CALCULATING FAILURE PROBABILITIES OF PASSIVE SYSTEMS DURING TRANSIENTS By Francisco J. Mackay Electronics Engineer Academia Politecnica Naval, Chile - 2001 SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING INPARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JANUARY 2007 @2007 Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology. All rights reserved. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis documert ip whole or in part in any medium now known t ereafter created. Signature of the author: ___ Departmei-oNuclear Sciennce YL~afu Certified by: . e Ja u ry oogy 0 ., George E. Apostolakis Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering Thesis supervisor Accepted by: . . .. Ab Pavel Hejzlar PrinciRal Research Scientist Accepted by: MASSACHUSTS INSTITUrMJ OF TECHNOLOGY I Jeffrey A. Coderre Associate Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students OCT 12 2007 LIBRARIES ARCHIVES [This page is left intentionally blank] CALCULATING FAILURE PROBABILITIES OF PASSIVE SYSTEMS DURING TRANSIENTS by Francisco J. Mackay Submitted to the Department of Nuclear Science & Engineering on January 23, 2007 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Nuclear Science and Engineering 1. ABSTRACT A time-dependent reliability evaluation of a two-loop passive Decay Heat Removal (DHR) system was performed as part of the iterative design process for a helium-cooled fast reactor. The system was modeled using RELAP5-3D. The uncertainties in input parameters were assessed and were propagated through the model using Latin Hypercube Sampling. An important finding was the discovery that the smaller pressure loss through the DHR heat exchanger than through the core would make the flow to bypass the core through one DHR loop, if two loops operated in parallel. This finding is a warning against modeling only one lumped DHR loop and assuming that n of them will remove n times the decay power. Sensitivity analyses revealed that there are values of some input parameters for which failures are very unlikely. The calculated conditional (i.e., given the LOCA) failure probability was deemed to be too high leading to the identification of several design changes to improve system reliability. This study is an example of the kinds of insights that can be obtained by including a reliability assessment in the design process. It is different from the usual use of PSA in design, which compares different system configurations, because it focuses on the thermalhydraulic performance of a safety function. Thesis supervisor: George E. Apostolakis Title: Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering 2. ACKNOWLEDGMENT I want to thank my wife for, without her support and care, this work could not have been possible. To Prof. George E. Apostolakis, for his guidance, support, counsel and for the most his patience. To Pavel Hejzlar, whose knowledge was always an incredible source of light when walking through the dark paths of accurate simulation. To Prof. Michael J. Driscoll, for being an unlimited source of ideas and support through the whole process. Last, but not least, to Chris Handwerk, Mike Stawicki, David Carpenter, Tyler Ellis, Giovanbattista Patalano, Edoardo Cavalieri, Lorene Debesse and Rodney Busquim for their friendship and willingness to help me in so many ways. This would not have been the same without you guys, thanks. 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................. . . . . 3 A B ST R A C T ....................................................... A C KN O W LED G M EN T .................................................................... .................... 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................ ..................... 5 TA BLE OF FIG U R ES...............................................................................................6 INTRODUCTION................... ...................................... 7 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION..................................................13 AN A L Y SIS ................................................................................................................ 19 7.1. Mechanistic Model ................... 7.2 . Un certain ties ...................................................................................................... 7.3. Uncertainty Propagation ..................... 7.4. Failure Criteria ................................................................................................. 28 7.5. System Failure Criteria .................................................................................... 29 7.6 . R esults............................... ...... ..... ......................... . ......................... 19 24 ............................................... 27 ................................................. 30 8. RISK-BASED DESIGN CHANGES ...................................................................... 41 9. C O N C LU SION S ....................................................................................................... 43 10 . R EFEREN C ES ....................................................................... . . . . .. ........... 11 S APPENDICES ...................... ............... 45 .................................. 47 11.1. APPENDIX A: RELAP5-3D NODALIZATION DIAGRAM ..................... 47 11.2. APPENDIX B: RELAP5-3D NOMINAL INPUT DECK ............................ 48 11.3. APPENDIX C: TABLE OF PROPAGATED UNCERTAITY...................157 11.4. APPENDIX D: UTILIZED ALGORITHMS ............................................ 163 4. TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1. An example of load and capacity stochastic processes.......................................8 Figure 2. Schem atic GFR system layout ....................................................................... 13 Figure 3. Schematic of a natural circulation loop .......................................................... 15 Figure 4. RELAP5-3D Nodalization diagram of the system.........................................19 Figure 5. Possible flow patterns ........................................... 23 Figure 6 Example of the output from an LHS uncertainty propagation............................28 Figure 7 Multiple Failure Criteria...................................................................................30 Figure 8 Realizations for Maximum Temperature in the Cladding...................................31 Figure 9 Realizations for the Maximum Temperature in the Hot Leg of DHR Loops ....33 Figure 10 Leakage Threshold Effect (cladding failure) ................................................. 34 Figure 11 Maximum leakage and HTCS Threshold Effect (structural failure).................36 Figure 12 Search for threshold effects (Failure Mode 1, cladding failure) ....................... 37 Figure 13 Search for threshold effects (Failure Mode 2, structural failure)......................38 5. INTRODUCTION According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) definition, a passive system is either a system that is composed of passive components and structures or a system that uses active components in a very limited way to initiate subsequent passive operation (IAEA, 1991). Of great importance are thermal-hydraulic systems (TH) that fall under IAEA Categories B and C. These are characterized by moving working fluids either without or with moving mechanical parts, such as check or relief valves, respectively. Passive system reliability analysis has attracted increasing attention over the last decade. The expectation that the overall plant reliability should increase by replacing certain active systems with passive ones is based on the fact that unreliability of active systems is due primarily to the unreliability of the energy source that is required for them to perform. Passive system functionality does not rely on an external source of energy, but on an intelligent use of the naturally available one (gravity), which is always present. As the research in the field advances, the tradeoffs between passive and active systems are becoming clear. Although the energy source is always available for a passive system, it is normally weak. As a result, passive systems are much more sensitive to changes in the surroundings than active ones (Pagani et al, 2005). In addition, the operators cannot control passive systems the way they can control the performance of active systems. Since the reliability evaluation does not depend on the availability of the driving energy, a new description of the concept of failure is required. The concept of passive function failure, borrowed from reliability physics, has been introduced by Burgazzi (2003). It describes "failure" in terms of a "load" exerted during the perfornnance of the system on its components and the "capacity" of these components to withstand that load. An example of a load is the temperature at a certain point as the system operates. The temperature limit of the material at that point above which damage occurs is the capacity of the system. In general, both the load and the capacity are uncertain and may depend on time (an example is shown in Figure 1). The probability that the load exceeds the capacity is the failure probability of the system for that point in time. Two models are therefore needed, one for the load and one for the capacity. In general, the capacity model may be correlated with the load model. In other words, the capacity of a component can be a function of its state and therefore time-dependent. An example of this is the dependence of material yield stress on temperature. Therefore, if the analyzed component is a pipe, the pressure required to break it is a function of the temperature, which may vary according to the performance of the system. CAPACITY(y,t) y .......... MEAN VALUES X LOAD(x,t) Figure 1. An example of load and capacity stochastic processes. The following tasks need to be performed to evaluate the reliability of a passive system: 1. Identification of the components (points in the system) where failure may occur and their respective loads and capacities. A component may fail in a number of ways. Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Hazard and Operability HAZOP Analysis are methods that are helpful in identifying component failure modes (Burgazzi, 2004). 2. Definition of component failure criteria, i.e., the type of capacity model that should be used for each load determined in the previous task. Capacity models may be in the form of deterministic limits (e.g., imposed by a regulatory authority) or probability distributions based on experiments and/or expert opinions. 3. Selection of sets of parameters (boundary conditions, system properties and initial conditions) that affect the behavior of each load determined in Task 1. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) has been proposed to help identify these important driving parameters (Zio et al, 2003; Marques et al, 2005). 4. Development of a probability distribution for each parameter input to the model to represent the relevant uncertainties. This is a crucial step and is normally done based on experiments or expert opinions (Jafari et al, 2003; Marques et al, 2005; Pagani et al, 2005). 5. Propagation of the uncertainty distributions of the input parameters through the models. Many techniques have been proposed to perform this step. They range from Monte Carlo simulation (Pagani et al, 2005) to the development of response surfaces. A discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of each option is presented by Marques et al. (2005). 6. Calculation of system reliability. The system is considered failed if one or more of the failure criteria are met. This means that more than one component may fail for the same system realization (Marques et al, 2005). The result of this calculation is the probability of failure of the system. These tasks provide the main structure of any passive system reliability calculation. The list does not include tasks aimed at improving the quality and efficiency of the calculations, such as early sensitivity analyses or iteration loops between tasks. A more detailed description of these tasks is presented in (Jafari et al, 2003; Marques et al, 2005). This work presents a detailed description of the time-dependent reliability evaluation of a passive decay heat removal system after a Lost-of-Coolant-Accident (LOCA). We emphasize the difficulties found in the process, propose solutions, and describe the lessons learned regarding the design itself. Our focus is on uncertainties and their propagation. A preliminary design of a helium-cooled fast reactor constitutes the case study. It is part of the MIT studies on a Gas-cooled Fast Reactor (GFR) design. The system and its components were simulated using RELAP5-3D (INEEL, 2001). The entire system operates as one passive system whose initiation is triggered by the reactor scram after a Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA). Section 2 describes the system. The complete description of the reliability calculation is presented in Section 3, where suggestions for design improvement are also given by identifying the input parameters that are driving the failure of the system. Finally, conclusions on different aspects of the work and future research suggestions are provided in Section 4. [This page is left intentionally blank] 6. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The GFR design considered consists of a 600 MWth helium-cooled fast reactor core inside the Pressure Vessel (PV), a Brayton power cycle within the Power Conversion Unit (PCU), and two 50% Decay Heat Removal (DHR) loops (Figure 2). The core is designed to have very low pressure drop to maximize the natural circulation capability. Moreover, the PV, the PCU and the DHR loops are surrounded by a guard containment with a high design pressure of 2 MPa (20 bars), so that, after primary system depressurization, the final pressure in the guard containment would be high enough to make DHR by natural circulation of helium possible. Each DHR loop is designed to extract 2% of the reactor nominal power (12 MWth) at a backup pressure of 1.3 MPa. QteafEmhgnpr ........ ...... lot~ge "qGuil (-' I.. -ýý %fiWGOI WAS P CbsedA kYhAMw KIPr eMR& I I Figure 2. Schematic GFR system layout. Each DHR loop consists of two separate circuits. The first is connected to the PV through a coaxial pipe with the cold leg running in the outside. Heat is subsequently delivered to the second circuit, filled with water, through a heat exchanger. The water loop delivers the heat to a pool outside the containment building. Check valves are placed in the cold leg of the helium section of each DHR loop. The PCU contains a Brayton power cycle with recuperator, precooler and intercooler. The shaft that is propelled by the turbine provides energy to the generator and to the low and high pressure compressors of the cycle as well. More details on the GFR system layout are in Hejzlar et al. (2005). As will be seen later, there are several parameters that are of importance for a natural circulation loop to work properly. An intuitive review of the phenomenon gives a good insight into the system's dynamics. Figure 3 shows a generic loop that is the starting point of the discussion. Heat is inserted at point (1) and extracted at point (2). There is no heat transfer at any other point in the circuit. When the fluid is heated at point (1) its density decreases and it begins to flow up and forms the hotter fluid column that is shown in the figure. At the same time, when heat is extracted at point (2), the density of the fluid increases and as a result it moves down forming the colder fluid column shown in the figure. The difference in weight (W-w) between the two columns is the driving force that results in a certain mass flow running through the loop. The mass flow is primarily determined by the driving force and the resistance that the system exerts to the flow through pipes and fittings. To increase the mass flow then one can increase H, the difference in altitude between points (1) and (2), increase the temperature difference between the columns, or replace the fluid by one whose density change per unit temperature is greater. (2) C E D 0 "o -0 *0 Q5 0) (1) m Figure 3. Schematic of a natural circulation loop. Assuming the loop is at steady state (which implies Qo,, which the system is extracting heat from the source is equal to Q,, = 0), the rate at [J/s]: Q,,, = m* Cp * AT (1) where m = pVA = Mass Flow [kg/s] Cp = Isobaric Heat Capacity [J/kg K] AT = Temperature Difference between hot and cold legs [K] p = Density [kg/m'] V = Velocity [m/s] A = Flowing Area [m2] Therefore, in order to extract more heat either the mass flow or the temperature difference needs to be increased in the passive loop. Increasing the mass flow is normally preferable because to increase AT almost always means to increase the temperature of the hot leg consequently reducing the safety margin on the temperature limit. Embedded in this short argument is the importance of the backup pressure. A greater pressure means higher density of the helium and a higher mass flow through the heat exchanger for the same fluid velocity, letting the system extract more heat from the source, while keeping AT constant. Although not mentioned in the discussion above, an increase in the density is also beneficial to the natural circulation phenomenon because it reduces the friction factor along the loop due to reduced kinematic viscosity, therefore allowing a larger mass flow. A LOCA on the cold leg of the PCU was chosen as the initiating event of the analysis. The system is designed to survive a 500 cm 2 break, but it was evaluated for a 5 cm 2 break that is much more probable (frequency: 10-3 per year) than a large break. The sequence of events is as follows: 1. The cooling function is performed by the helium coming from the PCU from the moment of the accident until the shaft with turbine and compressors stops. During that time the flow coming out from the PCU is divided into two streams at the point of the rupture: the first one goes directly to the containment through the break and the second follows its initial path to the core through the downcomer. How long the shaft runs is a function of the size of the break. For a 500 cm 2 break, the Brayton cycle would work as such, propelled by the decay heat, for a period of time ranging between 30 to 40 minutes. This gives enough time for the decay heat to fall below the 2% nominal power threshold, so the DHR loops can 2 safely take over the cooling function. The situation is different for a 5 cm break. The shaft stops after approximately 10 minutes. The higher density of the helium, sustained in time because of the small break area, plus a smaller temperature difference across the core provide more resistance to compressors and less energy is extracted by the turbine from helium, therefore the reduction in shaft coastdown time. During this period the PCU is cooling down the core and the check valves placed on the cold legs of the natural circulation DHR loops are closed. 2. Once the shaft stops, the pressure difference is reversed and the check valves open, allowing the natural circulation through the DHR loops to start. Two parameters are important here: the pressure inside the PV and DHR loop and the amount of decay heat that is being released at that moment. For the case of a 500 cm 2 break, the pressure inside the PV is already equalized to that of the containment and the decay heat is below the 2% nominal power threshold. Problems could arise, for example, if the structures in the containment absorbed an excessive amount of heat, therefore reducing the backup pressure required for natural circulation, or if the shaft stopped when the decay heat was greater than 12 MWth. For the 5 cm 2 break, the dynamics are different. The shaft stops within 10 minutes of the accident but the pressure inside the PV remains high enough to sustain a natural circulation capable to extract the decay heat that is being produced. Nevertheless, when natural circulation through the DHR loops starts, the temperature difference across the core is not sufficient to extract the decay heat that is being produced, so the outlet temperature begins to rise until it reaches its operating condition. Meanwhile, the natural circulation is continually deteriorating by the depressurization process that will eventually end about 30 to 40 minutes after the accident. After that time the decay heat is below the 12 MWth mark and, if the backup pressure is by then adequate and decaying slower than the decay heat, the system will be operating safely. 7. ANALYSIS 7. 1.MechanisticModel The mechanistic model simulates the dynamic behavior of the system given a set of boundary and initial conditions and system physical properties (i.e., it is the "model of the world" in PRA terminology (Apostolakis, 1994)). This model will be used to perform sensitivity analyses and to propagate the uncertainties in the input parameters. A complete model of the system was built using RELAP5-3D (INEEL, 2001). RELAP5-3D is a thermal-hydraulic code developed by Idaho National Laboratory for the analysis of accidents in nuclear power plants. Figure 4 shows the nodalization of the model of the system. INU I I U Ly - daL Figure 4. RELAP5-3D Nodalization diagram of the system The DHR loops are on the top left area of the diagram and show the water and helium sides connected together by heat exchangers. Heat exchangers are represented by rectangles enclosing the volumes involved in the heat transfer balance. The reactor is immediately below the DHR loops. Two long vertical volumes represent the downcomer and, in the center of the core, two channels can be distinguished between the lower and upper plenums; one representing the average and the other the hottest channels in the core. On the lower right-hand corner, the PCU is modeled. The turbine and both highand low-pressure compressors are connected to the same shaft. There are three heat exchangers in this part of the model and they correspond to the recuperator, the precooler and the intercooler. Finally, enclosed by a dashed line circle is the valve that simulates the rupture generating the LOCA. This valve connects the outlet of the cold leg of the PCU to the volume that represents the containment building. The following is a list of modeling information relevant to the results: 1. The ANS 79 Decay Heat Model is used (ANS, 1979) 2. All pipe walls are modeled for pipes in each DHR loop. The importance of this practice comes from the fact that the heat capacity of steel is greater than that of helium. A significant amount of mass flow is required then to either heat them up or cool them down, therefore affecting the transient behavior of the natural circulation loops (Hejzlar et al, 2005). 3. The core is modeled by two channels: an average and a hot one. The hot channel simulates the hottest channel in the core in accordance to the core's peaking factor. Attached to each channel, there are heat structures simulating cladding and fuel. This configuration allows the monitoring of the highest temperature in both fuel and cladding. 4. RELAP5-3D does not allow negative angular velocity for shafts and compressor operation at negligibly small flows. To overcome this issue and continue with calculations beyond this point, as soon as the mass flow entering the PCU becomes smaller than 0.5% of the nominal flow, the PCU is isolated from the rest of the system and an auxiliary external flow is injected into it to keep the shaft running with positive angular velocity, while the rest of the simulation is carried on in parallel. This action prevents simulation of the effect of bypass flow through the PCU on core cooling; hence the failure probabilities reported here are optimistic assuming that PCU can be isolated with 100% reliability. 5. Leakage of the check valves in the DHR loops is simulated with a timedependent junction running parallel to the respective check valve. A timedependent junction allows the implementation of a constant negative mass flow rate through the loop, if the pressure drop across the check valve is positive. Otherwise, the mass flow rate is zero. 6. The heat transfer from the water loop to the pool outside the containment building is simulated with a natural convection boundary condition with a fixed T (bulk temperature of the pool) equal to the ambient temperature. 7. Three heat structures simulating the containment liner, the concrete on the floor, and the equipment inside the containment building are added to the containment hydrodynamic volume. Their effect is important because they absorb heat reducing the temperature of the helium in the containment and thus the backup pressure. During the mechanistic analysis, several unexpected effects were discovered. The system was initially designed with two 50% DHR loops that would work in parallel (see flow pattern (1) in Figure 5). This feature needed to be changed because the check valves of one of the DHR loops would never be open at the same time except for short periods of unstable flow. The reason for this behavior is the smaller pressure drop through the DHR heat exchangers than through the core and flow tendency to bypass the core through one of the DHR loops closing check valve on this loop. Thus, if both valves are forced to open, one of the loops would finally work backwards (see flow pattern (2), Loop 2, in Figure 5); stealing the mass flow from the core so that most of the flow from the correctly operating loop proceeds through the common lower plenum to the other loop and ultimately to the upper plenum. Such core bypass reduces substantially core flow rate and rapidly leads to fuel overheating. To overcome this problem, the design was modified to increase the original 2x50% capacity to 2x100% capacity DHR loops. Furthermore, the appearance of this phenomenon clearly emphasizes the importance of modeling the DHR loops separately instead of lumping them up into one loop that extracts as much energy as the sum of the individual loops. 25 m I 3) (1) DINJ I I U •vL.,,•LC Figure 5. Possible flow patterns. Another interesting phenomenon happens if the check valves are forced to open before the mass flow that is injected by the compressors on mounted on the coasting down shaft stops. In this case, both loops would work backwards (see flow pattern (3) in Figure 5) because the pressure in the upper plenum would be smaller than that in the lower plenum. This unintended behavior is stable at least for the decay heat levels that occur during the first three hours after the accident. The same phenomenon is observed if there is a leaky check valve. During normal operation the pressure difference across the core produces a continuous flow through the leaking check valves. If the leakage of the check valves is sufficiently high, the continuous leak forces the flow through the emergency heat exchangers where it experiences cooling and the originally hot riser becomes cooler than the downcomer resulting the in the continuous reversed flow. After the shaft stops, both loops continue in reversed operation mode and the sum of leaking flows is not sufficient to cool the core thus leading to failure. As discussed earlier, the heat absorption from the structures inside the containment building was expected to have an impact on the evolution of its pressure and therefore on the backup pressure once the PV and the containment pressures are equalized. The results from a sensitivity analysis on this parameter showed that the liner needed to be isolated and the free volume to be reduced. After these changes to the design, the model is ready for the next stage on the analysis: uncertainty analysis. 7.2. Uncertainties As stated in the introduction, passive systems are sensitive to changes in the boundary and initial conditions and to changes in the numerical values of the parameters that define the system properties. All these conditions and parameters are called input parameters. This sensitivity is due primarily to the weakness and uncontrollability of the driving force, gravity. A set of six input parameters were selected to be propagated through the model. Table 1 shows these parameters and their probability distribution functions. The selection was made based on sensitivity analyses done on several parameters and expert opinion. INPUT DISTRUBUTION EXTREME VALUES PARAMETER ETERPECNLS PARAM Core Roughness Roughness Lognormal LOWER UPPER 1.00E-05 1.00E-04 UNITS EXTREME VALUES CORRESPOND TO PERCENTILES LOWER [m] UPPER 5 85 DHR1 Leakage Check Exponential Valve - 0.50 [kg/s] 80 DHR2 DHR2 Check Check - 0.50 [kg/s] 80 Valve Leakage Exponential Valve Leakage Heat Transfer Coefficient, Coefficient, Lognormal 0.50 2.00 [Dimensionless] Containment 20 75 20 80 20 80 Structures Moment of Inertia of the Shaft Normal Core Heat Transfer Coefficient Lognormal 656.88 0.40 802.86 [kg*m2] 1.60 [Dimensionless] Table 1 Selected Input Parameters and their probability distributions Roughness in the Core refers to the roughness of the surfaces in the core that are in contact with helium. Even though it is small in absolute terms, the pressure drop in the core accounts for about 70% of the overall pressure drop along the DHR loops under nominal operation. An increase in the roughness translates into a larger pressure drop in the core with the consequent reduction in the mass flow rate. As the mass flow rate decreases, the required temperature difference across the core increases for the same amount of heat removal. Check Valve Leakage: The first assumption is that the check valves are always leaking. The effect of leakage is to delay the opening the valves. A backward flow through the DHR loops is present during normal operation and during the time the PCU is cooling the core after the accident, therefore the system has to overcome the inertia of that flow in order to open the check valves once the PCU has stopped. Heat Transfer Coefficient of Structures in the ContainmentBuilding (HTCS): The result of having a greater HTCS is that blown down helium in the containment is cooled down faster and therefore reducing the pressure that at the same point in time the containment would have had under adiabatic conditions. Since this is a preliminary design, the containment layout and geometry and positions of internal structures inside are not known. Each modeled structure corresponds to the lumping of several objects and each of these would have its own time-dependent heat transfer coefficient, so the modeled HTCS correspond to average values. Furthermore, RELAP5-3D calculates the heat transfer coefficient for each structure in the containment volume according to its respective boundary condition, so the uncertainty is represented by a multiplicative factor that modifies the HTCS calculated by the code. Heat Transfer Coefficient in the Core (HTCC): The effect of a smaller heat transfer coefficient is that a greater temperature gradient across the core would be required in order to remove the same amount of heat. In this case, there is uncertainty in heat transfer correlations implemented RELAP5-3D in calculating the correct value of heat transfer coefficient under low-Reynolds number, high heat-flux flows where local buoyancy and acceleration forces can significantly reduce heat transfer coefficient (Lee and Hejzlar, 2006). The uncertainty is represented by a multiplicative factor that modifies the HTCC calculated by the code. Moment oflnertia of the Shaft: A shaft with a greater moment of inertia is more difficult to decelerate and therefore could run longer. This is important because as the coastdown time is increased, the moment at which the DHR loops are initiated is also increased placing the system in a safer operating condition with a smaller decay heat. 7.3. UncertaintyPropagation Monte Carlo simulation is used to propagate the uncertainties in the input parameters through the model. In order to reduce the number of trials, Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) was employed. In short, this technique divides the six-dimensional probability defined by the input parameters into a set of equiprobable six-dimensional cubes (hypercubes) from which the samples are then chosen. The fundamental assumption of the method is that the input variables are independent. Since only one sample point is chosen from each hypercube, the sample points are equiprobable. More information on LHS can be found in Helton and Davis (2003). Once the sample is chosen, a RELAP5-3D simulation is made for each unique set of sample points (one from each hypercube). Each set defines a scenario. Since these sets are equiprobable, the corresponding results of RELAP5-3D are also equiprobable. A three-hour time span starting at the moment of the accident was chosen as the simulation interval. This selection was made based on sensitivity analyses that showed that the pressure in the containment becomes equal to the pressure in the PV (consequently, the flow through the rupture is negligible) after two hours. The pressure rate of change inside the containment was never less than -17 Pa/s at the end of three hours. The sensitivity analyses also showed that the temperature gradient at the same point was never less than -9.0x 10-3 K. Furthermore, the power that is being generated at the core by then is about 6.8 MWth, well below the design specifications of the DHR loops. For the present work, it is assumed that the containment has no leakage. 7.4. FailureCriteria After the simulations are finished, a screening of the output parameters is again required in order to define which of them are going to be considered for the unreliability evaluation. It is important to do so because new failure modes may be discovered in the process. Figure 6 shows an example (not an actual result) for an output parameter. Each curve corresponds to a particular scenario (set of sample points). OP time Figure 6 Example of the output from an LHS uncertainty propagation The next step is to define the failure criterion for each selected output parameter. In traditional reliability assessments, this task is done much earlier in the process and in fact it can be made during the mechanistic analysis, after structuring the set of potentially relevant output parameters, but it must be reviewed here because new failure modes may have been discovered. The failure criteria used in this work are deterministic limits such as the horizontal dashed line shown in Figure 6. Any realization that exceeds the limit is considered a failure. Since all realizations are equally likely, the probability of failure during the time span of the graph is equal to the number of curves that exceed the limit divided by the total number of curves. To write this down more formally, let A(i) be a binary variable that is equal to unity when the ith scenario (realization) leads to failure and equal to zero otherwise. Then, the probability of failure is: M PFs XA(i) MM (2) where M is the total number of realizations. 7.5. System FailureCriteria Multiple failure criteria should be used whenever more than one output parameter may lead to failure. This means that a specific scenario may lead to no failure or at least one failure. The overall failure probability can be calculated as follows: Let AI, A 2 ,...AN be the failure vectors associated to N failure modes over M realizations. Define F(i) = max(A, (i), A 2 (i),..., AN (i)) Vi e {1,2,3,...,M}, then the mean probability of multiple failure PF is define as: M PFI,- IF(i) M (3) Figure 7 shows an example of this procedure. Realization i 1 Al A2 A3 ... AN Max() 1 F 1 2 1 3 0 4 Failure Probability M 5 M Figure 7 Multiple Failure Criteria 7.6. Results After reviewing the parameters of the system at various points, two failure modes were finally selected for the reliability evaluation of the system: Cladding damage in the hot channel and structural failure in the hot legs of the DHR Loops. A limit of 1600 °C (1873 K) was set as the maximum temperature for cladding damage. It is assumed that the silicon carbide cladding would release fission products if that temperature were exceeded. The imposed limit on the DHR pipe walls is 850 TC (1123 K). It is assumed that the DHR loop would suffer a structural collapse if this limit were exceeded leading to the loss of mass flow rate through the core. Figure 8 shows 128 realizations for the maximum cladding temperature. The horizontal dashed line corresponds to the previously mentioned limit. Maximum Iemperature in tne UlaOing -v - ------------........ 4001 " A , . 1000 B 1 1 1 2000 3000 4000 1 5000 l I 6000 Time (s) C .. ........ I I I 7000 8000 9000 i 100000 Figure 8 Realizations for Maximum Temperature in the Cladding As expected, the maximum temperature in the cladding occurs after the shaft stops (about 500 seconds after the LOCA - Point A in Figure 8). During this period, the mass flow rate through the core reaches its minimum and the helium in the core, becoming less dense because of the increasing temperature, tries to overcome the negative flow coming down from the leaking (both check valves are assumed to leak) of the DHR loops. Eventually, one of the DHR check valves opens (Point B in Figure 8) initiating the natural circulation through the core and the maximum temperature in the cladding reduces its rate of change and ultimately comes down (Point C in Figure 8). It is during this last period of time when realizations reach their maxima. There is one realization for which the temperature never comes down and corresponds to the only case in which the check valves never open because of the significant leakage in both of them. There were 15 curves that exceeded the limit, so the overall probability for this failure mode is 0.12. This probability is conditional on the LOCA. The second failure mode corresponds to the structural failure of the operating DHR Loop. As already stated, a limit of 850 C (1123 K) to the maximum temperature on the hot legs (MTHL) was set as the failure criterion for this failure mode. Figure 9 shows the 128 resulting realizations. Each realization is represented in the graph by two curves; one for each DHR loop. The always decreasing curves correspond to the DHR loop with the check valve closed. In the initial conditions of the simulation, the MTHL is set as if there were no leakage in either loop. This is the worst possible initial condition because the MTHL is smaller with leakage than without. This is due to the fact that the leaking helium comes from the downcomer and passes through water cooled heat exchanger where it cools down substantially. There were 26 curves that exceeded the limit, thus the calculated conditional probability for this failure mode is 0.20. Maximum Temperature in the Hot Leg of DHR Loops 1200 -j T T 3000 4000 FT F'F 1100 1000 900 ) 800 E 700 I-600 500 400 300 i 1000 A 2000 B 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Time (s) Figure 9 Realizations for the Maximum Temperature in the Hot Leg of DHR Loops As soon as the LOCA occurs, the MTHL starts decreasing in both loops because of the injection of cold helium from the downcomer. When the check valve opens (Point A in Figure 9), the behavior of the operating loop starts departing from the one that is still leaking until it reaches a minimum at about 30 minutes (Point B in Figure 9). The reason is that, once the valve opens, natural circulation starts building up and hotter helium coming from the upper plenum heats up the pipes. From then on, the MTHL is well correlated to the behavior of the maximum temperature in the cladding presented in Figure 8. The conditional failure probability is 0.305 when both failure modes are included. Referring to the discussion in Section 3.5, we find that F = 39 over a total of 128 realizations. There were 15 and 26 failures for each respective failure mode, therefore the total would be 41 instead of 39, if each realization led to a single failure. We conclude that two realizations led to failures by both failure modes. 3.7 Insights Interesting insights into the behavior of the system can be produced by developing scatter plots of failures and successes for two parameters at a time (Ghosh and Apostolakis, 2006). Figure 10 shows such a plot for the two leakages associated with each Monte Carlo realization (one for each DHR loop) for the maximum temperature in the cladding. On the horizontal axis we plot the maximum of the two leakages and on the vertical axis the minimum. The plus signs indicate a realization and the square around a plus sign indicates that this realization is, in fact, a failure of the cladding. Looking at the lower left corner of the plot we observe that no failures exist below the dashed line. Thus, we conclude that no cladding failure occurs when the maximum leakage in the loops is less than about 0.8 kg/s and the minimum leakage is less than about 0.5 kg/s. 0.8 O.6 06 I Ii E3 -000.4 0.2 19n co 0.5 CD . 4 +. . . _ .., :,. if,:•,_-.:*•. 1 •-• +1 , I 02 [ -• II I - 0.6 L0.4 0B 1 1.2 Max(Leakage 1, Leakage2) [kg/s] l 14 1.6 Figure 10 Leakage Threshold Effect (cladding failure) 1.8 The explanation for this behavior is the following: After the shaft stops, the system attempts to open the check valves by overcoming the leakage. The valve with the smallest leakage is the one that eventually opens. The higher the minimum leakage the later the check valve opens. Such a delay means that more heat has been deposited in the core with no extraction and therefore the temperature has increased. Once the valve opens, natural circulation develops through the corresponding DHR loop, but part of the fluid in the lower plenum is taken by the other DHR loop's leakage and transferred directly to the upper plenum, thus bypassing the core. The higher the maximum leakage, the smaller mass flow is available to the core for heat removal. Failure is the combined effect of the two quantities and, as Figure 10 shows, only values outside the lower triangle can lead to failure. Threshold effects can be found for the structural failure mode as well. Figure 11 shows a similar plot for the effect of the HTCS and the maximum leakage of the valves. The effect of the leakage is easily understood. The maximum leakage corresponds to the loop whose check valve never opens and remains leaking after the other DHR loop starts operating. That flow is inserting cold helium to the inlet of the operating DHR loop through common upper plenum. Thus, if the maximum leakage is sufficiently high, it cools down the upper plenum enough, preventing failure. As Figure 11 shows, there is no structural damage when the HTCS factor is larger than 0.86 and the maximum leakage is larger than 0.63 [kg/s]. Figure 11 also shows that there is no cladding damage when the HTCS factor is smaller than 0.86 regardless of the value of the maximum leakage. The explanation for this behavior is as follows: the lower the HTCS, the higher the pressure in the containment and, therefore, inside the PV after the pressures are equalized. Higher pressure means higher helium density and, as explained in Section 2 (Equation 1), this corresponds to a smaller temperature difference across the core for the same amount of extracted heat. Finally, the smaller temperature difference is translated into a smaller core outlet temperature that reduces the probability of failure by MTHL. It'llT' iu + -10 U1 U) 10 ~,i14 .E_ 01 to ~1 C/) + 10' 1011 0 1 0.2 0!4 0!6 0.8 1 I Max(Leakage 1,Leakage 2) [kg/s] 1.2 1.4 I 1.6 1.8 Figure 11 Maximum leakage and HTCS Threshold Effect (structural failure) Insights into the behavior of the system can also be produced using the Generalized Sensitivity Analysis (GSA) developed in (Hornberger and Spear, 1981) for environmental systems. A GSA application to nuclear waste repositories is in (Ghosh and Apostolakis, 2006). GSA partitions Monte Carlo realizations into two bins: one bin contains all the realizations leading to failure and the other all the realizations not leading to failure. We then look at the realizations in the failure bin and ask whether there are any threshold effects, i.e., intervals of values of the input parameters that guarantee no failure. The process will become clear using concrete examples. Figure 12 shows the cumulative distribution function of the parameter on the horizontal axis in the realizations that did not lead to cladding failure (continuous curve) and the cumulative distribution function in the realizations that did lead to such failure (staircase curve). Only the parameter HTCS shows a potential threshold effect in the sense that failure would be very unlikely if the HTCS factor were less than about 0.48. '--7 0.9 0.8 0.70.6 I -, .1 -'I " 10 1" 105 4 10 0.5 0.4 0.3[ -I 0.2 0.1 f•t . 2 . . 10, . . ........." . . . ..... . . • . . . .... 10' 10 10 . i t f lit HTCS (Dimensionless) Roughness (m) 1.. 4- / . .V / / '4 A .2 0 1011 o HTCC (Dimensionless) 10' 500 50 600 6 700 750 800 850 9 950 1000 Shaft Moment of Inertia (kg m2) Figure 12 Search for threshold effects (Failure Mode 1, cladding failure) Figure 13 shows the same type of graphs for the second failure mode (structural failure). This time, the threshold effect on the HTCS is more pronounced. Failure only occurs if the value of the HTCS factor is greater than about 0.86, as found earlier (Fig. 10). 0.91 _ 0.8 j 0.9- 08 0.7-. 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 1 / 0.2 01 ' 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 10 10 10 10 102 10' 10 10 102 HTCS (Dimensionless) Roughness (m) 1[ 0.8 0.7 0.86 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 10 0 10 HTCC (Dimensionless) 101 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 Shaft Moment of Inertia (kg m2) Figure 13 Search for threshold effects (Failure Mode 2, structural failure) Both failure modes present threshold effects for the HTCS. Both failure modes become very unlikely for small values of the HTCS factor because the pressure in the containment can be maintained high for a longer period of time. This confirms an earlier finding by Pagani et al., (2005) that containment pressure is a key parameter for the success of natural circulation decay heat removal in gas cooled systems. Also, it is important to note that containment leakage, which was not part of our studies, is another important parameter that will negatively affect system performance in a similar manner as HTCS. On the other hand, for check valve leakage, what is beneficial for one failure mode is not for the other. To prevent failure due to melting of the cladding, a small maximum check valve leakage is desirable; but to prevent a structural collapse of the DHR loops, a large maximum leakage is preferred. [This page is left intentionally blank] 8. RISK-BASED DESIGN CHANGES The failure probability of 0.305 (conditional on the LOCA occurrence) is deemed to be too high. Since a good amount of information about the system behavior under different scenarios has been gathered, several actions can be taken. Since the dominant failure mode is the structural collapse of a DHR loop (accounts for -2/3 of the total failure probability), it is there where the first design change can be made. In the design analyzed, the hot legs were simulated with adiabatic heat flux boundary conditions at the outer periphery, which effectively corresponds to perfect insulation at this surface. The design has been modified by placing the insulation on the inner surface of the pipe. This way, the outer perimeter is cooled down by the cold leg flow (recall that cold leg is a coaxial pipe surrounding the hot leg). However, heat losses through the insulation heat up the cold leg flow reducing the buoyancy driving head and affecting the natural circulation capability. Therefore, this solution also requires raising containment backup pressure to achieve desired DHR performance. Additional design changes are necessary to reduce the failure probability. The backup pressure is a relatively strong factor on both failure modes since threshold effects are visible for the HTCS factor in both failure modes, though they are of different magnitudes. Therefore, an increase in containment backup pressure would substantially reduce the failure probability. One possible way to achieve this is to insulate the steel structures in the containment to minimize heat transfer to these structures and their effect on pressure decrease. Another option is a gradual depressurization of the helium inventory storage tanks, which are part of the system and have a large helium coolant inventory, into the containment. However, an increase in containment design pressure with an associated cost increase would be required. The primary concerns are the check valve leakage and core bypass phenomena because of their strong effect on the performance of the passive system as a whole. The use of more reliable check valves is of great significance to this design, but most important is the observation that the redundancy of DHR loops can actually impair the performance of the DHR system because the parallel loop can itself become a bypass. Therefore, the smaller than 100% capacity DHR loops cannot be used and 100% capacity loops are necessary. Nevertheless, any leak of check valves in parallel loops affects the cooling capability of the core negatively. Thus, use of just one 100% DHR loop with a reliable and leak-proof check valve would eliminate the possibility of core bypass and provide the best performance, but such a solution is unrealistic since no perfect valves exist. Consequently, the use of a combination of active and passive systems for DHR or of a fully active DHR with reliable backup power need to be considered and, in fact, may provide lower failure probabilities. 9. CONCLUSIONS From an overall perspective, the first important conclusion is that the passive system design process has to incorporate a reliability assessment. The complexity of the system and the overall impact of the simultaneous variation of several input parameters makes it impossible for the designer to foresee every possible situation. The reliability evaluation process provides useful information to the designer. At an early stage, the analysis of the system components gives a starting point as to where the hazards may be; the most insightful view, however, comes later with the second and third screenings during the mechanistic analysis and after the uncertainty propagation. During the mechanistic analysis, improvements to the design can be made in view of the evidence given by nominal simulations and sensitivity analyses. The probabilistic analysis produces insights that the nominal analysis does not produce. In Figures 8 and 9, the curves that exceed the damage limits are the results of specific combinations of the values of the input parameters. The curves corresponding to the nominal values are below the limits and do not reveal the possibility of failure. In addition, the sensitivity analysis allows the discovery of threshold effects in the input parameters and the potential combined effect of two of them in two-dimensional scatter plots. We point out that the probabilistic analysis presented here is different from the usual use of PSA in design. In the latter case, several design configurations are analyzed and compared using a metric such as the core damage frequency (Mizuno et al, 2005; Delaney et al, 2005). These studies are performed at the system level and usually lead to changes in the redundancy and diversity of the system. The present work uses a mechanistic model for a safety function and investigates the impact of uncertainties in the input parameters on the probability of function failure. This process reveals the significance of certain possible values of the input parameters and leads to design changes that affect these values. 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APPENDIX B: RELAP5-3D NOMINAL INPUT DECK MIT-GCFR Plate DHR 100 newath transnt 101 run 102 si si 105 5.0 6.0 110 air 115 1.0 * g=1, no noncond 120 100010000 0.0 he primary 1 121 133010000 0.0 h2o h2opc 1 122 143010000 0.0 h2o h2oit 1 123 700010000 0.0 h2o uhsloopl 124 701010000 0.0 h2o uhsloop2 *crdno end time min dt max dt control 201 10800.0 1.0-10 0.0025 23 - minor ed 400 major ed 800000 * * * *--------------------------------------------------------* MINOR EDITS *--------------------------------------------------------- * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Reactor Coolant System *--------------------------------------------------------* 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 * * p tempf p tempf p tempf p tempf mflowj mflowj cntrlvar cntrlvar cntrlvar cntrlvar p tempf p tempf p tempf p tempf 750010000 750010000 751010000 751010000 750200000 750200000 751200000 751200000 750010000 751010000 126 127 128 129 710010000 710010000 711010000 711010000 710050000 710050000 711050000 711050000 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Water Loops Data q q q q from from from from 710 711 750 751 restart 400000 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 650010000 651010000 650050000 p P 651050000 p g 650010000 tempg 651010000 tempg 650050000 tempg tempg 651050000 mflowj 665000000 mflowj 674000000 cntrlvar 120 cntrlvar 125 P 610050000 p tempg 610050000 611050000 p tempg 611050000 666010000 p tempg 666010000 676010000 p tempg 676010000 666050000 p tempg 666050000 676050000 p tempg 676050000 httemp 610100101 httemp 611100101 DHR Loops Data p P p * * * * * * * * * * * * * 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 p p p p tempg tempg tempg tempg p p p p tempg tempg tempg tempg mflowj mflowj mflowj mflowj mf 1owj p tempg p tempg cntrlvar cntrlvar cntrl1var cntrlvar 250010000 251010000 250080000 251080000 250010000 251010000 250080000 251080000 670010000 670080000 800010000 800080000 670010000 670080000 800010000 800080000 250010000 251010000 670010000 800010000 300040000 300050000 300050000 100010000 100010000 111 102 123 110 Reactor and Downcomer Data Q extracted from rector Estimated Q extracted Q generated by the reactor Max temp fuel 251 httemp * MAx temp clad 379 cntrlvar 103 380 381 382 383 mflowj sonicj p tempg 062000000 062000000 070010000 070010000 * Break and Containment Data mflowj p tempg cntrlvar mflowj cntrlvar mflowj mflowj turvel cntrlvar cntrlvar 082000000 520300000 520300000 40 550010000 42 580010000 597010000 510 32 34 * 251 httemp * 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 20800001 sonicj PCU Data * * * * * * * * Turbine velocity rad/s * q from pc * q from ic 062000000 *--------------------------------------------------------- * TRIPS *--------------------------------------------------------* 20600000 expanded *Time to be taken for Steady-State: 50 seconds 20603500 time 0 ge timeof 522 5. n * trip LP cmpr, HP cmpr Turbine timeof 522 5. 1 * generator trip 20603600 time null 0 5.e6 1 * open bypass valve 20604810 time null 0 1.0e6 1 * close bypass valve 20604820 time 20605010 time 0 ge timeof 522 5. 1 *@Rx Trip' 20605010 time 0 ge timeof 501225. 1 -. *@Rx Trip' *20605020 time 0 ge timeof 501 0.0 1 -1. *@Rx Trip' lt ge ge and null 0 5.e6 n *trpvlv from tmdpvol null 0 5. 1 *break junction (valve 062) timeof 522 180. n 20605210 20605220 20605230 time time time 20605240 20605250 20605260 20605270 20605280 20605290 20605300 20605310 20605320 cntrlvar 102 time 0 ge time 0 it time 0 it cntrlvar 110 time 0 ge time 0 ge time 0 lt vlvarea 665 it cntrlvar 123 -2.e6 n n *valves connecting DHRs to 670 null 0 0. null 0 5. n *OPEN valve 685 & 686 null 0 5. n *open valve 082 gt null 0 900. n timeof 1003 0. 1 *connect external torque null 0 20000. n null 0 20000. n eq null 0 0. n 20605340 vlvarea 674 eq 20605350 20605360 turvel mflowj null 0 0. n 510 it null 0 0.01 n 597010000 gt null 0 1.67 *trip cprssrs n 20605370 20605380 20605390 20605400 20605410 20605420 20605430 mflowj time 0 p p p p time 0 082000000 le null 0 1.67 n gt null 0 10. n 690010000 ge p 698010000 691010000 ge p 694010000 690010000 lt p 698010000 691010000 lt p 694010000 ge timeof 522 40. n 20610010 20610020 20610030 20610040 20610050 20610060 530 530 523 525 537 524 534 n 532 n 1006 1 1005 n 538 1 528 n and and and xor and and 0. 0. 0. 0. n n n n *valve 694 *valve 692 *close valve 082 *open vlvs 593 & 503 *open vlvs 501 & 591 * * **%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ** % ** HYDRODYNAMIC COMPONENTS ** % % **%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * PRIMARY COOLANT SYSTEM * *--------------------------------------------------------*------------------------------------------- * Reactor Inlet Plenum *--------------------------------------------------------- * name 1000000 * pipe number of volumes 1000001 * pipe/annulus rx-in-pl area 5 no of vol 1000101 6.7117 5 * length no of vol 1000301 0.2 5 * volume no of vol 1000401 0.0 5 * azi ang no of vol 1000501 90. 5 * ver ang no of vol 1000601 90. 5 * elev. no of vol 1000701 0.1 5 * rough dhydr. no of vol 1000801 1.0Oe-5 0.15 5 * kforw kbackw no of jun 1000901 0.0 0.0 4 * v-flag no of vol 1001001 00000 5 * j-flag no of jun 1001101 000000 4 * cntrl pressure temperature * * * no of vol 1001201 0 7152053. 2310826. 2310826. 1. 0. 1 1001202 0 7152044. 2310826. 2310826. 1. 0. 2 7152034. 2310826. 2310826. 1. 0. 3 1001203 0 7152024. 2310826. 2310826. 1. 0. 4 1001204 0 7152014. 2310826. 2310826. 1. 0. 5 1001205 0 cntrl * 1001300 0 * w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ no of jun 1001301 9.97593 9.97593 0. 1 * 319.2105 2 * 319.2105 1001302 9.97594 9.97594 0. 3 * 319.2105 1001303 9.97595 9.97595 0. 4 * 319.2105 1001304 9.97596 9.97596 0. *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: Reactor Inlet Plenum to Lower Reflector *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 2080000 rip-lrc sngljun to area kforw kbackw j-flag * from 2080101 100050002 210000000 1.39801 0.23 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 2080201 0 47.4743 47.4743 0. * 316.416 0.23 0000000 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: Reactor Inlet Plenum to Lower Reflector *--------------------------------------------------------- name junction * 2090000 rip-lrh sngljun area kforw kbackw j-flag * from to 2090101 100010000 211000000 0.01259 0.23 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 2090201 0 46.5594 46.5594 0. * 2.79462 0.23 0000000 *--------------------------------------------------------- * Reactor Inlet Reflector *--------------------------------------------------------- volume * name 2100000 in-rflt snglvol area length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe v-flag * 2100101 1.39801 1.0 0.0 90.0 90.0 1.0 1.0e-5 0.0127 000000 * cntrl press temp 7140967. 2311218. 2311218. 1. 2100200 0 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Reactor Inlet Reflector Hot Channel *--------------------------------------------------------- volume name * 2110000 in-rfhc snglvol * area length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe v-flag 2110101 0.01259 1.0 0.0 90.0 90.0 1.0 1.0e-5 0.0127 000000 * cntrl press temp 7141388. 2311206. 2311206. 1. 2110200 0 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: Reactor Inlet Reflector to Core *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 2150000 irf-cor sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 2150101 210010000 250000000 1.39801 3.00 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 2150201 0 47.5237 47.5237 0. * 316.416 0.00 0000000 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: Reactor Inlet Reflector to Core Hot Channel *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 2160000 irf-chc sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 2160101 211010000 251000000 0.01259 3.00 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 2160201 0 46.6061 46.6061 0. * 2.79462 0.00 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Reactor Core *--------------------------------------------------------- * name pipe/annulus 2500000 rx-core pipe * number of volumes 2500001 8 * area no of vol 2500101 1.39801 8 * length no of vol 2500301 0.24375 8 * volume no of vol 2500401 0.0 8 * azi ang no of vol 2500501 90. 8 * ver ang no of vol 2500601 90. 8 * elev. no of vol 2500701 0.24375 8 * rough dhydr. no of vol 2500801 1.0e-5 0.0127 8 * kforw kbackw no of jun 2500901 0.0 0.0 7 * v-flag no of vol 2501001 00000 8 * j-flag no of jun 2501101 000000 7 * cntrl pressure temperature 2501201 0 7118911. 2407030. 2501202 0 7116096. 2541886. 2501203 0 7113010. 2703636. 2501204 0 7109660. 2879407. 2501205 0 7106074. 3055207. 2501206 0 7102302. 3217043. 2501207 0 7098412. 3352028. 2501208 0 7094483. 3449417. * cntrl 2501300 0 * * * 2407030. 2541886. 2703636. 2879407. 3055207. 3217043. 3352028. 3449417. no 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. of vol 0. 1 0. 2 0. 3 0. 4 0. 5 0. 6 0. 7 0. 8 0000000 * w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ no of jun 2501301 49.585 49.585 0. 1 * 316.416 2501302 52.3795 52.3795 0. 2 * 316.416 3 * 316.416 2501303 55.7317 55.7317 0. 4 * 316.416 2501304 59.3765 59.3765 0. 5 * 316.416 2501305 63.0252 63.0252 0. 2501306 66.3886 66.3886 0. 6 * 316.416 7 * 316.416 2501307 69.2 69.2 0. *--------------------------------------------------------- * Reactor Core Hot Channel *--------------------------------------------------------- * name pipe/annulus 2510000 rx-core pipe * number of volumes 2510001 8 area no of vol * 2510101 0.01259 8 length no of vol * 2510301 0.24375 8 * volume no of vol 2510401 0.0 8 * azi ang no of vol 2510501 90. 8 ver ang no of vol * 2510601 90. 8 * elev. no of vol 2510701 0.24375 8 * rough dhydr. no of vol 2510801 1.0e-5 0.0127 8 * kforw kbackw no of jun 2510901 0.0 7 0.0 * v-flag no of vol 2511001 00000 8 * j-flag no of jun 2511101 000000 7 * cntrl pressure temperature 2511201 0 7120148. 2423867. 2511202 0 7117354. 2582030. 2511203 0 7114255. 2771736. 2511204 0 7110856. 2977891. 2511205 0 7107192. 3184081. 7103315. 3373888. 2511206 0 2511207 0 7099301. 3532202. 2511208 0 7095240. 3646411. * cntrl 2511300 0 w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ * 2511301 48.9652 48.9652 0. 2511302 52.1772 52.1772 0. 2511303 56.0307 56.0307 0. 2511304 60.2206 60.2206 0. 2511305 64.4151 64.4151 0. 2511306 68.2815 68.2815 0. 2511307 71.5131 71.5131 0. * no * * * 2423867. 2582030. 2771736. 2977891. 3184081. 3373888. 3532202. 3646411. 1. 0. jun 2.79462 2.79462 2.79462 2.79462 2.79462 2.79462 2.79462 vol 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 *------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: Reactor Core to Outlet Reflector *--------------------------------------------------------- junction * name 2550000 cor-orf sngljun from to area kforw kbackw j-flag * 2550101 250010000 290000000 1.39801 3.00 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 2550201 0 71.2362 71.2362 0. * 316.416 0.00 0000000 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: Reactor Core Hot Channel to Outlet Reflector *--------------------------------------------------------- name junction * 2560000 cor-ohc sngljun to area kforw kbackw j-flag * from 2560101 251010000 291000000 0.01259 3.00 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 2560201 0 73.853 73.853 0. * 2.79462 0.00 0000000 * *--------------------------------------------------------* Reactor Outlet Reflector *--------------------------------------------------------- * name volume 2900000 o-rflt snglvol * area length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe v-flag 2900101 1.39801 1.0 0.0 90.0 90.0 1.0 1.0e-5 0.0127 000000 * cntrl press temp 2900200 0 7061007. 3448288. 3448288. 1. * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Reactor Outlet Reflector HC *--------------------------------------------------------* name volume 2910000 o-rflt snglvol * area length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe v-flag 2910101 0.01259 1.0 0.0 90.0 90.0 1.0 1.0e-5 0.0127 000000 * cntrl press temp 2910200 0 7061106. 3645208. 3645208. 1. * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: Reactor Core to Outlet Plenum *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 2920000 cor-orf sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 2920101 290010000 300000000 0.0 0.46 0.46 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 2920201 0 71.4177 71.4177 0. * 316.416 0000000 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: Reactor Core Hot Channel to Outlet Plenum *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 2930000 cor-ohc sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 2930101 291010000 300000000 0.0 0.46 0.46 0000000 * cntrl w/v.liq 2930201 0 74.045 w/v.vap w/ 74.045 0. * 2.79462 *--------------------------------------------------------- * Reactor Outlet Plenum *--------------------------------------------------------- * name pipe/annulus 3000000 rx-o-pl pipe * number of volumes 3000001 5 * area no of vol 3000101 43.0080 5 * length no of vol 3000301 0.2 5 volume no of vol * 3000401 0.0 5 azi ang no of vol * 5 3000501 90. * ver ang no of vol 5 3000601 90. * elev. no of vol 3000701 0.20 5 * rough dhydr. no of vol 3000801 4.5e-5 7.4 5 kforw kbackw no of jun * 4 0.0 3000901 0.0 * v-flag no of vol 3001001 00000 5 * j-flag no of jun 3001101 000000 4 * cntrl pressure temperature * * * no of 7058110. 3449668. 3449668. 1. 0. 3001201 0 7058104. 3449667. 3449667. 1. 0. 3001202 0 7058098. 3449666. 3449666. 1. 0. 3001203 0 7058092. 3449666. 3449666. 1. 0. 3001204 0 0 7058085. 3449665. 3449665. 1. 0. 3001205 * cntrl 3001300 0 w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ no of jun * 1 * 319.2105 3001301 2.34353 2.34353 0. 2 * 319.2105 3001302 2.34353 2.34353 0. 3 * 319.2105 3001303 2.34353 2.34353 0. 4 * 319.2105 3001304 2.34353 2.34353 0. vol 1 2 3 4 5 *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: Plenum to Pressure controller *--------------------------------------------------------- junction * name *3200000 cor-orf valve area kforw kbackw from to * *3200101 300010000 340000000 1.e5 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 312.20 0.0 *3200201 1 0. *crdno valve type *3200300 trpvlv *crdno open trip 521 *3200301 j-flag 0. 1.e9 0000000 * *-------------------------- ------------- - * Reactor Pressure Controller *--------------------------------------------------------- * name volume *3400000 rx-vent tmdpvol * area length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe v-flag *3400101 500.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0.00046 7.4 000000 * cntrl *3400200 003 * press temp *3400201 0.0 6.94220e6 1122.15 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * RPV Downcomer #1 *--------------------------------------------------------- * name pipe/annulus 6700000 hp-hxcl pipe * number of volumes 6700001 8 * area no of vol 6700101 3.62855 8 * length no of vol 6700301 1.05625 8 * volume no of vol 6700401 0.0 8 azi ang no of vol * 6700501 -90. 8 * ver ang no of vol 6700601 -90. 8 elev. no of vol * 6700701 -0.68125 8 * rough dhydr. no of vol 6700801 4.5e-5 0.6 8 * kforw kbackw no of jun 6700901 0.0 0.0 7 * v-flag no of vol 6701001 00000 8 * j-flag no of jun 6701101 000000 7 * cntrl pressure temperature 6701201 0 7151890. 2310802. 6701202 0 7151917. 2310805. 6701203 0 7151944. 2310808. 6701204 0 7151971. 2310812. 6701205 0 7.152+6 2310816. 6701206 0 7152025. 2310819. 6701207 0 7152052. 2310823. 6701208 0 7152079. 2310827. * cntrl 6701300 0 * w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ no 6701301 9.22622 9.22622 0. 1 6701302 9.22622 9.22622 0. 2 6701303 9.22621 9.22621 0. 3 6701304 9.2262 9.2262 0. 4 * 6701305 9.2262 9.2262 0. 5 * 6701306 9.2262 9.2262 0. 6 * 6701307 9.22619 9.22619 0. 7 * * * 2310802. 2310805. 2310808. 2310812. 2310816. 2310819. 2310823. 2310827. of jun * 319.2105 * 319.2105 * 319.2105 319.2105 319.2105 319.2105 * 319.2105 no 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. of vol 0. 1 0. 2 0. 3 0. 4 0. 5 0. 6 0. 7 0. 8 * *------------------------------------------------------- * RPV Downcomer #2 *--------------------------------------------------------- * name pipe/annulus 8000000 hp-hxcl pipe * number of volumes 8000001 8 * area no of vol 8000101 3.62855 8 * length no of vol 8000301 1.05625 8 volume no of vol * 8000401 0.0 8 * azi ang no of vol 8000501 -90. 8 ver ang no of vol * 8000601 -90. 8 elev. no of vol * 8000701 -0.68125 8 * rough dhydr. no of vol 8000801 4.5e-5 0.6 8 kforw kbackw no of jun * 8000901 0.0 0.0 7 v-flag no of vol * 8001001 00000 8 j-flag no of jun * 8001101 000000 7 temperature * cntrl pressure 8001201 0 7151890. 2310802. 2310805. 7151917. 8001202 0 8001203 0 7151944. 2310808. 8001204 0 7151971. 2310812. 8001205 0 7.152+6 2310816. 7152025. 2310819. 8001206 0 8001207 0 7152052. 2310823. 8001208 0 7152079. 2310827. * cntrl 8001300 0 w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ no * 1 8001301 9.22622 9.22622 0. 8001302 9.22622 9.22622 0. 2 8001303 9.22621 9.22621 0. 3 8001304 9.2262 9.2262 0. 4 * 8001305 9.2262 9.2262 0. 5 * 6 * 8001306 9.2262 9.2262 0. 7 8001307 9.22619 9.22619 0. * * * vol 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2310802. 2310805. 2310808. 2310812. 2310816. 2310819. 2310823. 2310827. of jun * 319.2105 * 319.2105 * 319.2105 319.2105 319.2105 319.2105 * 319.2105 - *-------------------------------------------------- * Junction: - ------- *----------------------------------------------------- *crdno 6850000 --- Pressure Controller to RPV Downcomer name type j-contr valve * *crdno from to area jefvcahs 6850101 680000000 670000000 1.0 0. 0. 6850110 0.6 0.0 1.0 1.0 00000100 - *crdno var flowf flowg velj 6850201 0 0. 0. 0. * 0. *crdno valve type 6850300 trpvlv *crdno open trip 6850301 526 * *---------------------------------------------------------------* Junction: Pressure Controller to RPV Downcomer *---------------------------------------------------------------- *crdno 6860000 name type j-contr valve * *crdno 6860101 6860110 *crdno 6860201 *crdno 6860300 *crdno 6860301 from to area jefvcahs 680000000 800000000 1.0 0. 0. 0.6 0.0 1.0 1.0 var flowf flowg velj 0 0. 0. 0. * 0. valve type trpvlv open trip 526 00000100 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Pressure Controller for steady state *--------------------------------------------------------- * name volume 6800000 p-contr tmdpvol * area length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe v-flag 6800101 500.00 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0.00046 7.4 000000 * cntrl 6800200 3 * press temp 6800201 0.0 7.08000e6 761.15 *--------------------------------------------------------* SNGLJ: RPV Cold Duct to Rx Inlet Plenum *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 6750000 cd-iplm sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 6750101 670010000 100000000 0.0 1.0 1.0 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6750201 0 9.97592 9.97592 0. * 319.2105 0000001 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * SNGLJ: RPV Cold Duct to Rx Inlet Plenum *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 8010000 cd-iplm sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 8010101 800010000 100000000 0.0 1.0 1.0 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 8010201 0 9.97592 9.97592 0. * 319.2105 * ** Name Valve 5010000 bypass tmdpjun 0000001 * from to 5010101 500000000 502000000 cntrl trp * 5010200 1 1005 5010201 -0.* 0. 0. 0. 5010201 -0. 0. -0. 0. 5010202 0. 0. -10. 0. area 0.00 j-flag 0000000 * *--------------------------------------------------------- *crdno 5020000 name cprbp2 type tmdpvol * *crdno 5020101 area lngth vol .9104 0 0 78. h-a v-ang delz 0. .0 0 1.5 rgh dhy 00010 * *crdno ebt 5020200 3 *crdno time 5020201 0.0 * 500 press temp 5.e6 1150. Hot Duct volume * *crdno 5000000 name type hotduct pipe * *crdno no.vols. 4 5000001 * *crdno area 5000101 1.606 4 * *crdno length 5000301 1.85 4 * *crdno v-ang 5000601 0.0 4 * *crdno rough 5000801 0. dhy 1.43 4 * *crdno 5000901 ff 10. rf 0. 3 * *crdno tlpvbfe 5001001 10010 4 * *crdno jefvcahs 5001101 0000000 3 * *crdno 5001201 5001202 5001203 5001204 ebt pressure 0 7001960. 0 6939344. 0 6876488. 0 6813382. temp qual 3442779. 3442779. 1. 3434540. 3434540. 1. 3425628. 3425628. 1. 3415980. 3415980. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1 2 3 4 pvbfe *crdno i.c. 5001300 0 * *crdno flowf flowg velj 0. 1 * 319.2105 5001301 62.9543 62.9543 0. 2 * 319.2105 5001302 63.1902 63.1902 0. 3 * 319.2105 5001303 63.4479 63.4479 *crdno dhy 5001401 1.43 1.0 1.0 1.0 *------------------------------------ *hydro 5100000 component name component type turbine turbinel *----------------------------------------------------------------- $ * no. juns vel/flow 5100001 1 0 length area *hydro 0.4857 4.2 5100101 volume 0.0 * *hydro 5100102 horz angle vert angle 90.0 4.2 0.0 *hydro 5100103 roughness 6.0e-4 delta z fe 10 hyd diam 0.7864 *hydro ebt pressure tempe 5100200 0 3335696. 2520473. 2520473. 1. from to area Kf Kr efvcahs * 5101101 500010000 510000000 0.193 0.555 0.555 * velf velg veli 5101201 530.307 530.307 0. * 319.2105 speed iner fric shaft trip sep eff * 600 0 5100300 376.991 5478.2 0.39 type * *- - - eff 2 5100400 - - - - radius r 0.93 - 0.6 0.5 - 0000010 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - == - -=== - *crdno name type 5150000 trbout branch 5150001 2 0 5150101 0.5 1.3848 0.0 5150102 0.0 -90.0 -1.3848 5150103 0.0 0.7979 11000 5150200 0 2944520. 2419992. 2419992. 1. *crdno from to area floss rloss flag 5151101 510010000 515000000 0.0 3.0 0.0 000100 5152101 515010000 520000000 0.0 3.0 0.0 000000 *crdno flowf flowg velj 5151201 345.128 345.128 0. * 319.2105 5152201 357.214 357.214 0. * 319.2105 * *------------------------------------* - === - - === - ===- -- === 5200000 rc-hot pipe *------------------------------------------------------------------ * no. vols 5200001 30 vol area * 5200101 10.98 30 * length 5200301 0.09384 30 volume * 5200401 0.0 30 azim angle * 5200501 0.0 30 incl angle * 5200601 -90.0 30 * roughness hyd dia 5200801 0.3-6 2.4384e-3 30 * kf kr 5200901 0.0 0.0 29 * pvbfe 5201001 00000 30 * fvcahs 5201101 001000 29 temp * ebt press 5201201 0 2706427. 2322732. 5201202 0 2706121. 2286169. 5201203 0 2705834. 2249496. 5201204 0 2705555. 2212712. 5201205 0 2705283. 2175820. 5201206 0 2705019. 2138822. 5201207 0 2704762. 2101724. 5201208 0 2704513. 2064526. 5201209 0 2704272. 2027234. 5201210 0 2704037. 1989851. 5201211 0 2703810. 1952383. 5201212 0 2703588. 1914833. 5201213 0 2703366. 1877206. 5201214 0 2703143. 1839506. 5201215 0 2702920. 1801740. 5201216 0 2702696. 1763912. 5201217 0 2702473. 1726028. 5201218 0 2702250. 1688096. 5201219 0 2702027. 1650121. 5201220 0 2701805. 1612112. 5201221 0 2701583. 1574077. 5201222 0 2701362. 1536022. 5201223 0 2701141. 1497958. 5201224 0 2700922. 1459893. 5201225 0 2700704. 1421836. 5201226 0 2700487. 1383799. 5201227 0 2700272. 1345792. 5201228 0 2700059. 1307826. 5201229 0 2699848. 1269914. 5201230 0 2699634. 1232069. vel/flow * 5201300 0 * liquid vapor int-face 2322732. 2286169. 2249496. 2212712. 2175820. 2138822. 2101724. 2064526. 2027234. 1989851. 1952383. 1914833. 1877206. 1839506. 1801740. 1763912. 1726028. 1688096. 1650121. 1612112. 1574077. 1536022. 1497958. 1459893. 1421836. 1383799. 1345792. 1307826. 1269914. 1232069. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 * 319.2105 5201301 16.6594 16.6594 0. 2 * 319.2105 5201302 16.39818 16.39818 0. 3 * 319.2105 5201303 16.13603 16.13603 0. 4 * 319.2105 5201304 15.873 15.873 0. 5 * 319.2105 15.60912 15.60912 0. 5201305 6 * 319.2105 5201306 15.3444 15.3444 0. 7 * 319.2105 5201307 15.0789 15.0789 0. 8 * 319.2105 5201308 14.8126 14.8126 0. 9 * 319.2105 5201309 14.54556 14.54556 0. 10 * 319.2105 5201310 14.2778 14.2778 0. 11 * 319.2105 5201311 14.00935 14.00935 0. 12 * 319.2105 5201312 13.74027 13.74027 0. 13 * 319.2105 5201313 13.4706 13.4706 0. 14 * 319.2105 5201314 13.20037 13.20037 0. 15 * 319.2105 5201315 12.92963 12.92963 0. 16 * 319.2105 5201316 12.6584 12.6584 0. 17 * 319.2105 5201317 12.38676 12.38676 0. 18 * 319.2105 5201318 12.11472 12.11472 0. 19 * 319.2105 5201319 11.84234 11.84234 0. 20 * 319.2105 5201320 11.56968 11.56968 0. 21 * 319.2105 5201321 11.29678 11.29678 0. 5201322 11.02372 11.02372 0. 22 * 319.2105 23 * 319.2105 5201323 10.75055 10.75055 0. 24 * 319.2105 5201324 10.47733 10.47733 0. 25 * 319.2105 5201325 10.20414 10.20414 0. 26 * 319.2105 9.93105 9.93105 0. 5201326 27 * 319.2105 5201327 9.65813 9.65813 0. 9.38548 9.38548 0. 28 * 319.2105 5201328 29 * 319.2105 5201329 9.11317 9.11317 0. *hydro jun diam beta intercept slope jun 5201401 2.4384e-3 0.0 1.0 1.0 29 * *crdno 5220000 name rc-pr type sngljun * *crdno from to 5220101 520010000 area floss rloss 525000000 0.0 0. flag 0. *crdno ctl flowf flowg velj 5220201 0 194.1553 194.1553 0. * 319.2105 *Inlet * pipe to precooler Inlet pipe to precooler * *crdno 5250000 name pr-in type pipe * *crdno no.vols. 5250001 3 * *crdno area 5250101 0.5 *crdno length *crdno length 3 100 5250301 3.65 * *crdno v-ang 5250601 -90.0 3 * *crdno rough dhy 5250801 0. 0.7979 3 * *crdno 5250901 ff 0. rf 0. 2 * *crdno tlpvbfe 5251001 10010 3 * *crdno jefvcahs 5251101 0000000 2 * *crdno 5251201 5251202 5251203 ebt pressure 0 2614938. 0 2613621. 0 2613715. temp qual 1219848. 1219848. 1. 0. 1 1219651. 1219651. 1. 0. 2 1219665. 1219665. 1. 0. 3 *crdno i.c. 5251300 0 * *crdno flowf flowg velj 0. 1 * 319.2105 5251301 197.139 197.139 0. 2 * 319.2105 5251302 197.187 197.187 * *crdno dhy 5251401 0.7979 1.0 1.0 1.0 * *crdno 5280000 name type pr-inj sngljun * *crdno from to 5280101 525010000 area floss rloss 530000000 0.0 0. flag 0. 100 * *crdno ctl flowf flowg velj 5280201 0 197.1838 197.1838 0. * 319.2105 * *------------------------------------- 5300000 precool pipe *------------------------------------------------------ * no. vols 5300001 20 * vol area 5300101 28.4 20 length * 5300301 0.2365 20 volume * 5300401 0.0 20 * azim angle 5300501 0.0 20 -------- * incl angle 5300601 -90.0 20 roughness hyd dia * 5300801 4.0e-3 9.924e-3 20 kf kr * 5300901 80.0 80.0 * pvbfe 5301001 00000 20 fvcahs * 5301101 001000 19 * ebt press temp 5301201 2615890. 1179799 1179799. 1. 5301202 2614262. 1144789 1144789. 1. 2612682. 1114443 1114443. 1. 5301203 5301204 2611144. 1088112 1088112. 1. 5301205 2609642. 1065244 1065244. 1. 5301206 2608171. 1045368 1045368. 1. 5301207 2606727. 1028078 1028078. 1. 5301208 2605307. 1013029 1013029. 1. 2603907. 999923. 999923. 1. 5301209 5301210 2602526. 988503. 988503. 1. 5301211 2601159. 978549. 978549. 1. 2599806. 969869. 969869. 1. 5301212 5301213 2598464. 962299. 962299. 1. 2597133. 955695. 955695. 1. 5301214 2595810. 949934. 949934. 1. 5301215 2594495. 944906. 944906. 1. 5301216 2593187. 940519. 940519. 1. 5301217 5301218 2591884. 936692. 936692. 1. 5301219 2590586. 933352. 933352. 1. 2589292. 930439. 930439. 1. 5301220 * vel/flow 5301300 0 * liquid vapor int-face 5301301 3.35547 3.35547 0. 1 * 319.2105 5301302 3.25721 3.25721 0. 2 * 319.2105 5301303 3.17212 3.17212 0. 3 * 319.2105 5301304 3.09839 3.09839 0. 4 * 319.2105 5301305 3.03445 3.03445 0. 5 * 319.2105 5301306 2.97898 2.97898 0. 6 * 319.2105 5301307 2.93084 2.93084 0. 7 * 319.2105 5301308 2.88905 2.88905 0. 8 * 319.2105 5301309 2.85277 2.85277 0. 9 * 319.2105 5301310 2.821274 2.821274 0. 10 * 319.2105 5301311 2.79394 2.79394 0. 11 * 319.2105 5301312 2.'77023 2.77023 0. 12 * 319.2105 5301313 2.74967 2.74967 0. 13 * 319.2105 5301314 2.73186 2.73186 0. 14 * 319.2105 5301315 2.716445 2.716445 0. 15 * 319.2105 5301316 2.70312 2.70312 0. 16 * 319.2105 5301317 2.691623 2.691623 0. 17 * 319.2105 5301318 2.68172 2.68172 0. 18 * 319.2105 5301319 2.673206 2.673206 0. 19 * 319.2105 *hydro jun diam beta intercept slope jun 5301401 9.924e-3 0.0 1.0 1.0 19 $*- *crdno 5350000 name pr-lp type sngljun *crdno from to 5350101 530010000 area floss rloss 540000000 0.0 0. flag 0. 100 * *crdno ctl flowf 5350201 0 31.481 flowg velj 31.481 0. * 319.2105 * *==== * === ==== === === ==== === === ==== === ==== Inlet pipe to low pressure compressor * *crdno 5400000 name type pipe ip-in * *crdno no.vols. 3 5400001 * *crdno area 5400101 2.405 5400102 5.983 2 3 * *crdno length 5400301 2.45 5400302 2.38 2 3 * *crdno v-ang 3 90.0 5400601 *crdno rough d *crdno rough dl hy 2 5400801 0.5e-5 1.75 3 5400802 0.5e-5 2.76 * *crdno 5400901 ff rf 0. 0. 2 * *crdno tlpvbf e 5401001 10000 3 * *crdno 5401101 5401102 jefvcahs 0000000 0000100 1 2 * *crdno 5401201 5401202 5401203 ebt pressure 0 2586328. 0 2586201. 0 2587093. * *crdno i.c. 5401300 0 * temp qual 930098. 930098. 1. 0. 1 930087. 930087. 1. 0. 2 930191. 930191. 1. 0. 3 === === ==== === === *crdno flowf flowg velj 0. 1 * 319.2105 5401301 31.4988 31.4988 5401302 31.4997 31.4997 0. 2 * 319.2105 * *crdno dhy 5401401 1.75 1.0 1.0 1.0 2 * * * * Low pressure compressor * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5500000 lpcmpr cprssr *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * *crdno nj 5500001 2 volume area length * 5500101 0.4762 4.2 0.0 * azim angle incl angle delta z pvbfe 00000 90.0 4.2 5500102 0.00 * from jun area Kf Kr fvcahs 0.0 001000 5500108 540010000 0.0 0.0 * to jun area Kf Kr fvcahs 0.0 001000 5500109 560000000 0.0 0.0 * hyd dia beta y-int slope 5500110 0.0000 0.00 1.00 1.00 5500111 0.0000 0.00 1.00 1.00 * ebt 5500200 3 4.35e6 377.6 * vel/flow liquid vapor int-face 312.0 0. 5500201 1 0.0 312.0 0. 0.0 5500202 1 * id mtr vel trip rvrs *5500301 0 -1 0 350 0 5500301 0 -1 -1 350 0 * rated vel sp ratio flow sound inertia density 5500302 376.991 1.000 319.21 781.48 2891.44 4.2425 * mot coeff-tf2 coeff-tf0 coeff-tfl coeff-tf3 5500303 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 * shaft trip 5500309 600 535 * 5500310 0. 1000. -0.00001 *---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ * performance curves based directly on mit calculations with * extrapolations to boundary of adjacent curves; pump efficiencies * performance data tables *crdno Rel Spd nu * Speed 5500910 -0.10 3 * -37.6991 5500911 0.00 4 * 0.0 rad/s 5500912 0.40 11 * 150.7694 5500913 0.50 14 * 188.4955 5500914 0.60 15 * 226.1946 5500915 0.70 16 * 263.8937 5500916 0.80 15 * 301.5928 5500917 0.90 47 * 339.2919 5500918 1.00 35 * 376.9910 5500919 1.10 36 * 414.6901 5500920 1.20 5 * 452.3892 5500921 1.30 5 * 490.0883 5500922 1.40 4 * 527.7874 5500923 1.50 4 * 565.4865 S relative pr eta pump -10% speed 5501001 -0.1000 0.9000 0.0009 *1.0000 5501002 0.0000 0.8500 0.0009 *0.9701 5501003 0.4216 0.6285 0.0009 *0.9619 * relative pr eta pump 0% speed 5501101 -0.1000 0.9300 0.0009 5501102 0.0000 1.0000 0.0009 *1.0000 5501103 0.3736 0.7347 0.8448 *0.9701 5501104 0.4216 0.7285 0.6275 *0.9619 * relative pr eta pump 40% speed 5501201 -0.1000 0.9500 0.0009 5501202 0.0000 1.1000 0.0009 ******** 5501203 0.3736 0.8171 0.8448 *1.0789 5501204 0.3745 0.8164 0.8436 *1.0779 5501205 0.3753 0.8158 0.8433 *1.0771 5501206 0.3762 0.8149 0.8423 *1.0759 5501207 0.3770 0.8141 0.8410 *1.0749 5501208 0.3919 0.8006 0.8127 *1.0570 5501209 0.4067 0.7868 0.7546 *1.0388 5501210 0.4216 0.7728 0.6275 *1.0204 5501211 0.4826 0.7157 0.1053 *0.9450 * relative pr eta pump 50% speed 5501301 0.0000 1.3000 0.0009 ******** 5501302 0.3736 0.9769 0.8769 *1.2898 5501303 0.4026 0.9423 0.8752 *1.2442 5501304 0.4106 0.9328 0.8747 *1.2316 5501305 0.4186 0.9232 0.8734 *1.2189 5501306 0.4266 0.9139 0.8717 *1.2066 5501307 0.4346 0.9036 0.8703 *1.1930 5501308 0.4426 0.8940 0.8688 *1.1804 5501309 0.4506 0.8844 0.8657 *1.1677 5501310 0.4586 0.8742 0.8613 *1.1542 5501311 0.4666 0.8644 0.8562 *1.1413 5501312 0.4746 0.8543 0.8499 *1.1279 5501313 0.4826 0.8445 0.8422 *1.1150 5501314 0.5941 0.7087 0.7363 *0.9357 * relative pr eta pump 60% speed 5501401 0.0000 1.5000 0.0009 ******** 5501402 0.4026 1.1765 0.8643 *1.5533 5501403 0.4613 1.0935 0.8745 *1.4438 5501404 0.4723 1.0779 0.8763 *1.4232 5501405 0.4834 1.0612 0.8765 *1.4011 5501406 0.4945 1.0447 0.8770 *1.3793 5501407 0.5055 1.0292 0.8782 *1.3589 5501408 0.5166 1.0114 0.8778 *1.3354 5501409 0.5277 0.9922 0.8758 *1.3100 0.0010 * extrapolated 0.8941 * extrapolated 0.6641 * extrapolated 0.0010 0.8941 0.6641 0.8941 0.8929 0.8925 0 .8915 0.8901 0.8601 0.7986 0.6641 0.1115 extrapolated extrapolated exN ý * lz extrapolated * extrapolated 0.9281 0.9263 0.9258 0.9244 0.9226 0.9211 0 .9195 0.9162 0.9116 0.9062 0.8995 0.8914 * extrapolated 0.7793 * extrapolated 0.9148 0.9255 0.9275 0.9277 0.9282 0.9295 0.9290 0.9269 * extrapolated 5501410 0.5387 0.9745 0.8732 *1.2867 0.9242 5501411 0.5609 0.9373 0.8642 *1.2376 0.9146 0.9080 5501412 0.5719 0.9188 0.8579 *1.2131 5501413 0.5830 0.9003 0.8504 *1.1887 0.9000 *1.1636 0.8920 5501414 0.5941 0.8813 0.8428 5501415 0.7124 0.6786 0.7616 *0.8960 0.8061 * relative pr eta pump 70% speed *******.********* 5501501 0.0000 1.7500 0.0009 5501502 0.4613 1.4193 0.8507 *1.8740 0.9004 5501503 0.5447 1.2767 0.8723 *1.6857 0.9232 5501504 0.5587 1.2528 0.8759 *1.6541 0.9270 5501505 0.5726 1.2245 0.8781 *1.6168 0.9294 5501506 0.5866 1.1975 0.8785 *1.5811 0.9298 5501507 0.6006 1.1687 0.8798 *1.5430 0.9312 5501508 0.6145 1.1412 0.8796 *1.5067 0.9310 5501509 0.6285 1.1122 0.8778 *1.4684 0.9290 5501510 0.6425 1.0825 0.8753 *1.4292 0.9264 5501511 0.6565 1.0521 0.8716 *1.3891 0.9225 5501512 0.6704 1.0209 0.8684 *1.3479 0.9191 *1.3061 0.9128 5501513 0.6844 0.9892 0.8625 *1.2628 0.9030 5501514 0.6984 0.9564 0.8532 5501515 0.7124 0.9246 0.8413 *1.2208 0.8904 5501516 0.8358 0.6436 0.7359 *0.8498 0.7789 * relative pr eta pump 80% speed 5501601 0.0000 2.1000 0.0009 ************9**** 5501602 0.5447 1.7424 0.8600 *2.3005 0.9102 5501603 0.6638 1.4595 0.8764 *1.9270 0.9276 5501604 0.6810 1.4187 0.8788 *1.8732 0.9301 5501605 0.6982 1.3781 0.8799 *1.8195 0.9313 5501606 0.7154 1.3330 0.8805 *1.7600 0.9319 5501607 0.7326 1.2883 0.8804 *1.7010 0.9318 5501608 0.7498 1.2389 0.8780 *1.6357 0.9293 5501609 0.7670 1.1889 0.8745 *1 . 5697 0.9256 *1.5019 0.9231 5501610 0.7842 1.1375 0.8722 5501611 0.8014 1.0851 0.8648 *1.4327 0.9153 5501612 0.8186 1.0329 0.8541 *1.3638 0.9040 5501613 0.8358 0.9789 0.8440 *1.2925 0.8933 5501614 0.9702 0.5565 0.7651 *0.7347 0.8098 5501615 1.2390 -.2883 0.6073 *0.7347 0.8098 * relative pr eta pump 90% speed 5501701 0.0000 2.4896 0.0009 5501702 0.6900 2.0358 0.8453 5501703 0.7000 2.0112 0.8489 5501704 0.7100 1.9859 0.8521 5501705 0.7200 1.9599 0.8550 5501706 0.7300 1.9334 0.8577 5501707 0.7400 1.9065 0.8600 5501708 0.7500 1.8792 0.8622 5501709 0.7600 1.8516 0.8643 5501710 0.7700 1.8239 0.8663 5501711 0.7800 1.7962 0.8683 5501712 0.7900 1.7685 0.8702 5501713 0.8000 1.7409 0.8722 5501714 0.8100 1.7136 0.8744 5501715 0.8200 1.6863 0.8765 5501716 0.8300 1.6585 0.8785 5501717 0.8400 1.6297 0.8800 * extrapolated * extrapolated * extrapolated * extrapolated extrapolated extrapolated 5501718 0.8500 1.5993 0.8810 5501719 0.8600 1.5671 0.8815 5501720 0.8700 1.5331 0.8816 5501721 0.8800 1.4975 0.8812 5501722 0.8900 1.4607 0.8806 5501723 0.9000 1.4230 0.8795 5501724 0.9100 1.3846 0.8782 5501725 0.9200 1.3459 0.8766 5501726 0.9300 1.3070 0.8747 5501727 0.9400 1.2679 0.8724 5501728 0.9500 1.2286 0.8694 5501729 0.9600 1.1887 0.8655 5501730 0.9700 1.1480 0.8606 5501731 0.9800 1.1061 0.8543 5501732 0.9900 1.0633 0.8467 5501733 1.0000 1.0198 0.8381 5501734 1.0100 0.9761 0.8291 5501735 1.0200 0.9324 0.8199 5501736 1.0300 0.8885 0.8104 5501737 1.0400 0.8446 0.8007 5501738 1.0500 0.8006 0.7908 5501739 1.0600 0.7566 0.7808 5501740 1.0700 0.7125 0.7706 5501741 1.0800 0.6684 0.7604 5501742 1.0900 0.6242 0.7500 5501743 1.1000 0.5801 0.7396 5501744 1.1100 0.5359 0.7292 5501745 1.1200 0.4917 0.7188 5501746 1.1300 0.4476 0.7084 5501747 1.2812 1.6396 0.5571 * relative pr eta pump 100% speed 5501801 0.0000 2.8896 0.0009 5501802 0.8100 2.4897 0.8507 5501803 0.8200 2.4586 0.8535 5501804 0.8300 2.4266 0.8561 5501805 0.8400 2.3939 0.8584 5501806 0.8500 2.3605 0.8605 5501807 0.8600 2.3264 0.8624 5501808 0.8700 2.2919 0.8642 5501809 0.8800 2.2570 0.8658 5501810 0.8900 2.2217 0.8673 5501811 0.9000 2.1862 0.8688 5501812 0.9100 2.1505 0.8701 5501813 0.9200 2.1147 0.8715 5501814 0.9300 2.0790 0.8728 5501815 0.9400 2.0434 0.8742 5501816 0.9500 2.0080 0.8756 5501817 0.9600 1.9728 0.8771 5501818 0.9700 1.9373 0.8786 5501819 0.9800 1.9003 0.8798 5501820 0.9900 1.8609 0.8808 5501821 1.0000 1.8188 0.8813 5501822 1.0100 1.7743 0.8814 5501823 1.0200 1.7279 0.8810 5501824 1.0300 1.6800 0.8801 5501825 1.0400 1.6310 0.8789 0.8775 5501826 1.0500 1.5813 5501827 1.0600 1.5308 0.8759 5501828 1.0700 1.4796 0.8741 5501829 1.0800 1.4273 0.8721 5501830 1.0900 1.3738 0.8697 5501831 1.1000 1.3187 0.8665 5501832 1.1100 1.2613 0.8618 5501833 1.1200 1.2013 0.8552 5501834 1.1300 1.1387 0.8467 5501835 1.2811 0.1272 0.6554 * relative pr eta pump 110% speed 5501901 0.0000 3.2896 0.0009 5501902 0.9500 3.0082 0.8731 5501903 0.9600 2.9685 0.8753 5501904 0.9700 2.9277 0.8773 5501905 0.9800 2.8857 0.8790 5501906 0.9900 2.8425 0.8805 5501907 1.0000 2.7983 0.8818 5501908 1.0100 2.7529 0.8829 5501909 1.0200 2.7064 0.8837 5501910 1.0300 2.6589 0.8844 5501911 1.0400 2.6103 0.8848 5501912 1.0500 2.5607 0.8850 5501913 1.0600 2.5100 0.8851 5501914 1.0700 2.4584 0.8849 5501915 1.0800 2.4057 0.8846 5501916 1.0900 2.3521 0.8840 5501917 1.1000 2.2975 0.8833 5501918 1.1100 2.2420 0.8824 5501919 1.1200 2.1855 0.8813 5501920 1.1300 2.1280 0.8800 5501921 1.1400 2.0694 0.8785 5501922 1.1500 2.0097 0.8767 5501923 1.1600 1.9488 0.8748 5501924 1.1700 1.8866 0.8726 5501925 1.1800 1.8232 0.8701 5501926 1.1900 1.7586 0.8675 5501927 1.2000 1.6930 0.8646 5501928 1.2100 1.6265 0.8616 5501929 1.2200 1.5590 0.8584 5501930 1.2300 1.4908 0.8550 5501931 1.2400 1.4218 0.8515 5501932 1.2500 1.3522 0.8479 5501933 1.2600 1.2821 0.8442 5501934 1.2700 1.2115 0.8403 5501935 1.2800 1.1406 0.8365 5501936 1.3982 0.2778 0.7859 * * relative pr eta pump 120% 5502001 0.0000 3.5000 0.0009 5502002 0.6000 4.1500 0.2000 5502003 1.0748 3.4847 0.8746 5502004 1.3915 1.1814 0.8336 5502005 1.4100 0.6000 0.7000 speed **************** * * extrapolated * * extrapolated * * relative pr eta pump 130% speed 5502101 0.0000 4.0000 0.0009 **************** 5502102 0.6000 5.0000 0.2000 5502103 5502104 5502105 1.2241 1.5319 1.5500 3.9712 1.2322 0.6000 0.8746 0.8336 0.7000 * * extrapolated * * extrapolated * relative pr eta pump 140% 5502201 0.0000 4.3000 0.0009 5502202 0.6000 5.6000 0.2000 5502203 1.3734 4.4577 0.8746 5502204 1.6723 1.2830 0.8336 * speed **************** * * extrapolated * * extrapolated * relative pr eta pump 150% 5502301 0.0000 4.7000 0.0009 5502302 0.6000 6.0000 0.2000 5502303 1.5227 4.9442 0.8746 5502304 1.8127 1.3338 0.8336 * speed **************** * * extrapolated * * extrapolated * *5500500 *5500501 0.0 376.991 *5500502 1450. 376.991 $ *hydro 5600000 component name component type snglvol lpcout *--------------------------------------------------------------------- $ *hydro 5600101 area 4.347 length 2.45 volume 0.0 * *hydro 5600102 delta z vert angle horz angle -2.45 0.0 -90.0 * *hydro 5600103 hyd diam roughness 0 0.0 0.0 fe * *hydro ebt pressure tempe 5600200 0 4357726. 1181832. 1181832. 1. $ *hydro 5650000 component name component type branch lpc-ic *------------------------------------------------------------------- $ no. juns vel/flow 5650001 2 0 length area *hydro 2.45 4.347 5650101 * volume 0.0 * *hydro 5650102 vert angle horz angle -2.45 -90.0 0.0 delta z * *hydro 5650103 hyd diam roughness 0 2.353 0.0 fe * *hydro ebt pressure tempe 5650200 0 4357863. 1181846. 1181846. 1. area Kf Kr efvcahs from to * 0.0 0.0 5651101 560010000 565000000 0.0 0000000 5652101 565010000 570000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 * velf velg veli 5651201 12.9294 12.9294 0. * 319.2105 5652201 12.92918 12.92918 0. * 319.2105 * hyd dia beta y-int slope 5651110 2.353 1.00 1.00 1.00 5652110 2.353 1.00 1.00 1.00 0000000 * -** * 570 5700000 Inter-cooler intcool pipe *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * no. vols 5700001 20 * vol area 5700101 28.3 20 length * 5700301 0.2365 20 * volume 5700401 0.0 20 azim angle * 5700501 0.0 20 * incl angle 5700601 -90.0 20 * roughness hyd dia 5700801 4.0e-3 9.924e-3 20 * kf kr 5700901 130.0 130.0 19. * pvbfe 5701001 00000 20 * fvcahs 5701101 001000 19 * ebt press temp 5701201 0 4358364. 1152563. 5701202 0 4356879. 1126299. 5701203 0 4355428. 1102891. 5701204 0 4354008. 1082014. 5701205 0 4352615. 1063381. 5701206 0 4351246. 1046744. 5701207 0 4349898. 1031881. 5701208 0 4348570. 1018596. 5701209 0 4347258. 1006716. 5701210 0 4345962. 996090. 5701211 0 4344678. 986582. 5701212 0 4343408. 978072. 5701213 0 4342148. 970453. 5701214 0 4340898. 963630. 5701215 0 4339656. 957520. 5701216 0 4338423. 952047. 5701217 0 4337196. 947144. 5701218 0 4335976. 942751. 5701219 0 4334760. 938816. 5701220 0 4333550. 935291. 1152563. 1. 0. 1 1126299. 1. 0. 2 1102891. 1. 0. 3 1082014. 1. 0. 4 1063381. 1. 0. 5 1046744. 1. 0. 6 1031881. 1. 0. 7 1018596. 1. 0. 8 1006716. 1. 0. 9 996090. 1. 0. 10 986582. 1. 0. 11 978072. 1. 0. 12 970453. 1. 0. 13 963630. 1. 0. 14 957520. 1. 0. 15 952047. 1. 0. 16 947144. 1. 0. 17 942751. 1. 0. 18 938816. 1. 0. 19 935291. 1. 0. 20 * vel/flow 5701300 0 * liquid vapor int-face 1 * 319.2105 5701301 1.936394 1.936394 5701302 1.892748 1.892748 2 * 319.2105 3 * 319.2105 5701303 1.853877 1.853877 5701304 1.81924 1.81924 0. 4 * 319.2105 5701305 1.78836 1.78836 0. 5 * 319.2105 5701306 1.76082 1.76082 0. 6 * 319.2105 5701307 1.736254 1.736254 0. 7 * 319.2105 5701308 1.71433 1.71433 0. 8 * 319.2105 5701309 1.694765 1.694765 0. 9 * 319.2105 1.6773 0. 10 * 319.2105 5701310 1.6773 5701311 1.661713 1.661713 0. 11 * 319.2105 12 * 319.2105 5701312 1.6478 1.6478 0. 635383 1.635383 0. 13 * 319.2105 5701313 5701314 624304 1.624304 0. 14 * 319.2105 614422 1.614422 0. 15 * 319.2105 5701315 * 319.2105 60561 1.60561 0. 5701316 * 319.2105 59776 1.59776 0. 5701317 590767 1.590767 18 * 319.2105 5701318 19 * 319.2105 584544 1.584544 5701319 *hydro jun diam beta intercept slope jun 5701401 9.924e-3 0.0 1.0 1.0 19 * 572 Junction - IC to HPC * *crdno 5720000 name type ic-hpcj sngljun *crdno from to 5720101 570010000 area floss rloss 575000000 0.0 0.0 *crdno ctl flowf 5720201 0 89.372 flowg velj 89.372 0. * 319.2105 flag 0.0 -** * 575 *crdno 5750000 Inlet pipe to high pressure compresser name type ic-hpc pipe * *crdno no.vols. 5750001 3 *crdno area 5750101 0.5 3 * *crdno length 5750301 3.21 3 * *crdno v-ang 5750601 90.0 * *crdno rough dhy 3 5750801 0.5e-5 0.7979 * *crdno 5750901 2 * *crdno tlpvbf e 5751001 10000 3 * *crdno 5751101 jefvcahs 2 0000000 * *crdno 5751201 5751202 5751203 ebt pressure 0 4304494. 0 4303151. 0 4301978. temp qual 932850. 932850. 1. 0. 932810. 932810. 1. 0. 932785. 932785. 1. 0. 1 2 3 * *crdno i.c. 5751300 0 * *crdno flowf flowg velj 0. 1 * 319.2105 5751301 89.7534 89.7534 0. 2 * 319.2105 5751302 89.7788 89.7788 * *crdno dhy 5751401 0.7979 jun. no 1.0 1.0 1.0 * * * * High pressure compressor * *-------------------------------------------------------------------- 5800000 hpcmpr cprssr *--------------------------------------------------------*------* * *crdno nj 5800001 2 length volume * area *3500101 0.50 2.35 0.0 4.2 5800101 0.4762 0.0 * azimrangle incl angle delta z pvbfe 90.0 5800102 0.00 4.2 00000 * fromr jun area Kf Kr fvc ahs 0.0 001000 5800108 575010000 0.0 0.0 * to jun area Kf Kr fvc ahs 5800109 585000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 001000 * hyd dia beta y-int slope 5800110 0.0000 0.00 1.00 1.00 5800111 0.0000 0.00 1.00 1.00 ------- * ebt 5800200 3 7.21e6 378.05 vel/flow liquid vapor int-face * 312.0 0. 0.0 5800201 1 312.0 0. 0.0 5800202 1 * id mtr vel trip rvrs 0 350 0 *5800301 0 -1 -1 350 0 5800301 0 -1 rated vel sp ratio flow sound inertia density * 5800302 376.991 1.000 319.21 692.04 2891.44 7.1263 mot coeff-tf2 coeff-tf0 coeff-tfl coeff-tf3 * 0.0 0.0 0.0 5800303 0.0 0.0 shaft trip * 5800309 600 535 * 5800310 0. 1000. -0.00001 *---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ * performance curves based directly on mit calculations with * extrapolations to boundary of adjacent curves; pump efficiencies * performance data tables Speed nu * *crdno Rel Spd * -37.6991 3 5800910 -0.10 0.0 rad/s * 4 5800911 0.00 150.7694 * 11 5800912 0.40 * 188.4955 14 5800913 0.50 226.1946 * 15 5800914 0.60 263.8937 * 16 5800915 0.70 301.5928 * 15 5800916 0.80 339.2919 * 47 5800917 0.90 376.9910 * 35 5800918 1.00 * 414.6901 36 5800919 1.10 452.3892 * 3 5800920 1.20 490.0883 * 3 5800921 1.30 527.7874 * 3 5800922 1.40 565.4865 * 3 5800923 1.50 pr -10% speed et pump a * relative extrapolated 0. 9000 0.0009 *1.0000 0.0010 5801001 -0.1000 extrapolated 5801002 0.0000 0. 8500 0.0009 *0.9701 0.8941 extrapolated 5801003 0.4216 0. 6285 0.0009 *0.9619 0.6641 relative pr eta pump 0% speed * 5801101 -0.1000 0.9300 0.0009 extrapolated 5801102 0.0000 1.0000 0.0009 *1.0000 0.0010 extrapolated 5801103 0.3736 0.7347 0.8448 *0.9701 0.8941 *0.9619 extrapolated 0.6641 5801104 0.4216 0.7285 0.6275 speed relative pr eta pump 40% * 5801201 -0.1000 0.9500 0.0009 ******** *****•*** 5801202 0.0000 1.1000 0.0009 5801203 0.3736 0.8171 0.8448 *1.0789 0.8941 5801204 0.3745 0.8164 0.8436 *1.0779 0.8929 5801205 0.3753 0.8158 0.8433 *1.0771 0.8925 5801206 0.3762 0.8149 0.8423 *1.0759 0.8915 5801207 0.3770 0.8141 0.8410 *1.0749 0.8901 5801208 0.3919 0.8006 0.8127 *1.0570 0.8601 5801209 0.4067 0.7868 0.7546 *1.0388 0.7986 5801210 0.4216 0.7728 0.6275 *1.0204 0.6641 5801211 0.4826 0.7157 0.1053 *0.9450 0.1115 * extrapolated * relative pr eta pump 50% 5801301 0.0000 1.3000 0.0009 5801302 0.3736 0.9769 0.8769 5801303 0.4026 0.9423 0.8752 5801304 0.4106 0.9328 0.8747 5801305 0.4186 0.9232 0.8734 5801306 0.4266 0.9139 0.8717 5801307 0.4346 0.9036 0.8703 5801308 0.4426 0.8940 0.8688 5801309 0.4506 0.8844 0.8657 5801310 0.4586 0.8742 0.8613 5801311 0.4666 0.8644 0.8562 5801312 0.4746 0.8543 0.8499 5801313 0.4826 0.8445 0.8422 5801314 0.5941 0.7087 0.7363 * relative pr eta pump 60% 5801401 0.0000 1.5000 0.0009 5801402 0.4026 1.1765 0.8643 5801403 0.4613 1.0935 0.8745 5801404 0.4723 1.0779 0.8763 5801405 0.4834 1.0612 0.8765 5801406 0.4945 1.0447 0.8770 5801407 0.5055 1.0292 0.8782 5801408 0.5166 1.0114 0.8778 5801409 0.5277 0.9922 0.8758 5801410 0.5387 0.9745 0.8732 5801411 0.5609 0.9373 0.8642 5801412 0.5719 0.9188 0.8579 5801413 0.5830 0.9003 0.8504 5801414 0.5941 0.8813 0.8428 5801415 0.7124 0.6786 0.7616 * relative pr eta pump 70% 5801501 0.0000 1.7500 0.0009 5801502 0.4613 1.4193 0.8507 5801503 0.5447 1.2767 0.8723 5801504 0.5587 1.2528 0.8759 5801505 0.5726 1.2245 0.8781 5801506 0.5866 1.1975 0.8785 5801507 0.6006 1.1687 0.8798 5801508 0.6145 1.1412 0.8796 5801509 0.6285 1.1122 0.8778 5801510 0.6425 1.0825 0.8753 5801511 0.6565 1.0521 0.8716 5801512 0.6704 1.0209 0.8684 5801513 0.6844 0.9892 0.8625 5801514 0.6984 0.9564 0.8532 5801515 0.7124 0.9246 0.8413 5801516 0.8358 0.6436 0.7359 * relative pr eta pump 80% 5801601 0.0000 2.1000 0.0009 5801602 0.5447 1.7424 0.8600 5801603 0.6638 1.4595 0.8764 5801604 0.6810 1.4187 0.8788 5801605 0.6982 1.3781 0.8799 5801606 0.7154 1.3330 0.8805 5801607 0.7326 1.2883 0.8804 5801608 0.7498 1.2389 0.8780 speed **************** *1.2898 0.9281 *1.2442 0.9263 *1.2316 0.9258 *1.2189 0.9244 *1.2066 0.9226 *1.1930 0.9211 *1.1804 0.9195 *1.1677 0.9162 *1.1542 0.9116 *1.1413 0.9062 *1.1279 0.8995 *1.1150 0.8914 *0.9357 0.7793 speed **************** *1.5533 0.9148 *1.4438 0.9255 *1.4232 0.9275 *1.4011 0.9277 *1.3793 0.9282 *1.3589 0.9295 *1.3354 0.9290 *1.3100 0.9269 *1.2867 0.9242 *1.2376 0.9146 *1.2131 0.9080 *1.1887 0.9000 *1.1636 0.8920 *0.8960 0.8061 speed **************** *1.8740 0.9004 *1.6857 0.9232 *1.6541 0.9270 *1.6168 0.9294 *1.5811 0.9298 *1.5430 0.9312 *1.5067 0.9310 *1.4684 0.9290 *1.4292 0.9264 *1.3891 0.9225 *1.3479 0.9191 *1.3061 0.9128 *1.2628 0.9030 *1.2208 0.8904 *0.8498 0.7789 speed **************** *2.3005 0.9102 *1.9270 0.9276 *1.8732 0.9301 *1.8195 0.9313 *1.7600 0.9319 *1.7010 0.9318 *1.6357 0.9293 * extrapolated * extrapolated * extrapolated * extrapolated * extrapolated * extrapolated * extrapolated 5801609 0.7670 1.1889 0.8745 *1.5697 5801610 0.7842 1.1375 0.8722 *1.5019 1.0851 0.8648 *1.4327 5801611 0.8014 5801612 0.8186 1.0329 0.8541 *1.3638 5801613 0.8358 0.9789 0.8440 *1.2925 5801614 0.9702 0.5565 0.7651 *0.7347 5801615 1.2390 - .2883 0.6073 *0.7347 pr eta pump 90% speed * relative 5801701 0.0000 2.5000 0.0009 5801702 0.6800 2.0462 0.8453 5801703 0.6900 2.0216 0.8489 5801704 0.7000 1.9963 0.8521 5801705 0.7100 1.9703 0.8550 5801706 0.7200 1.9438 0.8577 5801707 0.7300 1.9169 0.8600 5801708 0.7400 1.8896 0.8622 5801709 0.7500 1.8620 0.8643 5801710 0.7600 1.8343 0.8663 5801711 0.7700 1.8066 0.8683 5801712 0.7800 1.7789 0.8702 5801713 0.7900 1.7513 0.8722 5801714 0.8000 1.7240 0.8744 5801715 0.8100 1.6967 0.8765 5801716 0.8200 1.6689 0.8785 5801717 0.8300 1.6401 0.8800 5801718 0.8400 1.6097 0.8810 5801719 0.8500 1.5775 0.8815 5801720 0.8600 1.5435 0.8816 5801721 0.8700 1.5079 0.8812 5801722 0.8800 1.4711 0.8806 5801723 0.8900 1.4334 0.8795 5801724 0.9000 1.3950 0.8782 5801725 0.9100 1.3563 0.8766 5801726 0.9200 1.3174 0.8747 5801727 0.9300 1.2783 0.8724 5801728 0.9400 1.2390 0.8694 5801729 0.9500 1.1991 0.8655 5801730 0.9600 1.1584 0.8606 5801731 0.9700 1.1165 0.8543 0.8467 5801732 0.9800 1.0737 0.8381 5801733 0.9900 1.0302 5801734 1.0000 0.9865 0.8291 5801735 1.0100 0.9428 0.8199 5801736 1.0200 0.8989 0.8104 5801737 1.0300 0.8550 0.8007 5801738 1.0400 0.8110 0.7908 5801739 1.0500 0.7670 0.7808 5801740 1.0600 0.7229 0.7706 5801741 1.0700 0.6788 0.7604 5801742 1.0800 0.6346 0.7500 5801743 1.0900 0.5905 0.7396 5801744 1.1000 0.5463 0.7292 5801745 1.1100 0.5021 0.7188 5801746 1.1200 0.4580 0.7084 5801747 1.2712 1.6500 0.5571 * relative pr eta pump 100% speed 5801801 0.0000 2.9000 0.0009 0.9256 0.9231 0.9153 0.9040 0.8933 0.8098 * extrapolated 0.8098 * extrapolated 5801802 0.8000 2.5001 0.8507 5801803 0.8100 2.4690 0.8535 5801804 0.8200 2.4370 0.8561 5801805 0.8300 2.4043 0.8584 5801806 0.8400 2.3709 0.8605 5801807 0.8500 2.3368 0.8624 5801808 0.8600 2.3023 0.8642 5801809 0.8700 2.2674 0.8658 5801810 0.8800 2.2321 0.8673 5801811 0.8900 2.1966 0.8688 5801812 0.9000 2.1609 0.8701 5801813 0.9100 2.1251 0.8715 5801814 0.9200 2.0894 0.8728 5801815 0.9300 2.0538 0.8742 5801816 0.9400 2.0184 0.8756 5801817 0.9500 1.9832 0.8771 5801818 0.9600 1.9477 0.8786 5801819 0.9700 1.9107 0.8798 5801820 0.9800 1.8713 0.8808 5801821 0.9900 1.8292 0.8813 5801822 1.0000 1.7847 0.8814 5801823 1.0100 1.7383 0.8810 5801824 1.0200 1.6904 0.8801 5801825 1.0300 1.6414 0.8789 5801826 1.0400 1.5917 0.8775 5801827 1.0500 1.5412 0.8759 5801828 1.0600 1.4900 0.8741 5801829 1.0700 1.4377 0.8721 5801830 1.0800 1.3842 0.8697 5801831 1.0900 1.3291 0.8665 5801832 1.1000 1.2717 0.8618 5801833 1.1100 1.2117 0.8552 5801834 1.1200 1.1491 0.8467 5801835 1.2711 0.1376 0.6554 * rel ative pr eta pump 110% speed 5801901 0.0000 3.2896 0.0009 5801902 0.9400 3.0186 0.8731 5801903 0.9500 2.9789 0.8753 5801904 0.9600 2.9381 0.8773 5801905 0.9700 2.8961 0.8790 5801906 0.9800 2.8529 0.8805 5801907 0.9900 2.8087 0.8818 5801908 1.0000 2.7633 0.8829 5801909 1.0100 2.7168 0.8837 5801910 1.0200 2.6693 0.8844 5801911 1.0300 2.6207 0.8848 5801912 1.0400 2.5711 0.8850 5801913 1.0500 2.5204 0.8851 5801914 1.0600 2.4688 0.8849 5801915 1.0700 2.4161 0.8846 5801916 1.0800 2.3625 0.8840 5801917 1.0900 2.3079 0.8833 5801918 1.1000 2.2524 0.8824 5801919 1.1100 2.1959 0.8813 5801920 1.1200 2.1384 0.8800 5801921 1.1300 2.0798 0.8785 5801922 1.1400 2.0201 0.8767 5801923 5801924 5801925 5801926 5801927 5801928 5801929 5801930 5801931 5801932 5801933 5801934 5801935 5801936 1.1500 1.1600 1.1700 1.1800 1.1900 1.2000 1.2100 1.2200 1.2300 1.2400 1.2500 1.2600 1.2700 1.3882 1.9592 1.8970 1.8336 1.7690 1.7034 1.6369 1.5694 1.5012 1.4322 1.3626 1.2925 1.2219 1.1510 0.2882 0.8748 0.8726 0.8701 0.8675 0.8646 0.8616 0.8584 0.8550 0.8515 0.8479 0.8442 0.8403 0.8365 0.7859 * relative pr eta pump 120% 5802001 0.0000 3.5000 0.0009 5802002 1.0748 3.4847 0.8746 5802003 1.3915 1.1814 0.8336 speed * relative pr eta pump 130% 5802101 0.0000 4.0000 0.0009 5802102 1.2241 3.9712 0.8746 5802103 1.5319 1.2322 0.8336 speed *************lated ** ** extrapolated extrapolated ********extrapolated ** ** extrapolated extrapolated * relative pr eta pump 140% speed *e************* 5802201 0.0000 4.3000 0.0009 5802202 1.3734 4.4577 0.8746 * * extrapolated 5802203 1.6723 1.2830 0.8336 * * extrapolated * * relative pr eta pump 150% speed 5802301 0.0000 4.7000 0.0009 ****W************ 5802302 1.5227 4.9442 0.8746 * * extrapolated 5802303 1.8127 1.3338 0.8336 * * extrapolated *5800500 *5800501 0.0 376.991 *5800502 1450. 376.991 $ *hydro 5850000 component name component type hpout snglvol *--------------------------------------------------------------------- *hydro 5850101 *hydro 5850102 area 0.5 length 1.0 volume 0.0 horz angle vert angle 0.0 0.0 0.0 delta z * *hydro 5850103 hyd diam roughness 0.0 0.0 *hydro ebt pressure tempe 5850200 0 7210130. 1173657. 1173657. 1. $ *hydro 5870000 component name component type hp-rc branch *--------------------------------------------------------------- * no. juns vel/flow 5870001 2 0 *hydro area length 1.0 0.5 5870101 *hydro 5870102 volume 0.0 horz angle vert angle 0.0 0.0 0.0 delta z * *hydro 5870103 roughness hyd diam 0.7979 0.0 *hydro ebt pressure tempe 5870200 0 7209954. 1173663. 1173663. 1. * from to area Kf Kr efvcahs 0.0 0.0 5871101 585010000 587000000 0.5 0.0 0.0 5872101 587010000 590000000 0.0 * velf velg veli 5871201 67.6061 67.6061 0. * 319.2105 5872201 67.6074 67.6074 0. * 319.2104 * hyd dia beta y-int slope 5871110 0.7979 1.00 1.00 1.00 5872110 0.7979 1.00 1.00 1.00 0000000 0000000 * $ 5900000 rc-hp pipe *--------------------------------------------------------- * no. vols 5900001 * ----- 30 vol area 5900101 7.32 30 * length 5900301 0.09384 * volume 5900401 0.0 30 * azim angle 5900501 0.0 30 * incl angle 5900601 90.0 30 roughness hyd dia * 5900801 1.5-4 1.067e-3 30 * kf kr 5900901 14.0 14.0 29 * pvbfe 5901001 00000 30 * fvcahs 5901101 001000 29 * ebt 5901201 0 7231182. 1212588. 5901202 0 7229406. 1250813. 5901203 0 7227566. 1289093. 5901204 0 7225664. 1327414. 1212588. 1250813. 1289093. 1327414. 1. 1. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1 2 3 4 5901205 7223700. 1365766. 1365766. 7221672. 1404137. 1404137. 5901206 7219580. 1442517. 1442517. 5901207 7217424. 1480896. 1480896. 5901208 5901209 7215203. 1519265. 1519265. 5901210 7212918. 1557615. 1557615. 5901211 7210568. 1595938. 1595938. 7208154. 1634226. 1634226. 5901212 7205674. 1672471. 1672471. 5901213 7203128. 1710667. 1710667. 5901214 7200516. 1748806. 1748806. 5901215 7197838. 1786883. 1786883. 5901216 5901217 7195095. 1824891. 1824891. 7192285. 1862826. 1862826. 5901218 5901219 7189408. 1900682. 1900682. 5901220 7186466. 1938455. 1938455. 7183456. 1976141. 1976141. 5901221 5901222 7180379. 2013735. 2013735. 5901223 7177236. 2051233. 2051233. 7174025. 2088632. 2088632. 5901224 7170748. 2125927. 2125927. 5901225 7167402. 2163116. 2163116. 5901226 7163990. 2200194. 2200194. 5901227 7160510. 2237160. 2237160. 5901228 7156964. 2274011. 2274011. 5901229 7153350. 2310746. 2310746. 5901230 * vel/flow 5901300 0 * liquid vapor int-face 5901301 4.76433 4.76433 0. 1 * 319.2104 5901302 4.91561 4.91561 0. 2 * 319.2104 5901303 5.06717 5.06717 0. 3 * 319.2104 5901304 5.21897 5.21897 0. 4 * 319.2104 5901305 5.37095 5.37095 0. 5 * 319.2104 5901306 5.52307 5.52307 0. 6 * 319.2104 7 * 319.2105 5901307 5.6753 5.6753 0. 5901308 5.82761 5.82761 0. 8 * 319.2105 5901309 5.97995 5.97995 0. 9 * 319.2105 10 * 319.2105 5901310 6.1323 6.1323 0. 5901311 6.28462 6.28462 0. 11 * 319.2105 12 * 319.2105 5901312 6.4369 6.4369 0. 5901313 6.58909 6.58909 0. 13 * 319.2105 5901314 6.74117 6.74117 0. 14 * 319.2105 5901315 6.89313 6.89313 0. 15 * 319.2105 5901316 7.04494 7.04494 0. 16 * 319.2105 5901317 7.19658 7.19658 0. 17 * 319.2105 5901318 7.34803 7.34803 0. 18 * 319.2105 5901319 7.49927 7.49927 0. 19 * 319.2105 20 * 319.2105 5901320 7.6503 7.6503 0. 5901321 7.80109 7.80109 0. 21 * 319.2105 5901322 7.95163 7.95163 0. 22 * 319.2105 8.10192 0. 23 * 319.2105 5901323 8.10192 5901324 8.25193 8.25193 0. 24 * 319.2105 5901325 8.40165 8.40165 0. 25 * 319.2105 5901326 8.55108 8.55108 0. 26 * 319.2105 27 * 319.2105 8.7002 8.7002 0. 5901327 5901328 8.84901 8.84901 0. 28 * 319.2105 5901329 8.9975 8.9975 0. 29 * 319.2105 *hydro jun diam beta intercept slope jun 5901401 1.067e-3 0.0 1.0 1.0 29 * Name Valve 5910000 bypass tmdpjun * from to 5910101 590010000 592000000 * cntrl trp 5910200 1 1005 5910201 -0.* 0. 0. 0. 5910201 -0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 10. 0. 5910202 ** area 0.00 j-flag 0000000 * *--------------------------------------------------------- *crdno 5920000 name cprbp2 type tmdpvol * *crdno 5920101 area lngth vol 78. .9104 0 0 h-a v-ang delz 0. .0 0 1.5 rgh dhy 00010 * *crdno ebt 5920200 3 *crdno time 5920201 0.0 press temp 3e5 740. * Name Valve 5930000 RCC1g valve * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 5930101 590010000 595000000 0.00 0. 0. 0000000 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 5930201 1 0. 319.2105 0.0 * valve-type 5930300 trpvlv * trip# w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 5930301 1004 ** * $ *crdno name type 5950000 rcoutj branch 5950001 1 0 5950101 0.5 2.8152 0.0 5950102 0.0 -90.0 -2.8152 5950103 0.0 0.7979 11000 5950200 0 7109896. 2307731. 2307731. 1. *crdno from to area floss rloss flag *5951101 590010000 595000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 000000 5951101 595010000 597000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 000000 *crdno flowf flowg velj *5951201 133.8927 133.8927 0. * 319.2105 5951201 134.1854 134.1854 0. * 319.2105 * * * pvbfe * 597 Hot Duct volume * * crdno name type cldduct pipe 5970000 * *crdno no.vols. 5970001 4 * *crdno area 5970101 1.885 vol .no. 4 * *crdno length 5970301 1.85 4 * *crdno v-ang 5970601 0.0 vol 4 .no. * *crdno rough 5970801 0. dhy 0.6 4 * *crdno 5970901 ff 0. rf 0. 3 * *crdno tlpvbfe 5971001 10010 4 * *crdno 5971101 jefvcahs 3 0000000 * *crdno 5971201 5971202 5971203 5971204 ebt pressure 0 7149064. 0 7149072. 0 7149072. 0 7149072. temp qual 2310600. 2310600. 1. 2310600. 2310600. 1. 2310600. 2310600. 1. 2310600. 2310600. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1 2 3 4 * *crdno i.c. 5971300 0 * *crdno flowf flowg velj 5971301 35.525 35.525 0. 1 * 319.2105 5971302 35.525 35.525 0. 2 * 319.2105 5971303 35.525 35.525 0. 3 * 319.2105 * *crdno dhy 5971401 0.6 1.0 jun. no 1.0 1.0 3 * *==== === ==== ==- =-= ==== === ==- =-== === ===- =- = === ==-=- === === ==== === === ==== === ==== =- = -== ==== == === * * ** Bypass Line * *==== ** * === =-== === === 4040000 4040001 4040101 4040102 4040103 4040200 4041101 4041110 4041201 bypvo21 branch 0 1 0.1039 9.144 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.048-7 0.0 11000 0 7231534. 1175566. 1175566. 1. 587010002 404010001 0.0 0.0 0.0 000000 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 -6.90005-7 -6.90005-7 0. * -6.76943-7 4050000 4050101 4050102 4050103 4050201 4050300 4050301 4050302 bypsvl2 valve 404010002 406010001 000100 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 0. 0. * 0. 1 0. mtrvlv 1.0 481 482 0.0 0 4060000 4060001 4060101 4060102 4060103 4060200 4061101 4061110 4061201 bypvl22 branch 1 0 0.1039 9.144 0.0 0.0 90.0 4.2 3.048-7 0.0 11000 0 3049666. 2494429. 2494429. 1. 406010002 515010001 0.0 0.0 0.0 000000 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 -1.244698-9 -1.244698-9 0. * - 2.31131-10 0.1039 *-----------------------------------* * ** *- Source of cooling water for precooler Source of cooling water for precooler - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - == - - === - - === - ** * 131 Water Source * *crdno 1310000 name h2_cd type tmdpvol * *crdno 1310101 area lngth vol 78. .9104 0 0 *crdno ebt 1310200 3 *crdno time 1310201 0.0 h-a v-ang delz 0. .0 0 1.5 press temp 0.84e6 293.15 rgh dhy 00010 pvbfe - ===- - ===- -- === *crdno 1320000 name hecdj type sngljun *crdno from to 1320101 131000000 area floss rloss 133000000 0.0 0. flag 0. * *crdno ctl flowf flowg velj 1320201 0 1.490186 1.520952 0. * 1253.5 * -*m 1330000 prech2o pipe *------------------------------------------------------------------- * no. vols 1330001 20 * vol area 1330101 0.8423 20 * length 1330301 0.2365 20 * volume 1330401 0.0 20 azim angle * 1330501 0.0 20 * incl angle 1330601 90.0 20 * roughness hyd dia 1330801 0.0 2.0e-3 20 kr * kf 1330901 13.7 13.7 19 * pvbfe 1331001 00000 20 * fvcahs 1331101 001000 19 temp * ebt press 84988. 2576484. 0. 0. 1 834479. 1331201 86349.6 2575659. 811195. 1331202 87917.5 2574782. 787915. 1331203 89721.8 2573852. 764650. 1331204 91796.9 2572900. 741402. 1331205 94182.4 2571848. 718173. 1331206 96923.8 2570730. 694965. 1331207 100073.6 2569583. 671782. 1331208 103692.4 2568406. 648627. 1331209 107850. 2567196. 625502. 1331210 112627. 2565952. 602412. 1331211 118117. 2564672. 579360. 1331212 124428.4 2563352. 556350. 1331213 131686.8 2561992. 533387. 1331214 140038.7 2560586. 510475. 1331215 149655. 2559134. 487618. 1331216 160735.3 2557629. 464821. 1331217 173512.7 2556068. 442088. 1331218 188262. 2554324. 1331219 419421. 205304.8 2552454. 396824. 1331220 * vel/flow 1331300 0 100 * liquid vapor int-face 1331301 1.490278 1.538892 0. 1 * 1253.5 1331302 1.490396 1.559857 0. 2 * 1253.5 1331303 1.490533 1.58196 0. 3 * 1253.5 1331304 1.49069 1.60508 0. 4 * 1253.5 1331305 1.490873 1.62915 0. 5 * 1253.5 1331306 1.491085 1.654127 0. 6 * 1253.5 1331307 1.491332 1.679986 0. 7 * 1253.5 1331308 1.491623 1.706704 0. 8 * 1253.5 1331309 1.491964 1.734265 0. 9 * 1253.5 1331310 1.492368 1.762648 0. 10 * 1253.5 1331311 1.492847 1.791832 0. 11 * 1253.5 1331312 1.49342 1.821788 0. 12 * 1253.5 1331313 1.494103 1.85248 0. 13 * 1253.5 1331314 1.494926 1.883866 0. 14 * 1253.5 1331315 1.49592 1.915887 0. 15 * 1253.5 1331316 1.497126 1.92571 0. 16 * 1253.5 1331317 1.498594 1.92763 0. 17 * 1253.5 1331318 1.50039 1.929976 0. 18 * 1253.5 1331319 1.502596 1.93286 0. 19 * 1253.5 *hydro jun diam beta intercept slope jun 1331401 2.0e-3 0.0 1.0 1.0 19 $ * * 134 Junction - cooling outlet * 1340000 coreij tmdpjun *crdno from to area jefvcahs 1340101 133010000 135000000 0.0 1340200 1 1340201 0.0 1.2535e3 0.0 0.0 *135 * 000000 Water Sink * * 135 Water Sink *crdno 1350000 name hi_cold type tmdpvol * *crdno 1350101 area lngth vol 78. .9104 0 0 h-a v-ang delz 0. .0 0 1.5 * *crdno ebt 1350200 3 *crdno time 1350201 0.0 press 0.54e6 temp 325.15 *** Source of cooling water for intercooler *141 Water Source * * 141 Water Source * rgh dhy 00010 pvbfe *crdno 1410000 *crdno 1410101 name h2ccd type tmdpvol area lngth vol 78. .9104 0 0 h-a v-ang delz 0. .0 0 1.5 rgh dhy 00010 pvbfe * *crdno ebt 1410200 3 *crdno time 1410201 0.0 press temp 0.84e6 293.15 * * *-- *crdno 1420000 name hcdj type sngljun * *crdno from to 1420101 141000000 area floss rloss 143000000 0.0 0. flag 0. 100 * *crdno ctl flowf flowg velj 1420201 0 1.62224 1.65259 0. * 985. * 1430000 intch2o pipe *--------------------------------------------------------- ------------ * no. vols 1430001 20 * vol area 1430101 0.608 20 * length 1430301 0.2365 20 * volume 1430401 0.0 20 * azim angle 1430501 0.0 20 * incl angle 1430601 90.0 20 * roughness hyd dia 1430801 0.0 2.0e-3 20 kr kf * 1430901 12. 12. 19 * pvbfe 1431001 00000 20 * fvcahs 1431101 001000 19 * ebt press temp 85647.2 2576458. 0. 0. 1 1431201 0 833749. 87706.5 2575581. 0. 0. 2 1431202 0 809012. 90010.2 2574638. 0. 0. 3 1431203 0 784296. 92586.7 2573647. 0. 0. 4 1431204 0 759605. 95467.7 2572631. 0. 0. 5 1431205 0 734941. 98689. 2571472. 0. 0. 6 1431206 0 710307. 102290.8 2570276. 0. 0. 7 1431207 0 685704. 106318. 2569046. 0. 0. 8 1431208 0 661137. 110821.3 2567782. 0. 0. 9 1431209 0 636608. 1431210 0 612120. 115857 2566480. 1431211 0 587677. 121490 2565138. 1431212 0 563283. 127793 2563754. 1431213 0 538940. 134846 2562325. 1431214 0 514652. 142742 2560846. 1431215 0 490423. 151586 2559314. 1431216 0 466255. 161494 2557725. 1431217 0 442152. 172602 2556073. 1431218 0 418115.5 185061 2554218. 1431219 0 394148. 199045 2552214. 1431220 0 370250. 214750 2550009. * vel/flow 1431300 0 * liquid vapor int-face 1431301 1.622396 1.67498 0. 1 * 985. 1431302 1.622586 1.69937 0. 2 * 985. 1431303 1.6228 1.725116 0. 3 * 985. 1431304 1.623046 1.752073 0. 4 * 985. 1431305 1.623326 1.78016 0. 5 * 985. 1431306 1.623645 1.809332 0. 6 * 985. 1431307 1.624012 1.839554 0. 7 * 985. 1431308 1.624434 1.8708 0. 8 * 985. 1431309 1.62492 1.903052 0. 9 * 985. 1431310 1.625485 1.93628 0. 10 * 985. 1431311 1.62614 1.970453 0. 11 * 985. 1431312 1.626903 2.00553 0. 12 * 985. 1431313 1.627794 2.04146 0. 13 * 985. 1431314 1.628838 2.07817 0. 14 * 985. 1431315 1.630063 2.09947 0. 15 * 985. 1431316 1.631506 2.101357 0. 16 * 985. 1431317 1.633208 2.103583 0. 17 * 985. 1431318 1.635222 2.106216 0. 18 * 985. 1431319 1.63761 2.10934 0. 19 * 985. *hydro jun diam beta intercept slope jun 1431401 2.0e-3 0.0 1.0 1.0 19 *- - - - * 144 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *145 * - - - - - - == - - === - - ===- Junction - cooling outlet 1440000 coreij tmdpjun *crdno from to area jefvcahs 1440101 143010000 145000000 0.0 1440200 1 1440201 0.0 0.985e3 0.0 0.0 * * - 000000 Water Sink 145 Water Sink * *crdno 1450000 name hi_cold type tmdpvol * *crdno 1450101 * area lngth vol 78. .9104 0 0 h-a v-ang delz 0. .0 0 1.5 rgh dhy 00010 pvbfe - === - ===- -- == *crdno ebt 1450200 3 *crdno time 1450201 0.0 * press 0.54e6 temp 325.15 PCU Model Configuration-Hot Side * *--------------------------------------------------------- * PCU Junction: Reactor Outlet Plenum to PCU Hot Duct *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 0820000 RPV-Hdct valve * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 0820101 300010000 504000000 1.606 8.0 1.0 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 0820201 0 62.7588 62.7588 0. * 319.2105 * valve-type 0820300 mtrvlv trip# w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ * 1003 0.0167 1.0 0820301 527 00000200 * ** Name Valve 5030000 cprbp2 valve * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 5030101 504010000 500000000 0.00 0. 0. 0000000 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 5030201 1 0. 0. 0.0 * valve-type 5030300 trpvlv * trip# w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 5030301 1004 * *--------------------------------------------------------* *--------------------------------------------------------- *crdno name type 5040000 contnmt snglvol *crdno area length vol h-a v-ang delz rgh dhy pvbfe * 5040101 1.606 0.1 0 0 0. .0 0. 0. 00010 *crdno ebt press temp. 5040200 0 7001960. 3442779. 3442779. 1. 0. * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Single Volume: Guard Containment *--------------------------------------------------------- *crdno name type 0700000 contnmt snglvol *crdno area length vol h-a v-ang delz rgh dhy 0700101 283.0 10.15 0 0 0. .0 0. 0. 00010 *crdno ebt press temp. 0700200 3 1.0e5 303.15 *----------------------------------------------- pvbfe * 283x66.15 * Single Volume: nossle *--------------------------------------------------------- *crdno name type *0630000 contnmt snglvol *crdno area length vol h-a v-ang delz rgh dhy pvbfe *0630101 0.05 0.01 0 0 0. .0 0. 0. 00010 * *crdno ebt press temp. *0630200 3 1.0e5 303.15 *--------------------------------------------------------- * Single Junction: nossle *--------------------------------------------------------- ** name junction *0640000 tocont sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag *0640101 063010000 070000000 0.0 0.23 0.23 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ *0640201 0 0. 0. 0. * 0000000 *--------------------------------------------------------- * Valve: PCU to Guard Containment *--------------------------------------------------------- ** Name Valve 0620000 PCU-GC valve kforw kbackw j-flag * from to area 0620101 597010000 070000000 0.0005 1.0 1.0 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 0620201 1 0. 0.0 0.0 * valve-type 0620300 trpvlv * trip# w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 0620301 522 *CLOSE until 50 secs 0000000 * *---------------------------------------------------- * 083 Junction between PCU and RPV inlet (cold duct) *---------------------------------------------------- *0830000 pcuhot tmdpjun *crdno from to area jefvcahs *0830101 597010000 670000000 1.885 000000 *0830200 1 522 *0830201 -1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 *0830202 0.0 0.0 324.57 0.0 *0830203 1.0 0.0 324.57 0.0 *0830204 50.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 *Note times above are trip tim + given time * * *--------------------------------------------------------- * PCU Junction: PCU Cold Duct to RPV Downcomer *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 9650000 InC-InHP sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 9650101 597010000 670000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 9650201 0 35.525 35.525 0. * 319.2105 0000000 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * PCU Junction: PCU Cold Duct to RPV Downcomer *----------------------------------------- -- junction * name 9660000 InC-InHP sngljun to area kforw kbackw j-flag * from 9660101 597010000 800000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 9660201 0 35.525 35.525 0. * 319.2105 -- ------ 0000000 * * * Passive DHR DECAY HEAT REMOVAL SYSTEM 1 * * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: Reactor Outlet Plenum to Passive DHR System Duct *--------------------------------------------------------- ** name junction 6050000 opl-hd sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 6050101 300010000 610000000 0.0 0.23 0.23 0000000 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6050201 0 -1.298463-7 -1.298463-7 0. * -4.31083-7 *--------------------------------------------------------- * Passive DHR Hot Duct 1x50% loop *--------------------------------------------------------- * name pipe/annulus 6100000 hp-hotd pipe * number of volumes 6100001 5 area no of vol * 6100101 2.0774 5 * length no of vol 6100301 3.8 5 * volume no of vol 6100401 0.0 5 * azi ang no of vol 5 6100501 90. * ver ang no of vol 5 6100601 90. elev. no of vol * 5 6100701 3.0 * rough dhydr. no of vol 6100801 4.5e-5 1.6264 5 * kforw kbackw no of jun 4 6100901 0.0875 0.0875 * v-flag no of vol 6101001 00000 5 * j-flag no of jun 6101101 000000 4 * cntrl pressure temperature * * * no of vol 7058062. 3418188. 3418188. 1. 0. 1 6101201 0 7.058+6 3403438. 3403438. 1. 0. 2 6101202 0 7057949. 3400732. 3400732. 1. 0. 3 6101203 0 7057892. 3401820. 3401820. 1. 0. 4 6101204 0 6101205 0 7057836. 3411673. 3411673. 1. 0. 5 * cntrl 6101300 0 * w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ no of jun 6101301 -1.256998-7 -1.256998-7 0. 1 * -4.19126-7 6101302 -1.221132-7 -1.221132-7 0. 2 * -4.07489-7 6101303 -1.18709-7 -1.18709-7 0. 3 * -3.96001-7 6101304 -1.156956-7 -1.156956-7 0. 4 * -3.848304-7 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: HP Hot Duct to HX POD Inlet *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 6150000 hd-hxpin sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 6150101 610010000 620000000 0.0 0.75 0.75 0000001 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6150201 0 -1.158115-7 -1.158115-7 0. * -3.76676-7 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Passive DHR Heat Exchanger POD Inlet *--------------------------------------------------------- * name volume 6200000 hp-hxpin snglvol * area length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe v-flag 6200101 5.4 4.5 0.0 90. 90. 4.5 4.5e-5 1.636 000000 $ 1 * cntrl press temp 6200200 0 7057738. 3488909. 3488909. 1. *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: Passive DHR HX POD Inlet to Heat Exchanger Inlet *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 6250000 ihx-hxp sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 6250101 620010000 626000000 0.0 0.23 0.23 0000000 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6250201 0 -3.62896-8 -3.62896-8 0. * -2.489533-7 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Passive DHR Heat Exchanger Inlet *--------------------------------------------------------- * name volume 6260000 hp-hxin snglvol * area length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe v-flag 6260101 2.1276 1.0 0.0 -90. -90. -0.5 4.5e-5 0.15 000000 * cntrl press temp 6260200 0 7057678. 3388292. 3388292. 1. *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: Passive DHR HX Inlet to Heat Exchanger *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 6270000 ihx-hx sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 6270101 626010000 650000000 0.0 0.23 0.23 0000000 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6270201 0 -2.086635-8 -2.086635-8 0. * -2.680236-7 * $ 1 * Passive DHR Heat Exchanger *--------------------------------------------------------- * name pipe/annulus 6500000 hp-hx pipe * number of volumes 6500001 5 * area no of vol 6500101 2.1856 5 * length no of vol 6500301 0.060 5 * volume no of vol 6500401 0.0 5 azi ang no of vol * 6500501 -90. 5 * ver ang no of vol 6500601 -90. 5 elev. no of vol * 6500701 -0.060 5 * rough dhydr. no of vol 6500801 1.e-5 3.055e-3 5 * kforw kbackw no of jun 6500901 0.0 0.0 4 * v-flag no of vol 6501001 00000 5 * j-flag no of jun 6501101 000000 4 * cntrl pressure temperature * * * no of vol 6501201 0 7057689. 932251. 932251. 1. 0. 1 6501202 0 7057696. 932245. 932245. 1. 0. 2 6501203 0 7057702. 932240. 932240. 1. 0. 3 6501204 0 7057710. 932236. 932236. 1. 0. 4 6501205 0 7057716. 932233. 932233. 1. 0. 5 * cntrl 6501300 0 * w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ no of jun 6501301 -2.098683-8 -2.098683-8 0. 1 * -2.69573-7 6501302 -2.108813-8 -2.108813-8 0. 2 * -2.708757-7 6501303 -2.11641-8 -2.11641-8 0. 3 * -2.71853-7 6501304 -2.12116-8 -2.12116-8 0. 4 * -2.724644-7 *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: Passive DHR Heat Exchanger to HX Outlet *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 6550000 hx-ohx sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 6550101 650010000 660000000 0.0 0.50 0.50 0000000 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6550201 0 -4.34546-8 -4.34546-8 0. * -2.737685-7 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Passive DHR Heat Exchanger Outlet Plenum *--------------------------------------------------------- * name volume 6600000 hp-outpl snglvol length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe v-flag * area -90. -0.2 4.5e-5 0.15 000000 6600101 2.1276 1.0 0.0 -90. * cntrl press temp 6600200 0 7057726. 1896749. 1896749. 1. * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: Passive DHR HX Outlet to Downcomer *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 6610000 hp-ohx sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 6610101 660010000 662000000 0.0 1.0 1.0 0000000 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6610201 0 -2.273712-8 -2.273712-8 0. * -2.254984-7 *--------------------------------------------------------- * Passive DHR Heat Exchanger Outlet Pod *--------------------------------------------------------- * name volume 6620000 hp-outpp snglvol * area length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe v-flag 6620101 10.995 1.0 0.0 -90. -90. -1.0 4.5e-5 2.026 000000 * cntrl press temp 6620200 0 7057754. 2344926. 2344926. 1. * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: Passive DHR HX Outlet Pod *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 6630000 hp-ohxp sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 6630101 662010000 664000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0000000 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6630201 0 -4.49314-9 -4.49314-9 0. * -1.282388-7 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Passive DHR BLOWER volume *--------------------------------------------------------- * name volume 6640000 hp-outpb snglvol * area length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe v-flag 6640101 6.1576 3.0 0.0 -90. -90. -3.0 4.5e-5 1.4 000000 * cntrl press temp 6640200 0 7057845. 2358240. 2358240. 1. * * name junction 6920000 hp-ohxp sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 6920101 664010000 690000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0000000 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6920201 0 -4.67222-9 -4.67222-9 0. * -1.88798-7 *--------------------------------------------------------- * name volume 6900000 hp-outpc snglvol * area length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe v-flag 6900101 6.1576 0.5 0.0 -90. 0. 0.0 0. 1.4 000000 * cntrl press temp 6900200 0 7057892. 1666776. 1666776. 1. * *------------------------------------------- $ * name junction 6650000 hp-blow valve * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 6650101 690010000 698000000 6.1576 13.46 13.46 cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ * 6650201 0 0. 0. 0. * 0. valve-type * 6650300 mtrvlv * trip# w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6650301 539 541 0.025 0.0 00000200 *------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name Valve 6870000 leakl tmdpjun * from to 6870101 698000000 690010000 * cntrl trp 541 6870200 1 6870201 -0.1 0. 0. 0. 6870201 -0. 0. 0.15 0. 0. 0. 0.15 0. 6870202 area 0.00 j-flag 0000000 *------------------------------------------------------------- * name volume 6980000 hp-outpd snglvol * area length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe v-flag 0. 0.0 0. 1.4 000000 6980101 6.1576 0.5 0.0 -90. temp * cntrl press 9623368. 3469112. 3469112. 1. 6980200 0 junction * name 6990000 hp-ohxp sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 0.0 0.0 0000000 6990101 698010000 666000000 0.0 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6990201 0 -4.67222-9 -4.67222-9 0. * -1.88798-7 *--------------------------------------------------------- * Passive DHR Cold leg lx50% loop *--------------------------------------------------------- * name pipe/annulus 6660000 SCS-CL pipe * number of volumes 6660001 5 * area no of vol 6660101 6.1576 5 * length no of vol 5 6660301 3.7 volume no of vol * 6660401 0.0 5 * azi ang no of vol 5 6660501 -90. * ver ang no of vol 5 6660601 -90. * elev. no of vol 5 6660701 -2.9 * rough dhydr. no of vol 6660801 4.5e-5 1.6117 5 * kforw kbackw no of jun 4 6660901 0.0875 0.0875 * v-flag no of vol 6661001 00000 5 * j-flag no of jun 6661101 000000 4 * cntrl pressure temperature * * * no of vol 6661201 0 9644631. 3497396. 3497396. 1. 0. 1 6661202 0 9644697. 3497396. 3497396. 1. 0. 2 6661203 0 9644763. 3497396. 3497396. 1. 0. 3 6661204 0 9644829. 3497396. 3497396. 1. 0. 4 6661205 0 9644895. 3497397. 3497397. 1. 0. 5 cntrl * 6661300 0 * w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ no of jun 6661301 -9.47945-14 -9.47945-14 0. 1 * -2.729385-13 6661302 -1.594003-13 -1.594003-13 0. 2 * -4.58962-13 6661303 -2.3107-13 -2.3107-13 0. 3 * -6.6533-13 6661304 -2.0602-13 -2.0602-13 0. 4 * -5.93211-13 * * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction connecting Passive (simulates Cold Leg to RPV downcomer with valve *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 6670000 hp-ohb valve * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 6670101 666010000 670000000 0.0 1.0 1.0 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6670201 0 0. 0. 0. * 0. * valve-type 6670300 trpvlv * trip# w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6670301 525 * Close Until end of coastdown 0000000 *--------------------------------------------------------- * Bypass Junction to simulate leakage of check check valve *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 6950000 leakchv valve * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 6950101 666010000 670000000 l.e-9 l.e9 1.e9 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6950201 0 0. 0. 0. * 0. * valve-type 6950300 trpvlv * trip# w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6950301 525 * Close Until end of coastdown 0000000 * * * Passive DHR DECAY HEAT REMOVAL SYSTEM 2 (DHR2) * * *----------------------------------------------------- * Junction: Reactor Outlet Plenum to Passive DHR System Duct (DHR2) *---------------------------------------------- --------- * name junction 6060000 opl-hd2 sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 6060101 300010000 611000000 0.0 0.23 0.23 0000000 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6060201 0 -1.822274-7 -1.822274-7 0. * -6.11274-7 *--------------------------------------------------------- * Passive DHR Hot Duct (DHR2) *--------------------------------------------------------- * name pipe/annulus 6110000 hp-hotd2 pipe * number of volumes 6110001 5 * area no of vol 6110101 2.0774 5 * length no of vol 6110301 3.8 5 * volume no of vol 6110401 0.0 5 * azi ang no of vol 6110501 90. 5 * ver ang no of vol 6110601 90. 5 elev. no of vol * 6110701 3.0 5 * rough dhydr. no of vol 6110801 4.5e-5 1.6264 5 * kforw kbackw no of jun 6110901 0.0875 0.0875 4 * v-flag no of vol 6111001 00000 5 * j-flag no of jun 6111101 000000 4 * cntrl pressure temperature * * * no of vol 6111201 0 7058062. 3383064. 3383064. 1. 0. 1 6111202 0 7.058+6 3366640. 3366640. 1. 0. 2 6111203 0 7057948. 3341524. 3341524. 1. 0. 3 6111204 0 7057890. 3294012. 3294012. 1. 0. 4 6111205 0 7057830. 3193825. 3193825. 1. 0. 5 * cntrl 6111300 0 w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ no of jun * 1 * -5.98928-7 6111301 -1.7768-7 -1.7768-7 0. 2 * -5.86226-7 6111302 -1.726138-7 -1.726138-7 0. 3 * -5.72729-7 6111303 -1.6624-7 -1.6624-7 0. 4 * -5.57591-7 6111304 -1.569187-7 -1.569187-7 0. * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: HP Hot Duct to HX POD Inlet (DHR2) *-------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 6160000 hd-hxpi2 sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 6160101 611010000 621000000 0.0 0.75 0.75 0000001 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6160201 0 -1.378557-7 -1.378557-7 0. * -5.37921-7 *--------- * - - - -- --- - --- - --- - --------------- Passive DHR Heat Exchanger POD Inlet (DHR2) *-------------------------------------------------------- name volume * 6210000 hp-hxp2 snglvol * area length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe v-flag 4.5 0.0 90. 90. 4.5 4.5e-5 1.636 000000 $ 1 6210101 5.4 temp * cntrl press 7057717. 2908740. 2908740. 1. 6210200 0 *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: Passive DHR HX POD Inlet to Heat Exchanger Inlet (DHR2) *--------------------------------------------------------- junction * name 6280000 ihx-hxp2 sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 6280101 621010000 629000000 0.0 0.23 0.23 0000000 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap .w/ 6280201 0 -1.570477-8 -1.570477-8 0. * -3.142066-7 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Passive DHR Heat Exchanger Inlet (DHR2) *--------------------------------------------------------- * name volume 6290000 hp-hxin2 snglvol * area length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe v-flag 6290101 2.1276 1.0 0.0 -90. -90. -0.5 4.5e-5 0.15 000000 * cntrl press temp 6290200 0 7057657. 1164302. 1164302. 1. *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: Passive DHR HX Inlet to Heat Exchanger (DHR2) *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 6300000 ihx-hx sngljun from to area kforw kbackw j-flag * 6300101 629010000 651000000 0.0 0.23 0.23 0000000 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6300201 0 -2.589013-8 -2.589013-8 0. * -3.32553-7 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Passive DHR Heat Exchanger (DHR2) *--------------------------------------------------------- * name pipe/annulus 6510000 hp-hx2 pipe * number of volumes 6510001 5 * area no of vol 6510101 2.1856 5 * length no of vol 6510301 0.060 5 * volume no of vol 6510401 0.0 5 * azi ang no of vol 6510501 -90. 5 * ver ang no of vol 6510601 -90. 5 * elev. no of vol $ 1 6510701 -0.06 5 rough dhydr. no of vol * 6510801 1.e-5 3.055e-3 5 kforw kbackw no of jun * 0.0 4 6510901 0.0 * v-flag no of vol 6511001 00000 5 * j-flag no of jun 6511101 000000 4 * cntrl pressure temperature * * * no of vol 7057684. 932250. 932250. 1. 0. 1 6511201 0 6511202 0 7057690. 932244. 932244. 1. 0. 2 7057698. 932239. 932239. 1. 0. 3 6511203 0 7057704. 932235. 932235. 1. 0. 4 6511204 0 7057711. 932232. 932232. 1. 0. 5 6511205 0 * cntrl 6511300 0 * w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ no of jun 6511301 -2.60233-8 -2.60233-8 0. 1 * -3.34266-7 6511302 -2.612243-8 -2.612243-8 0. 2 * -3.35541-7 6511303 -2.618735-8 -2.618735-8 0. 3 * -3.36377-7 6511304 -2.62204-8 -2.62204-8 0. 4 * -3.368025-7 *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: Passive DHR Heat Exchanger to HX Outlet (DHR2) *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 6560000 hx-ohx2 sngljun to area kforw kbackw j-flag from * 6560101 651010000 668000000 0.0 0.50 0.50 0000000 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6560201 0 -4.44103-8 -4.44103-8 0. * -3.37483-7 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Passive DHR Heat Exchanger Outlet Plenum (DHR2) *--------------------------------------------------------- * name volume 6680000 hp-outp2 snglvol length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe v-flag * area -90. -0.2 4.5e-5 0.15 000000 6680101 2.1276 1.0 0.0 -90. temp press * cntrl 7057722. 1573145. 1573145. 1. 6680200 0 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: Passive DHR HX Outlet to Downcomer (DHR2) *--------------------------------------------------------- junction * name 6690000 hp-ohx2 sngljun to area kforw kbackw j-flag from * 671000000 0.0 1.0 1.0 0000000 668010000 6690101 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6690201 0 -2.11582-8 -2.11582-8 0. * -3.063706-7 *--------------------------------------------------------- * Passive DHR Heat Exchanger Outlet Pod (DHR2) *--------------------------------------------------------- name volume * 6710000 hp-outp2 length * area snglvol vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe 100 v-flag 6710101 10.995 1.0 0.0 -90. -90. -1.0 4.5e-5 2.026 * cntrl press temp 6710200 0 7057762. 1607285. 1607285. 1. 000000 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: Passive DHR HX Outlet Pod (DHR2) *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 6720000 hp-ohxp sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 6720101 671010000 673000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0000000 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6720201 0 -4.67222-9 -4.67222-9 0. * -1.88798-7 *--------------------------------------------------------- * Passive DHR BLOWER (DHR2) *--------------------------------------------------------- * name volume 6730000 hp-outp2 snglvol * area length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe 6730101 6.1576 3.0 0.0 -90. -90. -3.0 4.5e-5 1.4 * cntrl press temp 6730200 0 7057892. 1666776. 1666776. 1. v-flag 000000 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 6930000 hp-ohxp sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 6930101 673010000 691000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0000000 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6930201 0 -4.67222-9 -4.67222-9 0. * -1.88798-7 * name volume 6910000 hp-outpc snglvol * area length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe v-flag 0. 0.0 0. 1.4 000000 6910101 6.1576 0.5 0.0 -90. * cntrl press temp 6910200 0 7057892. 1666776. 1666776. 1. * *--------------------------------------------------------- * name volume 6940000 hp-outpd snglvol * area length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe v-flag 6940101 6.1576 0.5 0.0 -90. 0. 0.0 0. 1.4 000000 * cntrl press temp 6940200 0 9623368. 3469112. 3469112. 1. * * name junction 6960000 hp-ohxp sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 6960101 694010000 676000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0000000 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6960201 0 -4.67222-9 -4.67222-9 0. * -1.88798-7 *--------------------------------------------------------- * Valve: Passive DHR Cold Leg Valve junciton to RPV downcomer (DHR2) *--------------------------------------------------------- ** name junction 6740000 hp-cl valve * from to area kforw kbackw 101 j-flag 6740101 691010000 694000000 6.1576 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6740201 0 0. 0. 0. * 0. * valve-type 6740300 mtrvlv * trip# w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 0 542 0.0125 0.0 6740301 540 13.46 13.46 00000200 * *---------------------------------------------------------- Name Valve ** 6880000 leak2 tmdpjun from to * 6880101 694000000 691010000 * cntrl trp 542 6880200 1 6880201 -0.* 0. 0. 0. 6880201 -0. 0. 0.15 0. 0. 0. 0.15 0. 6880202 area 0.00 j-flag 0000000 *--------------------------------------------------------*--------------------------------------------------------- * Passive DHR Cold leg 1x50% loop (DHR2) *--------------------------------------------------------- * name pipe/annulus 6760000 SCS-CL pipe * number of volumes 6760001 5 * area no of vol 6760101 6.1576 5 * length no of vol 6760301 3.7 5 * volume no of vol 6760401 0.0 5 * azi ang no of vol 6760501 -90. 5 ver ang no of vol * 6760601 -90. 5 * elev. no of vol 5 6760701 -2.9 * rough dhydr. no of vol 6760801 4.5e-5 1.6117 5 * kforw kbackw no of jun 4 6760901 0.0875 0.0875 * v-flag no of vol 6761001 00000 5 * j-flag no of jun 6761101 000000 4 cntrl pressure temperature * 9623368. 3469112. 6761201 0 9623434. 3469112. 6761202 0 9623500. 3469112. 6761203 0 9623566. 3469113. 6761204 0 9623632. 3469113. 6761205 0 * cntrl 6761300 0 * w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ no 6761301 -6.67305-15 -6.67305-15 6761302 -3.19196-14 -3.19196-14 * * * 3469112. 3469112. 3469112. 3469113. 3469113. no 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. of vol 0. 1 0. 2 0. 3 0. 4 0. 5 of jun 0. 1 * -1.928565-14 0. 2 * -9.22514-14 102 6761303 6761304 -1.173983-13 -1.173983-13 0. 3 * -3.392996-13 8.44969-14 8.44969-14 0. 4 * 2.44209-13 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Valve: Passive DHR Cold Leg Valve junciton to RPV downcomer (DHR2) *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 6770000 hp-ohb2 valve * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 6770101 676010000 800000000 0.0 1.0 1.0 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6770201 0 0. 0. 0. * 0. * valve-type 6770300 trpvlv * trip# w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6770301 525 * Close Until end of coastdown 0000000 *--------------------------------------------------------- * Bypass Junction to simulate leakage of check check valve *--------------------------------------------------------- name junction 6970000 leakchv valve * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 6970101 676010000 800000000 1.e-9 l.e9 1.e9 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6970201 0 0. 0. 0. * 0. * valve-type 6970300 trpvlv * trip# w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 6970301 525 * Close Until end of coastdown * 0000000 * * * Passive DHR DECAY HEAT REMOVAL SYSTEM UHS SYSTEM 1 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * H20 DHR Heat Exchanger Inlet *--------------------------------------------------------- * name volume 7000000 h2ohxin snglvol * area length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe v-flag 7000101 0.0873 1.0 0.0 90. 90. 0.5 4.5e-5 0.333 000000 * cntrl press temp 7000200 0 1085604. 104058.9 2584130. 0. *--------------------------------------------------------* Junction: H20 Passive DHR HX Inlet to Heat Exchanger *--------------------------------------------------------- name junction 7050000 h2oihxj sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 7050101 700010000 710000000 0.0 0.23 0.23 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 7050201 0 8.28489-4 8.3558-4 0. * .0721563 * * *------------------------------------------- 103 0000000 * Passive H20 DHR Heat Exchanger *--------------------------------------------------------- name pipe/annulus * 7100000 h2ohphx pipe number of volumes * 7100001 5 * area no of vol 7100101 1.09281 5 * length no of vol 7100301 0.060 5 * volume no of vol 5 7100401 0.0 azi ang no of vol * 7100501 90. 5 * ver ang no of vol 5 7100601 90. * elev. no of vol 7100701 0.060 5 * rough dhydr. no of vol 7100801 1.e-5 3.055e-3 5 kforw kbackw no of jun * 4 0.0 7100901 0.0 * v-flag no of vol 7101001 00000 5 j-flag no of jun * 7101101 000000 4 cntrl pressure temperature * * * no of vol * 1082864. 104068.4 2584060. 0. 0. 1 7101201 0 1082277. 104073. 2584045. 0. 0. 2 7101202 0 1081690. 104078.7 2584030. 0. 0. 3 7101203 0 1081103. 104085.5 2584014. 0. 0. 4 7101204 0 1080516. 104093. 2.584+6 0. 0. 5 7101205 0 * cntrl 7101300 0 w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ no of jun * 1 * .0721563 7101301 6.61846-5 6.62321-5 0. 2 * .0721563 7101302 6.61846-5 6.62321-5 0. 3 * .0721563 7101303 6.61846-5 6.62321-5 0. 4 * .0721563 7101304 6.61847-5 6.62322-5 0. * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: H20 Passive DHR Heat Exchanger to HX Outlet *--------------------------------------------------------- junction * name 7150000 h2hxohx sngljun area kforw kbackw j-flag to * from 7150101 710010000 720000000 0.0 1.00 1.00 cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ * 7150201 0 8.28492-4 8.35584-4 0. * .0721563 0000000 * *-------------------------------------------------------- * Passive H20 DHR Heat Exchanger Outlet Plenum *--------------------------------------------------------- volume * name 7200000 h2ooutpl snglvol length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe v-flag * area 7200101 0.0873 1.0 0.0 90. 90. 0.2 4.5e-5 0.333 000000 104 * cntrl press temp 7200200 0 1079244. 104098. 2583967. 0. * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: H20 DHR Heat Exchanger Outlet Plenum to UHS Duct *--------------------------------------------------------- junction * name 7250000 h2oplhd sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 7250101 720010000 730000000 0.0 0.23 0.23 cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ * 7250201 0 8.28492-4 8.35584-4 0. * .0721563 0000000 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Passive DHR Hot Duct *--------------------------------------------------------- * name pipe/annulus 7300000 h2ohotd pipe * number of volumes 7300001 5 * area no of vol 7300101 0.0873 5 * length no of vol 7300301 1.6 5 * volume no of vol 7300401 0.0 5 * azi ang no of vol 7300501 90. 5 ver ang no of vol * 7300601 90. 5 elev. no of vol * 7300701 1.6 5 * rough dhydr. no of vol 7300801 4.5e-5 0.333 5 kforw kbackw no of jun * 7300901 0.0875 0.0875 4 * v-flag no of vol 7301001 00000 5 j-flag no of jun * 7301101 000000 4 cntrl pressure temperature * * * no of vol * 7301201 0 1070439. 104106.3 2583740. 0. 0. 1 7301202 0 1054786. 104114.7 2583334. 0. 0. 2 7301203 0 1039133. 104123.5 2582923. 0. 0. 3 7301204 0 1023479. 104133.1 2582507. 0. 0. 4 7301205 0 1007826. 104160.4 2582086. 3.71865-6 0. 5 * cntrl 7301300 0 * w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ no of jun 7301301 8.28495-4 8.35587-4 0. 1 * .0721562 7301302 8.28501-4 8.35593-4 0. 2 * .0721562 7301303 8.28507-4 8.35599-4 0. 3 * .0721561 7301304 8.28513-4 .00157848 0. 4 * .0721561 * **--------------------------------------------------------- ** Junction: Hotleg Duct to surge tank **--------------------------------------------------------- 105 ** name type 7800000 h2o-surj sngljun area kforw kbackw j-flag * from to 7800101 730010000 790000000 0 0.5 0.5 0000000 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 7800201 0 -.00146826 -9.44189-7 0. * -4.00458-7 * *--------------------------------------------------------- ** H20 LOOP surge tank *--------------------------------------------------------- * name volume 7900000 h20surge tmdpvol * area length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe pvbfe 7900101 500.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0.00046 7.4 00010 * cntrl 7900200 003 * press temp 7900201 0.0 1.00000e6 473.0 *--------------------------------------------------------* Junction: HP Hot Duct to HX Inlet *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 7350000 h2ohxpin sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 7350101 730010000 740000000 0.0 0.75 0.75 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 7350201 0 8.28526-4 .02027343 0. * .0721564 0000001 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Passive DHR Heat Exchanger Inlet *--------------------------------------------------------- * name volume 7400000 h2ohxin snglvol * area length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe v-flag -90. -0.5 4.5e-5 0.333 000000 7400101 0.0873 1.0 0.0 -90. * cntrl press temp 7400200 0 1002446. 104171.3 2581940. 1.404818-6 *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: Passive DHR HX Inlet to Heat Exchanger *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 7450000 h2ohx-h sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 7450101 740010000 750000000 0.0 0.23 0.23 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 7450201 0 8.28526-4 -.00344602 0. * .0721564 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Passive H20/UHS Heat Exchanger *--------------------------------------------------------- * name pipe/annulus 7500000 h2hp-hx pipe * number of volumes 7500001 20 * area no of vol 7500101 9.64974e-2 20 * length no of vol 106 0000000 7500301 1.605 20 * volume no of vol 7500401 0.0 20 * azi ang no of vol 20 7500501 -90. * ver ang no of vol 7500601 0.0 20 * elev. no of vol 7500701 0.0 20 * rough dhydr. no of vol 7500801 1.e-5 3.5052e-2 20 kforw kbackw no of jun * 7500901 0.0 0.0 19 * v-flag no of vol 7501001 00000 20 * j-flag no of jun 7501101 000000 19 * cntrl pressure temperature * * * no of 7501201 0 1004892. 104080.5 2582007. 0. 0. 1004892. 104063. 2582007. 0. 0. 7501202 0 1004892. 104059.6 2582007. 0. 0. 7501203 0 1004891. 104059. 2582007. 0. 0. 7501204 0 7501205 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 7501206 0 7501207 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 7501208 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 7501209 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 7501210 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 7501211 0 7501212 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 7501213 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 7501214 0 7501215 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 7501216 0 7501217 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 7501218 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 7501219 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 7501220 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. * cntrl 7501300 0 * w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ no of jun 7501301 7. 49551-4 7.49551-4 0. 1 * .0721563 7501302 7. 4955-4 7.4955-4 0. 2 * .0721563 3 * .0721563 7501303 7. 4955-4 7.4955-4 0. 4 * .0721563 7501304 7. 4955-4 7.4955-4 0. 5 * .0721563 7501305 7. 4955-4 7.4955-4 0. 7501306 7. 4955-4 7.4955-4 0. 6 * .0721563 7 * .0721563 7501307 7. 4955-4 7.4955-4 0. 7501308 7. 4955-4 7.4955-4 0. 8 * .0721563 9 * .0721563 7501309 7. 4955-4 7.4955-4 0. 7501310 7. 4955-4 7.4955-4 0. 10 * .0721563 11 * .0721563 7501311 7. 4955-4 7.4955-4 0. 7501312 7. 4955-4 7.4955-4 0. 12 * .0721563 7501313 7. 4955-4 7.4955-4 0. 13 * .0721563 7501314 7. 4955-4 7.4955-4 0. 14 * .0721563 7501315 7. 4955-4 7.4955-4 0. 15 * .0721563 7501316 7. 4955-4 7.4955-4 0. 16 * .0721563 107 vol 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 7501317 7501318 7501319 7.4955-4 7.4955-4 7.4955-4 7.4955-4 7.4955-4 7.4955-4 0. 0. 0. 17 * .0721563 18 * .0721563 19 * .0721563 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: H20/UHS Passive DHR Heat Exchanger to HX Outlet *--------------------------------------------------------- junction * name 7550000 h2hx-ohx sngljun area kforw kbackw j-flag to * from 7550101 750010000 760000000 0.0 1.00 1.00 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 7550201 0 8.28518-4 8.28518-4 0. * .0721563 0000000 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Passive UHS DHR Heat Exchanger Outlet Plenum *--------------------------------------------------------- name volume 7600000 h2-outpl snglvol area length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. * -0.5 4.5e-5 -90. 7600101 0.0873 1.0 0.0 -90. * cntrl press temp 1007337. 104058.8 2582073. 0. 7600200 0 * * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: Passive DHR HX Outlet to Downcomer *--------------------------------------------------------- junction name sngljun hhp-ohx 7650000 area kforw kbackw j-flag to * from 7650101 760010000 770000000 0.0 1.0 1.0 0000000 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 7650201 0 8.28517-4 8.3561-4 0. * .0721563 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Passive DHR Downcomer *--------------------------------------------------------- name pipe/annulus 7700000 h2ohotd pipe * number of volumes 7700001 5 area no of vol * 7700101 0.0873 5 length no of vol * 5 7700301 1.6 volume no of vol * 5 7700401 0.0 * azi ang no of vol 5 7700501 -90. * ver ang no of vol 5 7700601 -90. elev. no of vol * 7700701 -1.6 5 * rough dhydr. no of vol 7700801 4.5e-5 0.333 5 * kforw kbackw no of jun 7700901 0.0875 0.0875 4 * v-flag no of vol * 108 hDe v-flag 0.333 000000 7701001 00000 5 * j-flag no of jun 7701101 000000 4 * cntrl pressure temperature 1017609. 104058.8 7701201 0 7701202 0 1033262. 104058.8 1048916. 104058.8 7701203 0 7701204 0 1064569. 104058.8 7701205 0 1080223. 104058.9 * cntrl 7701300 0 * w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ no 7701301 8.28514-4 8.35606-4 0. 7701302 8.28508-4 8.356-4 0. 7701303 8.28502-4 8.35594-4 0. 7701304 8.28496-4 8.35589-4 0. * * * 2582350. 2582768. 2583181. 2583589. 2583992. no 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. of vol 0. 1 0. 2 0. 3 0. 4 0. 5 of jun 1 * .0721563 2 * .0721563 3 * .0721563 4 * .0721563 *--------------------------------------------------------- * SNGLJ: Passive DHR Cold Duct to Rx Inlet Plenum *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 7750000 cd-iplm sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 7750101 770010000 700000000 0.0 1.0 1.0 0000001 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 7750201 0 8.2849-4 8.2849-4 0. * .0721563 * * * Passive DHR DECAY HEAT REMOVAL SYSTEM UHS SYSTEM 2-Water loop * *--------------------------------------------------------- * H20 DHR Heat Exchanger Inlet (DHR2-Water) *--------------------------------------------------------- * name volume 7010000 h2ohxin snglvol * area length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe v-flag 7010101 0.0873 1.0 0.0 90. 90. 0.5 4.5e-5 0.333 000000 * cntrl press temp 7010200 0 1085604. 104059. 2584130. 0. *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: H20 Passive DHR HX Inlet to Heat Exchanger (DHR2-Water) *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 7060000 h2oihxj sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 7060101 701010000 711000000 0.0 0.23 0.23 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 7060201 0 7.98759-4 8.05363-4 0. * .0695671 0000000 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Passive H20 DHR Heat Exchanger (DHR2-Water) *--------------------------------------------------------* name pipe/annulus 109 7110000 h2ohphx pipe * number of volumes 7110001 5 * area no of vol 7110101 1.09281 5 * length no of vol 7110301 0.060 5 * volume no of vol 7110401 0.0 5 * azi ang no of vol 7110501 90. 5 * ver ang no of vol 7110601 90. 5 elev. no of vol * 7110701 0.060 5 * rough dhydr. no of vol 7110801 l.e-5 3.055e-3 5 * kforw kbackw no of jun 7110901 0.0 0.0 4 * v-flag no of vol 7111001 00000 5 * j-flag no of jun 7111101 000000 4 * cntrl pressure temperature * * * no of vol 7111201 0 1082864. 104067. 2584060. 0. 0. 1 7111202 0 1082277. 104071.2 2584045. 0. 0. 2 7111203 0 1081690. 104076.7 2584030. 0. 0. 3 7111204 0 1081103. 104083.6 2584014. 0. 0. 4 7111205 0 1080516. 104092. 2.584+6 0. 0. 5 * cntrl 7111300 0 of jun * w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 1 * 069567 7111301 6.38096-5 6.38538-5 069567 2* 7111302 6.38096-5 6.38538-5 3* 069567 7111303 6.38097-5 6.38538-5 4* 069567 7111304 6.38097-5 6.38538-5 *-------------------------------------------- * Junction: H20 Passive DHR Heat Exchanger to HX Outlet (DHR2-Water) *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 7160000 h2hxohx sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 7160101 711010000 721000000 0.0 1.00 1.00 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 7160201 0 7.98762-4 8.05366-4 0. * .069567 0000000 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Passive H20 DHR Heat Exchanger Outlet Plenum (DHR2-Water) *--------------------------------------------------------- * name volume 7210000 h2ooutpl snglvol * area length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe v-flag 90. 0.2 4.5e-5 0.333 000000 $ 7210101 0.0873 1.0 0.0 90. * cntrl press temp 7210200 0 1079244. 104097.8 2583967. 0. 110 *------------------------------------------------------ * Junction: H20 DHR Heat Exchanger Outlet Plenum to UHS Duct Water) *--------------------------------------------------------- name junction * 7260000 h2oplhd sngljun to area kforw kbackw j-flag * from 7260101 721010000 731000000 0.0 0.23 0.23 cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ * 7260201 0 7.98762-4 8.05366-4 0. * .069567 0000000 * * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Passive DHR Hot Duct (DHR2-Water) *--------------------------------------------------------- * name pipe/annulus 7310000 h2ohotd pipe number of volumes * 7310001 5 * area no of vol 7310101 0.0873 5 $ lumping 2 loops * length no of vol 7310301 1.6 5 * volume no of vol 5 7310401 0.0 * azi ang no of vol 7310501 90. 5 ver ang no of vol * 7310601 90. 5 elev. no of vol * 7310701 1.6 5 * rough dhydr. no of vol 7310801 4.5e-5 0.333 5 * kforw kbackw no of jun 7310901 0.0875 0.0875 4 * v-flag no of vol 7311001 00000 5 * j-flag no of jun 7311101 000000 4 * cntrl pressure temperature * * * no of vol 7311201 0 1070439. 104108.4 2583740. 0. 0. 1 7311202 0 1054786. 104120.5 2583334. 0. 0. 2 7311203 0 1039133. 104134. 2582923. 0. 0. 3 7311204 0 1023480. 104149.5 2582507. 0. 0. 4 7311205 0 1007826. 104168.6 2582086. 0. 0. 5 * cntrl 7311300 0 * w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ no of jun 7311301 7.98765-4 8.0537-4 0. 1 * .069567 7311302 7.98771-4 8.05375-4 0. 2 * .0695669 7311303 7.98776-4 8.05381-4 0. 3 * .0695668 7311304 7.98782-4 8.05387-4 0. 4 * .0695668 * **--------------------------------------------------------- ** Junction: Hotleg Duct to Pressure Controller (DHR2-Water) **--------------------------------------------------------** name type 111 (DHR2- 7810000 htdc-orf sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 7810101 731010000 791000000 0 0.5 0.5 0000000 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 7810201 0 -5.48151-9 -5.4809-9 0. * -4.67351-7 * *--------------------------------------------------------- ** UHS LOOP Pressure Controller (DHR2-Water) *--------------------------------------------------------- * name volume 7910000 h20surge tmdpvol * area length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe pvbfe 7910101 500.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0.00046 7.4 00010 * cntrl 7910200 003 press temp * 7910201 0.0 1.00000e6 345.67 *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: HP Hot Duct to HX Inlet (DHR2-Water) *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 7360000 h2ohxpin sngljun to area kforw kbackw j-flag * from 7360101 731010000 741000000 0.0 0.75 0.75 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 7360201 0 7.98793-4 7.98793-4 0. * .0695672 0000001 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Passive DHR Heat Exchanger Inlet (DHR2-Water) *--------------------------------------------------------- * name volume 7410000 h2ohxin snglvol length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe v-flag * area -90. -0.5 4.5e-5 0.333 000000 7410101 0.0873 1.0 0.0 -90. * cntrl press temp 1002446. 104180.8 2581940. 0. 7410200 0 *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: Passive DHR HX Inlet to Heat Exchanger (DHR2-Water) *--------------------------------------------------------- name junction * 7460000 h2ohx-h sngljun area kforw kbackw j-flag * from to 7460101 741010000 751000000 0.0 0.23 0.23 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 7460201 0 7.98795-4 7.98795-4 0. * .0695671 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Passive UHS DHR Heat Exchanger (DHR2-Water) *--------------------------------------------------------- name pipe/annulus * 7510000 h2hp-hx pipe * number of volumes 7510001 20 * area no of vol 7510101 9.46497e-2 20 * length no of vol 7510301 1.605 20 112 0000000 $ * volume no of vol 7510401 0.0 20 * azi ang no of vol 7510501 -90. 20 * ver ang no of vol 7510601 0.0 20 * elev. no of vol 7510701 0.0 20 * rough dhydr. no of vol 7510801 1.e-5 3.5052e-2 20 * kforw kbackw no of jun 7510901 0.0 0.0 19 v-flag no of vol * 7511001 00000 20 * j-flag no of jun 7511101 000000 19 * cntrl pressure temperature * * * no of vol 7511201 0 1004892. 104081.7 2582007. 0. 0. 1 7511202 0 1004892. 104063.2 2582007. 0. 0. 2 7511203 0 1004892. 104059.7 2582007. 0. 0. 3 7511204 0 1004892. 104059. 2582007. 0. 0. 4 7511205 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 5 7511206 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 6 7511207 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 7 7511208 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 8 7511209 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 9 7511210 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 10 7511211 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 11 7511212 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 12 7511213 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 13 7511214 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 14 7511215 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 15 7511216 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 16 7511217 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 17 7511218 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 18 7511219 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 19 7511220 0 1004891. 104058.8 2582007. 0. 0. 20 cntrl * 7511300 0 * w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ no of jun 7511301 7.36762-4 7.36762-4 0. 1 * .0695671 7511302 7.36761-4 7.36761-4 0. 2 * .0695671 7511303 7.3676-4 7.3676-4 0. 3 * .0695671 7511304 7.3676-4 7.3676-4 0. 4 * .0695671 7511305 7.3676-4 7.3676-4 0. 5 * .0695671 7511306 7.3676-4 7.3676-4 0. 6 * .0695671 7511307 7.3676-4 7.3676-4 0. 7 * .0695671 7511308 7.3676-4 7.3676-4 0. 8 * .0695671 7511309 7.3676-4 7.3676-4 0. 9 * .0695671 7511310 7.3676-4 7.3676-4 0. 10 * .0695671 7511311 7.3676-4 7.3676-4 0. 11 * .0695671 7511312 7.3676-4 7.3676-4 0. 12 * .0695671 7511313 7.3676-4 7.3676-4 0. 13 * .0695671 7511314 7.3676-4 7.3676-4 0. 14 * .0695671 7511315 7.3676-4 7.3676-4 0. 15 * .0695671 7511316 7.3676-4 7.3676-4 0. 16 * .0695671 7511317 7.3676-4 7.3676-4 0. 17 * .0695671 113 7511318 7511319 7.3676-4 7.3676-4 7.3676-4 0. 7.3676-4 0. 18 * .0695671 19 * .0695671 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: UHS Passive DHR Heat Exchanger to HX Outlet *--------------------------------------------------------- name junction 7560000 h2hx-ohx sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 7560101 751010000 761000000 0.0 1.00 1.00 cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ * 7560201 0 7.98788-4 7.98788-4 0. * .0695671 * 0000000 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Passive UHS DHR Heat Exchanger Outlet Plenum *--------------------------------------------------------- name volume 7610000 h2-outpl snglvol length vol. a.ang. in.ang. elev. rough. hDe v-flag * area -0.5 4.5e-5 0.333 000000 7610101 0.0873 1.0 0.0 -90. -90. * cntrl press temp 1007337. 104058.8 2582073. 0. 7610200 0 * * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Junction: Passive DHR HX Outlet to Downcomer *--------------------------------------------------------- junction name 7660000 hhp-ohx sngljun to area kforw kbackw j-flag * from 7660101 761010000 771000000 0.0 1.0 1.0 0000000 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 7660201 0 7.98787-4 8.05391-4 0. * .0695671 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * Passive DHR Downcomer *--------------------------------------------------------- name pipe/annulus 7710000 h2ohotd pipe * number of volumes 7710001 5 * area no of vol 7710101 0.0873 5 $ lumping 2 loops * length no of vol 5 7710301 1.6 volume no of vol * 5 7710401 0.0 * azi ang no of vol 7710501 -90. 5 * ver ang no of vol 5 7710601 -90. elev. no of vol * 7710701 -1.6 5 rough dhydr. no of vol * 7710801 4.5e-5 0.333 5 * kforw kbackw no of jun 7710901 0.0875 0.0875 4 * * v-flag 7711001 no of vol 00000 5 114 $ * j-flag no of jun 7711101 000000 4 * cntrl pressure temperature * * * no of 7711201 0 1017609. 104058.8 2582350. 0. 0. 7711202 0 1033263. 104058.8 2582768. 0. 0. 7711203 0 1048916. 104058.8 2583181. 0. 0. 7711204 0 1064569. 104058.8 2583589. 0. 0. 7711205 0 1080223. 104058.9 2583992. 0. 0. * cntrl 7711300 0 * w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ no of jun 7711301 7.98783-4 8.05388-4 0. 1 * .0695671 7711302 7.98778-4 8.05382-4 0. 2 * .0695671 7711303 7.98772-4 8.05376-4 0. 3 * .0695671 7711304 7.98766-4 8.05371-4 0. 4 * .0695671 vol 1 2 3 4 5 * *--------------------------------------------------------- * SNGLJ: Passive DHR Cold Duct to Rx Inlet Plenum *--------------------------------------------------------- * name junction 7760000 cd-iplm sngljun * from to area kforw kbackw j-flag 7760101 771010000 701000000 0.0 1.0 1.0 0000001 * cntrl w/v.liq w/v.vap w/ 7760201 0 7.98761-4 7.98761-4 0. * .0695671 * * * HEAT STRUCTURE COMPONENTS * * * RPV Downcomer (Cylinder) # Wall thickness: 0.014m * #1 * * #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood 16701000 8 10 2 0 4.0 * mesh-loc format-flag 16701100 0 1 * #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) 16701101 9 4.19 * comp-# interval-# (radial info.) 16701201 6 9 * source interval-# (radial info.) 16701301 0.0 9 * initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) 115 bvol-ind axial# 16701400 -1 * temp-i temp-2 temp-3 temp-4 temp-5 temp-6 temp-7 temp-8 temp-9 temp-i 16701401 740.49 740.50 740.50 740.50 740.50 740.50 740.51 740.51 740.51 740.51 16701402 740.50 740.51 740.51 740.51 740.52 740.52 740.52 740.53 740.53 740.53 16701403 740.51 740.52 740.52 740.53 740.53 740.54 740.54 740.54 740.55 740.55 16701404 740.52 740.53 740.54 740.54 740.55 740.56 740.56 740.56 740.57 740.57 16701405 740.53 740.54 740.55 740.56 740.57 740.57 740.58 740.58 740.59 740.59 16701406 740.54 740.55 740.56 740.57 740.58 740.59 740.60 740.60 740.60 740.61 16701407 740.55 740.56 740.58 740.59 740.60 740.61 740.62 740.62 740.62 740.62 16701408 740.56 740.57 740.59 740.60 740.61 740.62 740.63 740.64 740.64 740.64 * L-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code height NH 1 1.05625 8 160 16701501 670010000 10000 increment BC option surf.code height NH * R-B B.Vol.# 1.05625 8 * Insulate 0 1 0 16701601 0 * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 8 0. 0. 0. 16701701 0 * 9-words format option 16701800 0 *This 9-words format excludes the pitch-to-diameter ratio on 801HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH * Add L-B Dh HL-f 0. 0. 1. 1 16701801 8.000 0.528125 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 2 16701802 8.000 1.584375 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 3 16701803 8.000 2.640625 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 4 16701804 8.000 3.696875 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 5 16701805 8.000 4.753125 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 6 16701806 8.000 5.809375 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 7 16701807 8.000 6.865625 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 8 16701808 8.000 7.921875 20. HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH * Add R-B Dh HL-f 0. 0. 1. 1 16701901 8.380 0.528125 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 2 16701902 8.380 1.584375 20. 0. 0. 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 3 16701903 8.380 2.640625 0. 0. 0. 1. 4 20. 0. 16701904 8.380 3.696875 0. 0. 1. 5 16701905 8.380 4.753125 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 6 16701906 8.380 5.809375 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 7 16701907 8.380 6.865625 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 8 16701908 8.380 7.921875 20. 0. 0. *--------------------------------- * * RPV Downcomer (Cylinder) # Wall thickness: 0.014m * #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood 0 4.0 18001000 8 10 2 * mesh-loc format-flag 1 18001100 0 #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) * 4.19 18001101 9 116 bvol-ind axial# * comp-# interval-# (radial info.) 18001201 6 9 * source interval-# (radial info.) 9 18001301 0.0 initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) * 18001400 -1 * temp-i temp-2 temp-3 temp-4 temp-5 temp-6 temp-7 temp-8 temp-9 temp-i 18001401 740.49 740.50 740.50 740.50 740.50 740.50 740.51 740.51 740.51 740.51 18001402 740.50 740.51 740.51 740.51 740.52 740.52 740.52 740.53 740.53 740.53 18001403 740.51 740.52 740.52 740.53 740.53 740.54 740.54 740.54 740.55 740.55 18001404 740.52 740.53 740.54 740.54 740.55 740.56 740.56 740.56 740.57 740.57 18001405 740.53 740.54 740.55 740.56 740.57 740.57 740.58 740.58 740.59 740.59 18001406 740.54 740.55 740.56 740.57 740.58 740.59 740.60 740.60 740.60 740.61 18001407 740.55 740.56 740.58 740.59 740.60 740.61 740.62 740.62 740.62 740.62 18001408 740.56 740.57 740.59 740.60 740.61 740.62 740.63 740.64 740.64 740.64 * L-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code height NH 160 1 1.05625 8 18001501 800010000 10000 increment BC option surf.code height NH * R-B B.Vol.# 18001601 0 0 0 1 1.05625 8 * Insulate * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 0. 0. 8 0. 18001701 0 * 9-words format option 18001800 0 *This 9-words format excludes the pitch-to-diameter ratio on 801HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH * Add L-B Dh HL-f 18001801 8.000 0.528125 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 18001802 8.000 1.584375 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 2 1. 3 18001803 8.000 2.640625 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 18001804 8.000 3.696875 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 4 18001805 8.000 4.753125 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 5 18001806 8.000 5.809375 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 6 18001807 8.000 6.865625 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 7 18001808 8.000 7.921875 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 8 * Add R-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 18001901 8.380 0.528125 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 18001902 8.380 1.584375 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 2 18001903 8.380 2.640625 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 3 18001904 8.380 3.696875 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 4 18001905 8.380 4.753125 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 5 18001906 8.380 5.809375 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 6 18001907 8.380 6.865625 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 7 18001908 8.380 7.921875 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 8 * *--------------------------------* Tr~I~i- DI~rmrn tr~7iivr~-v-~ * ) ( Plenum Inlet * * * # Wall thickness: 0.004m #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood 117 bvol-ind axial# 11001000 5 5 2 0 0.0 * mesh-loc format-flag 11001100 0 1 * #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) 11001101 4 0.075 * comp-# interval-# (radial info.) 11001201 6 * source value interval-# (radial info.) 11001301 0.0 4 * initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) 11001400 -1 temp-3 temp-4 temp-5 * temp-1 temp-2 11001401 740.50 740.50 740.50 740.50 740.50 11001402 740.50 740.50 740.50 740.50 740.50 11001403 740.50 740.50 740.50 740.50 740.50 11001404 740.50 740.50 740.50 740.50 740.50 11001405 740.50 740.50 740.50 740.50 740.50 * L-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code height NH 11001501 0 0 0 1 0.2 5 * Insulate * R-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code height NH 11001601 100010000 10000 160 1 0.2 5 * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 11001701 0 0. 0. 0. 5 * Add R-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 11001901 0.150 0.1 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 11001902 0.150 0.3 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 2 11001903 0.150 0.5 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 3 11001904 0.150 0.7 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 4 11001905 0.150 0.9 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 5 * Lower Reflector-Entrance of Core Average Channel (Plate) #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood bvol-ind axial# * 12101000 1 3 1 0 0.0 * mesh-loc format-flag 12101100 0 1 * #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) 12101101 2 0.002655 comp-# interval-# (radial info.) * 12101201 13 2 * source value interval-# (radial info.) 12101301 0.0 2 * initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) 12101400 -1 * temp-1 temp-2 temp-3 12101401 740.62 740.62 740.62 increment BC option surf.code area NH * L-B B.Vol.# 439.62 1 * Insulat 0 0 1 12101501 0 increment BC option surf.code area NH * R-B B.Vol.# 1 439.62 1 160 12101601 210010000 10000 * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 1 0. 0. 0. 12101701 0 * 9-words format option HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH * Add R-B Dh 12101901 0.0127 0.5 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 * *==== =-=- == == -= === ===- == ==== ==- 118 === === ==== ===- == === * Lower Reflector-Entrance of Core Hot Channel (Plate) * #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood bvol-ind axial# 12111000 1 3 1 0 0.0 mesh-loc format-flag * 12111100 0 1 * #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) 12111101 2 0.002655 * comp-# interval-# (radial info.) 12111201 13 2 * source value interval-# (radial info.) 12111301 0.0 2 * initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) 12111400 -1 * temp-1 temp-2 temp-3 12111401 740.62 740.62 740.62 * L-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code area NH 12111501 0 0 0 1 3.9581195 1 * Insula * R-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code area NH 12111601 211010000 10000 160 1 3.9581195 1 * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 12111701 0 0. 0. 0. 1 * Add R-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 12111901 0.0127 0.5 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 * * MATRIX CORE HEAT STRUCTURES: Average Channel (Plate) * #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. 12501000 8 8 1 0 0.0 * mesh-loc format-flag 12501100 0 1 * #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) 12501101 6 0.002355 * 1/2 fuel plate 12501102 1 0.002655 * coating thickn * comp-# interval-# (radial info.) 12501201 1 6 $ U02 12501202 -13 7 $ Ferritic SS * source interval-# (radial info.) 12501301 1.0 6 12501302 0.0 7 * initial temperature flag (if flag=0 12501400 -1 * temp. mesh point 12501401 934.97 934.24 932.06 928.42 899.31 12501402 1063.8 1062.8 1059.8 1054.8 1014.6 12501403 1172.9 1171.7 1168.1 1162.1 1114.0 12501404 1257.0 1255.8 1251.9 1245.4 1193.4 12501405 1311.0 1309.7 1305.8 1299.4 1247.5 119 reflood bvol-ind axial# dimension dimension or -1) 923.33 916.78 908.77 1047.8 1038.7 1027.7 1153.7 1142.9 1129.8 1236.4 1224.7 1210.5 1290.4 1278.8 1264.6 12501406 1332.3 1331.1 1327.5 1321.6 1313.3 1302.7 1289.6 1273.9 12501407 1321.2 1320.2 1317.2 1312.3 1305.4 1296.5 1285.6 1272.5 12501408 1280.3 1279.6 1277.4 1273.8 1268.9 1262.4 1254.6 1245.1 * L-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code surface area NH 12501501 0 0 0 1 107.159 8 * R-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code surface area NH 12501601 250010000 10000 160 1 107.159 8 ** Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH $ 1.25 chopped cosine shape $ He Core 12501701 1000 0.0844607 0. 0. 1 12501702 1000 0.1171673 0. 0. 2 12501703 1000 0.1405377 0. 0. 3 4 0. 12501704 1000 0.1527072 0. 12501705 1000 0.1527072 0. 0. 5 12501706 1000 0.1405377 0. 0. 6 12501707 1000 0.1171673 0. 0. 7 12501708 1000 0.0844607 0. 0. 8 * 12501900 * Add R-B 12501901 12501902 12501903 12501904 12501905 12501906 12501907 12501908 * 1 Dh HL-f HL-r 0.0127 0.121875 0.0127 0.365625 0.0127 0.609375 0.0127 0.853125 0.0127 1.096875 0.0127 1.340625 0.0127 1.584375 0.0127 1.828125 grid-f 20. 0. 20. 0. 20. 0. 20. 0. 20. 0. 20. 0. 20. 0. 20. 0. grid-r 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. grid-kf 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 1. grid-kr L-Boil 0.0 1.1 1.0 0.0 1.1 1.0 0.0 1.1 1.0 0.0 1.1 1.0 0.0 1.1 1.0 0.0 1.1 1.0 0.0 1.1 1.0 0.0 1.1 1.0 MATRIX CORE HEAT STRUCTURES: Hot Channel (Plate) * ==* #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. * 12511000 8 8 1 0 0.00 * mesh-loc format-flag 12511100 0 1 * #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) 12511101 6 0.002355 * 1/2 fuel plate 0.002655 * coating thickn 12511102 1 comp-# interval-# (radial info.) * 12511201 1 6 $ U02 7 $ Ferritic SS 12511202 -13 * source interval-# (radial info.) 12511301 1.0 6 12511302 0.0 7 * initial temperature flag (if flag=0 12511400 -1 temp. mesh point * 12511401 968.50 967.67 965.17 960.99 927.57 12511402 1120.2 1119.0 1115.6 1109.8 1063.6 120 reflood bvol-ind axial# dimension dimension or -1) 955.15 947.64 938.45 1101.7 1091.4 1078.7 NH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12511403 1247.7 1246.4 1242.3 1235.4 1225.8 1213.5 1198.4 1180.3 12511404 1345.6 1344.1 1339.7 1332.3 1322.0 1308.7 1292.4 1272.7 12511405 1407.8 1406.4 1401.9 1394.6 1384.3 1371.0 1354.8 1335.1 12511406 1431.9 1430.6 1426.5 1419.8 1410.3 1398.1 1383.2 1365.1 12511407 1418.6 1417.5 1414.1 1408.5 1400.6 1390.4 1378.0 1362.9 12511408 1371.0 1370.2 1367.8 1363.7 1358.0 1350.6 1341.6 1330.8 * L-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code surface area NH 12511501 0 0 0 1 0.965395 8 * R-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code surface area NH 12511601 251010000 10000 160 1 0.965395 8 ** Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH $ 1.25 chopped cosine shape $ He Core 12511701 1000 0.0008750 0. 0. 1 12511702 1000 0.0012139 0. 0. 2 12511703 1000 0.0014560 0. 0. 3 12511704 1000 0.0015821 0. 0. 4 12511705 1000 0.0015821 0. 0. 5 12511706 1000 0.0014560 0. 0. 6 12511707 1000 0.0012139 0. 0. 7 12511708 1000 0.0008750 0. 0. 8 * 12511900 * Add R-B 12511901 12511902 12511903 12511904 12511905 12511906 12511907 12511908 1 Dh HL-f HL-r 0.0127 0.121875 0.0127 0.365625 0.0127 0.609375 0.0127 0.853125 0.0127 1.096875 0.0127 1.340625 0.0127 1.584375 0.0127 1.828125 grid-f 20. 0. 20. 0. 20. 0. 20. 0. 20. 0. 20. 0. 20. 0. 20. 0. grid-r 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. grid-kf 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 1. grid-kr L-Boil 0.0 1.1 1.0 0.0 1.1 1.0 0.0 1.1 1.0 0.0 1.1 1.0 0.0 1.1 1.0 0.0 1.1 1.0 0.0 1.1 1.0 0.0 1.1 1.0 *--------------------------------------------------------------* * * reactor kinetics data - ANS 79 Decay Heat Model used * * *--------------------------------------------------------------* 30000000 point separabl 30000001 gamma-ac 600.0e6 0. 30000002 ans79-1 200.0 30000011 100 * scram curve * Density reactivity feedback 30000501 0. 0.0 30000502 1000. 0.0 30000601 *00. 0.0 30000601 13000. 0.0 30000602 3000. 0.0 * Doppler reactivity feedback 352.11268 1.0 * * Volume weighting factor *For * transient calculation, the following data should be used For transient calculation, the following data should be used 121 NH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * instead of cards 30000801 - 820 * by SIL *30000801 0.02365 -0.000859212 *300008012 1701001 0.031328 -0.000859212 *300008023 1701002 0.038502 -0.000997298 *300008034 1701003 0.045054 -0.000997298 1701004 *300008045 0.050881 -0.001072738 1701005 *300008056 1701006 0.055887 -0.001072738 *300008067 0.059993 -0.001072738 1701007 *300008078 1701008 0.063131 -0.001253016 *300008089 0.065252 -0.001253016 1701009 *30000809 0.066322 -0.001253016 1701010 *300008101 0.066322 -0.000722406 *300008112 1701011 0.065252 -0.000722406 *300008123 1701012 0.063131 -0.000722406 *300008134 1701013 0.059993 -0.000784413 *300008145 1701014 0.055887 -0.000784413 *300008156 1701015 0.050881 -0.000784413 1701016 *300008167 0.045054 -0.000746697 1701017 *300008178 0.038502 -0.000746697 1701018 *300008189 0.031328 -0.00052422 1701019 *3000081920 *3 000 082 0 1701020 0.02365 -0.00052422 * ---------------------------------* ~-~-'~i*n *-- ---------------------------------------------------------- * * 20210000 20210001 20210002 20210003 20210004 20210005 20210006 20210007 20210008 20210009 20210010 * reac-t 0.0 1.98 2.31 2.64 2.97 3.30 3.63 3.96 4.29 2.0e20 501 0.0 -0.052667 -0.158001 -0.421300 -0.974300 -2.212000 -4.371400 -5.029700 -5.266700 -5.266700 Lower Reflector-Entrance of Core Average Channel #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood * 0 0.0 12901000 1 3 1 mesh-loc format-flag * 1 12901100 0 #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) * 0.002655 12901101 2 interval-# (radial info.) comp-# * 2 12901201 13 source value interval-# (radial info.) * 2 12901301 0.0 initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) * 12901400 -1 temp-1 temp-2 temp-3 * 12901401 1105.6 1105.6 1105.6 122 (Plate) bvol-ind axial# * L-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code area NH 12901501 0 0 0 1 439.62 1 * Zero hea * R-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code area NH 12901601 290010000 10000 160 1 439.62 1 * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 12901701 0 0. 0. 0. 1 * 9-words format option * Add R-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 12901901 0.0127 0.5 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 * * Lower Reflector-Entrance of Core Hot Channel (Plate) * #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood bvol-ind axial# 12911000 1 3 1 0 0.0 mesh-loc format-flag * 12911100 0 1 * #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) 12911101 2 0.002655 * comp-# interval-# (radial info.) 12911201 13 2 * source value interval-# (radial info.) 12911301 0.0 2 initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) * 12911400 -1 * temp-i temp-2 temp-3 12911401 1168.8 1168.8 1168.8 * L-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code area NH 12911501 0 0 0 1 3.9581195 1 * Zero * R-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code area NH 12911601 291010000 10000 160 1 3.9581195 1 * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 12911701 0 0. 0. 0. 1 * Add R-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 12911901 0.0127 0.5 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 *++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ * **************************** STRUCTURE 5201 ****************************** * Recuperator -- plate-fin $ *ht str ht.strs m.pts 15201000 30 3 1 1 geom 0.0 init 0 l.coord * * loc 15201100 flag 0 1 * * # r 15201101 2 0.0004572 * * compos. 15201201 15 # 2 * * source # 15201301 0.0 2 123 refl b.vol ax.incr. temperature flag 15201400 -1 * temperature # 15201401 742.40 15201402 730.64 15201403 718.84 15201404 707.00 15201405 695.13 15201406 683.22 15201407 671.28 15201408 659.31 15201409 647.31 15201410 635.28 15201411 623.21 15201412 611.13 15201413 599.01 15201414 586.87 15201415 574.71 15201416 562.53 15201417 550.33 15201418 538.11 15201419 525.88 15201420 513.63 15201421 501.38 15201422 489.12 15201423 476.85 15201424 464.58 15201425 452.32 15201426 440.05 15201427 427.8 15201428 415.55 15201429 403.33 15201430 391.12 742.29 730.53 718.73 706.89 695.02 683.11 671.17 659.2 647.19 635.16 623.09 611.00 598.89 586.75 574.58 562.4 550.2 537.98 525.74 513.5 501.24 488.98 476.71 464.44 452.17 439.9 427.65 415.4 403.17 390.96 742.19 730.42 718.62 706.78 694.90 683.00 671.05 659.08 647.07 635.04 622.97 610.88 598.76 586.62 574.46 562.27 550.07 537.84 525.61 513.36 501.1 488.83 476.56 464.29 452.02 439.75 427.49 415.25 403.01 390.8 * vol 15201501 inc type code 520010000 10000 factor # 160 0 2192.0 30 * vol 15201601 inc type code 590300000 -10000 factor # 160 0 2192.0 30 * type 15201701 mult D-lt D-rt # *source 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30 15201800 * Dhe 15201801 15201802 15201803 15201804 15201805 15201806 15201807 15201808 15201809 1 LHEf 2.7-4 2.7-4 2.7-4 2.7-4 2.7-4 2.7-4 2.7-4 2.7-4 2.7-4 LHEr LGSf LGSr Kfwd 0.047 2.768 10.0 10.0 0.141 2.674 10.0 10.0 0.235 2.581 10.0 10.0 0.328 2.487 10.0 10.0 0.422 2.393 10.0 10.0 0.516 2.299 10.0 10.0 0.610 2.205 10.0 10.0 0.704 2.111 10.0 10.0 0.798 2.018 10.0 10.0 124 Krev 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fboil nclf povd 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 ff 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 15201810 15201811 15201812 15201813 15201814 15201815 15201816 15201817 15201818 15201819 15201820 15201821 15201822 15201823 15201824 15201825 15201826 15201827 15201828 15201829 15201830 2.7-4 2.7-4 2.7-4 2.7-4 2.7-4 2.7-4 2.7-4 2.7-4 2.7-4 2.7-4 2.7-4 2.7-4 2.7-4 2.7-4 2.7-4 2.7-4 2.7-4 2.7-4 2.7-4 2.7-4 2.7-4 0.891 0.985 1.079 1.173 1.267 1.361 1.455 1.548 1.642 1.736 1.830 1.924 2.018 2.111 2.205 2.299 2.393 2.487 2.581 2.674 2.768 15201900 * Dhe 15201901 15201902 15201903 15201904 15201905 15201906 15201907 15201908 15201909 15201910 15201911 15201912 15201913 15201914 15201915 15201916 15201917 15201918 15201919 15201920 15201921 15201922 15201923 15201924 15201925 15201926 15201927 15201928 15201929 15201930 LHEf 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 2.4-4 LHEr LGSf LGSr Kfwd 2.768 0.047 10.0 10.0 2.674 0.141 10.0 10.0 2.581 0.235 10.0 10.0 2.487 0.328 10.0 10.0 2.393 0.422 10.0 10.0 2.299 0.516 10.0 10.0 2.205 0.610 10.0 10.0 2.111 0.704 10.0 10.0 2.018 0.798 10.0 10.0 1.924 0.891 10.0 10.0 1.830 0.985 10.0 10.0 1.736 1.079 10.0 10.0 1.642 1.173 10.0 10.0 1.548 1.267 10.0 10.0 1.455 1.361 10.0 10.0 1.361 1.455 10.0 10.0 1.267 1.548 10.0 10.0 1.173 1.642 10.0 10.0 1.079 1.736 10.0 10.0 0.985 1.830 10.0 10.0 0.891 1.924 10.0 10.0 0.798 2.018 10.0 10.0 0.704 2.111 10.0 10.0 0.610 2.205 10.0 10.0 0.516 2.299 10.0 10.0 0.422 2.393 10.0 10.0 0.328 2.487 10.0 10.0 0.235 2.581 10.0 10.0 0.141 2.674 10.0 10.0 0.047 2.768 10.0 10.0 1.924 1.830 1.736 1.642 1.548 1.455 1.361 1.267 1.173 1.079 0.985 0.891 0.798 0.704 0.610 0.516 0.422 0.328 0.235 0.141 0.047 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Krev 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fboil nclf povd 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 0.0 1.0 2.815 **************************** COMPOSITION 125 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.815 2.815 2.815 2.815 2.815 2.815 2.815 2.815 2.815 2.815 2.815 2.815 2.815 2.815 2.815 2.815 2.815 2.815 2.815 2.815 2.815 1.0 1. 10 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ff 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 15**************************** * thermal properties of GA design * distortion in heatric pche 1 20101500 tbl/fctn 1 *---------------------------------------------------------------------- 20101501 20101502 20101503 20101504 20101505 20101506 20101507 20101508 20101509 20101510 2.232611E+02 2.942611E+02 4.220389E+02 5.331500E+02 6.442611E+02 6.998167E+02 8.109278E+02 8.664833E+02 1.255372E+03 1.922039E+03 1.058900E+01 1.158900E+01 1.383203E+01 1.570122E+01 1.744581E+01 1.831810E+01 2.006268E+01 2.093497E+01 2.990710E+01 2.990710E+01 20101551 20101552 20101553 20101554 2.002611E+02 2.942611E+02 9.775944E+02 1.922039E+03 3.143784E+06 3.433784E+06 4.694627E+06 4.694627E+06 **************************** STRUCTURE 5301 * precooler -- tube/shell hx $ *ht str ht.strs m.pts 5 2 1 15301000 20 geom init 0.0033 0 l.coord refl * * loc 15301100 flag 0 * # r 15301101 4 0.0045 * compos. * 15301201 16 * * source # 15301301 0.0 4 * temperature flag * 15301400 -1 * * temperature # 15301401 324.69 15301402 320.35 15301403 316.58 15301404 313.31 15301405 310.46 15301406 307.99 15301407 305.83 15301408 303.95 15301409 302.32 15301410 300.89 325.27 320.86 317.02 313.69 310.80 308.28 306.08 304.17 302.51 301.06 325.80 321.32 317.43 314.04 311.10 308.54 306.32 304.37 302.68 301.21 326.30 321.75 317.80 314.37 311.38 308.79 306.53 304.56 302.85 301.35 126 326.76 322.15 318.15 314.67 311.65 309.02 306.73 304.74 303.00 301.48 b.vol ax.incr. 15301411 15301412 15301413 15301414 15301415 15301416 15301417 15301418 15301419 15301420 299.65 298.56 297.62 296.79 296.07 295.45 294.90 294.43 294.02 * vol 15301501 inc type code 133200000 -10000 factor 1 1 # 35500. 20 inc type code 530010000 10000 factor 1 1 # 35500. 20 293.66 299.79 298.69 297.73 296.89 296.16 295.52 294.97 294.48 294.06 293.70 299.92 298.80 297.83 296.98 296.23 295.59 295.02 294.53 294.11 293.74 300.05 298.91 297.92 297.06 296.30 295.65 295.08 294.58 294.15 293.77 300.16 299.01 298.01 297.13 296.37 295.71 295.13 294.62 294.19 293.80 * * vol 15301601 * * type 15301701 mrult D-lt D-rt # *source 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 20 * 15301800 * Dhe 15301801 15301802 15301803 15301804 15301805 15301806 15301807 15301808 15301809 15301810 15301811 15301812 15301813 15301814 15301815 15301816 15301817 15301818 15301819 15301820 1 LHEf LHEr LGSf LGSr Kfwd Krev 0.003394 4.612 0.118 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 4.375 0.355 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 4.139 0.591 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 3 .902 0.828 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 3.666 1.064 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 3 .429 1.301 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 3 .193 1.537 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 2.956 1.774 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 2.720 2 .010 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 2 .483 2 .247 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 2 .247 2 .483 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 2 .010 2.720 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 1.774 2 .956 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 1.537 3 .193 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 1.301 3.429 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 1.064 3.666 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 0.828 3 .902 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 0.591 4.139 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 0.355 4.375 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 0.118 4 .612 10.0 10.0 0.0 Fboil nclf povd ff # 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 15301900 * Dhe 15301901 15301902 15301903 15301904 15301905 15301906 15301907 15301908 15301909 15301910 15301911 1 LHEf LHEr LGSf LGSr Kfwd Krev 0.003394 0.118 4.612 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 0.355 4.375 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 0.591 4.139 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 0.828 3.902 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 1.064 3.666 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 1.301 3.429 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 1.537 3.193 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 1.774 2.956 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 2.010 2.720 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 2.247 2.483 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 2.483 2.247 10.0 10.0 0.0 Fboi 1lnclf povd ff # 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1 i1 127 1 15301912 15301913 15301914 15301915 15301916 15301917 15301918 15301919 15301920 0.003394 0.003394 0.003394 0.003394 0.003394 0.003394 0.003394 0.003394 0.003394 2.720 2.956 3.193 3.429 3.666 3.902 4.139 4.375 4.612 2.010 1.774 1.537 1.301 1.064 0.828 0.591 0.355 0.118 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 * * **************************** COMPOSITION 16**************************** * thermal properties of ss-316 modified to compensate for volume * distortion in heatric pche 20101600 tbl/fctn 1 * ss-316 1 *---------------------------------------------------------------------- 20101601 20101602 20101603 20101604 20101605 20101606 283.15 310.93 533.15 699.82 810.93 1088.71 13.70 14.14 17.63 20.24 21.99 26.35 283.15 310.93 533.15 699.82 810.93 1088.71 3.115e06 3.237e06 3.733e06 3.865e06 3.958e06 4.309e06 * 20101651 20101652 20101653 20101654 20101655 20101656 * divided by 1.140 * * **************************** STRUCTURE 5701 ************.**********.***** * Inter-cooler -- tube/shell hx $ *ht str ht.strs m.pts 5 2 1 15701000 20 geom init 0 0.0033 l.coord refl * * loc 15701100 flag 1 0 * * # r 15701101 4 0.0045 * * compos. 15701201 16 # 4 * * source # 15701301 0.0 4 * * temperature flag 15701400 -1 * * temperature # 15701401 326.30 326.77 327.19 327.59 128 327.96 b.vol ax.incr. 15701402 15701403 15701404 15701405 15701406 15701407 15701408 15701409 15701410 15701411 15701412 15701413 15701414 15701415 15701416 15701417 15701418 15701419 15701420 322.39 318.91 315.79 313.01 310.53 308.31 306.32 304.55 302.96 301.54 300.26 299.12 298.10 297.19 296.37 295.64 294.98 294.40 293.87 vol 15701501 inc type code 143200000 -10000 factor 1 1 # 32000. 20 vol 15701601 inc type code 570010000 10000 factor 1 1 # 32000. 20 type 15701701 mult D-lt D-rt # *source 20 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 * * * 322.81 319.28 316.13 313.31 310.80 308.55 306.54 304.74 303.13 301.69 300.40 299.25 298.21 297.29 296.46 295.72 295.06 294.46 293.93 323.19 319.62 316.43 313.58 311.04 308.77 306.73 304.92 303.29 301.83 300.53 299.36 298.31 297.38 296.54 295.79 295.12 294.52 293.98 323.55 319.94 316.71 313.84 311.27 308.97 306.92 305.08 303.43 301.96 300.64 299.46 298.41 297.46 296.62 295.86 295.18 294.57 294.03 323.87 320.23 316.98 314.07 311.48 309.16 307.09 305.23 303.57 302.08 300.75 299.56 298.50 297.54 296.69 295.92 295.24 294.62 294.07 * 15701800 * Dhe 15701801 15701802 15701803 15701804 15701805 15701806 15701807 15701808 15701809 15701810 15701811 15701812 15701813 15701814 15701815 15701816 15701817 15701818 15701819 15701820 1 LHEf LHEr LGSf LGSr Kfwd Krev 0.003394 4.612 0.118 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 4.375 0.355 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 4.139 0.591 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 3.902 0.828 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 3.666 1.064 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 3.429 1.301 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 3.193 1.537 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 2.956 1.774 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 2.720 2.010 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 2.483 2.247 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 2.247 2.483 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 2.010 2.720 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 1.774 2.956 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 1.537 3.193 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 1.301 3.429 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 1.064 3.666 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 0.828 3.902 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 0.591 4.139 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 0.355 4.375 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.003394 0.118 4.612 10.0 10.0 0.0 Fboil nclf povd ff # 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 15701900 1 * Dhe LHEf LHEr LGSf LGSr Kfwd Krev Fboil nclf povd ff # 15701901 0.003394 0.118 4.612 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 15701902 0.003394 0.355 4.375 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 4.73 1.0 1.1 129 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 15701903 15701904 15701905 15701906 15701907 15701908 15701909 15701910 15701911 15701912 15701913 15701914 15701915 15701916 15701917 15701918 15701919 15701920 0.003394 0.003394 0.003394 0.003394 0.003394 0.003394 0.003394 0.003394 0.003394 0.003394 0.003394 0.003394 0.003394 0.003394 0.003394 0.003394 0.003394 0.003394 0.591 0.828 1.064 1.301 1.537 1.774 2.010 2.247 2.483 2.720 2.956 3.193 3.429 3.666 3.902 4.139 4.375 4.612 4.139 3.902 3.666 3.429 3.193 2.956 2.720 2.483 2.247 2.010 1.774 1.537 1.301 1.064 0.828 0.591 0.355 0.118 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 4.73 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 * * * Hot Leg Duct of Passive DHR System 1 (Cylinder):Wall Thickness (0.027m) #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood bvol-ind axial# * 0 0.575 16101000 5 3 2 * mesh-loc format-flag 1 16101100 0 * #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) 0.585 16101101 2 * comp-# interval-# (radial info.) 2 16101201 6 * source value interval-# (radial info.) 2 16101301 0.0 initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) * 16101400 -1 * temp-i temp-2 temp-3 16101401 1095.9 1095.9 1095.9 16101402 1091.2 1091.2 1091.2 16101403 1090.3 1090.3 1090.3 16101404 1090.7 1090.7 1090.7 16101405 1093.8 1093.8 1093.8 * L-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code height NH 2.60 5 1 160 16101501 610010000 10000 increment BC option surf.code height NH * R-B B.Vol.# 2.60 5 * Insulate 1 0 0 16101601 0 * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 5 0. 0. 0. 16101701 0 9-words format option * 16101800 0 *This 9-words format excludes the pitch-to-diameter ratio on 801* Add L-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 16101801 1.150 1.3 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 16101802 1.150 3.9 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 2 16101803 1.150 6.5 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 3 130 16101804 16101805 * Add R-B 16101901 16101902 16101903 16101904 16101905 1.150 9.1 20. 1.150 11.7 20. Dh HL-f HL-r 1.170 1.3 20. 1.170 3.9 20. 1.170 6.5 20. 1.170 9.1 20. 1.170 11.7 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. grid-f 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. grid-r 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 4 1. 5 grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 1. 1 1. 2 1. 3 1. 4 1. 5 * * Hot Leg Duct of Passive DHR System 2 (Cylinder):Wall Thickness (0.027m) * #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood bvol-ind axial# 16111000 5 3 2 0 0.575 * mesh-loc format-flag 16111100 0 1 * #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) 16111101 2 0.585 * comp-# interval-# (radial info.) 16111201 6 2 * source value interval-# (radial info.) 16111301 0.0 2 * initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) 16111400 -1 * temp-1 temp-2 temp-3 16111401 1084.7 1084.7 1084.7 16111402 1079.4 1079.4 1079.4 16111403 1071.3 1071.3 1071.3 16111404 1056.1 1056.1 1056.1 16111405 1023.9 1023.9 1023.9 * L-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code height NH 16111501 611010000 10000 160 1 2.60 5 * R-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code height NH 16111601 0 0 0 1 2.60 5 * Insulated * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 16111701 0 0. 0. 0. 5 * 9-words format option 16111800 0 *This 9-words format excludes the pitch-to-diameter ratio on 801* Add L-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 16111801 1.150 1.3 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 16111802 1.150 3.9 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 2 16111803 1.150 6.5 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 3 16111804 1.150 9.1 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 4 16111805 1.150 11.7 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 5 * Add R-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 16111901 1.170 1.3 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 16111902 1.170 3.9 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 2 16111903 1.170 6.5 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 3 16111904 1.170 9.1 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 4 16111905 1.170 11.7 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 5 * *==== == - - -= ==== === === ==== === === 131 =-=- -=- - - - - - - - - ==- --=== * HX pod Inlet of Passive DHR System 1 (Cylinder):Wall Thickness (0.027m) * #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood bvol-ind axial# 16201000 1 3 2 0 0.818 * mesh-loc format-flag 1 16201100 0 * #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) 16201101 2 0.828 * comp-# interval-# (radial info.) 16201201 6 2 * source value interval-# (radial info.) 16201301 0.0 2 * initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) 16201400 -1 * temp-1 temp-2 temp-3 16201401 1118.6 1118.6 1118.6 increment BC option surf.code height NH * L-B B.Vol.# 160 1 4.50 1 16201501 620010000 10000 increment BC option surf.code height NH * R-B B.Vol.# 16201601 0 0 0 1 4.50 1 * Insulate * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 0. 1 0. 0. 16201701 0 * 9-words format option 16201800 0 *This 9-words format excludes the pitch-to-diameter ratio on 801* Add L-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 16201801 1.636 2.25 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 * * Add R-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 16201901 1.656 2.25 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 * * HX pod Inlet of Passive DHR System 2 (Cylinder):Wall Thickness (0.027m) * #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood bvol-ind axial# 0 0.818 16211000 1 3 2 * mesh-loc format-flag 1 16211100 0 * #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) 0.828 16211101 2 comp-# interval-# (radial info.) * 2 16211201 6 * source value interval-# (radial info.) 2 16211301 0.0 * initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) 16211400 -1 * temp-i temp-2 temp-3 16211401 932.43 932.43 932.43 * L-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code height NH 160 1 4.50 1 16211501 621010000 10000 increment BC option surf.code height NH * R-B B.Vol.# 1 4.50 1 * Insulate 0 0 16211601 0 132 * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 16211701 0 0. 0. 0. 1 * 9-words format option 16211800 0 *This 9-words format excludes the pitch-to-diameter ratio on 801* Add L-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 16211801 1.636 2.25 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 * * Add R-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 16211901 1.656 2.25 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 * * HX Inlet of Passive DHR System 1 (Cylinder):Wall Thickness (0.027m) * #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood bvol-ind axial# 16261000 1 3 2 0 0.075 * mesh-loc format-flag 16261100 0 1 * #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) 16261101 2 0.085 * comp-# interval-# (radial info.) 16261201 6 2 * source value interval-# (radial info.) 16261301 0.0 2 * initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) 16261400 -1 * temp-i temp-2 temp-3 16261401 1086.5 1086.5 1086.5 * L-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code height NH 16261501 626010000 10000 160 1 1.00 1 * R-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code height NH 16261601 0 0 1.00 1 * Insulate 0 1 * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 16261701 0 0. 0. 0. 1 * 9-words format option 16261800 0 *This 9-words format excludes the pitch-to-diameter ratio on 801* Add L-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 16261801 0.150 0.50 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 * * Add R-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 16261901 0.170 0.50 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 * * *--- HX Inlet of Passive DHR System 2 (Cylinder):Wall Thickness (0.027m) - - - - - - - - - - * #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood 16291000 1 3 2 0 0.075 * mesh-loc format-flag 16291100 0 1 * #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) 16291101 2 0.085 * comp-# interval-# (radial info.) 133 - - - - - bvol-ind axial# - 16291201 6 2 source value interval-# (radial info.) * 2 16291301 0.0 * initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) 16291400 -1 temp-1 temp-2 temp-3 * 16291401 372.51 372.51 372.51 * L-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code height NH 1.00 1 160 1 16291501 629010000 10000 increment BC option surf.code height NH * R-B B.Vol.# 0 0 1 1.00 1 * Insulate 16291601 0 * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 0. 0. 1 0. 16291701 0 * 9-words format option 16291800 0 *This 9-words format excludes the pitch-to-diameter ratio on 801* Add L-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 16291801 0.150 0.50 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 * * Add R-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 16291901 0.170 0.50 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 *Passive DHR HEAT EXCHANGER 1 Passive DHR HEAT EXCHANGER 1 * * * *==== === ==== === === ==== === === ==== === ==== === === ==== === === *--------------------------------------------------------- * Heat Exchanger (model in cylindrical coord) *--------------------------------------------------------- * #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood bvol-ind axial# 0 1.5275e-3 16501000 5 3 1 * mesh-loc format-flag 16501100 0 1 * #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) 3.0275e-3 16501101 2 comp-# interval-# (radial info.) * 16501201 6 2 * source value interval-# (radial info.) 2 16501301 0.0 * initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) 16501400 -1 * temp. mesh point temp. mesh point 16501401 298.01 298.01 298.01 16501402 298.01 298.01 298.01 16501403 298.01 298.01 298.01 16501404 298.00 298.00 298.00 16501405 298.00 298.00 298.00 increment BC option surf.code surf area NH *H=#of * L-B B.Vol.# 1 53.62 5 *139050 160 16501501 650010000 10000 increment BC option surf.code surf area NH * R-B B.Vol.# 53.62 5 160 1 16501601 710050000 -10000 4171.5 5 *tempera 0 1401 1 *16501601 0 * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 134 0 0. 0. 0. 5 Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 3.0550e-3 0.03 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 3.0550e-3 0.09 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 2 0. 0. 3.0550e-3 0.15 20. 0. 0. 1. 3 3.0550e-3 0.21 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 4 3.0550e-3 0.27 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 5 Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 3.0550e-3 0.03 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 3.0550e-3 0.09 20. 0. 0. 1. 2 0. 0. 3.0550e-3 0.15 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 3 3.0550e-3 0.21 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 4 3.0550e-3 0.27 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 5 16501701 * Add L-B 16501801 16501802 16501803 16501804 16501805 * Add R-B 16501901 16501902 16501903 16501904 16501905 *------------------------------------ * Passive DHR HEAT EXCHANGER 2 * *- - - - - - - - - *--------------------------- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - == - === - - === - - ===- - ===- -- === ----------------------------- Heat Exchanger *--------------------------------------------------------- * #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood bvol-ind axial# 16511000 5 3 1 0 1.5275e-3 * mesh-loc format-flag 16511100 0 1 * #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) 16511101 2 3.0275e-3 * comp-# interval-# (radial info.) 16511201 6 2 source value interval-# (radial info.) * 16511301 0.0 2 * initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) 16511400 -1 * temp. mesh point temp. mesh point 16511401 298.01 298.01 298.01 16511402 298.01 298.01 298.01 16511403 298.01 298.01 298.01 16511404 298.00 298.00 298.00 16511405 298.00 298.00 298.00 * L-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code surf area NH 16511501 651010000 10000 160 1 53.62 5 * R-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code surf area NH 16511601 711050000 -10000 160 1 53.62 5 *16511601 0 0 1401 1 4171.5 5 *te * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 16511701 0 0. 0. 0. 5 * Add L-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil 16511801 3.0550e-3 0.03 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 16511802 3.0550e-3 0.09 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 2 16511803 3.0550e-3 0.15 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 3 16511804 3.0550e-3 0.21 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 4 16511805 3.0550e-3 0.27 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 5 * Add R-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil 16511901 3.0550e-3 0.03 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 135 NH NH 16511902 16511903 16511904 16511905 3.0550e-3 3.0550e-3 3.0550e-3 3.0550e-3 0.09 0.15 0.21 0.27 20. 20. 20. 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2 3 4 5 * * HX Outlet of Passive DHR System 1 (Cylinder):Wall Thickness (0.027m) #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood bvol-ind axial# * 0 0.075 16601000 1 3 2 * mesh-loc format-flag 1 16601100 0 #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) * 0.085 16601101 2 * comp-# interval-# (radial info.) 16601201 6 2 * source value interval-# (radial info.) 16601301 0.0 2 * initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) 16601400 -1 temp-i temp-2 temp-3 * 16601401 607.58 607.58 607.58 increment BC option surf.code height NH * L-B B.Vol.# 1 1.00 1 160 16601501 660010000 10000 increment BC option surf.code height NH * R-B B.Vol.# 1 1.00 1 * Insulate 0 0 16601601 0 * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 0. 1 0. 0. 16601701 0 * 9-words format option 16601800 0 *This 9-words format excludes the pitch-to-diameter ratio on 801* Add L-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 16601801 0.150 0.50 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 * * Add R-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 16601901 0.170 0.50 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 * * HX Outlet of Passive DHR System 2 (Cylinder):Wall Thickness (0.027m) #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood * 0 0.075 16681000 1 3 2 * mesh-loc format-flag 1 16681100 0 #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) * 0.085 16681101 2 * comp-# interval-# (radial info.) 2 16681201 6 source value interval-# (radial info.) * 2 16681301 0.0 initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) * 16681400 -1 * temp-1 temp-2 temp-3 136 bvol-ind axial# 16681401 503.73 503.73 503.73 * L-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code height NH 16681501 668010000 10000 160 1 1.00 1 * R-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code height NH 16681601 0 0 0 1.00 1 * Insulate 1 * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 16681701 0 0. 0. 0. 1 * 9-words format option 16681800 0 *This 9-words format excludes the pitch-to-diameter ratio on 801* Add L-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 16681801 0.150 0.50 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 * * Add R-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 16681901 0.170 0.50 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 * - .*---- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - * HX Outlet Pod of Passive DHR System 1 (Cylinder):Wall Thickness (0.027m) * #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood bvol-ind axial# 16621000 1 3 2 0 1.013 * mesh-loc format-flag 16621100 0 1 * #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) 16621101 2 1.023 * comp-# interval-# (radial info.) 16621201 6 2 * source value interval-# (radial info.) 16621301 0.0 2 * initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) 16621400 -1 temp-i temp-2 temp-3 * 16621401 751.45 751.45 751.45 * L-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code height NH 16621501 662010000 10000 160 1 1.00 1 * R-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code height NH 16621601 0 0 0 1 1.00 1 * Insulate * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 16621701 0 0. 0. 0. 1 * 9-words format option 16621800 0 *This 9-words format excludes the pitch-to-diameter ratio on 801* Add L-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 16621801 2.026 0.50 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 * * Add R-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 16621901 2.046 0.50 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 * * HX Outlet Pod of Passive DHR System 2 (Cylinder):Wall Thickness (0.027m) *===== ==== -==== ==== -=== = -= - 137 -==-=- - - - - - ==== - - - - -- * #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood bvol-ind axial# 0 1.013 16711000 1 3 2 * mesh-loc format-flag 1 16711100 0 * #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) 16711101 2 1.023 comp-# interval-# (radial info.) * 16711201 6 2 source value interval-# (radial info.) * 2 16711301 0.0 * initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) 16711400 -1 temp-3 * temp-1 temp-2 16711401 514.68 514.68 514.68 * L-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code height NH 16711501 671010000 10000 160 1 1.00 1 increment BC option surf.code height NH * R-B B.Vol.# 1 1.00 1 * Insulate 0 0 16711601 0 * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 1 0. 0. 0. 16711701 0 9-words format option * 16711800 0 *This 9-words format excludes the pitch-to-diameter ratio on 801* Add L-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 16711801 2.026 0.50 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 * * Add R-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 16711901 2.046 0.50 20. * * Blower Volume of Passive DHR System 1 (Cylinder):Wall Thickness (0.027m) * #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood bvol-ind axial# 0 0.7 16641000 1 3 2 * mesh-loc format-flag 1 16641100 0 * #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) 0.71 16641101 2 * comp-# interval-# (radial info.) 2 16641201 6 * source value interval-# (radial info.) 2 16641301 0.0 * initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) 16641400 -1 * temp-i temp-2 temp-3 16641401 755.72 755.72 755.72 increment BC option surf.code height NH * L-B B.Vol.# 1 3.00 1 160 16641501 664010000 10000 increment BC option surf.code height NH * R-B B.Vol.# 3.00 1 * Insulate 1 0 0 16641601 0 * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 1 0. 0. 0. 16641701 0 9-words format option * 138 16641800 0 *This 9-words format excludes the pitch-to-diameter ratio on 801* Add L-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 16641801 1.400 1.50 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 * * Add R-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 16641901 1.420 1.50 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 * * Blower Volume of Passive DHR System 2 (Cylinder):Wall Thickness (0.027m) * #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood bvol-ind axial# 0 0.7 16731000 1 3 2 mesh-loc format-flag * 16731100 0 1 * #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) 0.71 16731101 2 * comp-# interval-# (radial info.) 16731201 6 2 * source value interval-# (radial info.) 2 16731301 0.0 * initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) 16731400 -1 * temp-i temp-2 temp-3 16731401 533.78 533.78 533.78 * L-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code height NH 16731501 673010000 10000 160 1 3.00 1 * R-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code height NH 16731601 0 0 0 1 3.00 1 * Insulate * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 16731701 0 0. 0. 0. 1 * 9-words format option 16731800 0 *This 9-words format excludes the pitch-to-diameter ratio on 801* Add L-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 16731801 1.400 1.50 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 * * Add R-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 16731901 1.420 1.50 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 * * Cold Leg Duct of Passive DHR System 1 (Cylinder) * #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood 16661000 5 5 2 0 0.76 * mesh-loc format-flag 1 16661100 0 * #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) 16661101 4 0.79 * comp-# interval-# (radial info.) 16661201 6 4 * source value interval-# (radial info.) 16661301 0.0 4 * initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) 139 bvol-ind axial# 16661400 -1 temp-i temp-2 temp-3 temp-4 temp-5 * 717.70 717.70 717.70 717.70 16661401 717.70 717.70 717.70 717.70 717.70 16661402 717.70 717.70 717.70 717.70 717.70 16661403 717.70 717.70 717.70 717.70 717.70 16661404 717.70 717.70 717.70 717.70 717.70 16661405 717.70 increment BC option surf.code height NH * L-B B.Vol.# 12.50 5 160 1 16661501 666010000 10000 increment BC option surf.code height NH * R-B B.Vol.# 0 1 12.50 5 * Insulate 0 16661601 0 * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 5 0. 0. 0. 16661701 0 * 9-words format option 16661800 0 * Add L-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 16661801 1.520 1.25 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 16661802 1.520 3.75 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 2 16661803 1.520 6.25 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 3 16661804 1.520 8.75 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 4 16661805 1.520 11.25 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 5 * Add R-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 16661901 1.580 1.25 20. 16661902 1.580 3.75 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 2 16661903 1.580 6.25 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 3 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 4 16661904 1.580 8.75 20. 16661905 1.580 11.25 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 5 * * Cold Leg Duct of Passive DHR System 2 (Cylinder) #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood bvol-ind axial# * 0 0.76 16761000 5 5 2 * mesh-loc format-flag 1 16761100 0 * #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) 0.79 16761101. 4 comp-# interval-# (radial info.) * 4 16761201 6 source value interval-# (radial info.) * 4 16761301 0.0 * initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) 16761400 -1 * temp-i temp-2 temp-3 temp-4 temp-5 717.70 717.70 717.70 717.70 16761401 717.70 717.70 717.70 717.70 717.70 16761402 717.70 717.70 717.70 717.70 717.70 16761403 717.70 717.70 717.70 717.70 717.70 16761404 717.70 717.70 717.70 717.70 717.70 16761405 717.70 increment BC option surf.code height NH * L-B B.Vol.# 2.50 5 1 160 16761501 676010000 10000 increment BC option surf.code height NH * R-B B.Vol.# 1 2.50 5 * Insulated 0 0 16761601 0 * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 5 0. 0. 0. 16761701 0 9-words format option * 16761800 0 140 * Add L-B 16761801 16761802 16761803 16761804 16761805 * Add R-B 16761901 16761902 16761903 16761904 16761905 Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 1.520 1.25 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 1.520 3.75 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 2 1.520 6.25 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 3 1.520 8.75 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 4 1.520 11.25 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 5 Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 1.580 1.25 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 1.580 3.75 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 2 1.580 6.25 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 3 1.580 8.75 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 4 1.580 11.25 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 5 * * Passive UHS DHR HEAT EXCHANGER 1 * - *--------------------------------------------* * Heat Exchanger *--------------------------------------------------------- * #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood 17501000 20 5 2 0 1.7526e-2 * mesh-loc format-flag 17501100 0 1 * #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) 17501101 4 2.0182e-2 * comp-# interval-# (radial info.) 17501201 6 4 source value interval-# (radial info.) * 17501301 0.0 4 * initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) 17501400 -1 * temp. mesh point temp. mesh point 17501401 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17501402 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17501403 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17501404 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17501405 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17501406 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17501407 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17501408 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17501409 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17501410 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17501411 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17501412 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17501413 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17501414 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17501415 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17501416 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17501417 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17501418 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17501419 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17501420 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 141 bvol-ind axial# increment BC option surf.code height NH * L-B B.Vol.# 160.5 20 1 160 17501501 750010000 10000 Height NH surf.code option BC increment B.Vol.# R-B * *temperature 20 160.5 1 1401 0 17501601 0 * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 20 0. 0. 0. 17501701 0 * Add L-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 1. 1 0. 0. 0. 0. 17501801 3.5052e-2 0.08025el 20. 1. 2 0. 0 . 0. 0 .24075e1 20. 0. 17501802 3. 5052e-2 1. 3 . 0. 0. 0 .40125e1 20. 0. 3 .5052e-2 17501803 1. 4 0. . 0. 20. 0 .56175e1 0. 3 .5052e-2 17501804 ci 1. 5 r 0. . 0. 0 .72225e1 20. 0. 17501805 3 5052e-2 1. 6 0. . 0. 20. 0. 0 .88275e1 17501806 3.5052e-2 1. 7 . 0. 0. 20. .04325e1 1 0. 17501807 3 .5052e-2 1. 8 I 20. . 0. 0. .20375e1 0. 17501808 3.5052e-2 rc 1. 9 0. 20. 0. .36425e1 ). 1 0. .5052e-2 3 17501809 c 1. 10 c. 0. 0. 0. 17501810 3.5052e-2 1 .52475e1 20. 1. 11 c. 0. 0. 0. 17501811 3.5052e-2 1 .68525e1 20. 1. 12 0. 0. 0. 0. 3 .5052e-2 1 .84575e1 20. 17501812 2 1. 13 0. c. 0. .00625e1 20. 0. 17501813 3 .5052e-2 2 1. 14 0. 0. 0. .16675e1 20. 0. 17501814 3.5052e-2 2 1. 15 0. 0. .32725e1 20. 0. 0. 17501815 3 .5052e-2 2 1. 16 20. 0. 0. 0. .48775e1 0. 17501816 3 .5052e-2 1. 17 0. 20. 0. 0. 2.64825e1 0. 17501817 3.5052e-2 1. 18 0. 0. 0. 20. 2.80875e1 0. 17501818 3 .5052e-2 1. 19 20. 0. 0. 0. 2.96925e1 0. 5052e-2 3. 17501819 1. 20 0. 0. 0. 0. 3 .5052e-2 3.12975e1 20. 17501820 grid-kf grid- kr L-Boil NH HL-r grid-f grid r * Add R-B Dh HL-f 1. 1 0. 0. 0. 0.08025e1 20. 0. 17501901 4. 0364e-2 1. 2 0. 0. 0. 0.24075e1 20. 0. 17501902 4. 0364e-2 1. 3 0. 0. 0. 0.40125e1 20. 0. 17501903 4.0364e-2 1. 4 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 17501904 4. 0364e-2 0.56175e1 1. 5 0. 0. 0. 20. 0. 17501905 4. 0364e-2 0.72225e1 1. 6 0. 20. 0. 0. 0.88275e1 0. 4. 0364e-2 17501906 1. 7 0. 20. 0. 0. 1.04325e1 0. 4. 0364e-2 17501907 1. 8 20. 0. 0. 0. 1.20375e1 0. 4.0364e-2 17501908 1. 9 0. 0. 0. 4. 0364e-2 1.36425e1 20. 0. 17501909 1. 10 0. 0. 0. 4.0364e-2 1.52475e1 20. 0. 17501910 1. 11 0. 0. 0. 17501911 4.0364e-2 1.68525e1 20. 0. 1. 12 0. 0. 0. 17501912 4.0364e-2 1.84575e1 20. 0. 1. 13 0. 0. 0. 17501913 4.0364e-2 2.00625e1 20. 0. 1. 14 0. 0. 0. 20. 0. 4.0364e-2 2.16675e1 17501914 1. 15 0. 0. 0. 20. 2.32725e1 0. 17501915 4.0364e-2 1. 16 0. 0. 0. 20. 2.48775e1 0. 17501916 4.0364e-2 1. 17 0. 0. 0. 20. 2.64825e1 0. 4.0364e-2 17501917 1. 18 0. 0. 0. 20. 2.80875e1 0. 4.0364e-2 17501918 1. 19 0. 0. 0. 0. 17501919 4.0364e-2 2.96925e1 20. 1. 20 0. 0. 0. 3.12975e1 20. 0. 4.0364e-2 17501920 C O * * Passive UHS DHR HEAT EXCHANGER 2 * * 142 * Heat Exchanger -------------------------------------------- * #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood bvol-ind axial# 0 1.7526e-2 17511000 20 5 2 * mesh-loc format-flag 17511100 0 1 * #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) 2.0182e-2 17511101 4 * comp-# interval-# (radial info.) 17511201 6 4 * source value interval-# (radial info.) 17511301 0.0 4 * initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) 17511400 -1 * temp. mesh point temp. mesh point 17511401 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17511402 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17511403 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17511404 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17511405 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17511406 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17511407 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17511408 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17511409 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17511410 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17511411 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17511412 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17511413 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17511414 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17511415 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17511416 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17511417 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17511418 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17511419 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 17511420 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 298.00 * L-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code height NH 17511501 751010000 10000 160 1 160.5 20 * R-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code height NH 17511601 0 0 1401 1 160.5 20 *temperatu * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 0. 0. 0. 20 17511701 * Add L-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 17511801 3.5052e-2 0.08025e1 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 17511802 3.5052e-2 0.24075e1 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 2 17511803 3.5052e-2 0.40125e1 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 3 17511804 3.5052e-2 0.56175e1 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 4 17511805 3. 5052e-2 0.72225el 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 5 17511806 3. 5052e-2 0.88275e1 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 6 17511807 3. 5052e-2 1.04325e1 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 7 17511808 3.5052e-2 1.20375e1 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 8 17511809 3. 5052e-2 1.36425e1 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 9 17511810 3. 5052e-2 1.52475e1 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 10 17511811 3. 5052e-2 1.68525e1 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 11 17511812 3. 5052e-2 1.84575e1 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 12 17511813 3. 5052e-2 2.00625el 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 13 17511814 3. 5052e-2 2.16675e1 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 14 17511815 3.5052e-2 2.32725el 20. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 15 143 17511816 17511817 17511818 17511819 17511820 * Add R-B 17511901 17511902 17511903 17511904 17511905 17511906 17511907 17511908 17511909 17511910 17511911 17511912 17511913 17511914 17511915 17511916 17511917 17511918 17511919 17511920 3.5052e-2 2.48775e1 20. 3.5052e-2 2.64825e1 20. 3.5052e-2 2.80875e1 20. 3.5052e-2 2.96925e1 20. 3.5052e-2 3.12975e1 20. Dh HL- f HL-r gri d-f 4.0364e-2 0.08025e1 20. 4.0364e-2 0.24075e1 20. 4.0364e-2 0.40125e1 20. 4.0364e-2 0.56175e1 20. 4.0364e-2 0.72225e1 20. 4.0364e-2 0.88275e1 20. 4.0364e-2 1.04325e1 20. 4.0364e-2 1.20375el 20. 4.0364e-2 1.36425e1 20. 4.0364e-2 1.52475e1 20. 4.0364e-2 1.68525e1 20. 4.0364e-2 1.84575e1 20. 4.0364e-2 2.00625e1 20. 4.0364e-2 2.16675e1 20. 4.0364e-2 2.32725e1 20. 4.0364e-2 2.48775e1 20. 4.0364e-2 2.64825e1 20. 2.80875e1 20. 4.0364e-2 2.96925e1 20. 4.0364e-2 3.12975e1 20. 4. 0364e-2 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. grid-r 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. grid-kf 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 16 1. 17 1. 18 1. 19 1. 20 grid-kr L-Boil NH 1. 1 1. 2 1. 3 1. 4 1. 5 1. 6 1. 7 1. 8 1. 9 1. 10 1. 11 1. 12 1. 13 1. 14 1. 15 1. 16 1. 17 1. 18 1. 19 1. 20 *--------------------------------------------- * General * time 20240100 20240101 20240102 * Table for Surface Temperature of HX tempature temp 298.00 0.0 1.e5 298.00 Containment Ferrit SS perimeter #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood bvol-ind axial# * 0 15.0 10701000 1 7 2 mesh-loc format-flag * 1 10701100 0 #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) * 15.025 10701101 2 15.225 10701102 4 comp-# interval-# (radial info.) * 2 10701201 17 6 10701202 6 source value interval-# (radial info.) * 6 10701301 0.0 initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) * 10701400 -1 temp-i temp-2 temp-3 * 10701401 303.15 303.15 303.15 303.15 303.15 303.15 303.15 increment BC option surf.code height NH * L-B B.Vol.# 25.0 1 1 160 10701501 070010000 10000 144 * R-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code height NH 10701601 0 0 0 1 25.0 1 * Insulate * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 10701701 0 0. 0. 0. 1 * 10701800 1 *This 12-words format * Add L-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 10701801 0.0 15. 15. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 1.1 1.0 1 * * Add R-B Dh 10701901 0.0 HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 15. 15. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1 * * Containment Concrete floor * #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood bvol-ind axial# 10702000 1 5 1 0 15.0 * mesh-loc format-flag 10702100 0 1 * #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) 10702101 4 15.5 * comp-# interval-# (radial info.) 10702201 14 4 source value interval-# (radial info.) * 10702301 0.0 4 * initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) 10702400 -1 * temp-1 temp-2 temp-3 10702401 303.15 303.15 303.15 303.15 303.15 * L-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code height NH 10702501 070010000 10000 131 0 700. 1 * R-B B.Vol.# increment BC option surf.code height NH 10702601 0 0 0 0 700.0 1 * Insulate * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 10702701 0 0. 0. 0. 1 * 10702800 1 *This 12-words format * Add L-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r 10702801 48.51 15. 15. 0. 0. 0. 0. grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 1. 0. 1.1 1.0 1 * * Add R-B Dh HL-f HL-r 10702901 48.51 15. 15. grid-f 0. 0. grid-r 0. 0. grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 1. 1 * * Containment SS stuctures (Thinner ones) * #-HS #-MP geotype SS-ini L-coord. reflood 10703000 1 5 1 0 7.5 * mesh-loc format-flag 10703100 0 1 * #-Intvl R-coord. (radial info.) 10703101 4 7.525 * comp-# interval-# (radial info.) 145 bvol-ind axial# 10703201 4 4 source value interval-# (radial info.) * 4 10703301 0.0 * initial temperature flag (if flag=0 or -1) 10703400 -1 temp-i temp-2 temp-3 * 10703401 303.15 303.15 303.15 303.15 303.15 increment BC option surf.code height NH * L-B B.Vol.# 0 700. 1 160 070010000 10000 10703501 increment BC option surf.code height NH * R-B B.Vol.# 0 700.0 1 * Insulate 0 0 10703601 0 * Source source-type multiplier DHeat-Left DHeat-Right NH 0. 0. 1 10703701 0 0. * 9-words format option 10703800 1 *This 12-words format * Add L-B Dh HL-f HL-r grid-f grid-r grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 15. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 1.1 1.0 1 10703801 42.79 15. * * Add R-B Dh HL-f HL-r 15. 10703901 42.79 15. grid-r 0. 0. grid-f 0. 0. grid-kf grid-kr L-Boil NH 1. 1 * * *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + *--------------------------------------------------------- * heat proper s t ructures t i e s * *--------------------------------------------------------* 20100100 20100200 20100300 20100400 20100500 20100600 20100700 20100800 20100900 20101000 tbl/fctn tbl/fctn tbl/fctn s-steel tbl/fctn tbl/fctn tbl/fctn tbl/fctn tbl/fctn tbl/fctn 1 3 1 tbl/fctn tbl/fctn tbl/fctn tbl/fctn tbl/fctn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 * UO-2 * gap for average rods * zircaloy * s. steel (default) 1 * inconel 1 * ferrit SS 1 * austenit SS 1 * gap for hot rod 1 * inconel for energy balance 1 * heater (MgO) 1 1 1 * 20101100 20101200 20101300 20101400 20101700 1 1 1 1 1 * * * * * U-TRU-Zr (90:10 weight fraction) UC-SiC (50:50 volume fraction) SiC for the Lower-Upper Reflector Concrete Insulator *----------------------------------------------------------------- fuel UC * temp[k] lamda[w/m-k] lamda[w/m-k] temp[k] * 373.15 21.4321 20100101 273.15 21.7 20100102 473.15 21.2364 573.15 21.1129 20100103 673.14 21.0616 773.15 21.0825 20100104 873.15 21.1756 973.15 21.3409 20100105 1073.15 21.384 1173.15 21.532 1373.15 21.828 20100106 1273.15 21.68 20100107 1473.15 21.976 1573.15 22.124 20100108 1673.15 22.272 1773.15 22.42 20100109 1873.15 22.568 1973.15 22.716 20100110 2073.15 22.864 2173.15 23.012 146 20100111 20100112 20100113 20100114 20100115 20100116 23.16 23.456 23.752 24.048 24.344 25.084 2273.15 2473.15 2673.15 2873.15 3073.15 3573.15 2373.15 2573.15 2773.15 2973.15 3173.15 4873.15 23.308 *Extrapolated 23.604 *Extrapolated 23.9 *Extrapolated 24.196 *Extrapolated 24.492 *Extrapolated 27.008 *Extrapolated temp[k] lamda[w/m-k] *--------------------------------------------------------------- * gap gas average rods * gas type mole fraction 20100201 helium 0.9511 20100202 argon 0.0396 20100203 nitrogen 0.0008 20100204 xenon 0.0076 20100205 krypton 0.0008 *------------------------------------------------------------ * * huellrohr zircaloy temp[k] lamda[w/m-k] * 20100301 20100302 20100303 20100304 20100305 20100306 20100307 20100308 20100309 20100309 273.15 473.15 673.15 873.15 1073.15 1273.15 1473.15 1673.15 1873.15 1873.15 13.6 14.8 16.9 19.5 22.8 26.8 31.7 37.3 43.5 43.5 373.15 14.1 573.15 15.8 773.15 18.1 973.15 21.1 1173.15 24.6 1373.15 29.2 1573.15 34.4 1773.15 40.4 1973.15 46.6 4973.15 46.6 * test *----------------------------------------------------------------- * inconel * temp(k) lamda(w/m3-k) temp(k) lamda(w/m3-k) 20100501 294.3 14.9 366.0 15.7 20100502 477.0 17.5 588.7 19.2 20100503 699.8 20.9 810.9 22.8 20100504 1500.0 22.8 *----------------------------------------------------------------- * ferrit * temp[k] lamda[w/m-k] temp[k] lamdal[w/m-k] 20100601 73.15 44. 373.15 44. *arbitrarily extended 20100602 473.15 43. 573.15 42. 20100603 673.15 40. 773.15 39. 20100604 873.15 39. 973.15 39. 20100605 1073.15 39. 1173.15 39. 20100605 1073.15 39. 1973.15 39. *arbitrarily extended 20100606 5000.0 39. *----------------------------------------------------------------- * austenit * temp[k] lamda[w/m-k] temp[k] lamda[w/m-k] 20100701 293.15 14.24 413.15 16.7 20100702 523.15 18.6 683.15 18.6 20100703 773.15 20.9 873.15 20.9 20100704 973.15 20.9 2000. 20.9 20100704 973.15 20.9 4000. 20.9 *!test *----------------------------------------------------------------- * gap gas hot rod * gas type mole fraction 20100801 helium 0.9079 147 20100802 20100803 20100804 20100805 argon 0.0378 nitrogen 0.0049 xenon 0.0445 krypton 0.0050 *----------------------------------------------------------------- * Inconel Property Tuning for Energy Balance Factor : 1.55 * 20100901 20100902 20100903 20100904 294.3 23.09 477.0 27.13 699.8 32.39 1500.0 35.34 366.0 588.7 810.9 24.34 29.76 35.34 * *---------------------------------------------------------------- * PZR Heater - MgO (010) temp (k) thermal conductivity (w/m.k) * 20101001 .29320e+03 .81400e+02 20101002 .12732e+04 .10047e+03 .22532e+04 .11954e+03 20101003 *----------------------------------------------------------------- * U-TRU-Zr (90:10 weight fraction) * temp (k) thermal conductivity (w/m.k) 20101101 373. 21.16 600. 23.1546 20101102 900. 25.0209 938. 25.2094 20101103 938.01 25.2095 1049. 25.707 20101104 1049.01 25.0707 1132.3 26.0308 *-------------------------------------------------------------- * UC-SiC (50:50 volume fraction) * temp (k) thermal conductivity (w/m.k) 20101201 373. 20.9195 600. 20.7434 20101202 900. 20.7767 1200. 20.4998 20101203 1500. 20.3775 1800. 20.2394 20101204 2100. 20.0847 2400. 19.9125 * *------------------------------------------------------------- * SiC * temp(k) lamda(w/m.k) temp(k) 15. 2400. 15. 20101301 273. lamda(w/m.k) *----------------------------------------------------------- * Concrete 20101401 1.4 * Insulator 20101701 0.34 *--------------------------------------------------------* volumetric heat capacity *--------------------------------------------------------* fuel UC temp[k] cp[j/m3-k] * temp[k] 20100151 20100152 20100153 20100154 20100155 20100156 20100157 20100158 20100159 273.150 3.536e6 3.536e6 500. 700. 3.536e6 3.536e6 900. 1100. 3.536e6 1300. 3.536e6 1500. 3.536e6 1700. 3.536e6 1900. 3.536e6 400. 600. 800. 1000. 1200. 1400. 1600. 1800. 2000. * cp[j/m3-k] 3.536e6 *average 3.536e6 3.536e6 3.536e6 3.536e6 3.536e6 3.536e6 3.536e6 3.536e6 148 20100160 20100161 20100162 20100163 2100. 2300. 2500. 3000. 3.536e6 3.536e6 3.536e6 3.536e6 2200. 2400. 2600. 5000. 3.536e6 3.536e6 3.536e6 3.536e6 *---------------------------------------------------------------- * gap gas * temp[k] cp[j/m3-k] temp[k] 3273.15 20100251 273.15 5.4 cp[j/m3-k] 5.4 *----------------------------------------------------------------- * huellrohr zicaloy * temp[k] cp[j/m3-k] temp[k] cp[j/m3-k] 573.15 2.079e6 20100351 273.15 1.881e6 20100352 773.15 2.211e6 903.15 2.290e6 1083.15 2.376e6 20100353 923.15 2.376e6 20100354 1103.15 3.630e6 1123.15 4.455e6 20100355 1143.15 4.950e6 1163.15 5.115e6 1203.15 4.455e6 20100356 1183.15 4.950e6 20100357 1213.15 3.360e6 1243.15 2.376e6 20100358 2073.15 2.376e6 20100358 4073.15 2.376e6 *test *----------------------------------------------------------------- * inconel * temp(k) cp(j/m3-k) 20100551 273. 3.988e6 20100552 373. 4.169e6 20100553 573. 4.703e6 20100554 773. 5.593e6 20100555 973. 7.482e6 20100556 2000. 7.482e6 temp(k) 293.0 473.0 673.0 873.0 1000.0 4000. cp(j/m3-k) 3.916e6 4.418e6 5.095e6 6.307e6 7.482e6 7.482e6 *Arbitrary Extended *----------------------------------------------------------------- * ferrit * templ[k] cp[j/m3-k] temp[k] cp[j/mf-k] 20100651 93.15 3.611e6 373.15 3.847e6 *Arbitrary extended 20100652 473.15 4.082e6 573.15 4.396e6 20100653 673.15 4.788e6 773.15 5.338e6 20100654 2000. 5.338e6 4000.00 5.338e6 *Arbitrary Extended *----------------------------------------------------------------- * austenit * temp[k] cp[j/m3-k] temp[k] cp[j/m3-k] 20100751 293.15 3.572e6 368. 3.837e6 20100752 478.15 4.102e6 588.15 4.333e6 20100753 698.15 4.465e6 813.15 4.597e6 20100754 873.15 4.465e6 2000. 4.465e6 20100754 873.15 4.465e6 4000. 4.465e6 *test *----------------------------------------------------------------- * gap gas * temp[k] cp[j/m3-k] temp[k] cp[j/m3-k] 20100851 273.15 5.4 3273.15 5.4 *------------------------------------------------------------------ * * Inconel temp(k) cp(j/m3-k) temp(k) cp(j/m3-k) * 20100951 273. 3.988e6 294.3 3.740e6 20100952 366.5 3.917e6 477.6 4.094e6 20100953 588.8 4.270e6 699.9 4.446e6 20100954 811.0 4.658e6 2000.0 4.658e6 20100955 4000. 4.65836 *Arbitrary Extended 149 *----------------------------- ------------------ --------- ----- * PZR Heater - MgO (010) * temp (k) volumetric heat capacity (j/m3.k) .293e+03 .2581e+07 20101051 .450e+03 .2835e+07 20101052 .3402e+07 20101053 .800e+03 .112e+04 .3726e+07 20101054 .144e+04 .4050e+07 20101055 *------------------------------------------------------------- * U-TRU-Zr (90:10 weight fraction) temp (k) volumetric heat capacity (j/m3.k) * 20101151 373. 2.21306e6 600. 2.58049e6 20101152 900. 3.25756e6 938. 3.35867e6 20101153 938.01 3.03142e6 1049. 2.98995e6 20101154 1049.01 2.71774e6 1132.3 3.05993e6 *------------------------------------------------------- * UC-SiC (50:50 volume fraction) temp (k) volumetric heat capacity (j/m3.k) * 20101251 373. 2.58160e6 600. 2.74160e6 20101252 900. 3.22160e6 1200. 3.70160e6 20101253 1500. 3.86160e6 1800. 3.95760e6 20101254 2100. 4.02160e6 2400. 4.10160e6 *-------------------------------------------------- * SiC temp(K) Cp(J/kg-K) temp(K) Cp(J/kg-K) * 600. 600. 500. 20101351 273. 20101352 900. 900. 1200. 1200. 20101353 1500. 1300. 1800. 1360. 20101354 2100. 1400. 2400. 1450. -------- *----------------------------------------------- * Concrete 20101451 840. * Insulator 20101751 1050. *--------------------------------------------------- * power table *--------------------------------------------------- *20210000 *20210001 *20210002 *20210003 *20210004 *20210005 *20210006 *20210007 *20210008 *20210009 *20210010 *20210011 *20210012 *20210013 *20210014 *20210015 *20210016 *20210017 *20210018 *20210019 power 503 1. 1.0 -1. 0.20267 0. 0.12720 5. 0.11631 10. 0.08037 20. 0.06289 30. 0.05148 40. 0.04565 50. 0.04097 70. 0.03726 100. 0.03448 150. 0.03268 200. 0.03024 300. 0.02862 400. 0.02741 500. 0.02683 600. 0.02486 800. 1000. 0.02362 1300. 0.02211 2775.0e6 150 *20210020 *20210021 *20210022 *20210023 *20210024 *20210025 *20210026 *20210027 *20210028 1600. 2000. 2500. 3000. 3500. 4000. 4500. 5000. 6000. 0.02090 0.01960 0.01836 0.01736 0.01657 0.01590 0.01537 0.01490 0.01404 *--------------------------------------------------------- * control variables *--------------------------------------------------------* * Temperature Drop core 20510100 DeltT sum 1.0 360. 1 20510101 0.0 -1.0 tempg 100050000 20510102 1.0 tempg 300010000 * * Estimated extracted Q (Core) 20510200 EstimQ mult 5192.4 6.0e8 20510201 cntrlvar 101 20510202 mflowj 100040000 1 * * MAX Temperature Cladding: Control variable 103 20510300 max-clad stdfnctn 1.0 1310.995 1 20510301 max httemp 251100107 httemp 251100108 20510302 httemp 251100207 httemp 251100208 20510303 httemp 251100307 httemp 251100308 20510304 httemp 251100407 httemp 251100408 20510305 httemp 251100507 httemp 251100508 20510306 httemp 251100607 httemp 251100608 20510307 httemp 251100707 httemp 251100708 20510308 httemp 251100807 httemp 251100808 ** reynolds number (De = 0.0127) 20510800 re-no0 mult 0.0127 2.783415 1 20510801 rhog 250040000 velg 250040000 20510900 re-no div 1.0 67608.9 1 20510901 viscg 250040000 cntrlvar 108 * * MAX Temperature Fuel: Control variable 110 20511000 max-fuel stdfnctn 1.0 1310.995 1 20511001 max httemp 251100401 httemp 251100402 20511002 httemp 251100403 httemp 251100404 20511003 httemp 251100501 httemp 251100502 20511004 httemp 251100503 httemp 251100504 20511005 httemp 251100601 httemp 251100602 20511006 httemp 251100603 httemp 251100604 20511007 httemp 251100701 httemp 251100702 20511008 httemp 251100703 httemp 251100704 20511009 httemp 251100801 httemp 251100802 20511010 httemp 251100803 httemp 251100804 * * Energy Balance in core 250 and 251 20511100 Core-E sum 1.0 6.+8 1 20511101 0.0 1.0 q 250010000 20511102 1.0 q 250020000 20511103 1.0 q 250030000 151 20511104 20511105 20511106 20511107 20511108 20511109 20511110 20511111 20511112 20511113 20511114 20511115 20511116 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 q q q q q q q q q q q q q 250040000 250050000 250060000 250070000 250080000 251010000 251020000 251030000 251040000 251050000 251060000 251070000 251080000 ** * Heat loss from the primary wall heat structures * Hydrodynamic components 100, 210, 211, 290, 291, 610, 611, 666, 676, 670 * DHR HX 1 (650): Control varialbe 120 20512000 DhrHX1HS sum 1.0 .1704288 1 20512001 0.0 1.0 q 650010000 1.0 q 650020000 20512002 20512003 1.0 q 650030000 20512004 1.0 q 650040000 20512005 1.0 q 650050000 *Power generated in the core Control variable 123 20512300 corepowg sum 1.0 600.0e6 1 0.0 1.0 htpowg 2501001 20512301 20512302 1.0 htpowg 2501002 1.0 htpowg 2501003 1.0 htpowg 2501004 1.0 htpowg 2501005 20512303 20512304 1.0 htpowg 2501006 1.0 htpowg 2501007 20512305 1.0 htpowg 2501008 1.0 htpowg 2511001 20512306 1.0 htpowg 2511002 1.0 htpowg 2511003 20512307 1.0 htpowg 2511004 1.0 htpowg 2511005 20512308 1.0 htpowg 2511006 1.0 htpowg 2511007 20512309 1.0 htpowg 2511008 * DHR HX 2 (651): Control varialbe 125 .1704288 1 20512500 DhrHX2HS sum 1.0 651010000 20512501 0.0 1.0 q 20512502 1.0 q 651020000 20512503 1.0 q 651030000 20512504 1.0 q 651040000 20512505 1.0 q 651050000 * DHR HX 1 (710): Control varialbe 126 20512600 DhrHX1CS sum 1.0 .665619 1 20512601 0.0 1.0 q 710010000 1.0 q 710020000 20512602 710030000 20512603 1.0 q 1.0 q 710040000 20512604 20512605 1.0 q 710050000 * DHR HX 2 (711): Control varialbe 127 20512700 DhrHX2CS sum 1.0 .665619 1 *8.60957-6 20512701 0.0 1.0 q 711010000 20512702 1.0 q 711020000 152 20512703 1.0 q 711030000 20512704 1.0 q 711040000 20512705 q 1.0 711050000 * H201 (750) Control varialbe 128 20512800 H201 sum 1.0 8.10906-6 20512801 0.0 1.0 q 750010000 20512802 1.0 q 750020000 1.0 20512803 1.0 q 750040000 1.0 20512804 1.0 q 750060000 1.0 20512805 1.0 q 750080000 1.0 20512806 1.0 q 750100000 1.0 20512807 1.0 q 750120000 1.0 20512808 1.0 q 750140000 1.0 20512809 1.0 q 750160000 1.0 20512810 1.0 q 750180000 1.0 20512811 1.0 q 750200000 * H202 (751): Control varialbe 129 20512900 H202 sum 1.0 3977.325 20512901 0.0 1.0 q 751010000 20512902 751020000 1.0 1.0 q 20512903 751040000 1.0 1. 0 q 20512904 1.0 q 751060000 1.0 20512905 1.0 q 751080000 1.0 20512906 1.0 q 751100000 1.0 20512907 1.0 q 751120000 1.0 20512908 1.0 q 751140000 1.0 20512909 1.0 q 751160000 1.0 20512910 1. 0 q 751180000 1.0 20512911 1.0 q 751200000 20513000 20513001 Firder tempg 20513100 20513101 Secder diffrend cntrlvar 130 diffrend 1.0 251080000 1.0 750030000 750050000 750070000 750090000 750110000 750130000 750150000 750170000 750190000 751030000 751050000 751070000 751090000 751110000 751130000 751150000 751170000 751190000 0. 1 0. 1 *ctlvar name type factor init f c min 20560000 shaftl shaft 1.0 376.991 1 1 max 0.1 *ctlvar cv iner fric type comp type comp 20560001 990 729.867 0.0 turbine 510 20560002 cprssr 550 20560003 cprssr 580 20560004 generatr 600 * iner fric trip discon 20560006 376.991 376.991 1270.95 0.0 360 0 * added shaft torque from a control variable representing a resistor bank 20599000 20599001 shftTrql time 0 990 function 1.0 1.0 1 * Table giving resistor bank torque versus time for Ix shaft 153 20299000 * 20299001 20299002 reac-t time 0.0 3.5 529 torque 0. -100000. -*- $: * compute generator torque (N-m) and power (mw) $ *ctlvar name type factor 20560200 gentrql sum 1.0 init f c min 407472.4 1 max * *ctlvar a0 al v1 pl a2 v2 p2 20560201 0.0 1.0 turtrq 510 1.0 cprtrq 20560202 1.0 cprtrq 580 *ctlvar name type factor init f c min 153613424. 1 20560400 genpowl mult 1.0 550 max * *ctlvar v1 pl v2 20560401 cntrlvar 600 p2 cntrlvar 602 $ * compute turbine shaft power in MW $ *ctlvar name type factor init f c min max 20562000 turpowl sum 1.e-6 411.063 1 1 l.e-6 * *ctlvar a0 al v1 pl 20562001 0.0 1.0 turpow a2 v2 510 * $= *control variables to calculate total power transfered in recouperator * 20503000 20503001 20503002 520070000 20503003 520110000 20503004 520150000 20503005 520190000 20503006 520230000 20503007 520270000 20503008 rchQl sum 1.0 -6.00586+8 1 1.0 q 520010000 1.0 q 520020000 1.0 q 520030000 0.0 1.0 q 520040000 1.0 q 520050000 1.0 q 520060000 1.0 q 1.0 q 520080000 1.0 q 520090000 1.0 q 520100000 1.0 q 1.0 q 520120000 1.0 q 520130000 1.0 q 520140000 1.0 q 1.0 q 520160000 1.0 q 520170000 1.0 q 520180000 1.0 q 1.0 q 520200000 1.0 q 520210000 1.0 q 520220000 1.0 q 1.0 q 520240000 1.0 q 520250000 1.0 q 520260000 1.0 q 1.0 q 520280000 1.0 q 520290000 1.0 q 520300000 20503100 205031001 rccQl sum 1.0 6.00586+8 1 1.0 q 590010000 1.0 q 590020000 1.0 q 590030000 205031012 0.0 2050310270000 1.0 q 590040000 1.0 q 590050000 1.0 q 590060000 1.0 q 590070000 154 20503103 590110000 20503104 590150000 20503105 590190000 20503106 590230000 20503107 590270000 20503108 1.0 590080000 1.0 590090000 1.0 590100000 1.0 1.0 590120000 1.0 590130000 1.0 590140000 1.0 1.0 590160000 1.0 590170000 1.0 590180000 1.0 1.0 590200000 1.0 590210000 1.0 590220000 1.0 1.0 590240000 1.0 590250000 1.0 590260000 1.0 1.0 590280000 1.0 590290000 1.0 590300000 *control variables to calculate total power transfered in precooler 20503200 20503201 20503202 530070000 20503203 530110000 20503204 530150000 20503205 530190000 20503206 20503300 205033001 205033012 20503302 133070000 20503303 133110000 20503304 133150000 20503305 133190000 20503306 pc_hQl sum 1.0 -152171632. 0.0 1.0 q 530010000 1.0 q 530020000 1.0 q 530030000 1.0 q 530040000 1.0 q 530050000 1.0 q 530060000 1.0 q 1.0 q 530080000 1.0 q 530090000 1.0 q 530100000 1.0 q 1.0 q 530120000 1.0 q 530130000 1.0 q 530140000 1.0 q 1.0 q 530160000 1.0 q 530170000 1.0 q 530180000 1.0 q 1.0 q 530200000 pc_cQl sum 1.0 152171632. 1 1.0 q 133010000 1.0 q 133020000 1.0 q 133030000 0.0 1.0 q 133040000 1.0 q 133050000 1.0 q 133060000 1.0 q 1.0 q 133080000 1.0 q 133090000 1.0 q 133100000 1.0 q 1.0 q 133120000 1.0 q 133130000 1.0 q 133140000 1.0 q 1.0 q 133160000 1.0 q 133170000 1.0 q 133180000 1.0 q 1.0 q 133200000 * *control variables to calculate total power transfered in inter-cooler * 20503400 20503401 20503402 570070000 20503403 570110000 20503404 570150000 20503405 570190000 20503406 20503500 20503500 ic hQl sum 1.0 -128865440. 1 0.0 1.0 q 570010000 1.0 q 570020000 1.0 q 570030000 1.0 q 570040000 1.0 q 570050000 1.0 q 570060000 1.0 q 1.0 q 570080000 1.0 q 570090000 1.0 q 570100000 1.0 q 1.0 q 570120000 1.0 q 570130000 1.0 q 570140000 1.0 q 1.0 q 570160000 1.0 q 570170000 1.0 q 570180000 1.0 q 1.0 q 570200000 iccQl sum 1.0 ic~cQl sum 1.0 128865440. 1 128865440. 1 155 20503501 20503502 143070000 20503503 143110000 20503504 143150000 20503505 143190000 20503506 0.0 1.0 q 1.0 q 143010000 1.0 q 143020000 1.0 q 143030000 143040000 1.0 q 143050000 1.0 q 143060000 1.0 q 1.0 q 143080000 1.0 q 143090000 1.0 q 143100000 1.0 q 1.0 q 143120000 1.0 q 143130000 1.0 q 143140000 1.0 q 1.0 q 143160000 1.0 q 143170000 1.0 q 143180000 1.0 q 1.0 q 143200000 $ *control variables to calculate total power to compressor * *ctlvar name type factor 20503600 qrcl_1 mult -1.0 init f c min 130462160. 1 max * *ctlvar vI pl 20503601 cprtrq v2 550 p2 cprvel 550 * *ctlvar name type factor init f c min 126931640. 1 20503700 qrch_1 mult -1.0 max * *ctlvar v1 pl 20503701 cprtrq v2 580 p2 cprvel 580 * 20503800 20503801 cprl sum 1.0 2.57394+8 1 0.0 1.0 cntrlvar 036 1.0 cntrlvar 037 * 20503900 20503901 cprlpf sum 1.0 2.4e6 1 0.0 1.0 p 550010000 -1.0 cprhead 550 * 20504000 20504001 Rpl div 1.0 1.8 1 cntrlvar 039 p 550010000 * 20504100 20504101 cpr2pf sum 1.0 4.5e6 1 0.0 1.0 p 580010000 -1.0 * 20504200 20504201 Rp2 div 1.0 1.56 1 cntrlvar 039 p 580010000 156 cprhead 580 APPENDIX C: TABLE OF PROPA GA TED UNCERTAITY 11.3. HeatTranfer Heat Transfer Roughness In the core Valve 674 Leakage Valve 665 Leakage Heat Transfer Coefficinentin Containment 1 7.0266E-05 0.660972906 0.132791381 1.018099269 0.175240146 756.4283936 2 3.17861E-05 0.464606103 0.009216567 0.619031756 1.49147449 908.4799804 3 1.41968E-05 0.189936412 0.446353642 0.518304501 4.089563936 805.6640345 4 0.000165969 0.2247406 1.665210385 3.074084819 1.339039701 774.7889025 5 2.23325E-05 0.110839306 0.363779265 3.883312254 0.543303791 679.3242198 6 8.95976E-05 0.082665107 0.273528511 0.094501105 0.936337946 546.7819977 7 2.53847E-05 0.392584938 0.085119427 1.183833099 0.646817192 653.69233 8 4.4716E-05 0.032207799 0.215695098 1.643178094 0.376749072 723.5864463 9 5.38544E-05 0.607582295 0.156639456 1.772914465 1.793946565 597.3626375 10 7.85191E-05 0.302996778 0.042048843 0.277030229 2.391928364 732.6888426 11 3.85214E-05 0.17446045 0.09064391 4.829592916 0.293658031 703.6532569 12 8.47645E-06 0.140217132 0.220896755 0.42291142 0.864267335 759.3058686 13 5.91768E-05 0.058180793 0.70785134 0.838450117 0.465954267 696.1311388 14 2.84935E-05 0.012386872 0.534292341 2.266994934 1.104884296 823.2713509 15 1.82596E-05 0.337699928 0.348002328 0.745117621 0.761977965 846.9083615 16 0.000123131 0.890796357 0.023758162 1.333115501 0.429398495 633.8352274 17 7.08761E-06 0.066021338 0.127291225 11.24755112 1.596157589 841.0356824 18 1.10777E-05 0.099241677 0.061949683 1.369543295 1.013147351 770.1586118 19 0.000105528 0.529594859 0.189806486 0.948642402 0.727023454 749.8937713 157 Coefficient insfer Shaft Moment Coecntin of Inertia Core 20 4.31121E-05 0.74219072 0.114714985 3.263201796 1.224111492 890.9974519 21 0.000211663 0.03001568 0.069037775 0.210871326 0.676329216 739.7666992 22 1.92448E-05 0.202227439 0.985357812 0.905538264 1.170526951 644.3272329 23 3.40267E-05 0.263548363 0.178068757 0.803267482 3.684155094 626.2864629 24 4.96232E-05 0.498487678 0.238331675 0.468322129 0.095135605 720.8448245 25 0.00014868 0.043266545 0.286472444 2.184673244 0.802686297 807.6559167 26 1.71049E-05 1.190170101 0.512037361 1.487914895 0.242057146 693.869699 27 5.68576E-05 0.001891644 0.593915737 1.121569675 0.409672324 663.102377 28 2.34316E-05 0.422684746 0.321484425 0.347961093 2.105991987 795.8641541 29 3.63424E-05 0.127905542 0.852944013 0.689984288 0.511600116 712.7091911 30 6.49453E-05 0.256755913 0.422403824 2.608512339 0.328936234 684.2025295 31 8.00589E-05 0.158081862 0.017396258 1.921065859 0.574820132 782.6452305 32 2.91641E-05 0.330425174 0.039769783 0.542943227 1.919305918 589.7391975 33 4.68492E-05 0.641145484 0.678139931 0.770016585 0.25968491 812.7976894 34 9.93625E-05 0.80248295 0.911992663 1.061765697 2.910536583 675.4663903 35 8.51434E-05 0.154193833 0.30223248 1.397918526 0.889602906 659.5673134 36 5.12343E-05 0.084045934 0.333844337 0.303841247 0.792966876 825.8242815 37 7.10865E-05 0.480768573 1.230679167 1.908661706 1.247906264 735.2691428 38 0.000111937 0.23343891 0.163818188 0.811362806 0.152467084 766.0256004 39 2.0305E-05 0.136108256 0.490839118 1.721271504 0.397270165 691.1926356 40 9.97261E-06 0.994760314 0.561209485 2.350701033 0.999122583 680.3988408 41 2.17877E-05 0.187909689 0.24745941 3.571845903 0.4874615 698.6515597 158 42 1.48581E-05 0.244850439 0.183940052 1.239715178 1.684962153 834.5824853 43 4.71902E-05 0.282812486 0.202202188 0.358308616 2.057624559 744.2958614 44 3.09792E-05 0.403472191 0.793651269 6.032402101 0.698321791 753.7330773 45 7.38153E-05 0.060647096 0.629844302 0.71082589 0.956883392 727.6012104 46 0.00020055 0.071397709 0.082152443 2.507926869 1.142414957 919.8463003 47 2.77006E-05 0.104256214 0.153300021 5.406115063 8.141160654 717.6353089 48 3.98161E-05 0.700051648 0.001308486 0.884653856 1.560774312 568.5798634 49 4.62055E-06 0.315619703 0.383399114 1.591284501 0.631478997 649.990263 50 1.61458E-05 0.00693723 0.46147984 1.291044363 2.286157212 620.3083227 51 6.56956E-05 0.17005815 0.231037463 1.54223527 1.041974271 614.5442327 52 6.14829E-05 0.018504666 0.012842897 4.001604887 0.361890083 787.9536835 53 2.61785E-05 0.022433357 0.316280157 0.660842505 0.344565861 764.3418628 54 0.000267854 1.442496364 0.054688522 0.394960618 0.276108579 506.9498172 55 1.24528E-05 0.361764165 0.118231636 0.250464186 0.831776376 709.2587003 56 0.000133637 0.117707471 0.100020368 0.575748717 0.455933376 798.5982391 57 2.46989E-05 0.094621349 0.03588993 2.021533534 1.386404602 640.4817296 58 5.5652E-05 0.049276257 0.258345944 0.605107028 0.212640618 670.8181273 59 1.74366E-05 0.449463712 0.142381726 1.115250099 0.524400738 792.6038844 60 3.79521E-05 0.038705296 0.075183345 0.181204116 0.560520061 740.1853296 61 9.74176E-05 0.272326653 0.106640922 0.484303178 2.635348042 857.0121359 62 4.16683E-05 0.210614439 0.051236791 0.997587303 0.70547236 870.6038543 63 3.56232E-05 0.574585443 0.406903451 2.757981398 0.608032193 776.9877291 159 64 3.30958E-05 0.374395138 0.028567636 0.443542793 1.406811368 714.4770836 65 2.44393E-05 0.03892315 0.037643374 1.826227042 0.743613759 790.4907116 66 3.26663E-05 0.429736516 0.073220858 2.374057349 0.66304439 762.5381162 67 0.000119456 0.853064915 0.110295296 2.700746814 0.350313969 697.3852592 68 4.24467E-05 0.163285009 0.057242128 0.163381672 0.44344617 667.9643603 69 6.11709E-05 0.182661765 0.194803481 0.323280366 0.289654677 819.3971924 70 1.44549E-05 0.177547568 0.031614643 1.255017446 0.4822816 754.0690469 71 3.96156E-05 0.294931273 0.663103609 0.515879692 0.118911905 810.9794981 72 1.63018E-05 0.292796158 0.396770153 4.520676725 0.756463197 605.3773675 73 9.44872E-05 0.05127336 0.294894594 1.217860942 3.045780555 881.102285 74 1.35938E-05 0.562509747 0.095951235 1.060178579 2.559356379 786.2160539 75 1.56751E-05 0.069275548 0.327920832 2.203124185 0.336998293 750.443934 76 9.2457E-05 0.220260843 0.264218317 0.386888355 0.92479469 771.8319671 77 3.50952E-05 0.321362252 1.155321411 0.787872797 1.950232297 773.9635894 78 5.46275E-05 0.089781232 0.160602313 1.744233057 0.903230525 667.0187805 79 4.80789E-05 0.21184961 0.357060873 1.430553609 0.62257917 726.377878 80 1.19785E-05 0.348104379 0.060423816 1.51025574 1.281580227 901.8600227 81 2.29841E-05 0.078958706 0.066758276 0.921965926 0.549252891 689.3581492 82 5.76447E-05 0.109910569 0.207762362 0.234382257 0.418804468 542.6183457 83 4.8909E-05 0.312370023 0.477193119 2.429644306 0.588941377 779.4032731 84 4.05737E-05 0.387344337 0.828494585 1.564471368 1.629139496 566.0462942 85 9.09296E-06 0.015774464 0.138237619 1.312702309 1.306318855 780.6770487 160 86 7.22034E-05 0.491041341 0.006652834 1.360475912 0.870487068 646.5550358 87 7.62102E-05 0.405617924 0.018203018 1.464275245 0.217787688 631.2502285 88 8.1427E-06 0.198004657 0.341567074 0.218745727 1.350890534 829.7959148 89 6.33097E-05 1.066584672 0.393328526 3.731597047 1.756550384 736.7537934 90 1.07823E-05 0.063723513 1.027471598 1.087912879 0.600179238 618.2618736 91 3.42523E-05 0.026950605 0.281080473 2.933790801 1.542390549 661.3841643 92 3.00196E-05 0.238012053 0.143020405 0.639826242 1.131315686 723.0224825 93 0.000129871 0.124871384 1.416088806 0.328154832 0.252036602 607.7127042 94 0.000154807 1.640795395 0.174494136 0.698446807 1.458026427 687.2560797 95 5.83034E-05 0.114459764 0.548945478 4.244041273 0.30499423 691.5167995 96 2.08798E-05 0.054269715 0.049615326 0.969358208 0.158179792 745.988633 97 4.6118E-05 0.046090401 0.72803977 0.431048625 0.228051476 719.5882072 98 3.19744E-05 0.123509661 0.378526192 5.066997272 1.194993691 730.2204229 99 0.000109476 0.091293959 0.202069973 0.28116126 2.718226393 828.5424988 100 0.000101622 0.162009876 0.021353242 1.178274754 2.191621088 866.6712278 101 0.000117389 0.197024004 0.089317371 0.632726739 1.862677253 682.3440286 102 1.81686E-05 1.116133243 0.631878624 0.50362288 0.476034599 706.2820555 103 0.000140123 0.3694106 0.123210426 2.116812651 3.350699786 676.6710866 104 2.35482E-05 0.231032974 0.045327924 3.093001052 0.437834921 700.4461747 105 0.000184661 0.00341441 0.011420538 1.036389138 0.951400214 800.1570805 106 0.000350929 0.007558315 0.752383237 2.849447745 1.031748519 840.016604 107 3.66486E-05 0.034792339 0.148018768 1.838354829 1.068334272 704.8611658 161 108 5.27417E-05 0.267794393 0.166937809 0.722632293 2.239221847 742.5520429 109 2.72498E-05 0.438173699 0.310950321 1.687224992 0.528280225 652.8748077 110 8.64598E-05 0.689489885 0.078987467 0.414106752 0.846720021 638.5343373 111 5.76494E-06 0.720264048 0.567437747 0.954076081 0.388809242 710.7008624 112 2.59569E-05 0.45873879 0.500676834 2.066317956 0.777648147 578.8421024 113 2.89684E-05 0.076801692 0.288628703 3.448935736 0.49654075 803.3525057 114 1.87046E-05 0.014315049 0.432706689 7.888527292 0.653884589 767.0671491 115 2.68496E-05 0.589125745 0.003257401 0.567182096 0.689344201 758.0042827 116 5.1259E-05 0.144203165 0.610120945 0.756656021 0.972753315 862.1368141 117 8.27308E-05 0.622005761 0.252690176 0.893303892 4.6458655 793.8374791 118 3.06792E-05 0.544848006 0.105402894 0.371657756 0.823148669 595.2374457 119 0.000242648 0.100470863 0.232242065 0.463772479 0.372780363 952.8508248 120 2.12095E-05 0.771453316 0.245206874 0.555995609 0.312550768 729.8084907 121 3.77208E-05 0.147013488 0.890147715 0.135454779 1.435246354 627.4004514 122 6.81034E-05 0.248773951 0.027479927 0.86335716 1.078165163 672.4727793 123 4.45943E-05 0.511529166 0.466634545 1.983037627 5.38763593 851.0149522 124 1.27816E-05 0.951530839 0.098224977 0.831457732 1.197266703 747.4191242 125 7.78064E-05 0.132872215 0.221597428 0.675599703 0.566604491 733.6726776 126 6.6777E-05 0.022776219 0.188431304 7.610320216 0.717407639 714.6749388 127 1.97961E-05 0.34663953 0.433029247 1.158006383 1.743479501 816.8852588 128 4.36691E-05 0.276821361 0.131480541 0.594252985 0.197257333 656.443749 162 11.4. APPENDIX D: UTILIZED ALGORITHMS All algorithms that are present here are for MATLAB® 7.0. They have not been tested on previous versions of the software. They are presented as a series of steps required to finally get the number of failures for each evaluated failures mode. The first algorithm that is presented was used to create the sample offered in Appendix C. function x = LHS(n,v,N,iter) t J = 1; for j=1:iter c1c; J X = getsample(n,v,:'..,zeros (1,v)); for i=1:N Y = ceil((n*2^i)*X); Z = getsample(n*2:.iv, ",Y) X = cat(1,X,Z); end S = score(X, : vaxi if j==1 s =S; x =X; elseif (s-S)<O s =S; J =j; x =X; end end function x2 = getsample(n,p,dosmooth, except) for j=1:100 x = rand(n,p); for i=1:p xl(:,i) = rank(x(:,i),except(:,i)); end x = xl; if isequal (dosmooth, 'on') x = x - rand(size(x)); 163 x - 0.5; x end X x / n; S = score(X, ); if j==l1 S = S; x2 = X; eoseif (s-S)<0 s = S; x2 = X; end end function r=rank (x, except) [sx, rowidx] = sort(x); r(rowidx) = 1:length(x); r = r(:); for i= 1:length(except) r = r - except(i); r = nonzeros(r); r = r + except(i); end function s score(x,crit) if size(x,1) <2 S = 0; return end switch (crit) case c = corrcoef (x); s = -sum(sum(triu(c,l) .^2)); case size(x); [m,p] pp = (m-1) :-1:2; I = zeros(m*(m-l)/2,1); I(cumsum([il pp])) = 1; I = cumsum(I); J = ones(m*(m-l)/2,1); 2-pp; J (cumsum(pp)+i) J (1)=2; J = cumsum(J); d = zeros(size(I)); 164 for j=l:p d = d + (x(I,j)-x(J,j)).^2; end s = sqrt(min(d)) ; end The output of this function was then saved in a Matlab® data file called Sample2.mat. The following task is to create the set of RELAP5-3D® input decks corresponding to each realization of the sample. The following algorithm takes the data saved in Sample2.mat and creates each input deck from the nominal case saved on file Final36.i clear clc load lookfor = c lookfor{l} lookfor{2} lookfor{3 } lookfor{4} lookfor{5} lookfor{6} lookfor{7} lookfor{8} lookfor{9} lookfor{10} lookfor{11} lookfor{12} lookfor {(13} lookfor {14} lookfor{15} lookfor{16} lookfor{17} lookfor{18} lookfor{19} lookfor{20} lookfor{21} lookfor{22} lookfor{23} lookfor{24} lookfor{25} lookfor{26} lookfor{27} lookfor{28} lookfor{29} ell (15, 1); = = = = . " . = = = = = cont = 1; fon = fopen( ' i I' 1-2 A J A )..M .. ); while feof(fon)<l C{cont} = fgetl(fon); cont = cont + 1; end fclose(fon); 165 for i=1:256 fid fopen(strcat( . .......,num2str(i), for j=l:length(C); line = C{j}; if length(line)>=8; switch line(1:8) case {lookfor{l},lookfor{2},lookfor{3},lookfor{4},lookfor{5},... lookfor{6} }; value = line = strcat(line); line = strrep(line, value, sprintf( Sample{2,1}(i))); fprintf(fid, ,line); case lookfor{7}; value = '0. line = strcat(line); line = strrep(line, value, sprintf(" Sample{2,2}(i) ')); fprintf(fid, :::. ,line); case lookfor{8}; value = line = strcat(line); line = strrep(line, value, sprintf(-. Sample{2,3}(i))); fprintf(fid, ,line); case {lookfor{9],lookfor{O1},lookfor{ll}; value = .0 '; line = strcat(line); line = strrep(line, value, sprintf('.. Sample{2,4}(i))); fprintf(fid, '%s",i',line); case {lookfor{12},lookfor{13}, lookfor{14}, lookfor{15}, lookfor{16}, lookfor{17}, lookfor{18}, lookfor{19} }; value = '.0 '; line = strcat(line); line = strrep(line, value, sprintf(' 0..uI Sample{2,5}(i))); fprintf (fid, 'Js 1',1• , ine); case {lookfor{20}, lookfor{21}, lookfor{22}, lookfor{23}, lookfor{24}, lookfor{25}, lookfor{26}, lookfor{27}}; value = '". '; line = strcat(line); line = strrep(line, value, sprintf('%0).'I Sample{2,5}(i))); fprintf(fid, '%s',n' ,line); case lookfor{28}; value = '1.00 '; line = strcat(line); line = strrep(line, value, sprintf('%0'.:, Sample{2,6}(i))); fprintf (fid,'sn' line); case lookfor{29}; 166 value = line = strcat(line) line = strrep(line, value, sprintf( Sample{2,7}(i))) fprintf(fid, otherwise fprintf(fid, ,line); ,line); end else fprintf(fid, ,line); end end fclose(fid) end Then every case is simulated. After that, the following algorithm imports the data from the simulation output file (e.g. Trial N.p) to Matlab® environment and saves it into Results.mat as variables called Trial N. for k=1:128; varname = genvarname[ target [ i final = [' ,varname, ' eval([final]); save(' Ieu.' , varname, clear(varname, .dng ) ,num2str(k)]); ;<:, <{ e :::. '?; s •i ,num2str (k) , 1ner ; end The output of function cntrlvaro is a matrix where each column is a vector containing the time evolution of one parameter of the system. The name of the corresponding parameter is saved in the respective element index of vector "headings". The cntrlvaro function is the following: function [cntrl, headings]=cntrlvar(file) u = 0; up = 0; count = 1; matrix = -1; flag = 0; L( Il7 t IIKI "'- fid = fopen(file); while feof(fid)<l line = fgetl(fid); if length(line)>=12 if line(l:12) ' MI.O flag = flag + 1; end end if flag == 1 & isempty(line) flag = 0; E I 167 break; end if flag -- 1 if line(l:6) up = up + 1; end end end sections = up; flag = 0; fclose(fid); fid = fopen(file); flag2 = 0; up = 0; while feof(fid)<l line = fgetl(fid); if length (line)>=12 if line(l:12) -flag = 1; end end if flag == 1 if line(l:6) headl = line; head2 = fgetl(fid); head3 -= fgetl(fid); head4 = fgetl(fid); up = up + 1; flag2 = 1; end if flag2 == 1; head{up*4-3,1} = headl; head{up*4-2,1} = head2; head{up*4-1,1} = head3; head{up*4,1} = head4; flag2 = 0; end if up == sections & flag == 1 & not(isempty(str2num(line(1:14)))) leng = length(line); flag = 0; break; end end end switch leng case 27 lastsecthead = 1; case 40 lastsecthead = 2; case 53 lastsecthead = 3; case 66 168 lastsecthead 4; case 79 lastsecthead 5; case 92 lastsecthead = 6; case 105 lastsecthead = 7; case 118 lastsecthead =8; case 131 lastsecthead = 9; end headings {1,} = cat(2,head{1, 1} (1:14),head{2,1} (1:14),head{3,1} (1:14),head{4,1) } (1:14)); for i=1:sections-1 for j=1 :9 headings{1,1+(i*9)-(9-j)} = cat(2,head{i*4-3}(15+13*(j1):15+13*j- )..1) . head{i*4-2}(15+13*(j-1):15+13*j-1),... head{i*4-1}(15+13*(j-1):15+13*j-1),... head{i*4}(15+13*(j-1):15+13*j-1)); end end for i=sections:sections for j=1 :lastsecthead headings{1,1+(i*9)-(9-j)} -= cat(2,head{i*4-3}(15+13*(j1):15+13*j-1) ,... head{i*4-2}(15+13*(j-1):15+13*j-1),... head{i*4-1}(15+13*(j-1):15+13*j-1),... head{i*4}(15+13*(j-1):15+13*j-1)); end end flag = 0; fclose(fid); fid = fopen(file); while feof(fid)<l line = fgetl(fid); if length(line)>=12 if line(1:12) == flag = 1; end end if isempty(line) flag = 0; elseif length(line) >= 33 if line(l:33) == flag = 0; end end if length(line) >= 7 if line(1:7) == flag = 0; end end if flag ==1 & line(1:6) == 169 u = u + 1; if u == sections + 1; 1; u end if flag = if flag 1 & length(line) > 14 & 1 &- length(line) > 14& not(isempty(str2num(line (1:14)))); if max(matrix(:,l)) <str2num(line(l:14)) matrix(count, 1) = str2num(line(1:14)); matrix(count,2) = str2num(line(15:27)); matrix(count,3) = str2num(line(28:40)); matrix(count,4) = str2num(line(41:53)); matrix(count,5) = str2num(line(54:66)); matrix(count,6) = str2num(line(67:79)); matrix(count,7) = str2num(line(80:92)); matrix(count,8) = str2num(line(93:105)); matrix(count,9) = str2num(line(106:118)); matrix(count, IC )= str2num(line(119:131)); count = count 4 elseif u == sectior x = find(matrix(:,l) = str2num(line(l:14))); y = (u-l)*9 + 2; if lastsecthead >= 1 str2num(line(15:27)); matrix(x,y) if lastsecthead >= 2 matrix(x,y+l) = str2num(line(28:40)); if lastsecthead >= 3 matrix(x,y+2) = str2num(line(41:53)); if lastsecthead >= 4 matrix(x,y+3) = str2num(line(54:66)); if lastsecthead >= 5 matrix(x,y+4) = str2num(line(67:79)); if lastsecthead >= 6 matrix(x,y+5) = str2num(line(80:92)); if lastsecthead >= 7 matrix(x,y+6) = str2num(line(93:105)); if lastsecthead >= 8 matrix(x,y+7) = 8 )); str2num(line(106:ll if lastsecthead >= 9 matrix(x,y+8) = str2num(line(119:131)); end end end end end end end end end else x -= find(matrix(:,l) == str2num(line(l:1 y = (u-l)*9 + 2; = str2num(line(15: 2 7 )); matrix(x,y) 170 4 ))); matrix (x, y+l) matrix(x,y+2) matrix(x,y+3) matrix (x, y+4) matrix(x,y+5) matrix (x, y+6) matrix (x,y+7) matrix(x,y+8) = = = = = = = str2num(line(28:40)); str2num(line(41:53)); str2num(line(54:66)); str2num(line(67:79)); str2num(line(80:92)); str2num(line(93:105)) str2num(line(106:118) str2num(line(119:131)) end end end cntrl = matrix; fclose(fid); After the data is imported and saved, the analysis starts. The following algorithm tests a certain parameter against a given limit and returns a vector "Failures", with a "0" if a realization was a success or a "1"if it was a failure when compared to the limit. The realization number corresponds to the indices of the "Failures" vector. The algorithm also plots time evolutions of the parameter for all realizations in the sample. Trial = whos('', , Longitud = length(Trial); Failures = zeros(128,1); limit = 1600 'J. for i=l:Longitud; load('P].e,. 14.1,. .i. Trial (i).name); ); eval(['pio: ,Trial(i) .name, ' 1 ý:,:a::x ,Trial (i) .name, : :.; ,Trial( i) .name, ' :,79) ']); hold ; L = eval([ e , ,Trial(i).name, Z,: x = eval([ ma x- ,Trial(i) .name, ' i200:L,:8)), : ,Trial(i).name1 r",' Name = Trial(i).name; if x>(limit+273.15); Name = Trial(i).name; Index = str2num(Name(7:length(Name))); Failures(Index,l) = 1; end clear(Trial(i).name); end The complete set of data structures generated by these algorithms provide then the necessary framework for the required further analysis. 171 MITLibraries Document Services Room 14-0551 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge', MA 02139 Ph: 617.253.5668 Fax: 617.253.1690 Email: DISCLAIMER OF QUALITY Due to the condition of the original material, there are unavoidable flaws in this reproduction. We have made every effort possible to provide you with the best copy available. If you are dissatisfied with this product and find it unusable, please contact Document Services as soon as possible. Thank you.