AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF MARTIN J. STYNES for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in MATHEMATICS presented on January 13, 1977 Title: AN ALGORITHM FOR THE NUMERICAL CALCULATION OF THE DEGREE OF A MAPPING Abstract approved: Let Redacted for Privacy Philip M. Anselone el be a continuous function from a connected n-dimensional polyhedron Pn vanish on the boundary b(Pn), 1.n to Rn. Assume ei does not so that the topological degree of relative to the origin is defined. In this dissertation an algorithm for the computation of the degree is obtained. It utilizes certain subdivisions of b(P) and depends on the modulus of continuity restricted to b(Pn). An Algorithm for the Numerical Calculation of the Degree of a Mapping by Martin J. Stynes A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy June 1977 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Professor of Mathematics in charge of major Redacted for Privacy Chair' Man of bepartment of Mathematics Redacted for Privacy Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented Typed by Clover Redfern for January 13, 1977 Martin 3. Stvnes ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First thanks m, st go to my major professor, Dr. Philip M. Anselone, for his patience and most able guidance. The 0.S. U. mathematics department has always been ready and willing to discuss my problems; in particular I wish to thank Professors D. H. Carlson, W. J. Firey, and F. J. Flaherty for their time and effort. The writing of a thesis is a long and painful road, and I am proud of the unfailing encouragement I have received from my family in Ireland. The path was also made smoother by many friends in Corvallis; in particular Tom Kelley, Weldon A. Lodwick, Brian T. McCay and Dave Borer stand out in my memory. Even above these I remember Jeanne Ng with affection. They were all instrumental in making my time here a very happy one. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Chapter I. INTRODUCTION 1, Summary 2. Definitions of Topological Degree II. BACKGROUND MATERIAL III. SUFFICIENT REFINEMENTS AND COMPUTATION OF THE DEGREE IV. IMPARTIAL REFINEMENTS Motivation Impartial Refinements Definition and Properties V. ALGORITHM FOR COMPUTATION OF THE DEGREE USING IMPARTIAL REFINEMENTS Introduction and Description of Algorithm Proof of Convergence of Algorithm VI. 1 1 2 8 18 35 35 41 47 47 51 SIMPLIFICATION OF THE COMPUTATIONS 60 BIBLIOGRAPHY 78 AN ALGORITHM FOR THE NUMERICAL CALCULATION OF THE DEGREE OF A MAPPING I. INTRODUCTION 1. Summary The topological degree of a function f Rn Rn is an integer which when non-zero guarantees the existence of solutions x to equations of the type f(x) = p. The concept was first introduced by Konecker [9] in 1869. Since then it has found many applications, most notably in the fields of differential and integral equations (cf. [2,3,8]). However these applications generally make some assumption regard- ing the value of the degree because, as J. Cronin observes [2, p. 37]: "the problem of computing the degree is, to a considerable extent, unsolved except in the plane. " Thus F. Stenger's paper [11], which gave an algorithm for computing the degree in Rn, represents a significant advance. In Chapter III of this thesis a new proof is given of the basic formula used to compute the degree in that paper. It is remarkable that this formula, first given in [11], was anticipated in a simpler context as long ago as 1904 by J. Hadamard [5, pp. 452-460]. The algorithm of [11] has at least one serious drawback: it generates a sequence of numbers which eventually equal the degree, but it is in general impossible to decide when this equality has occurred. Our 2 main result, proven in Chapters IV and V, shows that in many cases an alternative procedure is available which unambiguously computes the degree. The calculations needed to compute the degree using the basic formula of [11] are very time-consuming, involving the evaluan x n determinants. In Chapter VI of this thesis a tion of many simplification is given which replaces the determinant evaluations by a "scanning" of the matrices associated with the determinants, i. e. a search for certain entries in those matrices. It would be of considerable interest to extend the foregoing results to the infinite dimensional situation (cf. [2,3]). Z. Definitions of Topological Degree We begin with an intuitive "definition" of topological degree, after which the two principal properties of the degree are listed. Let be a bounded region (open connected set) in Rn D its closure. Denote the boundary of b(D). P Let F D Rn D be continuous. with D \D) by (i. e. Choose p E R.11 with Fn(b(D)). If (2;10 x traces out b(D) once "ccu.nterclockwise" then the ical de is an nof integer measuring how many times surrounds Fn(x) "counterclockwise" manner. In the case n 2 familiar "winding number" of complex analysis. p in a the degree is the 3 Fn(x) d(Fn, D, p) = +1 G(x) d(Gn, D, p) = -2 There are basically two important properties of d(Fn, D, P): Homotopy property: if H(t, x) [0, lj x VtE [0, it H(t,x) p H(0,x) Fn(x) H(1,x) G(x) VxED Vx --'Rn is continuous with b(D) VxED then d(Fn, D, p) = d(Gn, D, p). Existence of solutions roperty: if XED such that d(Fn, D p) i 0 then 3 Fn (x)p. Next we give several strict definitions of the degree which can be shown to be equivalent. In this section we will take to be the origin On, since any other point q p in Rn may be dealt with 4 i. e. , by defining d(Fn, D, q) by translating Fn, to be d( Fn-q, D, en). Let D be a bounded region in R. Let Fn U F (x) continuous with The case where n=1 On Rn V x E b(D). is treated separately: suppose D (a, b), q are -co < a < b < +00. Set sgn Fl(a)}, {sgn Fl(b) d(F1 ,D, U1) where +1 if t> 0, 0 if t 0, -1 if t < 0. sgn t = = For the rest of the section take n > 1. If Bi Oo i 1, bi2, b. . iq ) = 1,2, . ,Notation. vectors, then 1 b B) A (B 1 21 b12 blq b b 22 B. is the ith 2q = ql b q2 In this array be row, for 1< b i < q. qq 5 1st Definition (Kronecker). (cf. [1, pp. 465-467]). Ln(Fn, d(Fn, D, On) = n-1 n X (U X n-1 ) dul... a Fn .7'11 b(D) 11F11 n '57 ) 1 dun n/2 where n-1 = U F is the Euclidean norm in Rn, (ul'u ,un-1) F(ni2)' and is a parametrization of b(D) oriented n-1 in a certain way. Here we assume that Fn is of class C 1 on If b(D). is merely continuous on b(D) we can approximate it by CI Fn func- tions and show that the value of the degree is the same for all such functions close enough to finally define Fn; d(Fn, D, On) to be this common value. Note that the integral is a direct generalization of the winding number formula of complex analysis. In general it is very difficult to evaluate. 2nd Definition (E. Heinz d(Fn, D, On Here we assume that (cf. [6]). . 54 co (11Fnli )j(F')dx Fn E CI (D) . . and that the Jacobian 6 aFn j(F) =, eFn n ax 1 <r Fn, and The func- Fn(x) = On. is continuous with support of co C [r1,r2] where co 0 < r1 axn such that is non-zero at every point x E D tion ' < 00, and are small, depending on r and r1 with o)dx1 Fn If dx = 1. n... is merely continuous we can again define d(Fn, D, On) by approximation, using Sardis theorem. Note that the integral is again difficult to evaluate. Fn 3rd Definition. (cf. [10]). Suppose Vx such that Fn(x) D - Let N+ (N) Fri(x) N- on such that on we have E C1 (D). j(F)(x) denote the number of solutions j(F)(x) Assume that 0. x in is positive (negative). Both D of N+ and are finite since these solutions must be isolated points. Then If define Fn d(Fn, D, On) =N+ - N is only continuous on D approximate once more to d(Fn, D, On). Once again this is a difficult definition to use for calculating the degree, and in practice is not very helpful because to use it we need 7 to know the solutions of Fn(x) -= en; unfortunately we usually want to use the topological degree to guarantee the existence of such solutions. Our 4th and final definition is the one which will be used for the remainder of this thesis. It might be called the "simplicial homology" definition (although no reference is ever made to homology theory!). The next chapter is a careful development of the definition. 8 II. BACKGROUND MATERIAL Almost all of the material presented in this chapter has been condensed from [2, Chapter 11, Notation. In general for the remainder of this thesis super - scripts will indicate dimension while subscripts are used as indices. A set of points a} q {a0, a1, Rn in is linearly independent if the points are not contained in any subspace of dimen- sion < q-l. A ci -simplex independent points Sq = (a of 01 q ). Sq is the closed convex hull of a0, al, ... The points a, a l l:) , . . linearly and is denoted by Rn, in ,a q+1 are called the vertices ,a Sq. 0 - simplex a0 2 - simplex 1 a0 3 - simplex al - simplex a0 An r -dimensional face of Sq convex hull of any r+1 of the points (0 < r < q) is the closed a0,a1, ,a . Observation 2.1. of p in Rn,a 1 < k < n, then Pk If the .jk and is the pk coordinate of a. kth coordinate kth in Rn, J p E Sq = p E Rn X ja jk iff with all X. > 0 and X>i = 1. J j=1 j=1 Given a q-simplex we say that two orderings on its vertices are equivalent if one can be obtained from the other by an even permutation of symbols. This gives rise to two equivalence classes of orderings on a given q-simplex, if q > 0: one we call "positive", the other "negative". For q 0 call the only possible ordering the positive one. We adopt the following convention: if with x. = (xi , 12 X. for each i x. Rn, 0 < i < _ n, (Cartesian coordinates), then orientation (xoxi.. .x) sgn zsn+1((1, xo), (1, xi), sgn (1, xn)) x01 x02 *** x On 1 xll x12 xln 1 x x x nl n2 nn 10 This is not zero if the are linearly independent and does not x, change value under an even permutation of vertices. Note: Here, given a Cartesian basis for Rn, essentially ordering Rn we are itself this is what an "oriented Rn" will mean in the sequel. It can be shown that given a basis and orientation on Rn, the orientation with respect to another basis is the same iff the determinant of the affine mapping taking one basis to the other is positive. Consequently we see that an orientation on Rn induce s an orientation on all its subspaces and their translations in a natural way. <x0x1... xn> is an oriented n-simplex (i. e. simplex with associated orientation). We write Notation: , a <x1x0x2... xn> = -<x0x1x2... xn> etc. A q -chain is a finite algebraic sum of oriented q-sirnplexes with integer coefficients, e.g. , 2<z0a1a2> 3<a3a1a4> is a 2-chain. In any given q-chain we assume that all possible cancellations have been made (i. e. , if u.S. cq 3 any iZ' IfSq = and all the u. <a0 a1 ...a q>, is a q-chain then 3 i=0 31 are non-zero). define its 12.1anc (-1)i<a 01 a ...a... i b(Sq) = sc.' a> to be ± sq. 32 for 11 denotes omission. Thus where A q>0 (we take b(S q ) is a (q-1)-chain, if b(S0) = 0). For example, if S2 = <a a a > denotes orientation S 2 then b(S2 = <a1a2> - <a0a2> + <a0a1> = <a1a2> + <a2a0> + <a0a1> . b(S2): where the Given a q-chain define u. are integers, so the boundary of a q-chain is a b(oq) = (q-1)-chain if q> Remark 2.2. It is easy to prove that b(b(Sq)) Sq, hence b(b(cq)) Notation: Let 0 S. for any chain 0 for any cq. be a collection of (possibly oriented) q-simplexes indexed by j. Then 12 {p: p E S.( for some 3 S.q _- p: p E for all {(m If means u.Sq cq pE is a 4-chain and then A \ cq Intersection Numbers. let then pE cq for some Se:1 If A C Rn, R n; V j, u, 4' 0 Let Sn be an oriented n-simplex in We say that Sn b(Sn). p E Rn {x E A: <p> and are in gen- eral position. If p Sn set i(Sn,p) = 0. If p E Sn set i(Sn,p) = orientation of S. We call Let i Hn-I the intersection number. be a hyperplane in an oriented Rn; a line in the same Rn. Suppose <> and <pb> H n-1 G 1 {p}. let G1 be Choose positively oriented in Hn-1 and G1 respectively. Then set i(Hn-1 ,G ) = orientation <pa1 2 .. a n-1 b>. It can be checked that <pa1a2... an_ib> is an n-simplex and that i is 1 independent of the choice of points a1,a2, . Suppose Sn -1 and T1 . are oriented simplexes in Rn. We say that they are in general position if S n-1 T1 is a single point 13 or the null set. Suppose they are in general position. plane If S S1 T If Sn-1 T1 Hn-1 set point. Suppose GI Observation 2.3. n-1 \ b(S), and If U. determine a hyper- T1 b1 -n oriented so that Rn =- respectively with Hn-1 orientations. Then set i(sn-1, T1) p E S n-1 T 1) then Sn-1 4' 4) and line i(Sn Sn -1 and a single G1 have positive T1 _(Hnl,C1) = <a1 a.... an> 2 and then orientation <> = orientation <pa2... an>. It is elementary to check this from the definition of orientation, since by Observation 2. 1 we can write with each jk j 3'1 and a multiple of one row of a = 1, and X.. > 0 Pk j=1 determinant can be subtracted from another row without altering the value of the determinant. Consequently if in Rn Sn-1 point p with i(S n -1 T1) p b(S1) 1 b(T ), where T1 rm is a T1 then = <cb>, = orientation <pa2...anb> Given two chains cP u.X13 dq where vkYkq u., 3 vk are integers and the simplexes X..k , with either p = n-1 and q= 1 or p that the chains are in genera/ position if eral position for every pair Y k n X lie in an o:i°iented and q Yq Rn, we say 0 are in gen- (j, k). In this case we define 14 jkjk P q) u.v iCK,,Y j, Theorem 2.4 [2, Theorem 2. 2]. If the chains cn, b(d1 ), also are in general position then b(cn), d1 1 i(cn,b(d1)) = (-1)ni(b(cn This is elementary but tedious; one considers various Proof. cases. Order of a Point Relative to a Boundary. Suppose zn1 some chain cn and p relative to c n (we say that zn-1 is an (n-1)-boundary). Suppose are in general position. Then we define the order of z n-1 to be , vtz n-1 It is not difficult to check that of the particular p cn =ic v satisfying pi . is well-defined, i. e. , independent b(cn) = zn-1 Remark 2.5. v(zn-1, p) 3/ 0 with b(c) = zn--1, then p on for all integers v(azin-1 +bz2n-1 ,p) av(zin-1 , p) + bv(z2n-1 , If a, b E (provided the right-hand side is defined), 15 by a con- We now extend this definition by replacing tinuous image of itself. Definition. An n-dimensional polyhedron is the empty set of S. (Th Sn simplexes either Sn Kn i=1 r- \hese Sr.1 Sn and S. We depending on context. Kn = S such is a common face, i. e. , an r-simplex (0 < r < n) whose vertices are vertices of both write is a union of a S', i= 1, 2, ... ,m, finite number of oriented n-simplexes that for every pair Sri, Snj of t Kn i=1 Example. The shaded area is a 2-dimensional polyhedron. Definition. An n-region is a connected n-dimensional polyhedron. Definition. Let 2 z -n 1 Kn Rn Kn be an n-region, be continuous, and let is an (n-1)-boundary such that tinuously into e(b(Kn)) define the degree of d(e, Kn, p) = v(zn 1 nz1 Rn \ Vi(lb(le7,:. Then if can be deformed con- without passing through the point el on K p). p Let Kn relative to p to be 1D, we 16 It is shown in [2] that d(e,Kn,p) for all zn-1 is well-defined, i. e. , that satisfying the conditions of the definition has the same value. The existence of such breaking up each S' 'I'n Kn -n 1 is proven by a finite sum of n-simplexes, expressing each S' function z v(zn-1, p) e., i an n-region, then proving existence of a Rn which maps n-chains formed by sums of these smaller simplexes into n-chains in Rn in such a way that l'7,(b(Kn)) is an (n-1)-boundary This decomposition of Kn the function 'T'n with respect to p. n-1 just as in the definition. is called a licia1 subdivision, and is called a chain approximation to Kn It is shown that is arbitrarily close to 'T':,(b(Kn)) on and Kn, on b(t'1:41,(Kn)). Note that there exist arbitrarily small perturbations of which will not destroy any of the properties attributed above to Observation 2. 6. For n = 1, Then from the definition we can take z 0 = b(<1(x01(x )>). suppose z 0 b(K1) 1 (x )> ---- <x > 1 <.Ht' (x0) <x0 >. so By examining the various cases we see that 17 1 ,K1 ,p) = 1 1 {sgn('T.1(xm)-p)-sgn('t' (x0 )-p)) Thus, since the computation of d('T'll,Kn,p) is trivial for n 1, this case is mentioned in the sequel only to illustrate definitions and concepts and to supply the first step in inductive definitions and proofs. Remark 2.7. If p del(Kn), d(e,Kn,p) = 0 from the definition then and Remark 2. 5(i); From the definition Clearly d(,Kn,p) in Section I. 2. d( Kn, p) is always an integer; has the homotopy property described 18 III. SUFFICIENT REFINEMENTS AND COMPUTATION OF THE DEGREE In this chapter we will use the definition of topological degree given in Chapter II to reprove the basic computational formula of [11]. This formula was originally proven using the 3rd definition of Section 1.2. Let Pn Pn be an n-region. We shall always assume that b(Pn) is written as a sum of oriented n-simplexes in such a way that coincides with the topological boundary of Pn when Pn is regarded as lying in Rn. It is also assumed that all decompositions of b(Pn) pre serve or ientations Example for Case n = 1. I- x° x2 x5 x4 4 1 <xixi+1> i=0 SO (<x i+1 >-<x.>) = x b(<x x i+1 >) b(P1 ) i=0 5 -x 0 i=0 In the future we shall often assume that for n > 1 b(Pn) is 19 written in such a way that the coefficient of each (n-1)-simplex is +1; this can be achieved by changing the order of the vertices in an oriented simplex where necessary. Let e(p) 'n = (col, (P sufficiently refined relative to p1 (x0) q1(x) sgn be continuous with R V p E b(Pn). ,L Inductive Definition. If to Pn el 0. if n b(P1) = <x > - 1, 1 sgn If n > 1, b(Pn) <xo> (say) is if sgn (pi is sufficiently refined relative b(P) has been subdivided so that it may be written as a union of a finite number of (n-1)-regions n-1 p p1 n-1 p n-1 in such a way that the (n-1)-dimensional interiors of the n-1 p1 pairwise disjoint; at least one of the functions 2°.°9CP zero on each region Pin-1 n-1 on Pin- 1 (iii) if (pr then b(o p') relative to n-1 sgnr where D -1 ° n = 2, suppose - b(P < j 0 cp is non- sufficiently refined signifies omission). Example 3. 1. In the case say xjx j+1> 20 xx . where This is sufficiently refined relative to sgn 0 if at least one of is non-zero on each line segment (x.x., j cp1, y92 ), and neither is zero at any x.. Here we are taking n-1 J. = 0 < j < m-1. <xxi+1>, There are some apparent differences between this definition and that given in [11]. We shall explain and justify them before proceed- ing further. n > 1. Fix Let Then a Qn-set i and fix ,n} E {1,2, is a connected set of points = n. or A lying in b(Pn) such q that =A. ) is two Q'-sets are associated with different -1. If and/or different A's in this definition, they are said to be of different types Note: refinement, (a) From part (iii) of our definition of a sufficient if n-I p E b(13 i for some ) n-1 r.. Of course p cannot lie in any Q'-set. Since the ) then also implies that j p E b(Pi_ i yo,(p) / 0 yo (p) / 0. Thus Q'-sets are connected, this shows that each of them must lie in the interior of some (b) Because sgn an-1 cpr /0 on n-1 Pi is constant and non-zero on for some and n-I P. pn-1i 131,1-1 is connected, and it follows that no can contain points from Qn-sets of different types. Our conditions for a sufficient refinement are repeated in the definition given in [11] together with the requirements that (A) each 21 Qn-set must lie in the interior of some pri. -1 and (B) each pni -1 must contain at most one Q -set. We have show in (a) above that (A) follows from the other hypotheses, and it is evident that (B) can be weakened to the conclusion of (b) in the proof given in [11] of the computational formula for the degree. Since sufficient refinements are introduced for the purpose of deriving this formula, our definition would have sufficed in [11]. We shall prove a theorem which gives an inductive degree Rn-1 n-1) relation between d(e, p n on) and the d(e-1 r i 1,2, ... , m. For the proof we need two lemmas. Lemma 3. 2. n > 1. Suppose Let a/ On lies on one of the coordinate axes in Rn with its rth coordinate non-zero. Let sn-1 be an (n-1)-simplex with a function Fn Sn-1 Rn, Fn = (f1, f2, , fn), such that Fn(Sn-1) is an (n-1)-simplex. Suppose that (i)f 0 on sn - 1 with sgn fr sn- I sgn (rth coordinate of a) (ii) i(Fri(sn-1), <ona>) (here n-1 = Fr Then i and i(rn-1(sn-1), 0n-1 is the intersection number of Chapter II and A (f1' are defined fn) ) 22 (-1)r+ni(Fn-1(Sn-1), On-1) s-n fr i(Fn(Sn-1), <Ono>) (Fn(sn-1), <ena >) Proof. If then 0 n-1 n-1 ) r <0 n-1 > = also by (i) Fr (5 n-1 n-1 ), 0 n-1 ) = 0; the conclusion is verified. We may i(Fr (S Fn(Sn-1) and <Ono> = 0, so therefore assume that pn(sn-1) P . (0, 0, . . . , p, . . . , 0) (m Rn, p t 0 in pn(sn-1) \ b(Fn(Sn-1)) say, where --. rth lying in the sgn fr choice of a. Note that (i) sgn p (ii) <Ana> = {P} position by i(Fn1(sn-1), en1) is because defined. Set P° = (0, 0, , 2p, , 0). Fn(Sn-1) = < Suppose yn> Then i(Fn(S n-1 ), <0 a>) = orientation <Py y n (follows from observation 2.3) sgn , P), (1, y, 1 0 0 1 y21 An+ 1 ( (1 (1, yn), (1,P ')) 0 Y2n sgn 1 Ynl yn2 * 0 where ym (yml yma, ymn) in 0 R Ynr Ynn ... 2p for 1 < m < n. ... 0 23 Subtract the first row from the last one and expand in terms of last row; 0 1 0 0 A n+r i(Fn(Sn-1), <0na> sgn p sgn 1 Y21 Y22 A = (-1)n+r sgn p sgn 1 Ynl YnZ 1 yll Y12 in 1 Y21 Y22 Y2n ynl Yn2 nn 1 (by an argument like that of observation 2.3) (_on+r r by definition; we know that On-1 E ui(pn-1(sn-1), on-1) r n -1n-1 (S Fr ) from our initial assumption. n Lemma 3.3. Let Pn be an n-region with ; Pn R continuous and .t,n, on on b(Pn). Suppose that b(P) has been subdivided into a finite number of (n-1) regions f3n -1 , jE J, so that it is sufficiently refined relative to sgn Let .T.n be a chain approximation to VI on pn with respect to On, with {Sn -1 :k E K} the associated simplicial subdivision of 24 n-1 b(Pn) = Let the point lie on one of the coordinate axes a EJ in rth with its Rn coordinate non-zero and > max 11 '1'11(x) 11 x E Pn (usual Euclidean norm). Then we may assume that relative to sgn (i) the sufficient refinement of b(Pn) relative to also a sufficient refinement of b(Pn) with yo r, / 0 on n-1 p. is sgn implying that n-1 on Pi also; (ti) 114 > max 11 '1'11(x)II X E Pn S' both i(e..,(Skn 1), <0na>) and (iii) for every i(In-1(5n-1),0n-1) are defined. *r k l Proof. (i) We know that we may take Pn; on the proof is then easy using induction on fact that t.,n a chain approximation to on implies respect to .I, 0 n-1 *r Pn on 'T'n a chain approximation to .i-,_]. r, 4 n-1 i Since Pn, arbitrarily close to and the n with respect to on pi:)._ 1 with J 3 n may be chosen arbitrarily close to on we may assume that (ii) holds. If i((S:-1), <011a>) is not defined then n n-1 rm (B a)is a (non-trivial) line segment, implying that k ) n-ln-1 (S *r if k is an (n-2)-simplex and ) on-1(sn-1), on-1 ) *r k 0 n-1 is not defined then lies in this (n-2)-simplex. en-1 E b(e1-1(Sn-1)), *r k 25 i.e. , 0 n-1 lies in an (n-2)-chain. n n-1 ), <0n>) and Thus to ensure that both i(t.,(Sk n-1 n-1 n) are defined for the given finite set {Sn-1: k E 10, 0 (S1 k it is sufficient that does not lie in a certain finite collection On-1 of (n-2)-simplexes which are in (n-1)-dimensional space. Therefore if necessary we can perturb <Ona> arbitrarily slightly in a direc- tion perpendicular to itself so that the above intersection numbers are defined for all k. <0na> as it was This is equivalent to leaving originally, then perturbing slightly in the opposite direction. This perturbation can be chosen so small that all the properties of as a chain approximation are preserved. Rn be an n-region and let Pn, n > 1, Theorem 3. 4. Let be continuous with On on d(e, p n on) is defined. Suppose that b(Pn) into (n-1)-regions relative to sgn on n-1 R. n -1 p. n on) j J, E Then if 'T'n. for each , j 'T.n b(Pn) so that has been subdivided so that it is sufficiently refined (yo. 2' . . n ) with /0 ccr E r,+1 21 ) d(er . EJ 1 n-1 0. j , 0 n- 1 sgn r. J n-1 PJ 26 n- 1 r. pn.1 e ) is defined since by definition is sufficiently refined relative to sgn n-1 , which implies Proof. Each b(p1.1-1) that n-1 r. n-1 V d( n-1 9 n b(p-1. ). Note that the sum above is well- on 3 j E J both defined insofar as if for some zero on _n-1 because el-1 V en-1 . then -1 d( 1 and n-1- 'T't , 0 I0 n-1 and cos n-1 ) = d(.t't n-1 , p. are non- cpt ,e n-1 ) =o n-1 onand so it is n-1 133 immaterial whether we associate Choose a point (with say (Ps or (Pt with lying on one of the coordinate axes in Rn a rth coordinate non-zero) such that 114 > max e(x)11. X E Pn Let respect to el,1/4 be a chain approximation to On; on Pn by Lemma 3.3 we may assume that with satisfies certain conditions. Now d(e, pn, en) = y(b(Pn)), n) (by definition) Oh( e,(Pn)), 011) (property of chain approximation) (pn (1) (by definition of v) iie(pn), i(e(pn), a) (by Lemma. 3.3 we assume n(n) ) i(,In(pn), -On 27 -ie(Pn),b(<011a>)) = (-1) n n+1 n ), <0na>) (Theorem 2.4) (_on+1e,pn, <ona>) <ona>) 1)n+1,*F; jE J where by Lemma 3.3 we assume each term in the sum is defined. Then using the definition of intersection number d(e, pn, en) n n-1 ), <0na>) L1)n+1 (2) J j EJa where (Ona) I ci)} Ja={jEJ: '1'7.(13r.1-1) J Fix jE j. Then r. r with n-1 sgn (rth P. coordinate of a). Let sgn co*r.1 sn-1 n-1 k in the simplicial subdivision of Pn. k E K. J Then n n-1 i((), <0na>) <Ona,>) J kEK. (the sum is defined by Lemma 3.3) 28 r .+n (-1)3 on-1 *ri(e-1(sn-1\ k ) sgn 9,, n-1 . k K. E by Lemma 3.2 and (iii) of Lemma 3.3. Thus from (2) above dee, _n en) r.+n i(e,-1(sn-1) on-1) (-1)3 -1)n+I jE ja E K. n_i X sgn cp PJ r.+1 -1) n-I (p.n-I ),e n-1 3 . E ) sgn cp 3 J 3 (3) n-1 '1'1-.1 133° Ja Now there are sets 2n depending on the half of the Ja, coordinate axis on which a lies, and we get (3) for each Adding these .1a. equations gives 2n r.+1 )3 nr,-1(pn.-1 en-1) 2n d(e, Pn, On) (4) s n-1 3 P. E using (i) of Lemma 3.3 to replace sgn by sgn co . Here the 3 summation over all does not lie in any all possible a. -. jE Ja, J is justified as follows: if some j this means that ,, 10 3 .t,n(p.7-1) n-1 on (31.1-1, (Ona) E cp giving for 29 n-1 n-1 n-1 ) = 0; *r, (p. therefore j can be included in the sum without altering its value. On the other hand it is impossible for some j to lie in two different sets EJ would imply that no cp, 1 < r < n, a J a' because this n-1 was non-zero on and by pi (i) of Lemma 3.3 this is not so. n-1J Finally since respect to n :.' implies On _ri a chain approximation to -1 *r W a chain approximation to ,t.r1 . P. on with respect to en-1 I-' .4-1 Tr J J to get the required result. We are almost ready to prove our computational formula for d(e, p n on,) using the inductive degree relation of the theorem. 2 Recall that if xi = (x.11' x., , xi) in Rn, 0 < i < n, then n( 1,x 2, x11 x12 xln x21 x22 x2n ,xn) x nl x n2 nn and x01 x02 A n+1 ((IL, x0), (1,x1), , with on we can use (1) to rewrite (4) J, jE .._,.n. (1,x )) xOn lx 11 x12 1 xn1 n2 nn 30 Lemma 3.5. Let (j) (j) 01x Kn (j) > be an n-region, ° xn ° j=1 with (j) b(Kn) tj <y1 ... y (j) >, t + 1. Suppose 1' 3=1 t..6.n(G(y(j)),...,G(0))). 1 n+1'((1, G(x(j)),...,(1,G(x(j)))) Then 0 j=1 G: j j=1 Proof. An(( 1, G(4)),.. . (1, G(xn(j)))) j=1 G(x. ) A , G(x(0)) (1) 21)iLn(G(xo(j)), by expanding ,6n+1 along its first column. Now AO) (-1) <xj) ...x. `...xn(j)> ( b(Kn) j=1 i=0 by definition; also t.<y (j)... yn(j)> b(Kn) J 1 j=1 by hypothesis, where the y's are just a relabelling of certain x's. Consequently from (1) we see that 31 n (G(yi(i) ),... ,6n((1,G(x0(i))),...,(1,G(x(i))))= j=1 , G(yn(i))) . j=1 Theorem 3. 6 (com utational formula for the deree Let Pn pn Rn is continuous ,c9n) (col, be an n-region. Suppose e with e On b(Pn). Suppose that b(Pn) on into (n-1)-regions w1-1 refined relative to sgn el; so that it is sufficiently 1 < k < m, vk has been subdivided (j) ...y (j) t.<y n j 1 let b(Pn) t. = + L j=1 Then / V t.,6 n (sgn 1.n(y1(j) ), ... , sgn 1 d(el,Pn, On) 2 n n! L...) n t. (j) (yn )) , J j--,--1 where sgn el(y) = (sgn cai(y), , sgn (pn(y)). Proof. This is the same proof as that in Section 4.3 of [li], We use induction on n. For n=1 this clearly reduces to the formula given in observation 2.6 for del.1, Pl, 01). Fix n>1 and assume that the theorem holds in the n-1 case. We have 111. dee, pn, on) zln -1)rk+ld(.T.n-1, pn-1,0n-1) sgn k=1 rk k (1) o rk Pn-1 32 from Theorem 3.4. b(p1) Let i Z(i) > n-1 1 1 < k < m T,= + 1. By 1E1k definition this is sufficiently refined relative to so by the rk induction hypothesis we have n-1 n-1 n-1 ,O1) Pk. - rk n-1 1 2n-1 (11_1)1 (T..6 sgn n-1 i) , 1 sgn_1(zo.)1)) rk 1E 1 't.Ln((1, 2n-1 (11_01 sgn ei(i))), ..., (1, sgn e1-1(yn(j)))) rk E 1 (j)) by Lemma 3.5, where pn-1 n 1 tk,Y(j) (1) becomes d(e,Pn on) rk+1 t. (-1) 1 2n n! k=1 j E Jk X pn((1, sgn rk sgnn-1(j)))) rk X sgn (Pr -k 1 2n n! k=1 jE jk t..6n(sgn J sgn '1'n(y(i))) Thus 33 (moving first column of ing it by rk1 columns to the right then multiply- sgn 1n t.Ls(sgn n (yi(j) ), 2n n1 n , sgn (j) (yn )). j=1 Example. P = unit square in orientation. Let We take R 2 with counterclockwise (x, y) = (x, x -2y) = x', y) say. b(P2) = <y1y2> + <y2y3> + <y3y4> + <y4 y1> . Example 3. 1 this gives a sufficient refinement of b(P2) sgn2. Then by Theorem 3. 6 d('T.2, P2, 02)1 = 1 1 -1 -II + = -8-{-2 -Z -2 -2} -1. 1 I -1 -I II + -1 1 1 11 By relative to 34 Historical note. It is a remarkable fact that 3. Hadamard in [5, pp. 452-460] essentially verified Equation (3) of Theorem 3.4 for the special case r. 1. He used the Kronecker integral definition of Chapter I, simplifying the integral by ingenious manipulation. It is easy to see how to extend his work to the general case where E fr. 1, 2, . . , n}. Since Equation (3) is the crucial step needed to J prove the computational formula, we can say with some truth that Theorem 3. 6 might well have been proven 60 years before it was. 35 IV. IMPARTIAL REFINEMENTS 1. Motivation Let Pn be an n-region with e continuous and satisfying / On (co ,n) Pn Rn b(Pn). It is shown in [11] on that if we keep refining the simplexes in the original representation of b(Pn) in such a way that their mesh (i.e. , their largest diameter) tends to zero, then after a finite number of steps we will obtain a sufficient refinement provided that the zeroes of the co. satisfy cer- taion conditions (these conditions involve the Qn-sets defined near the beginning of Chapter III and are similar to insisting that no 'p. can have an infinite number of isolated zeroes on b(Pn) ). The proof of this statement relies on a contradiction argument and consequently gives no estimate regarding the number of steps needed to reach a sufficient refinement in a given situation. Moreover, as the next example illustrates, it is in general impossible to tell from the computations involved in this algorithm when a sufficient refinement has been reached. However once we have a sufficient refinement it is clear from the definition that any further refinement will not 'lose' this property, so there is no question of over-refining. Example. orientation. Let P2 = unit square in 2 R2 with counterclockwise = (x',y') (x,y) = ((y---x)(y-4x-1), y-1) 3 9 9 say. 36 y =0 (-1, 1/3) I 1 = (1,1) xt = 0 Y -0 xt = 0 =0 I Y6 , -2/9) I =0 y4 Y7 3 Suppose that we initially have subdivision points Yr Y2' Y3' y4 <y4y1> . If this is a so that b(P2) = <y1y2> + <y2y3> + <y3y4> sufficient refinement then by Theorem 3.6 2 d( P 2 2 I 1 1 -1 11 )= 8{1_11 ,1 1 1 1 11 -1 + 1 1 -1 -11 1 Ii -1 11} 1 which is impossible since the degree is always an integer. Therefore we do not have a sufficient refinement and must refine further. 37 Introduce four more subdivision points y5, y6, Y7' Y8 as indicated on the diagram so that b(P2 ) = <y1y5> + <y5y2> + + If this is a sufficient refine- <y8y1>. ment then sgn co1(y1) sgn =1{1 8 sgn (y 1 ,5 sgn ) c2(y1)d(2,P2,02) sgn. yo1(y8 + + 2(y5) 5gn2(y8) sgn (pi(y1) sgn q'2(y1) = 1. Since we know the positions of the zeroes of on we see that this is not a sufficient refinement because neither b(P2) x' and y° x° nor y° is non-zero on the 1-simplex <y8y1>. If we introduce further subdivision points and use Theorem 3. 6 to compute a possible value for d('1.2, P2 02) each time, we will still get the value until we introduce a point such as If b(P2) = <Y1Y5> y9 <Y5Y2> or y10 <Y8Y9> 1 on the diagram. <Y9Y10> <non> we now have a sufficient refinement by Example 3. 1 and consequently 29 P2, 02) 0 using Theorem 3.6. The point here is that if the zeroes of (P1 and co, 2 on b(P2) were unknown, the procedure of subdividing, computing the possible degree from Theorem 3. 6, further subdividing etc. might yield a sequence of possible degree values in which the term 1 occurs 38 many successive times. We might thus be misled into believing that 2 ,P 2 0 2 In this case the calculations contained in the pro- 1. ) cedure would not indicate that we do not have a sufficient refinement because it is easy to find a function sgn 4)2 = sgn 'T. 2 2, 11 kx, y) 1 (-9x-y+1, y3 b(P2) \ {(x, y) x = 1, subdivision points b(P2) relative to For n>2 P2 R2 for which at all previously sampled points and yet b(P2) sufficiently refined relative to , qi2 2 < sgn . Thensgn )4)2 y< with _4(5._ For example take sgn on d(4)2, P2, 02) = 1, and the yield a sufficient refinement of Yi, Y2, sgn 2 is 4)2. it is in general a complicated matter to check that a decomposition of b(Pn) yields a sufficient refinement, because of condition (iii) of the definition. We will define what we call an impartial refinement U; this is a stronger property than that of "sufficient refinement" but its conditions are simpler to verify. Consider the following motivating example: P3 = <a0a1a2a3> (a tetrahedron) and diagram. T.3 P3 R3 with sgn cpi as indicated in the 39 a1 Then sgn .T.3(a2) = sgn 'T'3(a4) = (1,1,1). Let sgn 3(a0) = (1, 1, -1), sgn1) = (-1, 1, 1), sgn(a3) = (1, -1, 1). Assume that sgn yo.(a.) j sgn yo.(ak ) = A / 0 => sgn co, = on <ajak>, all i, j, k. Now b(P3) = <a0a1a4> + <a0a4a3> + <a1a2a3> -F <a0a2 > + <a3a2a0> . If this decomposition into 5 2-regions yields a sufficient refinement of b(P3) relative to sgn (13, then 40 3 3 0 3 1 - 23 3! 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 11 + -1 + 11 11 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 1 -.1 1 1 12 which is of course impossible. Thus we do not have a sufficient refinement. The problem is that the boundary of the region <a1a2a3> is not sufficiently refined relative to b(<a1a2a3>) = <a1a2> and both sgn (a3) yol and cp2 -sgn yoi(a1), sgn(cpi, yoz). For <a2a3> + <a3a1> + have zeroes on <a3a1> since i= 1, 2. Thus <a1a3> cannot be used as a 1-region in a sufficient refinement of b(<a1a2a3>). If <a1a2a3> is divided into <a1a2a4> + <a4a2a3> this problem is removed because now b(<a1a2a3> + <a4a2a3>) = <a1a2> + <a2a3> + <a3a4> + <a4a1> which is sufficiently refined by Example 3. 1 . We can now apply 41 Theorem 3. 6 to get d(1.3, P3, 03) = 0. Here we obtain a sufficient refinement by making the decomposition of b(P3) more impartial insofar as is no longer <a1a3> regarded as a single 1-simplex in the region <a1a2a3> while being regarded as <a1a4> + <a4a2> (a sum of two 1-simplexes) in the region (<a0a1a4> + <a0a4a3>). 2. Impartial Refinements: Definition and Properties Let Pn be an n-region. Let el(p) / On be continuous with 1'1 b(Pn) Rnn V p E b(Pn). Definition. If n = 1, b(P1 sgn ,(pn): P 'T.11 = ((pi, (p2, is impartially refined relative to ) if it is sufficiently refined relative to sgn is impartially refined relative to If if sgri 'In b(Pn) n > 1, has been subdivided so that it may be written as a union of a finite number of fan - 1 -1 in such a way that the (n-1)-dimensional interiors of the ,n-1 (n-1) -regions P1 Pi are pairwise disjoint; at least one of the functions non-zero on each region (iii) each region e _1 n-1 13. r,n- c913 ° 9 say 1 is maximal insofar as if with j 7 i, then r, r,; cor is 42 (iv) if Sn-1. is an (n-1)-simplex in n-1 S.1 -1 such that Pit n-1 has a face of dimension n-2 lying on b(pi, ), then this face is also a face of at least one (n-1)-simplex S-1 lying n4 in some where 1. j Before proving the fundamental theorem which states that all impartial refinements are sufficient refinements we obtain two pre- liminary results. Lemma 4.1. The boundary of an n-dimensional polyhedron is an (n-1)-dimensional polyhedron. Proof. and T -n 1 show that Let Kn be an n-dimensional polyhedron. Let S n-1 be (n-1)-simplexes in the (n-1)-chain b(Kn). We must Sn-1 is either the empty set or a common face Tn-1 of the simplexes. Suppose Tn-1 fi Sn-1 boundary of an n-simplex comes from a Tn in ep. (say) Sn Let Kn. Sn-1 Now in Sn Kn; is part of the likewise Tn-1 <s s 1. . . sn>, 0 Tn = <t0t1... tn> . Without loss of generality take 5 If Sn because Kn n-1 = <s s 12 Tr sn>, T n-1 = <tot1...tn_i> . it is easy to finish the proof, so assume not. Then is a polyhedron is a common r-dimensional 43 face, with 0 < r < n. Without loss of generality take r- SnT P X.s., Li X. > 0, 2 X. = 1 P i=0 i=0 i=0 i=0 q:q= = using observation 2.1. By linear independence and the uniqueness of the extreme points in Sn { : Os. s. = t. i < r} = ft. < : n Tn we must have 0 < i < r}. We may assume in fact that 0< i< r. for Thus Sn-1 n / (Snn Tn) Tn-1 = p:p= sn -1 X. s , X. > 0, (sn-lr Tn. -1) c sn-1 (snr.\ Tn) => r > 1). Likewise T' n (S n T as r < n-1. Tn) :q= > 0, 1 44 Recall that 1 1 Tn-1 sn-1 0 < i < r° for s. = t. sn rmTn-1) (sn thus T)n (snrm Tn)] = .,. x: x= X.isi, X.i > and this is a common face of Sn-1 1 , 2, . , n-1 b(11) n}, Without loss of generality take (if m m>1 is is impartially sgnn-1 refined relative to Proof. as required. sgnn with notation as in the defi- impartially refined relative to E Tn-1 and and suppose that b(Pn) Theorem 4. 2. Let n > 1 nition. Then for any (snrm Tri)] then 1 b(Pn -1 ) 1 r7= 1, it = 1, and satisfies the "impartially refined" definition vacuously). Let {S1.1-1}.I LE be the (finite) set of (n-1)-simplexes in having an (n -2)-dimensional face lying on b( p1 -1) Let ). p be the corresponding simplexes given by part (iv) of the definition (i.---' j(i) sn - 1 i S.. ij is not in general a function). as lying in n-1 (j --' j' say For each Consider n-1 S. 1 (Th E J we take is a many-one map). 133 for the (n-2)-simplex j Sn-1 j(i) . Write 45 S2 = {S11-2 ij i : E I, j J, Sn -1 C 13n j." E 1 r = 2}. By Lemma 4.1 the intersection of any two distinct (n-2)n S-2 ij sim plexes all lie in Sn..-2 is either a common face or the empty set since n-1 b(131 We can therefore write ). as a dis- S2 joint union of (n-2)-regions in a unique way (by taking connected components). Continue thus: consider, for S k {Sn -2 and write Sk \ (S regions. : I, j E 3, iE ... S 3 < k < n, -1 k-1 ) Taking all these (n-2)-regions a decomposition of n-1 n-1 13(31 ) k}, as a disjoint union of (n-2)n-2 Pi - 1 satisfy r., / 1. We claim that in fact this gives us an impartial refinement of tive to (say) gives us since by part (iv) of the definition all / 1) which intersect PJ r. n-1 b(131 ) rela- sgn Clearly (i) and (iii) of the definition are satisfied. -1 n-1 Recall that for any i S..n-2 and consequently 13 n-1 Sj(i) , By maximality of r., / 1, and so a r / 0 on sn-2. 1 ij J ji n., -1 component of T 1 is non-zero on each 1P-2, i.e. , (ii) of the q) 13 definition is satisfied (this argument also takes care of the exceptional case n = 2). 46 For condition (iv) (when n > 2) ,n-2 be any (n-2)'31 let I6fl-2 such that an (n-3) -diensional simplex in .1 rri face of S r1-2 lies n-2 n-1 in b(13 131 ). Now is a region and b(b(131n-1 )) = 0 (Remark n-1 2.2) so any (n-3)-simplex in _nb(2) must, since n-2 I C b(131 -2 also be an (n-3)-simplex in b(f3nt° ), sn -2 sequently a face of an (n-2)-simplex t' some ), It is con- 1. in The principal result is the following. Theorem 4.3. If b(Pn) is impartially refined relative to then it is also sufficiently refined relative to sgn Proof. Use induction on For n 1 n. the assertion is trivial. Fix n > 1 and assume pn-1 that the theorem holds for any Suppose that using the regions sgnn. is impartially refined relative to b(Pn) n-1 n -1 p1 , and Pin . sgn We only have to show that (iii) of . the "sufficiently refined" definition holds, the rest being automatically satisfied. For any 4. 2 b(1311 1) iE {1, 2, . , cpr. /0 n-1 on . is impartially refined relative to is sufficiently refined relative to hypothesis, and we are done. sgn n 1- and by Theorem nn-1) sgn 1i by the inductive 47 V. ALGORITHM FOR COMPUTATION OF THE DEGREE USING IMPARTIAL REFINEMENTS 1. Introduction and Description of Algorithm Let with Pn be an n-region. Let on .T,n (ion) Pn Rn b(Pn). We now describe an algorithm for corn- on d(e, P,,,n,), assuming that we can major ize the modulus puting ell of continuity of by a known function which is Q(5) b(Pn) ell 0(5). This happens for example if we know that satisfies b(Pn) a Lipschitz condition of order a > O. The algorithm constructs an impartial refinement of b(Pn) then terminates. By Theorem 4.3 this impartial refinement is also p d('1,n on) a sufficient refinement. We can thus compute , with assurance using the formula of Theorem 3. 6. Take n>1 as the computation of d(t.1, Pl, 01) Let w(. ) be the modulus of continuity of i i = 1, 2, the i . ,n. Suppose that LOS) < 1 are known functions and 2.(6) 1 <n 1 i<, C°i for S2.(5) is is trivial. 0(6) b(Pn for each where i. 1 For any i and any xE b(Pn) with cp. (X) 0, choose L 5.> 0 such that Q.(5.) < 1 1 1 coi(x)1 Let norm in Rn. Then for any y E b(P) have 1.11 denote the Euclidean such that ll x-ylj <_ , we 48 (x) icoi(y)I I co,(x).(y)1 6. ( x> )1 1 1 ca.(x)1 > 0. Let pE b(Pn). Choose 5(p) = max 1<i<n I are chosen as large as possible such that pyo.( ) = 0 take 6(p) > S-2.(5.) < 1 1 cP.(p)I 1 6. (if 6. = 0). For at least one min 6: <i<n mme(x)1 > m IC9i(P)I so where the 6., xEb(P--) where each 6! > 0 possible such that 0.(6!) < m. Thus is chosen as large as say, where (5(p) c is positive and independent of p. From the preceding paragraph we see that if satisfies pendent of II 13-0 < 6(P), then B for some b(Pn) i inde- y. Thus:, given any point ball co.(y)i > 0 yE b(Pn), p of radius at least such that some component of Definition. (a fixed positive constant) c VI we can surround it by a is non-zero on B rm b(Pn). A simplex is acceptable if at least one component of is known to be non-zero thereon. 49 Remark 5.1. Any subdivision of an acceptable simplex yields acceptable simplexes. Where necessary our algorithm will subdivide simplexes in b(Pr) until all simplexes in b(Pn) original representation of b(Pn) are acceptable. Also, the is a polyhedron by Lemma 4. 1 and the algorithm will preserve this property. An edge of a simplex is a one-dimensional face of Definition. that simplex. Let Sn1 n,S1 . 1 b(Pn) with b(Pn) be a list of the (oriented) simplexes in At first all these simplexes are unac- = j=1 ceptable. Let PI' '13 be a list of the vertices of the S. Algorithm. Set If i=1 m, i and go to step 3. terminate. Otherwise replace i by i+1 and j by j+1 and continue. Compute Set If j j=/ continue. O(p.) 1 as described above. and go to step 6. go to step 2. Otherwise replace 6. If n-1 is acceptable or if pi is not a vertex of S. 50 SiS to to step 5. Otherwise continue. n- 7. Without loss of generality assume that <PiY2*.' Yn> and go to step 9. If k = n list sn-1 as acceptable and to to step 5. OtherSet k -= 2 wise replace Compute 1 If by k the length of the edge k, 5(P.), If lk > 8(p.), Lk> <PiY and continue. k+1 <PiYk> go to step 8. let pm+1 be the point lying on min{6(pi), 12 id from at a distance In step 2 replace m by m+1. Replace the oriented simplex Sn - 1 by the two oriented simplexes J S. "iY2' Yk - 1Pm± lYk+ 1 °Y > and n-1 4.1 = n <prn+1 Y2 In step 5 replace f by > 1 +1 . In exactly the same way replace every other oriented simplex having <PiYk> as an edge by two new oriented simplexes whose sum" is the original oriented simplex, increasing i in step 5 to each time a new simplex is created. Got to step 8. f+1 51 Summary of Algorithm. Cons ider the vertices turn. For each p. having pi consider in turn those unacceptable simplexes as a vertex. For each such simplex edges emanating from exceeds p. Ei(pi) pi , p2, consider the Sn-1 Subdivide those edges whose length so that the new length of each edge of as an endpoint is at most Then .5(p.). S' S. S'1 S having must be acceptable. Here we also subdivide all other simplexes sharing the above edges n-1 with S. in order to preserve the polyhedral property of b(Pn). 2. Proof of Convergence of Algorithm Observation 5. 2. By virtue of step 6, it is sufficient to prove that after a finite number of iterations all simplexes are acceptable. For this proof we use the following two lemmas. Lemma 5.3. Let c and k be positive constants. Write AB' etc. Given a triangle or equal to k, AB > c, ABC and D AB < 2c, for 'length of as shown with diameter less than lying on AB constraints: (a) if 'AB then AD = 1 AB; subject to the 52 (b) if AB > 2c, c < AD < then 1 AB. Then c2 CD2 < k2 - ---4 Proof. We break up the proof into three cases: AB < 2c and AB > BC AB < 2c and AB < BC AB > 2c. Case (i). Now BC2 = AC2 BC 2 - AB 2 = AC2 + AB2 - ZAC AB cos a - 2AC AB cos a so and BC < AB <=>AC2 - ZAC AB cos a < 0 - 2 AB cos a < 0 <=> cos a > AC AB Since AB < 2c, CD we have by hypothesis AD = -1-2 AB. Thus 22, AC+ AD = AC2 + From above AB > BC--=> cos a 1 7 AB - 2AC AD cos a 2 AC > 2 AB AC AB cos a so from (1) (1) 53 CD2 < AC2 + 1 AC2 + = Ca____Aeiiil. If 2 AB > AC, AB2 AC AB 2AC AB 1AB2 4 then by symmetry we can obtain the same result as in Case (i). Therefore take AB < AC. By symmetry we can without loss of generality take BC2 = - 2AC AB cos a AC2 + AB2 BC2 - AC2 AB2 = BC > AC. Then (2) - 2AC AB cos a SO AB2 - 2AC AB cos a > 0 AB - 2AC cos a > cos a < AB AC (3) Combining (2) with (1) gives CD ' BC2 - 4AB2 + AC AB cos a 3 < BC2 = BC2 - < k2 - - c + AC AB 4 1 AB2 AC 54 Case (iii). Now c < AC < CD2 For the given triangle d(CD d(AD) = -1 AB. - 2AC AD cos a AC2 f- AD (4) CD depends only on AD. Differentiating, - 2 AD - 2 AC cos a for =0 this gives a minimum value for cos a AD AC CD. Thus absolute maximum value wither at AD = c i, e. , CD J AB; achieves its CD or at AD = 1 AB. If this maximum is at AD =1AB we are done by Cases (i) and (ii) 2 (note that in these cases the fact that AB < 2c deduce that AD = 1 AB). We therefore suppose that the absolute maximum occurs when AD = c, AC2 (AD = c + c2 was used only to - 2 AC c cos a > AC2 on left-hand side, c (from (4)) that i. e. 1 -4- - AC AB cos a AB2 1 AD =2 AB on right-hand side) so 21 AB 4 2 > (AC cos a)(2c-AB) (c+ 12AB)(c- AB) > ("LAC cos a)(c-2AB) 2 1 => c+ 1 AB < 2AC cos a, 1 since c 1 AB < 0 55 1 c + 7AB < cos a. 2 AC Now with AD = c CD2 = AC2 + c < AC2 2 - 2AC c cos a 2 +c - 2AC c 1 c 2 AB 2 AC 1 =AC 2 - 2c AB < k2 - 1 c2 Finally, combining the results of the three cases yields the conclusion of the lemma (use the fact that k > AB > c). Definition. When dealing with a vertex p. in the algorithm (i.e. running through steps 3 -9), a new edge is an edge formed by subdivision which is not part of any edge previously present. Example. NNN. Suppose that when dealing with D, then join are not. D to C. Now CD A we divide the edge AB at is a new edge; AD and DB 56 the algorithm When dealing with a fixed pi Observation 5.4. does not increase the number of simplexes having after considering all P. of which n-1 SiConsequen-ly, as a vertex. is a vertex, pi step 6 will always return us to step 5 and so we eventually get pi by acceptable returned to step 2. We have now "surrounded" simplexes, i.e. , every simplex of which pi is a vertex is now acceptable, by virtue of steps 7, 8, and 9. This property will be retained for the remainder of the algorithm (recall Remark 5. 1). Notation. Let simplexes Sin -1 , S denote the largest diameter of the original 0 ,7 -1 . Let Sr, r 1, denote the largest diameter of the unacceptable simplexes present after we have surrounded pi, p2, '1r by acceptable simplexes (we take Sr = 0 iff all simplexes are acceptable). Lemma 5.5. When dealing with any vertex pi in the algorithm, any new edge constructed in an unacceptable simplex lies in a triangle such that the edge and triangle satisfy the properties ascribed to CD and ABC k = S1 1. and c Proof. If (P.j respectively in Lemma 5.3, with that given in Section V. L (p.p.,) is an edge which we divide at. PJ Pi ,P i° ) then the new edges resulting from this division are of the form kj) where k (see step 9(b)). Any such edge 57 will lie in the triangle (pipi,pk) which is a face of an unacceptable simplex by hypothesis. Here we have a correspondence P.,i ---4" B, -)k ' C, A, P. to Lemma 5.3. p. 3 We must have length (PiPi0 > c as otherwise this edge would not have been divided (see Section V. 1 and step 9 of the algorithm). The diameter of the triangle of (pipi ,pk) by definition is at most S.1 1- S1. i- Finally, the restrictions on the length of (p.p.) follow from step 9(b) of the algorithm and the fact that 6,(pi) > c. Theorem 5. 6. After a finite number of iterations of the algorithm all simplexes are acceptable. Proof. Clearly 0 < S r+1 < S r for r 0, 1, 2, . . . . We show that for some R, SR < c; from this point onwards step 9(a) of the algorithm will always return us to step 8. As a result all simplexes will eventually be acceptable (recall Observation 5.4). Consider the original vertices Pi, P2, pm. After we have dealt with these vertices, any part of an original edge which now lies in an unacceptable simplex has either resulted from a bisection or from a subdivision which removed a length of at least length is at most max{ ceptable simplexes (i. e. 2 , 0 , S0 c. Thus its -c}. Regarding other edges of unac- those new edges constructed in the algorithm), by Lemma 5. 5 such edges arise precisely as CD does in Lemma 5.3, and it follows that the length of any such edge is at 58 most (S 21 2 1 c 4 0 2 Combining these results gives < max{ m S2 We now have a list 4 m , 0 (S0 -c)2 , SO - 1 pm+i, 12 , pm, 2 2 ,(Sm -c),s m < max{ T s,m C2} . , Pm, Pm+1, 1)1, Apply the same argument to S2 2 S2 Pmf say of vertices. to get 1 2 Continue thus. It is clear that the sequence } . S ,S ,S , ' must eventually be less than or equal to c. By the opening remarks the proof is complete. After a finite number of iterations the algorithm Corollary 5. 7. terminates. Proof. Use Observation 5. 2. Observation 5. 8. sentation of b(Pn), some Sn-1 1 in Since for the original repre- every (n-2)-s implex lying in b(Pn) other (n-1)-simplex b(b(Pn)) = 0 2 must also lie in in b(Sn2 1) b(Sni 1) for for at least one b(Pn). If in the algorithm this (n-2)-simplex is subdivided, it is subdivided in all (n-1)-simplexes containing it and from step 9(b) we see that new (n-2)-simplexes appear in exactly as many boundaries of (n-1)-simplexes as their 59 ancestors did, and with exactly the same orientation. Thus b(b1(Pn)) = 0, where b 1' (13n) is the new representation of b(P) obtained 13\ means of the algorithm. Computation of the Degree. Since Pn is an n-region, by Lemma 4.1 the original representation of b(Pn) is a polyhedron. The subdivisions of the algorithm are such that it preserves this property of b(Pn). We will thus obtain a polyhedral decomposition of b(Pn) into acceptable simplexes. This gives an impartial refinement of b(Pn) relative to sgnn: take maximal connected collections of simplexes to be (n-1)-regions, avoiding overlapping, and use the fact that b(bi(Pn)) = 0 (iv) of the definition. The degree (Observation 5. 8) to check part d( puted using the formula of Theorem 3. 6. Pn, On) can then be corn- 60 SIMPLIFICATION OF THE COMPUTATIONS VI. In this chapter a proceduro is g:ven which replaces the computation of the n x n determinan_s in Theorem 3. 6 by a "scanning?' of the matrices associated with these determinants, that is a counting of in certain positions within the matrices. + As usual let (col, cot.) Pn pn be an n-region with Rn The next lemma and its continuous. two corollaries will be used later when we need to choose simplexes el have certain signs. on which certain components of is impartially refined Lemma 6. 1. Suppose that b(Pn) relative to sgnn in such a way that it is a polyhedron. Then if any coordinate function vertices of any simplex sgn (p. = A d( has the same sign A (A = + 1) (p' i _n -1 S i in we may assume that b(Pn), without altering the value of on all of Sn-1 Pn, On Proof. Suppose that we do not have n-1 S. i S7-1' J Now S. l_n- lies in some region sgn (pi = A n -1 6 ,; . i where of course and so on all of (pr., i 0 on i i. .r 3 By continuity S1. at all p 0 on some open neighborhood M of M so small that it does not contain any vertex (of any simplex in the impartial refinement of b(Pn)) at which sgn (pi = 0 Or -A (this can be done because of the assumed polyhedral property of the impartial refinement). Choose another open set S' CNCNCM. Now homotopically deform S. nary so that inside it has constant sign N (Pi such that N where neces- while outside M A, it is unchanged. Since yo r., 0 on [z, Theorem 6. 4, p. 31] on M, ionn, ,0n d( the homotopy and by is unaffected. Note that the ) same impartial refinement can be retained since the sign of cp. is unchanged at all points considered in the definition. Corollary 6. 2. Under the same hypotheses as those of Lemma 6. 1, we may assume that n-1 S. impartial refinement such that lies in a region n-1 of the r., =i. Proof. Since the refinement bl(Pn) of b(Pn) is polyhedral and refinements are always assumed to preserve orientations, b(bi(Pn)) = 0 Form (see Observation 5.8). n-1 p. , as the maximal connected anion containing Sn-1 of those (n1)s implexes in bl(Pn) on which sgn cp. A. Then after redefining some other (n-1)-regions to eliminate overlapping if necessary, b 1 (Pn) is still an impartial refinement because it is a polyhedron and because b(b (Pn)) = 0. Notation. If B. = (bi 1, biz, . b. = 1, 2, ,q are 62 vectors, then (q x q matrix). Of course ,B )) = Acl(B det(Mq(B1' in the notation of ) Section 1. 2. Let (k) tk<yi ...yn(k)> be a sufficient refinement where Its associated matrices are b(Pn) = k= 1 relative to sgn 'T.11, tk = + 1. n,y(k),, `Icjvi n-1 ( 1 ,n, (k) k k" )) gn ) 1 2 '.." f (1) be the set of regions13 .n-1 in the J n} given sufficient refinement for which the associated coordinate funcLet tion is (Fir {p. :JE with sgn r n-1 n 13. =A here ; r E {1, 2, ... andAn E {-1, 1}. Take pn -I. = (k) /1 <Y1 b(p1) (k), for each (k) (-1) i+1<Y1 kEIK, i=1 ^(k) SO jE (k) > 63 with associated matrices i+1 n-1 (-1)M n-1 (y,(k) ), rn a- 1 , sgn (k) (yi , sgn ), n-1 (k) (yn )) 1(sgn = 1,2,...,n, K., jE (2) JAn Corollary 6. 3. Suppose that the above sufficient refinement is actually a polyhedral impartial refinement. Then the matrices Mn-1 of (2) can be obtained as follows: choose from (1) those Mn rnth column consists entirely of An's, then delete the ith row and rnth column from these matrices, where i ranges whose over the values Proof. mn(sgn ,n. 1, 2, Consider the matrices (k) (y1 )' (k).. " sgn (k) (k) pn-1 yn (yn (3) JAn Each matrix in (3) is a matrix in (1) whose consists entirely of An s ; rnth column by Corollary 6. 2 we may assume that all such matrices in (1) are actually matrices in (3). Thus choosing rnth column consists entirely of is a means of listing the matrices in (3). Now each matrix in from (1) those matrices whose An's (2) is obtained by deleting the ith row and rnth column from a 64 matrix in (3). This completes the proof. Using the above notation, consider the matrices tkMn(sgn 11((k)) . , sgn 'Tn(y(k))), k = 1, 2, (1) , Recall that their associated determinants An were used to compute d(e, p n on,) in Theorem 3. 6. In the procedure below a signature is assigned to certain of these matrices, then the signatures are added; it is shown later that this yields dce,Pn, On). Procedure. V i. Let {6, : I<i< Let {r. 1< C {1, 2, . with r, < i i < n} C {-1,1}. Choose from (1) all tkMn whose rnth column consists r +1 (-1) n entirely of 6n Ts. Assign a temporary signature tkAn to each such matrix; assign the signature zero to every other Delete the Mn. r th column from each chosen matrix to form an array. In the rn-1th column of this array pick all combinations of n-1 rows having n-1 6 n-1 s as entries, if any n x (n-1) such combination exists (if not, discard the matrix, i. e. , assign it the signature zero) (if the matrix is not discarded there will be either 1 or n such combinations). If there is one such combination, suppose that the is the unique row with entry 0 or -6 n-1 . q n-1 th row Delete this row to give 65 an tk (n-1) x (n-1) n n-1 n (-1)r+1+rn-1+q If there are tains in the matrix and assign a temporary signature nn-l's) n-1 to the matrix. such combinations (i. e. , n rn- 1th then deleting each row in turn gives rn-lth column. Do this, obtaining n column conn-1 Ln-l's (n-1) x (n -1) matrices with associated temporary signatures n(-1)rn+1+r tk nA n- 1 deleted (so qn -1 ,+43 'n -1 where the runs through the values row was the one 1, 2, ... ,n). matrix just as each original (n-1) x (n-1) Now deal with each qn-1th n x n matrix was dealt with after assigning the first temporary throughout. Continue reducing signature, replacing n until left with matrices. At this stage the sum of the tem- 1x1 n-1 by porary signatures of those 1x1 matrices whose ancestor was a particular Mn is taken as the signature of that Mn. Finally add all the signatures of the Mn. We now recall some equations which will be used to prove that the procedure computes d( pn, en). Again suppose that (k) <1(). y1 .. yn > is sufficiently b(Pn k=1 refined relative to of Theorem 3.4: sgn .T.n, where tk + 1. Recall Equation (3) 66 d(el, On) rj+1ite-1(Rn-1,i,on-1,) sgn *r. = n-1 E Ja P. J J Using (1) of that theorem and Lemma 3.3 this can be written as (-1)rj d(e, Pn, On) = r. ) sgn co j n-1 r E Ja PJ Changing the notation a little we have r +1 (-on tn-1, en-1) d(e-1, n) = rn jEJ An r +1 = (-1) n _n-1 E (1) rn An J,6 ) -1 where the summation is over all regions associated coordinate function here rn E {1, 2, For each . j .. E , and n} is(pr n {-1, Ln E with 1} sgn (k) 1 1 k E K. (pr b(Pn) 1 n n-1 whose n . PJ are arbitrary but fixed. take Jzs in - 67 SO (k) b(pni <yl i A(k) ° yi ° ° (k) >. yn =kEK. Consider the associated matrices A sgn n-1 (-1)i+1Mn-1(sgn n-1 (y'(k) ), rn n n, kE i= 1, 2, pl (k))), y.(k)'),...,sgn T_n-1, r (yn 1 n (2) K.,An Observation 6.4. Consider the special case n 1. Let m-1 with associated <x.x. > so that b(P1) = <x > - <x > m 1 1+1 0 i=0 matrices1(x),1(x ). m 0 1x1 Of necessity r1 = 1. As usual it is assigned the signature 6 ,r1+1 1 (-1) the signature zero. If.11(x 0 ) = 6 r141 (-1).61 -6 1 ; Ai E {-I, 1}. = ; If '1(x) =A if not, it is assigned it is assigned the signature 1 if not, it is assigned the signature zero. (-1) Finally the signatures are added. Theorem 6.5. continuous. Suppose relative to above. sgn Let Pn be an n- region with b(Pn) P Rn has a polyhedral impartial refinement so that it is sufficiently refined with notation as Then the procedure computes d(el,Pn 68 Proof. Use induction on for the case n = 1 By inspection the theorem holds n. (see Observations 6. 4 and 2. 6). Now fix and assume that the theorem is true for the n-1 n>1 case. Then the procedure deals with the matrices (k) , sgn tkMn(sgn ei( y(k)1), yn )), 1, 2, k . . . ,1 (3) By Theorem 4. 2 and Lemma 4.1 we are justified in applying the inductive hypothesis to calculate ) r Thus, E letting j vary over choose from (2) all those matrices J.6n, (-1) i+ln-1 whose rn-1th column consists entirely of and assign a temporary signature (_1)i+1,6 i-nrn_1+1 n-1' ' n -1 (-1) irn-1+ to each. Apply the procedure from this point to compute the signature of each (-1)i+1Mn-1, To now calculate ture of each then add these signatures. d(, Pn, On), (-1)i+1Mn-1 r by (-1)n use (1): multiply the signa- +.1 n and then add these values. By inspection, using Corollary 6.3, this method for computing d(e,pn, on) is seen to coincide with the procedural method applied to the matrices in (3). 69 Corollary 6. 6. matrix nxn Any (n > 1) having two or of columns each of which consists entirely of +1's -1's will be assigned the signature zero. Proof. sth column of Take rth Suppose that the G Pn s Is, column consists of .6. and r where,r {-1, 1} } S the r °s, s. to be a n-simplex with a continuous function such that on all of P sgncos = As and rA on n vertices of P sgn cor = -Ar Then b(Pn) sgn on the remaining vertex. is a polyhedron and is impartially refined relative to taking all of b(P1) as an (n-1)-region on which We may therefore apply Theorem 6. 5 with rn r and cos / 0. An = Ar. In the procedure only one matrix will be chosen because for only one simplex in b(Pn) does sgn cor matrix has an rth column ofAr 's at all vertices. This and an sth column of As the other entries (if any) are arbitrary. Its signature must be + d(ea, pn, 0n) by Theorem 6.5; however this is zero by Remark fl/ 0 on pn. 2. 7(i) because q / 0 on pn 70 Theorem 6. 7. Let Pn be an n-regio.n with .t.n : Pn Rn is sufficiently refined relative to Then the procedure computes d(e, p n en). continuous. sgn Suppose b(Pn) Proof. The proof is almost identical to that of Theorem 6. 5. No alteration is needed for the n=1 case. For n > 1 the same basic argument holds, but some changes are needed in the results quoted from elsewhere. Instead of quoting Theorem 4. 2 and Lemma 4.1 we appeal to part (iii) of the definition of a sufficient refinement. We cannot prove a version of Corollary 6. 3 for arbitrary sufficient refinements. It guaranteed that any matrix Mn whose rnth n-1 , 13. corresponded to a simplex in some column consisted of An s j (notation of Theorem 6.5), and so should be chosen E JAn at the beginning of the procedure. However any such matrix corres pond ing to a simplex in a Rn - 1 where columns each consisting of +1's or of k J -1's will then have two because of the suf- ficient refinement, and by Corollary 6. 6 may be included among the chosen matrices because it will be assigned the signature zero in any case. This observation should be used in place of Corollary 6,3 in the proof. Corollary 6. 6 indicates that there is superfluous computation involved in the original procedure. We now give a modified 71 procedure designed to circumvent this. This modified procedure will also explicitly discard matrices having a column consisting entirely of zeroes since such matrices are clearly discarded at some stage. Modified Procedure. relative to sgn with b(P) is sufficiently refined Suppose b(P) t <y (ik)... (k) yn >, tk + 1. Consider the associated matrices mn(sgn "1 ) ,,n(_(k), k = 1, 2, ... )) Yn (1) A signature is assigned to certain of these matrices, then the signatures are added; by what has gone before this will give us d(e, pn, on). Let {A. {ri 1<i< with r, < } C {1, 2, i V i. Let 1 < i < n} C. {-1,1}. Choose from (1) all matrices Mn whose rnth column consists entirely of An's. Assign a temporary signature rn+1 (-1) to each such matrix. tk An tk If any other column of the matrix is constant (i.e. , all its entries have the same value) assign the signature zero to the matrix, i.e. , discard Mn. Otherwise delete the rnth column to form an n x (n-1) array. In the rn- 1th column of this array pick the combination of n-1 rows having n-1 An - 1 's as entries, if such a 72 combination exists (if not, discard Mn) (there will be at most one such combination otherwise Mn would have been discarded already). Suppose the qth row is the unique row with entry -An-1 . Delete this row to give an 0 or matrix and assign (n-1) x (n-1) - 1+qn - 1 to tk Mn. a temporary signature tk znAn-1 (-1) +rn l+rn Deal with this (n-1) x (n-1) matrix just as we dealt with the nxn situation after choosing the matrices Mn and assigning the first temporary signature, replacing n tinue reducing until left with a matrix. The temporary signa- 1x1 ture at this stage is the signature of signature (tkMn) by n-1 thoughout. Con- tkMn,i.e. rn+1+rn-1+cin-1+.°.+TYcli (-1) tkLxn,An-1.. . A1 Finally add the signatures of the chosen Mn 's. Example. We recompute d(3, P3, 03) for the tetrahedron example of Section IV .1. This is done for two different sets {(ri, Ai), (r2,A2), (r3,G3)}. In the notation of Section IV. 1, a sufficient refinement of b(P3) is given by b(P3 ) <a0a1a4> + + <a0a4a3> + <a1a2a4> <a0a2a1 > + <a3a2a0> . + <a4 a 2 a 3> 73 The associated matrices are -1 \ /1 1 1 1 (1 1 1 1 1 1/ \1 1 1 1 1 1 /1 1 -1 /1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ci 1 1 -1 1 \-1 1 1 1 -1 (-1 (1 1 Case (i). (-1 1 1 r3 = 1, A3 -1 = -1, r2,r1' A2' Al 1 arbitrary. Begin by choosing those matrices whose first column consists entirely of -1's. Since there are none, all matrices are discarded and 3, P3, 03) = 0. Case (ii) r3 = r2 = r1 = 1° A3 = A2 = 1, = -1. Choose all matrices whose first column consists entirely of +1's; temporary signature (+1)( -1)1+1 = assign a to each, writing it in front of 1 the matrix: 1 (+1) (1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 (+1 1\ 1 1 -1 1 , (+1) 1 -1 1 1 1 1 \1 1 Discard the second matrix because its third column is also constant. Delete the first column from the remaining two matrices: 74 1 1/ -1 1 assign Choose the arrays whose first column contains two +1's; the temporary signature (+1)(+1)(-1)1+i row is the one containing the delete the -1; (1 -1\ 1 1) (+1) to each where the ith ith row: (+1) , Delete the first column from each matrix: iN (+1) , \k (+1) 1/ Choose the arrays whose first column contains one temporary signature (+1)(-1)(-1)1+i is the one containing the 1x1 assign the to each where the ith row delete the +1; -1; ith row. Since this gives matrices the temporary signature becomes the signature. Thus the signatures here are +1, -1. Finally d( 3, P3, 03) = sum of signatures = 1 = 0. - 1 75 Remark 6. 8. In the modified procedure it is clear that the -1, 0, or +1. signature of any matrix is Corollary 6. 9 (to Theorem 6. 7). n > 1, with .1'n Pn : Rn sufficiently refined relative to Then b(Pn) Let Pn ba an n-region, continuous. Suppose that b(Pn) is Let m sgn is subdivided into at least m n 2n-1 simplexes. Proof. By Theorem 6. 7 the modified procedure gives d(e, pn, on,) for any choice of {r. 1 < i < n} C {1, 2, , n} 1 satisfying ri < V i, i There are 2n and {A 1< i < n} {-1, 1}. possibilities for the (ordered) pair (rn, An). Now any matrix chosen for two distinct pairs will hrve signature zero by the modified procedure (two columns will be constant). Conse- quently we can assume that there is no overlap in choice; count the minimum number of matrices needed to give for a fixed pair Fix (rn, An (rn, An). ) Id(el,Pn,°11)1 then multiply this number by Consider the matrices Mn 2n. chosen for this pair. Delete the rnth column from each Mn to leave an n x n-1 array. Choose rn--1 satisfying 1 < r1 n- < n-1. Then the matrices chosen at this stage for the pair (rn-1, 1) must not (rn-1, -1) if n > 2 because overlapping implies the existence of an n x (n-1) array with a overlap with those chosen for the pair column containing (n-1) +lis and 1 -1 Is. Thus the minimum 76 number of matrices needed for the pair the minimum number needed for the pair (rn,L,n) (r is at least twice n-1 1). We can apply the laEt argument repeatedly going from the to (i-1)th stage for n, n-1, i . :4,3. Each stage yields a factor of two, so with the original factor of 2n this gives a factor 2n l. (2n)(2)11-2 = n When ith 2 i is reached all that can be said is that by Remark 6. 8 at least m matrices are needed. This gives the final lower bound of m n 2n-1 Corollary 6. 10. Let Pn be an n-region, n > 1, with pn Rn continuous. Suppose that b(P) is sufficiently refined relative to sgn2. subdivided into at least Proof. If d(e, Pn, On) n 212-1 0, then b(P) simplexes. Immediate from Corollary 6. 9. Example. Consider once more the tetrahedron example of Section IV. 1. Here n 3 so n 2n-1 = 12. However we have a sufficient refinement of b(P3) consisting of 6 2-simplexes. By Corollary 6.103, P3,03) Remark. = 0. The result of Corollary 6. 9 can be improved for n >6 using the Theorem 3.6 formula is 77 d(e, pn, en) 1 2n n! k=1 (k)), tk An(sgn e(y1 ) sgn (Yn(k Hadamard's determinant theorem [4] tells us that for any determinant in this sum, A nn/2. Consequently under the hypotheses < of Corollary 6. 9 the above sum must contain at least m 2n n! /nn12 terms, and for n > 6 it is easy to check that this is greater than m n 2n-1 We conjecture that in fact the lower bound can be increased 2m n!. Then Corollary 6. 10 would have the lower bound 2 n!. If so, this is certainly the best possible estimate: let Pn be the cube of side + 1. We give in 2 Rn the standard "counterclockwise" orientation. If PR ei(x) = x for all with vertices all of whose coordinates are x in Pn, then it is easy to show that d(el, Pn, On) = 1. Now [7] gives a simplicial decomposition of pn which, as can be checked, readily yields a sufficient refinement of b(Pn) 2 n! relative to sgn el, (n-1) -simplexes. and this sufficient refinement contains 78 BIBLIOGRAPHY P. Alexandroff and H. Hopf, "Topologie", Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1935. J. Cronin, "Fixed Points and Topological Degree in Nonlinear Analysis", American Mathematical Society, Providence, R. I. 1964. K. Deimling, "Nichtlineare Gleichungen und Abbildungsgrade", Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1974. J. Hadamard, Resolution d'une question relative aux determinants, Bull. Sci. Math. (2) 17 (1893), pp. 240-246. J. Hadamard, Sur quelque applications de l'indice de Kronecker, in T. Tannery "Introduction A. la Theorie des Functions d'une Variable", tome II, Hermann, Paris 1904. E. 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