(c) crown copyright Catalogue Reference:CAB/65/1/7 Image Reference:0001 Ht So p e q p o D t G ( 3 t h a t ojpooM sai?o M a g ' CONCLUSIONS of a Meeting Downing Street, S.W. 1, on Thursday, September 7, 1939, at 11-80 AM.. Present: The Right Hon. NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN, M.P., Prime Minister (in the Chair). The Right Hon. VISCOUNT HALIFAX, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. WINSTON S. The Right Hon. Admiral of the Elect the Right Hon. CHURCHILL, M.P., First Lord of LORD CHATEIELLY Minister for Co­ Admiralty. ordinatioh of Defence. ; The Right Hon. L. HORE-BELISHA, The Right Hon. Sir KINGSLEY WOOD, M.P., Secretary of State for Air. M:P., Secretary of State for War. HANKEY, The Right Hon. Sir SAMUEL HOARE, The Right Hon. LORD Minister without Portfolio. Bt:, M.P., Lord Privy Seal. The following were also present: The $ight Hon. Sir JOHN SIMON, K.C., MlF., Chancellor of the Exchequer. The Right Hon. ANTHONY EDEN, M.P., Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs. The vRight Hon. Sir JoHN/iA^fDERSONy Mf^-, Secretary of State for the Home Department and Minister HomeSecurity ( I t e m s 1-6). The Right Hon. OLIVER STANLEY,. President of the B b a M of :. (Item 12). ' '' The ^R,ightHon. LORD; '. Minister of Information (Items 12-13). p A i r Chief Marshal:-Sir /CYRIL L. ;M. HEWALL, Chief of the A i r Staff ,The: RightePbn. E. L. BURGIN,. M.P., : Minister of Supply (Item 11).. Sir HORACE j . WILSON^ Permanent , ^Secretary to.: the Treasury. Admiral .of the Fleet,- Sir - B T O K T Porato, First-Bea Lord aaadl CJMef asf : Gsiasral ; Sir ;ff/,.' EBipj^D': I S O W S I B I : Chief of' the Imps..:; l C - 7 3 j . 3 1 . r I Staff : S 8 ' e e t e Z Z TLzn I':/ z z - Z Z 'z 1 Director - dj^msral, h ' M . VS' V: r . : z ; . . z , 12', L Zz)'z G. '.- . , ': ' LieukhaDtnColoheI'-W^ llllllStJII i MMcfiry ' - ' M CONTENTS. No. Minute Subject. 1 A i r Operations... ... ... 2 Naval Operations ... i.. 3 Army Situation ... ... ... ... ... . ... ... ... ... ...v ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Poland. Other Theatres. 4 Egypt ... ... 5 National Registration 6 Closing of Theatres and Cinemas 7 The position of Turkey in relation to the Straits Passage 8 The possibility of establishing . Poland through Roumania *5 I^OIJSm&Ilidt ' ..* ... ... Communications ... ... ... *.* *V. ... ... . . . . . . with .-. ... "mmm 10 A i r Defence of Scapa ... ... 11 Purchasing Commission in the United States of America 12 Publicity regarding Destruction of, or Damage to, Enemy Submarines, British Warships or Merbhant Vessels... 13 Press Complaints of lack of Information ! ... Press Conferences. . ... ... ... .\ ':.jjjjf.'';' 14 Periodical Reports by Departments-v. 15 The Military Situation : Preparation of Daily Apprecia­ tions for Dominion Governments , ... ... 16 Meetings of the W a r Cabinet on Sundays t ' . ... r^9*jilt pf a teetoical^defe' ;mo$si^ *M&Kife to.) " Ml f iy -ivyon Vrgir [oi ' w ar i/C i 1 . i *i K & to faa a c o w^c lu 1 i L jj 1 & wafs necessary to make a ''c6uyiumcat^:^ soon'a8 possible, in order to atop the d i m h ^ k m of fplse rumours. * Oa tins otaou tends t k b fc. C 1 i iCO th.0 £ W K OWi " ) %h (pn ) ' l j 0.(1" ] L \tv L Cf i C w l r menu, until tine facto \roro clearly known. Agreement was reached morning or tne /fjlfth^ .A'%p0rt.:was.ate.m^de as:to the A i r sitaafcioa::ia,Polaa(i.' The W a r Cabinet took note of the: above statements; - 2: * The - First Emd; o.f the \ Admiralty reported' that - one merchant shiprha^ d&^ ' $nV (Previous fate-of another ship was-uncertain, v ' -Reference: ' - A huMber of-GerWan bytour WM. (39)v 5th; ;destroyers,' but it-was':not possible to.-say how many-had been. -Masai;. 1 Operations. ? 3 s;, 1 ; ; ; Conclusions, Minute7.) The convoy situaticn was improving rapidly. T h e institoAipn pf airreconnaissance-by/thte tJnited;States ih th& Western Atlantic would be a very helpful factor. The strength of the Hoihe Fleet was more than sufficient to deal with the German Fleet. T h e Ktfstlprd,suggested that certain units of the Fleet might be^mpved to Gibraltar. Discussion ehshed as to the effect of such a move upon Italy. . The'Secretary of State for Foreign Affairsi said that he would like to have time to give this suggestion further consideration. 3. The W a r Cabinet were informed that the position in Poland was for the moment a little easier. - This was probably due in part, at least, to the Germans haying to reorganise'and re-fuel f f c e ^ t t s m p t t ^ i i j ^ t h ^ ^eMel^^aft^^IRN^i^^^pi&^a&fiM^^'- A swale (sejiim: big battle :was',in progress koanie ^O^aill^^nor^h^df W a r s a w ! ' - Particulars - were given of -troop-dispositidns da' other thieatres. Conclusions, Poland. (Previous Reference: ; ; Miriute&j ' Other Kieat&as. ,. 1 The War.Cabinet took.note of.these statements..... f 4. The Secretary of Stat& for Foreign Affairs informed the iWVr Cabiaet that the Egyptian ^AMbassadppI in lxjSBJl **** j -'.rgpf3i2shtod'to hiM .lls::cda^5in?;f^^ IJ^HEgyj^ to the large number of Er-ypGlwa "toijjis fcefesd up oa iatoiiacli ' 9'IFI.F OJ ;! that we should provide the equipment necessary for the organisation ok an Sgyibtiam ^olratosr "L d"rc-' ^WGH cosld i-elcxe Egyptiaa ' ro^rJar waits for more aoajve/i T P f k i r. ! m a m i dcd^- : paipi * Mfai. LMs Bdigade s - (i) W a r Office showed whether it would be possible £or as to - supply eq^dp^ent to; the' proposed' Egyptian Yoltpiteer Force: " (2) that as soon as the accessaryinformation'was available' th tne e Secretary of State for W a r should submit recommendataoiistotheW^lGabi^ (3) that, subject to the views of the Secretary of State for India, a further Brigade should be sent from India to Egypt. A h ^ W 5. The Home Secretary referred to the discussion at the meet­ ing of the W a r Cabinet noted in the margin that the.National (Previous Registration day should be fixed for the 6th October, 1939, and that Beference: it would not be possible to postpone the introduction of Food RationW . M . (39), 2nd ing to so late a date. The matter had been further considered Conclusions, between the Government Departments concerned, and it had been Minute 11.) agreed that it would now be possible to advance National Registra­ tion day from the 6th October to the 29th September. This altera­ tion would make it possible to issue the rationing documents later on the basis of the National Register Schedule. national The W a r Cabinet a g r e e d : That National Registration day should be advanced from the 6th October to the 29th September, and that rationing should be based on the National Register. (This decision does not affect the previous conclusion that the Minister of Food should obtain the authority of the W a r Cabinet before introducing food rationing.) es 6. The Home Secretary stated that as arranged a t the meeting of the W a r Cabinet, noted in t h e nmrgin, discussion with the Air Ministry, the Police Authorities a n d the B-B.C re-. (Previous garding the possibility of permitting the re-opening of pla9es,;of Reference: entertainment in certain conditions. As a result a plannha^be^i: W . M . (39), 2nd drawn up. Conclusions, The W a r Cabinet agreed : Glostag Theatres and CinoEEiffis. M i n u t e 1 2 ^ ' That 4he Home Secre^aryi acting;)jn ^sultation: wiil^l Secretary p/£ State f w ^ i r ^ ; s h o u M 3 b e d ^ ^ ^ ^ P I I I ^ ^ ^ . steps-for th^';TCM3pen . tain conditions. ' M fi '(^'-'-' - : " rjdj.. R v 0 7. (Previous - , force in The W a r Cabin Reference.: WgSm Minnie 4.) RqinmEBSa.j (Previous ; ' Reference:: WM. (39), 1st Conclusions, Minute 9.) -. 9. F The W a r Cabinet had before them a Report by the Chiefs - ' of Staff Committee (War Cabinet Paper W . P . - (S9).3)j-,pn the position : : . c . - In addition, certain: information was given.to the- W a r Cabinet regarding a course of action in the Balkans, proposed by General Gamelin, from which it appeared that the French Military Authori ties were still workingonaplan which had been favoured both by themselves and. also- by the British Military Authorities at a time when it had been anticipated that Italy would take sides with Germany. ; 7 The W a r Cabinet agreed : — (a) to approve the views set out in W . P . (39) 3 : (6) that the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs should address a telegram to His Majesty's Ambassador, Paris, asking him to impress upon the French Government that, in the period until Italy made clear her intentions, His Majesty's Government hoped that the French Govern­ ment would not authorise action in the Balkans by the French Military Authorities such as had been discussed between the British and French Military Authorities prior to the outbreak of the "war, when it had been assumed that Italy would take sides with Germany:" : (c) that the British Permanent Military Representatives should be instructed to inform their French colleagues that we were opposed to action on the lines apparently coi^tem­ plated by the French military authorities, both on political and on military grounds : (d) to take note that the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, proposed at an early date to circulate to the W ar Cabinet a memorandum setting out.his views in regard to the position in the Balkans generally. AicBafeussG? 10. The W a r Cabinet had under consideration a Memorandum by the Chiefs of Staff (Paper No. W.P. (39) 8), requesting approval of the following specific measures for the air defence of Scapa : ­ (a) The immediate provision of two flights of balloons ,at the expense of localities for; wljich^ these.\defences have, -S;A- (b) - The.- provision; of i-a complete . halloon^baKage., when the :. - f -.., productions & ^ win permit. ,, : (c) The-^dition, to $he already, auiihorisedrFighter Programme -,ofig;,Squadrons,.to\^;.':pe^anen^.lQcatsd'at'Scapa:/ P will enable the above two fighter squadrons, to operate -&t fuP,effio^cy,;,and to be.rejnfprced if necessary by r ^ m m m m m s m ^ r - : - , - . - y . 'After^aisuu^um^W v: y, .g : : : y -y : iti eppovediJth)fes, ;pTOposals;:.y (touwlft!afl to rould Jbnente^ tip,) ! fates b 3 " o i s v r e l w ^ i ' i indl _ ^ f l i i i l i l l iiilflSSIIIi aura . ,..,,^..^ JJslilBf T M £ . - t o : 0 - - i m ^ m M ^ ^ M ^ ^ ^ i ^ m r .. . . . The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs agreed to obtain the views of His Majesty's Representative in Washington as to! whether i t - woufjl be p r e f ^ i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M ^ ^ ^ K H t ^ ' the "IJnited-^Bi^^viiinZ/ihis; private ""capacity /-as Ghai&li'--($£/ Messrs.- Babeock -and/Wilcex-.-./. : The Chancellor of -the Exchequer "^imA a -despdiA of"-Colonel /Greenly,- but' warned- his at the/present time, "our ;expenditiro yih ;the substantially in excess--ofc' our'dollar assets;- ! to the that, even tates - was ­ ; [! ; c;/' The W a r Cabinet:— ' / ' / . y ­ (1) Authorised the Minister of Supplyto take immediate steps to establish a Mission in New York with Colonel J. H . Greenly as Controller-General; (2) Invited the Secretary of State for Foreign. Affairs to ascertain '. from; H i s Majesty's,. /Representative; i n Washington whether it would be desirable for Colonel "Greenly/ to;- go" t6 "-tihe' United- States initially iu his­ private capacity as Chairman of Messrs. Babcock and ' - Wilcox. : : 5 12. "£he W a r Cabinet had before them a Memorandum by the Publicity First Lord of the Admiralty (W.P. ( 3 9 ) 11). regarding Destam&ioB off or After discussion, the; W a r Cabinet accepted the recommendaDamage to tions set out in paragraphs 9 , 1 5 , .16, 1 7 , 20 and 22 of the Enemy SubMemorandum, subject to the following observations:— mffistaes, BEttfcah (1) The statement as to release of information by the ^SXSMpS :Q& Admiralty, in paragraph 9 y should be read as meaning Meiohamt release by the Admiralty of information to the Ministry Vessels. of Information.- / ' ' - ­ (Previous (2). Paragraph 11 should not betaken as-.implying-that- the Reference: Admiralty claimed to enjoy a more privileged position, W.M. (39), 5th - ' vis-a-vis - the Ministry of Information, than other Conclusions, Departments. Minute 9.) :;; .3. The Minister of Information informed the W a r Cabinet the foreign Paess Coraesjfca&at^ ia JLc ' " X i 3 voiy indigpt^ff^^ Itf-^pJSealBP, "fftey' compli^ed^thM *8fo£ ^Q?4ftMp, "isfctl- ^ u ^ M ^ ' imM^M f t f l i f ' Gon-ecidoadi&Sto. , T f c e / l c ^ i v $Si $11 I f?ttl ' newspapers were publishinginformation about this -country obtained '" The Minister was inclinedto"-make this concession to ^^fore^gu Press C^responderits; prov'id^^ 1 ! , the privilege,.it would alwaysbe; -There, was ".an .arrangement J,, . * , J L . I ' J . uL - 111 * J. fos^l& 0!:-iSiBp^f--^^^-. : : m m O 9HH1 ' s icpiL kh. r i J i n a/feat LOPIXJC ,1,^0: Cooferekoea. of; the -30efcuee-^^I)epa%tmentS: should hold Press Conferences, not ' ' !"f .. caiaL IojiulJq f n l f x : , of GQim/\6Dg', wipssiaefelokraoMoft-,as of esfirafdimg $soai^gui&aafiod -to-Biittt', and -design gosEonaSisfe. 'i' \ r : ^ .,^..^Jon o f p r o v i d i n g i m p r o v e d f a c i l i t i e s for Jbs P r e s s ; that, subject t o the Controller o f the P o s t a l a n d T e l e g r a p h ­ - "-' ' C e n s d r s h i p V b e i n g v given- . a n - G o p p o r t u n i t y - o f Making representations, a r r a n g e m e n t s s h o u l d be made, to-allow' . ' . f o r e i g n P r e s s C o r r e s p o n d e n t s t o h a v e t h e use o f r a d i o t e l e p h o n y , , s u b j e c t " t o p r o p e r s a f e g u a r d s , "which w o u l d ' / include the submission a n d a p p r o v a l o f t h e script o f t h e - m e s s a g e t o ; f e ' t r a n s m i t t M i v':.^'''\\-' ^ (3) t o i n v i t e t h e three Service M i n i s t e r s t o g i v e further consideration t o the suggestion o f proposed Press. Conferences a t the Defence Departments. ; : : 14; T h e W a r Cabinet b a d b e f o r e them a 1 ^ M i n i s t e r ( P a p e r N o . W P . ( G ) ( 3 9 ) 3 ) , c o v e r i n g l i s t s o f Reports t o b e furnished periodically b y Government Departments f o r the use o f the W a r Cabinet. . . ^ Periodical MWOM by Degotmute' (Previous Beference: T h eproposal in the P r i m e M i n i s t e r s N o t e w a s agreed t o w i t h W . M . (39), 1st t w o a m e n d m e n t s : — (a) Section I. Weekly Reports. Conclusions, Minute?.) ' - addition to the joint:Naval,.Military a n d A i r Force a p p r e c i a t i o n s to b e f u r n i s h e d b y t h e C h i e f s o f S t a f f o r g a m s a ­ t i b n , t h e r e s h o u l d be"-separate r e p o r t s . b y t h e F i r s t L o r d o f t h e A d m i r a l t y , the Secretary of "State; f o r W a r a n d t h e Secretary . - .- o f S t a t e f o r A i r . . /;. ' I : f - MIQ M Section'11."^ F -'- U n d e r ' t h e h e a d i n g - S u p p l y and- F u n c t i o n , " - R e p o r t s should-fee r e n d e r e d b y the- W a r Office, in, a d d i t i o n - t o , R e p o r l s - b y t h e M i n i s t r y '.o£ S u p p l y ^ t h 0 . A d m f e £ % . a m d . t h e ' A i r M r a i s t e y . . -\ s jg. T YR-^JJ ^I^Etl rJ^gr J; n ^Jjq f/ar Cobfast XXAM MSMRN^.^. BLOAT tfe . S e c t a r y " H SGato jo^ J'i j " v & r , H^rl ai \ $ to Gel" R CLI 'HR i i IMG ' - i (f t " iSlpii , I ' G ' . V ill - ' v i f "V": v ,t i r i ' u - ri "Gc"P . * CMcfc ZL ^ 1 A 1 : n 1 o i ; J a u (Previous . WM ^m 1. e otb^n^it w ^ ^ ^ n ^ V t o prove- passible"-to release jite^^fmSH^^S- W.M (39), as, War- Cabinet'from attendance on Sundays"' ' ' M S V T ' '. ^ a w g ^ o n ' was made^tbat tbere snould be three Sunday : Mmutel.) - - t o that normally only cne-third of the/memb^^^ f in JLondon on any particular Sunday; a ?* f 0 5 o w fd meetings on m ^ ? ? a l t y delude memoranda or statements on matters or first importance. General approval was given to the arrangements outlined above. The Prime Minister was invited to prepare the necessary rosters of Sunday duty for members of toe W a r tet y S o t n o r m Richmond Terrace, S.W. 1, September 7, 1939.