- Preparation of 11-(Benzyloxymethyl)5'cyano-2,3-benzo-18-crown-6, a "Clip-on" Crown Ether Intermediate for the Fluorescence Analysis of Potassium Cation An Honors Thesis (1D 499) by Suzy Pope Dr. Lynn R. Sousa ;;2;r--{L~kBall State University Muncie, Indiana August, 1989 May 6, 1989 -, L.') ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was supported in part by Dr. Lynn R. Sousa, my mentor; Cathy information; Program; Ball Foundation. ,_. Cosby Ball Yoder, State State who provided Chemistry Honors College; additional Department and the research Summer Research National Science - 2 The purpose of th i s research was to synthes i ze and test a "cl ip-on" crown ether intermediate for the fluorescence analysis of potassium cation. The crown ether intermediate was deslgned in a manner such that opposing ends of the molecule would have sites of attachment, hence the term "clip-on," for either a fluorescent chromophore or a quencher, depending on the functional group at the react i ve site. A crown ethe r des i gn was chosen because of the capability of crown ethers to complex alkali metal cations such as potassium cation. The ring of a crown ether is flexible in the absence of any comp 1ex i ng agent; molecule of the proper size, however, in the presence of a a crown ether will "stiffen" as a result of fitting the molecule into the ring structure (Gokel and Durst, 1978). An 18-crown-6 crown ether, one in which there are 18 atoms, 6 of which are oxygen, has been previously found by Dr. Sousa and associates to be of the proper size for complexation of potassium cation (Sousa, 1987). The main goal of our research was to test the fluorescence abi 1 ity of addition the of Furthermore, "cl ip-on" both a crown fluorescent due to the "cl ip-on" different combinations of various ether intermediate chromophore and after a the quencher. nature of the compound, many fluorescent chromophores and quenchers could be tried without having to go through the process of synthesizing the crown for each different combination; - wou 1 d speed up the research cons ide rab 1 y. this I n the absence of potassium cation, the flexibility of the crown ether ring should allow the compound to fluoresce little, if any, due to the - 3 quenching of fluorescence. cat ion, the However, in the presence of potassium shou 1d f'l uoresce crown ether br i ght 1 y due to the effective separation of the fluorescent chromophore and quencher (see Figure 1). such as Figure 2 shows how the addition of metal ion (M+) potass i um cat ion i nte r rupts the quench i ng process by complexation of the metal ion in the crown ether ring, while Figure 3 shows an example of a fluorescent chromophore and several different quenchers that could be used according to the mechanisms given in Figure 4 (Sousa, 1987). The significance of this research biological significance of potassium. owes itself to the Due to the complex nature of the body's chemical make-up, a method of potassium detection that is se 1ect i ve for and sens it i ve to potass i um wi thout be i ng destructive would be extremely useful in biological lnvolving the analysis of potassium levels in the body. of detect ion studies A method i nvo 1v i ng fluorescence wou 1d be espec i all y usefu 1 since shorter equilibration periods and less discrete sample sizes could be established and used compared to other methods of alkali cation detection that are currently in use; these methods include ion selective electrodes and atomic absorption or emission (Sousa, 1987). Dr. Sousa and assoc i ates have deve loped and successfu 11 y tested several different schemes involving the use of crown ether - reagents for the fluorescence ana 1 ys is of a 1 ka 1 i meta 1 cat ions. These include metal cation displacement of a comp1exed fluorescence quencher, cation-fostered interruption of quenching in crown ethers - 4 containing both a fluorescent chromophore and a quencher, and cation-induced excimer fluorescence by a bis(crown ether), all of wh i ch have been tested and have 1ed to compounds that exh i bi t cation-enhanced fluorescence (Sousa, 1987). The research discussed in this paper is designed after the scheme involving cation-fostered interruption of quenching in crown ethers containing both a fluorescent chromophore and a quencher. The increase in fluorescence from chromophore-bearing crown ethers was first reported in two subsequent articles published by Sousa and Larson in 1977 and in 1978. Since then, others have reported an increase in fluorescence due to the presence of alkali metal cations (Shizuka, Takada, and Morita, 1980). In addition, the successful use of crown ethers as extraction reagents has provided promislng results (Kina, Shiraishi, and Ishibashi, 1978). Further research on catlon-enhanced fluorescence of crown ethers, such as the research descr i bed in th is paper, shou 1d prov ide simi 1ar successful results in this new and developing area of chemistry. The "clip-on" crown ether intermediate proposed was prepared by the SlX basic experimental procedures designed by Dr. Sousa and out 1 i ned be 1ow on pages 8 and 9. using Scheme 2. widely-available The ent ire synthes is is shown Scheme 1 was followed using the cheapest and most of the two reagents simply to check the feasibility of the experimental design. -- In the first experiment, stoichiometric amounts of I and II were mi xed and a 11 owed to react at room temperature to form a protecting group, III, for reagent IV. In Experiment 2 compounds - 5 III and IV vere mixed wlth sodium hydroxlde and n-butanol and were allowed to reflux under a nitrogen atomosphere for a period ranging from three to nine days to yield V. Experiment prepared 3 the removed the compound dihydropyran for the chloride groups in Experiment 4. of a benzylated glycerol Acid hydrolysis of V in group, protectir~ addition of groups and p-toluenesulfonyl Experiment 5 involved the additon IX, to the tosylated compound, VIII, to form the crown ether portion of the compound with reactive sites on oppos i te ends for the eventua 1 attachment of var i ous fluorescent chromophores and quenchers. X was Finally, in Experiment 6 reduced to a form in which fluorescentchromophores and quenchers could be more easily attached. Each of these experiments will be described in full in the Method section. - 6 o~ ~@b + ~o-d' NONFLUORESCENT FLUORESCENT Figur'e 1 UUCOMPLEXED (j:LEXlaLE) CROWN ~~ CHROI10PHORE...J -\. r.lUENC~ER LlTiLE FLUORESCENCE COMPLEXED .. .. (STt FFE.IEO) CROWN ~mr'~» INCREASED FLUORE~CENCE CHROMOPHORE AND QUeNCHE~ ARE SE?ARATE~ QIJENCHE D CROWN Figure 2 Fluorescer "Clip-on" Crown Quencher OH E: succlnimidyl 1-pyrenebutyrate - A: B: C: D: Figure 3 BrCH 2 CSH4 NR 2 , etc. CICO(CN)C:C(CN)2' etc. BrCH2CS"2Br3' etc. BrCH 2C6H4 N0 2 , etc. 1-pyrenesulfonyl chlorida for "self" quenching, etc. 7 A• Electron donor-acceptor (EDA) quenching by electron donor groups. (normally involving nitrogen quenchers). Q = ---NR2' B. ED~ ---NArR, etc. quenching by electron acceptor groups. Q = ---(CN)C=C(CN)2' etc. c. Heavy atom quenching. D. "Encounter complex" quenching by conjugated dienes, or aromatic nitro compounds, E. etc. Q = ---CH=CH-CH=CH 2 • ---ArN0 2 Self quenching of "monomer" fluorescence (by excimer formation). Q = ~yrene or anthracene to match the fluorescent chromophore. Figure 4 8 Preparation of 11-(Benzv1oxymethvl)6'cvsnQ-2.3-benlo-18-crown-6(XI} Using Schema 2 ZCr'"V'OH 2.0 + + -XV Exp. 1 II I (Scheme 1: ·2.C IV III (j(0H = (N ~, Scheme 2: ~ ) OH 2NAOH o Exp. 2 H w-o v MEOH Exp. 3 VII VI IS +H~H HO/ VII]: Exp. 4 H IX 9 Exp. 5 ... RED. Exp. 6 x:r. - 10 METHOD Apparatus NMR spectra were determined in CDC1 3 with 1% TMS using a Va,.-, an T60 Spectrometer and are reported in ppm un i ts. All reagents and materials were obtained from Aldrich Chemical Company. Inc. unless otherwise noted. Procedure The six experimental procedures used in the synthesis of the "clip-on" crown ether intermediate are outlined below. A flow dlagram of each experiment for Scheme 2 is included for further clarification. except for t~e Identical procedures were followed for Scheme 1 substitution of compound IV at the proper position. All nmr spectra mentioned in each experiment (except for that of X) are shown following the Results and Discussion section. Experiment 1: Preparatlon of O-Tetrahydropyranyl-2-(2- chloroethoxy)ethanol (III) 2-(2-chloroethoxy)ethanol (I) (29.90 g, 0.240 mol) was added to diydropyran (II) (20.19 g, 0.240 mol), a protecting group, at room temperature in order to protect the alcohol functional groups. The resulting mixture, O-tetrahydropyranyl-2-(2-chloroethoxy) ethanol, was checked by nmr spectra (see p. 23). - 11 Experiment 2: Preparation of 1,14-Bis(pyranyloxY)-3.6,9,12- tetraoxa-7.8-cyanobenzo-7-tetradecene (V) IV + 2 CI 2NAOH l:l v III O-Tetrahydropyranyl-2-(2-chloroethoxy)ethanol (III) (6.18 g, 29.60 mmol), a protected chloroalcohol prepared ln Experiment 1, and 3,4-dihydroxy-benzonltrlle (IV) (2.00 g, 14.80 mmol) were mixed wlth sodium hydroxide pellets (1.18 g, 29.50 mmol) in 100 mL of nbutanol. (Six different trials were run using either 10:1 THF and DMF or pu re n-butano 1; the best resu 1ts were obta i ned us i ng nbutanol as solvent). These reagents were allowed to reflux under a nitrogen atmosphere for a period of three to nine days for the SlX different trials. The reaction mixture was golden upon additlon and turned creamy yellow within one hour; a preclpitate was observed short 1y after add 1 t i on of reagents. During the reaction period, a nmr of IV was taken for later use in comparison with V to check for the proper addition of III (see p. 25). days into the procedure additional sodium hydroxide (0.12 g, mixture III (0.62 g. Three 3.0 mmol) and 3.0 mmol) were added to the reaction in order to "force" the reaction to completion. Acid titrations throughout the reaction were tested using thin layer - 12 chromatography (tlc) on alumina plates and developed in a chamber containing a solvent mixture of 96% CH 2C1 2 and 4% MeOH to check for the presence of any remaining base. removed from heat with about The reaction was eventually 25-30% base still remaining (indicating an incomplete reaction) in order to prevent other side reactions from occurring from an excess period under heat. The resulting slurry was filtered through a ce1ite matt under a vacuum aspirator using CH 2C1 2 to rinse the glassware. Next, the liquid obtained was rotary-evaporated to move CH 2C1 2 and n-butano1. The brown oil obtained was checked by nmr and then distilled under vacuum using an oil pump (pressure at 0.5 mm Hg) and dry ice/acetone as coolant to remove volatile material from the product and residue mixture (see p. 23). One fraction was taken at 95° - 108°C and be protected ch 1oroa 1coho 1 and i dent if i ed by nmr to resldue mixture (see p. 24). Next, a column chromatography was run in order to separate the components of distillation. the brown residue remaining after the vacuum A glass column (60 mm X 5 mm) was set up to separate the components of the brown residue. The column was set up in the usual fashion with a small plug of glass wool at the tlP, followed by a 1ayer of sand approx i mate 1 y one cm high. CH 2C12 was then poured into the co 1umn, About 400 mL of after wh i ch 200 mL of neutral alumina (Aldrich actlvated neutral alumina with Brockmann I standard grade, size 150 mesh) was slowly added and allowed to settle. The solvent was then allowed to pass through the alumina until the line of solvent was just above the line of alumina, and 13 then the residue, WhlCh had been dlssolved ln ten mL of CH 2C1 2 , was After three washlngs of the column slowly added to the column. with so 1vent, receptacles. 20-mL f ract 1 ons were taken us 1 ng test tubes as Overall, 126 fractions were obtalned at the rate of approxlmately 20 mL/40 sec. by removing a small The contents of each tube were checked sample and allowlng lt to concentrate on a watch glass, after which tlcs were taken and developed in a chamber contalnlng 99.75% CH 2 C1 2 and 0.25% MeOH. Based on the results, the following slmilar fractlons were combined for nmr analysis: 16-22, 23-27, 28-50, 51-70, 71-90, 91-110, and 1-15, 111-126. NMR analysis showed that fractions 16-110 were similar (see pp. 26-31). Each group of fractlons was rotovapped to remove excess solvent, after which a syrupy, golden yellow substance remained. Fractions 16-110 were combined for Experlment 3 (2.91 g, p. 33). Experiment 3: Preparation of 1 ,14-Dihydroxy-3,6,9,12- tetraoxa-7,8-cyanobenzo-7-tetradecene (VI) H MEOH v Fractions 16-110 VI. from deprotection with 80 mL MeOH, Experiment 2 were combined 100 mL CH 2 C1 2 , and 6 mL HC'. for The - 14 mlxture was allowed to stlr at room temperature for four days. Upon completlon, the deprotected mixture was neutrallzed with 500 mL Na 2 C0 3 , followed by 250 mL NaHC0 3 • The solution was extracted flve tlmes with 50-mL portions of CH 2 C1 2 and dr1ed over Na 2 S0 4 • Next, the CH 2C1 2 layer was flltered and rotovapped. A small amount of oily crystals rema1ned; these crystals were dissolved ln a small amount of diethy1 ether and f11tered under a vacuum aspirator to remove the 011y portion. A mixture of yellow and white crystals was collected and analyzed for their melting point ranges using a Thomas Hoover Capillary Melting Point Apparatus, Model No. 75-745. ( 197 mg, p. 34). Experiment 4: Preparat10n of 1, 14-Ditosy10xy-3,6,9. 12- tetraoxa-7,8-cyanobenzo-7-tetradecene (VIII) VI Liquid VIII. VII l,14-dihydroxy-3,6,9,12-7,8-cyanobenzo-7-tetradecene (VI) (3.0 g, 10.27 mmol) obtained from a similar procedure using Experiment 3 and p-toluenesulfonyl chloride (VII) (10.32 g, 54.15 - mmol) were cooled to -10°C for the subsequent addltion of 50 mL of pyridine. The resulting mixture was refrigerator for an additional 24 hours. further cooled in a Following the 24-hour 15 period, the entlre mixture was poured lnto a mlxture of 300 g of ice mlxed in water portlons of diethyl ether. and extracted twice with 100-mL NMR analysis of the organic layer did not result in detection of compound VIII. At this point in the research, with Cathy Cosby Yoder cont i nued the remaining experimental procedures. Experiment 4 was tried again by dissolving VI (0.45 g, mmol) in 20 mL of dry pyrldlne. 1.54 The resulting mixture was cooled to -10°C in an acetone/liquid nitrogen bath contained ln a Dewar flask. After cooling the mixture, VII (1.1 g, 5.77 mmol) was added and the entlre reaction mixture was placed in a refrigerator for 24 hours. Followlng the 24-hour period, the reaction mixture was poured into a mixture of 300 g of ice mixed in water and stirred for 10 mlnutes. Next, the reaction mixture was extracted from the lce/water mixture four times with 100-mL portlons of diethyl ether. The organic layer was then washed twice with 100-mL portions of cooled 1:1 HCl in water and followed with two 100-mL washings with cooled water. The resulting organic layer was dried over Na 2 S0 4 • rotovapped, and weighed (0.87 g, p. 35). - - 16 Experiment 5: Preparation of 11-(Benzyloxymethvl )5'cyano-2.3benzo-18-crown-6 VII:r. IX 1 ,14-Dltosyloxy-3,6,9,12-tetraoxa-7,B-cyanobenzo-7-tetradecene ( VI I I) ( 0 . 39 g, O. 72 mmo 1) and dissolved in 300 mL of THF. (I X) ( 0 . 1 1 g, O. 61 mmo 1) we re (Preparation of IX was completed at an earlier date by researcher Tom Mabry and checked by nmr; see p. 36.) Next, O.BO 9 of 60% NaH in mineral oil was added in a 3:1 excess, as well as a small portion of KCl (0.05 g, 0.67 mmol). The entire mixture was allowed to reflux under a nitrogen atmosphere for three days, after which lt was filtered using a celite matt under a vacuum aspirator. Excess THF was removed by rotovap and the reaction mixture was subsequently dissolved in 20 mL of 99% CH 2 C1 2 /1% MeOH in preparation for a column chromatography. fract ions were obta i ned I and 1 ike fract ions were rotovapped to remove any excess solvent (26 mg). - Elghty comb; ned and 17 Experiment 6: Preparation of (XI) ~HN H H RED. XI Neither researcher experimental procedure. reached Experiment 6 in the entire However, preparation of XI is simply a reduction process in which the cyano and benzyloxy groups on X are reduced to aminomethyl and hydroxy groups, respectively. -, 18 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results obtained from this research, as summarized below, were presented by Suzy Pope at the Indiana Academy of Science Annua 1 Meet i ng at the Un i vers i ty of Notre Dame on November 11, 1988, and at the Nat 1 ona 1 S 1 gma Zeta Meet 1 ng 1 n Warrensburg, Missouri, on April 15, 1989. A nmr spectrum of I I lind i cated the comp 1ete react i on of I with II to yield nearly 100% of the protected compound (see p. 22). The protecting group was added to insure that the hydroxy group of I would not be affected by the combination of strong base and heat ln Experiment 2. Comparison of nmr spectra for IV and V indicates the effective addition of III and IV in Experiment 2 to form V (see p. 25 and 23, respectively). This observation is due to the absence of hydroxy groups downf i e 1din spectra of IV. nmr spectra of V that are present 1n nmr Further verification of IV could be made using D2 0 in the nmr solvent to show where hydroxy groups are located. Comparison of nmr spectra obtained before and after subjecting the compound to the oil pump distillation showed that the distillate, which was collected between 95° - 108°C, appeared to be un reacted I I I (see p. 24). The res i due apparent 1 y conta i ned V, which, with its two "arms," was too bulky to be distilled at such a low range of temperatures (see p. 23). - Fractions 1-15 from the column in Experiment 2 were determined by tlc to be blank; these were discarded. Analyses of nmr spectra for fractions 16-110 showed much similarity, thus indicating that 19 all fractlons in thlS range contalned the same substance (see pp. 26-31). Comblnation of fractions 16-110 for its subsequent deprotectlon ln Experiment 3 yielded 2.91 g of product V, a 73% yield. The melting ranges of the crystals following deprotectlon of V were as crystals follows: = 49° yellow crystals = 50° - 52. 5°C. 52. 5°C and white Such a narrow range in melting indicates relatlve purity, while the presence of crystals instead of an oil is promising. These crystals should be identified by elemental analysis to insure that their structure is the one proposed for compound V. In Experiment 4 Cathy Cosby Yoder obtained a 62% yield (0.87 g) for presence VIII. of The nmr spectra of VIII p-toluenesulfonyl llterature spectra (see p. chloride 35). indicates the definite (VII) However, when compared to its presence does not definitely indicate that it is attached as compound VIII suggests. The spectra could be a mixture of unreacted VI and VII; other types of analyses, such as infrared spectrophotometry, should be employed to lnsure the presence of compound VIII. TLC and nmr analysis of fractions 15-19 in Experiment 5 indicated the possible presence of compound X; these spectra are unavailable. Cathy Cosby Yoder reported a 10% yield for thlS range of fractions. -- Although compound XI has not yet been preparation follows a simple reduction process. that hydrogenolysis, followed by synthes i zed, its It is predicted the addition of L i A 1H,p wi 11 20 effectlvely reduce both the benzyloxy Reduction of X would yield appropriate and cyano groups on reactive sites for X. the addition of various combinations of fluorescent chromophores and quenchers, which is the main goal of this research project. - 21 REFERENCES Gokel, G. W. and Durst, H. D. Klna, K., Shiraishl, K., (1978). Synthesis, and Ishibashi, N. 168. (1978). Bunisekl Kagaku, il, 291. Larson, J. M. and Sousa, L. R. ( 1978) . Journa 1 of the Amer i can Chemical Soclety, 100, 1943. Shizuka, H., Takada, K., Morita, T. (1980). Journal of Physlcal Chemistry, 84, 994. Sousa, L. R. (1987). Personal communication. Sousa, L. R. and Larson, J. M. Chemical Society, 99, 307. -- (1977). Journal of the American )I ' 1 I 500 400 300 I I 200 100 ~ 1\ Hl ble ~H~ 2A;() ~ M <lrt ~( b'" ~~ ---·01 ~ crrr") J.{rtJ-f <"6;:;fe ~ (S/+~,....to . ~ ~ d '1 JI. <l;i\..1 13 ~ +rq =-~.4t/II~ , Q ------~ J, 6.0 SWEEP OFFSET (Hz): 0 SPECTRUM AMPLlTU-D-E:';""'6""'''INTEGRAL AMPLITUDE:--1. SPINNING RATE (RPS):~ MANUAL SWEEP TIME (SEC): 10 SWEEP WIDTH (Hz): • FILTER: RF POWER LEVEL: DATE: Printed in U.S.A. ,,-zj,=WJ CHART NO. WCV·60T 5.0 ,_ 10 '00 250 100 ~PM (6) AUTOD (250) (500) ( 2) (.05) I OPERATOR: 1.0 SAMPLE: I ...)-:J(R ,KL Cft SOLVENT: I 2.0 REMARKS: 30 '0' o D-b-j:.. f 1TI\ ~) Ct>cl:l) 1 "lo r~5 w( 4i~~J T)'\'Cj S.1?u~e-. 1.0 IV IV 60 MHz NMR SPECTRUM NO. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ A , 500 I I 400 I 300 200 .. 1> ,\.\I ~ I ) ~J 100 o Hz ~H~ I II I I 6.0 MANUAL SWEEP OFFSET (Hz):-1J. SPECTRUM AMPLITUDE::.ZQQ INTEGRAL AMPLITUDE:--1;. SPINNING RATE (RPS):---L:tl2 r RF POWER L£E~I.' 14 b' ~~ 71 i) • H. T-J-;L-~'+- CHART NO. WCV·60T I 1.0 I SAMPLE:~ 3{~) PPM (6) SWEEP TIME (SEC): IIO@r;OOl,oooIAUTOD SWEEP WIDTH (H (250) Z ): 1.IIOI,ool250l~ FILTER' (500) DATE: Printed in U.S.A. 5.0 ((.05) 2) OPERATOR: 4.0 o ~ L~ Af-k.r ~. bek~ 0;1 r~ d.~,~"",t;o." 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SPECTRUM AMPLITUDE: .25:.._ INTEGRAL AMPLITUDE: ..~•. _. SPINNING RATE (RPS): •.•• 1~ .... THOMPSON PACKARD (TPV 60T) WILMAD (WCV 60T) MANUAL SWEEP TIME (SEC): !)()!»~ SWEEP WI DTH (Hz)'!;::2::;S1;::)()::"!-IOO~!2-so~lsoo--'1 FILTER: liJ213141s1611I!J RF POWER LEVEL: _••• _.il.• !l.:r... _....._ DATE: ...... ..------( - ..~-_ '~~ ......_.---- ... --_ .... _ PPM ( II AUTOD I i j (250) (500) ( 4.0 SAMPL~::«yb-)~ l0~~J e.-sL') REMARKS: 1.0 o W-. Uo ·t;o I\.) 2) ( .05) 2.0 3.0 SOLVENT: OPERATOR ..._ _ .. t\)t(>:,/ I'l, lAlS vv/ '" ~0( ~ -i/I\') 7>. ,VY-W- co 5p -J -~I 60 MHz NMR . SPECTRUM NO..--------------------------------_ .. -- ~ ) I 500 400 I 300 I 200 ~I· 100 0 Hz )H~ , 1.,0 Ie .,-- C'J-f) f'J~C---,/ ~/ ~sO l~) ~bl ,(0 ,.J) (Cl \J I \L'7l' ,J.\\ '2,.."0 -:-' ~'{ (, ., /1-tJ) "16 ~ .'; 7 l- -: II @ (" :L. t,. : @'~ '5 -=- l. "'1- (J) 0'5 ~ !: ~ 1 ~~!t II 0 .- 1)).- (, 5.0 o SWEEP OFFSET (Hz): __________ _ SPECTRUM AMPLITUDE: JtZ_ INTEGRAL AMPLITUDE: __ _ SPINNING RATE (RPS): _~_ THOMPSON PACKARD (TPV 60T) WILMAD (WCV 60T) MANUAL SWEEP TIME (SEC): ~ SWEEP WIDTH (Hz)' ;:;j2: =;51:: :50:;'11"'"00=12""'50""I#"""1 FILTER: rQ 2 I ] 14 I 5 16 17 I- I RF POWER LEVEl: ___ J2:_D~ _____ _ DATE: _____ l:)()-101 --------...------ PPM ( 6) I AUTO 0 I I (250) i I (500) ! ! ( 2) i (.05) I 4.0 SAMPLE: SOLVENT: CJL) 3.0 2.0 REMARKS: 1.0 ~;Vl~WII\~ ("cdc.. wGwd 1.1'11-L..) (Ct\(lrI Lr IV 1.0 C'DC ( 'J/ I ')0'1/"'5 wi ,~,r;d o -fY-. t;/-1 0 cl/1,\~ 60 MHz NMR OPERATOR ,.----~-:-I?n-fl!=----------------------.--------, SPECTRUM NO. sr- T - SI - ..& 500 400 300 100 200 n0 Hz Ii .)H~ N c( '((I /[D~O '\ 0-0 ~~~l.C.l~ lGl"l l~.~\ ,tsJ) ($..) <"03 d-) ,l~) ,J.-l @ 1 '": l·P~ ..i?__ .1>_.. PPM ( 5.0 MANUAL SWEEP TIME (SEC): ~ SWE E P WI DTH (Hz)' IF' 125::;:!5O=;'-!100-'-!12-5O"-!1506-711 FILTER: 124-. I - i. - . i I! AUTO • 0 B) I ( 3.0 4.0 SAMPLE: (250) (500) ell) SOLVENT: [IX (~/( IJII) (M5 ~ ~;I DATE: ......_..I::..1.Q..: 'tIL._......... 1.0 2.0 REMARKS: it .1 \-qo Sf) .' V\. ,NO bd-we.e."\ 2) ( .05) (r\l\.tf1,.Ul.h~) 'HOMPSON PACKARD (TPV 60T) VILMAD (WCV 60T) I: 7.(j) -:-~l ~ 7.nAV;u 6.0 ,WEEP OFFSET (Hz): •__ ,PECTRUM AMPLITUDE: -.iO.b.. NTEGRAL AMPLITUDE: ,PINNING RATE (RPS): .~O .~ I! , ' iI t:ll- .;- Z.{;l· /~t{) '1 :- l. ,'1~ @-3 ,~ 8.0 ;I II OPERATOR ... r a.1< wI<. S --t tlJ. c..hu t, ~ ~l> 3cc., ck(<I . . 6 fix ("<if.. w o ((.( d l1"'-S ...2.'..c~~ __.___..._.._._...._..__ ~~~C~~~~RNO .. __ .___ 5f~_.I.~_?_L ..... _ ...__.... _ ..___ ._. _ ._ . _. .. 500 400 300 100 200 n0 Hz II Ne( 1\ 7'). /' . . . . . ' ( ' ;~\.J II.. ) 'V fv,JV .' ~" . rot ;.l(~<1 .:? .' (/{J 1'" .l;- 1.1'-4 ::@I~ U,l, t(I,th LfS c@ ., t, \ -': 1, ~<{ .- /Z,zl./ (f" f.\\ ,61) . -: 1.'1.'1 ';) t" !J ~ ~ 1 '~ 0 IIII II "(!) ;.. )H. 2- @ I 1.1~1 At/I If I, ,.,( I , "$L.~~ (~! .~~ , 7. t- )J 81'~" b. ~;l,wP 1 ,: H) J:.' 8 ij>'; 7. '3 :J 5'} /1/; !--St., '\ '1/)-:,' , .'. ~ .57 :z HP<f~ / "5b .J. ~ .,~IIIII 6.0 SWEEP OFFSET (Hz): ._. ____~... SPECTRUM AMPLITUDE: JJ:I.~ INTEGRAL AMPLITUDE: .• SPINNING RATE (RPS): ....'1.12... .2_.. THOMPSON PACKARD (TPV 60T) WllMAD (WCV 60T) 5.0 MANUAL SWEEP TIME (SEC): ~ SWEEP WIDT'i{HZ)it 150 I'OOI250~ FILTER: I~J] 4 S 6 7 : D RF POWER LEVEL: _...•. Jl~.~!J.._... _....... DATE: ..•.••_..• ~10iJf\ _._-----------_ .... PPM ( ~ ) 4.0 D! SAMPLE: AUTO (250) I (500) (2) ( .05) II l:Il"') 3.0 2.0 REMARKS: f,· ~ \ -Ill> 1.0 L.{ 0 cM4~ -tv r ~ p" VI; "'J rk"h:: SOLVENT: L TJ(I )..,(1°1. iJI\~ L,,~ju~ >~ OPERATOR _ _ (e J-{ I LA> to-' HACy ~~~C~~~~~O ......~P..:-k31 __.. _____...._... .. 200 o Hz 100 )H~ \"C(<<~ H til ) 4~ Ib' , ll) ,l.11 ., It) tf I I : 1.>h ~ 11'(~ ~ 1. ~{ :. I to @ z.~( ~ 6) ~ ~. ~C; 7 -': ('~ \(}J (p @ ';. 1> 1':":-2,1: 1:~~A'6! ( /11 'fib 1 _ i"\ 6.0 SWEEP OFFSET (Hz): ___•• __~ __ _ SPECTRUM AMPLITUDE: 1(212.. INTEGRAL AMPLITUDE: ~_.2> SPINNING RATE (RPS): _.JllL. MANUAL SWEEP TIME (SEC): ~ SWEEP WIDTH (Hz)' Ir.:2:::::;~1;:::50:=rI,'-:"oo:T:127:: 50T:"I;&i=1 FILTER: 0 2 I 3 I- I ~ 16 I 7 I. I RF POWER LEVEL: _____!t..g~L _________ _ ~'t7~. __.... __._- DATE: ___ .••__ ._J,.,10 THOMPSON PACKARD (TPV 60T) WILMAD (WCV 60T) PPM ( 6) 5.0 I AUTO 0 ! ! I (250) (500) i ( ! 4.0 SAMPLE: g:z:-") ! 2) i (05) I 3.0 2.0 REMARKS: (f _ II \-\ ~tp L{ 0 w"I< S -+~ SyJ.A. vi. i , SOLVENT: J VD1~ OPERATOR ___ \ill'::> 10 (A-k I(t.t ( W CDCI~//C7o DAS wi qd4~ o 1.0 N sf 60 MHz NMRNO. ________ .~_________________ 1-61 SPECTRUM . ~ 500 400 300 200 Hz 100 >H· ~~ ........"''* .. .,:.'...,. ~ -+ ~,'I I )h'1 I:", j ((' ') .'. 4 ') /Ot/t -: -3 ':1 '/ 17,:\ (e ) (0 ~ ~,9l (I 5 s~· 2> '1-,";, I 2) !1 f·) '·111) \ 4-1-: ~ !, "3 ,1l ,.J ~·\/I '-~ J') b 7 tJ~c.«~-{'; \ ( .....~ "..,~~ ..r\ ~J 'h.J 1'-- , ,l t ;~ ) (( /. I' I I I I 5.0 6.0 MANUAL SWEEP OFFSET (Hz): ",I'!!JL SPECTRUM AMPLITUDE: ,J® INTEGRAL AMPLITUDE: lO_ SPINNING RATE (RPS): _,_:~ __ DATE: .,,_, __ THOMPSON PACKARD (TPV 60T) WILMAD (WCV 60T) PPM ( d) I AUTO 0 ! ! (250) I I (500) ! i ( 2) i ___ __ (,05) • SWEEP TIME (SEC): ~ SWEEP WIDTH (Hz)' FI25:::;'::::5Q:::.-"-oo.... 12-5Q"@i>'"" FILTER: 1lJ:2 , 3 , • 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , RF POWER LEVEL: ________ ~n.5,m._m b ___ - .8_:lll::B.l__________________ .. 3,0 4.0 SAMPLE:~~ ?~.)\) REMARKS: o 1,0 2.0 Fv-td:.J~ 0" S l;.) l;.) SOLVENT: tt(.\ l't~~ /\ 60 MHz NMR OPERATOR .5JJl~£L--------------------------------"-,-",,-,,,-- SPECTRUM NO, __ 1(p-{fO . ,,:-:'?l'::_J..,;:,Z:f2___,,____,_,__,___ ,_, ______,__, ~ rr= I 500 1 ~ -,-r---'-o'--j --~-,r---~ r "l-f 400 3UO -- [ . ~1 --r--'-r~ l' I i. 1ll(l ;'ll() A ·1 " I 'c rJ~L.( \I )l.?J-~ ' ' ~V \. / I 'I I Qn 01. ~ l.-o~-;: ICO I'i ~) .-!-!;'l,.'6I.-:' 3 I (,0 .l; L.I ~ 2.£,(, /I ~,?H'%I 0(. N I:clt) oJ-II' ' I'? I .!;-?I l/4b .1.1t>11)L- A, ~,"" %.~ Il!-l J.... ~ 3-'-1~ ~ b ,~\ It; 1." ,'I?.lo21'; ~,y~h'{)/I» j -I ,;~h~ 9 liz -< -'o..( J(n I 1 ! I I!Ii I A:. 0 ~ 2.H t IJl r....... : I L ',(\ .\ l __ ............... vl ')y \! I: .\--- r r r <: l(,l ') (' <.0 I \11 " I \ pI I (j) 8U SWEEPOFFSET(Hz) I 70 ..( fi 0 .. __ .3.J:-h 5 MANUAL SWEEP TIME (SEC) SWEEP WIDTH SPINNING RATE (RPS) ..... FILTER RF POWER LEVEL .... ~... (H~I. rl~I~~p~Ql~ V~11 ) I-I ~JQ~l!J NORELL, INC. T60 LANDISVILLE. N.J. 08326 .. __ ~~'1H~?J SPECTRUM AMPLITUDE INTEGRAL AMPLITUDE ...J.:f.... DATE P:.O.'!.._.hh. .. __ .__ ... I~7-.~·.~.9?_ (l t- ~u _~-u ~L~_--t_~- -- --- 1--1-------·-1·-----·~-·---- ----I I "'PM I (; I AlJIOl (?:,o, (SOO! ,1 II .... SMJI'lf' -'--~ (-sIt:) (J 2 ) ' ( 05) OPERATOR 1 - _J_: II __ ' - - _ L ____ • III r,1AHr,'; P C. DC/!J/J /,U'") DEcC. Uv[ I NUd 1 )vL':, SUl VL tJ ,. - A{~r Jt0'~C(!.&O}A or -yc .!-D ~) .-rO 6~- 11'1 N::C ""' ~~?01'U --'-11~ _~_.i '-_,1, ~;I'f('1I1WI1 tJ() ___ vJi~k H~ \ v- sr- T·~3J.... w ~ A I I ) 500 ,... : " " I .: :,I" 400 I 300 _ _ _ _ _ __ I I 200 190 T -r--"'-......--.---t--..-, o Hz Hl~ c,.. (. . J_ ,_ -"\ \(.;.1 "J • '. -.sf c -I I D... A,),,~ , I> - c, GC, b. /0 .~ 16 ':-'~.S- G /0 ':"'2.5" ::: d. L( I e., 2.5 ~ .2. s 'f - t.; - ~b:V! I~ ~).~' & Ii II! II I: I: J J I, I: 4-J !,: I : IS , i 8.0 7.0 ~ .S... SWEEP OFFSET (Hz) ....... .... SPECTRUM AMPLITUDE: .LQr; INTEGRAL AMPLITUDE SPINNING RATE (RPS) .. !:to ... 60 5 MANUAL SWEEP TIME (SEC) I~ol"ql~~ SWEEP WIDTH (Hz!: [j~~§p)o1¥ 6 FILTER RF r..':'171 ) {-{ ;1 11]-'] POWER LEVEL. ..... 0 . .>. ................ .. DATE ... J.~. ~~......................... -¥¥ PPM ( AUTO L~j ) 40 illIL:1() SAMPLE:", .. , . (250) SOLVENT:~D,cQ d I TI\L ~ (500) DEC. LEVEL __ .~__._ , . ' _ ( 21 ( O!,I OPERATOR .......... HEMAr~KS o 10 ;>0 . r1 f'-I ~ ':Y CJ '0'.... '0 T5 L0i-'Zfll T S ~.!....0.~.~.(l- .......................... SPECTRUM NO .. ) f -- J - '-I , ~l~ ..... r..u V1 L- ~ \ r---.500 r ---r---T--r :: r-i, : I 4!0 'I,' :I t ---.-----r 'J 300 200 I ~ ~--+-~ 100 . I l ",."if ",-- : (, , i :' I·' §' ~ 5,1 . l j I I I I )3, II I! I!I 93 q ~~J((). ~ ~-S- Ii . ~~~,t..~""".{" I' r ~(-I~ ,0<\" '. . \,, 70 SWEEP OFFSET (Hz): ...... L.' ., (..... .f';" SPECTRUM AMPLITUDE INTEGRAL AMPLITUDE' ... ~•... SPINNING RATE (RPS) ... :L... 60 1~14i'-1 [~~~~.I,oo~o1~/ ii MANUAL SWEEP TIME (SEC,. SWEEP WIDTH (Hz). FILTER r-1 5 ::'.I~l :. ~: .............................. _ , 7J2..FI fFJ7TaJ RF POWER LEVEL ~.:-:..~.:::~.~ ...... DATE ....... ~ PPM ( () ) 1 ,-_ : : A UTOL): [250 i ) i. (500) ( 2) ( 05) ~ : 40 SAMP . LE._S:Jl. \ qo30 ._ (~/ r\l? ~ 1/.,0 REMAnKS SOLVENT:_Cr.lI () _.,.-,/\1\ -------:;; I I rr • DEC. LEVEL___ --- OPERATOR ........ <.. ,...I c;,.,.:. . \o. I;:,.?"'.~.................... 10 )..I.~I\../'-o.t?l ..... /' 0 SPECTHUM NO \J r a t' 0\ W . f .'i.1...