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E., Massachusetts Institute (1965) SUBMITTED of Technology IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF THE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY January, 1968 ElectricalEngineeri~: Janu~~y 15, 1968 - Signat~::a~~~~~~O~fCertified by Accepted by_~' Chairman ! v Departmental Thesis Committee Supervisor . on Graduate _ Studies 2 STATE VARIABLES, THE FREDHOLM THEORY AND OPTIMAL COMMUNICATIONS by ARTHUR BERNARD BAGGEROER Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering on January 15, 1968 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Science. ABSTRACT This thesis is concerned with the use of state variable techniques for solving Fredholm integral equations, and the application of the resulting theory to several optimal communications problems. The material may be divided into the following areas; (i) the solution of homogeneous and nonhomogeneous Fredholm integral equations; (Li) optimal signal design for additive colored noise channels; (iii) optimal smoothing and filtering with delay; (iv) smoothing and filtering for nonlinear modulation systems; (v) estimation theory for a distributed environment. A method for solving Fredholm integral equations of the second kind by state variable techniques is derived. The principal advantage of this method is that it leads to effective computer algorithms for calculating numerical solutions. The only assumptions that are made are: (a) the kernel of the integral equation is the covariance function of a random process; (b) this random process is the output of a linear system having a white noise input; (c) this linear system has a finite dimensional state-variable description of its input - output relationship. Both the homogeneous and nonhomogeneous integral equations are reduced to two linear first-vector differential equations plus an associated set of boundary conditions. The coefficients of these differential equations follow directly from the matrices that describe the linear system. In the case of the homogeneous integral equation, the eigenvalues are found to be the solutions to the transcendental equation. The eigenfunctions also follow directly. In addition, the Fredholm determinant function is related to the transcendental equation for the eigenvalues. For the nonhomogeneous equation, the vector differential equations are identical to those that have appeared in the literature for tz 3 optimal smoothing. The methods for solving these equations are discussed with particular consideration given to numerical procedures. In both types of equations several analytical and numerical examples are presented. The results for the nonhomogeneous equation are then applied to the problem of signal design for additive colored noise channels. Pontryagin's Principle is used to derive a set of necessary conditions for the optimal signal when both its energy and bandwith are constrained. These conditions are then used to devise a computer algorithm to effect the design. Two numerical examples of the technique are presented. The nonhomogeneous Fredholm results are applied to deriving a structured approach to the optimal smoothing problem. By starting with the finite time Wiener'<Hopjtequati.on we are able to find the estimator structure. The smoother results are then used to find the filter realizable with the delay. The ~erformance of both of these estimators are extensively discussed and illustrated. The methods for deriving the Fredholm theory results are extended so as to be able to treat nonlinear modulation systems. The smoother equations and an approximate realization of the realizable filter are derived for these systems. an approach to estimation on a distributed Finally medium is introduced. The smoother structure when pure delay and a simple case is enters the observation method is derived illustrated. I I I Thesis Supervisor: Title > Harry L. Van Trees Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to acknowledge and express thanks to Professor Harry L. Van Trees of my doctoral studies. my sincerest for his patient supervision His constant encouragement provided a continual source of inspiration and interest for which I cannot be too grateful. I also wish to thank Professors W. M. Siebert for their interest W. B. Davenport and as the readers of my thesis committee. Several people have made valuable contributions this thesis. I have profited greatly from my association fellow student Lewis D. Collins and Professor Discussions with Theodore to with my Donald L. Snyder. J. Cruise have clarified several issues of the material. Earlier drafts of much of the material Miss Camille Tortorici, Mrs. Vera Conwicke. while the final manuscript Their efforts The work was supported Foundation, a U. S. Navy Purchasing Service Electronics computations Program. were performed Finally, was done by appreciated .. in part by the National Science Contract and by the Joint I am grateful for this support. The at the M. 1. T. Computation Center. I thank my wife Carol for both her encour-age- ment and her patience in the pursuit 7P are sincerely were typed by of my graduate education. 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT T ABLE OF CONTENTS 5 LI ST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 8 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 10 CHAPTER II STATE VARIABLE RANDOM PROCESSES 16 A. Generation ofState Variable B. Covariance Functions C. The Derivation Random Processes for State Variable of the Differential Processes for Equations 16 22 26 't- 1 K (t,'r)f(t)d--r ~ - b CHAPTER III HOMOGENEOUS FREDHOLM INTEGRAL EQUATIONS 36 A. The State Variable Solution to Homogeneous Fredholm Integral Equations 36 B. Examples C. The Fredholm D. Discussion of Results Integral Equations CHAPTERIV of Eigenvalue and Eigenfunction Determinant Determination Function for Homogeneous 49 59 Fredholm NONHOMOGENEOUS FREDHOLM INTEGRAL EQUATIONS 69 71 A. Communication Model for the Detection Signal in Colored Noise of a Known B. The State Variable Approach to Nonhomogeneous Fredholm Integral Equations 75 C. Methods of Solving the Differential Equations Nonhomogeneous Fredholm Equation 80 for the 72 6 D. Examples Fredholm E. Discussion Equations CHAPTER V of Results for Nonhomogeneous 92 Fredholm OPTIMAL SIGNAL DESIGN FOR ADDITIVE COLORED NOISE CHANNELS VIA STATE VARIABLES 105 109 109 A. Problem B. The Application C. The Signal Design Algor.ithm 135 D. Examples of Optimal Signal Design 139 E. Signal Design With a Hard Bandwidth Constraint 156 F. Summary 160 CHAPTER VI Statement 113 of the Minimum Principle and Discussion 164 LINEAR SMOOTHING AND FILTERING WITH DELAY A. The Optimal Linear B. Covariance C. Examples D. Filtering E. Performance F. Examples G. Discussion CHAPTER VII tt of Solutions to the Nonhomogeneous Equation of Error Smoother 166 for the Optimum Smoother of the Optimal Smoother 175,1 Performance 194 With Delay 208 of the Filter With Delay of Performance of the Filter 217 With Delay 223 and Conclusions 226 SMOOTHING AND FILTERING MODULATION SYSTEMS A. State Variable Modelling of Nonlinear B. Smoothing for Nonlinear C. Realizable Filtering FOR NONLINEAR Modulation Systems229 Modulation Systems for Nonlinear 228 Modulation Systems 232 235 7 D. Summary 245 CHAPTER VIII STATE VARIABLE ESTIMATION IN A DISTRIBUTED ENVIRONMENT A. State Variable Environment Model for Observation B. State Variable Estimation C. Discussion of Estimation in a Distributed in the Presence for Distributed of Pure Delay Systems 246 247 256 275 CHAPTER IX SUMMARY 278 APPENDIX A DERIVATION OF THE PROPERTIES OF COVARIANCES FOR STATE VARIABLE 'RANDOM PROCESSES 283 A,PPENDIX B COMPLEX RANDOM PROCESS GENERATION 286 REFERENCES 310 BIOGRAPHY 314 8 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 2. 1 State Equation Model for Generating 2.2a Covariance 2.2b Spectrum for a Second Order System 28 3. 1 det (A(>-.)1 vs ,'\ 58 3.2 ~ 3. 3a d(A) vs. A Exact and Asymptotic 67 3.3b In d()..)vs ,"), Exact and Asymptotic 68 4. 1 System Model for the Detection in Colored Noise 74 4.2 d2 an? di Function vs , T K (t,"r) 19 s. Function for a Second Order System n = 27 1, 2, . . . , 6 vs. n for a First 60 of a Known Signal Order Covariance 100 stt) = stntnnt) 4.3 g(t) and stt) foro;a Second Order Function sft) = sin(-rr-\:') Covariance 102 4.4 g(t) and stt) for a Second Order Function sft) = sin(Bm) Covariance 103 4.5 2 d and d2 vs , n for a Second Order stt) = sin(nri'rl:) FunctiorP 5. 1 Loci of Points for det(D(), E '>\») • 5.2 Performance Candidates 5.3 Optimal stt) and g(t) for a First = Covariance 0 First 104 Order Spectrum vs. Bandwidth for the Optimal Signal First Order Spedfrum Optimal stt) and g(t) for a First B2 = 36 5.5 Loci of Points for det[D(').1l'X~ = 144 Order Spectrum and 146 Order Spectrum and 147 B2 = 9 5.4 142 0 Second Order Spectrum 152 9 5.6 Performance Candidates vs. Bandwidth for the Optimal Signal Second Order Spectrum 5.7 O~timal stt) and g(t) for a Second Or-der- Spectrum B = 13 6. 1 z.(t/T) P = 6.2 £(t/T) P = 154 and "2:.(t/t)for a First Order Process 1 Stationary Process and Z1t/t) for a First 1) = LoG 199 Order Process 201 2s1 (~+ 6.3 <[(tiT) and ~(t/t) for a First Order Known Initial State P = 0 6.4 ~11 (tiT) (normalized) for a Second Order Process Transmitted Signal o(1Xl (t) T ~2dxl (t) I dt 6.5 153 Process T 2:11 (til T) and z..(T IT) vs , C(1. (modulation dx 1(t)/ dt) for a Second Order Process 203 with 206 of 207 coefficient 6.6 Covariance of Error for the Filter for a First Order Process With Delay 7.1 Diagram for Invariant 8. la Distributed System Observation 8. Ib Space-time Domain for the Propagation B-1 Spectrum for a Second Order Complex Process Poles are Closely Spaced when 306 B-2 Spectrum for a Second Order Complex: Process Poles are Widely Spaced when 307 B-3 Spectrum for a Second Order Complex Process a Mean Doppler Frequency Shift with 308 B-4 Spectrum for a Second Order Complex Process Nonsymmetric Pole Locations with 309 225 Imbedding Argument 239 Model 254 Medium 255 10 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION One of the more powerful techniques of communication problems is the Fredholm theory. 1, 2, 3, 4 Often, however, used in the analysis integral equation this theory is difficult to use because solution methods are either too tedious for analytic procedures awkward for convenient implementation In recent years, on a digital computer. state variable increasingly useful, especially is primarily due to their adaptability several integral problems equations. important the most significant on linear filtering to computational b 9,10 approaches. theory for solving We shall then apply this theory to methods have already provided solutions problems in communication theory. Undoubtably of these is the original work of Kalman and Bucy theory. have used these techniques processes. have become in optimal communications. State variable to several techniques in optimal control theory. 5, 6,7 This In this thesis we shall deve lop a state variable Fredholm or too 8 Starting with this work, many people for the detection and estimation of random 11 The major advantage that these techniques that they lead to solutions which are readily implemented digital computer. Their essential random processes which are involved are represented of differential covariance equations functions. rather offer is on a aspect is that the systems in terms than by impulse, responses Since the digital computer for integrating differential equations, of formulation leads to convenient computational or and is ideally suited we can see how this type methods of solutions. There is a second important techniques. application theorists methods. problems, Historically, advantage of state variable the concept of state in optimal control theory. Over the years, have developed a vast literature As a result, found its first pertaining in using a state variable we can expropriate control to state variable approach to our many of the methods that have been developed in this area. The application theory to communications integral probably equation, is certainly most familiar The homogeneous and e igenvalue s , is 11 S'mce t hiIS expansron . to see why we are interested b equation in the context of a Karhunen- Loeve expansion point in the analysis eigenfunctions integral well known. with its elgenfunctdons of a ran d om process. starting of the Fredholm and eigenvalues of a particular ' t h eory IS problem, in being able to determine for this equation. 0f ten t he it is easy the Similarly, the 12 nonhomogeneous equation is often encountered. the optimal receiver and its performance signal in additive colored noise. Its solution specifies for detecting a known 3,4 Other applications of it include the solution to the finite time Wiener- Hopf equation and accuracy bounds for parameter estimation. The major difficulty in using the Fredholm theory is in obtaining solutions to these equations. limited number of cases, at best, lies. finding analytic solutions is difficult while current numerical of computer time. With the exception of a methods tend to use a large amount This is where major contribution of this thesis For a wide class of Fredholm equations of interest we shall apply state variable methods to the problem of finding solutions to these equations. Because of the inherent computational that these techniques offer, advantages we shall be able to devise a solution algorithm that is both well suited and efficient for implementing on a digital computer. We shall find, general interest however, that our solutions are of more than for just solving these integral We shall apply our results to several problems equations. in communications. By coupling our method for solving the nonhomogeneous equation with the Minimal Principle shall be able to formulate of optimal control theory, and solve a signal design problem for additive colored noise channels where bandwidth and energy . . d 13,6 constr-aints are Impose . b we 13 We can also use the nonhomogeneous derive the state variable With the smoother equation to form of the optimal smoother. 14,15,16 equations we shall be able to find a structure for the filter realizable with a delay. We shall also be able to analyze the ner-for mance of both structures. We shall also find that the technique we used in solving the Fredholm equations may be used to solve new problems. By extending these techniques, , we shall be able to find the s moothe r equations for nonlinear bor-r-owing results R1 '"'lroximation from control theory, to the realizable far this p-r-oblem, modulation systems. we shall also derive an filter from the smoother quite divorced from the Fredholm our approach. In processing enter the signals. however, array process. structure delay factors when pure delay enters this leads to a significantly in the thesis. often approach our approach for simplicity. to develop and use a Fredholm concepts for describing theory approach; longer derivation. let us outline the sequence of In Chapter 2 we shall introduce the random processes We shall also derive an important b data, This is due only to We use a variational Before proceeding material theory. is apparently In this topic we shall use a variational to derive the smoother It is possible structure 17 The final topic that we shall treat observation Again by state variable methods. result that is used throughout ------------------------------_ _--------_._- .• 14 the thesis. In Chapter 3 we shall consider homogeneous Fredholm transcendental of differential the 2,4 In Chapter 4, we shall consider equation solution. We shall derive a set Then we shall solution methods which exist for solving this set of equations. In the remainder results a and then determine equations that specify its solution. several particular We shall derive We shall also show how to calculate determinant. the nonhomogeneous present equation. equation for the eigenvalues, the eigenfunctions. Fredholm integral the solution of the of Chapters 2-4. of the thesis we shall apply the In Chapter 5 we consider optimal signal design for detection in additive colored noise channels. In Chapter 6, we present an extensive and filtering In Chapter 7, we extend our results with delay. to treat smoothing and filtering while in Chapter 8 we present for nonlinear two reasons. illustrate present of linear smoothing modulation systems, an approach to estimation when delays occur in the observation We shall present discussion theory method. many examples. We do this for We shall work a number of analytic examples to the use of the methods we derive. a number of examples We shall also analyzed by numerical In the course of the thesis we shall emphasize of our methods. methods. the numerical aspects We feel this is where the major application, of much of the material lies. Most problems are too complex to be .............., ....... -------------- ---._-_ _------------------~------------------_.- .. 15 analyzed analytically, is a very relevant so finding effective numerical problem. We also want to indicate our notational Generally, vectors scalars conventions. are lower case symbols which are not underscored; are lower case symbols which are underscored; are upper case symbols which are not underscored. b procedures and matrices ------------------------------- 16 CHAPTER II STATE VARIABLE RANDOM PROCESSES In this chapter and properties need. First, generation we shall introduce of state variable random processes that we shall we shall review the ideas of the description of random processes using state variable we shall develop some of the properties of these processes. and methods. Then of the second order moments We shall also introduce we use in many of our examples. derivation some of the concepts Finally, two processes which we shall present which is common to many of the problems a that we shall ana lyz e . A. Generation of State Variable Random Processes In this section we shall briefly review some of the concepts associated with the description processe s using state variable establish methods. our notation conventions detailed discussion we refer In the application communication relevant information, to For a more 3 and 8. of the state variable methods to the random processes as being generated that is excited by a white noise process. of random This is done principally and terminology. to references theory problems, are usually characterized and generation of interest by a dynamical Consequently, which must somehow be provided, system the is the --------------- 17 equations describing the operation of the dynamical description of the white noise excitation density(ies) or moments of the processes. that we shall assume regarding rather system and a than the probability It is this point of view the description of our random processes. This is not a very restrictive generate a large class of processes .can generate rational the important spectra assumption, of interest. class of stationary quite conveniently as we can In particular, processes we with using constant parameter, linear dynamical systems. The majority generated of the processes that we shall discuss by a system whose dynamics may be described of a finite dimensional, linear, ordinary differential are in terms equation, termed the state equation, d~~t) = F(t)!(t) + G(t)~Jt), (linear state equation)) (2. 1) where !(t) is the state variable vector ~(t) is the white excitation (n x 1), process (m x F(t) (n x n) and G(t) (n x m) are matrices determine (For notational processes. b we shall work with continuous time In the study of processes this introduces difficultie s; however, that the system dynamics. simplicity, dynamical system, 1), generated by a nonlinear some attendant mathematical we shall not dis cuss them here. 10 ) In general, 18 we shall assume that ~(t) is white, i. e., derivative of an independent increment have (assuming it may be interpreted process. as the Consequently, we zero mean) (2. 2) In order to describe a state variable equation completely, the initial state of the system must be considered. with representing a random process We shall assume over the time interval that the initial mean random vector with a covariance E [ x(T )xT(T )] - 0 - 0 = matrix T o initial conditions, :5 T :5 covariance 0 given by (2. 3) input signal and deter- knowledge of ~(To) and U(T) for x(t) for all t , With a random - random initial conditions matrix - 0 t is sufficient to determine input and/or state x(T ) is a zero p . In the case of a deterministic ministic We are concerned we can determine the of the state vector, K (t , T) = E[x(t)xT( T)] , x for all t and - T greater than To. only when the state representation in Eq. 2. 1. (2.4) - We should note that this is true is linear as we have assumed I ,,-... ~ ~ ..... ......, ~I ~ <.9 z ~ 0:: ,..-A-, ~ ~ 0:: 0 l- o w > W .-ti ({) ~ ~ t) ""'--'" ~ ~ ,;:,,, .......... ~ ~ " xl 0 W-l >« a:: z WC.9 co({) (()- 0 c '- x ~ ~o 19 .......... z - 0 I- W '--"" 5 :c ..... w X <.) - « ~ (,() l~ W L..---J ::31 '-" ...... ......... J-::31 .......... ..,--, ,-- II a ...... I ~ .......... xl ~ 0 E ~I '--y-J w II .......... ~ ......'" ~I ""'--'" ~ ...... ~ ...... .......... ~ (9 X c ""'--'" ...... >'1 .......... ""'--'" w z ..... W <.9 0:: 0 LL -.J W 0 0 ~ Z - 0 « J- :::> w C W J- <t: t(f) .......... ..- ""'--'" ::31 ...... .......... ""'--'" LL c X c: ""'--'" ""'--'" ...... ---XI ...... ---- 0 z :::> ~ a W z 0 .. ~ ~ 0:: (f) I- <! t- w W a :::::> « I- - a Z 0 CD w t) (f) II ...... ---~, ""'--'" ...... ~ ::31 ""'--'" .... ""'--'" .......... (9 + ....... .......... ~ xl ...... ---u .... "'C 1.L. ""'--'" ,-...... )( ......... "0 ..-I C'3 bJ) ~ .r-f 20 Generally, one does not observe the entire state vector at the output of a dynamical system, ~, in many case s only the first component of the vector is observed. specify the relationship state vector, observation between the observed of the dynamic system. random processes Consequently, relationship random process For the majority that we shall consider, is a linear, and the of the we shall assume that the possibly time -varying, i.e. , the observed no memory transformation, we must random process l(t) is given by ( observation (If the observation describing (2.5) is a linear transformation and this transformation state variables, equation). is representable in terms 1. e. , there is an ordinary the operation, which involves memory, of a system differential equation we can reduce it to the previous simply augmenting the state vector of and then redefining case by the matrix C(t).) In Fig. 2. 1 we have illustr ate d a block diagr am of the dynamic system that generates Finally, the random processes in a communications noise is often present shall consider .,!"(t) = ~(t) of interest. context, in the actual observation. additive white Consequently, signals of the form + w(t), (2. 6) where ~(t) is a process generated as previously w(t) is a white noise process. l,...' we discussed, 21 We assume that ~(t) has zero mean and a covariance matrix given by by (2. 7) where R(t) is a positive definite matrix. Before proceeding several comments It is often convenient to describe in terms do this, of the system that generates e. g. constant parameter that may be generated by a dynamical descripti on, e. g. stationary pr oces ses, for x(T ), u(t) and w(t). - necessary 0 - it is unnecessary approach rather In two of the chapters systems medium, for the description Finally, state equation. b however, Gaussian for many of our linear approach. linearly by nonlinear which dynamical through a distributed in terms Since the notation required of these processes we shall defer introducing is peculiar it until then. we shall usually work with low pass waveforms. In Appendix B we have introduced variable. of Gaussian method cannot be described of the generation to the individual chapter the assumption which are generated the observation of a finite dimensional or the Wiene r proce ss . we shall analyze problems or those which are observed 1. e., with a constant state since we use a structured than an unstructured involve either processes to the processes We shall indicate whenever it is - to introduce this assumption; derivations On occasion we shall refer system We have avoided introducing statistics the random processes them. systems are in order. the concept of a complex state This concept allows us to analyze bandpass waveforms of 22 interest with very little modification to the low pass theory that we shall develop. B. Covariance Functions for State Variable Several of our derivations Processes concern the covariance Ki(t, T) of a random process .l(t) which is generated described in the previous section. review how this covariance describe the system can be related for generating The covariance In this section matrix matrix by the methods we shall briefly to the matrices which the random processe s. of l(t) is defined to be (2.8) By using Eq. 2.5, covariance matrix K (t , T) l = K (t, T) is easily related l . to the of the state vector x(t), T C(t)K (t , T)C (T). (2. 9) ~ In Appendix A, the following result is shown: e(t, T)K (T, T) for t ~ T, K (t , T) x = X (2.10) where e(t, T) is the transition matrix b F(t), 1. e. , matrix for the system defined by the 23 d dt e{t, T) e( T, T) Furthermore, satisfies = = (2.11a) F{t)e(t, T), (2. lIb) 1. in Appendix A, it is shown that the matrix K (t, t) x the following differential dt K (t, t) x d = F{t)K (t , t) x equation. + Kx (t, t)FT{t) + G{t)QGT{t), t (2.12a) > To' with the initial condition K (T ,T ) x 0 0 = (2.12b) P . Because 0 many of our examples processes and constant parameter comments regarding matrices describing sequently, their systems generation. the generation the transition matrix concern stationary we shall make some Let us assume of l{t) are constant. that the Con- e{t, T) is given by the matrix exponential "(t c ,T ) -e F(t-T) . Furthermore, let us assume that P (2.13) o is chosen to be the steady 24 • ;'< state solution P to Eq. 2.12a. 00 function only of At. Therefore, K (t , t + A t) is a ~ We have e -FAt P » oo At:S 0, K (t , t+At = (2.14) - x At 2= We shall use two particular several of our examples. or one -pole , process. The first o. stati onary proce sses in is the first The covariance order Butterworth, function for this proce ss is (2.15) The state equations which describe the generation of this process are *One can evaluate shown that Poo using transform techniques. It is easily 25 = ~~t) + u(t), -kx(t) t >~, (2. 16a) = x(t), y(t) E [ u(t)u (T)] (2. 16b) = 2kS o(t -T), (2. 16c) (2. 16d) The matrices involved are F = -k G = = 1 Q c = 1 = S Po We shall use this process of the techniques aspects process is generated matrices describing F= G= Q = l:o _lJ GJ 160 to illustrate analytically many that we shall develop. The second process the numerical a-e) (2.17 2kS we shall use in examples of an analysis using our techniques. by a two dimensional the process generation C =[ 1 p o = [4 0 to illustrate This state equation where the are 0] 4:J (2. IBa-e) 26 The process l(t) is a stationary process whose covariance function is (2. 19a) and whose spectrum is 40 sy (w) = (2. 19b) We have illustrated 2.2b. We have included this process of the computational to state matrices aspects any analysis prohibitive amount of time. The Derivation 2. 2a and to illustrate some We have also chosen of y(t) has a peak in it some interesting aspects We should also note that in all our examples, G.. of our techniques. This will introduce some of our examples. in Figs. principally such that the spectrum away from the origin. ~ these functions involving this process of the Differential would require Equations a for K (t , T) f( T) d T X. - Many of the problems shall analyze involve the integral in communication operation theory that we 27 Fig 2. 2a If if -; :i [TiT Covariance Function for a Second Order System ILl Ky(t. t+At} = ~ exp( -I6t\ }(3cos(3at}+sin( iT I~dr h 1+ -t-t +t r ~ . ~I ~t I++!--l.++-L-H+l-P-++:.+j.j.j" Hi+H+Y++H· i~ -l- "~t If l~ • I ~I Hi·' :r 0 IF u If 1+ ., tr ! ~ 4 "a14i Ht: r 111:tt!it ·ftt:::ji·ntl+.1'f:ti 1, t\ ~tt1 , ~ .. -1 It t It ~ 1m ~~ t j rJ J Il ttl\ itt. Lfl f+ 31Atl)} 28 .., " 11" 9. - ...• -c--v-t-t-t-t ;~.;..'+ t\t!f· ttl Fig. 2.2b ,;·i,!. 7. '-",- t Spectrum for a Second Order System ! +.1 - 1 t ,+ tp ! , ... .. ; ... ~T: ;·'!·t .8 :i!. .7 ,- n ,- ~m t •5 t' " w ,,+,~ t + . ·~r~ trl:r;.H .4 r~"'H t" r" flit! .. - +, +i+ -+H·· + - tj- 1" It T ,... ._- ,. ..... ... t " ! ·;-t t It:t I"," tf 1-- :Ht ,·,t· h "i'f4-+ t \ +- :;:'1;" "1 ±li' t., .e. lit! rrr f· ...+ ',:1,6 • 1 C" ." ,9 ;..f 29 K (t , T) f( T) dT , ~(t) Y.. In the study of Fredholm the eigenfunction integral equations i(t) is either 1(t) in the homogeneous .B:(t)in the nonhomogeneous is the integral (2. 20) - operation case. specified operation. In linear estimation theory, by the Wiener-Hopf equation. Solving these differential equivalent to performing Eq. 2.20. the integral operation In many of our derivations, ferential equations ferential equations. to convert Let us now proceed Eq. 2.9, to case, or it is the solution this section we shall derive a set of differential integral related equations equations specified this In for this is by we shall use these dif- an integral operator with our derivation. to a set of dif- By using we may write Eq. 2.-20 as 1.(t) = C(t)i(t), (2.21) where Tf W) A S Kx(t, T)C T( Tl.!( T)dT, T 0:5 t :5 T f" (2.22) To We shall now determine in terms we have of the function i(t). a set of differential Substituting equations Eq. 2•..l0in Eq. 2.22, 30 e(t,-r)K (-r, -r)CT (-r)f(-r)d-r ~(t) x - Tf S + Kx(t,t) T T 9 (T,t)C (T)f(T)dT, Toost (2. 23) os Tf' t If we differentiate Eq. 2. 23 with respect to t , we obtain t = 5 Tf S +Kx(t, t) 89Ta~T,t) C T (T)f( T)dT , To os t os Tf' (2. 24) t We have used Eq. 2. lIb and cancelled first term of the right-hand two equal terms. side of Eq. 2. 24 we substitute In the Eq. 2. lla, and in the last term we use the fact that e T(-r, t) is the transition matrix for the adjoint equation of the matrix a at T e (-r,t) = -F T T (t) e (-r,t). F(t). 6 That is, (2. 25) pas 31 When we make these two substitutions = d~~t) e (t ,or) KX(T, T)C T (T)f( T)dT - F(t) dKX(t, +[ in Eq. 2. 24, we obtain J T t) -dt - K (t, t)F T (t) ~ t SfeT (T, t)C T (T)f(T)dT, (2. 26) By applying Eq. 2. 12a, we obtain T +[ F{t)Kx(t, t) + G{t)Q GT{t)] f S 9T{T, tIC T{ T)f{T)dT, t (2. 27) After rearranging terms and using Eq. 2.23, we finally have T S f dS(t) dt = F(t) S(t) + G(t)Q T G (t) e T (T, t)C T (T)-!(T)dT, t (2. 28) 32 At this point we have derived for ~(t); however, we see that an integral Let us simply define this integral functional a differential operation operation equation still remains. as a second linear of iJt): Tf :'lIt) - SeT (T, t)C T( T).!.(T)dT, To ;S t Tf" ;S (2.29) t Therefore, we have (2. 30) It is now a simple matter equation which !l(t) satisfies. Differentiating . dt = - CT (t)f(t) dn (t) to derive Se( a second differential Eq. 2.29 gives us Tf - F T (t) T T , T t) C ( T) f (T) d T , t (2.31) where we have again used the adjoint relationship Eq. 2. 25. After substituting given by Eq. 2. 27, we have (2.32) 33 We now want to derive which Eqs. two sets of boundary 2. 30 and 2. 32 satisfy. shall consider, and t = T In all the applications that we the function f( T) is bounded at the end points, Consequently, r conditions by setting t = T in Eq. 2.29, f t = To we obtain (2.33) The second boundary we set t = condition T , the first o follows directly term is zero, from Eq. 2.23. while the second term If may be written Tf 5 =K (T ,T) x 0 0 T gT(T,t)C(T)f(T)dT, (2. 34) - o or g(T ) -0 = Kxoo (T ,T ):O,{T) 0 = P ,,(T ). Q...l.O It is easy to see that the two boundar-y conditions (2.35) given by Eqs. 2.33 and 2. 35 are independent. We may now summarize We have derived two differential the results of our derivation. equations: (2. 30) (repeated) 34 d~(t) = <it T -C(t) f(t) - F (t)!l.(t), (2.32) (repeated) In addition, we have the boundary conditions (2.35) (repeated) (2.33) (repeated) The relation to the original integral operation is given by T f = S(t) C(t)~(t) = S K (t ,T)f( T) d-r , T X t :S :S 0 Tf. (2.36) To Notice that the only property was its boundedne ss at the endpoints excludes considering equations functions may appear there.) n linearly independent of i(t) which we required of the interval. of the first kind where singularity Equations 2. 23 and 2. 35 each imply boundary conditions. Since the differential equations are linear, any solution that satisfies conditions is unique. Finally, be reversed the derivation in order to obtain the functional that is, we can integrate the differential the integral equation. differential equations must be identical functional operation Consequently, of Eq. 2. 22. of a solution ~(t) that satisfies (This the boundary of these equations can defined by Eq. 2. 22; equations the solution rather ~(t) to the to the result This implies than differen- of the that the existence the boundary conditions is both · 35 necessary and sufficient for the existence of the solution to the operation defined by Eq. 2. 22. In this chapter we have developed the concepts that we shall need. In addition, shall utilize in several material equations. we have presented subsequent chapters. a derivation We shall now use this to develop a theory for the solution of Fredholm We then shall apply this theory to several optimal communications. which we integral problems in II rr 36 f I [ j CHAPTER III HOMOGENEOUS FREDHOLM INTEGRAL EQUATIONS Homogeneous Fredholm important role in theoretical tool, their most important Loeve expansions difficult aspects of cases, integral communications. use arises of this the ory is that, suited for determining solutions except in a limite d number to these equations. method to find a solution efficient and is especially by computational shall then work a number of examples Finally, As a theoretical One of the more it is very difficult to find solutions technique that is both analytically play an in the theory of Karhunen- of a random processes. We shall now apply a state variable to illustrate methods. well We the technique. we shall show how our re sults can be us ed to find the Fredholm A. equations determinant The State Variable Integral function. Solution to Homogeneous Fredholm Equations The homogeneous Fredholm integral equation is usually written T f 5 Ky<t, To - T) 1<T)dT = ~1<T) , (3. 1) 37 where the kernel K (t, T) is the covariance 'l.. random process l.(t) which is generated in the previous chapter, is the associated vector eigenvalue. of a vector by the methods .1(t) is an eigenfunction eigenfunction-scalar expansion matrix described solution, and A (We should note that we are using a eigenvalue expansion. 18,3 In this we have 00 -y(t) = L = i (3. la) y.m.(t), l.!.l 1 where the generalized Fourier coefficient is a scalar given by T f Yi S = T (3. lb) l:T( -r)li( -r)d-r o v This type of expansion is necessary corre la ted. ) if the components The solution to this equation There are an at most countable solutions number exist to Eq. 3. 1 and there of y(t) are "'" is an eigenvalue of values of A are no solutions > problem. 0 for which for A < o. If K (t, T) is positive definite, then the solutions to Eq. 3. 1 have S. positive eigenvalues and form a complete orthonormal set. However, if K (t, T) is only non -negative :y.. ~ (t) with zero eigenvalues, o definite, then there exists i .e. , they are orthogonal solutions to the kernel :11'1'5'0'1....777TT iT wumpnnw." 5' "ws . . F' .. , '!ilz;rrrrr 7' r: 17 38 Tf S KX(t, T)~O(T)dT = 0, To;5 t ;5 (3. 2) Tf· To We shall consider finding only those solutions with positive eigen- values. ,If we index the eigenvalues function by the subscript K (t, T) Y and their i, the integral $.( T) dT = ~. $ .( T) , 1 1 1 T associated eigen- Eq. 3.1 becomes :5 :5T o t r (3. 3) When we employ Eq. 2.9 we may write Eq. 3.3 as = C(t) Let us now put Eq. results m .(t) If in Eq. 0 :5 t :5 T. f (3. 4) 3.4 we set = -f(t) , the re sult is that the integral (3. 5) enclosed by parenthe ses is the function ~(t) as defined in Eq. 2.22. Consequently, - lXl 3.4 into such a form that we can employ the of Section II-C. Xl Xo. m. (t), T let us define ~ .(t) to be -1 39 Tf ~i(t) S = Kx(t, T)CT(T).t (T)dT , To oS t oS Tf; (3. 6) To so that Eq. 3.4 becomes C(t)g. (t) -1 If we assume = A. m . (t}, (3. 7) 1.I.1 that A.. is positive, 1 positive definite, if K (t,T) is y which is guaranteed we can solve for the eigenfunction of g .(t). in terms -1 This gives us 1 = x::- (3. 8) C(t) ~i (t) , 1 If we examine Eq. 3.6,. we see that the integral which is defined is of the same form as the operation Section Il-C. Consequently, operation considered we can reduce it to a set of differential equations with a two point boundary condition. in Eq. 3.6 wi th f'{t) in Eq. 2.20. Let us identify in Eqs. (3. 9) .I.1 2.20 2.32 become and 2.32, 1i(t) Then, if we substitute f(t) = m .(t) - in we find that the differential Eqs. 2.30 and 40 + G(t)Q ddt g. (t) = F(t) g. (t) -1 -1 = g .(t) CT(t) CIt) ~. .:.1.1 0 :s t :s Tf, _ F T(t):!ll' (t), To:S t -1 1 From Eqs. GT(t)l1. (t), T 2.33 and 2.35, the boundary conditions (3.10) :s T . (3. 11) f are (3. 13a) g.(T)=Pl1.(T). -1 0 The desired (3. 13b) 0:.1...1 0 is re lated to the solution ~i (t) by Eq. 3. 8. eigenfunction or (3. 8) (repeated) The net result transformed the homogeneous of differential equations the state equations generate of Eqs. 3. 4 - 3. 13 is that we have Fredholm integral whose coefficients and covariance the random process matrices and eigenfunctions, are directly This is consistent to that are used to to determine the let us make two observations. Notice that we have a set of 2n differential solve. related y(t). Before we use the above results eigenvalues equation into a set with previous equations methods for treating to 41 stationary ferential processes. In these methods, equation to solve, tor polynomial where 2n is the degree dif- of the denomina- of the spectrum. Equation 3. 8 implies with positive one has a 2n-order that all of the solutions to Eq. 3. 1 A. are contained in the range space defined by C(t). We should note that if C(t) is not onto for a set of t with nonzero measure, there then K Y.. (t,T) is not positive may be solutions with definite. In this situation A. e qual to zero which are not contained in this range space. We shall now specify a general solving these differential eigenvalues equations, and eigenfunctions. find a transcendental the eigenvalues, solution technique which in turn specifies With this technique equation that specifies the eigenfunctions W(t:x.) = I I I I I Given follow directly. W(t:A.) as G(t)Q GT(t) --------------~--------------I I I I I I I so that in vector form Eqs. the we shall first the eigenvalues. Let us define the (2n x 2n) matrix F(t) for 3. 10 and 3. 11 become (3. 14) 42 d (3.15) dt Furthermore, let us define the transition matrix associated with W(t:X-)by (3.16) w(T ,T o :X-)= I. (We have emphasized including the X- dependence X- as an argument. In terms solution (3. 17) 0 to Eq. After employing of W(t:X-) and w(t, T :X-)by o ) of this transition matrix, the most general 3. 14 is the boundary condition specified by Eq. 3.13, we have [-~~-I -] !l.(T 1 (3.19) ) 0) To:::t -r- r 43 r Let us now partition 'l!(t, T :x,) into four n by n matrices o I = '1"!(t,T :x,) 0 I ns, Eq. s.n(t, T 0 :x.) --------------~--------------I '1"!; (t, T :x,) Rewriting '1f; I I I 'l!~~t, To :x,) such that 3. 19 in terms '1"! (t , T :x,) .!l.!l 0 I 0 I of these (3.20) partitions, we have (3.21) Taking the lower partition, the boundary condition given by Eq. 3. 12 requires 'll.(T ) = ['1"! t: (Tf, T :x'.)P f !l~ 0 1 0 -1 This implies (T , T :x..)].!l.(T ) = 0 .!l!l f 0 1 1 0 one of two consequencies. n .(T ) ..:J.1 0 which implies + '1"! Either = -o. a trivial (3.22) (3. 23) zero solution; or, I det[w t: (T , T :x'.)P +"ill" (T , T :x'.)] .!l~ f 0 1 0 .!l!l. f 0 1 = o. (3. 24) 44 ITthe latter satisfies is true, Eq. 3. 15 has a nontrivial the requisite equivalence equation, boundary of the se differential this nontrivial eigenvalue. conditions. solution which Because equations of the functional and the original solution to Eq. 3.15 implies That is, the eigenvalues integral that an 1 of Eq. 3.1 are simply those values of A..that satisfy the transcendental equation specified 1 by Eq. 3. 24. Now that we have found an expression we can show how the eigenfunctions For convenience, follow. define A(A.)as A (A.)= 'If (J T , T :A.)P + iIr !l2.. f 0 0!l.!l Consequently, f teristic" with this root. 1 1 polynomial (We have used the adjective "charac- A(A. )with those of the integral i Therefore, of A(A..) vector 0 in order to avoid confusing the eigenvalue the matrix factor A.., A( A..)has a vanishing ) is the characteristic ~l associated 0 the characteristic has a root equal to zero and n.(T (3.25) ( T , T :A.). When A. is equal to an eigenvalue, determinant. for the eigenvalues, to determine equation, n .(T ) .:.l.l 0 properties 1 of Eq. 3. 1. ) to a multiplicative we need to solve the linear homogene ous equation A(A..)n.(T ) 1 ~l 0 = o. (3. 26) Given 1'I.(T ) we can find the eigenfunctions .:.l.l upper partition 0 of Eq. 3.21 and Eq. 3.8. This gives us by using the 45 = C~t) ['1fl=l:(t,T "i ~~ :x'.)P 0 1 0 +'1fe (t,T ~.!l :x'.)]n.(T 0 1 .:.Ll ), (3. 27) 0 To~t~Tr which is the desired result. Before proceeding order roots of Eq. 3.24. with nonzero slope, we should comment In general, about multiple- the function det A(X,)vanishes that is, near an eigenvalue x'., 1 (3.28) where c 1 is nonzero. In the case of multiple - order eigenvalues, the function det (A(x')) vanishe s tangentially; value x'. of order 1 that is, near an eigen- 1. (3. 29) This implies n.(T .:.Ll 0 that there will be 1. linearly independent vectors ) satisfying A(x'.)n .(T ) l.:.Ll 0 = -0, (3. 30) i. e . A (x'.) has rank n - 1.. -- 1 If we examine that we need to determine '1f(t:T0 :x,) • our solution we see that the only function is the transition For the important matrix case of kernels of the output of a constant parameter system, of W(t :x'), that are covariance we can find an s 46 analytic expression for this transition matrix in terms of the matrix exponential, wet, W(X.)(t-T0) = T :x,) o e (3.31) This matrix exponential transform methods. may be conveniently computed by Laplace We have (3.32) where ;J:.:,.1 is the inverse Laplace operator. (In the inversion contour must be taken to the right of all pole locations If one desires a numerical is the case for systems method of calculation evaluation the of [Is-W(X.)] -1. ) of this matrix exponential, as of order greate r than one, a pos sible is to truncate the series expansion L 00 eW(},.)t = j = (3. 33) 0 In the case of time varying systems, analytic method for determining this transition there is no general matrix. However, we can still use our technique by evaluating this transition matrix by numerical equation methods, ~ by integrating the differential defining it. We can now summarize our results for homogeneous 47 Fredholm roots equations. The eigenvalues of the transcendental = detA(A.) 1 A. are specified 1 by the equation (3.24)' (repeated) 0 where A(A) is given by Eq. 3. 25. A(A) = W t !l.2. (T , T :A)P f 0 0 The eigenfunctions 1t (t) = 1\.. ~~ 1 n .(T ) ~l 0 1 ~l -- satisfies A(A.)n .(T 0 !l.!l. (Tf, T :A) 0 (3.25) (repeated) are given by Eq. 3. 27 C,(t) [w t t(t, T :~ P . where +W ) = 0 0 + the orthogonality w~nt -~ (T , T :~] n. (T ) f 0 -Ii 0 (3.27) (repeated) relationship o. (3. 26) - (repeated) (The multiplicative normality factor requirement.) may be determined by applying the The matrices Wt t (t , T :A), we. (t, T :A),\]( t: (T , T :A), and W (T , T :A) f 2.~ 0 ~11 0 " 2. 0 !l.!l. f 0 are partitions associated of the matrix il!{t,To :A) which is the transition with the matrix matrix 48 F(t) W(t:A) = I I I ------------T--------------I (3. 14) I CT(t)C(t) - A (repeated) I I I I These equations specify the eigenvalue s and eigenfunctions for a kernel K (t , T) which is the covariance matrix for the random Y.. process Y..(t). This random process is generated at the output of a linear system that has a state variable description of its dynamics and a white noise excitation. To conclude this section we point out some advantages that this technique offers. We can solve Eq. 3. 1 in the vector 1. those techniques which rely upon spectral vector case could cause some difficulty. defined this problem random processes case. factorization For methods the (In some respects away by our method of characterizing of interest. the It should be pointed out that depending upon the problem this method of characterization jus t as fundamental 2. 3. as the covariance 4. independently accurate are chosen to generate equations that must be solved follow directly. One does not have to substitute into the original integral transcendental any functions back equation in order to determine equation that determines of the others, the the eigenvalues. We can solve for each eigenvalue solutions. may be method. ) Once the state matrices :l(t) , the differential we have which is significant and eigenfunction in actually obtaining 49 5. We can study a certain 6. Finally, class of time varying kernels. the most important technique is very well suited to numerical to determine numerical analytic calculation advantage is that the methods. This allows one solutions easily for problems in which an is either difficult or not feasible. The major disadvantage is that the class of kernels that we may study is limited to those that fit into our state variable model. However, interest in communications B. Examples we emphasize that most of the processes do fit within our model. of Eigenvalue and Eigenfunction In this section we shall illustrate in the previous section. examples. First, Determination the method developed To do this we shall consider we shall do three examples do this principally to illustrate previous section. The processes by a first order system. several analytically. second-order in these examples are generated In general these are the only systems an example of the numerical system. We the use of the formulae in the which thi s type of analysis can be done in a reasonable We shall then present of for amount of time. analysis of a It is this type of problem for which the It allows one to obtain numerical technique is most useful. solutions very quickly with a digital computer. Example.!. - Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions The covariance at t = 0 is for the Wiener Process matrix of a Wiener process which starts 50 = K (t,T) y A state-variable = O.:5t,T. representation dx(t) ---ar- y(t) 2 l1 min(t,T), u (t) , of a system (state equation) (observation l-'-X(t) I (3. 34) which generates y(t) is (3. 35a) I equation), (3. 35b) where E [ u(t)u( T)] = o(t- T), (3. 35c) (3. 35d) (The Wiener process starts with a known initial For convenience indicated in Fig. let us identify the state matrices = 0 c G = = 1 Po = = =T 1 and To constant required as (3. 36a - e) 0 Let us find the solution Tf = ) 2.1 F Q state by definition. O. First, parameter) substitutions to Eq. 3. 1 when we choose we need the matrix specified by Eq. 3. 14. of Eq. 3. 36 inEq. W(x') (the system After performing 3. 14 we have is the 51 I I I I 0 -------r ------- = W(~) 1 2 -1:X- To find the eigenvalues I I I I I 0 and eigenfunctions transition matrix of W(~). transition matrix 'l'(t, 0 :~) is = I I I I I ~ ~ ~ sin( -l:.-.t) :n:. --------------~--------------..J:... sin ( -E-t) T I I I I (3. 38) cos(~t) I I ~ We now simply apply the results previous we need to find the If we apply Eq. 3.32 we find that the cos(L t) 'l'(t, 0 :~) (3. 37) ~ as summarized at the end of the section. First we substitute Eqs. t = T into Eq. 3.25 to find A(~). 3. 36e and 3. 38 evaluated In order for an eigenvalue at to exist Eq. 3. 24 implies det(A( X-.)) = cos( --L T) = 1 The distinct solutions .JXi o. to Eq. 3.39 are given by (3. 39) 52 \ l = i = (2~~TT)'" 0, determining (3.40) 1, 2, ... The eigenfunctions Mter J 2 follow by substituting the appropriate Eq. 3. 38 in Eq. 3.27. normalization factor, we have (3.41) Example ~ - Eigenvalues Stationary and Eigenfunctions Proce ss Let us now consider K (t,T) y = for ~ One Pole, the kernel of Eq. 3. 1 to be Se-klt-TI. This is the covariance (3. 42) of the output of a first pole at -k and Po chosen such that the process order system with a is stationary. The this process are given by Eqs. 2. 16 Since the kernel is stationary only the difference state equations that generate and 2. 17. between the upper and lower limits Consequently, we again set T Proceeding substituting Eqs. f =T as before, 3.44 in 3. 14. of the integral and T are important. = o. the matrix W(~) follows by 53 -k W(A.) 2k8 I _______ JI = _ (3. 43) I I I 1 -r The transition matrix for W(A.) is cos(kbt) ¥ - sinBkbt)! sin(kbt) I = 'lr(t,o:A.) k I ------------------~----------------I ,(3.44) I 1 sin(kbt) b -A.k 'I cos(kbt) + sinWbt) where (3. 45) By substituting Eq. 3.46 which determines det(A(A..)) 1 in 3.24 = -J[1o. 1 = ,8k] sin(kb. T) + cos(kb. T) 1\.. 1 1 = ° (3. 46) 1 to compute the roots by hand, put in a more convenient 1 we obtain an equation our eigenvalues In order tan(kb. T) and 3.25, form. Eq. 3.46 can be This form is 2b. 1 b~ - 1 1 (3. 47) 54 Solving Eq. 3.46 for A., in terms 1 gives us the expression A for the eigenvalues, of the b., 1 Applying Eq. 3.27 gives us the eigenfunctions. They are of the form ,. (t) 1 where = 'Y. [ cos(kb. t) 1 1 'Y. is a normalizing 1 Example ~ - Eigenvalues Stationary + ~u. stationary and Eigenfunctions $ t :s T, (3. 49) for ~ One Pole, Non- Proce ss of a constant parameter e. g. the Wiener process. of this can be genera ted from the previous setting P 0 equal to the mean-square assume that we know the state at t Po 0 1 factor. The output process necessarily sin(kb. t)], 1 Instead of power of the stationary = 0 exactly; is not A second example example. = o. In this case the covariance system process, that is, (3.50) function becomes 55 S e -kt( e k-r - e -kT) for t > T J > t . = K (t,T) Y for By substituting to zero, Eq. 3.44 in Eqs. where, + (3. 51) 3. 24 and 3. 25 and setting the equation for the eigenvalues det(A(~i)) = cos(kbi T) T sin(kb T) i b. P o equal follows directly: (3. 52) = 0, 1 as before, (3. 45) or equivalently, tan(kb. T) 1 From Eqs. -b .. (3. 53) 1 3.27 and 3.44, $.1(t) = where = 1 'Y. is again a normalizing Example 1 i -Eigenvalues have the form O:::t:ST, 'Y. sin( kb. t) 1 the eigenfunctions (3. 54) factor. for ~ Two Pole, Stationary In this example we want to consider the kernel is the covariance Process the analysis of the output of a second-order when system. 56 In contrast with the previous a particular examples, however, we shall consider system and analyze it by using numerical Obtaining analytic results for systems than one is straightforward, whose dimension but extremely tedious. that the kernel K (t,T) of Eq. 3.1 is the covariance Y.. Eq .. 2.19 and illustrated generating by Fig. methods. 2.2a. Let us assume function given by The state equations y(t) are specified by Eq. 2. 18. In addition, Tf = 2 and T = is greater for let us set o. First, we need the matrix W(x'). By substituting Eq. 2.18 into Eq. 3. 14 we obtain W(x') = 0 1 0 0 -10 -2 0 160 1 X, -- 0 0 10 0 0 -1 (3. 55) 2 In order to determine transition matrix exponentiate of W(x') evaluated the matrix W(X,). T. det] A( X,)], at T = we need to find the 2, 1. e. we need to To do this, we used a straight- forward approach by applying Eq. 3.33 and taking the first in a nested fashion. numerical (For further procedures, discussion parameter matrix, we performed indicated by Eq. 3. 25 to find det] A(x')]. X, and repeating function versus x'. our see .Refe r ence 32. Once we find this transition operations regarding 30 terms this procedure, The resulting the By varying the we can plot this curve is indicated in Fig. 3. 1. 57 In this figure the zero crossings eigenvalues. This type of behavior for the function det(A(x')) is typical of those that we have observed. eigenvalues, corresponding function is well-behaved to those with significant as discussed governed by the "tail" of Sy(w). we the amplitude of the eigenvalues are approaching their by Capon. 19 This behavior is (In Fig. 3.1 we have used arrow- heads to indicate the location of the eigenvalues Capon 's formulae. the difficult to compute A(x') In this region the eigenvalues behavior, however, Eve ntually, become so small that it becomes energy, (nonperiodically).As eigenvalues, the os cillati on rapidly increase s , accurately. In the region of the larger and oscillating approach the less significant asymptotic are the desired As the eigenvalues as indicated by be come small, the comparison is quite good.) Since this state-variable finding the significant with an asymptotic conveniently. technique is well suited for eigenvalue s , one could combine this method method in order to find all of the eigenvalues In all cases that we have studied, we could account for at least 95 percent (often as much as 99 percent) of the total energy (3. 56) by our method. non-stationary The asymptotic kernels, method, or a comparable could be used to calculate one for the eigenvalues , s ,..::...... I : . t~ "~ _,' . '-1-1-- " ", ': .. 1\ '! - '-1-- ......- - -+-- --- --1--1:-' ',.. -.. --1---- 58 ~ ---j---*--- .---t::E-+ L L -- , N :.... ~ :.=f.=::,-- ~9=: -::~~;=r:=': - -- =t=::: ±f~ ,--+ ' - f- I ('f'\ TTl ._- -"._ ,- , ..• _ ,- .... - _,._,-,-,._. ...... .._,-, ... ....+,,-+;,+,',-4 ..,..,+ ..•. -+.++-+-"-+-HH-f"-+·-++++-+-HH-+-++++·I-+-t-1~-t-.-+-++-1-I-+-t-+-II-I·- - - - - -1--1.- --I--I--f- --1- --1-',.......... HH-:-+~-+++·t-+-HH--'-f·-+++-t-·t-+-HI-t-+-+++-t--I 4-+-+-+--+--i-+-+-~1-i1--J- -t-+--+-t--+-+--+-i-I--J-f---!---'-'f-I-t-+--+-+--f-4-+-·j-tf-..1+-·++"+··+-++-+-l-'+++-+-HI-4-+--+++++-+-HI-l-+--++-I-++-.f-t-.I-l'--+--+-+-I-++4-+-hHI-t--+-I--++++-+-HH-+-I-·j-HI-t-++-1wi ; \ I· II . " , i:" " 59 corresponding the residual energy not accounted for. We can summarize the behavior this example by plotting in Fig. T, the length of the interval satisfy the monotonicity of the eigenvalues 3. 2 the first six eigenvalue s against = (T Tf - To). requirement, We see that the curves 20, 3 a~.1(T) (3.57) aT In addition, reflecting the number of significant the increase eigenvalues increases computer time required used the Fortran to find the eigenvalues been reprogrammed sophisticated T We (the method for the IBM 360 as a gene ral As indicated earlier, algorithms the for this kernel. language on the IBM 7094 computer purpose routine.) with in the "2WT product". We shall conclude this example by discussing has recently for we did not employ any for computing A(A.). The time required to compute the data for Fig. 3.2 in order to find the first eight eigenvalues (99.8 percent of the energy) is approximately in addition, the eigenfunctions 20 seconds; may be found with very little additional computer time. C. The Fredholm Determinant In the application munic ati on theory problems, is often used, Function of the Fredholm the Fredholm determinant e. g. in the design of receivers their performance for detecting Gaussian This function is defined as theory to comfunction and the calculation signals in Gaussian of noise. 60 , ae -/,'-+-4-t-I-t-4 &+1\- !IIO, ~I- -;:: - , ~l ... -+-+-- t- - -~. .- - f- = "f--I-~~ ~~c-t~--1 __ -r- I-~-I-+-- 1 -',i~=!=t= j~t.~ 1-+--'--1-->- f-.Ct::::j.:: -t--H-fH-t::· i- v:_J q= t=l=e/±i:-f=t=I=l=t=r--t= t=t:=l---l ~~,:= I-- f-I-l/j-I-I-:J +- ""'+-+-+-+-·t-+-I---I-+_I /I , E J~l: ::EEt::::~f="=t-e~ r-H-f-=f-:::" --f- .., II'fI--+-f-l'-1-f-+-f--r--+-- i=t, =t= 1=1=' 1- . -:1=1= I-t- I-I- 1+1- ....-1- 1-1--1- i .., ttt±tillttttttti:t:tt=J 7~,':~+-+-+-+-f-+--f--I+ 1-1- t=:.::t=t- .- ...=t=,-_.- ~ -+.Ir II ~ ....~!II'-+,4+++-I-+-:I-Hl...f'-+-++-l--l-+-Y.HH-+-+-I-++-I-+-+j~r+-l--l-+-+-HH-+-+-I~++.+-4-l-:~_1--!--l--+--+-~I-+, ,j"...~-tI-~~__+__l_-t;._II'#·+-I-+_-I-'-H_+_+4...J,iJ '4--l-+-+-Hf-I__+__l_-+--I--l--I-+_+-H_+-+-f-4I'1~~+-I-+-'I-:--HH-+-~ --!---l-4--f---j-l-f-i--f-l--+-4-+-1 -1-f-,+_+_+I--1!-r-""'I~-+~-f-~_I_+i--+~-_+-I--+-+--+-+-+_+-1 ~F~4-H-f.'i\+-J14--f.-I-~+++--t-~H4-+-L 1-+++--t-+-HIH-t-+..,J++++--t-+-H4-+,/~-++++f--+-hH"-I--f.-++++--t-+-HI-I--+-+-+-+-+-+-1-1-1hl:'6 I~ ( "~ I~ , I", , j I .' , if I' 'I :iJ I " / !I "- =_ j--r=:= =;:~ __- =r== I--f-1:-t--1-1-1= -- . f- - f-I-'I-~ -- ;_I--~ J-!-!-, 1--1= " 1- I--~:= - -- --f-l-l- , =1=+= l-I-l- ,::-l-l- .-l= ± • I Fig. II U'f--ffiH-l1,f+ ·4-+--l-+-+-.~HH-4-++-iI'I+-I-+-+-~1_+-'+-f--+-+-l-+-+-HH-+_++-I--l-+-I-+-+-H.......i_ 'I - An = n ;, J i':l " If 1/ -'#-'J+.+++-+ -'r-+--H-I--1-+. II 1/ [ ,-++-HH++-H4.,-I-+-H--l--I--I-H-+--I--I-H-+--I--I-H4-1--l-H'--+-J_ I/ 2..0 3.2 -.J-H-+-+l -t-;f-~I,IYIH':;'+++--"VI+'-+--H4-+1 \+J-I.-Hr-+-+++-H-+-++-+-H-+-++-~H-+-++-~Hr-+-+++-H"-4-'I- F t='=t=t-=-, - l- , -, I [1' . , f-l-f- 3.0 f= ~ ·,1- I- = VB. T 1, 2, ... , 6 61 00 D ;r (z) IT i = 1 = (3. 57) ( l+zA.) 1 where the A. 'Is are the eigenvalues of Eq. 3. 1. 1 In this section, we shall show how the theory developed in Section 3. 1 of this c hapte r can be used to find a closed form expression expression can be determined either calculate d by the same numerical previous for this function. analytically, procedures This it can be readily employed in the section. To do this we make some observations function det [A(.!.)] where re garding the z may be a complex variable. z (1.) It is easy to argue that det[ A(.!.)] is analytic in the finite plane. z (2. ) Because our test for the eigenvalues det[A(.!.)] has zeroes converges to E(Eq. z only at 3.56). !.. ~l (3.) is necessary and sufficient, The sum of the eigenvalues Given these observations, that det] A(.!.)] has the infinite product form one can show 21 z 00 det[A(~)] = Ao TI i = (I-Aiz) (3. 58) 1 where A o = lim A('!') z (3. 59) z ~ 0 Comparing this with Eq. 3. 57, we find that the Fredholm function is given by determinant 62 1 = 1 (3. 60) -X-det[A(--)], o z L e. we can evaluate D(z) by using the same function that we employed for determining a negative the eigenvalues of Eq. 3.1 except we use argument. The only issue that remains evaluating the constant A ~ In a direct o has done this. 22 For completeness, is a convenient method for proof of Eq. 3. 60 Collins we shall include this part of his derivation. If we let z ~ 0 in Eq, 3.14, z G(t) Q GT(t) F(t) lim W(t:.!..) becomes W(t:.!.) = z ~ 0 (3. 61) z o Let us examine the differential defining \If(t, T :.!..)when we substitute oz equation, E q. 3. 61. Eq. 3. 16 We see that -a\t lim \If (; (t, T :.!..)= -F T(t) lim z ~ O!l.~ 0 z z ~ 0 (3. 62) Since the initial condition for this homogeneous zero matrix, lim z~O its solution is the zero matrix, '1[ l: (t 21~ Similar ly we see that 1 z ,T : -) 0 = 0 equation is the 1. e. (3. 63) 63 d lim z -+ 0 dt However, ~ T !L!l (t , T :.!.) = -F (t)lim w z .-+ O.!l2l 0 Z (t, T :.!.) 0 z its initial condition is the identity matrix. from the adjoint relationship . hm Z -+ W o!1!l (3. 64) Therefore, we have 1 (T , T : -)= 9 f 0 Z where 9(Tf, To) is the transition -1 T (T , T ) f 0 matrix (3. 65) of F(t). Consequently, from Eq. 3.25 we obtain (3. 66) Since a transition determinant matrix cannot change sign, i. e., This implies that A o is positive, is nons ingular , its it must always be positive. and we can take its logarithm. This yields 23 T f J d~ Ln{det[ 9(t , T a)] )dt = To 5 Tf To 1 T:d 9- T d9(t, T ) T (t , Tal< dt a ) ] dt = 64 Tf -5 (3. 67) Tr[ F(t)] dt To Therefore, we finally have Tf -5 A = o Tr[ F(t)] dt T e (3. 68) 0 and Tf ) = ~z) e Tr[F(t)]dt To 1 det] A( - -)] For many of our problems, convenient function to use; det[i( - A.)] = o from which~z) approaches i + 00 or decreasing (1 1 + -r-)' the behavior Before (3. 70) 1 -co. function of has the same behavior regarding TT = use the function A.. can be quickly determined. one as A.~ monotonically D~(z) is not the most instead, we shall 00 d(A.) D. (3. 69) z For positive The function values of A. it is a of A., while for negative as we have earlier d(A.) values discussed of det] A(A.)]• proceeding, we shall pause to mention an 65 asymptotic expression for d(A) when y(t) is a stationary and the time interval, assumptions or 2WT product is large. process Under these it is easy to show that 5 ClO In d(>") ~ T S (w) y ln( 1 + X- (3.71) )dw -C1C This formula allows use to determine the asymptotic behavior of d(X-)in our calculations. Let us briefly in the previous lytically determine section. d(A) for three As before, of the examples we shall do two examples and the third by numerical ana- methods. Example ~ - d(A) for ~ Wiener Process Since F = 0, we have A d(A) = det A( - A) = cosh( ~ o = 1. From Eq. 3.38 we have, T). (3. 72) ..J}\ Example.§. - d( A) for ~ One Pole, Stationary Process Using Eq. 2. 17 in Eq. 3. 63 we find " Ao =e To determine +kT det] A( -A)l (3. 73) J we use Eq. 3.44. Let us define (3.74) 66 After some routine algebra, d(A) = e -kT[ we obtain 2 ( f3 ~ 1 ) sinh( k BT) + = cosh(k f3T)] (3. 75) Example!... - d(~) for ~ Two Pole J Stationary Process Let us find d(~) for the same stationary in Example 4. As in that example kernel considered we shall use a numerical analysis . . From Eq. 3.68 we find A o =e 4 (3. 76) Next, we use the same computational the eigenvalues; however, method that we used to determine we must use a negative argument. Fig. 3. 3a we have plotted the resulting interval with lengths of 1, 2 and 3. those derived by assuming we have plotted the results d(A.)with solid lines for time As a means of comparing the time interval indicated In by Eq. our results is large, 3.71 with dotted lines. We can see that for T:=: 2, we are very close to the asymptotic results indicated by a stationary Finally, munic ati ons , e.g., process, Eq. 3. 71. analysis. the function log (d(~))is often used in comas it related to the realizable Fig. 3. 3b we have plotted log( d(x)) vs , analysis, large time interval the s olid lines, fitter error. In A. as found by our exact and the approximate Again we have the close comparison results found using for T :=:2. ... 67 0 z ? ~ N ::, '", t: 10 ~E!"::fj .... ;~n :;.lig' !JI r 0 Fig. ":a> 3.3a :; :I 3: ::;' d(A) d(A) VB. ~ VB. x ~ exact (solid lines) asymptotic (dotted lines) oi X :II III III III T= 1,2,3 -e -l X :ll 1'1 1'1 N ~ I\l Z n :r n -e o r- 1"1 VI Ci > VI 1"1 VI :I 0 ;0 oi s > -e ::~: .:': '.". -=+.::i=t: 0 : c::t:y , ; :-i- !,:, T', it + I : n o o /!l >< Cl o o x n i: o 3: "0 > ;< Z ; z !1 . z o :D ~o o ? 3: > VI VI > n x c ~ 0', > 68 o III > \/I /l1 \II ::s: o ::tl ... ~ > 0( .. " '." o ; : : I' , .i ! i : 1'1 n o o r'l >< III o o :lI (l o I "'a > :z -< Fig. 3.3b· In[d(A)] vs , ~ exact (solid lines) ; In(d(i\)] vs.?t. asymptotic (dotted rIines ) T = 1, 2, 3 'b·' . j ,.::', 0', 69 (This plot also indicates the behavior for large A., whereas Fig. 3. 3a did not. ) D. Discussion of Results for Homogeneous Fredholm Integral Equations In this chapter we have formulated approach for solving homogeneous we indicated earlier, particularly problems Fredholm a state variable integral the technique has several from a computational viewpoint. we have a very general As advantages Consequently, where we need to evaluate the eigenvalues functions directly, equations. in and/or eigen- method available which allows us to make just such an evaluation with a minimum of effort. Quite often we do not need these solutions we require an expression be able to determine involving them. such expressions the ory that we have developed, Fredholm determinant regarding Gaussian noise, for example, the desirability determinant comments it enters in two ways. the threshold First, it appears as the of the likelihood receiver. performance bounds for this problem. 12 of estimating method of signals in involved in the calculation In an estimation More of theory context if we consider the parameters are function. it is intimately problem several of having a convenient importantly, 2. as we did with the In the problem of detecting Gaussian bias in calculating we should in a closed form by using the with our discussion, evaluating this Fredholm 1. In many cases, but function. Proceeding in order directly, of a Gaussian process the 70 (or the system identification Rao bound can be determined Finally, I we can show that the Cramer using this function. the solution method we have developed is important in itself. requiring a determinant important. problem), As we shall see in Chapter V, the concept of to vanish for the existe nee of a solution is In this chapter, homogene ous differential we shall find a similar equations set of and boundary conditions specify the solution to the optimal signal design problem additive colored noise problems. the vanishing for The method of solving these equations is exactly analogous to the eigenvalue requires that of a determinant problem in that it for a solution to exist. Now that we have studied the solution of homogeneous Fredholm equations, let us examine the nonhomogene ous equation. 71 CHAPTER IV NONHOMOGENEOUS FREDHOLM INTEGRAL EQUATIONS Nonhomogeneous considerable interest Fredholm integral in communication theory. we shall use the results advantages In this chapter As before, there are some to the methods introduced. One of the more important equation is the problem detection are of of Chapter II to deve lop a state variable method of solving these equations. significant equations of determining applications the optimal receiver of a known signal in the presence Since we shall study this problem of this integral for the of additive colored noise. in detai 1 both in this chapter and in the next, we shall first pause briefly to review the communication model for this problem. this problem This is not meant, however, is the only place where we can apply our methods. Other applications include the solution of finite time Wiener-Hopf equations in order to find optimal estimators, Chapter VI, and the calculation estimation to imply that as we shall do in of the Cramer-Rao bound for the of signal parameters. After this brief review we shall pre sent our derivation. The results formulae come quickly since we have derived in Chapter II. vector differential The result equations equations have appeared the required of our derivation and boundary in the literature conditions. in another is a pair of Since these context, namely 72 the linear smoother, we have several solution methods We shall devote a section to introducing these methods available. 14,15,16 and comments upon their applicability. Finally, we shall cons ider three the se will be worked analytically procedures A. examples. Two of while we shall re sort to numerical for the third. Communication Model for the Detection of a Known Signal in Colored Noise Let us briefly the pr oblem of detecting noise. discussion the model in Fig. which on hypothesis 0, it transmits 1 transmits ~o(t) over the time interval purposes let us assume The channel adds a vector to the signal. independent We assume components. ~(t) that is generated Chapter II. The first according ~(t) that has a covariance We have a 4. 1. ~ 1(t), while on hypothesis To ;s t es T r For that ~ 1(t) is ~(t) while ~(t) colored Gaussian component to the methods is noise process of two is a random process we discussed is a white Gaussian as specified we have the following detection r(t) model for that this colored noise consists The second component on H 1 the communication a known ve ctor signal in additive colored We have illustrated transmitter -~ (t). introduce by Eq. 2.7. in process Consequently, problem = ~(t) + X(t) + ~(t), T ;s t ;s T o f ) (4. 1) 73 Under these assumptions that the optimal receiver This realization integrate can be realized is a correlation product) the received it is straightforward to show as indicated in Fig. 4.1 receiver. We multiply (dot signal E.(t) with a function ~(t), and then over the observation interval, i. e. , the sufficient statistic for the decision device is (4. 2) = The correlating integral signal is the solution to a nonhomogeneous Fredholm equation. This integral equation has the form Tf S T where KX(t,T)~(T)dT + R(t)~(t) = s It}, To:=; t :=; Tf; (4. 3) o K (t , or), the kernel of the equation, Y.. 'of the random process generated according is the covariance ;r(t) , which we assumed to the methods discussed is in Chapter II; ~(t) is a known vector function, the transmitted signal; 74 ~ . b.O .~ 75 R(t) is the covariance is assumed weighting matrix of ~(t), which definite i to be positive and gJt) is the desired solution, the correlating One can also find the performance system. It is again straightforward usually termed signal. measure for this to show that this measure, 2 d , is given by (4. 4) where s(t) and [(t) are defined above. and false alarm probabilities Error probabilities, can all be determined detection in terms of this measure. As we metnioned earlier integral we shall study the nonhomogeneous Eq. 4.3 in the context of this detection emphasize, however, that the techniques that they do not need to be considered problem. We developed are general in this particular in context. Let us now proceed to develop our solution method. B. The State Variable Approach to Nonhomogeneous Fredholm Integral Equations Let us make two remarks in contrast regarding the solution. First, to the homogeneous equation that has an at most countable number of solutions, this equation has a unique solution 76 when R(t) is positive solution in terms homogeneous level (J" definite. Second, of the eigenvalues equation; we may find a series and eigenfunctions for example, in each component channel, when there of the is equal white noise we have (4.5.) (the general vector case requires a simple, but straightforward modification) . Let us now proceed Eq. 4. 3. (The first with the derivation. part of the derivation L. D. Collins.24) By using Eq. 2.9, We rewrite is due to a sugge sti on by we have Tf ~(t) = R -1(t) [ ~(t) - C(t) i 5 Kx(t, T)C T(T)g(T)dT], To T o =5t :ST (4.,6) If in Eq. 4.6 we set g:,(t) = .!(t) , we have the result (4. T) that the integral function .§.(t) as defined in Eq. 2. 22. to be enclosed in parantheses Consequently J is the we define ;(t) r 77 T K (t, -r)C (-r)g(-r)d-r, x ( '4. 8) - so that Eq. 4.3: becomes ~(t) = R -1(t) [~,<t) - C(t)~(t)] , For the class Chapter (4. 9) of K (t, or) that we are considering, l II that the functional defined by Eq. as the solution to the following diffe rential we have shown in 4.8 may be represented equa ttons: (4. 10) . ( 4. 11) plus a set of boundary conditions. If we substitute Eq. 4.9 in Eq. 4.! 1» we obtain d!l(t) <ff: Consequently, equation = T -1 T C (t) R (t)C(t) s.(t) - F (t)21(t) we have shown that the nonhomogeneous can be reduced and associated boundary (4.12) Fredholm to the following set of differential conditions: equations 78 (4.10) (repeated) dll(t) ctt .T =C (t)R -1 (t)C(t)~(t) -F T (t).!l(t) - C T (t) cr ~(t) To ~ t ~ T f (4.12) (repeated) (4.13) (4.14) The desired solution is given by Eq .: 4.3 to be (4. 9) (repeated) Quite often it will be convenient as one differential equation in the form ~(t) d dt to write Eq.''if ..TO and Eq. 4.~12 0 ~(t) = W(t) 2l(t) .- !].(t) ... - ... _--- (41:.. 15,> CT(t)R -1 (t)~(t) T o ~ t es T , f where we define w(t) to be I F(t) A w(1)= J G(t)Q GT (t) I --------r------CT(t)R-1(t)C(t); -FT(t) (4.16) 79 We note that the coefficient similar to that which appeared major difference -X, did. matrix in the homogeneous is that positive definite matrix We also note from our discussion determinant of Eq. 4. 16, W(t) is equation. The R(t) appears whe re of the Fredholm that one wants to find the transition matrix of W(t) in order to compute ~(X,). The solution indicated by Eq. 4.9, has an appealing interpretation simplicity, when one calculates let us again assume d R(t) 2 = as given by Eq. 4.4... c I, <r a scalar. For Substituting Eq. 4.9 into Eq. 4.4 gives us dt . The first term is simply the pure white noise performance, second term represents the degradation, of colored noise in the observation. d2 = d 2 _ d2 w g T f 2 = w d j T (4. I 7) d 2. w The 2 d , caused by the presence g Therefore, we have (4. 18a) f sT<t~s<tl)dt ~ ~ (4. 18b) 0 Tf 2 d = g 5 (.I?<tlC;tli<tl) T 0 , dt. (4. 18c) 80 In the next chapter performance we shall consider the problem of maximizing the by choosing s(t} when it is subject to energy and band width constraints. C. Methods of Solving the Differential Nonhomogeneous Fredholm Equations for the Equation In the last section we derived a pair of vector differential equations that implicitly specified the solution of Eq. 4. 3 As we shall see in Chapter VI, these equations smoother, or the state variable formulation appear in the optimal of the unrealizable :::t: filter. In this section we shall exploit the methods that have been deve loped in the literature for solving the smoothing equations order to solve the differential equation. equations for the nonhomogeneous Since these methods have evolved from the smoothing the ory literature, References the material in this section draws heavily upon 14 and 15. Let us outline our approach. methods, in each of which has a particular We shall develop three application. method is useful for obtaining analytic solutions. intermediate result in the development useful because it introduces The first The second is of the third method. some important The third method is applicable concepts It is and results. to finding numer ica l solutions since the first two methods have some undesireable aspects. We should also note that the methods build upon one ~:~Thisis consistent with the estimator-subtractor optimal receiver for detecting s(t). 3 realization of the 81 another. Consequently, understand one needs to read the entire the development of the last method. Before proceeding, the previous let us summarize section that we need and introduce we shall require. = d from some notation that equations o ~(t) err the results We want to solve the differential ~(t) section to , To;:: t ;::T W(t) f !}.(t) J (4. 1 5) repeated) where we have defined F(t) W(t) G(t)QG T(t) = ( 4. 16») (repeated) and we have imposed the boundary conditions (4. 13) (repeated) = (4. 14) .Q.. (repeated) Furthermore, the transition let us introduce matrix d dt ~(t, T) the following notation. We define of W(t) to be W(t, T), 1. e. , = W(t)'1r(t, T), (4. 19a) 82 'M"(t, In addition, submatrices T) = I. (4. 19b) let us partition this transition matrix into four n x n in the form = 'M"(t,T) (4.20) 'M" (t , T) !l'!l Method 1 The basic appr oach of the first superposition we generate of a particular and a homogeneous a convenient particular the forcing term dependence. let S -p solution. First, solution in order to incorporate Then we add a homogeneous so as to satisfy the boundary conditions. solution, method is to use the solution In order to find a particular (t) and n, (t) be the solution to Eq. 4. 15 with the f:J initial conditions (4. 21) Since we have specified a complete set of initial conditions we can uniquely solve the equation s -p d dt s (t) ---- nP (t) -p = W(t) (t) ------ n P(t) - - - .. .-.. ...... -- ,T 0 ;st. CT(t)R-l(t)~(t) (4.22) 83 In order to match the boundary conditions, particular solution a homogeneous n ~h solutions (4.23) o (T ) is to be chosen. 0 Notice that the sum of these two . satisfies of the form T ) ~(t, where solution let us add to this the initial boundary condition (Eq. 4. r3) of 21 (To)' Therefore, we want to chose 21h(To) such li that we satisfy the final boundary condition (Eq. 4. 14). To do this, independent let us rewrite Eq. 4-k 23 in the form [-.~!~~'-~~~J = n (T 0)) .:.!.h (4.24) . ~. (t , T ) 21 0 where we define the matrice s (4.25) e (t,T !l Conse quently, ) 0 A =~ t(t,T)P 21.2.. we have 0 0 +~ (t,T). 21!l 0 (4.26) 84 r~{t)J ln (4. 27) (t) To::: t :::T r: Applying the final boundary n .:.Lb. (T Substituting ) 0 = - ell.-1 (Tf, condition, T. ) n 0 .:.Lp this in Eq. 4.27 S(t) - = that ) (4. 28) f gives us the final result -1 S (t) - ~t(t, -p (T requires To)C1? (T , T )11 (T )) !l. f 0 -p f ~ for this method, To::: t ::: T (4. 29.) f 8 (The matrix C1?!l.~t,To) can be shown to be nonsingular Let us briefly determine 4.26. ~t(t, ~ 0 solutions conditions functions into Eqs. the differential this method have constant of the signal, we need to 4. 1H, 4.25 ~(t).) and We then S (t) and rL(t) by solving Eq. 4.!l.5 with -p specified Two comments problems First, ,,0 (This can be done independent the initial the method. T ) and ~ (t, T ) as defined by Eqs. find the particular these summarize for all t.) 4.27 -'1J by Eq. 4 ..... 21. Finally, and 4.28 are in order. we substitute to find s(t) and !l(t). For a large class of equations that one needs to solve using c oe fficients. Conseq uently, well suited for finding ~(t) and !l(t) analytically. the method is We shall illustrate the us e of this method in the next secti on with two examples. 85 We also observe that the differential to solve are unstable. W has eigenvalues e. g. if the system parameters with the positive can (and does) encounter equations real parts. numerical are constant one solving these [To' Tfl is long. of finding an effective we need Consequently, difficulty in numerically when the time interval the problem equations This leads us to procedure for solving one equation. In order more methods. to solve this problem The first concepts and results. we shall introduce two of these will develop some important The second shall use these concepts to develop the solution method which has the desired numerical properties. Method 2 The most difficult aspect of solving Eq. 4.15 is satisfying essential the two point, or mixed, boundary conditions. aspect of the second method is to introduce function from which we can determine identically zero, conditions at t backwards over the inte rval. s(T f). With these conditions a third Since !)JTf) is always this allows us to specify a complete = Tr The set of boundary we then integrate Eq. 4.15 From Method 1, let us define (4. 31) .)1 II~Thenotation ~(t/t) is consistent with Chapter VI. 86 We shall find a matrix satisfies. differential equation that :E(t/t) We have dg} (t T ) ~ ' 0 j' dt Substituting d:E(t t) Cb (t, T ) + :E(t/t) dt .!l 0 _ - from Eqs. dCb (t,T " dt ' g} (t , T ) + :E(t/t)(C T(t)R-1(t)C(t)~(:(t, " (4.32) 4. 25, 4. 26, and 4. 19 , vre find (t , T ) + G(t)Q GT (t) g} (t, T ) = F(t)CI?(: ~ 0 .!l 0 d~~/t) ) 0 0 _ .!l 0 0 (4.33) Multiplying by <I?-l(t,T ) andusingEq. .!l 0 d:E(t/t) dt = F(t)~(t/t) 4.3:1 yields + ~(t/t) F T(t) (4.34) The initial condition :E(T /T o ) 0 = follows from Eq s , 4.7.5 and 4.26 p (~L .35) 0 Consequently, we have the expected the realizable filter matrix differential Ricatti covariance result matrix equation that ~(t/t) » T ) -F 1t)<I? (t , T ~ is identical since it satisfies to the same and has the same initial condition. 87 S Let us define a function s -r (t) = S -p -r (t) (t) - <P t(t, T )Cl?-1(t,T )n (t) ~ 0 11 0 ..:.l.p = -p S (t) - :E(t/t)n (t) ~p (4. 36) We note that (4. 37) Now we shall find a differential equation for S -r (t). Differentiating Eq. 4.36 and using Eq. 4. 34, yields d € '(t) d~ = .F(t)ip(t) + G(t)QG (F(tl~(t/tl T (t)~p(t) - + ~(t/tlF T(tl + G(tlQG T(t) - ~(t/t) - E(t/tl(C T(tlR -l(tl C(tl.ip(tl C T(t) R-1(t)c(tl~Ml)r,Jtl - F T(tl :!lp(t) _,cT (t) R -1 (t)~Jt») After cancelling The initial s -r and combining terms condition (T ) = 0 0 - (4.38) by using Eq. 4.36 we have follows from Eqs: 4...36, 4.31 and 4. 22. (4.40) 88 From Eq. 4.38 we have the expected r'e sultthat satisfies filter a differential estimator application equation of the same form as realizable equation. We should note that in this particular of solving the nonhomogeneous input ~(t) is deterministic some received rather integral than a random process, the ~' 4. 34 and 4., 38 are the key to the second We simply integrate of an integral operation T ~(t) + n(t) o S T , apply f Eq. 4. 15 backwards time using the complete set of boundary conditions in terms = them forward in time to t Eq. 4. 31 to find '§JTf}, and then integrate Expressed equation, signal r( t) . Equations method. ~ (t) -r = at t in T. f we have o f dt' , 'If(t, t ') t (4.41 ) To:$t:$T r Let us examine this method for a moment. approach was to convert initial, a two point boundary problem or ftnal ,> value problem. developed for this conversion structure, numer-icafly into an Since the -S.r(t) function that we is the output of a realizable it has many desirable known regarding The basic properties. effective procedures filter In particular, for calculating S -r (t) . However, we will still have difficulty integrating a lot is 89 Eq. 4. 41 backwards integrated system in time since Eq. 4. 16 is also unstable backwards. For example, W has eigenvalues growing exponentials endpoint. with constant in the left half plane. as we integrate when parameter These produce Eq. 4. 16 backwards from the With our third method we shall eliminate this undesirable In this method we shall derive a result which allows us feature. Method 3 to uncouple the equations observe for ~(t) and !1.(t). After we do this we shall that the resulting some desirable need to derive features differential from a computational Eqs. -r ~l=(t, .2. the difference First, we of ~(t) and ~ (t). - -r = ~ 2.t: ( t, T 0!l){- e- 1 ( Tf, T 0 )!1.P(Tf) + <b-:!l 1(t , T 0)!lP(t)}. = 1 T )<b- (t, 0!l T ) {ll (t) - Cl2 (t , T )Cf?-l(T , T )ll (T )} ·0 -p Il 0 21 f 0 -p f . ~(t/t) ,,(t) Consequently, viewpoint. 4. 39 and 4.36 ~(t) - ~ (t ) - for ~(t) and !l(t) have one key result. Let us consider Substituting equations = (4. 42) we have the result ;(t) - ~r(t) !1.(t)= ~-l(t/t) = ~(t/t)!1.(t), (4.43) (~(t) - ~r(t)). (4.44) 90 If we substitute separate the differential substituting this into Eq. 4. lOwe equations can obtain for ~ (t) and !).(t). We find for !l.(t) d ~\t) = F(t) ~(t) + G(t)Q G T(t):E-1(t/t)(~(t) - ~r(t)) = (F(t) + 'G(t)Q GT (t) :E-1 (tit) )~(t) - G(t)Q GT (t) :E-1 (tit) ~r(t), (4. 45) Similarly, substituting for ~(t) yields (4.46) We now note that by finding g (t) we can solve either Eq. 4. 45 or Eq. 4.46 (or final) -r for.~(t) or .!l(t) respectively. The initial condition for Eq. 4.45 is given by Eq. 4.37 while for Eq. 4.46 is given by Eq. 4. 14. Either function can be obtained from the other by using Eq. 4.43 . . Now let us examine the stability aspects equations qualitative. when integrated First, backwards. of these Our discussion we need to examine the coefficient is es sentially matrices of 91 Eq. 4.45 and Eq. 4.46. In Eq. 4.46, this matrix is -( F(t) - ~(t/t) CT(t) R-l(t) C(t))T, which is the ne gative trans pose of the coefficient stable, matrix of the realizable filter. so is Eq. 4.46 when integrated For constant parameter If the interval syste ms , we can see heuristically backwards over large is "long", d ~(t/t) ~ 0 (4.47) dt over most of the interval. if it is backwards. that Eq. 4.45 is also stable when integrated time intervals. Consequently, If we assume equality, i,e., = ~(t/t) ~oo' we have (4.48) or, both matrices have the same eigenvalues; is also stable when integrated Consequently, backwards one can numerically and obtain stable solutions. therefore, Eq.4.45 over the interval. solve either Eq. 4.45 or Eq. 4.46 However, v if~(t/t) A is also available should point out that Eq. 4.45 re quires its inversion we whereas Eq. 4.46 does not. Summary of Methods In this secti on we have developed in considerable methods which exist for solving the differential detail equations we derived 92 for the nonhomogeneous Fredholm summarize integral these methods by discussing equation. their applicability. If we have a constant parameter an analytical solution, Let us now system and want to find method 1 is probably most useful since the differential equations have constant coefficients problems. However, if we want to obtain a numerical especially over a long time interval, since methods 1 and 2 can create numerically. solution, method 3 is probably the best, some difficulties We really never use method 2. introducing for a large class of it is that it was an intermediate when integrated The essential result reason in our derivation of method 3. Let us now apply the results of this section to analyze some examples of solving nonhomogeneous Fredholm equations with our method developed in Section B of this chapter. D. Examples of Solutions to the Nonhomogeneous Fredholm Equation In this section we shall consider three examples illustrate the results two examples of the last two sections. analytically use method 1 as discussed program while we shall use numerical in the last section. used in the numerical differential Again, we shall work procedures In those examples that we work analytically, for the third. to we shall The computer example integrated the second equation of method 3. We shall present in colored noise. compute the d 2 the examples After determining 2 (and d ) performance g in the context of detection the solution g(t) , we shall measures discussed at the end for 93 of the previous section. Finally, To = 0 and T = T and assume f signal, in all three examples we shall set that the forcing function, or transmitted s (t) is a pulsed sine wave with unit ener gy over this interval, i,e. , s (t) = I2' V 2 (4.49) T Tsin We also assume that R(t), or the white noise level, is a scalar constant = R(t) Example.!. rr > 0 (4.50) - g,(t) for ~ Wiener Process Let us consider kernel is the covariance describe a system the parameters the problem of a Wiener process. for generating I I d dt = T}(t) ___ L __ lJ. I 2' a:-' I 0 First, 3. 35 and 3. 36 we substitute into Eq. 4.15 in order to find the equation that we need to solve. 0 I 1 Equations this process. of these equations g(t) of finding g(t) when the We obtain g(t) 0 --- - - ----- - - -.-.T}( t) lJ..,f'f T 0: ,O:St:ST . (nnt) sm T (4.51) 94 From Eq. 4.13 are = 0, (4. 52) T)(T) = O. (4. 53) to the last section, ; (t) and T) (t). p p o. method These are the solutions p . (n 1Tt T (t) to Eq .. 4. 15 with solutions S p (0) = (4. 54) (J'{ nrr n rrt w'e define '{ T) (t) -T cOS(--rr-) P for this problem, = (n 1T ) T 2 2 to be 2 + ~ . (4.55) (J Next, we need to find the transition After some straightforward matrix cosh([ 1:-] (J associated calculation we find : : 1 2 -2 1 2 w(t, 0) = ) Sin -'- ------~2J~ '{2 1, we find particular Doing this we obtain ; where, conditions ;(0) Referring T) (0) = p and Eq. 4. 14 the boundary "2 t) : [~](J with Eq. 4.15. 2 sinh([~] (J t) I ---------------------~-------------------I 1 2 [ ~] (J "2 2 sin h([ L] (J 1 2 I I I t) : I I 2 cosh([ L] t) (J" • (4.56) 95 We need to add a homogeneous equation of the form 1 Eq. 4. 23 1 -2 2 2 [ !:-] sinh( [ .l:.-] t) 2 (J"' (J"' = (4. 57) 1 2 2 cosh([L] 11",(t) " From Eqs. 4.57 t) rr and 4.54 we find that we must choose llh(O) to be Eq. 4.28 (4.58) Consequently, we have 1 122 .§.(tl = -l7J ~ 2 sin(n;t~_(n;)[ ~<r] -2 sinh( [ 1::..- ] (_l)n ---(j--"'1r- <r'l t) 2 2 cosh([ 1:....] T) rr (4.59) Th~ solution g(t) is found by substituting Eq. 4.59 into Eq. 4.9 96 1 (~1Ty) g( t) = ~ 2 2 + (n; [ ~] Sin(n;t) 2 -1 ) (_I)n. 1 2 '2 sinh([ L] c. u t) CT , O~t~ 1 T) CT After some straightforward calculate (4.60) 2 2 cosh([.J:.-] 2 T. but tedious •. LitiS manipulation we can also ~ d as given by Eq. 4. 18c g 1 1+ . ~2 (niT) T 2 2 T) 2 tanh([J:....] CT • 1 'Y 2 2 [1:-] CT Example ~ - g(t) f or ~ One Pole Stationary l-..e \ (4. 61) T Spe ctrum Let us consider the kernel to be the covariance function . 2'. t!~ ,~~.", ("'1 for a one pole stationary process as described by Eqs. 2. 16 and 2. 17. I, From these equations and Eq. 4. ls,the differential equations that we need to solve are O~t::ST, (4. 62) 97 subject to the boundary conditions specified by Eqs. 4. 13 and 4. 14. We shall now use the first solution method which we discussed. After some manipulation, we find T'Jp(t) = -JIIT 1 ( . (nrrt) rr,,2 k sm 'I' - ~; f) (1 - nrr +T cos (nrrt) T ek>.t + ~; (1 + ~) e -kAt) J ( 4. 64) where 1 A 28J2 [1 + krr = ( 4. 65) J ( 4. 66) In this example, '1r(t, 0) the transition matrix, '1r(t, 0) that we need is = 1 2kArr e kAt 1 -kAt - 2kAO"e ('4. 67) 98 Therefore, ll(t) according =ft~. _1_2 (k . rJy .L to Eqs. 4. 29 and 4.30 n sin (.ntrt - FE!.. T ) + FE!.. T cos i,\fl. .1TTt.)- ~( 2T 1- '!')ekX.t X. 2T (1 + '!')e X. -kAt) ",;, , ' _ (( A+ 1)2 ekAt _ (A-1 ) 4X. 4X. 2 e -kAt ) nh (0), 0:S t :S T (6. 6 9) I where 2 (A-Il -kAT)-1 4A e ( 4. 70) Finally, using Eq. 4.9 we find the solution 1 {~(n1T.) g(t) = -..j{£ T rJy2 T Ll, g(t) 2 + k 2J. srn (ntrt) T - S n1T ((A+1)2 kAT (A-1)2 (T AT . 2X. e 2A e -1 -kAT ) (continued) 99 x (H 1) (_l)nekAt -e -k},,(T-t) +(}_-1) (-l)ne -kxt -e -k>..(T-t) )} o :5 t :5 T ( 4. 71) Ii One can continue and evaluate the performance computing d rather 2 and d: according to Eq. 4.18; however, complex and is not too illustrative. . choice of parameters. when k = 1, 0" the presence an in Fig. 4. 2 For the case n = 1, we see that of the colored noise degrade s our performance approximately however, are presented = 1, S = 1, and T = 2. is n for a particular g The results the result Instead of presenting we shall plot d 2 and d2 against analytic formula, by 50 percent from that of the white noise. our performance is within 2 percent For n == 8, of the performance for the white noise only performance. We can easily see that this is what we would intuitively expect. TIlT = For n 1. 57. = 1, the bandwidth of the signal is approximately Consequently, frequencies most of the signal energy appears where the spectrum noise is significant compared a bandwidth of 8TI/T = 12.56. of the colored component of the to white noise level. Therefore, in the For n = 8 we have most of'1.ts energy appears " where the white noise ~jt) is the dominant component of channel observation noise. It should be apparent simple examples performance) covariance that an analytic from the complexity of these two solution for g(t) (and the is indeed a very difficult task when the kernel is the of a process Consequently, generated it is desirable by higher order syste m. to have an efficient numerical method. rp.ID -J--l-+-l-j-+-+--+--I-+-I-I-~-l-+-H-I--I-+-+-H-I-++-+-H-+-++-+-H-+++-J..c..;H-++-+-+-H-+-J--+1-++-+-+-~f-t=,=I=I= -I---+-+-I--+--l--+---J-I---l-+---IH--I\~-+--t-l-l---+--+-+--I-+--l-+---IH--l------+-I-+--l---+--+--I-t--I-+-l~-+-+-I--t---l----+-+--I-t--I-+---I-I'- ,- -':.:.i=-t= -I--+--+-+-l--l--J---i-+--+-I I, ----t--' ==l=r= - '-,-1---;-- __:::"-!.:::..:...:.....I-I- -- -1---1-+-1-1 -+---+-+-t-t---I-+----!-I---l-+---I~-I 11-I- -1---1-+-+---11--1---+--+-+-+---1 "--+--+-+-+-I-+-+--l-+-+--l..-j-I---I--l--+++--HH--!--I-+-+-JH--I--++--I--I--"--!-+-J--+-If-~-I-I- ,- =~D- 1-1- 1-1-'--- 1-1--1-1-- ,--- ---1-.---, li- ----- ..- -f--- -1--1---1-+- -~:f---'--i---1-- 1--'--- -- -----1--- ---- =~-~-- -f-f--I- - ,I--- 1- __ t=_~f-, --I- I I I Fig. 4. 2 _ 1.:...' __ 01 1 Covariange Function s(t) = stntnnt) liiiOiId .... 2_an_d_d~2~v...s_._n~f_o.r_a~F~ir... ... s...t__ or_d_er_ ... :::::::::::::::-,-H-,-H-,- ..'',- ~ 1\~ .. Ht H-,-H...l.-~~--:+-~L:~:-I=:~...l..[-...l..81--..:..I_-~=~I--ll.:..'-.:..-~I'1 8 101 Example ~ - ~ for ~ Two Pole Stationary For the second-example, approach to the analysis we chooseK 0- = y = 1 and T Spectrum we shall consider a numerical In partic of a sec ond - orde r system. ular , given by Eqs. 2.18 and 2.-19 -To find g(t) we determined ;(t) by using method 3 (t,T) tobe 2. the covariance in the last section. In Figs. the corresponding 4. 3 and 4. 4 we have drawn the signal s(t) and solution g(t) for n fre quency (n = 2) case, significantly filter, we find that functionally (n = > = 8. For the low- s(t) and g(t) differ -Here, we are approaching solution. while for the 8) case we find that s(t) and g(t) are nearly We have summarized in Fig. 4.5 by plotting the n 2 and n only near the end points of the inte rval, high-frequency identical. = d 2 the white noise, the results vs n behavior. 8 we are within 4 percent or matched- for this example We see that for of the white noise only performance. Again we can see the effect of the colored noise upon the detection pe rformance . For n _at the peak of the spectrum Consequently, = 2, most of the signal energy appears of the colored component the performance the signal energy is centered is degraded of the noise. the most. For n = 8, around f = 12.56 where the white noise is dominant. The computer g(t) and to calculate -IBM 7094 computer time that we re quired to find a solution its performance time, using the Fortran The method has recently purpose routine is approximate ly 5-10 sec of for the IBM 360. language. been rewritten as a general 102 -.8 Fig. 4. 3 ( )f and s t a Second Order or. (t) = stntrrt) Covariance Function s g(t) 103 Fig. 4. 4 g(t) and stt) for a Second Order Covariance Function stt) = (4 t) ... 104 -- : ... .-. ,- : .. - .- . .1 -,--i--I---'--+-' ··,--I--'--I'T-[·-- 1-': 1- : - i i __ -'-i---I- - .. -- .. ----'--'-., I-,-f--,-- ._I.: I-i- i-: '_L.:.,_ -,--; .,"-,_ i T ,~ .-- ,- •. :. .. -;--i------:-+-1_1.::,-- ,'- ... r., , __ ._ 1-+-·,--- r":" ,---, .. , '-1-1-- i-+-- I·-i-I··-,·_,_ .. ': ,.._.- '-li--,.- 1-- ,- I-:--'-r-r-I-I- !. '-I-'-T1 ;.,-- ''''1- I I·· I ; ,----I· -- i--- ·,----·1-'-1--'-'-,-,-·,-"-. I-I---i-;-I-I--I-I--II I 1-- '; ,-•• ; ! j -- 1-.. Ii :iI il ,·1_' __ 1- --"-1-'-' : ! - Ii __ ' 'I- - i·I_' __I_,_I' __ :::=:~_::-~=:: ..'.' . _. .J !_.,_ ,- -- -,-,-·+-1 . d2 and d2 VS. n for a Second Order Covariange Function stt) = sintnrrt) t - -j-- ---'--1-,-- ,-- __:_ i-i- ' __ , __ '_ ,t--t--i---j--I-+--':--l-I-:~-::':I~:: i·-i--I-- i--I• '-1--1-- ,-- ------ : I--i- '1--'-" .. •.. - ... -,--- l-+-+-'~--I--+-i i---' i -I- ,I. t._,. Ii, I ;--i- .. '--rr -IJ-!J __ LLI!_ .LLLL-I-J-f-l--+--i. t i I l--" , 1--.- 1 ! 5 , C) : L, --'., ,. 1 --1- .::=: JJII II 1=t~lt+--1 ' Itll .01 i .•... --"--- -j--- 'l- ... i_l_ ,-. =: ~.' 3 1._ , r 1 ,_ 1_'. j Fig. 4. 5 : ••" -"--1-1-,--1-1--1 1-+·· 1_' __ 1---'--1--,-1-1-+--;-'--'-1"'-'-:-+__I -" .....- . ~ I .,. .. ~·_r_--:--+_+_+_:---._+_;__i_-+-_+_+-H!_+··'_;_--i--t_.,._:__:_;_t-- -I-i·-I-. -: ~.; :: '. __' __ ,-i--i----- ,- -- ,...-1--1-- 1- I 1-1-'-- I ".: . 1_ -,-- ' ...... I-i:-. : __ .-----. ,I, _! .. : ,Ii ___._.._:_ '--i--I'-' - .. i--,---' ,__,=,.;_ 1--.1-1.---- ,·-1---- ,-,--i-- I ·.I=r~L~::,-, :.,: 'r-' -i- i--,-'--- -- :;-;.'--"---, .._i:----ii-+--I---+-I-+'--:--I-+--i4---~-I~-j_+-i-~-"-;;I-+--,'-:-·---_T.,.+-".. ·--:-----;-:------+.....:...·,--+---:-·-'--+I-~-_:_!-_+·-...::4-1_;_-i-_i_'-~-'_+---+_i_-+-_+_+-t-;'_+ ... --11 ..- ._- '---'i--'---I----·- ,. -:-:':'::::::1= .. --,----,------ 1-- ---- 1-"+-1-1-:-·:-'1- j-i-,- I-T::r::::'-'T:':::: '':::l.=::::::;==-'---'!-,--I- --.- j-- I-F=f:::.j=..--. ·'--1 ·-i-t-~i··_·----i--- ----_ i ,- i- -- '--,.- - --- ...--i-::; -r-:-::-~ ...t-'·'-j--'--I- -, 'I--:~:'- .-- • .!- -. I-j ".~: 7 'i ,- 105 E. Discussion of Results for Non-Homogeneous Equations . In this chapter we have formulated Let us briefly compare Integral a state variable approach for the solution of non-homogeneous equations. Fredholm Fredholm integral our approach to some of the exi sting one s . The approach of reducing differential equation certainly an integral 25,26,27,11,3 is now new. In one form or another it is undoubtedly the most common procedure to other differential advantages equation methods, (many of which are shared homogeneous equation to a used. In comparison our approach has several with our solution method for the equation). 1. We can solve Eq. 4.3 2. The differential follow directly when s(t) is a vector function. equations that must be solved once the state matrices that describe the generation of the kerne 1 are chosen. 3. We do not have to substitute the original integral any functions back into equation in order to find a set of linear equations that must be solved. 4. We can study a wide class of time varying systems. 5. The technique is well suited for finding numerical solutions. There are two major disadvantages. 1. limite d. important The class of kerne Is that may be considered However, class the technique is applicab le to a large and of kernels that appear in communications. is ilIt!llH--------------------------···--··,,---·-"-"-~--~---- -------- ti,"i'}. 106 2. We cannot handle integral w h en t he whiIte component kin d , ~ For these equations endpoints. singularity We precluded that we have observed these singularity 0f functions equations . .. 1dentic . a "IIy zero. 3, 27 t h e norse 1S appear at the interval these in our derivation. the limiting behavior is to find the inverse The inverse T In terms kernel to the differential of the integral kernel Q(T, u) is defined so that it satisfies " f {R(t) s (t-T) + K;l(t, T)} Q( T, U)dT = I Ii( t-u) o ( 4. 72) of the inverse T g{t) = kernel the solution g(t} is found to be f S T Q(t, u)~.<u)du, approximate o the integral [K] [Q] = (4.73) To < t < Tf One common nume r-ical method that uses this approach g a equation T S approaching functions when the white noise is small. equation approaches second integral We should note of our solution A second method that is in contrast equation. of the first [Q]~ =I operations is to 4. 72 and 4. 73 by matrices (4.74) (4.75) �---------------107 Let us briefly compare the computation If we assume using this approach to that of our approach. sample the interval dimensional. at NI points)Equations 4.73 and 4.74 we find Q by s pe cifying the coefficients NI. the computations The computation to NI squared, equations that we are NI One can show that the number of computations to find [Q] as given by 4 ..73 goes as (NI) cubed. equations, required whereas to implement Eq. 4.3 required proportional for large NI, which is required that incr-e as es only linearly the computations again is linearly If we assume of our differential we require required required to NI. is proportional to solve our The conclusion for high accuracy, with is that the differential equation approach is superior. Before we leave the topic of the inverse point out an important We can consider specifies kernel, concept that we shall use in a later that the non-homogeneous a linear operation. integral In an explicit integral we shall chapter. equation representation, -n. this linear operation is given by Eq. 4. 72. however ~ to specify g,(t) implicitly It is completely equivalent, as the solution to our differential equations. -In the two following chapters of this chapter. In the next we shall apply them to the problem designing optimal signals for detection channe Is. we shall apply the results of in additive colored noise Our basic approach is to re gard the differential equations we have developed as a dynamic system final boundary conditions When the problem form we can apply the Maximal Principle optimization. 13.6 with initial and i~ expressed of Pontryagin in this for the ------------~ .. -~-~--~_. ------------ 108 In the subsequent to solving Wiener-Hopf We shall then proceed and filtering chapter we shall present equations by using the results to deve lop a unified theory with delay. a new approach of this chapter. of linear smoothing 109 CHAPTER V OPTIMAL SIGNALS DESIGN FOR ADDITIVE COLORED NOISE CHANNELS VIA STATE VARIABLES In the problem of detecting of additive colored noise, formance a known signal in the presence the signal waveform of the receiver. affects the per- For a given energy level, signals result in lower probabilities Consequently, by choosing the signal waveform manner, we may maximize of error the performance If one does this optimization, result tend to have large bandwidths. is stationary, it places optimization this chapter. For example, noise spectrum. This is the problem width (defined later) the detection that when the noise band that is Often the available bandthi s upon the bandwidth of the we want to find the signal performance when the band- is constrained. Statement We introduced in the presence the signals which we want to consider For a given energy level, Problem of the system. the ref ore , in this case one must perform waveform that optimizes A. in some optimal however, with some form of constraint signal waveform., than do others. the signal energy in a frequency on the tail of the colored width is restricted; certain the problem of additive colored of detecting noise in Chapter a known signal IV. Let us in 110 briefly review some of its aspects we want to consider. is illustrated Depending upon the hypothesis, sig.nal, s(t) or -s(t) is transmitted In general, is a zero mean Gaussian w(t) plus an independent over an additive scalar we shall assume process that colored noise of a white component component y(t) with finite power. the received a known that this colored that consists easy to show that the optimal receiver ratio by correlating problem The model of the system that we want to study in Fig. 4. 1. noise channel. for the optimization computes It is the log-likelihood signal with a second known function g(t) . This correlating Fredholm integral equation, signal may be determined Eq. by solving a 5. 1, of the second kind, (5. 1) where s(t) is the transmitted g(t) is the optimal correlating No/2 is the power per unit bandwidth level of the signa 1; white noise (identified signal; as CT in the previous chapter) ; and K (t , T) Y is the covariance function of the colored (finite power) component is the observation of the additive noise. interval. III (We shall study only scalar channels here. However, all the results can be extended to vector channels with little or no difficulty.) For this problem the appropriate performance measure is given by T f S (5. 2) stt) g(t) dt , To Under the Gaussian assumption probabili ties of error, assumption, that we made, false alarm we can still interpret we can determine and detection. If we relax this 2 d as the receiver output signal to noise ratio. The choice of the signal s(t) is not completely impose two constraints upon it. The first free. We is an energy constraint, or 2 (5.3) s (-r)d-r=E. Since Eq. 5.1 is linear, it is easy to see that dependent upon E. Secondly, multitude of ways. Initially, satisfy the constraint 2 d is linearly one can define bandwidth in a we shall require that our signal 112 00 SJ = 2dw ISs(wli (5.4) -00 I. e., we have used a mean square the signal. constraint (We do not need a normalization upon the derivative factor because of of Eq. 5. 3. ) We shall set up and solve the optimization the constraint of Eq. 5.4. we can extend our results After we have done this, 5.1 through the performance 5.4. measure formulate associated approach with Eq. 5.1. important find better both Eqs. issues. signals. the energy and bandwidth which one may want to consider of the homogeneous signal is the eigenfunction satisfies of 5.3 and 5.4. the opti miz.ati on problem and eigenvalues in terms d2 given by Eq. 5.2 where g(t) is related imposed by Eqs. The first problem ~, We want to find a signal s(t) that maximizes to s(t) by Eq. 5. 1, and yet satisfies constraints using we shall show how to other types of constraints, We can now state the optimization Eqs. problem in terms of the eigenfunctions equation which may be If one does this, with the smallest 5.3 and 5.4'. he finds that the optimal eigenvalue This approach Unless Eq. 5.4 is satisfied In addition, is to it neglects neglects which two with equality, discontinuity we can effects caused by turning the signal on and off at To and T respectively. f 113 A second approach as proposed by Van Trees of variations while introducing the constraints Lagrange .28The resulting integral converted to a set of differential derived in Chapter IV. multipliers to incorporate equation can then be equations by using results For the particular the signal that we have initially is to apply the calculus form of constraints used, 1. e. , Eqs.5. the approach that we shall use is more ge neral. However, Many of the that we shall develop can be extended to constraints cannot be readily handled with the classical up on 3 and 5.4, this is undoubtedly the most direct method of the minimization. results we calculus which of variations. We assume that the colored component of the noise y(t) is a random process that is generated this assumption as we described we recognize that we can represent integral Eq. 5.1 as a set of differential the previous chapter. in Chapter II. equations Next we consider of Pontryagin consequently, can be used to perform the techniques B. two specific in with boundary the Minimum Principle 'By using solution to the problem, examples in order to illustrate involved. The Application of the Minimum Principle In this section for the problem. minimum principle existence as discussed 3 the optimization: this approach we shall first find a general then we shall consider the linear that this set of differential equations can be viewed as a dynamic system conditions and an input s(t); Making we shall develop a state variable Using this formulation to find the necessary of an optimal signal. formulation we shall apply the conditions for the We shall then exploit these conditions 114 to find an algorithm for determining Since there are several the course of our derivation, subsections important issues that arise we shall divide this section into 1. The State Variable 2. The Minimum Principle 3. The Reduction of the Order of the Equations 4. The Transcendental 5. The State Variable In order Formulation Conditions by 2n and AB and Solutions Formulation of the Proble m to apply the Minimwn Principle cost functionals, a set of differential and the Necessary Equation for ~ the problem in terms conditions, of the Problem of the Optimal Signal Candidates The Asymptotic formulate in as listed be low: the Selection 1. the optimal signal. equations of differential and a control. we need to equations, First, we need to find and boundary conditions g(t), the solution of the Fredholm integral boundary which relate equation expressed by the solution of Eq. 5. 1 to the signal s(t). We can do this by using the results previous chapter. Reviewing the se results derived in the we have shown that g(t), the solution to Eq. 5. 1 is given by Eq. 4. 9 g(t) = The vector Eqs. N: (5. 5) (s(t) - CIt) ~.!t)), function, 4.10 and 4.12 ~(t), satisfies the differential equations, 115 (5. 6) d.:l(t) CT(t) N2 C(t)~(t) --ar- = - FT(t).:l(t) - CT(t) N o 2 s(t) (5.7) 0 To:St:STf The boundary conditions which specify the solution uniquely are E qs. 4. 13 and 4. 14. ;(T ) - 0 = (5.8) P n(T ) o~ 0 (5.9) Consequently, we have the desired s(t) by solving two vector differential result that we can relate equations two point boundary value condition imposed where we have a upon them. Let us now develop the cost functional The performance substitute Eq. measure of our system for the problem. is given by Eq. 5.5 in Eq. 5. 2 and use Eq. g(t) to 5.3, 5.2. If we we find that 2 N (S(T) - C(T) ;( T))dT S(T) o T = 2E 2 No - No f S T (5.10) o 116 The first term in Eq. 5.10 is the performance white noise present. performance noise. when there The second term represents caused by the presence As in Chapter IV, of the colored is just the degradation component in of the let us define d2 to be g Tf S T S(T)C(T)~(T)dT o and the function L(g(t), L(~(t), s(t)) (5.11) 1 = s(t)) to be 2 N s(t)C(t)~(t), (5. 12a) o (5. 12b) . Since the energy E and the white noise level N /2 are constants, o is obvious that we can maximize The state variable variables be related ds(t) dt rather Instead, v(t) , to be the derivative = by ~inimizing both the signal cannot use s(t) as the control. v(t) 2 formulation by derivative Since we are constraining function, d requires it d 2. g that the system than integral operations. and its derivative, we let us define the control of the signal. (5. 13) 117 Furthermore, we require (5. 14) Eq. 5.14 is a logical requirement. derivative of the signal, jump discontinuities Since we are constraining it is reasonable to require (implying singularities the that there be no in v(t)) at the endpoints of the interval. We now have all the state equations conditions equations that describe the dynamics are given by Eqs. 5.6, 5.7, and boundary of the system. The state and 5. 13. (5. 6) (repeated) d~~t) = CT(t) N 2 2 C(t)~(t) - FT(t)!l(t) - CT(t)N o 0 stt), (5.7) (repeated) TostsTf ds (t) dt = + We have (2n given by Eqs. £(T ) - 0 v( t) , (5. 13) (repeated) 1) individual 5.8, 5.9, = P oJ.11(T 0 ) equations. The boundary conditions are and 5.14. (5. 8) (repeated) (5. 9) (repeated) (5. 14) (repeated) 118 Notice that there Consequently, are (2n + 2) individual boundary conditions. these conditions cannot be satisfied for an arbitrary v(t) . In order to introduce the energy we need to augment the state equations and bandwidth constraints, artificially by adding the two equations dxE(t) (5. 15) dt (5. 16) (We have introduced the factor boundary are conditions of 1/2 for a later convenience.) The (5. 17) (5. 18) (5. 19) It is easy to see that these differential conditions represent the constraints equations described and boundary by Eqs. 5. 3 and 5. 4. With these last re sults , vre have formulated in a form where we can apply the Minimum Principle. the pr oblem 119 2. The Minimum Principle In this section Principle two comments is v(t) not s(t), the system. conditions are in order. First, we shall not develop on the Principle i tse If. Minimum for optimality. which is one of the components Secondly, to References Conditions we shall use Pontryagin's to derive the necessary proceeding, ma terial and the Necessary Before the control function of the state vector for much background For further information we refer 6 and 13. The Hamiltonian poL( ~(t), s(t)) for this system is + p T·..s..(t).s.(t) + P.!l.T·(t) • 2l.(t) + Ps (t) s(t) 2 Po -W- ~(t) C(t) ~(t) o + p.£.T(t)(F(t) ~(t) + G(t) Q G T(t) !1(t)) (5. 20) ':~Weshall drop the arguments when there is no specific need for them. 120 'We have denoted the costate the dynamics E.(t). of the system The subscript costates dependent (Eqs. indicates of the constraint The system of the state 5.6, 5.7 and 5.13) by the variable state variable. may be explicitly has a fixed time interval boundary equations conditions constraints The timeand has at both ends of the time interval. Let ~(t), ~(t), and s(t) be the functions differential describing are denoted by A.E(t) and x'B(t). that we want to optimize conditions equation the corresponding equations (non-autonomous), boundary vector expressed by Eqs. given by Eqs. of Eqs. 5.3 and 5.4, 5.8, 5.6, that satisfy 5.7 and 5.13; the the 5.9 and 5. 14; and the when the control function is v(t). ,.. The Minimum Principle necessary that there " f\. states: In order exist a constant A.E(t), and x'B(t) (not all identically assertions a. p o zero) that v(t) by optimum, and functions 1\ 1\ 1\ A ·..Pg(t)= V'~H, 2.. s -~ * (5. 21) (5. 22) n ",' 1\ P (t) = s " x'E(t) = ",. /\,/\ =- H(~, A hold: -.!l. H " Pe (t) , P (t), P (t), such that the following four P (t) = V' H, * ,. it is -en/as, (5. 23) -aa/as (5. 24) 1\ 1\ " 1\ I\. Ito A " ,.. 11,S ,xE' Xg Po' E.~' E..!l.'Ps' A.E,A.B,v , t) 121 As expected the energy and bandwidth constraint constants (therefore, derivative are we shall drop the time dependence Since we have no boundary can minimize costates the Hamiltonian upon the control vs. the variable notation. ) region, we v(t) by equating the to zero. (5.31) Furthermore, for this to be a minimum, v In general, for v(t}. = ,.. ~o we require equivalently, from that 5.31 (5.32) v(t\ we can show that A. B > o. Then we can solve Eq. 5.31 This yie lds (5. 33) Substitute Eq. 5.33 in Eq. 5. 13. Now w'e shall write the canonical equations expressed 5.7, by Eqs , 5.6, in an augmented vector 4n +2 equations, form. 5.13, This yields 5.26, 5.27 and 5.28 a homogeneous set of 122 (5. 25) b. for all t in the interval " ~ A 1\ H(~~, !l'~' xE' xB' as a function " A [To' Tf] the function " P o· is a constant d. the costate with p0 vector 2= the derivative t) . d 0; to the manifold at each end of the interval. what each of these operations indicated assertions by Eqs. implies. 5.21 to " .Ps,(t) = -Po ~ 1\ 2 C TAT" (t) s(t) - F T 2 " (t)E.~(t) - C (t) N C(t)P.!l.(t)) o 0 To .E'n(t) ... rmrurmz e 1S v; conditions Let us now examine we find v, is perpendicular defined by boundary 5.25, ~ I\.E' I\.B' of the variable c. If we perform ~ E~' E.'!l'Ps' = Ps(t) = -G(t)Q GT(t)~l.(t) ~p 0 2 'N o CT(t) ~ (t) - + :5 :5 0 P-21(t) T :5 2 N T j o t (5. 26) f To:5t F(t) Pn(t)) + CT (t) t :5T f} (5.27) - A.E(t)~(t), (5. 28) :5 ' T" fJ (5. 29) (5. 30) ~ - <.u:ftl I I 0 0 0 0 CJ :;:;8-a ~ CJ 2: P:.i :;:;<:W;I 1 ~ -- <~ 0 0 0 ~ ,~z ° 80 :;:;- 8I P:.i ~ 0 -:Nk;° ~ 123 :;:;<00 rrl I <: ..... 0 0 00 :;:;( 0.. +:i" :;:;<0..1 0 - <:1' 0 -s:=t 0 :;:;U P:.i :;:;- a CJ 8 - 8 +:i" 2: -.wi I 0 0 NlzO 0 ~ I -« 0 :;:;- - o O :Nlz I 0 0.. :;:;- <0. ':;:;- to <0.1 -~ - 0 U - Nlz ° :;:;- 8U I ~ :;:;- 8- 8I <0.1 CJ P:.i , ~O ,N +i' U 0 0. 80 0 I 0 0 ::;::;- 0 <00 0 8 ::;::;- :;:;- <1=1 rol~ . rt'l ~ L() CH 0 8 VI ~ VI 8 124 (From now on, we shall dr op the A notation and assume that we refer to the optimal solution. ) If, in assertion constant p asymptotic o is identically case. (c) of the Minimum Principle, zero, then we have what we shall call an We shall return us for the interim set p equations are linear, o to this case later; equal to unity. this entails however, (d). let Since the costate no loss of generality . . Let us consider the boundary,or transversality, implied by assertion the At the initial time, conditions these conditions imply (5..35) and p (T ) is unspecified. s 0 At the final, or endpoint, time we have (5. 36) and p n(T f) and .Ps(Tf) are unspecified. are unspecified constants (A. B + 0). We also have the boundary 5. 8, 5. 9 and 5. 14. conditions given by Eqs. total of 4n 2:: We also have that A.E and A.B 2 boundary conditions. Therefore, In addition, we have a we should notice that we do not have to find the control v(t) in order to find s(t), although we may easily deduce it from E q. 5. 33. 3. The Reduction of the Order of the Equations by 2n We are now in a position to show how the assertions the Minimum Principle optimal signal. may be used to find the candidates However, before proceeding of for the we shall derive a 125 result that significantly prove that, simplifies the solution method. We shall in general, _C(t) ~ = P (t) --!l (5.37) l (5. 38) This reduction was suggested by the variational We point out though that our derivation constraint imposed differential upon the signal; equations approach is independent i,e., of Van Trees. of the type of it only depends upon the for ~(t) and !l(t). Let us define two vectors .§.1(t) and g 2(t) as (5. 39) (5.40) If we differentiate these 5. 26 and 5. 27 (with p ~ l(t) ..€ 2(t) o two equations and substitute Eqs. 5.6, 5.7, equal to 1), we find = F(t) ~(t) + G(t) Q GT (t) !l(t) - G(t) Q GT (t)p s(t) + F(t) l?:o(t) = F(t)S1(t) = T +G(t)QG (t)'s2(t), CT (t) ~ C(t) ~(t) - F T (t) !l(t) - CT (t) ~ o = To===t===Tfl s (t) 0 C(t) .s. 1(t) - F T (t) Eo 2(t) J T 0 === t === T r- CT (t) ~ o (5.41) (5. 42) 126 The boundary conditions that the solution to these differential equati ons satis fy may be found by using E qs. 5. 8, 5. 9, 5. 35 and 5.36. They are (5. 43) (5.44) Consequently, differential However, Eqs. 5.41 to 5.44 specify two vector linear equation with a two point boundary value condition. these equations are just those that specify the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for the homogeneous as shown in Chapter III, Eqs. in order to have a nontrivial Fredholm 3.10 to 3.13. integral equation We have shown that solution to this problem, we require that (5.45) where A. is an eigenvalue 1 colored noise. Clearly, of a Karbunerr-Los ve expansion of the the only solution is the trivial proves the assertion 4. of Eqs. The Transcendental since A. ::: o. this is impossible one, 1. e., 1 Consequently, ~ 1(t) = ~ 2(t) = Q, which 5.37 and 5.38. Equation for A and A and the Se lection of E B the Optimal Signal Candidate s In this subsection to derive a transcendental we shall use the necessary equation that must be satisfied conditions for an 127 optimal solution to exist. The method and result are very similar to that which we used in Chapter III to find the eigenvalues homogeneous Fredholm equation. that this equation is in terms we had but one before. generate The most important Because previous subsection Once we satisfy this equation, of the linear + dependencies 2 equations. we can + derive d in the 2 equation specified F(t) G(t)QG T(t) .!l.(t) CT(t) ~ C(t) -F T(t) 0 . 0 -c T (t)--?N 0 ~(t) 0 !l.( t) 0 = s(t) 0 in We have ~(t) dt is for the optimum solution. we can reduce the 4n Eq. 5.34 to a set of 2n d distinction A and A. , whereas B E of two parameters, a signal which is a candidate of the 0 1 0 s(t) - A. B 4 -N C{t) P (t) s -~ 0 0 T The boundary conditions 5. 14. These conditions be satisfied ps(t) (5. 46) :St:STf" are given by Eqs. specify 2n + 2 boundary 5.8, conditions 5.9, and that must for an optimum to exist. Since Eq. 5.46 is a homogeneous not, in general, have a nontrivial may obtain a nontrivial associated 0 0 solution, solution. linear In order equation, to find where we let us define the transition with Eq. 5.46 to be X(t, To: A. , A. ). E B we may matrix We emphasize the 128 dependence of X upon ~E and A. B by including them as arguments. Since Eq. 5.46 is linear, to Eq. 5.46 in terms conditions specified of this transition by Eqs. we can determine matrix. any solution If we use the boundary 5.8 and 5. 14, we find that any solution that satisfie s the initial conditions may be w-ritten in the form s(t) P 't)( t) ,,( T ) 0- 0 ,,(T ) - 0 (5. 47) o s(t) To::: t :::Tr The final boundary condition requires zero. In order transition that .!l(T ) and s(T ) both be f f to see what this implies, matrix let us partition as follows (we drop the arguments this temporarily): 129 By substituting partitions, Eq. 5.38 in Eq. the requirement 5.37, we find that in terms that !l.(T ) vanish, f of these implies (5.49) Similarly, we find that s(T f) being zero requires o = [X t(Tf,T sE.- + Xs Ps (Tf, We can write Eqs. 0 :A.E,A.B)P 0 + Xs!l (Tf,T 0 :A.E,A.B)],,(T ) T :A.E, A.B)p (T ) 0 s 0 5.49 and 5.50 more concisely - 0 (5. 50) in matrix-vector form ,,( T ) - o = (5.51) 0 130 or by defining the matrix in Eq. 5.51 to be D(AE, AB), we have T} (T ) 0 (5. 52) Equation algebraic equations. a nontrivial solution to be identically a set of n + 1 linear 5. 51 specifies homogeneous The only way that this set of equations is for the determinant zero. Consequently, of the matrix can have D(~, the test for candidates AB) for the optimal signal is to find those value s of AE and AB ( > 0) such that (5. 53) Once Eq. 5.53 is satisfied, to Eq. 5.52 up to a multiplicative p (T ), allows us to determine S we c an find a non-zero constant. Knowing !l(To) and the candidate signal(s), SA 0 the particular values multiplicative constant constraint of Eq. of A and AB that satisfy E may be determined solution Eq. 5.53. A E' B (t), for The by applying the energy 5.3; i ,e. , (5. 54) 131 By using Eq. 5.33 we can determine the bandwidth of the signal. We have that 2 B = ~ Sf T 2. ( d s~, AB (T) ) dT Tf 1 d-r = S EX.2 B 0 P T 2 S A. A. (T)dT E' B 0 (5. 55) In order to satisfy Eq. 5. 53" we require that only the rank of D(A.E"A.B)be less than or equal to n the dimension !l.(t). The case when this rank is less than important aspect of this optimization. n presents of g(t) and an For convenience, let us define (5. 56) n D specifies the number of linearly independent that we may obtain for the given values solutions necessary in turn specify conditions "n functions, for optimality We see that because constraint of any linear of A. the and quadratic of these functions that have the the necessary Consequently, than 1, we must consider checking to see which candidate A.B. These v(t), that satisfy of the linearity same values of A.E and A.B also satisfy is greater and to Eq. 5.52 given by the Minimum Principle. combination given by the Minimum Principle. E solutions these linear conditions any time we find combinations is indeed optimum. Of course, "n when __ ------------------------=---=~-~=~=-~~=.-=o-=--=--=.=--== __ =_~= __ __=__ =---=---~-----~--~-- 132 these candidates i .e., are subject to the same constraints the energy and bandwidth constraints as any other; given by Eqs . 5.54 and 5. 55. 5. The Asymptotic Solutions An issue which we deferred asymptotic case when p o an useful in the analysis equals zero. algorithm that satisfy p o is zero the asymptotic pathological p o solutions.) problem, of the We shall call the solutions conditions of the Minimum Principle solutions. (They are often called In order to test for their existence, equal to zero in Eq. 5.34 and examine the differential P G(t) and E!l.(t). form, provide it is worthwhile with the discussion of our design procedure. the necessary Since these solutions of a particular to examine them before proceeding was the question of the If we write these equations we obtain the following homogeneous when we set equations for in augmented vector equation I -FT(t) I -C T(t) ~ I d C(t) 0 = --------t------~ dt I -G(t) Q GT(t) I P (t) -~ F(t) (5.57) The appropriate boundary conditions are specified 5.36. From Chapter III, Eq. 3. 13, by Eqs. 5.35 and 133 (5. 58) Let us define the transition matrix with Eq. We note that <I?(t,T:-N /2) is related <I?(t,T: -N /2). o 'j <I?(t,-r:-N /. o T with W(t:-N 0/2) 2) ='1' (T,t:-N Any solution In order the bo mdar'y conditions, to Eq. 5.57 to be to the transition 0 matrix '1'(t, T: -Nd/2) . associated <I?(t,T: -N /2). o associated / 2) (5. 59) 0 5.57 may be found in terms to find the solution we partition to Eq. <I?(t,T:-N o of 5. 57 that satisfies /2) into four n x n submatrices, N <I?(t:T:- ~) If w'e incorporate that the solution = (5. 60) the boundary to Eq. condition specified by Eq. 5. 36 5.57 is p (T )· -!l. f (5.61) 134 The initial condi ti on specified by Eq. 5. 35 require s p (T ) -11 0 T = '1'14U(Tf, = - p U""-;S. _P 1- ( No T :- -2 )p (Tf) 0 -n T ) 0 = - P0'1'T~(T , .!l~ f (5.62) T :- N 2)P (Tf), 0 0n.. or o= (5. 63) The only way that Eq. 5.36 can have a nontrivial determinant of the matrix If we transpose determinant the matrix value), enclosed we find that we have the test for an eigenvalue for this determinant 1 where expansion > 0 associated colored noise process. Consequently, There we showed that the only way to vanish is for A.. is an eigenvalue 1 in Eq. 5. 63 to vanish. in Eq. 5. 64 (this doe s not change the that we developed in Chapter Hl , A.. by brackets solution is for the with the Karhunen Clearly, the only solution is the trivial Loeve this is impossible. one, i,e. , 135 c. The Signal Design Algorithm In the previous necessary section we have derived the results for solving the signal design problem. we shall use these results devise an algorithm In this section (and a fair amount of experience) which when implemented to on a digital compute r will find the optimal signals and their performance. Ideally, we want to be able to find the optimum signal for given values of E and B.' Although this is certainly possible, it is far more efficient to solve a p ar ttcular- problem where we let B be a parameter and then select the spe cific value in which we are intere sted (the energy is normalized to unity). The reason approach will become apparent when we consider for this some specific examples. The Minimum Principle necessary has provided us with a set of condition from which we found a test (Eq. 5.53) for an optimum signal. The result of this test is that we essentially an eigenvalue problem in two dimensions. The most difficult aspect of the problem becomes finding the particular that both satisfy this test and correspond bandwidth. The algorithm method of approaching values of AE and AB to a signal the desired that we suggest here is simply a systematic this aspect of the problem. The algorithm outline it. have has several steps. First, Then in the next section we shall discuss we shall it in the context of two examples. a. Find the loci points in the A , A plane that E B satisfy Eq. 5. 53. for calculating This requires transition that we have an effective procedure matrices. In general, one can simply 136 (5. 65) If we substitute differential Eq. 5.65 in Eq. 5.34, we find that the equations for s(t) and ps(t) are 1 = - ~I\.B s(t) P (t) s (5. 66) 1 (5. 67) The only solution to these equations that satisfies the boundary conditions specified by Eq. 5. 14 is s(t) = -J ~ 2T sin (t-T.) n1T T f - ~ (5. 68) 0 with (5. 69) Several comments are in order. these signals is easi lyshown to be nn/T. assertion (a) in our application is non zero. invariant, We did not require these solutions, to transmit, within our model. (2.) We have not violated of the Minimum Principle since p (t) our system to be time nor did we specify the dimension Consequently, practical (3.) (1 .) The bandwidth of of the system. which are probably the most exist for all types of colored noise that fit s 137 numerically transition integrate matrix. generation the differential However, equations if the matrices of the channel noise (F,G,Q,C) use the matrix that specify the that describe the are constants, then we can i.e. , exponential, (5. 70) where Z(~, A.B)is the coefficient b. matrix For a particular for !l(T 0) and p s(T 0)· of Eq. point on these 5.45. loci, solve Eq. 5. 52 Then use Eq. 5.47 to determine the signals sA. A. (t}, P A. A. (t) and ~A. A. (t). E' B s E' B . E' B c. normalize Since the performance these signals d. normalized Calculate signals e. such that is linearly relate d to the energy, sA.E,A.B(t) has unit energy. the bandwidth and performance as specified by Eqs. 5.55 and 5. 11, respectively. Repeat parts b, c, and d at appropriate along these loci in the A. ,A. plane. E B (The interval enough so that the bandwidth and performance vary in a reasonably continuous of the manner.) intervals should be small as calculated in part d As we move along a particular locus in the. A. ,A. plane, plot the degradation E B 2 bandwidth in a second plane, a d2, B plane. ~ g f. As mentioned earlier, we ne ed to pay spe cial attention to the case when Eq. 5.53 has more than one solution. situation ~, corresponds A.Bplane. produced to a crossing of two or more loci in the In this case find the solutions 2 2 in the d , B plane by linearly g and plot the locus combining the different This 138 signals. Probably the Fredholm the most convenient integral g. means of doing this is to use equation technique discussed in Chapter For a given value of bandwidth constraint IV. the optimal signal is the one that corresponds to the lowe st value of d2. g while the others This signal is the absolute minimum, to relative minima. h. in determining We recommend that one use his engineering which loci on the ~,AB The problem studied, true, complex. we have observed would considerably one chooses largest of determining is being approached. which loci in the AE, AB plane the optimal solution is time consuming. these loci can be rather As we shall see, In the two examples a phenomenon that we have which, if it were generally simplify this aspect of the algorithm. a value of AE and finds the solution value of A , the signal that corresponds B B and find the solution in abs olute value.) to this point is a monotonic function of either ~ (Similarly, of Eq. 5.53 with the largest With this conjecture If of Eq. 5. 53 with the globally optimum for the value of B that the signal has. one can fix A judgment plane are on inte rest and in deciding when the white noise performance generate corre spond AE the bandwidth then becomes or AB. The only possible difficulty that would be in finding the points corres ponding to loci crossing. We have not been able to prove that this phenomenon is true in general. However, it seems quite promising evidence that we have and the analogy to the smallest optimization . d .3 lmpose procedure in view of the eigenvalue when there is no bandwidth constraint 139 D. Examples of Optimal Signal Design In this secti on we shall illustrate shall consider our technique. We the colored noise to have the one and two pole spectra described in Chapter II. Example !-Signal Design with ~ One Pole Spectrum The equations describing component of the observation Since the process the generation of the colored noise are given by Eqs. is stationary, let us also set To = 2. 15 and 2.16. = 0 and Tf In order to set up the te st for the optimum signal, need to find the coefficient coefficients d dt of the Eqs. matrix in Eq. 2. 15 and 2. 16 into Eq. £(t) -k 2kS t](t) 2 No k 0 0 0 2 -N the 5.46 we obtain 0 £(t) 0 ,,(t) (5.71) 1 - A- 0 we If we substitute 0 = s(t) 5. 46. T. s(t) B 4 ps(t) -N 0 From Eqs. 5.8, 0 -A- E 5.9 and 5. 14 the boundary 0 P (t) conditions s are £(0) = 811(0), (5. 72a) t) (T) = 0, (5. 72b) s(O) = s(T) = 0 (5.72c) 140 Step (a) in our algorithm requires in A , A plane that satisfy Eq. 5.53. E B calculate the transition From this matrix us to find the loci To do this, we need to (4 x 4) of Eq. 5. 71 x{ T, 0 :AE, AB) . matrix we can compute D(AE, AB) (2 x 2) by using Eq.5.51. To illustrate a computer k, No/2, to perform S, and T. k = 1 = 1 = = 1 this, let us choose specific values and use the required calculations for the parameters Let us set N· 0 2"" S T (5. 73 a-d) 2 The loci of points in the ~, illustrated in Fig. A B plane that satisfy Eq. 5.53 are 5. 1. In this figure only six loci have been plotted. with lower values of A the final solution. B for a given ~ (They correspond width and performance Other loci exist but are not significant to signals in with a large band- very close to the "white noise only" limit. We found these loci by first fixing AE and then locating the zeroes of Eq. 5.53 as a function of AB· According to Eq. 5.32, only in region of the plane where A B example we did not observe Consequently, AE < o. we need to look for solutions > o. In this particular any loci in the first the only region of interest quadrant is where AB > of the plane. 0 and 141 The reas on for considering should now be apparent. We see that the loci asymptotically approach those of the asymptotic solutions. a convenient place to start E near those specified of the asymptotic solutions We have sketched their loci as given by Eq. 5.69 with dotted lines. values of A the asymptotic by Eq. 5. 69. Therefore, searching for large for the loci is We should point out that the loci solutions do not cause the determinant by Eq. 5. 53 to vanish. This is because existence we used the equations directly Principle rather than the reduced in determining specified their derived from the Minimum set of equations that were used to derive Eq. 5.53. Now, if we take the solutions and determine specified by these loci the bandwidth and performance signal according of the corresponding to steps (b) through (e), we produce loci in a d2_B2 plane. g These are illustrated in Fig. a second set of 5.2. identify the corresponding loci by the numbers addition we have indicated the bandwidth and performance asymptotic We can 1 through 6). In of the solutions by a large dot near the ide ntifying number the loci aht approaches because the entire it. (We can indicate loci for the asymptotic of it by a single dot solution corre sponds to just one signal.) In the AE - AB plane of Fig. 5. 1 as we move from left to right on the solid lines, Eq. 5. 53 to vanish, those that cause the determinant we generate the solid lines in the direction 2 2 the loci in the d _B plane with g indicated by the arrowheads. that they evolve from the dots corresponding solutions. of We see to the asymptotic As can also be seen, the loci corresponding to numbers Fig. 5. 1 Loci of Points for det[D(AE' "B)] = 0 First Order Spectrum ~...ilC.J..l.....l...l..l....l..U.JL.W..J....:...W.;~..1..!..!..W.~~...l.....i.J..I....i-J,,.l..;~~~~..l...W.J~...J.:l..U.~~.....l.-:.-J.....J......!..:....l...:..J....:..w...l...!...!..l.~...:....!..!..W..i..W..I..J.~;w''u~~~~~''''''''~~~..w.:.. ........... ~....:...:..;, ........ ~~~~ ...... ~ ----------I-.l I. 143 one and two are well behaved, remaining numbers while those corresponding have a rather erratic behavior. As indicated by step (f) the other aspect that needs to be considered ~ - A. plane. B is the crossings At these crossings, of the optimization of the loci that occur in the there are two signals with the same values of A.E and A. that satisfy the necessary B If we find the degradation to the conditions. and bandwidth of all possible linear combinations of these signals (normalized to unit energy), we pr-oduce plane the loci in the d; - B1indicated by the dotted lines. (There is no relation between the dotted lines in each plane.) that only some crossings the absolute minimum, the crossings. corresponding are candidates for we have not plotted the loci produced by all Once we have generated width constraint 1. e., are significant, Since it is evident region of interest, for any particular these loci over the band- we can find the optimal signal bandwidth constraint value. We merely select the signal which produces the absolute minimum 22 plane or the lowest point in the d . - B / for the spe cified degradation, g value of B. At this point we pause to discuss mentioned in the last section. the two planes. let us trace the loci in Let us start at the top right of the graph with ~ large in absolute value. downward, To do this, the phenomenon we As we start to increase 2 2 the locus in the d - B plane eminates and proceeds g A.E by moving from point one across to the right. The point on this locus where the dotted line starts corresponds to the first A.:E - A. B plane. this crossing loci crossing All the points on this dotted line correspond point. As we again move downward increasing in the to A.E I t- I -1- f-+ f-'- -- 1----1- -r=i! I I j=J ---L. I--+-t- I --'-- I --1= -~ t-- Fig. 5,2 Performance vs, Bandwidth for the Optimal Signal Candidates First Order Spectrum 10. '00 1000. 145 and take the largest A B solution, we generate the solid line. This continues until we reach another" dotted line which again corresponds to a loci crossing. wish. We can continue in this manner The important patterns as far as we point is that we could ignore the complicated corresponding to remaining values of A B that satisfied our te st. Let us illustrate signals for two different values of the bandwidth constraint, 2 the first ill~stration of Fig. the actual form of some of the optimal we haveB " B.' In 2 2 If we examine the d g - B equal to 9. 5. 3, we see that the optimal signal is a linear combination of the two solutions that are produced by the first crossing one and two in the A constraint - A E is illustrated a degradation B plane. in Fig. of 23.6 percent of loci The optimal signal for this 5. 3. We see that we can achieve less than the white noise only performance. In addition, the optimal receiver. for this constraint principally we have drawn g(t), the corre lation signal for The signal(s} exhibit no particular value of B equal to 3 as it is composed of the signals sin(iTt/T} and sin(2iTt/T}. that because of the possibility of two different are actually four signals that are optimal. basically symmetry We should note sign reversals All of these, there however, have the same wavesha pe. In Fig.5.4 correlating signal g(t} when we allow twice as much bandwidth, L e. , B2 = 36. to a crossing we show the optimal signal s(t} and its In this case, in the A width is sufficiently E the optimal signal does not correspond - A plane, B as it did previously. The band- large enough so that we can attain a performance 146 ,. t H · F I ih+ t It rmrr Ii r1Tf 1 tijl H+·+ ~. r i ; .,. ; J1 ~ + J Optimal set) and get) for a First Order Spectrum and B2= 9 i: -titt _' ,t-· -It+- , H- 2 Performance J' "fit dg = . 265 .t .1 . ;:1:1=· t: '4~ff - ,·~1 ~i J.~ , !$t~ ±± It ·1 i-Hfl f+H~ i i ·1 1++ lli~ +j J'J .. L • r , c -r -1_ 4 1tri-l i~ J:HbJ + j ftlf**~' , ~: $frJ -rJ• It- +j r~ ,+H Il -\1- L. jH:t· I· +t' • .1- -+Jt- ,+ ..l. r +F ... -H+ -'- m~·~i' H 'jI 4: -1+' ,--t--+ c. " ,- .r It, :';l I ~-I. -tfr. '.j J t- ' t , ~ t- '''' ++ --+-+.-t -1 I f J '. -r-t . J-.' ,-I J--l..4- ',Rt'± rt I J " ±+", 1-:+ >H+ ;: .b] , ,-i-> Iii '-j , ,+ .w. . f+ ~~ ! ~ j~'i , ,·t + " t- -l ~ -j' t.L,'lf: . : .-t ,+ I + l.f 5.3 -:/~ t- ~ :++ •• t~-+ ~i tj::rt Ii: t ·1 r ! , i~ ttlPl" 1+ ,+ , It- -_. f fIn1+ +1 , ~: '+ Il 1~±l' .1 : ,:++ - ~F it It - t. ~j ~ : ,1Jf m~lttHH:tjlll:tn+l+++tlttl! Ii It: ! :t! t±±.j:t'l-+-tt J·,t1:l±ti-+ t ± t .. Fig. t .. :t 1~ :t -ll- J-I it-t'rt-H.-t.rtl~,1t tit H " tt! "Hf:' It+ )S H-tt'lt-t-t-t'H-t -t- 'H I II +-t+t I II I i. I' ·~.,. i. H-: t-i+"- -1"'1 ':PY'H+H -+- ' I 1-' j-r'-' liTH' f+ -'-tit -t -Lt-'- 1T rTTTT , -I+f+ i I,,- =f-F :HH-I. , i+H j , i~' , ,-+-H-l-f- iJ±t -~t-H-+ " ::+--:-I~H:i , i$t , -+-+--t" H+r: ~h-; l' j~:.t;-: ~H-I'+"HT~ hH-r:- . IT', ''t ·H··..· 147 Fig. 5.4 Optimal stt) and g(t) for a ~irst Order Spectrum and B = 36 Performance i, '+-l m+ ' 2 dg =. 0643 ,H-+ --j~- - -!+, tH+ 11- l+- , ++ :+ +t H- H- T f+t-, , itT +++1= f:~ E± m '+~ t+ - ++ + --t-+_ 11,+~# r J -T ml:,mJ -t--r j . + j +--l-i- ~ -~t '-i I -t-d- +R+tit8 Rf=t=+IH-Tj---I+ -+:; +,- --t+ It~: =im $=t'~fJ n -+- ~-t "1, '+' +t i- -J ' " ++t' -~-t+~ -fm' :' + I ++1..1- .. ++ - ~+-i+ -H J-+ , t~~~~- it1-+ ++tt -] t-; ~ ITH '-14'-+ ' h-++J--H+l-t-t-i' ~ l++t j-++~ _ -1++ t+-H--: ' q:iHH-l- -1-: c++++ =t l .i H H-H ,,-; ->- t ~+ 1-1-- ii H- L i i_< I;:_-~ til--!- -+ L+++ t++ . -l++-++J. lJ 148 only 6.4 percent below that of only the white noise being present. The signal does display some symmetry the correlating in that s(t) signal is almost identical = -s(T-t); and to s(t) indicating that we (nearly) have a white noise type receiver. We conclude this example by discussing over a conventional optimal signal. transmit signal that is attainable We propose the following comparison. The bandwidth that this signal consumes We can find the performance of these signals of bandwidth, to the asymptotic sine wave. when referenced while 12 references to For this same amount' beneath the dots in of the pulsed Index II reflects the to the pulsed sine wave performance it to the white noise only pe rforrnance , since it reflects 12 is 'the total of the system. We can see that tIE performance indicated by l reasons = (nTI/T)2 . by referring t with the performance probably the index of most significance improvement Z g op We have done this in Table 1. improvement B of the optimal signal - (We can do this by looking directly d2 g sm sin(nTIt/T). 5.2 since these signals solutions. let us find the performance Fig. 5. 2. ). we now compare ..j ZEIT Z d . an Let us is n1T/T, 1. e., or from the large dots on Fig. also correspond d: opt. by transmitting a unit energy pulsed sine wave, 1. e., Fig. 4. Z the improvement Z is hardly outstanding. for this. For the parameter is just as significant improvement We can conjecture values chosen, two the white noise in effect as the colored component. Also, the one pole or first order spe ctrum is difficult to work with since the _noise does not have much structure signals c orre ctly. to exploit by designing the . . ..... 0 U1 ..... 0 0 U1 -J N -J N VJ VJ -J VJ 0 ...... 0' U1 N . -..0 0 . o 0 ex> -J o o 0 U1 VJ o o ~ -J ..... N VJ U1 0 -..0 N VJ o N 0 0 -..0 0 0 .~ .o 149 (Jq ,... ::s til ~ H o-S ~ 0 0 ~ ...... N N 0.. c+ 0 '"0 til ,... ::s " N 0.. N 0.. 0.. c+ 0 '"0 (Jq ::s 0 0 N 0.. ,... til ..... N 0.. II (Jq N 0.. .....H c+ 0 '"0 (Jq ,... P> ,... S ~ s c+ 0 '"0 til 0 ti 1-1) CD ::s o P> S 0 ti 1-1) ti CD ~ 1-1) 0 ::s til 0 ,... ti ~...... (Jq tn P> <: CD $j ::s CD ,... Ul 0.. CD til ~ ~...... 0.. P> ::s '"0 S 0 o H rt:r:j tJj ~ 150 Example ~ - Signal Design With ~ Two Pole Spectrum In this example we shall consider the signal design problem when the colored component of the observation noise has a two pole spectrum. reasons. First, We do this primarily we want to develop a better involved in implementing for several understanding our algorithm. of the problems Secondly, we want to .... verify the phenomenom that we obser-ved with the one pole spectrum. Thirdly, the one pole spectrum can give deceiving results that our optimization vements considered at times. procedure in the previous Finally, example we want to demonstrate can produce more significant when working with a process impro- that has more "structure" to it. We as sume that the colored component of the observation noise is generated spectral by Eq. 2.18. In addition, we set the white noise level to unity and assume that the interval i.e ., T2 =·0, Tf = T = 2. observation interesting Hence, the colore d component of the noise dominates This particular because '2 frequencies for all frequencies = 9. This corresponds We certainly in frequencies near the peak. to allowing where the spectrum Yet, if the bandwidth is available our previous judgment that a linear combination close to optimum, the bandwidth do not want to put all the signal energy should be able to use it to our advantage. from either 8 Hz. is particularly Suppose we constrain which are lower than that frequency has its peak. conjecture less than say. colored noise spectrum of its shape. to be less than 3, or B length is two, we Although one can example, or his engineering of pulsed sine waves should be it is not apparent that this is so. 151 Let us proceed with the steps in our algorithm. first six loci in the A E Fig. 5.5. - A plane are illustrated Again, we observe the asymptotic negative values of A . E more complicated First, B In two respects and numbered in behavior for large the loci exhibit a somewhat behavior than those for the one pole spectrum. they do not cross simply pairwise. Apparently, with the adjacent locus; i.e., third, the second and fourth, the third crosses the second crosses some regions they are extremely Their behavior etc. Sec ondly, in close together. is very similar others exhibit the same type of erratic behavior. there are regions where we must consider combinations of signals corresponding B plane. Most importantly, while the As indicated by the dotted lines, - A loci in the to the one pole case. We see that the first and second loci are well behaved, ~ they cross the first and In Fig. 5. 6we have plotted the corresponding 2 2 d - B plane. g The to a loci crossing the linear in the the maximum AB phenomenom still occurs. Let us now examine the shape of an optimal signal when we constrain the bandwidth such that the colored noise is dominant over the allowed frequency rap-gee If we chose B signal set) and its correlating The signal is principally = 13, the optimum signal get) are illustrated in Fig. 51.7. composed of functions of the form sin(irt) and sin(31T't). The degradation approximately 2 realized by this signal is .53 which is 15 percent below what one might expect using a non- optimum approach of se lecting the pulsed sine wave with the best performance that still satisfies the bandwidth constraint. 1 1 I I Fig. 5.6 Performance vs, Bandwidth for the Optimal Signal Candidates Second Order Spectrum , 'OC>. ,I 1', j..' 154 I.::: Fig. 5.7 Optimal s(t) and g(t) for a ~econd Order Spectrum and B = 13 Performance 2 d = .53 g 00 00 N -J a- U1 N Vl 0 N U1 -.J 0 ..... ..... a- 0 -o N N N a00 U1 -J N ~ N 155 ;:s I-t 0..N 0... N 0 to; C'D ~ 0 ;:s ...... 0 0 ~ 0. N en ~. 0.. N -o c-t- " ~ 0. N N I-t o-.s 0 0 ...... ~ 0 (J'q ;:s N~. ~. en P' ..- ;:s (J'q UJ. C'D <: P' ~ c S S c-t- ~. 0 "d to; 0 H, C'D o ;:s SP' H, to; C'D ~. ;:s 0.1 /: I-d UJ. H, 0 C'D 0.. ;:s 0 en 0.. N ~. en to; "d P' c ..- I-d 0.. ;:s P' o 0 S " ...... (J'q 0 ~ (J'q en ~. en ~. ;:s (J'q I-t I-t t:rj 1-3 ~ OJ t-t 156 In Table II we have s umrna r iz ed the performance same way that we did in the first example the optimization significantly. example has improved This is probably of this section. our performance due to the colored in the In this more noise being more dominant in this example. E. Signal De sign With a Hard Bandwidth In this section we shall derive the differential that specify the necessary constrain the absolute Constraint condition for optimality value of the derivative equations when we of the signal, 1. e. , we require Iv(t) As before, I= I I d~\t) we constrain s 2{-r)d-r:S 1 ::5 Z E (5.74) B, the signal energy by (5. 75) E We can formulate to that used previously. the problem The resulting in a manner Hamiltonian very similar is T s{t)C{t)~{t) + E.~ (t){F{t)~{t) + G{t)QG {t)21{t)) Po ~ o (continue d) 157 (5. 76) Taking the required BH· 8I" derivatives, = -P g(t) = poe T we find 2 T (t) No s(t) + F (t).P.s(t) (5. 77) ~ an = -i>-!l.(t) = G(t)Q GT (t)p c(t) - F(t)p (t) - ~ -!l. + ~(t)s(t) (5. 78) (5. 79) (5. 80) The transversatility conditions imply (5.81) (5. 82) 158 We again have that A is a constant. E note that Eqs. 5.27, 5.35, 5.77, 5.75, 5.81, 5.34 respectively. using the results = ~(t) Furthermore, 5.82 are identical Consequently, to Eqs. we 5.26, we can again show by of Section B-3 that (5.83a) -p (t) -ll (5.83b) Therefore, Eq. 5.79 becomes = -~ ps (t) (assuming Po equals unity) ( 5. 84) C(t) ~(t) - ~s(t) o The major differe nee between the application Minimum Principle to this problem in the minimization of the Hamiltonian v(t). If ps(t) is non-zero, of the and the one in the text comes as a function of the control this minimization implies 1 v(t) = This implies "2 (5.85) -E B sgn(ps(t)) that the optimal signal has a constant linear slope of +E 1/2B when p (t) is non-zero. - s The differential the necessary dS(t) dt conditions = F(t) ~(t) equations, now non-linear, that specify are + G(t)Q T G (t)21(t) (5. 86) 159 (5. 87) 1 ds(t) <It = v(t) = -E "2 (5.88) B sgn(p s(t)) (5.89) The boundary conditions are (5.90) (5.91) (5.92) If ps(t) is zero over any region, we cannot determine v(t) by Eq. 5.85. In such region (5.93) implies s(t) = - ~ 4N E C(t)~(t) 0 (5.94) 160 If we combine this equation with Eq. 5. 86, we find that the two equations have the same form as those that specify the eigenfunction's associated with the colored noise. This leads us to the following conjecture: signal consists of regions of a constant the optimal slope of i.E l/2Band regions where the signal has the same functional form as the eigenfunction the colored noise. differential F. Finding a solution technique of for solving these equations will be part of future research. Summary and 'Discussion We have presented a state variable method for designing optimal signals for detection in colored noise when there are energy and bandwidth constraints. The performance by d2, which specified the loss of receiver g colored noise being present. their associated measure We used the differential as if they described We then applied Ponttyagin's conditions conditions specified determine was given performance boundary condition that specified and performance necessary measure Minimal Principle due to the equations the optimal receiver a dynamic system. to derive the that the optimal signal must satisfy. a characteristic and value problem. These We could the optimal signal by solving this characteristic value problem. We suggested a computer algorithm for doing this. By using this algorithm we were able to analyze two examples colored noise spectra. In addition to finding the optimal signal and its associated performance, intere sting features. the algorithm displayed several of 161 One may argue that we did not need to use the Minimum Principle to solve this problem the 2n + 2 differential usual calculus equations of variations of the receiver. since we could proceed directly and boundary conditions via the and the estimator-subtractor The advantage of this formulation when we change the type of constraints we derived the differential equations I ds(t) I dt I :s B. Minimal Principle, apparent In Section E that specify the optimal signal and a hard (bandwidth) This problem whereas realization becomes upon the signal. when we impose an energy constraint constraint, to the calculus is readily solved using a of variations would require much more effort. We intend to continue studying the issue of hard constraints by examining the design problem when we impose peak constraints the signal itself and/or its derivative. aspect will be to find an efficient resulting differential We expect that the important computer algorithm to solve the equations. There are several 1. on other important The most difficult aspect issues. of our method is to select the signal that is globally optimum from all those that satisfy the necessary conditions we have observed optimum. As we have discussed a phenomenom which eliminates We feel that there is sufficient empirical in the text, this problem. evidence to spend some time trying to verify this theoretically. 2. is a very general The equivalence result. of ~(t) and -E.1") (t), and !l.(t) and E. S (t) Because of this generality there should be a means of formulating stochastic minimum principle it seems these problems that with a which would allow us to obtain the 162 final differential been apparent equations However, One can also pose the optimization use a suboptimum receiver. For example, to be a matched filter, 2'= ) j g problem if we constrain one wants to minimize Tf Tf d this means has not so far. 29 3. receiver directly. when we the the functional Tf s (t)Ky(t, T)S (T)dT = To To . 5 (5.95) S(t)C(t)~(t)dt To where we have defined K (t , T)C(T)s(T)dT (5.96) x The results of Chapter II are now directly applicable, and we can proceed in a manner analogous to the way we did in this chapter. Similar e. g., results should exist for other types of suboptimal those operating in a reverberation 4. The algorithm method for calculating environment. that we used requires transition matrices. Consequently, being reasonably careful we used a straightforward this is certainly an accurate All the problems we have examined to date have involved constant systems. receivers, that parameter we could use the matrix exponential. we have not encountered any difficulty when series no guarantee sum approximati on. that this series By However, approach will always 163 work, for example as the dimension of the system increase s , We think that it is worthwhile to investigate other methods to compare their accuracy method. 5. to bandpass possibility carrier and speed to the present Finally, the results in this section can be extended signal design by using the material of a noise spectrum introduces that is not symmetrical some interesting advantage of this situation. in Appendix B. questions The about the on how to best take 164 CHAPTER VI LINEAR SMOOTHING AND FILTERING WITH DELAY In this chapter we shall use the results Chapter IV for solving nonhomogeneous to develop a unified approach delay. to linear In the smoothing problem time inte rval [T estimate o smoothing integral In a filtering proble m we receive time as a function of this endpoint. endpoint time, Tf' the estimate Tf" For the filter with delay, a signal which evolves in of the state vector of the state vector T , the f S T , is constantly f For the realizable delay before we make our estimate. Tf' the estimate with this signal over the We then want to produce an estimate g( Tf} vs . equations and filtering L e. the endpoint time of the interval, increasing. in vre receive a signal over a fixed of the state vector that generated continuously, to find Fredholm We then want to find ~(t), T s t 0 ,Tfl. same fixed interval. derived filter we want right at the we are allowed a We want to find ~(Tf- A) vs. A units prior to the endpoint of the inte rval. Our approach to these problems start with the Wiener-Hopf response implicitly equation that specifies for the optimal linear estimator. find a set of differential differential 3 We the impulse We then show how we can equations that specify the optimal estimate as part of their solution. derive matrix is straightforward. equations From these equations which determine we can the covariance 165 of error. Our approach to the problem of filtering also straightforward. In the solution to the optimal smoother, simply allow the endpoint time of the observation variable. with delay is We then derive a set of differential function of this variable endpoint time rather a fixed obse rvation interval we inte rval to be a equations which are a than the time within as for the smoother. The performance is also derived in an analogous manner. Several comments First, all the derivations results, are in order before proceeding. in this chapter are original. however,' have appeared in the liter ature. referenced where appropriate. concerning our methods is the approach. deve loped concise ly and directly They are The most important point to be made The entire starting We shall require the estimator structure regardless of the statistics approaches to this problem are unstructured; processes the ory can be from a few bas ic res ults . Secondly, we shall employ a structured topic. Many of the of the processes approach to this to be linear, involved. Existing it is assumed involved are Gaussian and then the estimator is derived. It is well known, however, that the structure that both approaches yield the same estimator. Thirdly, we shall assume that the reader with the well known results variable techniques, Finally, filtering i.e. , the Kalman-Eucy filter. by using state 8,3 although these topics have been extensively studied in the literature, have appeared. for realizable is familiar several incorrect derivations We shall point out these errors and results and give the 166 correct A. results. The Optimal Linear Smoother In this section, we shall derive a state variable of the optimum linear smoother, unrealizable filter. First, the state variable we shall establish Let us assume that we generate by the methods described in Chapter II. observe this process 'in the presence over the interval .!(t) To :5 t :5 T r = -y(t) + ~(t) = C(t) our model. a random process of an additive white noise w(t) square error of the system that generates noise that has R(t) O(t-T) as given by Eq. 2.7. of the linear system in estimating we want to find a state- that minimizes consists of two first-order equati ons having a two-point boundary Let us now proceed with the derivation First, optimal linear w'e define the matrix smoother the mean- each component of the state vector ~(t). We shall find that this description differential the signal (6. 1) In the optimal smoothing problem description l(t) Let us also ass ume that we y(t) , ~(t) is an additive white observation variable of the + ~(t), where ~(t) is the state vector a covariance equivalent That is, we receive ~(t) realization to be h (t , T), -0 impulse or vector restrictions. of these equations. response of the 167 1\ ~(t) = This operator t by observing (6. 2) h (t , T)r(T)dT, ~o - produces an estimate of the state vector, rtr) over the entire interval - It is well known and can easily methods that this impulse response Hopf integral [T ~(t) at time ,Tfl. 0 be shown by classical satisfies the following Wiener- equation. Tf Kdr{t, T) = S ~{t, v)Kr{v, To - where Kdr(t, T) is the cross signal and the received of the received For our application, Therefore, (6. 3) T)dv, covariance signal, of the desired K (t , T) is the covariance r signal. the desired signal is the state vector, ~(t). we have htt , v)K (v, T)dv, r (6. 4) ~:~Althoughh (t , T) is a matrix and should be denoted by a capital letter in our notaTi?>nconvention, we shall defer to the conventional notation. TWe have assumed zero means for x(To)' v(t) and w(t). If the means were non zero, we would need to add a bias term to Eq. 6.2. 168 with (6.5) The first for h(t, T). -c> step in our derivation In order to do this, we need to introduce kernel Q (t , T) of K (t, T), the covariance r r Let us now introduce the nonhomogeneous nonhomogeneous integral the inverse of the received some material that we need. Fredholm is to solve this equation signal. from Chapter IV on From Eq. 4.3 we can write the equation as (6. 6) As we discussed in Chapter IV, vre can consider equation specifies being the result representation a linear operator of this linear upon ~(t), with the solution g,(t) operation. of this operation that this integral We define the integral to be (Eq. 4. 73). Tf g{t) = 5 T Operating the integral Q (t, T)s(T)dT, r (6. 7) - o upon ~(t) with Qr(t, T) to find g(t) is equivalent equation by means of our differential It is easy to show that the inverse kernel satisfies to solving equation approach. the following 169 integral equation in two variables Tf S (6.8) Kr{t, v)Qr{v, T)dv = Io{t-T), To Let us multiply both sides of Eq. 6.4 by Qr(T,Z) and then integrate with respect to T. This yields ~ ~ S T = K (t,T)CT(T)Q (T,z)dT x r - - S T o .~ h(t, v) 0 SK r T (V,T)Q (T,z)dTdv r - 0 T f = S hJt,v)Io{v-z)dv =~t,z), To:St, z:STr (6.9) To We are not directly of the optimum estimator. interested What we really ~(t), which is the output of the estimator. substituting in the impulse response want to find is the estimate We can obtain this by Eq. 6.9 into Eq. 6.2, (6. 10) ~( We should observe that the inverse kernel can be shown to be i ,e. Qr(t, T) = QI{ T, t); therefore, we can define it as symmetric, a pre - or post- multiplier operator. 170 Thus, the optimum estimate is the result of two integral operations. We now want to show how we can reduce Eq. 6. 10 to two differential equations conditions. with an associated set of boundary 1\ estimate x(t) is spe cifie d implicitly by their The solution. Let us define the term in parenthesis in Eq. 6. 10 as B'.r(T), so that we have T f (6. 11) Iir(Th=S Qr(T, z)!:.(z)dz, - Substituting T o this into Eq. 6. 9 gives us "x(t) Observe (6. 12) that Eqs. 6.10 and 6.11 are integral encountered in Chapters can convert each into two vector associated IV and II, respectively. set of boundary ~(t) is replaced Fredholm by £(t). differential of the type Consequently, equations we with an conditions. From our previous the nonhomogeneous operations From discussion, integral g (T) is the solution to -r equation when the signal Chapter IV, we have (6. 13) 171 where ~(T) is the solution to the differential equations, (Eqs. 4.10 and 4.12 (6. 14) (6. 15) The boundary' conditions are (Eqs. 4.13 and 4. 14) (6. 16) (6. 17) In Chapter II we found that the integral by Eq. 6. 12 also has a differential operation equation representation. given If in Eq. 2.22 we set f(t) = - a ...9r (t), and then substitute (6. 18) . Eq. 6. 13 for [r(t), found by solving the differential "dt dx(t) = " F(t).!(t) + G(t)Q we find that x(t) can be equations T G (t)!l2(t), To:5 t :5 Tf (6. 19) 172 (6. 20) The boundary conditions for these equations (Eqs. 2. 33 and 2. 35) (6.21) (6. 22) Upon a first inspe ction it appears four coupled vector boundary differential conditions. However, equations (Eqs. with their if we examine we find that Il 1(t) and ~2(t} satisfy Since both equations that we need to solve Eqs. associated 6.15 and 6.20, the same differential have the same boundary condition 6.17 and 6. 22), they must have identical equation. at t solutions. = Tf Therefore, we have (6. 23) By replacing Il j (t) and .!l2(t} by E,(t} in Eqs. It. 6. 20, we see that i(t} and ~(t) satisfy equations conditions (Eqs. (Eqs. 6. 13, 6. 15, 6. 18 and the same differential 6. 14 and 6. 19) and have the same boundary 6.16 and 6.21). Therefore, we must also have 173 A = ~(t), ~(t) Consequently, equations (6. 24) we have shown that two of the four differential are redundant. We finally obtain the state variable optimum linear differential smoother. The optimum representation estimate of the ~(t) satisfie s the equati ons " dx(t) Cit = " T F(t)~(t) + G(t)Q G (t):e.(t), dp(t) dt = T -1 C (t) R (t)C(t) ~Jt) (6 .25) T T 1 F (t):e.(t) - C (t) R - (t).r(t) , (6. 26) where we impose the boundary 1\ x(T ) - 0 = P conditions (6. 27) p( T ), 0 - 0 (6. 28) The smoother known. realization It was first specified derived by Bryson be assuming Gaus sian statistics to maximize the a posteriori When we compare that specified by Eqs. 6. 25 to 6. 28 is we 11 and Frazier in reference and then using a variational probability 14 approach of the state vector. these equations to those in Chapter our solution to the nonhomogeneous Fredholm IV integral 174 equation, we observe that they are identical in form. The major difference is that our input is now a random process !:.(t), whereas before we had a known signal ~(t). The result of this observation is that the solution methods developed in Chapter IV, Section C are also applicable (In fact, to solving the above estimation the methods presented the literature there equations for the smoother. were originally for solving these estimator equations. developed in We have expl.oited the above identity of form to solve the equations we derived In order to make use of these methods, in Chapter IV. it is obvious that one must identify !(t) with ~(t) and E.(t) with !l.(t). Since we shall need the results useful to relate filter the smoothing structure. derived To do this we shall review ships that we derived suggested structure in the next section, in Chapter IV. above, the variable the realizabl~filter estimate, S -r it is above to the realizable some of the relation- If we make the identity (t) is easily ~ (t). seen to correspond to It is well known, or it can be -r seen from Eq. 4.39 , that ~ (t) satisfies the equation -r (6. 29) where ~t/t) d~( satisfies !-) t dt = the variance F(t)~(~) equation (Eq. 4.34). + FT(t)~(~) - ~(i )CT(t)R-l(t)C(t)~f)+G(t)QGT(t) (6. 30) ~ t roWeshall use the n,otation~(t/T) and ~("T) inter-change ab ly, Both symbols denote the covariance of error at time t (2: To) when we have observed the signal r( T) over the interval [T ,T]. - 0 175 We have not demonstrated matrix of the realizable therefore, directly that ~(t/t) filter. is indeed the covariance It is straightforward to do so, we omit it. The smoother estimate estimate ~ (t) in two ways. Quite obviously, -r at the end of the interval ~(t) is re lated to the realizable the estimate correspond as stated by Eq. 4.37 (6.31) In addition we have the important as expressed relationship throughout the interval by Eq. 4.43 (6. 32) We shall often exploit this relationship in the remainder of the chapter. There is one important structures. ~(t/t), In the realizable this covariance B. filter, was implicit in the filter corresponding Covariance covariance contrast the covariance structure. ~(t/Tf) between the two is not. of error, In the smoother, the Deriving an equation for is the topic of our next se cti on. of Error for the Optimum Smoother In this section we shall derive four matrix differential equations, each of which specifies smoother. Since this is a rather briefly to outline our development. the performance long section, of the optimal we shall pause 176 First, smoother error we shall derive differential and the realizable evaluate three expectations and the noise processes filter of error, error ~(t) and ~(t). for both the processes. which involve these error shall then derive the four differential covariance equations We shall processes Using these expectations equations we that specify the ~(t/T f)' of the optimal smoother. We shall point out and correct some errors that have appeared in the literature 14,15 on this topic. Finally, we shall suggest an algorithm for finding the steady state covariance ~oo' by using some of the results smoother performance. that we have derived for the point for our analysis - and the realizable consider the smoother the differential = F(t)~(t) r process for the filter respectively. First, we ~(t) as generated by Eq. 2. 1 error. We note that the process dx(t) dt is finding the equations for e (t) and e (t), the error optimal smoother satisfies of the realiz able filte r , Let us now proceed. The starting differential of error equation + G(t)~(t), T o :S t. (2. 1) (repeated) We define the smoother estimation error to be (6. 33) 177 If we subtract satisfies Eq. 2.1 from Eq. 6.25, the differential we find that the error equation (6.34) We can also w-rite Eq. 6.26 in terms substituting Eq. 6.1 into Eq. 6.26, of the error, ~(t). By we obtain (6.35) We can also find the boundary conditions and 6.35. We still have at t = for Eqs. 6. 34 T f (6. 28) (repeated) To find the initial conditions, € (T -0 However, ) - (-x( T )) -00-0 =P let us consider initial state. 0 We have p(T ). -x(T ) is the a priori - Eq. 6.27. error, From our as sumptions (6. 36) e ,in the estimate -0 of the in Chapter II, this a priori 178 error has zero mean and a covariance !!(t) and ~t). "e(T) - Consequently, 0 -e -0 =P of P error. (6. 37) 0 1\ e (t) = x (t) - x(t), -r If we substitute - of 6.36 as p(T). 0- We define this error -r and is independent we may write Eq. Let us now find a differential filter o T o equation for the realizable to be -s t , (6. 38) Eq. 6.1 into Eq. 6.29 and then subtract 2.1, we find T We ne ed to spe cify the initial assumed zero "- x (T ) -r 0 Therefore, . a priori a priori o :::;t, condition of Eq. 6. 39. (6. 39) Since we have mean for x(T ), we have - 0 = -O. from Eq. 6.38 the realizable (6. 40) filter error at t = T o equals the error (6.41) 179 Finally, filter error. we can re late the smoother By using Eq. 6.32, 1\ 1\ x(t) - x (t) - -r = 1\ ,... - to the realizable we can write (x(t) - x(t)) - (x (t) - x(t)) - error -r - = (6.42) (Since = -0 E ,Eq. = T o .) (T') € -r 0 evaluated at t 6.37 is obviously Let us now summarize a special the important case of Eq. 6.42 equations that we shall use in our analysis. 1. augmented Writing the smoothing vector form, ~(t) d dt equations 6.34 and 6.35 in we have F(t) = CT (t) R- l(t) C(t) G(t)!f(t) = CT(t) R -l(t)~(t) G(t)u(t) W(t) (6.43) 180 where we can identify the coefficient previously by Eq. 4. 16. matrix The boundary as it has been defined conditions for this equation are €( - T ) - € 0 -0 = P p(T ) 0- (6.37) 0 (repe ate d) (6.28) (repeated) where € -0 is the a priori 2. -i- error of the estimate The realizable §..r(t) = (F(t) filter error of the initial is the solution to Eq. 6.39 - ~(t)t)CT(t)R-1(t)C(t))~r(t) _~(})CT(t)R-1(t)W(t), state. - G(t)~(t) To < t, (6. 39) (repe ate d) where the initial conditi on is (6.41) (repeated) and ~(tt ) is the covariance 3. are related of € -r (t). The smoothing error and the realizable filter error by (6. 42) (repe ate d) In order performance to derive the differential of the smoother, equations we shall need to evaluate for the three 181 expectations. We shall simply state the results these expectations. The interested reader of the evaluation of can follow the derivations which follow these statements. Expectation .!. (6.44) Pr-oof; By classical arguments, shown to be uncorrelated given by Eqs. the received with the error 6.25 through 6.28, e (t) for all t , Te [T - the random process .res ult of a linear operation upon the received it is also uncorrelated Expectation withs(t) signal £(T) can be signal; ,Tfl. 0 As pt r) is the consequently, for all tv r e] To' Tfl. .3 , te-=--(t)j' A(t) = E .§.~(t) = '1r(t, Tf) --- ..--- - - - -) To::: t :::Tf' o 2(t) (6. 45) where '1r(t, Tf) is the transition realiz able filte r transition Proof: matrix for W(t) and $(T , t) is the f matrix. In order to evaluate this expectation, solution of Eq. 6.43 as an integral operation. we need to write the From Eq. 6.31, we have (6.46) 182 With Eq. 6.28 this provides a complete set of boundary for Eq. 6.43 at the endpoint of the interval. condition Therefore, we can write ~(t) = Let us now substitute A(t) ~(t,T) --- _____ zero. d-r , .-J T -1 C (T)R (T)~(T) t -r Since of U(T) and wtr) for T> -- Therefore, t, we have e(t)l -=-- •. t G( T)U( T) this equation into the above expectation. is identically =E The expectation + e (t) is independent error one of the terms S f 0 EJt) the realizable T ~r(Tf) '1!(t, Tf) ---- - = ~(t, Tf) ~';{t) EJt) .. (6. 48) in this equation can be evaluated b.y writing e -r (T ) f as an inte gr a1 ope ration, Tf ~r{Tf) = ~(Tf' t)~r{t) - 5 ~(T f' T)[ G{T)u{T) + ~(~IC T{T)R -l{T)~{T)] t (6. 49) When we substitute term vanishes Eq. 6.49 in Eq. 6. 48, we find that the second since e (t) is again independent -r of U(T) and W(T) for - - d-r , 183 T:::: t , Therefore, we finally obtain the desired E (t) A(t) - =E ---- T E -r (t) = result. $(T , t):E(}) f w(t,Tf) E(t) --------, To:St:ST o r (6. 45) (repeated) Expectation i (6. 50) Let us substitute B(t) Eq. 6.44 into the above. This yields =E G(t)~(t) x T (6.51) C(t) R-l(t) ~(t) 184 We can relate ~r(Tf) second expectation. to ~(t) and ~t), and we can also evaluate We find' )e (T ) th(T , T o-r_ 0__ f 't' . ----------Tf S , + - - ,r_ .._ the ~(Tf T0 + :E( ~)e T)[ G(T)U(T) - -,.-::- - - '- - - - T(T)R-l(T)~(T)] - - - - - d-r - -- --- o x T + S f ~(t, T) t (6.52) In Eq. 6.52 we note that e -r consequently, evaluate (T ) is independent 0 we can easily evaluate -- the first term. the second term we need to split the impulse evaluated the desired at T = t, the endpoint of the integration result In order to since it is region. This yields of Eq. 6.50. With these expectations equations of u{t) and w(t); for the covariance us proceed by differentiating of error we can now derive the differential of the optimal smoother. the definition of the covariance. Let We 185 want to evaluate (6. 53) Since the terms consider in the above are transposes only one of them. Substituting of each other, Eq. 6.34, we shall we have (6.54) where we have used Expectations term we have the first differential 1 and 3. Adding the transpose equation for the smoother covariance. Differential Equation .!. for :E(t/Tf) :;'~ 'We use the notation :E(t/Tf) to indicate the covariance of error at a time t( :=:: To) where we have obse rved the signal r( T) over the inte rval To;::::T;::::T r 186 T o ~t~Tf' There are two difficulties with this expression. term is difficult to evaluate. over long time interval * First, Secondly when integrated it becomes We shall now derive for ~(t/T f) which eliminates .. (6. 5 5) the forcing backwards unstable. a second differential equation form these difficulties. If we solve Eq. 6.42 for E(t) we obtain p(t) = ~-1 ({- Now we substitute (6.56) )(~Jt) - §..r(t)). for .E(t) in Eq. 6. 34 (this is similar to the approach of Method 3 in Chapter IV) we find (6. 57) -G(t)~(t) , Let us now substitute Eq. 6.57 2 and 3, we have a cancellation in Eq. 6.53. of terms, If we us e Expectations and we obtain the desired result *A relationship of this form was first 1966 WESCON Proceedings. derived by Baggeroer in the 187 Differential Equation ~ for ~(t/Tf) (6. 58) Several comments are in order here. first derived by Rauch, Tung and Striebel analysis error w'ays. and then passing to a continuous for the realizable Obviously, In addition, estimate, its inverse it supplies the required using a discrete limit.I5 ~(t/t) enters appears This formula was time The covariance of Eq. 6.58 in two as part of the coefficient boundary condition at t = terms. Tf, for (6.59) Consequently, Finally, we can solve Eq. 6.58 backwards we discus sed the stability in Chapter IV. there, i. e., of equations in time from t Eq. 6. 58 will in general for long time intervals when done this way. backwards be stable. from t Tf. with th is coefficient We can reach the same conclusions when integrated = = here as we did Tf' the solution to Consequently, 'doe s not cause any numerical obtaining solutions difficulties 188 We can derive ~(t/Tf) First, a third differential by using the covariance we relate equation for finding rr (t/Tf)· of p(t), which we denote by this covariance to ~(t/Tf). We can rewrite Eq. 6.42 in the form (6. 60) \/) Post multiplying Eq. 6.60 by its transpose, value of the result and using Expectation taking the expected 1 gives us (6.61) By using an analysis similar to that used in deriving form 2 for ~(t/T f)' we can find a dlffer-ent ia le quati.on for 1f(t/T f)· This gives us our third form. Differential Equation ~ for ~(t/T f) (6.62) where Tf (t/T ) is related f is identically zero, to ~(t/Tf) by Eq. the boundary condition 6.61. at t = Since E.(Tf) Tf is obviously 189 (6. 63) Again, some comments integrating discussed backwards earlier already available, are in order. and the stability form 2 since taking an inverse In addition, if ~(t/t) to use this form rather matrix of of the solution still apply as for form 2 still apply. it may be better The same issues is than at all points in the interval is not required. The first three differential equations that we have derived are not well suited for finding analytic solutions in the case of constant parameter systems, for ~(t/Tf). the matrix differential equations have time varying coefficients. We can eliminate difficulty by considering differential a 2n x 2n matrix than an n x n one as we have considered need to c ombirie forms before. 2 and 3 in an appropriate One can show by straightforward Eqs. 6.58, 6.61 Even this equation ra the r To do this we manner. manipulation of and 6.62 that the following matrix diffe rentta l equation is satisfied. Differential Equation! for ~(t/T f) G{t)QGT{t): 0 , -----,-------- o ') : (CT{t)R-1{t)C{t) (6.64 a) 190 where W{t} is defined by Eq. 4.15 I 1 and P{..!...) Tf _ 1T{..!... ):~~{!.) Tf t I --- --- .A --1-- - -I -~{!. }1T {...!.. } I Tf t We can specify the boundary condition --- {6.64b} t -)T{-} Tf 1 I at t = T by using Eqs. f 6.59} and 6.63) Tf ~(rr) T f P{T} f = --- f I I I ""i (6. 65) 1 0 1 I where ~{Tf/Tf} is the realizable Consequently the interval 0 0 filter error at Tf· we can solve Eq. 6.64 a backwards using this boundary condition. method 2 that we developed in Chapter This is analogous We have, 30 representation to IV. ffwe extend the concept developed find an integral over there, for the solution to Eq. it is easy to 6. 64 ---------------------- 191 T ~(-!)I Tf I 0 I ---4--I o I G(T)QGr.r(T) _______ 0 I o 0 , , 1 T I C (T)R -1 wT(t,T)dT, (T)C(T) (,; f '.,"- (6.66) We should point out that solving for ~(t/T f) using this for m doe s have certain advantage s when the system parameters constant. the coefficient matrix, In this case, an analytic advantage. that we have a larger deal. Finally, coefficient problems dimensional solutions matrix, This is we should remember set of equations with which to of ~(t/T f). Since it involves W(t) as a it introduce s virtually the same stability that we had for method 2 in Chapter IV. This completes forms for ~(t/Tf). of each. However, exponential. we observe that this form is not well suited for finding numerical our discussion Before proceeding, Form 1 was the starting it was relatively In addition, of the differential we shall discuss equation the merits point of our derivation. simple in appearance, difficult to evaluate. Forms matrix W is a constant which allows us to see the matrix certainly are Although the forcing term for it was it introduced stability 2 and 3 were well suited for numerical problems. procedures, since they 192 were stable when integrated backwards of the interval. they were not well suited for analytic procedures time varying coefficients. methods, with constant parameters. matrix was a constant for systems It, however, when used numerically also introduced stability over long time intervals. Several errors have been made in the literature 11' (tiT f) .14, 11£ we apply the results the covariance papers, because they involved Form 4 was well suited for analytic since the coefficient problems However, of p(t), regarding of these we can quickly show that they imply (6.67) which is clearly impossible for a covariance. We shall now correct The differential equation of 6.64, the se errors. 14 was first derived by Bryson and Frazier. erroneously interpreted lower right partition -1T(t,T ) f should be 1f(t/T f which,agrees interpret the partitions partitions are actually 1f(t/T ):z(t/t) f of P(t). >; results. they They state that the we have seen that it is as E [~(t)pT(t)]. However, These as we have indicated. to find :z(t/T ), f their incorrect of p(t) leaves their derivation . They also From zero. for P(t/rf) however is :z(t/T ) f we naively apply their results covariance However, 1, we know that this is identically upper left partition correct f with what Eq. 6.67 would indicate. the off diagonal partitions expectation form 4, for ':z(t/T ) Their Consequently, if we would obtain assertions rather regarding suspect. the 193 Rauch, Tung and Striebe1 state that the error with p(t) which is incorrect. :E(t/T ) and f 1\ (t/Tf) I5 ~(t) is correlated They also have not related correctly, equation for :E(t/T ) is correct f as indicated by Eq. 6.63. as we have discussed Their previously form 2. Equation 6.58 also provides between the ralizable and unrealizable the class ical Wiener approach. the system parameters is large. If we are errors relationship when calculated This corresponds are constant somewhere an interesting to the case when and the time interval in the "middle" using [ To, Tfl of the interval d:E(~ ) f dt - Denoting the realizable error To «t« 0, (6. 68) Tr Wiener error by :Eooand the unrealizable by :E(t/oo), we obtain This equation has an interesting determine however, a linear :E(t/oo)is easy to implication. since it is the unrealizable covariance; I :E:o is usually difficult to determine. matrix are several equation for finding :E00 (really Eq. 6.69) provides :E-~) . ways of solving this linear equation, Notice the linearity of the equation eliminates sol utions which arises Since there :Eoofollows directly. the ambiguity of by setting the Rica tti equati on to steady state. This completes our discussion of the performance of 194 the optimal smoother. C. Examples Let us now illustrate it with several examples. of the Optimal Smoother Performance In this last section we analyzed the performance, covariance of error, shall illustrate First, of the optimal smoother. this performance analytically. integrating for first We shall apply Eqs. shall consider the analysis In this section we by considering we shall work two examples or several examples. order systems 6.64 and 6.65 to do this. Then we of a second order system by numerically Eq. 6. 62 and then applying Eq. 6.61. Example 6. 1 - Covariance of Error for ~ Wiener Process In this first example we shall find the covariance error for a Wiener Process additive white noise. described in Eqs. that is received in the presence The system for generating and 3.36. 3.35 of of this proce ss is We repeat the system matrices here for convenience F = 0 C G = = 1 P Q 0 = = CT (repeated) and the observation interval and T = results from previous result, we can find the solutions f T. Fortunately, (3.36) 0 1 In addition we assume that the spectral noise is ~ height of the additive white is [0, T], i.e., -- we have available examples T 0 0 many of the required which concern the process. rather = quickly. As a 195 The first step is to find the matrix W(t) and its associated transition the results are indicated by Eqs. substitute t - T matrix '1!(t, T). We did this in Chapter IV and 4.51 and 4.56 . (We need to for t as the system has constant parameters.) we need to find ~(T/T). 'If(t, T) as indicated We do this by using the partitions by Eq. 4.31. Next of This yields (6. 70) Consequently, Eq. 6.66 becomes o o T S 1 '¥(t, T) t , 0 T I 'If (t, T)d ----i---o I I I o T, 0< t < T. 2 -'=<r-- where 'If(t, T) is as defined by Eq. 4.56 as indicated our the upper, str aightforward left partition (6.71) for ~(t/T), manipulati on above. we find after some Separating 196 (6.72) Example 6.2 - Covariance of Error Let us now consider process generated this process matrices are repeated by Eqs. F = -k C G = = 1 P o = 1 = S noise to be (2.17) (repeated) of this representation. that the process generated In addition, (J" available 4.62 (t-cr) for t.) using Eq. 4.31 the realizable covariance is stationary, interval from previous The matrix W(t) and its associated '1i'(t, T) are given by Eqs. Instead examples. matrix (Again, Next, we need to find ~(T IT). of the initial let to be [0, T] . transition and 4.68, respectively. filter of we chose the level of the and the observation Again, we have many results an arbitrary of The state 2kS a free variable. need to substitute The generation 2.16 and 2.17. a slight variation choosing Po =Psuch observation for a random here for convenience Q it remain the performance by a system with a pole at -k. is described Let us consider for ~ One Pole Process covariance state, of error By ~(T IT) for P , is given by o we 197 (6.73a) where 48 kN ~= (6.73b) o For this system, Eq. 6.66 becomes T I ~(T) t P(T) = T) ~(t, - - o T S ~(t. T) t where ~(T/T) -2k8 __ ~I f o ~ I - - 1- I I - - 0 OJ ~(t, T)dT, ostsT. (6.74) o , .!. l 0" is defined above by Eq. 6.73a. Taking the upper left { portion for ~(t/T) :E(~) we find after some straight = [ cosh [kA(T-t)] ~( ~)cosh[ + sinh[~>"(T-t)] k>..(T-t)) + (~ 'i.)- 28) forward J manipulation x strh [~>"(T-t)D • 0:5 t :5 T. (6.75) 198 In order to illustrate Case a - P -- - -0 = -S this result (Stationary let us consider process. choices of P . o Process) Here we have chosen P stationary three such that we are estimating o a In this case (6.76) If we substitute t ~(T) _ T {(COSh[kA.(T-t)] - ~( T) Therefore, respect this equation into Eq. 6.75 , we can show that +{-sinh[kA.(T-t)])(cosh chos en k = Case b - p! -- - of error to the midpoint of the interval. quite easily. -0 In Fig. 1, CT = = Le. O<t<T. (6. 77) is symmetric with We can easily = 1 and T = ----- T ~-;I;) =Po = A. 2S + 1 where we have Filtering ---- In this case we have chosen the initial that we do not gain any improvement results, 2. 2S /A.+l (Steady State Realizable -- show that they the Wiener filtering 6.1 we have plotted Eq. 6.77 1, S ) cosh] kA.T] + X sinh [kA.T] we see that the covariance approach the large time results, [kA.t] +{- Sinh[kA.t])} 1 by realizable Error) covariance filtering, such ~ (6.78) 199 Fig. 6. 1 ~(t/t) and Zt/T) for a First Order Process Pe = 1 I. Stationary Process .s 200 for all T. Substituting this equation = E.A.+ s '()... A.+ ~(--!-) T )...2~1 {. ~(1+ {-) I) 1 e into Eq. -2k(T-t)_ 6. 7 we find - + ~(l-{-)e -2k(T-t)} • 0 ~ t ~ T. (6. 79) Therefore, we see that the performance move backwards filter error behavior from the endpoint. as we could calculate near the endpoint, , i ,e., -- performance which the realizable delay before making in detail for the choice Case c - P -- - - 0 .:.---- --- Let us consider ~( .:!:.. ) = T near filter T, reflects is the unrealizable theory. The the gain in (We shall develop some this concept 6.2 we have plotted Eq. 6.79 figure. State) -----'- the case when we know the initial 2 S sin h] k)...T] A.c os h[-=-k"""'A.-=T::1-]-+-s=""in---:-h~[ k:r--:)...:-::T=-or-J When we substitute as we could attain by allowing in the previous (Known Initial a constant from the classical In Fig. of parameters = -0 This constant its estimate. in the next section.) approaches this into Eq. 6.75 we find state (6.80) 201 Fig. 6. 2 z(t/t) and 2.-(t/T) for a First Order Process Po = 2S / ( 'A + 1) = Uf Lt' 11 e, t iF -t- 1.. 202 kxt] (cosh] kX.(T-t)] + ~ Sinh[kx.(T-t)])1 1 c osh( kAT) + ~ sin h] kAT] 28 (sinh[ A = ~(4) ' 0 < t <T. (6. 81) In Fig. 5.3 we have plotted ~(t/T) We can see that after. information regarding our estimate. interval the initial state is virtually quite long enough for this case. Example if the interval ~ - Covariance analytically dimensioned ~(tlool, the useless in making of Error in a reasonable systems, shall numerically about all the systems woeuse numerical Eq. this function we find ~(t/Tf) 6.62 In order methods. to determine by using 6.61. First to study higher To do this we lI(t/T ). f though, that we want to estimate y(t) which is described by Eqs. covariance function and a spectrum and 2.19b, respectively. example, that one can do Given let us that we wish to study. We shall assume Instead in middle for ~ Two Pole Proces s amount of time. integrate cons ide r the system There is a plateau is long enough. ') We have analyzed previous it approaches 6 secs.where (We should point out that 'we did not take the ,observation of the interval process for the same choice of parameters. of performing let us consider 2.18 and 2.19 as illustrated . It has a in Figs. the type of analysis a variate the stationary 2. 19a done in the of a pre - emphasis probelm. Since we have a two state improve our performance by including system, let us see if we can the second state, or the 203 Fig. ,q 6.3 204 derivative of the message, in our transmitted we then have that the output of the system signal. In this context, is (6.82) where we desire to estimate fair comparison to simply add the second state, increase the transmitted xl (t) as our message. power. 2 dX (E[x I(t) I dt + 40 (t) ] = 2 Q!2 = since this would Let us, therefore, power to be fixed to its original level of 4. 4 Q!I It would not be a 4 0 for a stationary to see if it can improve (6.83 ) differe nti able rand om pr oce s s) . our performance. the state matrices DJ R = length is 2. for our system 02] = of Eq. 6. 83 We shall also assume that the additive white noise level is I and the interval In summary, the We have we sha ll vary Q!I and Q!2 within the constraint Therefore, G constrain I are 205 = Q (6.84 a-e) 160 with a 1 and aZ constrained to be on the ellipse (6.83) (repeated) In addition we choose the interval T f length to be Z, or T = o 0 and = T = Z. If we proceed with our analysis by numerically integrating Eq. 6. 63 to find ~(t/T) for various value a 1 and a Z that satisfy Eq. 6. 83 , we generate the curves of Fig. ~11(t/T) (normalized), the covariance We can make several curves. Fig Le., = generate time, curves = o. Secondly, we do not have a good physical ~ 11(T I T)(normalized), interval, this in Fig. of the interval. in time. interpretation the improvement 6.5. the realizable and ~11(T/ZJT), only one of the states, with respect which are exactly inverted We have summarized as in we have plotted the curves of aZi if aZ is negative Let us also consider these proces s, the curves about the midpoint of the interval 0, or aZ for positive values regarding a stationary 6. 1 unless the observed signal contains a1 Here we have plotted of the message. observations Although we are estimating are not symmetrical 6.4. the smoother only to a 1J we At the present for this observation. in performance. In ttis figure we have plotted estimate at the endpoint of the performance These points are very close to their of the midpoint asymptotic 206 Fig. 6.4 ~11 (t / T) (normalized) for a Second Order Process with Trans mitted Signal 207 .to TtFFtnft$rt"um~nm. rnn ~ffm1TIn:rt:'1~~TII,tfri'I+Ji\~IT} ':It'H';'IT,ITinTI: ~tit~~; FiX:;- tf:, [T 'i It Ifill I r rrfI[nrrUt[:im!HmT:ih~: 1 Ul: ~T,T~~"""""---~"""""----":"";;~-----':-"_':"';";';-------I ;gll,L I;; ,I'~: ~.~. tl d ;, J 'T Fig. 6.5 T Z.ll(T/T) and £."ll(-/T) vs, 0( 2.. (modulation coefficient of dx 1(t) / dt ) [or a Second Order Process ,h-i+ .Cob H'l-l.LI+H'Hl:tM +++ p +j lrt 'j~+ Itt; fF· .36 00 +'u-Itr tt·t lInt It±! lIft 1+ !tIt ft ~ +•.'.1 I+'H ~. t- -+ ,1 Hi -~ ,f t 208 limits, ~ll 00 the derivative However, oq. and ~ll (t/ First, we see that transmitting in the signal does not improve the smoother it can either significantly. performance. degrade or improve the realiz able estimate Choosing Q!2= . 2 improves 25 percent, it by 50 percent. This would indicate from this particular that this type of preemphasis with delay), whereas our performance by approximately (or filtering some of (over Q!2=0) choosing Q!2= -. 25 degrades proble m is not useful when doing smoothing while it can yield significant improvement for re alizab le filtering. D. Filtering with Delay The optimal smoother tha t in the past and in the future, particular smoother [To,Tfl. increases, point. However, structure uses all the available data, both in making its estimate one of the disadvantages at a of the optimal is that it operates over a fixed time interval Consequently, as more data is accumulated, we must resolve Le., Tf the smoothing equations if we are to use this added data. In contrast to this, the realizable that evolves as the data is accumulated. past data in making its estimate, filter produces It, however, whereas, an estimate uses only the smoother make s use of both past and future data for its estimate. The filter realizable of both the realizable with delay combines the advantages filter and the smoother. delay before we are required By allowing a fixed to make our estimate, we can find a filter whose output evolves in time as the data is accumulated yet it is able to take advantage of a limited amount of future data in making 209 its estimate. Let us discuss the filter assume that we have received [To' Tfl. t = We want to estimate Tf - s , Le., variable interval. structure the state vector - ~ >.To)' We at the point· where the independent is T f' the endpoint of observation We note that like the realizable delay is a point estimator in more detail. the signal £(t) over the interval find ~(Tf-~)(Tf in our filter structure whereas filter, the filter with the smoother e sttmate s the signal over an entire interval. Our approach to finding the filter forward. * We use the integral method 2 of Chapter then set t = Tf then differentiate variable is straight- specified by solution IV to find ~(t) for the optimal smoother. ~ in this integral ~(Tf - ~) in terms for the desired representation structure of the received this integral estimate representation. This gives us data and the realizable to find a set of differential ~(Tf - ~). We filter~ We equations We note that the independent for these equations is Tf rather than t, some internal point in a fixed interval. Let us proceed smoothing equations with our derivation. First we write the Eqs. 6. 25 and 6. 26 in an augmented matrix form, *This approach to the problem 1966 WESCON Proceedings. 1'.7 was first used by Baggeroer in the --- ... ..----- 210 [ = From WIt) ~(t) J t ---------, o [~(~)J- J (6.85) C T (t)R -l(t)r(t) To:=:t:=:Tf Eq. 4.41 the solution to these equations in an integral form is (6. 86) where x -r (T ) is the realizable f interval Tfo Tf-Da> To' filter Let us evaluate r ----~(Tf-Da)J -- - = 'l{(Tf- output at the endpoint of the Eq. 6. 86 at t tRr(Tf)j b., Tfl ~ - - - - p(T - Da) f + 0 = Tf - Da, with rJ ~ ili(Tf-.6o, T) -; S T - Da f -- Q (T)R IT)r(T) (6.87) This is the desired time variable integral representation. involved is Tf" equation that Eq. 6.87 satisfies, is T the endpoint of an increasing f internal We note that the only Let us now determine time in a fixed interval. a differential where the independent interval rather Differentiating variable than t , some Eq. 6.87 ] ~ - - - - d-r we obtain 211 (6. 88) It is a straightforward exercise to show We also have (6.90) Let us substitute these two equations d~ r{Tf}/dTf from Eq. 6.29 . plus the expression We obtain for 212 d~ ~~T!=~lW(Tr-bo) r ~(Tr- 'li"(Tr-bo, Tr)~_r~~rl L boJ 0 J Sf 'li".(Tr-bo, TJ Tf,-bo Ie ; - - ~l- - - JdT (T)R \ o ~r(Tf) - W(T ) - - - - - f + + o --------- -------- ------- o o (6.91) First, we identify the term in the first bracket from Eq. 6.85. If we write out the term find that it can be written as as in the second bracket, we (T)r(TJ 213 I Therefore, w'e finally obtain the desired differential equation d dT f I (6.92) The only issue that remains are the initial conditions. A specify ~(T o) and p(T o} we must solve the smoothing interval [T o equations to over the ,T +~]. 0 Let us now see if we can simplify eliminating In order E,<Tf-~}' From Eq. our structure by 6.42 we have (6.93) ~~ This equation was first Proce edings. Jb obtained by Baggeroer in the 1966 WESCON �----------------_-:=.--.::._~==------~:;;;::;=:::;;;:::::::::::::::==~======="" 214 Substituting this into Eq. 6.92 we find (6.94) One of the difficulties calculation of the coefficient 'lEg .2.!l (T f- .6., Tf)· 'lEg (Tf1'") matrix 'lEsg(T -.6., f .6., Tf) can be compute~ independent filter structure. ~(Tf/Tf) whi ch lis already For time varying to compute this coefficient Tf)~(Tf/Tf) matrix of T available systems r + Therefore, exercise one from the realizable it may be more efficient matrix by solving a differential It is a straightforward the coefficient Eq. 6.94 is the For constant paramete r system 'lEgg(T f- A, T f) and _ need only evaluate for it. in implementing equation using Eq. 6.89 to show that satisfie s the equation --=_---------------...:...---o----=-------====================~ 215 (6.95) The initial condition follows by setting T together with 6.95 using a discrete = To + c: Eqs. 6.94 are the same as those derived by Meditch. time approach. upon the system, f 31 We simply;Point out that depending we may be able to compute the coefficient matrix more conveniently then by solving a matrix differential The most important Eq. 6.94 is that it aspect of implementing appe ar s to be unstable. To illustrate Indeed, if implemented equation. directly it would be. where the difficulty lies let us pause a moment in our discussion. Let us consider the linear time invariant a differential system for with an impulse response o h(t) equation repre sentation <t<f:::.. J3 > 0 (6.96) - elsewhere 216 Certainly, this system is stable under any realistic criterion. The output of this system is given by t y(t) = S x(T)e13(t-T)dT. t - ~ One can easily show that y(t) satisfies the following differential equation (6·98) Since (3 is positive, contradicts this would indicate an unstable system which what we had above. trying to subtract two responses yie ld a stable net response. practical The difficulty lies in that we are which are in general This is not very feasible unstable to to do in a se nse. The consequence of our discussion is that Eq. 6.94 which has the same form as Eq. 6.98 is not suitable for implementation. We should manipulate into an integral for-m like Eq. 6. then realize this representation with a topped delay line. our delay line will have a finite length of ~; consequently, always realize it as closely as desired by decreasing This ends our discus sion regarding filter with delay. Before proceeding Note that we can the top spacing. the structure with our discussion of the of its - ,----_--._-----------"'---'~--------_--.::~--.::====================:=217 performance two comments to find a differential Eqs. are in order. First, it is straightforward equation for p(T f-A) as well as ~(Tf-A) from 6.92 and 6.93. Second, we emphasize how quickly the filter equations have been derive d from the smoother structure by using our technique. E. Performance of the Filter of Delay In this section we shall employ the techniques deve loped to derive a matrix the covariance important equation for ~(T f- A/T f) , for the filte r with de lay. in two respects. performance filter of error differential First, it tells This equation is us how much we gain in by allowing the delay and using the more complicated structure. Second, we can find how long the transient are before we can attain steady state performance. already derived many of the required results our derivation work with Eq. 6.58 and derive ~(Tf- A/T f) from it. with our approach to deriving the filter use Eq. 6.64 and separate out the partition also has an advantage in identifying effects Since we have There are two ways in which we can proceed. consistent that we have is short. We can Howeve r , to be structure we shall for ~(Tf- A/T ). f some terms This in a form which is easily to compute. To proceed representation let us work with Eq. 6.64, for the solution have for Tf - A > To of Eq. 6.66. the integral Setting t =T f - A we 218 T T - D.. f P( T ) f I -D.. ~ (f I ) I 1. Tf = ----T T - D.. _ ~( __f)1T( f ) Tf Tf -1T( T -D.. f Tf I I T ):E( _f ) Tf T I -1T( f I = - D.. ) T f I G(T)QG T(T) -- --- - I _..L. - o I J -- - - -- - T -1 C (T)R (T)C(T) T '1r (T -D..,T)dT f • (6. 99) Let us now differentiate to use Eqs. this expres sion with re spect to T f" 6.89 , 6.90 and 6. 29. F(Tf)~(Tf TTl )+~(Tf)F f f Doing this we obtain T(Tf)+G(Tf)QG TTl -~(-.i)G T(Tf)R -1( Tf)C(Tf)~( Tf T(T ) f -l.) T f I 0 I I I I +'1r(T -.6, Tf) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -:f 010 - - We need 219 G(T -.6)Q GT(T -.6) ) r + r --------1--o To reduce this equation, 0 I ------- I T -1 I C (Tr-.6)R (T -.6)C(T -.6) r we ftr-st note that r 220 T f :E(T ) 0 f (6.101) o 0 After we combine terms with common factors and use Eqs. 6.99 and 6. 10 1 , we have T f - b. dP,( -~) f dT f = T - b. f W(Tf-~)P(-y-} f G(T _~}QGT(T f + P( f - b. T T )W (Tf-~) f o I the se cond term I IC - o -~) I -t----- ---"----- + --------- Simplifying f T T (Tf-~)R on the right, -1 (Tf-~)C(Tf-.6) we have finally (6.102) 221 G(Tf-~)QG T(Tf-~) 1 0 I -------~-+------------ + I IC 0. T -1 (Tf-~)R (Tf-~)C(Tf-~) I (6.103) We see that with the exception is very similar to the corresponding To find the initial form(s) 0+~). +~ performance we nee d to solve- one of the equations for ~(T o IT +~) 0 and Doing this we find To :E( T + ~ ) 0 T 0 P( T +LS) the final equation one for the smoother. condition P( TJro of the smoother -rr (T o/T of the added term = ------r 0 T 0 Po1T(T+~) 0 1 I I I T 0 - Tf( T +LS )P 0 0 --- -- --- - Tr( T T ~LS) I I I 0 (6.104) PAGES (8) MISSING FROM ORIGINAL 223 Let us n?w consider Eqs. the upper le ft partition for :E(Tf- ~/T f) . Using 6.99 and 6.61 with t = T - ~,. we find f (6.105) To find the initial to solve the smoother condition ~ T /T +~) we again need equations o over the interval can again identify the coefficie.nt matrix W (T f- .6/T f}that gll we had in the filter evaluate this by one of two ways. together with Eq. 6.95 was first One interesting equation unless .6 = 0 [T o , T +.6]. 0 Wgg (T - .6/T ):E(T /T } f structure. f f f We + As before we can We finally note that Eq. 6. 105 derived aspect by Meditch in Reference of Eq. 6.1<0 is that it is a linear 0 whereupon it becomes equation for :E(Tf/Tf} as would be expected. the matrix Riccati The second aspect is 31. 224 that it is unstable when integrated a backwards integration forward. We, therefore, as we have done in previous do this one will need to solve the smoother variance entire interval of interest. F. of Per-for-mance of the Filter Example Let us illustrate an example. the results To do this 'we numerically The coefficient suggest problems. To equation over the With De lay of the previous integrated section with Eq. 6. matrix was evaluated by using the matrix exponential. The example that we shall study is a one pole process with the initial covariance is generated. matrix chosen such that a stationary The e quationsthat are Eq. 2. 16 and Eq. 2. 17. ~(Tf- I:1/T ) that results f T - 1:1 for various f equation; a delay. error, therefore, from our numerical covariance 0, which is by solving the Ricatti We have also indicated the lower limit on the covariance as calculated The curves from the classical length considered. We have previously The curves no longer remain as that of the realizable we integrated filter. over the Eq. 6.92 forward indicated that this equation is unstable in this direction. more time constants, The transient limits very closely Finally, of Wiener theory. should be made. approach the asymptotic when integrated several = we can quickly see how much we gain by allowing behavior has about the same duration in time. of the process tntegr ati on vs. The top curve is for 1:1 as calculated Several observations interval the generation In Fig. 6. 6 we have plotted the values of 1:1. the re alizable filter describe process If we plotted these curves we could see this instability over entering. constant as they start to gr ow exponentially. 225 ..-, Fig. 6.6 Covariance of Error for the Filter with Delay, ~ {Tf-Il/Tf> for r.a First Order Process Stationary Process . . ~ I• 226 This oscillation is even more pronounced that we have studied.' This is indicative could expect if we integrated describing G. the estimation Discussion in the second order systems of the type of behavior we the differential structure equation, Eq. 6.92 directly. and Conclusions In this chapter . smoothing and filtering we have extensively with delay. discussed linear As we stated in the introduction, we feel that our approach is a unified one in that everything from the differential equations .The starting time Wiener-Hopf the smoothing differential using our results and IV. equations for the optimal smoother . point for our development equation. We presented equations We then derived several performance, we discussed and performance results. of filter performance examples amounts The smoother and/or in problems of the smoother with delay. Both its structure from the smoother instability extensively. with delay be presenting for various II for the smoother. difficulty in implementing a way to avoid this difficulty; limited to the area of estimation frequently of error possible We suggested equation by forms for the differential could be derived directly we did not develop the suggestion discussion different the filter We also indicated these results. a method for deriving the ory developed in Chapters the covariance After working several was the finite from this integral for the Fredholm specifying follows howeve r , We concluded the an example of its of delay allowed. filter theory. in radar/sonar with delay are not specifically For example, the receiver quite has the optimal 227 . smoother our results as one of its components. to realize 12. Consequently, this part of the receiver. not the only application, Reference 3 for further discussion we can apply Certainly we refer to this is 228 CHAPTER VII SMOOTHING AND FILTERING NONLINEAR In the previous MODULATION chapters generation of the random processes by a linear system tation. FOR SYSTEMS we have as sumed that the of interest with a finite dimensional could be described linear state represen- In this chapter we shall extend our techniques the problems of smoothing and filtering so as to treat when the observation method is a norr-Hnear function of the state of the system. With this extension we can represent schemes and channels of current interest many modulation in communications. should point out though that this is not the most general can be incorporated still require in the state variable framework. problem that We shall that our state equation be linear. Let us outline our procedure. our model in order to introduce linearity. We We shall briefly the notation required review for the non- We shall then show how we can use our techniques to convert an integral equation for the optimal smoothed estimate pair of differential equations for it. problem by use of an approximation smoothing equations of equations point. described which described to a We shall solve the filtering technique for converting over a fixed time interval the realizable the to a pair filter with a moving end- 229 A. State Variable Modelling of Non-Linear In Chapter II we introduced generation of random processes representation. observed ~(t). by systems we shall require be described excitation process need to assume process. by a linear = F(t)~(t) = E [ x( T )x T (T ) 0- 0 state function of the state vector, dynamics of the equation with a random conditions. that the state vector generated T E [ u (t) u (T)] - state for the method to allow the that the internal and random initial Consequently, dx(t) ctt with a linear Let us modify our generation As before, where the notation required output, ,;y,(t) , to be a non-linear generation Modulation Systems However, is a Gaussian here we random we have + G(t) u(t), (linear (7. 1) state equation) , Q 0 (t - T), = (7. 2) p • (7. 3) 0 (t) is a white Gaussian process, with a "spectral height" of Q, and x(T ) is a Gauss ian random vector. - 0 The non-linear observe the state vector. observed process, aspect of this problem We shall assume is a continuous, enters in how we that the output, non-linear, no memory or function of the state vector, ~(t) = ~(~(t), t), (7. 4) 230 Let us also introduce vector for the gradient of .§. with respect to the state ~(t), asl(x(t) ,t) - I I asl(x(t),t)I - I a(x 1(t)) a(XZ(f)) -- --- - + - - - , C(x(t), t) ~ a s (x( t, t) - a(~(t)) ~ I a(x1 (t)) _- - - - I -1- I -I- - - - -,t - - - - I I I ::(x~(t)) 'I --- I I : 1 -1-.-- I I • »:- -I -- I aSZ(~(t), t) ; as 1(x(t), t) I -ar;:-r(-x""'n (-;-;'t I I - - __ 0 I I I I I - - - - -1- - - - - I - - - --I - - -- as (x(t), t) I I I as (x(t), t) I T Therefore, in the special case of linear II a~ I s ystems s t o (t)) n (7. 5) C(~( t), t) is . . independent of ~(t) and may be identified as the C(t) whic h we have been using previously. We can incorporate operation in our structure. observation, operation which has a state non-linear vector this is no memory operation. FM modulation, types of non-linear If we can interpret as the cascade representation to incorporate modulation certain operation, the memory Probably the modulation, of linear system for its dynamics we can simply operation or (with memory) then followed augment by a the state and then redefine the most important where we interpret~t memory the application as the cascade of of an 231 integrator followed by a phase modulator. The final aspect of our model is the received Again, we shall assume over the interval £(t) = that the signal ~h [ To' T fl is corrupted the receiver signal £(t). observes by added white noise, ~(~(t), t) + ~(t), (7. 6) where (7. 7) with R(t) positive definite. Here we must assume that ~(t) is also Gaussian. Let us summarize assumed here and in Chapter signal to be a nonlinear have assumed 0 assumptions II. First, we allowed the observed function of the state vector. that ~(t) and ~t) are Gauss ian random x(T ) is a Gaussian - the difference s between what we have random vector. we processe sand In Chapter II, we made regarding only their second order statistics. can We/consider the problems of smoothing and filtering when the state equation is also non-linear. a d liferent Secondly, approach. density directly In this approach, where we incorporate equation by using a time varying first done in Ref. However, we maximize the constraint Lagrangian and later in Ref. we need to use the a posteriori of the state multiplier. This was 232 Finally, modulation. class we have termed This is simply a convenience. of communication systems B. of all the systems Smoothing For Non-Linear In this section according point for our derivation by Van Trees Modulation Systems which implicitly is an integral section. the optimal The starting equation for g(t) as derived using an eigenfunction From Eq. 5. liD in this reference, estimate generate equations signal is generated of the previous in Ref. 3 the 10 ~(t) when the received to the methods to incorporate we shall derive the differential and their boundary conditions smoothed estimate using this formulation. state vector involved. ope ration as a One can model a large and channels One simply has a large augmented dynamics the observation expansion it is necessary x(t) satisfy the following integral approach. that the optimal equation Tf ~(t) = S T K~(t, T)C T(~(T), T)R -1 (T)(£(T) -~(~( T), T)d T, To ='= t ='= T f o (7. 8) We now observe the integral operation only difference whereas that we have the same type of kernel as we discussed is that before T the kernel A now we have C (!.(T), T))R if we want to use the results -1 operated of terms we see that the derivation The upon CT(T)!.(T) ~ (T)(£(T)-~(!.(T), T)). that we derived must examine how this difference When we do this, in Chapter II, Section C. for Consequently, in that section, we affects the derivation. is unaffected. Therefore, 233 . Eq. in 2.22 and reduce boundary " 1\ C T (T)f.(T) by CT (~(T), T)R -l( T)(!".(T) -~(~(T),T) we can replace Eq. 7.8 to two differential conditions. optimal smoother The differential for this problem equations equations with a set of that describe the are (7. 9) = d~\t) -F T(t)E(t) - CT(~(t), t)R - l(tX;J t) -~(~(t), t)), To:S t .s Tf. (7. 10) The boundary ~(T - ) 0 conditions that are imposed = I P p( T ) 0=- 0 are the same. We have (7.11) (7.12) We shall make two comments 7.12. First, boundary our derivation conditions approximations of these differential from Eq. involved. condition. 7.9 through equations There we emphasize Eqs. and are no that the integral It is usually not sufficient; its solution need not be unique. Contrasting corresponding 7. 8 is exact. Second, Eq. 7. 8 is only a necessary consequently, regarding Eqs. linear problem 7.9 through 7.12 to those derived for the in Chapter VI, Section A; we see that the equation for ~(t) is the same, while the nonlinear aspects of the 234 estimator are introduced in the equation for E.(t). Now that we have derived the equations consider methods of solving them. methods discussed First, let us run through the for solving the parallel set of linear equations deve loped in section C of Chapte r IV. superposition principle; we found a complete therefore, it is not applicable. to realizable = Tf by at t filter In method 2 output. introducing If we this we could also solve Eq. 7.9 and 7. 10 backwards from the endpoint. In the next section we shall derive solution for the realizable feasible. Method 1 employed the set of boundary conditions a function that corresponded could parallel for ~(t) we must· However, this method. filter, so this technique an approximate is certainly we shall still have instability problems with The key to the third method was a linear relation 1\ (t) and p(t) as given by Eq. 4. 42. between the functions "x(t) , x - Unfortunately, time. -r - we do not have such a relationship Therefore, only method 2 seems Certainly, at all promising. there do exist other methods of solving non- linear two point boundary value problems. method of quasi-linearization. are linearized solution. Then these linear equations matrix solution provides equations satisfactory the problems, 1\ around some a priori associated convergence however, by use of This new around which the nonlinear is repeated until a has been satisfied. is generating of ~(t) and E.(t). A reasonable of the are solved exactly, This technique criterion is the the estimation estimate with this system. the next estimate are linearized. One technique With this technique, equations the transition at the current the required One of a priori estimate choice might be to use the estimates 235 found by applying method 2, in effect combining this method with a quasilinearization approach. We have seen how the realizable solving the smoothing equations. more interest filter is important This filter is certainly than its use for this application. in of much Let us now discuss how we can use the smoothing equations to find an approximate realization c. of the realizable Realizable Filtering filter. for Non-linear Modulation Systems In this section we shall present approximate derivation realization a derivation of the optimum realizable is a modified version of that presented for an filter. Our by Detchmendy 17,33 and Shridar. eliminate 'In particular, the modifications some of the troublesome The fundamental and the realizable interval, time variable time variable whereas For the realizable between the interval involved. in the realizable interval continually estimator In the is the time within the fixed filter the important interval, which as the data are accumulated. filter we want the estimate at the end point of the as a function of the length of the interval. In order to make the transition variables, results. is the end -point time of the observation is not fixed but increases observation difference in their filter is the time variable smoother the important observation issues that we shall make between the two time we shall use the concept of "invariant However, before we do this, particular problem. 'We consider imbedding". let us motivate its us e for this a sample function of E(t) near the end point 236 of the observation that it vanishes interval at t = T r or near t = However, at t = Tf - ~ T, we have from Tf" From E q. 7. 12 we have Eq. 7. 10 (7. 13) Now, we shall examine the same problem functions from a slightly different trajectories same. viewpoint. for ~(t) and .e.(t) over the interval way that these trajectories shortened with the same sample interval. However, [ To' Tf- L\T]. solve a second problem For this problem the initial the We can defined over this conditions are the the endpoint time is now T - L\T, and .e.(Tf-L\T) f is equal to ~..!l. as defined in Eq. 7. 13 instead We can produce the same trajectory chosen non-zero Let us consider boundary of being identically by considering zero. an appropriately condition for .e.(Tf-L\T). This leads us to the following hypothetical we imbed our smoothing problem in a larger class que stion. of problems If with the boundary condition (7. 14) for Eq. 7. 10, how does the solution of Eq. 7.9 at T depend upon f changes in T and!l? f This question is answered by the invariant 237 imbedding equation, which is a partial differential equation for the solution ofEq. 7.9 at Tf as a function of T and!l. f 17 First, we shall sketch its derivation. Let us consider the solutions to Eqs. we impose the final bundary condition specified shall denote these solutions introduced arguments by Eq. 7. 14. by ~(t, Tf,,,) and p(t, Tf<~l). T f and!l. to emphasize dependent upon these parameters. assuming 7.9 and 7.10 when Il to be an independent We We have that these solutions are We also point out that we are variable. We have A = x(t) ) (7.15) (7.16) We define (7.17) We note (7.18) For future convenience let us also define the function r by 238 (7. 19) and the function A by = (7. 20) which is the desired realizable determine a partial differential variables Tf and .!l. • Let us examine illustrated in Fig. 7.1. filter estimate at T r We shall now equation for ~(Tf' !]) in terms the solutions We have from of the ~(t,Tf,T}) and E{t, Tf,T}) as Eq. 7.10 AT= t -- T f A 1") - A{~(Tf' n ),n ' T f)AT = 11- A1") (7.21) 239 t~ x(t, T r- T -6T f '!V T f T t ~ E(t, T vs , t Tf-llT ,!l-) vs , ~ Fig. 7. 1 Diagram for Invariant Imbedding Argument T f 240 Now, we can interpret second problem [T 0' !.(T - AT, T , 21) as being the solution f f prod ucing the same trajectory to a ove r the interval T f- AT] with the boundar-y condition !l - A.:l' i. e. , (7. 22) We also have (7. 23) Combining Eqs. 7. 22 and 7. 23, we find (7. 24) We also can expand s(T ,,.,) in a two dimensional f Taylor series. Doing this, i(Tf-AT,,.,-A!l)=~(Tf'.:l) we obtain - ai(Tf'''') aT f AT - a ~ (T f'.:l) 8.:l A.:l (7. 25) ):< We interpret a~ (Tf,.:l) /a.:l as in Eq. 7. 5. 241 However, as given by Eq. 7.21, we have constrained D.! be (7. 26) Substituting Eq. 7.26 in Eq. 7. 25, equating the result dividing by D.T we obtain the desired invariant to Eq. 7. 24 and imbedding equation (7. 27) This equation relates the value of the solution to Eq. 7.9 at t changes in Tf and 11, the end point time of the interval boundary condition for Eq. 7. 10 at t x(Tf) vs Tf" = Tr by Eq. 7. 18 to find the realizable equation that will generate differential solution would require true; however, are interested *We point its solution estimate * Let us see if we can find a set of ordinary a partial T to f and the We now want to solve Eq. 7. 27 and evaluate at !l = 0 as prescribed = the solution to Eq. 7. 27. equation; therefore, in the solution at !l. = This equation is we would expect that its an infinite set of equations. let us try a finite order differential In general, approximation. this is Since we 0, let us use a power series out that we have made an expansion in terms of D.T. Since there is currently some controversy regarding the significance of the terms in the exqansion, we are certainly involved in this issue with our approach. 0 242 expansion in ll. We shall try a solution of the form (7. 28) Eq. 7.28 implies that we shall consider explicitly only terms linear in!l.. Let us substitute Eqs. our trial solution into Eq. 7. 27. 7. 17 and 7. 18 and expanding terms terms to first Using order we obtain 2 of O( 1111 ) F(Tf:{~(Tf) + P"l(Tf)n] + G(Tf)QG T(Tf) + terms 2 of O( 1111 ) (7. 29) Now we combine terms of the same order in 11. We find 243 - F{TflP 1 (T fl - G{Tf)Q GT{ Tfl) n + terms of O{ I~ 121 = 0 (7. 30) .!l gives us a first order Demanding a solution for arbitrary approximation to the realizable filter. of each power of .!l must vanish. " d!.( T f) A dT f = F{Tfl:£{T fl + PI {TflC For arbitrary Il the coefficients We find T ~ -1 "" {:£{Tf}, Tfl R {Tfl (E.{Tfl - ~(:£{Tf), T fl) (7. 31) To complete the solution we need to specify some initial conditions for Eqs. 7.32 and 7.23. To do this we set T f = To in Eq. 7.28. We have ,n) -~(T o..:.J. I = .!l=Q since we have assumed 1\ -x( T 0) = (7. 33) 0 ) ' zero a priori means. We also have that Eq. 7. 28 must satisfy the condition of Eq. 7. 11. This implies , 244 ~; P1{T o) = P 0 (This also requires " (7.34) that the initial condition for the coefficients in any higher order expansi on must be zer o. ) Several comments 1. order are in order. Although we have not made an issue about terms AT in our expansion, we have derived the same approximation as found by Snyder who approximated Fakker-Planck If the observation through 7. 34 are identical This is certainly easy to show that a first the invariant method is linear, to those describing to be expected. order Equations 7. 31 the Kalman-Bucy For the linear case, it is expansion yields an exact solution to imbedding equation. 3. therefore, the solution to an a posteriori equation. 10 2. filter. of P l{Tf) is conditioned upon the received it cannot be computed a priori also point out that we have no reason P1{Tf) to a conditional covariance signal; as in the linear case. We from this method to equate matrix. However, in Snyder's approach one can make this identification. 4. approximations, In general, Finally, if we want to consider higher we should observe the higher order terms with the estimate order how P1{T ) couples to the estimate. f will couple both ways also, and with the other terms. In addition, the number of elements in the higher order approximations large, on the order of (NF)n where NF is the state vector ~ dimension and n is the approximation order. 1. e. , are going to be 245 D. Summary In this chapter smoothing and realizable We started we have briefly filtering with an integral outlined an approach for non-linear equation that specified condition for the optimal smoothed estimate. how some of the techniques which we developed could be extended to reduce this integral linear differential This reduction differential was an exact procedure; equations is equivalent issue for our problem; of solving them. realizable in Chapter II equation to a pair of nonestimate. solving the specified equations. the smoother we were still faced with the One of the methods suggested employed the filter. of solution for the realizable imbedding. derive a partial in addition to the general filter, we introduced differential equation for the realizable an approach therefore, desirability the concept of This concept used the smoother This equation was difficult to implement; structure filter to estimate. we introduced which allowed us to find an appr oxima te solution which could be implemented structure earlier to solving the integral however, With this motivation invariant We then demonstrated therefore, equations systems. a necessary equations for the optimal smoothed These differential structure modulation to conveniently. followed directly. Using this approach, the filter 246 CHAPTE R VIII STATE VARIABLE ESTIMATION IN A DISTRIBUTED ENVIRONMENT In the application munication problems, example, of state variable the issue of delay arises In these problems, the delay enters time of the signals between elements difficulties linear operation, arise. processes, data processing. of the finite propagation the issue of delay into our Although delay is cer tain Iy a there does not exist a way of r ep reaenting the methods that we introduced For in the array. When we try to incorporate several in array because to com- quite naturally. since these methods are well adapted tovector they appear to be well suited for problems model, techniques in Chapter II. it ~ith If we examine the iss ue of delay more close ly, we can see why this is true. A delay operation temporal across aspects, an array, involves spatial as well as whether it is caused by a wavefront propagating or a signal passing through a delay, We must recognize the mode 1 introduced or transmission. that this type of opera tion is created me chanism that is distributed variable, inherently across a spatial by a environment. Since in Chapter II involved only a single time we should not expect that they would be able to handle this situation where there is both a time and spatial variable. 24:l In this chapter we shall extend our state variable techniques so that we can handle a certain class of problems that involve a distributed arises in array environment. This c las s of problems data processing. context of incorporating are directly We shall discuss our approach in the a delay operation; extendable to other distributed medium may have several and/or lossy. quite often however, the methods environments spatial coordinates, where the be nonhomogeneous As we shall see, even the simple delay mechanism causes a fair amount of difficulty. Our approach here is also going to be different. we worked with integral them to differential the differential by a variational In this chapter, equations directly enough general interest A State Variable we are going to derive that the processes the a posteriori density This does not mean that we cannot methods, theory to this problem. by assuming and then maximizing approach. extend our previous A. equations and used our methods to reduce equations. involved are Gaussian Previously, e. g., the Fredholm integral We have done this; however, equation it is not of to develop it here for this single problem. Model for Observation in a Distributed Environment In this section we shall extend the concepts for the generation incorporate of random processes the distributed of Chapter II so that we can aspects of the delay operation. is to find a set of state and observation signals of the form Our goal equations to represent 248 m ~(t) = a 0 ~Jt) + L. a 1~(t - T i) , 0:5 T 1 := T 2:= •.• := T m 1=1 (8. 1) where s(t) is a signal process previously feature discussed. generated by the methods we have (We shall allow vector does not require any additional observations; modifications Let us assume that we have generated according to these methods. observation This implies equation describing this to the theory) a signal ~(t) that we have a state and its generation, To < t (state equation» ~(t) = This also implies ing the statistics process T o < t (observation C(t)~(t), equation). (8.2) (8. 3) that we have made the following assumptions regard- of the initial state x(T ) and the driving noise - 0 ~(t), (8. 4) E[~(t);! T( T)] For the purposes = Q 0(t-T) of the derivation assume that these are a Gaussian Gaussian random process (8. 5) in the next section, random ve ctor respectively. we shall also and a white We emphasize that the 249 result is not dependent upon this assumption, but more complex,derivation since an alternate, can be made without it by structuring the filter to be linear. As can easily be seen, by a set of ordinary differential one independent variable. variable techniques, as expressed the generation equations, However, equati on which describe s the dynamics differential variable This operation ordinary of the delay operation We need to introduce of the system differential equation; in terms of it is a partial z as well as a temporal z, + a~(t, z) az = of propagation (8. 6) 0 For this problem with pure delay, we have assumed a unity velocity with no loss of generality. It is easy to see how this equation describes of the delay oper-ation. general an which produces cannot be described equation with a spatial variable a ~(t, z) at terms with only if we want to use state in Eq. 8. 1 is not applicable. a finite dimensional or equations the functional des cription the de lay operation. of ~(t) is described Let us show how' we can represent of this equation and a boundary condition at z = o. the dynamics S(t-T.) in - 1 The solution to Eq. 8.6 is '1J(t, z) - = '1J (t-z) -0 (8. 7) ,,~ ~I" We should not confuse the vector rna trices us ed. w(t,z) with the earlier transition 250 -wo where is an arbitrary the boundary function to be determined. If we impose condition = ~(t), -W{t,z)I (B. B) z = 0 we find -W o{t) = r«. z) I = ~(t). = z (We could consider If we evaluate !(t, (B.9) 0 that Eq. B. B describes = z) at z the input to a delay line. ) Ti, or at the output of the delay line, we obtain -W{t,z) I .. - Z Consequently, = = T. 1 -w -0 (t-T.) = S{t-T.) . 1 we can rewrite - (B. 10) 1 Eq. B. 1 as m .l(t) = Q!os(t) + L i = Q!i'\l((t, T i) ) condition description by Eq. < t ) system B. 6 and whose input is described of Eq. B. B. (B. 11) 1 where -w{t, z) is the output of the dynamic described To Thus, we can eliminate of the delay that appears in Eq. whose operation by the boundary the functional B.l. is --_...---------~-~------=.;:== 251 We are now able to write a set of state and observation equations to represent the effect of a delay in our observation. We have the state equations dx(t} dt = F(t)~(t) + G(t)~(t), (8. 2) (repeated) T o ::: t , O:s z (8. 6) {repeated) We impose a boundary !(t,O) = s(t} = condition upon !(t, z) at z = 0, C(t)~(t} (8. 8) ( repeated) upon !(t, z). The observation equation becomes m ~(t) = O!oC(t)x(t) + L i = O!iC(t-Ti)~(t-Ti) = 1 m aos (t) + I: i = I As we can see, the delay operation important Eqs. enters the equation describing as a state point to be made regarding 8.2 and 8.6. (8. II) ai~(t,Ti) The state of Eq. equation. the dynamics However, the difference there of is an between 8.2 at a particular time can be 252 described by a set of numbers the state vector. To describe state of Eq. 8. 6, we must specify a set of functions One cannot determine of the variable In dealing with distributed media, of the state vector to a state function is intrinsic ide a of a system the to the state. The concept of the state of the delay operation the pr oblem of the assumptions initial state 'i"(T ,z), - z. the state of this equation at a future time without knowledge of these functions. extension the 0:5 0 Z :5 that it is a zero mean Gaussian leads us to that must be made regarding T m • For the present random process its we shall assume as a function of z with a covariance E['!r(T - 0 , z)'!r(T , s)] - 0 To complete shall assume o = K (z,s) 0 our assumptions :5 Z, S regarding that we observe .l(t) over the interval presence of an additive received signal !:.(t) is !:.(t) = .x(t) white Gaussian noise. ;5 T (8. 12a) m our model, To :5t ;5 The refore, + ~(t), where .l(t) is given by Eq. 8.9 and the covariance we Tf in the our (8. 13) of w(t) is (8. 14) 253 Before proceeding derive the receiver discuss structure to the next section whe re we shall for estimating how we could generalize propagation media. we introduced our model for other types of The key to this is recognizing to describe the delay operation equation which describes the dynamics It is, therefore, interest. appropriate equation 8.6 as a generalization At(t,z) + that the equati on is actually to consider of our model. media of modifying For example, the by the equation a!(t, z) az + B(t,z}!(t,z) Az(t,z) a state of the distributed dynamics of the medium may be described a~(t, z) -a-t- x(t}, let us briefly = 0, To<t, 0 < z (8. 15) where we impose the boundary condition of Eq. 8.9. obviously a generalization choosing the coefficient homogeneous and/or of the delay mechanism matri ces appropriate Eq. 8.15 is equation. By ly, one can mode I non- lossy media. We can also generalize gains at each element. Eq. 8.5 to include time varying In this case Eq. 8. 11 becomes m y(t} = a o(t)~(t) + > , a, i where !(t, z) = (t)w(t, T,), 1 - (8. 16) 1 1 is the solution to Eq. 8. 15. We have illustrated model, ~(t) is generated our model in Fig. by a system as described 8. 1. In this in Chapter II. It S ::s OM "0 - ===( ~ ~I;:: -.::; ~ H Q) S S 0 -S ~ ~ - 9-S 0 Q) H $:l OM $:l $:l ~" ~ ~ U -- .::; 0 ro r-I OM $:l Q) H 0 OM 1tl ro c, 0 H P-4 ~ 001 -~ XI -l.-o-"'t }oJ C) r-l - ~ 0 f:-i b.O 0 Q) r-I Q) "0 ~ ~ 0 ~ $:l' 0 OM 1tl H :> Q) CI.l 0 ,.Q r-I Q) 0 "0 $:l ~ 0 OM H ~ ro Q) $:l Q) 0 $:l ro r-I b.O OM sa 254 ~ ~ -- r-I Q) 0 "0 $:l ~ 0 1tl OM H :> Q) CI.l 0 ,.Q S Q) ~ 00 ~ in Q) "0 ~ ::s H ,.Q OM 00 ~ 0 OM ro . r-l CO b.O ~ OM 255 . co 256 passes through a propagation, may be described by Eq. 8. 15. a distributed, The signal is then spatially at various points in the medium and linearly Eq. 8. 16. The resulting combined according to We can generalize by allowing different propagation we would have a separate sampled signal then has white noise added to it before being observed at the receiver. even further medium whose dynamics paths. medium description the model In this case, for each path. The model assumed allows a large degree of flexibility. In some respects assumptions too much, since it requires regarding the medium, us to make detailed which in turn makes the receiver quite detailed and difficult to implement. However, if one is faced with a problem which does have this type of problem entering in its observation aspects process, of the problem. one must somehow incorporate the spatial We feel that our approach is a reasonable attempt at doing this. B. State Variable Estimation in the Presence of Pure Delay In this section we shall derive the equations that specify the optimal smoother when pure delay enters into the observation method. difference We shall find that these equations are a set of differentialequations that specify the desired estimate implicitly as and observation of part of their solution. We shall assume that the generation the received signal may be described previous section. by Eqs. 8.1 - 8.14 of the Our approach to deriving the smoothe r structure different than that used in Chapter VI. We shall use a variational approach to maximizing density. an a posteriori In maximizing this is 257 density we shall need to introduce the constraints among the different that since the delay operation a state equation, Lagrangian variables. is introduced we shall be required multipliers to incorporate We should also note as a dynamic system to estimate with its state also. Let us proceed with our derivation. Since the processes it is straightforward involved were assumed to show that the joint a posteriori to be Gaussian, density for ~(t) and !(t, z) has the form where k is a constant and the functional J is given by T J(!.(T 0)' !!.(t) ,!(T 0' z)) = iII !. (T 0) II f r: + i Sll~(t) T II Q -1 dt o +.!.2 (8.18) * IlxiiA ~ = xAx 258 We note that x(t) is related to x(T ) and u(t) by Eqs. - specified by Eqs. arguments - 8.6 and 8.8, 0 - uniquely determine 0 - - 0 ~(t) and ~t, z). just as well minimize - 0 However, to perform between the different - - varying Lagnngian multiplier functional this minimization x(t) to u(t) and x(T). - this density, J as a function of the variables porate the constraints need to relate The ,z) since these variables It is easy to see that to maximize '1r(T ,z). - and y(t) is given by Eq. 8.11. for J are x(T ), v(t) and'1r(T - 8. 2, '1I(t, z) is J an identically 0 ~(T 0)' !!(t) and we need to incor- variables. First, we We can'ao this by using a timeA .e.(t) for Eq. zero term we could L o 8.2. We shall add to the of the form Tf Lo = dx(t) S T PT(t) ( at (8.19) - F(t)~(t) - G(t)u(t) ) dt o It will be useful to integrate the first term by parts. Doing this, we have ~f J T ( dpT(t) -dt ~(t) dt (8. 20) o To incorporate to introduce ) + .ET(t) F(t)~(t) + .ET(t)G(t)u(t) a Lagrangian each of the delay operations multiplier lJ. S(t-T.) need - 1 .(t, z) which is a function of -1 259 both space and time. operation The state equation describing is given by Eq. 8. 6. L. which are all identically Consequently, we add to J in terms zero 1 a~t, z) at ( + a!{t, z) ) . az dt dz , 1 We shall also need to have this term integrated with respect the delay to both variables = 1, m, by parts. (8.21) Doing this t and z , we obtain Tf Li = ~ (.I?{t, T/~(t, Til - ~ T{t, 0) C{t)x{tl ) dt T ·0 T. 1 + S (~T{Tf,Z)i]({Tf'Z) - ~T{To'Zl!{To'ZrZ To al:!: T{t, z) ) 8z where we have substituted !(t,z)dtdz, i = C(t)x(t) for w(t, 0) according We add Lo and Li as given by Eq. 8.20 and then we substitute the expressions Eq. 8.9 and Eq. 8. 3. Doing this, we find, I,m, (8.22) to Eq. 8.8. and Eq. 8. 22, for .l(t) and ~(t) as given by 260 T f J(x(T ),u(t), w(T -0- ,z)) 0 = 1 -2 Ilx(T 1+ 2 ) II -op- 1 -1 dt + m iJ{T(T ,z)Q -2 Q T 5 J-(" 1 m II TO o T r Ilu(t) j o 0 (z,!:,)iJ{(T ,!:,)d!:, dz 0 - 0 0 + PT(Tf)?£(T f) - !?(T o)x(T 0) - ~ ( d.E.~(t) x(t)+.E.T(t)F(t)?£(t)+.E.T(t)G(t)~(t))dt To T m i = f S( 1 .t='f(t, Ti)~t, Ti) - .t='f(t, O)C(t)?£(t)) dt To T. 1 So (~ z)'Ir(Tf, Z) - ~ ~(T ~(Tf' -1 T f S To T. \J (8l: at 1 - -1 T 8~. i (t z) 0 r + T -~z (t,z) ,z)w(T 0 - ,Z)) 0 dz ) . !(t, z)dt dz (8. 23) 261 Let us now proceed minimize J. First, with our optimization we define ~(T optimum choice for minimizing x{T ) 0 = 1\ x{ T ) - /It,. E.{t) ~(T - Substituting 0 ,z) Eqs. 0 J. - 0 ,z) to be the Now we expand " = -~(T 8.24 0 +e J about these + e 0 0 ,z) (8. 24) 0 x (T ) - 0 (8.2S) ~(t) + eo~{T - through 0 ,z) + ~T(TolP~ 1 I) ~(Tol (8.26) into Eq. 8.26 T e - to i.e. , we let optimal estimates, - ~(t) and ~(T ), - procedure uT(tlQ -ll)!:!(tl o 1\ a.'lr{t, 1- T.)) T 1 m R -1(t)(-aoC{t)o~{t) ) - a.o'lr(t,T.))dt 1 - i '---' = 1 we find f S T 8.23, 1 X + 262 !( T f m i I= J::y(t, Ti)O!(t, 1 Ti) - J::Y(t, O)C(t)O~(t)) dt o T. 1 J I~ ~1 !(T , f z)oW(T , z) - f1~(T - f -1 ,z)o'lf(T 0 - J ,Z~dZ 0 o + termsof 0 (e) 2 (8. 27) Now let us combine the common variations. J(x(T -0- ), u(t), w(T -0 ,z)) = 1\ J(x(T We obtai n A ), '"u(t), \]"[(T ,z)) -0--0 + 263 T dp (t) ~T \~ (t)Q!oC(t) - -dt m ~ T - P (t)F(t) - T L""i . (t. O)C(t~c5X(t) i=l m -d T (t)a. + ~ ~(t, T.~O~(t, T.) dt + ~( L.. - 1 -1 1 1 i=l T m T m m J J ~_T(To' s )QO(S, z)ds - o o "~~T L -1 i = ~ J J( T. !J:.{(Tf• m z)c5"\V(Tf•z)dz Tf - o~(T l(T.-Z) 1 ,z)dz - T T. .~ 1-1 T o + terms ,Z)U 0 1 m 1 i~ 0 T a ~ :(t, z) a ~ . (t , ;: + -~z Z)) c5~(t, z)dt 0 o of O(e 2), (8. 28) where (8. 29) We shall now make a series variation of the functional to vanish. Lagrangian coefficient multiplier First, functions satisfy of some of the variations then argue that the coefficients of arguments we shall require equations vanishes to cause the of the remaining that the such that the identically. variations e We shall must dz 264 vanish because First, Lagrangian it satisfy " /\ of !(T 0), u(t), and of the optimality we shall impose multiplier restrictions for the state Eq. the differential 8.2. !< To' z). upon E(t) , the We shall require that equation m CT (t) (a~ (t) +. L .!.: 0)) , i(t , 1 = T 0 ==t .s T r: 1 (8. 30) In addition, we shall impose the boundary condition (8. 31) Next, we shall restrict delays the Lagrangian multipliers for each of the We shall require T.. 1 alJ..(t, z) -1 at alJ..(t,z) + -1 T. , 1 az i = 1, m (8.32) We note that these equations lJ..(t,z) = lJ. ,(t-z), -1 -0. 11 can be solved functionally, T 0 ==t ==T , 0< z < f where lJ. (t) is a function yet to be determined. q-. ' T., 1 i = 1, m In addition, (8.33) we 1 shall impose both shall require temporal and spatial boundary conditions. We 265 = ~ .( T , z) f a. -1 o :s z :s T., 0, (8. 34) 1 or from Eq. 8. 33 (8.35) b. ~.(t,T.) -1 1 = T o :st:STf a.d(t), 1- (8.36) ) or from Eq. 8.33 (8. 37) We can interpret each of these conditions developed earlier. specifies a terminal parallel in terms Eq. 8.34 is the parallel state. to the one imposed If we substitute Eq. of results to Eq. 8. 36 is a spatial 8.31 in that it boundary upon 'It(t, 0) as specified Eqs. 8.30, 8.31, 8.32, we condition by Eq. 8. 8. 8.34 and 8.36 in Eq. 8. 28 J(x(T ), u(t), 'It(T -0--0 1\ ,,1\ ,z)) = J(x(T ),u(t), 'It(T -0--0 T E ((~T(To)p~l ,z) + f -I?(To))O.!(To) + I.(~T(t)Q-l_pT(t)G(t)o~(t) o (continued) 266 T T j Jm o o I ~T(To,!:.)Qo(!:.,Z)d!:.- f1[(T ,z)U_1(Ti-Z) o i c5w(To,z). =1 (8. 38) If we examine they are the control ,.. the variations parameters. in the above we see that Consequently, we can argue that in A A order for x( T ), u(t) and '1r(T ,z) to be optimum, - 0 must vanish. - their 0 coefficients We have then 1\ x(T ) = P - - 0 P (T ) 0 - (8.39) 0 (8. 40) T ill i 2:-= jJ..(T ,z)u -1 0 - l(T.-z) 1 1 = m Jo A Q (z,s)'1r(T o - 0 ,s)ds, (8. 41) Eq. 8. 40 allows us to eliminate equation for ~(t). 1\ ~(t) in the differential We obtain (8. 42) 267 Eqs. 8.39 and 8.41 specify state of the system. Eq. 8.41 presents integral equation form. integral equation to a differential conditions a problem upon the since it is in an Quite often we shall be able to reduce those we have previously that the initial initial discussed. state estimate a worst case situation. equation by techniques similar It may be realistic is spatially white. this to to assume This is certainly In thi s case we have o :5 Z, S :5 T (8. 43) m for which E q. 8. 41 becomes m fJ. .(T ,z)u -1 0 - l(T. -z) This completes by minimizing 1 K -1 0 I\, (z)'1r(T, z), - our derivation the functional for this structure. = J. 0 O:5z:5 T m of the estimator Let us now summarize (8. 44) structure our results We have for To::=:t :5 T f (all the equations are repeated). A dx(t) ~t = F(t)~(t) + G(t)Q GT(t)E(t) (8. 42) 1\ a~(t, z) at = O::=:Z:5T m (8. 6) 268 (8. 30) ajJ..(t, z) -1 o at :S Z :S i T., 1 = 1, m, (8.32) where m = d(t) - The temporal R-1(t)(r(t) - a C1(t)x(t) boundary condition - P p( T ) 0 CF'- = 0 - - "" L Q!.iIt.(t,T.~ 1-1 17 i = 1 (8. 29) are 1\ x( T ), - (8.39) 0 m i I= jJ..(T -1 ,z)u 0 - I(T.-z) 1 /\ = K 0-1(z)'!r(T, - 0 z), O:S z :S T , m (8.44) 1 (8. 31) jJ. .( -1 The spatial T , z) f = 0, boundary o < z < T.,1 conditions are i = 1, ID. (8. 34) 269 /' = !(t,O) 1'\ C(t)!.(t), (8. 8) J-L.(t,T.) = Q!.d(t), -1 1 If we compare variable (8.36) 1- these equations to those for the case of ordinary equations, we can see that these equations state are a logical extension to them. In the above representation, we used the partial A differential concerned equations to specify w(t, z) and the J.L .(t, z}. - -1 with a pure delay operations, differential we can solve these partial equations and convert the above representation of differential-difference equations. arbitrary this representation delay spacing, due to the various time intervals In the general involved. which to work. Let us illustrate - Estimator Structure We shall consider 0 = 0 T f = T > 4~T T 1 = ~T T Z = Z~T T to a set case of can be rather However, equally spaced delays we can obtain a structure Example! When we are complex in the case of which is easier this with an example. for Two Equal Delays the case when m = Z, and (8.37 a-d) 270 This model would correspond shall allow the system to a three element for the generation receiver. We of ~(t) to have an arbitrary state description. To convert our receiver to a differential-difference equation form we need to solve the equations We have done this in Eqs. .t=i(t, z}, to determine ~(t) over the interval r- for !(t, 8.10 and 8.33. [0, T]. z) and First, To do this, we want we need 1\ !(t, z). We have w (t-z) = -0 1\ !(t, z) A C(t-z)x(t-z) - 0 est - z < T = A !(O, z-t) -2D.T<t-z<0 (8. 38) The re for e, we obtain d(t) = R -1 ,... '" 1\ (t)[!:.(t)-Q!oC(t)~(t)-Q!IC(t-D.T)x(t-D.T)-Q!2W(O, 2D.T-t)], D.T:::ts 2D.T, ~D.TstsT. Now we need to find the functions J..L -0. (t). 1 we have From Eqs. (8.39) 8.35 and 8.37 271 J-L o T - DoTst sT, = (t) 1 1:0 (t) z t ST - DoT; {::~{t+At), -DoT s Ol T - 2D.TSt S T , = { - 2D.T:St Q!l£!. (t+lDo T), T - lDoT. We are now able to write the estimation ,,/\ in terms of ~(t), E(t) and 'l!(O, z}. throughout (8.40a) The equation (8.40b) equations solely 1\ for ~(t) is the same the interval A d~(t) T A -at = .F(t)!Jt) By substituting Eqs. + G(t)Q G (t)E(t), o:s (8. 41) t:S T 8.39 and 8.40 for d(t) and fJ. .(t, 0) respectively, we find for the different - -1 time intervals + (l2R -1 (t+2 A)[!:{t+2AT) -(loC{t+2AT)~{t+2AT) -(l 1C{t+AT)~{t+AT) -azC{t)k6;) ) o S t S Dot 272 +(11 R az -1 [ 1\ 1\ /\] (t+D.t) .!'(t+AT) -(10 C(t+AT)~(t+D.T) -(11 C(t)~(t) -azC(t-AT)~(t-D.T) R -1 (t+ ?t..T)[ Eo( t+ Zt..T)- a0C( t+ Zt..T)g( t+ Zt..T)- a1C(tMT)~ D.T C T(t) (aOR -1(t)[ r(t)- (11R -1(t+D.T)[£(t+D.T) + azR <t< (t+t..T) -az C(t )g( t) " 2D.T, (8. 42c) ao C(t)~(t)-a1C(t-t..T)X(t-t..T)-azC(t~zt..T)x(t- ZtIT) -(1oC(t+D.T)~(t+D.T) -(11C(t)~(t) -azC(t)D.T}~(t-D.T)] -1 (t+Zt..T)[.E<t+Zt..T)-a 0 C(t+ ze..T)~(t+Zt..T) .,a C(tMT)Q(t+t..T)-azC(t)~(t) 1 2D.T <t <T - 2D.T (8. 42d) (cantin ued) l) 273 (aOR C T (t) -1 (t)[ :r.(t) -aoC(t)~(t) -a1 C(t-b.T)~~ T -em -a2C(t- 2t>.T)1t-2b.T)] a1 R -1(t+b.T)[ £(t) - aoC(t+b.T)~(t+b.T) - a1C(t)~(t) - O!z C( t-b.T)~'<t-b.T)] ) T - 2.6.T -F (t)p(t) - The boundary conditions p(O) 0- p(T) K-1(t)'lt(O, o - (8. 42d) - T - .6.T P - .6.T. T dE(t) -- dt = <t <T <t < (8. 42e) T. are 1\ = x(O) (8. 43) - =Q (8. ~4) t) = O2R -1 (2.6.T-t) [ £,(2.6.T-t) -02 C(2.6.T-t)x( ~ 2D.T-t) o A -al C(.6.T-t)x(.6.T-t) ::= t ::= AT, -02 'It( 0, t)] (8. 45a) , 274 (8. 45b) AT == t == 2AT. Eqs. 8.41 through 8.45 specify our receiver understatement structure. It would be an to say it is simply complex. The major difficulty encountered i. e., equations both delayed and retarted, ~(t+AT) all can enter the same equation. '" is that 2£(t) enters the ~(t), ~(t- AT), and Unfortunately the mathematical theory for solving this type of equation has not been developed very extensively, if at all. Therefore, we shall suggest two possible approaches. First, orie can approximate the de lay operation by some ,- finite Pade approximation. The order would of course be dependent on how large the delay is compared process receiver, involved. correlation A second approach and then designing to ~(t-AT), X(t+AT) and ~(t+2AT), and the corresponding the dimension will impose a severe solution algorithms the the receiver. is to augment the state vector function "E.(t-2AT), A E.(t-AT), A E.(t+AT) and "p(t+AT). increases time of the We should point out that we are approximating not the environment include ~(t-2AT), tothe of the system computational this involved quite quickly which demand. is one of the issues Obviously, Finding efficient for our future research. 275 c. Discussion of Estimation for Distributed To conclude this chapter comments on the status of estimation Systems we shall make some general theory for distributed As we have done in many parts of this thesis we have borrowed heavily from optimal control theory methods. concerning the optimal control for distributed advanced than it currently relationship is for estimation systems theory. between the two we shall briefly more pertinent systems Because of the in the area of optimal control theory studied approximation of articles , In these articles maximal (or minimal) principle procedures by they developed a for such systems. They have also by· the use of truncating an expansion series. From the aspect of applications to a particular all their studie s have been conce rned with the heat, equation. if far more mention some of the was done in a series 35 38 Butkovskii and Lerner. - orthonormal The research work that has been done in this are a. The initial research for distributed syste m.s .. This particular all the studies control literature. systems This is perhaps which is of the parabolic which have appeared unfortunate a dynamic system. usually of the hyperbolic type, and they are, . in almost in the since this equation, type, is not representative which commonly describe to propagation or diffusion, equation has been investigated of distributed system, of those These equations in particular" are. related phenomena. 34, 39 Since Butkovskii's in the area. Most notable programming principles . 1S work several Wang. people have made studies 40 41 ' He has e mp loy.ed dynamic to the control problem. This gives a 276 functional equation which the optimal process formulated the concepts distributed systems. of observability In his examples to expansion techniques satisfie s , He has also and controllability (the heat equation) he resorts in order to determine the solution. studies are probably the most concise formulation which arise in~distributed. systems for Wangts of the concepts which has appeared to date. Sakawa 42 has also studied the optimal control of a system described by the heat equation. output relationship He exploits for such a system Again expansion techniques Other investigators 43-45 Murray. the fact that the input- can be analytically determined. are used to actually find a solution. in this area include Goods on, Pie rre, Recently, the realizable filter structure and for the problem that we studied in the last section was obtained by extending the Kalman-Bucy particular, approach. Many of the same issues equation the results spatial variables We could derive the realizable which further filter employed; In array processing however, complicates considered the realizable conjunction with the solution of the interval disadvantage In the classical filter the issue. in Chapter VI. here remains whereas theory, estimation error . equations. approach is performance one does exist for the classical however, the system to is not usually of the state variable that a method to dete rrnine the mean square not been determined, equations. we have seen that it is very useful in A current in is a function of two from the smoother Whether we can do this for the problem be seen. enter, delayed and advanced differential-difference In addition the variance essentially 46 is limited to be has theory. 277 stationary and of infinite time. techniques must be used because involved. A state variable computationally transient easier In addition, numerical of the non-rationality approach to this problem of the problem. theory for this problem. find a second, in terms obtain an approximate concept tothe correlations We can employ these results and eigenfunctions of them. structure. '.. may be an appreciable simpler ,Furthermore, using this method. to If we actually involved we can expand By truncating our receiver analysis. that we could derive a this expansion we can (This is similar approach Of Butkovskti and Lerner. derived in last section. performance This would allow or modal, approach to this problem. compute the eigenvalues our receiver may possibly be how much we lose by using an asymptotic We mentioned in the introduction Fredholm of the spectra and at the same time allow one to study the or time varying aspects us to determine integration 35- 38 structure )A bank of than that we can calculate the in 278 CHAPTER IX SUMMARY We have presented use of state variable techniques an extensive for solving Fredholm equations and the application of the resulting in optimal communications. The material developed the solution techniques while the remaining Chapters the theory to solve various In Chapter random processes were particularly with systems of the state vector Kx(t,'t). a pair of differential conditions. 2-4 equations, aspects of theory problems. the concepts of generating described by state variables. in the properties specified We of the covariance By using these properties able to reduce the linear operator integral in Chapters 5-8 exploited various communication ot the theory to problems for the integral 2 we introduced interested discussion we were by this covariance equations with an associated to set of boundary These equations were the key to many of our derivations. In Chapter 3 we applied these concepts and results solving homogeneous Fredholm reduced the integral integral equations. equation to a homogeneous equations with imposed boundary conditions. We to first set of differential The coefficients for 279 these equations and the boundary conditions were determined directly in terms of the kernel of the state matrices of the integral matrix associated that describe equation. We then used the transition with these equations to find a transcendental function whose roots specified the eigenvalues. values, matrix. the etgenfuncti.ons follow directly Finally, the eigenvalues the generation Given these eigen- from the same transition we used the same transition to find the Fredholm matrix that specified determinant. As a result, we had that the only function that needed to be calculated in order to find the eigenvalues, determinant eigenfunctions function was the transition In Chapter matrix. 4 we again used the results to reduce the nonhomogeneous set of nonhomogeneous conditions. Fredholm differential The coefficients differential the generation equations integral of Chapter 2 equation to a equations with a set of boundary of the differential boundary conditions were again directly which describe and the Fredholm equations related of the kernel. and boundary conditions and to the state matrices We noted that the derived were the same as those that specify the optimal smoother structure. Then we exploited the methods that have been developed in the literature for solving the smoother integral equation. equations so as to solve the nonhomogeneous We were also careful to note the applicability of each method that we introduced. Chapter 5 considered a problem in optimal signal 280 design. One of the more important applications integral equation occurs in the communication a known signal in additive colored noise. Chapter 4 as describing problem of detecting We viewed the results a dynamic system which related ating signal in the optimal receiver then used Pontryagin's of the nonhomogeneous Principle to the transmitted signal energy and its bandwidth are constrained. necessary conditions we devised an algorithm signals and their resulting performance first and second order spectrums. examples 1 the algorithm interesting equation results We then found the differential on a unified with a delay. equation. structure and the filter realizable Chapter 2 so as to treat nonlinear we reduced an integral for 'the equations for the realizable from the smoothing equations. methods for calculating We used from Chapter 4 and We presented the covariance of error of the with delay. In Chapter 7 we extended the results results features. realizable those from Chapter 2 to derive the state variable smoother when both the to design optimal Our starting point was the finite time Wiener-Hopf several different conditions In the course of doing these approach to optimal smoothing and filtering with delay filter directly We By using the Chapter 6 was an extensive presenation smoother. signal. when the channel noise had displayed several the nonhomogeneous integral the correl- to derive a set of necessary for the signal that optimizes the system performance of derived in modulation systems. equation that specifies Using these a necessary 281 condition for the smooth estimate and boundary condition for it. results to a set of differential Our derivation was exact, were equivalent to the original integral introduced the concept of invariant an approximate realization equations so the equation. We then imbedding in order to derive of the realizable filter from the nonlinear smoothing equations. In Chapter 8 we recognized enters our observation, that when pure delay we cannot describe sional state equation. Consequently, it with a finite dimen- we extended our concept of state to include function states in a space-time domain. this concept we were able to derive the smoother delayed observations. media; however, the case of pure delay was rather In the course of our discussion the structure even in summary of the results. we worked many examples Although the methods were certainly ally efficient when used properly, we emphasized to illustrate analytic- the numerical of our methods since this is where we think their application for complex. This completes the general aspects structure The methods we used were extendable to other types of distributed the methods derived. With major lies. We also indicated that the techniques quite often powerful enough to be either more complex problems. that we used were extended or applied to These problems suggest topics for further 282 research. We shall list them by chapters: 2-4. extending the results on solving the Fredholm integral equations when the kernel is generated by a nonlinear or dispersive system; 5 signal design for spread channels; solution algorithms for problems when hard constraints are imposed; 6 effective implementation 7 solving the smoothing equations for nonlinear modulation systems ;extension of invariant imbedding to treat filters realizable with delay; finding the relationship between the covariance of error and the invariant imbedding terms; 8 evaluation of the smoother performance; effective solution procedures for the smoother; the use of a modal or eigenfunction expansion for realizing the filter structure. In addition there are many direct of filters applications realizable with delay; of the theory we have already developed. Many of these are mentioned at the end of each of the respective chapters. 283 APPENDIX A DERIVATION OF THE PROPERTIES OF COVARIANCES FOR STATE VARIABLE RANDOM PROCESSES In this Appendix we shall sketch the derivation properties stated in Chapter II-B. as discussed 7. that !.(t) is generated in Chapter II-A. First, t > We assume of the we derive Eq. 2. 10. The state at time t is related the input utt ') over the interval Consider the case when to the state t> t ' > 7 at time 7 and by t ~(t) = !l(t,T)~(T) + J !lIt, t')G(t')~(t')dt' (A-I) 7 where 8(t, t ') is defined by Eq. 2. 11. !.T (T), and take expectations 8(t,7)K If we post-multiply A-I by we obtain x (7,T) + t S 7 !lIt, t I)G(t I)E[ ~(t l)~ T( T)] dt ' (A-2) 284 However, because of the Markov nature and x{ T) are independent over the range of integration. the second term of A-2 is zero, K (t , T) x = 9{t, T)K which is the first X of the state vector, y,{tY) Conse quentl.y, and we have (T, T), t > part of the desired second part of Eq. 2.10 is identical; We now derive Eq. 2.12. (A-3) T result. The derivation therefore, of the we omit it. We proceed by differentiating the definition of K (t , t) x d T K~(t,t) By substituting ~(t) T Lr -at ~ (t) the state equation, dt K (t , t) x d = E = + ~(t) dxT(t) dt J (A-4) we obtain F(t)K (t , t) + K (t , t)FT(t) x x (A-5) Since the last two terms only the sec ond te rm. are transpose s of each other, The state at time t in terms we consider of the initial state x(T ) and the input u(tJ) for T < t ' < t is given by - 0 0 t ~(t) = (lIt, To) ~ (To) + S To {lIt, t l)G(t ')~(t ')dt 1 (A-6) 285 Therefore, we have = E [~(t)~ T(t}] GT(t} {e(t, T }E[x(T o - }uT(t}] 0- + t J 9(t. t')G(t')E[ ~(t ').'?(t)] dt'}G (A-7) T (t) 'To that the first term is zero for t > T. o We assume becomes upon performing The second term the expectation t E[!.(t)~T(t)]GT(t) = 5 9(t,t')G(t')Q o(t'-t)dt'GT(t) (A-B) To The integral interval. is non-zero at only the endpoint of the integration We must assume that the limiting is symmetrical; the integration therefore, region. form of the delta function only one -half the "area" IntegrationEq. is included in A-B thus yields (A-9) Substituting desired this term plus its transpose into Eq. A-5 gives the result (A-9) The initial condition Kx (T , T ) must be specified. - 0 0 286 APPENDIX COMPLEX RANDOM PROCESS All of the waveforms signals. In many applications, considered, B GENERATION considered in the text were low pass e. g. the signal design problem it is useful to be able to extend these concepts case of bandpass waveforms. In this section that we to the we shall show' how we can do this by using the concept of a complex state variable. The use of complex notation for representing processe s and functions is we 11 known. random proces s that has a spectrum carrier w we can represent c y(t) = Y (t) cos(w t) = Yc (t) - J Y s (t) c esc For example, narrow band if y(t) is a which is narr ow band about a it in the form +Y (t) sin(w t) = jw t Re[y(t)e c] (B-la) where ,." y(t) . (B - 1b) Y (t) and y (t) are low pass processes. c stationarity s assumptions, Under the narrow band and one can show ( B-2a) 287 and ( B-2b) Both components have the same covariance, is an odd function. We can represent complex process and the cross There are two important yet) as sinusoidal y(t) , termed imaginary parts processes that have identical points to be made here. modulation of a low pass the complex envelope.The real and of yet), yc(t) and ys(t) respectively, This provides The use of complex state variables consider components. notation is applicable, However, a key to our analysis. is purely a notational It is obvious that all the problems may be solved by expanding the terms imaginary are random auto c ovar iance s , and a very particular form for their cross covariance. convenience. which one wants to into their real and for the problem where the complex this expansion is too general and it leads to a needlessly covariance cumbersome description a formulation of the processe s involved. If we are to describe notation, various by complex we want to have a convenient form for representing covariances enumerate of the components. them all individually, using the higher dimensioned notation for describing are two processes;~, Obviously, the if we have to we have not gained anything over representation. random processes the quadrature y (t) of a narrow band process, s random processes The complex is applicable components when there yc(t) and which have the same auto 288 covariances them. and the particular form for the cross covariance between We now want to show that we can find a state representation which generates a complex random process In addition we want to generalize non-stationary vector Random Process process Generation which satisfies our concepts Eq. B-2. so as to include the case. with Complex Notation In this section we shall develop the the ory needed to describe the generation of complex random proces ses. that we have the following state variable description Let us assume of a linear system d~(t) <:it = i(t) ,...,." ,.",." F(t)~(t) + G(t)~(t) = C (t)~(t)) (linear where all the coefficient describe statistics the generation (linear state equation) (B-3a) J obse rvation equation) matrices may be complex. (B-3b) In order to we shall make two assumptions of the driving noise ~(t) and the initial - regarding the state vector ~(T ). - 0 With these two ass umptions we shall deve lop the entire theory. Finally, we shall demonstrate that such representations be used as a convenience to describe band processes First, M ~(t). the complex envelope by showing that they yield results Eqs. B-1 and B-2 in the stationary let us consider The complex covariance can indeed consistent of narrow with case. the white noise driving function function for the proces s assuming zero 289 mean is (B-4) where we have used the notation (B-5) i .e., the conjugate transpose. covariance in terms K~t,T) U - Let us expand this complex of the quadrature components. + = E[ (u (t)- j (t))(u T( T) -e u -c -s Ku U (t,T) -c-c + Ku U (t,T) -s-s j u (T))] = -s + jKu u (t, T) - jK u (t, T) u-s-c -c-s 1'/ Q O(t-T) In order that the covariance representing components K the covariances #ttl (B-6) matrix and cross of ~(t), we shall require u u -c-c be a convenient method of covariances of the that 1 fJ (t,T) = K (t , T) = '2 Re[ Q] O(t-T), u u -s-s 1 N (t, T) = '2 Im ] Q] o(t- T). (t,T) = -K K u u u u -c-s -s-c (B-7a) (B-7b) = 290 The covariance matrices for the two components negative definite matrices, and the cross are identical covariance non- matrix is a ,J skew symmetric matrix. This implies matrix with a non-negative that Q(t) is a Hermitian definite real part. We also note that the conjugate operation of the complex covariance matrix, in the definition for under the above assumption we have (B-B) Quite often, one does not have correlation components of u(t) (1. e. , E[ u (t) u T(t)] = 0) since any correlation - -c -s - between the components of the state vector the coefficient F(t) and G(t). matrices non-negative definite symmetric assumptions we made, u c. may be represented In this case, matrix. Also, is uncorrelated Q(t) is a real s. for all i . 1 The next issue which we want to consider whatever In order that we be consistent assumptions is the initial with the concept of state, which we make regarding the initial time To' should be satisfied in note that under the with u 1 conditions. between the the state vector at an arbitrary at time t (t :::: To)· First, vector (we assume covariance we shall assume that x(T.) is a complex random - 1 zero mean for simplicity). matrix for this random vector is The complex 291 ,.J,.., P o I'J = K,.,(T ,T ) = x 0 0 E[x(T - + )5{ (T )] 0- 0 = (B-9) The assumptions covariance which we shall make about the of this random vector are 1 = "2 Re[ K xx -c-s Consequently, Hermitian (To' T , 0' = K xx -c-s Po] ) 11 with a non-negative (B-I0a) (B-I0b) (T . , T. ) the complex covariance matrix ,.I matrix of initial condition definite real part. is a We also note that under the above assumptions (B- 11) Let us now consider the covariance imply about of the state vector ~(t) and the obse rved signal ~(t) . Since we can relate state vector, what these assumptions the covariance we shall consider of ~(t) directly K (t,T) first. x to that of the 292 In the study of real state variable random processes one ,.,J can determine K",,(t,T) in terms Q associated function with the covariance N K~(T ,T ) of the initial x 0 0 operation. ,., ,., ~t, state vector, matrix ,., ,.., T) to Ki}{(t,t). is replaced The methods for determining to find K~(t, t) as the solution use the transition operation the linear - 0 The by a conjugate K~t, T) are first with the matrix K~t, t) satisfies ~ x(T ). w of a linear differential associated the noise for complex state variable s are exactly paralle 1. only change is that the transpose transpose of the excitation N u(t), and the covariance The results of the state equation matrices, x x equation and then F(t) to relate matrix differential equation ~ dK'"'(t , t) X dt ~, = .IV d - ~ F(t)K~(t, t) + ~(t, N+,'" - _I '"'+ t) F (t)+ G(t) Q G (t) (B-12) ,oJ where the initial condition IW(T ,T ) is given as part of the system x description, '" ~(t, ,.J K~(t, T) x x T) 0 0 is given by = T where 9(t, T) is the complex transition We also note for future reference that > matrix t , associated (B-13a) with F(t). 293 (B-13b) We can readily In order operation to do this, Q is Hermitian; initial conditions therefore, equation. ,., + AI + F(t)K ,., transpose x I"'! ~+I"+ + j'J x Since K''''(t,t) ~nd K-+(t,t) x (K"'(t, t) and K-(T, x x the same x ~ 0 - x - T ) is Hermitian Consequently, (B-14a) (t , t) + G(t)Q G (t) K"'(t, t) and K- (t , t) satisfy ~ they must be identical. the conjugate This yields = .i'JK'"x+(t, t)F~ + (t) linear differential for all t , x we simply perform upon Eq. B-12. dt show that K-(t, t) is Hermitian 0 have the same by assumption) complex covariance , matrix ,J K"'(t, t) is Hermitian for all t , We can also show that x (B-14b) for all t , In order to do this we note that this expectation the linear differential satisfies equation (15) Since Ql equals zero (Eq. B-8), the forcing term in this equation is zero. In addition, the homogene ous solution is zero for all t 294 (Eq. B-11). This proves the assertion. By using the above, we may prove that E[!(t)gr zero for all t and T. ( T)] equals To do this we note that 'jJ [,J ~T :G(t,T)E ?£(T)?£(T)]) T Since the expectations zero, the expectation covariance on the left equals zero for all of the initial vector - ~(t), which is related which we have made on interest directly with the state is the observed to the state vector by Eq. B-3b. simply state the properties by the 0 we are not concerned The vector 0 for all t :::T . - of a system. t and 'T. state vector ~(T ) are satisfied of the state vector ~t) Usually, (B-16) t , on the right side of the above equation are We note here that the assumptions the covariance > of the covariance signal, We can 1<- (t, T) since it is Y... related directly to the covariance of the state vector. This relation- ship is given by Kjt,T) "" w+ = #C(t)K""'(t,T)C (T) x Consequently, it is clear that ~,J(t, ,./ Y s. (B-1?) t) is Hermitian and that is zero. We are now in a p osi ti on to derive properties regarding the individual components some of the of the observed 295 signal. First, let us prove that the covariances ~s(t) are identical. We have 1 = 2' ,.., (B-18a) Re[ ~(t,T)] 1 ~ 2' Re[ Ki(t, Consequently, the covariances in a similar fashion. of both components covariance We have (B-18b) T)] half the real part of the complex covariance The cross of ~c(t) and are equal to one- matrix. between components may be found 296 E[;rc(t)~s( T)] = E { (~(t):i*(t)) ieT(T); i*T(T) ) } I = 1 -"2 By using Eqs. ~ (B-19) Im [K-(t, T)] Y.. B-IB and B-19, we have a convenient method for finding the auto- and cross-covariance imaginary components complex covariance convenience of the complex signal ~(t) in terms s. of working with just one covariance the covariances This is a major advantage Stationary This provides function K-(t, T). allows us to determine of the real and of the the notational matrix, of the individual yet it components. of our complex notation. Random Processes We now want to show that the assumptions lead to results which are consistent developed for stationary scalar which we made with those which have been random processes. By choosing w P -0 tobethe ,..., P o steady state solution to Eq. B-12, =t-+oo lim Le., tV K-(t, t), ~ (B-20) 297 ,J We can show that the covariance . Equivalently, state vector IV(At) Y.. K,J(t, T) is stationary. Y.. we could say that under this assumption ~(~), For stationary ,., matrix ~(t) is a segment random = processes of stationary for the initial random processes. we shall use the notation 1'\/ KJJ(t, Y.. (B-2l) t +At), i.e ., we shall use only one argument. Since we have already proven that the real components have the same covariance is certainly satisfied. cross (Eq. covariance Therefore, (Eq. B-l8), and imaginary then Eq. B-2a we need only to pr ove that the is an odd function. In general, we have B-l4), Re[ IV K,.J (At)] + j Im] "K,..,(At)] Y.. Y.. (B-22a) By equating the imaginary parts and substituting Eq. B-l9, we obtain -K (-At), (B -22b) ~sY..c which for the scalar conditions spectrum case is consistent are sufficient in the scalar with Eq. B- Zb. to show that Y..(t)has a real, case. These positive 298 Summary In this section we introduced complex random process complex state variable by exciting description discussed in terms description were required independent C(t). system the second order of a complex covariance how we could determine variable a linear a having a with a complex white noise. then showed how we could describe this process the idea of generating We statistics of function and then we this function from the state of the system. The only assumptions to make were on U'(t) and ~(T ). - .. 0 which we Our results of the form of the coefficient matrices F(t), were G(t), and Our methods were exactly paralle I to those for real state variables, and our results developed for describing notation. to those which have been narrow band processes We shall now consider of random processes two examples by complex to illustrate the type which we may generate. .!. Example The first (scalar) were similar case. example which we cons ide r is the firs t orde r The equations which describe this system are I"OJ d~(t) = -kx(t) + u(t) (state equation) , (B-23) (observation (B-24) and I"OJ y(t) = I"OJ x(t) The assumptions regarding t;(t) and "i(T ) are o equation) . 299 E[ u(t) u (T)1 = 2Re[ k] PO(t-T) ,..." jI'tIJ ~:( ,..." (B-25) and (B-26) Since we have a scalar addition, process, we have again assumed . Eq. B-12, zero means. "'" First, we shall find K (t, t). x which it satisfies In both P and P b must be real. The differential equation, is "'" dK""'(t, t) = _ kK''''''(t, x x dt t) - k':~K""'(t,t) x + 2Re[ k] P (B-27) The solution to this equation is t In order > T (B-28) o """ to find K (t,T), we need to find 9(t, T), the transition x for this system. ~(t, T) = This is easily matrix found to be "'" e -kl t-rr) By substituting Eqs . B-28 and B-29 into Eq. "'" (B-29) B-13, which is also K (t , T) for this partic ular example. y vre "'" find K"""(t,T) x Furthermore, we 300 find the auto- and cross -covariance applyting Eqs. B-lB and B-l9 of the individual components by respectively. Let us now consider the stationary cas e in more detail. In this case Po = P. (B-30) If we perform the indicated substitutions, we obtain fOol Pe -k zxt At ~ 0 At:S 0 = K~At) x This may be written (B-3l) as (B-32) By applying Eqs. K B-lB and B-l9 x x (L>.t) = Kx x (L>.t) = ~ e - Re[ c c K we find x x c s k] IL>.t Icos(Im[ k] L>.t) (B - 3 2a) s s (At) The spectrum = I P e - Re[ k] At I sin(Im[ k]~) 2 of the complex process follows easily (B-33b) as 3.01 = __ S""( w) x (w-Im[ The spectra in terms 2_R_e~[-=k]=.-P __ ----=k] ) 2 + Re[ k] 2 and cross spectra of xc(t) and xs(t) may easily be found of the even and odd parts From Eq. B-34, (B-34) of S:(w). x we see that in the stationary case, net effect of allowing a complex gain is that the spectrum has a fre quency shift equal to the imaginary part of the gain. band interpretation this would correspond about the carrier. In general, interpretation suggests In a narr ow to a mean Doppler shift we would not expect such a simple of the effect of a complex state representation. that we should consider second order system the This a second example where we have a and two feedback gains. Example ~ In this example we want to analyze In the steady state, it corresponds that the pole locations of one another. analysis with two poles. Again, we shall analyze the stationary informative Note -k1 and -k need not be complex conjugates 2 for the non- stationary especially to a system a second order system. case is straightforward, The state and observation case, the but is not eq uations for this system are (B -3 5) 302 and y(t) = [1:0] (B -3 6) The covariance of the driving noise is (B-37) From the steady state solution to Eq. ,B-1Z, we have ( jIm[ I I 1 , Re[k1 I ,..., p = p o k1 kz ] +kz] J ----------1-------------------------------------jIm [k)~z] ----- Re[ k 1+kz] : (Re(k lkz)Re[ k 1+kz] +Im(k1 kz)Im(kl +kz)) I ---------------- I Re[ 1 k 1+kz] (B-38) ,... Therefore, we have a stationary process In order to find the covariance transition matrix Laplace transform for the system. techniques. y(t) with power P. matrix we need to find the We do this by using matrix We find. 303 (B-39) If we substitute Eq. B-1?, ..... K ..... (~t) Y Eqs. B-38 and B-39 in Eq. B-13 and then use we obtain = (B-40) We now want to determine define two coefficients the spectrum S (w) from Eq. B-40. y Let us for convenience: Re[k ] l (B -41) Re[k 1+kl] k*+ l k1 • (B-4l) 304 After a fair amount of manipulation, sy (w) = we can compute S (w). y zp Re[AZ] Re[kz] Z ,.., z] Re [k ,.., z]) Z z]) + (w+Im[ k We have plotted this function for various ,.., ,.., kZ in Figure particular B-1 through B-4. The values figure are illustrated of k l on the figures i. e., the system In Figures of k 1 and for a Z by the pole location ,.., ~as a pole at -k 1 and -k . Z B-1 and B-Z we illustrate choosing the poles as complex conjugates spectrum (B-43) . values ,.., and k ,.., they produce, ) + Im[Az] (w+Im[k that by simply we can produce either very flat near w = 0 or is peaked with two which is either ..., symmetric generate lobes. If one wanted to use real state variables this spectrum, In this case, computation a fourth order system would be required. the complex notation has significantly reduced the required. Figure B-3 illustrates mean Doppler shifts. complex system. zero pattern exists is symmetric, produces For example, about w = l/Z. an interesting Let us draw the pole-zero If there notation effectively w= w . c to " a line w in Figure locations = wc about then in the stationary a spectrum observation for the which the pole- case the complex which is symmetric B- 3, the pole pattern We see that the spectrum about is symmetric about is symmetric about • 305 w = -1/2 als o. Consequently, we can use the complex notation to introd uce mean Dopp ler shifts of narrow band proce sses . Figure B -4 illustrates are not symmetric case. about any axis. that, we can obtain spectra This is a relative ly important In dealing with narrow band processes frequency about which the spectrum processes y (t) and y (t) are uncorrelated. c axis of symmetry correlated. that we can model narrow band processes spectra very conveniently then the component However, (or if the choice of carrier are definitely if one can find a is symmetric, s then the components which if there is no is not at our disposal) This example shows with non-symmetric with our complex state variable notation. 306 Fig. B-1 Spectrum for a Second Order Complex Process when Poles are Closely Spaced l' i j. t tt·ilt: ; t- t , ··1 1-+ 'I j + ~. -+ I;· ,.,.+ j + +- It HHU f I++i itt t ~+ t .r: ,1.t ~T"~-t""'j.j -2 -.1. o '3 307 .r Fig. B-2 Spectrum for a Second Order Complex Process when Poles are Widely Spaced 1- 1+ 1$ t -'-I. 3. -z .1.. o. U)~ 308 Fig. B-3 Spectrum for a Second Order Complex Process with a Mean Doppler Frequency Shift - z. _....... 0 1.. ~ ---t-::1>~ 1. 3 4 309 Fig. B-4 Spectrum for a Second Order Complex Process with Nonsymmetrical Pole Locations , " " "! ):,l~J ..... 1 It tt+ ' rL + -t-' 1ft 1+ ffl.· + Jij 8= j j~l' ltfl Hif fUll'~ w---- ...... 310 REFERENCES 1. R. Courant and D. Hilbert, Methods of Mathematical Vol. I, Interscience Publishers, New :"york, 1953. 2. W. V. Lovitt, Linear Integral New York, 1924. 3. H. L. Van Trees, Detection, Estimation and Modulation Theory, Part I, John Wiley arid Sons, New York, 1968. 4. C. W. Helstrom, Statistical Pe rgamon, London, 1960. 5. P. M. DeRusso, R. J, Roy, and C. M. Close, State Variables for Engineers, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1965. 6. M. Athans and P. L. Falb, New York, 1966. 7. L. Zadeh and C. Dosoer, New York, 1963. 8. R. E. Kalman and R. Bucy, "New Results in Linear Filtering and Prediction Theory, II A. S. M. E. 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's He has presented and the 1967 International Conference in the area of the application papers problems. KappaNu, Sigma Xi and IEEE. He is a member He is married and currently at the 1966 vyESCON on Communication of state variable munication two children, He received from M. 1. T. in 1965 and the Sc , D. degree in Fellow from 1963 to 1966. in Electrical from Wakefield techniques Technology to com- of the Tau Beta Pi, Eta to the former Carol Coleman, lives in Watertown, has Massachusetts. Trrr'PWrmrrr? Tn