Planning Issues for the Management of Mediterranean-Type Vegetation in Australia1 A. Malcolm Gill2 The classic Mediterranean climate features warm to hot dry summers and mild to cool wet winters. In Australia, this description excludes the northern half of the country because of its summer-rainfall emphasis and it excludes the interior because of its low-and erratic -1 rainfall of less than 250 cm yr . Areas included by the definition are the southwestern corner of Western Australia, the southeastern parts of South Australia and small parts of western Victoria. Abstract: Southeastern and southwestern Australia have quasi- and classical-Mediterranean climates respectively. Vegetation varies widely from forests to woodlands to shrublands. Attitudes to landscape have been important in allocating land use in these areas with a general contrast between what is "practical" and what is "picturesque". The allocation of land to nature conservation has risen dramatically since the 1960's and scientific survey has helped this process. Management of these reserves requires suitable frameworks of management and attention to the hazards posed by fires and exotics. Increased input of manpower and finance would be desirable. Two particular issues will be expanded below and both relate to vegetation management planning. The first is the allocation of land to particular uses, a problem that has challenged man since the beginning of european settlement. The second is the management of land once it has been reserved: in our case, this topic will be confined to non-agricultural land. ALLOCATION OF LAND USES Productive Uses or Non-productive Uses? The remainder of well-watered southern Australia may be designated as "quasiMediterranean". Here, summer rainfall may be greater than in classic-Mediterranean areas but because of high evaporation and the greater uncertainty of summer rainfalls, these areas may be regarded as having, in effect, a modified Mediterranean climate. By including both classic and quasi-Mediterranean regions of Australia, I have defined, for most part, the areas of most reliable annual rainfall (Leeper, 1970), the major agricultural regions of Australia (e.g. winter cereals Forster, 1970), the climate giving most human comfort (Hallsworth, 1976) and supporting the greatest population, the major hardwood timber areas of the continent, and the zone colonized by Mediterranean annuals (Donald, 1970). Also, these regions, with their summer fire occurrence, experience some of the fiercest forest fires in the world. The natural vegetation of both the classic and quasi-Mediterranean regions is very varied and includes forest, shrublands and woodlands. This heritage has been treated in the many ways open to people with tool kits ranging from fires to axes, saws, ploughs and bulldozers. The earliest european settlers of Australia found themselves in a landscape that was to them weird, grotesque and monotonous (Elliott, 1967). Their initial purpose was to feed and house themselves. Utility of the landscape was of prime concern; amenity was regarded as unimportant. There has been tension between these two views of landscape - amenity and utility - for most of the european history of Australia, and it is still a major issue (Lowenthal, 1976). Just what is meant by "amenity" and "utility" may have changed from time to time but their expression in the reservation of natural landscapes or allocation to the production of food and fiber, respectively, has not changed. Some people have contrasted the "picturesque" or "philosophical" with the "practical". The "practical" view involves economic values directly; the "philosophic" view involves aesthetic and spiritual values. More recently "conservation" has been seen as the wise use of land for particular purposes, whether these purposes be for agriculture, forestry or nature conservation (Downes, 1975). Such nomenclature plays down polarization and may assist in rational land-use planning. CSIRO Division of Plant Industry, P.O. Box 1600, Canberra City, A.C.T. 2601, Australia. Because Australia has been so economically dependent on agriculture, setting land apart for this purpose has been very prominent in the region under discussion. As technology advanced, pasturing on native grasses gave way to cropping and improved pasture. A Mediterranean annual, Trifolium subterranean, became a key element in pasture improvement while additions of superphosphate enhanced the fertility of some of the 546 Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-58. Berkeley, CA: Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; 1982. 1 Presented at the Symposium on Dynamics and Management of Mediterranean-type Ecosystems, June 22-26, 1981 San Diego, California. 2 most infertile soils in the world. At first little need was seen for the preservation of natural areas because there seemed to be so much land in this condition already. As land development became widespread, however, this position changed (Australian Academy of Science, 1965). Foresters, in particular, became worried and "many controversies occurred between the Lands Departments, anxious to provide more land for settlement, and the Forestry Departments wishing to preserve forests" (Wadham, Wilson and Wood, 1957). Land set aside for ecological reserves has traditionally been land of little value for agriculture or forestry and could therefore be reserved without economic loss (Slatyer, 1975). New discoveries have changed land of no previous value to agriculture to profitable pasturage, however, and have thereby required a change in attitude to land if it was to be set aside for naturalness. Alienation of large areas of Western Australia for agricultural and pastoral purposes from the 1950's was paralleled by the first major expansion of reserves there (Ride, 1975). Reserves in South Australia expanded particularly in the late 1960's and 70's (Harris, 1974), reflecting the position in Australia as a whole. Australia's conservation reserves increased in area from about 8.5 million ha. in 1967 (Mosley, 1968) to nearly 29 million in 1979 (Aust. Ranger Bull. 1, 3). Natural areas have been reserved as forestry operations have intensified. The initiation of export woodchip industries in both southeastern and southwestern Australia led to considerable debate over land use and new reserves for nature conservation were proclaimed in the concession areas (Ride, 1975; Senate Standing Committee on Science and the Environment, 1977). The land-use debate continues in various forms with the "productive" versus "nonproductive" uses of land underlying most issues. While the traditional arenas for debate remain unalienated lands of governments - new arenas are the reserves themselves (Recher, 1976) where conflict arises over use for recreation (productive?) versus use for nature conservation (non-productive?). Most reserves in the past have been allocated to nature conservation in an ad hoc manner (Mosley, 1968). As more land is allocated to urban or agricultural use the number of options on future land use decline. Deciding which land should remain in its natural state (and thereby retaining most options for future "use"), which land uses should take place side by side, and which combinations of land use should occur on the same area of land is difficult and remains a continuous challenge to planners. Scientific Contributions to Decisions on LandUse Allocation Science has affected the allocation of uses to land in many ways. Notable have been the successes of the agricultural scientists in discovering nutrient deficiencies in plants and animals and introducing productive plant species for pastures and crops, but my emphasis here will be on the contributions of science to the issues of shape, size and location of reserves for effective nature conservation. Concern over recreational impacts is set aside here but note that the arguments used by Hallsworth (1976) in predicting recreational demand for beaches could be adapted to that for reserves. Many areas have been assigned as reserves in the past with little knowledge of their value for nature conservation. Only recently have serious attempts been made to ascertain how effectively various plant alliances and rare and endangered species have been conserved (Specht et al., 1974). Stimulated by the "Specht Report", refinements and adjustments are being made to lists of plants at risk (Hartley and Leigh, 1979) and cases are being made for reservation of particular plant alliances at present poorly conserved (e.g. Senate Standing Committee on Science and the Environment, 1977). We may regard these activities as the habitat approach to planning for nature conservation. For animals there has been no survey yet completed comparable to that of Specht et al. (1974). The assumption is that if the plants as part of the animal habitat - are conserved, the requirements of animals can be met at the same time. A prerequisite of course is that the sizes and shapes of the reserves are adequate. Questions of size and shape for reserves received much attention with the development of the equilibrium theory of island biogeography (MacArthur and Wilson, 1967). Reserves for conservation were seen to be, or become, "islands" isolated for each other by "seas" of agriculture, intensive forestry or urbanization. The basic ideas of island biogeographic theory are that as area increases so do the number of species (maximum area equals maximum number of species); that there are movements of species between areas (representing local extinctions and immigrations); and that an equilibrium number of species will be maintained on an island although the particular species present may alter with time. As "islands" become smaller and more "isolated" from each other it may be expected that local extinctions would increase and immigrations decline. Fewer species would be conserved. For nature conservation the conclusions which may be reached from this are that reserves should be as large as possible and that not 547 all species can be reserved in perpetuity (Slatyer, 1975). Many have used the equilibrium theory of island biogeography as the basis for scientific discussion on reserve shape, size and location but, recently, after a thorough review of the theory, Gilbert (1980) concluded that "the equilibrium theory remains insufficiently validated to permit its widespread application to many problems of biogeography, ecology and nature conservation". Gilbert's paper is an important one in terms of the development of ecological theory and its application to practical situations. I quote:"There is no evidence that any extinctions in reserves have been due directly to any decrease in area.... "; "The apparent lack of conformity of the model when any taxon other than that of birds is considered points to a major flaw in its derivation...." Clearly, anomalies in the equilibrium-theory approach need to be cleared up before it can be used without prejudice. One of the deficiencies of the theory is that is does not accommodate habitat variety. It is a commonplace observation, however, that the plant and animal diversity within a region is likely to be greatest where habitat diversity is greatest. Such "horizontal" diversity may be enhanced by "vertical" diversity; e.g. greater diversity of birds may be expected where "foliage height diversity" is greatest (Recher, 1969). Some geographic regions have a much more diverse flora than others. Southwestern Western Australia, for example, has remarkable plant species richness and high endemism especially in its heathlands (George et al., 1979). If this area were annexed completely for nature conservation (an impossibility of course) it would quite possibly contain a greater proportion of the total flora of the nation than a similar area of any other region in Australia. By choosing specific areas because of their richness it is theoretically possible to find the total flora and fauna in much less than the total area of the continent. If a natural ecosystem is to be preserved it will include its full complement of animals as well as plants. The design of reserves will need to take account of migrations overland as well as insuring that areas are sufficiently large to maintain genetic diversity. The habitat approach, the island-biogeographic approach and the genetic approach are all potentially useful in assigning land for purposes of nature conservation. However, the past dictates the terms within which land allocations for specific purposes can now take place. Many plant species at risk are not conveniently located in areas where large conservation reserves can be created. The road verges of rural Mediterranean lands in Western Australia, South Australia and Victoria provide examples. Specialist theory is not needed here for species conservation but appropriate legislation and enforcement are essential. Effective allocation of lands for all our needs depends on integration of the information and expertise of science, law, history, sociology and economics. MANAGEMENT OF "NATURAL" LANDSCAPES, ESPECIALLY CONSERVATION RESERVES Because of problems that have arisen from recreation, fire, and exotic species the need for management has became well recognized. Manpower and money, management systems, and hazard assessment are considered as the major issues of management in the region in question. Manpower and Money A Committee of Enquiry into the National Estate (1974) noted that field staff employed to operate Australia's conservation reserves in 1973 numbered 661 of whom 103 were graduates of tertiary institutions (this includes diplomats): at that time the nature-conservation estate 6 was about 17 x 10 hectares, i.e. approximately 25,000 hectares per person employed! The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) recommended 10,000 hectares per person working full time at management and supervision (Burbidge and Evans, 1976). "Conservation reserves" include not only the preservation of natural ecosystems in their charter, Other uses may include passive and active recreation, water catchment and storage, protection of aboriginal relics, wilderness, and even mining in some areas. Below, I emphasize the management of conservation reserves for nature conservation only. Management Systems Genetic diversity is a function of population size in animals and "theoretical evidence suggests that the minimal population size for retention of a substantial degree of genetic variation . . . is of the order of thousands" (see Slatyer, 1975). Sizes appropriate for the conservation of thousands of large animals for a thousand generations may be extreme but necessary if plant-animal interactions are to be conserved as well as the animals themselves. Unlike genetic diversity in animals, genetic diversity of plants may be stored as seeds in soils. 548 Proposals for management systems - if they are to be practical - should take into account the present lack of personnel and finance but also look to the future when needs may be better met. The same applies to management of research: management of conservation reserves should be based on knowledge but our understanding of natural systems is poor. Research into the function of natural ecosystems in Australia has usually been ad hoc or moulded and directed by an outstanding management problem: Shea (this volume) provides an example of the latter. More often the problem is not well defined and the need is for an overall understanding of the ecosystem. Overseas models of attempts to do just this have been the large and expensive programs of the International Biological Program of the USA, the less intensive Hubbard Brook study, the strategic workshop style of Holling (1978) and the selected biome approach of the South Africans. Each has involved focus on a particular ecosystem and area and each has been typified by periods of short-term intensive involvement and interdisciplinary co-operation. The challenge to planners in Australia who have limited finance and many areas of diverse ecosystems to consider - is to produce a low-cost system which allows a quick assessment of current knowledge and an appreciation of deficiencies in that knowledge. If it could also be used for risk assessment, record keeping and monitoring, its value would be greatly enhanced. Such a system would be explicit, not consisting only of files and publications and integrated in the mind of only one person, but readily available in an up-to-date synthesis. Integrated planning astute management and a modest injection of finance could produce such a system for Australian needs based on the pioneering research of Kessell (1976). Kessell's method has been to make an inventory of the landscape (which can include vegetation, floristics, fauna, streams, roads, slopes, aspects, elevations, rock types, fuel loads etc.) on a grid system at a suitable scale (depending on scale of variation, finance available, state of existing data base etc). Biological characteristics are linked to the physical through an ordering procedure. Process can be introduced by including the time element and appropriate attributes of plants for example (Cattelino et al., 1979). Real-time fire information can he obtained when appropriate data are included in the system. Without the computer, of course, such a system is impossible. At present, there is no computer system operating at a management level in this way in Australia although appropriate systems are being developed. The systems devised by Kessell have great potential but require administrative, managerial and research hack up. They can warn the manager of data which is based on limited information and thereby alert him to research topics to be allocated among students, professional researchers and competent amateurs. They can be developed to guide decisions on fires and could be improved by a consideration of hazards. Monitoring is a challenge rarely faced yet monitoring is the way in which the effectiveness of management could be assessed. Two types of monitoring can be distinguished. The first can be called "non-target monitoring" and is that used for no particular purpose but provides a valuable record of condition and change : e.g. photographs from satellites and planes. The value of ground photography may be seen in research at Koonamoore in South Australia (e.g. Noble, 1977) and at Kosciusko National Park in N.S.W. (Wimbush and Costin, 1979). The second type may be called "target monitoring" i.e. where monitoring is for more specific purposes e.g. the monitoring of population sizes of rare and endangered species. Management - including aspects of inventory, monitoring, operations and research - can take place at many different scales and appreciation of this is most important. Flexibility in management systems may be needed to account for this. This is true also of the understanding of the natural ecosystem in which scientific management should be based. Hazard Assessment Under this general heading I identify three issues pertinent to vegetation-management planning in Mediterranean-type vegetation. They concern the problems of boundaries, and of fires and exotics, and are considered in terms of hazard because each problem is associated with risks to the achievement of the aims of management. Insufficient attention has been given to these problems and quantitative assessments of risk are needed to rationalize the planning process (e.g. Gill, 1977). Boundaries mark differences in land-use and define limits of responsibility for particular areas. Thus, smoke management, fire management, fertilizer application, spraying of herbicides and insecticides etc. need to be contained within the system for which they are designed. Land-use planners can minimize any adverse effects of non-complementary land uses being adjacent to each other by allocating land around conservation reserves as buffers. Urbanization is a particular problem. Many reserves are near to or enclosed by cities and towns. This often leads to problems with fire: the natural fire regime is upset by the fragmentation of the landscape in the first place; and altered by increased and unwanted ignitions from people in the second; thirdly, "natural" fire in the reserve may pose a threat to the surrounds so prescription burning is introduced to protect property and people beyond the boundary. Thus, a buffer area within the reserve is being managed, not for any internal purpose, but to protect values outside the reserve. The effective area of the reserve for nature conservation may be greatly reduced while the more appropriate solution to the problem may have been to have the 549 conservation reserve bounded by a buffer area, not by houses. Natural ecosystems in this region have evolved under particular combinations of fire types, frequencies, seasons of occurrence and intensities (each combination being a particular "fire regime"). Recognizing this assists the manager in planning because then it is realized that the events following any one fire are also related to the effects of previous fires. Man has altered fire regimes by affecting rate of ignition and extents of fires so we can no longer assume that a "natural" regime can be maintained in a small reserve. Most fires today are caused by people although lightning is an important factor. With ignitions being more frequent the manager is faced with a dilemma. He knows he can reduce fuel on his area by prescription burning and thus reduce any impact of fires on people and property but it is possible to burn too frequently and thereby adversely affect the resource. Establishing reserves only in remote areas has been precluded by history in many cases, so short-term plans need to consider strategic burning. Maintaining fires, whether natural or manignited, within areas of management responsibility poses particular problems in this region. Fires may be ignited during thunderstorms in dry weather after a long drought or be lit by arsonists during similar conditions. The result -1 fire of enormous intensity - up to 60,000 Kw m (Luke and McArthur, 1978) - and impossible to control directly. Such fires send fire-brands ahead of themselves causing further ignitions. Under such circumstances the usual fire breaks become insignificant. The spread of fires by the spot-fire mechanism and the severity of Australian forest fires have been a strong influence in determining the fire-management systems operating today. They are the background against which many decisions are taken. They stimulated the introduction of prescription burning to reduce fire "hazard". Fire "hazard" has too often been considered as a variable unrelated in any specific way to people, buildings or the achievement of stated objectives. For people and buildings, hazard will vary with distance as well as fuel loads and weather conditions. For nature-conservation values it could be defined, for example, according to the vulnerability of species, soils or water quality. It also would need to he defined in relation to the keeping of fire within the reserve. The challenge remains as to how hazards can be defined and modified especially in relation to high intensity fires. Large-area prescription burning has been the common answer to the problem of high intensity fire since the 1960's with fires being lit, often aerially, under mild conditions at times of year when severe fires are most unlikely. 550 Fire may prepare the way for weeds, and feral animals as may other events. Whatever the cause, exotics are becoming more common in some areas. The alpine region of Kosciusko National Park, though by no means an "island" in the sense of being surrounded by an exotic landscape, has had an increase in exotic plant species from 6 in 1951 to 27 in 1979: the natural flora there is about 200 species (Costin et al., 1979). Some areas have inherited exotics because of land use prior to their being established as conservation reserves. One such is Cleland Conservation Park in South Australia (South Australian National Park and Wildlife Service, 1979). Of this area approximately 75% is considered to be "weed infested" and several feral vertebrates are common. Kings Park in Perth, W.A., is an example of a situation where frequent fires and firebreaks have aided the spread of exotics particularly in or near firebreaks or where the soil has been disturbed (Baird, 1977). CONCLUDING REMARKS The attitudes and perceptions of people have been important forces in determining land use. These have changed with time. A shift in balance to "amenity" was indicated in the 1960's. The extent of clearing, the intensification of forest management, perhaps the rise of aeriallyignited management fires and certainly the general rise in awareness of the environment by the general public assisted this process. Scientific survey and debate over the sizes, shapes and numbers of reserves also contributed. Land-use planning is needed to optimize the choice of land for nature conservation in a society where pressures for the use of land for urbanization, recreation and the intensive production of food and fibre are increasing. In lands set aside for nature conservation the planning challenge is to develop frameworks for management within the context of available manpower, money and technology. Inventory, monitoring, record-keeping, risk assessment and research should all be considered in the system of management. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank Mr. A. Fox and Drs. J.H. Leigh, R. Story and G. Yapp for their comments on the draft manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Australian Academy of Science. "National Parks and Nature Reserves in Western Australia". Aust. Acad. Sci., Canberra, and the National Pks Brd of W. Aust.; 1965; 266 p. Baird, A.M. Regeneration after fire in King's Park, Perth, Western Australia. J. 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