Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on the Genetics of Host-Parasite

United States
Department of
Forest Service
Pacific Southwest
Research Station
General Technical
November 2012
Proceedings of the Fourth
International Workshop on
the Genetics of Host-Parasite
Interactions in Forestry:
Disease and Insect Resistance
in Forest Trees
July 31 to August 5, 2011 – Eugene, Oregon, USA
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Technical Coordinators
Richard A. Sniezko is center geneticist, U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Dorena Genetic Resource
Center, 34963 Shoreview Road, Cottage Grove, OR 97424
(e-mail address:
Alvin D. Yanchuk is senior scientist, British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource
Operations, Tree Improvement Branch, PO Box 9518, Stn Prov Govt, Victoria, BC, V8W9C2, Canada
(e-mail address:
John T. Kliejunas is regional forest pathologist (retired), U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Pacific
Southwest Region, 1323 Club Drive, Vallejo, CA 94592-1110 (e-mail address:
Katharine M. Palmieri is public information officer, California Oak Mortality Task Force, 163 Mulford Hall,
University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-3114 (e-mail address:
Janice M. Alexander is sudden oak death outreach specialist, University of California, Cooperative Extension,
Suite 150-B, 1682 Novato Blvd, Novato CA 94947 (e-mail address:
Susan J. Frankel is plant pathologist, U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research
Station, 800 Buchanan Street, West Annex Building, Albany, CA 94710 (e-mail address:
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on
the Genetics of Host-Parasite Interactions in Forestry:
Disease and Insect Resistance in Forest Trees
July 31 to August 5, 2011 – Eugene, Oregon, USA
Richard A. Sniezko, Alvin D. Yanchuk, John T. Kliejunas,
Katharine M. Palmieri, Janice M. Alexander, and Susan J. Frankel
Technical Coordinators
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service
Pacific Southwest Research Station
Albany, CA
General Technical Report PSW-GTR-240
October 2012
Conference Sponsors
International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO):
Working Party 7.03.11 Resistance to Insects
Working Party 2.02.15 Breeding and Genetic Resources of Five-Needle Pines
USDA Forest Service:
Western Wildland Environmental Threat Assessment Center (WWETAC)
Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center (EFETAC)
Pacific Northwest Region, Forest Health Protection & Genetic Resource Programs
Pacific Northwest Research Station (PNW)
Pacific Southwest Research Station (PSW)
King Estate Winery
University of California Cooperative Extension
California Oak Mortality Task Force, California Forest Pest Council
Starker Forests
Cover illustration: The Elders, Sugar Pine in the Morning by Dean Davis.
Technical Committee
Richard Sniezko, USDA Forest Service, Dorena Genetic Resource Center, USA
Alvin Yanchuk, British Columbia Ministry of Forests and Range, Canada
Dan Herms, Ohio State University, USA
Everett Hansen, Oregon State University, USA
Jeff Stone, Oregon State University, USA
Anna Schoettle, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, USA
Susan Frankel, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, USA
Dana Nelson, USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, USA
Fred Hebard, The American Chestnut Foundation, USA
Acelino Couto Alfenas, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brazil
Arnaud Dowkiw, French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA Orléans), France
Luis Sampedro, Centro de Investigación Forestal de Lourizán at Galicia, Spain
Alberto Santini, Istituto per le Protezione delle Piante – National Research Council (CNR), Italy
Charles G. “Terry” Shaw, USDA Forest Service, Western Wildland Environmental Threat
Assessment Center, USA
Dan Quiring, University of New Brunswick, Canada
Fred Hain, North Carolina State University, USA
Brian Stanton, GreenWood Resources, Inc., USA
Bohun B. Kinloch, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station,
Institute of Forest Genetics (retired), USA
Fikret Isik, Research Associate Professor of Quantitative Genetics, NCSU Cooperative Tree
Improvement Program, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Local Organizing Committee
Richard Sniezko, USDA Forest Service, Dorena Genetic Resource Center, OR - Workshop Chair
Katie Palmieri, University of California, Berkeley; California Oak Mortality Task Force
Janice Alexander, University of California, Cooperative Extension, Marin County,
California Oak Mortality Task Force
Susan Frankel, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, CA
Angelia Kegley, USDA Forest Service, Dorena Genetic Resource Center, OR
Sunny Lucas, USDA Forest Service, Dorena Genetic Resource Center, OR
Michael Crawford, USDI Bureau of Land Management, OR
Larry Johnston, USDI Bureau of Land Management, OR
Sniezko, R.A.; Yanchuk, A.D.; Kliejunas, J.T.; Palmieri, K.M.; Alexander, J.M.; Frankel, S.J. 2012.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on the Genetics of Host-Parasite Interactions in
Forestry: Disease and Insect Resistance in Forest Trees. General Technical Report PSW-GTR-240.
Albany, CA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station. 372 p.
The Fourth International Workshop on the Genetics of Host-Parasite Interactions in Forestry: Disease and
Insect Resistance in Forest Trees provided a forum for research and management options and successes
which have occurred over the last 30 years (the previous workshop was held in 1980 in Wageningen, The
Netherlands). Eighty-eight submissions from oral and poster presentations at the 2011 workshop held in
Eugene, Oregon provide a worldwide, comprehensive update on many aspects of research and operational
programs on genetic resistance to forest insects and diseases. Topics of concern to natural forest systems
and intensively managed forests are discussed, including resistance mechanisms, durability of resistance,
ecology and evolutionary biology of resistance and tolerance, pathogen evolution, molecular tools, shortterm screening assays for resistance and status of several applied forest tree resistance programs.
Key words: forest disease and insect resistance, evolutionary biology, climate change, durable resistance
Mechanisms of Resistance to Pests and Pathogens
Tree Breeding for Pest Resistance for the Next 50 Years: The Search for Cross
Alvin D. Yanchuk
Multiple Resistances Against Diseases and Insects in a Breeding Population of
Pinus pinaster
Alejandro Solla, María Vivas, Elena Cubera, Luis Sampedro, Xoaquín Moreira,
Esther Merl, Raúl de la Mata, and Rafael Zas
Endophyte Mediated Plant-Herbivore Interactions or Cross Resistance to Fungi and Insect
Kari Saikkonen and Marjo Helander
Insertion Site Selection and Feeding of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid: Implications for
Host-Plant Resistance
K.L.F. Oten, A.C. Cohen, and F.P. Hain
Genetic Basis of Resistance in Eucalyptus spp. Pathosystems
Acelino Couto Alfenas, Lúcio Mauro da Silva Guimarães, and
Marcos Deon Vilela de Resende
Genetic Variation of Lodgepole Pine Physical and Chemical Defenses Associated
With Each Step in Host Selection Behavior Sequence by Mountain Pine Beetle
Kimberly F. Wallin, Daniel S. Ott, and Alvin D. Yanchuk
Stilbenes as Constitutive and Induced Protection Compounds in Scots Pine
(Pinus sylvestris L.)
Anni Harju and Martti Venäläinen
Simultaneous Laurel Wilt Disease Biology and Resistance Research
Jason A. Smith and Randy C. Ploetz
Breeding for Resistance in a Changing Environment - Durable Resistance:
Hopes, Pitfalls, and Management Strategies
Breeding Poplars with Durable Resistance to Melampsora larici-populina Leaf Rust:
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Understand and Delay Pathogen Adaptation
A. Dowkiw, V. Jorge, M. Villar, E. Voisin, V. Guérin, P. Faivre-Rampant, A.
Bresson, F. Bitton, S. Duplessis, P. Frey, B. Petre, C. Guinet, C. Xhaard,
B. Fabre, F. Halkett, C. Plomion, C. Lalanne, and C. Bastien
Developing Hazelnuts (Corylus spp.) with Durable Resistance to Eastern Filbert Blight
Caused by Anisogramma anomala
Thomas J. Molnar, John Capik, Clayton W. Leadbetter, Ning Zhang, Guohong Cai, and
Bradley I. Hillman
Breeding for Growth Improvement and Resistance to Multiple Pests in Thuja plicata
John H. Russell and Alvin D. Yanchuk
The New Zealand Douglas-fir Breeding Program: Proposed Adjustments for a
Changing Climate
Heidi Dungey, Charlie Low, Mark Miller, Kane Fleet, and Alvin D. Yanchuk
White Pine Blister Rust Resistance Research in Minnesota and Wisconsin
Andrew David, Paul Berrang, and Carrie Pike
Phenotypic Evidence Suggests a Possible Major-Gene Element to Weevil Resistance
in Sitka Spruce
John N. King, René I. Alfaro, Peter Ott, and Lara vanAkker
Operational Program to Develop Phytophthora lateralis-Resistant Populations of
Port-Orford-cedar (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana)
R.A. Sniezko, J. Hamlin, and E.M. Hansen
Strong Partial Resistance to White Pine Blister Rust in Sugar Pine
Bohun B. Kinloch, Jr., Deems Burton, Dean A. Davis, Robert D. Westfall, Joan Dunlap,
and Detlev Vogler
An Investigation into Western White Pine Partial Resistance Against the Rust Pathogen
Cronartium ribicola Using In Vitro Screening Method
D. Noshad and J.N. King
Resistance Gene Management: Concepts and Practice
Christopher C. Mundt
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology of Resistance and Tolerance
– Natural Systems
An Overview of Ecological and Evolutionary Research on Disease in Natural Systems:
An Annotated Reference List
Helen M. Alexander
What Do We Know About Mechanisms for Tolerating Pathogens, and Can Tolerance Be
Applied to Managing Tree Diseases?
Bitty A. Roy
Approaches to Understanding the Impact of Life-History Features on Plant-Pathogen
Co-Evolutionary Dynamics
Jeremy J. Burdon, Peter H. Thrall, and Adnane Nemri
Integrating Regeneration, Genetic Resistance, and Timing of Intervention for the
Long-Term Sustainability of Ecosystems Challenged by Non-Native Pests – A Novel
Proactive Approach
A.W. Schoettle, J.G. Klutsch, and R.A. Sniezko
Plant Compensatory Growth in Aspen Seedlings: The Role of Frequency and Intensity
of Herbivory and Resource Availability
Nadir Erbilgin, David A. Galvez, and Bin Zhang
Trade-Offs Between Induced and Constitutive Resistance in Two Pine Species: Secondary
Chemistry, Effective Antiherbivore-Resistance, and Effect of Nutrient Availability
Luis Sampedro, Xoaquín Moreira, and Rafael Zas
Host Preference of the Vector Beetle, Host Resistance, and Expanding Pattern of Japanese
Oak Wilt in a Stand
Kazuyoshi Futai, Hiroaki Kiku, Hong-ye Qi, Hagus Tarn, Yuko Takeuchi, and
Michimasa Yamasaki
The Effect of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Infestation on Water Relations of Carolina and
Eastern Hemlock
Laura Rivera, JC Domec, John Frampton, Fred Hain, John King, and Ben Smith
Genotype × Environment Interaction and Growth Stability of Several Elm Clones
Resistant to Dutch Elm Disease
Alberto Santini, Francesco Pecori, Alessia L. Pepori, and Luisa Ghelardini
Rapid Evolution of Introduced Tree Pathogens Via Episodic Selection and Horizontal
Gene Transfer
Clive Brasier
Dynamics of Surviving Ash (Fraxinus spp.) Populations in Areas Long Infested by
Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis)
Kathleen S. Knight, Daniel Herms, Reid Plumb, Eileen Sawyer, Daniel Spalink,
Elizabeth Pisarczyk, Bernadette Wiggin, Rachel Kappler, Emily Ziegler, and Karen Menard
Coast Live Oak Resistance to Phytophthora ramorum
B.A. McPherson, David L. Wood, Sylvia R. Mori, and Pierluigi Bonello
Relationship Between Field Resistance to Phytophthora ramorum and Constitutive Phenolic
Chemistry of Coast Live Oak
A.M. Nagle, B.A. McPherson, D.L. Wood, M. Garbelotto, A.O. Conrad,
S. Opiyo, and P. Bonello
Modeling Elm Growth and Dutch Elm Disease Susceptibility
Alberto Santini and Luisa Ghelardini
Altered Distribution of Susceptibility Phenotypes Implies Environmental Modulation
of Genetic Resistance
Thomas R. Gordon and Neil McRoberts
Latent Infection by Fusarium circinatum Influences Susceptibility
of Monterey Pine Seedlings to Pitch Canker
Cassandra L. Swett and Thomas R. Gordon
Breeding for Resistance in Norway Spruce to the Root and Butt Rot
Fungi Heterobasidion spp.
G. Swedjemark, A.K. Borg-Karlson, and B. Karlsson
Using Survival Analysis for Assessing Resistance to Phytophthora
lateralis in Port-Orford-Cedar Families
Sylvia R. Mori, Richard A. Sniezko, Angelia Kegley, and Jim Hamlin
Molecular and Genomics Tools in Resistance Programs
Integrating Molecular Tools and Conventional Approaches in the Oregon State University
Hazelnut Breeding Program
Shawn A. Mehlenbacher
High-Resolution Genetic and Physical Mapping of Eastern Filbert Blight Resistance
in Hazelnut
Vidyasagar Sathuvalli and Shawn A. Mehlenbacher
Molecular and Genetic Basis for Partial Resistance of Western White Pine against
Cronartium ribicola
Jun-Jun Liu, Arezoo Zamany, and Richard Sniezko
Mapping Resistance to Phytophthora cinnamoni in Chestnut (Castanea sp.)
Bode A. Olukolu, C. Dana Nelson, and Albert G. Abbott
Evaluating Resistance
Methods for Screening Port-Orford-Cedar for Resistance to Phytophthora lateralis
Everett M. Hansen, Paul Reeser, Wendy Sutton, and Richard A. Sniezko
Resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi in the Genus Abies
John Frampton, Fikret Isik, Mike Benson, Jaroslav Kobliha, and Jan Stejskal
Host Resistance Screening for Balsam Woolly Adelgid: A Comparison of Seedlings
From 12 Fir Species
Leslie Newton, John Frampton, and Fred Hain
Resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi Among Seedlings From Backcross Families
of Hybrid American Chestnut
Steven N. Jeffers, Inga M. Meadows, Joseph B. James, and Paul H. Sisco
Screening for Resistance to Beech Bark Disease: Improvements and Results from
Seedlings and Grafted Field Selections
Jennifer L. Koch, Mary E. Mason, and David W. Carey
Breeding Resistance to Butternut Canker Disease
James McKenna, Keith Woeste, and Michael Ostry
Towards the Development of a Laurel Wilt Screening Program in Redbay
(Persea borbonia)
Marc Hughes and Jason Smith
211Breeding Eucalyptus for Disease Resistance
Edival A.V. Zauza, Acelino Couto Alfenas, Lúcio Mauro da Silva Guimarães, and
João Flávio da Silva
Fusiform Rust Resistance - Southern Pines
Identification of Pathogen Avirulence Genes in the Fusiform Rust Pathosystem
John M. Davis, Katherine E. Smith, Amanda Pendleton, Jason A. Smith,
and C. Dana Nelson
Tandem Selection for Fusiform Rust Disease Resistance to Develop a Clonal Elite
Breeding Population of Loblolly Pine
Steve McKeand, Saul Garcia, Josh Steiger, Jim Grissom, Ross Whetten, and Fikret Isik
Bulked Fusiform Rust Inocula and Fr Gene Interactions in Loblolly Pine
Fikret Isik, Henry Amerson, Saul Garcia, Ross Whetten, and Steve McKeand
Selection of Loblolly Pine Varieties Resistant to Fusiform Rust for Commercial Deployment
Andy Benowicz and Robert J. Weir
Resistance Breeding Programs
The American Chestnut Foundation Breeding Program
F.V. Hebard
Breeding Strategies for the Development of Emerald Ash Borer - Resistant North
American Ash
Jennifer L. Koch, David W. Carey, Kathleen S. Knight, Therese Poland, Daniel A. Herms,
and Mary E. Mason
Breeding for Disease Resistance in Hevea spp. - Status, Potential Threats, and
Possible Strategies
Chaendaekattu Narayanan and Kavitha K. Mydin
Developing a Disease Resistance Research Program for Tanoaks
Katherine J. Hayden, Jessica W. Wright, Richard S. Dodd, and Matteo Garbelotto
Genetic Variation in Resistance to Pine Pitch Canker and Western Gall Rust in Monterey
Pine (Pinus radiata D. Don): Results From a Three-Country Collaborative Field Trial
A.C. Matheson, W.R. Mark, G. Stovold, C. Balocchi, N Smith, and C. Brassey
Genetic Selection in Coastal Douglas-fir for Tolerance to Swiss Needle Cast Disease
Keith J.S. Jayawickrama, David Shaw, and Terrance Z. Ye
White Pine Blister Rust Resistance in Pinus monticola and P. albicaulis in the
Pacific Northwest U.S. – A Tale of Two Species
Richard A. Sniezko, Angelia Kegley, and Robert Danchok
Shoot Winter Injury and Nut Cold Tolerance: Possible Limitations for American Chestnut
Restoration in Cold Environments?
Thomas M. Saielli, Paul G. Schaberg, Gary J. Hawley, Joshua M. Halman, and
Kendra M. Gurney
Screening Sitka Spruce for Resistance to Weevil Damage in British Columbia
René I. Alfaro and John N. King
Developing Clones of Eucalyptus cloeziana Resistant to Rust (Puccinia psidii)
Rafael F. Alfenas, Marcelo M. Coutinho, Camila S. Freitas, Rodrigo G. Freitas,
and Acelino C. Alfenas
Screening for Resistance to Fusiform Rust in Southern United States Forest Trees
Josh Bronson
Variation in the Development of Current Season Needle Necrosis on Noble, Nordmann,
and Turkish Fir Christmas Trees in the United States Pacific Northwest
Gary A Chastagner, Kathy Riley, and Chal Landgren
Frequency of Hypersensitive-Like Reaction and Stem Infections in a Large Full-Sib
Family of Pinus monticola
Robert S. Danchok, R.A Sniezko, S. Long, A. Kegley, D. Savin, J.B. Mayo, J.J. Liu,
and J. Hill
Operational Disease Screening Program for Resistance to Wilt in Acacia koa in Hawaii
Nick Dudley, Robert James, Richard Sniezko, Phil Cannon, Aileen Yeh, Tyler Jones,
and Michael Kaufmann
290 A First Look at Genetic Variation in Resistance to the Root Pathogen Phytophthora
cinnamomi using a Range-wide Collection of Pacific Madrone (Arbutus menziesii)
Marianne Elliott, Gary Chastagner, Annie DeBauw, Gil Dermott, and Richard A. Sniezko
Range-wide Genetic Variability in Pacific Madrone (Arbutus menziesii): Examining
Disease Resistance, Growth, and Survival in a Common Garden Study
Marianne Elliott, Gary A. Chastagner, Gil Dermott, Alan Kanaskie, Richard A. Sniezko,
and Jim Hamlin
Development of Screening Trials to Rank Pinus radiata Gentoypes for Resistance to
Defoliation by Monterey Pine Aphid (Essigella californica)
Stephen Elms, Peter Ades, and Nick Collet
Tree-Mediated Interactions Between the Jack Pine Budworm and a Mountain Pine Beetle
Fungal Associate
Nadir Erbilgin and Jessie Colgan
The Chapter Breeding Program of the American Chestnut Foundation
Sara Fitzsimmons, Kendra Gurney, William White, and Katy McCune
304 Needle Terpenoid Composition of Pinus halepensis (Mill.) Trees Infested by the Scale
Insect Marchalina hellenica (Genn.) in Greece
Athanassios Gallis, Carlos Arrabal, Aristotle C. Papageorgiou, and
Maria C. Garcia-Vallejo
Genetic Variation of Piperidine Alkaloids in Pinus ponderosa From a Common Garden
Elizabeth A. Gerson, Rick G. Kelsey, and J. Bradley St. Clair
Gene Expression in the Tanoak-Phytophthora ramorum Interaction
Katherine J. Hayden, Matteo Garbelotto, Hardeep Rai, Brian Knaus, Richard Cronn, and
Jessica W. Wright
Blister Rust Resistance Among 19 Families of Whitebark Pine, Pinus albicaulis, From
Oregon and Washington – Early Results From an Artificial Inoculation Trial
Angelia Kegley, Richard A. Sniezko, Robert Danchok, and Douglas P. Savin
Interaction of an Invasive Bark Beetle with a Native Forest Pathogen: Potential Effect of
Dwarf Mistletoe on Range Expansion of Mountain Pine Beetle in Jack Pine Forests
Jennifer Klutsch and Nadir Erbilgin
Using Dutch Elm Disease-Tolerant Elm to Restore Floodplains Impacted by Emerald
Ash Borer
Kathleen S. Knight, James M. Slavicek, Rachel Kappler, Elizabeth Pisarczyk,
Bernadette Wiggin, and Karen Menard
Quantitative Trait Loci for Resistance to Two Fungal Pathogens in Quercus robur
Cécile Robin, Amira Mougou-Hamdane, Jean-Marc Gion, Antoine Kremer, and
Marie-Laure Desprez-Loustau
Testing Resistance to Chestnut Blight of Hybrid Chestnuts
Cécile Robin, Xavier Capdevielle, Gilles Saint-Jean, and Teresa Barreneche
The Italian Elm Breeding Program for Dutch Elm Disease Resistance
Alberto Santini, Francesco Pecori, and Luisa Ghelardini
Patterns of Resistance to Cronartium ribicola in Pinus aristata, Rocky Mountain
Bristlecone Pine
A.W. Schoettle, R.A. Sniezko, A. Kegley, R. Danchok, and K.S. Burns
Development of Methods for the Restoration of the American Elm in Forested Landscapes
James M. Slavicek
Generation of American Elm Trees with Tolerance to Dutch Elm Disease Through
Controlled Crosses and Selection
James M. Slavicek and Kathleen S. Knight
Breeding for Resistance to Adelgids in Abies fraseri, Tsuga canadensis, and T. caroliniana
Ben Smith, Fred Hain, and John Frampton
Nine Year Survival of 16 Phytophthora lateralis Resistant and Susceptible
Port-Orford-Cedar Families in a Southern Oregon Field Trial
Richard A. Sniezko, Jim Hamlin, Everett Hansen, and Sunny Lucas
White Pine Blister Rust Resistance of 12 Western White Pine Families at Three Field
Sites in the Pacific Northwest
Richard A. Sniezko, Robert Danchok, Jim Hamlin, Angelia Kegley, Sally Long,
and James Mayo
Are Needle Reactions in Resistance to Cronartium ribicola a Hypersensitivity Response?
Katarina Sweeney, Jeffrey Stone, Kathy Cook, Richard Sniezko, Angelia Kegley, and
Anna Schoettle
The Potential of Breeding for Enhanced Inducibility in Pinus pinaster and Pinus radiata
Rafael Zas, Alejandro Solla, Xoaquin Moreira, and Luis Sampedro