Developing a Culture of Teaching Formation for the Graduate Program 1. Every graduate student is required to earn the certificate in the “Apprenticeship in College Teaching: A Certificate Program for Graduate Students” (See during their tenure at Boston College. They may start at anytime during their tenure, but preferably before they begin their teaching assistantship. Accompanying the Teaching Assistant 2. Toward a philosophy of Accompanying the Teaching Assistant: While in the past, we understood the teaching assistant as providing “pay back” for scholarship and stipends received, today we realize that being a teaching assistant is a graduate student’s first foray into the vocation of teaching. We need to think of the Teaching Assistant as the primary beneficiary of her/ his work. 3. A Teaching Assistant is usually assigned to a Theology professor to assist in teaching her/his core course. In a few cases, a TA is assigned to a professor who has a theology elective with an enrollment over 40 students. 3. In order to receive a teaching assistant, Theology professors agree to the following: To expect not more than an average of 10 hours of work per week from the TA. The TA’s primary responsibility is to assist in the course for which the professor was granted a TA. To review the course syllabus with the TA, explaining how the professor conceived the course and the underlying rationale behind various assignments and assessments. This should be done at the beginning of the course. To agree to schedule the TA to teach one full class each semester in the presence of the course’s professor who will serve as the TA’s observer. The professor will meet with the TA at some point after the class to discuss the evaluation. A copy of the evaluation will be sent to the Graduate Program Director. 4. Teaching Assistants will normally TA in their area in the third year; they will TA in another area in their fourth year. This is to stretch the student’s capability for teaching beyond their area and to develop their resume in applying for permanent teaching positions. Mentoring the Teaching Fellows 5. Toward a philosophy of Mentoring the Teaching Fellows: The Undergraduate Program Director will appoint a coordinator to each of the four Core areas in which teaching fellows teach. The coordinators will meet once with Teaching Fellows in their core area before the beginning of the semester to share ideas of assignments, assessments, classroom activities and texts to be incorporated into the course syllabi. The coordinator will check to ensure that all TF syllabi are in good order and to answer any questions that TFs may have. TFs should get a sense that this faculty member is their primary mentor for being a teaching fellow. 6. Each semester the Teaching Fellow needs to secure a faculty member to observe their teaching and submit a written evaluation. The faculty member should review her/his observations with the TF and relay them in writing to the GPD. James Keenan, S.J. Graduate Program Director November 27, 2012