( 3. United 6WDWHV Department of Agriculture Forest Service Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station Microwave 2YHQV for Drying Live :LOGODQG Fuels: an assessment P.O. Box 245 Berkeley California 94701 Research Note PSW-349 Richard W. McCreight J' March 1981 ),il)'; ,, T McCreight, Richard W. 1981. Microwave ovens for drying live wild· land fuels: an assessment. Res. Note PSW-349, 5 p., ill us. Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Exp. Stn., Forest Serv., U.S. Dep. Agric. , Berkeley, Cal if. Using commercially available microwave ovens to determine the moisture content of live forest fuels is likely to be unsatisfactory. The conditions affecting drying temperature and handling techniques can vary considerably. And procedures for using microwave ovens have not yet been standardized. Three brands of microwave ovens used in the field during the 1978 fire season in southern California were tested in the laboratory. The indicated moisture content of the fuels tested varied from 3 to 40 percent, depending on temperature. handlin g. and charring effects. Consequently , it is not possible to compare fuel moisture meas­ urements obtained by microwave ovens at dif· ferent locations for the purpose of assessing wildland fire behavior . Retrieval Terms: forest fuels. fuel moisture content, moisture measurement. microwave ovens. southern California. reliability he moisture content of living forest fuels affects the behavior of wildland fires. It can be measured in a number of ways, including the reflux solvent distil­ lation method, ' conventional drying ovens, and kitchen-type microwave ovens. Drying fuels in conventional dry­ ing ovens appears to be best for monitor­ ing levels of and trends in living chapar­ ral moisture content. 2 Microwave ovens have been suggested as a faster , more convenient technique for drying fuel samples under field conditions.-' They have been tested on dead, woody fuels in Montana, and found to yield the same results as standard oven drying .• The use of microwave oven drying for living fuel samples in California has raised questions as to whether it can pro­ duce accurate enough results for assess­ ing regional fuel moisture trends. Such questions have risen, in part , because procedures for using microwave ovens are not yet standardized . In microwave oven drying, fuel sam­ ples are subjected to a high-intensity electromagnetic field. When the micro­ wave energy comes into contact with an object, it is either reflected, absorbed, or transmitted-depending on the nature of the material, angle of wave incidence, and frequency. In a moisture cellulose sample , microwaves quickly penetrate significant distances into the material . In the process, the water molecule-dipole oscillations are increased and the sample dries from the interior outward. The effect of temperature on the fuel sample and water-heat relationships must be considered in determining moisture content. When fuel samples are sub­ jected to varying temperatures, the dry­ ing curves tend to diverge , resulting in varying fuel moisture values 5 ifiR· /) . Although the effect of temperature on moisture content is well known, the magnitude of this influence has yet to be determined . 6 To answer some questions raised about microwave oven drying, three commercially available brands were tested in the laboratory to assess (a) the temperature variations among ovens, (b) the reproducibility and variation of the moisture data , and (c) the effect of char­ ring on the results. The indicated · moisture content of the living forest fuels 110 Mo1sture content (percent) + 72 u 70 78 5 93 9 - +-+-+-+-+3 4 5 6 7 8 Drying time (hours) the indicated moisture content of manzanita leaf samples dried in a mechanical convec­ tion oven. tested varied from 3 to 40 percent, de­ pending on temperature, handling, and charring effects. The results suggest that moisture content measurements within a region obtained by microwave oven dry­ ing are not comparable for the purposes of fire management and prescribed burn­ ing . Such measurements may, however, be useful in showing local trends in moisture content. Only the first experiment tested for differences between all three ovens while the remaining experiments served to test for effects on the fuel moisture determi­ nation process. It is assumed that effects will vary if ovens are significantly differ­ ent. ENERGY VARIATION Experiment I PROCEDURES The three brands of microwave ovens tested were Kenmore, Tappan, and Sharp carousel. 7 All three operated on 120 volts , a.c., at a frequency of 2450 MHz. Voltage output, in watts, and oven capacity volume of the ovens varied. The Sharp oven featured four power settings, but only the continuous 600-watt power level was used. The Tappan oven pro­ duced 600 watts of power, and the Ken­ more 400 watts . Oven cavity size varied from 0.6 fe (0 .02 m') for the Kenmore, to !.3ft' (0 .04 m' ) for the Sharp, and 1.4 ft' (0.04 m') for the Tappan. In all three ovens, temperature was unknown . Control was achieved by vary­ ing the exposure time (min/sec). The use of metal objects , including temperature sensors , could have damaged the oven by reflecting microwave energy into the power element. Indirect techniques for measuring energy-temperature charac­ teristics, therefore, were required for this study. These experiments were done to ascer­ tain those characteristics of microwave ovens necessary in determining the moisture content of living fuels : • Experiment I (Kenmore, Sharp, Tap­ pan ovens): test differences in energy between ovens and times by measuring moisture loss at specific times. • Experiment II (Sharp): test for internal energy variations by multi-level isothermal enhancement of energy pat­ terns . • Experiment III (Sharp, Tappan): test for differences between treatments by following the drying procedures de­ scribed by Palmer and Pace, ' used with and without modification. • Experiment IV (Sharp): test for effects of pyrolysis by inducing and measuring it under various influences. Differences in energy between ovens and times were determined by using three polypropylene jars, each containing 100 g distilled water, which were placed on marked locations in the oven cavity and exposed for 1-, 3-, and 5-min periods . Moisture loss was assessed by weighing samples after each exposure period on a 190-g capacity analytical balance to the nearest 0.01 mg. Five moisture loss measurements used fresh samples and were made for each time and oven . A two-factor analysis of variance was used to evaluate the data . Experiment II To provide a clearer picture of energy variation within a microwave oven , 15­ by 15-inch (38- by 38-cm) blotting paper was soaked for I min in distilled water and mounted on a plastic table. The table was placed in the Sharp oven with the carousel unit removed, at one of three levels, 1, 4.5, and 7.5 inches (2.5, 11.4, and I 9 em) above the oven floor, and exposed to maximum power for 2-min intervals. At the end of each 2-min period, the table was removed and dry areas delineated and labeled with the total drying time. The procedure was re­ peated three times for each level. A sec­ ond aspect of this test involved placing one to three water samples at various locations on the l-inch (2.5-cm) high table and repeating the exposure delinea­ tion process . 0 .32 em) diameter old-growth chamise (Adenostoma fasciculatum). Eighty samples weighing about 75 g each (fresh weight) were dried in pairs in the Tappan oven with a 30()-g pumice block used as an energy absorber. Samples were heated, removed, and stirred for ventila­ tion, weighed, and reheated. Initial oven time was 3.5 min and was linearly de­ creased to 1.5 min. The 1.5 min expo­ sures continued from three to seven times or more until the change in sample weight was equal to, or less than, 0 . 1 g between successive weighings. Ninety additional chamise samples di­ vided into three batches, were subjected to different treatments by changing the energy absorber, oven type, or both . No changes were made in the handling pro­ cedure. Initially, the pumice energy ab­ sorber was replaced with a glass beaker containing 100 g distilled water. Then the Tappan was replaced with the Sharp oven and the energy absorbers again al­ ternated. Two subsamples of each sam­ ple run were distilled in m-xylene at 282°F ( 139°C) for 90 min and used as a control . The five methods : Tappan with pumice, Tappan with water , Sharp with pumice, Sharp with water , and m-xylene, were evaluated by a one-way analysis of variance , and at-test of paired differences was used to evaluate the per­ cent difference between oven dryings and the m-xylene method . Experiment IV Forty-five 0-to 0.125-inch (0 to 0.32 em) diameter chamise samples were used in measuring sample pyrolysis . About two-thirds of the samples were dried in the Sharp oven to the point of charring . The remaining one-third was removed and stirred during the drying process to avoid pyrolysis. Subsamples from each group were distilled in m-xylene and compared . RESULTS Experiment III Experiment I Guidelines for microwave oven drying developed by Palmer and Pace' served as a baseline drying procedure for determin­ ing the reproducibility and variation of moisture results foro-to 0. 125-inch (0 to Results of the energy test revealed dif­ ferences , significant at the 5 and I per­ cent levels, between ovens , times, and oven-time interactions (table /) . Simply stated, the indicated moisture values 2 Table 2-Effects of changing the type of oven or energy absorber on the residual moisture in chamise fuel samples (the average percent dif­ ferences between microwave oven-dried and xylene-distilled samples) Table 1-Analysi.r of variance for ovens and times, hy source; SS =sum of squares, d.f. = deKrees of freedom, MS = mean square , F = F-ratio ss Source 191.07 15.27 158 .57 16.99 0.23 Total Oven Time Oven-time Error F 44 2 2 4 36 7.63 1203.94 79.29 12503.75 4.25 670.03 0.01 Oven Absorber X residual moisture (xylene­ microwave) S.D. Percent Tappan Tappan Sharp Sharp were different between treatments. Av­ erage percentage of moisture loss for 5-min exposure periods serves to contrast each oven (jig. 2). The 1- and 3-min exposure periods showed the same con­ trast, but at smaller scales. 90 c 80 70 60 Sharp 50 40 30 Tappan Kenmore 10 Figure 2-The three ovens were compared for average moisture loss from 100-g water samples for 5-min exposure periods . 1.1 1.6 1.1 1.7 Experiment IV Experiment II The isothermal enhancement, or de­ lineation ofhot-cold patterns of the Sharp oven interior in operation (jig. 3), re­ vealed that microwave energy emitted from the top of the cavity (col. A, top to bottom) is directed down and outward, ensuring maximum wave energy mixing in the midlevel region of the oven, and then is refocused onto the oven floor as a series of well-defined hot and cold spots. Isothermal patterns were fairly consis­ tent between successive tests for any one level (note 2.5-cm level, bottom of col. A and B), but changed when water samples were introduced. The samples dissipated the energy field, thereby increasing the paper drying time. The drying range for blotting paper without samples was 4 to 10 min; that with three samples was 8 to 16 min. 3.2 7.2 4.6 7.8 Pumice Water Pumice Water Hot Cold Figure 3-lsothermal enhancement of Sharp microwave oven interior during operation. Col­ umn A displays microwave energy distribution and intensity for three descending horizontal levels; Column B shows the dissipating effect of moist samples on the energy field. Experiment III When chamise samples were dried in the Tappan oven, repeating the Palmer and Pace 3 experiment, the average re­ sidual moisture (the difference between oven and m-xylene results) remaining in the oven-dried samples was 3.2 percent and the correlation coefficient was 0.99. These values were identical to those of the Palmer and Pace 3 study; however, the standard deviation was I. 9 in the Palmer and Pace' study and I . I in this study. Alterations made in the treatments, that is, changing the energy absorber, or the oven itself, resulted in variations in the indicated moisture contents (table 2). Statistically, this variation is significant at the 5 and I percent levels (table 3). Furthermore, the oven-dried and m-xylene samples differed by more than 5 percent on the basis of a two-tailed t-test. Pickford also found a fairly high correlation coefficient between micro­ wave drying and xylene distillation re­ sults, but reported an average 6. 7 percent residual moisture remaining in cedar (Cedrus) needles dried in a microwave oven. 8 3 Results of pyrolysis tests indicated that when power continued without frequent interruption to ventilate samples, "runaway" heating was inevitable. The hot area within the sample absorbed more energy than the cooler portions and was increased further in temperature. This temperature increase continued until the sample charred. Amount of charring, by volume, ranged from 5 to more than 50 percent of the sample. By comparing any three samples in a test set, a similar range in amount of charring, with the center sample having the most damage, was ob­ served. Pyrolysis times varied from 6.5 min for samples with a moisture content of 57 percent, to 8 min for those with a moisture content of 70 percent. To avoid sample pyrolysis, exposure times were reduced by as much as 63 percent and samples removed and stirred after each exposure to allow them to cool. This increased sample handling and extended the total drying time from about 45 min to I h 25 min for samples ranging in moisture content from 57 to 73 per­ cent. The indicated moisture contents, however, were more in agreement with Table 3-Ana/ysis of variance for treatments, by source, SS = sum of squares, dj. = degrees of freedom, F = F-ratio Source Among treatments Within treatments Total ss F 232 3 216 57 448 60 20.38 xylene results when this was done. Sam­ ples that were exposed to the point of slight charring showed a 10.5 percent higher indicated moisture content than the xylene control group and a standard deviation of 3.6 as against 1.2 for the xylene samples. When the exposure times were reduced, the microwave indi­ cated moisture content was about 5. 9 percent lower than the xylene group. The standard deviation also improved, with 1.6 recorded for microwave and 1.2 re­ corded for xylene samples. On the basis of the entire series of tests, I 0 variables were identified as hav­ ing differing degrees of influence on sample drying temperature. They were: oven type, energy output, distribution, and absorption by sample, additional energy absorbers, container type, fuel type, fuel moisture content, bulk density, and handling. Each of these variables exhibited suf­ ficient individual influence to alter tem­ perature and moisture results. By com­ paring residual moisture fluctuations, of the 10 variables identified, energy distri­ bution, additional energy absorbers, fuel moisture content, sample bulk density, and handling technique were the most critical to temperature control. Nonethe­ less, to assure consistent moisture data, most variables required nearly identical duplication between tests. DISCUSSION The basis for deriving accurate, repro­ ducible fuel moisture data from any dry­ ing method lies in the accuracy and reproducibility of the determination pro­ cedure itself. Procedure is actually a con­ sortium of component phases including sample collection, preparation, drying, and calculation of moisture values. In­ consistency in any phase can lead to in­ accurate and unusable data . In the drying phase, temperature is one of the most vital variables affecting moisture data. When the drying temperature is in­ creased to 2!2°F (I 00°C), water within a fuel sample vaporizes and accounts for most of the weight loss. Some volatiles also will start to evaporate at this temper­ ature, although more oils and crude fats are distilled off as the temperature is in­ creased. As the temperature reaches 280°F ( 173°C), pyrolysis starts and in­ creases in rate depending on the organic composition and inorganic salt content and percentage. If the fuel temperature goes above 212°F (I 00°C) for any length of time, moisture contents will be overes­ timated because of volatiles lost.'' The inherent problem of determining live fuel moisture by using the three ovens tested is that microwave energy is controlled by time exposures, not tem­ perature selection. Temperature is un­ known and easily influenced. Samples require frequent handling to control tem­ perature, avoid pyrolysis, and compen­ sate for strong temperature gradients within the oven and samples themselves. This handling increases the probability of human error. Most importantly, indi­ cated moisture values reflect, often to a high degree, the influences of these tem­ perature variations and handling errors. Although handling guidelines can help control drying temperatures, they do not provide the means for standardizing them. To do this requires standardizing most of the 10 variables listed in the Results section. The irony of this is that fuel moisture, one of the major variables influencing temperature, is the unknown being sought. Consistent, live fuel moisture data is possible when the same oven type, energy absorber, sample type, sample bulk density, and handling tech­ nique are carefully and routinely re­ peated . Oven data may vary consistently by 7 percent or more from xylene results, however, depending only on the influ­ ence of the energy absorber used (table 3). Many of the newer microwave ovens feature a temperature probe used as a thermostat to control temperature. Al­ though this represents a step forward, it does not necessarily solve the problems relating to temperature variation. Figure 3 shows variations of temperatures in a relatively small area. Monitoring tem­ perature for only one point, or one sam­ ple will not assure a uniform drying tem­ perature for the surrounding area or other samples, unless the probe is continually moving through the energy field, thereby representing an average temperature. Rotating the sample through an energy field, however, does not solve the prob­ lem of temperature variation within the samples themselves. Close examination of burned samples taken from the Sharp oven revealed a strong temperature gra­ 4 dient within them. Samples exhibited smoldering interiors, although the sur­ rounding outer material remained green with considerable condensation present. Only frequent mixing of the material it­ self was found to offset these gradients. Removing fuel samples and stirring them can prevent runaway heating and compensate for temperature gradients; however, the handling required and the risk of losing sample contents when transferring material in and out of a con­ tainer one-half dozen times or more encourages a higher probability of error . When chamise is partially dry, for exam­ ple, careful transfer of contents provides enough disturbance to cause many of the small needles to snap off the stem as projectiles , traveling as far as 3 feet (I m). Unless careful attention is given to this, and all material recovered, substan­ tial measurement error (from 0.5 to 15 percent) can result. When replacing sample material in the container, it is also necessary not to overcompact the sample so this increases the possibility of sample pyrolysis even at low exposure times. If pyrolysis occurs, measurement errors of 10 to 45 percent or more can result. Because of all the variables involved, data derived from using the three micro­ wave ovens tested are relative meas­ urements, of some use for establishing local fuel moisture trends. These data, however, are limited in other applica­ tions. Of most value is the inability to compare fuel moisture data between field stations, because data could reflect a 5 percent or more fluctuation in values re­ sulting from temperature variations alone. Even larger variations on the order of 15 percent or more could result if sam­ ples were burned or material was lost during handling . These effects would act to nullify or exaggerate naturally occur­ ring moisture variation for the area, thereby reducing the usefulness and cost-effectiveness of the overall monitor­ ing system . Although safety practices in using microwave ovens were not part of this study, certain precautions are urged . By law, visible warnings alerting users to the danger of exposure to microwaves are required. No safety monitoring program now exists, although many microwave ovens designed for the ''kitchen environment'' are actually used under more rugged conditions in the field. NOTES 'Buck , Charles C., 1939. The solvent distillation method for GHWHUPLQLQamoisture content offorest litter . J . For. 37 :645-651. ' Countryman, Clive M ., and William A . Dean . 1979 . 0HDVXULQa moisture content in living chaparral: afield user' s manual . Gen. Tech. Rep . PSW-36 , 27 p . Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Exp . Stn . , Forest Serv . , U .S . Dep . Agric . , Berke­ ley , Calif. ' Palmer, Thomas Y., and George D. Pace . l974 . Microwave ovens for drying wildland fuels . 1. Microwave Power 9(4):289-293. 4 Norum, Rodney A. , and William C. Fischer. 1980 . 'HWHUPLQLQa the moisture content of some dead forest fuels using a microwave oven. Res . Note INT-277, 7 p., Intermountain Forest and Range Exp. Stn. , Forest Serv. , U.S . Dep . Agric . , Ogden , Utah . 'Personal communication from Clive M. Countryman, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Exp . Stn . , Forest Serv . . U.S. Dep . Agric., October 17, 1978. •Anderson , Hal E. , R . D. Schuette , and R. W . Mutch. 1978 . Timelag and equilibrium moisture content of ponderosa pine needles . Res. Paper INT-202, 10 p . Intermountain Forest and Range Exp . Stn. , Forest Serv ., U.S . Dep. Agric., Ogden, Utah. ' Trade names and commercial enterprises or products are mentioned solely for necessary infor­ mation. No endorsement by the U.S . Department of Agriculture is implied . 'Personal communication from Stewart G. Pickford, College of Forest Resour., University of Washington, Seattle, Wash . , October 23, 1977 . •Personal communication from Hal E. Ander­ son , Intermountain Forest and Range Exp . Stn ., Forest Serv . , U.S. Dep . Agric., August 3, 1978 . Author: RICHARD W. McCREIGHT is a forestry technician assigned to the Station ' s research unit studying the management of chaparral and related ecosystems in southern California, with headquarters at Riverside, Calif. He attended the University of California, Riverside , where he earned his bachelor' s degree in physical geography (1979) . 5