67$7,67,&$/6800$5<2)7+( ),9(<($5)2//2:836859(<2) %$&&$/$85($7(*5$'8$7(6 )520%& V38%/,&81,9(56,7,(6 %&6\VWHP6FLHQFHYV %&6\VWHP$OO8QLYHUVLW\3URJUDPV 3UHSDUHGIRU 7KH8QLYHUVLW\3UHVLGHQWV &RXQFLO RI%ULWLVK&ROXPELD )HE E\-RDQQH+HVORS 6LPRQ)UDVHU8QLYHUVLW\ ),9(<($5)2//2:836859(<2) %$&&$/$85($7(*5$'8$7(6)520%& V38%/,&81,9(56,7,(6 &RQWHQWV 3DJH '(02*5$3+,&6 Response rate, Gender, Age, Place of Residence, Reasons for leaving B.C. 352*5$02)678'< Program and satisfaction. Would you take the same program again? Why not? )857+(5('8&$7,21 Further education participation rate. Type of further education pursued and reasons. Achievement of further education goals, school attendance and status. (03/2<0(1781(03/2<0(17 Employment and unemployment rates. Reasons for unemployment or non-labour force participation. Number of months since last employment. &855(17-2% Classification of current job by industry sector, skill type and skill level. Duration of current employment, comparison between 1995 job and 1998 job. Employment status, self-employment, annual income, job characteristics. ),1$1&(6 Education funding sources. Total debt incurred. Government student loan debt. Outstanding debt. ())(&72)81,9(56,7<('8&$7,21 Extent to which skills were developed or enhanced as a result of university education. 127(6 2/6/01 1998 Five-Year Follow-up Survey of 1993 Baccalaureate Graduates from B.C.’s Public Universities Page 2 ),9(<($5)2//2:836859(<2) %$&&$/$85($7(*5$'8$7(6)520%& V38%/,&81,9(56,7,(6 %&6\VWHP6FLHQFHYV %&6\VWHP$OO8QLYHUVLW\3URJUDPV Legend: BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) BC SYSTEM (SCI) '(02*5$3+,&6 1. Response Rate. 1993 Baccalaureate Graduates 1998 Survey Respondents Response Rate 2. Gender. Female Male Grand Total 3. Age, as at December 1998. < 26 26 - 30 31 - 35 36 - 40 41 - 50 51 - 60 > 60 Subtotal Missing Grand Total Average Age 4. Place of residence, as at December 1998. BC - Lower Mainland BC - Other BC - Vancouver Island BC - Fraser Valley B.C. Subtotal Rest of Canada (Non-B.C.) U.S.A. Non-B.C. Subtotal Subtotal Unknown/Missing Grand Total 5. When did you leave B.C.? Less than one year ago One year ago Two years ago Three years ago Four years ago Five years ago More than five years ago Subtotal Don’t Know/Unsure/No Response/Missing Still Residing in B.C. Grand Total 6. Main reason for leaving B.C. Employment Education Family/Spouse Economy Returned to Place of Residence Personal/Life Experience Subtotal Don’t Know/Unsure/No Response/Missing Still Residing in B.C. Grand Total 2/6/01 BC SYSTEM (SCI) 1,613 726 45.0% BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 9,932 4,744 47.8% BC SYSTEM (SCI) 314 43.3% 412 56.7% 726 100.0% BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 2,840 59.9% 1,904 40.1% 4,744 100.0% BC SYSTEM (SCI) 4 0.6% 521 74.1% 125 17.8% 30 4.3% 20 2.8% 0.0% 3 0.4% 703 100.0% 23 726 29.9 BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 13 0.3% 2,727 58.8% 818 17.6% 305 6.6% 545 11.7% 200 4.3% 33 0.7% 4,641 100.0% 103 4,744 33.0 BC SYSTEM (SCI) 326 52.5% 78 12.6% 83 13.4% 11 1.8% 498 80.2% 108 17.4% 15 2.4% 123 19.8% 621 100.0% 105 726 BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 2,146 53.9% 583 14.7% 575 14.5% 161 4.0% 3,465 87.1% 444 11.2% 69 1.7% 513 12.9% 3,978 100.0% 766 4,744 BC SYSTEM (SCI) 10 8.2% 8 6.6% 22 18.0% 14 11.5% 18 14.8% 21 17.2% 29 23.8% 122 100.0% 106 498 726 BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 39 7.8% 35 7.0% 72 14.3% 57 11.4% 50 10.0% 133 26.5% 116 23.1% 502 100.0% 777 3,465 4,744 BC SYSTEM (SCI) 47 38.2% 47 38.2% 16 13.0% 2 1.6% 5 4.1% 6 4.9% 123 100.0% 105 498 726 BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 170 33.5% 152 29.9% 80 15.7% 12 2.4% 55 10.8% 39 7.7% 508 100.0% 771 3,465 4,744 Gender Distribution Male Female 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 51 - 60 > 60 Age Distribution 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% < 26 26 - 30 31 - 35 36 - 40 41 - 50 Place of Residence BC - Lower Mainland Rest of B.C. Canada (Non-B.C.) U.S.A. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% # of Years Since Leaving B.C. 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% <1 1 2 3 4 5 >5 Main Reason for Leaving BC Personal/Life Experience Returned to Place of Residence 1998 Five-Year Follow-up Survey of 1993 Baccalaureate Graduates from B.C.’s Public Universities Economy Family/Spouse Education Employment 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Page 3 50% %&6\VWHP6FLHQFHYV %&6\VWHP$OO8QLYHUVLW\3URJUDPV Legend: BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) BC SYSTEM (SCI) 352*5$02)678'< 7. Program of Study. BC SYSTEM (SCI) BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) Program of Study Social 1,827 38.5% Education Arts 875 18.4% Applied Science 261 5.5% 726 15.3% ApSc FPA Bus Science 726 100.0% Health Business/Commerce 308 6.5% Fine and Performing Arts 178 3.8% Sci Educ Health Programs 435 9.2% Social Programs 134 2.8% 4,744 100.0% Arts Grand Total 8. Program satisfaction. 726 100.0% BC SYSTEM (SCI) 223 30.8% 1,669 388 53.5% 2,416 51.0% Very Satisfied + Satisfied 611 84.3% 4,085 86.2% Dissatisfied 99 13.7% 552 11.6% Very Dissatisfied 13 1.8% 93 2.0% 2 0.3% 11 0.2% 725 100.0% 4,741 100.0% No Response Grand Total 9. Given your experience, would you take the same program again? 40% 1 3 726 4,744 BC SYSTEM (SCI) 60% 80% 100% Program Satisfaction Satisfied Subtotal 20% BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) Very Satisfied Don’t Know/Unsure 0% 35.2% Very Satisfied + Satisfied Dissatisfied + Very Dissatisfied Would take same program again. 0% BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% How Univ. Could Improve Graduates’ Transition to Work Yes, when surveyed in 1998 440 60.7% 3,151 66.5% Valid Responses in 1998 725 100.0% 4,741 100.0% Yes, when surveyed in 1995 743 69.5% 5,376 73.4% Valid Responses in 1995 1,069 100.0% 7,324 100.0% Emp. Opps. In Pgm More practical 10. What is the MAIN thing that the university could do to improve the tranisition … into the workforce? BC SYSTEM (SCI) BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) Opportunity to work while in program 284 40.9% 1,615 35.7% More practical/less theoretical training 125 18.0% 757 16.7% Liaison/bridge btwn grads/employees 61 8.8% 365 8.1% Teach job search skills/seminars 41 5.9% 283 6.2% 113 16.3% 822 18.1% Other Don't Know/Unsure Subtotal No Response Grand Total 2/6/01 70 10.1% 687 15.2% 694 100.0% 4,529 100.0% 32 215 726 4,744 Liason between grads/emps Teach job search skills Other 1998 Five-Year Follow-up Survey of 1993 Baccalaureate Graduates from B.C.’s Public Universities 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Page 4 50% %&6\VWHP6FLHQFHYV %&6\VWHP$OO8QLYHUVLW\3URJUDPV Legend: BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) BC SYSTEM (SCI) )857+(5('8&$7,21 11. Further education participation rate. Pursued further education (within 5 yrs of graduation) Total 1993 Graduates Surveyed in 1998 Pursued further education (within 2 yrs of graduation) Total 1993 Graduates Surveyed in 1995 12. Type of Further Education pursued. Another bachelor’s degree Bachelor of Education Master’s degree Doctoral degree Teacher Training Law degree Medicine degree Dentistry degree Other university professional training Other university/college credits BC SYSTEM (SCI) 524 72.2% 726 100.0% 674 61.4% 1,097 100.0% BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 3,252 68.5% 4,744 100.0% 3,842 51.3% 7,490 100.0% BC SYSTEM (SCI) 40 6.4% 36 5.8% 116 18.6% 53 8.5% 23 3.7% 8 1.3% 45 7.2% 10 1.6% 29 4.6% 49 7.9% BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 139 3.7% 294 7.7% 760 20.0% 122 3.2% 159 4.2% 93 2.4% 61 1.6% 15 0.4% 226 5.9% 363 9.5% University Level Subtotal 409 65.5% 2,232 58.6% Technical Certificate/Diploma Vocational Certificate/Diploma Technical, multiple short courses Other Don’t Know/Unsure Grand Total (Multiple responses) 57 21 69 65 3 624 9.1% 3.4% 11.1% 10.4% 0.5% 100.0% 288 240 476 544 28 3,808 7.6% 6.3% 12.5% 14.3% 0.7% 100.0% 13. Main reason for pursuing additional further education. Wanted to change fields Lack of suitable employment opps. Wanted to study at an advanced level General interest/personal development To achieve a career goal Professional development Other Don’t Know/Unsure Subtotal No Response Did not pursue further education Grand Total 14. To what extent was your further education goal achieved? To a great extent To some extent BC SYSTEM (SCI) 21 4.0% 49 9.4% 42 8.0% 38 7.3% 235 44.9% 48 9.2% 88 16.8% 2 0.4% 523 100.0% 1 202 726 BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 113 3.5% 217 6.7% 237 7.3% 306 9.4% 1,401 43.1% 400 12.3% 571 17.6% 4 0.1% 3,249 100.0% 3 1,492 4,744 BC SYSTEM (SCI) 297 57.6% 127 24.6% BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 1,789 55.6% 877 27.3% Great extent + some extent 424 82.2% 2,666 82.9% To a small extent To no extent at all Don’t Know/Unsure Subtotal Did not pursue further education No Response Grand Total 55 22 15 516 202 8 726 10.7% 4.3% 2.9% 100.0% 281 144 126 3,217 1,492 35 4,744 8.7% 4.5% 3.9% 100.0% 15. Are you currently attending school? Yes No Grand Total 16. Are you attending school full-time or part-time? Full-time Part-time Don’t Know/Unsure/No Response Subtotal No Response Not Attending Grand Total 2/6/01 BC SYSTEM (SCI) 160 22.0% 566 78.0% 726 100.0% BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 837 17.6% 3,907 82.4% 4,744 100.0% BC SYSTEM (SCI) 108 67.9% 48 30.2% 3 1.9% 159 100.0% 1 566 726 BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 384 45.9% 448 53.6% 4 0.5% 836 100.0% 1 3,907 4,744 Further Education Participation Rate Within 5 Years of Graduation Within 3 Years of Graduation 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Type of Further Education Pursued University Level Technical/Vocational Multiple Short Courses Other 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Reason for Further Education To change fields Lack of suitable emp. opps. To study at advanced level General interest/personal dev. Career Goal Professional development Other 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Extent of Further Education Goal Achievement Great Extent + Some Extent Small Extent + No Extent At All 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Are You Currently Attending School? Yes, In School: FT PT Not in School 1998 Five-Year Follow-up Survey of 1993 Baccalaureate Graduates from B.C.’s Public Universities 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Page 5 100% %&6\VWHP6FLHQFHYV %&6\VWHP$OO8QLYHUVLW\3URJUDPV Legend: BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) BC SYSTEM (SCI) (03/2<0(1781(03/2<0(17 17. Employment Rate of 1993 Graduates. BC SYSTEM (SCI) BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) Employment Rates (1998 vs. 1995) In Job 1998 Employment Rate: Employed Have Paid Job Lined up to Start Unemployed Total Labour Force Not in Labour Force Grand Total 623 28 16 667 59 726 93.4% 4.2% 2.4% 100.0% 4,236 101 92 4,429 315 4,744 95.6% 2.3% 2.1% 100.0% 748 23 25 796 94.0% 2.9% 3.1% 100.0% 6,064 127 217 6,408 94.6% 2.0% 3.4% 100.0% 1995 Employment Rate: Employed in 1995 Have Paid Job Lined up to Start Unemployed in 1995 Total 1995 Labour Force 18. Main reason why you are unemployed. 9 56.3% 39 42.4% 4 25.0% 24 26.1% Temporarily laid off 2 12.5% 13 14.1% - Don’t Know/Unsure/No Response Subtotal Unemployed Not in Labour Force Grand Total 19. Main activity of graduates who are not in the labour force. 96.6% 0.0% 5 5.4% 1 6.3% 11 12.0% 16 100.0% 92 100.0% 59 315 651 4,337 726 4,744 BC SYSTEM (SCI) BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) In school 96.9% 0% 20% Lack skills for desired job Don’t Know/Unsure 0% 38.1% 49 15.6% Family obligation 8 13.6% 43 13.7% Family obligation Temporary leave of absence 3 5.1% 33 10.5% Temporary leave of absence 1 1.7% 25 7.9% 0.0% 25 7.9% 1.7% 9 2.9% 1 1.7% 11 3.5% 59 100.0% 315 100.0% Don’t Know/Unsure Employed / Paid job lined up to start 651 4,337 726 4,744 BC SYSTEM (SCI) BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) Duration of Unemployment or Non-Participation in Labour Force 1 month 5 6.7% 42 10.3% 50% 1 1.3% 14 3.4% 45% 3 months 6 8.0% 19 4.7% 40% 4 months 7 9.3% 28 6.9% 35% 5 months 1 1.3% 18 4.4% 30% 6 months 6 8.0% 25 6.1% 25% 7 - 12 months 8 10.7% 64 15.7% 20% 35 46.7% 160 39.3% 15% Never Been Employed 1 1.3% 2 0.5% 10% Don’t Know/Unsure/No Response 5 6.7% 35 8.6% 5% 75 100.0% 407 100.0% Employed / Paid job lined up to start Grand Total 2/6/01 651 4,337 726 4,744 60% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 2 months Subtotal Unemployed/Not in labour force 50% Retired Subtotal Not in Labour Force > 1 year 40% Health reasons Don’t Know/Unsure/No Response 20. How many months since you were last employed? (For graduates unemployed or not in labour force.) 30% Homemaker Not in labour force (other) Grand Total 20% In school 120 8.5% 1 10% Reasons Why Graduates are Not in Labour Force 67.8% Not in labour force (other) 100% Temporarily laid off 5 - 80% No job, but looking for work 40 Retired 60% Lack of suitable emp. opps. Homemaker Health reasons 40% Main Reason For Unemployment No job, but looking for work Employed / Paid job lined up to start 97.6% BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) Lack of suitable employment opportunities Lack necessary skills for desired job 97.9% 1998 1995 BC SYSTEM (SCI) Job lined up to start 0% Months: 1998 Five-Year Follow-up Survey of 1993 Baccalaureate Graduates from B.C.’s Public Universities 1 to 3 4 to 6 7 to 12 > 12 Page 6 %&6\VWHP6FLHQFHYV %&6\VWHP$OO8QLYHUVLW\3URJUDPV Legend: BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) BC SYSTEM (SCI) &855(17-2% 21. Classification of current main job by industry sector. BC SYSTEM (SCI) Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) Classification of Current Main Job by Industry Sector 12 1.9% 37 0.9% Mining and Oil and Gas Extraction 4 0.6% 15 0.4% Utilities 4 0.6% 21 0.5% Construction 6 1.0% 42 1.0% 33 5.3% 131 3.1% Agric., Forestry, Fishing, Hunting Mining, Oil, Gas Extraction Manfg., Constr., Utilities Manufacturing Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Transportation and Warehousing Wholesale Trade 6 1.0% 68 1.6% Retail Trade 25 4.0% 129 3.0% Transport. and Warehousing 8 1.3% 50 1.2% Information and Cultural Industries 13 2.1% 124 2.9% Finance and Insurance 23 3.7% 212 5.0% 4 0.6% 38 0.9% Real Estate, Rental &Leasing Professional, Scientific and Tech. Services 187 30.0% 609 14.4% Mgmt. of Companies and Enterprises - Professn’l, Sci. and Tech. Services Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 0.0% - 0.0% Info.and Cultural Industries Finance and Insurance 7 1.1% 52 1.2% Mgmt. of Companies & Enterprises 120 19.3% 1,540 36.4% Admin/Support, Waste Mgmt, Remed. Health Care and Social Assistance 76 12.2% 436 10.3% Arts, Entertainment and Recreation 1 0.2% 77 1.8% Accommodation and Food Services 4 0.6% 49 1.2% Other Services (except Public Admin) 6 1.0% 67 1.6% Admin/Support, Waste Mgmt, Remediation Educational Services Public Administration Unknown/Missing Total Graduates Employed 81 13.0% 517 3 0.5% 22 12.2% 0.5% 623 100.0% 4,236 100.0% Educational Services Health Care & Social Assist. Arts, Ent. & Rec. Accomm. & Food Services Other Services (except Public Admin) Public Admin. Not Employed 103 508 Grand Total 726 4,744 22. Classification of current main job by NOC Skill Type. Business, Finance and Administration BC SYSTEM (SCI) 0% BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 67 10.8% 687 16.2% 32.6% 481 11.4% 91 14.6% 436 10.3% 185 29.7% 1,940 45.8% Art, Culture, Recreation and Sport 10 1.6% 203 4.8% Sales and Service 43 6.9% 363 8.6% Trades, Transport and Eqp. Operators 15 2.4% 69 1.6% Unique to the Primary Industry 5 0.8% 24 0.6% Unique to Processing, Mfg. and Utilities 2 0.3% 23 0.5% Health 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Classification of Main Job by NOC Skill Type 203 Natural and Applied Sciences 5% Business, Finance and Administration Natural and Applied Sciences Health Social Sci., Educ, Gov’t Services, Religion Social Sci., Educ, Gov’t Services, Religion Art, Culture, Recreation and Sport Sales and Service Unknown/Missing Total Graduates Employed 2 0.3% 10 0.2% 623 100.0% 4,236 100.0% Not Employed 103 508 Grand Total 726 4,744 23. Classification of current main job by NOC Skill Level. BC SYSTEM (SCI) 3,168 74.8% College education/trade apprenticeship 109 17.5% 671 15.8% 49 7.9% 350 8.3% 7 1.1% 37 0.9% Total Graduates Employed 2 623 0.3% 100.0% 10 4,236 Not Employed 103 508 Grand Total 726 4,744 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 0.2% 100.0% University education College/trade apprenticeship Sec. school + job-specific training No formal education 0% 2/6/01 5% Classification of Main Job by NOC Skill Level 73.2% Unknown/Missing Unique to Processing, Mfg. and Utilities BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 456 No formal education Unique to the Primary Industry 0% University education Secondary school + job-specific training Trades, Transport and Eqp. Operators 1998 Five-Year Follow-up Survey of 1993 Baccalaureate Graduates from B.C.’s Public Universities 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Page 7 80% %&6\VWHP6FLHQFHYV %&6\VWHP$OO8QLYHUVLW\3URJUDPV Legend: BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) BC SYSTEM (SCI) &855(17-2%FRQWLQXHG BC SYSTEM (SCI) 24. How long have you been employed in your current job? BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) Duration of Employment in Current Job 25% < 6 months 71 11.4% 385 6 months - Almost 1 Year 47 7.5% 343 8.1% 1 Year - Almost 2 Years 121 19.4% 649 15.3% 2 Years - Almost 3 Years 118 18.9% 622 14.7% 3 Years - Almost 4 Years 74 11.9% 483 11.4% 4 Years - Almost 5 Years 70 11.2% 468 11.0% 5 Years - Almost 6 Years 70 11.2% 537 12.7% 6 or more Years 51 8.2% 729 17.2% Don’t Know/Unsure Subtotal Employed 1 0.2% 14 0.3% 623 100.0% 4,236 100.0% No Response - - Not employed 103 508 726 4,744 Grand Total BC SYSTEM (SCI) 25. Did you change jobs from 1995 to 1998? 9.1% 5% <1 2 BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 54.5% 1,753 49.2% 203 45.5% 1,813 50.8% 446 100.0% 3,566 100.0% 280 1,178 726 4,744 3 4 5 6 >6 Change in Income: 1995 to 1998 243 Grand Total 10% 0% No Subtotal (Employed in 1995 and 1998) 15% Years: Yes Not employed in 1995 and/or 1998 20% Worse pay About the same pay Better pay BC SYSTEM (SCI) 26. How has your income changed from 1995 to 1998? Better pay BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 189 77.8% 1,286 73.4% About the same pay 30 12.3% 269 15.3% Worse pay 22 9.1% 170 9.7% 2 0.8% 28 1.6% 243 100.0% 1,753 100.0% Don’t Know/Unsure/No Response Subtotal who changed jobs Did not change jobs/Not employed in 1995 and/or 1998 Grand Total 483 2,991 726 4,744 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Change in Job Satisfaction: 1995 to 1998 Less satisfied About the same satisfaction BC SYSTEM (SCI) 27. How has your job satisfaction changed from 1995 to 1998? More satisfied BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 176 72.4% 1,265 72.2% About the same satisfaction 48 19.8% 362 20.7% Less satisfied 15 6.2% 97 5.5% 4 1.6% 29 1.7% 243 100.0% 1,753 100.0% Don’t Know/Unsure Subtotal who changed jobs Did not change jobs/Not employed in 1995 and/or 1998 Grand Total 483 2,991 726 4,744 More satisfied 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Change in Application of Univ Skills to Job: 1995 to 1998 Applied less BC SYSTEM (SCI) 28. How has the application of your university skills/ knowledged changed in your 1998 job vs. 1995 job? Applied more Applied about the same Applied less Don’t Know/Unsure Subtotal who changed jobs Did not change jobs/Not employed in 1995 and/or 1998 Grand Total 2/6/01 BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 47 19.3% 378 21.6% 100 41.2% 764 43.6% 92 37.9% 584 33.3% 4 1.6% 27 1.5% 243 100.0% 1,753 100.0% 483 2,991 726 4,744 Applied about the same Applied more 1998 Five-Year Follow-up Survey of 1993 Baccalaureate Graduates from B.C.’s Public Universities 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Page 8 50% %&6\VWHP6FLHQFHYV %&6\VWHP$OO8QLYHUVLW\3URJUDPV Legend: BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) BC SYSTEM (SCI) &855(17-2%FRQWLQXHG BC SYSTEM (SCI) 29. Are you employed full-time or part-time? BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) Are you Employed Full-time or Part-time? Full-time 548 88.0% 3,478 82.1% Part-time 68 10.9% 730 17.2% 6 1.0% 24 0.6% 623 100.0% 4,236 100.0% Don’t Know/Unsure Subtotal Employed No Response - - Not employed 103 508 726 4,744 Grand Total Full-time Part-time Looking for FT Work PT by choice BC SYSTEM (SCI) 30. Status of part-time employed. BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 0% Looking for full-time employment 17 25.0% 186 25.5% Working part-time by choice 50 73.5% 524 71.8% 1 1.5% 16 2.2% 0.0% 4 0.5% 68 100.0% 730 100.0% Don’t Know/Unsure No Response/Missing - Subtotal Part-time Employed Employed full-time/Not employed Grand Total 658 4,014 726 4,744 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Are you self-employed? How many do you employ? No Yes Self only BC SYSTEM (SCI) 31. Are you self-employed? How many do you employ? BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) Self + Other(s) Yes (employ self only). 59 9.5% 340 8.0% Yes (employ self plus at least one other) 41 6.6% 221 5.2% 522 83.8% 3,669 86.6% 1 0.2% 6 0.1% 623 100.0% 4,236 100.0% No, not self-employed Don’t Know/Unsure Subtotal Employed Not employed Grand Total 103 508 726 4,744 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Annual FT Employment Income ($,000) 40% 35% 30% 25% BC SYSTEM (SCI) 32. What is your annual full-time employment income? BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 20% $10,000 to $19,999 11 2.5% 43 1.5% $20,000 to $29,999 23 5.2% 165 5.8% $30,000 to $39,999 97 21.8% 604 21.2% 10% $40,000 to $49,999 138 31.0% 952 33.5% 5% $50,000 to $59,999 70 15.7% 516 18.1% $60,000 to $69,999 44 9.9% 268 9.4% $70,000 to $79,999 18 4.0% 98 3.4% $80,000 to $89,999 13 2.9% 59 2.1% $90,000 to $99,999 10 2.2% 26 0.9% $100,000 and above 21 4.7% 112 3.9% 445 100.0% 2,843 100.0% Subtotal < $10,000 (bad data) Don’t Know/Unsure/No Response Not employed full-time/Not employed Grand Total 10 50 103 635 168 1,216 726 4,744 15% 0% $10 -19 $20 -29 $30 -39 $40 -49 $50 -59 $60 -69 $70 -79 $80 -89 $90 $100 -99 + Median Annual FT Employment Income ($,000) $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 $20,000 33. Median annual full-time employment income. BC SYSTEM (SCI) BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) Males $ 45,000 $ 48,000 Females $ 43,000 $ 43,000 Total $ 45,000 $ 45,000 2/6/01 $10,000 $0 1998 Five-Year Follow-up Survey of 1993 Baccalaureate Graduates from B.C.’s Public Universities Males Females Total Page 9 %&6\VWHP6FLHQFHYV %&6\VWHP$OO8QLYHUVLW\3URJUDPV Legend: BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) BC SYSTEM (SCI) &855(17-2%FRQWLQXHG 34. How many jobs do you currently hold? BC SYSTEM (SCI) BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) Number of Jobs Currently Held One 566 90.9% 3,669 86.8% Two 47 7.5% 452 10.7% Three 8 1.3% 89 2.1% Four 1 0.2% 13 0.3% Five 1 0.2% 5 0.1% 0.0% 1 0.0% 100.0% 4,229 100.0% Don’t Know/Unsure - Subtotal employed 623 No Response - Not employed 103 508 726 4,744 Grand Total 7 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1 # Jobs: 2 3 4 5 Job Characteristics BC SYSTEM (SCI) 35. Characteristics of current job. Looking for a better job BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) Looking for a better job* 184 29.5% 1,124 26.5% Bachelor’s degree required for job* 402 64.5% 2,704 63.8% Job is related to program* 389 62.4% 2,824 66.7% 330 84.8% 2,431 86.1% 623 100.0% 4,236 100.0% (to a great extent + some extent) Skills/knowledge applied to job^ (to a great extent + some extent) Subtotal Employed Not employed Grand Total 103 508 726 4,744 Bachelor’s degree required for job Job is related to program Skills/knowledge applied to job * Expressed as a % of employed graduates. ^ Expressed as a % of graduates in program-related job. 36. Why are you not in a more program-related job? (For graduates who are not in a program-related job). 0% BC SYSTEM (SCI) BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) Better pay in present job 21 9.1% 85 6.1% 85 37.0% 520 37.4% Training inadequate for field-related job 22 9.6% 125 9.0% Tried field-related job, but didn’t like it 17 7.4% 76 5.5% Not important to me to work my field 37 16.1% 241 17.3% Other 45 19.6% 308 22.1% Subtotal 3 1.3% 36 2.6% 230 100.0% 1,391 100.0% Working in a field-related job 389 2,824 Not employed 103 508 No response Grand Total 37. Have you NEVER been employed in your field? Yes, never. Subtotal Employed Not employed Grand Total 2/6/01 4 21 726 4,744 BC SYSTEM (SCI) 80% 100% YES, working in job related to pgm NO, not in job related to pgm Why not? Better pay in present job Training inadequate for field-related job BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 91 14.6% 548 12.9% 100.0% 4,236 100.0% 726 60% Could not find fieldrelated work 623 103 40% Is your job related to your program? If not, why not? Could not find field-related work Don’t Know/Unsure 20% Tried field-related job, but didn’t like it Not important to me to work my field 508 4,744 1998 Five-Year Follow-up Survey of 1993 Baccalaureate Graduates from B.C.’s Public Universities 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Page 10 70% %&6\VWHP6FLHQFHYV %&6\VWHP$OO8QLYHUVLW\3URJUDPV Legend: BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) BC SYSTEM (SCI) ),1$1&(6 38. ALL sources of education funding. Employment income Investment income Bursary/grants Scholarship/awards/prizes Parents/relatives Spouse/partner Friend Employer subsidy Program Employment Student Loans Other Don’t Know/Unsure Grand Total (Multiple Responses) BC SYSTEM (SCI) 428 24 31 160 242 15 1 2 94 165 28 1,190 36.0% 2.0% 2.6% 13.4% 20.3% 1.3% 0.1% 0.2% 7.9% 13.9% 2.4% 0.0% 100.0% BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 2,693 151 245 676 1,281 184 2 25 466 1,041 185 1 6,950 ALL Sources of Education Funding 38.7% 2.2% 3.5% 9.7% 18.4% 2.6% 0.0% 0.4% 6.7% 15.0% 2.7% 0.0% 100.0% Employment income Investment income Bursary/grants Scholarship/awards/prizes Parents/relatives Spouse/partner Friend Employer subsidy Program Employment Student Loans 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% PRIMARY Source of Education Funding 39. PRIMARY source of education funding. Employment income Investment income Bursary/grants Scholarship/awards/prizes Parents/relatives Spouse/partner Friend Employer subsidy Program Employment Student Loans Other Don’t Know/Unsure Grand Total (Multiple Responses) 40. Did you incur financial debt in order to complete your program at university? How much debt did you incur? BC SYSTEM (SCI) 289 46.6% 14 2.3% 1 0.2% 42 6.8% 133 21.5% 11 1.8% 1 0.2% 11 1.8% 29 4.7% 77 12.4% 6 1.0% 6 1.0% 620 100.0% BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 1,823 47.5% 102 2.7% 20 0.5% 145 3.8% 739 19.2% 143 3.7% 3 0.1% 144 3.8% 96 2.5% 548 14.3% 36 0.9% 41 1.1% 3,840 100.0% BC SYSTEM (SCI) BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) Yes 316 43.5% 2,100 44.3% < $1,000 $1,000 - $2,999 $3,000 - $4,999 $5,000 - $7,499 $7,500 - $9,999 $10,000 - $12,499 $12,500 - $14,999 $15,000 - $17,499 $17,500 - $19,999 $20,000 - $24,999 $25,000 - $29,999 $30,000 - $34,999 $35,000 - $39,999 >= $40,000 Don’t Know/Unsure Subtotal No Response/Refused Did not incur financial debt Grand Total 2 16 28 47 18 46 23 38 12 28 23 5 3 11 12 312 4 410 726 0.6% 5.1% 9.0% 15.1% 5.8% 14.7% 7.4% 12.2% 3.8% 9.0% 7.4% 1.6% 1.0% 3.5% 3.8% 100.0% 9 101 145 277 140 316 130 221 71 226 131 95 42 76 83 2,063 37 2,644 4,744 0.4% 4.9% 7.0% 13.4% 6.8% 15.3% 6.3% 10.7% 3.4% 11.0% 6.3% 4.6% 2.0% 3.7% 4.0% 100.0% Mean Debt $13,800 $15,200 Median Debt $12,000 $12,500 2/6/01 Employment income Investment income Bursary/grants Scholarship/awards/prizes Parents/relatives Spouse/partner Friend Employer subsidy Program Employment Student Loans 0% 100% 10% 20% 30% Did you incur financial debt? 40% 50% Median Debt $14,000 $12,000 80% $10,000 60% $8,000 $6,000 40% $4,000 20% $2,000 0% $0 Yes Distribution of Total Debt Incurred ($,000) 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% < $1 1998 Five-Year Follow-up Survey of 1993 Baccalaureate Graduates from B.C.’s Public Universities $1 - 5 $5 - 9 $10 14 $15 19 $20 24 $25 29 $30 34 $35 - $40 + 39 Page 11 %&6\VWHP6FLHQFHYV %&6\VWHP$OO8QLYHUVLW\3URJUDPV Legend: BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) BC SYSTEM (SCI) ),1$1&(6FRQWLQXHG 41. Did you receive government student loans? How much government loan debt did you incur? BC SYSTEM (SCI) BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) Yes 281 38.7% 1,810 38.2% < $1,000 $1,000 - $2,999 $3,000 - $4,999 $5,000 - $7,499 $7,500 - $9,999 $10,000 - $12,499 $12,500 - $14,999 $15,000 - $17,499 $17,500 - $19,999 $20,000 - $24,999 $25,000 - $29,999 $30,000 - $34,999 $35,000 - $39,999 >= $40,000 Don’t Know/Unsure Subtotal No Response/Refused Did not receive government student loans Grand Total 2 12 23 38 17 45 24 33 12 27 20 4 3 8 10 278 3 445 726 0.7% 4.3% 8.3% 13.7% 6.1% 16.2% 8.6% 11.9% 4.3% 9.7% 7.2% 1.4% 1.1% 2.9% 3.6% 100.0% 7 73 130 227 122 271 132 186 61 206 118 79 36 58 74 1,780 30 2,934 4,744 0.4% 4.1% 7.3% 12.8% 6.9% 15.2% 7.4% 10.4% 3.4% 11.6% 6.6% 4.4% 2.0% 3.3% 4.2% 100.0% Mean Debt $14,000 $14,800 Median Debt $12,000 $13,000 42. Do you have any government loan debt outstanding? How much gov’t loan debt is outstanding? Yes < $1,000 $1,000 - $2,999 $3,000 - $4,999 $5,000 - $7,499 $7,500 - $9,999 $10,000 - $12,499 $12,500 - $14,999 $15,000 - $17,499 $17,500 - $19,999 $20,000 - $24,999 $25,000 - $29,999 $30,000 - $34,999 $35,000 - $39,999 >= $40,000 Don’t Know/Unsure Subtotal No Response/Refused No government loan debt outstanding Did not receive government student loans Grand Total 160 56.9% 4 18 17 28 17 17 8 12 2 7 3 2 2.5% 11.5% 10.8% 17.8% 10.8% 10.8% 5.1% 7.6% 1.3% 4.5% 1.9% 1.3% 0.0% 0.0% 14.0% 100.0% 22 157 3 121 445 726 950 20 109 128 155 95 107 29 61 16 38 15 12 6 13 120 924 26 860 2,934 4,744 Mean Debt $8,700 $9,000 Median Debt $7,000 $7,000 2/6/01 Did you receive Gov’t Student Loans? Median Student Loan Debt $14,000 $12,000 80% $10,000 60% $8,000 40% $6,000 $4,000 20% $2,000 0% $0 Yes Distribution of Gov’t Student Loan Debt Incurred ($,000) 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% < $1 BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) (SCI) - 100% 52.5% 2.2% 11.8% 13.9% 16.8% 10.3% 11.6% 3.1% 6.6% 1.7% 4.1% 1.6% 1.3% 0.6% 1.4% 13.0% 100.0% 100% $1 - 5 $5 - 9 $10 14 $15 19 Do have any student loan debt outstanding? $20 24 $25 29 $30 34 $35 - $40 + 39 Median Student Loan Debt Outstanding $8,000 $7,000 80% $6,000 $5,000 60% $4,000 40% $3,000 $2,000 20% $1,000 0% $0 Yes Distribution of Student Loan Debt Outstanding ($,000) 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% < $1 1998 Five-Year Follow-up Survey of 1993 Baccalaureate Graduates from B.C.’s Public Universities $1 - 5 $5 - 9 $10 14 $15 19 $20 24 $25 29 $30 34 $35 39 Page 12 $40 + %&6\VWHP6FLHQFHYV %&6\VWHP$OO8QLYHUVLW\3URJUDPV Legend: BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) BC SYSTEM (SCI) ())(&72)81,9(56,7<('8&$7,21 To what extent were the following skills developed or enhanced as a result of your university education? 43. Personal Growth. To a great extent To some extent To a small extent To no extent at all Don’t Know/Unsure Subtotal No Response/Refused Grand Total 44. Analyze / Think Critically. To a great extent To some extent To a small extent To no extent at all Don’t Know/Unsure Subtotal No Response/Refused Grand Total 45. Think Creatively. To a great extent To some extent To a small extent To no extent at all Don’t Know/Unsure Subtotal No Response/Refused Grand Total 46. Ability to write well. To a great extent To some extent To a small extent To no extent at all Don’t Know/Unsure Subtotal No Response/Refused Grand Total 47. Work effectively with others. To a great extent To some extent To a small extent To no extent at all Don’t Know/Unsure Subtotal No Response/Refused Grand Total 48. Ability to use computer. To a great extent To some extent To a small extent To no extent at all Don’t Know/Unsure Subtotal No Response/Refused Grand Total 49. Encouraged to be a life-long learner. To a great extent To some extent To a small extent To no extent at all Don’t Know/Unsure Subtotal No Response/Refused Grand Total 2/6/01 BC SYSTEM (SCI) 373 51.6% 271 37.5% 63 8.7% 13 1.8% 3 0.4% 723 100.0% 3 726 BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 2,720 57.5% 1,630 34.4% 313 6.6% 65 1.4% 5 0.1% 4,733 100.0% 11 4,744 BC SYSTEM (SCI) 362 49.9% 311 42.8% 45 6.2% 5 0.7% 3 0.4% 726 100.0% 726 BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 2,356 49.7% 1,956 41.3% 350 7.4% 72 1.5% 7 0.1% 4,741 100.0% 3 4,744 BC SYSTEM (SCI) 114 15.7% 340 46.9% 219 30.2% 50 6.9% 2 0.3% 725 100.0% 1 726 BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 1,119 23.6% 2,300 48.5% 1,068 22.5% 242 5.1% 12 0.3% 4,741 100.0% 3 4,744 BC SYSTEM (SCI) 176 24.2% 331 45.6% 174 24.0% 43 5.9% 2 0.3% 726 100.0% 726 BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 1,781 37.6% 1,980 41.8% 769 16.2% 206 4.3% 6 0.1% 4,742 100.0% 2 4,744 BC SYSTEM (SCI) 153 21.1% 339 46.7% 170 23.4% 61 8.4% 3 0.4% 726 100.0% 726 BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 1,313 27.7% 2,094 44.2% 997 21.1% 314 6.6% 16 0.3% 4,734 100.0% 10 4,744 BC SYSTEM (SCI) 166 22.9% 200 27.6% 200 27.6% 154 21.3% 4 0.6% 724 100.0% 2 726 BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 788 16.7% 1,126 23.8% 1,336 28.2% 1,456 30.8% 24 0.5% 4,730 100.0% 14 4,744 BC SYSTEM (SCI) 252 34.8% 287 39.6% 136 18.8% 47 6.5% 3 0.4% 725 100.0% 1 726 BC SYSTEM (ALL PGMS) 1,968 41.6% 1,815 38.4% 682 14.4% 254 5.4% 13 0.3% 4,732 100.0% 12 4,744 Extent to which skills were developed/enhanced as a result of university education. Great Extent Some Extent Personal Growth Analyze / Think Critically Think Creatively Ability to write well Work effectively with others Ability to use computer Encouraged to be a lifelong learner 1998 Five-Year Follow-up Survey of 1993 Baccalaureate Graduates from B.C.’s Public Universities 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Page 13 100% ),9(<($5)2//2:836859(<2) %$&&$/$85($7(*5$'8$7(6)520%& V38%/,&81,9(56,7,(6 1RWHV 'HPRJUDSKLFV 1. Response Rate. a) Response rate is calculated on a "valid sample". This valid sample excludes graduates without a phone number, visa students and graduates living outside of North America. b) Of those B.C. University graduates surveyed in 1998, approximately 85% had been previously surveyed in 1995 (two years after graduation). 4. Place of residence, as at December 1998. Place of residence was determined from postal code. Graduates living outside of North America, graduates without a phone number and visa students were excluded from the survey. 5. When did you leave B.C.? This question was only asked of those whose postal code or telephone number was outside of British Columbia. 6. Main reason for leaving B.C. a) This question was only asked of those whose postal code or telephone number was outside of British Columbia. b) Open-ended responses were recorded by the interviewers and later re-coded into six different reasons for leaving British Columbia. 3URJUDPRI6WXG\ 7. Program of Study. Graduates in this study were grouped into one of eight different program areas. Applied Science (ApSc) - mainly Engineering, but also includes applied areas such as Forestry and Agricultural Sciences. Arts - Social Sciences and Humanities. Business (Bus) - graduates from the Faculty of Commerce at UBC and the Faculty of Business Administration at SFU, Education (Educ) - those who have completed a teacher training program (Professional Development Program (PDP) at SFU). Most students completing a teacher training program have previously completed a four-year bachelor’s degree. Fine and Performing Arts (FPA) - Music, Dance, Theatre, Film and Fine Arts. Health Sciences (Health) - Medicine, Dentistry, Human Kinetics, Nursing from UBC and Human Performance and Nursing from Uvic. There are no Health Sciences programs at SFU. Science (Sci) - basic sciences and is dominated by the life sciences. Social Professions (Social) - Law and Social Work at UBC, plus Social Work, Child and Youth Care and Law at Uvic. )XUWKHU(GXFDWLRQ 12. Type of Further Education pursued. A maximum of nine types of further education or training were recorded. All responses were combined and the total frequencies of each type of further education are provided. The %’s are based on the total number of responses. (PSOR\PHQW8QHPSOR\PHQW 17. Employment Rate of 1993 Graduates. a) Employed graduates are those who stated they were "currently employed" or "have a paid job lined up to start". b) Unemployed graduates who are actively looking for work are those who stated they were not currently employed for the following reasons: "Lack of suitable employment opportunities", "I do not have the necessary skills for the job I want", "No job, but looking or work", "Temporarily laid off", "Don’t Know/Unsure". c) Total Labour Force = Employed + Have Paid Job Lined up to Start + Unemployed, but Actively Looking for Work. d) Employment Rate = Total Employed at Time of Survey / Total Labour Force. e) Unemployment Rate = Unemployed, but Actively Looking for Work / Total Labour Force. f) 1998 employment rate and 1995 employment rates of 1993 graduates are provided for comparison. 2/6/01 1998 Five-Year Follow-up Survey of 1993 Baccalaureate Graduates from B.C.’s Public Universities Page 14 ),9(<($5)2//2:836859(<2) %$&&$/$85($7(*5$'8$7(6)520%& V38%/,&81,9(56,7,(6 1RWHV 18. Main reason why you are unemployed. The reason for unemployment is shown only for those who are in the labour force (unemployed, but actively looking for work). 19. Main activity of graduates who are not in the labour force. The reason for unemployment is shown for those who are unemployed and NOT in the labour force. 20. How many months since you were last employed? (For graduates unemployed or not in labour force.) This question was asked of all graduates who were not working at the time of the survey, regardless of whether they were in the labour force. &XUUHQW-RE 21. Classification of current main job by industry sector. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is a hierarchical system for classifying places of employment by type of economic activity. The NAICS Canada system contains 20 Sectors, 99 Sub-sectors, 321 Industry Groups, 734 Industries and 921 National Industries. This table summarizes the place of employment of graduates into one of 20 Industry Sectors. 22. Classification of current main job by NOC Skill Type. The National Occupational Classification (NOC) system was developed by Human Resources Development Canada. The NOC coding system classifies and describes occupations in the Canadian labour market. The NOC system classifies approximately 25,000 job titles into three tiers: 26 Major Groups, 139 Minor Groups, and 522 Unit Groups. One of the ways in which these groups are related is by Skill Type. The skill type is based on the type of work performed. It also reflects the field of training or experience that is normally required for entry into the occupation (area of study and industry of employment). There are ten different skill types (based on the first digit of the NOC code). The jobs held by graduates are categorized by NOC skill type in this table. 23. Classification of current main job by NOC Skill Level. Refer to note 7.07 for a brief description of the NOC system. One way in which the NOC groups are related is by Skill Level. The skill level is primarily based on the nature of education and training required to work in an occupation, plus the experience required for entry, complexity and responsibilities. There are four different skill levels (indicated by the second digit of the NOC code). The jobs held by graduates are categorized by NOC skill level in this table. The four skill levels are: A. University degree at the bachelor, masters or post-graduate level (2nd digit of NOC code = 1). B. College level education including trade apprenticeships (2nd digit of NOC code = 2 or 3). C. Secondary school education (up to four years) plus a period of job-specific training (2nd digit of NOC code = 4 or 5). D. No formal education required - up to 2 years of secondary school educ. and short work demonstration (2nd digit of NOC code = 6). 25. Did you change jobs from 1995 to 1998? This question was only asked of those who were employed in both the Fall of 1995 and the Fall of 1998. 26. How has your income changed from 1995 to 1998? This question was only asked of those who were employed in both the Fall of 1995 and the Fall of 1998, but not in the same job. 27. How has your job satisfaction changed from 1995 to 1998? This question was only asked of those who were employed in both the Fall of 1995 and the Fall of 1998, but not in the same job. 2/6/01 1998 Five-Year Follow-up Survey of 1993 Baccalaureate Graduates from B.C.’s Public Universities Page 15 ),9(<($5)2//2:836859(<2) %$&&$/$85($7(*5$'8$7(6)520%& V38%/,&81,9(56,7,(6 1RWHV 28. How has the application of your university skills/ knowledged changed in your 1998 job vs. 1995 job? This question was only asked of those who were employed in both the Fall of 1995 and the Fall of 1998, but not in the same job. 29. Are you employed full-time or part-time? Respondents were asked to self-declare the full-time/part-time employment status. A "full-time" job was not defined by the interviewer. 32. What is your annual full-time employment income? a) Only includes graduates who were self-declared as full-time employed. b) In some cases, graduates are working multiple jobs such that they are full-time employed. In these cases, the employment income from all of their jobs are included in the annual full-time earnings. c) Salaries recorded below $10,000 are considered invalid since this would place the graduate below the minimum wage. 33. Median annual full-time employment income. Median salaries are rounded to the nearest $100. 35. Characteristics of current job. a) The proportion of graduates looking for a better job, requiring a bachelor’s degree for their job and are in a job related to their program are expressed as a percentage of employed graduates. b) The proportion of graduates whose skills/knowledge are applied to their job is expressed as a percentage of graduates in a program-related job. 36. Why are you not in a more program-related job? This question was only asked of those graduates who are not in a program-related job. )LQDQFHV 38. ALL sources of education funding. Respondents were asked to state ALL sources of funding for their education. A maximum of six sources of funding were recorded for each respondent. 40. Did you incur financial debt in order to complete your program at university? How much debt did you incur? Mean and median debt are rounded to the nearest $100. 41. Did you receive government student loans? How much government loan debt did you incur? Mean and median government student loan debt are rounded to the nearest $100. 42. Do you have any government loan debt outstanding? How much gov’t loan debt is outstanding? Mean and median outstanding government student loan debt are rounded to the nearest $100. (IIHFWRI8QLYHUVLW\(GXFDWLRQ 43+ To what extent were the following skills developed or enhanced as a result of your university education? Graduates were asked to assess the extent to which their university education resulted in any skill development or enhancement on each of seven different skills (personal growth, critical thinking, creative thinking, writing well, working effectively with others, ability to use a computer and encouraged to be a life-long learner). 2/6/01 1998 Five-Year Follow-up Survey of 1993 Baccalaureate Graduates from B.C.’s Public Universities Page 16