Home Banking and Videotex An Honors Thesis (ID 499) 3y Reagan K. Rick Thesis Director Ball State University Muncie, Indiana May 1983 Graduation Date: May 1983 INTRODUCTIor: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • •. Chapter I. VTDE07EX A 'D in>' 1 it \; ' i l i" ..... . .... Videotex De finwl •••••• Vid eotex Sp r'\Ii ce~~ •• Home Bankin~ 3ervice~. Vid80tex r;0:,lIrJ1Fli C:l lion ',ediums. "j d eotez ~ r II. DRnk One':~ ('~:nYl~ fjl '(li)(:. VideoI'ine':lc i 'il (~n!'\) i C0~;. Viel,·rtroTJ ••••• • BEnlk-at-~():; r,1:emicC"j (; ,:' Automat(~rl <Jltstomer :, IV. TT~ :'] ,)n ri : I' f' p'~ Z~.:-; ~'1 ,. r;-', ~ ' () .' . .. . -:()11~~P • • ~~ . ' T.'ffe(~:;s {'" . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. T'T PF.OPT,~;: . .. o. III. 8ecHrif~;' . .. . { .............. . irlr;n' -:Jr, !l,.l r, I C' r. -: ,. ( .......... .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... FOOT~~OTE~; ••••• " ••••••• SELECrr}~D l3TBT,IOGJtL·P!T""{ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • II ••• ILTRODUCTIOIJ Many will 2gree that the industrial age is rapidly ing as the information revolution starts to number of technical innovs.~~ions e~er;e. ~atur- The vast havo already helped alter S8"i;- eral aspects of our lives, especially our business practices. The financial industry continues to incorporate the newest technolozical developments to expediate its operations and expand its services. The concept of bank C1.lstor:1crs perfor2in~; various bank-related functions in their homes is just one new tan~ent cate. an I ,- I the banking industry is startinc to seriously investiThis now concept, termed horne banking, is only a part of extensi~e home information system called videotex. 2 Vjdeotex D2fined ~eneric Videotex is the its US8rs to access fo~ A labe]. inforD~tion s~sten comhina~ion ter~inal) 8n~. linked into a durin~ thnt on so~e ~'J8h'JOrk ye~~, 2. nel,', teclmol 03~r or two existins tecbnologies: com- comrn.rtcrs. a allo~3 from reDote locations via ter- It is sir:;ply based on the which 1 Presently it systGG3~ '::hicn has re~uires a television c~ccess videotex services co J ~8r0 0::-18 se~ to beco~e or more data irtro~uced in Fr~nc5, Japan, Videot8x ~he S0rvi~0s specifjc services referr~i to os vi~2otex involve a - 3 7- curity) • ./ +p.lp.mo~~torin~(~o~o v ~ _,!.l !~J 11 :~1 __ and lec-;-;ronic '~l1eso provicl(~ cate;o;o::::,ies v2riety and diversity of servi~es <. ... _.... -"- uno '-'- example of the \·;ide CD termed videotex. The business community has shown a hieh degree of enthusiasm in the possibilities surrounding home infornation services. Over 3100 million he3 been invested by U~ited States companies in de'veloping and testi:::1g videotex systems, and an quarter of a billion dollars has been spent on 83 home-terminal projects conducted around the world. 4 esti~ated 80 what lies ahead for videotex, this new concept which threa~ens to drastically change our way of life? r"or n~ snec'J ..ll. . , OT ... t _ C us p _~-, cne concep--, -r'-l*-l)Y'A ~. '- '-' ~._. ~,i,l J' "' ser'.rice, ho'." hO!'!8 bar:kinz fi ts illto the Videotex's prou-.·,_de~s v ..!.. videote~: o-:-.~ _ +-vhe _ picture, cur- rent home b?d:::;.n:: projects, 1-:0 1:.' home bo.nking I'lill effect bonekinr; ~ and s aco of the problens ~~hat del' to 'lake vLLoeotex and buCl~;:inf, addressed in the Video'~ex inr:; POf.,t 8;-~d is p~~es ho~n.e need to be o'rerCOll:e iT. orsuc.cess ful '.:ill all be to follow. in!orG~tion. It is a convenient 11eans for c':I.Ten-c inforTJation on a multi tll'S o.f.'::;opics. prrrticipants in its cess to r1:0:"8 t> 70,0(")0 pacn:,; . d.!)~.ly. oted in Chicas~, terial from the S - o'~' ~he information i'!ith 20J,OOO Keytrnn systc~, to be oper- Illinois, will enable its users to access Ga- In addition, nost oX the videotez s:7stems ltlill pro-viele electronic ::--.ai1inC, com- to 8020 extent, pI'o~:;rnf'ls 1;!hici"l '.-Till [lid th.-:: tax planning, hudgeting, and fi~ancial USCI' in ars:=:!.s sucl: as ~anasement. But the on conSUQe~ stoppin~, retail advertising and +-0 vlons .. fared a~d ~0me b~nkin3 t':JO a~e func- The advertisinG and shopping services, l.'lhich cc.n be ofthro~J27h videotez systeI'1s, to provide to customers, but to cause the most adver~ising '0he 0st to being relaterl dr~matic in~ ~o ~h~~ 7 I But r01' changes in the user's lifestyle. Currently, ads t~,e scree~.lS. services functions tave the potential on a larGe-scale basis, of two are sirr,ilar to service as th~se ~;he ~.;}ost cliffic~).lt service is being provided and is the clcs- o~fG~ed, functia~s. ;:lr~ nO'.'13 n()~J, infol'!;:r~tion t~c Dnrc~~~t raosi~ of -f~>~ avail~ble sercha~t to videotex users received by the custor:er. would lik~ to disclose to D.cl-S ~~1J:.;-t~ rr::mc.ltl sikl)ler, ~,~ c}~o·J,-:;t;. ' -, tioD Gnd development 18 whst types of Q~d on wh~tscale ~ill 5 shoppi~~ ~.iJhich w~ich ~ood After the custoDer decides h0':18S. ~a~~ services be provided to tte videotex user. !Tlerchar,t to purch2s8 i l: fror:l, he "Jill product from his ter~inal h? ~eeds sir!ipl~l irr a~d order tl:e and it will be delivered to his home. The possible changes our society may face due to home shopping will be discussed later in this paper with the future of videotex and its potential impact on our lives. On.e of tbe only service, prin~o.r;y p~ovi~ed s er-.lices, and in SOEle inst:3.nces the by video1;ex systens are the ba~kins functions a customer can perform at home. telephone bill pnyirs to and c2sh mannzs~e~t 'l'lj e e~ablins The different home the custo@er to use programs. . Se~G8nCeS . susmarlze 11any of the services tl~e 3~iQr hone banki~~ systens provide. of the Dys~eGS budS8~ o~fer sin~le accou~t re~ortins Alcost all services i~ -, tion, most of' U"8 sy:::; [;cr:;s allo',) the user to cond.LJ_ct :i.nter.- nble t~c custo~8r to ~ollect t~s mo~thly bills, send t~!0~ to bills from T;lhL~h he can inform the bTClk mO~ley his accounts the is lucky , '.Jhe~ to pay then cmel 1:Jhich of is to be \'ii thdrmrr~ frOI:'l. If the bank the ret2iler Hhom the ban}::' s customer just p:::.ici '.Jill have nn ?ccoant with the bank. credit t"'e r,o;tai ler t s account. so, the bank will si~ply If the retailer banks else- the day and send a ch0ck and specific payment list of the firm. acco'1:1-1~ Aside from home ban~dng sy:3~::er.:s 9~~ bs~k est rates offer financial ~lost :!l2.riptll::ltion 3.:1d bill payr::ent seI"lices, viill provide information on curre"t inte:c- ad~inistrative ~?r~gecent services, such as bank hour3, services. Budget and cash flow pro- crams, portfolio analysis, t8Y -1ata collection a~d computation, and general in7c;3tr:;ent infor.oat;ion services arc eTJnples of the features to cose. ~o ..., participate • <1+-': i~ adv8nced te18co~rerencin3 C02- 9 i,_unlC<~l,..!..O -, \Tideote~,: Co;nr;m2lication IIediuEl3 .1. via satellite Eu-s hm1 ':Jill 0. firm Hhic[l supplies '.Ticleotex services bring the previously mentioned services into a custoser's hODe? l r} I 8~J:cre:':1tl.7 (:>"FlC G of' i~1.forl:lation :~elevi[';ioYl. '"atio~l nec:essar~!' t>lere are b'!o nedi'..wls '.·jllich allm'! the from -;';he consurner to the A thirrt possible ~eans ex- corres:ponc~ir:.s • .c> of transporting the lE-,or- is sotelli tes, but this E1ediu.m '.Jill probabl:'/ r..oc be u- "t:ilized ':!i t":!, sic;n5.ficance for some time due to cost con- 3::",7 siderations. Althoush telephone lines and cable television each have their separate advantages and disadvantages, phone lines apDear to be the is that Gors do~inant The major plus for pho~e lines 95 percent of the United States households tha~ have telepbones. medium. 10 Only 20 percent of the American households are '\:!l reel \,!ith cable. Another distinct disadvantage of cable is that a mere one-half of one percent of the oable lines Rre interac~ive.11 tatioD medium~o be interactive, able to receive a~d to t2.;':e p1ece plricos 8.Dother damper on tIle fOI':;l8,-;-;io'-;, of cable A videotex system requires the transpor- becomi~~ the videotex ~ediun also cl'l8:::lces since the exhanse of 1) 9 n}:::: i..n[\ • 'J.~ C oU.:1. ~-: s. -"1') ! (": nut telephone lines preserl"L;l:l nresent a nroblem .J. to :-." -;~he v _ " 10",. _ e f".. ('l'T?nc"'o'. ,''-' _ d p-;TE~lopI.r'F.:-_.",.+: ~ v __ • _ v 0 P .L v ""o-'--e v "_ -ITJ" , _ ('nc' ..:. co oJ er'Tl" ces , , , 'ho~o .d J:1~ - 3 shoppi n~; in pa!'ti~ul'l r. possiblo solution to this nnl }l.g G dilems~ te~~i- is thnt if the user's i::l.te llir:;ence., o. bui It-in COr!iyllter ~ it; CEi.n recor1stru.ct the sna!'se information transmitted over ohone lines into l' .L· • .L sopnlS~lCdGe .~-.-, d ,. ma~e , 13 G~apnlCS. The bisgest advantage to using cable as the mediuG is its ability to carry hi~h-quality informatio~ motion graphics. Horns shopping services usinc cable could show the user a live the Sears , 1 Also a system can provide a c~ble peal ins package of services to ~hc ~ore customer, including aD- mov~9s, sports, video games, and other ent8rtainoent features. I So ':Jh:Lch mediu.w \·,ill pl'Jy the dominant role? blue-chip ) cataloc;. companies cabl~ tryin~ 1981 alone, invest8~ an estimated '~1 :S'fen tho'-~3l1 billion in to develop videotex services, wast indus~r~ J I experts fee 1 phone lines 'dill prevail. cTolm A.· :'::1.:80el, vice president o.f Ba:-lk One of Columbl;s, OLio, for,'?c8sts, 1I:.rhe product is zoin~ . ." ,/lL~ to be delivered by -ce 1.8~)!lOne. telephone line:; n.ppeor to be "elle bination of cahle brinsins the the customer a~~ the dnta base feasibility of The 0:::1 ~2y telephone AlthoUE5I: delivery me rl5urn, a cc:::- i~formation transmittin~ and Cruphics to information b2Ck to evolve as nn alternative. t1:--~is tcr8i~ol L!.~in 0230 Currently the combinntion is unkno·,TL. the customer will use will vary tr-.e videotex system he p8rticipC3t(~3 i:::1 and his dope~dins infor1T~:J.tion 9 ')'he teI'!",inals range t:JPC used in Chase IJ12rl- Dill-Pay service, which is an advanced telephone cop- h~ttan's .,-,__ble of' the :F'ro!~ up to 16 e:.lnrrlcters of infor:Jation, to displa~/in~; personal such as the Atari 800 used co~puter, 5ank's Pronto system. 15 i~ a Ohemical John ~vssel'R predictions for the type of terminals videotex custoners will use nrc: 60 percent 0: the 22.rket use a stand-elone videotex terminal costi:1g ~:!ill approximately B250, 20 percent will use decoders attached to other 20 percent will use hODe their television sets, and 16 computer;3. '- Depending on the videotex used, the customer uay be pro- '.dded \'lith a te:!:'t!inal at no charee, such is tice case in the na~J~-at-~orne s~8ten ~nozville, in Tennessee. In this example, users are supplied with Radio Shack TRS-80 color computers for t:heir 'video;~ex (:~nire the user • p. , systems, on -1..;0 • SpeC1Jlc~erml~a point i_n '~;l]at I j~:s pU::c'e1' <lse ei ther a personal 1 dGveloped ~o~ ,I t~e ._"", __ -:'1:;8 one. [~i. Ie:> COf.'1:p1.1~~e:::- pa~ticular . "!~"... ,,-A, , ,t'......... "'n-:,)""'OYl - 0 1 "(r 1: .l. .L .. __ u~ 0 ...... or videotex [l s~s- "35 0 18 :'. I:' _ • supplie"'" of the vi.deotex service to rent ~~e :~llinois, that other hand, re- participants are required to bl\7 a ",'.rester!} , . ~ ,,=-; C oC"·r-ln':· ternativ8 is for t~u Keytran operation in Chicago, its 1.1.:=38rs the option of either pnrcn2sinz a , ~ "L'~ ~~ecj~lists stase, industr:' with his local part of 2 Even thouSh the ba~l:s. respective foresee ~j~ancial ~8tWO~~ of still hon~ bankins services ba- custo~8r may institution, he will cus~omers d8~1 ~irectly prob~bly interconnected through be ~any .8Y jntcnd to franchise their services to er institutions .. cated in Hni ted !\rneT'iC8 n Sorvic: e Corporo.+; ;0-::( IJJ~,,?'-::) 10- K~oxv~lln, reports t"'.--\8t J I f interest in mo-rF~ usit~·,~ ot~- Tennessee, has 2nnounced its tllS.n LI-OO finar.cial insti tutio:ls the UA~3C service .,\.c;cordin,::; to i~1;s~tio~s h:.1.'.Ip to e:~pressed ,J'lCl~0.r" arc:.' ing. CornorQtion's Dians. ... -l-. of four cor:p:::nies, p18.rts to o.ffer .fr!J.ncl1isi!l[; ., ser~lic(:s ba~: 1 ~oldinz to 'other"" fiilrln- - 11 cial institutions across the nation. t~at explai:·ed Vid(:)oFiYla~lcj21 nOT'8tioD is a peTtner, intends David Orte:a, a special- S8I'vices, of ';,:hier: :Janc One Co:-·!~O ha've ef3t.3.blisheri tl'le178 re- gional data centers stratesically localed 1987. 21 States by throug~lout the Unite~ The data centers would oake VideoFinancial's services available to virtuallz,T every fina::.cial institution in 'che United States. tion have exclusive access to its services in a particular ~ill market. VicleoFinancial assures that no one insti tu- VideoFinancial claims that its ever.tual success is contins;ent Up01J. the bro2d acceptance of its s ervices financial institutions. b~,- many '")") Lc In addition to UASC ar:.d VideoFinancie.l, Cher::ice.l Balli::, Chase ::anha ~t;al1, and ('cutor,2tic Data PrJcessi::'"JS a:'e further ex-·· amples of o~her firms plannin~ . Vlces on a I.arBe sca I e. 23 Even thOUGh it i2 Dare than sixty financial i~stitutions there 'iay only he a sElall r.ul'lhe~c home lv~n~,:Llg reaSO"2 s8I'vices. occur. ~heir to franchise ~Qy ~e of f1JtuI'e videotex ser- esti~ated i~volved nr:, j OJ:' that in ex- su:!?pliers of :Scono:.lies of scale of pro,ridin3 video- 12 i~ this smArging field i~ dev~Jopin3 nssume th2 risks o~hers Jet i~~Gr8nt ne~ co~cent? a " E~'"f'l' nJ' ,,r n c ,;-e' v .L.} _L oJ(,. s t a:: as. "-r,'Te r~.,.'bo·_l,-T oU.,,-o:rd.; to 1 e8d. Fl' E, he r_ _ ',J" hanking is not a~rt Q , _ industry, coura~eous _ this has a~~ But " contrib~ted fact, banking is Fisher says transaction . "'ce of' 311_ -~ ers.25 t"'c. -r; deo+p.'· -i_....... .:....!. ...... \. _..... '.J nr nd'ls,l..·r aY,r' could be the lead_L G-J, .Ll:_.t oa.,..,1." .... ...:..1.:.. ... ....: l' -. In addition to ba~ks meeting ·the transaction needs of the system, they could also be. an ~nd can be 'the c8i.ter- applicatio~s i~portant data-base provider, thus they 'dill have an influencs on the paee of accep";;ance of the Ba:1l:.: One of & COhli'l:)l)S I report on its joint venture into VideoFinancial Services, the forefront in There are a and the 8mount n, numbe~ of benefj~s paper those transactions ~ddi~io~, fi~~nci~l in~titutuo~s ;;ioned to sti"l:;r cOtTlpeti ti '.,TS 1:.'i th jns new and more financial institutions, co~venient o:~her ser~ices. i~".." re~uire. will be bette::- ti1:;u-:::ion8 A~d, Also tho b~c po~: ·t- provid- probably most im- 13 portQntly, bonks viII be abJ_e to , cl' :r~ 80S cr'.0.rr;e _ -,~ 0 'n 0 me C,t.", l o -LIJ O"'" ,,""'s ''''.-L b~ ,1- 1' ~(' l ,:_lu,ll;::, nev revenue from the ~cnerate "'D(-' ,--,)_ ;:i'nlc1l p:JTticip3.te in franchise agreeme:n-cs. executine vice president of ~irst o+-,h o__ I' l' ;;8 , ,___ ,. Tv l' -'.;lUT1' _ v __ or1S ~ -'-0 t, Don'tld P. Cri vello~e, Interstate RDI~ of California, s1J'TIr.J.ed up F:Lrst Interstate I s reasons for entorinc t.he home ban}:iW; field \'Ihen he stated, "Ue' ro being buried in paper and the brick and mortar cost of buildinG a new branch has doubled in 28 the last five years." Crivellone also cited rising people costs os another major motivation force impelling him to pursue home Vhen reflecting on the cost savings to financial institutions, Bid Systens Tay~or, sta-~ed a national sales manager with Engineered 1I1:!eif-~h 1 the po-tentiCll of the n1JFlber of calls and maTc-hours that \'Jould be tied up b./ those transactions versus havins a reliable electronic banking system twenty-four 1-:::' s hours a cla;:;r. I ~' cer-_~,--ln 1 Y co o -:->:J" e+'-fec-r.-·1 va .-L _ J_ ''-'. 7.0 ,,/ Accepting the fact that banks stand to profit from additiona.l r8'.re~'.ue ~~;8nerat8cl by c.na cost saviEgs incurred beCallS0 of hO!lle ba!1Jein: 1 tl,"ro o')vious 'luestions arise: hov! ouch '\ViII home bankirs snrvices cost, and what will be the benefits to the custoDcr Costs and w"o receives these services? Be~efi~s ::-.-; i_ ~.,_-' c p- • 1 ~~e of 7ideotex to the Consumer " +VloeOJ8X oY devclopm0nt, many " . 1nQUS~rJ ho~e • 18 . s- t:; 1• 11'lD 1tS bankinc projects have not indicated 11hat cY:,'lr-tl;;r tt:eir ini tiLl 1 fCG structure l;lil1 be. HOi:J.e i:l I~noxville, early stases f]1 eIL18ssee, Bank-at- 1:_'hich has teen operational since schedule: Chicago, Illinois, will be ann of the least expensive for its users. Participants of this system wil be given the option of purchasing Ten~ins syste~s ~ te~minal it for S25 per month. costins app~oximately In addition users ~ees for access time and paS8s.32 ~ill $700 or be charged Most of the other major vide- otex snpplie::'s have i?1rlicated -they intend to ei theI' rc'}uirc the customer to buy or rent a terninal, pay a monthly fee for ac- But what have eree:~ cl ~ill entice tho b'-~-clles as to use a videot0x sJs- cus~omer to c10.":2 8.S m8n~r .;?otenti?l as possible an' shoppin:; dis tricts oy!d -. 'sn airports. 3re peri'eet eX'='r:1ples of~c~i~= r:1axi~'rr~ Cl)StOTl8L'::: of 'J1he (l't1L;oma'ced teller l'l.achinos the baYlkiYl3 indus-cr;y's comL,:itcent to ~ho customer convenience. , cuscomer . convenle~CG. involvemert of Bu-~~ not only is 15 [''ole users to hs.'re <'eeess to r:!Cl.XJ :'lUD a!~,OU:lts pants, but it does offer.' a cost savi:.l?S for 2ble to utilize man7 of its f.38r iJices. he pays a bill when checkin~ pa:~;;:ent, perso~ \1 e7ery fees, postage, and other ~iscellaneous costs are considered. 33 the cost of' bi 1.1 '.'Jill "8e t1lOSC:; 'il110 :Davicl Orteza, i'ror.1 BRnl>;: One of Cohlnbus, estir:,ated that it costs a ti~e o~~· info~:J.ation Aside from savlng on videotex users ',,,,ho have needs for larse amourts of information, vhich their particular videotex systeD is of providing, stand to benefit from the cost capa~la savin;:,;s of rec c;ivi:nC; their inforrn.s.tion viE', their L'lOm·2 te.rmir:::tl. And, of course, the novelty of participating in a videotex systern will draw qrE- \'J110 so~e people J::8r':etj.nc~ adoptersll. T~~3 the core of the~r lifestyles \'!C"lO a;( specialists refer to as the is the sroup f'or , ters are technolo:;ies users into the videotex market. a~d .. o.re b eCTo:r GO~,c~~pts ~LL • ./· who~ infor~ation !I early will be at ~orkst~les. educated, more sophis~icated, 15 ?ank One's Channel 2000 To provide a Qore clear picture of who the major opers of videotex systems are and ~evel- their projects lDvolve, ~hat several current home bankins projects will be discussed. , . One Corporation in Columbus, 0 DlO, is one of the nation's leadinz videotex. .., ~'Il-cn pio~eers Banc One is involved its own channel 2000 system and ~i~~ t~o , asse-r::s in homo 01~ ,"·n J( Banc "'1"lon, 'Ol_ bax~(ing and videotex projects: joint venture called Video- Q Financial Services. T:""':8 Channel 2000 project is duc-teCl by 3enl: On8 of .q 'lid eo;:;ex ezpc::':'iwen t; co~"- O::.e Corporation I s lead 7.5 ban!\:, and O(;LC(Ohio ColleGe Libr::t.T'7 Center) • ./ OCT,C is a librar~r CoIU~tbus, services cocp3.ny based in on-line computer n0twor~ Colu,"~b0"3 'dhich opc:ratcs an used by over 2,000 libraries in the The p~oject Bq~lC are to increase the objecti~es avqilabili~y of OeLC in the of library resources to patrons and reduce the rate :::t \!hic:l librD.ry _cos-co are 7. r) risil!_~~.:J/ !.1he-·-' ~-:he Cl!.:-ll1{lel 2000 projF::ct; s-cc1rt;ec1 i-rl Jcl~Q :[·'J11 videotex industry: t":-te service to be tested in the Uni"l;c;d ;)t;Cl tes, the first Dulti- ;,. ...... 17 '1011':-1(; the r::e~leral e~ui~me~t aD~ the conclusion fulfilled by enc:.'clopec::i.2. to be F,Dele availo.ble electro-;:ic2l- communication t~~t t~e re~uirements nee~ed to deliver the technol03ical requirements would be end of the decade. In addition, the custoners were not ready to se~eral ac~ept rrite Chsnn8l 2000 sys·t";e,1. 1:!ill oper8.te on a fr:3e-stanc.ing compu':~cr pe:'-.:'mi ';;'in':= tioD to be Up_l,> !~::;d d~coder pro(1.1Jc-:-:C~ with the i i I I I I / I I 1 C1J.3to:~er3' on o. dai l~.' bClsis. text 2n0. tele~:sion f:::Vl!lcial an.d billiEg infoT".la- gr8I'l]Yi CG set turnerl t:o The service will be in eiGht cii T.ferent coLn's f:riencll~rll • If tr,e user selects the B'1nJ:: One a~ain option, he is he can presented with The three U3e. ~ajor :G'Jn~{ing EOf28 Ser---i.ccs sever~l d~~~srent services financial services are account s~atus, ~eneral £inanoi'11, and two methods of ~il1 pay~ent.41 E8Cll. Channel 2000 customer \"Jill h8.ve ing acc01Elt, t~/;o to one checlt- aCCOGS savinc;r3 accounts, an instslJr":sEt loan, a mercinl 10·?F or IJortgace, and Ol1e Visa card CO;:1- ;;onth- o.c~OU:1t. detailed crans '."·:ion i'1..5'!)E,1O.t;ion is <:..':ailabls ror t'10 checlo-:- DeI'S can enter hillins information dirac~ly ., . ~nelI' their fro~ . , lnpu~ . V1Q , ., ~ne ho~o us- tele- vision screen. c ;:m 0. c C 8 S ;; .:; h e tIl custo~8rs o~ , accou:'n:; • Particip0~~s to 3creen 1 displ~ys 1n the Ch~nnel t~e Cb2~nel 2080 if·) 2000 project also have access of seneral financial infor~~tibn. Included i~ this i~for~2tio~ are rates on certificates of de- ir~ere8t loan rates, and the prime rn.-~:e, rrc_(li-!:;~.orl in The user can ~~o O-;-}Jler fi!.1.ancial d.D-to.. c~oose One's financial services, Cb~TInel 2000 d~scription Am8rican Academic five other services aside from Bank wi~h ~ncyclopedia and if Ca~alos ~ill availab~~. ce.?:l o.lso [:lcces:~ the P'lblic the Channel 2000 systeo. explains how to use the system. c:rclopedia's h,fornatio!:,. bus Library /!...~ r,-1~1e e~able The The permits full access to the enelectonic version of the Columusers to look for a publication) have it mailed to their hones. The customer il'.forr::C1tion cO':1cernins cOr:1r:1uni t;;r e'isnts thr01.1s"l Inf0~C"rltioY' Services option. The service, l~inal user to return to pase o.nd t~e .... ne was uSlng aurlnz his previous access to the sys- ., Video~i~ancial Services 'tenture of Southeast D~nkin3 Cor- Corpo:::'.'ltiorc , nancial tra~sac~io~ . processinG qn d '~ence "D~nKlng local financial institu~io~s. other b~sin8~ses. fo~ n~al] F" .' l Q eO.l' 1 n G.n c 2. a I pIa :~, s ",' • to p:eovidc 20 Financial will also process the financial ~ill .'- lr the~ assist ,,8.SL.S. in record-keepinG anrt of vid20- finan~ial manaze~ent L~5 VideoFinancial's major t:o por~ion pro~/ide Florid~ the bank s~'Ti tel}, co~mitnent at the present tiDe is including hone bnnkc involved in the Viewtron banki~g videotc~ for system to be irrrplerilsntecl in southern T'lorida 'in Gepter::ber of 19[:3. 'rne Viewtron system is sponsored by Viewdata Corporation of lmeri- A~ r:>:. ':l/Sout;iler:~ Bell 1.'Jill desir;~! ar.ci .sell the terc::inals to be used QCC0SG to Included in the other fe~tures are t~e trnrii ·tioYlal ho-~e bQrJcins servic2s, such as aCC01..:.~t stnt"ls) bill p3.:TrneYl. t;, ~- clT.!.cl t.r,J~n3_-fcrs ILO •. .J 21 COThltios viII become payins "r"C~ ,_ 'J" fJ -.~~~ ./c;,-,-,~ o~ ,:. . oner 8 'Cl'nn ~J Co to purchase the AT 50 ~11PP .' ~r~:l"c-_~D,.Lan, +~ __ . _ .::'-'__ v . v~ ---,,_. ~ of Viewtron c~3tomers ~television be ':~25 i~o :';30. /,- , ! " _ presentl~ tar~eted to :Cleven Florid3. financial ins ti tutior..s have signed Ie tters of intent 1:"Jith 'IC,\ and 'crnnsac·GJ.on vl"ll be rec,·.uired adapter terminal for approx- " . 1 ~~50S1 lmaC8.7.:'.? -~ ana, pay the monthly fee, r:? ~urinG it~ ~ .L unc'"lons TO '- " • 'l~o help provide the banking ' '} lei.'l t ron --"' s cus l,o~lers. 53 J.. Knight Ridder plans to offer Viewtron in several cities across the nation where Knisht Ridder provides newspaper services and possibly in one or tvo cities in which it is not 10cated. ~!orth 1 e • 10 ,LJ., v~} Potential future Vie~tron sites include Boston, Fort ICa:1So.S City, P~lilaclelphia, San Jose , Detroit, 8:r:.d Char- 54 Banl:-o t - t~ OIT'.e Another majo~ videotex s7s~em p~o- called Dank-at-£ose is United Ar:J.erican Ran3~ or ICnoz~ril1e, Fh:Lch has recentl~r been a~quired by First ~he ser~ices pro- In c!cl.di tio"l, .L1 "ile 22 The user is e.e, I'' l .l "e~ __, ;-), ~ ",,,,(1c C,~J_ r) C, ::~c ,j n15 char~ed Y'\0r jJ- _ _ "'Ol"l-(""\ ,. l-!- no~~hly ('1* i~··1,1+·1'7 .'-- OJl; v' fee for the bnnkin~ access rate is assessed if ~he custo~er uses CompuServe. 57 In October of 1981, four franchise i ts Bank-:Jt;-~Io:~!e hUndre~ s~r8t8m nresidont chief executivi:; o:r':'ficer of UASC, repo::::'ted tl1at so:~e L~OO control the 100 personal - to financinl institutions across the nation. bad expressed 'T interest in nsiws \ customers were receiving so'ectio~ . r:;q COmplJl~erc;." ,- ba!L:s ::;8nk-;:d~-Fome. De~ fr8nc~ises of an(~_ to ;et a balance of 23 also lJC pl~nning , t to develop u videotex prod- , C)lJSLl.ess. II, will rrovide cash :-:md :y;l~ess , 0 lec1;:9a. ~irst funis tr2nsfer, forecasting, to COITl80n cOrJyuter pro?;rarns, such as accounts re- user computer ror Pronto II has rot heen se- ~he ceivehle. nnnaze~?nt, (;() Ba~k s~stemls First TIand First Banl,;:S;'lsterll of r:irlYleapolis, Ylinnesota, beca:ne the first bank to use the ~merican uhen it sto.rted , . l"GS Firs t ~ra videotex system, TeItel, ~rench '1d 7ideotex service in 1S82. Clel- It is a credit-card si2e computer chip stored provirtes n~ el2s~ronic i ;","'I-q .;: n ~.J• ." •• • ,.; '.", • layers of plastic. het~een The ITli.croc:1ip l~ey to co; fidential coded and auto~atically dates d~t~ 3TId filss i~ re8ord~ -.-: 0 p f',~ --'.-' ~.J...,~.' l' r, L'" +'_ O~L . 'n i-; on ,;.::. r-vr ; c p cl" , _>-. .J. ~ -'J' . 62 GerVlces. _ ~ C'Juc 1} CJ . . L .I... 0"C') ... ~'r r:>;>-) • ............ '-'In 1'" .. L .... ' . _ , ':1Ar-~ _ _.' ,_ , CIIAPTER I I I syste~8 Even though there are Dany videotex y O ~ed <.-' ~crocs i:;). ~he 'J ~- n~·tion _ G. -. L _ oflOerl'n~ ._ • co·.... p arra,Y _ _ _ of. 'opo~~ _ J. ,< beinE devell·nfor~_._.a+l·on _ _ _ v __ services, several probleI:'. Hreas need to 'oe considered and overcome before videotex services can be \iidely marketed in the United States. ~efore the home shoppjnS se~vices o~ Joh~ ceive dpta to cleari Y':~ h01~.se ~~d ~ro3 billers. videotex systems call ?isher, I'm hopeful the sen~or vice ~utosated ::. et'.!orlc uill proTLde the J J • ready to t~l~t a vid80tex systeD. ~tth t~eir b~nk account 25 custo~ers nay be reluctant to nccep~ home bankin~ an~ other sizes 2nrl pries levels, by a host of banks, near-banks, and nonbanks, is conf1),sed by it all. ,,64 1970s, t~e Studies conducted in the 8nr1y day8 of early technical innovation, revealed slow, even dis2ppointi~g acceptance of technology-based·products. 65 ~ut, surprjsin~ly, the same studies show a hieh level of custo- mer loyalty to technolosical se~vices. ~hey bRcl: to Yhe old . 'Dre';rt3.l1. b2nkin~: Mr. Sulljvan stated, didp't want to go Now, Mr. Sullivan feels, we have en ') . ' s2r--:/ic") ;':~ 1] sj--;'Irt 01),t as an 1J,pscale offerin;:-:;, but it H .L,2 adds, 11frhG.t I G been I see it 1y ., hi~t tec~nolo~y-oriented '';:'U8 eve~t~- environment, will aid in tearin; 26 - videotex services. 2000 report, that customero are d9~andin~ cess Another 90sitivc note increasingly better educated society more co~es cated, their needs for specialized and con'Tenie~t ac- ~or our fro~ studies perso~~lized co~- information tends to expand as does their acceptance of automated delivery . '70 sysL;ems. ' Another potential proble3 urea involving home that sUPDliers of videotex security. Capitalizin~ ser~ices Dust be concerned a porson \'lith. ad'.;",~::.ced ~:ost syste~s 'iideJtex have? personal al. ~ith is on Technolo;y points out that t~e e9se ~~e thcd~ ba~~i~; r:icrocofr:::::n1:Ce::- protect the 5~entific8tio~ public~tio~ ad~s trainin~:';;o'_11d ha~Jc custo~er's ~u~ber ~hich Dust bQuk accou~ts ~8~ch t~e "vc- ~. over the p hon·~ 1-::..n.es {' ~. :,o;r. 'h 'C .. 8 Cll:=:; i :oner " S nome 2qin computer will be encrypted, or specially coded. All iss1)e v:hich does not ilppear to hCJsper -che implelJenta- tion of videotex services, but does pose as a p~oblem to the widespread usaCe 0f the services, is the cost element. r'ec:L~".olo0;Y tA.lizin;r, On. Capi- reported that studies indicate the terr;:i- nel will have to cost approximately half as much as what Dost One of the crucial conqacr is terns. areas videotex suppliers must proble~ other merch3nts involved in the videotex sys- gettin~ The hiGh costs to the customer for receiving videotex could be greatly lowered as advertising dollars could be in ta defray co~~s. that advertisinc If come in.volve~ bill payment and horne A tex ';~ill G21:::e vi~eotex ~roc pos3ibl~ is Orte~a One of Columbus o~ Ba~k or b:;::>(:.ak the Sl':.CC'3SS suppliers can entice the systems by i~ shoppi"~:; service~ David pa~ticipating ~erch3nts so~~~nr~ s!~ort In develoPGe~t advertisin~ \'le shop of video- for practical day-to-day applica- Sl~t])Pl=l. , mo~n~ to be- in electronic l)otcntial vidaotex offers, the \,;ay ~hat 3tat~j of -Jideotex th8ir custooers and utilizing the constr2frrt to the rapid brou~h~ 7L~ i C~, co es Software . user proS~~~3, .such as Thus u::;f3'::1le; the cus- re~ui~ins -'-:or:lcr Tr:: ,::xper,c1 cO:::1sidnrable ef':foTt ":::0 te~pt ":::0 do anything new is what ars the rezulatory implications for the area. ~s~ leC!.r!'~ hm" to use the pro- The only re3ula-tion gocrer!ling bonlcing . app 1 appears ~o y ·1S PcteCll 1 2Glon ~~.'76 L· This reculation 1:I~ich outli~es the rules on the physical receipts and inforcation customers th· , 7 7 But R8.Ylc One is mus~ reC01ve co~cernlng _elr accoun~s." L · . leaving ~othing One and C~~C of Cha~~el • to chance with its re~resentatives 2000 to the Senate cS-'lking cOE1rni ttecs. 78 authorj~~e2 exp~c3sed 7~: the ope::'~":;ion.· presented a ~embers A~d 2000 system. Cha~nel staff ~anis-on o~ Bane demonstr~tion both tte qouse and Also o=ficcrs at the United i\:Jeri- no criticism of the i~teT-state nature of 2S The future participation 28 predic~ difficult to And the Y.2"",' fin'1.r:cial a.s the ~y .l~"J.ture i·:J2tru~.8,!.-cs d.ustr;y p::1rtieipo'-c1ts belie':,ce th2-C firm c~t~~0·ted ~~?t 4,00~ banks in Videotex syste3s is deregulation of that mny evolve. ~10:ne rir8~cial ba:,,;.~:in3 But r:-.ost in- banl::inc; 1:,i11 be offered on institutions c~y be offor- :, tic. , "".':.ee c ; ~ i-v:~~:;;_"--'r-_nc ~': ~~r;r'/ic8~, 8flC: :: -~"'~~Gs-t~!~e~:lt COll.n:.;c1.iY'..~ Ceil' -3.1l b~'~ ,lifestyles could be sj~nificont. Once videotex systems 8~co~e or ·~~8X ~~g8zine hO~8S. delivered to our screen. We would not e~en ~~ have to could slGply have the ~ub8cribe ~ell The videotex systems may very C orporCl te thouso.nJs of 10c8.1 !1e 1:!Spe:;:>ers, t~heir puters -::;0 develop data files. library to 21rer~dy use coc- typeset ond pase In:70uts, irc-to their A 'J.ser could read a :p2per fron almost rmy :12.jor cou~try. city in the files ror ~:J'nich in- custo:!(;~'S p~rform Several videotex to ·'}cceS~3 re8e~rch on thu~; n~ s7~teDs Qcntioned in this elir::i-';"1tin;::; [) crip to -':he issue. appe2r.3 to be orticle, cl.DcJ nany. that nn Ore c~fec~ efficie··~ -t1: 3 the qbove :::'1'0 8equenc~ may have on businesses is (slivary system will need to be ~evelopeC. l:!hether eacfl re'>·::jiJcI'::ill deliver its :=00d3 itself or incle- clerks, cnsh~.er.'3 ~ cash re:~:l.sters, o.::d floor space in the· store ~8.n be reduced. • I • . lDcenS1VC . , J008 o.s- 31 assjstin~ custo~crs sociated with i~ purchasinG some product9 , , than off-set ~he increased cost of deliverinz -sne icosts and pos- But how lon3 will it be before a significant ho~es are participating in videotex services? nu~jer Payment of Syste~s, an electronic funds transfer research and infor8ation service company, estir:lates th,').-t:; up to 10 percent of American hOl}seholds will have a home computer terminal by 1985, and un to 40 percent of the llouseholds will have a terminal by 1990. 80 This does not mean videotp.~\: "'Jill 81so be a alre~d~ people Hre ''-''''-'Y' t" t >1; eac~ 50 . ;:-:1 serVJ_ces. i.!l -:-0 termi~al But if people do :lOt have households may be If per~0~~ ~ouseh0lds, :::rur~; a significant nu~ber. Con- and as hieh as 20 percent of the householdG -t~h e is up that has a orjentedto using computer terminals, vid- well over 100 mjJlion 7 ~ous8holds CllS ~or:ler. OF A~erican '. as low as of the s-y:cu12tior'. 3 ,-') service risht nc~ as we were ~i~h credit cards in 19G5-5S, have a treme~dous on ou~ lives over the ~ext ten ~years P.l~ • tt'"' 33 Col7: ..IIbid. l' '-CE' pi t,31izi~,C; on 7echrlOlosy," A -report providE:d by -::;hr:: ~:8tion,"'1 Inr:liFlDf;: Be.nk, Indionapolis, 13 j\rril 19B3, }}.l~., (Type- "'''''''l' -'-+-pn ",.'L l., v·J • ) 5"'_-L,- p bor-,'~,-1., "rt~o,.""t=>r _ ,Toin _ _ __ .11- 1~,:,nJ::\'!3S0rl, 6 f!~nre-:~cl "1 !, /l '-7 .. ;-~rl:;icl_.. II d,~. , "'i",T l' I:r~alysis,!r -"'1 ~ -Pr~ 0-1--T'11~Ture B1U-i 1 d'-' ._"L .. l,_ -c, ,'~ Banks 'E>:;,ui pr1!'~nt, :::'ebru&:;:>:, 1 S'83, p.5. d,coT.r,_"Y " -- Bn.nk SY;3tems _0_ o.,~ 'v v _ ~ • p.17. ;9 ) . I t'ft!n....,,~"":rl .l -.L .... ",' .'-.....£. '~>IC,;lL) If ~·ulti-'.)tate ~'\S00r~j nt:io~ -.P~cn1·:ins n'l-;:,k-F'rol1l-Ho:ne fTo'urn81 1 O·::to1~\(~_~ -'~0 3'+ 22Bar~: Ore of Colu~bus, p.4. p.3. orr f='echY!.o logy, " p.9. ?" - . BanJ: One of Co1QTibus, p.4. P .L1-. ;0;0 ./ CrOI;1er, p.2. "7/1 :J 1"',1 1-','8 0:.L ,. cJ· . !~112_ 1 ySl~-" .. p.o. n It p.1. "7.7 ./ , ChO-:l1.('1e1 "7" ') (',()O r._ \.J\.... , 0 "'I . .J.. :JoT' . , _ OJ.o.. p.2. 40Ibid. , p.3. LILL r'I1lid. L~5Ibid • of Colu~1bus, 35 }!.1. p.1. p.26. 52 Orr, '7 p . .:;. 57, 1fi i'rend Analysis, It p.26. -" 58 0 -""", '7 P_j. r~, 59r<T',""''''r v _ , '-'J.l~"""" lL 1...'. '0 .. ,-,,:-,. ; ) .? S t- r e e -l:; e .~~. -: ~p _ :3 • rrl ~-) / I b ~ . (J • r" ~=>'-F:~(-1lt~Y'npl \.,' !...l. '-,,-,..1 ~ ..........J- . . "}0(....... ,J ), _. , 35 1 '7 ' , ..+" CO.p:L't-:a l.lZJn::; 77. 1-, 'd • "_._Ol r}3, , , SGreecer, 9.4-. p.1. 80ltCapita1izing 0::1 rreclmo1o[~=,T, 11 p.11. 81n 01). 11' lvon, p.1. 8311C::'Pl' +.-,,1; v J ........ CA. -- Zl' ;"[i' - - .... 0 p.2. 85 Orr, p.3 • - . , I on Techno1oS:1," p.5. Bank (be () \':r:--i t ~. ~(:; . " , I'Capit"'li7ir .. (, 1 TTi3tiOT"lCJl Cllannel 2()()O. (~ ,." r !\ If.: r , Dapkor::; 'T 1 , , Cromer, Debcr:di. Darn.l: , ,,r-_ , .-' ~ J " ',~" I '-11Y-P;ln,,-:; !-)i10' ,)l1rn[, 1, :\(~ ',ot,,, Y' ~--------------------------------- TTnil;ed :~~~-;-;r.,e~~ Hyman, Ton;) rf ,--'!i:.' 1"1 t:1 C:; ( ~~~"",.'~ pp. 'if I;: i n-;Oi~\r:~ 1 C tl~--:,:Jho ,~·.i1,1:t.J:: ;'rJn~~('I·., I' ',~: t -: 1e ','j 11 L 1 C):~,.., i~. '\ ~~ , • j , "; :r' I ..- ",' \(\, pn. " ,~ ) I ~,: C : ~ r1 () 'I) ~-. .;: 1T • 1' . -~ ~1'1~~ { " ~~"uirn~n;~, '1': T1Detnils 0:' ";j i'~()rn';: AS8ocl!:; '" in P:j"l;.:::j" Ed ',:'lros, 'nol),l:' :; :;,uild:~ 'JaIl :'1,'(,':' ----=:::..--- !! v- ,, " Y: (; :JySt0~:, '1"1: d ors ,j;:, jr In '-[d ','frco', • " 1 nn3, [;". "''7-1 OJ. '1' of 'If'r':si.ruc: I!~;,,-::o,', , {' \ ~~"r:Dr\'-l ", ·"jl '/, : ,-~ " .(1 1 ( Coh~n, 1 " )) 1 i (' 1 1 ,c Le, n Lilano, " :1 n J\Ge.rj(~~'" "".;Y· ~-l-=:r:::-,~"':::n~-"":""-'-"-"------'~'-- _. -'~"" Orr, "Sjll. :. !Tyro !\I·,(:I ..~(·~:;!' 'T . - 1 " , "1, :1: Ci' ~ -; r' ~ " , ----,--------------;~ "'kinr Prospectus: r plosi "Pc r;"c, "" JO~lT": ,, "I 'j' ".arll~ei'·r) ~ (")1 f -"" ' ,:1 t:n tus ':'i(YT"; :~'~()c:'1.·"1' j or OJ ~·,(_.t.,!.1~ p. : '1':. (' ill ' streeter, ca"'1 Sulli V-9n, . i (~, :f_; 1 ment ." r,,:i. ('~(; Ifr;l..,.....p ' .... oc: ,,~ 'I Hf.,"" ,"'-" , '," ,I, A • •. . , () '{!-:1(ir' " C' in n r; Y', ;i· 1')'\'1- , ;·~el' 1 ~, i, ~'t '.r-~ J'on- -,',"- --,1 I ./ . , :~ -~ ~ . "Trend Analysis." report provided l,~r ·~,.rlirF~~\ ':atior:aJ IndiRrrifJol:i,J, 17; tn~'il l')P;'.('T'ypC,!,·i I, C!l.) e r'.'?:~l-,