GAS TWPERATURE MEASUREKENTS BY ULTRASONIC PULSE METHOD by THCAS PAUL RONA. M.E. Ecole d'Electricite et de Mecanique Industrielles (Paris, France 1943) E.E. Ecole Superieure d' Electricite (Paris, France 1945) M.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1953) SUa1ITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILIMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June, 1955 Signature of Author - - . . . w w-....0.... .... Department of Electrical Engineering, May 16, 1955 Certified by Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Chairman, D ental Committee on Graduate Students GAS TIMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS BY ULTRASONIC PULSE METHOD by THOKAS PAUL RONA Subitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering on May 16, 1955 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Science ABSTRACT An instrument measuring the phase velocity of sound has been constructed with the purpose of gas temperature determination. In view of the immediate goal of temperature measurements in internal-combustion engine chambers, a broad-band electro-acoustical system, centered on 2 Mcps was used. The design includes crystal transducers with convenient adapters to the engine combustion chamber, electronic power generator and signal amplifier as well as the incorporation of conventional calibrated-sweep oscilloscope for time-interval measurement. Operation is synchronized with the engine cycle so that the sound pulse may be initiated at any desired crank angle. The interpretation of sound velocity in terms of temperature is studied. Accounting for the classical causes of velocity dispersion and evaluating the possible dispersion caused by heat capacity lag in some of the gas components the signal shape is determined with particular regard for the possible measurement error caused by those phenomena. C Subject to some restrictions in the macroscopic structure of the propagation medium, it is concluded that the temperature measurement is made in the actual conditions to better than 1% of accuracy. This conclusion is amply supported by experimental evidence on motoring and firing engine, as well as by tests in chemically controlled steady-state conditions, it does however not apply in the present state of knowledge to the flame region. The theoretical background and some of the accessory experiments are summarized. The sound-velocity method for gas temperature measurements appears convenient and satisfactory for the intended purpose. T S~i upt- rvi;or Jon'dir, *T. 'Rqr''h ACIOWLEDGEMENTS The work repoorted here has been supDorted in its various phases by the U.S. Army Office of Ordnance Research and the Coordinating Research Council. The initiative and supervision of this program was entrusted to Professor C. Fayette Taylor, Head of the Division of Automotive Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. ( Sloan Laboratories for Automotive and Aircraft Engines.) The helpful and fiiendly cooperation and advice of the whole staff of the Sloan Laboratories is hereby gratefully acknowledged. Mr. James C. Livengood has been particularly active with constructive comments and everyday's guidance. Messrs E.A. Oster and P.C. Wu contributed in various ways to test the equipment in actual use on combustion engines. On the theoretical side, the help given by the Guidance Committee of the Department of Electrical Engineering has been of considerable importance. Professors Jordan J. Baruch, L.L. Beranek Dr. T.F. Hueter and R.H. Bolt contributed generously their time and advices. In the field of theoretical physics, Professors R.M. Fano of the Department of Electrical Engineering and L. Tisza of the Physics Department allowed the author to draw on their vast background. Mr. J. Caloggero of the Sloan Laboratories must be credited with resourcefulness in the construction of numerous special measuring devices. The author' s wife, Monique R. Rona, contributed to an unusual degree in the creation of the moral and material surrounding which was felt essential in the performance of this work. I N D EX Chapter 1 Generalites 1.1 Origin and Nature of the Problems 1.11 1 1 Gas Temperature Measurements in Eigine Combustion Chamber 1 1.12 Typical End-Gas Characteristics 3 1.13 Sumary Description of the Sound Velocity Method 4 1.14 Discussion of the Principal Sources of Error 1.2 Causes of Departure from the Ideal Behavior 12 18 1.21 Classical Dispersion and Absorption 18 1.22 Thermal Relaxation 26 1.23 Real Gas Behavior S4 1.24 Dissociation 58 Chapter 2 Analysis of Velocity Dispersion with Particular Reference to the Actual Sound. 2.1 Nature of the Sonic Excitation 65 65 2.11 Description of the Acoustical Circuit 65 2.12 Receiver Characteristics 67 2.2 Effects of Amplitude and Phase Distortion on Resultant Frequency Spectnm 69 2.21 Fourier Analysis 2.22 2.23 2.3 Interpretation of Amplitude Distorsion by Paired Echoes 72 Generalization of the Paired Echo Method 76 Absorption and Dispersion caused by the Acoustical Phenomena Chapter 3 69 82 2.31 Viscosity and Heat Conduction 82 2.32 85 Heat Capacity Lag Properties of the Gas Mixtures Present in the Test Path Chenical Composition 3.1 3.2 Heat Capacity Lag in the various Gas Components 95 95 98 3.21 Nitrogen and Rare Gases 98 3.22 Cxygen 99 3,23 Carbon Dioxide 3.24 Water Vapor 3.3 101 105 Dispersion Characteristics of Typical Cylinder Charge 108 Chapter 4 Theoretical and Experimental Results 110 4.1 Shape of Amplitude and Phase Distortion 4.2 Characteristics 110 Nature of the Experirmental confinnation 113 h. 21 Engine Experiments h.22 4.23 113 Principle and Justification of the Experinental Procedure 11L Interpretation of Experiments 116 Chapter 5 Conclusions 5.1 Critical Discussion of Results 5.2 Suggested Program for Future Work 135 137 5.21 Study of Macroscopic Gas Properties 137 5.22 Behavior of Reactive Mixtures 138 5.23 1ultipoint Cycle Analysis 138 5.3 Possible Uses of Sound Velocity for Temperature Measurement Bibliography 139 CHAPTER -I- GENERAL IT 1.1 IES ORIGIN AND NATURE OF THE PROBLEM 1.11 Gas temperature Measurements in Engine Combustion Chamber. Part of the improvement of internal combustion engine performance in recent years has been brought around by a more detailed and more intimate knowledge of the phenomena which take place in the fuel-air mixture before and during combustion. In addition to other characteristics such as pressure, chemical composition and specific volume, the accurate knowledge of specific temperature in the various phases of the compression stroke has been recognized to be of primary importance for further investigation of fuels and combustion chamber designs. More specifically, the temperature history of the compression stroke plays a determining role in the engine "knock" which at the present time is one of the factors limiting engine perfonance. 'TKnock" or detonation of a portion of the fuel-air mixture before arrival of the thomal" flame front produced by the spark is believed to originate in the rapid pompression of the endgas (portion of the charge last to burn in normal operation) by the pressure rise caused by combustion in the other part of the cylinder. The instrument herein described and the experimental program based on this instrument were aimed at the development and evaluation of a measurement method to determine the "end-gas" temperature changes immediately before the actual combustion. It was necessary to delimit geometrically the end-gas portion and find a measurement method fast enough to yield accurate results with the high rates of temperature change present in that region. Temperature measurements based on the sound velocity method were considered simultaneously with techniques based on absorption spectra, infrared radiation and thermo-couples* among these latter, only the absorption method has been carried through the development stage. In despite of the fact that no direct comparison was possible up to the present between absorption-type of measurements and the sound velocity method, it is hoped that this comparison will be forthcamingt* The advantages of using sound velocity as a measuring device in comparison to thermo-couples and resistance wires are mainly the quasi-instantaneous nature of the measurement, the non-interference of the sound pulse with the gas and the relative ease to synchronize the process with the engine cycle. The possibility of adapting the sound-velocity measurement to digitalrecording is another distinct advantage. --------------------------------------------- ( tO ) "Four Proposed Methods of measuring end-gas Properties ", 9 ) Chen S.K., Beck N.J. Uyehara O.A. and Myers P.S. S.A.E. ( Coordinating Research Council, Inc, New-York, 1953 Trans., 195, p.503 1.12 Typical End-Gas Characteristics. Fig. I shows the general aspect of the sound-velocity device installed in the engine. The end-gas is geometrically determined by the special sandwich-plate construction of the combustion chamber, the test volume is typically }" long and has 3/8" in diameter. The conditions prevailing in the end-gas have been predetermined from the pressure records taken by high speed engine indicator and by applying iso-entropic assumption to the gas evolution. The pressure limits appear to be 15 to 700 psia with 200,000 psi/sec maximum rate of change whereas temperature may be between S00 and 20000 Fahrenheit Absolute with rates of change exceeding 100,0000 FA persecond. It will be seen that the transit time of the sound signal in the gas is around 30 psec ; the temperature change occuring during this time interval is of negligible magnitude. Pressure changes, which influence the velocity of sound propagation to a smaller extent, will have a negligible effect a fortiori. The main components of the end-gas are nitrogen and oxygen from the atmosphere, some C02 and water vapor remaining from the previous cycle if operating under firing conditions and finally fuel vapor which in the bulk of our experiments was iso-octane, normal heptane and propane, although some commercial fuels have also been explored. In other experiments carefully purified gases were investigated in chemically known conditions. 1.13 Sumnary Description of the Sound Velocity Method 1.130 Note. The design factors and justification of the compromises accepted have been explained in our preliminary survey, where also crystal performance and power requirements were evaluated. Findings of this evaluation will not be repeated here ; it will be sufficient to mention that they have been essentially supported by experimental results gained from about two years of continuous operation with the instruments. Some of the new developments are reported in Appendix I and II ; but it is apparent that their impact on the instrument design and result interpretation is of minor consequence. The present section is merely intended to sumnarize the instrument description in order to make this text self-contained. 1.131 Princip. The phase velocity of sound in a fluid function of its compressibility alone. The compressibility of course depend on --------------------------- I-----------------------------* ( 48 ) Measurement of Ultrasonic Propagation Velocity in Gases, S.M. Thesis, H.I.T. Dept. of Klectrical Engineering, June 1953 ** ( 4) ) See for example Lord Rayleigh, Theory of Sound, London, 1887 the thermodynamic path followed by the fluid during the sonic disturbance and also on its ltate" i.e. the relative proportion of Kinetic and potential energies present in the molecular field. This latter criterion is used to be translated in "'more or less distant from the perfect state" in which the fluid particles are believed to have translational Kinetic energies only. The compressibility is in these conditions function of the temperature only if the sonic frequency is low enough to warrant the isothermal assumption. When the successive compressions and expansions are so rapid that the evolution may be thought of as essentially iso-entropic, the compressibility is known to be function of the ratio of specific heats and of the absolute temperature. The propagation in a real but ideal gas is characterized by the phase velocity" 1.13 - 1 For most gases and gas mixtures the P/f ratio as a function of temperature is known from the so-called virial coefficient can be calculated as shown in Sect. 1.22; and in ideal propagation conditions, the sound velocity is therefore unequivocally related to the gas temperature. In later chapters corrections due to ------------------------------------------------------The "perfect state" also implies the absence of intramolecular * and intra-atomic energies, but this distinction is immaterial at this place. ( 5 ) T.F. Hueter and R.H. Bolt "SONICS", J.Wiley & Sons, 1954. . mE the non-ideal behavior will be discussed. The instrument measures transit time over a calibrated lenght of gas path, L. t of a sound pulse The sound velocity is then used to compute temperature from (1.13 - 1). In fact, in most cases the "sound velocity" is given as a function of temperature directly* Phase velocity characteristics for mixtures of known proportions of non-reacting gases are readily constructed. 1.132 System Components (a) Sound Generator A 2 Mcps Barium Titanate crystal is acoustically coupled to the transmitter coupling rod which is part of the combustion chamber. The rod is acoustically insulated from the combustion chamber walls. The electrical excitation signal is as close as possible to a single pulse ; it is obtaiein the present version by the hydrogen thyratron ( 3C45 ) discharge of a condenser. The circuit characteristics, analyzed in Ref. 48 lead to the signal shape shown on Fig. A where the slight oscillations are due to the purely electrical properties of the discharge circuit. The transmitter construction and circuitry is shown in 3 4 -------------------------------------------------------------- Figs * ( 3R ) Keenan J.H. and Kaye J. "Gas Tables" New-York 1945 John Wiley & Sons. P.C. Wu, M.E. Thesis, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Jan, 1954. (63) (b) Sound Detector A transducer crystal, identical to the one used in the generator is coupled to the receiver coupling bar so that the sonic pressure wave reaching the receiver bar surface in the combustion chamber is transmitted to the crystal. A broad-band amplifier with low-noise input stage follows the crystal. The signal is then amplified to about 80 dB above its input value and fed into the synchroscope amplifier circuits. (c) Time interval measuring device Among the various possible electronic methods to measure accurately short durations, the calibrated sweep oscilloscope with variable precision delay has been chosen** The delay calibration is claimed to be accurate to .1 psec in absolute value so that the time interval measurements will be accurate to at least that extent. For reasons of convenience and simplicity, the internal repetitive trigger source is used to initiate the sound generator when the engine is at standstill, the internal trigger generator is also used in connection with the engine distribution shaft breaker when synchronized operation with the engine cycle is desired. -------------------------------------------------------* See Sect. 2.12 for amplifier characteristic discussion. A.B. Du Mont Manufacturing Co, MOD 256/B and MOD/F. Figures 5' through 1' show constructional details of the system components as used on the actual engine set-up. (d) Special Test arrangement ---------------------In addition to engine operation, the instrument was tested in a special acoustical circuit where a known path of chemically controlled gas content was inserted between the coupling rods. The acoustical components are identical to those used in the engine, except the test chamber which is made of heavy copper for uniform temperature distribution. The inside of this test chamber (Fig. I(o ) and the radiating and receiving surfaces of the coupling rods are gold plated to avoid reactions by some of the corrosive gases used in the experiments. Special washers made out of alternating layers of stainless steel and teflon were used to insure acoustical insulation of the coupling rods from the test chamber walls. The drying and mixing tanks necessary to prepare the gas mixtures have been made out of stainless steel and designed for operation from good vacuum (< 1 m of mercury) up to 200 psi pressure. Tests for leakage were made up to 350 psi. Teflon is being used as gasket material, threads are degreased and coated with special high-vacuum grease. Fig. 17 shows the schematic of the gas circuits, with mixing tank, drying tanks and admission of liquids of low vapor tension at room temperature. A vacuum pump and two test chamber thermo-couples are provided. All valves are stainless steel with teflon packing. 1.133 Facts and Figures It appears necessary to complete this section by giving a certain number of numerical data which will illuminate the design factors to the reader. The reference or the origin of the figures is also given. (TABLES 1 9- I ) '1 T A BL E ACCUSTICAL T CIRCUIT Value Quantity Unit Ref. .02 2 ~.. Barium Ttanate Crystal Longitudinal natural frequency Dimensions (diameter & thickness) Barim Titanate (Material) Acoustical Ipedance 2 1. .02 1.27 1.1 27 to 35.105 Mcps cm g/cmsec Free Cutting Commercial Brass Velocity of sound at O0 C 35,o40 Mass density Acoustical Impedance 29.5 x 105 cm sge g cm-se Air at Standard Pressure & Temperature Mass density Iso-entropical stiffness Velocity of sound 1.293 X 10-3 1.46 .10 3.31 10 g/cm32 2 dynes/cm cm/sec Gage Characteristics Wavelenght to path lenght ratio in air at S.T.P. for 2 Mcps Sound frequency 1.27 .94 Wavelenght in brass at 2 Mcps .18 Transit time in gap Transit time in both brass bars (typical value) lenght diameter .016 20 to 4o 36.o psec TABL E ELECTRICAL I CIRCUITS Value Quantity Ref. Unit Barium Titanate Crystal Longitudinal, field/strain ratio Dielectric Constant (approx.) Ferroelectric constant Transformation ratio (Symetrical load) 1.38.109 1700 Coul/cm 1.21. 108 cgs 9.95. 1013 Motional stiffness 21.9 Equivalent inductance 164 Equivalent capacitance Radiation inpedance for symetrical brass load Clamped Crystal resistance 2 20.8. 10~4 .358 Motional Mass v/m 9.160.106 1.9 gr dynes/cm pH p pF cgs m pF Transmitter Circuit Tube type (hydrogen thyratron) Plate voltage (adjustable) Instantaneous peak power at 60 0 v plate 3 C 45 200 to 1400 volts 2 approx. 70 w/cm 2.7 pV Receiver Circuit Thermal noise 300 0K 600 6 dB 3.8 Mcps Midband frequency 2.1 Mcps Bandwidth 52 -, U - 1 l.14 Discussion of the Principal Sources of Error. As explained in Section 1.13, the gas temperature measurement by the sound velocity method is essentially a transit-time determination across the gap of given lenght, followed by an interpretation of the phase velocity in terms of various properties of the gas, temperature included. The total error to be expected will therefore contain all those pertaining to the phase velocity measurement plus the inaccuracies in the accepted interpretation theory. Fig. LM shows schematically the relationships among the various error sources. The "timing" has been introduced for sake of completeness in this representation, but quite evidently its presence is not inherent to the sound-velocity method, besides the improvement in this respect, although a matter of straight-forward electronic technique, has not been found necessary in the present state of the equipment. In fact the cycle-to-cycle fluctuation is such that little or nothing would be gained by improving the timing stability. The principle of the sound velocity method should likewise not be held responsible for errors caused by the "fluctuations". This term designates cycle-to-cycle changes in the transit time apparently due to the variations in spark timing, gas composition and residual combustion products content. The cure may well be the substitution to the "stroboscopic" measurement technique of the 'ultipoint" method discussed in Section 5.Z and for this reason no attempt will be made here to analyze the magnitude of this error component. The gage-lenght deternination influences significantly the error on velocity measurement. It is now common practice to measure each coupling rod to 1/10000" and thus, know the gage-lenght to better than 2/10000. The mounting method is such that only about 2 cm total rod lenght may cause gap variations with changes in rod temperature. Water-cooling is provided for both rods in order to protect transducer crystals from temperature changes. It is assumed that the average rod temperature between mounting flanges and radiating surfaces will not change by more than 500 C with respect to calibrating conditions. An expansion coefficient would lead to a change of about 9/10000 ". of 18.3 X 10- The order of magnetude of the error on velocity measurement introduced by the gap uncertainty is thus "P .2% for a nominal lenght of 1.27 cm. The other components of the error are those connected with the transit time determination, which in turn may be separated in phase reading, delay standardisation and delay reading errors. Phase reading is connected with the nature of the oscillographic screen display. The finite rise time of the signal envelope makes the definition of transit time somewhat arbitrary unless specific conventions are established for this purpose. After about one-and-a half year of extensive use by various operators of the equipments available a reading --------- ------------------------------------------- * Ref ( 2' ) Hidnert, Scientific Paper No h10, U.S. Bureau of Standards, 1921. error of 1/10 cycle or roughly .o5 psec appears as a reasonable estimate. Should however be added to this value the errors due to the time calibration of the synchroscope delay circuits ( .o5 psec) and any additional inaccuracy due to the calibration reference introduced when the electroacoustical delay of the system (less gap transit time) is measured by means of a known gas in the test volume. It is in order to mention that calibration errors will affect absolute temperature values but not results for changes in gas temperature. Also changes in rod temperature can be accounted for. (App. 1) 1I. Table shows a recapitulation of the numerical values accepted for the various elements of the velocity measurement error. Care should be taken, when evaluating the total error associated with temperature measurement, to double the effect of velocity errors : 2 c -T 1*1 T From the preceding discussion it may be inferred that velocity measurement errors are important in magnitude but comparatively easy to evaluate in the light of the now available experimental evidence. On the other hand the inaccuracies or uncertainties affecting the sound velocity-temperature relationship are smaller in predictable magnitude but unfortunately little experimental background has been analyzed and for the time being it is difficult to extrapolate to gases not yet experimented with. I TAB L E f VELOCITY MEASURMENT ERRORS ELEMENT GAGE LENGHT CAUSES MEASUREENT, THER4AL REL. ABS. .2% 1/10001" EXPANSION STRAINS PHASE READING RISE TIME SPOT THICKNESS .05 pe max DELAY SYNCHROSCOPE STANDARDISATION CIRCUITRY .05 isee max DELAY READING DIAL .01 psec max CALIBRATION REFERENCE GAS REFERENCE COUPLING ROD TPERATURE .25% .25% '~ In Fig. 18 the "interpretation' error is shown to ccmprise two categories viz. (a) MEDE1M i.e. errors which are results of the particular environment chosen to perform measurements, (b) PROPAGATION THEORY meaning that unless a particular equation of state is chosen to represent dynamically the actual gaseous content of the test volume, the sound velocity and temperature relationship can not be predicted. Under heading (a) effects of the variable chemical composition (due to the so-called ore-flame reactions and to the unknown proportion of resident gases in the combustion chamber) would have to be duIscussed. The macroscopic structure of the propagation medium, velocity, density and temperature gradients do have important bearing on sound transmission but the discussion of their effect is beyond our present scope. The macroscopic non-equilibrium of the gas has been recognized as irrelevant as far as the sound propagation is concerned except for effects mentioned in (a). In fact, the high temperature and pressure rates of change, mentioned in Sect. 1.12, are still very slow compared to the rate of energy exchange between molecules ; this is a definite fact for the so-called "active" degrees of molecular freedom whose time constants are of the order of 10~9 sec, or less. Under heading (b) the effects of internal lag ( thermal relaxation), the real-gas behavior and the so-called classical dispersion will be discussed (Sect. 1.21 to 1.2 3)."Classical"dispersion occurs in presence of viscosity, heat conduction and thermal radiation. Their effect has been discussed in a previous work* where orders of magnitude have been given ; in the present text the actual influence on temperature measurement will be emphasized. To include all these phenomena in the evaluation of "errors" is not absolutely proper; they should rather be thought of as variations with respect to the perfect-gas law and in presence of known gas mixtures the corresponding deviation may be evaluated, approximated or be given limit values. R..Rnsen----------------------------------------------R~f~4&T.P. Rona, Master's Thesis, 14. I.T. E.E.Department. IL, 1.2 CAUSES OF DEPARTURE FRCM THE IDEAL BEHAVIOR 1.21 Classical Dispersion and Absorption 1.210 Ideal Propagation The phase velocity in ideal conditions is derived from the equation of state, the continuity of the propagating mediun and from Newton's first law applied to the elementary portion of the path. Thus, p(?) 0 being the equation of state, the equation of continuity is written and, in presence of acoustical waves where respect to 14 and , is negligible with reduces to b Ar From Newton's Law of motion P? It rb 121 - 1 Identical equation is being obtained by elimination of between the three conditions of state, continuity and motion ID 121 - 2 The "propagation velocity" of any pressure or particle velocity function generated along the rectilinear propagation axis is obtained from the general solution of equations of type 1.21 - 1 and 1.21 -2, this latter is known to be any function C Swhere The phase velocity of any acoustical signal will thus be essentially ) or the particular equation of state determined by the nature of assumed for the experimental conditions. More specifically an ideal gas suhnitted to isothermal (slow) acoustical cycles follows the equation of state pv~V =m 4%4v RT Constant RTkIm 1.21 - 3 When iso-entropic evolution Ls being assumed the equation IS r of state should be = I%. C. -t z Y0 C, PT since 1,21 - ?. 4 The departure from the ".deal" conditions may be represented by the introduction of additional tems either in the equation of state which in this case may be understood as a dynamical relationship expressing the strain-stress dependency along the (time dependent) evolution path or in the continuity equation. This latter method is used almost exclusively in the domain of the so-called translational dispersion when the distance successive pressure and/or velocity maxima is of the order of magnitude of the mean free path between molecular collisions. The present text is explicitly limited to the study of dynamical equations of state, it may be shown that in the conditions present in our experimental work, the mean free path is of the order of lO cm and thus the frequency region where translational dispersion may occur is C. 3.o - 3o o Mcps A The various causes of dispersion introduced as dynamic tems in the equation of state are studied in the following paragraphs. 1.211 Viscosity and Heat conduction Viscous forces are assumed to act on each fluid particle proportionally to its velocity. In general the stress produced in a point of a viscous fluid is a tensor with components shown on Fig. 19 EC----------h------------------------------------------------------------- E~. Skudrzyrk Chap.I (16A) If , PX PX Pz yx PX yy PY y PZ zx zy zz i and I are the particle displacenients of the reference point, (origin, for example) an arbitrary point IT (xyz) will be displaced by +a 47 represent the longitudinal Strains in the reference directions (usually denoted S , S~y, Szz) whereas the cross-terms may be called shear strain components, and usually called Il _ S~ The viscous forces influencing a particle are then written in terms of the compressional viscosity N and shear viscosity by analogy with the static stress-strain relationship and assming isotropic media IX ) 11 wave is chrceie sic poin, by (efitio by isretice to th YZ all X~. axi,an 00 P 21 This "excess" pressure has to be added to the one caused by the sound wave to find the inertia force acting on the fluid particle. Similarly, the excess pressure due to heat conduction may be expressed. Fig. 20 Q let shows a hypothetical layer in the propagation path, be the heat production rate per unit volume in this portion. Then, it can be shown that the quasi-static equilibrium of this layer implies the equality between the heat conduction flux, the rate of energy transformation of heat and the heat stored in the fluid layer. The net result*, with the assumption of harmonic sound propagation and small acoustical changes in density and pressure, is the presence of a term expressing a force P(- due to heat conduction proportional to the heat conductivity and to the rate of change of strain. )- The equation of state may then be interpreted as is harmonic function of time with the angular frequency and if which leads to the dynamical fon of The factor 4W 1.21- 1 is seen to modify the modulus and the phase of the propagation constant and is therefore significant with ( ) (424 ) s------------------------------W.P, Mason, Piezo M~ectric Crystals and I-ave Filters, p.480 respect to dispersion and absorption of the propagation wave and _ ic Y thus the complex propagation constant may be written as n<~ 1.2a- 5 OryK C,) where Cis the isothermal stiffness of the medium. Practically, in all the accessible frequency domain the real the im&Aefr part of .E and imaginary parts of f is small compared to its modulus and the real may therefore be expressed by the usual approximation method 2) rA 2A The numerical tables enclosed show that the phase distortion is small in all practical cases, whereas effects of absorption are of the order of magnitude found experimentally. ---------------------------------------------- Y "% So for infinitesimal amplitudes. 1.212 Heat radiation The role of heat radiation on sound propagation has been studied since more than a half a century but practical conclusions are not apparent due to the uncertainty for the numerical values of the "emissivities" involved. The heat flux from an elementary volume traversed by the sound is written proportional to the temperature difference with respect to the surroundings C (T--1.21-6 and thus, by various manipulations* get the equation of state accounting for heat radiation lf + q,/1~ rwP It will be seen in the section deaing with relaxation how this type of equation is interpreted in terms of absorption and phase velocity. A matter of particular interest is that although the radiation mechanism is strictly similar to the one found for thermal relaxation ( as seen by eq. 1.21 - 6) the characteristic angular frequencies for radiation are of the order of 1010 Cps and thus not detectable in pur experiment. n---------------------------------------------- ( (144 )Jo J,, Markham, R.T, Beyer and R.B. Lindsay 1.22 Thermal Relaxation 1.221 Nature of the phenomenon Compared to other causes of non-ideal sound propagation thermal relaxation or "heat capacity lag" is a newcomer in the field of ultrasonics and it is natural to find, at the present stage of the art, various and sometimes contradictory explanations of the same physical event. In thermal equilibrium the entropy of any macroscopic portion of fluid is the maximum compatible with its energy content. All molecules of the body* and in fact all modes of motion of the said molecules are then part of the canonical assembly where the Maxwell- Boltzmann distribution law may be used to define the probability, (and thus the concentration) of a particle in any given energy state 6 In case of monoatomic gases in ideal condition, when E S are functions of potential energies are negligible the only the translational momenta \'x , Py and & ; thus yn being the mass of a particle +TPT and the probability of finding any particle in the range --------------------------------------------* called "fluid" hereafter yPA C Ftis 4,' - a - P13-6 - 3/,L = k. 2r vk 0 P c010' OAk 3 The mean kinetic energy of the assembly can be calculated from this expression or simply by considering the momentum space and a volume of a spherical shell( 4'tW1VdinY)to express the kinetic energy irrespective of direction. Then 1. W04 z = /.6 """A k 4 %AV%C. (2 1 T) CA V 4nJ Iak V3Q SAV And the weighed mean is IMV V 6 4 A (2 it -wkT I V Ii.r = 2n(2. a A WT3/Z I /per 3'bi~t Ah (-S particle This conclusion, known as the equipartition of the average translational energy in the three degrees of freedom, can be extended to all types of molecular and intramolecular motion provided however that the energy level spacings be close enough together so that the integral expression in place of the discrete summation is justified. It can be shown that this is practically always the case for molecular translation but that such assumption is far from being justified in general for intramolecular vibrations (and sometimes rotations) unless temperatures are far above the characteristic temperature of the particular mode ( Tc ) Care should be exercised however to include in the total energy associated with vibrations the potential energy due to the elastic restoring forces ; when submitted to the equipartition rule, this cnergy is also 2 WT per mode for each molecule. It can be shown that for diatomic molecules, rotation and vibration are the possible internal motions, the spacing of the two lowest rotational levels is A E. =correeponding to the characteristic temperature For all gases, hydrogen excepted (T. rot is of the order of a few or a fraction of degree Abs. ; thus rotational levels will be practically continuous at room temperatures. The specific heat corresponding to rotational energy in a diatomic gas may be computed from the partition function - kt ( -- * ( 1 - -- ------ )J.C. ----- -- - -- -- - Z * t Ca7 -------------- Slater , Introduction to Chemical Phlysics. ) "-I where Z is the value 2rof k r Ltk C-' Z The factor ( All +1 ) is introduced to account for the space quantization, i.e. for the fact that the projection of the angular momentum on a fixed direction should be integer multiple of Z. n- Tc. > For room temperatures, i.e. the summation in the partition function becomes Z (-+1 ~') for high values of 'A and thus (C ) V- TT ( T I Zrot for each molecule. This is in perfect agreement with the equipartition since 2 rotational degrees of freedom are theoretically possible. The nature of rotation remains unchanged for more complicated molecules, the only difference being that three rather than two rotational coordinates are needed to describe the motion. Thus an energy of 3 W/2 per molecule has to be assigned to rotation as soon as temperature becomes important with respect to ( Te,)m. ; which is always the case in experiments above a few degrees K.* Vibration of atoms around their equilibrium position are, on the other hand provided with much large spacings between successive energy levels. In absence of interaction between rotation and vibration, the vibration frequency of a diatomic molecule is ( D = Dissociation energy a ( 2a Constant, characterizing the binding force around the equilibrium position equivalent mass the successive energy levels differ by f9 , thus E and *----------------------------- -------------------1710 K. (Tcj)dt.' *Hydrogen is a notable exception with It is found that (T). except for K2 , Na2 are very high compared to usual temperatures 12 and Br2may be set up by A partition function suramation zviV, 4 - ho ,(.^+I)am a, KI e, kv, ie 0 (C, VwZ hOTK L () per molecule - T (~c~ )~, per molecule - 5r R= Nok No being Avogadro's Number. It is easier to visualize the meaning of this expression by introducing the characteristic temperature ( (CV) / V1,6 1.22 - 1 This expression has the limit by the equipartition principle. when -T; e as provided For polyatomic molecules, ( 3 N - 6 ) vibrational modes are possible, each having its own characteristic temperature and its own fraction of specific heat at a given temperature, such as shown by formula 1.22 - 1. Some corrections have to be introduced in these (comparatively) simple pictures, these are of significance for cases where interaction of rotation and vibration can no more be neglected, when vibrations are no more simply harmonic, and finally when potential energy may couple rotational modes . Energy levels of a different order of magnitude are involved in the electronic excitation and even more so in changes occuring in the nuclear structure of individual atoms. These two phenomena are excluded from the present discussion. All the preceding statements were obtained from statistical considerations on quasi equilibrium situations. The specific heats calculated are especially those prevailing for transitions between two infinitely close equilibrium configurations. The time variable is therefore not apparent in the expression of these specific heats ; from this fact, one may infer that serious modifications of these concepts are necessary when rapid changes of internal energy are present. This is precisely the case when high frequency acoustical disturbance alternately comprimes and expands portions of the propagation path. Heat cor relaxation is essentially the nature of modifications affecting specific heats in presence of energy changes of finite amplitude or duration. TA BL E CHARACTERISTIC IV TEMPERATURES FOR DIATCMIC VIBRATIONS H2 61400 CH 4100 NH W4OO OH 5360 HC1 4300 NO 2740 02 2260 N2 3380 0C 3120 C2 2370 012 810 Abs Br2740 k2 310 Li 2 500 Na 2 230 K 140 2 51 ) J.C. Slater, Introduction to Chemical Physics, p.142 1.222 Time Dependence of Energ Exchanges Whereas the specific heats discussed in the previous section are uniquely defined by the number of degrees of freedom of the molecules and the absolute temperature, the situation is deeply modified when changes in the average translational kinetic energy are so rapid that other modes of motion (vibration and rotation) fail to be excited. The number of molecular collisions per second is finite and the probability of energy transfer is in ordinary conditions, very much smaller than 1, at least for vibration. One may therefore expect a great number of collisions (thus a finite time interval) necessary to establish the equilibrium between the various modes of motion. Translation is comparatively simple to dispose of. It can be shown that the various translational "states" are so closely spaced that for practical purposes they may be regarded as continuous. x, y, and z, and the momenta associated V of dimensions Assume a volume with the motion of one molecule, pj, py and pz. The quantum theory indicates that for each dimension-pair of the phase space K thus, where W h = X k & 4C' is an integer multiple of in the momentum space is then ' corresponding to a given momentum I .1The point density ; the energy 6 p is 1- thus, ~e and the number of the states with energy less than E is the number of all points in the volume The number of states between C' and cA-3- -- 6 n p = -.-- + M is then ') 1' The average energy jump between states is then* This number is seen entirely negligible for the usual macroscopic dimensions " but care should be taken not to extrapolate to sonic phenomena in gases at very high frequency. When the wavelenght of sound bedomes of the order of a few mean free path in the gas (say 10-5 cm) the energy jump between translational states may be multiplied by a factor of 1015 on account of V and thus become significant with respect to the total energy of the molecules. As a conclusion, translational motion in normal conditions of pressure and at moderately high frequencies, will be considered as continuous and thus the probability of energy exchange identical to the one encountered in collision of macroscopic bodies. It is known that this latter is The time lag necessary to equal to 1 for perfectly elastic collisions. -------- --------------------------------------------) J.C. Slater, Introduction to Chemical Physics, Ec Graw Hill *( 5j N.Y. 1939, p.55 'About 10-37 ergs for 1 cm3 of helium at 10 K establish translational equilibrium is thus at most seen equal to the average time interval between collisions. The average Maxwell velocity in a perfect gas (hydrogen at 300 K is kT 9 and thus, for a mean free path of 10-5 -- . 052 38 .10 -l6 soo cm eQo sc. The frequencies where translational dispersion may be expected are thus definitely beyond the reach of the present experimental techniques. For molecular rotation, following Landau & Teller the collision effectiveness for a certain rctational mode is determined by: Duration of Collision Natural period The collision duration has a somewhat flexible definition, for molecules of no chemical affinity it may be thought of as the time interval of presence of the colliding molecules in each other force-field which 3 X 10- is essentially of the order of the Bohr radius, * Phys. Zeitschr der Soviet Union, 10, 34, (1936) ( cm. on the other hand therefore = to V Close to thermal equilibrium ( r ( ( ( Ve distance of atom to the center of gravity of the molecule (vt = peripherial atom - ( t t- on the average, since this limit is actually attained in equilibrium, of the same order of magnitude, thus velocity and V' are certainly as a value close to 1. The collision effectiveness or probability of energy exchange between translation and rotation is therefore very high ; in practice, a few collisions will cnly be required to establish equilibrium between these modes. Experiment,al values* show rotational relaxation times in N2 and 02 of the order of 240 Mcps and 50 Reps respectively!* The quasi-instantaneous nature of energy conversion between translation and rotation warrants to consider these as "active" with respect to our comparatively slow sonic excitation. --------------------------------------------T.F. Hueter and R.H. Bolt, "SONICS"' John Wiley and Sons, N.Y. 195h Some controversy is present on the former figure, other sources point to 220 Mcps. (s) Moleculae Vibrations. The energy absorbed in molecular vibrations being of predominant importance for acoustical phenomena at the frequencies present in the reported series of experiments, it is felt necessary to outline the pertinent background in some detail. The problem is to find to what extent a specified vibrational state will participate in the (periodic) changes in translational energy content caused by the sound pressure. The proportion of energy exchanged with the vibrational mode will determine the actual ratio of specific heats t to be used for the sound excitation, and hence the absorption and dispersion affecting the propagation. Intramolecular vibrations are "excited" for the present purposes, exclusively by collisions with other molecules i.e. by close-range interaction whereby energy and momentum is being transferred from one molecule to the other. The probability of energy transfer which depends on the nature of the close-range force field, the geometry of the collidingsystems and the relative kinetic energies, is one of the factors governing the time dependence of vibrational specific heat. The other factor is quite obviously the numiber of binary collisions per unit time* the triple and higher order * ( 55 ) R.A. Walker, T.D. Rossing and S. Levgold : The role of triple collisions in excitation of molecular vibrations in N2 0 ; N.A.C.A. TN 3210, May 1954, Washington K) collisions having a non-discernible part, The linear dependence of relaxation times on 1/p confirms the preponderant part p]red by binary collisions. Calculation methods and detailed results are, at the time of writing controversial and no clear-cut advantage can be decided in favor of any particular collision model or potentialfield assumption. Following Bethe and Teller* and others, the simplest approximation uses a one-dimensional model to show that the interaction probabilities are small for vibration. Assume a harmonic vibrator at frequency perturbation function ? . a F( t )will interact strongly only if a significant spectral component of to , F( t ) has a frequency close The perturbation spectrum is known to be centered around the frequency / which was defined above as the typical "collision duration" or time of travel of the impinging molecule in the range of molecular forces. Thus the interaction probability is determined again by the ratio 2 n) /_ YV Two ways can be used to show the orders of magnitude involved, one is to evaluate 1 (.5) 9 in terms of vibration amplitude P and vibration energy (assuming the lowest quantum number) ; the other is to assume ; from existing physical data and use # given by infrared spectroscopic measurements. Both approximations will be used here to show the nature of the assumptions involved : Referring to a vibrator of frequency 21 9 the energy associated with this vibration is vibration amplitude in the motion A .2 ( 6 , thus 'I and e ....- -- -- VA g/A Iis (Ev' M 1.222 - 1 the ratio of the molecular diameter to the vibration amplitude, and this ratio is of the order of 300 *, whereas the second factor is the ratio of vibrational energy to impinging kinetic energy or Tc./T ratio of the vibrational characteristic temperature to the translational temperaturc of the gas. TABLE NI will be of the order of * in paragraph 1.221 show that this ratio 10 for the usual diatomic gases (112 , 02 etc) -----------------------------------------------------S.J. Lukasik, NOTES on calculation of Acoustic Relaxation times, Feb. 23, 1955, Mass. Inst. of Tech. (Unpublished). and for most of the polyatomic vibration modes ; however a few important molecules have vibrations with characteristic temperatures as low as 22900 K (water vapor, corresponding to the absorption line at 1595,o cm-1 in the infrared spectrum) 960c K (carbon dioxide, line 667.3 cm~1 ) and even 568 0 K (carbon disulfide, line 396.7 cm-1) The important fact is to notice that X for molecular vibrations will always be at least of the order of b 0 to 50 which indicates that the energy transfer probability will be exceedingly low. Bethe and Telleil express the vibration-translation interaction probability as ioe, where P10 is the probability of transfer from one vibrational mode a quantum h9 to the translation and d is a geometrical factor accounting for the orientation of the impinging velocity vector with respect to the vibration axis. d is indicated as having values between 1/3 and 1/30 ; this (empirical) coefficient accounts for practically all discrepancies between theoretical and experimental results** To account for the different velocities present in a canonical (equilibrium) distribution of translational energies, the above probability should be averaged over a Maxwellian velocity ------------------------------------------------------- ) 3 Rep. X-117, Aberdeen Proving Grounds, ( Deviations from thermal equilibrium in shock waves, by H.A. Bethe and E. Teller. ( 49 ) R.N. Schwartz, Z.I. Slawsky and K.F. Herzfeld. Calculation of vibrational Relaxation Times, J. Chem. Phys. L), 10, 1951 I '1 distribution so that finally the expression valid for energy exchange between translation and vibration for a canonical assembly of molecules is obtained: where h9 2/. 3T '/A ibple : Assume Then 0-. P 0 3 (15) p - 2/3 (2) .396 10 1/3 (C2 1.5 X 5.95 x 1.26 X 11.3 1.5 11.3 -11.3 1.15C ~~= 1.15 . 11.3 which gives 10-5whcgie the average number of collisions for 1 quantum transfer Z Q t/ = 87,000 To obtain a number of practical significance in sound propagation this probability has to be referred to the actual population in state 1. Assume to be known the probability K0 of transition from state 1 -P 0 per second, then the rate of change in population of state 0 is proportional to the probabilities K10 and -Kvl affecting the populations 71, and Y) respectively, thus W -~ and, at equilibrium e- IK ot 1o (1.222 - 2) -I - h 0 N according to the configuration probability explained in Sect. 1.221. Thus, close to equilibrium - 4 0 1 WT i01z I and similarly for any vibrational state w q-1) - 4#/K-r I(?-,) 1; 1 The total vibrational energy present is 10 hko IE V , thus its time differential may be obtained by summing all expressions of the form - 'kT A 69 -EV}I - V,1)1.222 where 4./kr, 1.222 - 2: - is the equilibrium value of by Einstein' s Formula for harmonic vibrations. Ey , as provided 3 Equation 1.222 - 3 is a somewhat oversimplified translation of the fact that the vibrational equilibrium is approached with a "reaction rate" proportional to the "deviation" from the equilibrium value. .. The factor o is usually denoted by X' / has the dimensions '-I t (Relaxation time constant.) The correspondance between -C and . Ser. and as defined earlier is readily derived t j\J~ N the number Zp being the "average number of collisions" necessary to transfer 1 vibrational quantum from state (1) to the ground state. N is the number of collisions per second which may be determined by the number of molecules per unit volume and the kinetic collision cross section of the gas considered, although this latter is somewhat uncertain. With the questionable assumption that the cross section is essentially the one presented by rigid spheres of diameter can be written as* where 3 is the number of molecules per unit volume CO For n 33 at S.T.P. conditions we obtain 6.0o2 , 1023 22400 ----- ------------------- ( 2 2.7 . 10 1 molecules/ ---------------------------------------------- ) E.H. Kennard, Kinetic Theory of Gases, p.ll3, Mc Graw Hill, N.Y. 1938 A a. 8 .. 5 N .1.41 1.380 Thus, K1 0 = !5.6 . 3.72 . 10 4 cm/sec 10- 8 c 3.14 X 2.7 . 1019 X 3.72 . lo0 . 31 . 10-16 104 collisions/sec P10 N is, with the above hypothesis for 1 - 1.15 .]0-5 X 1.38 . - 1.6. which would yield for 105 CO 10 sec-1 K=2 1.6 x 8.64., 10 1.38 . 105 sec-1 According to Bethe and Teller, the correct value is .98 . 105 sec -1. The discrepancy should not surprise the reader with all the more or less plausible assumptions used to obtain the result. The above calculation was based on the assumption of identical molecules with no effective action beyond the molecular diameter 5 . Experiments on sonic absorption have shown however that the nature of the Jelliding molecules and their relative velocity are apt to change vibrational de-excitation probabilities by factors of 100 and even 1000 so that the corresponding relaxation time constants are reduced in the same proportion. The last twenty years have seen considerable activity towards the determination of relaxation times of gas mixtures ; both theoretical* and experimental** results point toward the extreme importance of the "impureties" i.e. molecules whose concentration is not large enough to cause substantial change in the specific heats of the "main gas" but which do . manifest sharp increase in PlO on account of their large average velocity or the presence of chemical affinity which modifies essentially the nature of the interaction during collision. ------------------------------------------------------* H.O. Kneser and V.0. Kundsen, Ann der Physik. 21., 628, 1935 ( D.G. Bourgin, Sound Absorption and Velocity in Mixtures, Phys. Review, 5 355, 1936. 255, 1940 * V.0. Kundsen and E. Fricke, J.A.S.A. 12 E.F. Fricke, J.A.S.A. 12, 245 R.W. Leonard, J.A.S.A. 12, 241, F.A. Angona , J.A.S.A. 1940, ( tO ) ( 40 ) 1940 25, 1-116, 1953 ( ) ( 5' ) 34 ) Two conclusions should impress the reader's mind (a) The extreme sensitivity of "C to the impurety concentration ; (see figs 29, 2Z)showing results obtained by Knudsen and Fricke) 1/1000 molecular concentration of H20 will increase relaxation frequency of CO2 from 20 Kcps to 240 Kcps at 1 atmosphere. (b) No reliable calculation methods for LP are at the present available in presence of several highly active impureties. Even in the simple cases, often geometrical factors of the order of 1 to 30 are inferred from experimental results in acoustical measurements. The lack of theoretical background is particularly acute in the field of complicated polyatomic molecules, whose infrared spectrum has not yet been entirely interpreted in terms of molecular vibration modes. The summary of the most important experimental results has been reproduced in Table V . In particular, the influence of water vapor on Oxygen and CO2 can be conjectured from these data. It has to be remembered when trying to apply energy transfer probabilities that the temperature dependence of PlO is not an accurately known function on account of the uncertainties on . /I TA8LE V AVERAGE NUMBER OF COLLISIONS DE-EXCITATION FOR VIBRATION Cos H2 0 Co2 400 25000 (3) 8500 20000 (3) (3) 86000 6200 CS2 N2 100000 02 Sooooo (3) (3) 1400 (30) 0 100000 314 (53) (14) 3550 3200 8 (Ir) (iT) (ii) K02 Cos 215 (3d) - 9600 (Ia) 2000 (%4) 200 (14) 00 Co (go) 220 (se) 18 (If', C82 Bethe and Teller 11)4 14 ) is ) ( Eucken and Becker Fricke 1940 ( 6 ) Kundsen and Fricke (1940) ( I5' ) Eucken and Aybar ( bo ) A Kantrowitz ( 53 ) VanItterbeek, Bruyn, Mariens ( 50 ) (1940) (1947) Sherrat and Griffith, 1934. 8700 (4) 4 According to Kuchler* the value of . and the ratio predict O , 2. 2. changes on account of both but the theory is not in position to for any temperature in a given gas mixture. The order of magnitude of V seems to remain constant for a large range of temperatures. Table V shows the values of Z at 293 0 K for gases having the greatest interest from our view point. Dipersion and Absorption of Sound causedby 1.223 Thennal Relaxation.' The summary given hereafter has been based on the method of irreversible thermodynamics , as interpreted by Markham and al. If we assume that the vibrational energy is function of the "vibrational"temperature only, the relation establishing the time variation of the vibrational energy (1.222 - 3) may be interpreted as : 1.223 - 1 ---------------- ------------ ------------------- * L. Kuchler, Zeitsch. Phys. Chem. B 41 3 199, 1938 (37) ( as ) K.F. Herzfeld and F.O. Rice, Phys. Rev. 31 691-(1928) ( g Mod. ) J.J. Markham, R.T. Beyer and R.B. Lindsay, Rev. cit. Phys. 23 - 4 - Oct. 1951 p 359 & seq. loc. T being the temperature characterising the vibrational energy ( or any other energy connected with an "inertt " mode of motion) and T being the equilibrium value of T Tc . Obviously is also the "external" or translational temperature, since at adiabatic equilibrium all the various temperatures are equal. With assumption we have a a. c4~)~~ 4IV 61 U SU~ Then following Harkham, Beyer and Lindsay, the following transformations are justified: UC cA" tC C e jT e TC2 e e volume coefficient of thermal expansion + V 7 tW -, 1.223 - 2 -Ir t D - ) 00 Te 1.223 - 3 Using the classical relationship dvy= (o T*V + . * V/,j fN -"-- f3 V~ V Substituting in 2,233 #; cv. 4. c + v) y cy* , -1: C -,eve 4'. \vr~V~) -r(Iv (1.223 - 4) writing the non-linear teris Neglecting Negectngtheno-lieartefas-) and making 0 = (\ w 4L k -(v/cC) Cut = ith c ~EC f7'kV + t T / C.' ) %X/C' tC we obtain I/P I- 9 Y./ 1.223 - 5 t where It can be shown that the dynamical equation of state represented by 1.223 - 5 leads to an absorption per unit lenght 2. 1+ 0 woo. 1.223 and a phase - 6 ve.ocitV: y 0 ~ L< WV 0. K-~ The equation of state described for heat radiation being also of the general fom 1.223 - 5 can be also represented by propagation characteristics given by 1.223 - 6 except for the numerical values of 4Jr , angular relaxation frequency. Section 2.32 will show how to apply the above result in the case of pulse propagation. 1.23 REAL-GAS BEHAVIOR The simple relationship which holds for perfect gases is known to break down for high densities i.e. where the ratio of the total potential energy stored in the intermolecular field is no more negligibly small with respect to the total kinetic energy. The acoustical propagation velocity is still defined by as found previously, but quite obviously this factor will have to be expressed now in terms of the real equation of state. The ratio of specific heats has been discussed as a function of temperature, we shall limit this section to the changes introduced in the ratio by the presence of additional terms in the equation of state. For a pure real gas it is convenient to approximate the true equation of state by RLT f1 ' ( 6 !r) I * ------------------------------------------------ )e C J.C. Slater - Introduction to Chemical Physics, p. 195 (Si) The coefficient a and b are defined by 2 3 where 4 is the interaction potential between molecules. It is not believed that in the present state of experiments application of the above formulas is necessary or adviceable. As a matter of fact, curves of sound velocity for various pressures and temperatures have been published for a great number of gases, in particular for variable concentrations of atmospheric air, octane, heptane and residual products of combustion. It will be seen in chapter , 3 that use of the actual sound velocity data eliminates measurement errors due to deviation from the perfect-gas law. We reproduce in fig. 24 curves published for C02 which are of particular interest for our experiments on thermal relaxation. Fig. 24 shows the actual sound velocity characteristics which have been used for the study of engine chamber temperatures. Another formulation, based on the Leonard-Jones concept of intermolecular potential field t- ( - maximum energy ( Vof attraction ( rbetween ( molecules. The equation of state of a real gas is represented as the infinite power series Pv B - C-/vt B + I -- RIT (called the second" virial" coefficient)can be evaluated as a function of temperature (o) 5 (T ) b. - EO )T ( is one-half of the total 2wher = where 6 6 volume of N rigid ( spheres of radius ro (4 4 V4 in this place designates the "gamma function" Fortunately the determination of G(T) has been perfomed for great number of values of the ratio a C- between the ranges -------------------------------------------------------Bird R.B. and Spotz E.L. "The Virial Equation of State" Univ. of (4) Wisconsin, N.R.L. Report CM 599, 1950 .3 and hoo, and values of B (T) are thus available, as well as the corresponding first, second and third temperature derivatives. The sound velocity being for adiabatic evolution c- = (Yo/.." C - we obtain ( ) +T/M B/V + C/v,& - ) The sound velocity for dry and moist atmospheric air has been computed* on basis of this formula. The actual V can also be computed from ~ shown ~pb~/~T)as in ( 48 ) It is desirable to give here a few orders of magnitude of the virial correction introduced in the energy content of dry air: Density Ratio 0.008 1.0 TOK 700 E(Ideal) AE(Virial) 122.55 Cal/gr 3.10 -cal/gr 1000 181.50 3.10-4 3000 637.27 -4.10-5 700 122.47 4.10-2 1000 181.44 3.10~ 3000 637.29 -10-2 ---------------------------------------------------* J.O.Hirschfelder and C.F.Curtiss" Thermodynamic properties of air" N.R.L. Report CM-518, 1948 (Zia) ( 48 ) Ref: T.P. Rona - Master's Thesis, June 1953 25 700 120.57 1.0 1000 179.88 .84 3000 637.76 -.24 In this table" the density is refend to the density of air at 1 atmosphere and 00 C. When evaluating the possible influence on sound velocity method for engine temperature measurements it has to be remembered that high temperatures and high pressures occur simultaneously in these experiments and real-behavior ill therefore be a minor effect. Preparation of a set of tables and curves accounting for the real-gas behavior of water vapor and carbon dioxide in the cylinder content is being contemplated to carry calculations further in accuracy of interpretation. 1.24 DISSOCIATION Although dissociation is not believed to play a significant part in sonic dispersion at the temperatures present in our experiments, its presence should be mentioned in order to help future extensions of the measurement method. Dissociation modifies the sound propagation characteristics in two distinct ways, namely by modifying the number of particles present in the "equivalent perfect gas" independent and by presenting a "lag" between the energy absorption and restitution, just as it happened for the intramolecular vibrations. 1.241 Energy Content In experiments pertaining to temperature measurements in internal-combustion engines before the arrival of the flame front both effect will have negligible magnitude especially in view of the fact that each octane molecule present there are about 12 Oxygen molecules and about 47 Nitrogen molecules in the combustion chamber" and thus the dissociation characteristics will be primarly those of atmospheric air. Some caution has to be exercised however to account for the presence of C02 and H2 0 in small quantities due to the lack of complete scavenging of the cylinder before admission of fresh mixture. Theoretical fuel-air ratio 0 According to Bethe and Teller, the energy content of a gas may be written as where the "relative energy contents", are E, 3/2 P/4 FI? etc are the ratios of translational, rotational and vibrational energies to we obtain respectively. Then the sound velocity being 7pIF = it is easy to see that this expression is, in particular, correct for ideal gases ; IL4 C may be written as ( /D? 13/Dy) 1.24 - 1 Or in an ideal gas, whereas e are independent of the density, is clearly pressure dependent. In adiabatic conditions, we shall obtain: C =- + f since in adiabatic evolution ) times the the relative temperature change relative change in density. cog which has been the result found previously for perfect gases. The form ( 1.24 - 1) is particularly useful to express sound velocity in dissociated and possibly slowly reacting mixtures. It is found that % being the molecular energy content, the same factor for a dissociated state of degree of dissociation od and energy of dissociation 3 should be written I~o Z with Z OP- C - [pf t being the energy content of the atomic gas ' a (3/2) . The degree of disso&iAation et and energy content of gas mixtures may be found by weighing the respective values by the concentration , thus where are the volume (molecular) concentrations. Table V shows typical values calculated by Teller for atmospheric air with :921 rare gas content and a proportion of .o3% of CO2 . Changes in are noticeable above 600 0 K but values of are negligible below 3000 0 K. The final result for sound velocity is given by the authors asI It is easy to see that with varies only from 1.400 at 300 0 K to 1.382 at 1000 0 K and less than 10 of is . The variations in energy content due to dissociation will be neglected for the time being, but the method of analysis outlined above should be kept in mind especially to investigate further the effects of water vapor dissociation. Most of the gas tables calculate at high temperatures by taking the dissociation into account. VI T ABL E ENERGY CONTENT AND DISSOCIATION CF AIR ocq -) lp 0 Rare P(1+00 Gases C02 o.0 2 3 0.001 3.483 3.483 3.494 3.494 0.745 3.507 3.507 2.748 5 0.754 3.527 3.527 700 2.764 0.764 3.552 3.552 800 0.774 " 2.781 5 3. 58o 3.530 900 2.805 0.7835 "t 3.613 3.613 1000 2.8295 0.792 5 3.647 3.647 1250 2.8895 0.813 3.727 3.727 1500 2.950 5 0.829 3.805 3.805 1750 3.001 0.843 3.869 3.869 2000 3.044 0.855 3.924 0.0000 3.924 2500 3.115 0.8335 I" 4.024 o.oooh 14.023 3000 3.171 o.949 "t 4.145 0.0030 4.133 3500 3.2275 1.1o6 4.359 0.0121 4.307 4000 3.287 1.4oo 0.003 4.713 0.0331 4.562 4500 3.3765 1.808 0.0035 5.211 0.0687 4.875 5000 3.527 2.226 o.ook 5.780 o.1058 5.227 300 2,726 0.733 400 2.731 0.739 500 2.738 6oo t " 0.001 5 o.002 i 5 0.0025 "t l.242 Time Dependence of Dissociation The reasoning applied to vibrational relaxation has been extended to cover time lags in the adjustments of internal energy in presence of dissociation. Owing to the large value of : (energy of dissociation) the number of molecules ablis to dissociate is excessively small* and assuming that all collisions were effective ( PM -A t 1) dissociation would not be instantaneous. The same applies to the recombination process which requires double or triple collision between atoms whose partial pressure (= concentration) is of the order of 1% of the total pressure. The examination of the collision efficiency will yield as previously an estimate of the average number of collisions required to produce dissociation. According to Teller's calculations, this number is where CA is geometrical factor taking into account the possibly unfavorable direction of the colliding molecules, its value is usually comprised between 10 and 800. As it has been seen for vibration, the relaxation time can be found by consideration the number of colliding particles cC bW per second --------------------------------------------------------S-DlkT~ -11 Even at 30000K the factor me is only lo with D 7.35 for N2 (Slater ( 51 )) The relaxation times for dissociation are thus seen to be very long compared to the values found for vibration, values ranging from .01 to .03 seconds are found in the litterature for air at less than 3500 0 K. It is safe to recognize that at high sonic frequencies the relaxation of the dissociation process will not play any noticeable part. CHAPTER 2 ANALYSIS OF VELOCITY DISPERSION WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO THE ACTUAL SOUND 2.1 NATURE OF THE ACOUSTIC EXCITATION 2.11 Description of the acoustical circuit Fig. 8 shows the nature of the acoustical circuit employed. The discussion of the design factors of this type of circuit have been thoroughly discussed in a previous paper*; it will be sufficient to mention here that in the present experimental conditions ( i.e. high and rapidly changing pressures) the presence of metallic coupling rods appears essential. The power levels present in the acoustical circuit have been evaluated and shown in Fig. /A$ 8 bis This evaluation is based on a somewhat simplified model, where all elements were considered as frequency-independent altesdators ; its purpose was merely to predict the order of magnitude of the signalto-noise ratio at the receiver. To give a more concrete basis to our pulse analysis, the acoustical circuit has been tested with the exclusion of the gas path in order to study its own amplitude and phase ------------------------------------------------------*( AB ) T.P. R~ona, M~aster's Thesis 1953, MY.I.To characteristics. Appendix IV gives results and calculations based on this test ; the acoustic circuit is there assimilated to an amplifier with 3 RC coupled stages and the equivalent rise-time is computed. When expressing the phase-distorsion of this circuit which does not contain any gas portion, it should be remembered that a linear phase characteristic due to the (dispersionless) phase velocity in the coupling =ods has to be added to the overall transfer function. It is in order to mention the disappointing nature of numerical calculations aiming to the accurate waveform prediction. As mentioned elsewhere* the preparation of crystals, their coupling and mechanical clamping may well modify the received signal-to-noise ratio by a factor of 3 and more. The transmitter used for the crystal excitation has been considerably modified since the preliminary work performed on this problem. Fig. 4 construction. The shows the schematic and Fig. 3 the details of # 3C45 Hydrogen thyratron has been selected for the ultra-short ionisation time and the best-power output impedance which allows relatively simple matching to the cable and crystal impedances. The power supply has been provided for full power operation at 200 pulses per second, it will be seen in Appendix III that higher pulse recurrence frequencies are desirable for further improvement of the equipment usefulness. ------------------------------------------* ( 52 ----------- ) Sloan Laboratories, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Report on Contract DA - 19020 - ORD 2831 2.12 Receiver Characteristics Two amplifiers were used in connection with the present equipment, the first version is a six-stage 6 AK 5 preamplifier, with the first stage mounted in triode connection, the most recent version uses a 6 AK 5 mounted in triode followed by a grounded-grid 6U triode* This latter receiver uses 6 AC 7ts for the following stages and has a series of experimental circuits intended to discriminate the sound signal in the noise and operate automatic recording equipment. Owing to the considerable differences between individual crystals, the gain obtained in the signal-to-noise ratio is noticeable but unimportant. With the levels attained at present, the major part of uncertainty on the signal position is not due to random noise but to alternate-path signals* and to parasitic reflections in the receiver bar, due to electromafttkradiation from the transmitter to the receiver. It is safe to state however that with the present combustion chamber design, transducer mounts and acoustical insulation the above causes of signal uncertainty are of minor importance for gas densities above 1 atmosphere. Both receivers have bandwidths of 4 mcps centered around 2.2 Mcps. The impulse response has been tested and the rise time found around .12 psec. The 6 AC 7 tube receiver is based on 8000 phos transconductance and 15 p pF interstage capawttamitance which calls for ------------- -----------------------------------* Wallnan H. Macnee A.B. and Gadsden C.P. Proc. I.R.E. 36 p 700 (S7) iH% The acoustic signals reaching the receiver crystal without passing through the gas path. 5 stages* at 18 dB/stage or a total of 90 dB. The amplifier of the synchroscope is connected to the output of each amplifier, so that the overall amplifier gain is 125 dB. According to the 18 dB gain per stage the equivalent plate load resistor is 1.2 K. For the purpose of our dispersion analysis it will be assumed that the presence of this amplifier causes the following effects : .12 ysec (a) Rise time of (b) Constant delay, small campared to the transit time for the total electro-acoustical circuit**, (c) 125 dB max. The constant delay will be included in the "calibration" of the instrument, whereas the rise time will add its effects to the rise time found previously for the acoustical circuit itself, so that the total rise time will be : From appendix IV it is then concluded that the transmitted pulse through the canplete circuit is of the form (gas path excepted) C S) C- (S '~. --------------------- ------------------------* Elmore and Sands, Electronics, p. 145 Ed.l (2 ) ** This delay may be d'efined as the time abscissa of the impulse response, it has been found to be of the order of .25 ysec. I. with C detemined by the amplifier gain and the transmitter power control. Owing to the linear characteristics assumed for all the elements of the propagation path and to the negligible reaction of the gas path, the fact of lumping all the transfer impedances which are not dependent on the gas characteristics in one is justified. The signal ultimately displayed on the scope will be the signal (Obtained in absence of gas) modified by the transfer impedance of the gas section. This latter should, obviously include the interfaces between coupling rods and the combustion chamber. 2.2 EFFBTS OF AMPLITUDE AND PHASE DISTORTION ON RESULTANT FREQUENCY SPECTRUI. 2.21 Fourier Analysis Whenever the amplitude response and the phase distortion characteristic on a physical network are known, the output obtained for an input signal of known spectral characteristics are readily obtained. Let be A (A) ei the frequency spectrum of the input signal, the amplitude response, and L (A) the phase response of the network, then the transfer function can be written and being understood that will in general have its own phase characteristic. This result, which is straightforward consequence of the superposition of the infinitesimal spectral components nay be stwnarized by saying that the resulting amplitude function is the product of the moduli of the input and response spectra, whereas the resulting phase characteristic is the difference of the phase functions of the input spectrum and the transfer impedance. As usual, integration in terms of the real variable is cumbersome and will not yield simple results unless both and are elementary functions. By introducing a complex variable however, often the integration can be simplified by the application of Cauchy's integral theorem and by choosing the integration contour with care. Integration in the complex plane is straightforward provided poles are simple and the function of the complex variable is single valuedt This in particular, is the case for multiloop lumped- constant passive networks where impedance function are found to be rational fractions of polynomials in terms of 5 * ( AS ) L3.A. Guillemin, Communication Networks , Vol. I& II. The study of the nature and location of the driving-point and transfer impedance poles is the basis of modern circuit analysis. The situation is however radically changed in presence of distributed-constant circuits where the 'quivalent "impedance functions turn out to be quite complicated. A typical example is found in filter theory~'~ and in radio-wave propagation in dispersive media!* In some particular instances, however, the situation is greatly simplified by the fact that the actual amplitude and phase characteristics may be approximated by simple "reference characteristics" and distortion in both phase and amplitude may be expressed with respect to these reference characteristics. --- --------------------------------------------------------------------A 62 2.22 INTERPRETATION OF AMPLITUDE AND PHASE DISTORTION by PAIRED ECHOES. The magnitude of amplitude and phase distortion caused by the gas path in the acoustical signal is such that the search for a simplified and readily graspable interpretation is warranted. The method exposed in this section has been developed by iheeler for low-distortion television circuits' and is based on a physical interpretation of the amplitude and phase characteristics of the transmission system. Assume the input signal to be the unit impulse ; the equivalent frequency spectrum is then essentially a constant for all frequencies between 0 and 0 . If the received signal can be considered as the superposition of a "main signal" impulse of magnitude 1 and an "echo" impulse of magnitude t occuring at the instants to and to + te respectively with respect to the transmitted pulse, the amplitude and phase response as a function of the angular frequency can be inferred. (Fig. 2.5 ) 3ince all the spectral components have equal magnitude the main signal is the superposition of an infinite number of infinitesimal components having all been subjected to a phase distortion ------------------------------------------------------- H.A. Wheeler, Proc. I.R.E. , 27.- 6 19385359 and similarly the echo has a phase rotation with respect to the main signal which is W both being considered here functions of . Fig. A26 shows the vector relations in the Y plane ; the diagram represented is fixed in shape (for given phase relations) and rotates with the angular velocity t when being varied from 0 to 0* . The amplitude and phase of the resultant received signal can be approximated by provided I. and fe is reasonably small. If attenuation is to be expressed in nepers so that Sa phase distortion by '- 'o e~ and the then we have These equations show that, within the limits of the above restrictions on the magnitude of e. and &f , the signal transmission correspond to an amplitude response and a phase rotation with respect to an ideal transmission link having linear phase characteristic e(t,) It is easy to realize that a symetrical pair of echoes and tC#t) will correspond to amplitude distortion alone (e whereas a skew-symetrical pair te, ) and - e (A4)) will be produced by phase distortion alone. The next step is obviously to decompose the actual amplitude and phase response characteristics in a limited frequency band in fouriercomponents. It has been found expedient to refer the attenuation to a constant-attenuation line whereas the phase characteristic should be referred to the ideal linear phase response If =. 6 W . The input transient being then considered as the superposition of impulses the output transient is then reconstructed from the undistorted main signal which has the same shape as the input signal and is delayed by t Tiasntoialottebiofori----------------------------------------------------- = ; and the positive or negative This assu~mption is also at the basis of Fourier analysis. echo pairs corresponding to the spectral components AY a(n) and (n) of the prescribed response characteristics. A component of amplitude (on the (A)axis) of intensity + if ' a (n) having a "wavelenght" ---- on the amplitude response will correspond an echo e A rlh " (K ) = 2" -- a(IN) at the symetrical position - (W may be conveniently chosen as the cut-off frequency of the transient signal itself or of other "filter" components of the transmission system. Any component AJ& of "wavelenght" --- on the phase response will give rise to a skew-symetrical echo pair of amplitude located at 1 The method appears as particularly favorable for application in the present situation since the problem is to locate the phase characteristic by the knowledge of the transmitted and received signals. The application made in Section 4.12 will illuminate the fine points in the use of this method. 2*23 GENERALISATION OF THE PAIRED ECHO1METHOD" The paired echo method, as shown in the precedent paragraph is an approximation valid only with the assumption that both QA and AC be small, i.e. a fraction of neper or radian. This is the case for all the actual situations encountered in the engine measurements but for the specific objactive of studying relaxation dispersion one had to create artificially highly dispersive gases where the phase distortion, in particular, was far from being small or even of the order of one radian. This is readily understandable when considering that our phase rotations are ideally of the order of 3 to 600 radians, rather than the values found in usual amplifiers. Sect. 2.32 shows the numerical values likely to be encountered in presence of thermal relaxation. The interpretation by means of hypothetical superposed "echoes" can be generalized-towards possible application for amplitude and non-linear phase distortion of arbitrary magnitude. +4 Let the input signal be SCJ jL~.t () e. and the response characteristic of the circuit, as previously A()so that The original generalisation was noticed and developed by Dr C.R. Bu.rrows in the discussion following Wheeler's paper. (PROC. I.R.E. 27 - 6. 384.) A((W) The output signal is then JA (wt +U' -and if we can express A (W) and + 4f(W)) 4 (i ) in terms of spectral components such that AL 0. ck,- Cos V%%Uj ) - 1 ct~ e 02 In these formulas A has dimensions of time and is chosen to limit the frequency domain to the actual variations of (0 ; :maxhighest frequency present in the spec trum Jith this choice the lowest "ccmponent" on the frequency axis will have a wavelenght equal to 2 times the actual passing band. Individual terms of the series for L?(Wtcan be expanded as infinite sums of Bessel functions YA 1 =QO@ ~0@ T- and thus the output fm ction to be represented by -d*o a k=-e C.R. Burrows has shown that this expression is the equivalent of the response ofa series of chain-connected networks, I0 , ...etc, so that the response is . : A(w) .. A. (w) . AI(w) .A,(W). with and A AM The fir st term is seen to represent the amplitude characteristic lumped with the linear component of the phase characteristic, so that the output of the first network is o0 which is precisely a sun of echoes of the same waveshape as the input signal. (Sa / o is then transmitted in the successive network portions having responses A,() will give a waveform 490 ZI -( I( ' k s(+ In order to illustrate the method we will assune a hypothetical network having amplitude and phase characteristics showm on fig. 27 so that -bw CLO all other 0, and b at %0 being zero, but arbitrary values. The input signal 5, unit impulse U, (A ) 4 CL and I having is assuned to be the t = 0 Then The second network portion has the response A,(w ---00 x" ( , To be noticed that in this formulation than nepers or dB. fa is actual ratio rather and rill give three (infinite) series of output signals corresponding to (S2 ) 0 (6t) Ck 0 L4 10. it =-QD 4(6 -t --!i. ) -Z fW 4mb-rn 4 4-~ VA Since only integer values of :7x z(- , k 2TW K are being considered, we have I) and the position of the "echos" is perfectly defined. It is useful to have orders of magnitude present in mind : b = o b =.20 b1 b= 2 b- 5 b=10 .9900 .9385 .7652 .2239 -. 1776 -. 2459 .0995 .2423 .44ol .5767 -.3276 .o043 .o5o0 .0306 .11h9 .3528 .005 .0002 .0026 .0196 .1289 .3715 .0000 .0002 .0025 .0340 .3853 It is seen that the notion 1 more and more confused when the phase rotation ain signal" is becoming 1 becomes significant ; m ',1 this was naturally to be expected since the "group velocity" or "wave packet" or "time of arrival of the signal power" are devoid of significance in presence of non-linear distortion applied to a broadband signal. As a partial conclusion the noticeable presence of "echoes" will indicate that part of the signal spectrun is in the dispersive region. Sect. 2.32 gives the interpretation to heat capacity lag in acoustical propagation. 2.3 ABSORPTION AND DISPERSION CAUSED BY ACOUSTICAL PHENWCENA IN THE GAS PATH. 2.31 VISCOSITY AND HEAT CONDUCTION In sect. 1.21 the viscous and non-isoentropic nature of the sound propagation has been investigated and it has been found that propagation is governed by the attenuation and the phase velocity MC For a given gas in specified physical conditions the ratio of input and output signal is L being the lenght of the gas path. The phase angle of a sinusoidal signal of angular frequency is then A few numbers will show the possible w C. orders of magnitude of attenuation and phase distortion due to these "classical" causes. T A B L E ATTENUATION AND DISTORTION DATA FOR VISCOSITY AND HEAT CONDUCTION .'4 GAS9 C%& s2/cm g/cm 3 cm/sec Air 200 1.29 3.43 1.40 1.71 1.94 .31 .67.020 Oxygen 1.33 3.28 1.40 1.90 1.90 .37 .66 Nitrogen 1.17 3.51 1.40 1.75 1.90 .33 .66 Carbon Dioxide 1.85 2.68 1.30 1.40 1.63 .33 .63 Propane 1.90 2.48 1.114 .80 1.30 .210 .48 g/cm-s This Table is computed with Stokes ,AC,/ assumption <AC Heat cap/gram j'sec 2 F 2.32 Heat Capacity Lag The phase velocity in presence of heat capacity lag may be written as /J C A -"W Call dimensionless angular frequency c r oo Call dimensionless phase velocity r ) e C1 r * k t 4~ 4. 1.I coo 23. 2~~~ c. Lc: ca (+2~ ~ ibcanple: J m&t g reference (velocity = C Is r .? CoI I-t-r1 rL (~) 6 . t x ,3 1 X 1. 4ni 10 w=i The attenuation for oC1 ) =S 2 Mcps is for example -- and o( for air is CV . The corresponding change in aC 1 phase velocity is The phase distorion for a transit time of 40 ysec in the gas path would be at cps i : 4o . 10- 6 X 16 X 1.1 . 10 . 106 -: 2.12 . 10-2 radians. Noticing the fact that 4 is not affected by changes in density* and varies slowly with temperature, it is expected that both attenuation and phase distortion due to classical effects will bear negl igible on the signal envelope shape and on the measured transit time. This conclusion should be reinforced by the way the instrument is being calibrated. -------------------------------------------(33 )Kennard, Kinetic theory. I> Curve on P. shows variation of E, ~ with frequency SL between values of .1 and 10 which covers the important portion of the relaxation domain. (See Angona, etc) The attenuation characteristic in the relaxation domain can be written as* Nepers/wavelenght . CAJ ..........tIt (Arni /2 KOA)r LJ+A.1 ec r W. The attenuation constant a r In i4J is then 6 r. +~ Ar r I+JL -M r ( 44 1~ + . Neper/cm ) J.J. Markham, R.T.Beyer and R.B. Lindsay, Absorption of Sound in Fluids, Rev. Mod. Phys. Vol 23, 4, 1951, p.353 & seq. T A B L Ei Vill DIENSIONLESS For DISPERSION r FUNCTION = 1.05 I-------------------------------- --- -------------------- .10 .9456 .9725 .0283 .00283 .20 .9570 .9780 .o224 .oo448 .30 .9606 .9800 .02o4 .00612 .50 .9711 .9855 .0147 .00735 .70 .9830 .9915 .0085 .00595 .90 .9947 .9972 .0028 .00252 1.00 1.0000 1.0000 .0000 .00000 1.10 1.0043 1.0022 .0022 .00241 1.20 1.0087 1.0043 .oo43 .oo514 1.30 1.0125 1.0063 .0063 .00814 1.50 1.0188 1.0094 .0093 .01397 1.70 1.0240 1.0120 .0119 .02016 2.00 1.0299 1.0150 .0148 .02956 2.50 1.0363 1.0182 .01784 .o4467 3.00 1.0403 1.0201 .0197 .05910 3.50 1.0429 1.0215 .0210 .07364 4.oo 1.0447 1.0223 .0218 .08728 4.50 1.0459 1.0230 -0225 .10120 5.oo 1.0468 1.0234 .0228 .1140 10.00 1.0499 1.0250 .0244 .2439 r r ; thus the actual phase "rotation" with respect to the reference characteristic qr 1)L e is r r Cr The parameter L Ab-~ appears therefore here as the dimensionless transmission path lenght ; just as it was present in the attenuation O function. In tems of the ratio , the response characteristics will have the form : r Application CO) + .1% Water Vapor Cr r = -- 8.75 2.70 X 10 240 Kcps/atn CM/sec 2.70 10 4 2.40 2 10 5 (0 = 1.12 cig .10 p cm at 1 atn It is good to have orders of magnitude in mind ; Bbample: r for C02 for * 1.o4 A r - 30 Kcps = 2.68 X 10 cm/sec 3 X10 :3.L4 .88 S Fr .08 1,o4 sec~1 .275 nepers/cm r= .088 cm r= 300 Kcps o" . .88 cm = 2.75 nepers/cm It is seen that the absorption increases enormously with increase in relaxation frequency, the dominant feature of relaxation in the frequency band considered is a slight phase distortion and a considerable attenuation. These two effects may be taken separately into account. The phase velocity expressed in dimensionless form has to be translated in phase distortion characteristic corresponding to an equivalent network : ,f (W~) = Lu C. I p Cr An ideal transmission path, with linear phase characteristic ( phase velocity) would have a phase characteristic constant A i 0~ since the relax. freq. changes proportionally to pressure P 4(1) (P) A - 02 n ( A (1) J, (1)) 1 66) SLf.8.75 X 2r II rejer Icd i- f-0 (function shown on curve) rAeLE Vill phase distortion remains constant with pressure The absolute value of tis its maximum value is 2n 60).00735 M .4 radians This A f will increase linearly with f , relaxation frequency provided f,(l) is being used. The attenuation coefficient is: of L. =. Adt For aid -v-2.1 Nepers p - 5 ata : ior 8.75 08 51 > 'n-5 v I = 1.05 Nepers for 1) A=10.2 Nepers SL = 1/10000 1 In view of the possible application of the paired-echo method explained in Sect. 2.22 and 2.23 the amplitude and phase response of the gas path has to be discussed I is, for a given gas and a given test gap, function of TL alone Tn the multiplication coefficient being a. Values of O are shown in Table a. , 4 which are the attenuation in Nepers at the relaxation frequency for a path having A wavelenghts. To evaluate the attenuation and the "echo" amplitudes, one has to know (a) Values of 2. i.e. the relaxation frequency with respect to the frequencies used, (b) The value of Or , which can be estimated very closely when knowing the gas mixture ( r ) and the relative path lenght A . The set of curves in fig. of -O- for various values of 28 shows the variation r, . In chapter 4 a numerical example will illustrate the procedure. The study of the dimensionless dispersion curve can be made in a similar way. We found previously ------------------- ~----------------------------------is the absorption at the relaxation * With this notation ca. frequency ur - T ABL E DIMENSIONLESS ATTENUATION (Nepers) r2 - 1/r r 2_1 r A . lo A = 25 h =5o 1.0010 .001999 .0o628 1.0050 .009975 .03133 1.0075 .o14944 .oh694 .23 .57 1.15 1.0100 .019900 .o6251 .31 .77 1.55 1.0150 .029778 .09355 .47 1.16 2.32 1.0200 .039607 .12442 .62 1.55 3.10 1.0250 .043902 .13792 .69 1.72 3.44 1.0300 .059126 .18574 .93 2*32 4.64 1.0350 .068816 .21619 1.08 2.70 5.ho 1.ohoo .078461 .2h649 1.23 3.08 6.16 1.O45o .o88o62 .27665 1.38 3.96 7.93 1.0500 .109761 .34482 1.72 4.31 8.62 .03 .37 .78 9 :~ T ABL E I% 5 AMPLITUDE RESPONSE OF GAS PATH (RATIOS) St .1 .9999 .996 .992 .984 . 960 .920 .5 .982 . 905 .818 .670 .370 .135 .75 .964 .834 .695 .433 .162 .026 1.00 .952 .778 .606 .370 .082 .oo66 .933 .707 .500 .250 .0310 .00095 2.00 .923 .668 .448 .200 .0108 3.00 .913 .635 .4o5 .164 .0100 5.00 .907 .618 .381 .606 .370 10.00 . 905 .0072 .135 .0063 ( .1 The function -- ' / ... i) representing the phase lag with respect to the linear phase characteristic has been calculated and shown in Table VIII and fig. 29 The nature of the phase-distortion components can then be estimated quite closely by the knowledge of frequency range 42 A and the . (See chapter. 14) It has to be noticed that whenever AT is becoming significant, 0 r becomes so large that there is little hope to transmit signals with the present instrumentation. ~ CHAPTER 3 PROPERTIES OF THE GAS MIXTURES PRESENT IN THE TEST PATH 3.1 CHH4ICAL COMPOSITION The gas mixtures used for combustion-chamber temperature measurements originate in the following : (a) Atmosphere air of assumed standard compesition 78o5 c by volume N2 "t 02 .92) "t Rare Gases .3 " rn 21.00 2 (b) Residual gases, whose composition depend on the fuel-air ratio used, F. Assuming total combustion, the concentration in water vapor and carbon dioxide of the exhaust gases can be computed. Then, another estimate is necessary to evaluate the proportion of residual gases, i.e. the fraction which has not yet been extracted from the cylinder by the exhaust stroke or scavenging process. From Table )( it is seen that for a given group of fuels ( Chain hydrocarbons of the general formula Cn(H2n + 2 the composition of the exhaust gases is remarkably constant, so that, in view of the comparatively small proportion ( 5 to 15%) admittedly remaining in the cylinder will contribute a quasi-constant proportion of CO2 and H2 0. TA BLE A COMPOSITION OF EXHAUST GASES (N - Heptane) F/F 1.66 1.43 N2 72.63 72.85 0 020 1.18 73.20 0 1.00 73.4 0 .87 .77 .71 74.o 74.6 75.1 2.64 .56 5.57 002 12.25 12.33 12.ho 12.h lo.96 9.77 9.03 H20 13.95 14.07 14.10 14.2 12.4o 11.07 10.30 1.17 .75 .30 0 0 07H6 (c) 0 o Fuel In all the firing experiments, fuel premixed with the inlet air in a mixing tank was admitted in the combustion chamber. Since heptane was used for a great proportion, our typical fuel molecule will be represented by open-chain saturated hydrocarbons (propane, heptane, octane, etc). A tentative estimate of vibration characteristics of alkane molecules has been made (See Sect. 2,z ). Since relaxation characteristics are predominantly discussed in this paper, we rill assume the less favorable case possible where large proportion of fuel is admitted ( say F/Fcc = 1.66) and 20% of the exhaust gases remain in the cylinder. In these conditions, our typical cylinder charge can be determined as follows N2 02 80% Fresh mixture 76.6 61.25 72.6 14.50 20% Residual Gas 20.3 0 75.75 CO2 16.25 0 0 12.25 16.25 Nitrogen 75.75, Oxygen H20 0 0 C7H16 3.1 0 2.45 13.95 2.79 1.17 2.5 2.79 2.48 .28 2.76 by volume 16.25 Carbon Dioxide 2.45 Water vapor 2.79 n-Heptane 2.76 100.00 This represents the volume concentration of the cylinder content with maximum proportion of residual gases and high fuel-air ratio. 3.2 HEAT CAPACITY LAG IN THE VARIOUS GAS CGIPONETS 3.21 Nitrogen and rare gases. The proportion of rare gases is so small that their effect on variations of specific heat will be neglected. Characteristic temperatures of N2 for rotation and vibration are known: 5.780 K (T r.) (TC) 33800 K v03 we will therefore consider the rotation always excited and for the vibration the specific heat given by Einstein's formula for the maximum temperature reached in the pre-flame region (20000 F : 1360 0 K). TC -. T ( . 2.58 2,5 3380 =2.58 1360 i 2 6.62 C._2.58 e- - . 13.2 (12.2)2 1 = .59 R The rotational relaxation frequency is known tc be very high (See sect. 1.22), values of 220 to 240 Mcps/atm are found in the literature* so that only vibrational relaxation may occur. However, vibrational relaxation time is so long ( 10~1 sec) that even at high pressures it is safe to believe that no vibration will be actually excited at 2 Mcps. This statement is corroborated by the fact that no "activation" effect was to be found on N2 by C02 or H20. The ratio of specific heats for N2 will therefore 1.40 at all the temperatures, since be accepted as 7/5 and 3.22 Cy = 5/2. C 7/2 R. Oxygen Two essential differences appear with respect to N2 viz. (a) The vibrational characteristic temperature is 22600 K, so at the maximm operating temperature we may have (TC/ ) 2260 T (b) 10~ 1360 1.67 - Oxygen has a vibrational relaxation time of the order of sec but is extremely sensitive to activation by water vapor and by C02 Z for 02 - 02 collisions 02 - C02 i 02 - H20 500000 25ooo hoo e er-o ic , J hn W,------------------------------ad--F-H Bo t and -?.H. . . Bolt T.F. Hueter, Sonics, John "Wiley and Sons, 1954 -- The presence of 5%water vapor will thus have the same effect as increasing the number of collisions per second in the ratio 5ooooo .05 = 62.5 4oo Relaxation time will be decreased in the same ratio and for very high pressures, the relaxation domain may be approached. Paragraph 3.1 has shown that the maximum concentration of H20 with respect to 02 is 2.79 26.25 or 17.1% ; the maximum partial- pressure of Oxygen is 16.25% of say So atm . 8.1 atm, ther1 the "equivalent" pressure which accounts for H20 activation is 5000 1.71 x 8.1 = 1760 atm. which in turn would correspond to : .02 sec 1760 thus 5r 89.5 1.12 . 10-5 sec Kcps This value is still small compared to the sonic frequency used and the excitation of the vibration of 02 may be neglected to the same extent as it was done for 112 The specific heat ratio will thus be 7-2 512 of our experiments. 1.0o0 for all the range 1~ 0 3,23 Carbon Dioxide This gas is wellknown in studies of heat capacity lag ; historically it was the first to exhibit relaxational dispersion* and has been subjected to continuous investigation ever since. The rotation of the linear C02 molecule does not involve any potantial energy thus the available two degrees of rotational freedom will contribute (at ordinary temperatures) a rotational specific heat of (CV) RD R Cal/ Mol Adjustment to rotational to translational energy is a high efficiency process and will therefore be considered as having very high relaxation frequency, although no satisfactory numerical evidence could be found of this fact. The vibrational characteristic temperatures are low ; the natural frequencies of the vibrational modes are, according to R.W. Leonard 667,5 cm~1 T K Mode 955.,5' J (2) 1388,4 -1 cm~ 1980s 1987 2349 cm- 33704 (1) ( .5, --------------------- -- --------------------- -------G. Pierce, 1926 See Sect. 1.22 The contribution of the unsymetrical linear vibration can not be detected in our experiments but the interaction of the various modes and their harmonics must be considered. This has been done by R.W. Leonard who sets up a partition function where is the "weight" assigned to each level K of characteristic temperature (T. The vibrational specific heat is found to be 1.85 cal/mol ( .935 R) for all temperatures where the unsymetrical vibration can be neglected. For our experiments, the following values are assumed Cv Low frequency specific heat R R .935 R ( Translation) ( Rotation) ( Vibration) 3.435 R Low frequency ratio of specific heats: 4.435 =1.290 3.435 = 2.5 R High frequency specific heat (Translation + Rotation only) 1.hoo 2.5o ---------------------------------------------------------------D.D. Dennisonl, Phys. Rev. 41i 310 1932 We have then ,=1.0 83 **~~ e 1.042 therefore , is the ratio to be used in the calculations shown in sect. 2.32 The thoughts of workers in the field of relaxation studies have been subjected to considerable evolution since the first relaxation times of CO2 vibrations were announced. It is now apparent that the early experiment were conducted without due regard to the extraordinary "activation" role played by water vapor. Experimental evidence indicates 2240 Kcps shift in the relaxation frequency for each %of water vapor content in C 02* The reason of this activation is traced back to the chemical affinity between the C02 and H20 molecules, it has been found that about 20 to 100 H20 collisions are required to produce the same energy transfert from vibration to translation than 60000 to 89000 C02 collisions. The impurity effect of HpO and other contaminants has been extrapolated with more or less justification to 0% impurity content and the relaxation frequency accepted for pure C02 is now around 20 Kcps/atm. The important conclus ion of this paragraph is that whenever C02 is present together with a substantial amount of H2 0 (say more than 10% H2 0/C0 2 ) the C02 vibrations will cease to be inert degrees of freedom -----------------------------------------L.-) L4. Bergaann (z) 10 and will be sonically excited to frequencies considerably higher than those used in the measuring device. In Sect, 3.1 we have seen that the H20/002 ratio is actually always (n + 1) for saturated n hydrocarbon fuels and will therefore indicate that relaxation frequencies should correspond to CO2 - H20 collisions rather than to 002~ 2 collisions. Obviously the idea of "impurety" is no more justified but the approximative relaxation frequency can be evaluated on basis of R. Walkerts* paper. Assume 002 - = H2 collisions 50000 Z0- 002 0 then in.a mixture of 605 50 120 " + 40% C02 the relaxation frequency will be 50000,. 20 %eps 60 2 Ncps/ati lo0 50 This very crude but reasonable approximation shows that the relaxation domain for this sort of mixture will be around .2 a-tnospheres for 2 Mcps nominal frequency. It happens that this (partial) pressure domain is comprised in the range of engine operation. We mist therefore accept the fact that Co2 relaxation will be present in the actual operating conditions, N.A.C.A. TN 2537 Nov. 1951 (6-,) [ II I 3h WATER VAPOR Translational and rotational data are identical to those explained for C02 . The number of rotational coordinates in now 3 rather than two since the water molecule is known to be non-linear* In vibrational modes, the small mass of the H atoms make the frequencies of the symetrical and anti-symetrical vibrations so high that the respective characteristic temperatures are 52900 K and 54000 k respectively. The only component of the vibrational specific heat which will significantly contribute below 13000 K actually present in our engines is the OH bond, with an infrared spectral line at 15950 cm-1 and characteristic temperature 2290 0 K. The contribution to the total specific heat is shown by Slater to be .79 R. The ratio of high to low frequency specific heat ratios is then / 4L/3 1.332 4.79/3.79 1.053 1*264 a and hence V- 1. 1.026 --------- ----------------------------------* G. Herzberg, Infrared and Raman Spectra of polyatomic molecules. Van Nostrand Co Inc, 1946 J. C. Slater ( 1 ) I(, _ 3.25 F UEL S The probabilities of energy exchange and the acoustical dispersion characteristics are almost entirely unexplored at the time of writing. The scarce and highly hypothetical data on propane* locate a great number of natural frequencies in the 720 to 1470 cm~1 region would indicate that a substantial proportion of the vibrational specific heat is actually exmited at the temperatures of operation. In iso-octane infrared absorption spectra the predominant features are maxima at 723, 1470 cm~1 and 2920 cm~1 ; whereas N-heptane has the same general features plus a marked absorption, band at 930 cm~1 On basis of the above numbers, one would expect relaxation frequencies for the lowest mode will fall in the 50 to 120 Kcps region. The picture is however completely modified in a somewhat unpredictable way by the presence of comparatively high oxygen and water vapor content. To avoid the uncertainties inherent to the evaluation of fuel relaxation frequencies in presence of these gases, we will only attempt to set an upper limit to the error that may be present when all the probable vibrational modes are completely excited and when, in addition, the relaxation frequency lies right in the frequency band used for measurement. -----------------------------------------Herzberg ( 4 ) In complex molecular structures where widely different vibration frequencies are simultaneously present the model explained in sect.l.22 indicates that the probability of energy transfer decreases rapidly with 9 . This indicates that a few low frequency modes, completly excited, absorb practically all the translational specific heat and thus the high-frequency modes do practically not participate in sonic excitation above a few ten cycles. Experimental evidence corroborates this statement ; attempts to demonstrate "absorption maxima"l for the varinus molecular modes failed systematically. Bethe and Teller* confirm this conclusion and explain the same in a semi-quantitative manner. Our assumption is that only the lowest 3 modes (completely excited) will participate in possible relaxation to a significant extent. Then C, 3 7 3 +1 rO ) ) ) ) 36 1.17 1. The values for very high frequencies remain as previously 4 1.333 so that 1.333 * 1.17 ------------------------------------------------------- *( 3 Actually, these would be "low frequency specific heats" rather than those corresponding to " 0 frequency values". 3.3 DISPERSION CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TYPICAL CYLINDER CHARGE The present paragraph presupposes that there is no significant proportion of gas molecules which react mutually. The following composition is assmed : (Sect. 3.1) % CP. Cvo Cp Nitrogen 75.75 3.50 2.50 3.50 2.50 0xgen 16.25 3.50 2.50 3.50 2.50 CVv, C02 2.45 4.435 3.435 3.50 2.50 H0 2 2.79 4.790 3.790 h.oo 3.oo n-Heptane 2.76 7.oo 6 .oo L.oo 3.oo The equivalent specific heats can then be computed CPO C 3.655 ) ) 2.655 ) = 3.528 ) CP. ) Cuy. 1 .138 1.3766 = = 2.528 =. 1.3956 ) r 1.0069 The important conclusion of our chapter Y 3 is that the gas mixture in the most defavorable case (large proportion of residual gases and very rich fuel-air ratio) is such that the ratio of high I~ and low frequency propagation velocities is about ir=- 1.007. This statement implies the following assumptions (a) No vibrational excitation of 02 (b) Only 3 vibrational modes of the fuel molecules are excited (c) The fuel-air ratio and the proportion of residual gases is within the usual engineering limits. It is believed that all four of these assumptions are amply justified both by evidence found in previous works and in our own experimental investigation. I ~? CHAP T E R 4 THEORETICAL AND 4. 1 EXPERIENTAL RESULTS SHAPE OF AMPLITUDE AND PHASE DISTORTION CHARACTERISTICS The results obtained in paragraph 2.23 and 2.32 can now be applied to the actual gas path as defined and analyzed in Chapter 3. We will assume the gap lenght to be 1.27 cm and also that the low-frequency sound velocity is known as a function of temperature, taking into account all the virial and/or dissociation terms. C being of the order of 4.00 . 10 Then the wavelenght is at cm/sec 2 Mcps . 1 4_* 2.10-2 m 2.106 The value of is then 1.27/ 2.10-2 = 63.5 and the maximum midband attenuation will be (assuming the midband frequency being equal to the relaxation frequency) 1.57 x 63.5 1.007 X .0138 -1.37 Nepers <y 12 dB Unless the relaxation domain occurs at very low pressures, this attenuation will not impair the use of the instrument, whose present signal-to-noise ratio, even at atmospheric pressure, is around 20 dB. The phase distortion is characterized by the function for r* Cr 1.007, its minimum is obtained for y, 1.007 (( +4.2 2 )( 2( .J-R+ 2.5172 - =(1- r) 2hti 2 r) 2( 1.2638) o99588 6.28 X 63.5 - 1.25 X 2.0138 1 1.004131 2.5276 Thus 12 . x .04131 2 . .823 radian As a first approximation, this value can be accepted as the first spectral term of the phase distortion curve (b1 ) and thus the "echo" amplitudes would be a J1 (.823) .369 2 J2 (.823) .077 2 J 3 (.823) Compared to the main signal = .011 li J (.823) 850 = Thus in presence of relaxation, the signal will be preceded by an echo (J1 ) having the same envelope shape and having i .369/.850 = % of the main peak signal value. The absence of such echos proves that the dispersion for r = 1.007 over the frequency band is smaller than the I The error on temperature interpretation is definitely much smaller than the one resulting from a velocity dispersion of 7/1000. It is believed that the absence of "echoes" can be estimated whenever their amplitude reaches 15% of the main signal; Arg referring to the first "echo" this would give J, (.1483) AT .3 radians which in turn can be translated in r. The result is of the order of rmin = 1.002. The minimum velocity dispersion susceptible of being detected is thus .2% meaning .h% measurement error on temperature. r c1.002 The attenuation for & SL >> = 63.5 1 would be ar 6.28 x 63.5 x .004 :ta. .80 Nepers and plainly perceptible to the operator. The closeness of relaxation domain, whether signifying large or small ris is always detectable by marked attenuation. The echo amplitudes and locations can always be determined by the method explained in 2.32. If, in particular, the sonic excitation level is set in such a way that the (dispersionless) signal-to-noise ratio is just at the limit that can be unambiguously detected, any marked increase in attenuation will be followed by disappearance of the signal on the CR screen thus making the observer aware of the necessity of closer examination. 4.2 NATURE OF THE EXPERIMENTAL CONFIH4ATION 4.21 Engine Experiments During the years of 1952, 1953 and 1954 the present model of sonic temperature measuring instrument and its various predecessors have been in operational use in the Sloan Laboratories for Automotive and Aircraft Engines. It is the remarkably small scattering of the results around the average values which prompted the present investigation to give some rational basis for the degree of confidence vested in the procedure. The problem, in devising a series of confirmatory experiments is to find a suitable physical surrounding so that the properties of the gas could be determined to a reasonably high degree of accuracy. The engine combustion chamber was obviously not the place for this kind of experiments ; the comparatively large volume of the cylinder, the presence of the lubricating oils and combustion deposits on the wall made the creation of a chemically defined atmosphere unpractical. The experimental program called in consequence for the construction of a special test chamber of small volume where the desired gases could be mixed in the necessary proportions. 4.22 Principle and Justification of the Experimental Procedure. The purpose of the experiments was to demonstrate numerically the validity of the approach taken in chapter 2. Of particular interest was to obtain points on the dispersion curve of mixtures of known characteristics ; to detect the presence of "echoes" (although measurement of echo amplitude was hopeless under the circumstances) and, to show, directly, the accuracy of temperature measurements. Since the instrnent has a fixed frequency range of .45 to 4.3 Mcps, the relaxation domain was scanned by means of pressure variations and the gas relaxation was brought into the available pressure range by adding controlled (small) proportions of impureties. Carbon Dioxide and Water vapor were chosen as primary media, but other gases and activators have also been tried. Nitrogen, Oxygen and propane were checked for relaxational absorption and dispersion. NOTE : The great number of measurements available made the selection of the numerical results necessary. The run number shown on the following pages is not a serial number but refers to the logbook page where the results were reported. Each "run" was followed by about results obtained. h to 5 check runs intended to duplicate the 116i 4.23 INTERPRETATION OF EXPERJIMTS RUN TYPE 57 Check with atmospheric air to verify internal delay constancy. Tn the various air temperature measurements the internal delay was found to vary by almost 1.2 ysec as a function of operating time. The Transmitter and CR Scope warm-up seem to be the main factors in this variation since the temperature variations in the coupling bars were essentially small. The careful calibration with reference gas such as N2 or air is a must before each measurement series, but at least once every RUN TYPE hour. 58 Measurement on B.D. C02, without additional drying. This series of Measurements was made among the first and by inadvertance about 180 psi N2 was left separated only by a needle valve from the mixing tank. This would explain the extraordinary high velocity values which have not been found again in subsequent duplications. RUN TYPE 59 Measurement on Water Pumped Nitrogen. This run has been duplicated a great number of times both to check the instrument 11v R U N # 57 24.30 bar temp. Gage lenght determination: Transmitter bar : .449 in Gap lenght: .44 .009 Air temperature : 2.891 in 2.893 in 5.784 in .449 5.784 . 1.1176 229 cm 1.1405 cm 24.30 C Test Chanber temperature : 11412 yd 6.233 Total distance: -,-w .975 23 Cu-Const mV 75,2 = 77M. Velocity: 69.55 C2 24.50 C 273.1 X 8.31 . 107 X 297.6 28.87 = 12.00.108 ,.4o2 2 sec 800 R Sweep M z 21 X 32 + 79 X 28 = 672 2215 2887 3.46 . 104 = C cm/sec Formula given by Bergmann* c, a 331 C : 7ii Gas transit time: 6o x 24.5 s approx. -0"I"c 1 t 24.5 1 (1.086)2 331.3 14.7 34i60 1.044 1.1405 m 3.46.102 - 32.95 ysec 69.55 Instrument Delay : 32.95 36.60 2,-)-L.-Bergmann-"-Der-Ultraschall"- *-(- * ( 2 ) L. Bergmann 11Der UltraschaJ-1" Ed.6-1952------- Ed.6 1954, p 502 psec S118 R U N # 58 Calibration Gap lenght: Total measurement 6.172 in Coupling Bars 5.784 in .388 in. (glyploted gaskets) .388 in. . 98 S7 cm 7.620 m Air temperature : 22.60 C (Room) 22.10 C .875 mv T.C. Reading SV in Air .6 X 22.1 331.1 13.25 344.357m/s Transit time in gap 2.032 .203 9.57-m 3.44 x 104 cm/ sec = .98570 3. W43.10'4 Scope reading : 10740 yds -+ = sec 2.0 65.48 28070 761.2 m Hg . po Gage p B 1.018 NB gage MB MBPabs 3678 ( Gaskets have been jisec changed since Run Scope yds , P tI -L t 57) Obs. cm/sec 33.23 104 2.966 Aver. 72.29 33.51 2.942 Temp. 11861 72.32 33.54 2.938 reading 2.26 11860 72.32 33.54 2.938 .87 mV 1.790 2.81 11872 72.39 33.61 2.938 . 20.7 0C 40.5 2.750 3.81 11905 72.59 33.81 2.915 52.0 3.680 4.70 1910 72.62 33.84 2.912 8.00 9.02 11990 73.11 34.33 1.02 11810 72.01 .930 1.95 n855 1.032 2.o5 18.0 1.240 26.o C 70 Theoretical Value t = 9 . 20o70 c 2 = 1.292 X 8.31 X 293.8 ~7 = C 7.167 X 108 cm/sec 5292 x 104 cm/sec 20*7 273.1 2.67 (Co) 2.871 M = 44.010 = 1.292 37.2 32.0 460 44.01 11.61 Value given by Keenan: R 2 93.8 *F 878.4 ft/sec = 265.97 1 16E = oo6o9761 RUN # 59 WATER PUMPED NITROGEN Gage lenght .388" Temp = .86o mV Pgage gage MB 21.70 C 220 C Tair Psi/ (AIFCO) Pabs Scope MB y AS t C cv%Is - 1.020 10775 65.72 28.55 3.452 . 0 10 .6895 1.709 10770 65.69 28.52 3.456 15 1.034 2.054 2o 1.379 2.399 30 2.068 3.088 140 2*758 3.778 10765 65.66 28.49 3.459 50.5 3.482 4.502 61.o 4*206 5.226 10760 65.63 28 .46 3.463 70 4.826 5.846 8o 5.516 6.536 91.0 6.274 7.294 10755 65.60 28.43 3.467 100 6.895 7.915 120 8.274 9.294 28.4o 3.1470 C 10750 reproducibility and behavior of N2 at high densities. The amplitude of the receiving signal increases markedly with pressure, before saturation of the amplifier, the variationship is almost Signal peak r 0 p PO The change in C is in the direction and of the magnitude predicted by the real-gas considerations. MUN TYPE 59 B Check on propagation velocity variation with pressure. Same remarks as for Run 59. RUN T'PE 60 Measurement on B.D. CO2 dried through P2 35. The relaxation frequency being around 25 to 30 Kcps/atn (to account for the small amount of water vapor possibly present). Even at the highest pressure used, 4, - 12 X 30 Kcps = 360 Kcps, and no significant relaxational dispersion is to be expected. The abeorption is however easier to detect, at l.15 atm. ,-a30 Kcps A - 2.78 -104 30 . .94 cm 10 .9857 .94 a, = .~23 Nepers for rz 1.04 112 RUN # 59 CCMPRESSED AIR (Lab Distribution) T =21.4 0 c Gap lenght = .9857 cm E.A. Delay 37.17 Pmy - .835 21.10 C psec Scope 1 3 10738 t, 65 .5 65951 t 28 .3 28.34 C .8cm / Sec 3*478,104 10740 1074o 1.402 X 8.312 X 294.2 28.87 calc. value - With the atmospheric air Scope 65.51 11.875 x 108 = sc2 4 C = 3.446 X 10 eM/see 10765 yds 65.66 pspc C = 3.459 X lo+ C, I se - 131 13 - .3%4ige higher .37% t: 28.49 s I 2~ R U N 60 B.D. Gage lenght Calibration at .368 21.80 C Calibration : Air Ca a 331.1 13.08 CO2 --> .850 10760 yds 10760 yds -4 3.8. mV -P 65.63 28.64 36.99 Dry through P2 05 21.80 C psec (The hygrometric degree of atmospheric air must be checked) -----------------------------------------------------------------------psi P P Scope t t C gage g MB abs MB C/sec.1ld cm1 -----------------------!--------------------2 .138 1.158 1186o 72.35 35.36 2.787 15 1.034 2.054 885 72.49 35.50 2.777 24 1.655 2.675 895 72.56 35.57 2.771 31 2.137 3.157 910 72.65 35.66 2.764 44 3.033 4.053 920 72.71 35.72 2.759 55 3.792 4.812 935 72.80 35.81 2.752 74 5.102 6.122 950 72.90 35.91 2.745 88 6.067 7.087 975 73.04 36.05 2.734 loh 7.170 8.190 980 73.08 36.09 2.731 122 8.411 9.431 12.oo8 73.24 36.25 2.719 128 8.825 9.845 010 73.26 36.27 2.717 140 9.653 10.673 025 73.35 36.36 2.711 150 10.342 11.362 038 73.43 36.44 2.705 160 11.032 12.052 055 73.53 36.54 2.698 Amp r 12.0 atm. ( 6 W .9857 .o8 Here St >I , Ar 360 Kcps o8 cm 12.25 l22 erz ..j thus the attenuation will be almost constant over the band, and equal to Thus we would have 2 0.,,* S (1-15 atm) S (12 atm) W.2.75 Neper -+ 16 12 On account of the density change, the signal would increase as 10.14 1 .1 62%. The logbook indicates 10.4, so the net loss is 10.4 16 that the signal, which was reasonably observable around 80 psi ( 6 atm. abs.) and vanishes at 12.5 atm. This is in substantial agreement with the above findigs, since the exact water vapor content is unknown. ( .05%would make 4 , =100 Kcps/atm.) RUN 60 B .14,; water vapor was mixed to Check on CO2 + H2 0 the pre-dried C02. (Frcm Knudsen and Fricke' s data) + 300 Kcpsfatm . 104 If276 3 10 5 sc sec~1 .092 cm at 1 atm .0244 cm at 3.75 atm 12 ':~ R U N 60 B co 16o psi CO2 Concentration +.14% ( B.D. Dryer) and H2 0 13 mm (number of molecules) 13 31.77 X 160 T psi PgageMB H2 0 Pabs MB 20.20 C Scope lots .855 -+ t I es mv C cm/see .4137 1.433 11865 72.37 35.59 2.770 - 10 .758 1.778 11880 72.46 35.68 2.763 1.516 2.536 11900 72.59 35.81 2.752 2.000 3.020 11915 72.68 35.90 2.746 2.758 3.778 11935 72.80 36.02 2.736 334 + 12 - Cal : Nitrogen at 75 psi Reading 10700 M for 65.27 3.46 . 14 cm/sec .388" gap y Pec ta 28.49 psec te 36.78 ysec . .9857 l10 7 A= .9857 = 40.5 S.-r here J2's .092 *024 are of the order of a, , 132 Neper a, -* 4.96 Neper 1, thus the relative signal strenghts would be 1 2.54 Neper 12,6 ratio and taking in account the pressure ratio, 3.75 12.6 *3 The amplitudes observed bear out this conclusion to a remarkable extent ; the signal being perfectly observable (about 3/10 inches peak to peak) at atmospheric pressure, and disappears around 4 atn. abs. A REMARKABLE FACT IS THE APPARITION OF ECHOES at high pressures, demonstrating in an illuminating way the paired-echo method. It is unfortunate that the levels available do not allow actual amplitude measurements on the echoes ; these latter being partially hidden by the noise. The dispersion, as shown on Fig. the one expected for the above values of r 3o and .A . is perfectly 12 RUN 61 B f Check on C02 + H2 0 ; .0225 H20 was admitted to pre-dried 002. The effect on dispersion is visible and corresponds to predictions. Curve on Fig. 3o shows the comparison with Runs 60, 60 B and the difference is marked although too small to be checked numerically. The relaxation frequency is r At 2.70 . 10h 6* 10 = .45 cm 6 .104 12.0 atm Ar .0378 cm 60 Kcps thus t AZ . -9857 t28 .45 A.= 21 Or 3.45 N 27 Signal Intensity ratio : 4r -27 N 12 X e-3.18 This amplitude ratio is experimertally demonstrated to a remarkable degree of accuracy. RUN 63 B Check on B.D. Pre-dried CO2 * Results are identical to Run 60, same remarks and conclusions are to be drawn. RUN 62 B 2 Test on 002 + H2 0 in Nitrogen ; a mixture of 170 psi C02 saturated with water vapor at 19.2 C was prepared and carefully mixed to N2 in variable proportions. From previous tests the relaxation R U NS 334 11.o4 .6 x 18.4 345.04 EA 36.94 psec WATER Concentr. mM/Hg 0/0 ----- 2 m .o22% Pgage -- CN = 3.45 . 1+4 cm/sec tN = .9857 = lS Pg MB .730 mV -- 18.40 C 65.51 psec 1074o vta 0 psi Gage 0O02+ H20 19.20 C .388 gap Reference Nitrogen Velocity in N2 61B p Scope mS ------------------------------------- 28.57 psec t2 y4'-A C t "' e* As 0 - 1.020 11870 72.41 35.47 2.779. (o 10 .6895 1.709 890 72.53 35.59 2.769 20 1.379 2.399 905 72.62 35.68 2.762 30 2.068 3.088 930 72.77 35.83 2.751 40 2.758 3.778 940 72.83 35.89 2.746 55 3.792 4.812 955 72.92 35.98 2.739 70 4.826 5.846 975 73.0A 36.10 2.730 6o 4.137 5.157 990 73.13 36.19 2.723 80 5.116 6.137 12000 73.20 36.26 2.718 100 6.895 7.915 020 73.32 36.38 2.709 120 8.274 9.294 oho 73.44 36.5o 2.700 lo 9.653 1o.673 070 73.62 36.68 2.687 150 10.342 11.362 100 73.81 36.87 2.673 160 11.032 12.052 Dried Reference as per Gap lenght 63A .9857 cm R UN 63 B B.D. 002 EA DMAY 37.17 psec Temperature Air mV Gage Pres. psi 0 PMB Pabs MB Scos t, 19.40 c .760 t C cm/sec 0 1.020 11890 72.53 35.36 2.788 15 1.334 2.354 11900 72.59 35.42 2.782 26 1.792 2.812 11930 72.77 35.60 2.769 28 1.930 2.950 - - - - ho 2.758 3.778 - - - - 5D 3.448 4.467 11950 72.89 35.72 2.759 60 4.137 5157 11970 73.01 35.84 2.75o 80 5.516 6.536 11990 73.14 35.97 2.740 105 7.323 8.343 12020 73.32 36.15 2.727 126 8.688 9.7o8 12040 73.44 36.27 2.718 180 12.441 13.461 12110 73.87 36.70 2.685 I RU N 62 B 2 VARIABLE PROPORTION OF Reference N2 : 19.20 C N Velocity 10740 y Scope 334 CN - 1n.5 345.5 .6 C02+ H20 in NITROGEN 107h0 for 19,2 .9857 t = cm checked .9857 3.455' . 104 -285p iS 65.51 psec 28.53 36,98 002 +-1H20 E.A. sat, at 170 psi/19.2 0 C (has been checked for ------------------------------------------------------- r 4------- C 10 t ti Scope Concentr. C02 H20 N2 pres. psi psi o02+H20/N2 yds psec psec cm/sec --- gage-------------------------------------------------------- X0 0 10740 65.51 28.53 3.455 0 2 .oh 10780 65.75 28.77 3.426 3.85 5 .11 lo84o 66.12 29.14 3.383 10.00 8.5 .19 10910 66.55 29.57 3.333 15.97 .34 11010 67.16 30.18 3.266 25.38 0 10735 65.48 28.50 3.458 20 .43 11110 67.77 30.79 3.201 30.07 32 .68 11320 69.o5 32.07 3.073 4o.48 41 .82 11460 69.90 32.92 2.991k 45.o6 60 1.36 unread. 50 1.08 1565 70.52 33.54 2.938 51.93 16 0 0 57.69 4o .85 n14o 69.78 32.80 3.005 45.97 30 .62 11280 68.80 31.82 3.098 38.27 9 .20 10930 66.67 29.69 3.320 16.67 0 0 10740 65.51 28.53 3.455 0 frequency of CO2 was known. On figure 31 the results are plotted in comparison with the ones calculated by assuming Bergmannt s proportional mixture formula and using values of sound velocity in CO2 found in Run 60 B, (Read from curve) IT IS REARKABLE TO FIND THE CALCULATED POINTS more scattered around the faired curve than those obtained experimentally. (No attempt was made to read curve 60 B to better than normal accuracy for experimental curves.) RUN 63 A Calibration run with Nitrogen for 63 B. Results check most TEST ON CO accurately with previously obtained values. Methanol (No 70) As known, in order to ensure perfect temperature uniformity in the test chamber, it was decided to operate in equilibrium with the ambient temperature. This limited obviously the maximum H2 0 content to the saturation at about 2000 or .1% when using the maximum C02 pressure (170 psi). Methanol was used to overcome this difficulty. The following is a typical check on influence of methanol: I # 63 A RU N Gage lenght: T c 19.4 0 c *9857 cm my 1.,400 X 8.31 X 292.4 _ 12.142 .108 Velocity in N = 25.016 t t1lpsec psi .760 . 19.30 273.1 2-92.4 - C= 3.485. 10 psec 3.485 . 104 cm/sec 28.28 10730 fcs .9857 = 28.28 psec E.A. 10 37.17 (colder than a 53 ) 155 10725 180 10710 65.42 3.485 .*104 (V 28.25 (0 ( 28.16 65.33 - 45 psi C ( V15 3.489 * 10 ( V180 3.500 . 104 273.1 } Corrected to 00 C: Cc 3.485 x (-22.) .96478 ( .930811)2 _-o 3.*36 . 104 Value given by BergmannA . 104 3.34 Equivalents of yards in c cm7sec ysec :C X ...- 2.9978 . 10 1 yd : = 163.921 yds psec = .006100 yds ( C-lMSCC 2 AC ) p.516 Psec/yd t) cI/ tsec 91.440183 cm cm/sec ysec 3 d) L Partial pressure of sat. CH OH : 3 70 mm mercury 140 psi Pressure of CO 2 70 mm Concentration : .77% or .0077 8090 ., z (Knudsen 420 Kcps/atm and Fricke) Aiery weak signal was obtained at 1 atm (about 6 dB above noise) and then, by increasing pressure slowly, the signal idisappeared completely at RUN 74 2.2 atmospheres. GAP TESTS ON CS2 .3881" E.A. 36.98 Jisec The low pressure of this liquid at 200 C compelled the use of CS2 and Nitrogen mixture, in order to have pressures accessible to our measurements . (a) Dry CS2 at 300 mn 10 ' psig - 2 N2 1300 mm 18.75% Dry CS2 H20 N2 at N N 300 mm mercury 18 rm 1300 N2 11130 yds Scope reading (b) 20.10 C mercury mm 20.10 C 81. 25 r V The H20 concentration with respect to CS2 is very high: 5.666% thus the relaxation frequency is around 18/318 13.2 Mcps/atm* or at 300 m Hg, at 5.23 Mcps. Scope reading 11180 yds at 20.20 C (very small signal, barely readable) The velocities for the mixture are thus obtained as follows t1 (a) 67.89 pisec tg(a) 67.89 - C (a) .9857 3.189 . 104 30.91 usec ti (b) 68.20 t (b) 68.20 - 36.98 C (b) cm/sec Aa .9857 31.22 31.22 ysec cm/sec 3.14 7 . 104 Assuming the values given by Angona* 1.389 30.91 Psec 36.98 we have (C-5j2) r. = 1.225 (C Sa ) M (cs.) =76 and the mixture velocities are F C C v; [X (a) ~ :5I 81.25 . 3.5 + 18.75 .3.63 81.25 . 2.5 ' 1 R A -+- 18.75 .2.63 075R)2 .03775SRT) ----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------28 -+1875 X 76 8125 X8l.2~x8.~1RT ) Knudsen and Fricke ( ( 1 =76( t (b) L 81.25 [81.25 X 3.5 + 18.75 x 5.5 X 2.5 +- 18.75 x 4.5 1 37.00 1 ( .03642 C-(o -- ( 3.775 c4le) RT)2 ) thus (1.0365)2 3.642 1.0182 whereas the experimental value is 3.189 m1.0133 3.1 4 7 This agreement demonstrates that the 2 Mcps sound pulse does excite the vibrational modes of CS2 when activated by water vapor. NOTE A rapid check was made in the last days of the program on COS but they were discontinued since the equipment was not designed to handle toxic gases. So no accurate date are available, but the sound velocity was measured once ( found 2.305 . 104 cm/sec at 200 C) and attenuation so strong that only at the lowest pressures could a signal be obtained. Additional work will be done when the equipment is perfected. 7 C HA P T E R 5 CONCLUSIONS 5.1 CRITICAL DISCUSSION OF RESULTS It is believed that this program conclusively established the reasons for the ± 1% scattering of results claimed as an experimental fact heretofore . The following factors contribute to this belief (a) The reduction on the 'Ieading edge error" by increase of the signal-to-noise ratio ; at the present time the signal phase is determined to better than .2 Ysec and (b) .05 ysec (for low densities) for high densities. The calculations and results on phase distortion caused by classical and relaxational dispersion show that in the worst possible experimental case (high fuel-air ratio, high proportion of residual gases, simultaneous relaxation in water vapor, CO2 and fuel molecules) the error on velocity would be only .3% and even then, the instrument would detect the presence of dispersion by anomalous signal envelope shape and by sharp reduction in the signal-to-noise ratio. Care should be exercised to notice that the figure of reproducibility does not imply accuracy on the absolute values of the temperature. However due to the calibration process, the instrument measures the ratio of the sound velocity in the gas to the one in the reference gas to at least 4 .51 accuracy and the errors that will affect the interpretation in terms of temperature can be taken into account. (Real-gas properties and dissociation) Io attempt was made in this paper to discuss chemically reactive media, non-uniform temperature distributions although some effort was devoted in this direction". The experimental side of the instrument development has been described thoroughly in other publications ( ( 48 ) and 43 ), so this paper was chiefly devoted to elucidate the transient pulse analysis in relaxing media and the chemicallycontrolled-medium experiments pertaining thereto. The experimental procedure used can be criticized on the grounds that no measurement was performed in steady state gases duplicating acurately the pressures and temperatures present in the engine cylinder. The answer to this is that as of now, nobody really knows exactly what are the molecules and unstable radicals --------------------------------------------------* The experimental program toward the latter phase is underway at the Sloan Laboratories at the Massachusetts institute of Technology. instantaneously present in the combustion chamber. The present heat-capacity lag theory however is sufficiently well established and confirmed experimentally to give to our "gas analog" experiments a reasonable degree of reliability. The choice of water activated CO2 was practically imposed by the (understandable) desire of keeping the auxiliary instrumentation cost to a reasonable minimum. Thus the use of a fixed nominal-frequency sound system (the one which has also been in actual use on the engine) at 2 Mcps was practically imposed. Temperature and pressure ranges of our experiments (outside of the engine) were also severely limited by practical considerations. opinion It is the author's considered/that the C02 - H2 C series of relaxation experiments are both pertinent and conclusive with respect to the calculation method given in Chapter 2. 5.2 SUGGESTED PROGRAM FOR FURTHER WORK 5.21 Study of Macroscopic Gas Properties The interpretation of temperature measurements for the purpose of engine studies could be further improved by having some degree of knowledge of the temperature profiles and the velocity gradients present in the path. It has also been suggested that r.m.s. turbulence numbers could be statistically measured by the effective sound attenuation in the path. 5.22 Behavior of reactive Mixtures. It is known that reactive gas mixtures do have different compressibilities for infinitesimal compression and expansion and therefore will exhibit relaxation times similar to those found in the heat capacity lag ( 43 ). The use of ultrasonic wideband pulse transmission to detect reaction rates in rapid chemical phenomena appears to be a very promising possibility. The theoretical background is already explored for steady-state sonic excitation, so it is believed that a little supplementary effort will only be necessary to transpose our findings on pulse interpretation inbo the domain of chemical reactions. 5.23 Multipoint Cycle Analysis The present state of the sonic temperature measurement method is such that the greatest factor of uncertainty is the fluctuation in the cycle-to-noise results imposed by the "stroboscopic" scanning method. Considerable additional experience could be gained in the study of engine knock for example, if particular cycles could be analyzed in details, i.e. have at leat 20 to 30 measurement points 6n the compression stroke. Steps are being taken to make use of the "discrete information output" feature of the sound-velocity device. The ellapsed-time measurement (between transmitted and received signal) would be ideally digitalized and recorded at high speed in view of the eventual decoding and processing. The instrument performing the above is at present in the block diagram stage at the Sloan Laboratories. 5.3 POSSIBLE USES OF SOUND VELOCITY for TI4PERATURE MEASUREI4ENT The preliminary results obtained in the steady-flow tunnel experiments indicate that there is no difficulty in obtaining perfectly readable signals at transverse velocities of 150 to 200 ft/sec, provided the flow is reasonably non-turbulent. 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In another series of experiments reported elsewhere (52) the bar temperatures were deliberately changed to investigate the gradients caused by the bar surfaces in the gas. The transit time variations in the brass coupling rods havebeen found to be important with respect to the measurement accuracy expected. Fig. 32 (obtained by Mr P. C. Wu of the Sloan Laboratories) shows the numerical values found experimentally. Tests on other metals, (Monel, Molybdenum, Invar, etc) are under way in order to select the best material with respect to dimensional and elasticity changes, without making too important s acrifice on the crystal matching on the other 9 de. APPENDIX NO 2 PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS ON THE USE OF CRYSTALS The crystal transducer disks are supplied by the Gulton 4anufacturing Company, Metuchen, N. J. Crystals are individually tested and selected for close matching in sensitivity and frequency. It was found that two crystals, apparently identical and having sane dimensions, may differ by as much as 20% on natural frequency. The c oupling of crystals to the bars represents a very important factor in the overall performance. Silicon Stopcock grease is used at present, since it has desirable electrical characteristics. In particular, it has been found that ordinary grease breaks often down and carbonizes whenever a spark is arcing through the crystal or across the crystal edge. This limited quite seriously the maxinui power input on the crystal. At present a limit is set only by the depolarisation, peak voltages of 40 mhlts/mil have been found acceptable for short peak durations. The main cause for crystal failure is mechanical, since the "clamping" of the crystal is necessary to obtain maximum output, it is im- possible to refrain enthousiastic operators to sqeeze the crystal in the mount. A fair indication is obtained by considering that we operate now 3 pairs of crystal mounts on various experiments and a supply of 10 crystals every 6 months was found adequate. APPENDIX NO 3 PROBLMS IN THE DE.SIGN OF MULTIPOINT RECORDING INSTRUMhITS Assuming that all the instrumentation problems related to the high speed digital recording of time intervals are solved, we have to consider the limitations imposed by the sonic temperature measuring device. a) Three basic factors have to be o nsidered: Sampling Rate: With the present acoustical circuit the tempo- ral attenuation is such that it takes about 120 usec for a pulse to decay to a non-discernible level. It is thought that this will limit our PR? to about 5,000 pulses per second. b) Accuracy: It is desirable not to lose on the present reading accuracy, so that the pulse shaping and discriminating citcuits should be able to do at least as well as does the human eye on the calibrated-delay oscilloscope. This problem is not as simple as it appears, the human operator, with kis built-in feature to account for the natural continuity of physical phenomena is difficult to beat in this domain, especially if accidental noise fluctuations may disturb the signal leading edge. "Level" type discriminators are invariably apt to be fooled by a coincidental fluctuation of the input voltage. c) 2rystal performance : The exceptionally high specific output obtained from the crystal is based on the very low duty cycle. The maximum level obtained in 5,O0o cps operation is open to question and has not yet been investigated. APPEN'!DIX No A ACOUSTICAL CIRCUIT TEST RESULTS Test arrangement : See 1E cperimental Commercial Fig. 6~ Crystal Mounts are used on brass specimen F.C. -I" diameter. The transmitted waveform and the received waveform are studied for various settings of the transmitter high-voltage control. Peak amplitudes and envelope rise times are studied. The overall scope sensitivity on the "direct" vertical plates is 71 is claimed to be linear within in, the amplifier 1 dB from a few Kcps to 10 Mcps. Fig. 2 & 33 shows a typical "transmitted" and "received" electrical signals and it appears necessary to consider an "equivalent" electroacoustical circuit which would yield the same transmission characteristics. The reason for operating in this manner in found in the obviously non-linear characteristics of the transmitting crystal (which could be approximated by means of the well-known equivalent circuit in case of small amplitudes), and also in the somewhat unpredictable characteristics of the grease-coupling layers. The use of the actual transmitted signal to infer a posteriori the circuit characteristics has been found easier from both simplicity and applicability standpoint. The transmitted signal will be assimilated to the unit impulse at t =0 and the transit characterisic is then found in terms of a numerical factor Qm and the complex normalized transfer function. The simplest approximation of the received signal is 2-- C which has a horizontal tangent at t - 0 and at t (e, value of this maximu being -C- .75 Inspection shows here and )%e, = .56 -C' Psec ; thus 2 "C , the -c .37 psec. 1) l.3v thus C --- The transform of C36) is* Fg- 1.3 .56 -52.35 volts 2 C(, (S -4 which, with the 1/33 above assumption becomes the response to the unit impulse multiplied by the numerical attenuation factor. This factor will be arbitraitr expressed as the ratio of C to the peak voltage of the transmitted pulse so 2.35 540 -3 ------------------------------------------------------(C) ) Gardner and Barnes, Transists in Linear Systems. * ( p. 346 N0 2.121 coaxial cable to transmitter inlet transmitting crystal ionization ga ga skets end -gas zone spark plug pressure indicator brass bar receiving crystal, piston with special crown coaxial cable to receiver ig. 1 - Sound Velocity Instrument installed on Engine Head. WMWM"6- Fig. 3 Electronic Instruments B 6.3/60 cps B -150 V ImA 4A A 63/60cps A GREEN 1.8 KW PEAK PULSE GENERATOR PROJECT 7143 25n U3 800U-09 0 I-.- -0V (RC Gas Path II XRC SY Synchroscope PO S Engine distribution shaft ER Breaker ST Synchronizer TR Transmitter XTR Transmitter crystal IRC Receiver crystal RC Receiver CICoupling rods PO Calibrated delay 'Prti.ipe of the ap-p-ratus use- 9 v :) i 83sind LNS9 83AI80 3dO:)S IS3i J/99Z Fic-. Acoust ic C ircuit ( Princ iple ) 8 1.Test -Pction 2.Transmitter Coupling Rod Coupling Rod 3. Receiver 4. 5. Transmitting Crystal Dete cting Cryst al E. Silver 7. Transmitter D-Wamper 8. Detector Damper 9. Sil 10. Electrodes ic one Jre ase Layer s ( Tr ansmi tt er ) ) Silicone , rease Layers (Detector TISO Fig. 9 Transducer Assembly j 3:)IA3G ONI 8 nSV3VY 3VYII JO 3-ldIDNIdd -01-013 -1v I cl AV-130 Cl3 iV 8 13 1-lV3 S31VId N0 11 D3 -1J 3 0 -1VI N0 Z 18 0 H -- - 8OiV83N39 d33MS -Lin o 8 1D AV-13 G dOiV83N30 8 3 0 0 18 1 83AV389 3NION3 VY08A -- ~ __ -- _ _ _ _ _4 Fig. Fig. 11 12 Transducer Mount Details Transducer Assembly Fig. 13 Receiver Chassis A -b -105 0 -los5 jjjjjj GC-GG LOW-NOISE VIDEO PROJ. 7143 RECEIVER --- 200 V STAB Jill ~~-a i W Fig. 15 Engine Head with Transducer Mounts I I I N U - -, ~ -- Eu- Fig. 17 Special Test Arrangement 00 occ -L <r r < w* U 4Sf4 64 bIAT" 0d R E MEs> - '2 j, 2 3 IELA1 N cc C~t HEASU 00 vAgtATIoOS 40 a. S' e S0 ' w-4 IZ) Ol L44 41 EMEEE EEE E,.E.E..E urn..... III.... IIIIIIII..... EEE..EEEEEEE-EE *EEEEEEE.EEEEEEE IIIIIIIII 1 * 1 - -i 1 I IF .. - 1I - - - - 1 - J - IF 1 I 1 IFIJ a -- - L. .I - ]1 4' IFIt I II, t+~~ 1 - I [F 1 --- I~~I I I I I I - FILII ] tf t F 4111 I i [~ 1 - -- I 1 - 'I LL I f t111!1r - |.f . . .- II - - - _Ll, ,| - - I bil 1. MADE - - - - F, - -- I lines accentied.- INU. S.A. 10 x 10 to the 1, inch. 5th Al I I F sit11 -H I F I -- - - - I -1I -- - I t 7- IVGNA= O6 -did E.E.EEE-LEE ME.....EE.E* EEEEEEEEEEE EE..E.EE.E.E o o o oomo _ Eu.-. urn...m... MMMMMMMM F/ .I8 a - iirat /e ii Com -rep E.-EEE rn-. EEE.EME___|U EEEEEEE-E. EEEEEE-E Eu-.-.-. U.--M | Eu...M U-.. M U.....-| HE....0025 U/..-7.W/"/E// !F *. Fig. 33 Fig. 34 20 psi gage Received Signal 15 psi gage Received Signal BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE The author, Thomas P. Rona was born in Budapest, Hungary on January 17, 1923. Raised and educated in Paris, France, has obtained the degree, Mechanical Engineer in 1943 (Ecole d'Electricite et Mecanique Industrielle, Paris), the degree, Electrical Engineer in 1945 (Ecole Superieure d' Electricite) Paris, and the Certificat d' Etudes Superieures, Electricite Generale (Sorbonne, Paris) in 1945. His professional carrier includes the French Thompson Houston Co (Radio transmitters) the French National Office for Aeronautical Research (wing vibrations and Analog Computers) and a Consulting Engineer Practice in the French Equatorial Africa (Civil Engineering and Hydro-Electric Power Plant Sites). * In 1951, the author came in Montreal, Canada, as Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal. He joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology staff in 1952, where he obtained the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering in 1953. Currently holds the appointment of Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the Institute. His family includes his wife, Monique R. Rona-Noel, and three children, John-Michael (1951), Marie-Helen (1952) and Thomas Paul Jr. (1954)