Gap Dynamics in Oak Woodlands Across a Gradient of Disturbance1 Tim De Chant,2 Maggi Kelly,2 and Barbara Allen-Diaz2 Abstract Sudden oak death (SOD) is a disease of epidemic proportions, sweeping through many coastal hardwood forests in California. Since 1999, P. ramorum has produced overstory mortality in China Camp State Park (CCSP) and the surrounding open space, creating a number of gaps which effectively alter the structure of the forest. In the following year, ADAR highresolution (1 m) multispectral imagery for CCSP was acquired. We classified this existing imagery to identify gaps within the forest mosaic. Once the gaps were identified, they were measured for area, perimeter, and Euclidean nearest neighbor. We then compared these spatial measures of variation to temporal ones, creating a time-sequence of gap formation and the resulting gaps’ closure or persistence. Between 2000 and 2001, 910 gaps within China Camp contained one or more trees dead from P. ramorum. Of those, the majority decreased in both size and perimeter, and the distance between them grew. Those that increased in size, however, were smaller on average than those that decreased, a potential consequence of the spatial distribution of SOD. This research is still in its early phases but provides insight into changes in the canopy structure at China Camp following P. ramorum mortality. Keywords: Multi-temporal, object-based image analysis, P. ramorum, Quercus, remote sensing, sudden oak death. Introduction The forest pathogen Phytophthora ramorum has had a significant impact on the forests of central coastal California. Since it was first reported in 1995, it has killed hundreds of thousands of trees, including coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia), tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus), and California black oak (Q. kelloggii) (Rizzo et al. 2002). While the pathogen can take anywhere from 2 to 20 years to kill an individual tree (McPherson et al. 2005), the steady final decline of the trees has created new openings throughout the affected forests. The pathogen also causes rapid foliar dieback when a canker infection overwhelms the tree, giving it the name “Sudden Oak Death” (Rizzo and Garbelotto 2003). This swift browning and eventual defoliation of the crown allows the use of remote sensing in the detection of this decline and the tracking of the mortality caused by its progression through the forest. Remote sensing of forest diseases is a relatively new but developed field (Franklin and others 2000, Pinder and McLeod 1999). Much of the work has been done on coniferous forests, and there have been a few studies that have looked at pathogens in broad-leaved stands (Everitt and others 1999, Gong and others 1999, Liu and others 2006b). Sudden oak death, a relatively new disease, lends itself well to multi-temporal study via remote sensing. The rapid foliar death (two to four weeks) 1 An abbreviated version of this paper was presented at the Sixth California Oak Symposium: Today’s Challenges, Tomorrow’s Opportunities, October 9-12, 2006, Rohnert Park, California. 2 Graduate Student, Associate Professor, and Professor, respectively, Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. e-mail:,, 251 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 (Davidson and others 2003), means the annual mortality caused by the pathogen is readily apparent from the air. Researchers noticed the progression of this mortality, and work commenced shortly after the pathogen started sweeping through stands. Early research focused on monitoring the affected forests (Kelly and McPherson 2001, Kelly and Meentemeyer 2002) with later efforts working on increasing the accuracy of correctly identifying dead trees (Kelly and others 2004, Liu and others 2006b, Sun and others 2005). Remote sensing has also progressed since work on SOD began, particularly with the broader use of object-based image analysis (OBIA). In the past 10 years, a number of factors have conspired to bring about the development of OBIA (Hay and others 2005). First, as spatial resolution in imagery has become smaller, individual pixels may no longer be representative of one or more objects but rather a component part of a target feature. Additionally, as image resolution increases, it becomes increasingly easier for humans to decipher individual smaller-scale objects on the ground. This has inspired the development of programs that can assemble the pixels of an image into discreet objects. Finally, as computers have become more powerful, the processing of high-resolution imagery with computationally intensive OBIA methods has become faster and more accessible. OBIA has seen broad application in the field of environmental remote sensing. As many types of environmental data are spatially dependent, these methods are a natural fit. In Siberia, OBIA has been used to classify areas of deforestation by incorporating proximity to linear features such as roads in the classification (Hese and Schmullius 2006). In New Mexico, object-based methods have aided in mapping shrub encroachment and its intensity. This was accomplished by segmenting the image at varying scales, identifying individual shrubs at finer scales, and then using that data to determine shrub density at coarser scales (Laliberte and others 2004). In this case, OBIA is particularly suited to identifying dead trees in the forest canopy. By segmenting an image into discreet objects, we can not only identify the dead trees, but also outline the extent of their reach. Sudden oak death has affected coast live oak trees with larger stem diameters more than smaller ones, a characteristic of the disease that has pushed the size distribution of affected populations down. As a result, we may see a downward shift in the age distribution due to the appearance of new seedling cohorts (McPherson and others 2005). Previous work on gap dynamics in California oak woodlands suggests that oaks may need a shrub-dominated stage for successful recruitment (Callaway and Davis 1998), but few studies to date have examined such events following SOD (see Brown and Allen-Diaz in this publication for an example). While seedling recruitment may be the direction of future events, the crown structure of the remaining overstory trees will likely be impacted on a more immediate time scale. Most research into gap dynamics in oak woodlands has examined recruitment (Asbjornsen and others 2004b, Callaway and Davis 1998) and microclimatic effects (Asbjornsen and others 2004a) with few focusing on changes in canopy structure (Clinton and others 1993). With SOD removing larger trees from the canopy in a spatially contagious pattern (Kelly and Meentemeyer 2002), the openings are concentrated in some areas while relatively sparse in others, creating a gradient of disturbance. In this project, we sought to explore changes in the forest canopy at China Camp following mortality caused by P. ramorum at both the landscape and individual gap scales. Specifically, we used object-based image 252 Gap Dynamics in Oak Woodlands Across a Gradient of Disturbance—De Chant analysis to delineate, classify, and structurally quantify changes in canopy gaps caused by P. ramorum in the years 2000 and 2001. Figure 1—At left: A sudden oak death (SOD) caused canopy gap at China Camp. At right: A healthy canopy at China Camp. Study Site The study area for this project is a forested peninsula in eastern Marin County. Jutting out into San Pablo Bay, the woodlands on the peninsula are managed in the northwest by Marin County Open Space as San Pedro Ridge Reserve, in the southwest by the City of San Rafael as Henry A. Barbier Park, and in the east by the California State Parks as China Camp State Park. While under separate jurisdictions and different official names, these three areas are commonly referred to as China Camp. A large portion of the open space on the peninsula features near even-aged stands containing Q. agrifolia, Q. kelloggii, and Q. lobata along with Arbutus menziesii and Umbellularia californica. Of these, Q. lobata is the only non-host species for P. ramorum. These stands are spread across a landscape with moderate to steep topography rising from sea level to over 300 m in elevation. 253 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 Figure 2—The China Camp study area is located in Marin County on the western shore of San Pablo Bay. Methods We acquired digital imagery for China Camp (fig. 3) annually from 2000 to 2003 through private contractors (Positive Systems, Inc. and ARINC, Inc.). In this study, we focused on imagery from 2000 and 2001. The imaging system was an ADAR 5500 that has an SN4, 20 mm lens with four mounted cameras of four corresponding spectral bands (Blue: 450-550 nm, Green: 520-610 nm, Red: 610-900 nm, and Near Infrared (NIR): 780-920 nm). The aircraft was flown at an average altitude of 675 m, giving each 1,000 x 1,500 m frame an average ground spatial resolution of 1 m. Each frame has 35 percent side- and 35 percent end-lap. The imagery used in this study was acquired on March 30, 2000, and May 5, 2001, both to reduce the confusion between dead trees and California buckeye, a summer deciduous tree, and to capture the springtime canopy cover change caused by SOD. The frames for each year were mosaicked and georeferenced using a 15-cm resolution digital orthophotograph of the whole county provided by the Marin Municipal Water District. Positive Systems registered each year to an accuracy of 0.305 m. Further registration was performed to minimize inter-annual variations according to Liu and others (2006a). Inter-annual (2000-2001) RMSE was 1.83 m. 254 Gap Dynamics in Oak Woodlands Across a Gradient of Disturbance—De Chant Figure 3––RGB-NIR image of China Camp study area in 2001. The City of San Rafael borders the east, west, and south, and San Pablo Bay borders the northern part of the site. Enhancement and Segmentation of the Imagery A number of indices and enhancements were applied to the mosaicked and registered images using ERDAS Imagine software (ERDAS 1999). Of these, three were useful: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Kauth-Thomas Tasseled Cap, and intensity, hue, and saturation (IHS). The first two, NDVI and Tasseled Cap, were originally developed for Thematic Mapper data from the Landsat satellites (Crist 1985), but ADAR’s similarity in spectral resolution allowed us to employ them. The last enhancement, IHS, simply recodes the original NIR-red-green-blue image into intensity-hue-saturation, another method for storing and representing image data. All of these layers, including the original 4-band raw imagery, were then loaded into Definiens Professional 5.0 (Definiens 2006), an object-based image analysis software package also known as eCognition. The eCognition software package takes pixels in the images and pairs them with similar pixels, forming objects. These objects are then also merged with similar objects until a user-defined, unitless scale is reached. The similarity of the objects is also user-defined and is a trade-off between spectral and spatial homogeneity (Benz and others 2004). For this project, two scales were used. The first (scale = 15) broke the images into larger segments, while the second (scale = 8) used the objects from this first segmentation and divided them further. This second level was fine enough to isolate individual dead trees from the surrounding canopy (fig. 4). 255 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 Figure 4––Image segments created by eCognition at scale = 8. Note the slightly lighter color of the dead tree in the middle of the image and its contrast with the bright white of the trail in the lower left. Classification of the Imagery The larger scale (scale = 15, Level 15, fig. 5) was used to mask non-vegetation objects from areas of vegetation. Non-vegetation objects most often consisted of urban land cover (houses, roads, etc.) but also included areas of bare soil and hiking trails. At the smaller scale (scale = 8, Level 8, fig. 5), the objects from Level 15 were broken into more detailed classes. These classes included Trees, Dead Trees, Not Vegetation, Other Vegetation, and Shadows, although Shadows and Other Vegetation were merged for the purposes of gap analysis. Data from Liu and others (2006b) was brought in as a thematic layer to enhance classification by reducing misclassification of deciduous trees as dead trees. The Dead Trees class consisted of standing dead trees; trees with catastrophic failures or snapped stems were classified as Other Vegetation. In this study, overstory mortality is assumed to be caused by P. ramorum based on the findings of Swiecki and Bernhardt (2002). Classification accuracy was determined by 250 random points scattered randomly across all classes, and the status of those points was visually assessed from the digital imagery. A two-meter buffer was included around these points to account for up to two pixels of variation in the segmentation process. Overall accuracy was 94.8 percent. 256 Gap Dynamics in Oak Woodlands Across a Gradient of Disturbance—De Chant Figure 4—Sample of the classified image from 2000 (top) and the class hierarchy for eCognition (bottom). The class hierarchy defines the features and their fuzzy memberships for the classification. The levels mask user-selected classes defined at the larger scale (Level 15 in this case) from interfering with classification at smaller scales (Level 8). Spatial Analysis and Processing of Gap Data Non-tree gaps were merged into continuous objects and exported from eCognition as raster data. Once exported, Fragstats (McGarigal and others 2002) was used to determine each gap’s area, perimeter, perimeter-to-area ratio (PA ratio) and Euclidean nearest neighbor (ENN). The raster output from Fragstats for each year was then converted to a shapefile and imported into a PostGIS database (Refractions Research 2005), an open-source spatially-aware relational database. In PostGIS, the gaps were overlaid with polygons of the Dead Tree class. Those gap polygons that contained dead trees and other non-tree vegetation were transferred to a new table for further processing. Using a custom Perl script, canopy gaps in 2001 were compared to canopy gaps containing dead trees in 2000. Those that spatially overlapped were associated and uniquely identified. The output of this script was then used to pair each individual gap to its Fragstats data. Gaps over 3 ha were discarded from further analysis as they were primarily caused by urbanization and SOD. Three hectares is still above what has been previously considered in the literature (e.g., Hubbell and others 1999, Yamamoto 1993), but this threshold was kept due to the fractal nature of many of the larger (> 0.2 ha) SOD containing gaps. 257 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 Results The classified imagery returned a total of 910 gaps from the year 2000 that matched the following criteria: 1) contained one or more dead tree crowns, 2) overlapped with one or more gaps in the following year, and 3) was under 3 ha in size. To make analysis possible, multiple gaps from 2001 that overlapped with a single gap from 2000 had their areas and perimeters summed, PA ratios recalculated from these values, and minimum ENN selected. The resulting data for all measures of gap structure were significantly non-normal by the Wilks-Shapiro W test in JMP 5.1.2 (SAS Institute Inc. 2005). In fact, area, perimeter, and ENN all showed significant right skewness. As a result, parametric methods were discarded in favor of the Wilcoxon signed-rank test and Hodges-Lehmann estimators in R (R Development Core Team 2006), both of which are robust in the face of non-normality. Table 1––Median changes in gap parameters from 2000 to 2001 and summary statistics for 2000 and 2001 Area (m2) Perimeter (m) PA Ratio ENN (m) -59 -65.5, -53.5 -19.5 2207.673 -22, -17 2207.673 2080.7, 2335.5 2.716 2.349, 3.102 2000 Median 104 58.0 5911.9 5.0 Range 43–27,861 28–6398 2043.9–9508.2 2.0–34.234 2001 Median 57 42.0 7586 7.616 Range 8–17,890 12.0–4974 2095–16000 2.0–57.870 Median Change 95% C.I. Between 2000 and 2001, gap area declined by a median of 59 m2, and perimeter decreased by a median of 19 m. PA ratio increased by a median of 2207.67, and ENN increased by a median of 2.716 m (table 1). The area of the gaps ranged from 43 m2 – 2.786 ha in 2000 and 8 m2 – 1.789 ha in 2001. Their perimeters varied from 28 – 6,398 m in 2000 and 12 – 4,974 m in 2001. These ranges of values produced different perimeter-to-area ratios as well, from 2,043.9 – 9,508.2 in 2000 and 2,095 – 16,000 in 2001. ENN was similarly varied between the two years, from 2.0 – 34.234 m and from 2.0 – 57.870 m in 2000 and 2001 respectively. A total of 796 gaps had their areas decrease, while 716 had their perimeter decrease. By the Wilcoxon rank sums test, the areas that increased between 2000 and 2001 were smaller in size on average than those that decreased. Discussion This work examined the persistence of gaps from 2000 to 2001, and as such, it is preliminary. We plan on continuing these analyses for the four years for which we have imagery to develop a more complete understanding of trends in gap structure. The existence of 910 canopy gaps, containing one or more dead trees in 2000, and persisting from year-to-year is indicative of the impact SOD has had on the over 900 ha of forested area in the China Camp area. Given the large number of gaps under 3 ha in size, with many of them fractal in shape, this pathogen has created far more 258 Gap Dynamics in Oak Woodlands Across a Gradient of Disturbance—De Chant edge within the bounds of the forest than had previously existed. In the year 2000, those gaps containing SOD mortality represented about 4 percent of the China Camp open space, totaling 33.43 ha in size and bordering just over 123 km of forest edge. The Euclidean nearest neighbor distances (table 1) indicate that these gaps have affected portions of the forest quite heavily. In these areas, the short distances between nearest neighbor gaps have increased the area of the forest influenced by edge effects. The ability to look at these landscape level changes is useful, but the real details lie in the changes seen in the individual gaps. The fact that smaller gaps are more likely to grow in size is particularly interesting, as it could be indicative of a number of things. First, these gaps may have had trees die between 2000 and 2001. SOD infections have exhibited spatial clumping (Kelly and Meentemeyer 2002), so trees that were dead in 2000 may have infected a foliar host, such as California bay, which in turn can serve as a reserve of inoculum and spread the pathogen to other coast live oaks. When those trees died in 2001, they increased the size of the gap. In the future, as these gaps become large enough, they may plateau and begin to shrink as did those larger gaps from 2000. The incursion of existing crowns or the recruitment of new trees may work to close these larger gaps faster than SOD can expand them. While intriguing, this hypothesis has yet to be fully tested. Whether these gaps are more rapidly filled by existing canopies, recruitment of coast live oak seedlings and saplings, or pioneer species is an unknown at this point, leaving the successional trajectory of these openings similarly vague. The number of shrinking gaps is just one sign that the forest canopy is expanding into the openings created by SOD. The median decrease in area of 59 m2 is roughly the size of one or two mature canopies. Another sign of canopy expansion can be seen in the Euclidean nearest neighbor distances. Median ENN grew 2.716 m between years, indicating either a more evenly spaced distribution of SOD-related gaps or an increase in core forest area. Given the clumped distribution of SOD, the latter is a more likely explanation and a further sign of the forest closing the gaps. Conclusion Sudden oak death is significantly impacting the canopy of China Camp’s oak woodlands. We identified 910 gaps containing dead trees in 2000 that persisted as canopy gaps in 2001, a large number that has changed the canopy structure across the area. Of those gaps, however, the majority appear to be decreasing in both area and perimeter, likely as a result of the expansion of the crowns of neighboring trees. This majority also tends to be larger on average than those that are growing in size. These smaller gaps may be expanding as a consequence of the spread of the pathogen and its effect on neighboring trees. This work is still in its infancy. Pending analysis of the imagery for 2002 and 2003 should describe changes to the canopy in the wake of P. ramorum in greater detail. Object-based image analysis and multi-temporal geographic information systems have shown great promise in tracking changes to the forest canopy. To more fully understand the after-effects of SOD on California’s oak woodlands, however, we will need to expand our scope both spatially and temporally. 259 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 Acknowledgements We would like to thank Desheng Liu for the year-to-year registration of the imagery and the use of his SOD data, Brent Pederson for his help with Perl scripting, and Mindy Syfert for her help with eCognition. References Asbjornsen, H.; Ashton, M.S.; Vogt, D.J.; Palacios, S. 2004a. Effects of habitat fragmentation on the buffering capacity of edge environments in a seasonally dry tropical oak forest ecosystem in Oaxaca, Mexico. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 103: 481-495. Asbjornsen, H.; Vogt, K.A.; Ashton, M.S. 2004b. Synergistic responses of oak, pine and shrub seedlings to edge environments and drought in a fragmented tropical highland oak forest, Oaxaca, Mexico. Forest Ecology and Management 192: 313-334. 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