Prescribed Burning in the California Mediterranean Ecosystem1 Lisle R. Green2 Wildfires that burn over thousands of acres of mature chaparral occur primarily when winds are gusting 30 to 80 mi/h (50 to 130 km/h), relative humidity and dead fuel moisture are around 5 percent, and air temperatures are near 100° F (38° C). Such fires are disastrous for soils, vegetation, wildlife, structures, and sometimes human life. The widespread use of prescribed burning is frequently suggested as the only practical way to reduce the intensity and extent of wildfire acreage burned, and the resultant damage. Prescribed burning is the scientific application of fire to wildland fuels under conditions of weather, fuel moisture, soil moisture, and other factors that allow the fire to be confined to a predetermined area, while at the same time accomplishing certain planned objectives (FordRobertson 1971). For Mediterranean ecosystem burning, these objectives usually include wildfire hazard reduction and wildlife habitat improvement, but may include others. For example, the National Park Service uses prescribed fire as a tool to reintroduce fire as a force in naturally functioning ecosystems (Parsons 1977). If the desired prescribed burning objective is clearly expressed, a burning prescription to accomplish the objective can be written. Many fuel, weather, and topographic factors affect fire behavior and must be considered in planning for prescribed burning. Time of day and season are important as they interact with the other factors. Several of the primary determinants of fire behavior can be considered well ahead of the burn date. These "prefire" determinants will be considered as a group in this paper. Other factors that must be considered or determined immediately before and during the burn will then be discussed. These factors all come Abstract: Prescribed burning is feasible for reducing conflagration costs. Prescription elements to consider before the burn are dead-tolive-fuel ratio, fuel volume, live fuel moisture, chemical content, terrain, and season. Just before and during the burn, 3-day weather forecasts, windspeed and direction, dead fuel moisture, relative humidity, and air temperature are important. A chaparral stand with 30 to 40 percent dead fuel might be burned during the winter with 60 to 75 percent live fuel moisture, 8 to 12 km/h (5 to 8 mi/h) of wind, 6 to 10 percent dead fuel moisture, 23 to 32 percent relative humidity, and air temperature of 10° to 22° C. together in the prescription. Writing the prescription is the task that has been the greatest worry to prescribed burning planners and bosses, most of whom feel more comfortable with suppression procedures. The guidelines presented here should help. Although this paper is based primarily on experience in California, the principles dealt with are the same elsewhere. Once objectives are well defined, the guidelines provided can be used in any Mediterranean ecosystem. This paper summarizes a recent report, "Burning by Prescription in Chaparral" (Green 1981) which provides a more detailed discussion of prescribed burning, including topics not covered here, and a more complete review of the literature. PRESCRIPTION ELEMENTS TO CONSIDER BEFORE THE BURN DATE Fuel Volume Fuel volume, or loading, is expressed as pounds or tons of fuel on an area of land. The term commonly covers total biomass, but no fire burns all biomass, except perhaps in grassland. The part of the biomass actually consumable by the fire is the available, or burnable, fuel. Range Scientist, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Riverside, Calif. Total biomass in annual grassland is typically 1/3 to 1 ton/acre (0.7 to 2.2 t/ha) and when dry, essentially all will burn. Soft chaparral (Paysen and others 1980), sagebrush (Artemisia), or light chamise (Adenostoma fasciculatum H. & A.) biomass varies from 3 to 10 tons/acre (7 to 22 t/ha), and 70 to 85 percent is consumed by a hot fire. Biomass of dense chaparral dominated by chamise is typically around 15 to 25 tons/acre (33 to 56 t/ha), about two-thirds of which burns. Only about 50 percent of brush dominated by large shrubs--those 6 ft (1.8 m) or more in height with basal stems 2 to 5 inches (5 to 13 cm) diameter-is consumed. Such brush has a biomass of 30 to 45 tons/acre (67 to 100 t/ha). Remaining, following any prescribed burn, are the branches larger than 1/4 to 1/2 inch (0.6 to 1.3 cm) (fig. 1). Even in hot wildfire, green branches are seldom burned to diameters greater than 1/2 inch 464 Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-58. Berkeley, CA: Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; 1982. 1 Presented at the Symposium on Dynamics and Management of Mediterranean-type Ecosystems, June 22-26, 1981, San Diego, California. 2 years, or if the mature brush is sparse, a stand of annual grasses and forbs may have developed and their residue often determines the fire behavior. Brush stands in which annual grass and forbs intermingle with soft chaparral species, such as bush buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum Benth.), sage (Salvia spp.), and California (coastal) sagebrush (Artemisia californica Less.), occur frequently at low elevations or intermingle with chaparral communities on south slopes; these, like grassland, have a high dead-to-live ratio and can burn fiercely at almost any age. Stands of chamise on south slopes accumulate dead fuel faster than do chaparral communities on northerly or easterly exposures, especially if chamise is associated with soft chaparral species (fig. 2). Such south slope brush can be burned by prescription at an earlier age--perhaps at 15 to 20 years--than the chaparral of northerly exposures. Figure 1--During a hot chaparral fire, all dead fuel is consumed, but most green branches larger than 1/4 inch diameter remain. Unburned green fuel may amount to half or more of the chaparral biomass on north exposures. (1.3 cm). Actual quantities of burnable fuel are becoming more important as greater restrictions are placed on the quantities of burn residues that can be added to the atmosphere during a prescribed burn. Stands of chaparral dominated by such species as scrub oak (Quercus dumosa Nutt.), ceanothus, chamise, manzanita (Arctostaphylos spp.), toyon (Heteromeles arbutifolia M. Roem.), and mountain mahogany (Cercocarpus betuloides Nutt.) are more resistant to fire than the various chaparral/ grass-forb associations, especially on northerly exposures. About 5 to 8 years following clearing of such brush, the new canopy closes and forbs and grasses are then quite effectively suppressed (Bentley and others 1966). The chaparral stand will likely contain no more than 10 percent dead fuel--skeletons left from previous fires and the remains of deerweed (Lotus scoparius [Nutt.] Ottley) or other semishrubby vegetation. With only 10 to 20 percent of dry fuel, a chaparral In southern California, knowledgeable foresters established that 2 tons of fuel per acre (4.5 t/ha), dry weight, was the maximum that should be allowed on fuelbreaks (Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Exp. Stn. 1963), because the heat from that fuel volume could usually be tolerated by firefighters. Nearly all chaparral fuelbeds contain 8 tons/acre (18 t/ha) or more of available fuel and can be expected to burn as moderate- to 3 high-intensity fires, if they burn at all. An objective of prescribed burning for hazard reduction may thus be to reduce the burnable fuel down to acceptable levels of around 2 tons/acre (4.5 t/ha), sometimes in a series of prescribed burns. The Dead-to-Live-Fuel Ratio Fire behavior in brushfields is determined to a great extent by the amount of dead twigs and branches present in the brush canopies, and by the amount of cured herbaceous residue in the understory. If the mature brush has been removed by fire or equipment during the previous several 3 Fire intensity is the rate of energy or heat release per unit of time and length of fire front. Figure 2--Soft chaparral frequently has a high dead-to-live ratio and burns at a younger age than chaparral. Dominant species in this picture are white sage, California sagebrush, and chamise. 465 stand is quite resistant to prescribed fire, and burning attempts in such stands are nearly always futile. As the proportion of dead fuel in a brushfield reaches 25 to 35 percent, the stand is susceptible to prescribed burning. This proportion may be reached when the chaparral on southerly exposures is around 20 to 25 years old. Chaparral on northerly or easterly exposures is probably older before it accumulates enough dead fuel to be burned successfully. Chaparral 40 to 80 years old is seldom more than 40 to 50 percent dead. Soft chaparral stands may be two-thirds dead, if the abundant litter is considered, a fact which explains in part why there are many more wildfires in the soft chaparral type than in the chaparral, and why the soft chaparral communities can be burned by prescription at an earlier age. The proportion of dead fuel in chaparral communities can be estimated roughly from the age of the brush, can be estimated in the field, or can be cut on plots and weighed. The latter method is extremely time consuming and is usually a research activity. Mature chaparral tends to have roughly 1 percent of dead twigs, branches, or plants for each year since the brush canopies closed. Thus, 20-year-old chaparral is likely to be 10 to 15 percent dead, while 40- or 50-year-old chaparral may be estimated to be 35 or 40 percent dead. This is a very rough rule of thumb, but it can be of considerable value to fuel managers. Since the proportion of dead fuel is so important in prescribed burning, it should be checked by field observation. Dead material is generally obscured from above by the green canopy, so an observer must get under the canopy cover at several locations within a proposed burn. The proportion of main branches that are dead should be counted on several plants, then the small dead twigs attached to live branches evaluated. Keeping in mind that most of the weight is in the larger branches, an observer can approximate the proportion of dead fuel. Live Fuel Moisture Live or green fuel moisture is the moisture content of living twigs to 1/8 inch (3 mm) diameter and attached leaves, expressed as a percentage of dry weight, unless some other size class is specified. This definition was agreed on by California agencies concerned with wildland fire, and has been in use for two decades. The live fuel moisture has been recognized as important in prescribed burning (or wildfire danger) by some fuels management workers, but ignored by others. Fuel moisture content of living fuel is usually so high that the fuel will not burn unless dried by an outside heat source. Heat released from dry fuel as it burns must dry out the live twigs so that they will burn and add energy to the fire if the burn is to be success- 466 ful. Most forest fuels, when ovendry, have a heat value near 8500 Btu/pound (3860/kg). If the fuel moisture content is 80 percent, the effective heat value is cut in half to about 4200 Btu (1930/kg) (Countryman 1977). The greater the live fuel moisture percentage, the more dead fuel must burn to drive off the water. Live chaparral fuel moistures are typically high during the spring, 130 to 200 percent; they decline through the summer and reach a minimum of 50 to 80 percent in September or October. With several inches of rain during the fall, there is some recovery of live fuel moisture. Otherwise, it may remain low until spring. If green fuel moisture is greater than 85 percent, prescribed burning is seldom successful unless there is a very high proportion of dead fuel or unless the brush is crushed or sprayed to reduce the moisture content. Green fuel moistures less than 60 percent in old brush stands indicate hazardous conditions and burning should be avoided or special precautions taken. A green fuel moisture range of 60 to 75 percent is usually about right for burning standing mature chaparral. Procedures for measuring green fuel moisture have been published (Countryman and Dean 1979), and general trends of green chaparral fuel moisture throughout California are published each 2 weeks by the Southwest Region, U.S. Forest Service, during the spring, summer, and fall. Green fuel moisture of chamise or other abundant species to be burned should be determined 3 or 4 weeks before a projected prescribed burn date, and again 1 or 2 weeks before the burn. This allows for adjustment of other prescription elements if the green fuel moisture is high or low. Chemical Content The chemical content of shrubs is generally ignored during prescribed burning, but perhaps should not be. One class of chemicals--the ether extractives--make up a substantial part of the dry weight of many flammable species, from about 8 percent of pine needles (Rothermel 1976) to 15 to 18 percent of California sagebrush and the shrubby Salvias (Montgomery 1976) (fig. 3). The extractive content is highest during the fall and lowest during the spring (Philpot 1969). Extractives are readily volatilized by heat and frequently burn fiercely several feet above the shrubs. If an area to be burned contains considerable soft chaparral, and the chaparral species bigberry manzanita (Arctostaphylos glauca Lindl.) and chamise, it can be expected to burn hotter than an area dominated by such chaparral species as toyon, laural sumac (Rhus laurina Nutt.), ceanothus, scrub oak, and mountain mahogany--just because of the high chemical content. Growth starts in the spring during periods when there is available soil moisture, and daytime temperatures are above 40° F (5° C) (Bentley and Talbot 1951). Moisture content of shrubs increases rapidly during the spring, and the risk of escape is less than at any other time of year. This is an excellent time to burn crushed brush, brush piles, old stands of south slope vegetation, or other concentrations of dead woody fuel. It is not the best time for good consumption of green brush during broadcast burning. Terrain Considerations Prescribed burning in chaparral is always in or near rough topography that affects burning decisions in many ways. Figure 3--Oils, fats, terpenes, and other chemicals are volatilized from flammable brush by heat from fire, and these products then contribute to the intensity of the fire. Soft chaparral contains more of these products than most chaparral species. Slope has an effect on fire similar to windspeed, and the steeper the slope, the greater the uphill rate of fire spread. During daytime hours, air movement is normally upslope and this reinforces the slope effect, thus ensuring rapid spread of fire up to the ridgetop. Because this is so, prescribed burns are generally ignited on the highest ridges that form burn boundaries, and a fireline is burned into the wind and downslope from the ridgetop. Prescribed burn bosses must also be aware of downcanyon air movement that begins shortly after sunset, or sometimes earlier on shaded north or east exposures. Gusty, turbulent windflows occur at canyon intersections or where canyons change direction. Eddies are created where wind crosses a ridgetop, and windspeeds are higher through saddles than at adjacent higher elevations along the ridge. A second class of chemicals, the mineral elements, have an opposite effect from the ether extractives and tend to make vegetation less flammable (Philpot 1970, Shafizadeh 1968). Phosphorus has been more effective than other elements for reduction of flaming combustion. Seasonal Considerations The season for prescribed burning can be anytime that burning can be accomplished within the prescribed limits of weather, fuel, and manpower, and when burn objectives can be accomplished. Late summer and early fall contain the fewest burn days because of weather extremes and extremely dry fuel. The early winter months--October, November, and December--contain days suitable for burning in California. Days are short, nights are cool, and there has been little recovery in the moisture content of green brush. This is a good time for hot burns with maximum consumption of brush. Midwinter also presents some good burn opportunities. Soon after rainstorms, 1-hour timelag fuels, those less than 1/4 inch (6 mm) diameter, can be burned, and after several dry days, small brush fuels. Excessive quantities of available fuel can be burned in stages during this season. The most severe fire microclimates are on southerly or southwesterly exposures, and fire danger increases from northern to southern exposures. Chamise, a flammable species, frequently dominates on southerly exposures and may be burned at times without firelines if less flammable species with higher fuel moistures grow on adjoining northern exposures. PRESCRIPTION ELEMENTS TO CONSIDER AT BURN TIME Fire intensity and rate of spread are directly affected by several factors which must be determined shortly before the fire is to be ignited, and during the prescribed burn. These include windspeed, dead fuel moisture, relative humidity, and air temperature. If these are within the prescription range, ignition and firing can proceed. If one or more is not within range, unless some trade-off can be made with another prescription element, the burn must be postponed. Windspeed and Direction Prediction of windspeed and direction is our greatest problem in local weather forecasting, especially in mountainous terrain. Wind, more 467 than any other factor, is responsible for erratic fire behavior, for prescribed burn escapes, and for large wildfires. Some wind, except on steep slopes, however, is needed to move fire through chaparral during prescribed burns. Windspeed is measured by the U.S. Weather Service and by Fire Danger Rating stations at a standard 20 ft (6.1 m) above open ground or vegetation. However, wind velocity measurements taken on prescribed burns usually approximate the "midflame" windspeed zone for chaparral. Winds at midflame height are usually about half the velocities at 20 ft (6.1 m) for fuels such as grass and brush. Windspeed as given in this paper should be considered to be midflame windspeed. The maximum safe windspeed for prescribed burning in chaparral is generally considered to be 10 mi/h (16 km/h). Gusting above this windspeed will occur, and if these gusts reach 15 to 20 mi/h (24 to 32 km/h) during the burn, control problems will surely arise. Windspeeds of 4 to 8 mi/h (6.4 to 12.8 km/h) are about right for prescribed burning in chaparral. In other vegetation types, higher windspeeds have been recommended. Winds of 8 to 15 mi/h (12.8 to 24 km/h) nave been suggested for level terrain in Texas where grass carried the fire into and through brush (Wright and Bunting 1976) and in juniper (Martin 1978; Pase and Granfelt 1977; Northwest Region, Forest Serv. 1973). Wind direction and changes in wind direction may be as important as windspeed to the prescribed burn operation. Usually, a prevailing wind pattern can be identified before the burn, and firelines and ignition patterns are planned with this, and the terrain, in mind. Winds tend to change direction and vary in velocity as the airstream flows around and over ridges and through saddles, and otherwise adapts to the topography. Near the ocean, sea breezes may disrupt the wind pattern, or create their own pattern. During warm daylight hours, the wind movement is typically upslope. At night, after air near the ground has cooled, it flows downslope. Santa Ana winds can override this pattern (Schroeder and Buck 1970). Dead Fuel Moisture The moisture content is the most important factor determining whether or not fuels will ignite and burn. A fuel moisture content of about 25 percent of the dry weight of the fuel is the approximate value above which fuels will not burn (Rothermel 1972). The precise value depends on the type of fuel, the fuel loading and arrangement, size of firebrand, windspeed, and perhaps other factors. Fuels generally do not burn vigorously if the fuel moisture content is above 15 percent, unless fanned by strong winds or on steep slope. 468 As the moisture content of wildland fuels decreases below 15 percent, the flammability increases rapidly. The fire spread rate is estimated to double as moisture content drops from 15 to 10 percent, and to triple when it drops from 10 to 5 percent (U.S. Dep. Agric., Forest Serv. 1975). Thus, fuel moisture content changes below 10 percent can markedly affect fire behavior, and the prescribed burn boss should be very aware of this. Fuel moisture contents of 5 percent or less encourage spotting and excessive spread rates. Moisture contents of 6 to 10 percent are frequently good for prescribed burning, but if the proportion of dead fuel is greater than 40 percent or if burning is done under tree canopies, higher fuel moisture contents--10 to 15 percent--are needed to keep the intensity and spread rate within bounds. The moisture content of dead fuels 1/4 to 1 inch (0.6 to 2.5 cm) diameter can be determined accurately by laboratory techniques (Countryman and Dean 1979), but is frequently estimated in the field through the use of "fuel moisture sticks." These are 1/2 inch (1.27 cm) ponderosa pine dowels mounted on two hardwood pins and weighing 100 grams, moisture free. Any weight in excess of this is an estimation of the moisture content in percent. Relative Humidity Moisture in the atmosphere--the humidity--is important in prescribed burning because of its effect on moisture content of fine dead fuels. Relative humidity is the amount of moisture in the air at a given temperature and air pressure compared to the amount that it would hold if saturated. A low relative humidity, 10 or 20 percent, indicates a great capacity for the atmosphere to take up moisture and dry out fuels. Dry fuels will absorb moisture when the percent relative humidity is high, until they reach about 20 percent moisture. At that level, fuels are difficult to ignite and burn. Relative humidity can be quickly and accurately measured by a sling psychrometer. However, a word of caution: The psychrometer should be fanned or twirled until there is no further decrease in the wet bulb temperature reading before it and the dry bulb readings are recorded. A common error is reading it too soon. Atmospheric pressure has enough effect on relative humidity readings that charts or slide rules designed for low elevations should not be used at higher elevations. Errors of several percent in relative humidity readings can easily result. Charts are available for various elevations that assure accurate relative humidity measurements. Experience has shown that to burn standing, untreated chaparral 25 to 40 or more years old, and with about one-third of the fuel dead, rela- to convection and spotting becomes more of a problem, particularly as air temperature rises above 80° F (26° C). tive humidities of 25 to 35 percent are about right. If the relative humidity is above 40 percent, and particularly if it has recently been higher, fire will not spread without strong wind or steep slope. If chaparral is 40 to 60 percent dead, as after spraying, relative humidities of 35 to 60 percent will be needed to keep the fire intensity within bounds. If the proportion of dead fuel is only 20 percent, relative humidities of 15 to 18 percent, and winds near the upper prescription limits, will be needed. High air temperatures contribute to crown scorch, and are desirable if the objective is to kill trees. For cleaning up the forest floor with minimum damage to crowns, 55° to 70° F (13° to 21° C) is about right. Time of Day Air Temperature The safest time of day for prescribed burning is generally from midday to midafternoon, providing prescription requirements are met. As burning is extended into late afternoon, temperatures tend to decrease and relative humidity to increase, and control problems are less. Air temperature has little direct effect on fire, but considerable indirect effect. When air temperature rises, relative humidity decreases, evaporation proceeds more rapidly, fine fuels become drier, and less heat energy is required to cause a loss in fuel moisture. Air movement due Table 1--Prescription elements for burning chaparral. Fire intensity Factors affecting fire intensity Low Medium High Prefire consideration Total biomass, tons/acre Available fuel, tons/acre 3 to 10 31 to 45 6 to 10 10+ Dead fuel, pct. of available 20 to 30 31 to 40 41+ Live fuel moisture, percent 90 to 76 75 to 60 59 to 45 Low Medium High Spring Winter and early spring Summer, fall, early winter 0 to 19 20 to 40 41 to 70 N, NE E, SE, NW, W S, SW 0 to 4 5 to 8 9 to 12 Chemical content Season Slope, percent Aspect 3 to 6 11 to 30 Burn date consideration Windspeed, mi/h Dead fuel (fuel stick) moisture percent when chaparral is: 20 to 30 percent dead 12 to 9 31 to 45 percent dead 18 to 12 8 to 6 5 to 3 11 to 7 6 to 5 46 to 65 percent dead 20 to 15 14 to 9 66 to 100 percent dead 30 to 19 18 to 11 10 to 8 8 to 6 Desired relative humidity percent when fuel is: 20 to 30 percent dead 35 to 26 25 to 18 17 to 15 31 to 45 percent dead 45 to 36 35 to 24 23 to 18 46 to 65 percent dead 60 to 41 40 to 31 30 to 25 66 to 100 percent dead Desired air temperature, °F Time of day 75 to 41 40 to 36 35 to 20 20 to 59 60 to 80 81 to 95 Late morning or late afternoon Midday to midafternoon Early morning 469 Sometimes, prescribed burns are conducted as early in the morning as fuels will burn so as to complete the burn or to burn out a safe line before the heat of the day. Such burns are facilitated by low nighttime relative humidities (Philpot 1965). In some localities near the coast, the movement of maritime air determines the time of day for burning. THE PRESCRIPTION Information in the previous discussions can be summarized and made more convenient for use by listing the recommendations in a table. This has been done for chaparral in table 1, and for burning under oak or pine tree canopies in table 2. Before a burning prescription can be developed, the piece of brushland under consideration must be evaluated to determine the prescribed burning prospects. If most elements for prefire consideration fall in the medium intensity range (table 1), the area is probably right for burning. An approximate date can be selected and local weather monitored as the date approaches. If most elements are in the low intensity range, consideration should be given to (1) delaying the burn for a few years, (2) applying desiccants or crushing treatments to dry out the brush, or (3) compensating by burning when windspeed, dead fuel moisture, relative humidity, and air temperature are in the high intensity range during the late fall or winter. If the elements for prefire consideration are mostly in the high intensity range of table 1, some cautions are in order. If the total biomass and available fuel fall under "high" intensity, if the dead fuel comprises 40 to 60 percent of all that will burn, and if the burn is on a steep southerly exposure, consideration should be given to burning during late winter or early spring when the green fuel moisture has risen and when the extractable chemicals are not at a peak. Also, burning when dead fuel moisture is greater than 10 percent, when relative humidity less than 30 percent is not expected, when maximum air temperatures will not be higher than 60° or 70° F (15° to 21° C), and when windspeeds are 0 to 5 mi/h (0 to 8 km/h) will contribute to safe burning. Brush grows among oak trees at all elevations, and among coniferous trees at the higher elevations. If the canopies are open, as mature pine trees may be, there will be brush and tree reproduction under the crowns, and perhaps stairstepped into them. If tree branches are dense and brush the ground, as oak branches frequently do, brush under the canopies may be low in volume and mostly dead, but brush from outside will surround the trees and finger into the canopies. In the mixed-conifer forest, prescribed burning can be accomplished readily when there is a good needle fall, where there is bearclover (Chamaebatia foliolosa Benth.), or in openings where herbaceous plants form a continuous cover. Flame heights can usually be kept to 3 ft (1 m) or less, and out of tree canopies. Burning under and around oak canopies without damaging crowns is usually difficult (Green 1980). Hand pruning of lower branches may be needed. Bulldozers can sometimes be used to push brush away from trees, or a dozer can crush brush for burning during late winter or spring. The actual burning must be done with a low-intensity fire (table 2). Table 2--Prescription elements for burning under pine or oak tree canopies. Fire intensity Factors affecting fire intensity Fuel that will burn, tons/acre Medium High 1 to 2 3 to 5 Proportion of fuel that is dead, pct. 15 to 25 25 to 30 Dead fuel moisture, percent 18 to 12 11 to 7 Live fuel moisture 85 to 76 75 to 60 59 to 50 Relative humidity, percent 60 to 41 40 to 31 30 to 25 Windspeed, mi/h 0 to 2 3 to 4 Air temperature 20 to 39 40 to 70 Time of day Fuel arrangement 470 Low Morning Late morning or late afternoon Crushed or cut Beneath tree canopies 6+ 31+ 6 to 5 5 to 10 71 to 85 Midday to midafternoon Brush extends up into tree canopy LITERATURE CITED Bentley, Jay R.; Green, Lisle R.; Evanko, A. B. Principles and techniques in converting chaparral to stable grassland in California. Proceedings of the X International Grassland Congress; 1966; Helsinki, Finland: X Int. Grassi. Congr. Sec. 4, Paper 14; 1966; 55-59. Bentley, J. R.; Talbot M. W. Efficient use of annual plants on cattle ranges in the California foothills. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dep. 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