THE NORTH CENTRAL CONFERENCE: BASKETBALL DOMINANCE by R. J. SCOTT THESIS DIRECTOR BALL STATE UNIVERSITY !'llJNCIE t INDIANA NAY 13, 1 ~88 SPRING QUARTER, 1988 ,'- '-'·:.1 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTJ ON . . . . . • • • . . • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • . • . . • • • 1 CO~f\CHES ................................... to .. to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 .............. 3 MEDIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Fi\NS ........................................ t ........................................................ 11 SUMMARY • • . • . . . • . • • . • • . . • • . . . • . . • . • • • . • • • • • . . • • . . . . . • • • • • • 14 BASKETBALL. It 102! to is a Imos t. s h'ord ~vnonymOllS Tt :is a major source of excitement for Hoosier. 2 The teams th~ Over especially high school. successful have to pertaining people at. all levels, but years some of the best and most years. recen1 Tn this the "'0 rd people from age frum the North Central come This h8.s become even more true question to appealing 1S ,-Ii th "Why 1 S has Conference. The important Nce become so the dominant ov(,r the years?" Bu t only to if one ques t ions the pOh'er look at the st.ate record books. four in the last the final 1970 remember thp havt~ there been the four' )l;CC regional titles won, that whpn, the finRIs. most most semi-stt1.te final in 1985, That consecutive state titles. titlE'S sectional titles, 16 etre all NCC teams. teams teams fe-llr. The they had too. records: most \,;on, most state most consecutl\p for most and most timps :i n The top t.eams for most times the final eight are ~CC teams. The top thrpe the final four are Nce tpams. ,-\nd, 1 in is the most evpr semi-state titles, ThE' top fivE' most three times since t.hE' In Nce The records go much further, most consecutive titles, consecutj~e the final Only teams lip for memory, of teams ho 1<1 the fo 1 1 old ng stet t e l ournalllen t titles won, regional Nce tpRmsin from the same conference. appearance thTO decades. no conference more than made three of continua] one need s Records of all sorts In receni- point to the success of the conference. everyone can NCe, then of the for most the top three teams times In In for mos t tim e s i n the fin a It is 1 gam e not just indiyjduals from boa s t h' j 0 f 11 r e, the the confer(·tH'(' Individuals have highest four game totals, points In a firwl best c~nd were have s] so TTl most fared just Nce slot the dominance every home games are played in five New Ca s tIe Nce and mos t , 16". 1~ dur in!?: during the he and ~,ta t.e the hreeJ,;ly '3 '.:,as on;:.:, . This \,as of the top five Richmond entire season. weekend during of the The Basketball at the teams, but categories of .~ame in the 87-88 season \,hen three cons i s ten t,l ,'I disp18yed i t ' s tht~ one dominant po J 1 s s ports\,;r i te r'S well. 18 Mr. .in In in the "Sheet not lS points Nee. the eione well. also fared "'ell all Central occupied the #1 gyms. hayp that The teams are frequently i1Ju~d.r8ted. te8ms game, t-;ce the tournament. coaches teams f r' 0 it. 17m e n tal at tit u d e a ~v a r d win n e r s. and nners . But you g u e sse d e,'en boas ts of "The For lds hi Nce the .\ 1so the top seven and I"Iuncjy i n t e r, \"r hen state's largest la.rg(~s t and fines t high school gymnasium." Kith all of the easy to see that th., state. this, from aforementioned Nce Ncr records 1n \.,,'i survey thlI1. ~"ras it lS really is the dominant conference ]n the But the question th<1.t still remains is, a mind, jni! i<1.ted that "Why,?" To snsIVer ,,,rould try to ne\p]op an <1.nswer Att.empts were made to rontact t.he coach, a fan, and a media representative from each North Central Conference school. They all were asked, city?", and "Why through the years'?". "Why has do you These basl\etba] 1 been think the questions 2 dominant in your NCC has been so domin8nt were open ended in 8n attempt to question. respondent to go in any direction with the a1101" the What follm"s are the responses from tho:,,!." surveys. COACHES Anderson coach Tndians for a with the He is sepn by many as one of the best coaches years. number of has been Norm Held Yea r a f in the conference. y (~a r i, e r his tea ms are 0 n e s t hat mus t be reckoned ",ith, and have made thejr mark :in the state fi.nals in the ]980's. big 1n When Anderson, asked why his he thought first response that the hopes from generation through the community. to basketball has ",as, tradition. generation He also feels that, in Anderson is a way of life. has kept up the enthus.iasm. Also, the have He noted been passed to many, basketball pride of being a fan Probably more important, he says, the entertainment 'value of the games on the weekend. it, "It is thp place to As for to 1s As he puts he~" the dominance of the conference, he contributes that tradit~on many of been so agajn. HeJd notes that basketball those areas as Jong as anyone notes that most of the ('it it's in industry, good ""h 10.h provi des Coach Held's comments are !'1 very the has "bpen Id ng can remember," conference deal similar are ill He also heavy in of bJup-c?ollar support. to the rest of those surveyed and will be apparent in the responses that follow. The coach of Kokomo is Basil Mawbey. -, four years, from the but comes 1983 sta b~ there with a championship cham pi 0 n s hip 3 He has only been there wit h under his belt C () nne r s ,: i 1 J e . tIl the conferencf:', already made his presence felt long stay with the ,n:'arWhen ashed top five of the polls last season. in the about basketball's prominence in his communjty, he l'esponded that really corning it is But he al so at t.r'i but.ed the city merged. through the two around since the to years fan the mp<lrt.ance of baskptball Although there was a suppor~.. there drought ",hen the schools split., j ma.Jor schools in the enough waH to keep its prominence high. the Coneprning pDinted to the fact Add to that, ones. conference's th!-~ that most of he notes, one schooJ, Rne'! they h<1\'e a power through conference cities thRt most of these guod ihp years, he f' base are large i tie;.:'. have only their playerH. Coach Ma ,..;bey, agreed wi t.h coach He Id that. the enterta i nillell t- val ue of the gane in these cities has kept the fan support high. In Lafayette, III heritage in the coach 1S hasketbalJ James Hammel. His school is rich many years past. Hp was able to in bring sectional and regional titles to the school this past year. He fplt 1.hat basketball was so for many It was a way of life. to b8sketballs key faetol's dominant in the community beeaus!-, Tradition and heritage importance. were also Adding to this was the fact that their kids played ball all year long. As for the conference, key to what made the he again conference Also, kids in these Breas knoF - basketbaLl season expectations. rolls Fan support what around and is another 4 said that t rad j t. i on Fas a superior through the years. is expected try to reason. of them when 1 L \'e up to t.hose Along these same lines, coach Hammel felt that larger Slze gyms cOIltribute to the success of the conference teams. As for They ha VP Logansport, s(~en not the basketbaU Hershberger, notes their size, is muoh different. much success in basketball Thp current coach, Phil schools situation there athletes can 110t th r'ough the yea rs . that because specializp of the in like many of the athletes in othpl' Sdlools can. ju~;t -'\,80, he says the aciminist,ration has not put the emphasis on this sport like other schools have. Nee, Because he is a member of the opinions on l"hy the he does however have some conference over all has been so successful. First, most of the schools are quite large. in tradition. Great the ~ithin competition are also rich llame coaches, exc 1 ud Lng hi msel f he says, just make the conference even more powerful. and They the With the gym sizes conference, the entertainment value of Lhe games keep the fans coming. Dan Gunn is the coach at first year therp as legendary, Bill in t he to the pa~, t . so big He just is quite is where of familiar' \,ith the he spent From a coaches perspective, his days as a he reallzps that in Marion because of the success it has had He also feels the Police Athletic success completed his following the footsteps of the roach Gunn because :-1ar ion high 2chool player. basket baLL is head coach, Green. area. hc,wever, Marion. the program. League has added Community support and theil' emphasis on the sport have also aided the program. As for the dominance of the conference, he 5 attributes this to the 1., ill fact that find hard afraid to \';0 these are industrial communities. In them you rkers whose kids here n(.t pam pi'.' red and work. here not success is also derived from the Conference tradition and the fart that most of the schools are ",'ery similar'. The teams must play each other too, among t.hemsel ves even greRtpr, N () tvlunc i e Cen t ra 1. the S Thrpe Rearcats. current coach, c h0 thus the nped t>o ach ieve more. () 1 has thrd r of \,0 n m0 r e state titles than ha \'e come under the it, tilles Thp Rill Harrell just last season. h'hich makes the competit]on scboo 1 \,jon According to tbe cORcb, lot of tbejr succ,ess a can be attributed to tbe tradition. part of the program, adds that much more importance to their winning. Tbe reason coach Harrell, in. Also, tbe New ccach~ng lot conferen~e. Thus emplwsis on the support of the fans. (if Castle, of a according to due to the large gyms the schools play the Mr. j coach is tIe s H j t h t h p Basketball Sam Alford. s c h 0 a 1 Co> , his coach feels that the ,"eason basketball is tbe dominance, fans like the styles of play in the sec t ion a I and reg ion a 1 t his cnnferences' is partly he is put.ting a In for LS SOrl, so heritage associated Hith the program. He has many tog 0 , Steve big In a Ion g A] l"r i th f(H'd. New Castle, He also feels that. it is a good quality program that helps drRw suppopt. The conference is dominant, size of the cities. fcpcier programs he feels, Tbe fact that have also partly because mRny of the cities have great helped tremendously. 6 of the These programs include community leagues like the YrvICA and Boys Club. George Griffith has guided titles. the only history. many teams Ho~-ever, Nee is the a reasons from their tradition. to Richmond High School sectional, state title team not He to coach of have regional has eluded a state and semi-state him as Richmond is championship in their that Richmond's overall success has come He also feels thcct rt~('ent success has come from the number of students in the school, and even more recently the addition of their new gym, The Tiernan Center. Concerning 1he dominance of the conference, he suggests that this - is accomplished because all Nee sectional and most have their own regional. are only one or two teams have The fact their own that there schools in uities that large have helped considerably. 7 MEDIA In Anderson, Dave Allen, through seasons. their has follo\,red of WHBV, feels He that local year throughout the For the Tn round. addition, grade levels. fans, games at The tj ckets for over tho s e t i c !;: e t s i n t (J 40 Tradition Wigwam are years, of school has g()(ld progr:lms the weekends during basketball season. dominance playprs there play basketball can be attributed to the all the Indians plays a to be on the the place FaIlS boast of havinp; season and ha ,,-e even been k JHHJT) to hTi te the i c wi] 1 . For t,he conference j tspl f, Dave Allen feels that regardless of whether' the conference was a part of those cities or not, most of these places would still be major basketball reason is that the C1 ties do not offer A big centers. entl:rtainrnpnt that can surpass that of basketball. For a vi ew from the media of Kokomo , Dave K i tc>lle 11, Kol{ omc T r =. bune , has foJ IOh'ed communities love of basketball love hjth jt from day one. the Wildkats. He accounts for the by noting that the promlnpnce of Wildkats play in the also been able to basketball b~st people fell S incf> t,hpn the comrnllO:i t has been a major facior in the schools the 1n conference, dr-aH good from the success. Kokomo IS commi t Illf>nt Also aiding in the fact that the he adds. players and y in The coachc~~ school has througbout the years. - Ji~pp)ying \~by to the question of Kitchell notes that the Nee is the ~cc so dominA.nt, Dave is the only confE'rence t.hat has thrpp 8 different to avenues conference has to attracted the to thei r !",uccesses, teams plaJ get t~ollgher too. the the Thp facilitips acid best coaches. Additionally, Also finals. state the fact that most of the schedules and they host sectional and regional games make the conference even better. Tn Logansport, Schoo1 Hess of WSAL, notes thnt Logansport High not representative is conference. schools ~1ilt The of the a,rf Berries rest of the schools in the actually opposite He notes that emphasis is not put on basketbal]. bt~causp there is no real support the from t.he rest of the athletjc fans. Also the con ff' r'pn<'e director is not very aggressive. He agree, does that dominant :n the state. He attributes this schools are large and rich with tradition. to play each other, Morr;e Nannies ,,,i th WLBC . He fact quite that the Becallse' they a 11 havf: they are able to get evell stronger. is thp voice of the Nuncie accounts for t-1uncie' s success tradition and early succeShes before the through the to the is :vear's have a Iso been 11 Centred Bearcals b~: rioting the rich sixties. Good coaches major fac'tor, along Hi th tb~~ p 1 a;;>ers pI ayi ng a 11 year round. As fur conferencp, superior schools being schools were tremendous in ]argr~r also amounts rich of cities. Hl play is result a He again noted that most bask e t ball community important. however is the exposure tradition support. schoo]s of the and received Probably get their location in relation to the major media markets. 9 of the more because of According to Tim George, of WCTW in l'eh' Cas tl e, have been able to maintain emphasis on basketball that of Mr'. Basketball. tradition, especially the Troj:-uIS because of the The fact that the school has the largest high school gymnasium in the world adds to the continual support. Because the conference IS so powerful, the teams are a good drat,;', he adds. Tim George reasons that the so big schools are play. i1 is easier Because the their corner, is so successful because the and can draH off a large number of students. He also feels that since most themsel VPS, Nce programs have for them coaches are he again already established to continue so good and ha\e ~,;j th thei.r fine experience in feels that this is a major factor. many others, he too, states that they host playa key role. 10 the sectionals ani! regionals FANS Bill Hecht has been an Indian fan for a number of years. points to the support of thp faithful the of prominence basketba']l in fans as a Anderson. He major factor in Additionally, emphasis has been put (In the sport and the rivalry the that has been t rad it ionEt 1 h'i th the other conference schoo 1 s. The conft~rence success, he most of the schools come from that ci1ies most of the feels, good size only have offer a thrill of a Nce great deal cities. Add to that These cities, though big, of entertainment that can compare to basketball game. l\ol\:omo fan Hi he R.ohe rt s has been a pa l' t of the commun i ty his life I one high school, and the potential for succpss is even greater. do not comes from the fact that and from ,q 11 that view he has seen the players and fans as the keys to maintaining basketball's importance in the community. Trad:ition has been another kpy to the importance of the cjty's passion. As for the to the Nee confer(~nce, caliber of games, He 11.1i he Roberts play that also feels attributes its success is seen "leek in und h'eeh out in the tha t the confer(;nce is home to the better coaches in the state. In Lafayette, Dick Robinson OHns a sporting goods store which has allowed him to get a good view of what is on - in his basketball communit.y. He feels really going that support for basketball has fallen off in recent years because of the support or spi r i t from the s t \ldf~nt 11 body. lack of He also fee 1 s t ha t man~,. of the people in the HOHevPf', he the ~ommunity program for granted. does state thH.t some Sf'I1se of triHlitjon still exists to sort of save the program. On the other hand, Dick Robinson does feel is st.ill and support there for a number of the they success stems largely from the fact and have a rich that the surcess Nee schools. Their are larger schools The schools also puL an emphasis on tradition. on whirh basketball and have a good nucleus to build successful programs. Bill Platt, a fan from Logansport, echoes much of the same things that the coach and recogni7-es that the bashetball media ranks representatjve said. He third among the sports there and doesn't receive much support. He does, hOl"ceve r , attributes this that there is Another bg rec~ogni to the only the large Slze one part of ze high conferencp's of the school ln success and schools and the fact most of t.he cities. the sllccess :is the feeder systems that hplp huild the players at a young age. According t.o basketball there also come Again, from tradition the Marion teams. Kerr.\" Clevenger has dpveloped the general of Marion, prominence t.hrough the fan support. "HOOSIER HYSTER.TA" felt of It has by all. plays a major role in the ()ontinuing success of As for the confprence, he attributes its success to the size of t.he schools involverl. In f'luncie, Ann Tyler has only been a Bearcat. for six years, but has been able to acquire much information 12 on the history of Muncie Central's success over the years has come from the team. traditjon and history has basketball entertainment big fa low in 15 thai the fact a of the the program. llo~"i ng Muncie. fans have She also notes that bec:ause the amount More importantly, of qual i t.y hOI"ever, is a true respect for the players and all that t.hey accomplish through their hard work. She ;:,ees the can ferences Bueces ses comi ng from the fae t the schoo] s are qui good team~: tf~ ] ar'ge. t ha t, is also made up of predominantly It and the competition·" Rmong themsl~l\'Ps makes better, she notes. For John Lee, from New Castle, basketball has gotten so big because that is all community pride over the has been through able the to there l\eep system to is. ;.'ea rs . just has It become source of a Also, he says that New Castle enough continue excellpnt fan support players ('oming and the hope of winning. John Lee sees realizatjon coaches. that thE-~ the can ferences schools dom j nanrp are bjg More importantly, he states, have great hi stories in basketbal], and is that c~om most i ng from the have better because the teams they are bound to he l..Jinners; in essence, Sllccess breeds success. Also contributing to the con fe renc~~ 's domi nance is the super i or gym s j zes and the a th 1 e tes living up to what is expected of them. 13 SUMMARY Looking back over the responses from those surveyed, people were able to recogniz0 their differences with they too were a b 1 p IS Thuugh Logansport easy to see some remarks appear over and over. the conference, it the rest of to reason l'lhy the conferen('e was so sucoessful. The ITlajor reason given by practically schools I,' ere system. Tradition also seemed almost as ve r and 1 a J' g e y f~veryonf', ,,;as that the were part of a one high school to be very important. if the Nce got off on the right foot when the game was introducpc[ and have just f0110"e<1 through ever since - It is success. their early Coaches, fan support, and gym s:ize Here also important in helping to secure donlinance by the Nee. \\hat does the future hold? what history schools go accolades are already t.h rough holds their not there IS in lean for a its' Thus, record books. timps. "hen the more of Of course success and fe\,; years, but Hhenever one team seems to fall from the spotlight for a take their place. probably I"hile. another team I'ill the roots of "HOOSTER HYSTERIA" run deep and firmly secure themselves in the grounds of Conference. 14 the North Central