(c) crown copyright Catalogue Reference:cab/66/54/28 Image Reference:0001 T H I S D O C U M E N T IS T H E P R O P E R T Y OF H I S B R I T A N N I C M A J E S T Y ' S G O V E R N M E N T Printed for the War Cabinet. August 1944. S E C R E T . W.P. Copy No. (44) 478. 2Qth August, 1944. / - V WAR CABINET. S U M M A R Y OF O P E R A T I O N S OF B O M B E R C O M M A N D F O U R W E E K S E N D I N G 13TH A U G U S T , 1944. MEMORANDUM BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR FOR AIR. A . — A detailed summary of operations is appended. B.—Results of Operations. 1. Oil Plants. A large number of attacks were made during the period on oil plants in Germany and German-occupied territory. Outstanding successes were achieved in the daylight attack on the 4th August on Pauillac I (see P r i n t No. 1) and Bee cFAmbes (see P r i n t No. 2). The plant at Homberg (Meerbeck) was severely damaged on the 20th/'21st J u l y (see P r i n t No. 3) and P r i n t No. 4 shows the extensive damage throughout the plant at Wesseling. A t Dugny (Paris) three out of the four storage tanks were completely destroyed (see P r i n t No. 5). Among other plants damaged were Scholven, Brier, Bottrop Welheim, where severe damage was caused to the north half of the target, Pauillac I I , where all the five main buildings were completely destroyed, Donges (see P r i n t No. 6) and Bordeaux Bassans w here smoke was still rising from the target 24 hours after the attack. I n addition well concentrated attacks were made on four storage depots situated in the forests of Chatellerault (see P r i n t No. 7), Chantilly, Lucheux and Mormal. r 2. Railway Centres. Successful attacks were made on railway centres in France. Vaires, attacked on the 18th July, suffered severe damage and all lines w e r e blocked ( s e e P r i n t No. 8), the trans-shipment shed and much rolling-stock were destroyed a t Courtrai on the 20th/21st July (see P r i n t No. 9). I n the railway yards at L a Roche, about one-third of the locomotive depot was destroyed and tracks A v e r e severed in several places (see P r i n t No. 10). The attack on Culmont-Chalindrey A v a s very successful (see P r i n t No. 11) and at NeA ers, as P r i n t No. 12 SIIOAVS, many of the tracks A v e r e obliterated and severe damage caused throughout the yard. r 3. Shijyping and submarine pens. Considerable damage A v a s caused to dockside buildings at Le Havre by two attacks on the 31st J u l y and the 2nd August. The U-boat pens at Brest were attacked on the 5th and the 12th August with 12,000-lb. bombs, six of A v h i c h penetrated the roof, one making an opening nearly 50 feet across. Other near misses must have clone considerable damage to the foundations. A direct h i t on the S.E. corner of the U-boat pens at La Pallice caused an area of about 240 feet by 120 feet of the roof to break away (see P r i n t No. 13). H i t s were also obtained on the U-boat pens at Lorient. 4. Enemy 'positions and other military targets in France. On the 18th J u l y before the major assault by divisions of 21 Army Group, 3 groups of targets were very successfully attacked to the east and south-east of Caen (see P r i n t s Nos. 14 and 15). Three aiming points in the enemy's positions to the south-east of Caumont A v e r e selected for attack by Bomber Command on the 30th J u l y before an assault by Army units. A good concentration Avas [28094] 2 achieved and photographs show large numbers of craters round the aiming points. On the night of the 7 t h / 8 t h August a heavy force of bombers attacked five areas north of Bretteville with the object of destroying the main enemy defensive localities and tank harbours in order to facilitate a. break through by the First Canadian Army along the Caen/Falaise road. The attacks were carried out accurately and according to plan. P r i n t No. 16 shows the destruction of a p a r t of the Signals Depot at St. Cyr. 5. Large sites and -flying-bomb sites in France. P r i n t No. 17 shows the results of a successful attack made on the large site at Wizernes on the 21st July. An excellent concentration was achieved on the flying-bomb supply depot at Nucourt in two attacks on the 15th and 15th / 16th July (see P r i n t No. 18) and the roof of the chamber beneath the plateau collapsed in several places burying considerable quantities of flying bombs. Other supply depots successfully attacked include Trossy, the Bois de Cassan and St. Leu cLEsserent, where further areas of subsidence were caused around the southern entrance to the caves and roads blocked at both the north and south entrances. Areas in the Foret de Nieppe w ere attacked several times and many storage units were destroyed or seriously damaged. Attacks were also made on a large number of flying-bomb launching sites, among them St. Philibert Ferme (see P r i n t No. 19). r 6. German towns. Three heavy attacks were made on S t u t t g a r t and extensive damage was caused (see P r i n t No. 20), Kiel, Hamburg and Berlin were also attacked. C.—Sea Mining. Minelaying during the later p a r t of the period was planned to interfere w ith the evacuation of enenry U-boats from the ports threatened by the Americans.. Brest, Lorient and St. Nazaire, to bases further south, La Pailice and Bordeaux. A large number of mines w ere laid in the approaches to these five ports. Mines were laid by Mosquitoes in the Dortmund-Ems Canal on the night of the 9th/10th August and the Holtenau entrance to the Kiel Canal was mined by Lancasters on the 23rcl/24th July. A. H . M. S. Air Ministry, 26th August, 1944. r 7 APPENDIX. Summary of Operations. Date. J u l y 16 16/17 17 17/18 18 18/19 Target. I.F.B. launching site ... ... Homberg (Meerbeck), oil plant Wizernes, large site ... ... 2 F.B. launching sites ... ... Berlin - Enemy positions to E. and S.E. of Caen Vaires, railway centre ... ... Wesseling, oil plant Buer Scholven, oil plant ... ... Aulnoye, railway centre ... ... Revignv-sur-Ornain, railway centre 1 F.B. launching site ... ... Berlin Cologne ... ... ... ... 2 F.B. launching sites Thiverny, F.B. supply depot ... Bremen' 7 F.B. launching sites Wizernes, large site ... ... 7 19 19/20 20 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A ircraft Despatched. ... 35 38 ... 18 ... 114 31 ... 1,056 ... 110 194 ... 170 ... 148 ... 115 ... 62 22 ..." 6 35 ... Ill 36 316 ... 109 Date. July 20/21 21/22 22 23 23/24 24 24/25 25 25/26 26/27 27 27/28 28 28/29 Target. Courtrai, railway centre Bottrop, oil plant Homberg (Meerbeck), oil plant Alost ... Berlin 5 F.B. launching sites 2 F.B. launching sites Kiel Berlin Donges, oil plant Duren. steel works ... 2 F.B. launching sites 2 F.B. launching sites Stuttgart Berlin Frankfurt Aachen Donges, oil plant 2 F.B. launching sites St. Cyr. signals equipment depot . 2 F.B. launching sites Watten, large site Stuttgart Berlin Mannheim W a n n e Eikel, oil plant Somain, railway centre 3 F.B. launching sites Givors, railway centre Somain, railway centre Hamburg Saarbrueken 4 F.B. launching sites Stuttgart Foret de Nieppe, F.B. supply depot 2 F.B. launching sites Stuttgart I-1 m L Aircraft Despatched. 320 166 157 11 33 60 60 629 27 119 5 116 36 614 27 8 5 113 114 100 75 18 550 21 15 135 6 114 187 11 30 2 72 30 179 20 496 .i - L J . a i l l U L l . - l "t?—Af 30 31 July 3 1 / A u g . 1 Aug. 1 2 3 4 "\Ti 4. is c U VJV.y. Fi: r a nLvUk f u r t ... ... Foret de Nieppe, F.B. supply depot Frankfurt St. Trond/Brustheim, airfield Coulommiers, airfield Villers Bocage, Caumont, Jurques, troop concen trations ... L a Roche, railway centre Rilly la Montagne. F.B. supply depot Le Havre, shipping ... , ... Foret de Nieppe, F.B. supply depot 3 F.B. launching sites F.B. launching sites ... Trossy and Bois de Cassan, F.B. supply depot 7 F.B. launching sites Le Havre, shipping ... Foret de Nieppe, F.B. supply depot Bois de Cassan, F.B. supply depot Trossy, F.B. supply depot ... Foret de Nieppe, F.B. supply depot Foret de Nieppe, F.B. supply depot Etaples, railway bridge Bois de Cassan, F.B. supply depot Trossy, F.B. supply depot ... Pauillac I, oil plant... Bee d'Ambes, oil plant W I 29 29/30 Ap, VIL 119 ^13 76 30 9 4 693 121 103 57 105 97 777 207 116 59 71 410 384 320 3 30 225 66 181 107 Bate. Aug. 5 5/6 6 6/7 7/8 8 9 9/10 10 10/11 11 11/12 12 12/13 Aircraft Despatched. Target. 286 Foret de Nieppe, F.B. supply depot 456 St. Leu d'Esserent, F.B. supply depot 36 F.B. launching sites ... 18 Brest, submarine pens 14 Etaples, railway bridge 96 Blaye, oil plant 96 Pauillac I I , oil plant 114 Bordeaux, oil plant ... 36 Wanne Eikel, oil plant 118 Foret de Nieppe, F.B. supply depot 105 Bois de Cassan. F.B. supply depot 62 Hazebrouck, railway centre ... 31 Lorient, submarine pens 40 Castrop-Rauxel, oil plant ... 7 Cologne 4 Foret de Nieppe, F.B. supply depot Normandy, troop concentrations ... 1.019 Coulommiers, airfield 4 Foret de Lucheux, oil storage depot 124 Aire stir la Lys, oil storage depot 56 Cologne 34 160 Foret de Monmal, oil storage depot 172 7 F.B. launching sites ... ... --. 31 La Pallice, submarine pens and oil storage tanl 190 Foret de Chatellerault, oil storage depot 124 Foret d'Englos, oil storage depot 126 Foret de Nieppe, F.B. supply depot 82 3 F.B. launching sites 103 Dugny, oil storage depot 40 2 F.B. launching sites 40 2 targets in France ... 124 Dijon, railway centre 159 La Pallice. oil storage 67 Bordeaux, oil storage 32 Berlin 3 Bremen 41 Bordeaux, submarine pens ... 15 La Pallice, submarine pens 135 Douai, railway centre 135 Lens, railway centre 142 Somain, railway centre 60 4 F.B. launching "sites 49 Etaples, railway bridge 189 Givors, railway bridge 33 Berlin 2 Trossy, F.B. supply depot ... 12 Brest, submarine pens 24 L a Pallice, submarine pens ... 34 Bordeaux, submarine pens ... 117 Foret de Montrichard, ammunition dump 379 Brunswick ... ... ... 297 Russelsheim 144 Falaise, road junction 50 2 F.B. launching sites 21 Kiel :. 10 Frankfurt 3 Juvincourt, airfield ... 3 Coulommiers, airfield 2 Trossy, F.B. supply depot ... The p h o t o " T r p h on the l e f t t a k e n "before the a t t a c k , and en the r i g h t t a k e n on 2 1 s t J u l y . 1 9 4 4 a f t e r another a t t a c k w i t h 12,OCOlb."ccribs. These o b l i q u e s she.: c l e a r l y ( A ) a l a r g e s u b s i d e n c e underneath t h e c o n c r e t e r i r . o f the done and t h e crane h a s d i s a p p e a r e d . ( B ) a c o n c r e t e c e n s t r u c t i o n s l i p p i n g dorm the quarry f a c e . RESERVED C R O W N GOPYRjGH i A/N COPY RIG HI RES cRV fcU RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED RES? RVED