Effects of Mule Deer and Bison on Regeneration of Island Scrub Oak on Santa Catalina Island, California1 Thad A. Manuwal2 and Rick A. Sweitzer2 Abstract Islands commonly harbor unique species that are particularly susceptible to damage by introduced organisms. Historically, no large ungulates existed on Santa Catalina Island, but several were introduced, including mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) and bison (Bos bison). A recently completed study suggested bison may alter the structure of island scrub oak (Quercus pacifica) woodlands but no data exists for assessing impacts of mule deer to endemic trees and shrubs on the island. We are investigating this and other aspects of deer ecology on Santa Catalina Island during a study from January 2005 to August 2007. Our research was designed to estimate habitat use and diets, measure browse use of trees and shrubs, characterize current regeneration of scrub oak woodlands, and identify factors impinging on oak seedling survival, using data from multiple plots in which 1,600 total seedlings were planted in 2005. This report focuses on scrub oak woodland regeneration and seedling mortality. Our results suggest scrub oak seedling numbers are recovering in some areas of the island, likely related to recent removal of feral pigs and feral goats. Relatively large seedlings remain uncommon, potentially due to browsing by abundant mule deer. Nevertheless, physical damage to seedlings by bison appears more important for reduced seedling survival than browsing by mule deer. Keywords: Bison, California, feral pigs, feral goats, Quercus pacifica, regeneration Introduction The introduction and spread of nonnative species is an important conservation problem in general but especially on islands (Cree and others 1995, Savidge 1987), which typically have higher proportions of endemic species than mainland ecosystems and are more prone to invasion (Lodge 1993, Simberloff 1994). Large ungulates introduced to islands can be highly irruptive (Andersen and Linnell 2000) where they may cause important browse damage to endemic trees and shrubs that lack adequate chemical and structural defenses (Bowen and Van Vuren 1997, Husheer and others 2003). Santa Catalina Island (hereafter Catalina Island), part of California’s Channel Islands (a small group of islands off the coast of Southern California), has a long history of introduced ungulates, including mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus). Catalina Island was occupied by feral goats (Capra hircus) before mule deer were introduced in the early 1930s (Coblentz 1977), whereas bison (Bos bison) and feral pigs (Sus scrofa) were introduced around the same time as mule deer (Sweitzer and others 2005). By the 1980s, conservationists were more aware of the myriad ecological problems with introduced species. In the 1990s, the Santa Catalina Island 1 An abbreviated version of this paper was presented at the Sixth California Oak Symposium: Today’s Challenges, Tomorrow’s Opportunities, October 9-12, 2006, Rohnert Park, California. 2 Graduate student and Associate Professor, respectively, Department of Biology, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND 58202. e-mail: thad.manuwal@und.nodak.edu; richard_sweitzer@und.nodak.edu. 529 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 Conservancy (hereafter Conservancy), a non-profit organization that owns and manages 88 percent of Catalina Island, implemented an active restoration program to eradicate feral goats and feral pigs (Schuyler and others 2002). By early 2005, feral goats were eradicated and nearly all feral pigs had been removed (Schuyler and others 2002, Conservancy records). Recently completed research on the bison population provided useful information on their ecological effects (Constible and others 2005, Sweitzer and others 2003), thereby supporting a controversial decision by the Conservancy to reduce but not entirely remove the bison herd. Mule deer remain widespread and abundant at an unknown level, however, and very little is known of their foraging behaviors and population ecology useful for management. Catalina Island contains 6 island endemic and 15 Channel Islands endemic plant species that may be in danger from impacts of introduced ungulates. Recent observations of island scrub oak (Quercus pacifica), a Channel Islands endemic, have indicated low regeneration rates and browse damage caused by mule deer. Due to the ecological importance of oak species (Pavlik and others 1995) we designed a study to investigate the impacts of introduced ungulates on oak seedling recruitment. Specifically, our objectives in this study were to use seedling belt transects to characterize the current regeneration potential of island scrub oak woodlands, and experimentally assess factors contributing to island scrub oak seedling mortality. We hypothesize that mule deer browsing is limiting regeneration of island scrub oak and browsing activities will be an important factor of island scrub oak seedling mortality. In addition, various environmental factors (vegetative height and protective cover) should positively influence seedling survival by protecting the seedling from ungulate disturbance. Methods Study Area Catalina Island is a 194-km2 island located 40 km south of coastal Los Angeles, in Los Angeles County. Elevation on the island ranges from sea level to 640 m, with a topography dominated by a northwest-southeast mountain range containing a series of lateral canyons (Schuyler and others 2002). The climate is Mediterranean with relatively mild temperatures throughout the year and a long-term mean annual precipitation of 290 mm, mostly occurring between November and April (Schoenherr and others 1999). There are four common habitat types on the island: (1) coastal sage scrub, characterized by coastal sage (Artemisia californica) and prickly pear cactus (Opuntia littoralis); (2) grassland, dominated by exotic annual grasses and forbs, such as wild oats (Avena fatua) and storksbill (Erodium spp.), interspersed with native bunch grasses (Nasella spp.); (3) island chaparral, represented by evergreen and drought-resistant shrubs and low trees such as island scrub oak and lemonade berry (Rhus integrifolia); and (4) riparian habitats limited to a few permanent or ephemeral streams in relatively deep canyons and marshy wetland areas that are represented by cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa), willow (Salix spp.) various sedges and rushes, and mule fat (Baccharis pilularis) (Knapp 2002). Three cross-island fences were established on Catalina Island in the 1990s to facilitate the eradication of feral pigs and goats (Schuyler and others 2002), effectively dividing the island into four zones (fig. 1). These two feral ungulates were then eradicated in each zone sequentially (zone one– 1998, zone two – 2000, zone three – 2003, zone four – all goats and most pigs by January 2005). Because feral 530 Effects of Mule Deer and Bison on Regeneration of Island Scrub Oak on Santa Catalina Island, California pigs are known to negatively impact tree seedling survival by rooting (Sweitzer and Van Vuren 2002) and feral goats seriously damage trees and shrubs by browsing (Coblentz 1977), we anticipated potential differences among zones one, two, and three for the number and size of scrub oak seedlings. Further, because bison on Catalina Island rarely ventured across the isthmus into zone one historically, and were prevented from crossing into zone one by fence after the early 1990s (Sweitzer and others 2005), any possible bison-related impacts to tree seedlings would be focused in zones two and three. Scrub Oak Regeneration Feral ungulates may impact tree seedling survival in general and scrub oak regeneration on Catalina Island in particular by rooting (feral pigs), browsing (mule deer, feral goats), and trampling or wallowing (bison). Tree seedling “belt transects” can be used to assess the impacts of foraging ungulates on seedling survival and forest regeneration (Bruinderink and Hazebroek 1996, Sweitzer and Van Vuren Figure 1—Map of Catalina Island illustrating locations of three cross-island fences, established in the 1990s, which partitioned the island into four feral animal removal zones. Inset in the upper right shows the location of Catalina Island in relation to mainland southern California and several nearby Channel Islands. 2002), and we therefore enumerated and measured sizes of naturally growing tree seedlings along multiple 4-m X 40-m belt transects in three different “zones” on Catalina Island, demarcated by cross-island fences. To begin to understand the potential impacts of mule deer and feral pigs and goats on tree seedling survival, we used the Santa Catalina Island geographic information system (GIS) to randomly identify starting positions for 5, 12, and 13 seedling belt transects in large blocks of scrub oak woodlands in zone one, zone two, and zone three, respectively. Fewer transects were done in zone one because the overall area of scrub oak woodland is 531 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 less in this region of Catalina Island than in zones two and three (2839, 5192, and 6509 ha in zone one, two, and three; respectively). Belt transects were assessed during July and August 2005. From starting positions for each belt transect, we randomly selected an azimuth from 0 to 359° N and laid out a 40-m line transect. All tree seedlings encountered within 2 m of either side of the tape were identified and measured from ground level to the terminal bud. A moveable 2x4 m rope frame was used to facilitate sampling seedlings along the 40 m transect line. A one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the mean number of oak seedlings among the three zones (data on mean seedling number/transect were transformed by natural log prior to analysis; Zar 1999). In a second analysis of data from seedling transects, we calculated an index to regeneration potential as the ratio of large scrub oak seedlings (>200 mm) to total scrub oak seedlings for each belt transect (Sweitzer and Van Vuren 2002). A low regeneration index suggests that relatively few tree seedlings survived to a relatively large size in which they may be less prone to current and future mortality caused by mule deer or bison activity. Regeneration index data were arcsine transformed to meet assumptions of normality and evaluated by ANOVA. Oak Seedling Mortality Factors From January to March 2005, we planted 1,600 (1- to 3-year-old) greenhouse-grown island scrub oak seedlings in sixteen 30-m by 30-m experimental seedling plots in island scrub oak chaparral habitats (100 oak seedlings/plot). Prior to out-planting, all seedlings were measured for total height and ranked by health status. Data on seedling sizes were compiled and used to partition seedlings into four different size classes (size class one <100mm, size class two- 101 to 200mm, size class three- 201 to 300mm, size class four >300mm). The distribution of tree seedlings among the size classes constrained our design such that each seedling plot could include 33 seedlings within size class one, 34 seedlings within size class two, 20 seedlings within size class three, and 13 seedlings within size class four. We used a randomization procedure to identify and select 100 individual seedlings among the four size classes for each of the 16 different experimental seedling plots. The Santa Catalina Island Conservancy’s GIS database was used to identify seedling plot locations, based on the goal of planting a minimum of three seedling plots within each of the five focus areas (we planted an extra plot in the Twin Rocks focus area, fig. 2). A 100-m by 100-m grid was placed over island scrub oak habitats that fell within a 400-m buffer strip around drivable roads on the island (fig. 2), rendering plot locations reasonably accessible for hand-carrying seedlings and planting equipment to the area. We utilized a randomization method to select grid cells for planting; the first three random grids in each focus area that encompassed a 30-m by 30-m area suitable for planting were used for seedling plots. Grid areas were considered unsuitable for planting when soils were very rocky, overly steep, or not scrub oak woodland. Each 30-m by 30-m seedling plot (hereafter seedling plot) was subdivided into 100 3-m by 3-m cells for planting. Individual tree seedlings were planted in the approximate center of each plot cell unless trees, rocks or other obstacles prevented planting access to that area of the cell with a two person gas-powered soil auger. The soil auger was fitted with a 20-cm diameter bit for excavating a 40- to 45-cm planting 532 Effects of Mule Deer and Bison on Regeneration of Island Scrub Oak on Santa Catalina Island, California hole. Augered planting holes were cleared of loose soil whereupon seedlings were carefully extracted from their nursery tubes with root balls intact and placed into the hole with stems at approximate ground level. Excavated soil was used to backfill around each seedling and tamped firmly into place using a hand trowel. Figure 2—Locations of sixteen experimental seedling plots (black diamonds) established in five study areas (black ovals) of Catalina Island, California. Shaded areas represent island scrub oak woodland habitats. Seedlings at two seedling plots were “watered in” with 7.5-9.5 l of water per seedling slowly drained into the soil from plastic water containers placed on the edges of the refilled holes. Watering in was not done at the other 14 seedling plots because soils were very moist from winter rains that occurred before and during the planting period. We visited and evaluated all seedling plots approximately every six weeks from March to August in 2005, and from January to July in 2006, for a total of eight monitoring periods. During each plot visit and for each individual seedling, we recorded data on seedling status (alive/dead), general health (poor, good, or very good), seedling height (tallest apical bud standing in a natural position ± 2 mm), evidence of deer browse of seedlings (any branchlets that were browsed were hand clipped perpendicular to axial growth to preclude recounting on subsequent visits), direct (hoof print on seedling, bison wallow) and indirect ungulate activity within 1m radius of each seedling, surrounding cover type (beneath tree canopy, open, within cover such as woody debris or prickly pear cactus), and vegetative cover (height of herbaceous vegetation immediately surrounding the seedling). We used a logistic regression model to investigate factors contributing to survival and/or mortality of island scrub oak seedlings in the seedling plots. Predictor variables included in the model were browse disturbance [BR_DIST (expressed as 533 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 the number of times an individual seedling was browsed/the number of times that seedling was recorded as alive)], ungulate disturbance [UNG_DIST (total number of times an individual seedling was disturbed by ungulate activity with the exception of browse/ total number of times seedling was alive)], other disturbances [OTHER_DIST (number of times an individual seedling was disturbed by rodents, insects or other/ number of times seedling was alive)], indirect disturbances [IND_DIST(number of times ungulate activity was observed within 1-m radius of seedling/ total number of times seedling was alive)], cover [COVER (whether or not seedling was positioned in protective cover or not)], canopy position [CNPY (whether or not seedling was positioned under canopy or not)], and vegetative cover [VEG_COV (expressed as the mean of vegetation height minus seedling height over all monitoring periods)]. All predictor variables that were ratios were transformed using the arcsine transformation prior to analyses (Zar 1999). A backward selection method was used to reduce the model, in which the least significant terms (highest Pvalues) were removed sequentially until all terms remaining in the model were significant (α < 0.05). Logistic regression analyses were performed using statistical software R (R Development Core Team 2005). Results Scrub Oak Regeneration Scrub oak seedlings were significantly more numerous for belt transects conducted in zone one of Catalina Island compared to zones two and three (table 1; F2,26 = 4.24, P = 0.025). Based on analyses of the ratios of large seedlings to total seedlings, however, there were proportionally similar numbers of large seedlings among the three zones (fig. 3; F2,26 = 1.08, P = 0.35). Oak Seedling Mortality Factors Seventy-six percent of the 1,600 island scrub oak seedlings we planted in the experimental seedling plots remained alive as of July 2006, and most (70 percent) are in good to excellent condition. On average, 4.9% ± SE 0.57 of the 1,600 planted seedlings experienced some type of disturbance between monitoring periods. Deer browsing was by far the most common type of disturbance observed; an average of 3.7% ± SE 0.3 of the 1,600 planted seedlings had evidence of browsing during each monitoring period (fig. 4). In general, the large majority of disturbance to planted oak seedlings was by nonnative ungulates (fig. 4). 534 Effects of Mule Deer and Bison on Regeneration of Island Scrub Oak on Santa Catalina Island, California Table 1—Summary data for island scrub oak seedlings detected along seedling belt transects for different areas of Catalina Island, California. Data are from July and August 2005. Mean number Seedling density Total oak Number Total area oak seedlings Zone 2 (seedlings/m2) seedlings transects sampled (m ) (SE) 1 5 800 2312 462 (217.1) 2.89 2 11 1760 458 42 (21.3) 0.26 3 13 2080 665 51 (20.3) 0.32 Figure 3—Comparison of mean regeneration ratios (± 1 SE) for island scrub oak seedlings based on seedling belt transects in different areas of Catalina Island in 2005. Logistic regression analyses of data on scrub oak seedlings after eight monitoring visits (17 to 18 months after seedlings were planted) identified ungulate disturbance, protective cover, overhead canopy, and vegetative cover as important predictors of survival (table 3). Our final reduced model was: g ( x ) = 2.25 − 0.87 (UNG _ DIST ) − 1.48( IND _ DIST ) − 0.006 (VEG _ COV ) Seedlings that experienced ungulate disturbance were located in areas with repeated ungulate activity, and those within herbaceous vegetation taller than the seedling were less likely to survive than seedlings experiencing no ungulate disturbance, those that were not in areas of ungulate use, and those that were taller than the surrounding herbaceous layer (table 3). Seedlings that had some evidence of browsing by mule deer did not experience lower probabilities of survival than nonbrowsed seedlings (table 2). 535 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 Figure 4—Identified sources of disturbance (browsing, trampling, chewing, etc.) for scrub oak seedlings planted among 16 experimental seedling plots on Catalina Island, California. Table 2—Summary of coefficient estimates and their associated statistics for the full logistic regression model with response variable - oak seedling survival. See Methods for description of variables. Variable CONSTANT BR_DIST UNG_DIST OTHER_DIST IND_DIST COVER CNPY VEG_COV 536 Coefficient 2.267 0.501 -0.810 -0.791 -1.438 0.365 -0.198 -0.005 S.E. 0.160 0.365 0.382 1.085 0.217 0.237 0.141 0.001 z statistic 14.187 1.375 -2.117 -0.730 -6.626 1.540 -1.408 -8.621 p-value < 0.0001 0.1692 0.0343 0.4655 < 0.0001 0.1236 0.1593 < 0.0001 Effects of Mule Deer and Bison on Regeneration of Island Scrub Oak on Santa Catalina Island, California Table 3—Summary of coefficient estimates and their associated statistics for the reduced logistic regression model with response variable - oak seedling survival. See Methods for description of variables. Variable CONSTANT UNG_DIST IND_DIST VEG_COV Coefficient 2.246 -0.874 -1.477 -0.006 S.E. 0.115 0.382 0.214 0.001 z statistic 19.605 -2.288 -6.899 -9.170 p-value < 0.0001 0.0222 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 Discussion Data from seedling belt transects suggest important variation in numbers of oak seedlings growing in different areas of Catalina Island. Oak seedlings appeared over 10 times as abundant on the west end of the island (zone one, fig 1) compared to two regions encompassing the central portion of the island (table 1, fig 1). Feral pigs and feral goats were eradicated from the zone one area of Catalina Island nearly four years and more than six years before these ungulates were eradicated from zone two and zone three, respectively (Schuyler and others 2002). Bison have also been excluded from zone one historically. Together these preliminary findings suggest seedling numbers are recovering in zone one by release from rooting and other activities of feral pigs and goats. The large number of seedlings found in zone one may also reflect the absence of bison trampling activities in this area. Even though seedlings were more abundant in zone one, there was no difference in the number of large seedlings relative to total seedlings in this area compared to zones two and three (fig. 3). It is possible that the persistent lack of large seedlings in the western region of Catalina Island and in zones two and three is because of ongoing browsing by mule deer, which are abundant in all three zones of the island. Mean regeneration ratios in zone two exhibited a high level of variability compared to regeneration ratios in zones one and three. Although we are currently unable to offer an explanation for this pattern based on the activities of mule deer, bison, or recently eradicated feral pigs and goats, we anticipate that an additional series of seedling transects will aid in verifying that the pattern was not an artifact of sampling effort. Direct and indirect disturbance to tree seedlings in the form of trampling and bison wallowing were more important predictors of island scrub oak seedling mortality than browsing by mule deer. Several studies have addressed physical disturbances to oak seedlings (Sweitzer and Van Vuren 2002) but few have specifically addressed trampling activities by large ungulates. Similar to our results, Coppedge and Shaw (1997) found that bison on the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve in Oklahoma significantly impacted saplings and shrubs by horning and rubbing activities. They further concluded that bison activity could have effectively limited the historic distribution of woody vegetation in the Great Plains. Although our seedlings were too small for rubbing or horning, the above studies support our findings that disturbances by large ungulates can limit recruitment of trees and shrubs. When designing the study, we originally anticipated that vegetative cover would obscure seedlings from foraging mule deer, thus positively influencing seedling survival. However, the logistic regression model identified relatively tall vegetative cover as a negative influence on seedling survival. These results are in accordance 537 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 with observations in the field that a large proportion of seedlings growing in areas dominated by tall and dense non-native grasses appeared less vigorous. Although our study does not address the mechanisms by which this process occurs, it is possible that herbaceous vegetation [mostly non-native grasses (Avena spp., Brachypodium distachyon, Bromus spp.) in our study plots] reduces water, soil nutrients, and light availability for the relatively small scrub oak seedlings. Interactions between oak seedlings and exotic annual grasses were identified as limiting factors to seedling survival in other studies. Danielsen and Halvorson (1991) found that valley oak (Quercus lobata) seedling growth and survivorship were limited by exotic annual grasses, and Gordon and Rice (2000) determined the importance of soil water potential competition between blue oak (Quercus douglasii) seedlings and exotic grasses. Our results suggest that island scrub oak seedlings may experience similar detrimental effects from nonnative grass species. Oak seedling survival can vary significantly with differences in annual precipitation, with low seedling survival in drought years and high seedling survival in wet years. Catalina Island’s annual precipitation for calendar year 2005 was 527.05 ± SE 23.84 mm, the second highest in recorded history. This is approximately 200 mm above long-term average precipitation and likely contributed to the high survival of our planted seedlings. During periods of drought or more normal rainfall conditions, seedling survival could be reduced from the 76 percent we report 1.5 years after planting. In addition, the wet conditions likely increased the amount of available forage for mule deer, potentially decreasing browsing pressure on seedlings. Browsing pressure from deer could become a more significant mortality factor for island scrub oak seedlings in years with limited available forage. Continued monitoring of these plots will allow a more comprehensive look at inter-annual precipitation effects on island scrub oak seedling mortality. The results we have presented from this study are important for identifying the effects of introduced ungulates on scrub oak woodland habitats on Catalina Island. The recent removal of feral pigs and feral goats may be contributing to establishment of many oak seedlings on one part of the island (zone one), but relatively large seedlings that may eventually recruit to canopy forming trees and thereby contribute to the maintenance of scrub oak woodland habitat appear limited in number islandwide. Although browsing by mule deer does not appear to kill scrub oak seedlings outright, it may prevent free-growing seedlings from becoming saplings of sufficient size/height to escape herbivory by mule deer. Further, data from our experimental seedling plots have revealed that trampling and wallowing by bison may be at least partly responsible for the relatively low numbers of oak seedlings detected along seedling belt transects in zones two and three compared to zone one. Recall that bison have not historically ranged into the zone one area of Catalina Island during their 80plus year history on the island. References Andersen, R.; Linnell, J.D.C. 2000. 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