R~l"'BEL I ~::'r !MNN-,!,~C,Gr-o: ~ -.1 ,... c,,~ ,'0;) f' TJOOL ~ G'rST f[.<)l,1~ R. ",~ ~ ~ ~ Ib1 ~ <'l ®@J ~49 []lID I £>: J' 5""'''''I>C'f'Q @ '7() ~ A El [E[J A ® ® ~'fll'(;,r,"f ~ AD ~l81-:l1~. :{f~ """"t'.s n~T~XM ~ @ o ® 1Lf1 ~D@ ~~Ul~ £1 £1. '--------------' e """""".....~~",cJp (i)~l~l~~l,~LAN (OOFtR!'uvV. ,'IN1'6"f[' ~£ ~ o o FISHERS INN £::, & ® Elom ~ 3"'Z~Q eL;.tLSSCHnt( ~ Ir-l L!QU MHC",G;'T()I(AC-.t ...~ @ ~ I ~ § (9 FINISH PLAN LEGEND dJ! o PORTER DESIGN ASSOCIATES. LLC. WALL FINISH o FLOORING FINISH D BASE FINISH D CEILING FINISH o LAMINATE o suns FISHERS. INDIANA 0429~8 DR/\WNe" AMANDA POR TER S+fEET T'''-,[ FINISH PLAN WES T SPECIALTY EQUIPMENT ~ ~,"t::T t.IMBU' A9.3 <HI"::JNPMt Ff R(l(JML"'Pt~ 'RM# I sa "'r .., ~ 3!f"Stl.H rr;:fLH IN <If, [][] BREAK ROOM Ell e ~ D lJJ±J 0!2J [][] G [11ZJ 00 ~ ® [1Q!] FISHERS INN & SUITES @2]® [JQjJ PORTER DESIGN ASSOCIATES. LLC. FISHERS. INDIANA FLOOR PATTERN LEGEND _ Gf_LO~R f'ATTERN f'LAN !;~tl\1 Df.TE F2 HARDWOOD FLOORlfG 04-29-05 DY,o,WN BY AMANDA PORTER F9 TILE 5HfE- 1"1-"£ FLOOR PATTERN EAST = ~ Ftt TILE FlO VCT m F14 CARPET ~ ~'IEtT NI.MBEj.' A9.4 <:~''''1901-IDATf I"".,,, ~ L--_~ [@] ® I ~ RClCML,'IBE.L I sol'r ® e D ® [N] @ @ ~ ~ ~ ® @] FISHERS INN & SUITES ~ PORTER DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC. FLOOR PATTERN LEGEND n CD~;~~~r~ ATTERN PLAN ~ ~ [§j FISHERS, INDIANA F2 HARDWOOD fLOORINJ f9 TILE O,loff 0429D8 FI1 TILE (;I(A'Nflt!Y AMANDA PORTER SHlEr- ri-.f FlO YCT FI4CARPET F~OOR ~ PATTERN WEST S.H[~T "'.MID' A9.5 ~H·':'IOtjD"Tl , 'J::MII .!~.... . !~.~.~~~.rer.. .......... ~.~- -+~~);; c o E . . . . -.-.-..... ·tt7~;-···-·-···--···~!2!.~·i·~,___ Beta (:aIC{) f'a~ 83 4002 Fl!! 83 <\102 SC :Beta Calco Paia 834002 DBI B34101 SC TPriiTiii'liQl":tlnu '16C1j Sep€,s A.PP:!!~.~~.~ . j-f='~.~? ~:ifl~.ing ~EnvlS~n... :~.e!!.~~.s Llflhlw:9 " ! ',..... ...... _~:.::;.............................~~.K~~.~~·: ........ ENM2·;! Syrnetltc LSR; C~-ity :l..lC 550Ml '51/217 1Valiant Spot L;gtfllQ C~n<!ral (Sparkle) ......... ~~. ~~0 ~~~ ... . Mor:opoint Surface 'l5u[face Y.0'X1;~d Perxlar'l 50 \/Ii ~alog.m MR15 12V SIh-'er 4CW PL-T 'Greli'n FatrJc 3 ~ 1X;W 120v T,/~ A. Med 'Ba~e PP:lrkSrnoke,lrOf! Sand -GIl!-!: ~. :~~~ ;:~~.:::~: g:;"':~~~~u~'-.~o;~·m-.m-",,-,6a!iu~ :::'"' Stern Su:;pelmSlCn F_<>5(J>1 3"- ·.:'y·~j. ~.~·.·L~~tS~.·.\?·.I;~~~.~~~·~.~·.·~~~!.!~~~.:.~~!·~!T~ ........... . Ir~·1 :!jenHallTasi< .FI.,:ores..;e-rn . __. _~~~!3'._~~L ... _. __.. :R,;.CE;$S€'d Sirip lCO GI,d !G;?n~ral s;:oe.::tAar ah1TlinL~!1 120\1281"5 'LED f~~~~~9: ··············~§G~1~~y.~~·~····· Djr~c:!lndire-.;t 'Com~t FIcn.>sCl':'nt W.alllilOtllltt>d ,,~ louve~ ~rruttii·~~tiii~···jX;ty:es·ter"·· '..j().NPL-T "-~·CCCG-3-RP:J.iS:S5b"E~f120"'··· \\<'Me 0,..\:11 Dl'T~' SatiflCtI!f)It--= JrD·"!-'-_~ r:::TID " ;nr. ~-- -,_ ,, ~ \ '--~ /----00" X \ 9 \ / \ , : ,Y ) (\ 'V , 'P \~----~ ... / ' \... I,! 1./-0---"-' "\ 'f' _...; / i IIi.", .::::::.--+ --1--' II ~ i\ Z~ D< '" X 'f' \ ' ...... D< " IX IX , :,,eIX " \ IX -' IX -' IX IX IX , &f'. ...... ... IX, IX ; -' IX _-------_....... ~~ ~:~ ~ ~ , " IX' jI ~ IX n ,1l '00-1 . _-_ ......";.:- .. ... DI ; '" 5Uf-;FACE MOU"f"ED FTXTlJRE (TAG A) I2J 2x2 fLUORE5CUfT !-lXl URE (11\G H) C-A(~ '--" ~ #~ /-$ "'" / " ~ ~ ( ~ ~-;;/ ~ ! '';: : : ~( /.~j~' v ,/ "AFF. \,\ .. (l?! < : , ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ , (\~~~ \-) '" '." i PORTER DESIGN ASSOCIATES. LLC 9' AF.F 9' A.F.F. III FISHERS INN & SUITES _ "'- C) (rAG D) 1 \ :\ \,'---...... A:)JU5TABLE CAi'< LIGHT (7"AG Ej ( ~ 'W i ' -' \ , \ : : o • ; '(..I~ \[Qj : ' - '/ :; ,/ i" fIXTURE. lU !\.~.l". (l1'1G 0) 5.J~fACE ~OUNTED NJ IX ) ( ~ EoiI \,' -' lED ~ /' i I " 9' AH. 10'fBA.F.F/'D'---\ IQC§!", ... / ... PENDANT HJt-G FIXTIJRE (T/'.& b) c,,~ ,- -, 9~F iB::,. /_------/ " f1jh " ~,,---~ ' ~ . ,~",,'~mIT'"'~" '::ECE55EC CAN '-~, D< '",' D< \, ,u/ [![] RECESSED 10' "" ;',16 11£ ." I\F~~_-h-_, [J![J , ~ ®",, __ j - ',"', -- ........ / ~;~:~;~~/---".~ ~ 0'.F F. " D ,;,/0----\ _---_D '//--0--\ _---/\ 0/\"/-0--'\ _---_ ' ...... --~ ........ ~ . "r,\i "' "'/" ~NDANT / IX ~L IZI ~~,II !,) •o [g" -----\ ~~~. ~-'. ~,/Lf1 \, ",I ," -f"'V'-T -t- 10' AFF ... 0 ,£/0------"·, D [--0----'\ 0 ........... ---~~/ '"¥', " '--------,: ) ~~ • ,{1, !/ . :x:: '¢.5111 ~ _,."",'fT . Urder r\kiniter '... N3GRCA1~V":' '8fUShed'Ai~':nii-ium Tij"32VJ''fS"::j8i< Ilw A ,{1, 1f,3'-{l.F1 Comolf';)llor IJpldo<.'inilght for !jarc.· iF ~ ,"' jl"£ 4ir? FISHERS. INDIANA ::::!iiii ~ fLL01i':E5CENT COY:: LIGHT" (iA(7 I) ® D SURfACE MOI;NcD CHA'IDELIlli': "lXTJR[ (TI\G-) OIlT[ CO\1~INATIO'llJP/DCWNL:GI CLJRVEDWOODYEi'<E::.R CD~~~,~~~!ED CEILING PLAN WITH SWITCHING o COFfU:ED CEILI~~ • 5rRIf LIGHT f-OR 2;(4 P t\N'2.l 5YS-EM (T []]] 04-2908 IT (T N, .J' P"~I AMANDA fORTER 5HEf-TI-. t TRANSll£tNT 2X2 rLUORE5CE"''"f (T/'.&M) f""T1Ef~I.D LIG-iTl~C, b~t-C TlL ~ 5WITCf-t~ Au K) Tk.IIN5t US::'iT SY5TE~1 ,,. ,. ~., EXIT S:GN(fAG L1 , :>rcet t,Jumbet. N2PG'Zi32FOSSOR12J D~ l I Z " X'\; /r.;.,;-, 10AH( ~ 150 H ... - ~6i::ser- J'~r<fi3iQwn-s"ii;ri'0p31 c·iliss-···· :~:~~ ~.~;. ~.:,;:: . o p, ' .... plr~eJ: ..T.tHV'" Ply ')pal S.atin.8.1:a~ . "tsai;;'j,jTC"kef-·-··----· '-"-~-x'3ZN-:-P[~:f-'-""- ~:~:: ~~~ ~OOML"BEL ....... ~~.~s ............................................................. . Satin Nn;:!o.:e-I . ...................,.. ~:~;=£!rJ __. ____ .. ,__._ ....... _~:~:!. ___._. __. _. . ___ ._ ..._..._.l~ G~~__..... .....:..... jy!~~9.!:_ .. _ :lS! it!dUf,tr.es' ~:: ..Fj~.tI.. ........ 2;.r 26WPL·C Ger>eral 1,3-855'::) . N2P Prem:~!!T\ GJ(!Oe 18m ................. ...~X~~P........ C<":!'I'r~ S~B~~.. MlJumed ArT&rt-··--···--·--Ce,ii~-Pe:i~rt nt Om!u,m A,d) ,Hubbardton FOlge 1LSI !nO:../Stnes ~.~L.. Gt:t'e~1 ItJpolr1Ca!10;"· Pod · . ·. . . . .·. . . . ::.)!:':~·~.~~·~·.I!fi~·~·~......:. . .:.·~·.·.T~·i;ie···· . M N ',<3CXf64f' ...................... ,. Quasar I lStu:f;OUl!ca G .;~.!g.!'!~~.9.~....... . --~~·~6~-~~··~ C·ti"-·-·---~~*~~~-·-·· ,kifi ...................... ,.~.~.~~~............,.~.~.~m~r. _EGEr--D ~ REFLECTED CEILlfG fLAN EAST :,,'EET NWBt:r E1.1 <:H'lSION DATE § A ........j~n~!~.r.~.~.... ~a .~~!1tS Cej;)) B Bela Ga:co C o Bet~ ~;co l~~I~J~~... _ .~~~._~!0:1.~.~f. Trilogy Cradle EMa C<llco Pa,:) H~nt>ardlOn ~;" . . y~QZSen~ ~-.---{;~~;t?:~ng G ____ ... _~~L FOfgt; ...:~!.9!!~.~.u.J"}'P~_ 5 SN ' 63 4X2 FUf a3 4102 SC e3 4002: 08/ 83 410' SC .... ~~~.L........................... _.___ ~nerel _~.~ Cei!~r'9: .$J..,rf(l.:~e MOO..Jr·t2C 2.( ,F.:!~~.~ .... _.____ . . ... .... 2rs..·.: FL-C fa'll<: -Re:::€Ssed Can ~'" 3Noi PL· T 2>( 2fS1,'".J PL·T T!!;~ 'Recessed can 2lC 2W,r PL-T Cel!ulg Pendant (..CIT-pact FloreS(;(>rt General (5pariQe; S\;ffaG~ ::1<"::)!"~..IfSl;ert ('.eneral "enc~:1t J{OOM L,o.,BH .... }:~~.~~~. Opal &:in l3'a:H ~fCJSEr.. Hand 8ta.>,q SaM vfX!1 Glas!, 634102 Sandt··lasted Gla~s DISC "83 4 102 S31'iCtiaste::1Gl.ass Ring .... Dlm!'n!flQ SailuS; >?'~:~! _. __ .___ . _ 10' A F F ~::';E::'off" ___----~Z~~---;~::~~ooii~ ---l~~~}~~.:~nt:.~~;~=ti:.,,""'m,~%~rtii~~~;~;;~~;~";"~ F!'.J(.M;S'.:eni. .g~9.~.~~':.... ... ,Re~~~d.pir~~:.l~lre:t 550Ml1~~/2~7 .s~r1,,,:~. t.lounle':l ......... J.~.? . _ ..... _.~:_~:'I€_(L~_u.~.~~!.I.~. .................... ,. rs ' -'YW I:: I ~:~:;:~:;,:: Or(j(>r Number VN15GRCA1SC i"LLc G··j·RP'NS&:ti'tj•.f:;jri"'-'-· rr\3tte ,.yf:ite, __j:)C1't.este_f_ .... S<ltin Ct:fOI'\'le :p; 32Vv 48" PL-T Vhi!'~1CiJrtlcd General "1 '$peGut.1I <lIUI"r~nur:-1 ;<J\r.-e' '12GV 28T5 .;§~.!.r.~~.~~~. MOl.lnt~.. Gel"ler"l Floresce~ 'Compoct '1)(~ll SlrlP 1(1 Gnu Gerllelal!Ti.'Isf< . c.~_'.~E~~.-~?:t, 2lLC (.2"~,,'~j ~ __ ~~~~. §~_~~~Q(' ~£:JV\I F1..- T (,ceen FabrIC '3x100W12r.V "ir---eA Mt:'!,J Bab€ !""!r.:Hm Lam" [.'a~kSrn~ ·11"11' Sa,-d. ·Glass Mounted Pendant 50Fr ~~f~r- :hre-f' Ply SaM Nickel S3::!11 r~lCktll SaM Ct,rome CIa'''' S!t!n Ct":r~~ 03''''' ._ ,1-<~_~~!:l!~~~2.:.~point ca~~P'L_)I~!U!~~:~!!.!S.".~_ ,"~~.~~r:~?_ I!::!.~'?! ."'~ __ "",",_l~.:J~~y'~~_I~~~~!R< ('] :~y"" LSR9 VN : ..e.p_P_~!~_~!!_ AmbIent Con-£act Horesce:"ll COlT'pact Florescfoi"t Co~ FloresoerJ ~3-e55D Symetric :'l::"~~;l:!: .. CO'T!pact FIQ(E?SOO<)f :~~;do ~~~;2 Peerless LgtE ~ 'li<;lhl Guard ····LSi""lildiJSiroes \;iiiiani: M J)S~ '63 Y6C2S,...., ~ C8 ......"'"'..--:~~."' Ac;IJ On&ian ,~:Er~~::i;~~ II:' 63 .~~. _ _ • _ _ .. __ ._._. V'lhite 'i5pjfbtff;J$iir" ....... . OOL Tt Ge~-'(lH 9'~F_ ;:::E J ( -, - /8 'I, ~ j ", : ;. ,- ,:~ :"'h ill o " ( 00 \, J ", ", -- . -i \ , x.f'>F,;( _'-- -' ,/ _--$ ru~ ~ >yfY $ ( ;' " ~ lJ'I . VVxt1l'V m YK ' ) ~r~ 25~r,.., ~ Xffl ') /9' AFF V:;;v, Y VlY: i 12'AF_ rxI(]YXI{].,,(Jfi'Xx"i1'} tif,Y,tu ! '- i.><. ''XIX: .7« \ 101 ~ 101 ~ 0 - \. \m , l.'o!J _ .<&-_- - __ -$ t-,..--+... l.'o!J ,', r :, )' --', :' : ':.,V' \ ;' , @ .. ,ih'" 9 ,,/.4> ~\\<---- ) / ~ '.F. ~"'~ \, ... \" '\ '\ ~" ' .... - = 0 ABOVE V< YK /~--+.-,..,\' , ('GI' i i~'--"'-/'=" 1 : ; : ' - - ' ' .F. . / \ \.,/ "" : M \. \\ \. @ "--~,,<:::,,::~~:~:;~I 9' AF.F. ~ VH1 lj~ K Y V'l 1/V)'x'V" IJ..I Y:U ""I)<'v" cu "" rJ.I'~l/~ ~ Y 1011)/: ~,h-$-,_ 9 A Fl IX i.><. Bt\ -- § ' !> x, ---: 'x'? :u , ~ JI ,-----,_-$., '~ $ _ ----, "t'0, ,::n { ,9 \. JTIL /\ !ill ,~ (' ':.A ,1!U; (' \ AF.,\i,10fA\ . F;!lli : .. , " ( \ "- . , __ - ... -- --, ... ---.. [133 LQi " ~ ! "'.. \ -- ,. -$ --- , , 'I '- r j .. -'I--, ---.. : " ~. ~ 9AFF ~8 II --- .. --~.. -) ... '-- . / :. . --- ... . / .. <>,' '¢----'¢. A.'C7 ,--- ''9- ~ III :~ 9 1 'AFF , 4----'¢-'j ')<Itl Dl' ~mr;)fXL1<l.r:>D< '¥ :.. J O~~~EIL1NG PLAN WITH SWITCHING ',------- '--' 9AF. [ ~IIII 12'AF 'I7Xf'XV~~)YlI)(l111 IL: , ~ i ~!\ . :.o---~-o @ ): i) . " . . -- / __ . . : £J;.---' ~ :. ..,.. --' . ' ! i / _ =~ '-'1' ') /--$-: A_·--,A 4~'--~ ~'--" ;- -------" cJ!g}L ~ / __ ____ h ____ 9' AF.F. \ 9f1GU1(,QE] U'AFF 12AFF ,AI> <6 ' ---', ~ . . . :-;) { M 9'AH r,f!:\, '" ' \ '.... • --- ... -' ;':. --, '-- -' :f~-\:)~-;;~~-fo't~<FFI6AFF """---t::~~:F--9-_2"_4H,":~.~~~' = , -; ',-, ?.. i:: ~ LX. /..---+.".0."' __ ! ,I ',,<,:,..:, :: :: 16' A.F.F. "~_ "--' ,J: 16 . ", '----9' AFF. ! : \AU. , / :.. : C! , ~. 1= lL 9' AF.F. :}.' :',' ___ --/~----'~ ,h::---'- [Z~~~ ,9' AFF .!,/' ~[i; If '--.. y~'-..~ _/: t ' t " ;;:." , -(:4t"/~~ - 6IUb?Z· " , , ~ J rN rxlnY ~rx' rt )l/': tt 1>(, ' XK . 1/11'> 'Xx:~ lUI<: yfjd' v -"" ~ 111 ~ ) 9'6"A.F.F. ~ -' ~- {L'--,-j~~;; '-'-----~\~~ fit I (+_~ ( .., \ \. "'-- ---/ ~ ~ ~ Vb ),' t ,,j..., ,--, "'''' ... '- --- ... -- -- . '" , V k-; ----;:~~ ~ _, --) ~ ""',.... \, ~[){!"'V.., ' ' " ,' /xr)'~ Y: IL :,9' AFF 'V ~ ~ I II i - I , 1'-"f-lI I'-"t'-' \' o'-.. II ",~, ,-~--'. .- 1.+-'1 ", 1/1 I",j I "- -- '10' V'.t""UF. .... 10'. r==-=> •o f'EIIIDANT FIXTURE 10 AF.F, (TAG G) PENDANT HU'-G FIX-:-l.fRE (1 AG 3) • SliF::FA[E W)\)NTED FIXTURE (TAG 1\) !81 2X2 F-lUORE5CENT F-1XTtJRE (TAG ti) ~ "'EeESSE:> CAN (T /l.G C) + REC~ SSW CAN (TAG 0) + "lJ~FACE $-- . ",',- -, ... "-~~ :l~';:~:;'~~'I',~1' o o • [j]] PORTER DESIGN ASSOCIATES. LLC. FISHERS. INDIANA MOI/HTEO J...J !lJST ABLE CAt-.. LIGHT rrAG::) I-U)(:,'KESCENI (aYE liGHT (TAG ~ FISHERS INN & SUITES L1GHTIIV&CEILlIVTYPE5LEGEfV ® SWITCI--n,;::;, LE(;EM) 1 ~~ S r, SURF ACE ""OUtrED C.;A'--IDU [[R ~lXT'JR[ Cf)~r-IN,'\nON CAG :-") 04-29-08 1JF'/DOwNl:cm (TAG Jj (.::PNIH" AMAt,DA PORTER CURVED WOOD 'lENt::.R f','\t-.ll :,liEfrT-LE CO"FERED CE1.J'l"; TKAN5ll,CENT 2X2 F/\TlEHt.D r1L= 5T!(lf LlC::i!-1 FOR 2X4 f!,~IL SYSTEM (TAG t:i flUORESCENT LlCr-fllf'-G BEI-lir--D TRANSLUSE'IT 5', (TI\Gtv'J Dl75IGN(TJ...GL) 51E~ ~ REFLECTED CEILlIV PLAN WEST ~r<E:TN~B{r E1.2 REYISIOI'ID"Tt I';M,. I "lXlM L"Bf.L j 50 "r ., "'~""'<-..t ,-" .. "''"'.~," ' " f -,.:""'<. .,.~:,. QfT -- 157~:O<. r~..,,,c_~·,,,"'.,C '~<T';~~f'.<" I;',"".'~:<,,, !':f-N,""'I'r:..1~'~ ' ...t..a.t:',,·, if'''''7T<.c' (:",~ ) .... <.... ! .. '''~·o -....""1.-" ." ,"",.",,-., :-.. .,~, ''''''F''- FISHERS INN & SUITES PORTER DESIGN ASSOCIATES. LLC. FISHERS. INDIANA '"""'ii">1" ~l-- ".. •.; ••• ~'~ .. ,. - •• '-'r "'''''''''', PI-T[ 04 29~8 G);'IIWNBY' AMANDA rORTER SH;;:E'-FfU FURNITURE SCHEDULE ~:>,-e:T "LMBH' F1.1 I(E\'IS'~OI\TE FT 'RM# l<:CJCt,o',l",r;L sa I Fr 1'"W.d 6;o~,," ~~< ,1 '>'>:~IH ~'4~YJ c:=J l= l L,z""'l'T ~ l.Jfill ~ ~ FISHERS INN & SUITES DQD PORTER DESIGN ASSOCIATES. LLC. FISHERS. INDIANA P,<T[ 04-29~8 CD~UR~lTURE PLAN Dk",WNE'-Y AMANDA PORTER Shff- 11",[ FUR,mURE PLAN EAST ~ ,- -- :"''lnN~BEr F1.2 Ii:E{I~I~[;',...Tt /';M' <:OOM LA&EL I 50 "r >;;~ -.l ;:;5 W W TO fOOL 2 ,. C8 r,', ,~ ]~ ~ ~ ~ ~ §[Q] [J@ 0 ~ 0" ~~~ ~ [Q] ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ RI+ ~~~ ~~W [Q] (~ ~ Se. ">lI SO _G_ ""_.". 5" _"-:' .. J ~ < ,: n " ~ 12G "' '" 2') , 00 ~~'2Sl. 'Y ,'" ~ ,y. (,lH''-~HL, ~[.<M ". ~ ,'" , FISHERS INN &. SUITES [JQIJ PORTER DESIGN ASSOCIATES. LLC. FISHERS. INDIANA CD~~L~l~!"~~RE PLAN DAn 04·2908 (;1i.,..wNf'Y AMANDA FORTER SJ-I:[fr'-.E FURNITURE PLAN WEST ~ S.-<[!:TNWBH' F1.3 RlvISiaIDI\T[ 1'1 ~II SO" '<:OOMLADtL ~<,.~ ",),fl IMI@a;aI~le'il il~ ~ '1 .;":::-,;,~ H 1~;aIMI@6~I~~1 "'-~~ It!1J!1IMI~{jIMI M4~M4 MOl 1~!aIMIMI~~1 M4a.~ I~~IMIMI~~I Itt e CD~EETING TABLE LAYOUT M4 El ~~ e L i ~:~~:~ :: II @T_EA0HINGROOM LAYOUT FlSHERS INN & SUITES PORTER DESIGN ASSOCIATES. LLC. FISHERS. INDIANA P"T[ 04-29~8 CI:.II'r'lNBY AMANDA PORTER ~,j'IEfT Tl-~f @~A_N9U~T TABLES FURNITURE LAYOUT ~ FURNlfURE PLAN MULTI PURPOSE ROOM ~-nT~f F1.4 'i:UIS,'ON DATE Presentation Boards Concept Statement J-1: ![=~~~'---J1 n Points of Research The Hampton Inn & Suites Redesign will foclls on creating a multi-functional space. Similar to a cruise ship environment, I plan to break the spaces down by territories and zones with adequate square footage tor each intended lise, and to make the spaces customizable and flexible so that it can be modified tor various future hmctions. ~-~:]W1fL~~ L~'l~ ~I,;~~'". 'l'.::," Rt>; # >"F - II:·OOf<1 \ Ap;l ". ,1,,,".:, ._.h Modern Luxury ~• I ~.: ;-._......L. . . . il.~. . . .•... r .r',,,,, "'" IE£J J.. .1L..... ..... .:~:::::.L " ._... ")e· 'vc. :.),•. 'r Design, convenience, and {lexiblhty Fl1lTIlture arnmgements that offer zones The parameters for the redeslgn include the entire first floor of thiS four story building. This spaee is approximately 15. 500 square feet with an additional 3,000 square foot pool and exerci'ie area located in th~ rear of the facihty. ·:~~:i~~;:: :,:1~ l""><' ",,", f-:M~, ( I ;) // ~ , " \ .~ ~) jt / // ~~~ Furniture Plan ~ Scale: 3/32" =1'-0" Amanda Porter. If... ·· U JJc;o~.1-i! .:.~ ii 1 ,=,0 ]J] '=' .]J] n',TI] [rrf;:/ = 1 i/ ,""" 'td' ~ 1(; ti'"~ I. fH~:' CT' i.,11. c-H 11~ ihiJ.!d .:r =' I' Bl1~ F1~LJ~~k[J~'·"'>/·)~ Fishers Inn & Suites. iBtz"'c<J'- !.,., Smaller room sIzes to ell~ourag~s people to go into the public spaces ~,I V .o,,~. e..d 1/ .- [TI .'; ; ~:.: "c r, " Customization ~I- ~.·A~ _ !, '.·~Y.. '-(. ... Of Also Similar to cruise ships, the finishes and atmosphere of the hotel will attempl 10 incorporate liveliness and community. An open feel belween mos[ areas will allow for guests 10 view the activities gOing on at all times and to see the different areas available to them By keeping the larg~r part of the first floor Visible, guests of the hotel Will be drawn to tbe various aetlYitJes and amenities. Layer of Luxury I,. . i Comfortable, casual, and usahle lobbies Similar to the ZOl1l11g layout and designs of cruise ships. the rooms in thlS hotel may be smaller in order to draw more guests away from seclm:1011 and into the publie sectors Lifestyle Brands ~ Site Plan Reflect the way [hey lI .... e now-and, even hetter, the way [hey aspire to live FCSMR 484. Studio 6. Lazos-Flores. " I ~ 1 e-~5r< ! i'8'n'-,,)I'T " ;''OJ,,,r' ? :Z'·~:' ,;(J '" Reception Desk Seating Area Business Center Amanda Porter. Cocktail/Coffee Bar Fishers Inn & Suites. FCSMR 484. Studio 6. Lazos-Flores. Schedules _________~~oadloom Carp.~____tfv1an-r1~ngton ___ _JAq:leggio LA~PEG)-;tapr~cClo (CAPQ) I i ! Natural Wild Pecan i liardwood F~oo_r~~ _1~rmstronfL. ___ . _._ iMetro c;lassicln/a) ____JH510PN_)_ __~()b.pLSeC3til1g i ! Deep Thoughts, ! !Carpet Tile iMannington i(DEETH) Notion (NOTI) Lobby Seating Groups -~-----r---- - - - - .--. --~ :Guest Bedrooms, Elevator, Offices, BuSiness ~ ' F2 ___ F3 ------.. - - F4 F5 1=6-· -- _~carpet Til~ :Terrazzo -----iTerrazzo.. -~~--~---- F7 ·1"'-"--------- - 19mter, __ ~nningt()l1_____~AII AboutMe (ALA5M) ~a (MOCH) .____ Conference R00Il'1____ i Rosa Mosaic Standard ' S-04-16 ! Cocktail Bar, Dining Area !Rosa Mosaic "-~!-Standard -------6-04-30- -. - Cocktail Bar, Dining Area -------.--~----- -~efia-n-t-H-a-mmer-ed-- .-~-.----- -----t (GRHRTP) ~kout (297) _ _~.fl1boo (BM-:;To-R,-;--)--:- _[Seaweed (1Q.!L ____ I :Natures Path Select ,Luxury yinyl Tile ~nnington ____Tile (NUH) ___·Fiera.9oncrete(~83) I I. . :Natures Path Select i Luxury Vinyl Tile _ IMannington _ _ITile (NUI-!L _____ !Fiera ClayPot (121_87) ~_~~Vinyl Composition Til~ Mannington ____' E~sentials (ESSEN)._ _' Otter BE<:>wn (173) i Jo~nsonite_ _ _! John~o~ i Rubber Flooring ____ IRubber Stair Tread 1 I .~. _ ~ Re.silient Sheet .•,Mannington .. Carpet Tile IMannington -- - ----rcarpet Tile - - - - - ,Manning~1 _____ _ 1 _~: .-~~- Kitchen, Behind Bar Tread __ _ ~Stair :Restroom________ _ 1 IRestroom ___ ~_. ____ _ ,SJorage ClosEl_ts, Breakroom_ __ _ _ seur. .at (LL2) I. Brittany E3.each (LL. 2411)1 Laundry Room. ,Multi-Purpose Room Storage Wired (WIRED) i Jazzed Java (JAJA) I Multi-Purpose Room -,Belvedere IV (BE45M) :Myriad (MY-~ - ---~Iti-Purpose Roo;:;:] -----t---------I .• .-----.---i ! Indoor/Outdoor Dance :VInyl Wood grain (V) , Dance Floor !ValianttBoor ! ~lti::E)urpose.Boom ~------------ i ___ b~JOOd - ___--"-- .____ ~~J______ : --___ l - - __ : - -____ . I 1~':-::"---~ _ _ ~_=lvinYI-B-a-s-e---_=_-_JJ-.9-h-ns-oni~-__-._-_-_-_~-_~IS-i-Ihou-e-tte--.--..-~-IM-e-d-ium()~-~-(M-O-~)=_-n-Ob-by-,-S-e-atii1-9_-_~ __-_--_-_-_-__ ~_·_-~.__ - 'Vinyl Base _______ jJohnsoni~ __ . __ Spi~ _ _ ~_.iChar~C31 (20) ___ lKitchen ... . _______ _ Vinyl Base iJohnsonite ,Inflection i Cinnamon (76) !Guest Rooms, Office, Elevator, Business Center ·----iVinyl Base---·· ---lJOhnsonite--- :Sp;r:e-- --- . Seaweed (101)---~irwells·----·· -. ---- --rove ==r=- ~--:-I'{InY[Base_~_~_jJc;h'r,sonite---==ng -~_=~-~ __ ~Ne~trality (1 (7)_~lLC3l,l~~ry-R(;();n=--- 1 ! -----------t---- - - - -- --- -- - - - IVinYI Wallcovering 'Wolf Gordon ___ ;.Vinyl WC3Ucoveri!19__ I Wolf Gordon____ :Vinyl Wallcovering IJM Lynne ---YarTlii1a~--·Formica--- - - ------1----_________ --~------ =_' Vin~ WaJlcove-ring___ !Wolf GoreJon-- i Vinvl Wallcoverina 1Wolf Gordon IzePhyr (ZPH)C0l!~tellation (CL'=L Static Glow (J290) ----- -~Guest Room Hallway~ Conference Room;E3uslness !Storm (9-1465) .I-!onor (8-451f ___ . Moor (501) •Beluga(3697) Kiwi 7-3259 iCenter .. - - ...-----Guest Room, Guest room bath --:Office, E19vatO-r--Treatment, Lobby j----I Seating Area ~Restro(;,:ns-- --- 1 TCoiUmn --~------ , , W7. ___ .__ . IVinYIWalicoveling :WolfGO_rdon. W8___ __Latex Paint_ enng ~1--Sherwin Wililiall1~__ I/I/!L... __ . _. ILatex paint __... Moore __._... W10 .______ Vinyl Wallcoveril19_ W~f__C3grdon . W11 :Upholstery -.--I,DesignTex ' ~enjamin = 1 . 1 ~, Laminates and COljntertops L1 -----h----------- -- - 1 L2 I I :Solid Surface I --- ,Resin ! Laminate Do or Frame D1 ~~mng C~, C3 Type - ---lI IPaint Coffered Ceiling ITransluscent 2x2 1 ____ l~x4InlaY,n 'Slat Wood Veneer , ! IGreen Sheer Leaf ------1---. I ,---- -----:ReceptlOrlDesk Front i( ! Reception Desk Front and Transaction Top . I . - .. - - - - - - - Copper (5166L_ . __---1f.c>ck!ail Bar Fr()~___ i Black Matrix (324) Cocktail Bar Counter Top i -'----7"--.--------1 ---------- , _L._. I --h-fU-s-io-n--c:anoPies-- IA.r.Il1.'stron.9____ . ==IA"rmstronL___ __ ;Armstrong ,Ar!llstrong iArmstrol'1~L _!.~'!9~ j Dune 1775 u. _ _ _ _ , _ _ _. _ I , _______ 'Chipmunk 419-6 _ __ lDoo~ ~rames [Section C-27 Pittsburgb~a~ts I C4 C5 C6 C7 . Fire Glaze (7703) "-'- _~oa"'1 ______. . tlrg_,u'rvntaerld Pa'nel p 2x2 Inlay i ----- ---tv;ntage Green-Mica--i-.---.--9021 _ _---1B.eception Desk Counte_r__ r---- I . u.,'___ •Artifacts Architectural 'Fusion , iPanel Formica .iKit~en, 1 I :DesignTex 'Formica Formica -----=- --tl3,()~~ Surface +L~cey ! I L3 L4 - . . L5~- P~eyi~w f--- ~~()rmica -+b9_llllnate _ _ _ _ ,Haven 2 - Expansion : i I(EXP)_ ..... ____.. IAttacI1..J~2624 ___~_cktaB!3....a~ __ .. ____ . iY-G/G/79 - - -. . Ryegrass (SIJIJ~423 !Cocktail Bar, half walls Color COlors ..... pea.rl.(21.Q?-70) Breakroom. ,_L.a. undry Rgom Sofia (SOF) _ _ _.....;Q0lden Ocl1..r~J7 -550S.t ~!~?urpose..B()_()~____ _ (2008) [Lizard (503) for wall montage -Friendly - - -Faux ---.-,... _____!Wrapped · __ n ------- .._ _ !~1:' o1he,a~as=-_-- __S_a~-eHappiness -----.J'yv h1te !Ha.llwa y Laundry i Ro()~_ ' I ! I I Metaphors Coffers.. 5727 ! White ___ . !Multi-Purpose Room _ _.,. __ llnfusion 5922 'Clear Arbor __ ,Business C~nter, Dining Area, Bar ,Dune 1775 ;White __ ._____ IKitch~_n_ _ Seatina Area u ---- - - I ,Function Tag # *rCM~::t:t~~r IProduct er -lSeiitin!i==t= ~ Name Number iFinish 1 ~___-:_=+~~~er lS_~le~=~~ i Col~r .. -k~~ u_ •. ~~~~fac~ureristyle-- J~o~or ... _.. -.--t-~- Upholstery i -----+FriendlY Faux ' !Couch '. s.e. at and Back 10. I: __ (50.:31 S2 ~ ,Up,holstery .DesignTex_. ,Friendly Faux 1Calico (701) I IUpholstery, I Friendly Faux I S3 _-+!C=.h",a:cir IEd~cational !Seat and Back Design-rex (2008)_~rd (5031 ~der 1 , I I Upholstery ~endly Faux ' Love Seat --+----I Educational 'Cavetto 59112 DesignTex 'Acacia (2843) Aspen (502) 'Seat and Back I DesignTex (2008) ,Lizard (503) S4 --.. --_ ________ ---+---______ -------.l____ I -----1Sauder i20S Cube I : Shaker Cherry : : ' T1 i.c.9~E:l Table ~~ional Table 20S-202424 _jWJlsonArt ~gnGroup ,!7935-7) I. __------L ____~! 55 ISeatFritzHansen Egg Chair 3316 iDesignTex ~ia(2843) Aspen_~___ ' _____ . _ __ 'Cafe Table : Table Top 36" ! i BLOSSOM I , I [ T2 ~__ ,Falcon Rndw/Yi"lL_ 13333-36RD IFonnica JWoodgrains CHERRY_ • ,_~. ---t--~-Cafe Table I 69A5 Series ! Falcon I Amber Cherry I Falcon I Black , B1___ 1B'!.~ .... ____ j.F,<l~c()n IWood Column !'69A5-22 ,Standard JIIB£134_ _ -iB_ase Stem I standard :Powdercoat CP001 GS __ . 'base bottom i __ , , : Metal Dining I Falcon ! I I ;:~~ndly Faux I Upholstered----:': Cafe Chair S6 !Falcon :Chair R846 IStandard ._.,__ _ __ ~------- DesignTe)(_~81 ILizard (503) :Seat __ ~!_ _ _ Table Top ',BLOSSOM , ,'SLI-Single I T3 Table Top :Falcon 136"D x 60"L 13333-36X60 Formica . !Woodgrains CHERBi______ _ __ iVinylEdge :Blac..l<Jlt1.L_ ILamif1<jte Inlay i Table End Falcon Tunpolished" Black Wrinkle Molded Plastic B2 _TableBas~Jalco~ ! Base 5" x 204-522 ~arldar.tJ_ _rStandardfText I R1 00 ___-7 ___ _ _ ______ Glide , ' GC3 LCH 1 1 Amber Cherry i ~atellite ~_1____ (;u~stc;e.n~~ IpeterPepper lG~~~laSs IWilsonArt ,(7919~381: --- t(JIIText~es iK507/7 fh!orOPhYI _tse_rtfabric S~_ Sauder ' Educational Cavetto I Sauder . Cavetto 'Sauder, ' : ' 59113 Acacia (2843) :Asp,en (502) 59111 .. _ [)esignTex Dwell (2850) Valencia (701) ' : I ' ICavetto~_1.1.1__DesignT~Aca.E.iaJ?843) 'Aspen (502) j.DeSign~X ~---~---------. -----~---- eSignT~x_._.." (20~8)_. ~.1~ard 'I ~----.-- __ --4 1--- i Business Quarter Bookcase Left Quarter Bookcase Right D1 D2 - 03 IComer Unit -~--t--~·---·~ , , IBridge_. i S7 C1 __ T4 83 Steelcase Turnstone Steelcase Tumstone Steelcase ITurnstone I 1 ICorner ~~e~ D5 isookease:- u;_ - I IOffice C.~air Built in !Steelcase I :Basic 1 1---- r IMARBLED ,Quarter, Left . 'Steelcase ,Laminate ICHERRY V2 I lHand, 24dx2!l iTS5TLQL2428 Standard I(LPL) ----iL:.PL (267L)--+_ !Bookcase,Basic ,MARBLED I :Quarter, Right TS5HLQR242 Steelcase I Laminate !CHERRY V2 ihand, Hpl, 8 Standard (LPL) ,LPL (267L) , ;Shell-Corner, Steelcase Basic . ',MARBLED-' !24X42 TS5TLCS2442 Standard Laminate ,CHERRY V2 .-'_. , Shell-Extended. " !Corner, I Basic MARBLED ,Curved Front, iSteelcase iLaminate CHERRY V2 . L~ht h~ TS5HLER2.!6_~Standard . JiLPL) LPL (267L) _ I _ IBridge-Hpl, I :Steelcase Basic MARBLED 24x36,1-318 !TS5HLB2436TStandard. ~,<lte__ CHERRY V2 Let'S B, Full . :Steelcase I ,Black Leather Back, Leather TS30601 L iStandard JL107) 6 +---' , ; ~---. ------+. - - - - - , 1------ 1 -t------- ___ I , : I --t!~~·~_~_-f_er_enc~--,-=_~=-=;~~~:t~ -i~-~-= __f~_--~=- iB~SiC--'-~~~~LED IConference ISteelcaseshaped" ITable Top .. ITurnstone .Conference iTable Base -- SteelcaseBase-22" ISteelcase TS4TCB4814TStandard I TS4TBASE22 . Steelcase 1 - iLaminate;CHERRY V2 :(LPL) ILPL (267L) 'Textured Paint :Black (7207-'-'--- i, +---- , ___ . _ _ ' -- - .- I ' ISteelcase I ~8_----1-0ffice Chair Turnstone , Steelcase r.1~ _. _iCredenza __ jTUrnston.e ----=m--- 1----' I Chair-Burton" 1Executive High·: i Steelcase iBack, Leather 'TS32101. ,Standard... .. 'I Credenza-Full I 'Steelcase Basic ,Storage, Hp.J... ITS5HL~F'?472:~~dar_d_ _ ,Laminate I M ultiPurpose' Steelcase S9 I I Brayton Chair_____ . IInternational T5 iTabl.eToJ), _ j Falcon --- ~ - CAPA-GUEST 1 . .- - - - CHERRY V2 j----..- - - - - - - - - - : t-, -I iCHAIRSTD: I Conservation I 'MAnE '1810M ____ J:J.e.sJgnTex(2862) . !,Ni9htbird (401) Table Top 60" I Falcon , ,Amber Cherry Rnd wi Wood 24022-60RD ~!<Jndard Woodtones IWBF134 _____... ITable Base ,Falcon Unpolished, Black Wrinkle i .. .. ,36" Base Sprd,j204-36 Standard .rStandardlText R100 . II 'I : B4_ _ _ .Iable Base t iRoc"",. T6___ .1-"GlE.le top 1 "o~ Turl"l~l£lne__ --+ Rectangular . : B5 Falcon ISt"'~OO i Flip top legs ,S""~oo ;Tumstone :Steelcase Modesty Panel I Turnstone I I Steelcase I Easel Turnstone IHaif Round Steelcase }:.<l ble top Turnstone ' ,Steelcase lJable Legs ..'Turnstone 90 degree ISteelcase I M4 IM5 IT? B6 T8 corner table __ crnstone S10 S11 CafeI/Cocktaii Cock':tail Bar Stoo I Falcon 'Cock:tail Bar IStoo I ,Falcon S12 Cafe Chair t S13 B7 B8 u , : 11 Sliding Door ! Cabinet Zesco II C5 Top. c.,\ern. T54FL""TC [S""~OO j Pair, 2T'H..£()r 2 Standard _ Panel-, Steelcase iModesty, 9x61 'ITS4MP72 _ S.!<Jndar.<J._ 'Turnstone I Easel-Group Steelcase Work, Mobile, TS40005 .Standard !Top-Half iSteelcase IRound Table,TS4H3060 Standard Legs-Post, I Steelcase !27h, ;~4L27PG Standa..r<!....__ tTop-Corner ! Steelcase [Bridge, 90 1~~~CB903030 !Standard u I 'Textured Paint! Black (7207) - ' - - -. _ ...__ ,Basic MARBLED I Laminate CHERRY ~ __ . _ . : ' Standard Paint Black (0835) . _ . ___ '_ _ _ _ _ .~ __ __ Basic !MARBLED I :Laminate ....$HERRY V2 I j------+-i [.'Textured Paint Black (7207L IBasic MARBLED :_ t=~:a!_e_ _~~HE:::':". --r -----,-1-·----r--- ---I ---___ -~, ---- t- -Bottlebrush I Falcon Bar Height I Standard Metal Stool !RB56-2 JDeSignlex. __ tRecialm(2856)(401_)_ _ Bar Height Falcon , ,Metal Stool Standard j____~De~n~IReclaim (2856) Cherry ~ i R856-2 -~: - - - - , , " Bottlebrush . Metal DIningjFalcon R846 ~SignTexReclaim (2856) (401) 'Chair _ ,Standard_ _ , -!Metal Dining ,Falcon I R846 _ _-+!""S-,;tac-n. dard 'Chair ~esig.nle.x . teclaim (2856) ChelT)'(301) ,Falcon IAmber Cherry Table Top 36" , I Rnd wi Wood 24022-316RD IStand<ll"(j_~odtones~_~4) ! 4400 Series I , Mat Black I (with 15" SF4403- 22+ Falcon I.LCP001MS~ _ _ _ _ _-1 _ _ _ _ :Falcon I ,Table Top 36" IX 36" Drop Standard .Amber Cherry 24022,Leaf wi Wood 36X36DfRP .Colors Woodtones '(WBF~13~4C'-)~-,-_. ',Table Base Falcon Unpolished, i Black Wrinkle ext I (R 100) '22" Base Sprd, 20· :Standard --.'''StandardlT -----T-------. I Stainless Steel I - - - - . . ...-- l ____ --+ ---+ . , .J_ . , 1.._________ -.-___,;:;----.,- .-- .------+ -- 'sU Single -_____ ! Laminate Inla\, -+- _ !I~b~ Base _.talc:o...l"l... iTop with fold __ idown leave~ __ .~con !Base for fold : Idown __ ~Falcon Flip ..L- ,MARBLED! ICHERR,'I' V2 I t_ ! no !Standard ,."" . _~aminate ~. iFalcon Cafe Chair ta!con Cafe Table Top (bar Falcon Bar Height -- T9 I Leg-T, S.,'~" -, I Restaurant I Work Table 3' ,708-D-054-M , I J _______ _ I with welded :intermediate I shelf i I 2 Sliding Ooor I l,small ___ IZes~ r C6 r i 12 Sliding Ooor I [Big _"__ IZesco C7 ---i~i::~:a iTable Top ISquare _ [Table Top Tll ~___ T12 ' I LCafeCh<Jlr :Falcon ! ! C;2 C3 t4- i I! Kitchen i C8 r_ '1_ m ___ i 1;:I~-30"x96"lzesco Cl0 ITable 24"x72" !zesco I ! I I -ljTable 30"x36" IZesco C.!_l 1 _ T:ble 24·X96'=~ C12 _.JBreakroom , M5 ___ ____ + j 6 Person ----~ Locker, Beige :380-0-005 TOp-Square--' - , Steelcase ! Standard l~~~:~: _-=Ig~~~~~::: _l 'Falcon Standard Table, Base-22" Chair-Move, jArm, _Upholstered i i Guest----; --- l--=- I ----t--' -1- ___ ____ Fl r- ml Bottlebrush ,_j~..E!.cl51irnj2~~6*~0.!_)__ i (301) I --t--=-:-l ,-- ! .~---~ , , ; . i I +--- I I I - . _______ -----.L ________ _ 1_ __ ___ ! -,-~- --+_____1_ i I : ±--=1----+---+-----I 'Zesco Standard Steelcase I ! ---+--,- -i ---I Beige Top Surface- ~VanadiumLaminate n~Fib..Elr (2T50) ~___ I I . SteelC<Jse__ +_ :" I L--- +_ i-,------- 1_ 1 : I ~-_- ' i _~=-=--=-~_=-==-- 1_1-t-___ ' i '-----------cn_----r Gl<J.ss,LE.12... ,. WilsonArt i Valiant iJA3678 :Standard ' t', _____ IBuzz~(I3uzz2)' Celery (5F12) ~upholste~~e~case _-I-=:'===::'::"'-=-~-"-':'::'::'-'--_ _+-== I-J--~-==~n' --+____ ____ Nightsti3l1cl __ :f"€lter Pepp'er ,Center , 36" Framed Headboard iValiant Headboard - I : ' --~--------+---- Guest - - 1 Panel Guest GCl LCH--------~,-M7 I l", ______,_, _ -L--- _ _ L ___ I with welded intermediate shelf ,with welded :intermediate :shelf -----1---------- I I --+-----~-- n I ' _jRElc:I<Jim (~~)Lc:he!ry --t--- I ~C9ml11~.cial! Icounters _ _ _~--- i I --- ----t-- iTS4ASCV36 Standard :TS4TBASE22 Steelcase 1490412UC I ---" I .---- I I -_~I-----t-=--==1= BLOSSOM :CHERRY BLOSSOM ,Woodgrains ICHERRY ~npolished, :Black Wrinkle, I"Standard."Text"~R_~OO) _ ,_~ __ ' ' I : L;:,~noa!~ I : T- _____ . Woodgrams Formica Falcon Standard Falcon --,---- 1 , iLockers , ISide Chair '. ,Formica ------- Stainless Steel WorkTable, 012-0-423 ---------Stainless Steel 012-0-421 Work Table TStainless Steel iWorkTable 708-0-135 IStainless Steel .l~orkTabl~_ 012-0-416 IStainless Steel I IWork Table 1708-0-1~6_ I Zesco -- ~,Concave sided Steelcase T13 table top Turnstone B3~able ~<lse Steelcase S14 C12C1-3-- -- - -t-- i ITable 30"x120"i Zesco C9 ~ Table Top 36"[ x 36" Sq W/_, _, 13444-36X,'36 Table Top 36" Rnd w/vinyl_j~3444-36RO Table Base I 22" Base Sprd, 1204-22 Metal ~ining . . __ ._ L-nalr IKIl4t5 ___ Metal ~ining R846 - - Chair J J ____ '_, 1 --_=f_~==_~r~:=-d--=-:--~-=~--~~-L- I tFalcon I I Falcon I Falcon Cafe Chair iCounterICommercial ICommercl<.r 'Counter 'Counter ___ -+c::.0mmercial S13 ' i u n___ B9 S12 Stainless Steel I Restaurant I Work Table 4' 708-0-056-M I Stainless Steel Restaurant ' I WorkTable t'7()8:12.-057~ci_ _ _ - - __ ~erry S::J::i___. Standard I Mocha Cherry furniture Finish I (MOC) laminate !DesignTex - Fusion Architectural J I iGreen~S"'he-e-r~ I Leaf 1----- .Inset Panel Shell: Steelcase Standard, 'Desk with 'JAEDOO iBacherOr---::::::I~~()03 F3 - F4 valianT '631076 'Knoll Textiles :lounge Chair ~a",t lounge Chair 631070 Knoll Textiles i , u I ' ___ " [HOSPil!lity , i T13 B3 jTable Top 'Table Base S15 'Side Chair ICoffoo Tobl. __ ,_, Double Exposure Double Exposure_ Double : 13~6~ ______+~noll T~!iles_+E:xposure rTBl,Steelcase ,Basic I PLAIN,20x~~x 'Standard i laminate Wood Chair Swathmore Tables Mocha Cherry i furniture (MOC) ,laminate MOcfiaCherry _. furniture ---@iandard , Full Sleeper , -- F5___ iDesk~h~__ -tfalcon__ I~'J_' I?teelcase ~un~able I Brayton -: -- Standard Finish :Sleeper Sofa 1Valiant - - - - - 1- -, '~I i F7 Valiant Standard ! Panel legs - D6 'Desk 'Valiant F2 - ~ Dresser __ , ~\I<l1iant I D-Shaped D8 ICorner Un]! ; upholstery Patina upholste'Y __J Steelcase Tumstone Steelcase Tumstone Steelcase Turnstone Steelcase - !Storage IOffice Chair Worksurface-D Steil/case I Basic Shape, TS5ADF2448 Standard ,laminate Shell-Desk, Steelcase IBasic Comer, 24x36 i TS5AS2436 I Stanaara ,La Return-Desk i Steelcase, Basic Height, left ,TS5AR2442l Standard !laminate iJackEJ!.J:>,es~ ITs31301 Steelcase -iLeather (UfJl-i i PedestalI [Mabile, 2 ISteelcase Basic Boxl1 File TS5AFMBBF !Standard ~f"Ili_na~ un I 'I Steelcase Turnstone__ Commercial ,Commercial _ L__ I :Folkstone ;(288l) iFolkstone I (288l) Folkstone (288l) D14 - Steelcase ,Storage Tower I[Turnstone ,-----~-.------- , Steelcase !Storaoe Tower !Turnstone i D15 ! I ~ iSteelcase I Standard . II I",m"", 1 Basic laminate , I~~~Basic Steelcase Standard IGlaSS Top --r--r '- ISteelcase+---,Standard I i tass I i Steelcase desk surface '---r-- ----~--- , i T~P_~ __ :__ i IStandard ~tured Paint IBlack (7207) Steelcase I I :Standard i:r~xtured Paint! Black (7207) ! ~BlaCkTT862) ~ i I Folkstone !(288l) I---~, '( Cabinet, 'Storage, 2 I I Drawer lateral: TS5ASCl246 -1-"-----CabinetI iStorage, Wrdb i i Right hand, 4 IAdjustable TS5ASW2472 1- 1-- iBasic 'larninate :Bas,c ;laminate lPl2 ,..---;-----l*B'asic i Steelcase _L_ , l-- ___~_____! Ilateral File J:r~!nstone I i Steelcase !BookcaseTurnstone D13 i -jSteelcase i Standa_rd_ _-;- _~ f- iTurnstone D12 I _--L __ i Patina ,MARBLED _~CHERRY V2 , I _ -+-- le Mobile Q,1_0___ Pedestal ~ Counter C16 ---tC~unter i - - --+----t__ i~ ___ " 1-- ---- --I_______n _____ MARBLED !TopI 'Basic CHERRYV2 : Steelcase IRectangular, Steelcase' laminate lPl (267l) Tumstone !Conference TS4TCR4896T IStandard :(If>,lt_ Black (7207) Steelcase iBase-22" TS~:rBASE22 Steelcase_--i[SWITCH I I ,Steelcase GUEST I Double AKM_, ,t:!rayton CHAIR EXDosure I '1510PC II nternational STD ~Textiles (K14213) lPatina Basic IMARBLED TBl! Steelcase ISteelcase Swathmore PLAI N,20x30x Standard laminate'- _lCHERRY,,,V-=2'--i_ __ t~:~:n-+les - IReturn with D9 S16 ! Patina Managers__ D7 -, MARBLED Ict::!E~RYY2 +- ' !MARBLED ICHERRYV2 IlPl (267l) i !MARBlED :CHERRYV2 MARBLED ,CHERRYV2 ,lPl (267lL _ _ _ I MARBLED ICHERRYV2 !lPl (267l) -+ -+ I -+-, , L I , -I-I I I --t- ----,- - , - - - - I _ -+--, ------r---- . S8 S17 -- i Office Chair Side Chair . Specialty ~ _____ ~~_ k Chair-Burton. Executive High· Back. Leather TS32101 Chair-Burton •. ;--_.. Steelcase Turnstone Steelcase I Turnstone Guest Chair. ITS32103 , .Steelcase ! Standard I . - TSteelcase--------_ !Standard 1 - -1---.-.---+ . -.. ---..-I ' I --t----· I I 1- .. ___ . (L107) -;- ! -- - - - - - - - - - + - - . _ - Tumble Dryer IT4900 _ _.!.~tandarcl.s SE2 Washer Washer W4280X- _ . " ,Standards . -----_. 6 bumer, I ~~--- ~!;l~ Ilesco Range wi oven I270-D-146-NG i Standards I I G-Senes : SE4 I Refridgerator __ jTraulsen. - .-.- ~cin_~9~_lStanda!dS __ ,, Arctic Air I ' , ISE5 _ n . Freezer ,lesco Commercial CF05 IStandards_. _ _ SE6 Ice Maker ,Ice O-Matic ICEU 300 ICEU300A _lStandards ____ _ ____ __ ~7------ Low Boy I lesco Sandwich/Sala 735-A-096 i Standards i Access Control 1 Security SE8 System iMikenopa System. __ ~-----IStandards __.. SE9 Kiosk !Mikenopa___ Information IStandards SE10 Sink ilesco Commercial._ 658-0-0241Standards ; Single Rack SE11 Dishwasher :lesco Dishwasher F-22 I Standards - __ ~~c!r.oIux Electrolux -- Black Leather (L 107) BlackIe11ttle-r I ··-;----1 ! +--- + , - t---._-, . - -+-1-I j- . i -L---i I nf __ i _____--+-_ i ! __---+-_ _ _. _ I .~. _ I · ! ! __ ---t. _i · - - _ _1-___________. I I ! 1 I -4 __~ ___+ i I - ! I . [1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -r----I ____ nut -i- I 1 ------1------1 ______ ~'_ i i i i ..______ _ Order Number: N2PG 12332FDSSOR120 white opal diffuser Frame Size DOORS Material Finish -~----.-. Ampco i Solid Core i 3' x 6' 6" x 1 3/4" . Hollow Core i 3' 6" X 6' 6" x 1 3/4" I 2 Laminate MC90 Wood Laminate MC90 Wood Laminate I 3 n .•• _H T -- ISolid C_()r~ . 4' x 6' 6" x 1 3/4" Details Door IHead IJamb IGlass :---- Aluminum 2 3 IAluminum ;D1 4 Aluminum D1 2 IAluminum D1 4: 5 iAluminum 'D1 1!t· 7 __ Aluminum D1 2 .+_ . ;__ __-=L-_ _ _---, I ._ _ ~_. 1_ _ _ _ f----- 5 6 7 Solid Core, I MC90 Wood IDouble Swingl3' 6" x 6' 6" x 1 3/~_lLaminate : MC90 Wood IAmpco -----LSolid Core 13' x 7' x 1 3/~" I Laminate MC90 Wood 6' x 6' 6" x 1 3/4" ILaminate I ... ---+cl~~~ :MC90 Wood 6' x 6' 6" x 1 3/4" Laminate i.Ampco .~--- iFrosted 21Glass I 1 6 L- IAluminum - - - ._---- ----. I ' ---~=lI---.--"'---.5 6· - 5 -_.- -- - _~ 6 Furniture Manual 3.1 Furniture Specification Standard Finish Samples on Multiple Items A. Laminate: Marbled Cherry (265L) B. Laminate: Amber on Cherry (WBF 134) C. Laminate: Blossom Cherrywood (758) D. Laminate: Amber Cherry (7919-38) Notes: 3.2 Furniture Specification Standard Finish Samples on Multiple Items A. Laminate: Black (2746) B. Laminate: Black (247) C. Laminate: Vanadium Fiber (2T50) D. Paint: Black (7207) Notes: 3.3 Furniture Specification B. Upholstery DesignTex Friendly Faux (2008) Lizard (503) A. Upholstery DesignTex Acacia (2843) Aspen (502) C. Upholstery Black Graded-in Leather Notes: 3.4 Furniture Specification Tag: Sl Quantity: 5 Description:Sofa for seating areas, lobby Manufacturer: Sauder Educational Style Number: 59113 Finish: Pattern: seatlback DesignTex Acacia (2843) Aspen (502) solid:arms DesignTex Friendly Faux (2008) Lizard (503) See 3.3 B Notes: Furniture Specification Tag: S2 Quantity: 4 Description:Chair for seating areas, lobby Manufacturer: Sauder Educational Style Number: 59111 Finish: Pattem: seat/back DesignTex Dwell (2850) Valencia (70 J) Solid: Arms DesignTex Friendly Faux (2008) Calico (701) Notes: 3.5 3.6 Furniture Specification Tag: S3 Quantity: 6 Description:Chair for seating areas, lobby Manufacturer: Sauder Educational Style Number: 59111 Finish: Pattern: seatlback DesignTex Acacia (2843) Aspen (502) solid:arms DesignTex Friendly Faux (2008) Lizard (503) See 3.3 B Notes: 3.7 Furniture Specification Tag: S4 Quantity: 4 Description:2-seater (love seat) for seating areas, lobby Manufacturer: Sauder Educational Style Number: 59112 Finish: Pattern: seatlback DesignTex Acacia (2843) Aspen (502) solid:arms DesignTex Friendly Faux (2008) Lizard (503) See 3.3 B Notes: 3.8 Furniture Specification Tag:Tl Quantity: 16 Description: Seating/Lobby Table Individual and grouped Manufacturer: Sauder Educational Style Number: 20S-202424 Finish: WilsonArt DesignGroup Amber Cherry (7919-38) See 3.1 D Notes: 3.9 Furniture Specification Tag: S5 Quantity: 2 Description: Egg Chair by Arne Jacobs Manufacturer: Fritz Hansen Style Number; 3316 Finish: Pattern: seatlback DesignTex Acacia (2843) Aspen (502) See 3.3 A Notes: 3.10 Furniture Specification Tag: T2, Bl Quantity: 2 Description: 36" Diameter Round Table Top Table top and base, cafe table for seating area Manufacturer: Falcon Style Number: 13333 Finish: Table top and Base Stem Blosson Cherry 758 (Formica) Black Textured Paint 7207 See 3.2 D Notes: 3.11 Furniture Specification Tag: T3, B2 Quantity: 1 Top, 3 bases Description: 36" x 60" Rectangle Top 3 Table Bases for top Table top and base, cafe table for seating area Manufacturer: Falcon Style Number: Top 13333 Base: 204-522 Finish: Table top Blosson Cherry 758 (Formica) Black Textured Paint 7207 See 3.2 D Notes: 3.12 Furniture Specification Tag: S6 Quantity: 10 Description:Cafe Seating Chair Manufacturer: Falcon Style Number: R846 Finish: DesignTex Friendly Faux (2008) Lizard (503) See 3.3 B Notes: 3.13 Furniture Specification Tag: Ml Quantity: 1 Description: Guest Center Manufacturer:Peter Pepper Finish: WilsonArt Amber Cherry (7919-38) Architex Style: Suburbia Colorway: Woody See 3.1 C Notes: 3.14 Furniture Specification Tag: 01, 02 Quantity:2x 01 2x 02 Description: Quat1er Bookcase Manufacturer: Steelcase Turnstone Currency Right Hand TS5HLQR2428 Left Hand TS5TLQL2428 L Finish: Marbled Cherry 265L See 3.1 A Notes: R 3.15 Furniture Specification Tag: D3 Quantitv:4 Description: Corner shell Manufacturer: Steelcase Turnstone Currency TS5TLCS2442 Finish: Marbled Cherry 265L See 3.1 A Notes: 3.16 Furniture Specification Tag: 04 Quantity: I Description: Corner shell extended right hand . .. ~ "i.,.., Manu facturer: Steelcase Turnstone Currency TS5HLER2466 '-..~ 23" . . . .~"". and 29" Finish: Marbled Cherry 265L See 3.1 A Notes: 3.17 Furniture Specification Tag: 05 Quantity: 2 Description: Bridge Manufacturer: Steelcase Turnstone Currency TS5HLB2436T Finish: Marbled Cherry 265L See 3.l A Notes: 3.18 Furniture Specification Tag: S7 Quantity: 5 Description: Multi-Use Chair for Business Center Manufacturer: Steelcase Lets B TS3060lL Finish: Steelcase Graded In Black Leather See 3.3 C Notes: 3.19 Furniture Specification Tag: T4 Quantity: I Description: Conference Room Table Manufacturer: Steelcase Turnstone Groupwork Boar Shaped Conference Table TS4TCB4814T Finish: Marbled Cherry 265L See 3.1 A Notes: 3.20 Furniture Specification Tag: B3 Quantity: 3 Description: Conference Room Table Manu facturer: Steelcase Turnstone Groupwork Round Table Base TS4TBASE22 Finish: Graded In Standard Black Texture Paint See 3.2 D Notes: 3.21 Furniture Specification Tag: S8 Quantity: 10 Description: Office Chair Manager's Office Conference Room Manufacturer: Steelcase Burton TS3210) Finish: Steelcase Graded Tn Black Leather See 3.3 C Notes: 3.22 Furniture Specification Tag: M2 Quantity: 1 Description: Credenza Conference Room Manufacturer: Steelcae Turnstone Executive Payback TS5HLCF2472 Finish: Marbled Cherry 265L Black Bar Pull Option See 3.1 A Notes: Furniture Specification Tag: S9 Quantity: 88 Description: Chair Multi-purpose Room Manufacturer: Steelcase Brayton International CAPA (181 OM) Finish: DesignTex Conservation Nightbird 2862401 Notes: 3.23 Furniture Specification Tag: T5, B4 Quantity: 11 Description: Table top 60" round and base Manufacturer: Falcon Finish: Falcon Standards: Woodtone Amber Cherry WBF 134 Standard Paint Black Wrinkle R I 00 Notes: 3.24 3.25 Furniture Specification Tag: T6, B5, M4 Quantity: 22 Description: Table top and flip top legs Manufacturer: Steelcase Turnstone Rectangular 30x72 Leg-T, Flip Top, Casters,Pair. 27"H, For 30"0 Tops Finish: Top Basic Laminate LPL MARBLED CHERRY V2 LPL (267L) Legs Textured Paint Black (7207) See 3.2 D Notes: 3.26 Furniture Specification Tag: M5 Quantity: I Description: Modesty Panel Manufacturer: Steelcase Turnstone Easel-Group Work, Mobile, 24x36x76 Finish: Standard Paint Black (7207) See 3.2 D ,Notes: 3.27 Furniture Specification Tag: T7, B6 Quantity: 8 Description: Half Round table top and legs, Multi-Purpose Room Manufacturer: Stee\case Turnstone Top-Half Round Table, 30x60 Table Legs: Legs-Post,27h,Packagel1 Finish: Top Basic Laminate LPL MARBLED CHERRY V2 LPL (267L) Legs Textured Paint Black (7207) See 3.2 D Notes: 3.28 Furniture Specification Tag: T8 Quantity: 4 Description: 90 degree corner table top for mUlti-purpose room Manufacturer: Steelcase Turnstone Top-Corner Bridge,90 Degree, 30x30 Finish: Basic Laminate LPL MARBLED CHERRY V2 LPL (267L) See 3.1 A Notes: Furniture Specification Tag: S 10 Quantity: 13 Description: Bar height stool Manufacturer: Falcon Style Number: R-856-2 Finish: DesignTex Reclaim (2856) Bottlebrush (401) Notes: 3.29 Furniture Specification Tag: S11 Quantitv: 13 Description: Bar height stool Manufacturer: Falcon Style Number: R-856-2 Finish: DesignTex Reclaim (2856) Cherry (301) Notes: 3.30 cafe chairs Furniture Specification Tag: S12 Quantity: 18 Description:Cafe Seating Chair Manufacturer: Falcon Style Number: R846 Finish: DesignTex Reclaim (2856) Bottlebrush (40 I ) Notes: 3.31 Furniture Specification Tag: S13 Quantity: 20 Description:Cafe Seating Chair Manufacturer: Falcon Style Number: R846 Finish: DesignTex Reclaim (2856) Cherry (30 I) Notes: 3.32 Furniture Specification Tag: T9, B7 Quantity: 3 Description: Round top 36" In Bar Area Manufacturer: Falcon Top: 24022 Finish: Cherry Edge Amber Cherry Woodtones WBF Base: Matte Black CP002MSX Notes: 3.33 Furniture Specification Tag: TIO. B8 Quantity: 2 Description: Square 36" top with 51 RD Drop Leaf In Bar Area Manufacturer: Falcon Top: 24022 Finish: Cherry Edge Amber Cherry Woodtones WBF Base Matte Black CP002MSX Notes: 3.34 Furniture Specification Tag: C5, C6, C7 Quantity: lxC5 \xC6 Ix C7 Descri pti on: Sliding Door Cabinet Manufacturer: Zesco 708-D-054-M 3 'x30" 708-D-056-M 4'x30" 708-D-057-M 5'x30" Finish: Stainless Steel Notes: 3.35 Furniture Specification Tag: Til, B9 Quantity: 6 Description: Cafe Table 36" Square Manufacturer: Falcon Top 13444 Leg 204-22 Finishes Table top Blosson Cherry 758 (Formica) Black Powdercoat Base CPOOIGS Notes: 3.36 Furniture Specification Tag: T10, B9 Quantity: 3 Description: Cafe Table 36" Round Manufacturer: Falcon Top 13444 Leg 204-22 Finishes Table top Blosson Cherry 758 (Formica) Black Powdercoat Base CP001GS Notes: 3.37 Furniture Specification Tag & Quantity: C8 xl C9 xl CIO x2 Cll x2 Cl2 xl Oescri pti on: Stainless Steel Work Table Manufacturer: Zesco 012-0-42330"xI20" 012-0-42130"x96" 708-D-l3524"x72" 012-D-41630"x36" 708-0-13624"x96" Finishes Stainless Steel Notes: 3.38 I I ( Furniture Specification Tag: M5 Quantity: I Description: Lockers Manufacturer: Zesco 380-0-005 Finishes Zesco Standard Beige Paint Notes: 3.39 3.40 Furniture Specification Tag: T13, B3 Quantity: 2 Description: table top and base for breakroom Manufacturer: Steelcase Turnstone Top-Square Concave, 36" Base-22 "Di ameter Finishes Top: Top Surface Laminate Vanadium Fiber (2TSO) Base Graded In Standard Black Texture Paint See 3.2 D Notes: Furniture Specification Tag: S14 Quantity: 8 Description: Side Chair for Breakroom Manufacturer:Steelcase 490412UC Finish: DesignTex Buzz 2 Celery Notes: 3.41 3.42 Furniture Specification Tag: M7 Quantity: 10 Description: Guest Nightstand Manufacturer: Peter Pepper Finish: WilsonArt Amber Cherry (7919-38) DesignTex Fusion Architectural Panel Green Sheer Leaf See 3.1 D Notes: Custon Backlit Resin Panel Insert, with LED light option for accent lighting, powered on right side Furniture Specification 3.43 Tag: FI Quantity: 6 Description: Headboard Manu facturer: Valiant 36" Framed Headboard - Jana JA3678 36" Framed Headboard JA.3660 63x1 .5x36 $180.00 JA.3678 82x1.5x36 $190.00 Finish: Harvest Cherry CHAR) Notes: 3.44 Furniture Specification Tag: D6 Quantity: 5 Description: Desk with Panel Legs - lana Manufacturer: Valiant JAEDOO Desk with Panel Legs Finish: Harvest Cherry (HAR) Notes: Furniture Specification Tag: F2 Quantity: 5 Description: Dresser Manufacturer: Bachelor Chest - Jana JA4003 Finish: Harvest Cherry (HAR) Notes: 3.45 Furniture Specification Tag: F3 Quantity: 5 Description: Full Sleeper Manufacturer: Valiant 631076 Finish: Knoll Textiles Double Exposure Patina K 142-3 Notes: 3.46 Furniture Specification Tag:F4 Quantity: 6 Description: Lounge Chair Manufacturer: Valiant 631070 Finish: Knoll Textiles Double Exposure Patina K142-3 Notes: 3.47