-,. GETTING YOUR FOOT IN THE DOOR A CAREER IN ADVERTISING An Honors Thesis (ID 499) by Kristina J. Robinson Thesis Advisor Prof. William C. Moser Ball State University Muncie, Indiana February, 1988 Graduation Date: Winter 1988 :::~p('r!l 'T~){ ~ .; { , . ~ ',- :. , - .Acknowledgements I would like to thank those people who gave their time to share their knowledge and expertise to aid in the preparation and completion of this paper. Without their assistance and support this report would not have been possible. My thesis advisor: Professor William C. Moser The advertising professionals who took the time to talk with me: Daniel B. Roman - McCaffrey & McCall Inc. Melissa Stone - Hickman & Associates Inc. William Perkins - The Perkins Group Inc. Rodney Ross - Martin A. Lave Marketing Inc. Janet Brown - Morey & Waddell Sam Davis - Handley & Miller My family and friends for their love, patience, support and assistance: Mike, Jane, Jimmy and Julie Robinson, Scott Brown, and Tricia Schug With extra special thanks to my mother, Jane. K.J.R. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section I Introduction • 1 The Purpose of Advertising • 2 Types of Advertising Agencies • • • • • • • • • 3 The General Process that Occurs in Advertising • 4 Marketing Objectives • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 Marketing Strategies 5 Creation of the Advertising Campaign 5 Preparing the Campaign 5 Evaluation 6 The Importance of Objectives and Strategies • • • • • • • • •• 6 Agency Organization 6 The Function of Each Department 7 Administrative 7 Account Management (Services) • 7 Account Planner • 8 Media • • 8 Creative 8 Salary and Advancement Opportunities • 9 Entry-Level Positions 9 Training •• • 10 Job Security • • • • • 10 Job Availability • Women in Advertising Advertising People • • • • •• • • 11 11 . 12 Know Yourself 13 Section II Introduction 14 Grades and Activities 15 Educa.tion 15 Experience 16 Marke,ting Versus Journalism Majors 16 Uncertainty 17 Resume and Cover Letter 18 Preferred Format 18 Work Samples 19 Personality 20 Appearance 21 Attitude 21 Questionnaire 23 SECTION I Introduction The first section general idea of of this paper is to give you, the reader, a what advertising is about. It will address the issues of why advertising exists, what advertisers do, what types of positions are available, and what you can expect from the industry. address ",hat the industry expects of its people. It will also 2 The Purpose of Advertising As "'ith any advertising career is you for advertising industry area, and making means its the decision of whether or not understanding product, entering a number The of ways. Advertising agencies try When a product is new or is new market, the advertising agency tries to familiarize the consumers with dealing with and a about more consumers about improving a industry. advertisements. exist for the sale purpose of selling products or services. to accomplish this in the the the product. When an advertising agency is established product, they may continually remind product. Companies are continually updating and products, so advertising agencies attempt to spread the news when something about a product changes. cause consumers to lose faith advertising agency tries to and Sometimes events occur which confidence in reassure consumers. a product, so the Some advertising is done to create a favorable impression about the company in the minds of the consumers. This advertising industry is and also known is involve hundreds single product. today. long as in the goodwill advertising. its product is very dynamic. changing and becoming more complex. of advertising as The Advertising is How advertising is done, what type produced. and where the advertisements are seen may of highly Advertising specialized is people just to advertise a a central part of business operations The industry is strong and it will continue to stay that way as companies 1987 far, the most Sales compete for consumer dollars. As Bart Cumming said and Marketing Career Directory, "advertising is by effective method of telling the most people about a company's product and convincing them to buy it."Cl:142-144) 3 Types of Advertising Agencies Adve,rtising agencies, according to the serve. The of past TIlerged industry few with many other types of firms, vary the company and the size of the market they advertising mania" of the and/or size like years. the has Many also been hit by the "merger small agencies have been bought larger, often international-sized, agencies. Advertising agencies can generally be placed in two basic categories - general c:onsumer and specialized. vary greatly depending think of an advertising consumer agency. depending on the full services. agency, market, normally think of a general some general consumer However, agencies can be These companies have the personnel and the expertise to any advertising/marketing given.(1:147) Specialized they you When you small.(2:9) General consumer agencies offer general or virtually account or the type of agency they work for. General consumer agencies tend to be large. medium-sized to handle on The type of work a person does will offer agencies a specific assignment they particular may be cater to a type of mode of advertising.(2:10) Some agencies begin as full service, but end up specializing in a particular type of account. personnel, and This these of advertising. (1:147) for example, is they have a limited amount of people become "specialists" at a particular type There business-to entertainment, medical agencies specialize even because are many types of specialty advertising, business (health in (trade), direct marketing, care), and political.(1:147-149) Some different facets of the advertising process, such as media buying, creative, and public relations. 4 The General Process That Occurs in Advertising There is a general product, service, process. or The size process company. of the that occurs in the advertising of a There market are and five general steps in this the size of the company whose product is being advertised determines how many of these steps are done by the company alone, and how many steps are done by the company and the agency together.(3) Step One - Marketing Objectives The first marketing step is objectives where.(1:145) This to determine answer the questions clearly defined before clear come to and of their objectives. people Whichever the case, the must go over these objectives with a client It is extremely important parties are clear in their understanding of these objectives the eventual product, the advertisement, will be satisfactory and successful. rests on this The ads over and rest first clear, the agency over to they If the process in the creation of the ad the client has not made his objectives could spend a great deal of time, wasted time, doing trying to make the client happy. produce the desired smoothly and of step. have been improperly know what who, the advertiser, or they may not or help the client develop these objectives. so that what, The client may have the marketing objectives they idea advertising agency that both of The is where an understanding of marketing is extremely important in advertising. have a real the marketing objectives. set not well understood, the ads will not results.(3) For the rest of the process to proceed produce want or If the objectives the the desired results, the company must first advertising to accomplish. They need to 5 clearly state determine~ what the results should be. The company must then who the potential buyers are or which specific customers they want this campaign to reach. these potential Finally, the company must decide on where buyers are.(1:145) This, of course, is determining the target market. Step Two - Marketing Strategies The second step entails determining media should be is the used to develop methods or reach the to the marketing strategies. types This of advertising, and which potential buyers and meet the marketing objectives. (1:145) Step Three - Creation of the Advertising Campaign The third step, the~ step agency advertising is and should to the say create the advertising campaign. client to the work together to determine what the consumer, and it.(1:145) Everyone involved should focus development of campaign to smoothly, important. the In this go how it should say on the objectives for the the objectives become The agency needs to understand what the client is trying to accomplish or what the message is, as well as who the client is trying to reach. Step Four - Preparing the Campaign The fourth printing, and step is actually producing television. (1:145) This the preparing broadcast the campaign, doing the on either radio or step becomes easier, at least in terms of what must be done, if the other steps have been done properly. steps have set the constraints in which this step must fit. The previous 6 Step Five~ - Evaluation The final The advertising. in step the company determines objectivE!s. (1: 145) There are the advertising will The BurkE! Test is be process is if the the evaluation advertising of the met the several tests which can be done to see if successful, even before it hits the market. one such type of test. If an ad does not score well on the Burke Test, it will never reach the public.(4:75) There are also tests that can be However, the test their sales done once that clients the advertisement watch is on the market. most closely is whether or not increase. (4:75) As was stated earlier, advertising is most often done in the hopes of selling a product or service. The Importance of Objectives and Strategies As Jane Maas ask how copywriters advertise~ments strategy. A and She~ her book, "people not in advertising often art commercials. agency, goes on in and statement client and the why." said to directors These 'dream up' ideas for print ideas actually evolve from the agreed upon as whom the product should be sold to and say to (and sometimes bled over) by the that "the key items of a good strategy are: target audience, the benefit to the consumer, and the reason to believe that bene~fit, also known as a 'support'." (4: 72) Agency Organization Since there is production of a general advertisements, organizational structures. even thou.gh process agencies of events agencies often that occur in the have similar However, it is important to understand that perform similar functions, they often identify their departments and the positions of their personnel differently. some agencies, people may perform many functions In within the firm. 7 While in others, usually Most function. larger agencies, people only have one job or advertising agencies generally have four basic departments, they are: administrative, account management or services, creative services, and media. the number of personnel, the general departmental headings are usually broken down people into other performing agency often within an agency may bookkeeping, program research, relations. Usually, different with these different functions. vary. Some other departments having The positions available departments or positions be in media, production, traffic, accounting or production, personnel, departments there many departments, many within an market Depending on the size of the agency and the are. consumer international larger the research, copy research, advertising, agency, the and more public different Smaller agencies often have people who perform functions described by general departmental headings. For example, the Research Department in some agencies perform all types of research, consumer, market, and copy. (1: 147) The Function of Each Department Administrative Although the agency to departmental agency, the Obviously, there must agency and make actual be at and functional functions least one sure it runs smoothly. titles may vary from performed are very similar. or more people to manage the This, of course, is the job of the administrative personnel. (1: 147) Account Management (Services) The Account Management or Account Services Department contains the most visible positions area are responsible within the agency. The people who work in this for maintaining good relations with the clients. 8 They work with and to the establish A understanding account knowledge and account people services meet the needs and strategies of the to within position The strategies. skills coordinate the agency client. to determine the clients' wants and needs clients the of services marketing. These requires people a need good an understanding of the client's business and most importantly, a full and understanding complete of their agency, services its and capabilities. (5:192) Account Planner Another position is that of Account Planner, which sometimes is a function of an account services person. is to set: the objectivE!s. marketing They mix then The job of the Account Planner objectives, plan the role as that well the as the campaign advertising will play.(5:193) Media Many agencies also have a Media Department or people who function as Media Planners. and most economical must work within a These people are responsible for choosing the best ways of reaching the desired target market. budget as well as the marketing constraints and objectivE!s set by the client and the agency. and planners combined. buyer negotiates with After the the media They Many agencies have buyers media schedules have been set, the to get the time slots or space at a reasonable price.(5:193) Creative The Creative common to Department is advertising agencies. the final department that is most The Creative Department is made up of 9 the artists and the advertisE!ments. with dra~Ting Of copywriters course, the who artists must be very creative people and graphics abilities. works that are describe the seen ads, need an ability in but to to express ideas the ads. these actually create and design the The copywriters write the actual These people also write words that words never get published. think in words and pictures. in a lot of different ways. Copywriters They need to be able They also must have the ability to work as a team member and to accept criticism.(5:192-193) Salary and Advancement Opportunities There are advertislng. many different Advertising very challenging. The offers a job. hard, the advancements will Because there of positions available a great deal of variety. advertising person's ability to do advertisfng. types industry bases in It is also advancement on a If you are good at what you do and work come. are There so is many no set career path in different opportunities, a person can usually begin in one area and move to another fairly easily. The salary and other person's ability markets are to do around starting salaries compensation their $20,000. in job. advertising is also based on a Starting However, in the salaries in the larger Indianapolis area the are lower, often beginning around $12,000. these seem low, if a Although person gets in the door and works hard, they can and most likely will advance. (3) Entry-Level Positions The entry-level the agency are that and of the positions market. assistants, for within the industry vary depending on Some of the common entry-level positions example, assistant or trainee account 10 executive. research planner and/or clerical or assistant. junior copywriter, and assistant media buyer. In some markets. secretarial positions. some people Because this is such a competitive industry. getting your challengE!. are also other routes into advertising. There even begin in first position is in some respects the biggest Some people begin by selling advertising space for newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations. agencies do hire important: to Some people people also begin with an internship. for the Most summer or for an internship. It is understand that the hiring for both interns and permanent employees is done on accounts and workload the part-time help or a need enlarge basis. demands the When an agency acquires new more people. the agency will hire permanent staff. New people are also hired as people advance or leave the agency. (3) Training Most advertising agencies do not have a specific training program. Usually, an entry-level agency. work. The training Some of person is put to work with someone else in the and learning experience comes from "hands-on" the very large agencies have more defined training, but most of the learning of the job comes from simply doing the job. (3) Job Security Many people career. work for more than one agency during their As they increase their skills. they may move to another agency for advancement agencies for a accounts. will Some corporate level purposes, change people of or for a atmosphere leave salary increase. or advertising doing in-house advertising. Others change to work with other types of agencies to work on the Advertising is not a very 11 secure industry, based on the especially work account, some jobs agencies where they do for their accounts. may be lost. people market and others in larger agencies. work of its Advertising jobs are If an agency loses an This is especially true in the larger on only size one account. The Indianapolis are generally more secure because the agency personnel usually work with more than one account.(3) Job Availability The advertising entry-level job industry is very competitive. Finding that right out of school demands hard work and persistence. There are! many more people industry could ever use. advertising in college. trying to get into advertising than the There are almost 20,000 students majoring in This figure does not include the many other people w:l.th different majors who will try to get into advertising, such as peOplE! with majors like marketing, journalism and some liberal arts students. (1:156) Women in Advertising AdvE!rtising offers a wealth of opportunity for women. Women are on the boards of many of the major advertising agencies in the country. Women hold many upper level management positions. been advcmcing industries. in advertising Women even longer dominate than they In fact, women have have in most other some of the advertising agencies in Indianapolis. This is than men are. Some people believe that because advertising is a rather liberal industry and advertising industry industrie,s. not to say that women are better at advertising because just advancements began advancing are based on ability, the women sooner than other Many times women seem more sure of what they want in their 12 careers. They also seem to work harder to prove their abilities because they feel they must since they are women. (3) Advertising People As Bart Cumming business., ••• but not wondering if you some of the said, one advertising for the is an "exciting, fast-paced faint-of-heart." (l: 145) If you are have got what it takes to be in advertising, consider common words and phases that often come up when discussing the industry and the people are constantly able to T./Tork with Advertising people Advertising people quickly and be people under people need problem-solving skills. J. Pressure - advertising great deal of pressure. yet still be have to be They As work in it. a must flexible. General Manager of who able excellent able also They must be to compete with them. communication skills. to accept responsibility, learn must be curious and have good Roy Glah, Senior Vice President and Deputy Walter Thompson USA said in the 1987 Sales and Marketing Career Directory, "To be an outstanding advertising professional: - You must be a student of marketing, advertising, and consumer motivation. You must learn and understand the role of advertising in selling products and services for companies, and how an a~vertising agency creates that advertising for them. - You must be sensitive to intrinsic human values historical and contemporary trends in our country. and to - Yc,u must learn about the media - radio, television, newspaper, ma.gazines, and outdoor - what kinds of people they reach, how ma.ny they reach, and how much cost is involved."(6:174) 13 Know Yourself Kno\oTing whether a understanding of and dislikes. You should think about You can also career yourself. need the consider You to ideal your in advertising is for you, takes a good need to honestly consider your likes consider what your strong points are. You types of positions you see yourself in. past work experience and activities to determinE! what you would and would not like doing in a job. SECTION II 14 Introduction Now that you have in advertising, you this paper is to decided that you would like to pursue a career have to begin your job search. address some of the questions you may have about looking for your first position in advertising. perspective that It is written from the you are a advertising experience. The information is based information that was collected from interviews primarily with advertising on professionals. college The second part of The student with little or no in this section of the paper interviews were conducted in a conversational manner with all questions being open-ended (see Appendix 1). The individuals Indianapolis area. been compiled to represent agencies of different size in the The information gathered from these individuals has represent the general they will be referred to as one source. opinions of all of them, and 15 Are GradE!s and Activities Important? Many people worry that their grades will not be high enough. grades are important given situation. intervie~Ters since they demonstrate your ability to learn in a However, take into prospective employee. involved in while in. Leadership They to do are not the only factor advertising you also when look they at were in school. the are looking activities abilities become you a were This does not mean which clubs an important factor when looking at Interviewers something extra. like They to like see a a person who is person who shows a propensity to go beyond what the average student is doing. your activities at joined, but which ones you actually participated prospective employees. willing grades consideration you or organizations Good You can use to demonstrate skills that could easily be adapted and transferred to a working situation. However, it is extremely important never to falsify this type of information just to make your resume look good. Interviewers involved in an determine, through may become excessive the suspicious amount interview of they begin Also, keep working in mind because that the people activities. who have been They may also process, that you were not actually involved in everything you say you were. position. of Dishonesty will not get you a people have lost their jobs once employer finds out that the person falsified his or her resume.(3) Is a Four Year Degree Necessary to Work in Advertising? For a few four year positions, degree may not positions in advertising, college give people a such as the art or secretarial positions, a be necessary. However, for a four year degree is a must. chance to most other Four years of grow and to learn in ways that they 16 otherwise would not to learn and have the opportunity to. interact get from high It gives people a chance with other individuals in ways that they do not school, nor do they really get from a working situation. Because of the complexity of advertising, the industry now demands that people have a college education, including business courses. However, at least in the Indianapolis market and most likely in other markets of its size. an M.B.A. actually turned expectations. M.B.A. is not necessary. off by M.B.A. However, in In fact, some people are students because of their attitudes and larger markets and in larger agencies, students may be highly regarded.(3) Is Experience Necessary? Experience is always a have to understand that you people have done of this work industry. in The advertising. anyway Any type to in start any industry, but interviewers somewhere. other work at all. relates experience It is important people, and any plus of to They look to see if They try to determine if any something in the advertising need not necessarily be directly related to work experience is better than none at all. remember that you are being compared to other anything that differentiates you in a positive manner will give you an edge.(3) Do Advertising Agencies Prefer Marketing Students or Journalism/ Advertising Students? Advertisers background in background are are looking marketing. more journalism/advertising more Graduates suitable majors. and more with a to the Journalism/ well suited for the area of copywriting. to students marketing/ industry today with a advertising than are advertising majors may be However, due to the nature of 17 the industry, some understanding of marketing marketing knowledge is is apparent from general process that occurs in advertising. in the flrst section of this paper. a must. The need for an the description of the This process was discussed Advertising is still a bit of an art, but it does demand an understanding of the consumer market and how it functions. Advertising is useless if it gives the wrong message or reaches the wrong people. (3) How Do Interviewers Feel About Applicants Who Are Unsure of Exactly What They Want to Do? Unc€:rtainty is a rather cormnon occurrence among graduating college students. no work This is especially experience. Some true of students who have had little or uncertainty is expected by interviewers. They unde:rstand that the nature of their business allows for few people to come to them with experience. They also understand that students come to them after being bombarded theoretical information. However, industry, its positions uncertainty. If a work in Creative tells the the all. knowledge about applicant wishing to get small people Department that The will great deal of different understanding clear of the up some of this something into or with Account Services, then this perhaps applicant the industry. knows its a a person does not know whether he or she would rather interviewer advertising at and with the applicant should not be in must display some type of general Interviewers also prefer to see that an about advertising their need specific agency. Students to do research and network. A great deal of information can be gained from advertising organizations, marketing groups, and area Business Journals. (3) 18 Resume and Cover Letter Details Because communications important: to the excellent: skills advertising both in personnel are appalled they recE~ive skills, both oral industry, areas. and written Interviewers and other Some employers will the interviewers feel that any type unacceptable. Most interviewers feel that any error letter or the resume thoroughness are this, mistakes of candidate. However, the of shows a lack of attention to detail. of agency by the number of cover letters and resumes that with spelling and grammatical errors. of so applicants must demonstrate overlook what they feel are obvious typographical errors. majority are error is in the cover Detail and utmost importance in advertising, and because of kind are generally going to eliminate you as a any Accuracy in the names and titles of the individuals you are writing to are also important. person rather Always attempt to send your resume to a than simply a title. Names are very personal, so always use the correct name and spelling of the individual you are writing to. This type of agency and information asking can be easily attained by simply calling an the receptionist to whom resumes should be sent and how to spell his or her name. (3) What Type of Format is Preferred? Unfortunately, personal tastes of creative resumes. such as the the However, overall, chronological, deal of preferred interviewer. Advertising professionals have a great style Some time extremely to people according like to the to see some the business format of a resume, functional, are varies spend resumes that are brief and easy to read. or targeted, works best. busy people, and they do not reading resumes. They prefer It is important to make every 19 effort to keep your resume to only one page. that as a graduating college student, Many interviewers believe you simply do not have enough experience to constitute a resume of more than one page.(3) Do Interviewers Like to See Samples of an Applicant's Work? Interviewers like to you have had some the interviewer them of this graduates most normally ask college. to two or well. The would do if they atmosphere. have any provide that recent college advertising material. examples They of any writing done in each are of these given an people an advertising assignment much like they employed with the agency, and they are paid to the agency a give were applicants present their recommendations. can see what abilities each applicant has. person works under pressure and in a real In They work The interviewer can also see the applicant's communication the information is presented both in written and some of their own advertisements. existing .~dvertising product. This does entir4~ to understand Some advertising professionals also suggest that applicants put together the have some marketing experience, inform not applicants abiljties, because oral form. do will Then this way, the the way If agencies, after narrowing the number of applicants down three, complete it. you Interviewers applicants assignment. see If likely Some examples of the work you have done. type of agency or other advertising experience, let know. as see campaign not advertising your abilities, you and doing your This entails taking an own campaign for the mean only the ads themselves. process. must create You go through To give the interviewer some idea of objectives, strategies. the actual visual advertisement and/or copy, and the media plan. (3) 20 What do Advertising Agencies Look for in a Prospective Employee's Personality? The most important you are just out of think on your feet agencies like to industry allows the report, school and see and should not to who can As was mentioned earlier in The interviewer needs to people who can be trained; in other words, have preconceived ideas of what advertising should be. Interviewers real does not expect Advertising learn quickly because the is generally hands on. see not people who are are a great a willingness to work very hard. quickly and easily grasp concepts and begin applying They like do with no experience, are the abilities to little time for training. can people who for you as an applicant to have, if applicants training see that you them. abilities "go to also look for self-starters, and getters." They like to see that an applicant be started at the top. Some entry-level positions deal less than many college graduates expect. However, if you are willing to start at the bottom and work hard, you will advance quickly in most cases. work well under to a roller They also look for people who are flexible and pressure. coaster. Some may be up and very busy. The advertising industry is often compared periods may be down, or slow, while others This can be very hard on a person's emotions, so an int,erviewer likes to know that a person can handle it. on the agency and agencies like to also attempt that of the to the see hire type of position you are applying for, some that you have some creative ability. individuals Depending Employers whose personality will fit in with other people in the office. In advertising, the employees must get along and be able to work together. (3) 21 Appearance As ~Tith intervie~Ting, business most industries, appearance is very important. you must always look very professional. professional. Individuality atmosphere, but They likE! to should applicants and in interviewers see that look style is When Advertising is a the part of fine in the a business office/work prefer business suits for the interview. you understand that advertising is a business, and that you take it serious1y.(3) Attitude Your attitude is one of the most important factors in your search for a position in advertising. willing to work very hard. must set goals and Be aggressive in you your However, you should exactly the area is willing to You must have an attitude of success. strive particular area that to start reach those goals. If there You is a want to be in, tell this to the interviewer. job search remember you You need to be positive, energetic, and want. that and you have confidence in yourself. may not be able to start in Interviewers like to see an applicant who anywhere, and who will work very hard to move up. Another fact that you should keep in mind is that you are dealing with very busy people. After follow-up on that letter. you send your resume to someone, you should You should tell the person you will contact them on a specific day, and then you should do it. time then they do. They You have much more do not want to spend all of their time trying to contact you. (3) You have got to believe in yourself and your abilities. interviewer a reason to hire you. Give the If you do not believe in yourself 22 and your ability to get hired, then the interviewer will not have a reason to believe that you should be hired. However, be very careful not to cross line from arrogance. the yourself and your desire. abilities, confidence you will to be able to If you know get the job you You may have to work for it, but your goals are attainable.(3) APPENDIX I 23 QUESTIONNAIRE What do you look for in an applicant? Resume Personality Qualifications Creative Ability Drawing/design Writing (experience) Communication skills Presentation abilities How important are grades? \vhich weighs more heavily, grades or activities? Is experience in an advertising agency or some other type of specific advertising experience necessary? What type of educational background is most suitable and preferred for prospective employee? Do you prefer only advertising majors or do you hire other types of disciplines? Do you prefer a journalism/advertising background or is a business marketing/advertising background suitable? Is a marketing background suitable? Is a strong computer background necessary? Do people with computer background have a better chance over other applicants who do not have a computer background? Experience with many types of software? MIS knowledge? Is a four year college degree necessary to get into advertising? Is more schooling becoming important, such as graduate degrees? How do you feel about an applicant who is unsure of exactly which area of advertising they want to work in? Someone who comes in and says that they are willing to work very hard at anything, Is this type of uncertainty detrimental? Do you find that women do well in advertising in general? --, Some say that women have more creative instincts than men do, do you find this to be true? Would you hire someone for the summer or a part-time basis? 24 Would you consider hiring someone for an internship? Do you prefer to be contacted by telephone, or should applicants simply s€~nd a cover letter and a resume? Are ther€~ entry-level positions that are common to this industry? Where do your new employees generally begin? Do peopl€~ normally begin jobs in this industry straight out of college, or do they normally come to the advertising industry from other businesses? Do you train your new employees? If yes, what type of training do you offer? Do you budget or plan to hire a certain number of new people each year? Is there a career path that is common among ad agencies, or do your employees follow different paths according to their particular abilities and interests? Could you describe some of these career paths? Are the positions available in a small agency different from those that are available in larger agencies? In your opinion are there more opportunities in a small agency or in a large one, particularly for someone just starting out? How secure are jobs in the advertising industry in general? Are they more or less secure in Indiana? What are the advantages to working in an advertising agency as compared to working in the Advertising Department for one company? Are entry level salaries fairly competitive in this industry? How do agencies go about getting their clients? Many agencies list themselves in the telephone book under both advertising and market consulting, what is the difference between the two? When an Hgency provides both services are the entities totally separate? Is there a cross-over of personnel for the two entities? Do you H.nd that more companies are going to in-house advertising? 25 What trends do you see in the advertising business? Do people within advertising have the opportunity to travel, or does it depend on the size of the agency and their particular position? How much travel is normally involved? Do people: normally stay in the business a long time? Do many advertisers stay with the same company throughout their whole career? APPENDIX II 70 (.';DIA~APOUS BUSL'IESS JOLJJ.:.'\AL·S 1968 BOOK OF Bl:SL'iESS USTS LARGEST INDIANAPOLIS ADVERTISING AGENCIES (RANKED BY NUMBER OF LOCAL STAFF) .""' ....... ,~ 0/ No.ot capltahzed hK.llan HCounts H..m~. addtttll, Il!ltpl'lOM 1. 2. Montgomery Zukerman Davis Inc 1800N .......idian.~tIoor !z~;§271 McC.affrey & McCall Inc.- " A, SJ2-. 11 A9ft'lCY P'II"IClpal(sl '"MIne. ~errNn -,L_ S $l~tnIkrI RotIen McOw.lde 25 East Ced.af, Ztons'fli. 873-5900 3. ., Handley & MiII.r ,,, ...... 111 1712 N. Mefkhan Rdwd T. ICltuSMr g27-5SOO 4. Purson Crah.11O & Fletch.r K.~Df\4I Grou~ Cms.sing, Sot. 295 259-0163 5. 6. Caldw.n.. Van Riper '. " 131. N. MenCIan §2Z:§50' AS RcNId K. Pearson S15.5~ ,. ... Frri J. WecmotI CRElne. 22 1. e.. Washinglon. SI"".400 _8<"- $10.1"--' '0 l"B~ 631.0260 7. i I 7. I I 9. i 10. I 11. Bioomhorsl Story O'Hara Inc:. " 200 S. Me-dian fiJ9-H:lfi 2' ,. 2. 2S Hickman & Associates Inc. 8900 KeysJOM Cros!iM'g. Sud. 540 ... S1UII"iion ,,- Quinlin Advertising 8902N. MIwitUn.&"'~ ... Gurison Jasper Rose " Co. 02.. N. - . 2nd'_ •• 27 13. The DesIgn Group Inc. 3444N.W",-,-,_. 924-2;.... 11 42 " .. artln A. La.. Marketing Inc. 3iO. W. Bah. Sullo ,... McSN" -- ..... McC.I;g - Richards &. AssclCiates 5623W.73rG 298-3331 JaM ,1.5'- Sq.t!:!! ... 11. v..,gna ........ .'3-1113 573=5080 I V.J. Story . -~. _ _ ell ,.~ 15 ,. 14 $4.120.... """' ...... 14 20 Sl.Stl6:Jr\ 1hcINS J. HoI".. . "....71 "4"ft1.ifnll~" -- ....."'o;c.go 1'1 ...... ""'" .-. 30 afiNIIS ...... ~."K1n\¥t..ting. . ..- .... .... 303 N. AllbalN ~2"'800 Metro lIarkellng Group 14. 16. tnc. 262SN. Meridian, &tiIe " .. )2 m:I;;}§~ The Ma;'S1tc Group Inc. 1.7 S. Pennsytvaria. SuIte 501 13 ,. 632·2021 16. TUG Communicoliono Inc. 2002 E. 551t1 PI. '3 1 2so.722? 16. 19. Yourog & Laramo ... '1 ~~~~Gui!O~ Hod ...·R....o Uvertising 18C12N.--..Com* 12 20 f7 I 19. 19. I I I I II I I 19. The Pt;rkins Group Inc. 7256 N. Sl\ldel.ancll -'we .• Suu A 842·9555 Shepard p _ _" Advertising .. Design 7lO1 k WoodAand [If. 293-1500 Laurenc. Char... Fr.. & La.SOII 9100 K.yslOM CroroSW'lg, Sut. 665 12 H '2 ... ... ~ CII:InU'MI'. businHs 10 tIu$InHs, -~ 24. 24. lonsill Inc. Ma,. .lIng '-",Ieee "110 t<oysIono SuOo1OD CnIo_ " 110,., & W.dd_1I 5920~W.Dr. 10 .......1 • • OhIo,., _ortIIIIng Agency ..... _ 1 :117I5W..-.-I .... -- '96' SI. v~ PSI. H H. Gre99. Wtlemn V.anlln8$, Brownr.; 1rweSINnIS, F"'ShOr\"~ Tut*M HatIt. p~. , '910 2 ,971 , InUw; 0eJ:t '967 ; Gtlhn~. , ; .131 • '0;" • '96' "" ...... ",., ..., ~ VaUflOt'lN.ag..aliM ..... part. . goods, 1CJun$tll, c::or.mer, tela( tMInKs eo busInKs. hMt\ Ute. In.anciolll -...-.... butintu. busftsl,l'd.Mi.af. ~'HlUil.phIImoIClMIK" ccrporaClOll'ftMK.l" Koosi.-CaCetlt.ationea, 01 Cormwce. Wefc:Nlts N....... Corp.. Pr.s1on-s"fN.ay. SlOt.., USA ... c...", Boehringer MM'ltnlim Corp.• St Jcm'$ I-Ospw. FWl'o,adlNn" f .... s.mgs & loan _P_. .......... ----~._c....IIIuo_" hUN. WTHA.a..am.I 13, Glu. .,... MuUII n. ............ ,,-............s._ SpHdo,,_ W ...... _ - W d n g .......... p,~ IliipAcs ..... - .- c.1Hdo CoDngl. IICl c - . _ _ _ _. Coftw '" &ao. 0 -..... Geno<" - c:u,.-. HIt•• inIlrsNl ...... TOddy. -- Gmrs L ............ Poco _ df«lmattlelingn,..,... ..........Corp.... Corp. £...._ _w _ _ .... •• ,.., GtNnII flecft:. Mwiun F..., ....ara. Kenra n: .. ~ l~"" AuaiIN'y. GoMmari 1aa; Form» dlrectmM;!1W'9 o.o-o.... OriWog fIol$IN$$1D bIItntU. nOoIA'I.aI, c.uun SMell, CIhNn Etwpnse&. ~ ,,&lYe c... o.............. c..._ ~_!)o _ _.... _ F""'£_ IIl'I·tN~lIn; _..,...USP&G. _ _ C.. IOftw.... "'.. o,.o.~'Dohwy"" ...,...... ..... ...... ......... , . . toI-.utMf 3656 N. W.hinglon etvd. SIO_ $21.~ _ lhoN.llII..... _ Fon WIJIW £.W..., KaIwMI'........ 10 12.05_ 10 II • ...15 C'I~&McCaI _f. a..,.. IdwtItiWlg '2 I i 2' 12 20 -.-.-~ '!Ill 2' ........ --~ ..... _-..,._en. 1Iuoc:.u, ... _ _ en.. ___ ...,. '112 .. I. 20 BocIr.............. - . . : t''''K.F.C. TrodM Co.• KinOIII ~-- ..._c.,.. ... c.. .. _ _ ",_eo.. ,... so.. - . . _ s,-. _ ltlS .._ - . ..... _eo. McOoNWI. ~ AIIII9C~~'" -.... -...,.... ... _.TY"'""",_ . ..... .......... -.. ~ w.,-.- ........ _ _ _ _IIPSCO Haok '12) 21 1111 .-... an.. .....,. NIl. . . . . . . GuM.... 4.."C SIor. No ........ RarMn'I. ConMce. .... SN~.. Co "'.-~.., ....c.,..-a-"UlClloft ..... _ e....E_ •• " 1112 11 -;;;~s:.B::""':':::' :.e.. Ed I _ _ _ _ GllC ..... . . . . ......... I.hIId .......... UIt .... _hedby"._AI_ (C..--"~'1. InIoImaIion pf'OW'idIC ,., IN ...nI_ ... . - ,952 TobIoc:o.IriaoIMyetl. c..011 n: . Gotwi'l fl GIoucelIIr Fronn ,..... ..,. _ _ .. _ _ y .... _ . I I I i s.r.. w.................... M.wt _& _ . _ _ _AoMIn't, ._G<...:. _""'9\-'. _O'NII I WX"'W£N$._~"" -"'9 "-YOJ. I ~a~ 1170 .... -_.... -- .... ........,-_ """'-.-___-..... -....-..--. -.-....... = - -..12.5.- i ." "ai"lkM ~ I I I1 111t ~ "'"'''--'9. _ ~and"":aM ,.., -'_c:.-. _ - .....Corp. l_ __ F.'..... I ~~Co .• ~. R.... _ . 1111116r1 I 1 Tuct'wnM a.an.$, ,**a 0tW:H, ACt. MI.Ii, tMineu .. buIiMss, Grf- -. 1 1976 paIrS. 011,,** fJ. Camnerco, ChIrntt 6. WKlR. P.opIes BM*. ~S1 Systems IW~ House} Chiugo Onid Y"""'I JIlt LMamot. II Shu" Advertising Agone, -.2622 ~ . . _.....,_.~ _ _ UII. 844·111' 24. ,1.1'- A.l!IryanK... S ConIInerIoIII Eq.sl, lJAled SlIdenI M Funds. R., kA setvic. ~'!IIsing, CRE/PApubiic ,.,Ion$ 0Y!$I0fI a.;._ $4_ ... - ... TeIephonI, hU\apois P _ ' ~ GTE ~"" l.a.phone ep.,IionI, p~ M 0..... 01 ~ Indi~ SloW ......... JeM.AIr, ~pok ~~, InN\.a Gas, t<naut r_ GI.s 1OIoIt~~ , , c:.ona.- 51. UM9'ret fiOs4.'i:Ul Oft..1 •••. 5 . . ; 23. AlT..... Oi..ant ....... 12 J«n.Nt, fl.Ecb:.ItonII s.w:-. GE«A an CInI. IrUIecl ,,.., 8IcWics. --.,....,....,-.,,", ...--._... .... -"'-.--- . -.... .............. -- .. - - .... -.----$4~_ ... I!I:'m I """' Roct. McOA.', cww., ItwNN .Coc:.a.c.la._Dn9.~ ""......... V1._F_ ........ Haynes &. Pitl.nger Direct Inc. 14. ~. WMI StN f •. 1CmuI ~ (plano' 0191" lh.t PilUi .... __ c., CaY lAiIitf. Firs:! n:NN a..,.., ~ F..- OrchtII'a. hM\Jpak W...,. Co.• $I. fnnc:is ~ "'WYice.~1O~ "..,. ., 't. 'ound,(I , <II,nll 'M' "'crut ... rel.JM:CIt'IM.I'nIf«.aflegioNf. nllCINf • .,.u~ _Glom ,... Spec,.hiu Otfw,oltlCtl ,..n ~ -IpI"C1M. , i i I I I I 1 Bibliography and Endnotes 1 Cumming, Bart. "An Overview of the Advertising Business." in Marketing and Sales Career Directory. New Jersey: The Career Press, Inc. 1987. 2 Katz, Judith A. 3 Interviews with: Brown, Janet, Office Manager, Morey and Waddell, Indianapolis, Indiana, 30 December 1987; Davis, Sam, Vice President, Handley and Miller, Indianapolis, Indiana, 8 January 1988; Perkins, William, President, The Perkins Group Inc., Indianapolis Indiana, 8 January 1988; Roman, Daniel B., Senior Vice President, McCaffrey and McCall, Inc., Zionsville, Indiana, 8 January 1988; Ross, Rodney, Vice President-Creative, Martin A. Lave Marketing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana, 14 January 1988; Stone, Melissa E., Vice President Marketing and Account Services, Hickman and Associates, Indianapolis, Indiana, 7 January 1988. 4 Maas, Jane. Adventures of An Advertising Woman. Crest, 1986. 5 Hart, Norman A. and O'Conner, James, eds. London: Heinemann, Second Ed., 1984. 6 Glah, Roy, "The Ideal Agency Account Executive." Sales and Marketing Career Directory. New Jersey: The Career Press, Inc., 1987. The Ad Game. New York: Barnes and Noble Books, 1984. New York: Fawcett The Practice of Advertising. Burgart, Kristine J., "Staying Trendy: Advertising Agencies In Indiana." Indiana Business Journal, January 1987, pp. 27-58. Wright, John W., ed. The American Almanac of Jobs and Salaries. York: Avon Publishers, 1987-1988 Edition. New Vestergard, Torben and Schroder, Kim. The Language of Advertising. Oxford: Basil Black Publishers Ltd., 1985. "Largest Indianapolis Advertising Agencies." Journal's 1988 Book of Business Lists. Indianapolis Business