B.C. Universities’ Follow-Up Survey of 1996 Graduates Final Version (February 6, 1998) Hello, my name is ___________ and I’m calling on behalf of [university]. Our firms, Points of View Research & Consulting Ltd. and Venture Market Research Ltd., have been contracted by [university] and the Ministry of Education, Skills and Training to conduct a survey of 1996 B.C. university graduates. The purpose of the survey is to determine your education outcomes and your level of satisfaction with the education or training you received at [university]. While participation is completely voluntary, your answers are important and will help the university assess and improve its programs. The information you provide will be kept strictly confidential and will be used only for statistical purposes. (Note to the interviewer: All questions are to be asked without prompting for the responses unless stated otherwise.) A. Eligibility, Personal Goal-Related, and Financial Debt Questions A1 Did you obtain a bachelor’s degree in the [name of program] program from [name of university] in 1996? 1 3 5 x r Yes No No Don’t know Refused [go to A2] wrong program [go to A1a] wrong university probe, thank and terminate probe, else thank and terminate terminate A1a What program were you in? Please specify the full degree name — e.g., Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Arts in Economics, etc. ___________________________________________________________________ A2 Thinking back prior to the start of your university education, what was your personal goal or goals that led you to pursue a university education? (Check all that applies.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 x r Wanted to acquire skills that would lead to employment Wanted to obtain a better job Wanted to improve on my existing job skills Wanted to broaden my knowledge in a specific field of study Wanted to obtain a baccalaureate degree Wanted to challenge myself intellectually Wanted to please my parents/family Wanted to fill my time with a worthwhile activity Wanted to qualify for a masters or doctoral program Did not have a personal goal [go to A4] Other (specify): _______________________________________________ Don’t know [go to A4] Refused [go to A4] A3 On the whole, do you feel that you have attained your personal goal or goals? Would you say that they are … (Interviewer: Read options) 1 2 3 4 x r A4 Completely attained Mostly attained Partly attained Not attained at all Don’t know Refused Did you receive any financial support while attending [name of university]? 1 2 x r Yes [go to A4a] No Don’t know Refused [go to A5] A4a What type of financial support did you receive? (Check all that applies.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x r A5 Financial aid/student loans Bursary/grants Scholarships/awards/fellowships/prizes Parents Spouse/partner Friend Employer Other (specify): _______________________________________ Don’t know Refused After completing your degree at [name of university], did you have a financial debt? 1 2 x r Yes [go to A5a] No Don’t know Refused [go to A6] A5a How much of a financial debt did you have after graduating from [name of university]? Please specify to the nearest thousand dollars. 1 x r ___,000 Don’t know Refused A6 What was the MAIN reason you chose this field of study? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 x r Interested in subject area (subject challenging, enjoy subject) Academic strengths and abilities match this area well Use it as a stepping stone for professional degree, Masters or PhD Friends/family encouraged me to enter this field Had a career goal (i.e. wanted to be a teacher, engineer, etc.) Good job prospects in this field Increase/acquire skills for current or other job Other (specify): _____________________________________ Don’t know Refused B. Program of Study Name of program = A1 or A1a if present. The following questions relate to your [name of program] program B1 Given your experience since completing your bachelor's program, would you select the same program again? 1 3 x r Yes No [Go to B1a] Don’t know Refused [Go to B2] B1a Why would you not select the same program again? 1 x r B2 Did you complete most of your program on a full-time or on a part-time basis? 1 2 3 x r B3a ______________________________________________________________ Don’t know Refused Full-time basis Part-time basis Full-time and part-time on an even basis Don’t know Refused For the following statement, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree. I have learned a great deal in this program. 1 2 3 4 x r B3b Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t know Refused For the following questions, please respond with excellent, good, fair, or poor. In general, how would you rate the quality of instruction of the courses in your program? 1 2 3 4 x r B3c In general, how would you rate the content of your program? 1 2 3 4 x r B3d Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Refused In general, how would you rate the amount of practical experience in the program? 1 2 3 4 5 x r B3f Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Refused In general, how would you rate the textbooks and the learning material for the program? 1 2 3 4 x r B3e Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Refused Excellent Good Fair Poor Not applicable Don’t know Refused In general, how would you rate the availability of instructors or tutors for help on course work in the program? 1 Excellent 2 3 4 x r B3g In general, how would you rate the availability of courses required by your [name of program] program? 1 2 3 4 x r B3h ______________________________________________________________ Nothing Don’t know Refused Did you complete a Co-op program as part of your bachelor’s studies? By Co-op, I mean paid work-sessions related to your bachelor’s program. 1 3 x r B6 Very manageable Somewhat manageable Not very manageable Not at all manageable Don’t know Refused What changes would you suggest in the methods of instruction and/or program curriculum to improve the learning experience for students in the program? 1 3 x r B5 Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Refused In general, how manageable was the workload in your program? Would you say it was … (Interviewer: Read options) 1 2 3 4 x r B4 Good Fair Poor Don’t know Refused Yes No Don’t know Refused [go to B6] [go to B9] [go to B9] [go to B9] How related were your Co-op work-terms to your program of study? Would you say... (Interviewer: Read options) 1 2 3 4 x Very related Somewhat related Slightly related Not at all related Don’t know r B7 Did your program of study adequately provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge required in your co-op jobs? Would you say the program ... (Interviewer: Read options) 1 2 3 x r B8 Fully provided the necessary skills and knowledge Partly provided the necessary skills and knowledge Did not adequately provide the necessary skills and knowledge Don’t know Refused How would you rate your overall Co-op experience? Would you say... (Interviewer: Read options) 1 2 3 4 x r B9 Refused Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Refused Overall, how satisfied were you with your bachelor's program? Would you say... (Interviewer: Read options) 1 2 3 4 x r Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Don’t know Refused C. Computer Skills Assessment C1 Computer skills are more important in some programs than in others. How important do you feel a knowledge of using a computer is to graduates of the [program name] program? Would you say … (Interviewer: Read options) 1 2 3 4 x r C2 Extremely important Somewhat important Not very important Not at all important Don’t know Refused Did you have any computer skills prior to entering your degree program? 1 2 Yes No [go to C2a] [go to C3] x r C2a What were these computer skills? (Interviewer: Read options and check all that applies) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x r C2b Don’t know [go to C3] Refused [go to C3] ___ Keyboarding or data entry skills ___ Word processing skills ___ Spreadsheet skills ___ Programming skills ___ Internet skills ___ Specialized software skills ___ Other (specify): ________________________ Don’t know Refused [If C1 = 4, then go to C3] Were these computer skills sufficient for your degree program? 1 2 x r C3 Did you acquire any computer skills during your degree program either at university or elsewhere? 1 2 x r C3a Yes No [go to C3d] Don’t know [go to C3d] Refused [go to C3d] Did you acquire these additional computer skills through your degree program or did you acquire them on your own — i.e., outside of your degree program? 1 2 3 x r C3b Yes No Don’t know Refused Through my degree program On my own (outside of degree program) Both, through my degree program and on my own Don’t know Refused What were these additional computer skills? (Interviewer: Read options and check all that applies) 1 2 3 4 ___ Keyboarding or data entry skills ___ Word processing skills ___ Spreadsheet skills ___ Programming skills 5 6 7 x r ___ Internet skills ___ Specialized software skills ___ Other (specify): ________________________ Don’t know Refused [If C3a = “On my own” or “Don’t know” or “Refused” then go to C3d] C3c For those computer skills that you acquired through your degree program, to what extent did your degree program developed these additional computer skills? Would you say … (Interviewer: Read options) 1 2 3 4 x r C3d To a great extent To some extent Not very much Not at all Don’t know Refused [If C1 = 4, then go to Section D] Are there any computer skills that you did not acquire but would have been useful to you in your program? 1 2 x r C3e Yes No [go to Section D] Don’t know [go to Section D] Refused [go to Section D] What are these other computer skills? (Interviewer: Read options and check all that applies) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x r ___ Keyboarding or data entry skills ___ Word processing skills ___ Spreadsheet skills ___ Programming skills ___ Internet skills ___ Specialized software skills ___ Other (specify): ________________________ Don’t know Refused D. Education After Graduation The next questions relate to education since graduation. D1 Since graduation from this program, have you taken, or are you taking, any further education or training at a public or private post-secondary institution OR through your place of employment? 1 2 x r D2 Yes (GO TO D2) No (SKIP TO SECTION E) Don’t Know (SKIP TO SECTION E) Refused (SKIP TO SECTION E) What education or training have you taken/are you taking since graduation from [university] in 1996? (PLEASE CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY) 1 2 3 4 Another bachelor’s degree Master’s degree Doctoral Degree Technical or vocational training (leading to certificate or diploma) PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OFFERED BY A UNIVERSITY 5 Teacher training 6 Law degree 7 Medicine degree 8 Dentistry degree 9 other university professional training (specify): ______________________ 10 other university or college academic credit courses [go to D4] PROFESSIONAL TRAINING NOT OFFERED BY A UNIVERSITY OR COLLEGE 11 Professional certification programs (e.g., CA, CGA) 12 e.g., technical, multiple short courses [go to D4] x Don’t Know r Refused (Interviewer: If the respondent names more than one category in D2, then please read the following instruction, otherwise, go to D3) Please answer the following questions with respect to the highest level of education or training that you have taken since graduating. D3 Did you complete this education or training? 1 2 x r D3a Yes No Don’t Know Refused [go to D4] [go to D3a] [go to D4] [go to D4] Is this education or training still in progress or have you discontinued it? 1 2 x r Still in progress Discontinued it Don’t know Refused D4 What was the main reason you enrolled in this education or training? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x r Wanted to change fields Lack of suitable employment opportunities Wanted to study at an advanced level General interest/personal development To achieve a career goal Professional development Other (specify): ______________________ Don’t Know Refused E. Transition to Work And now a few questions about your work experience after completing your [name of program] program. E0a Since graduation, have you been unemployed at all — this includes unemployment due to attending school? 1 3 x r E0b [go to E0b] [go to E1] [go to E1] [go to E1] How many months in total have you been unemployed? 1 x r E0c Yes No Don’t know Refused [m] months Don’t know Refused What was the main reason why you were unemployed (for [m] months)? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 x r Lack of suitable job opportunities I did not have the necessary skills for the job that I wanted Attending school [go to E0e] No job but looking for work [go to E0d] Homemaker Not in labour force Health reasons Temporary leave of absence from employment (travel, maternity) Family obligations Laid off Retired Other (specify): ______________________________________ Don’t know Refused [go to E1] E0d Were you looking for work in the same field that you studied at [name of university] or in another field? 1 2 3 x r In the same field In another field In any field in which I could find work Don’t know Refused [go to E1] E0e Has attending school been your primary activity since graduation? 1 2 x r E1 Yes No Don’t know Refused For the following questions, a permanent job is defined as a full-time or part-time job that lasted or was expected to last at least 6 months and was your primary activity during the time. Did you search for a permanent job during your last semester of your [name of program] program or at anytime after graduation? 1 3 x r E1a _____ months prior to graduation _____ months after graduation Don’t know Refused How many months did you spend actively looking for your first permanent job? Please specify to the nearest number of months. 1 x r E2a [go to E1a] [go to E5] [go to E6] [go to E6] When did you commence your search for a permanent job? Please specify to the nearest number of months either prior to or after graduation. 1 2 x r E2 Yes No Don’t know Refused _____ months Don’t know Refused How would you rate your transition from university to the workforce in terms of finding a permanent job? Would you say… (Interviewer: Read options) 1 2 3 4 x r E2b Did you find a permanent job? 1 3 x r E3 Very easy Somewhat easy Somewhat difficult Very difficult Don’t know Refused Yes No Don’t know Refused [go to E3] [go to E4] [go to E4] [go to E4] Are you still working at this permanent job? 1 3 x r Yes [go to E3a] No Don’t know Refused Please answer the following questions with respect to your first permanent job after graduation. (Interviewer: go to E3b and use the past tense) E3a (Interviewer: go to E3b and use the present tense) E3b Was/is this permanent job full-time or part-time? 1 2 3 x r E3c Full-time Part-time Combination of full-time and part-time Don’t know Refused How did you find this job? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x Through co-op On-campus career services Off-campus career services Referral by friends or relatives Referral by instructor Answered advertisement in newspaper, store window, etc. Previous experience with employer Knew employer Found job on my own Other (specify): _________________________________________________ Don’t know r E3d How useful was your university education at [name of university] in obtaining this permanent job? Would you say … (Interviewer: Read options) 1 2 3 4 x r E3e Very useful Somewhat useful Not very useful Not at all useful Don’t know Refused How would you rate your adjustment to the work in this permanent job? Would you say… (Interviewer: Read options) 1 2 3 4 x r E3g Very useful Somewhat useful Not very useful Not at all useful Don’t know Refused How useful was/is your university education at [name of university] in terms of performing this permanent job? Would you say … (Interviewer: Read options) 1 2 3 4 x r E3f Refused Very easy Somewhat easy Somewhat difficult Very difficult Don’t know Refused In this permanent job, what skill, if any, was/is inadequately developed by your degree program? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x r Ability to analyze and think critically Ability to solve problems Ability to think creatively Ability to write well Ability to speak well Ability to use mathematics Ability to use a computer Ability to work effectively with others Other (specify): ___________________ None Don’t know Refused E3h How related was/is this permanent job to your studies in your bachelor's program? Would you say… (Interviewer: Read options) 1 2 3 4 x r E3i Very related Somewhat related Slightly related Not at all related Don’t know Refused [go to E6] [go to E6] [go to E3i] [go to E3i] [go to E6] [go to E6] Why were/are you not in a permanent job which was/is more related to your [name of program]? 1 2 3 4 5 x r Better pay in present job Couldn’t find field-related job Training was inadequate to get a job related to that field Tried field-related job and found that I didn’t like it Other (specify): _____________________________ Don’t know Refused [go to E6] E4 What is your current situation or main activity? (Interviewer: Read options) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x r Continuing to search for a permanent job Not looking for a permanent job Given up looking for a permanent job Working in a non-permanent job Looking for a non-permanent job Attending school full-time Attending school part-time Other (specify): _____________________________ Don’t know Refused [go to E6] E5 [If E0e = 1, then set E5 = 1 and go to E6] What is the main reason why you did not look for a permanent job? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Attending school Already had a permanent job prior to graduation Prefer non-permanent job(s) Lack of suitable jobs Health reasons Not enough skills Given up [go to E5a] 8 9 10 11 x r Offered a permanent job instantly after graduation [go to E3] Family obligations Retired Other (specify): ___________________________________ Don’t know Refused [go to E6] E5a Having completed your [program name], will you be looking for a new job in the future? 1 3 x r Yes [go to E5b] No Don’t know Refused [go to E6] E5b Will you be looking for a job which matches your [program name] better than your current job? 1 3 x r E6 In your opinion, what is the MAIN thing that [name of university] could do to improve the integration of graduates of your bachelor's program into the workforce? 1 2 3 4 5 9 x r E7 Yes No Don’t know Refused Coop program More practical / less theoretical training Liaison / bridge between graduates and employers Teach job search skills / seminars (i.e. resumes, cover letters etc.) Nothing Other (specify): _________________________________________________ Don’t know Refused What advice would you give to future graduates of your program to aid them in their transition into the workforce? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Get some degree related work experience such as Coop Establish/pursue a goal prior to graduating Begin job search prior to graduating Use job networking Use career counselling Do volunteer work Be open-minded about job opportunities Be persistent/don’t give up Obtain further education beyond bachelor’s degree 10 11 x r Nothing Other (specify): _________________________________________________ Don’t know Refused F. Current Employment Activities The following questions relate to your employment activities at the end of last week. F1 [If E4 = 6, then set F1 = 1 and go to F2a] [If E4 = 7, then set F1 = 2 and go to F2a] Are you currently attending school? If yes, are you attending full-time or part-time? 1 2 3 x r F2a Yes, attending full-time Yes, attending part-time No Don’t Know Refused [If E3 = 1 or E4 = 4, then set F2a = 1 and go to F2b] Are you currently employed? 1 2 x r F2b Yes No (SKIP TO F2d) Don’t Know (GO TO SECTION G) Refused (GO TO SECTION G) [If E3 = 1, then set F2b = E3b and go to F2c] Are you working full-time or part-time? 1 2 3 x r F2c Full-time (SKIP TO F3) Part-time Combination of full-time and part-time (SKIP TO F3) Don’t Know (SKIP TO F3) Refused (SKIP TO F3) [If F2b ≠ 2, go to F3] Are you looking for full-time employment or are you working part-time by choice? 1 2 x r Looking for full-time employment Part-time by choice Don’t Know Refused SKIP TO F3 F2d Do you have a paid job lined up to start at a definite date in the future? 1 2 x r Yes No Don’t Know Refused [go to Section G] F3 [If D3a ≠ 1, then go to F3a] Is this employment a part of your education? (e.g., articles, co-op, internship) 1 2 x r F3a Do you consider this employment to be part of your career path? 1 2 x r F4 Yes No Don’t Know Refused Yes No Don’t Know Refused How many jobs do you currently have? ________ The following questions concern your current job. If you have more than one job, please respond with respect to the job in which you spend the most time. We will refer to this as your “main” job. The answers to the next four questions will only be used to help us determine your occupation and industry codes. We will not be contacting your employer. F5 What is your job title?___________________________________________________ r F6a Refused In this work, what are your most important activities or duties? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ r Refused (NOC Recode field with corresponding label) F6b What is the name of the company you work for? _________________________________________________ r F6c Refused What kind of business, industry or service is this? _________________________________________________ r Refused (SIC Recode field with corresponding label) F7a Are you self-employed in your current main job? 1 2 x r F7b How many people do you employ, not including yourself? ________ r F8a Yes No Don’t Know Refused Do you consider yourself to be underemployed in your current job in terms of salary? 1 2 x r F8c Refused GO TO F9a Does your employer require that you have a university degree for this job? 1 2 x r F8b Yes (GO TO F7b) No (GO TO F8a) Don’t Know (GO TO F8a) Refused (GO TO F8a) Yes No Don’t Know Refused Do you consider yourself to be underemployed in your current job in terms of responsibilities? 1 2 x r Yes No Don’t Know Refused F9a How long have you been working in this job? ______ months F10 How many hours per week do you work at this job?____ F11 What is your gross annual income from this job (including commissions, etc.) before deductions? 1 2 x r F11a ________ annually Not paid annually Don’t Know Refused [go to F11b] [go to F11a] [go to F11a] [go to F11b] (Interviewer: Please probe for other payment schedule and amount.) Payment schedule: 1 2 3 4 5 x r hourly bi-weekly semi-monthly monthly other _________ Don’t Know Refused [go to F11b] [go to F11b] Payment amount: 1 x r ___________ Don’t Know Refused (Convert to an annual salary) F11b GO TO F14 IF F4 IS ONLY ONE JOB F12 How many hours per week do you work in ALL your jobs?____ F13 What is your gross annual income from ALL your jobs before deductions (including commissions, etc.)? 1 2 x r F13a ________ annually Not paid annually Don’t Know Refused [go to F14] [go to F13a] [go to F13a] [go to F14] (Interviewer: Please probe for other payment schedule and amount.) Payment schedule: 1 2 3 4 5 x r hourly bi-weekly semi-monthly monthly other _________ Don’t Know Refused [go to F14] [go to F14] Payment amount: 1 x r ___________ Don’t Know Refused (Convert to an annual salary) F14 Which of the following statements characterize your current, main job? F14a I see my position as temporary while I continue to look for something better. 1 2 x r F14b I anticipate promotion to better jobs from this one within one year. 1 2 x r F14c Yes No Don’t Know Refused Yes No Don’t Know Refused I will need additional education to get a better job than this one. 1 2 x r Yes No [go to F14d] Don’t Know [go to F14d] Refused [go to F14d] If yes, what type of education or training will you need (PLEASE CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY) 1 2 3 4 Another bachelor’s degree Master’s degree Doctoral Degree Technical or vocational training (leading to certificate or diploma) PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OFFERED BY A UNIVERSITY 5 Teacher training 6 Law degree 7 Medicine degree 8 Dentistry degree 9 other university professional training (specify): ______________________ 10 other university or college academic credit courses PROFESSIONAL TRAINING NOT OFFERED BY A UNIVERSITY OR COLLEGE 11 Professional certification programs (e.g., CA, CGA) 12 e.g., technical, multiple short courses x r F14d Don’t Know Refused My job is based on a limited term contract. 1 2 x r Yes No Don’t Know Refused The following questions concern the relationship between your current main job and your education in the [name of program] program at [university]. F15 [If E3 = 1, then set F15 = E3h and F15a = E3i, and then go to F16] How related is your current main job to your studies in your bachelor's program? Would you say… (Interviewer: Read options) 1 2 3 4 x r F15a Better pay in present job Couldn’t find field-related job Training was inadequate to get a job related to that field Tried field-related job and found that I didn’t like it Other (specify): _____________________________ Don’t know Refused How satisfied are you with your current job? Would you say … (Interviewer: Read options) 1 2 3 4 x r F17 [go to F16] [go to F16] [go to F15a] [go to F15a] [go to F16] [go to F16] Why are you not in a main job which is more related to your [name of program]? 1 2 3 4 5 x r F16 Very related Somewhat related Slightly related Not at all related Don’t know Refused Very satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don’t Know Refused Computer skills are often seen as important skills in the work environment. How important do you feel a knowledge of using a computer is to your current main job? Would you say … (Interviewer: Read options) 1 2 3 4 x r F18 [go to Section G] [go to Section G] [go to Section G] Are there any computer skills that you did not acquire but would have been useful to you in your current job? 1 2 x r F19 Extremely important Somewhat important Not very important Not at all important Don’t know Refused Yes No [go to Section G] Don’t know [go to Section G] Refused [go to Section G] What are these other computer skills? (Interviewer: Read options and check all that applies) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x r ___ Keyboarding or data entry skills ___ Word processing skills ___ Spreadsheet skills ___ Programming skills ___ Internet skills ___ Specialized software skills ___ Other (specify): ________________________ Don’t Know Refused G. Overall University Experience G1a Overall, what were the most significant positive aspects of your university experience? 1 2 3 4 5 x r G1b Personal growth (e.g., becoming independent, building self-confidence) Social interaction (e.g., meeting people, starting friendships) Education received Nothing Other (specify): _______________________________________ Don’t know Refused Overall, what were the most significant negative aspects of your university experience? 1 2 3 4 5 x Lack of suitable employment opportunities Financial problems Stress or a heavy workload Nothing Other (specify): _______________________________________ Don’t know r Refused H. University Services The university provides several services to students. To help us improve these services, we would like you to evaluate the effectiveness of these services in terms of usage and quality of each service. Please respond with either “Yes” or “No” to each service. H1 During your degree program at [name of university], did you use the following university services? 1 2 x r Yes No Don’t Know Refused (Interviewer: Go to the SFU, UBC, UNBC, or UVic Section. To save time, read “quality” options once or twice and then simply ask “How would you rate the quality of this service?”) SFU: H1a H1b H1c H1d H1e __ Health Services __ [If H1a = 1, then ask “How would you rate the quality of this service? Would you say it was 1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Fair, or 4=Poor?” x=Don’t know, r=Refused] __ Counselling Services (includes learning skills workshops, personal counselling, and the Career Resource Library) __ [If H1b = 1, then ask “How would you rate the quality of this service? Would you say it was 1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Fair, or 4=Poor?” x=Don’t know, r=Refused] __ Student Employment Centre __ [If H1c = 1, then ask “How would you rate the quality of this service? Would you say it was 1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Fair, or 4=Poor?” x=Don’t know, r=Refused] __ Recreational Services and Athletics (includes intramurals) __ [If H1d = 1, then ask “How would you rate the quality of this service? Would you say it was 1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Fair, or 4=Poor?” x=Don’t know, r=Refused] Please specify one other service that you have used and would like to comment on: Use options 1 to 23 from H2 24 No other service [go to H2] __ [“How would you rate the quality of this service? Would you say it was 1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Fair, or 4=Poor?” x=Don’t know, r=Refused] [go to H2] UBC: H1a H1b H1c H1d H1e __ Academic Advising __ [If H1a = 1, then ask “How would you rate the quality of this service? Would you say it was 1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Fair, or 4=Poor?” x=Don’t know, r=Refused] __ Counselling Services (career) __ [If H1b = 1, then ask “How would you rate the quality of this service? Would you say it was 1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Fair, or 4=Poor?” x=Don’t know, r=Refused] __ Counselling Services (personal) __ [If H1c = 1, then ask “How would you rate the quality of this service? Would you say it was 1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Fair, or 4=Poor?” x=Don’t know, r=Refused] __ Employment Services __ [If H1d = 1, then ask “How would you rate the quality of this service? Would you say it was 1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Fair, or 4=Poor?” x=Don’t know, r=Refused] Please specify one other service that you have used and would like to comment on: Use options 1 to 23 from H2 24 No other service [go to H2] __ [“How would you rate the quality of this service? Would you say it was 1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Fair, or 4=Poor?” x=Don’t know, r=Refused] [go to H2] UNBC: H1a H1b H1c H1d __ Academic Advising __ [If H1a = 1, then ask “How would you rate the quality of this service? Would you say it was 1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Fair, or 4=Poor?” x=Don’t know, r=Refused] __ Library __ [If H1b = 1, then ask “How would you rate the quality of this service? Would you say it was 1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Fair, or 4=Poor?” x=Don’t know, r=Refused] __ Computing Services __ [If H1c = 1, then ask “How would you rate the quality of this service? Would you say it was 1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Fair, or 4=Poor?” x=Don’t know, r=Refused] __ Recreational Services __ [If H1d = 1, then ask “How would you rate the quality of this service? Would you say it was 1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Fair, or 4=Poor?” x=Don’t know, r=Refused] H1e Please specify one other service that you have used and would like to comment on: Use options 1 to 23 from H2 24 No other service [go to H2] __ [“How would you rate the quality of this service? Would you say it was 1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Fair, or 4=Poor?” x=Don’t know, r=Refused] [go to H2] UVic: H1a H1b H1c H1d H1e __ Academic Advising __ [If H1a = 1, then ask “How would you rate the quality of this service? Would you say it was 1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Fair, or 4=Poor?” x=Don’t know, r=Refused] __ Counselling Services (career and personal) __ [If H1b = 1, then ask “How would you rate the quality of this service? Would you say it was 1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Fair, or 4=Poor?” x=Don’t know, r=Refused] __ Library __ [If H1c = 1, then ask “How would you rate the quality of this service? Would you say it was 1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Fair, or 4=Poor?” x=Don’t know, r=Refused] __ Places for socializing (e.g., cafeteria, Student Union Building, gym) __ [If H1d = 1, then ask “How would you rate the quality of this service? Would you say it was 1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Fair, or 4=Poor?” x=Don’t know, r=Refused] Please specify one other service that you have used and would like to comment on: Use options 1 to 23 from H2 24 No other service [go to H2] __ [“How would you rate the quality of this service? Would you say it was 1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Fair, or 4=Poor?” x=Don’t know, r=Refused] H2 Were there any services not available to you that would have been beneficial to you? (Interviewer: Check all that applies) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Academic Advising Accounting Services Anti-Harassment Office Athletics and Recreation Services Campus Security Services Centre for Students with Disabilities Chaplaincy Counselling Services — Career 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Counselling Services — Personal Counselling Services — Study Skills Day Care Services Drop-in Computer Labs Employment Services Financial Aid First Nations Student Services Health Services International Exchange Student Services Library Residence/Housing Retail Operations (i.e., Cafeteria, Bookstore, Convenience Store) Telephone Registration Services Volunteer Services Other (specify): _______________________ No other service I. Questions Not Asked I1 Is there anything that we missed asking you that you would like to comment on? If yes, please give us your comments. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ J. Equity Issues The B.C. universities consider participation of equity groups in degree programs and in the labour market to be an important issue. The following questions will help us assess the participation rates and labour market outcomes for these selected subgroups. J1 Do you have a persistent physical, sensory, learning or emotional disability? Some examples of disabilities are: heart condition, hemophilia, hearing, mobility or vision impairment, psychiatric illness. 1 3 x r J2 Yes No Don’t know Refused Are you an aboriginal person? Some examples are Inuit, Metis and North American Indian — either status or non-status. 1 3 x r Yes No Don’t know Refused J3 Are you part of a visible minority in Canada? Some examples of visible minorities are: Black, East Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Korean), Indo-Pakistani, Middle Eastern, Pacific Islander, Southeast Asian, West Asian. 1 3 x r Yes No Don’t know Refused K. Confirmation and Data Sharing Questions K1 Our records indicate that your postal (zip) code is [postal (zip) code]. Is this correct? 1 3 x r Yes No Don’t know Refused [go to K2] [go to K1a] [go to K2] [go to K2] K1a Could you please tell us your postal (zip) code? _________________ K2 [Name of University] plans to link the data from this survey with administrative data. All information provided will be kept strictly confidential and will be used only for statistical purposes. Do you agree to share your information with the [Name of University] and the Ministry of Education, Skills and Training for the purposes of statistical reporting? 1 3 x Yes No Refused