Hello Transfers and Visiting Students!

Hello Transfers and Visiting Students!
This message is a friendly reminder about important deadlines, administrative matters, and
resources. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid:
law.admit@bc.edu or 617-552-4351.
The first day of classes is Monday, August 24. See attached letter from Assistant Dean
Elizabeth Rosselot for more information regarding the course selection process and registering
for classes.
Community Photo Directory Each year, the Law School compiles a book of photos of all
faculty, staff, and new students—known as the Community Photo Directory. It is distributed
only at the Law School. It will help you get to know your classmates and acquaint you with
faculty and staff at BC Law. (Please note: this photo project is not in any way associated
with your required Agora/Boston College ID photo.) To expedite the printing of the
Directory, we are asking all new students (first-year, transfer, LL.M and visiting) to send a photo
via e-mail attachment. The photo should be a “head and shoulders” shot in JPG format
(resolution of 300 dpi or greater). The photo file name should be your last name and the initial
of your first name (e.g. smithj.jpg). Please send it by Friday, August 7, 2015 to Nate Kenyon
at kenyonn@bc.edu. Type Transfer, LL.M. or Visitor photo on the subject line and include
your full name in the body of the message.
Off-Campus Housing Information For local housing information, please visit
www.bc.edu.offcampushousing to view current off-campus properties and potential roommates.
Computing at BC Law See Attached Memo from our Law Library.
Law School Getting Started Guide The Law School Getting Started Guide provides you
with a centralized location for essential University-wide services, including ID cards, parking
permits, student bills and financial services, medical insurance, e-mail setup, etc.
Important Health History and Immunization Forms Prior to your arrival on campus, it is
imperative that you complete and submit health and immunization forms. Please visit the
University Health Services Office homepage. Please refer to the “REMINDER TO
INCOMING STUDENTS” section, read the instructions, and download the pre-entrance
Biographical Data and Information Form Please complete by going to
https://mockingjay.bc.edu/fmi/iwp/ and clicking on the “bio” folder.
Fall/Spring 2015-2016 Academic Calendar
Using Your BC Email Although the Admissions Office will continue to send correspondence to
your current email on file, it will be important to note that in early August, other departments
(Dean for Students office, Registrar, Law Library, etc.) and law faculty will begin to contact you
using your BC email. Please remember to begin checking your BC email for any updates and
important information.
A Facebook Group was created for the Class of 2017. Meet your future classmates virtually and
interact with current students. Request to join the group.
We eagerly anticipate your arrival in August!
Important Dates and Deadlines
July 10
Deadline to bid for OffCampus Programs
July 12
Deadline to bid for OnCampus Programs
August 1*
Eagle One ID Cards
For more information, please contact Leslie Leblanc
in Career Services at 617-552-1192 or
For more information, please contact Leslie Leblanc
in Career Services at 617-552-1192 or
Available for pick-up at Student Services Office
Lyons Hall, Chestnut Hill campus (application
available in the Law Getting Started Guide)
August 10
August 11
Fall tuition due
Access your bill through Agora at portal.bc.edu.
Deadline to purchase a
discounted fall semester
MBTA transportation pass
August 14
On-Campus Interviews Week
August 15*
August 20 &
Application to order BC
parking permit
Go to the Agora Portal portal.bc.edu "Parking
Orientation for 1L students
We invite you to attend any of the 1L Orientation
programs if your schedule allows.
Classes begin
You are now a bona fide BC Law Student!
August 24
Permits and Citations" under the "My Services" tab.
*Any ID cards and parking permits not picked up by
August 18 will be available at the Law School on
August 20.
Best regards,
Office of Admissions and Financial Aid
Boston College Law School