corners. 2 3 1, Thus, in the length of is three. The sum of the right characteristic numbers 1. associated with the corners denoting specific vertex is a N. Proof. i be the empty set S(i,h) Let does not denote the vertex just, U S(i,h) if the corner Thus the Euler path is h. for any fixed h. Let [A] be the 1 <i <N order of the set associated with A. a The sum of the characteristic numbers specific vertex is just N [S(i'h)] = I U This completes the proof of Lemma Euler path on Proof. = N. 1<i<N i=1 Theorem S(i,h) 3. n If n > 5, 1. the principal segment of an vertices has length greater than First we prove that Consider the vertex 1. L > n. Assume This vertex is denoted by n. L < n. 1/2(n -1) 17 corners in an Euler path on Since vertices. n the is L length of the principal segment, the right characteristic numbers of the other vertex W, 1/2(n -1) - corners denoting the 1 must be less than or equal to 1 Thus the sum, L. of the characteristic numbers associated with corners denoting the vertex contrary to Lemma 1 Now we prove W < %L(n -1) which states that W = N. 1 L > satisfies Assume n. L = < 1/2n(n -1) By Lemma n. 1 =N the sum of the characteristic numbers associated with corners denoting a specific vertex must equal denoted by corners throughout the Euler path. 1/2n(n -1) All characteristic numbers of the or equal to less than Each vertex is N. must be less than RCS If any of the characteristic numbers were n. the sum of the characteristic numbers of the n, corners denoting some vertex would be less than all characteristic numbers must equal consists only of edge an +l,an since n Theorem }. If n(n -1), < N = 3 n's n > 5 RCS But if the n. a1,a2} then the edge Thus N. equals the these edges are distinct and we have a contradiction; so is proved. Theorem 4. Every vertex of an Euler path is denoted by some corner in the principal segment. Proof. Assume the vertex i corner in the principal segment. is not denoted by Recall that the length of the principal segment is denoted by corner denoting the vertex i a be corner Let the first L. m where m > L. 18 Assume that the is corner Certainly p. corner denoting the vertex 1/2(n-1)st p is less than or equal to Consider the segment associated with corner p. i N. This segment will contain all corners of the principal segment. It will also contain corner one. segment is at least of the principal Theorem L+1 Thus the length of this which contradicts the definition segment and Theorem 4 is proved. There is exactly one equivalence class 5. of Euler paths on three vertices. Proof. Since each vertex is denoted by corners in an Euler path on denoted by 1/2(3-1) vertices. = corner in an Euler path on three 1 The first corner denoting the vertex precedes the corner denoting the vertex 1 < i < denoting each vertex is vertices, n 1/2(n-1) < j a 3 in j i if Hence since every corner this case. vertex in an Euler path on three vertices is the first corner denoting that vertex, given by our construction is 1 2 the only Euler path 3 and the theorem 1, is proved. Let us examine the geometric significance of the results of Theorem 5. The full graph on three vertices may be ' represented by, 5. Z The Euler path which we have found as a representative of all Euler paths on three vertices may be represented by, 19 T L z. In the above geometric interpretations we represent vertices by points, edges by line segments, and Euler paths by cyclic sequences of directed line segments. Theorem where n > Suppose an Euler path on 6. vertices, n is operated upon by a rotation permutation 5, RRS such that its is its Suppose further that RCS. a vertex permutation is performed so that the first corner denoting the vertex the vertex if j precedes the first corner denoting i 1 < i < j corners denote the vertices Proof. By Theorem 3 < Then the first four n, 1, 2, 3, and 4 that order. ifi the principal segment must be of length greater than five. Thus the vertex which 1 occurs in the first corner cannot occur in corners two, three, or four. The only Consider the second corner. possible vertex for the second corner to denote is vertex, the vertex the vertex vertex 2 2. a The third corner can denote either or a new vertex, namely But if the 3. is denoted by corner three we would have 2 occurring in the Euler path and this is not an edge. the third corner must denote the vertex corner may denote any of the vertices vertex because 4. The vertex 3,33 is not new 3 3. 2, 3, [2,23 Thus, The fourth or the new cannot be denoted by corner four an edge. The vertex by corner four would cause the edge 2,3} 2 if denoted to be repeated 20 Thus, the which violates the definition of an Euler path. only possible vertex which corner four can denote is the new vertex and the theorem is proved. 4, A loop is both of which denote the same vertex. not an edge, (2.2), pair of consecutive corners of a easily seen that it is therefore an Euler path of Because loop is full graph, and a cannot contain full graph, a a a loop. Theorem The principal segment of an Euler path 7. on five vertices cannot be of length six. Proof. Assume there is such an Euler path. We construct the representative Euler path of the equivalence By Theorem class to which it belongs. corners must denote the vertices 1 by a Thus the vertex 5. the first four Corner five 2 3 4. can possibly denote only two vertices, the new vertex 6 the vertex 1 or 2 cannot be denoted corner preceding the seventh corner whereas the vertices 4 and would give rise to 3 repeated edge, respectively. The vertex a loop or 2 a is impossible also because the length of the segment associated with corner five would then be seven, a number greater than the length of the principal segment which is assumed to be six. This follows from Lemma vertex is denoted by on five vertices. 1 2 3 4 5 X X X X X 1 %(5 -1) = 2 and the fact that each corners in an Euler path The partial Euler path is now 1. By a partial path we mean a path 21 partially determined. undetermined value. to have length six, Each X denotes corner with an a Since the principal segment is assumed the seventh corner of the Euler path must denote the vertex 1. Leaving the sixth corner undetermined, the partial path now becomes 1 2 3 4 5 X X X X 1 1. We now consider the possible vertices which can be denoted by corner six. 2, 4, and Vertices 1, are impossible because they would give rise 5 to loops or repeated edges. The vertex is impossible 3 also because the length of the segment associated with the sixth corner would then be seven which would contradict the assumption that the principal segment is of length six. Thus there is no vertex which satisfies the conditions required for a vertex to be denoted by corner six. The theorem is now proved. Similar, though more complex, proofs can be devised to show that the length of the principal segment of an Euler path is greater than n + 1 if is seven or nine. n The lack of an inductive scheme keeps us from obtaining this result for more general values of Theorem 8. n. The number of equivalence classes of Euler paths on five vertices is three. Proof. We use our construction procedure to construct all representatives of equivalence classes of Euler paths on five vertices. We will then consider the RCS and LCS 22 of each of these representative paths to see if any are Those Euler paths which remain will then be equivalent. the representatives of the various equivalence classes of Euler paths on five vertices. By Theorem the first four corners of all repres- 6, entative Euler paths must denote the vertices The eighth corner denotes the vertex and 7, and we would have 1 the new vertex edge or loop. 2 3 4 1 for otherwise we would have 5, X 2 X X 1 X denote the vertex we now have 1 and A= A 1 is 2 3 4 because vertices loop, a 1 A. Corner six of 2 3 4 5 X X 1 X X 1. A must Corner seven the vertex and 2 5 so 3 or the would give rise respectively. Thus partial replaced by the two partial paths, 2 5 3 1 X X 1 and Consider the partial path determined B= 2 3 4 2 5 X 1 X X 1. 1 repeated edge and a path C = 4, repeated to avoid loops or repeated edges, 5 denotes either of two vertices, vertex a or 2 Thus we have two partial paths, Consider the partial path to repeated edge or a The fifth corner denotes either the vertex loop. 3 for otherwise the ninth or tenth corner would denote the vertex A = Theorems by 1 2 3 4. 1 D= 1 2 3 4 2 5 4 RRS = 1 2 3 4 2 5 4 7 3 3 7 X X 1. with its partially D RRS, D= 1 1 7 3 X X 1 23 Note that for RRS (that is, for RCS, to be the N r. the characteristic number for to be maximal) NN -1 This requires that the vertex corner six must be three. denoted by corner nine is the vertex which in turn 5, requires that corner ten denotes the vertex Thus we have as an equivalence loops and repeated edges. class representative and corresponding D= 1 2 3 4 RCS = 7 3 (4.1) 7 3 2 5 4 7 3 RCS, 1 5 3 1, 7 3 7 3 . Now let us consider the partial path its partial to avoid 3 together with C RRS, C= 1 2 3 4 2 5 3 RRS = 7 34 7 6 1 X X 1, Note that the right characteristic number for corner six is at least three and the triple of right characteristic numbers for corners five, six, and seven is at least 7 The triple of characteristic numbers for corners one, and three is 7 3 4. 3 6. two, This fact contradicts the assumption that the right representative sequence of the path we are constructing is to be the RCS Thus of the path. C is not the representative of an equivalence class. Next to be considered is the partial path B = 1 2 3 4 5 X X 1 X X 1. The vertices 4 and 5 are not denoted by corner six otherwise we would have arepeated edge or a loop. Since the vertices 2 and 3 are acceptible, 24 partial path E = is replaced by two partial paths, B 123452X1XX1 Path F F= and 123453X1XX1. is not the representative of an equivalence class since if corner seven denotes any vertex, we have seven of partial path E= must denote the vertex E or 3 Vertices 5. and 1, 2, So this would give loops or repeated edges. 4 4 Corner nine may 2 3 4 5 2 4 1 X X 1. 1 denote either of the vertices and repeated To avoid repeated edges and loops corner edge or loop. so we have a partial path is replaced by the two partial paths, G = 1 2 3 4 5 2 4 1 3 X 1 H= and 1234 5241 5 X 1. Each of these partial paths may be continued by letting corner ten denote the only vertex which will give no loops and we obtain the partial paths or repeated edges, G = 1 2 3 4 5 2 4 1 and 3 5 H= 1 2 3 4 5 2 4 1 5 3. Thus we have as equivalence class representatives and their corresponding RCS's, G= (4.2) RCS = H= (4.3) RCS = Thus we have classes. 1 2 3 4 5 2 4 1 3 5 1, 7 4 1 6 3 5 6 7 3 4 5 . 2 3 4 5 2 4 1 5 3 1, 7 4 7 (4.1), 3 4 6 (4.2), 7 3 6 3 and We must now examine their . (4.3) as equivalence RCS's and LCS's to see if some pair represents the same equivalence class. The following is a list of the the three Euler paths: RCS and LCS of each of 25 D - GH- RCS = 3 7 3 7 3 6 3 5 6 7 7 4 7 3 4 6 7 3 7 RCS = 7 4 RCS = 7 3 3 4 7 3 6 and LCS = 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3. 5 and LCS = 7 4 3 5 6 7 3 4 5. 3 and LCS = 7 4 7 3 4 6 7 3 3. Thus we find that the three Euler paths D, 6 G, and 6 H must represent different equivalence classes of Euler paths on five vertices. The three equivalence classes represented by these three Euler paths are all that are possible on five vertices and the theorem is proved. Let us examine the geometric significance of this result. As for the case n = 3, points, edges by line segments, we represent vertices by and Euler paths by cyclic sequences of directed line segments. vertices may be represented by The full graph on five 26 The three Euler paths which we have found as representatives of each of the three equivalence classes of Euler paths on five vertices, path, each followed by a representation of that are as follows, Equivalence Class One, path D = 1 2 3 4 2 5 4 1 5 3 1: 1 2 3 4 5 2 4 3 5 1: 3 4 Equivalence Class Two, path 1 G = 1 27 Equivalence Class Three, path H = 1 2 3 4 ß- 2 4 1 5 5 3 1: .Z .3 4 This procedure of constructing all Euler paths which are representatives of n of equivalence classes for becomes prohibitive than or equal to seven. n = 7 for values of n a wlich given value are greater The number of representatives for which would be found using the theorems of this chapter is estimated to be of the order of 10,000. estimate was made on the basis of the results of enumeration of the representatives. a This partial The following gives a lower bound on the number of equivalence classes of Euler paths on seven vertices. Theorem 9. The number of equivalence classes of Euler paths on seven vertices is greater than or equal to three. Proof. To prove this theorem we will display three non -equivalent Euler paths on seven vertices. The three Euler paths we display are generated by using (2.3) and the representative Euler paths of each of the three equiva- lence classes of Euler paths on five vertices as found above. The Euler path on seven vertices obtained by using (2.3) and path for G D as and H. the Euler path on five vertices will be called (RRS and Path RRS: LRS: Path G7: RRS: LRS: Path RRS: LRS: H7: similarly The three Euler paths on seven vertices, together with their respective right and left representative sequence D7: and D7 4 are, LRS) 1 2 3 4 2 5 7 3 6 4 7 5 7 3 7 3 8 3(10) 3(10) 5(11) 4(10) 4 9 4 8 3 8(13)(14), (11)(10)9 8 3 8 3 7 3 7 3(13) 8(14) 5 4(10) 4(10) 4 4 1 3 5 1 2 7 3 6 4 7 5 4 9 4 8 3 7(13)(14), 7(14) 6 4(10) 4 9 4 3. 2 6 7 1 5 3 1 6 2 1 2 3 4 5 2 7 4 6 3 5 7(10) 3 6 9(11) 4(10) (11)(10)9 8 7 4 3 7 6 5 3(13) 4 1 5 3 1 6 6 6 7 1, 3. 7 1, 1 2 3 4 5 2 7 3 6 4 7 5 7 4 7 3 4 7(10) 3(10) 5(11) 4(10) 4 9 4 8 3 7(13)(14), (11)(10)9 8 7 4 5 4(10) 4(10) 4 3 7 4 7 6 3(13) 7(14) 3. 1, Now if we find that the the RCS or RCS of each of these three paths does not equal of any other of these three paths, LCS say that these three we can paths are pairwise non -equivalent and therefore that there are at least three equivalence classes of Euler paths on seven vertices. The six characteristic sequences are RCS of D7: (14) 7 LCS of D7: (14) 8(13) RCS of G7: (14) 7 LCS of GIs (14) 7(13) RCS of H7: (14) 7 LCS of H7: (14) 7(13) 3 4 4 7 3 8 3 3 7 3 7 6 3 5 7 3 5 6 7 7 3 4 7 3 7 4 7 (10) 3 (10) 3 (10) 3 3 (10) 5 (11) 8 3 8 3 6 9 4 7 8 9 5 (11) 3 4 (10) 7 8 9 (11) 9 4 (10) 4 9 (10)(11) 3 4 4 (10) 4 9 (10)(11) 4 (10) (10)(11) Since these six characteristic sequences are distinct, 4 8 3 8 4 (10)4 4 8 3 7 3 4 9 4 (10)4 4 9 4 8 3 7 4 (10)4 3 4 (10) (10) (13), 5. (13), 6. (13), 5. there exist at least three equivalence classes of Euler paths on seven vertices and the theorem is proved. 30 V Chapter A Monotoneity Theorem The purpose of this chapter is to establish the following general theorem. Theorem 10. The number of equivalence classes of Euler paths on full graphs on an arbitrary odd integer not vertices, where n less than ically increasing function of Preliminary part of the proof. is a monoton- 3, where k, k = 1(n -1). be the r(n) Let number of equivalence classes of Euler paths on vertices. r(n +2) n n = and 3 n We must prove (5.1) where is n is odd and for n = 5 Hence we assume that n > 3. > r(n) The validity of (5.1) follows from Theorems n > 7. constructed from an Euler path on n and 9. 8, 5, The proof of Theorem 2 is constructive where an Euler path on prove that Euler paths on for n + n 2 vertices is We will vertices. vertices which are from different equivalence classes yield Euler paths on n + 2 vertices which are from different equivalence classes under this construction. Our proof will be indirect. We will assume that two Euler paths on constructed from non -equivalent n + 2 Euler paths on vertices n vertices are equivalent and will then show that this assumption 31 leads to Chapter a We will use the notation of contradiction. 2. As the representative of Euler paths on given equivalence class of a vertices we pick the path whose right n representative sequence is identical to its which the first corner denoting the vertex first corner denoting the vertex By Theorem the path begins with 6 if j 1 < 1 2 3 4 ...} (n -2) 5 (n +l) (5.2) is or (n +l) 4 (n -1) (n+2) n (n +l) (n +2) each are denoted by where k = %(n -1). where 2 < i I -part of of the n (5.2). I -part of the first corner. twice. (n +2) 1. vertices from n This The remaining (5.2). form what is called the induction part Note that the vertices < vertices: 2 constructed are enclosed in braces. (5.2) I -part. n + 3 is called the path part or P -part of corners of n. Hence, our (n +2) All but the last corner of the path on which < j 2 (n +l) 1 < i 2 3 4. construction yields the following path on (5.2) precedes the i 1 and for RCS k + 1 n + and 1 corners of the n + I -part 2 (5.2), of Note also that each of the vertices i, is denoted by exactly one corner of the The vertex (5.2), 1 is denoted by two corners namely the N + 1 st corner and The first corner of an Euler path appears The second appearance here is needed to indicate that the edge (n +2), 1} is contained in the Euler path since these vertices are denoted by the N + 2n + corner and the first corner, respectively. 1 For the st 32 remainder of this chapter we will assume that the I -part contains only one corner denoting the vertex st corner of a N + 1 Hereafter we will enclose the path (5.2). part of such the 1, A path constructed in this path in braces. way is called an induction path and is denoted Pn +2' The right representative sequence of path (5.2) is of the form (5.3) [X X X (2n +1) X] X (2n) (2n -1) 4 (2n -2) 4 4 (N +4), 4 X 3 X (N +3) X 4 X 4 X where each 4 denotes a number which can be determined only with additional information about the form of path The part of (5.2) which corresponds to the path part of (5.3) This is called the path is enclosed in brackets. part or P -part and the rest of tion part or RRS an induction RRS (5.3) is called the induc- Hereafter we will enclose the path I -part. part of such (5.2). and is denoted Rn is called RRS Such an in brackets. +2. The left representative sequence of (5.2) is of the form [(2n +1) (2n) (5.4) (2n -1) (2n -2) X X (N+3) X (N +4) X 4 X 4 X where each X denotes a X] X 4 X 4 X 4 3, number which can be determined only with additional information about the form of path The part of (5.2) (5.4) (5.2). which corresponds to the path part of is enclosed in brackets and is called the path part or P -part. The rest of (5.4) is called the induction 33 part or I -part. We now prove four lemmas. Preliminary lemmas. Lemma If 2. n > 7, N = %n (n -1) > 3n > 2n + Proof. Lemma If 3. N + Lemma n > then N > 2n + 1. 1. 7, then N + 3 > 4. then by Lemma 2 we have 2n + 4 > 4. 3 > (N +3,N +4), 7, n > If 4. is odd, n Since Proof. pair is odd, n is odd, n > 7, n then the unordered occurs in adjacent positions of the path part or in the last two positions of the induction part of an induction Proof. Rn +2.. RRS We examine all other pairs of consecutive positions and find that always one of them is occupied by an integer smaller than integer 4 The integer N + 3. 3 occurs in every consecutive pair of positions Rn +2. except the last pair of the induction part of first integer of the path part of part of Rn (N +3,N +4) 2n + 1. is is not greater The integer preceding the pair in the induction part of %n(n -1) + 2 = N than Rn +2 The The first integer of the induction % n(n -1) = N. than or the + 2. Hence, Rn is not greater by Lemmas 2 and 3 each of these other possible pairs of consecutive positions is occupied by at least one integer less than so cannot be occupied by the pair Lemma i 1 1 < i 5. < n + N + 3 (N +3,N+4). There is no permutation on the set 23 so that a sequence of consecutive and 34 corners of the induction part of denote the vertex N + is transformed into a Pn +2, a k + of which 1 or which denote the vertex 1 n + 2, sequence of corners with the same order which are successive corners in the path part of a Pn +2' By hypothesis at least one of the vertices Proof. n + of 1, n + is denoted by 2, k + 1 corners of the sequence consecutive corners of the induction part of Hence, if such a a Pn +2. permutation does exist, the common image of the corners that denote that vertex is denoted by corners of the path part of of the path part corners, which is of a a Pn +2. a Pn 1 However, each vertex denoted by is k + k = contradiction, and Lemma %(n -1) is proved. 5 Our proof will be divided into two parts. In Part A we show that two induction paths which are constructed from non -equivalent Euler paths on n vertices are not related through rotations and vertex permutations. In part B we show that two induction paths which are constructed from non -equivalent Euler paths on through a reflection. n vertices are not related The theorem will then follow since we will have shown that two induction paths which are constructed from non -equivalent Euler paths on are not related through reflections, a n vertices finite sequence of rotations, or vertex permutations. This shows that representative Euler paths from different equivalence classes on n vertices generate representatives of different 35 equivalence classes on r(n +2) > n + vertices and thus 2 r(n). obtained Pn +2' The induction paths, Proof, Part A. by the aforementioned process must fall into three mutually Each type is determined by the value of exclusive types. such that the right characteristic number denoted by m in the r1 . m = N + 2n + A: For 1. a type A r1 = N + 4. Type Pn to the corner The three mutually exclusive types are as follows. Type Pn +2' of the Euler path corresponds RCS r1 For N < m < N + 2n + 1. B: a type is dependent upon the Euler path on B vertices n which is used to construct the induction path. Type C: < 1 m For N. < dependent upon the Euler path on is Pn +2, r1 type C a vertices which is used n to construct the induction path. Thus after a rotation we obtain each type of induction path with its corresponding RCS Type path: RCS: (n +2) (N+4) path (cont): RCS (cont): 1 4 (n +2) (2n -2) 4 1 } X] X ' 3 2 (n +2) 4 (2n) 4 (2n+1) (n +2) 5 (n +1) n (n +1) (n+1) 3 (2n -1) 4 (n +2) X (N +3).(N+4). Euler path there is one vertex of the -part occurring before the vertices of the A 3 4 [X X X X Note that for Type A I 2 follows: as P -part, P -part, followed by the followed by the remaining N 2n vertices 36 of the I -part. Type path: u RCS: d (n +2) l X (N +3) (N +4) [X X X X n 3 path (cont): RCS (cont): Note that (n +l) (n +2) ... (n +1) 1 (2n +1) 4 4 2 3 4 X] 4 (2n -2) (2n -1) 4 of the I -part of d > . a We will N + 4. corner jth is denoted by the u that is, we will assume that (5.2), corners of the and u u (n +2) (n+l) 4 3 } is the right characteristic number of d assume that the vertex -1 (n +2) 2 (2n) corner denoting the vertex j B follow the P -part of I -part a Type B path. Type path: v RCS: e } (n +l) 1 X](2n+1) path (cont): 4 Note that e is corner of the P -part of I -part 4 (n +l) 3 (2n -1) 4 4 +2) 5 (n+2) (2n -2)4 i -1 (n +2) [1 2 3 4 v X (N +3) (N +4) [X X X X . and that v v (5.2), e > N + is denoted by the 4. a We ith that is, we will assume corners of the P -part which follow of a type We now consider X (n +l) n the right characteristic number of will assume that the vertex the (2n) 3 corner denoting the vertex that there are (n +2) 2 (n +2) RCS (cont): C C a path. set of mutually exclusive cases which will exhaust all induction paths which arise from the 37 aforementioned construction process. In each case we assume that the two induction paths, which have been constructed from non- equivalent Euler paths on tices, are related through and vertex permutations. a ver- n finite sequence of rotations In other words, we assume that the RCS's of the two induction paths are identical. obtain contradiction by showing that the RCS's are not a identical, and thus that if the induction paths are equivalent they are related through Case a reflection only. The two induction paths are of the same type. 1. We are assuming that the two Euler paths on are non -equivalent. where We < 1 < a n, Therefore, n vertices there is some vertex a, which is denoted by different sets of corners for the two Euler paths on vertex a P -parts of the two induction is denoted by different n vertices. Thus, the sets of corners for the paths Pn +2, and so the sets of right characteristic numbers which correspond to the corners denoting the vertex is because the vertex corner of the I -part a a must be different. This must be denoted by the same of the two induction paths. Now assume that the corner to which the right characteristic number denoted by Then the two of r1 corresponds is the same for both RCS's Pn +2's' cannot be identical because the set corners which correspond to the right characteristic numbers of corners denoting the vertex for the two Pn +2's. a must be different This means that the two Pn +2's cannot 38 since for type A be of type to corner N + 2n + Assume the A paths corresponds r1 1. are both of type Pn +2's B. The corners ri to which the right characteristic numbers equal to correspond cannot denote either the vertex vertex n + n + or the 1 This is because all right characteristic 2. numbers corresponding to corners denoting these vertices and if the greatest of them, are known, we would have Thus a r1 were path. A must correspond to different corners in each r1 of the type type N + 4, B This is because each vertex Pn +2's. different from the vertex n + 1 and the vertex 2 n + is denoted by exactly one corner of the I -part of a type B These vertices are denoted by corners occupying path. actually consecutive odd, positions of the different, I -part of the type Thus the pair of right path. B characteristic numbers (N+3,N +4) which corresponds to the consecutive pair of corners denoting the pair of vertices (n +1,n +2) of consecutive RCS of the by Lemma 4, of must be identical with some other pair right characteristic numbers from the a type B path. But this is impossible and so the two paths cannot be of type Assume now that the Pn +2's I -part are both of type B. C. Let the corner to which the right characteristic number denoted by ai +t ri corresponds be ai for the other path. for one of the paths and If t is greater than or equal 39 to 2n n + 1 then the , k + 1 which occur in the can be transformed by corners which denote the vertex Pn +2's of one of the I -part 2n vertex permutation into a But this is corners of the P -part of the other Pn +2° impossible by Lemma must be less than If is less than t numbers (N+3,N +4) and so 5, 2n, t 2n. the pair of right characteristic which corresponds to the consecutive pair of corners which denote the vertex n + and the 1 -part of one of the vertex n + Pn +2's must be identical with some pair consisting of which occurs in the 2 right characteristic numbers of corners of the first consecutive pair of a positions of the I -part But this is impossible by Lemma Pn +2' other 2n I both paths cannot be of type Thus, Case C. 4, of the and so has been 1 proved to be impossible. Case and B. A The two induction paths are of types 2. The vertex u corner of the type B nor the vertex 2. n + which is denoted by the first path is neither the vertex n + 1 This is seen by considering the right characteristic numbers of the corners which denote these vertices. All are less than the last corner of the n + 2. have a I -part N + 4 except that of which denotes the vertex But if this corner denoted the vertex type A path instead of is one of the vertices of the a set type B u, path. [1,2,-,0. we would Thus, u This means 40 that I -part of the RCS the 4 or A Consider the last element of Rn of an of the type This number must be either path. B This number is path. N + 3. of the RCS Now consider the last element of the 3. type one of the unknown right characteristic numbers is d RCS's If the two are to be identical these two right characteristic numbers This is impossible by Lemma must be equal. 3 and so this case is impossible. Case C. The two induction paths are of types 3. Remembering that the vertex corner of the P -part of v and A ith is denoted by the we consider three subcases (5.2), which exhause this case. Subcase rN pair Assume 3A. i < 2n. of the +2n +1- i'rN+2n +2 -i This requires that the RCS of the type RCS of the impossible by of the type I -part Lemma 3B. Assume of the RCS of the type of the RCS equation, i of the type 2n + Subcase Assume 3C. part of the type permutation into A a = 2n. A path. C i > 2n. 5. path equals rN +2n+2 -i This leads to the 2. This means that the I- path may be transformed by a vertex sequence which occupies consecutive corners in the P -part of the type C by Lemma This requires that which is impossible by Lemma = N + 4, 1 This is path. 4. Subcase rN A path 2n elements must equal some consecutive pair form the first of the C Thus Case 3 path, which is impossible has been proved to be impossible. 41 Case The two induction paths are of types 4. Remembering that the vertex C. I -part corner of the jth is denoted by the v we consider three subcases (5.2), of and B which exhaust this case. Subcase N -i < 2n + Assume 4A. type path must equal B r2n the pair of the RCS of the RCS of the type B path must equal some consecutive pair from the first RCS elements of the of the I -part or path, C of the type rN +2 -i +1- j,r2n +2 -j We now have j. - of the r2n two possibilities, either 1 of the type j -1 path. C The first of these possibilities leads to the equation, N + 4 = 2n + which is impossible by Lemma 1, second possibility is impossible by Lemma r2n the pair Subcase that the a 4B. I -part N Assume of the type vertex permutation into Subcase that the into a I 4C. = 2n + i 1 This means j. - path can be transformed by C sequence which occupies a P -part of successive corners in the is impossible by Lemma - because 4, (N +3,N +4). pair is the +1- j,r2n +2 -j The 2. the type path which B 5. Assume N -part of the type - > i B 2n + 1 We show j. - path can be transformed sequence which occupies successive corners of the path, which is impossible by Lemma 5. P -part of the type C Consider the first 2n + 2 - j corners of the type These corners are from the I -part of the type Since these 2n + N - i > 2n + 1 - j 1 - j B B path. path. corners can be 42 transformed by vertex permutation into a ing consecutive corners in the Consider now the last j corners of the type -1 rN+2n +2 -i path also, because if they were not, one C Either of the RCS of the type C path equals the RCS of the type B path, of +2n +2 -j rN+2n +l- i'rN +2n +2 -i of the RCS of the of the j path must C elements -1 of the I -part of the type RCS B The first possibility leads to the equation, path. = N + 4, 1 which is impossible by Lemma second possibility is impossible by Lemma rN +2n +l- i'rN+2n +2 -i Subcase Part or the pair of the type RCS equal some consecutive pair from the first pair path. B vertex permutation a of the following would have to be true. 2n + path. C sequence occupying consecutive corners in the P -part a of the type rN sequence occupythe type P -part of These corners can be transformed by into a A 4C is The 2. because the 4, (N+3,N +4). is the pair Thus, proved to be impossible which completes of the proof. Proof, Part B. In this part we show that two induction paths formed from non -equivalent Euler paths on n vertices cannot be related through this we will consider an induction path, been reflected once. path Qn +2. Qn is the RCS identical to the Pn which has PN +2, We will call this reflected induction As was seen in Chapter of the To do reflection. a LCS with the of the 3, Pn +2. RCS RCS If we of the of compare Qn +2 and 43 show that they cannot be identical, we will have shown that two formed from non -equivalent Euler paths on Pn +2's vertices cannot be related through show that the RRS's Pn +2 of identical and since the RCS cannot be identical. can never be Qn and is just specific element a RCS's we will have shown that the RRS's of the set of all We will reflection. a n RRS's Consider the and Pn +2 of Qn +2 RRS The of is of the form X](2n +1) 4 (2n) 4 (2n -1) 4 (2n -2) 4 X [X X X 4 X 4 X 4 X 3 X (N +3) RRS The Pn +2 Qn +2 of [X X X X 4 X (N +4). is of the form (2n -2) (2n -1) (2n) (2n +1)] 3 4 X 4 X X 4 X (N +4) X (N +3) X. All the unknown right characteristic numbers of the I -part of must be greater than or equal to Pn +2 This follows from the fact that the vertex occur before the n +2. cannot i position of the P -part because we ith are using only the representative Euler path of each equivalence class on n vertices to form Pn +2. Now consider the known right characteristic number pair of the I -part of of the I -part of All right characteristic numbers Qn Pn +2 are greater than or equal to except the known right characteristic number 3, precedes the known right characteristic number pair (3,N +3) (3,4) cannot equal the pair (3,4) 4 which N +3. by Lemma The 3. 44 Since the first and last right characteristic numbers of the I -part of Pn are +2 which are greater than following. 2n + by Lemma 4 3, we find the No pair of consecutive right characteristic numbers of the RRS which contains at least Pn of one right characteristic number from the RRS of that path can equal the pair RCS of Qn +2 the pair both of N + 4, and 1 is RRS of the RCS I -part of the Thus if the (3,4). to be identical to the of the (3,4) I -part Pn +2 of of Qn must equal some pair of right characteristic numbers from the RRS of the P -part of By Lemma of Qn +2 the first 2n -2 vertices of the there will be a I -part vertices of the 2n -4 all have their images in the P -part of Qn I -part cannot all have their images in the P -part of But unless the first Pn of 5, Pn+2. vertex which occurs in the Pn +2' P -part of an induction path which occurs more than once in its I -part. This is impossible because of the way we constructed these induction paths. vertices of the in the P -part of I -part Pn of Qn +2 must have their images Qn This means that the right characteristic number of the of 2n -2 nd corner of the I -part must equal the right characteristic number of either the first or the second corner of the Pn 2n -4 Thus we have that the first I -part of This last statement leads to the equations, N + 4 = 2n + 1, and N + 4 = 4, respectively, which are 45 impossible by Lemmas RRS of Pn+2 and 2 3, respectively. cannot be identical to the and the proof of Part the proof of Theorem B 10. is complete. RRS Thus the of Qn +2 This also completes 46 INDEX NOTATION OF n - The order of the vertex set of N - The number of edges in a a full graph. full graph on n vertices. Also the number of edges in an Euler path on n vertices. k - The number of corners of an Euler path on vertices which denote a specific vertex. corner of an Euler path on ith n vertices. ai - The ri - The right characteristic number associated with the corner si - ai n of an Euler path. The left characteristic number associated with the corner ai of an Euler path. RRS - Right representative sequence. RCS - Right characteristic sequence. LAS - Left representative sequence. LCS - Left characteristic sequence, L - The length of the principal segment of an Euler path. 47 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Arnold, Intuitive concepts in elementary topology. H. B. Englewood Cliffs, N. J., Prentice -Hall, 1962. 2. The theory of graphs and its applications. Berge, Claude. New York, Wiley, 1962. 3. Euler, 8:128-140. Commentarii Acadamiae Petropolitanae 1736. Theorie der endlichen und unendlichen Graphen. König, D. New York, Chelsea, 1950. 5. 6. I., R. C. Vol. 38. Providence, American Mathematical Society, 1962. 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