Purpose of journal entries
1) To move a transaction - transfer a charge or revenue from one cost center to another. A PDF copy of the page of the transaction register showing the charge must be included as back-up.
2) Reclass - to correct an account code (first four-digits) for an item that has been categorized improperly. A PDF copy of the page of the transaction register showing the charge must be included as back-up.
3) Billing - to charge another CSU department for goods or services provided.
4) Transfer funds between Fund codes – these journals utilize either account code 0999, or account code 0995 for BOTH sides of the transfer. All entries to 0999 must always balance to zero -0-. All entries to 0995 must always balance to zero -0-. Note: transferring funds within the same Fund code is done via Budget Transfer, not Journal Entry.
How to prepare a journal entry
1) Open the Excel journal entry template: http://www.csuohio.edu/sites/default/files/media/controllers_office/documents/Journal_Entry
2) Enter Date and Prepared By information
3) Approved By - If additional approval is needed, type the person’s name here and cc them when the journal is submitted via email. A copy of the email is attached to the journal as authorization and back-up. The email serves as an electronic signature, so the journal can remain in Excel format and does not need an ink signature.
4) Journal Description should be an explanation of the journal
5) Chart Fields are the account numbers for the credits and debits a.
Most operating (hard dollar) accounts consist of a 4 digit Account code - 4 digit Fund -
4 digit Department - 2 digit Program. b.
Some operating accounts will also have a Project ID at the end. If a department supplies a Project ID with their cost center number, it must be included in the journal. c.
Grant accounts are identified with a Fund code between 0200-0249 or 0260-0299.
Grant accounts MUST have a Project ID. d.
Gift accounts are identified with a Fund code between 0250-0259. Gift accounts MUST have a 5 digit Class included after the Program code. e.
Agency accounts are identified with a Fund code of 0890 or 0891. These accounts must use Account Code 8405 and MUST have a 5 digit Class number. Note: Agency accounts do not have department or program codes.
Revised 12.17.14 hae
Refer to the Chartfield Values table on the Controller’s website if there are questions about a cost center account number.
6) Amount – cannot exceed the amount of the original transaction included in the back-up documents a.
Debits (positive numbers) are used to charge an expense or to remove income. b.
Credits (negative numbers) are used to receive income or to remove an expense. c.
Your journal must have both debits and credits, and must balance to zero -0-.
7) Reference (10) – This field allows 10 characters for whatever reference will help you identify the transaction. Suggestions for this field are date of transaction (different from journal date), grant number, original transaction reference. Remember this is ONLY 10 characters long, so be brief, but leaving it blank is missing an opportunity to record useful information.
8) Line Description (30) – This field allows 30 characters of description, so be succinct and enter information that would be useful to anyone who will see this on their transaction register. Note:
Commas cannot be uploaded to the system , data will cut off at any comma and future reports can be corrupt in the system due to trailing data uploaded after a comma.
9) Number of lines in the journal a.
Every journal must be at least two lines long, one debit and one credit b.
Include as many lines as you need. Insert more rows into the template as needed. c.
Do not skip rows between entries. This is because blank rows are not allowed when we electronically upload the journals into the system.
10) Totals – Debits and Credits must equal
11) Save the journal in Excel format
12) Save a PDF of the transaction register to send as back-up. Only attach the page(s) showing the items in the journal, and highlight the items.
13) Submit the Excel journal and PDF back-up via email to: a.
Operating account journals, billings & payroll adjustments i.
Submit to controller@csuohio.edu
SUBJECT LINE should be - Type of entry (journal, payroll, billing),
College/department, and Date b.
Grant journals & payroll adjustments i.
SUBJECT LINE should be – Source of Funding (Federal, Non-federal), Type of entry (journal or salary), Grant Project ID c.
Do not cc anyone in the controller’s office or in sponsored programs. This causes confusion and could result in either duplication of the journal or in not entering the journal. Also, only send to one of the offices - Controller’s or SPRS, do not send to both.
Revised 12.17.14 hae