@it F O R E S T SERVICE U S D E P A R T M E N T O F AGRICULTURE P O BOX 245, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 94707 Forest and Range Experiment Station FINE FUEL MOISTURE M E A S U R E D A N D ESTIMATED in d e a d Andropogon virginicus i n Hawaii Francis M. Fujioka Fujioka, Francis M. 1976. Fine fuel moisture measured and estimated in dead Andropogon virginicus in Hawaii. USDA Forest Serv. Res. Note PSW-317, 4 p., illus. Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Exp. Stn., Berkeley, Calif. Fuel moisture estimates generated by the National Fire-Danger Rating System procedure were compared with actual fuel moisture measurements determined from laboratory analysis. Meteorological data required for the NFDRS procedure were collected at two heights to assess the effect of temperature and humidity lapse rates. Standard measurements gave the best results, but use of a xeric hygrometer showed promise of giving reliable fuel moisture estimates by a simple linear regression. Oxford: 431.2:812.211-015. Refrieval Terms: fuel moisture estimation; National Fire Danger Rating System; hygrometrix; xeric hygrometers; sampling. The ignition potential of fine fuels-that is, grasses and other herbaceous plants-is critically dependent on fuel moisture. The National Fire-Danger Rating ,System1 (NFDRS) provides a method for estimating fine fuel moisture (FFM) in dead vegetation using meteorological data. The r e l e ~ n tweather variables are dry-bulb temperature, relative humidity, and state-of-weather, here considered to mean cloudiness. C In the NFDRS computer algorithm,2 FFM is directly proportional to the equilibrium moisture c on tent,^ which can be computed from the weather variables. Presently, it is not known how well FFM estimates approximate fuel moisture of dead vegetation in Hawaii. This study compared moisture content calculated by the NFDRS method with moisture content of fuel samples as determined in the laboratory. Temperature and relative humidity were measured at two different heights, to see what effect the actual vertical variation of these variables had on fuel moisture calculations. A new instrument, the ~ ~ ~ r o m e txeric r i x hygrometer, ~ which employs a cellulosic element that responds to changes in atmospheric humidity, was tested for its ability to estimate FFM. Using a combination of techniques, I generated four estimates for each observation time. Only one of these measurements conforms to NFDRS standard procedure, but I have included the correlations between all estimates and actual fuel moisture. The standard procedure yielded the best estimate, but the results showed potential for using the Hygrometrix hygrometer readings in a simple linear regression. METHODS Paired observations were made of weather and fuel moisture of broomsedge (Arzdropogon virginicus L.), a major wildfire fuel in Hawaii. The sampling site overlooked Tripler Military Reservation, on the lee side of the Koolau Range. Mean annual rainfall in this area is about 125 cm (50 inches). The broomsedge grew on a southwest-facing slope, about 300 m (1000 ft) above mean sea level. A portable fan psychrometer and a Hygrometrix xeric hygrometer were placed in weather shelters set at two heights, one 0.25 m (10 inches) above ground, and the other 1.22 m (48 inches), the standard observing height. At hourly intervals during daylight, the observer collected three samples of dead fuel in airtight roundbottom 500 ml boiling flasks; he read the dry- and wet-bulb temperatures from the psychrometer, and noted the Hygrometrix index at each shelter. He also estimated amount of cloud cover and recorded the appropriate state-of-weather code. The fuel samples were processed by xylene distillation to determine percent moisture content by dry weight, and the average of the three values for each collection time was talcen as actual fuel moisture (AFM). For the computed fuel moisture (CFM), two estimates were made for each height, using two different values for humidity: CFM, used the value obtained from the fan psychrometer and CFM2 used the value observed on the xeric hygrometer scale. Only the CFMl estimate from the 1.22 m height legitimately follows the NFDRS procedure. A total of 58 sets of weather measurements, 29 at each shelter height, were used with 29 corresponding actual fuel moisture measurements. In the analysis phase, I computed the simple linear correlation coefficients between each of the CFM's at each height, and the AFM, and between the direct xeric hygrometer readings and AFM. I also tested for statistical differences between AFM and CFMl . RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The computed fuel moistures generally underestimated actual moisture content. Actual fuel moistures, obtained by the xylene process, gave a pooled standard deviation of 1.02 percent. Examination of the differences between AFM and each of the fuel moisture estimates showed that CFMl at 1.22 m was apparently best (table 1). It had the lowest absolute mean difference, the lowest root-meansquare difference, and a comparably low standard deviation of difference. This might have been expected, because the data used for the other estimates were not obtained by the legitimate procedure. The next best set of estimates was the CFM2 set at 0.25m. Table 1-Statistical analysis o f differences between actual fuel moisture and computer fuel moisture1 (AFM-CFM) Shelter height and CFM estimates Mean difference Root-meanStandard deviation square of difference difference 0.25 m CFMl CFM2 -1.6 -1.2 1.1 1 .O 1.9 1.6 -0.7 -1.7 1.1 1.1 1.3 2.0 1.22 m CFM 1 CFM2 'Humidity estimate for CFMl obtained from fan psychrometer; for CFM2from xeric hygrometer scale. Table 2 gives the correlation coefficients computed between each of the CFM's and AFM, and between the direct xeric hygrometer readings and AFM. All the correlations were significant at the 1 percent level. The highest correlations were associated with use of direct xeric hygrometer readings, but the correlation coefficients were not vastly different from each other. A chi-square test of the l~omogeneityof the coefficients in table 2, using Hotelling's z* transforms, showed no significant difference at the 10 percent level. Table 2-Correlation coefficients of values for actual fuel moisture and computed fuel moisture Shelter height CFM 1 CFM2 Hygrometris index The high correlation between AFM and the direct xeric hygrometer reading suggests that a linear regression model may reliably estimate AFM from xeric hygrometer observations Cfig. I ) . The coefficient of determination, r 2 , is 0.87. The plots of fuel moisture over time Cfig.2) show, as does table I, that the CFM's generally underestimate AFM. Results for CFMl at 1.22 m, which was calculated following the NFDRS procedure, are of greatest interest here. The effect of the "sunnycloudy" variable on CFM apparently complicates the results. The procedure directs the observer t o report cloudy conditions outside the period from 1000 to 1500 LST, even though sunny skies are actually observed. Otherwise the fuel moisture estimates are unduly depressed (the NFDRS algoritlun decreases relative humidity by one-fourth of its reported value, l:Fi 2 August 1972 ' 'P :12 +. LO ,.."...\ ....... ;:>.-r.,L.-.le \; 9 Xeric index ........." . ,/ l I00 ;. ,;, ,.-. .- ; ; \.'... ; ; \.'{, \./ 7 0700 . 1500 0700 1100 1500 1900 0600 1230 1900 Figure I - A simple linear regression of actual fuel moisture content (percent of dry weight) on xeric index gives the equation as shown. when sunny conditions are observed). This rule was initially overlooked, and tlie calculations produced CFM-AFM differences that were twice as large as they should have been. To see how good CFMl would be if we always assumed cloudy conditions, I recomputed fuel rnoistures for all clear sky data points, assuming cloudy conditions for each, and obtained the differences given in figure 3. Sunny slties were observed 11 times in the sampling period. In 7 of these instances, the CFM's matched closer to the AFM when cloudy conditions were assumed. Significantly, the 4 times when the sunny slty estimates were better than the assumed cloudy estimates were those when AFM was low (<lo%). The mean difference between sunny CFMl and AFM was - 1.9; assuming cloudy conditions, the mean difference between CFM, and AFM was reduced in magnitude to 0.6. Tlie first difference is significant at the 5 percent level, the second is not (10 d.f.). Tlie data suggest that the information on cloudiness does not improve the fuel moisture estimate computed from the algorithm. On the other hand, when sunny slties are ignored, CFM tends to exceed AFM. How significant is the overestimate? At the 5 percent level, the difference between mean CFMl (assuming cloudy slties) and mean AFM was not large enougli to reject t l ~ ehypothesis that mean CFM, <mean AFM. However, the probability of a Type I1 error (acceptance of a false hypothesis) in this partic- -I-: 0600 1230 T ~ m eo f ............. C FM, day (HST) - .- .- .- CFM, - AFM Figure 2-Fuel moisture estimates (CFM's) were compared with actual fuel moisture (AFM) on 3 days. Estimates from lower shelter (0.25 m) are shown at left, from standard shelter height (1.22 m) at right. Local apparent noon (sun at relative zenith) occurs at about 12:35 this time of year. Fuel moisture estimates were obtained from fan psychrometer (CFMl) and from xeric hygrometer scale (CFM*). ular test is 0.78. More sampling is needed t o reduce this margin of error, and to investigate the seasonal variability (if any) of differences between computed and actual fuel moistures. There is much appeal in obtaining fuel moisture estimates quickly, using the xeric hygrometer readings in a simple linear regression. However, a further study must test the effectiveness of tlie regression. Continuous sampling should also be considered, to investigate local diurnal variations in fuel moisture. 3 o 2- O 0 - 0 0 0 I NOTES Sunny (observed) Cloudy (assumed) x - - 0 0 0 1 6x 8 lb 0 1'1 I2 13 1 AFM 14 X Figure 3-The difference between fuel moisture estimates and actual fuel moistures, assuming cloudy conditions for actually sunny conditions, was determined, with results as shown. ' Deeming, John E., James W. Lancaster, and Michael A. Fosberg. 1972. National Fire-Danger Rating System. USDA Forest Serv. Res. Paper RM-84, 165 p., illus. Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Exp. Stn., Fort Collins, Colo. Furman, R. William, and Robert S. Helfman. 1973. A computer program for processing historic fire weather data for the National Fire-Danger Rating System. USDA Forest Serv. Res. Note RM-234, 12 p., illus. Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Exp. Stn., Fort Collins, Colo. Fosberg, Michael A., and John E. Deeming. 1971. Derivation o f the I - and 10-hour timelag fuel moisture calculations for fire-danger rating. USDA Forest Serv. Res. Note RM-207, 8 p. Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Exp. Stn., Fort Collins, Colo. Trade names or commercial brands are mentioned solely for information. No endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture is implied. Sokal, Robert E., and F. James Rohlf. 1969. Biometry. W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, Calif. p. 518 ff. The Author FRANCIS M. FUJIOKA is a research meteorologist assigned to the Hawaiian forest ecosystems work unit with headquarters in Honolulu, Hawaii. He earned a B.S. degree (1968) and an M.S. degree (1972) in meteorology a t the University of Hawaii. He joined the Forest Service and the PSW staff in 1972. U.S. Forest Service research in Hawaii is conducted in cooperation with Division of Forestry Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources