hl Honors Thesis lHONRS 1f99) By: Brooke Rice Thesis Advisor-: Coro Iyn Wolker Boll Stcrte UniversHy Muncie. Indiana December 2006 Groducrtion Dcrte: December 2006 kt Honors Thesis (J-IONRS 4-99) By: Btooke Rice Thesis Advisor: tol Walker Ball Stc:rre UniversHy Muncie. Indiana December 200b Gtaduertion Dcrte: December 200b /I ':::JfL -h . . ' . -/ . C; LX: ~ 2 '") S c-; , z '--/ JooG .r :3 Throughout my co lIege CQ~, I have been preparing to become an effective classroom teacher. I have spent much of my TIme perfecting my skills in lesson-planning and in learning effective methods of classroom management. yet I know ihat I will need more ihan ihese ihings in order to be successful during my first few years in ihe classroom. For ihis reason, I decided to make a Classroom Starter Kit which will serve to betrer prepare me for organizing and running my own classroom. This kit includes a plan for conducting meaningful activrnes ihe first day of school. newsletrer -rempkrfes for encouraging positive teacher-parent communiccrlion, a rtJbric for use during parent-teacher conferences, and a classroom website among many oiher rrems. Ad<nowledgmerrh;: • I would like to ihank Dr. Carolyn Walker for adVising me during ihis project. Her input and encouragement were e>ctrernely helpful ihroughout ihe eniire process . • I would also like to ihonk Cynihia Whtrehair, my supervising teacher at Cowan Elementary, for all ihat she taught me about successfully running a classroom and making a difference in siudenn;' lives . She is one of 'lhe world's iruly ded icqtecJ teachers. 3 RcrtionaIe Page tt New School Year 0rganizerfion First Day of School Plan Page 8 Scavenger Hunt Page 10 Attendance Card Tetnplcrres Page II Library Log Page 12 Group Work Ro les Page 13 l...itero1ure Circle Ro les Page Itt Parent Communiccrtion Conroct List Page 17 Parent Communiccrtion Documenitrtion Page 18 Parent Conference Rubric Page 19 Newsl~ Page 20 Tetnpkrtes Website Page ttl Teacher Resources Page tt3 Raiionale h a new feClcher- about 'fo en'l1:t' '!he professional world. I feel'!hcrt I hClVe received '!he irclining and exper-ience hecessary to be a successful 'feClcher-. I have spent endless hours cteCl'fihg and per-fecling engaging lesson platlS and leCltning exper-iences. and I helVe had wonder-ful oppotitlhiiies in working wiih eletneh'ltlty age sfudenis. I have had '!he oppot1t.lhiiy to rLlh a fot.It1h grade classrootn wiih '!he help of a supervising feClcher-. and I hClVe '!he confidence ahd en'!husiastn '!hcrt I know it will mke 'fo be a great 'feClcher-. Yst. even wiih '!hese '!hings under- tny belt. I siill know '!hcrt it will mke tnot"e 'fo successful~ t'tJh a student-cen~ leattlihg etlvit-onrnent. This is why I have decided 'fo c:tecrte '!his Classrootn SmrfBr KIt. Research has shoWh '!hcrt extensive ·plahhing Clhead is esseniial for '!he ftrst year of feClchihg" and for '!he professiohal success of ftrst-year 'feClcher-s (Bosch ZCXX)). .A.ccording 'fo tnost sources. '!he ·preparaiioh ahd orgahizotion crt '!he beginning of '!he year· is whcrt seis '!he 'fohe ahd pace for '!he stnoo'!h t'Unhihg of '!he entire school year (Bosch ZCXX)) . Ft.It1her-rnot"e. "t"esearch shows '!hClt effeciive feClcher-s Ct"eClie posiiive le<lttling environrnenis by using tnanagement skills to organize iime. space. maret-ials. auxiliary per-sohhel. and s1udenis" for success ihroughout '!he school year (Bosch Zcxx)). h a new feClcher- wiih '!he s1t'ong desit'e to hClVe a successful flt'St year 'fo set '!he pace for my CClt"eer-. I have decided 'fo do sotne eXiehsive planning befot"e I en1er my OWh classrootn to ensure '!hcrt I CCln orgahize and tnanage it for rLlhhing stnoo'!hly ihroughout '!he school year . I feel '!hat ih hClVing dOhe '!his prepClraiion Clhd pianhing befot"e enter-in9 my classrootn. I will hClVe tnore iitne 'fo dedlCClie 'fo 'feClching my sfudenis ohce I am ac1ual~ in my OWh classrootn . 5 In platltlitlg for- ihe or-gatlizcrt!otl atld matlagemetlt of my fuitIr'e classroom. I have chosetl to focus otl a few eletnetrts ihat I feel will be integrol to my success dur-ing my fIrSt year- of 1eaching . Flr'st off. I have chosetl to C!'eate a platl of lessotls atld activities for- irnplernetltitlg dllt'itlg 'lhe fIrSt few days of school . Ax:ot'ding 10 ohe so[Jf'ce. all sitJdetlw "tleed s1l'uc1tJ'ed time atld pr-ocedur-es" in ot'der- to feel sectJ!'e atld ready to leam ih a classr-oom (ThompSOtl 2002). For- 'lhis reasoh. matly of my fIrSt day activities focus Otl or-ietltihg '!he sitJdetlw 10 ihe clClSSr-oOm aild es1tlbl1shitlg ihe r-outihes atld pr-ocedures for- 'lhe classr-oom . The oiher- ac1ivities for- ihe fIrSt day focus otl helpihg ihe sitJdetlw get 10 know each o'!her- as well as how 10 work 1ogeiher- as a 1eam for- success In 'lhe classr-oom . The secotld major- area ihat I focused oh in plahhing for- my classr-oom was ihat of par-eht-teacher- commuhicatiotl . Most pr-ofessiohal educa1ot'S believe ihat otle of ihe major- keys 10 sitJdetlt atld 1eacher- success in '!he classr-oom is '!he ~ualrry of cotntnUtlicatioil atld COOpetcltiOtl '!hat ex\sis beiWeeh 'lhe sitJdetl'ls' pat'etl'ls Clhd ihe teacher- (Bosch 2CXXl) . For- ihis t'ElClsOh. I have chosetl 10 USe sevetcll me'!hods of cotntnutliccrtiotl in my clasSt'oom ih ot'der- 10 keep in cotl1tlct wiih my sitJdetl'ls' par-etl'ls . I have chosetl 10 deslgh a classr-oom websi1e as well as 10 ct'eClie motlihly tlewsl~ formy classroom in ot'der- 10 keep ihe "lines of cotntnUtlicatioh open" be!ween myself atld my sitJdetl'ls' par-eh'ls (rv1ll1iken 1991) . FuHher-rnor-e. I have ihcluded a t'Ubt-ic 10 be used for- cOhductihg successful. sitJdetlt-focused. par-etlt-teacher- cotlf~ces . In qdditiOh 10 ihese major- Qt'ElCls of Or-gqhizqtioh ahd plahnihg. I have also dotle some plahhltl9 for- cOhductihg coop€tClt!v~gr-oup lessohs Clhd activities wiih my sitJden'ls . Mditionally. I have chosetl 10 or-gqhize l.lter'CliUr'e CIr-cie activities for- my siudetl'ls in my fuitIr'e classr-oom . The b t'eQson I have chosen 'ttl conduct "!hese gt'oup-wot'k ac1iviiies is because I feel "!hat leCl[1lihg is ofren most effec!ive when it is be1ween pElEt'S ihs1eCld of sitnply ft'om "!he ieClchet. A1'!hough I know "!hat successfully t'tlnning a posiiive leCl[1ling erwit'ontnent takes effort as well as expetience. I feel '!hat '!his QasSt'Oom S'Itlt'iBt' !at is a siep in '!he t'ight dir'ec!ion fot' me as a nf!W ieClchet. It will help me 'ttl set '!he stage fot' reachihg in my flt'St ciasst'Oom. and it will allow me "!he opporimiiy to focus on ac1ually ieClchihg my sitlden'ls during my flf'St yOOt' ihs1eCld of ot'ganizihg my ciasst'oom . 7 8 First Day of School Plcm ActivHy: Description: Sfudent A.ttivql qnd Welcotne: • • • • Teamer- • Jirlroduc1ion: "Me Bqg Ac1ivny" • • • • • Clqsst'ootn Cues ql1d Sigl1qls • • • • Gt-eet siudenis at "!he door as '!hey en1er '!he classt'oom . Insiruct oom siudent to find '!he desk wiih his or her- narne1qg on it and 10 hang '!heir- book bags on "!he back of "!heir- mair- for '!he time being . M. eam siudeht to place KJeehex on '!he desighcrred ruble and to have a soot at '!heir- desk . Have '!he siudenis begin decot'Cliing '!he ou1side of '!heir- "Me Bag" wiih '!heir- name ahd fun doodles ahd facts about ihemselves ftomp1iy begih "!he reacher- iht-oduc1ioh ac1iviiy when it is iime for class to s1tlrt. !nt-oduce your-self clhd welcome "!he siudenis to your classroom . Tell '!he siudenis ihat you have made a "Me Bag" to help '!hem 10 get to know you ~ . Take ooch rrem out of '!he bag and explain iis significanoo . Then. expklin ihat oom siudetlt is going 10 make '!heir- oWh "Me Bag" to int-oduce '!hemselves to '!he class wiih '!he next day. A.ssign '!he "Me Bag" as '!he ftt'St homework assighment. Recot'd ihis assigntnent on '!he A.ssigntnetlt Boar-d. and explain '!he A.ssigntnent Boat'd ahd A.ssigntnent Book pr-ooodures to '!he class. Explain '!hat in ot'der- to make '!hings !'Un smoo'!hly. your class will have sorne special Signals '!hat will be used at different 'limes. Tell ihe siudenis '!hat '!hey will have some signals and ihat you will arso have some sighals 10 use . First. explain '!hat '!heir- sighals ar-e impot"ltlht so '!hat '!hey can ~ulckly get your atteniion wiihout inimtlpiing your reaming. Explain '!hat 5 flngel'S signals a ~UesiiOh r-elaied 10 '!he topic we ar-e rulking about. '!hat I finger- signals an erner-gency r-esiroom t-ip. ahd a pehcil ih '!he air- sighals ihat it needs to be sharpened (ohly if iwo have beeh sharpened befor-e '!he s1tlrt of class). Next. explain '!hat as ihe 'feamer-. you also have Signals "!hat will be impot"ltlnt The fll'St is simply 10 t'Clise your hand 10 signal ~uiet Wheh '!his sigMI is used. '!he siudenis should t'dise iheir- hands. face '!he spooket-. and lisfun for insiruc1ion8 . Ano'!her- 8igMI would be a clapping r-hyihrn. Afier' repecrting '!he r-hyihm. '!he sitJdenis should know to face '!he speaker- and listen for insirtlc1ions . 9 Clqsst'ootn Tout' • • • • • • • Rules qhd rtocedur-es • • • • • • • • Next. disitibUie copies of fue I Spy: Cklsst'oom ScaVe!1g~ Hunt Sheet to fue siudetrfs , Give fuarn I minufe fu flI1d as many of fue objecls in fue hunt as possible . Next. take 1he siuderrfs on a "tollt'O of fue dasst'oom. poinTIng out fue objec1s fuey fOUhd dllt'ing fuel!- scavenger- hunt. h '!his fune. explain pr-ocedures such as placing "!heir a~dance car-d in "!he chart in '!he mor-ning. Explain how to chect books out of 'fhe clasSt'oom Libtory using fue l.lroty Log , Explain how to fu!tl in homework in'fo '!he homework 'Nys each day, Also. explain fue r-oles on fue job boClt'd and how '!hese duiies Clt'e 'fo be performed, Tell fue sitJde!1"fs 'ihat in ot'der- 'fo have a good yeat' at schoo/; 'fhe classt'Oom will need some rules, M '!he siuderrls why fuey 'ihihk r-ules at'e Important. Give scenarios if needed . Tell 'ihe siuden"fs fuat you at'e going to allow fuem to help you to make 'ihe class rules, M '!he class 10 brainsfutm a list of rules . NCIt1'Ow 'ihe list down so "!hat '!hey fit into fue follOWing cxrtegor-ies: I . Be Respectful 2, Be Ftepar-ed 3 . Do Yollt' Best Discuss how each of fue r-ules frts into "!hese categor-ies . Post fuese r-ules for- all 10 see . Next explain fue c1assr-ootn discipline pr-ocedures in case some of fue rules Clt'e br-oken . Explain '!hat in cases of rnisbehavior-. a siudent will receive a WClt'fling. wiih his or- her- name 'NI'itIe!1 on fue boar-d. Af1et' 'ihat. chedk marks will be pklced af'fBt 'ihe hClrne to ihdicaie furlherbehavior- issues , --J Miss I 5 Minures of Recess --J--J Miss all of Recess --J--J--J Isolcrtfoh for- 'ihe Day --I--J--J--J Lose Rewat'd. Send Nore Home --J~--J --J --J Vis it to A-incipal Next. explain fuat good bd1avior- celh eat'fl rewClt'ds, Explain '!hat as a class. r-ewat'ds can be eClr-ned by eClr-nihg tnarbles in a glass jarWhen 'ihe class fills fue jar-. a r-ewat'd will be voied on , Also. explain '!hat individuals "Caught Being Good" can eclt'tI special pr-ivilages such as lunch wtih fue reacher- e1t:. .. 10 Scovet1ger Hunt I Spy: Classroom ScClvenget' Hunt While smying secrted at your- desk. use your- eY6!i3 to find as many of ihe following irerns in your- c1asst'oom as possible. You'll have one mintrte to see how many ihings you Celn flhdl Good lu<i and have funl ksignment Boat'd Da i1y Sd1edule Pencil Shar-peners Kleenex BOX6!i3 Attendance CliClrt Homework Tr-ays ClClsst'oom Libr-at-y Job Boat'd Smplers UJnch Menu Clo<i I Spy: Classt'oom Scavenget' Hunt While smying seared at your- d6!i3k. use your- eY6!i3 to find as many of ihe follOWing irerns in your- c1asst'oom as possible. You'll have one minu1e to see how many ihings you oon fmd! Good lu<i and have funI ksigntnent Boat'd Daily Sd1edule Pencil Shar-peners Kleenex Box6!i3 Attendance Cliart Homework Tr-ays Classt'oom Libr-at-y Job Boar-d Smplers UJnch Menu CIo<i --- II Attendance CArd Templates Use '!he following templates to crecrte siudent Cltrendance cards. Using a digital camera. take each sfudent's piefure during 'lhe first day of school. Then. put each sfudenfs pic1tlre onto '!he remplcrte. and iype in 'fhe siudent's name . Then. insert ihe sfudent's crtrendance card into ihe attendance chart in ihe front of 'fhe room. Teach ihe following Cltrendance procedure to 'lhe sfudenw: Each morning. enter ihe room and place your Cltrendance card into your numbered pod<et in 'fhe chart. Each afternoon. remove your card from '!he chart and place it bad< in '!he basket for 'lhe next morning. Sfudent Piefure Sfudent Picture S1udent Narne: Student Name: 12 Libtc1ry Log Miss Rice's ubrary Log Nome: Book TItle: Dote Out Dote In: 13 Grou Work Ro les ., Titner MOTIvaTIng MonITor Materials Specialist Recorder Job Reminders: Captain Q & A Tltner-- wcr!t:h '!he clock and keep yOll' group on rusk so '!hat you'll fmish on 'lime M01ivo1ing MonHot-- encourage eam group rnember- 10 pariicip<rle by meer-ing everyone on Mcrrer-ials Specialist- you'l"e In mor-ge of goiher-Ing and reiutning all supplies Recotder-- yOll' speciaHy is wt'i1ing down all of '!he answer-s yOll' g!'oup cornes up wiih Cop1tlin Q & A- you'l"e '!he speaker- fo!' yOll' groupyou or-e '!he one per-son who con ask for- rnor-e directions and who con shor-e Infottncrtion wiih '!he class Itt Litercrrure Circle Roles Word Finder _____________________ Oaelp1ers:___________________ You are '!he Word Finder. Your job is to look for speciell words in '!he story . These speciell words mC2J' be new. s'lrClnge. funny. in'lat-es1ing. importcmt. 01" hard. When you find el word '!hcrt you WClnt 10 talk about. record it on '!his sheet. Word: Pelge: 'M1y I d10se '!his word: N~e. When your group tneeis. help your friends talk about '!he words you d1ose . hk yourselves '!hese c:t.ues1ions: How does 'lhe word fit in 'lhe s1ory? Shell! We look it up? If yes. do so . Gem you draw 'lhe word? Does Clnyone know whcrt 'lhe word tneClnS? What does 'lhis word tnClke you feel like? Passage Picker N~e: - ------------------- Oaap1ets: ____ _ ________ You are '!he Pelsselge Picker. Your job is 10 pick p<lt1s of 'lhe siory '!hat you WClnt 10 reCld aloud 10 your group . These cCln be pClHs '!hot you 1hink were good. funny. scory. in1eres1ing. well-written. desctip1ive. Clnd so on. Write down your ports on '!his sheet 10 share during disC!Jssion . Why I liked '!his pert 15 Litera'fure Circle Roles Continued Discussion Director _____________________ Olapiets:___________________ You are '!he DisCllssion Direc1or. Your job is 10 wr-i1e down some good ~ues1ions 1hat you '!hink your group would want 10 full< about. During discussion, mctke sure everyone paHicipcrles and sroys on fusk. Questions: 1. _________________________________________ N~e 2. ____________________________ _____________________________ N~e: -------------------- O1ap1ers:_ ________________ You Clt"e "!he Connector . Your job is 10 find connections be1Ween "!he book and "!he outside world . This means connecting "!he reading 10: • O1her wr-i1ings by "!he sqme au'lhor • Your own life • Similar- event.; at o"!her 1imes and plqces • H:lppenings at school or in "town • O1her books or s10ries • O1her people or problems • O1her wr-i1ings on "!he sqme 10pics Try answering '!his ~ues1ion: Some 1hings 1oday's reading reminded me of were. .. Ib 17 Parent Communiccrtion Documentation Student Name: 1. 2. 3. Lt. 5. b. 7. 8. 9. [0. '- [I . 12. [3. [It. 15. lb. 17. 18. [9. 20. 21 . 22. Contact List: Par-en1s Names: Horne Alone: Alt. Alone: Email: 18 Porent CommuhicoTIoh Documerrtcrtioh Types: P = Fhohe E = Emoil N = Note Dote: Type: Initiated By: Reason Notes: Dote: Type: Initicrted By: Reason Notes: Dote: Type: Initicrted By: Reason Notes: Dote: Type: Initicrted By: Reason Notes: Dote: Type: Initioied By: Reason Notes: Dote: Type: Initioied By: Reason Notes: M = Meeting 19 Pqrent Conference Rubric Conf~ce Rub-ic Excellent - Wort.; well at AXldf1Tlic Mievf1Tlent Work E'!hic At!enffon Level and J.hilHy to Follow Directions Reaction to Frus1rcrtion Affi1ude Toward Otht{' S1uden1s Affi1ude Toward Teacht{' Discipline Siudef'lTS grade level _ Worl:s above grade level - Unders1tlnds most all mcrlerial - Does his/h€r best work _ Starls irnrnedia1ely _ N~ly always neat - Does eX1ra work _ Work is n~ly always oompltred on time _ Lis1ens oarefully and nearly always follows direclions _ A.sbl 'tues1ions if help is needed Good _ Worl:s at grade level - Undersronds most of '!he mcrlericll Needs Improvf1Tlent - Some1irnes worl:s at grade level - Does not undersrond some of '!he ma'la'ial Needs Much Improvement _ Worl:s below grade level _ Does not appear to unders1tlnd most of '!he mcrlerial _ Does good work _ Sfar1s ~ight away _ Is usually neat _ Work is usually completed on 1ime _ QualHy is of1en below avEMge _ Needs supervision - Needs to be nearer - Work is 80me1irnes on ffrne _ Usually lis1eos and follows directions _ Usually asbl 'tues1ions if help is needed Some1irnes follows directions _ Of1en has dtfflcul1y lis1ening _ Some1irnes asbl 'tues1ions if help is needed _ Gives up o~ won't ty _ Usually does not 1is1en _ R~ly follows directions _ Seldom asbl for help - _ QualHy is below average _ Needs oons1tlnt supervision Needs to be nearer Work is seldom on 1ime - _ Always keeps frying _ Usually bps frying _Shows respect to most everyone _ Gels along wi1h o1hers easily _ Usually shows respect to o1hers _ Gels along wit! o'!hers most of '!he 1ime _ Shows respect some1irnes, but really needs to make betret cho Ices in '!h is area _ Has litrie o~ no respect for anyone induding him/herself _ Very ooopercmve _ Willing to go beyond what is expecred _ N~ly always respectful _ Nearly always follows rules and behaves appropria1ely - Makas wise choices _ Usually ooopercmve _ Usually 1tea1s reacht{' wi1h respect _ Can be oooperqffye and respectful, but ofren needs rf1Tlinders ooncerning respect and appropria1e atItludes _ Dtsrup1ive _ Unoooperanve - Needs cons1tlnt rf1Tlinders concerning rules and respect _ Usually follows rules and behaves appropria1e1y _ Makes good decisions in most si1uations Of1en needs to be rf1Tlinded of appropria1e behavior and class rules _ Needs supervision _ Needs cons1ant supervision - _ Gels angry and lashes out in inappropria1e ways Nqtne: -------------------------- Pqrent S!ghq1ure: _ _ _ __ __ __ __ _ wie:___ _ _ _ 20 - --- 21 Miss Rice's QqSS Newsle11er August 2007, Issue I Dates to Remember: Dear Parents, S1udent Spotlight: 22 August 2007, Issue I Miss Rice's Oass Newsleffer Spelling List: I. School UnsCf'arnble Unsct'arnble ihe wor-ds below io make wor-ds ihat have io do wiih School: I. dunp Igf'l:l)'o 2. olscoh 2. 3. 4-. 5. b. 3. 7. e'lehrac 4-. near-igd 5. eecsf'S B. 9. 10. b. nlegainr7. mol"Wheok B. kcbacpka 9. hamt II. 12. 13. />nsw<n. m<ril. 14-. I~ Fun and Garnes: 15. lb. 17. lB. 19. 20. pl~und. schooL laach..., te<ldng. recesa. lecnnng. homawon:. lxId;pclci School Supplies Wor-dsearch: PAS TEN X X R Z J C I M Y ACKEUMJLSBOJVJZ PRO I L R M NIT U W Z I Q EAOSGSEAACRGDNS RYBTAPELUCNMZWS C 0 E Z N Z R L U Z L N T M S GAL Z R ISO A E 0 SDK I P X N G L WEE Q D S U U Y A U R T J E B MOM USC ISS Kid-F~iendly Websrres www.funbraih.com www .yahool ig<lhs . cotn www .kids. discovery. cotn •• • A E UNO L J P Z S WL 0 D B A K 0 I P Y Z 0 Z Q 0 R S C K TUKWAHULZ LRPGPC YRNXARXHABSXPPC JDJLYHHOWCAMYQX R V K U F X G MD X Y D L S E Contact Me: Miss Br-ook.e Rice Email me at brnr-ice@bsu. edu or- Call (317) 797-5297 Word BanI;: CAlaJlqjor Glue Paper dipsPasie Ruler Qalk Journal Pasie Scissors Oayons Era~ Markets Noiebook Pencil pEf! Tape 23 Sepretnbet 2007, Issue I Miss Rice's Qass Newsle11et Dates to Remember: Student Spotlight Dear Parents, Miss Rice's Oass Newsletref- Sep1etnbet 2007, Lsue I Spelling List. I. 2. 3. Lt. Fun and Garnes: Sudoku: Place a number be1ween I and 4- in each cell so 'that fNery row, every column, and every 2x2 box has 'the digi1s 1-4- only once . 5. b. 7. 8. 1 4 9. 10. II. 4 2 12 . 13 . ILt. 15. lb . 17 . 18. 19. 20 . 2 3 3 1 Kid-Friendly Websites •• • www.funbt-ain .com www.yahoolig<lns.com www .kids.discovery .com ContClct Me: Miss &coke Rice Email tne at btnl'ice@bsu. edu or- Call (317) 797-5297 3 4 1 2 4 2 3 1 25 Oc1ober 2007, Issue I Miss Rice's Oass Newsletret Dates to Remember: Student Spotlight. Door Paren-m. 2b Miss Rice's QqSS Newsletlet Octobet- 2007, Issue I Fun qnd Games: Spelling List I. 2. funpkin Oossword RrzzIe: 3. I. P y. . 5. b. 2. 7. U B. 9. 10. 3. M II . 12. 13 . I y. . 15. Lt. K 5. lb . b. 17. lB . 7. 19 . 20 . P I N I . Where a pumpkin gr-ows. Kid-Friendly Websites •• • www .funbrqin . cotn www .yahoo Iigans . cotn www .kids. discovery . cotn 2. You ccm tnOke yOlJ' pumpkin gr-ow in a milk ooHon. 3. It 1tlkes about Y. by making it for- a pumpkin io gr-ow. y.. If your- pumpkin is '!he best. it might win a _ 5. What you CXltVe _I at Ha 1I0weetl . b. A yummy dessert recipe. fIf'St d'eCl1ed by '!he Algr-irns. Contact Me: Miss &coke Rice Email me at btnr"ice@bsu . eclu or- Call (317) 797-5297 pumpkin _ __ 7. The Algr-irns and '!he _ _ plonied lois of pumpkins . 27 Miss Rice's qQss NewsleHer Dates to Remember: S1udent Spotlight November- 2007, Issue I Dear Parents, 28 Miss Rice's Qass Newsl~ November 2007, Issue I Spelling List. I. 2. Fun and Games: Thanlr,sg iving Oossword A11ZIe: ~• 3. tt . ~ 5. b. 7. 8. ~ ~..1 ;II R 9. 10. • II. 12 . 13. Itt . 15. ib. ; ft " 15 Ii II i I; ~ ~ 12 17 . 18 . ~ 19 . 20 . Kid-Friendly Websites •• • www.funbroin .com www.yahooligcms.com www.kids.discovery.com Contact Me: Miss &coke Rice Email tne at btrt'ice@bsu. edu or- Call (3/7) 797-5297 4ft 1. -; ~ ~ ~. -; I 13 17 I 12 [1 .- :. ~3 ~1 ~ it i i Paoss: I. Who were lhe fltSt se1!lers "!hat oelel:tqred Thonksgiving? 3. These are "!he people you eat Thonksgiving dinner wi1h. 5. What is "!he most common moin dish for Thonksgiving dinner? 8. Who did lhe pilgrims oelettcne Thonksgiving wi1h? 9. What big holiday is oelettcned in November? IIf . You watch lhis Thonksgiving moming on TV Down: I . This pie is oronge. !l-m-rf: You see alot of lhem at Halloween.J 2. What can you fmd inside of a Thanksgiving 1urkey? If . What is onolher word for 'sweet po1aloes?' b. Dad's watch lhis game on TV af1et Th<lnksgiving dinner. 7. This food is red in <Xllor . 10. Who is "!he famous guy who appears at "!he end of "!he Thanksgiving parode? I I. What does a 1urkey say? 12 . What animo I loves 10 beg for some of yow 1urkey dinner? 13 . What do you do most of on Thanbgiving day? 29 Miss Rice's QqSS Newsletrer Dotes to Rernernb€t: SitJdent Spotlight Decernb€f" 2007, Issue I Dear- Par-ents, - 3O Miss Rice's aoss Newsletlet S~eIIing December 2007, Issue I Fun ond Gornes: List I. 2. 3. Lt . 5. b. 7. F S NOW MAN Y P v W RUE XIUElllGOFIARHT 8. 9. 10. UCRCTUOlDNGKllA II. 12. 13 . ILt . 15 . C SEE G I A Z T S 0 R F B R C R H E 0 M H Q C E G NON P H M E P B l lb . 17. 18 . 19 . 20. R W C Y P K M R I I POE E K A l lOA T G 0 Q C F WON S N M I Z U CPA U lRZAKOCPE I J JDTZ YTHOTCHOCOlATEJ Kid-Friendly Websites •• • WWN . funbroin .corn WWN . ycthooligClns . corn WWN . kids. discovery. corn Contact Me: Miss Brooke Rice &nail tne at brnr-ice@bsu . edu or- Call (317) 797-5297 chilly fireplace frost hibernate hot chocolate migrate penguin polar bear snowflake snowman white winter Happy Holidaysll 31 Miss Rice's Qoss Newslet1et" Dates to Remember: Jcmucry 2008, Isstle I Dear Parents. Srudent Spotlight Happy New Yearll --- 32 Miss Rice's Oass Newsletrer January 2008, Issue I Spelling List I. 2. Fun and Games: New Year's Day Oossword RJzzle 8. koss 3. On New Year-'s Day. some people make _ _ for- "!he coming year-. 5. A __ is a period of 100 yOOt'S . b. _ _ is '!he last mon'!h in '!he year- . 8. On New Year-'s Day. many college _ _ ieams play imporltlnt games. 9. 10 . Down 3. Lt . 5. b. 7. II. I. Who is '!he characlt:t- '!hat ushers out "!he old year-? 2. _ _ is "!he ftt'St mon'!h in '!he yoor-. 't. A __ is something you are going 10 ity 10 do in '!he nf!N year- . 7. On New Yoor-'s Eve at midnight. a _ _ dr-ops in Ttmes Setuare . 12. 13. I't . 15. lb. 17. 18. 19 . 20 . Kid-Friendly Websites • •• www.funbt.ain.com www.yahooligans.com www.kids.discovery.com II II II II _111111111111111111111111 II II II III II II III II III II 11111111111111 III III II Contact Me: Miss &coke Rice Emil me at btnr-ice@bsu.edu or- Call (317) 797-5297 II III 1111111111_1111 III III III 11111111111111111_111 II 33 Miss Rice's aass Newsletrer Dcrtes to Remember; Student Spotlight. FdJttJcuy 2008, Issue I DeQ~ Pa~ents. - 34- Miss Rice's aqSS Newsletrer FEbtoaty 2008, Issue I Spelling List Fun cmd Garnes: I. 2. 3. tt. C 0 H P Y E F S RAY 5. b. K H C E M G N TOM S G U H F ELK M 7. 8. 9. 10. II . 12 . 13. o A 0 0 A USN S K L STU T Itt . W U L H Q FAT T X S 0 0 Z H P N S C G R M LEI 0 S G X 0 POEGOTTNSWW veL I RXH I E L D 0 U C E K A C F F E G Y R Q A C Q A R V 0 R 0 15. lb. 17. CAN D Y R l T E T M 0 N L 0 U Z J L Y D F I D SSG M G Q 18 . 19 . 20. Kid-Friendly Websites •• • VfflW . funbroin . corn VfflW. yohooligons. corn VfflW. kids. discovery . corn Contact Me: Miss &ooke Rice Email rne at brnr-ice@bsu . edu or- Call (317) 797-5297 candy card chocolate cuddle flowers friend heart hugs kisses love roses smooch snuggle ....... 35 Miss Rice's a<lSS March 2008, Issue I Newsletrer Dates to Remember: Dear- Par-en'h>. Srudent Spotlight. 3b March 2m3. Issue I Miss Rice's aass Newsletler Spelling List I. 2. 3. tt . Fun and Gcttnes: Help 'lhe l.epr-ecilan get back to his Pot of Goldl 5. b. 7. 8. 9. 10. II . 12 . 13. Itt . 15 . lb . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . Kid-Friendly Websites • W'INI . funbt-ain . com • W'INI . yahooligans. corn • W'INI. kids. discovery. corn Contact Me: Miss &coke Rice Email me at btnMce@bsu . edu ot' Call (317) 797-5297 37 Miss Rice's Qass Newsle11er Apr-il 2008, Issue I Dates to Rernernb~: Dect~ Pa~etlts. Sfudent Spotlight. 38 April 2008, Lsue I Miss Rice's Qoss Newsletter Fun and Garnes: Spelling List I. 2. 3. Help "!he dog find his bone: ( .. 4. 5. b. 7. 9 ,.. 8. 9. I I 10 . I ~I III r II . -,.. --. -. ... 12. 13 . 14. 15. -. I ,.. I~ ""- riJ. V Riddles: I . What fIVe-Ietta- wol'd becomes shoMel' when you add "fwo letitn 10 it? lb . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20. Al.~.., Stolt . 2. What is "!he easiest way 10 1hI'ow a ball and have it stop and complete~ t'eVetSe direction afiet 1rovelihg a short disitlnce? Kid-Fr-iendly Websites •• • WNW. funbrain . corn WNW . yohooligClns . com WNW . kids. discovery. com Contact Me: Miss &coke Rice Email me at brnr-ice@bsu. edu 01' Call (317) 797-5297 Al.~.., Throw fl. ball at"<Ilght up . 3 . What C1..ues1ion can a petson ask all day long, getfing a different answ~ each "lime, yet a II "!he answe!'S 0I'e correct? k.~.., Wh<lt 1ima io if? Happy .A.pril F00 rs Dayll 39 May 2008, Issue I Miss Rice's Qoss Newslettet Dates to Remember: S1udent Spotlight Dear Parents, 4O Miss Rice's aQSS MClY 2008, Issue I Newsletter Spelling List I. 2. 3. Fun and GaInes: Fill h '!he missing p<ll"ls of speech with words of yoU!" own 10 ct"eCl'le a funny s10ty about some!hing '!hat could happEtl ow; yoU!" sutnrnEt" br-eaId Have Funl 4- . 5. b. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13 . Hirls: A noun is a word '!hat names a p~on, a place. or- a '!hing. k ad iec1ive is a word '!hat d~ a noun . k adjeclive 'lell what kind or- how many . ~ 00tl A vEtb is a word "!hat 00tl show action . k advEtb is a word 1h<rt desctbes a vEtb by 'lellhg how. whoo. 01" whEt'e. 14- . 15. lb . 17. 18 . 19 . 20. A DClY crt '!he Zoo Kid-F~iendly Websites www.funbr-Clin.com www.yClhooligcms.com www .kids .discovery.com •• • Confuct Me: Miss &coke Rice Email rne at brnr-ice@bsu . edu or- Call (317) 797-5297 TodClY I went 10 '!he zoo . I SQW Q _______ ~~~~ mo~) jumping up cmd down in in; 'It-ee. He _ _ _ _ {verb: past tense) {adverb} hough '!he large funnel '!hcrt led 10 in; ______ {a~~e} moun). I got some pecmlIls cmd PQssed '!hem 1hr-ough '!he cQge 10 Cl gigcmtic grClY mOlln) 'lowering Clbove my hood. Feeding '!hm cmimQI mQde me hungry . I went 10 get Cl (a~ective) scoop of ice <1"e<1tn . It filled tny sromClch. Afl~'Wcr-ds I hQd 10 (vetb) _ __ {adverb} 10 ccrft:h our bus. When I got home I _ ____ (verb past tense) my mom for- Q _ ___ ~~~e) dClY crt '!he zoo . ttl 4-2 My Websrre: My websrre can be visired by accessing '!he foJlowing web address: h11p:l Ibrnrice. iweb . bsu . edul and c!iOOng on '!he link titled, "My Classroom Websrre" My websrre includes a homepage '!hcrt will be updcrted weekly wHh a short note from myself to my paretl'h; and sruden'h; regarding imp0rftlnt '!hings going on in class '!hot week . Also, '!he website includes links to a page "!hot is "Ahout Me," a page describing 'the classroom rules, a page wi1h our classroom schedule and calendar, a page deltliling '!he supplies necessary for '!he school year, a page wHh a collection of '!he archived classroom newsletrers, and finally, a page of fun links for '!he sruden'h; and "their paretl'h; to explore. Here is "!he interner. a picture of what my homepage looks like when viewed on Welcome to Miss Rice's Class Websiiel .Ahl)1.lt M.;, Dear Parer.is CIld 8tuckllis, W';'ooma 10 our dossroom websi1al I hope "!hat "!his sHe wi useful in Provklln9 you wi1h details about what is goi1 9 .. ! Ii 2 A~ IT... I !)T ... I II ~ CL _ .• _ «~_...... ..:.J 4-3 Bosch. K.A.& Kersey. K.C. (20c0). the first yeQr teadJer: TeQdJing with confidence {K-8}. Washington. D. C.: NEl\ Pt-ofessional Libtclry. Daniels. H. (I 99lf) . I..iterrrJure circles: 10ice and dJoice in the student-centered classroom. Maine: S1enhouse Rlblishers. Gregory. A. (2006). rIPs for teadJers. Reftieved November II. 2006. from http://www.mandygregory.com . Milliken. L. (1991). Classroom Jdd:-off California: Edupress. Powell. A. (2006). Ms. Powell's management ideQs for teadJers. Reftieved November I I. 2006. from http://www.mspowell.com . Thompson. J. G. (2002). Arst-yeQr mdJer's survival kit. PatclrTlus. New Jersey: The Center for Applied Research in Educcrtion.