Molecular Markers Show How Pollen and Seed Dispersal Affect Population Genetic Structure in Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia Née)1 Richard S. Dodd,2 Zara Afzal-Rafii,2 and Wasima Mayer2 Abstract Coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia Née) occurs in the coast range mountains from southern Mendocino County, California, to the Sierra San Pedro Martir, Baja California, Mexico. In Northern and Central California, coast live oak is suffering heavy mortality as a result of infection by Phytophthora ramorum. Earlier studies indicated biochemical differentiation of central coast populations from those of Northern and Southern California, an important hybrid zone in Northern California. A possible differential response to inoculation between populations from Northern and Southern California has also been reported. Here, we report results of a rangewide genetic diversity study of this species using chloroplast and nuclear microsatellite markers. The chloroplast genome is inherited maternally and its dispersal is limited because of the relatively large heavy seeds of oaks. We analyzed chloroplast microsatellites in more than 500 individuals from 41 populations and nuclear microsatellites in about 500 individuals from 28 populations of coast live oak from throughout its range. Based upon the chloroplast haplotype distributions, at least four biogeographic groups were detected. Nuclear microsatellite markers revealed reduced levels of genetic structure as a result of pollen dispersal. We discuss the roles of seed and pollen dispersal in the evolution of populations of coast live oak and how this information may help in developing strategies for studies of resistance to the sudden oak death disease. Keywords: Biogeography, chloroplast DNA, genetic structure, pollen, Quercus, seed. Introduction Post-European settlement of California has brought substantial and rapid changes to the ecology of oak woodlands. Early Spanish settlement introduced large-scale ranching that reduced continuous stands to pockets of residual woodland, particularly in the inland valleys. Subsequent human population expansion has resulted in urban and suburban development and conversion of woodland for agriculture that have furthered the process of fragmentation of oak woodland. A theoretical consequence of fragmentation and decreased population sizes is reduced genetic diversity as populations become increasingly isolated and suffer from the stochastic consequences of genetic drift (Hedrick 2005). Genetic diversity has been linked to fitness traits (Frankham 2003, Charpentier and others 2005) and may enhance ecosystem recovery following environmental extremes (Reusch and others 2005). Therefore, the future management for healthy oak woodlands requires an understanding of the level and distribution of genetic variation, so that maximum 1 Abbreviated version of this paper was presented at the Sixth California Oak Symposium: Today’s Challenges, Tomorrow’s Opportunities, October 9-12, 2006, Rohnert Park, California. 2 Department of Environmental Science Policy and Management, 137 Mulford Hall, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. 485 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 genetic variation can be conserved and appropriate genetic resources can be selected for restoration. The traditional approach for forest tree species was to establish replicated provenance studies to detect genetic variations in adaptive traits (Morgenstern 1996). However, provenance studies are costly and require a long time to obtain results. Molecular markers, such as microsatellites, permit the estimation of neutral genetic variance and its partition as a result of the balance between gene flow and genetic drift. By comparing genetic structure of nuclear DNA with that of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA), the effects of gene flow by seed can be distinguished from that of pollen. Ennos (1994) estimated gene flow by pollen to be about 200 times more important than gene flow by seed in European oaks. Therefore, it is to be expected that a stronger pattern of genetic structure would be discerned for cpDNA than for nuclear DNA. Also, the two molecular systems may provide different information on population structure. The chloroplast genome is particularly useful for inferring the migration of lineages over evolutionary time because of its slower mutation rates and its smaller effective population size (Petit and others 1997). Whereas, the more rapidly evolving nuclear genome is ideal for studying rates and direction of gene flow (Beerli and Felsenstein 1999). Coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia Née) occupies the coastal mountain ranges from the southern Ukiah Valley, Mendocino County in Northern California, to the Sierra San Pedro Martir in Baja California, Mexico. Urban development has heavily impacted populations in Southern California, and ranching has fragmented populations in the interior valleys. In the last 10 years, sudden oak death has brought heavy mortality in some areas of Northern California. coast live oak occupies areas that are likely to see substantial climatic change over the next century, with increasing humidity in the southwest and increasing aridity in the north (Hayhoe and others 2004). The habitat envelope that is defined by a Mediterranean climate under the influence of summer fog may become more limiting in the future. Here, we present data on a study of cpDNA and nuclear DNA diversity throughout the range of coast live oak to detect possible geographic structure that would be useful in conservation of genetic resources. Methods Leaf samples were collected from 505 individuals from 38 populations for chloroplast DNA analysis and from 499 individuals from 28 populations for nuclear DNA analysis. Populations were selected to cover the geographic range of the species (table 1) and included the type variety agrifolia and var. oxyadenia from San Diego County and from Baja California, Mexico. Variety oxyadenia was identified by the dense tomentose undersurface of the leaf. The leaves were stored in plastic zipper-loc bags at -20°C. Total genomic DNA was extracted from the leaf samples using a simplified CTAB (cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide) method (Cullings 1992). Chloroplast Microsatellites Five pairs of primers developed for the amplification of chloroplast microsatellite loci (μdt1, μdt3, μdt4, μcd4, μdt5) in Q. petraea and Q. robur (Deguilloux and others 2003) were chosen to amplify chloroplast DNA in coast live 486 Molecular Markers Show How Pollen and Seed Dispersal Affect Population Genetic Structure in Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia Née)—Dodd oak. The PCR reaction solution (10μl) contained four dNTPs (0.2mM each), 2.5 mM of MgCl2, 0.2μM of each primer, 10x reaction buffer, 25ng DNA and 1 unit of Amplitaq polymerase (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). Amplifications were performed on a Techne Genius thermal cycler with the following profile; 5 min denaturing at 95°C, followed by 25 cycles of 1 min denaturing at 94°C, 1 min annealing at the primer Tm (see Table 1 in Deguilloux and others 2003) and 1 min extension at 72°C, with a final extension of 72°C for 8 min. The PCR product (0.75 μL) was mixed with a solution of 8 μL of formamide and 0.5 μL of 350 ROX size standard (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) and electrophoresed on an ABI 3100 automated sequencer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). Results were analyzed with GENESCAN 3.7 and GENOTYPER 3.7 software (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). Nuclear Microsatellites Six pairs of primers developed for the amplification of nuclear microsatellite loci (quru-GA-0A01, quru-GA-0C11, quru-GA-0C19, quru-GA-1C08, quru-GA-1F02, quru-GA-2F05) in Quercus rubra (Aldrich and others 2002) were used to amplify nuclear DNA in coast live oak. Amplifications were performed in a standard polymerase chain reaction (PCR) mixture containing a buffer of 2.5mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 12.5 μM EDTA, 125 μM DTT. We added 2.5 mM MgCl2, 2.5mM each of the amplification primers, 2.5μM of each dUTP, 250μg/mL BSA and 0.0375 units/μL of Taq DNA Polymerase (Invitrogen). To facilitate PCR multiplexing, we used a touchdown program to optimize for differences in annealing temperature. The PCR reaction began with one activation cycle at 95oC for 10 min and then used the following cycle parameters: a denaturation phase of one minute at 94°C, one minute at 60°C and 35 seconds at 70°C for two cycles. The second phase followed for 18 cycles: 45 seconds at 93°C, 45 seconds at 59°C (reducing the annealing temperature by 0.5°C each cycle) and 45 seconds at 70°C. Following this phase were 20 cycles of 30 seconds denaturing at 92oC, 30 seconds at 50oC and 1 min extension at 70oC. This was followed by a final extension phase of 5 min at 72oC. We used fluorescently labeled primers to visualize amplified PCR products on an Applied Biosystems 3100 automated sequencer. A two uL aliquot of PCR product was suspended in 8uL of formamide and 0.5uL of ROX 350 size standard (Applied Biosystems) and denatured for 4 minutes at 93°C. Genotypes were scored by length in base pairs using GENESCAN 3.7 and GENOTYPER 3.7 software (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) and recorded in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Data Analysis Because the chloroplast genome is inherited clonally, we combined the five microsatellite loci into a single haplotype for each individual. Nuclear microsatellites were treated as independent loci with two alleles. We ran global tests of population differentiation and analysis of molecular variance using the Weir & Cockerham (1984) estimate of θ for small population size as implemented in FSTAT (Goudet 2001). For nuclear microsatellites, we evaluated allelic richness (A) and expected heterozygosity (He) as measures of population genetic diversity using Fstat vers. 2.9.3 (Goudet 2001). A is highly dependent on population size, therefore we used a rarefaction procedure recommended by El Mousadik & Petit (1996), as implemented in FSTAT. FSTAT estimates the number of alleles in a sample corrected to the smallest population sample-size, for all populations. 487 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 Table 1—Sampling localities and sample size (Nc –chloroplast, Nn -nuclear) for coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia). Genetic diversity indices (A – allelic diversity and He – heterozygosity) for nuclear microsatellites shown. Population location Hopland Yorkville Cloverdale Geysers Rd Forestville Monticello Rd Rockville Hills Park, Cordelia Novato Nicasio China Camp State Park Lafayette Sunol Morgan State Park Huddart Park Saratoga Pass Hwy92/Hwy 280 Soquel UC Santa Cruz campus San Juan Pacheco State Park Hwy 152 Monterey Bottchers Gap Palo Colorado Canyon Molera State Park San Miguel Parkfield York Mtn Rd Chorro Creek Ojai Lebec San Gabriel El Cariso Morettis Jnctn Santa Ysabel Julian Peutz Vlly La Mission St. Thomas San Pedro Martir 488 County Mendocino Mendocino Sonoma Sonoma Sonoma Napa Solano Latitude 38.9874 38.8705 38.8152 38.8262 38.4723 38.3557 38.3070 Longitude 123.0826 123.0826 122.9385 122.9153 122.9201 122.2086 122.1291 Nc 18 6 11 9 10 13 9 Solano Marin Marin Marin 38.2167 38.0496 38.0662 38.0057 122.1145 122.5363 122.7055 122.4827 10 43 9 68 Contra Costa Alameda Contra Costa San Mateo San Mateo San Mateo Santa Cruz Santa Cruz 37.9304 37.6070 37.8264 37.4263 37.3726 37.5111 37.1128 36.9938 122.1664 121.8739 121.8008 122.3114 122.2580 122.3496 121.9098 122.0627 12 10 San Benito Merced Merced Monterey Monterey Monterey 36.8054 37.0666 37.0346 36.5699 36.3316 36.3940 121.5819 121.2009 121.2018 121.9007 121.7961 121.8785 12 22 Monterey Monterey Monterey San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo Ventura Kern Los Angeles Riverside San Diego San Diego San Diego San Diego Baja Norte Baja Norte Baja Norte 36.2874 35.8352 35.9079 35.5395 Nn 31 A 0.820 He 4.06 9 9 10 0.785 0.817 0.838 3.92 4.01 4.19 47 9 77 0.582 0.604 0.581 2.91 2.96 2.96 52 0.617 3.00 7 0.703 3.55 7 10 32 0.380 0.562 0.646 2.10 2.74 3.10 12 11 9 8 0.646 3.02 121.8467 120.6270 120.5518 120.8029 10 15 9 17 34 10 9 16 0.662 0.664 0.694 0.643 3.19 3.28 3.50 3.16 35.3492 120.7972 12 11 0.676 3.34 34.4293 34.8779 34.2980 33.6478 33.2055 33.1479 33.0984 32.8502 31.9840 31.5806 30.9727 119.1210 118.8975 117.8412 117.4170 116.7251 116.6754 116.8042 116.8042 116.7243 116.4179 115.7695 14 4 6 12 10 11 13 12 10 11 14 11 9 0.646 0.618 3.15 2.93 12 9 11 13 11 10 11 14 0.606 0.689 0.616 0.679 0.749 0.604 0.629 0.602 3.06 3.36 3.04 3.43 3.81 3.00 2.95 2.87 7 10 9 5 Molecular Markers Show How Pollen and Seed Dispersal Affect Population Genetic Structure in Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia Née)—Dodd By simultaneously combining spatial and genetic distance data, hypotheses concerning geographical pattern and genetic differentiation can be developed. We investigated geographical locations where genetic barriers among populations might occur using the software BARRIER vers. 2.2 (Manni and others 2004). This analytical method makes use of Monmomier’s maximum difference algorithm (Monmonier 1973) to find edges associated with the highest rates of change in a distance (genetic distance) matrix. The algorithm is applied to a network of geographic distances among populations using Delaunay triangulation (Brassel & Reif 1979). Barriers are placed perpendicular to edges that correspond to the largest genetic distances and are continued across adjacent edges in order of maximum genetic distance until the barrier reaches the limit of the network space, or a previously determined barrier. We chose BARRIER over other programs, such as STRUCTURE (Pritchard and others 2000) and GENELAND (Guillot and others 2005), because the algorithm is not dependent on underlying genetic properties such as Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium within groups and linkage equilibrium among loci as are STRUCTURE and GENELAND. The chloroplast genome is clonally inherited and so, loci are fully linked. For the nuclear genome, we used Slatkin’s linearized Fst (Slatkin 1995) genetic distances among populations for input into BARRIER. For the chloroplast genome, we treated the haplotype (5 linked loci) as a locus and each different haplotype as an allele. Analysis of molecular variance was used to generate a genetic distance matrix of Φst (an analog of Fst) that was input into BARRIER. Re-sampling random subsets of individuals within populations provided 100 bootstrap replicate distance matrices to obtain statistical confidence for the predicted barriers. Results Chloroplast DNA A total of 31 haplotypes were detected. Analysis of molecular variance showed that 94 percent (95 percent confidence limits 90.9 to 97.1 percent) of haplotype variance was among populations and only 6 percent (2.8 to 9.3 percent) was attributable to trees within populations. The distribution of haplotypes in California suggested about four major groups (fig. 1). 1) The San Francisco Bay Area and northwards, haplotypes 1, 6 and 30 are common. Of these, only haplotype 6 is found outside of this region at York Mountain Road in San Luis Obispo County and at Ojai in Ventura County. 2) In the Monterey-Big Sur region, haplotype 17 is common and 16 and 21 are also present. These haplotypes are not found elsewhere. 3) In the coastal mountains of San Luis Obispo County, haplotypes 2 and 28 are unique, haplotype 6 is shared with the north and haplotype 27 is shared with more interior populations near Parkfield. 4) In extreme Southern California, six haplotypes were detected with only one (haplotype 8) being detected outside of this region at Ojai and Lebec in Ventura County. The populations from Baja California, Mexico, did not share any haplotypes with sample sites further north. Extreme interior populations at Pacheco State Park and Cordelia had unique haplotypes, suggesting that recent gene flow by seed from more coastal populations has not penetrated these areas. 489 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 Figure 1—Distribution of 31 chloroplast haplotypes of coast live oak. Sequence of numbers does not represent haplotype evolution. The BARRIER analysis detected five major barriers to gene flow (fig. 2). The first and most important of these divides populations into a southern and a northern group along a line between Ojai to Lebec and the San Gabriel Mountains. The second most important barrier separated interior population Parkfield. The third and fifth barriers occurred in Baja California, Mexico, indicating relatively high differentiation among these most southerly populations. The fourth barrier separated populations from the central California coast from those further north and east. 490 Molecular Markers Show How Pollen and Seed Dispersal Affect Population Genetic Structure in Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia Née)—Dodd Figure 2—Barrier analysis for coast live oak based on chloroplast microsatellites. Barriers shown as thick lines and numbered in order of importance are derived by combining a genetic distance matrix with Delaunay triangulations (fine lines) derived from Voronoi tessellations (polygons) around sampled populations (dots). Bootstrap support by re-sampling 100 subsets within populations shown for each barrier segment. Nuclear DNA Analysis of molecular variance revealed a much lower level of population differentiation for nuclear DNA than for chloroplast DNA: 23 percent (95 percent confidence limit 17.9 to 28.6 percent) among populations and 77 percent (69.8 to 85.1 percent) within populations. Seven significant barriers were detected among the 28 populations (fig. 3). The first, most significant of these was in Northern California, separating populations north of northern Marin County from all populations further south. The second barrier separated interior population Pacheco, which was concordant with the analysis of chloroplast DNA. The third barrier separated the central California coast population from Big Sur. Although this was also generally concordant with the chloroplast structure, more limited sampling for nuclear DNA along the coast northwards to the San Francisco Peninsula precludes inference of the extent of this partition based on nuclear DNA. The fourth and fifth barriers were also in Northern California, separating the northernmost population from Cloverdale and the interior population of Morgan respectively. The sixth barrier separated Lebec from Ojai and populations further south. The final significant barrier occurred in Southern California between populations from San Diego County and El Cariso on the Cleveland National Forest in Riverside County. 491 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 Discussion Overall population differentiation based on chloroplast markers was high in coast live oak, consistent with a maternally inherited marker and suggesting that the heavy seeds of coast live oak are dispersed over relatively short distances. The distribution of chloroplast haplotypes in Figure 1 suggests four major biogeographic groups. The barrier analysis indicates a most significant north-south split between the southernmost limit of the outer south coast ranges (sensu Hickman 1993) and the San Gabriel Mountains of the Transverse Ranges. However, populations from Ojai and Lebec shared one haplotype with some populations from Northern California and another with populations from Southern California, suggesting a possible transitional region of admixture of northern and southern groups. It will be interesting to sample more intensively in this region to detect more precisely where the cpDNA break occurs. The other cpDNA biogeographic regions supported by barriers included central coast populations, populations from the San Francisco Bay and northern coast ranges, interior populations and the extreme southern populations from Baja California, Mexico. Topography may explain these breaks, but more intense sampling to confirm this is necessary. For example, the haplotype map suggests a central coast group extending through the Santa Lucia Mountains to the Monterey Bay, whereas the barrier analysis extends this group north to the San Francisco Peninsula. It is therefore unclear whether the Salinas Valley, or the San Francisco Bay is the effective barrier to the dispersal of seed in this region. Our sampling was more intensive in Northern California, and we intend to sample more populations in the southern range to confirm our preliminary data. Figure 3—Barrier analysis for coast live oak based on nuclear microsatellites. Barriers shown as thick lines and numbered (roman numerals) in order of importance are derived by combining a genetic distance matrix with Delaunay triangulations (fine lines) derived from Voronoi tessellations (polygons) around sampled populations (dots). Bootstrap support by re-sampling 100 subsets within populations shown for each barrier segment. As expected for an outcrossing, wind-pollinated species, the level of population differentiation based on nuclear DNA was much lower than that of cpDNA. The partition of population genetic structure based on nuclear DNA was only partially 492 Molecular Markers Show How Pollen and Seed Dispersal Affect Population Genetic Structure in Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia Née)—Dodd concordant with that based on cpDNA. It has often been noted that these two marker systems show conflicting patterns in oaks, with cpDNA variation among sympatric species or populations depending more on geography than on phylogenetic relationships (Whittemore and Schaal 1991, Dumolin-Lapégue and others 1999). The nuclear DNA results supported the cpDNA data in identifying the Central Coast and the interior populations as forming distinct groups. However, contrary to the cpDNA results, there was more intense population differentiation based on nuclear DNA in Northern California than in the south. Genetic diversity as measured by allelic richness was also highest in two of the northernmost populations in California. Earlier studies have shown that hybridization between coast live oak and interior live oak is more prevalent in Northern California (Dodd and others 1993, 2002, Dodd and A.-Rafii 2003) and this may partially explain the discordant patterns of population differentiation based on the two marker systems. Elsewhere, we have shown that the most common chloroplast haplotype for coast live oak in Northern California is likely to be a haplotype of interior live oak (Quercus wislizeni A. DC.) and it can be detected in populations of this latter species throughout Northern California beyond the range of coast live oak (Dodd and others 2005). It would appear that pollen swamping from coast live oak results in hybrid progeny that have captured the maternally inherited cpDNA of interior live oak. Subsequent backcrossing of these hybrid progeny to coast live oak results in coast live oak phenotypes with interior live oak chloroplast genomes. In populations of interior live oak over much of northwestern California, the haplotype appears to be fixed, so that coast live oak resulting from hybridization through pollen would also carry a fixed haplotype. In contrast to the chloroplast genome, hybridization should result in the incorporation of the nuclear genome of both species. Whereas backcrossing may dilute the genome of one parent, it will nevertheless persist over many generations. Thus in a region of pollen swamping, nuclear diversity should be relatively high. Similar effects of pollen swamping have been found in Eucalyptus (Potts and Reid 1988, Potts and others 2003) and in European oaks (Petit and others 1997, Belahbib and others 2001). Hybrids between coast live oak and Shreve oak have been detected from multilocus genotypes (Dodd and Rafii 2003) and chloroplast sharing between these two species in central coastal California was also detected here, but we were unable to determine directionality. Compared with other oak species, we have detected relatively high genetic structure among populations based on chloroplast and nuclear DNA. It would be most interesting to evaluate whether this translates equally to transcribed genes that control traits of ecological importance. It is encouraging that hybridization with interior live oak appears to be facile in Northern California where summer temperatures are predicted to increase more than in the southwest (Hayhoe and others 2004). Whereas coast live oak is adapted to a Mediterranean climate under the influence of summer fog, interior live oak is better adapted to more continental conditions of drought and extreme temperatures. Hybrid products between these two species may offer genotypes that will be well-adapted to the new ecological conditions. Concerning disease resistance, our earlier studies were equivocal regarding possible population variation in lesion size after inoculation with Phytophthora ramorum. In spring inoculations, we detected significantly smaller lesions in branch cuttings from populations from southern California compared with Northern California, but this difference was not replicated in summer inoculations (Dodd and others 2005). We are currently testing whether this could be a seasonal effect. 493 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 Acknowledgements The project was funded by the USDA-Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station USDA Forest Service, through research agreements 01-JV-11272135-173 and 01-JV-11272135 and by the Betty and Gordon Moore Foundation. References Aldrich, P.; Hamrick, J.; Chavarriga, P.; Kochert, G. 2002. Microsatellite markers for northern red oak (Fagaceae: Quercus rubra). Molecular Ecology Notes. 2:472-474. Beerli, P.; Felsenstein, J. 1999. Maximum likelihood estimation of migration rates and population numbers of two populations using a coalescent approach. Genetics 152(2):763-773. Belahbib, N.; Pemonge, M.-H.; Ouassou, A.; Sbay, H.; Kremer, A.; Petit, R.J. 2001. Frequent cytoplasmic exchanges between oak species that are not closely related: Quercus suber and Q. ilex. Molecular Ecology 10:2003-2012. Brassel, K.E.; Reif, D. 1979. A procedure to generate Thiessen polygons. 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