& F o j x E s T SERVICE U. ?.DEPARTMENT O F AGRICULTURE P. $B I. O X 245, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 94701 C PREAO OF DWARF M STLETOE rom discrete seed sources nto young stands o ponderosa and Je J. R. Parmeter, Jr. USDA Fo~orestService Research 10te PSW-269 1972 roun&ng reproduction averaged 120 rinfeclion in young trees decgned as seed source increased and was gener dkection of prevazng winds. This p was simnar to the previously report acre of pine reproduc~on.Such residud trees left after fne or logghg should be removed. Oxfovd: 442.1:176.1 Arceuthbzobz'tlm cumpybpodurn-181.523 [ + 174.7 Binus jeffieyi + 174.7 Rnus Relrievcal Terms: Arceuthobhtkm campylopodutkm; seed dispersal; forest dmage ; Rnus jeffreyli; Enus Robert F. Scharpf Proper management of fores"ctands ]infested with dwarf mistletoe requires knowledge of the distance and pattern of spread from infected overstory trees into young stands. Substantial information is available on spread of Arcezlfhobium arne~ca~zum in lodgepole pine (Piazls contortu):"pread in ponderosa pine (P.ponderosa) is less well understood. Initial ]infection by A. vaginutum f. crypLopoCY~min the Southwestern United States seldom exceeded 60 feet from overstory seed sources, and wind did not influence "&hepattern of spread.2 Furthemore, the logarithmic slope of seed deposition curves ended at about 50 feet from the seed soulrce, l~lithan abmpt drop in dope. But A. eumpybpodum infecting ponderosa and Jeffrey pines (P.jeffreyq in California3 spread 125 to -145 feet. In Oregon, m m h u m spread was 130 feet and folUowed prevadhg wind pautens; h e a infection ~ was concentrated withh 33 feet of the overstouy." Because of these discrepancies and because hformation on spread under Califoy~a~conditions is needed to provide midelhes for the mmagement of infested stands, we did a study of spread from discrete overstoy seed sources. METHODS Eleven plots for this study were selected by the crikfia: (a) predo antly ponderosa or Jeffrey pine or both species, (b) discrete overstory sources of dwarf mistletoe, and (c) adequate numbers of understory trees around the mistletoe seed sources. Seven of the 1I. plots were in Shasta CounQ. Two were in El Dorado Counlrgr. Nine plots were on old bums where isolated overstory "Erees had sumived. Heavy stands of Mmzanita (A~tostuphyEosspp.), w ~ c h fogowed burnrieag, had been patidly deared by bundozers, and the areas were planted to ponderosta pine in.the late 1930's and early 1940's. Some nahral regeneration of Jeffrey pine was also present. Heavy brush competition had markedly suppressed many understory trees, as indicated by average heights (table I). The remainirag two plots-one in Plums County, the other in Nevada County-were in natural regeneration that foUowed clearing. Table 2-Understory trees in eeach of Seven height classes at e ~ e hof six distance intemals fmm overstov trees Distance interval (feet) Understory height classes (feet) . . . Perktent Table 1-Pbf location, h e i s t of dwarf mistletoe infection, and elf understory and oversto~y trees in ponderosa and Jeffrey pine stand$, northern California Feet Shasta County: 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 El Dorado County: 1 2 Rumas County Nevada County (9 91 112 2 20 135 124 No. Feet 160 24 8 40 53 31 64 197 7.5 6.5 10.6 15.1 10.0 11.7 3.9 Data were tabulated by 20-foot zones from the stem of the seed source tree. Shce distmce of m a h u m spread detembed plot limits and was less than I40 feet on all plots, we andyzed data only to the most distant complete zone- B 20 feet. WSULTS Infec~onIn Rella~onTo $JnnderstovTree Hei&t 110 45 200 125 34 90 9.5 20.0 10.0 6.8 =Eleightof three trees: 90, 100, and 134 feet. 2 ~ e i g hof t two trees: 124 and 128 feet. 30verstory trees cut before the study. Examhation of C I O remGns indicated heavy infection high h the eroms, but exact hei&ts could not be determined. Stumps wePe 30 to 36 inches in diameter. Plots were centered on residud overstory trees occurrhg singy or in compact groups of two or three trees. Ml understory trees were accurately located and mapped, and the hei&t of each tree and the amount of mistletoe were recorded. Ponderssa and Jeffrey pines were considered together, with no attempt t o record data separately. All plots were level or moderately slophg. Because of irreplarities in ground cover and the dbtribution of small trees, few of the plots were ideauy circular. Severd plots induded trees o d y in one general direction from the source of inkction. We could not, therefore, obtain a complete sample on d l plots, but a11 trees within the limits s f the mapped sectors were recorded. These sectors represent a random sample with respect to size, distance from seed source, and amount of infection. Plot lines on each plot were extended from the stem of the overstow tree to the m a h u m distance of spread or to 120 feet, which ever was greatest. ~ Heibt-class &stributions were not unifom with respect to distance from the source trees (table 2), Trees 18 feet and under constituted 74 percent of dl trees sampled, but they constitu-ted 9.5percent of the trees at 0 to 20 feet from the source trees, and 87 percent of the trees 21 to 40 feet from the source. Conversely, few ta%Btrees were found w i t h 4 8 feet of the source tree. Beyond 40 feet, h e i b t d i s t ~ b u tions did not appear to be makedly rinaauenced by overstony trees. Average tree hei$ts among the plots ranged from 3.9 to 20 feet (tgble I). Pooled data from 11 plots show the relationship of understory tree hei&t to infection (table 3). In trees up to 15 feet tau, infection increased as tree he1ib.t kcreagd. In larger trees, this relationship was obscured becaux few large trees were found near the seed source, where high rates of infection would be expected. Bstance From Seed %uaee In Re1a~onTo Idecgon The graphed slope of dedine (table 3; fig. 1)in the percent of (b to ICb-foot trees hrfected at hcreasirag distances was s h d a s to the slope of dedline in seed deposition found in preeous seed trapp&g stu&es." M e n larger trees were included, a nateer dope of decEne was obtajined, appxendy reflecting the increase in numbers of large trees fasther from the overstory trees. 'Ifhe rate of hfection r e m k e d relatively high even at 101 to 120 feet. Table 3-Trees infected with d~vharfmistletoe,by hei&P chss and distancefrom seed source Hei&"iclass (feet) No.Pct. N o . &.fib Pdo.Pct. No.Pet. Wro,Pe2; No. Pcf. 0-5 5.1-10 10.1-15 15.1-20 20.1-25 25.1-30 30.1-9trees Distances of m a h u m spread on the 11 plots (table 4) averaged 120 feet. M a h u m spread exceeded the hei&t of overstony trees by 6 to $3 feet on five plots and was less by 1 to 32 feet on four plots. Source tree kbeibts were unavagabk on two plots. The m a h u m spread distances recorded might be a result of secondav spread withh the understo~y as we41 as of primav spread from the o w r s t o ~ . Opportunity for secondaw spread was evduated by recordkg the numbers of infections in urrnderstorgr trees (table 4),shce numerous infections in single understory trees would sugest secondav bulild-up and thus i n c r e a ~ dopportukty for secondary spread. urn spread: 11 28 and 130 feet), there were no heavily hfected trees-a sign of no appreciable production of ~ s t l e t o eseed in the understory. On four plots, hea~lgrinfected trees were present, but were not in a position or direction to p r o ~ d einoculum for the most distant infections. On four plots, heavgy infected trees mi&t have contributed to m a h u m spread; however, average distance of spread on these plots (120 feet) did not differ appreeiawly from that (1 17 feet) on the six plots where secondary inoculum was not involved. Dhecgon of Spread Only two of the 11 plots sere sufficientIy circular and had rates of hfection suitable for Table 4-Infec~onsper tree and maximum spread of dwarf mistlefoe on the I I plofs in ponderosa and Jefiey pise srands,northem Gliforn& Plot I IInfecMons per tree . .. I Shasta County: 1 Seed deposition--] (magnitude not actual) Distance from seed source ( f e e t ) Figure I-Pereenta?pr, of O to 10 foot tress infected, the wrcentage of all undergory trees infected, and seed dwosihion (from Scharpf and Parmeter 197 1) in relation to distance from werstory trees. 2 3 4 5 6 7 El Dorado County: 1 2 Plumas County Nevada County I ~ a x i m u r nspread was not associated with or in the direction of any heavily infected understory trees. 2 ~ a t aon this plot were recorded on a rating scale rather than by actuai numbers. - anaIyzhg &fferences in the direction of spread. These plots had also been used for a 4-year study of seed &spersale4 The pattern of spread could therefore be compared to the pattern of seed &spersal. Ei&t 45O sectors were centered on the same compass lines used to orient seed traps in the earlier study (fig.2). The percent infection in the NW,N,NE, and E sectors was two to six times that in the SE, S, SW,and W sectors. Of the r e m ~ n h gnine plots, the two showhg the ~hortestdistances of m a h u m spread (90 and 103 feet) had understories only to the south. DISCUSSION Precise detemhation of hfection rates at vanious distances from discrete sources of misaetoe seed ideally requires unifom levels of inoculum and understory trees of even size, age, and spacing. Uneven suwivd of planted trees, random natural regeneration, inherent differences in grow^ rates, and overstory suppression of nearby regeneration vktudly preclude Gndhg or creating ideal plots. Furthemore, the rate of infection is low in small trees, m d before a level of infection sufficient for andysis develops, it is likely that some secondary buddup from understory infections wdl have occurred. For these reasons, field data provide a basis only for general statements of relationships and for probable ma&ematicd expressions of these relationships, The pattern of infection from a discrete overstory seed source s42ould reflect the pattern of decrease in seed deposition at increa~ng&stances from the source. m e n only small trees are considered, infection cuwes approach the slope of the deposition curve (fig I), and such slopes probably would be s h d a r under ideal circumstances. M e n trees of a41 sizes are conddered, the slope of the infection curare is flatter thm that of the seed depoGtion cuwe. This &vergence is a p p ~ e n t l yassociated with unequd disbibution of size-classes at various distances from the overstonry. Larger u n d e r s t o ~trees are more lkely to be hfected either because they present a larger target for seed interception or because they are older and therefore have been exposed to inoculum for longer periods than have smaBer or younger Our data and those of Gill2 and Hawksworh and GrAm1h&cate that suppresion by overstory trees redues the density and heifit of nearby understory trees. Thus, as the amount of seed deposition decreases with distance from the overstory, the size and density of understow trees tends to increase, Figure 2-The percent o f t r e s infected i n each o f eight 450 sectors was h i g h e r in the north and east sectors leading to greater opportunity for infection and also to @eater likelihood of adationd secondary infections. These factors appear to account for the divergence of the slopes of seed depoGtion and hfection cuwes. We found no abrup"cecrease either in rate of infection or in seed depodtion in the California areas stuaed. Both deposition and inkction dedined regularly to the limits of the distances considered. Our data indjicated, however, that an abmpt drop in the rate of hfection must occur bemeen 120 and 135 feet, since the m m h u m spread did not exceed 135 feet. Our results confirm Woth9s4Gn&ngs that w h d kfiuences the pattern of spread. The m o u n t of kfection in generally no&herly directions was several times "chat in southerly &rections m d followed prevding wind and seed deposition patterns. Data on spread from discrete seed sources have impfications h the management of ponderosa and Jeffrey pine stan& in California. Each isolated, mature pine infected with dwzf mistletoe pro6des linoculum to infest about one acre of p h e reproduction. Such residud trees left after fire or loging should be removed. Initial spread into young stands d l Ekely exceed that sugested by Kimmey," since on five of nine plots for which tree heights were avadable, maxlimum spread exceeded overstory tree heigkts by 6 to 63 feet. These data may not apply to stand margifls, however, Muir V o u n d that spread from isolated trees or small goups of bees in lodgepole pin&: stands was father thm that from. stand margns (45 as oppogd to 28 feet averages). If s i d a s differences occur with ponderosa m d Jeffrey pines, average spread from stand mwgns mi&t be considerably less &am that from isolated trees. To find out further study is wananted. AcknswIedment: This study was supported in p a t by a grant from the Di~sior?of Forestq, C d i f o r ~ aDepartment of Natural Resources. NOTES 'Gill, Lake S., and Frank C, Hawhworth. Bwamistletoe of bdgepole pine. Forest Pest Lean. 18, 7 p. 1964. b w k s w r t h , Frank G. Rate o f spread and intensification of dcvarfmistletoe in young lodgepole pine stmds* J. For. 56 : 404407.195 8. Hawksworth, Frank G., and D. P. Graham. Spead and intensification of dlyarfmistletoe in bdgepole pine reproduction. J . For. 61: 587-591. 1963. Muir, J. A. Dwarf mistleicoe spread in young lodgepole pine stands in relation Po density of i~feclionsources. Can. Dep. Fish and Foresty Bi-Monthly Res. Notes 26: 49.1970. * G ~ J , Lake S. DwarfnisPletoe of pnderosa pine in the 16outhwest. US. Forest Sem., Rocky Mt. Forest & Range Exp. Stn. Paper 14, 9 p. 1954. Gill, Lake S., and Frank 6;. Hawksworth. Dwarfmistletoe control in ~2outhweskernponderosa pine forests under m n agemen$. J. For. 52: 347-353.1954. Hawksworth, Frank 6. Dwa~fmistleQoe of ponderom pine in the Southwsl: U.S. Dep. Agric. Tech. Bd. 1246, 112 p, 1961. 3~charpf,R. F., and J. R. Parmeter, Jr. Spend of dworf mistletoe into Jeffrey pine planta~on. .frees ifected after 22 years. US. Forest Sew*Res. Note 141. Pacific SW. Forest & Range Ewp. Stn., Berkeley, Calif. 6 p. 1967. Schar~pf,Robert F,, and J. R. Pameterlr,Jr. Seed producfion hnd dispersal by dwarf mistletoe i~ ooverstory JefPey pines in inolifomk. USDA Forest Serv. Res. Note BSW-247. Padfic SW. Forest & Range Exp. Stn., Berkeley, Calif. 5 p. 1971. '~hilds, T. We,and E. R. Wilcox. Dwarf mistleme effects in m t u r e ponderosa pine forests ilz south-eenml Oregon. J. For. 64: 246-250. 1966. Roth, L. F. Pine dwarfiistletoe on the mg-Ze Falls Ejcperimental Forest. KS. Forest Serv., Pacific W .Forest I%. Range Exp. Stn. Res. Note 9, 3 p. 1953. 5~charpf,Robert F. Dwry' misPletoe on Ped fir-infection and conl"ro1 in understovy stands. USDA Forest Sew. Res. Paper PSW-50. Pacific SW. Forest & Range Exp. Stn., Berkeley, Calif. 8 p. 1969. 6~immey,J. W. Dwnrfmistlefoes of California and their c o n ~ o l .U.S. Forest Sen., Calif. Forest & Range Exp. Stn. Tech. Paper 19,12 p. 1957. The Au&ors EmR, is professor of plant pathology at the University of Californh, Berkeley. He earned a bachelor's degree in botany at Oregon $Late Unkersity (1951) and a doctorate in plant pathology at the University of Wisconsin (1955). ROBERT F. SCHAWP, a plant pathologist, is studying problems in forest diseases and theh control. He earned a forestry degee (1954) at the U~versityof Missouri, and a master's degree in forestry (1957) and a doctorate in plant p a ~ o l o g y(1963) at the University of California, Berkeley. He joined the Forest Service in 1960, and has h e n with the StaLion3sBerkeley research staff since then. - The Forest Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculkme . . . Conducts forest and range research at more than 75 locations from Puerto Rico to Alaska and Hawaii. . . . Participates with all State forestry agencies in cooperative programs to protect and improve the Nation's 395 million acres of State, local, and private forest lands. . . . Manages and protects the 187-million-acre National Forest System for sustained yield of its many products and services. The Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station represents the research branch of the Forest Service in California and Hawaii.