(c) crown copyright Catalogue Reference:CAB/24/189 Image Reference:0004 T g S DOCUMENT I S THE PROKHTY 01 H I S BRITAKKIC MAJESTY ^ OOvTSRlTKBLTg ) 1 3 3 0 R E T . i.P. 288 OOPY HO. ( 3 C) (27). C A B I N E T . ) / IRAQ; NEGOTIATIONS FOR TREATY R E V I S I O N . MSKORAITDPM BY 3?H3 AO T i l l G SECRETARY OP STATS FOR TEE "COLONIES. At I the Cabinet meeting made a b r i e f the revision which shows of the Anglo-Iraq that It King Feisal issue obtain were tender and h i s tv;ofold, ana advice I the (2) obvious It last is the (1) of right of on a l l this the former broken but question prepared We c o u l d Jeisal (2) to meet the not to independence" Government i n my either (l) offer that that to statement have also remains 56 ( 2 7 ) , would before concessions the n e g o t i a t i o n s their actually point. alternatives further -I­ the"complete King P e i s a l a new a g r e e m e n t take (/ C a b i n e t viz., advice on t h i s two o b v i o u s to at matters^ point of are and a l l o w m a t t e r s "complete certain our v i e w s fact with of King P e i s a l discxissions There the deadlock. t h e main p o i n t s point, the w i t h a viev; t o k e e p i n g face a Dobbs discussions desire latter that is for wesko on t h e and i t the important of Iraq unsettled, reached the B r i t i s h independence" down; in viz., mentioned Cabinet early that to Iraq the n e g o t i a t i o n s have Ministers the November-^ treaties. the n e g o t i a t i o n s became 16th a memorandum b y S i r H e n r y trea.ty r e c o g n i t i o n o f Iraq., on t h e statement regarding I now c i r c u l a t e to 228 is to us. King alive, or impracticable course. Conclusion 5 . be As r e g a r d s that the only the n o n i n a l without are obvious. held, might be if the beyond point is be in return for in regard advice.. to we f a l l existing treaties, chance of league which I for in to In the It is for it In even after period, This place, only of our views is the of which, thus regulate and p l a c e we I r a q had is any could upon first some p o r t i o n s at lose any entered ho Anglo-Iraqi is a great a point deal to of various difficulties return could not to'Iraq in contemplate that, the Garrison which had the to decide are a the P r i t i s h Cabinet rate, the t h e High Commissioner warns u s conditions, between been the alternativesIf the second desirable that should be presented the least the alternative failure tc for the to is conclude the public unfavourable responsibility peg difficulty r of case. alternative second follov; EIng j ? l e s a l s those proposed. in tho it of nations the in has documents. by Iraq second mood", a n d of Iraq acceptance and would the The other siirrendered, But, force furthea? r e d a c t i o n two of seen independence 'complete" which, know t h a t Mr. A n e r y a t t a c h e s discontented given etc. : and the league facts an i n d e f i n i t e importance. likely to to be If word back w i t h o u t of Hations relations the a treaty would continue "independence" the complete adopted, the for would the Zing. Treaties xmaeeeptable goes altogether case, in it of "complete satisfy The a l r e a d y been r e c o g n i s e d the King p r o s s e s alternative, recognition qnnlificataon,would objections But former light. defence on w h i c h t o h a n g a s u i t a b l e followed, a new it treaty b o t h h o x ' s ancl i n The q u e s t i o n of Iraq affords announcement. is Iraq of a convenient This question may "be said to be the seed from which all the difficulties in regard to treaty revision sprang.. It was the British Governments decision last year that Iraq must accept, as from August 1928, full responsibility for her oral defence that first gave King Poisal the pretest for raising the question of conscription and demanding political concessions from us in order to render conscription palatable.. It has nov; "been recognised that wo shall, have to continue our military support to Iraq after 1928 and Eing Jeisal has been so informed.. It is therefore possible to argue that the basis upon which the treaty discussions were inaugurated has been wholly modified and consequently that the need for their continuance has disappeared. King i?eisal has himself suggested that the public announcement on the subject should take this form. A draft announcement on these lines is appended. Colonial Office, 21st November, 1927. NOTE ON RESULTS OP THE BREAKING DOWN OP NEGOTIATIONS V.TTH IRAQ, FOR A KEY.' TREATY. By S i r 1. The present sown i n two 1926, in vis;: of (a) later that into Iraq termination not cf the than the 3 of for Iraq was of His the King P e i s a l inevitable, the year of (b) 1928 f u l l 1928 B r i t i s h would be alliance. Great willing to her influence by Iraq 1928 of her not internal Iraq In Iraq. In and f o r could continue policy, the on tho that Government Majesty's secure and would be League and t o n as set soon as order that admission of Government Iraq to January, politicians hope that the for the with the would use League of for, a be general acceptance her Great in completely would finances Britain or control to of, get respenslbIIitles Treaty. were the lS2So) or e v e n after her existing frontiers up i n a c c o r d a n c e Britannic and for to r e t a i n her security, terminate . paragraph thought, g i v e n b y Mr. W i n s t o n the the enjoy the benefits they in of forced by circumstances undertaken by the assurance order a confident to would financial Iraqi responsibility and i n t e r n a l January, consequent (vide of pretend to retain responsibility Into 1922, alliance They reasoned defence and t u t e l a g e also Britain, complete and internal of been should accept conspicuously w h i l e they would continue British Iraq section two p r o v i s i o n s relaxed, of and the Treaty had b a s e d upon thr-se control having question aggression attached to and a l a r g e the military the preservaticnof Note seeds Treaty Nations that foreign for Majesty, s Government consideration Treaty,' its Anglo-Iraq League against of Explanatory High Commissionor Britannic active into responsibility defence, crisis provisions 1928 take entry Henry Dobhs, They Churchill settled, organic their relied in October, and a laws stable His good o f f i c e s King P e i s a l to rightly wished that relations desire On t h e discussion of His request to the admission of Iraq of that contentment Majesty s the despatch into the cannot stay press classes, not to those we h a v e h a d i n in Iraq". were If checked now t h i s and they I atmosphere change soon experience in Iraq the which she h a s had to hear political do i n power classes for mischief tranqxiility. striking and and t h e aerodromes 5. troops, could not -ould disillusionment clasoes stxidents King and h i s us, the the political For the f a r more h e a v i l y the lawyers only forces tutelage early and E g y p t . solid the from of whole appear in po^er -jould left to for be Ministers plotting in suspicious assassinations gviard o\.;r wavering-" His Britannic despatch 1928, against the dreary count long time and p a r a d i n g , Iraq truth release hope if similar would Great B r i t a i n India t h a n do t h e In no intriguing same in the that and t h a t of politically alienated and E g y p t lost am c o n v i n c e d Iraqis and d i f f i c u l t i e s India the and The would be for admission quiet admission. rapid process enfranchisement, would press", on the of 1927, pressed mainly present King, suddenly strongly 1928, the March, confidence early v.e now d e c i d e d which to the the IncLuding the so in coincided opened as t h e y a r e , because for her I dated 24th League in Government. Office In which I change wish 1 Colonial due m a i n l y t o we s h a l l minded Britannic deferred, is this anticipated and h i s Cabinet) "thingo Iraq being that of to in 1927; i n my s e c r e t (circulated ground as should begin with the 2. discussions and in July, propose largely Majesty's the because 1927, Government came admission this to the of might be Iraq considered my conclusion that into the represented League by they in Turkey as a non-fulfilment assigned to but t h e y would that Iraq of the condition on w h i c h Mosul (i,e,/prolongation promise to of B r i t i s h propose her was tutelage) admission t in 1932. 4. During the three months o c c u p i e d by t h i s there had been a rapid d e t e r i o r a t i o n The King and h i s favourites Conscription Act, army t o support purpose of (especially get securing that the Britannic promise of admission of Into the grew Impatient pronouncement ! friends to British linos. myself I left to delay King s a i d that, British proviso suffice tutelage independence He d e s i r e d This to was t h e both and t h o of i n His to if get tutelage The discuss the course King Majesty s 1 cn anti- Ur* A m e r y tour., that by providing League in there should for relaxation advance nationalist expressed Majesty's Iraq i n t o the purposes and Before His Britannic which his Iraq Government such a Treaty himself alternative by and a l l o w e d on h i s and a c o n s p i c u o u s by an Britannic point the could enthusiasm 1928. started for his would p l a c a t e Arab King Government a n d o n my r e p o r t s b e d r a w n u p a now T r e a t y w h i c h , of in between Iraq the would a wave League he would not the external an a g i t a t i o n which developed strained big conscription Kurdish, on t h i s Relations a for for from B r i t i s h me b e f o r e It early o n l y way i n w h i c h h e see Government 1928, begin became a desire the situation. cheaply for Majesty's release at an ostensibly create immediate Iraq Iraq amon^ t h e t r i b e s , p a s s e d was t o Government s but Shiah Arabs)and from Ills obtain The p r o p o s a l to believe very to t o "pass responsibility opposition the the Act as full defence. intense professed so the monarchy, taking/1928 and i n t e r n a l aroused really wished in the discussion a towards politicians. in I urged London e o n Mr,. Amor:/ when I r e a c h e d before his telegram departure stating discussions lines purpose of to London. he started entirely that Iraq tremendous The was sma.ll and he of allowed returning of the time s o much a s / fall Iraq of the deferred until influenced on the obvious was the mass agitation said it Cabinet only the Iraq, King and Iraq as impossible His B r i t a n n i c treaty, to omit Majesty's to Government reports inter-departmental In the feared opposition the a of inhabitants The These Ellington) personally, being the would be Sir' Edward the against Europe,- (first a relaxation . London in was r e p r e s e n t e d course of waited a middle King P ^ i s a l was of in intense to a provision that to re­ 1S27. the Commissioners harshal would and he had t o bo g r o w i n g more my r e t u r n it came which discussions who d e s i r e d proposed modifications that this believed in August, King F e i s a l that the King lasted until such r e l a x a t i o n . c o n s c r i p t i o n and the Shiahs among t h e of The Arab p r e s s Patriot very hostile and t h a t t o be with a treaty from Baghdad e a r l y adventurers nothing it independence. the Acti::g High control strength the agreed inter-departmental British hand for Government was r e p r e s e n t e d gang of at it Majesty s during which it the Britannic submitted reports i n which on before Mr. B o u r d i l l o n , a n d t h e n A i r V i c e had departmental and s u b s e q u e n t l y ! * 0 a u n d e r t a k e n and t h a t on t h e p r o p o s e d new t r e a t y meanwhile of i n Baghdad acclamation the Iraq making a t r e a t y King were near It to * announced complete send off October, In the the ideas promised regarding of that Kr*.Amery he confident sounded with of His July. despatch King v i s i t e d Europe with his to If Unfortunately he was grant the the King wore b e i n g consultation. that of guarded terms possibility convenient telegram 5. . in very on the middle authorised desired by the might be that London i n t h e and the only greatly discussions a n d made from the Government it treaty should continue to give considered, advice however, High Commissioners especially to that were in their on the that Government to the political of the opinion set 6. to The the formal who discussions of the after official His incorporation similar to and Nejd, of In the article I of It Ibn Saud had b e e n rivalry with to t h e Hejaz wishes status independence", a second on t h e B u t we h a d n o t Iraq of King less that, admission an of on t h i s was to the point extremely complete the the Treat arrival enmity than that of the Hejaz accept and for granted will to the provide to article that even if In t h e the agree personal had y i e l d e d to failed, The to of reasoning true right It request days b e f o r e bitter snag remained although the points. Government a few his is grips unofficial q i i a l i f i c a t i o n s , "the nominal continued come t o that, It Prime the breakdown i s apparently Government in regard to the indications for No a m o u n t point. Iraqi have, now Treaty with the for owing discussions published and Nejd. Majesty's insistence the I b n S a u d make h i m d e t e r m i n e d n o t move h i m on t h i s Britannic lagged, vras m o s t u n f o r t u n a t e in England, an i n t e r n a t i o n a l note. at M a j e s t y 's without Iraq,, remained this having on most Iraq inflxience and m y s e l f , reasons the the and I proposed Treaty with recognising; King F e i s a l Iraq sole the towards also of of t h e y were r e p l a c e d by Informal Britannic independence" of with paragraph 2 of had b e e n reached and almost of in b e t w e e n King F e i s a l agreement refusal the authority and effect part advance country, terms, personally, probable underestimated of exaggerated on t h e negotiations Acting considered in and want These the Immediaie conducted them, former. principal forth I a failure they classes incapacity Minister of some and t h a t of effect, I two tq. King F e i s a l this classes of t h e i n somewhat underestimated secure independence, reports references they political the Iraq Government. couched I recorded an opinion t o especially the His King's "ocmple^e shape of advice and t h e r e our to Iraq were distasteful to u him, the King might eventually formula which would have on t h e the refusal 7 0 the the I have the it which the the qualification could not been throughout of the would be obviously other articles of Iraq It Under Government I delegation of is to doubtful instr\ic i o n s and t h a t whether any m e n t i o n of obligations on t h i s , w o u l d do a n y t h i n g to get the We now h a v e I am s u r e Ring has and has ment that Iraq, studiously as good we the care that I have there they will made r e g a r d i n g be Independence" If Iraq that the the breakdown of that and his will serious Great The difficulties he should He w i l l , I fancy, probably be Britain form o f the were we Indicated. There w i l l nay be we remaining face such against yield yield. to them. arise. whatever ! p o s i t i o n which already now ! on the have without Britain s Iraq. e v a d e d my s u g g e s t i o n a v i o l e n t "outburst Baghdad P r e s s , of cannot shall w i t h me i n m i n i m i s i n g immediately the in consider has Majesty s "complete a new T r e a t y w i t h stiffened it could not King might b e l i e v e u p o n w h i c h we w a r n e d me t h a t co-operate take to phrase would they Great in respect a t t i t u d e -would probably be advice, to desired. Britannic that the official they from His q u a l i f i e d by a r e f e r e n c e go back the in discussions the as and to accept earnestly renew must be difficulties usefully Treaty and informal informed King P e i s a l international the we s h o u l d now a c c e p t point result. so the on "this 8. that limited would have b e e n harmless and attempt succeed. of was opinion that, Iraq that negotiations. question It Independence" he termination been suggested now t o ^OQ we w a n t e d . that of i n the agreements, And s i n c e some discussions, Independence phrase s e c u r e d what conclusion myself conditioned accepted to recognise"complete King b a s e d h i s continue have the almost in announce­ negotiations, and and t h e r e will and Mosul o V;e know t h a t London h a s Iraq that fail people got Press and i t is the wishes prove is in that there enforced; ths representatives is no last in Iraq and retrograde them f o r support. no r e p u t a b l e so he carry accepts timid are will not face prepared, of J?.far of the left the Pasha's of hitherto t o be obloquy to consc the there us that, which The at the probably than the is into Is Iraqis. rejoicing is being that the to r e l y a distinct able to that intrigues they We m u s t be not consequence will be delighted faced I think, be A.--.d t h e r e may b e g r a d u a l situation will For resignation secretly least, a prevail, ministry. King F e i s a l If chance now an i n e v i t a b l e be the cn form which w i l l on the British arms o f politicians thereby. we s h a l l the Press; will the extremists. and w i l l Bolshevist free. Iraqi negotiations. caused to where Anglo- iption desired conditions find cannot inperil o f 3ri.ahs find himself of agitation Baghdad and s h o u l d h a v e that will does extremist of Shiehs politicians. been patriotic in King an proposed should be f l u n g Cabinet, of for the in agitation may s e r i o u s l y an overwhelmingly Shiah Provinces. opportunity the and E g y p t , with the chance on in the opposition, a strike i n the Iraqi a ministry embarrassment violent Persia shape I fear therefore, without Thin in the more m o d e r a t e the failure less thing unstable unless it to the of Baghdad elsewhere that to be some o f f s e t but that n a t i o n and that conti^ary. that cannot Baghdad Prime M i n i s t e r For the Egyptian e x t r e m i s t s they may b e ministry the b y t h e E g y p t i a n Y-afd o f demonstrations that the Acting relations possible in Iraq D i p l o m a t i c Agent in India, close Egyptian Treaty. There of the an e f f e c t quite acceptance declare the i n England seem to t h i n k up t o to have Cairo demonstrations already written to not represent must be be n a t i o n a l i s t provide an at the with faced with reverberation obvious from which Iraq has 9. The o n l y p a l l i a t i v e of things afford us to is a show sit still of the that Iraq trial Iraq Ministry accede against that at the agitators. is might be thrown back upon a r t i c l e that the Kigh Commissioner military proclaim martial Air Officer Law , h o w e v e r , to the Cabinet forced to e x e c u t i o n of 10. the that period. " It cannot, at least been anticipated. 11. I fail the of than agreement the the of be which the commotion, Iraq to the Organic Cabinet necessary circumstances, We s h o u l d own h a n d s , t o make i t had been that fact during then claiming clear for were Kis that the that forces intended the this safety shall Iraq for the cold of reduction military these there that present Britannic coming in in year,'be a remaining weather. British to be Majesty's cb.av.ges be Government in Iraq reduced as had ' deeply regret Majesty's of concur. British in Iraq, on and I f e a r face any administration 120 our now b e r e s p o n s i b l e to Its should go during the and I n t e r e s t s have the I should civil I am f o r c e d t o a d v i s e considerable will and undertake lav; i n s u c h to respect present insisted Military suppress into i n the could not from treaty. I wish with a l l Indian Battalion happened, concurrence no r e d u c t i o n lives to Article law demand almost British forces might r e f u s e the circumstances I the law and e n t r u s t take to against I newspapers that this procla:natlon of m a r t i a l and t h e be if the date of cannot formed would r e s i g n r a t h e r in Iraq makes 7/e to rave Iraq on t h e r e q u e s t Commanding. state go u n p u n i s h e d . possible 12 o f shall, operations us to If King o f this the Arab p r e s s suppression It for and f o r c e . a very early to such a request. provides can s e e determination I may h a v e Government of I and a l l o w or d e m o n s t r a t i o n s foresee that Government i n my d u t y w e r e to so have to submit lamentable I to prophesy ( I n t d . j H.D* - 1 '1. t o His a forecast, smooth Britannic but things. 2o/Xl/27. I should DRAM? AMK0UirCB£3L?a?. The c o n v e r s a t i o n s w i t h His Llajesty King i^eisal and h i s P r i m e M i n i s t e r w h i c h b e g a n i n O c t o b e r h a v e been the concluded. These c o n v e r s a t i o n s revise of Anglo-Iraq provisions of Article January, to 1926, take into whether that it Iraq active was p o s s i b l e should 1928, internal order next it would adapt the Governments full old from t h i s to the it is administration the of present discharge. an a s s u r a n c e goes w e l l support the if in the candidature the 0 assume maintenance of external a new Treaty which circumstances the British that Government the Iraq it ; the is not Irac should be admitted international to be beyond i t s Peisal rate has, of capacity however, progress the B r i t i s h Iraq f o r have Government in organising sound l i n e s interval, of Nations consider and t h e r e b y assume the present of responsibility. progress His Majesty Ling and a l l in of promised member change of which might prove that a of Iraq was to conclude recommend t h a t of N a t i o n s , responsibilities to to for evident c o u n t r y on as the league I r a ^ from the transference the that of to Treaty to although League fact defence creditable the of question a l s o had t o responsibility h a s made t h e m o s t to have due c o n s i d e r a t i o n that, at object Treaty i n 1928 the t o recommend to would be w e l l After possible light the Anglo-Irac y e a r be admitted and t h e aggression, resulting of consideration having regard i n March, decided III in the their i n which H i s M a j e s t y ^ - Government The t w o whether, relations had as now is obtained maintained Government admission to the will League 1932, The q u e s t i o n o f the conclusion of been c l o s e l y examined b y b o t h 3ides resources Iraq were not of c at present It a new was Treaty has found sufficient to that meet also the the eiqpenoes o f assure the internal and t h a t Great being have to assistance, from t i m e order of national and the provide time at Iraq with being for the forces defence B r i t a i n would, it to upkeep of adequate her any r a t e , the British frontiers, for some m e a s u r e the of Government f o r m and e x t e n t of to time military to decide assistance to be provided. These Firstly, enter the two that league, Secondly, help, that but the that return of of Treaty Treaties active is not for the present ready to and, there is principal still of It 1 9 2 2 and 1 9 2 6 discussions should for was military a readjustment accordingly be continued Iraq for Agreements existing of after the in order circumstances 0 of agreed should remain i n JTeisal t o and F i n a n c i a l accord with the a need reasons relations. His Majesty Xing the M i l i t a r y them i n t o Iraq that removed t h e Anglo-Iraq decisions: force. the amendment to bring