AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Ralph Leland James for the (Name) Date thesis is presented ,. << Mathematics (Major) in M.S. (Degree) ,fue . Title THE SOLUTION OF SINGULAR VOLTERRA INTEGRAL EQUATIONS B S E APPROXIMATIONS E Abstract approved t The integral equation tR(t) = SK(t-u)R(u)du, where the 0 kernel function K(t) solution R(t) satisfies certain conditions, has a unique which satisfies appropriate auxiliary conditions. Successive approximations to R(t) are derived by means of a They converge uni- trapezoidal numerical integration scheme. formly and in the mean to properties of R(t) R(t) for 0 < t < oo . A number of and the approximations are derived. THE SOLUTION OF SINGULAR VOLTERRA INTEGRAL EQUATIONS BY SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATIONS by RALPH LELAND JAMES A THESIS submitted to OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE June 1965 APPROVAL: Professor of Mathematics In Charge of Major Ch rman of Mathematics Department Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented Typed by Carol Baker r / ('.. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Chapter I INTRODUCTION 1 UNIQUENESS AND OTHER PROPERTIES OF SOLUTIONS 4 III THE METHOD OF SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATIONS 9 IV PROPERTIES OF THE APPROXIMATIONS 18 V CONVERGENCE OF THE Rh(t) 23 VI CONVERGENCE OF THE Ph(t) 26 II BIBLIOGRAPHY 33 THE SOLUTION OF SINGULAR VOLTERRA INTEGRAL EQUATIONS BY SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATIONS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION In this paper we shall study the integral equation t tR(t) SK(t-u)R(u)du, = 0 < t < cc . 0 The kernel function K(t), t 0 < < oo, satisfies the following conditions: (1.2) K(t) > 0 (1. 3) K(t) is continuous for (1. 4) lim K(t) t for + 00 = -0 0 < t < 00 0 < t < co , 1 J SK(u (1. 5) SK(u)du < +co, 0 K(u) (1. 6) du < Sco 1 u (1. 7) +00 , is monotone non- increasing for K(t) These conditions imply (1. 8) K(t) t 1 -i0, t 1 0 K(u)du --0 as t . O < t < co . 2 There are several ways in which (1. 1) can be classified. For example it is a Volterra integral equation. In Fredholm's classifica- tion, (1. 1) is an integral equation of the third kind. Moreover, (1. 1) is homogeneous and the kernel has a weak singularity at zero. In general it is usually difficult to construct non -trivial solu- tions to homogeneous integral equations. Moreover, a solution is not unique since any constant multiple of it is also a solution. We shall show that (1. has a real solution 1) unique a. e. to within a constant factor, such that integrable (Lebesgue) for some x R(t) > 0; R(t), 0 e- xtR(t) <t< oo, is moreover, such a solution will be shown to be bounded, continuous, non -negative and integrable on (0, oc) . The existence of R(t) will be established by constructing successive approximations and proving that they converge uniformly to The uniqueness will be established R(t). by Laplace transform analysis. Since a unique solution is desired it is essential that satisfy some normalization condition. It is convenient to R(t) require that max R(t) 0<t<00 (1. 9) A = 1 different normalization condition may be desired for some 3 purposes. Thus consider the same integral equation, but with the unknown function P(t): tP(t) (1. 10) ('t = J K(t-u)P(u)du, 0 <t <oo , 0 where oo (1. 11) Si P(t)dt = 1 . 0 The functions P(t) and are related by R(t) P(t) - (1. 12) R(t) (' J R(t)dt 0 R(t) (1. 13) P(t) max P(t) = 0 <t <oo A K(t) = special case of µt -X tained in considered. , (1) µ > 0, 0 < (1. X was studied in (1). 1) < 1 . In that paper All of the relevant results ob- are established here in the more general case Further generalizations can be obtained by slightly weakening some of the conditions (1. 2) - (1.7) on the analysis then becomes more complicated. K(t) . However, 4 CHAPTER II UNIQUENESS AND OTHER PROPERTIES OF SOLUTIONS We proceed to prove a uniqueness theorem and to establish other properties of a solution R(t) Suppose that R(t) of (1. 1). is a solution of e- xtR(t) is integrable for x > x0 . Assume that (1. 1). Then the Laplace transform of R(t), co R(z) =\ 0 e-ZtR(t)dt, x > x0, (z = x + iy), is defined at least in the indicated half -plane. R(z)= e_ztK(t)dt, x > 0 By (L 5) and (1. 6), . 0 Transform -f.' (z) where = (1. 1) and use the convolution A(z)(z), x1= max(x0, 0). ('z (2. 1) R(z) = ft()e x > xi theorem to obtain , Integration yields -zt 0o R(w)dw = ()e e -J 0 t -e - K(t)dt t with any path of integration in the half -plane for the w- integral. The standard results from Laplace transform analysis that we 5 have used can be found in (4). Theorem 2.1. property that then R(t) is integrable for e- xtR(t) factor, so that R(t) Theorem R(t) 1) sufficiently large, x determines R(z) to within a constant 1) is determined a. e. to within a constant factor. Let 2. 2. be a non - negative solution of R(t) is integrable for e- xtR(t) is integrable on (0, 1-e t J P.(z) (2. 2) = R(0)e Proof. It follows from exists at least for x > O. limR(x) = x-.-0 I.( )e which is finite. Since 0 K(t)dt Since 72) -fit t R(t) > 0, that = lm 5°°xtR(t)dt x -0 0 RR.(z) Lebesgue's monotone K(t) > 0, yields ) K(t)dt another application of the same theorem yields lim(x) Then -z t (1. 5), (1. 6) and (2. 1) convergence theorem (cf. (7,p. roo JO sufficiently large. x (1.1) and oo) oo x-0 with the is unique a. e. to within a constant factor. Proof. Equation (2. such that is a solution of (1. R(t) If = 5°tdt 0 = t(0) . 6 is integrable. Thus, R(t) substitute into tO Solve for in terms of and 1\1(0) obtain (2. 2). (2. 1) to For convenience below, let (2. 3) M(t) sup IR(u) = t > 0, , I 0 <u<t for any solution of (1. Theorem 2. 3. which is bounded on each finite interval. 1) is a solution of (1.1) which is R(t) If bounded on each finite interval, then R(t) is continuous on (0, co) and (2.4) ¡It-s M(t0) IR(t) - R(s) < I I [2J K(u)du+ LL Proof. Let 0 < s < ItR(t) - sR(s) I = t < t . Then by (1. J K(t-u)R(u)du - ('L I 1) s ¡s J K(s -u)R(u)du 1 K(t-u) - K(s -u) ] R(u)du [ JO t -s < M(t0) - = M(t0) I L K(u)du K(u)du - \ K(u)du + o o t-s ( K(u)du + J 0 t-s < and (1. 7), (°S K(t-u)R(u)du + \ 0<s, t<t0 J, 0 0 = t-s J0 ¡ I I 2M(t0) J K(u)du 0 t-s t-s K(u)du 0 - (t l J K(u)du] s I I . 7 It follows that ItR(t) - tR(s) I< ItR(t)-sR(s)I 2M(t0) < ('It-ss + I sR(s)-tR(s) I I J K(u)du It-s M(t0) + s, t 0 < , I < t0 . 0 Hence, (2. 4) holds and for By (1. 6), R(t) is continuous on (0, co) sufficiently large we have a re) K(u) (2. 5) . du 2 < . a Fix a such that satisfied and define (2. 5) is a (2. 6) A 2 = .5Th K(u)du . 0 Theorem 2. 4. R(t) is a solution of (1. If bounded on each finite interval and R(t) is bounded on [ 0, oo) (ii) R(t) < M(A) (iii) R(t) -. 0 as t -- (2. 3) Proof. By (1. 1) R(t) and R(t) I is continuous on t > A , , , . and Theorem 2. 3, M(t) t (0, co which is then R(t) 0 0, (i) 1) oc) ('t J K(u)du , t > 0; 0 . By (2. 5) and (2. 6), 8 ('t (2. 8) J K(u)du t By (2. 3) M(t) M(A) = , I R(t) 0 K(u) + for t and (1. > A 5. 8) R(t) is bounded on every finite t> A. a t > A. So R(t) be a solution of (1. Let < 1, imply the theorem. (2. 7) , du S(2. cannot attain a maximum at I Theorem 2. R(0 +) ¡a t J 0 K(u)du < interval, and such that 1) exists. Then R(0 +) = O. Assume Proof. exists 5 > 0 and e By (1. 1) and (1. 7) I such that for > 5 > 0 0 <t <e . , R(t) In view of (1.4), I > 0 R(t) Then, by Theorem 2. 3, there IR(0 +) >0. SK(t) I t O t< < ' e . R(t) on every this contradicts the boundedness of finite interval. We have shown that if e xtR(t) R(t) is a solution of (1. is integrable for some x, then R(t) bounded, then is integrable on R(t) (0, is continuous on 00). (0, is non -nega- R(t) Moreover, 00) such that is unique a. e. to R(t) within a multiplicative factor and if, in addition, tive, then 1) if R(t) is and tends to zero as t tends to infinity. Finally, if R(t) is continuous on [ 0, 00) , then R(0) = O. 9 CHAPTER III THE M THOD OF SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATIONS For h let > 0, Rh(t), < t < O oo, denote a non -trivial, con- tinuous, non- negative, piecewise- linear function with possible changes in slope only at the points t > 0, nh, n = = 1, 2, . is determined in terms of the values linear interpolation (3.1) t Rh(t) Rh(nh), n > 0, (n+ 1)h-t Rh(nh) + _ < t < (n+ 1)h, satisfies equation Rh(t) t hnh Rh( (n+ 1)h) n> (1. 1) 0 nhRh(nh) at the points = J K(nh - u)Rl_ (u)du, n > 0 . 0 Ultimately, we shall let By (3. 1) and (3. h 2) nhR(nh) _ ) k=0 k=0rJ n-1 + "h k kh K(nh-u) (k+ 1)h kh . K(nh.-u)Rh(u)du K(nh-u) 0 0 (k+ 1)h J (k+ 1)h ) k - , n-1 n-1. by (k+ 1h , )h-u Rh(kh)du - Z u-kh Rh h ( , . nSh (3. 2) Rh(t), : nh Assume that Then . (k+ 1)h) du . = nh : 10 Replace in the second sum, k- 1 by k collect terms and simplify to obtain n-1 (3. 3) (n-nh)Rh(nh) = 12 bnRh(0) - + 12 h h L cn-kRh(kh), n > 1, k=0 where (n+1)h (3. 4) b n = b (h) n = (h) = K(u) 1 [ (n+l)h-u] du, - n > nh h (3. 5) c n = c n 1 , (n+1)h K(u) [ u- (n-1)h (n-1)h] du + SI K(u) [ (n+l)h-u] du, n >1, nh and (3. 6) = h We from (1. 2) 1 (h nh 2 (h-u)K(u)du 1 = (1-t)K(ht)dt 0 0 shall need some properties of these quantities. It follows , (1. 7) and (3. 6) that nh is a non-negative, monotone decreasing function of h and K(h) < Hence, by (1. 4), (1. nh 5) < (h J gK(u)du. h 0 and (1. 8), nh--4- +00 as h- 0 as h-- 00 , (3. 7) -h and . 0 , 11 hnh-# (3. 8) as 0 h -- 0 . It follows from (1.2), (1.4), (3.4) and (3. (3. 9) > C1 and from (3. that 5) 0, 101-2. 5) ç (3. 10) (n+ 1)h 2h2 < n 1)h K(u) du, u - n > 2 . By (3. 3), (3.11) (1-nh)Rh(h) = 2 (0)(c1 - b1) First assume that nh is not an integer. termines (3. 1) Rh(nh), n Rh(t) then by (3.11) and (3. 9), > 1 by Since we desire assume that nh Rh(t) Since O. and, hence = 0 (3. 7) j nh If (3. 2). of Rh(h) sis, it follows that Rh(0) small that nh inductively in terms of > 1, yields a solution Then (3. Rh(t) * = by hypothe- > 0 -0 Rh(0) < 0, if h is so . is an integer. H and 1 0 and intend to let We h {h: nh -- 0, we must shall, henceforth, restrict h to the bounded and countable set (3. 12) de- Rh(0), and > Rh(t) 3) = 1,2, . } . 12 determines Now (3. 3) in terms of imply that for all h Rh(0). As before, Rh(0) e Rh(nh) for = 0 for (3.13) nh but not for n , (3.9), (3.11) and (3. 7), sufficiently small. h Rh(nh) Let > nh, Rh(t) > 0 Rh(0) = 0 0, = 0 <n <nh . assume that (3. 14) Rh(nhh) Then (3. < n < Then by (3. 3), H, We now 1 > 0 . reduces to 3) n-1 (n-nh)Rh(nh) (3. 15) = 12 h Li cn-kRh(kh) n > nh , , k- nh which determines Then (3. 1) Rh(nh), :n > nh, inductively in terms of yields a solution Rh(t) of (3. 2). Since (3. Rh(nhh). and 1) (3.15) are linear relations, (3.16) where Rh(t) R1(t) = Rh(nhh)Rh(t) is the particular solution with , Rh(nhh) = 1 . Equations (3.1) and (3.13) yield (3. 17) where Rh(t) (nh -1)h -0 as h -0 = 0, 0 < by (3. 8). t < (nh-1)h , We have by (3. 5), (3.9) 13 and (1. 2) that (3. 18) > 0; c c 1 n > 1; n-> 0, so that by (3. 1), (3. 14) and (3.15), Rh(t) (3. 19) Hence, the hypothesis that Theorem some point t = Proof. 3. 1 kh Thus far, (3. 1) < is bounded and attains its maximum at A, where 2. 4, Rh(t) parts (i) and (ii) will It is analogous . Rh(t) is bounded assume that max Rh(t) 0<t<oo Rh(t) (2. 6). and (3, 2). (3. 1) and (3. 2). Since by Theorem 3. 1, 20) Then is defined by A is the general non- trivial, non -negative solu- and attains its maximum, we (3. . is satisfied. > 0 The proof is based on to that of Theorem tion of Rh(t) Rh(t) . t > (nh-1)h > 0, = h 1, e H . is determined completely and is given explicitly by R1 (t) (3. 21) Rh(t) - Theorem 3. 2. As Proof. The proof t --oo is , max Rh1 (u) 0 <u <oo Rh(t) based on - (3. 1), 0 uniformly in (3. 2) h. and Theorem 3.1. . 14 It is analogous to that of Theorem 2. 4, part (iii) Theorem (0, ) For each h 3. 3. is integrable on Rh(t) H, e . , Proof. The proof is analogous to that of Theorem 2. 2, with generating functions used in place of Laplace transforms. is piecewise -linear and the function Rh(t) Rh(0) = Since 0, co ¡¡oo 1Rh(t)dt (3.22) Rh(nh) h = n= if the sum is finite. 0 Let 00 (3. 23) Ah(w) w > 0, Rh(nh)wn,, ) = n= when the series converges. fined at least for Ah(1) 0 < Since 0 < Note that w < 1. Rh(nh) < 1, Ah(w) is de- is integrable if Rh(t) exists, in which case co (3. 24) JO SRh(t)dt = o Let c0 = 0 and use hAh(1) . (3. 5) to define co (3.25) Bh(w) = ! c 0<w w < 1 . , n=0 By (3.10) and (1.6), Bh(w) exists. Since c0 = 0 and Rh(0) = 0, 15 yields (3. 3) 0o n 0o ) (n-nh)Rh(nh)wn = 12 h n=0 By (3. 23) (3. 25) and the wAh(w) - ) cn-kRb (kh)wn 0 < , w < 1 . n=0 k=0 convolution theorem for sums (cf. (6,p.1.79)) 1 nhAh(w) (w) Bh(w) , = 0 <w <1 0 <w . h Integration yields, with the use of (3.25), 00 Ah(w) (3. 26) = Cw nh exp h where C is a constant of c { ri wn}, < 1, n=1 integration c By (3.10) and (1.6), the series n converges. Hence, n 00 n=1 by Abel's theorem (cf. (6, p. 177) ), applied to c n n w n , n= CO Ah(1-) = C exp 2h 2, ñcn }, { 1 n=1 which is finite. Since Rh(nh) > 0, an elementary Tauberian theorem (cf. (6, p. 189)) applied to (3. 23) yields exists, so that Rh(t) We also obtained Ah(1) = Ah(1 -). Thus, Ah(1) is integrable and the theorem is proved. 16 CO A (1) Cexp{ = h c n 2 nL=J } n= This result and (3. 26) yield 00 (3. 27) Ah(w) Ah(l)w h exp = { h \) 2 c n (wn-1)}, 0<w<1 . n=1 Define Rh(t) (3. 28) Ph(t) - , 00 t > 0 . J Rh(u)du ,J 0 Then nh (3.29) nhPh(nh) n > 0, SK(nh-u)Ph(u)du, = 0 and 00 ,00 Ph(t)dt (3. 30) h ) = 0 Each function Ph(nh) = 1, h e H . n=0 Ph(t), h E H, is a non -trivial, continuous, piecewise -linear, non -negative, approximation to the solution of (1.10) and (1.11). (3. 31) Rh(t) is determined in terms of Ph(t) Rh(t) - max Ph(u) 0 <u<oo Ph(t) P(t) by 17 In this and chapter we have constructed approximations to R(t) P(t), and have derived some of their properties. Other proper- ties are derived in the next chapter. 18 CHAPTER IV PROPERTIES OF THE APPROXIMATIONS We now establish some important properties of the functions Rh(t). A property of the constants c n , defined by (3. 5), will be needed in the proof of the first theorem. By (3. 5), (1. cn+ 1 7) and a change of variable we have, nh K(u+h) [ u- (n- 1)h] du - (n+ 1)h en n > 1, whence (4. 1) - {c n } is a monotone non- increasing sequence for each fixed Theorem Rh(t), h 0 < < nh (n-1)h for K(u+h) [ (n+ 1)h-ú] du + t < E t0 H, 4. 1. For h sufficiently small, the functions are monotone non- decreasing in some interval such that K(t0 +h) < 1 . Proof. There exists a unique integer Nh > such that .{-Rh(kh) < Rh( (k+ 1)h) nh-1 , (4. 2) Rh(Nhh) ? Rh((Nh+ 1)h) . < k < Nh nh, hE H, h. 19 Then Rh(t) is non -decreasing for By (3. 15), t < Nhh 0 < (Nh+ 1 -nh)Rh((Nh+ 1)h) - (Nh-nh)Rh(Nhh) Nh-1 Nh cN 2 k= We h 0 + replace k by k+ 1 1-k Rh(kh) in the - 2 h ) cN _kRh(kh) k= . h 0 first sum and use Rh(0) = 0 to obtain (Nh+l-nh)[Rh((Nh+1)h)-Rh(Nhh)] + h(Nhh) Nh-1 cN _k [ Rh((k+ k= 0 h Hence, by (4.1), (4.2) and Rh(0) 1)h) - Rh(kh) ] = . 0, Nh-1 h(Nhh) h 2 cN h Therefore, cN JO k=0 < h cN > K((Nh+ 1)h) h ( [Rh((k+1)h)-Rh(kh)] h2 By (3. . < h cN Rh(Nhh) . h (Nh+ 1)h S[u(Nh1)h] du Therefore, K((Nh +1)h) Z and (1.7), Nhh Nh -1) h (1. 7). 5) = + J [ (Nh+ 1)h-u]du = h2. K((Nh+ 1)h) Nhh 1 and the theorem follows from (1. 4) and . 20 Lemma 4. 1. Let ba a < 0 < s K(u)du and 1 ab < y K(u)du 0 . 0 Proof. The lemma is obvious if either For 0 < a < t Define f(x) and 1 = t 0 - f' (x) K(u)du, = x x 4. 2. K(x) - > 0 Proof. For n that 0. 0. . Then by (1. 7) , The functions I < > m > 0 and the lemma follows. < 0 0 Rh(t), h t1 < t < 6 t 1 2) = assertion is t > s > 12 J K(u)du x IRh(t) - Rh( S) and (1. or b 0 O equicontinuous on each interval (4. 3) K(u)du, = 0 J Theorem (s s < a an equivalent b < 1, 0 < K(u)du Then b < 1. 0 < co t -s E H, are uniformly with t1 > 0 . Moreover, lI 1 Su)du+ It -s I } t,s>t1,heH. 0 it follows from (3. 2), (3. 20), (1. 7) 21 nh InhRh(nh)-mhRh(mh) = I I ¡* u K(nh-u)Rh(u)du- K(mh-u)Rh(u)du 1 0 nh K(nh-u)du mh < = By 2 + I 0 mh [ K(mh-u) -K(nh-u) ] du 0 nh - mh h K(u)du - J K (u)du J0 < 2 mh ¡nh - mh K(u)du J0 . symmetry (4. 4) I nhRh(nh) -mhRh(mh) I < ¡lnh-mhl 2 K(u)du 1 n, m > , 0 . 0 By (3. 20) and (4. 4 I , nhRh(nh) -nhRh(mh) I < I nhRh(nh) -mhRh(mh) I+ ImhRh(mh) nhRh(1rn.N r lnh-mhl (4. 5) IRh(nh)-Rh(mh)I< K(u)du + _ Inh-mh 0 Let nh < s, t -Rh(s) IRh(t)-Rh(s) I = 1 Iths - (n+ 1)h { (4. 6) IRh(t)-Rh(s) Then by (3. 1)h. < (n+ I it-s h ( I (n+ 1)h) -Rh(nh) ('h K(u)du J0 It-s I< (n+l)h + It-s , m > 0, n > 0 Lemma 4. . 1, I Il I 2J K(u)du+ SK(u)du 0 I J (4. 5) and 1) 2J I It-s l t < s , t<(n+1)h, 1- , 22 and (4. 3) holds in this case. Now assume that n such that s,t we have for i < s < > t mh + 3) tl 2 Define n. nh < t < (n+ 1)h. < m and By (4. 5) , (4. b) , , I {2 for some nh < t Rh(t) -Rh(s) I< Rh(t) -Rh(nh) < and (4. (m- 1)h s < ft-nh K(u)du 1+ I Rh(nh) -Rh(mh) 1+ I Rh(mh) -Rh(s) nh-mh + (t-nh) + 2 0 J K(u)du + (nh-mh) 0 ('rnh-s JK(u)du 11ff + n111.-s 0 < t-s .1 16SK(u)du+ t-s } 0 tl , is true in general. Theorem 4. 2 allows us to use in the next chapter, the powerful Arzelá- Asco1i Theorem. Each nonvoid, bounded, equicontinuous family of real functions defined on a closed and bounded interval con- tains a uniformly convergent sequence. For a proof, see (5, p. 59). I 23 CHAPTER V CONVERGENCE OF THE We h -- O shall consider the convergence of the functions through H. We shall regard {Rh: h ordered by letting h decrease through Theorem 5.1. of {Rh: h t 0, > Rh(t) e H} E Rh(t) as as a sequence H} H. Every infinite subsequence {Rh: h E H'cH} has a further subsequence which converges for all uniformly on any interval Proof. Since 0 < 0 < t1 < <:t < t2 < Rh(t) < 1, Theorem 4. oo 2 . implies that the Arzelá- Ascoli theorem is applicable, and by that theorem there exists successive (nested) subsequences of {Rh: h H' E respectively converge uniformly on the intervals m 2, 3, = , .. . [ } which, m , m] , Then the usual diagonal procedure yields a single subsequence which converges uniformly on each of the intervals 1 [ nz , m] . Since for all he H, this subsequence con- Rh(0) =0 verges pointwise for t > 0 . Theorem 5.2. Suppose that Rh,(t) --R(t) some H'CH uniformly on each interval is the unique solution of (1. (5.1) : 1) , (1. < 9) R(t) t1 0 < and 1 . < as h'--'-0 through t < t2 < oo . Then R(t) 24 Proof. In hEH , let n-' 00, theorem of Lebesgue (cf. A . (3. 2) h-' 0 and with t implies that (3, p. 22 -23)) ¡h J K(nh-u)Rh(u)du-- nh-t t K(t-u)R(u)du J . 0 0 Thus, R(t) satisfies (1. 1) imply (1.9) and (5. By 1). . Theorem 3. Theorem 2. 1, (3. 20) and Rh(t) > 0 R(t) is unique. 1, Auxiliary Lemma. If a sequence of monotone functions con- verges pointwise to a continuous function on a closed and bounded interval, then the convergence is uniform. The proof can be found in Theorem of (1. 1) 5. 3. such that (i) (2, p. 90) . There exists a unique solution R(t) , 0 < : R(t) is bounded and max R(t) = 1, 0 <t <oc (ii) R(t) is non -negative, (iii) R(t) is continuous on (iv) R(t) Moreover, Rh(t) R(t) , 0, oc) is integrable on (0,00) - R(t) 0 .< t < oc, , . uniformly as h--" Proof. By Theorems function [ 5. 1 through 0 H. and 5.2 there exists a unique which satisfies (1. 1) , (i) and (ii) . t <00, 25 By Theorem 4. so that t = 0, Then Theorems 2.3 and 2.5 imply (iii). exists. R(0 +) is monotone in some neighborhood of R(t) 1, Theorem 2.2 implies (iv). Fix t point, {Rh(t) as h-+ arbitrarily and let r(t) co) through 0 of the numerical sequence H, has a subsequence which converges at Theorems 5. converges to Rh(t)--. R(t) By 1 and 5.2, as = 0 [0, on R h 1, t to the value r(t) {Rh: hEH} . By there is a further subsequence which Therefore, co). through 0 Theorem 4. R(t), we have that t be any accumulation Then by (3.20), the sequence of functions hEH }. : 0, e [ r(t) = R(t) and, hence, H. the Auxiliary Lemma and the continuity of Rh(t)-. R(t) uniformly in some neighborhood of and the pointwise convergence and uniform equicontinuity of the functions Rh(t) imply uniform convergence on every finite interval. Then by Theorem 3.2, the convergence in uniform on [0, 00). . In this chapter we have shown that the approximations con- verge uniformly to a function R(t) with the prescribed properties. 26 CHAPTER VI Ph(t) CONVERGENCE OF THE We as shall investigate the convergence of the functions h --0 through H. ordered by letting shall regard {Ph: h We decrease through h h(w, t) We define a function (6.1) tiih(w, t) = wt for t Lemma 6. 1. As uniformly for h E H Proof. Since ph(0) J (w, 0) = 0, = w nh, n 1- = as a sequence H} H. <w 0 , E 0,1, . . . < 1, , t > 0, by and linear between. oo , o0 SPh(t)h(w,t)dt_Ph(t)dt= . Ph(t)Jh(w, t) is piecewise- linear and we have by (3. 28) and (3. 23), 00 oo Ph(t)Lph(w, t)dt = h 2/- Ph(nh)wnh = hEhAh(wh) , n= where Eh 1 = is a constant. SPh(t)dt = Let hEhAh(1), Therefore, by (3.27), Ph(t) w = 1 whence above to obtain hEh 1 Ah(1) h 1 27 h) (6.2) SPh(t)h(w,t)dt A = We want to show w--1- . - whnh exp h( 0 00 ) cn (1-wnh) } n= that this converges to In view of (3. 8), {- l uniformly in 1 h as it suffices to show that c Çn n (1-wnh) -4-0 (6. 3) uniformly in h as w -1- . n=2 By (3.10), - 0 < nh cn 1 h2 < n 2 ( J 1)h (n+ 1)h K(u) (('n+ K(u) 2J nh 2u n>2. (n -1)h (n -1)h Hence, 00 nh) ri (1-w (6.4) h n= 4 J 2 JK(u)' 0 lim l -w2u u u 0 exists by (1. < n= < Since 5) (n+ 1)h ¡ co c (1 2 Ku(u) (1-w2u)du (n-1)h -w2u)du . u - -2 log w, which is finite, the last integral and (1. 6), and does not depend on the integrand decreases everywhere to zero. Lebesgue's monotone convergence theorem, h. As Therefore, by 1 -, 28 J(u) -w2u)du--0 (1 as w -.4-1- u 0 This result and (6.4) implies (6, 3) which yields the desired result. Lemma 6.2. There exists a constant 0 for all <t <oo, Proof. h E and Theorem 3. (3. 20) Rh(t) = hoe H such <00, 0 < A Rh(u)du < Mo oo, he H. 0 > Z 0 Ph(t) t< Rh(t), there that A 1 -< M, 1, Theorem 2.4 and the uniform convergence of the exists Ph(t) rRh(u)du Rh(u)du 0 So 1 < 00 Sb such that M H. By (3. 28), Ph(t) By . for J0 R(u)du h< > 0, h < h0, he H, where h0, h e H Mo 2 = R(u)du Since each Ph(t), h E H, is bounded and the set {he H : h >h0} finite, the lemma follows. (Another proof uses Fotou's lemma). Lemma 6.3. Let w, 0 < w < 1, be fixed. Then is 29 ( co lim J Ph(t)LP h(w, t)dt T--oo J T Proof. By Lemma 6. 2 uniformly for h 0 = e H. we have co P(t)h(w, t)dt \ By the definition of tlih(w, t) , so that wt ^h > i t , h H e . T T s < nh < (w, t)dt, < lvi we have (W t) ws wnh > for all t > O. > h(w t) for Therefore t h(w, t) < wt-h Then, for all < for all h w2 < . Let T > he H, t ¡oo w2 T ¡+00 JJ(wt)dt<3 T dt--0 as T - which implies the desired result. Lemma 6. 4. As co Ph(t)dt T uniformly for Proof. 2 he H 0 , We have T -e oo, and J0 Ph(t)dt .. 1 co , max {h:hEH . 30 0 < ( oo Ph(t)dt T + T Ph(t)tph(w, t)dt T ¡oo < ¡co J Ph(t) (1-h(w, t))dt = 00 J Ph(t) (14 SPh(t)h(w, t)dt, (w, t) )dt + 0 Then the lemma follows from Lemmas 6. Lemma 6. 5. max Ph(t) >X 0 <t<oo <w<1, such that X sufficiently large we have T T SPht)dt for all > -z Then hE H. 0 0 max Ph(t) > 2T <t <oo Theorem 6. for all h 1 , 0o As h 1 2 0 t o0 . -- 0, . 0 00 (o0 J Rh(t)dt R(t)dt - 0 (T < J (Rh(t)-R(t))dt 0 0 oo + (3. 31) and Lemma 6. 5, 00 Rh(t)dt J T By max Ph(t) and < T ¡00 0 Proof. H E J SRh(tdt_ j R(t)dt E . Proof. By Lemma 6. 4, for J h H and 6. 3, and (3. 30) 1 There exists a constant for all hE H > 0 0 + J R(t)dt T . 31 co max Ph(u) J 0 <u <oo ('= SRh(t)dt (t)dt Ph(t)dt 5 < T Ph(t)dt h . Therefore, co 0o rT J R(t)dt 0 < I 0 J0 oo (Rh(t)-R(t))dt + ) Ph(t)dt X I J R(t)dt. + The theorem follows from Lemma 6. 4 and the uniform convergence of Rh(t) to R(t) Theorem 6. There exists a unique bounded, continuous, non- 2. negative solution P(t) of (1. uniformly for t Proof. 0 < < oo as 10) h and (1.11), and 0 through functions h 0 Ph(t) through converge uniformly to P(t). By Theorem 6. Rh(t) on 0 < R(t), the to t 1, < co as H. Theorem 6. mean to P(t) follow from P(t) (1.12) and the existence and uniqueness of R(t). uniform convergence of P(t) H. The existence and uniqueness of (1. 12), (3.28) and the Ph(t) 3. The functions {Ph(t) : hE H} converge in the 32 Proof. We have oo J Ph(t) -P(t) dt < I I (T J Ph(t) -P(t) dt I + J Ph(t)dt T 0 0 ¡`o0 o0 + J P(t)dt T The theorem follows from Lemma 6.4 and Theorem 6. 2. Corollary. As h- 0, b J SPh(tdt -i SP(t)dt. a a < b < 0 oo . a Proof. b b a as h ` I < SIPh(t)-P(t) Idt a a < J -- o ShtitIdt 0 by Theorem 6.3. 0 We b SPh(t)dt - J P(t)dt 0 < have shown that the functions and in the mean to a solution P(t) of Ph(t) converge uniformly (1.10) with the prescribed properties. We have by Ph(t) = and S2h -S2 SZhRh(t), . (1.12), (3, 28) and Theorem 6.1 that P(t) = In view of S2R(t), where S2 and 211 are constants, this, the two sets of approximations are very closely related. 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