(c) crown copyright Catalogue Reference:CAB/24/269 Image Reference:0001 C?''! S E C R E T . COPY NO. C P . 1 2 8 (57). 0 w C A B I N E T. COMMITTEE OH THE ORGANISATION OF THE C O M , MINING- INDUSTRY. FOURTH REPORT. 1.. The composition of the Committee was enlarged at the - Meeting of the Cabinet on March 17th, 1957 (Cabinet 12 (57) Conclusion 8 ) , and is now as follows:The The The The The The The The The The The 2. President of the Board of Trade (Chairman) Lord Chancellor Home Secretary Lord Privy Seal Secretary of State for Scotland Minister of Health Minister of Labour Attorney-General Lord Advocate Financial Secretary to the Treasury Secretary for Mines Our First Report was submitted on 26th July, 1955, ( C P . 1 6 0 (55)), our Second Report on 26th May, 1956, ( C P . 145 (56)), and our Third Report on 11th March, 1957, (CP. 5. 94 (57).). Our Thirst Report was under consideration by the Cabinet at the Meeting referred to above. Subject to the consideration of certain points, the Report was approved in principle. It was agreed inter alia:­ "(b) That the Bill should be introduced at the earliest opportunity, subject to approval of the final drafting of the Clauses by the Cabinet Committee on the Organisation of the Coal Mining Industry (instead of by the Committee of Home A f f a i r s ) , " 4. The special Arbitration Tribunal appointed to assess the global amount of the compensation to be paid to the present owners of coal has since issued its award. - 1 ­ The award was announced by the Prime Minister in the following terms "The tribunal has given an award to the effect that 15 is the appropriate number of years' purchase to be applied to the agreed royalty income figure of £4,430,000.. The compensation payable under the terms of the award will therefore be £66,450,000. The Government have decided to accept the award, and they intend to introduce the necessary legislation as soon as possible." (House of Commons Official Report, 26th April, 1937, column 3 1 ) . 5. , We have examined with care the question of the early introduction of a Bill on the lines approved in principle by the Cabinet, i.e., a combined measure dealing with the unification of royalties, compulsory amalgamations and the continuation with amendments of Part I, of the Coal Mines A c t , 1930.' By far the most desirable course, if it were possible, would be to pass the Bill into law before the Summer Recess. It is now too late to circulate the Bill before the Whitsun Recess and the most expeditious procedure, if it were decided to press on with legislation at once, would be to introduce the Bill in d u imy this week, and to circulate it during the lliitsun Recess, with a view to Second Reading being taken during the week beginning 30th Hay. 6. Unfortunately our enquiries show that progress at the rapid rate which would be necessary will be out of the question. The Chief Whip's opinion is that a minimum of nine clays House of Commons time will be required for a Bill of the importance and complexity of the present measure, i.e.:Second Reading Committee Report and Third Reading 2 days 5 clays 2 days. This amount of Government time is not in fact available unless a change is made.in the provisional programme, it having been tentatively arranged that the House shall rise for the Summer Recess on 30th July, and the greater part of the intervening­ period of 45 working days being already assigned for essential business. Only 7-jjr days remain in which not only the Coal Bill if it were proceeded with, but also the completion of the consideration of the Ministers of the Crown Bill and legislation on milk, wheat and several other subjects would have to be included. In the circumstances it seems out of the question to crowd a Coal Bill into these few days. 7. The Lord Privy Seal estimates that the consideration of the Goal Bill in the House of Lords will occupy some 4 or '5 weeks. There is clearly no prospect of its reaching the House of Lords early enough to permit of consideration at this length before 30th July. 8. The conclusion appears to be that it is physically impossible that a Goal Bill of the dimensions contemplated should become law before the Summer Recess. 9. We regard this as a very regrettable conclusion from several points of view. (a) The Government is pledged to early action, in particular by the King's Speech on the Opening of the present Session and by the Prime Minister'o statement quoted in paragraph 4 above to introduce Royalties legislation "as soon as possible .^ 13 (b) Considerable uncertainty exists regarding the future of interest rates, which makes it desirable that the Royalties loan should be raised with the minimum of delay. (c) Political objections can be foreseen if we do not forthwith implement the award which is generally held in the press as having been unfavourable to the Royalty Owners. The Government will be charged as not being willing to wound their political friends. Moreover the award of the Arbitration Tribunal will not escape criticism during the coming months. If legislation is deferred it must not bo taken for granted that the purchase price of £60,450,000 will continue to covamand general approval. In his statement of 9th March regarding the setting up of the Arbitration Tribunal the Chancellor of the Exchequer said that if the Government did not, within six weeks after the decision of the Tribunal, give notice to the Mineral Owners Joint Committee that they were not prepared to accept the decision of the Tribunal. "the Committee will be entitled to assume that the Tribunal's decision is acceptable to His Majesty's Government and that they will introduce during the present session of Parliament a Bill to acquire the property on the basis o f the Tribunal's decision '. 55 1 -3­ (&) The letter from the Treasury Solicitor to the Mineral Owners' Joint Committee about the setting up of the Arbitration Tribunal included the words from the Chancellor s 1 statement of March 9th quoted in the footnote to paragraph (a) above; and we believe that the Tribunal was under the impression that the Government intended to legislate forthwith, and that its proceedings were specially hastened. In these circumstances it will be unfortunate if we.defer action for several months. (e) Legislation covering at any rate one part of the field must be enacted before December 31st next, since Part I. of the Coal Mines A c t , 1930, expires at that date. 10, We are informed b y the Chief Whip that it is impracticable to adopt the compromise course of introducing the- Bill forthwith and making as much progress as possible with it before the holidays, and completing the remaining stages after the summer adjournment on the grounds that in that case the House of Lords would require five or six weeks for the further stages at a period of the year when the House of Commons would have no business to consider. 11, After careful consideration, our recomii:endation is that the Coal Bill should be deferred, to the beginning of the 1937-38 session. It must, in that case, be the first measure to be introduced after the King's Speech, and. it should, if possible, be pressed through all its stages before the House rises for Christmas, 1937. If it is necessary for the purposes of this programme that the new session should begin considerably earlier than would otherwise be the case, we recommend that this should be arranged. If at the last moment some unexpected difficulty should occur, making it impossible to obtain the Rpyal Assent before Christmas, 1937, it will be important that the remaining stages shall he completed in January and February, 1958. In this event a short separate Dill will be required, continuing Part I of the 1950 Act for a few additional weeks, which we are assured is possible within, the rules of the House, in spite of its obvious difficulties,, - 12, As regards the terms of the actual Goal Bill to be introduced, we recommend (subject to two or three drafting points with which the Cabinet need not be troubled) the adoption of the draft attached to the present Eeport. Sj.mtrary.j3_f Conclusions. and Recpnmiendations,. 15. Our conclusions and recommendations may be summarised as follows (i) It.is a physical impossibility, owing to the very . limited, amount of Parliamentary time available according to present plans, to pass into law before the summer recess a combined Bill covering the three fields of coal policy which require legislation, v i z . , unification of royalties, compulsory amalgamations and the continuation with, amendments of Part I. of the Coal Mines A c t , 1930. (ii) There are difficulties, from the Parliamentary point of view, in introducing a combined Bill, making as much progress with it as is -possible before the holidays, and completing the remaining stages after a summer adjournment; and nothing­ will be gained by Introducing a Bill dealing with part of the field only. (iii) Our recommendation is that a combined Bill be carried through all its stages, as the first legislative measure of the 1957-58 session; the session should, be begun early enough to allow of this Bill becoming law b y Christmas next.. (iv) Should the Bill, owing to some unforeseen contingency not have received the Royal Assent b y Christmas next, it will be necessary to pass a short ad hoc measure continuing in force for a few additional weeks Part I. of the 1950 Act. (v) Subject to a few drafting points, with which the Cabinet need not be troubled, we recommend that the Bill to be introduced, at the beginning of the 1957-38 session should be in the form of the draft attached to the present Report. Signed on behalf of the Committee, WALTER RUNCIMAN Whitehall Gardens, S.W.I. , 3rd May, 1937. Chairman.. Coal Bill. A R R A N G E M E N T O F CLAUSES. PABT I. U N I F I C A T I O N OF C O A L M I N I N G The Goal Mines ROYALTIES. Commission. Clause. 1. Constitution of Coal Mines Commission. 2. General provisions as to functions of the Com mission under Part I . Vesting in, and acquisition by, the Commission of property in coal and coal mining rights. 3. Vesting of fee simple in coal, &c. in the Commission and compensation therefor. 4. Ascertainment and payment of compensation payable under s. 3. 5. Powers of the Commission in relation to under­ ground land other than coal. 6. Acquisition by the Commission of ancillary rights. 7. Acquisition by the Commission of associated minerals. Transitional provisions. 8. Retention of interests under coal-mining leases subsisting on the appointed day. 9. Interim enforcement of subsisting coal-mining leases. 10. Substitution of new leases for retained leases. 11. Provisions as to Mines (Working Facilities and Support) Acts and orders thereunder. 12. Right of freeholder in possession of coal to lease thereof. 19-15 A Financial Clause. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. . Provisions. ­ Receipts of, and payments by, the Commission. Reserve fund. Reduction by the Commission of rents. Power of the Commission tb borrow. Purposes for which the Commission may borrow. Power to issue stock. Power of Treasury, to guarantee loans. Power of Treasury to make advances. Accounts and audit. Miscellaneous. 22. Commission not to be exempt.from taxation, &c. 23. Prevention of alienation of coal from the Commission. 24. Commission to have exclusive right to search arid bore for coal. 25. Provision against assignment, &c. of leases with­ out the consent of the Commission. 26. Provisions as to obtaining information for purposes of Part I. 27. Saving for rights of support in certain cases. 28. Application to registered land. 29. Application to Crown and Duchy of Cornwall. 30. Saving for [application to] Forest of Dean. 31. Interpretation. 32. Application to Scotland. PART II. R E D U C T I O N I N N U M B E R OF C O A L - M I N I N G UNDERTAKINGS. 33. Transfer to the Commission of functions of the Coal Mines Reorganisation Commission. 34. Duty of the Commission to reduce number of coal­ mining undertakings where necessary in interests of efficiency. i 35. Powers of the Commission as to obtaining informa­ tion for purposes of Part II. 36. Exemption from stamp duty in respect of amal­ gamation or absorption schemes and instruments executed thereunder. ! iii Goal. PART III. A M E N D M E N T A N D CONTINUANCE OF P A R T I M I N E S A C T , 1930. OF T H E COAL Clause. 37. Amendment and continuance of Part I of 2 0 & 21 Geo. 5. c. 34. PART IV. MISCELLANEOUS A N D 38. GENERAL. Acquisition by miners welfare committee of sites for pithead baths, &c. 39. Prevention of disclosure of information. 40. Liability of directors, &c. of bodies corporate for offences. 41. Service of notices, &c. 42. Powers as to inquiries, &c. 43." Reports to Board of Trade. 44. Short title and extent. SCHEDULES: First Schedule—Constitution and. procedure of the Coal Mines Commission. Second Schedule—Title to coal hereditaments vested in the Commission by this Act. Third Schedule—Provisions as to compensation payable under section three of this Act. Fourth Schedule—Provisions as to compulsory acquisition of ancillary rights. Fifth Schedule—Enforcement of subsisting coal­ mining leases during transitional period. Sixth Schedule—Grant of new leases in substitu­ tion for retained leases. Seventh Schedule—Grant of leases to freeholders in possession of coal immediately before the appointed day. Eighth Schedule—Amendments of 2 0 & 21 Geo. 5. c. 34, s. 13. Ninth Schedule—Amendments of 20 & 21 Geo. 5. c. 34, ss. 5 and 8. ( 19 Goal. D R A F T OF A B I L L TO Make provision for the property in all unworked A . D . 1037. coal and mines of coal and certain associated property and rights being transferred to or acquired by a Commission with power of man­ agement thereover; for empowering the Corn­ mission to promote a reduction in the number of coal-mining undertakings; for continuing Part I of the Coal Mines Act, 1930, with amendments; for enabling the miners welfare committee to acquire land compulsorily; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid. B E it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, g as follows :— PART I. U N I F I C A T I O N OF C O A L M I N I N G The Coal Mines ROYALTIES. Commission. 1.—(1) There shall be a Coal Mines Commission (in Constitu­ 10 this Act called " the Commission ") to exercise, and per- ? form the powers and duties set out in this Act. Mines Com­ mission. 19-15 ti( r no f C o a l A . D . 1937. ( 2 ) The Commission shall be a body corporate by — the name of " the Coal Mines Commission," with perI- petual succession and a common seal, and with power to hold land without licence in mortmain. P a k t (3) The provisions of the First Schedule to this Act 5 shall have effect with respect to the constitution and procedure of the Commission. 2 . — ( 1 ) The Commission shall not themselves engage the business of coal-mining or carry on any operations the^CouT ^ l S purposes, other than searching and 1 0 mission * boring for coal, but shall be charged with the duty of under controlling and managing the premises vested in or Part I. acquired by them by or under this Part of this Act, by granting coal-rnining leases and otherwise, in such manner consistently with the provisions of this Act as 15 they think best for promoting the interests, efficiency, and better organisation of the coal-mining industry. General provisions as to j 0 f n o r c o a - m r n m ( 2 ) The Board of Trade may give to the Commission general directions as to the exercise and performance by the Commission of their functions under this Part 2 0 of this Act in relation to matters appearing to the Board to affect the national interest, including all matters affecting the safety of the worldng of coal, and the Commission shall give effect to any such directions. Vesting in, and acquisition by, the Commission of property 25 in coal and coal mining rights. Vesting of . 3.-(i) On the appointed day the fee simple in all fee simple unworked coal and in all mines of coal shall vest in the n the Com Commission, subject to and in accordance with the mission and provisions of section eight of this Act with respect to 3 0 eompensa- interests under coal-mining leases subsisting immediately tion there- before the appointed day, the provisions of section eleven *of this Act with respect to working facilities rights, and the provisions of the Second Schedule to this Act for further defining the title to any coal or mine that is!to vest in the 35 Commission and with respect to the property and rights that are to vest in the Commission with any coal or mine and the title for which they are so to vest and with respect to'. the matters to which the Commission^ title to any coal, mine, property or rights, is to be subject. 40 OT ( 2 ) Where a lease subsisting immediately, before tb,e A.D. 1937. appointed day confers a right to work and carry away yA --. . both coal and minerals or substances other than coal, this ^Jr^' Part of this Act shall have effect in relation to those ' 5 other minerals or substances in all respects (save as otherwise therein expressly provided) as if they had been coal, and references in this Part of this Act to coal shall be construed accordingly: Provided that the foregoing provisions of this, sub ­ 10 section shall not have effect in the case of any minerals or substances therein mentioned in the case of which the Commission give in the prescribed manner before the appointed day a direction that this Part of this Act shall not have effect in relation thereto. 15 (3) In this Part of this Act all the premises title to which is given to the Commission by virtue of this section' and of section eight of and the Second Schedule to this Act are referred to as " coal hereditaments," and in this and the next succeeding section the expression " principal 20 coal hereditaments " means coal hereditaments with the exception of surface servitudes and of premises title to which is given to the Commission as aforesaid by reason only of the operation of the last preceding subsection, and the expression " subsidiary coal hereditaments" 25 means surface servitudes and the last mentioned premises. (4) Compensation shall be paid by the Commission in accordance with the next succeeding section in respect of the vesting in them for the title given to them as aforesaid of coal hereditaments whether principal or 30 subsidiary. (5) For the purposes of the payment of compensa­ tion under this section so far as regards all principal coal hereditaments, the sum of [ ] pounds shall be taken to be the aggregate value of the interest 35 therein given to the Commission by the vesting thereof in them for the title aforesaid. n 4.—(1) The compensation tribunal established under A s c e r t a i n ­ the Third Schedule to this Act shall ascertain the value of each interest in coal hereditaments which is under P y 40 the provisions of thafi Schedule to constitute a separate tion p a y a b l e subject of compensation and in respect of which a notice u n d e r s. 3 . of claim is duly served on the Commission nbi later than the expiration of [six] months from the appointed day, m e n t a a n d m e n t o i AJ). 1937. that is to say the amount which that interest might — have been expected to realise if this Act had not been passed and it had been sold immediately before the appointed day in the open market by a willing seller. (2) Where the coal hereditaments in which a subject 5 of compensation subsisted include subsidiary coal hereditaments, the compensation tribunal shall also ascertain the parts of the amount ascertained in respect of that subject under the preceding subsection that are attributable to principal and to subsidiary coal heredita- 10 ments respectively. (3) The compensation tribunal shall certify to the Commission the amounts ascertained under the preceding subsections, indicating which of those amounts are amounts attributable to principal and to subsidiary 15 coal hereditaments respectively, and there shall be paid in respect of each subject of compensation in respect of which a notice of claim is served as aforesaid— (a) a sum bearing to the amount certified in respect thereof as attributable to principal coal heredita- 20 ments the same proportion as the said sum of [ ] pounds bears to the aggregate of the amounts so certified in respect of all subjects of compensation; and (6) a sum equal to any amount certified in respect 25 thereof as attributable to subsidiary coal hereditaments. (4) The sum or sums to be paid in respect of any - subject of compensation shall be a debt due on the appointed day from the Commission to the person 30 entitled in accordance with the provisions of the Third Schedule to this Act to the compensation for that subject, payable, (subject to the provisions of this Act as to pay­ ments on account) on the date on which the ascertainment and certification of all the amounts to be ascertained under 35 this section has been completed (in this Act referred to as the "compensation date"), and carrying interest at the rate of [four] pounds per cent, per annum from the appointed day to the date of payment. (5) Subject as aforesaid, the compensation to be 40 paid under section three of this Act shall be ascertained, certified and paid subject to and in accordance with the provisions of the Third Schedule to this Act. 5.—(1) In respect of any underground land not A . D . 1937. being coal hereditaments the Commission shall them- - — ­ selves have the right, and shall have power to grant a P - ^ ' I ­ licence to any person to do any of the following acts in the -p ^^ '' 5 course of operations for coal-mining purposes, that is to f the say, to enter upon, remove, execute works in, pass C o m m i s s i o n through and occupy any such land and to do all such ha r e l a t i o n other acts in relation to any such land as are requisite *er­ or convenient for the purposes of any such operations : o t h e r than Provided that neither the Commission nor any coal, 10 person to w h o m a licence has been granted under this subsection shall be entitled by virtue of this subsection or of the licence— (a) to interfere with the carrying on of under­ ground operations carried on for a purpose 15 other than a coal-mining purpose; (6) to interfere with the surface of any land; or (c) to withdraw support from any land. (2) Where the Commission are subject to any 20 restriction as respects acts to be done in relation to any coal or mine by reason of their title thereto being subject under the provisions of the Second Schedule to this Act to a servitude or restrictive covenant, they and a person to w h o m a licence has been granted under the preceding 25 subsection shall be subject to the like restriction as respects acts to be done in relation to any underground land subjacent to or superincumbent on that coal or mine which, if it had been included in the conveyance of that coal or mine assumed for the purposes of that 30 Schedule, would have been deemed to be conveyed to the Commission subject to the same servitude or covenant. 4 1 t c G t o u n ( 6.—(1) Where the Commission are desirous of A c q u i s i t i o n acquiring the benefit O f any right to be exercised in y . 35 respect of any land for a coal-mining purpose, either by ^ ^ J j ^ p the lessee under a coal-mining lease or, in the case of rights. ^ searching and boring for coal, by the Commission, they m a y acquire it by agreement or, if the Board of Trade are satisfied that the undertaking or carrying on of any 40 operations for coal-mining purposes is unduly hampered by the inability of the Commission to acquire it by agree­ ment, the Commission may be authorised to acquire, it compulsorily by means of a compulsory purchase order B 19 l) tne m n A . D . 1937. made by the Commission and submitted to the Board and — confirmed by them in accordance with the provisions of PAKT I . Schedule to this Act. —cont. (2) The Commission may, without prejudice to the generality of the preceding provisions, acquire under ^ this section— ­ (a) a right to withdraw support from land; (6) a right to enter upon land and to sink bore holes or shafts, or to drive adits, therein; (c) a right of airway or shaft-way or a wayleave, ^ or other right for the purpose of access to, or conveyance of, coal or other substance excavated for coal-mining purposes, or of the ventilation or drainage of mines of coal; (d) a right to occupy and use land for such buildings 1* or other works (including spoil banks and rubbish tips, and coke ovens to be made or operated on land contiguous to a colliery in connection with the working of coal), as may be required for coal-mining purposes or for storing, treating or 20 converting coal, or to occupy and use land for by-product works to be operated as aforesaid; (e) a right to occupy and use land for dwellings for persons employed in connection with the working of coal or with any such works as aforesaid; 25 (/) a right to obtain a supply of water or other substance required in connection with the working of coal; and (g) a right to dispose of water or other liquid matter obtained from mines of coal or any by-product 30 works. (3) A right that the Commission are authorised to acquire under this section in respect of any land may be conveyed to them by means of a grant either of the fee simple or of a term of years or other interest in the 35 land or of the benefit of a servitude to be enjoyed adversely thereto. (4) Where the Board of Trade are satisfied that the undertaking or carrying on of any operations for coal­ mining purposes is unduly hampered by the subsistence 40 of a servitude or restrictive covenant to which coal or a mine of coal is subject under the provisions of the Second Schedule to this Act, the compulsory extinguishment or T H E : discharge thereof m a y be authorised by an order made A.D. 1937. by the Commission and submitted and confirmed as — aforesaid. PART I. —cont. (5) The Board of Trade shall not confirm an order 5 for the acquisition of a right in respect of any land otherwise than by means of a grant of an interest that confers an exclusive right to the possession thereof or an order for the extinguishment or discharge of a servitude or restrictive covenant, unless they are satisfied 10 that adequate provision is made by the order for securing to the occupier of the land all such facilities of access, drainage, water supply and otherwise as are reasonably requisite for the convenient enjoyment thereof. (6) The Board of Trade shall, in deciding whether to J.5 confirm an order, have regard, amongst other considera­ tions, to the effect on the amenities of the locality of the exercise of the right, or of the extinguishment or discharge of the servitude or covenant, to which it relates, and m a y in confirming an order impose such conditions as they .20 m a y thinkfitwith a view to the preservation of such amenities. (7) A right to withdraw support acquired com­ pulsorily under this section shall be conveyed to the Commission subject to an obligation to make good, or to .25 pay proper compensation for,— (a) damage arising from the working of the coal to which the right is annexed to land supported thereby, exclusive of buildings or works on such land; and 30 (b) damage arising from such working to buildings or works on the said land, so however that, in the case of buildings or works whose construction is begun after the date of thefirstpublication under the Fourth Schedule to this Act of notice .35 of the making of the order, the obligation shall be limited to damage which could not have been avoided by reasonable and proper precautions taken in the design and construction of the buildings or works to minimise damage in the 40 event of subsidence. 7.—(1) It shall be within the competence of the A c q u i s i t i o n Commission to acquire the fee simple or a term of years by the or other interest in any minerals or substance other than Commission . 19 B 2 ot associated minerals. A.T). 1937. coal that are capable of being economically worked to a shaft or adit to which coal is being, or is proposed to be, PART I . worked. .; -cont. (2) The provisions of the two last preceding sections shall have effect in relation to minerals acquired by the,Commission under this section as if the references in those sections to coal-mining purposes and to the storing, treating, converting and working of coal included references to the like purposes as regards those minerals. Transitional R e t e n t i o n of interests under eoal­ mining leases subsisting on t h e appointed day. Provisions. 10 8.—(1) Interests in coal or a mine of coal that arise under a coal-mining lease subsisting immediately before the appointed day shall not vest in the Commission by virtue of this Act, except as provided by the next succeeding subsection. 15 (2) Where in the case of any coal or mine of coal both a lease thereof and an under-lease thereof derived out of that lease, both being coal-mining leases, are subsisting immediately before the appointed day, the Commission may, by notice in writing served (either before, on or 20 after the appointed day) on the lessee under the lease, give a direction that all interests in that coal or mine that arise under the lease (that is to say, the interest of the lessees thereunder as such lessee and the interests of all persons claiming under him as so claiming) shall vest 25 in the Commission : Provided that the Commission shall not give a direc­ tion under this subsection in the case of any coal or mine as respects interests arising under a lease which is itself an under-lease derived out of a superior coal-mining lease, 30 unless they have duly given a direction thereunder in the case of those premises as respects interests arising under the superior lease also. (3) Where a direction is given under the last pre­ ceding subsection 'after the appointed day, this Part of 35 this Act shall have effect in relation to the interests as respects which the direction is given with the sub­ stitution for references to the appointed day of references to the date on which the direction is given. (4) In this Part of this A c t 40 (a) the expression " retained lease " means any - coal-mining lease subsisting immediately 5 10 15 20 before the appointed day unless all the coal A . D . 1937. and mines of coal comprised therein are — underleased and a direction under sub- PART I . section (2) of this section is given as respects interests arising thereunder in the case of all such coal and mines; (6) references in relation to a retained lease to premises comprised- therein shall be construed as references to all the premises comprised therein, whether or not being coal heredita­ ments and whether or not being premises affected by a direction given under sub­ section (2) of this section; (c) references in relation to a retained lease to premises subject thereto shall be construed as references to the premises comprised therein, other than coal or a mine in the case of which a direction is given under sub­ section (2) of this section as respects interests arising under that lease or property or rights that vest in the Commission with that coal or mine. 9. The provisions of the Fifth Schedule to this Act shall have effect as respects the enforcement o f — 25 Interim enforce­ m e n t of subsisting (a) a retained lease, if it comprises any premises the immediate reversion wherein is vested in c o a l - m i n i n g the Commission; and leases. (&) a coal-mining lease subsisting immediately before the appointed day that is not a retained lease, 30 if it comprises any premises other than coal hereditaments; during the period between the appointed clay (or, where a reversion in question is vested by reason of a direction given under subsection (2) of the last preceding section 35 after the appointed day, the date on which the direction is given) and the compensation date. 10.—(1) At any time after the appointed day the Commission may require the lessee under a retained lease that comprises both coal hereditaments subject 40 thereto the immediate reversion wherein is vested in the Commission and other premises subject thereto, to take a new lease of the said coal hereditaments, Substitu­ t i o n l e a s of "w ne f s for [eases 6 A . D . 1937 PART I. —cont. in substitution so far as regards those coal hereditaments for the retained lease. (2) Where the Commission require the lessee under a retained lease to take a new lease as aforesaid, they may require him to take^ and the person competent in.that ^ behalf to grant to him, a new lease of the other premises mentioned in the preceding subsection, in substitution so far as regards those premises for the retained lease. (3) Subject to any agreement between the Commis­ sion or the lessor of the said other premises, as the case 10 may be, and the lessee, a substituted lease granted under this section shall be a lease for such a term, at such a rent and subject to such conditions, that the rights and liabilities thereunder of the Commission or of the lessor, as the case may be, and of the lessee, will, so far as 1 5 is reasonably practicable, be of not less value, and not more onerous than their rights and liabilities respectively under the retained lease in respect of the premises as regards which the lease is substituted. ( 4 ) The provisions of the Sixth Schedule to this Act 2 0 shall have effect with respect to the granting of substi­ tuted leases under this section and the substitution or variation of securities in the case of premises in mortgage. (5) The following provisions shall have effect with respect to the charge of stamp duty, where a substituted 25 lease is granted under this section, that is to say :— (a) if the Commission are satisfied that the need for the substitution arose wholly or partly as a consequence of the passing of this Part of the Act, they shall certify whether the whole 30 or part, and if part what part, of the rent or other consideration reserved by the substituted lease and of the term thereby created ought in their opinion to be taken as being reserved and created in substitution for the rent or other 35 consideration reserved by the retained lease and the term thereby created respectively, and the amount of the stamp duty, if any, to be charged upon a substituted lease in respect of which a certificate is given under this subsection 40 shall be computed as if the rent or other con­ sideration reserved thereby and the term thereby created had included only such part, if any, thereof respectively as is not stated in the certifi- A . D . 1937. cate as being in substitution as aforesaid; ^ ­ PART I . 5 10 (6) the substituted lease shall not be deemed to be duly stamped unless the Commissioners of Inland Revenue have expressed their opinion thereon in accordance with the provisions of section twelve of the Stamp Act, 1891; (c) no stamp duty shall be chargeable upon a substi­ tuted security, or an instrument making pro­ vision for the variation of a subsisting security, made and expressed to be made pursuant to the provisions of the Sixth Schedule to this Act. —cont. 11.—(1) A right granted by the Railway and Canal P r o v i s i o n s 15 Commission under the Mines (Working Facilities and t o M i n e s Support) Act, 1923, either as originally enacted or as j^^^f extended by section thirteen of the Mining Industry Act, p, 1926 (in this Act referred to as a " working facilities p o r t ) A c t s right"), notwithstanding that it confers any estate a n d o r d e r s 20 interest charge or power in on or over coal or a mine of t h e r e u n d e r , coal, or that it. is annexed to coal or a mine of coal, shall not vest in the Commission by virtue of this Act, and the title to any coal hereditaments given to the Commission by the provisions of sections three and eight 25 of and the Second Schedule to this Act shall be subject to any working facilities right that adversely affects those coal hereditaments. a s a n d gu (2) Section six of this Act shall have effect as if references therein to the lessee under a coal-mining 30 lease included references, to the grantee of a Avorking facilities right. (3) Provision shall be made by rules made by the Board of Trade under the power in that behalf conferred upon them by the Third Schedule to this A c t — 35 40 (a) for treating interests in coal hereditaments affected by an order granting a working facilities right as together constituting a separate subject of compensation in any case in which it appears to them that the compensation therefor can be ascertained and paid most conveniently and expeditiously in that way; and A . D . 1937. PART I . —cant. (b) for determining the person entitled to the com­ pensation for interests treated as a separate subject of compensation by virtue of rules made for the purposes of this subsection : Provided that rules made for the purposes of this 5 subsection shall be made by the Board after consultation with the Railway and Carnal Commission. (4) The provisions of sections one to seven of the Mines (Working Facilities and Support) Act, 1923, and the provisions of sections nine to fourteen of that Act 1 0 that relate to a right to work minerals, shall, as from the appointed day, have effect as if coal had not been included in the minerals to which those provisions apply, and section thirteen of the Mining Industry Act, 1926, shall cease to have effect as respects coal : 15 Provided that, notwithstanding the foregoing pro­ visions of this subsection, the Railway and Canal Corn­ mission may exercise on or after the appointed day any power conferred on them by any of the said enactments in relation to coal so far as may appear to them to be 2 0 requisite for giving effect to an order granting a working facilities right subsisting immediately before the appointed day, and the said provisions shall not affect the power conferred on the said Commission by section eighteen of the Railway and Canal Traffic Act, 1888, to review 2 5 and rescind or vary any such order. llight of freeholder in posses­ sion of coal to lease thereof. 12.—(1) A person carrying on the business of coal­ mining immediately before the appointed day, who is then beneficially entitled (whether or not subject to a mortgage) to the entire fee simple in coal or a mine of 3 0 coal that is not subject at the appointed day to any coal-mining lease, shall have the right, if he has made an application in writing in that behalf to the Commission before the appointed day, to a grant from the Commission of a coal -mining lease comprising any coal or mine of coal 3 5 specified in his application to which he is so entitled and any property and rights that vest in the Commission there­ with and are not at the appointed day comprised in any coal-mining lease : Provided that a person shall not be entitled under 4 0 this section to a lease the grant of which would interfere with the exercise of a working facilities right. (2) A lease granted under this section shall be granted A . D . 1937. for such a term as the person entitled to the lease may "— require, not being longer than m a y be reasonable requisite ^^f" for enabling the coal comprised therein to be worked out, 5 and subject to such conditions with respect to rent and otherwise as are customary in the district, or, where there are no customary conditions or the customary conditions are not applicable, subject to such conditions as may be reasonable. ( 3 ) The provisions of the Seventh Schedule to this Act shall have effect with respect to the granting of leases under this section and the substitution or variation of securities in the case of premises in mortgage. (4) No stamp duty shall be chargeable upon a lease 15 granted and expressed to be granted under this section, or upon a substituted security, or an instrument making pro­ vision for the variation of a subsisting security, made and expressed to be made pursuant to the provisions of the Seventh Schedule to this Act. 10 20 ( 5 ) A person who has duly made an application for a grant under this section of a lease of any coal shall be at liberty, pending his becoming entitled by virtue of ­ the lease to the possession of the premises to be demised to carry on any coal-mining operations in relation to that 25 coal, and shall be entitled for the purposes of any such operations to use any property and to exercise any rights vested in the Commission with that coal. (6) In respect of the period between the appointed day and the date on which the rent reserved by a lease 30 granted under this section commences to accrue, a sum equal to the rent that would have accrued during that period if the lease had been granted on the appointed day and had reserved rent for that period at the rate and on the terms on which the first instalment of rent payable 35 under the lease is reserved, shall be payable by the lessee to the Commission and shall be recoverable together with that instalment as if it had been rent. (7) The lessee- under a lease granted under this section may, with the consent in the case of premises that 40 were subject to a mortgage of the mortgagee, require the Commission, in lieu of recovering any sum that becomes payable by him, either under the lease by way of rent or under the last preceding subsection, before the com­ pensation in respect of the fee simple in the demised 19 C premises is paid, to take that sum into account as a payment on account of such compensation made on the date on which that sum would have been recoverable. [(8) For the purposes of the enactments relating tb mineral rights duty and royalties welfare levy, a person 5 who has duly made an application for a grant of a lease under this section shall be deemed to have been the working lessee as respects the coal hereditaments to be comprised in the lease as from the appointed day, and, for the purposes of the assessment, collection and 10 recovery of the said duty and levy on. and from the Commission, the sum payable by that person under subsection (6) of this section shall be deemed to be rent, and any sum taken into account under the last pre­ ceding subsection shall be deemed to be paid on the date 15 on which the compensation is paid.] Financial Provisions. 13. All sums received by the Commission shall be paid into a separate fund in accordance with regulations made by the Board of Trade with the approval of the 20 Treasury and all payments by the Commission shall be made out of that fund. 14.—(1) The Commission shall establish a reserve fund, and shall carry to the credit of that fund, immediately after the accounts of the Commission for 25 each financial year of the Commission have been made up, an amount equal to any excess of their revenues for that financial year over their liabilities for that year in respect of salaries, allowances, remuneration, pensions and gratuities payable by them under the First or Third 30 Schedule to this Act, of interest on any loan raised or stock issued by them, of any sums which by the terms of the raising or issue of any such loan or stock the Commission are bound to set aside towards the repayment of the principal thereof and which are properly 35 chargeable to revenue account, and of any other matter involving a liability properly so chargeable (which excess is in this and the next succeeding section referred to as " the Commission^ annual surplus " ) . (2) The reserve fund shall be applicable primarily 4 0 for the purposes of meeting any deficiency at any time arising on the revenue account of the Commission and of meeting any extraordinary claim or demand at any time A . D . 1937. arising against the Commission, and the Board of Trade — shall from time to time, with the approval of the Treasury, . P . I by regulation prescribe— " ' A R T co 5 (a) an amount, in this and the next succeeding section referred to as " the prescribed minimum reserve ", being such an amount as ought, in the opinion of the Board and the Treasury, to be held for the time being to the credit of the reserve fund for answering those purposes; and 10 (b) an amount, in this and the next succeeding section referred to as " the prescribed appro­ priation to reserve," being such an amount as ought, in the opinion of the Board and the Treasury, to be made available for carrying to the credit of the reserve fund at the end of each financial year of the Commission whilst the regulation remains in force. 15 (3) At any time at which the value of the reserve 2 0 fund is greater than the prescribed minimum reserve, the Commission may apply a part thereof not exceeding in value the amount of the excess in purchase for cancella­ tion of stock issued by them under this Act or otherwise for the redemption of debt. 25 (4) Sums credited to the reserve fund shall be invested from time to time in such manner as the Corn­ mission may, with the approval of the Board of Trade, think fit, and references in this and the next succeeding section to the value of the reserve fund or of any part 3 0 thereof shall be construed as references to the value of the investments and cash of which the reserve fund or that part thereof consists, as determined by the Treasury. 1 5 . — ( 1 ) If at any time, on an estimate made by R e d u c t i o n the Commission, it appears to them that their annual b y t h e Corn­ surplus for future financial years is likely on the average J ^ to exceed the amount which is at that time the prescribed ­ appropriation to reserve, they may reduce any such rents within their control as are specified in the next 4 0 succeeding subsection by amounts not exceeding in the aggregate one-half, or if the value of. the reserve fund is then greater than the prescribed minimum reserve 35 1 8 8 1 0 1 1 0 " 19 C 2 rents the whole, of the estimated excess of their annual surplus over the prescribed appropriation to reserve. (2) The rents which may be reduced under the preceding subsection shall b e ­ (a) rents payable in respect of underground way- 5 leaves; (6) rents payable by particular lessees working coal in any district or part of a district which are, having regard to all the circumstances, more onerous than the average of the rents payable 10 by lessees working coal under similar conditions in that district or part of a district; and (c) rents payable by lessees generally working coal in any district or part of a district which are, having regard to all the circumstances, more 15 onerous than the average of the rents payable by lessees generally working coal under similar conditions in other districts or in another part of that district: Provided that if at any time the Commission report 20 to the Board of Trade that such reduction of rents as : they have power to effect under the foregoing provisions of this subsection has been substantially completed, the Board of Trade may make and lay before Parliament an order making provision to the effect that the preceding 25 subsection shall apply to rents within the control of the Commission generally or to any class of such rents, and, if each House of Parliament resolves that the order be approved, the order shall have effect from such date as the Board of Trade may appoint. 30 (3) Subject as aforesaid the Commission shall not reduce any rent during the currency of the lease by which it is reserved, and in granting leases, other than leases to be substituted for retained leases under subsection (1) of section ten of this Act, the Commission shall reserve 35 the best rent which in their opinion can reasonably be obtained, regard being had to any power to reduce rents for the time being exercisable by them in accordance with the preceding provisions of this section, to any money laid out or to be laid out by the lessee and generally 40 to the circumstances of the case : Provided that the Commission may reduce the rent , reserved by a least, or may grant a lease reserving a rent less than the best rent, if they are satisfied that other provision made by the lease in consideration of their so A . D . 1937. doing affords a financial advantage substantially equi- .": valent in value to the amount of the reduction or to the ^ amount by which the rent is less than the best rent, as ' 5 the case m a y be. E T c o n 16.-(1) For the purposes hereinafter mentioned the P o w e r o f Commission may, in accordance with regulations made the Commia­ by the Board of Trade with the approval of the Treasury, borrow money in such manner and subject to such pro­ * 10 visions as to the repayment thereof and as to re-borrowing for the purpose of paying off a loan previously raised as may be prescribed by the regulations. orrow (2) The regulations may empower the Commission to borrow temporarily from bankers or otherwise, and may 15 Pply with or without modifications any enactments relating to borrowing by local authorities. a 17.—(1) The Commission may borrow for all or any P u r p o s e s of the following purposes :— which f o r the C o m m i s ­ 20 25 30 35 40 (a) the payment of the principal sums payable by sion m a y way of compensation under section three of this b o r r o w . Act [and of the interest on those sums]; (6) the payment of the sums payable by the Corn­ mission under the Third Schedule to this Act in respect of remuneration of the members of the compensation tribunal and of persons appointed to assist them and in respect of costs; (c) the payment of interest accrued up to thefirst^ anhiversary of the compensation date on money borrowed by the Commission, of the administra­ tive expenses of the Commission incurred before the saidfirstanniversary, and of any other ex­ penditure properly incurred by the Commission before the saidfirstanniversary on revenue account; (d) any purpose within the powers of the Corn­ mission the cost of which ought in the opinion of the Board of Trade to be spread over a term of years; (e) the repayment of any advances made to the Commission by the Treasury under this Act. A . D . 1937. PART I . —cord. P o w e r to issue stock. P o w e r of T r e a s u r y to guarantee loans. (2) Any money borrowed under this section and the interest thereon shall.be charged on all the property and revenues of the Commission, and shall be repaid within such period as the Treasury may determine. ( 3 ) The maximum amount which may be borrowed 5 by the Commission under this section shall be an amount sufficient to raise [ ] pounds, and the Corn­ mission shall not have power to borrow any sums in excess of that amount otherwise than for the purpose of paying off loans previously raised. 10 18.—(1) The Commission may, for the purpose of raising money which they are authorised to borrow under this Act, create and issue stock to be called Coal Mines Commission Stock. (2) Any stock issued by the Commission and the 15­ interest thereon shall be charged on all the property and revenues of the Commission. (3) Subject to the provisions of this Act, any stock -created by the Commission shall be issued, transferred, dealt with and redeemed according to regulations made 2 0 by the Board of Trade with the approval of the Treasury. (4) Any such regulations may apply for the purpose of this section, with or without modifications, any pro­ visions of the Local Loans Act, 1875, or of any enactments relating to stock issued by any local authority. 25 19.—(1) The Treasury may guarantee in such manner and on such conditions as they think fit the payment of the principal and interest on any loan proposed to be raised by the Commission.' (2) The aggregate amount of the principal of the 3 0 loans which may be so guaranteed shall not exceed an amount sufficient to raise [ ] pounds. (3) Any sums required by the Treasury for fidfilling any guarantee given under this section shall be charged on and issued out of the Consolidated Fund of the United 35. Kingdom or the growing produce thereof, and any sums received by way of repayment of any sums so issued or of interest thereon shall be paid into the Exchequer [applied, in such manner as the Treasury may direct, to the redemption of debt]. 40 (4) All the property and revenues of the Corn­ mission shall be charged with the repayment of any sums so issued out of the Consolidated Fund, including interest A . D . 1937. thereon at such rates as the Treasury may determine, next after the principal and interest of the guaranteed. ^J' loan and any sums which by the terms of the raising or " 5 issue of the loan the Commission are bound to set aside towards the repayment of the principal thereof, and in priority to any'other charge not existing at the date on which the loan is raised. o (5) The Treasury shall, so long as any such guarantee TO is in force, lay before both Houses of Parliament in every year within one month after the thirty-first day of March' a statement of the guarantees, if any, given during the year ending on that date, and an account of the total sums, if any, which have up to that date been either / T5 issued out of the Consolidated Fund under this section or received by way of repayment of any sums so issued. P a c o n 20.—(1) The Treasury m a y out of moneys provided P o w e r of by Parliament make temporary advances on such terms T r e a s u r y and conditions as the Treasury may determine for the ^ ^ g 20 payment of the administrative expenses of the Corn­ mission incurred before the expiration of [ ] years from the date of the passing of this Act. (2) All sums received by way of repayment of any advances made under this section or of interest thereon :25 shall be paid into the Exchequer [applied, in such manner as the Treasury may direct, to the redemption of debt]. a n c a 21.—(1) The Commission shall prepare accounts of Accounts their transactions under [this Part of] this Act in respect audit. Of the period between the date of the passing of this Act :30 and the thirty-first day of March next following and of each subsequent period of twelve months ending on that day (each of which periods is in this Part of this Act referred to as a " financial year of the Commission ") in such form and manner as the Board of Trade, with the 35 approval of the Treasury, m a y direct, and shall transmit the accounts to the Board of Trade at such time as the Board, with the approval of the Treasury, m a y direct. (2) The Board shall, on or before the [ ] day of [ . . ] in each year transmit to the -40 Comptroller and Auditor General the accounts prepared by the Commission under the preceding subsection for their financial year last ended, and the Comptroller and a n d A . D . 1937. Auditor General shall examine and certify them and lay ' —copies thereof, together with his report thereon, before PAKE-I. both Houses of Parhament. ! :—cord. Miscellaneous. Commission 22. Nothing in this Act shall be deemed to exempt 5 not to be ex- the Commission from liability for any tax, duty, rate, emptfrom royalties welfare levy, or other charge whatsoever, taxation,&c. whether general or local. of alienation th C Com r 0 m mission " 1 23. —(1) A power to acquire land compulsorily conferred by or under any enactment (including, unless 1 0 t y intention appears therein, an enactment passed after the date of the passing of this Act) shall not be exercisable on or after the appointed day in respect of any coal or mine of coal, other than coal that is necessary to be dug or carried away for the purposes of 1 5 operationsforthe purposes of which the power is con­ ferred or a mine that is necessary to be used for the purposes of such operations. " ; Prevention c o n r a r (2) No right adverse to the title of the Commission to the fee simple in any coal or mine of coal shall be 20 capable of being acquired under the Real Property Limitation Acts, 1833, 1837, and 1874, or any of them . or under any enactment amending any of those Acts " (including, unless the contrary intention appears therein, ' on enactment passed after the date of the passing of this 25 Act. ( 3 ) The Commission shall not alienate the fee simple - - in any coal or mine of coal, other than coal that is necessary to be dug or carried away for the purposes of operations other than coal-mining or a mine that is 3 0 necessary to be used for such purposes, or coal present among other minerals that is of so small value that the working thereof is unlikely to be undertaken except as an operation subsidiary to the working of such minerals, or a mine used primarily for the working of minerals 35­ other than coal. (4) In this section references to coal shall not be construed as including references to minerals or substances that are subsidiary coal hereditaments. (5) This section binds the Crown. 40­ [ 1 E D W . 8. & Goal. 2i A . D . 1937. 1 G E O . 6.] — PART I. N J T 24. On and after the appointed day it shall not be C o m m i s s i o n lawful for any person, other than the Commission or a t o h a v e e x ­ person authorised by them by a coal-mining lease or elusive r i g h t otherwise so to do, to search or bore for coal. tosearchand bore l o r coal. N o under-lease shall be capable of being P r o v i s i o n created by the lessee under a lease granted by the Com- a g a i n s t mission of any coal hereditaments comprised therein. a s s i g n m e n t , ( 2 ) In every lease granted by the Commission there ] s e s w i t h ­ shall be implied, and every retained lease shall have effect out the 1 0 as from the appointed day as if it had contained, a c o n s e n t o f covenant on the part of the lessee or of the lessees jointly . 9 " and severally, as the case m a y be, not to assign or to ­ part with the possession of or (in the case of a retained lease) * to underlet any coal hereditaments comprised 1 5 therein withoutfirstobtaining the written consent of the Commission, and the covenant shall have effect as a covenant to which section seventy-nine of the Law of Property Act, 1925, applies and which does not contain any such expression of contrary intention as is therein 2 0 mentioned. 5 25.—(1) e a th e o m nussion 2 6 . — ( 1 ) The lessee under every coal-mining lease P r o v i s i o n s subsisting at- the date of the passing of this Act shall as to within three months from that date, and the lessee under o b t a i n i n g every coal-mining lease granted after that date and before f ^ ^ ^ o s e 2 5 the appointed day shall, within fourteen days from the o ^ P a r t I . date on which the lease is granted, deliver to the Com­ mission a copy of the lease or, if the lease is by parole a statement in writing setting out all the terms of the lease. 30 A person required by this subsection to deliver a copy of a lease or a statement shall be entitled to be paid by the Commission all costs reasonably incurred by him in the preparation and delivery thereof. (2) O n the appointed day the property in and the 35 right to possession of the following documents relating to the management of coal hereditaments shall vest in the Commission, that is to say, all plans, sections, records of survey and other such documents, that belong imme­ diately before the appointed day to a person interested 40 in coal or a mine of coal, other t h a n ­ (a) documents that belonged to the lessee under a retained lease, or to a person claiming under him, and that relate to coal hereditaments P 19 D S E S [1 E D W . 8. & 1 G E O . 6i] A . D . 1937. PART I . —cont. not affected by any direction given under sub­ section (2) of section eight of this Act as respects interests arising under that lease ; and (&) documents that belong to a person who has duly made application under section twelve of this 5 Act for. a grant from the Commission of a lease of any coal hereditaments and that relate to those coal hereditaments. (3) Where after the appointed day a person retains possession of any document relating to the title to or to 10 the management of coal hereditaments, he shall be deemed to have given to the Commission and to the compensation tribunal an acknowledgement in writing of the right of the Commission and of that tribunal to production of that document and to delivery of copies thereof, and 15 section sixty-four of the Law of Property Act, 1925, shall have effect accordingly (and on the basis that the acknowledgement did not contain any such expression of contrary intention as is mentioned in that section), subject however to the following modification, that is 20 to say, that the references in subsection (4) of that section (which relates to the purposes of production of documents) to the title or claim of the person entitled to request production shall be deemed to include references to the ascertainment of values for the purposes of the provisions 25 of section four of this Act. This subsection shall have effect without prejudice to any powers exercisable under the Arbitration Acts, 1889 to 1934, by a valuer appointed under the Third Schedule to this Act. 30 (4) Any person authorised in writing by the Corn­ mission, a. valuer appointed under the Third Schedule to this Act, and any person authorised in writing by such a valuer, shall be entitled, on production in the case of a person authorised as aforesaid of his authority 25 if so required, with or without workmen or other assist­ ants at all reasonable times to enter upon, inspect and examine any premises where operations for coal-mining purposes or purposes connected therewith are carried on and to take plans and measurements of workings 40 therein and to use free of charge all machinery and other facilities therein requisite or convenient for the exercise of any of the powers aforesaid, and it shall be the duty of all persons competent in that behalf to refrain from Goal. 23 any act which might obstruct, and to give all assistance A . D . 1937. requisite for, the exercise of the powers conferred by this — subsection. PART I . —cont. (5) Any person who makes default in compliance 5 with the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, or who, on being duly required by virtue of the provisions of subsection (3) or (4) thereof to produce any document or to do or refrain from doing any other act, makes default in complying with the requirement, shall be guilty 10 of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction to afinenot exceedingfiftypounds, and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a fine not exceeding ten pounds in respect of every day [after conviction] on which the offence continues. 15 27. Nothing in this Part of this Act shall affect any S a v i n g f o r right of a highway authority to the support of the highway r i g h t s o f or any right of any person to restrict or prevent the working of any coal under the provisions substituted by g sectionfifteenof the Mines (Working Facilities and 20 Support) Act, 1923, for sections seventy-eight to eighty­ five of the Railway Clauses (Consolidation) Act, 1845* under the Public Health (Support of Sewers) Act, 1883, under any private or local Act, or under any order having effect, with or without confirmation by Parliament, under 25 an enactment. m a 28. This Part of this Act shall have effect in relation to coal hereditaments that are immediately before the * appointed day registered land within the meaning of the Land Registration Act, 1925, as if they had not been 30 registered land. 0 g e g Application registered 29.—(1) The. provisions of this Part of this Act, A p p l i c a t i o n other than the provisions of section six thereof with P^? ^ respect to compulsory orders, shall apply to land * f C o m w a U belonging to His Majesty or forming part of the 35 possessions of the Duchy of Cornwall, or belonging to a Government department or held in trust for His Majesty for the purposes of a Government department. t o (2) In the application of the provisions of this Part of this Act that relate to the payment and disposal 40 of compensation payable under section three of this Act to subjects of compensation that consist of or comprise interests in land specified in the preceding subsection, D 2 19 wn A D . 1937. those provisions shall have effect subject to the following — modifications, that is to say, that the persons entitled ^-^ont' * ^ e compensation for such subjects shall be the persons specified in the second column of the Table set out at the end of the Third Schedule to, this Act in the case of 5 subjects consisting of or comprising interests in the lands respectively specified in the first column of that Table, and those persons shall dispose of the principal sums and interest attributable to such interests in the manner specified in the third column of that Table. 10 0 (3) In this section and in the said Table, "possessions of the Duchy of Cornwall " has the meaning assigned to it by section thirty-seven of the Duchy of Cornwall Management Act, 1863, and " private estates of His Majesty" has the meaning assigned to it by section one 1 5 of the Crown Private Estates Act, 1862. [ S a v i n g for Forest of Dean. Q 30. This Part of this Act shall not apply to land in the Forest of Dean or in any other part of the Hundred £ g j t Briavels in the county of Gloucester, being land, in respect of which the privileges of free miners are 2 0 exercisable.] a n Alternative. [Application to Forest of Dean. 30.—(1) This Part of this Act shall have effect j its application to land in the Forest of Dean or in any other part of the Hundred of Saint Briavels in the 2 5 county of Gloucester, being land in respect of which the privileges of free miners are exercisable, subject to the following modifications. n ( 2 ) Subsection ( 1 ) and subsection (2) of section three of, and the Second Schedule to, this Act shall not have 3 0 effect, but this Part of this Act shall have effect as if for the said subsections and Schedule there had been substi­ tuted the following provision, that is to say, on the appointed day all the estate and interest of the Forestry Commissioners in all unworked coal and mines of coal 35 shall vest in the Commission, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of the Dean Forest (Mines) Act, 1838, and any enactment amending that Act, (in this section referred to as " the Dean Forest enactments ") and to all estates, interests, rights, powers and liabilities subsisting 4 0 or to be created under or by virtue thereof. ] Emv. 8. & I G E O . 6.] Coal. 25 (3) Sections eight, nine and ten of this Act shall not A.D. 1937. have effect. ­ (4) Provision shall be made by rules made by the Board of Trade under the power in that behalf conferred 5 upon them by the Third Schedule to this Act for treating the said estate and interest vested in the Commission as constituting a separate subject of compensation and the Forestry Commissioners shall be the persons entitled to the compensation therefor. 10 (5) All powers conferred by the Dean Forest enact­ ments that were vested in the Forestry Commissioners immediately before the appointed day shall continue to be exercisable by them notwithstanding the vesting in the Commission of the said estate and interest, 15 and accordingly rent attributable to the said estate and interest shall continue to be recoverable by the Forestry Commissioners, until other provision in that behalf is made under the next succeeding subsection, but the following provisions shall have effect in relation 20 to such rent, that is to say—­ (a) in computing the total amount of the principal and interest payable under section four of this Act by way of compensation in respect of the said estate and interest, there shall be treated 25 as having been paid on account of such, com­ pensation all such rent that accrues between the appointed day and the date on which the compensation is paid; (&) the Forestry Commissioners shall pay to the 30 Commission all such rent recovered by them that accrues after the appointed day; (c) any difference between the Commission and the Forestry Commissioners as to the amount of the rent to be brought into account, or paid, under 35 the last preceding paragraph shall be determined by [the Treasury]. (6) His Majesty may by Order in Council make pro­ vision for vesting in the Commission any of the powers conferred by the Dean Forest enactments that were 40 vested in the Forestry Commissioners immediately before the appointed day in so far as they relate to coal or mines of coal, and any such order may make provision for any requisite modification of the Dean Forest enactments. PART I . —cont. A.D. 1937. The Board of Trade shall lay before Parliament the -— draft of any Order which it is proposed to recommend ^con/*" ^ Majesty in Council to make under this subsection, and no further proceedings shall be taken in relation thereto except in pursuance of an Address presented to 5 Biis Majesty by both Houses of Parliament praying that the Order may be made in the terms of the draft.] A Tnterpreta- tion. S 31. In this Part of this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions have the meanings hereby assigned to them respectively, that is to 10 say:­ " Appointed day" means such day as may be appointed by order of His Majesty in Council; " Coal " means bituminous coal, eannel coal, anthra­ cite and lignite or brown coal, and all other solid 15 fuels (except peat and oil shale) which are. contained in the eartffs crust, and has also the extended meaning-assigned to it by subsection (2) of section three of this Act; " Coal hereditaments " has the meaning assigned to 2 0 it by section three of this Act; " Coal-mining lease" means a lease that confers a right to work and carry away coal; " Coal-mining purpose " means searching and boring for, winning, working, getting, making merchant- 2 5 able, carrying away or disposing of, coal; " Compensation date" has the meaning assigned to it by section four of this Act; " District " means the area for the time being treated under the Coal Mines (Minimum Wage) Act, 30 1912, as a district for the purposes of the minimum rate; " Interested in " means, in relation to a person referred to as interested in any coal or mine, or in any other land, any person entitled to, or 35 to exercise, or interested in, or in the exercise of, any estate, interest, charge or power in, on or over that coal or mine or that other land, as the case may be, other than a person entitled or interested as aforesaid in respect only of the 40 benefit of a servitude or restrictive covenant adversely affecting that coal or mine or that other land, as the case may be; .: . ;5 10 ----15 "Lease " includes an under-lease and an agreement A . D . J937. , under which the right to have a lease or under— lease granted is subsisting; neither "lease" 'z^mt' nor "under-lease " includes a mortgage; "lease " and " under-lease " each include a licence (whether personal or by way of profit a prendre) that confers a right to work and carry away coal; and in relation to such a licence the expressions " rent " and " reversion " and other expressions importing a reference to a lease shall be construed accordingly with the requisite adaptations; " Mine of coal " means a space which is occupied by unworked coal or which has been excavated underground for a coal-mining purpose, and includes a shaft and an adit made for a coal­ mining i3urpose; 20 25 30 35 40 "Person claiming under" means, in relation to a person referred to as claiming under the estate owner in respect of the fee simple in any land or as claiming under the lessee under a lease of any land, a person interested in the land in respect of either— (a) an ecraitable interest (including an equit­ able mortgage) or an equitable power enforceable, otherwise than by virtue of a lease taking effect in equity, against such owner or lessee, as the case may be; or , (b) a legal mortgage of the fee simple or of the term of years, as the case may be; or / (c) a rentcharge in possession which confers a right to take the income of the land incident to the fee simple or to the term of years, as the case may be; and, in the case of land formerly copyhold, includes, in relation to a person referred to as claiming under the estate owner in respect of the fee simple therein, a person interested therein in respect, of a right saved by para­ graph ( 5 ) of the Twelfth Schedule to the Law of Property Act, 1 9 2 2 ; " Prescribed " means prescribed by rules made by the Board of Trade; - A . D . 1937. — " Rent" includes yearly or other rent, and toll, duty, royalty, or annual or periodical payment in the nature of rent, whether payable in money or money's. worth or otherwise, but does not include mortgage interest; 5 PART I cont " " Retained lease " has the meaning assigned to it by section eight of this Act, and references to " premises comprised in", or to " premises subject to ", a retained lease shall be construed in accordance with the provisions of that section; 10 " Servitude " means any liberty, privilege, easement, ' right or advantage annexed to any land and adversely affecting other land, " surface servi­ tude " means any servitude (other than a right to withdraw support) annexed to coal or a mine 15 of coal in so far as it adversely affects the surface of any land, and " annexed to " means, in relation to any coal or mine, or to any other land, appertaining or reputed to appertain thereto or to any part thereof, or demised, 20 occupied, or enjoyed therewith or with any part thereof, or reputed or known as part or parcel thereof or appurtenant thereto or to any part thereof; " Unworked coal'.' means coal that has not been so 25 severed from the earth's crust as to have become a chattel; " Working facilities right " has the meaning assigned to it by section eleven of this Act. Application t o Scotland. e 32.—(1) The provisions of this section shall have 30 ff t f the purpose of the application of this Part of this Act to Scotland. ec or (2) '.' covenant " means agreement or stipulation and " restrictive covenant " shall be construed accord­ ingly and shall include a real burden ad factum 35 praestandum ; " demised " means let; " under-lease " means sub-lease, "under-let" and "under-leased" mean sub-let, and any reference to an under-lease derived out of another lease shall be construed as a reference to a sub-lease granted by a superior lessee; 4 0 " mortgage " means a heritable security and " mortgagee " and " mortgagor " respectively mean the creditor and [1 E n w . 8. & 1 G E O , 6.] Coal 29 the debtor in a heritable security; " premises in mort- A . D . 1937. gage " means premises subject to a heritable security; — "chattel" means corporeal moveable; "condition of I­ re-entry " means power to bring a lease to an end or to -- ­ 5 resume possession;- any reference to a term of years shall be construed as a reference to the lessee's interest under a lease; references to a reversion or an immediate reversion or a right of reversion expectant or immediately expectant on a lease shall be construed as references to the interest 10 of the landlord in property subject to a lease; any reference to rent reserved under a lease shall be construed as a reference to rent payable under or stipulated for in a lease. P a k t ,,nt (3) "person interested" includes in the case of a 15 person interested in any coal or mine of coal, or in other land, any holder of a feudal estate whether of superiority or of property, and any heritable creditor, but does not include a person interested as aforesaid in respect only of the benefit of a servitude or of a real burden ad factum 20 praestanditm adversely affecting that coal or mine of coal or that other land, as the case m a y be; " heritable creditor " means the creditor in a heritable security, and " heritable security " means a heritable security within the meaning of the Conveyancing (Scotland) Act, 1924, 25 exclusive of a real burden ad factum praestandum ; "person claiming under" means, in relation to a person referred to as claiming under the estate owner in fee simple or as claiming under the lessee under a lease of any land 30 35 (a) a superior (b) a heritable creditor (c) a lessee under a lease other than a coal-mining lease (d) a person having a personal title capable at the ' appointed day of being completed by infeftment, (e) a person entitled to demand a conveyance of the land by virtue of a valid and enforceable con­ tract, subsisting at the appointed day; " superior " includes the Crown (without prejudice 40 to the Crown's inherent right of superiority over all land in Scotland) and a subject superior or mid-superior; " Rent " does not include feuduty or ground annual, E if) A . D . 1937. PAET I. -conf. (4) For references to the Lands Clauses Consolida­ tion Act, 1845, and to section seven, section eighteen, and sections eighty-four to ninety thereof there shall be substituted respectively references to the Lands Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) Act, 1845, and to section seven, 5 section seventeen, and sections eighty-three to eighty­ eight thereof; for references to the Railways Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, and to section seventy-seven and sections seventy-eight to eighty-five thereof there shall be substituted respectively references to the Railways 10 Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) Act, 1845, and to section seventy and sections seventy-one to seventy-eight thereof; for any reference to the High Court or the Supreme' Court there shall be substituted a reference to the Court of Session. 15 (5) Subsection (2) of section twenty-three of this Act shall not apply, but no right adverse to the title to any coal or mine of coal given to the Commission by the vesting thereof in them by this Act shall be capable of being acquired by prescriptive possession. 20: (6) Subsection ( 2 ) of section twenty-five of this Act shall have effect as if all the words occurring after the words " consent of the Commission " were omitted. ( 7 ) Subsection ( 3 ) of section twenty-six of this Act shall not apply. 25 PART II. Reduction in number of coal-mining Transfer to the Commission of f u n c t i o n s of t h e C o a l Mines R e ­ organisation Commission. undertakings. 3 3 - ( 1 ) The functions of the Coal Mines Reorganisation Commission constituted by Part I I of the Coal Mines Act, 1930, are hereby transferred to and 3 0 shall be performed by the Commission and the Coal Mines Reorganisation Commission shall cease to exist and accordingly the said Part I I shall have effect with the substitution, for references therein to the Coal Mines Reorganisation Commission, of references to the 35 Commission. ( 2 ) The payments to be made under the First Schedule to this Act in respect of salaries, allowances, remuneration, pensions and gratuities shall, to the extent to which they are, in the opinion of the Treasury, 40 attributable to the execution of this Part of this Act, [ 1 E D W . 8. & 1 G E O . 6.J be made by the Board of Trade, and any expenses of the A . D . 1937. Board under this subsection shall be defrayed out of — PART I I . moneys provided by Parliament. 5 ( 3 ) Section eleven of the Coal Mines Act, 1930, is hereby repealed. 3 4 . — ( 1 ) Wherein the opinion of the Commission the D u t y o f t h e number of separate undertakings consisting of or com- C o m m i s s i o n prising coal mines (hereinafter referred to as " coal-mining undertakings ") to which the coal in any area is leased coalmining is so great as to be detrimental to the economical and u n d e r efficient working, treating or disposing thereof, it shall takings be the, duty of the Commission, both in granting new where leases and in the performance of the duty of promoting cessary ii i ,. i - Y in interests -, . i. and assisting the amalgamation of coal-mming under- f efficiency. takings to be performed by them by virtue of Part II of the Coal Mines Act, 1930, to endeavour to effect a reduction in the number of such undertakings : Provided that the Commission shall not, under the powers conferred by section thirteen of the said Act, submit to the Boards of Trade any scheme under Part I of the Mining Industry Act, 1926, until after the day of , nineteen hundred and thirty-nine, nor shall they thereafter exercise the powers of submitting such a scheme except in pursuance of an order made under this section. t o r e d u c e 10 ne r 15 20 25 0 ( 2 ) After the said [ ] day of [ ] the Corn­ mission may, at any time, if they are of opinion that adequate progress in the reduction of the number of coal-mining undertakings cannot otherwise be made, 30 make a report to the Board of Trade recommending that the. powers of the Commission under the said section thirteen of submitting amalgamation and absorption schemes should become exercisable in any area specified in the report as an area in which such progress has in the 35 opinion of the Commission been inadequate, and the Board may give effect to any such recommendation, either wholly or in part, by making an order declaring that it is expedient that the number of coal-mining under­ takings should be reduced in that area or in any part 4 0 thereof specified in the order and directing that the powers aforesaid shall be exercisable either un­ conditionally or subject to such conditions as may be specified in the order : 19 E 2 A . D . 1937. PART II. —cont. Provided t h a t - (a) any such order shall so define the area in which the said powers are to become exercisable as to show, so far as practicable, what under­ takings are likely to be affected by their exercise; and 5 (b) before any such order is made, a draft thereof shall be laid before Parliament together with a copy of the report in pursuance of which the order is proposed to be made, and if either 10 House of Parliament, within the next sub­ sequent twenty-eight days on which the House has sat after the order has been laid before it, resolves that the order be not made, no further proceedings shall be taken thereon, 15 but such a resolution shall not prejudice the making of any subsequent order. (3) The said section thirteen shall have effect subject to the amendments specified in the Eighth Schedule to this Act. 20 P o w e r s of the Commis sion as to obtaining information f o r purposes of Part I I . 3 5 . — ( 1 ) Any member or officer of, or technical or professional agent appointed by, the Commission, authorised in writing by the Commission to make inquiries on their behalf as to any coal-mining under­ taking specified in the authority, may, for the purpose 2 5 of obtaining information required by them for the discharge of the functions to be performed by them by virtue of this Part of this Act, enter any premises used in connection with the carrying on of that undertaking, and may inspect any such premises and may measure or 3 0 weigh any stocks, and may take copies or extracts of any accounts, books, plans, or other documents, and may require copies or extracts of any such accounts, books, plans, or other documents to be delivered to the Commission. 35 ( 2 ) The Commission may require the owner of any coalmining undertaking in an area in which their powers under section thirteen of the Coal Mines Act, 1930, of submitting schemes are exercisable, to prepare such accounts, plans, or other documents, relating to the 4 0 undertaking and such valuations of the property and liabilities of the undertaking as the Commission consider necessary for the discharge of the functions aforesaid, A . D . 1937. and may require copies thereof to be delivered to the — PART I I . Commission. (3) Any member or officer of, or technical or pro­ 5 fessional agent appointed by, the Commission, before exercising his powers under subsection (1) of this section shall, if required to do so, produce his written authority to make inquiries on behalf of the Commission as to the coal-mining undertaking with respect to which the 10 pow ers are exercised; and any person required under this section to deliver any copies or extracts to the Commission shall be entitled to be paid by the Commission all costs reasonably incurred by him in the preparation and delivery thereof. —cont. - (4) Any person who, after having had produced to him the written authority of any such member officer or agent as aforesaid, obstruct him in the exercise of his powers under this section or refuses or neglects when required to produce any accounts, books, plans or other 20 documents under his control, any person who refuses or neglects when required to deliver to the Commission any copy or extract of such accounts, books, plans or other documents, and any owner of a coal-mining undertaking who makes default in complying with any requirement 25 made under subsection (2) of this section, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to afinenot exceeding fifty pounds or, in the case of a person convicted of a second or subsequent offence under this section, to afinenot exceedingfivehundred pounds 30 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months or to both such imprisonment and fine. 15 36.—(1) No stamp duty shall be payable— Exemption (a) in respect of any amalgamation or absorption ^ u t y ^ scheme confirmed under Part I of the Mining r e s p e c t o f Industry Act, 1926; or amalgama­ a m p 35 t i o n or (6) in respect of any amalgamation scheme framed a b s o r p t i o n in accordance with the provisions of Part I of s c h e m e s a n d that Act by the owners of two or more coal- i n s t r u m e n t s mining undertakings, if the Board of Trade j ^ a are satisfied, on the recommendation of the Commission that the scheme is in the national 60 40 A . D . 1937. — PAET II. cont ' interest, and, on the recommendation of the owners by whom the scheme was framed that jt is unnecessary for the purpose of giving effect"to the scheme that it should be referred to and confirmed by the Railway and Canal 5 Commission under that Act; or (c) in respect of any share or loan capital issued, or any conveyance agreement assignment or transfer made, or document executed, or thing done, in pursuance of any scheme exempt from 1 0 stamp duty under the foregoing provisions of this section, or in pursuance of any arrange­ ments for combining the financial interests in coal-mining undertakings by the formation of holding companies or otherwise, being 15 arrangements approved on the recommenda­ tion of the Commission by the Board of Trade as being in the national interest, if in either case the Board certify that the issue, making, execution or the doing thereof is reasonably 2 0 required for the purposes of such a scheme, or of such arrangements, and of conducing to the more economical and efficient working or disposing of coal. (2) Subsection ( 2 ) of section five of' the Mining 25 Industry Act, 1926, and subsection ( 7 ) of section thirteen of the Coal Mines Act, 1930, are hereby repealed. PART AMENDMENT III. A N D C O N T I N U A N C E OE P A R T C O A L M I N E S A C T , 1930. I OF T H E 30 37. Sections five and eight of the Coal Mines Act, 1930, shall have effect subject to the amendments c o n t i n u a n c e specified in the Ninth Schedule to this Act, and Part I of o f P a r t I o f ^at Act (which, by virtue of subsection ( 1 ) of section one Geo iti o 34 of the Coal Mines Act, 1932, is limited to expire on the 35 ' thirty-first day of December, nineteen hundred and thirty-seven) shall, as amended by this Act, continue in force until the thirty-first day of December, nineteen hundred and forty-two, and no longer unless Parliament otherwise determines. 40 Amendment and . [ 1 E D W . 8. & 35 Coal. 1 G E O . 6.] PART MISCELLANEOUS A-Dvljm. IV. AND GENERAL. 38.—(1) The miners welfare committee constituted A c q u i s i t i o n under section twenty of the Mining Industry Act, 1920, ^ j ^ g 5 shall have power to acquire compulsorily, by means of a ^ y j compulsory purchase order made by them and submitted f jt to the Board of Trade and confirmed by the Board, a for p i t h e a d right to use and occupy land for buildings required by b a t h s , & c . that committee, and to acquire compulsorily as aforesaid 10 any other right in respect of any land which m a y be required by them, for the performance by them of their duty under section seventeen of the Mining Industry Act, 1926, or under subsection ( 1 ) of section three of the Mining Industry (Welfare Fund) Act, 1934 (which 15 relate respectively to the provision of accommodation ' and facilities for workmen talcing baths and drying clothes and of accommodation and facilities which can be conveniently and properly combined therewith). r m m 0 s e r s t e e es (2) The provisions of the Fourth Schedule to this 20 Act shall have effect in relation to a compulsory acquisi­ tion under this section as they have effect in relation tq a compulsory acquisition by the Commission of a right under section six of this Act, with the substitution for references to the Commission of references to the said 25 committee: Provided that an order made in relation to a com­ pulsory acquisition under this section shall make provision for the conveyance to be made either to the Commission or to some other person, as the Board of Trade may 30 thinkfit,upon such trusts as m a y appear to them to be requisite for giving effect to the purpose for which the order was made. 39. Subject as hereinafter provided, any person P r e v e n t i o n who discloses any information obtained by him in the o f d i s c l o s u r e 35 exercise of powers conferred upon him by section twenty­ o f i n f o r m a ­ tion. six or thirty-five of this Act shall be liable on con­ viction on indictment to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to a fine not exceeding five hundred pounds or to both such imprisonment andfine: 40 Provided that nothing in this section shall apply to the disclosure of any information in so far as it is A.D. PABT 1937. IV. —cont. required to be published or disclosed for the purposes of the performance of functions to be performed by the Commission or a valuer or by the Board of Trade under or by virtue of this Act," or for the purposes of any legal proceedings (including arbitrations), or in so far as it 5 may be contained in any scheme submitted under section thirteen of the Coal Mines Act, 1930. L i a b i l i t y of directors, &c. of b o d i e s cor­ porate for offences. 40. Where an offence under this Act committed by a body corporate is proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance of, or to be attributable 10 to any negligence on the part of, any director, manager, secretary or other officer of the body corporate, he as well as the body corporate shall be deemed to be guilty of that offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly. 15 Service of n o t i c e s , &c. 41. Any notice, application in writing or other document required or authorised to be served, made or delivered under this Act may be served, made or delivered either— (a) by delivering it to the person on w h o m it is to 20 be served, or to w h o m it is to be made or delivered; or (&) by leaving it at the usual or last known place of abode of that person; or (c) by sending it in a prepaid registered letter 25 addressed to that person at his usual or last known place of abode; or (d) in the case of an incorporated company or body, by delivering it to the secretary or clerk of the company or body at their registered or principal 30 office or sending it in a prepaid registered letter addressed to the secretary or clerk of the company or body at that office; or (e) if it is not practicable after reasonable inquiry to ascertain the name or address of a person 35 on w h o m it should be served, or to whom it should be made or delivered, as being a person having any interest in land, by addressing it to him by the description of the person having that interest in the premises (naming them) to 4 0 which it relates, and by delivering it to some person on the premises or, if there is no person on the premises to w h o m it can be delivered, by affixing it, or. a c O p y of it, to some conspicuous part of the premises. 5 A . D . 1937,. — t^nnt' 42. The Board of Trade Arbitrations, &c. Act, 1874 P o w e r s as (which relates to the powers of the Board of Trade with inquiries,, respect to inquiries, appointments and other matters * under special Acts) shall apply as if this Act were a special Act within the meaning of the first mentioned Act. t o &c 43. The Commission shall annually, at such date R e p o r t s to­ and in such form as the Board of Trade may direct, B o a r d of make to the Board a report as to their proceedings under T r a d e , this Act during the preceding year, and the Board shall lay every such report before Parliament, and the Com­ 15 mission shall also, if at any time they are directed by the Board so to do, make to the Board a report as to any matter relating to their functions specified in the direction. 10 44.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Coal Act, S h o r t 1937. 20 ' (2) This Act shall not extend to Northern Ireland. 19 F title, and extent, [1 E D W . 8.& 1 G E O . 6.J A . D . 1937. SCHEDULES. FIRST SCHEDULE. C O N S T I T U T I O N A N D PROCEDURE OF T H E COAL, M I N E S COMMISSION. 1. T h e C o m m i s s i o n s h a l l consist o f a c h a i r m a n other m e m b e r s appointed b y the B o a r d of T r a d e a p p r o v a l of the T r e a s u r y ] . T h e B o a r d of T r a d e shall one of the m e m b e r s of the Commission other t h a n the t o act as d e p u t y chairman. a n d four [with the nominate chairman 2. T h e a p p o i n t m e n t o f a m e m b e r o f t h e C o m m i s s i o n shall, s u b j e c t t o t h e p r o v i s i o n s o f this S c h e d u l e , b e f o r s u c h t e r m , riot b e i n g less t h a n five y e a r s o r m o r e t h a n t e n y e a r s , as m a y b e d e t e r m i n e d b y the B o a r d of T r a d e w i t h the a p p r o v a l of t h e T r e a s u r y b e f o r e his a p p o i n t m e n t , a n d s h a l l b e s u b j e c t t o s u c h c o n d i t i o n s as m a y b e so d e t e r m i n e d . 5 10 15 3. A p e r s o n shall b e d i s q u a l i f i e d for b e i n g a p p o i n t e d o r b e i n g a m e m b e r o f t h e C o m m i s s i o n so l o n g a s h e is a m e m b e r o f t h e C o m m o n s H o u s e of P a r l i a m e n t . 4. A p e r s o n s h a l l b e d i s q u a l i f i e d for b e i n g a p p o i n t e d o r b e i n g a m e m b e r o f t h e C o m m i s s i o n so l o n g as h e is a m e m b e r , o r a n officer o r s e r v a n t , o f a n o r g a n i s a t i o n o f e m p l o y e r s or o f w o r k ­ people in the coal-mining industry, a practising mining engineer, o r in a n y other m a n n e r directly connected w i t h t h a t industry. 5. A m e m b e r o f t h e C o m m i s s i o n shall, w i t h i n three m o n t h s after his a p p o i n t m e n t , sell o r d i s p o s e o f a n y interest or securities w h i c h h e m a y h o l d i n his o w n n a m e o r i n t h e n a m e o f a n o m i n e e for his benefit in a n y u n d e r t a k i n g c a r r y i n g o n [ i n G r e a t B r i t a i n ] t h e b u s i n e s s o f c o a l m i n i n g o r s u p p l y i n g o r selling coal o r t h e m a n u f a c t u r e o r sale o f b y - p r o d u c t s o f c o a l o r m a c h i n e r y o r p l a n t for c o a l m i n i n g . 6. I t s h a l l n o t b e l a w f u l f o r a m e m b e r o f t h e C o m m i s s i o n w h i l e h e h o l d s office t o a c q u i r e , d i r e c t l y or m d i r e c t l y , for his o w n benefit a n y interest o r securities i n a n y s u c h u n d e r t a k i n g a s a f o r e s a i d , a n d if a m e m b e r of t h e C o m m i s s i o n b e c o m e s e n t i t l e d f o r h i s o w n b e n e f i t u n d e r a n y w i l l o r succession o r o t h e r w i s e t o a n y i n t e r e s t o r securities in a n y s u c h u n d e r t a k i n g he s h a l l sell o r d i s p o s e o f it o r t h e m w i t h i n t h r e e m o n t h s a f t e r h e h a s so b e c o m e entitled thereto. 20 25 30 35­ Tl Emv. 8. & 1 G E O . 6.J 7. I f a member of the Commission becomes disqualified A . D . 1937­ for holding office, or is absent from meetings of the Commission ­ for more than six months consecutively except for some reason SOB.. approved by the Board of Trade, or fails to comply with either of ^ -5 the two last preceding paragraphs, [or becomes in the opinion of the Board unfit to continue in office or incapable of performing his duties as a member of the Commission,] the Board shall forthwith declare his office to be vacant and shall notify the fact in such manner as they think fit, and thereupon his office shall 10 become vacant. l s T 8. The Commission shall appoint a secretary and such other officers, agents and servants as the Commission may determine. 9 . — ( ! ) There shall be paid out of the revenues of the Corn­ mission to the members of the Commission, or to any of them, such 15 salaries and allowances for expenses as the Board of Trade with the approval of the Treasury may determine, and to the secretary, officers, agents and servants of the Commission such salaries and remuneration, and, on- retirement or death, such pensions and gratuities, as the Commission may determine. 20 ( 2 ) The payments to be made under this paragraph shall, to the extent to which they are, in the opinion of the Treasury, attributable to the execution of Part I of this Act, be made out of the revenues of the Commission. 10. The Commission may act notwithstanding a vacancy in 25 their number, but a quorum of the Commission shall be not less than two. 11. The seal of the Commission shall be authenticated by the signature of the chairman of the Commission or some other member of the Commission authorised by the Commission to act 30 in that behalf, and of the secretary or some other person authorised by the Commission so to act. 12. Every document purporting to be an order or other instrument issued by the Commission, and to be sealed with the seal of the Commission authenticated in the manner provided by 35 this Schedule, or to be signed by the secretary or any person authorised to act in that behalf, shall be received in evidence and be deemed to be such an order or instrument without further proof unless the contrary is shown. 13. Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, the Com­ 40 mission shall have power to regulate their own procedure. 14. In this Schedule the expression " securities " includes shares, stock, debentures and debenture stock. 19 40 Godli A:iM937. SECOND. TITLE SCHEDULE. TO COAL H E R E D I T A M E N T S VESTED I N . T H E .. COMMISSION B Y T H I S A C T . ; Provisions as regards matters other than rights to withdrew) support. 1.—(1) Subject as in this Schedule provided with, respect to rights to withdraw support and subject to the provisions of section eleven of this Act with respect to working facilities rights— V (a) the like title, to any coal or mine of coal shall vest in the Commission on the appointed day, and^ ­ ­ (6) there shall vest in the Commission with anjfteoal or.mine - of coal the like property and rights-for the: like.title ,i and (c) the title to any coal or mine of coal and to; any property or rights vesting therewith given.to.the Commission by the provisions of section three of this Act and of the preceding sub-paragraphs shall be subject to the like matters, to the like extent and in the like manner, as if all.persons interested in the coal or mine had.been con­ veying parties to a conveyance taking effect on the appointed day of the coal or mine to the Commission as purchasers for money or money's worth with notice of all matters whereof notice is material, being a conveyance containing such provisions as are mentioned in paragraph 2 of this Schedule : 5 10 \-,­. 15 20 Provided that, so far as' regards coal or a mine comprised in a retained lease, not being coal or a mine in the case of which 25 a direction is given under subsection ( 2 ) of section eight of this Act as respects interests arising under that lease, the lessee there­ under and any person claiming under him shall not be deemed to be a party to the conveyance thereof in respect of any interest of his arising under, the lease. 30 ; ( 2 ) The preceding sub-paragraph shall have effect, in relation to any person entitled to any coal or mine who is not ascertained or not existing or not of full capacity, as if he had been so; in relation to any interest vested in a person who has not power to convey it, as if he had had such power; and, in relation to any 35 interest capable of being conveyed only with some consent or approval or at the request of some person, as if the consent, approval or request had been obtained or made. 2 . — ( 1 ) The conveyance to be assumed for the purposes of the foregoing paragraph shall be deemed to contain the provisions 40 mentioned in the two succeeding sub-paragraphs, but no other s u c h t e r m or p r o v i s i o n as m i g h t h a v e l i m i t e d t h e a p p l i c a t i o n o f s e c t i o n s i x t y - t w o o r s i x t y - t h r e e o f t h e L a w o f P r o p e r t y A c t , 1925, to the conveyance. - : ( 2 ) T h e s a i d c o n v e y a n c e shall b e d e e m e d to c o n t a i n a p r o ­ - 5 v i s i o n , i n r e l a t i o n to a n y s u r f a c e s e r v i t u d e , t h a t t h e c o n v e y a n c e o f t h e c o a l o r m i n e o f c o a l t o w h i c h it is a n n e x e d s h a l l b e d e e m e d t o i n c l u d e it a n d shall o p e r a t e t o c o n v e y i t i n a case i n w h i c h t h e p e r s o n s i n t e r e s t e d i n t h e c o a l or m i n e a r e n o t i n t e r e s t e d i n t h e surface a d v e r s e l y affected, b u t t h a t i n a case i n w h i c h a n y o f -.10 t h o s e p e r s o n s is i n t e r e s t e d i n t h e s u r f a c e t h e c o n v e y a n c e s h a l l h o t ' b e d e e m e d t o i n c l u d e it a n d s h a l l n o t o p e r a t e t o c o n v e y it f u r t h e r o r o t h e r w i s e t h a n as it c o u l d h a v e b e e n c o n v e y e d b y t h e m i f n o n e o f t h e m h a d b e e n i n t e r e s t e d i n the s u r f a c e . - (3) T h e said conveyance shall be deemed to contain a - 1 5 p r o v i s i o n , i n r e l a t i o n t o a n y coal o r m i n e o f coal w h i c h is a d ­ v e r s e l y affected b y a s e r v i t u d e o r a r e s t r i c t i v e c o v e n a n t , t h a t , w h e r e a p e r s o n w h o is a c o n v e y i n g p a r t y as b e i n g i n t e r e s t e d i n t h e c o a l or m i n e is i n t e r e s t e d a l s o i n l a n d o t h e r t h a n c o a l o r a m i n e o f c o a l t o w h i c h t h a t s e r v i t u d e is a n n e x e d o r w i t h w h i c h t h e 2 0 b e n e f i t o f t h a t c o v e n a n t r u n s , h e s h a l l b e d e e m e d b y his c o n ­ v e y a n c e to h a v e r e s e r v e d t h a t s e r v i t u d e l o r the g r e a t e s t e s t a t e o r i n t e r e s t for w h i c h it c o u l d h a v e b e e n r e s e r v e d b y h i m a s i n t e r e s t e d i n t h e coal o r m i n e , a n d t h e c o a l o r m i n e shall, so f a r as r e g a r d s t h e title t h e r e t o g i v e n to t h e C o m m i s s i o n b y his : 2 5 c o n v e y a n c e thereof, b e s u b j e c t t o t h a t r e s t r i c t i v e c o v e n a n t . 3. W h e r e c o a l o r a m i n e o f c o a l is s u b j e c t to a s e r v i t u d e w h i c h i m m e d i a t e l y before the a p p o i n t e d d a y w a s a n n e x e d b o t h to coal o r a m i n e o f c o a l a n d t o o t h e r l a n d , or is s u b j e c t t o a r e s t r i c t i v e c o v e n a n t the benefit o f w h i c h then r a n b o t h w i t h coal or a m i n e 30 -35 of coal a n d w i t h other l a n d , the servitude or covenant shall n o t b e capable of being exercised or enforced o n or after the a p p o i n t e d d a y b y a n y p e r s o n c l a i m i n g as b e i n g i n t e r e s t e d i n t h a t o t h e r l a n d , e x c e p t h i so f a r a s . i t is s h o w n t h a t t h e e x e r c i s e o r e n f o r c e ­ m e n t t h e r e o f is r e a s o n a b l y r e q u i s i t e for t h e c o n v e n i e n t e n j o y m e n t Q f ^ a t other land. Provisions as regards rights to withdraw support. 4. N o t h i n g i n t h e f o r e g o i n g p r o v i s i o n s o f t h i s S c h e d u l e shall o p e r a t e so as t o v e s t i n t h e C o m m i s s i o n w i t h a n y c o a l or m i n e of coal a n y 40 -45 right to withdraw support from any land supported thereby. 5 . — ( 1 ) I n a case i n w h i c h t h e fee s i m p l e i n a n y c o a l o r m i n e o f coal, o r t h e t e r m o f y e a r s u n d e r a c o a l - m i n i n g l e a s e o f a n y c o a l o r m i n e of. c o a l , w a s v e s t e d . i m m e d i a t e l y b e f o r e t h e a p p o i n t e d d a y i n a p e r s o n o t h e r t h a n t h e p e r s o n i n w h o m the fee s i m p l e i n l a n d s u p p o r t e d t h e r e b y . . . w a s t h e n vested,, t h e r e s h a l l v e s t i n t h e A . D . 1937,. * — ­ 2 N D Son,, -cont. ' '- ' ­ A.D.1937* SOH." commission with the coal or mine such right (if any) to withdraw support from that land, other than a working facilities right, was then annexed to that coal or mine. a s -cont. (2) Where the fee simple in any coal or mine of coal and the fee simple in land-supported thereby was vested immediately 5 before the appointed day in the same person, but a right to with­ draw support from that land vests in the Commission under the preceding sub-paragraph by reason of the subsistence of a term of years in the coal or mine, the period of the enjoyment of that right shall be extended so as to render it exercisable so long 10 as any coal to which it was annexed remains ungotten. ( 3 ) Subject as provided by the last preceding sub-para­ graph, a right vesting in the Commission under this paragraph shall vest in them subject to any restrictions, conditions or obligations subject to which it was created. 15 ­ 6 . — ( 1 ) In a case in which the fee simple in any coal or mine of coal and the fee simple in land supported thereby was vested immediately before the appointed day in the same person and no coal-mining lease of that coal or mine was then subsisting, there shall vest in the Commission, with that coal or mine, the 20 ­ like right to withdraw support from that land as if all such persons interested in that land at the appointed day as are deemed to be parties to the conveyance of the coal or mine to be assumed for the purposes of paragraph 1 of this Schedule by reason of their being interested also in the coal or mine, had conveyed therewith a 25 ­ right to withdraw support from that land so far as may be reasonably requisite for the working of any coal, subject to an obligation to make good, or to pay proper compensation for,— (a) damage arising from such working to that land, exclu­ sive of buildings or works thereon; and 30 (6) subject as hereinafter provided, damage arising from such working to buildings or works thereon. (2) The Commission shall give public notice by advertisement in one or more newspapers circulating in the locality of any proposal on their part to exercise, or to grant to a lessee the 3& benefit of, a right vested in them by this paragraph, and, in the case of buildings or works whose construction is begun after the date of the first publication of the notice, the obligation imposed by' the preceding sub-paragraph shall be limited to damage which could not have been avoided by reasonable 4 0 ­ and proper precautions taken in the design and construction of the buildings or works to minimise damage in the event of subsidence. 7. On an application under section eight of the Mines (Working Facilities and Support) Act, 1923 (which provides 4 . ^ - . for the imposition by the Railway and Canal Commission of [IEDW.8. & 1 GEO. 6.] Coal. 43 restrictions on the working of minerals where a person having an A.D. 1937. interest in land is not entitled to support or to sufficient support for buildings or works), the applicant shall not be required to pay - 2ND SOH. —cont. or give any compensation or consideration in respect of the -5 imposition of restrictions appearing to the Railway and Canal Commission to be justified by circumstances due to the subsistence of a right to withdraw support vested in the Commission by paragraph 6 of this Schedule : Provided that the preceding provisions of this paragraph 10 shall not have effect in the case of an application sent to the Board of Trade after the expiration of six months from the date of thefirstpublication of a notice in relation to the right in question under the said paragraph 6. Application to Scotland. 8. This Schedule shall apply to Scotland, subject to the following modifications— (a) For paragraph 1 the following paragraph shall be sub­ stituted— " 1. Subject as in this Schedule provided with respect to j 20 *he vesting of rights to withdraw support, and subject to the provisions of section eleven of this Act with respect to working rights facilities, the provisions of section three of this Act shall give to the Commission as regards any coal or mine of coal the like title thereto 25 and the like rights, subject to the like burdens and restrictions affecting the same as if there had been granted to the Commission and duly recorded in the appropriate Register of Sasines, a conveyance in common form (including a clause of assignation of writs, and with entry at the appointed day) by allpersons g0 interested of all their rights, titles and interests in and to the said coal or mine of coal and as if each of such persons had been of full age and capacity, to the effect and intent of vesting the said coal or mine OR of coal absolutely in the Commission freed from all '' feudal prestations, and rights in security, if any, and subject only to the inherent right of superiority of the Crown. (6) Paragraph 2 of this Schedule shall have effect as if sub­ ^ paragraph ( 1 ) thereof were omitted. 15 0 A . D . 1937. THIRD SCHEDULE. P R O V I S I O N S AS TO C O M P E N S A T I O N P A Y A B L E SECTION THREE OP THIS A C T . UNDER Separate Subjects of Compensation. 1. S u b j e c t t o t h e p r o v i s i o n s o f p a r a g r a p h 2 o f t h i s S c h e d u l e , 5 compensation under section three o f this A c t shall be ascertained, and the Commission shall p a y such compensation, in respect of the following interests subsisting i m m e d i a t e l y before the a p p o i n t e d day, each of which shall constitute a separate subject of com­ 10 pensation— (a) (b) e a c h f r e e h o l d r e v e r s i o n i n c o a l h e r e d i t a m e n t s ( t h a t is t o say, i n t h e case o f c o a l o r a m i n e o f c o a l c o m p r i s e d i n a coal-mining lease d e r i v e d i m m e d i a t e l y o u t o f t h e fee simple a n d in t h e case o f p r o p e r t y a n d rights v e s t e d i n t h e C o m m i s s i o n t h e r e w i t h , t h e i n t e r e s t t h e r e i n -of t h e estate owner in respect of the fee simple of the coal or m i n e t o g e t h e r w i t h t h e interests t h e r e i n o f all persons claiming under h i m ) ; each c o n v e y e d leasehold reversion hi coal 15 hereditaments ( t h a t is t o say, i n t h e case o f c o a l o r a m i n e o f c o a l c o m p r i s e d i n a c o a l - m i n i n g lease t h a t is a n underlease, b e i n g c o a l o r a m i n e i n t h e case o f w h i c h a direction has been duly g i v e n under subsection (2) o f section eight o f this A c t , a n d i n t h e case o f p r o p e r t y a n d r i g h t s v e s t e d in the Commission therewith, the interests therein o f the estate owner i n respect o f the t e r m created b y the lease o u t o f w h i c h t h a t underlease w a s i m m e d i a t e l y derived together w i t h the interests therein o f all persons claiming under h i m ) ; (c.) e a c h ownership in freehold in possession hi coal h e r e d i t a m e n t s i n a n y v a l u a t i o n a r e a ( t h a t is t o s a y , i n t h e case o f all coal a n d m i n e s o f c o a l i n a n y v a l u a t i o n a r e a that immediately before the appointed day were n o t comprised in a n y coal-mining lease, a n d t h a t w e r e i n t h e l e g a l o w n e r s h i p as r e s p e c t s t h e f e e s i m p l e o f t h e same estate o w n e r a n d in t h e case o f p r o p e r t y a n d rights v e s t e d i n t h e C o m m i s s i o n thereAvith, t h e i n t e r e s t t h e r e i n of the estate o w n e r in respect of the fee simple of the c o a l a n d m i n e s t o g e t h e r Avith t h e i n t e r e s t s t h e r e i n o f all persons c l a i m i n g u n d e r h i m ) . 2 . — ( 1 ) I f t h e e s t a t e OAvner i n r e s p e c t o f a s u b j e c t o f c o m ­ p e n s a t i o n as a s c e r t a i n e d u n d e r p a r a g r a p h 1 o f t h i s S c h e d u l e , o r a p e r s o n c l a i m i n g u n d e r h i m , m a k e s a p p l i c a t i o n i n Avriting in 20 ­ 25 30 35 40 45 Coal. 5 10 15 t h a t b e h a l f t o t h e C o m m i s s i o n n o t l a t e r t h a n t h e e x p i r a t i o n o f six m o n t h s f r o m t h e a p p o i n t e d d a y a n d satisfies t h e m t h a t , b y reason o f the subsistence of different interests in different parcels o f coal or different mines in the ownership of t h e estate owner, the interests in those parcels or mines respectively and in p r o p e r t y a n d r i g h t s v e s t e d i n t h e C o m m i s s i o n t h e r e w i t h o u g h t t o b e t r e a t e d as constituting separate subjects of c o m p e n s a t i o n , t h e y shall b e so treated. (2) P r o v i s i o n m a y be m a d e b y rules m a d e b y t h e B o a r d o f T r a d e for the consolidation o f t w o or m o r e subjects o f c o m ­ p e n s a t i o n as a s c e r t a i n e d u n d e r t h e p r e c e d i n g p r o v i s i o n s o f this S c h e d u l e , o r f o r t h e d i v i s i o n o f a s u b j e c t o f c o m p e n s a t i o n as s o a s c e r t a i n e d i n t o t w o or m o r e s u b j e c t s , o r f o r t r e a t i n g as c o n ­ stituting a separate subject of compensation a n y interests t h a t w o u l d o t h e r w i s e b e c o m p r i s e d in a subject or subjects o f c o m p e n s a t i o n as so a s c e r t a i n e d . Rules m a d e for the purposes o f this paragraph m a y provide for a n y such m o d i f i c a t i o n o f t h e p r o v i s i o n s o f section f o u r o f this A c t a n d of this Schedule in their a p p l i c a t i o n t o claims for, a n d t h e 20 a s c e r t a i n m e n t a n d p a y m e n t of, c o m p e n s a t i o n f o r t h e s u b j e c t s o f c o m p e n s a t i o n t o w h i c h the rules r e l a t e as m a y a p p e a r t o t h e B o a r d o f T r a d e t o b e requisite or convenient. Notices of claims for compensation and investigation thereof. 25 30 . 3.—(1) A n o t i c e o f claim shall be in t h e prescribed f o r m a n d must be served b y the person entitled to the compensation for the subject of compensation t o w h i c h the claim relates or b y a person h a v i n g an interest comprised in t h a t subject, a n d there must be furnished t o the Commission w i t h the notice t h e prescribed particulars, verified in such m a n n e r b y statutory d e c l a r a t i o n or otherwise as t h e C o m m i s s i o n m a y reasonably require,— (a) o f t h e c o a l or m i n e t o w h i c h t h e c l a i m relates; (6) o f a n y p r o p e r t y o r r i g h t s c l a i m e d t o h a v e v e s t e d i n Commission w i t h the c o a l or 35 40 the mine; (c) w h e r e t h e c l a i m is i n r e s p e c t o f a f r e e h o l d o r l e a s e h o l d r e v e r s i o n , o f t h e lease o r underlease i n w h i c h t h e coal hereditaments t o w h i c h the c l a i m relates are c l a i m e d t o h a v e b e e n comprised, or, w h e r e t h e c l a i m is m a d e i n respect o f an ownership in freehold i n possession, o f the p e r s o n i n w h o s e o w n e r s h i p as e s t a t e o w n e r i n r e s p e c t o f the fee simple those hereditaments are c l a i m e d t o have been; and (d) of any matters to which the title of the Commission to those coal hereditaments may be subject. 19 G A . D . 1937* —'­ " '' ' 3 r d S o m h A . D . 1937. 3BD S C H . cont. ( 2 ) There must further be furnished to the Commission with a notice of claim such particulars, verified as aforesaid, of the title to the coal or mine to which the claim relates as may be prescribed for the purpose of enabling the Commission— (a) to satisfy themselves that the notice is served by a person 5 qualified in that behalf under the preceding sub­ paragraph; and (b) to ascertain who is the person entitled to the compehsa­ tion: Provided that if the person by whom a notice of claim is 1 0 served satisfies the Commission that he is unable to furnish any of the particulars required by this sub-paragraph with the notice, the requirements thereof shall be deemed to have been satisfied as to those particulars if they are furnished within the prescribed 15 period after the date of the service of the notice. ( 3 ) The person by whom a notice of claim was served shall, on being requested by the Commission or the compensation tribunal so to do, give to them such further information with respect to the subject of compensation to which the claim relates as they may reasonably require for the purposes of the discharge 2 0 of their functions under this Schedule. . 4 . — ( 1 ) Any person interested in a subject of compensation who, not later than the expiration of six months from the appointed day, serves upon the Commission a request in writing in that behalf shall be entitled to be furnished by the Commission with a copy 25 of any notice of claim in respect of that subject which may be served upon them by any other person and to inspect the particulars furnished "in relation thereto. ( 2 ) In this Schedule references to the person by whom a notice of claim was served, or to a person entitled under this 30 paragraph to a copy of such a notice, shall, in a case in which such a person dies or becomes incapable of acting, be construed as references to a person substituted for that person in accordance with rules. 5.—(1) The Commission shall examine a notice of claim 35 duly served on them with respect to the questions—* (a) whether any property or rights claimed to have vested in the Commission with the coal or mine to which the claim relates did so vest, and whether there vested in the Commission therewith any property or rights not 4 0 claimed to have so vested; (b) whether all the coal hereditaments claimed to have been comprised in a lease or underlease were so comprised; (c) in a case in which any of the coal hereditaments claimed to have been in the ownership of a person as estate 4 5 o w n e r i n r e s p e c t o f t h e fee s i m p l e are c l a i m e d b y a n o t h e r d u l y s e r v e d notice to h a v e b e e n so i n the o w n e r ­ s h i p o f a different p e r s o n , w h e t h e r t h e y w e r e so i n the ownership of the first-mentioned p e r s o n ; 5 10 (d) and w h e t h e r t h e title o f t h e C o m m i s s i o n to t h e c o a l h e r e d i t a ­ ments. t o w h i c h t h e c l a i m r e l a t e s is s u b j e c t t o a n y m a t t e r s specified i n t h a t b e h a l f in t h e particulars f u r n i s h e d , a n d w h e t h e r it is s u b j e c t t o a n y m a t t e r s n o t therein specified; with respect to any other question whose determination appears to the Commission to b e requisite. (2) T h e Commission shall c o n s i d e r a n y r e p r e s e n t a t i o n with r e s p e c t to a n o t i c e o f c l a i m w h i c h a p e r s o n e n t i t l e d u n d e r t h e last p r e c e d i n g p a r a g r a p h to a c o p y o f t h e n o t i c e m a y m a k e t o t h e m 15 within one furnished 20 to month from the date on which a c o p y t h e r e o f is him. ( 3 ) I f a n y difference arises a s t o a n y o f t h e q u e s t i o n s a f o r e s a i d b e t w e e n the Commission and the person b y w h o m the notice of c l a i m w a s s e r v e d , or a p e r s o n w h o h a s d u t y m a d e a r e p r e s e n t a t i o n thereon as aforesaid, o r a person b y w h o m a n o t h e r notice of c l a i m affecting a n y o f t h o s e q u e s t i o n s h a s b e e n d u l y s e r v e d , t h e C o m m i s s i o n shall m a k e a n a p p l i c a t i o n t o t h e H i g h C o u r t f o r t h e d e t e r m i n a t i o n o f the difference a n d t h e difference s h a l l be determined b y that Court. 25 6. W h e n t h e C o m m i s s i o n h a v e e x a m i n e d a notice o f c l a i m d u l y s e r v e d u p o n t h e m a n d h a v e satisfied t h e m s e l v e s as t o t h e matters referred to in the last preceding p a r a g r a p h i n a g r e e m e n t w i t h the p e r s o n s t h e r e i n m e n t i o n e d , o r a n y difference as to a n y o f those matters has been determined b y the Court, the Commission 30 s h a l l n o t i f y t o t h e c o m p e n s a t i o n t r i b u n a l the p a r t i c u l a r s o f t h e s u b j e c t o f c o m p e n s a t i o n as f u r n i s h e d t o the C o m m i s s i o n , o r as m o d i f i e d b y t h e m i n a g r e e m e n t as a f o r e s a i d or i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h a d e t e r m i n a t i o n o f t h e C o u r t , as t h e case m a y b e , a n d t h e c o m p e n s a ­ tion tribunal shall proceed to ascertain the v a l u e thereof in 35 a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e s u c c e e d i n g p r o v i s i o n s of this S c h e d u l e . 7. T h e i n c l u s i o n o f a n y p r o p e r t y o r r i g h t s i n t h e p a r t i c u l a r s o f a subject of compensation d u l y notified to the c o m p e n s a t i o n t r i b u n a l u n d e r t h e last p r e c e d i n g p a r a g r a p h shall b e c o n c l u s i v e e v i d e n c e t h a t t h e p r o p e r t y or r i g h t s w e r e i n c l u d e d i n t h e c o a l 40 h e r e d i t a m e n t s i n w h i c h t h e s u b j e c t o f c o m p e n s a t i o n s u b s i s t e d as a g a i n s t t h e e s t a t e o w n e r i n r e s p e c t thereof, a n d a l l p e r s o n s c l a i m i n g u n d e r h i m , a n d t h e i r successors i n t i t l e r e s p e c t i v e l y , a n d o n a n y a p p l i c a t i o n t o t h e C o u r t u n d e r p a r a g r a p h 5 o f this S c h e d u l e t h e C o u r t may,- a t t h e r e q u e s t o f t h e C o m m i s s i o n , if t h e C o u r t t h i n k s 4 5 fit, m a k e a d e c l a r a t i o n w i t h r e s p e c t to a n y m a t t e r t o b e d e t e r m i n e d o n the a p p l i c a t i o n so as t o b e b i n d i n g o n a n y o t h e r p e r s o n . 19 G 2 A . D . 1937, ­ 3 b d S c h —cont. ­ .[1 E D W . 8. &­ 1 G E O . 6] A.D. 1937. Constitution of Compensation Tribunal. 3 B D SOH —cont.' T h e B o a r d o f T r a d e shall, after consultation w i t h t h e chairman of the Mineral Owners. Joint Committee and the president of the . Chartered Surveyors Institution, appoint s u c h n u m b e r o f p e r s o n s h a v i n g e x p e r i e n c e in- t h e v a l u a t i o n o f c o a l h e r e d i t a m e n t s as t h e B o a r d t h i n k r e q u i s i t e t o b e m e m b e r s , together with a competent and impartial person appointed b y the B o a r d a f t e r s u c h c o n s u l t a t i o n as a f o r e s a i d t o a c t a s c h a i r m a n , o f a t r i b u n a l t o p e r f o r m t h e functions assigned b y this A c t t o the compensation tribunal. 9. A p e r s o n a p p o i n t e d u n d e r t h e l a s t p r e c e d i n g p a r a g r a p h s h a l l h o l d office f o r such t e r m as t h e B o a r d o f T r a d e m a y d e t e r m i n e at t h e t i m e of his a p p o i n t m e n t , a n d shall be entitled t o b e p a i d b y t h e C o m m i s s i o n r e m u n e r a t i o n a t s u c h r a t e as m a y b e f i x e d b y t h e B o a r d o f T r a d e a t t h e t i m e o f his a p p o i n t m e n t . 10. A m e m b e r o f t h e c o m p e n s a t i o n t r i b u n a l o t h e r t h a n t h e c h a i r m a n s h a l l d e v o t e t h e w h o l e o f his t i m e t o t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e functions aforesaid a n d shall n o t , whilst h o l d i n g office, b e i n p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h a n y p e r s o n w h o e n g a g e s i n t h e business o f a v a l u e r or o f a mineral s u r v e y o r or in a n y similar business. A member of the compensation tribunal w h o contravenes the provisions o f this paragraph shall b e liable o n s u m m a r y c o n v i c t i o n to a f i n e n o t e x c e e d i n g t e n p o u n d s i n respect o f e v e r y d a y on w h i c h h e acts in c o n t r a v e n t i o n thereof. 5 10 15 : 20 11. T h e B o a r d o f T r a d e shall prescribe areas t h a t are t o b e t r e a t e d as v a l u a t i o n a r e a s f o r t h e p u r p o s e s o f t h i s A c t a n d t h e c o m p e n s a t i o n tribunal shall assign t h e said areas t o its m e m b e r s r e s p e c t i v e l y other t h a n t h e chairman, and shall delegate t o t h e m e m b e r t o w h o m a n y v a l u a t i o n a r e a is a s s i g n e d t h e f u n c t i o n o f ascertaining, subject t o the observance of directions t o b e g i v e n b y the tribunal for securing uniformity in the valuation o f all subjects o f c o m p e n s a t i o n , a n d certifying, t h e v a l u e of subjects o f c o m p e n s a t i o n t h a t subsisted in coal hereditaments situated in t h a t area. 25 12. T h e B o a r d o f T r a d e shall a p p o i n t s u c h n u m b e r o f p e r s o n s a s t h e y t h i n k fit t o a s s i s t e a c h v a l u e r a n d the c h a i r m a n o f the compensation tribunal in the discharge of their respective functions. A p e r s o n so a p p o i n t e d s h a l l a c t i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h s u c h d i r e c t i o n s as m a y b e g i v e n b y t h e p e r s o n w h o m h e i s a p p o i n t e d to a s s i s t , a n d s h a l l b e e n t i t l e d to be paid by the . C o m m i s s i o n r e m u n e r a t i o n a t s u c h r a t e as m a y be fixed by t h o B o a r d of T r a d e at t h e t i m e o f h i s a p p o i n t m e n t . 35 ­ 30 40 A.P, 1937. Rules as to Valuation, 5 13. A v a l u a t i o n o f a s u b j e c t o f c o m p e n s a t i o n c o n s i s t i n g o f a n o w n e r s h i p in f r e e h o l d i n p o s s e s s i o n i n c o a l h e r e d i t a m e n t s w h i c h , o r a n y p a r t o f w h i c h , a p e r s o n is e n t i t l e d b y v i r t u e o f a n a p p l i c a t i o n d u l y m a d e u n d e r s e c t i o n t w e l v e o f this A c t t o h a v e c o m p r i s e d in a lease t o b e g r a n t e d t o h i m , s h a l l b e m a d e i n l i k e m a n n e r a s if s u c h a l e a s e a s is t o b e g r a n t e d , c o m p r i s i n g t h o s e h e r e d i t a m e n t s , o r t h a t p a r t thereof, a s t h e c a s e m a y b e , h a d b e e n subsisting immediately before the a p p o i n t e d d a y . 14.. I n v a l u i n g a n y 10 shall be made Commission on of the compensation subject account of of the compensation, no compulsory coal hereditaments allowance vesting in the in w h i c h the subject of subsisted. 15. F o r t h e p u r p o s e s o f t h e v a l u a t i o n o f a s u b j e c t o f c o m ­ JL5 pensation, regard shall b e had to the state in w h i c h t h e hereditaments in w h i c h t h a t subject of compensation coal subsisted were immediately before the appointed d a y . Procedure of valuers. 20 25 16. I n t h e a s c e r t a i n m e n t o f the v a l u e o f a s u b j e c t o f c o m p e n ­ s a t i o n t h e v a l u e r s h a l l g i v e t o the p e r s o n b y w h o m t h e n o t i c e o f claim w a s served, a n d to a n y person entitled under p a r a g r a p h 4 o f this S c h e d u l e to a c o p y of the notice, a n o p p o r t u n i t y of b e i n g h e a r d i f h e so desires, a n d t h o s e p e r s o n s s h a l l b e e n t i t l e d t o call o n e ( a n d , unless t h e v a l u e r o t h e r w i s e directs, n o t m o r e t h a n o n e ) e x p e r t w i t n e s s to g i v e e v i d e n c e as t o t h e v a l u e o f t h e s u b j e c t o f c o m p e n s a t i o n to w h i c h t h e notice relates. I n the event of difference b e t w e e n t h e p e r s o n s a f o r e s a i d a s t o t h e p e r s o n t o b e c a l l e d a s a n e x p e r t w i t n e s s , t h e difference s h a l l b e d e t e r m i n e d b y the valuer. 3Q 17. A s s o o n as m a y b e a f t e r t h e v a l u a t i o n o f a s u b j e c t o f c o m p e n s a t i o n h a s b e e n c o m p l e t e d , the c o m p e n s a t i o n t r i b u n a l shall certify t h e a m o u n t s ascertained b y h i m to the C o m m i s s i o n i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e p r o v i s i o n s o f s e c t i o n f o u r o f this A c t , a n d t h e C o m m i s s i o n s h a l l s e n d a c o p y o f the certificate t o t h e p e r s o n 35 b y w h o m the notice o f claim w a s served. 18. S u b j e c t as aforesaid, the procedure s h a l l b e s u c h as t h e B o a r d o f T r a d e m a y 19. T h e p r o v i s i o n s of the before a valuer determine. Arbitration Acts, 1889 t o 1934, w i t h respect t o — -40 ( ) the achninistration o f oaths, a n d the t a k i n g o f a tions; affirma­ 3 D SOH cont.' B Coal. 50 (b) A . D . 1937. [1 JEDW. 8. & 1 G E O . 6.1 t h e c o r r e c t i o n o f m i s t a k e s a n d e r r o r s in a w a r d s ; and (c) t h e s u m m o n i n g , a t t e n d a n c e a n d e x a m i n a t i o n o f witnesses 3RD SOH, and the production o f —cont. . shall apply in respect of documents; proceedings before a valuer, but s a v e as a f o r e s a i d t h e s a i d A c t s s h a l l n o t a p p l y t o o r a t a n y s u c h 5"' proceedings. Disposal of compensation as between the Commission and the person entitled. 20. T h e p e r s o n e n t i t l e d t o t h e c o m p e n s a t i o n f o r a n y of compensation (a) subject s h a l l b e a s c e r t a i n e d a s f o l l o w s :—- 10 '* i f t h e s u b j e c t o f c o m p e n s a t i o n consists s o l e l y o f a fee simple or term of years that was vested immediately b e f o r e t h e a p p o i n t e d d a y in a single person absolutely e n t i t l e d in e q u i t y , h e shall b e the person e n t i t l e d ; (6) i f t h e s u b j e c t o f c o m p e n s a t i o n could, i m m e d i a t e l y b e f o r e t h e a p p o i n t e d d a y , h a v e b e e n sold a n d c o n v e y e d t o a purchaser in such m a n n e r as t o b i n d or over-reach all estates and interests o f the estate owner i n respect o f t h e subject o f c o m p e n s a t i o n a n d o f all persons claiming u n d e r h i m (either in t h e actual circumstances or if a n y requisite consent or approval had been o b t a i n e d ) — (i) under the powers conferred b y the Settled Act, 1925, o r u n d e r a n y a d d i t i o n a l p o w e r s 15^ 20 Land conferred b y a settlement, or (ii) b y trustees for sale, o r 25 (iii) b y a personal representative o f his p a r a m o u n t powers, or (iv) under powers conferred by in any the other exercise enact­ ment, the person w h o could have given a valid discharge for t h e p u r c h a s e m o n e y arising o n such a sale if p a i d o n t h e d a t e o n w h i c h t h e c o m p e n s a t i o n is p a i d s h a l l b e the person entitled; (c) i n a case in w h i c h e i t h e r of t h e p r e c e d i n g 30 sub-paragraphs w o u l d h a v e a p p l i e d b u t for t h e subsistence o f a m o r t g a g e n o t capable o f b e i n g o v e r - r e a c h e d as m e n t i o n e d i n t h e last preceding s u b - p a r a g r a p h — ( i ) e x c e p t i n a case i n w h i c h i m m e d i a t e l y b e f o r e t h e a p p o i n t e d d a y the m o r t g a g e e or a receiver a p p o i n t e d b y h i m w a s in possession, or i n r e c e i p t o f the income, of the premises in which the subject o f c o m p e n s a t i o n subsisted, t h e Commission m a y serve n o t i c e in w r i t i n g o n the m o r t g a g e e t h a t t h e y propose 3& 40 to act under this provision, and, if within one month after service of the notice, the mortgagee does not give notice in writing to the Commission that he objects to their so acting, the person who would have been entitled if sub-paragraph (a) or (6), as the case may be, of this paragraph had applied, shall be the person entitled, 40 15 20 (ii) in the excepted case aforesaid, and in a case in which the Commission do not think fit to serve notice as aforesaid or a mortgagee served with such a notice gives notice of objection as aforesaid, the mortgagee shall be the person entitled; (d) in any other case, and also in any such case as aforesaid if the Commission consider it expedient in order to avoid expense or delay or for any special reason, the Commission may make payment to the proper officer of the Supreme Court or, in a case where the sum to be paid does not exceed five hundred pounds, of the county court, in accordance with rules of court, or to trustees appointed by the Commission, and that officer or the trustees, as the case may be, shall be the person entitled. 2 1 . — ( 1 ) Where before the valuation of a subject of compen­ sation has been completed the valuer is satisfied that the value -25 thereof will be ascertained to be not less than a particular amount, he may transmit to the Commission a certificate to the effect that he is so satisfied specifying that amount, and after receiving such a certificate, or a certificate transmitted under paragraph 17 of this Schedule, the Commission may "30 make before the compensation date on account of the com­ pensation in respect of the subject of compensation to which the certificate relates such payment, calculated by reference to the sum specified in the certificate, as they think fit. (2) Any payment on account of compensation made under 35 this Act before the compensation date shall, for the purpose of ascertaining the total amount payable under section four of this Act in respect of the principal sum and the interest respec­ tively payable thereunder, be brought into account as between the Commission and the person entitled as a payment on account 40 of principal. Disposal of compensation as between beneficial interests. 22. The compensation paid in respect of any subject of compensation and the income thereof shall be held and disposed of for the - benefit of the persons whose interests in any coal 45 hereditaments are comprised in that subject and their successors in title respectively, in such manner as to confer on them the like - AiDi 1937. "-*: 3 S D SOH. benefits, so f a r as m a y b e , as t h e y w o u l d h a v e h a d f r o m t h o s e c o a l h e r e d i t a m e n t s a n d t h e i n c o m e t h e r e o f if t h e v e s t i n g i n t h e Commission h a d n o t taken place. —cont. 2 3 . Where^ compensation is paid to a v i r t u e o f s u b - p a r a g r a p h (c) (i) o f p a r a g r a p h and the security under the mortgage in person entitled by 2 0 of this Schedule question addition t o a n interest in coal hereditaments includes, comprised in subject of compensation, other p r o p e r t y , the C o m m i s s i o n 5 in the may, w i t h t h e consent o f t h e m o r t g a g e e , b y o r d e r d i r e c t t h a t t h e c o m ­ p e n s a t i o n s h a l l b e d i s p o s e d o f as if t h e m o r t g a g e h a d n o t i n c l u d e d t h a t interest a n d t h a t with the whole of the the other "property shall s t a n d principal and interest secured 10' charged by the paragraph the mortgage. Costs of compensation proceedings. 2 4 . — ( 1 ) Subject to the provisions of C o m m i s s i o n shall b e l i a b l e t o p a y t h e costs (a) the preparation a n d service, a n d this 15 of— of t h e e x a m i n a t i o n by t h e C o m m i s s i o n , o f a n o t i c e of c l a i m ; (6) a n application m a d e to the C o u r t under p a r a g r a p h 5 o f this S c h e d u l e ; 20' (c) p r o c e e d i n g s b e f o r e a v a l u e r ; (d) and the distribution b y the Court of a s u m p a i d into under p a r a g r a p h 2 0 of this Schedule. Court ( 2 ) T h e T r e a s u r y s h a l l p r e s c r i b e a scale o f costs t o b e p a i d under the preceding sub-paragraph in the case of proceedings 25- before a valuer. ( 3 ) I n case o f difference as to t h e a m o u n t o f t h e costs, o t h e r t h a n costs o f C o u r t p r o c e e d i n g s , to b e p a i d u n d e r s u b - p a r a g r a p h ( 1 ) o f this p a r a g r a p h , t h e B o a r d o f T r a d e m a y direct in w h a t m a n n e r t h e y a r e to b e t a x e d . (4) Unless the 30' valuer otherwise directs, the Commission shall n o t b e l i a b l e t o p a y a n y s u c h costs as a f o r e s a i d , o t h e r t h a n costs o f C o u r t p r o c e e d i n g s , w h e r e t h e s u b j e c t o f c o m p e n s a t i o n i n q u e s t i o n is a s c e r t a i n e d b y t h e v a l u e r to h a v e n o v a l u e . ( 5 ) T h e C o u r t m a y direct t h a t t h e C o m m i s s i o n s h a l l n o t b e liable to p a y a n y s u c h costs as a f o r e s a i d , b e i n g costs o f 35 Court proceedings incurred b y a p a r t y thereto w h o appears to the Court to h a v e been g u i l t y of a n y such unreasonable failure t o agree w i t h the Commission or a n y other p a r t y , or of a n y such negligence or d e f a u l t , as to d i s e n t i t l e h i m t o p a y m e n t thereof, o r b e i n g costs of C o u r t p r o c e e d i n g s r e l a t i n g t o a s u b j e c t o f c o m p e n s a t i o n t h a t is ascertained b y the v a l u e r to h a v e no value. 40 ; Application to Scotland. 25. The foregoing provisions of this Schedule shall apply to Scotland, subject to the following modifications— (i) For heads (a), (6) and (c) of paragraph 1 the following shall 5 be substituted— (a) in the case of coal or a mine of coal comprised in a coal-mining lease (not being a sub-lease) and in the case of property and rights vested iu the Corn­ mission therewith, the interest therein of the landlord 10 under the lease (hereinafter referred to as the estate owner in respect of the fee simple) together with the interests therein of all persons claiming under him; 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 (6) in the case of coal or a mine of coal comprised in a coal-mining lease that is a sub-lease being coal or a mine of coal in the case of which a direction has been duly given under subsection ( 2 ) of section eight of this Act, and in the case of property and rights vested in the Commission therewith, the interest therein of the person who is the landlord under the sub-lease (hereinafter referred to as the estate owner), together with the interests of all persons claiming under him; (c) hi the case of all coal and mines of coal in any valuation area that immediately before the appointed day were not comprised in any coal-mining lease, and that were in the ownership of the same person, as proprietor of the dominium utile (hereinafter referred to as the estate owner in respect of the fee simple), and in the case of property and rights vested in the Commission with such coal or mine of coal, the interest of that person, together with the interests therein of all persons claiming under him. (ii) For paragraph 19 the following paragraph shall be substituted— 19. The Court of Session or the sheriff court shall in respect of proceedings before a valuer have the like powers to grant warrant to enforce the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents as if the valuer were an arbiter, and the valuer shall have power to examine witnesses on bath or affirmation. (ih) For paragraph 2 0 the following paragraph shall be substituted— 20. The person entitled to payment of the com­ pensation shall be ascertained as follows— (a) Where,the whole interests comprised in one subject of compensation are vested in one person, he shall be the person entitled; 19 H A 3 [ 1 E D W . 8. & -1 G E O . 6.j (6) i f A . D . 1937. the immediately 3RD subject of compensation before the appointed day could, have been sold and conveyed to a purchaser SCH; —cont. (i) b y a n y person or persons holding t h e same 5 in a fiduciary capacity, or (ii) b y the heir at l a w duly served o f a deceased owner, or (iii) under powers conferred b y a n y enactment i n such m a n n e r as t o g i v e t h e purchaser a v a l i d t i t l e f r e e f r o m all feudal prestations and subject only to the inherent right superiority o f the Crown, the person or persons w h o could of 10 have g i v e n a v a l i d discharge for the purchase m o n e y arising o n such a s a l e i f p a i d o n t h e d a t e o n w h i c h t h e c o m p e n s a t i o n is p a i d s h a l l be the person etititled; ( c ) i n a case i n w h i c h e i t h e r o f t h e p r e c e d i n g sub-paragraphs w o u l d have applied but for the existence o f the rights o f a superior or t h e sub­ sistence o f a heritable security (i) e x c e p t in a case in which 15 immediately b e f o r e t h e a p p o i n t e d d a y t h e c r e d i t o r i n a 20 heritable security w a s in possession of t h e premises in which the subject o f compensa­ t i o n subsisted or a n y p a r t t h e r e o f t h e Commission m a y serve notice in writing o n t h e s u p e r i o r o r t h e c r e d i t o r o r b o t h , a s 25 t h e case m a y b e , t h a t t h e y p r o p o s e t o a c t under this p r o v i s i o n , a n d i f w i t h i n o n e month after the service o f t h e notice no superior o r creditor g i v e s n o t i c e in w r i t i n g t o t h e C o m m i s s i o n t h a t h e o b j e c t s 30 t o t h e i r so a c t i n g , t h e person w h o w o u l d have been entitled if sub-paragraph (a) o r (6), as t h e c a s e m a y b e , o f t h i s p a r a g r a p h h a d applied shall be the person e n t i t l e d ; ( i i ) i n t h e e x c e p t e d case t h e C o m m i s s i o n m a y serve notice o n the superior or superiors, if any, that t h e y propose to act under this provision and if within one m o n t h after the service o f the notice no superior gives notice in writing to the Commission that he objects to their so acting t h e creditor i n t h e h e r i t a b l e s e c u r i t y shall be the person entitled; 35 40 (d) in any other case and also in any such A . D . 1937. case as aforesaid if the Commission consider it * expedient in order to avoid expense or delay or —cont. for any other special reason the Commission shall consign or deposit the compensation in a bank subject to the orders of the Court of Session or, where such compensation does not exceed five hundred pounds, of the sheriff court, and the compensation shall thereafter be paid in such proportions to such persons as the Court of Session or sheriff court, as the case, may be, shall deter­ mine : 3 b d 5 10 Provided that in the case of any person under disability or holding under a limited title the Court of Session or the sheriff court may direct that any compensation in which such person may have an interest shall be invested, distributed or other­ wise applied in such manner as the Court of Session, or the sheriff court may deem just. 15 20 (iv) For paragraph 23 the following paragraph shall be substituted— . 25 30 35 40 45 2 3 . Where any coal or mine of coal or other property or rights vested in the Commission by virtue of this Act shall, immediately prior to the appointed day, be subject to a feu-duty or a heritable security, which affects also other property not so vested, and compensation is paid to the person entitled to such feu-duty or the creditor in such heritable security, such person or creditor shall be bound to execute a discharge or deed of restriction to such extent and on such conditions as, may, failing agree­ ment, be determined by the sheriff. The Commission shall be liable to pay the costs incurred in connection with the execution and recording in the Register of Sasines of any­ such discharge or deed of restriction as the same may be taxed by the auditor of the sheriff court. (v) In this Schedule references to a freehold reversion, a conveyed leasehold reversion, and an ownership in freehold in possession, shall be construed respectively as references to the whole nterests specified in heads (a), (6) and (c) of the paragraph directed by sub-paragraph (i) of this paragraph to be substituted for paragraph 1. 19 H 2 S o h A . D . 1937. 3BD S C H . '—cont. .-. TABLE. Person entitled to, and disposal of, compensation for Grown lands. - Land, Person entitled. Manner of disposal of principal and interest. L a n d under the manage­ ment of the Commis­ sioners of Crown Lands. T h e Commissioners of Crown Lands. : Land held by His Majesty i n right of the D u c h y of Lancaster. T h e person t o w h o m the purchase m o n e y f o r l a n d sold u n d e r the D u c h y of L a n ­ caster L a n d s Act, 1855, is p a y a b l e . As sums repre­ senting such pur­ chase m o n e y a n d sums r e p r e s e n t i n g interest thereon respectively. Land held by His Majesty in right of H i s p r i v a t e estates. Such p e r s o n as m a y b e nominated under His M a j e s t y ' s r o y a l sign manual. I n such m a n n e r as His Majesty m a y be pleased to direct. L a n d forming part of t h e possessions o f t h e D u c h y of Cornwall. T h e person t o w h o m gross sums o f m o n e y receivable in respect o f a sale o f a n y o f t h e s a i d possessions under the D u c h y of Cornwall Manage­ m e n t A c t s , 1863 t o 1893, a r e p a y a b l e . A s such gross sums and sums repre­ senting interest thereon respectively. [Such p e r s o n as t h e Treasury m a y direct.] [ I n such m a n n e r as the Treasury m a y direct.] Land belonging t o a Government depart­ m e n t or h e l d i n trust for H i s Majesty for the purposes o f a Govern­ ment department. A s c a p i t a l a n d in­ come respectively o f t h e l a n d re­ venues of the Crown. g 10 15 20 25 30 35 FOURTH SCHEDULE. P R O V I S I O N S A S TO C O M P U L S O R Y A C Q U I S I T I O N OP ANCILLARY RIGHTS. Procedure for submission and confirmation of orders. 5 1. A compulsory purchase order shall be in the prescribed . form and shall— (a) describe the nature of the right and, by reference to a map, the land in respect of which it is proposed to be acquired, with particulars, if deviations are to be per­ 10 mitted, of the limits thereof; and (6) specify whether the right is proposed to be acquired in perpetuity or for a limited period, and the means by which it is proposed to be conveyed to the Commission. 2. A compulsory purchase order shall incorporate, subject 15 to the modifications hereinafter mentioned and any necessary adaptations— (a) the Lands Clauses Acts; (b) the Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1 9 1 9 ; and 20 (c) section seventy-seven of the Railways Clauses Con­ solidation Act, 1845. 3. The modifications subject to which the Lands Clauses Acts and the Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) . Act, 1919, shall be incorporated in the order are as follows : ­ 25 30 35 40 (a.) the compensation or consideration to be paid or given in . respect of the acquisition or exercise of the right (whether by way of a lump sum payment or of rent or of an obligation to make good, or to pay proper compensation for, damage done, or otherwise) shall be determined by agreement, or, in default of agreement, by an official arbitrator under the Acquisition of Land (Assess­ ment of Compensation) Act, 1919, in accordance with the provisions of that Act, subject, however, to the provisions of section six of this Act and of this Schedule relating to the compensation or consideration to be paid or given in certain cases; (6) the power conferred by section seven of the Lands Clauses Act, 1845, upon persons under a disability to sell, convey and release lands, and to enter into all the necessary agreements for that purpose, shall include power to any such persons to grant any right A . D . 1937. A . D . 1937. 4TH.SOH. —cont. proposed t o be acquired, and to enter into any ment therefor; agree­ ( c ) w h e r e t h e r i g h t t o b e a c q u i r e d is n o t t h e e s t a t e i n simple absolute in a n y fee land— (i) for references in section eighteen o f t h e L a n d s C l a u s e s A c t , 1845, t o l a n d t o b e p u r c h a s e d o r t a k e n , t h e r e shall b e substituted references t o l a n d i n r e s p e c t o f w h i c h t h e r i g h t is p r o p o s e d t o b e a c q u i r e d ; (ii) t h e grant to the Commission proposed t o be acquired subject to such terms shall b e and of any right in such f o r m conditions as and may 5 ­ 10 be d e t e r m i n e d b y a g r e e m e n t , or, i n default o f a g r e e m e n t , b y an arbitrator selected parties or, i n default o f b y agreement agreement, b y between the the Board of 15 Trade; (cZ) W h e r e t h e l a n d i n r e s p e c t o f w h i c h t h e r i g h t is p r o p o s e d t o b e a c q u i r e d is g l e b e l a n d o r o t h e r l a n d b e l o n g i n g an ecclesiastical benefice, t h e o r d e r shall p r o v i d e sums agreed upon or awarded quisition o f the right, or t o in respect be paid by of way the of the land b y reason of severance or injury affecting Acts, but shall b e p a i d t o the Ecclesiastical ac­ com­ pensation for d a m a g e to be sustained b y the o w n e r l a n d shall n o t be p a i d as d i r e c t e d b y t h e L a n d s to that the Clauses Commis­ sioners t o b e a p p l i e d b y t h e m as m o n e y p a i d t o t h e m u p o n a sale, u n d e r t h e p r o v i s i o n s o f t h e 2Q. of 25 Ecclesiastical Leasing A c t s , of land belonging t o a benefice. 4. B e f o r e s u b m i t t i n g t h e o r d e r t o t h e B o a r d Commission shall— of Trade the (a) publish in one or m o r e newspapers circulating in the locality a notice in the prescribed form stating the fact of an order having been m a d e and describing the land i n r e s p e c t o f w h i c h t h e r i g h t is p r o p o s e d t o b e a c q u i r e d , and stating a place where a c o p y o f the order and o f the m a p referred to therein m a y b e seen at all reasonable hours; and (6) s e r v e i n t h e p r e s c r i b e d m a n n e r o n e v e r y o w n e r , lessee a n d o c c u p i e r ( e x c e p t t e n a n t s f o r a m o n t h o r less p e r i o d t h a n a m o n t h ) of t h e said land a notice in the prescribed f o r m s t a t i n g t h e e f f e c t o f t h e o r d e r a n d t h a t i t is a b o u t to be submitted t o the B o a r d for confirmation, and specifying the time within and the manner in which objections thereto can be made. 5.-(1) 30 35 40 I f w i t h i n t h e p r e s c r i b e d p e r i o d n o o b j e c t i o n is d u l y m a d e t o the order b y any of the persons u p o n w h o m notices are r e q u i r e d t o b e served, or if all such objections so m a d e are w i t h ­ drawn, then, subject t o the provisions of this Schedule, t h e B o a r d 45 may, without further inquiry, confirm the order either with or A.D. 1937. without modification, but in any other case the Board shall before confh'ming the order, appoint a competent and impartial 4 T H S e n . --con/.5 person, not being a person in the employment of any Government 5 Department to hold, a public inquiry in the locality, and shall consider the report of the person who held the inquiry and all objections made thereat, and may then confirm the order either with or without modification : Provided that the Board may require any person who has 10 made an objection to state in writing the grounds thereof, and may confirm the order without causing a public inquiry to be held, if they are satisfied that every objection duly made relates exclusively to matters which could be dealt with by the arbi­ trator to whom questions of disputed compensation are to be 15 referred. ( 2 ) The Commission and all persons interested in the land in respect of which the right is to be acquired, and such other persons as the person holding the inquiry in his discretion thinks fit to allow, shall be permitted to appear and to be heard at 20 an inquiry held under this paragraph. 6. A n order as confirmed by the Board shall not authorise the compulsory acquisition of any right which the order would not have authorised them so to acquire if it had been confirmed without modification. 2g Provisions as to compensation. 7. Where a right to be acquired is to be granted on the termination of a lease subsisting on the appointed day, or of a lease substituted for such a lease under section ten of this Act, and a similar right was comprised in that lease, 3Q the arbitrator, in determining whether any compensation or consideration is to be paid or given in respect of the acquisition or exercise of the right and the amount thereof, if any, shall have regard to the fact that that similar right was comprised in that lease and to the amount of the rent reserved by that lease 35 in respect thereof. 8. For the purpose of determining any compensation or consideration to be paid or given, the rent, if any, at which the land has been let, the rent at which it can be let for purposes other than coal-mining purposes, the loss, if any, caused to the 40 owner by severance, the terms and conditions of the acquisition, including anjr reservation of sporting or fishing rights, and all the other circumstances connected with the land, shall be taken into consideration. A . D . 1937. 4TH S C H . —cont. : General. 9. On the determination of any tenancy created pursuant to the order, any questions as to the amount due by the Commission or then- lessees for depreciation shall, in default of an. agreement, be determined by arbitration. 5 10. Where the land is subject to a mortgage, any lease made in pursuance of the order by the mortgagor or mortgagee in possession shall have the like effect as if it were a lease authorised by section rhnety-nine of the Law of Property Act, 1925. 11. Where the Commission are authorised by an order confirmed under this section to acquire a right compulsorily, then, at any time after notice to treat has been served, the Commission, or, if so authorised in that behalf by the Commission, the lessee under a coal-mining lease that comprises premises for the benefit of which the right is to be acquired, may, after giving to the owner and to the occupier of the land in respect of which the right is proposed to be acquired not less than fourteen days' notice, enter on and take possession of the land to such extent as may be requisite for the exercise of the right, without previous consent or compliance with sections eighty-four to ninety of the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1 8 4 5 , but subject to the payment by the Commission of the like compensation for the land of which possession is taken and interest on the compensation awarded as would have been payable if those provisions had been complied with. 10 15 20 - ­ 25 12. With respect to an order authorising the extinguishment of a servitude or to the discharge of a restrictive covenant, this Schedule shall have effect subject to the following modifications, that is to say:— (a) the order shall describe by reference to a map, and the 30 notice required to be published by sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph 4 of this Schedule shall describe,— (i) in the case of the extinguishment of a servitude, both the land to which it is annexed and-the land affected thereby.; and 35 (ii) in the case of the discharge of a restrictive covenant, both the land for the benefit of which the covenant runs and the land subject to the burden thereof; lb) for references to the right to be acquired there shall be 40 substituted references to the servitude to be extin­ guished or to the restrictive covenant to be discharged, as the case may be; 11 (c) f o r references t o t h e g r a n t o f t h e r i g h t t h e r e shall b e s u b s t i t u t e d r e f e r e n c e s t o t h e l-elease o f t h e e a s e m e n t t o be extinguished or t o the restrictive covenant t o be d i s c h a r g e d , a s t h e case m a y b e ; 5 (d) A.D. 1937. — ­ ­ 4 t h f o r references t o t h e l a n d i n respect o f w h i c h t h e r i g h t is t o b e a c q u i r e d there shall b e substituted references t o the land t o which t h e servitude t o b e extinguished is annexed, o r w i t h which t h e benefit of t h e restrictive covenant t o b e discharged runs. 10 13. I n construing f o r t h e p u r p o s e s o f this S c h e d u l e o r a n y order m a d e thereunder, any enactment incorporated w i t h t h e order, this A c t , t o g e t h e r w i t h t h e order, shall b e d e e m e d t o b e t h e special A c t , a n d t h e C o m m i s s i o n shall b e d e e m e d t o b e t h e p r o m o t e r s o f t h e undertaking, a n d t h e w o r d " l a n d " shall b e 15 d e e m e d t o include a n y interest i n l a n d a n d a n y servitude. Application to Scotland. 14. T h i s following Schedule shall apply to Scotland subject ( i ) P a r a g r a p h 3 s h a l l h a v e e f f e c t a s i f h e a d (d) w e r e 20 to the modifications— omitted therefrom; ' (ii) paragraph 10 s h a l l n o t a p p l y ; FIFTH SCHEDULE. ENFORCEMENT OF SUBSISTING C O A L - M I N I N G DURING TRANSITIONAL PERIOD. 25 LEASES 1. In this Schedule the expression " lease under receivership " means a lease in the case of which by virtue of section nine of this Act the provisions of this Schedule for the time being have effect. 2. Subject to the provisions of the next succeeding para­ graph, rent reserved by a lease under receivership, and the 30 benefit of every covenant or provision therein contained having reference to the subject-matter thereof and on the lessee's part to be observed or performed, and every condition of re-entry and other condition therein contained, shall be capable of being recovered, received, enforced and taken advantage of by a 35 Receiver appointed by the Commission to act for the purposes of this Schedule in relation to that lease, and not otherwise, and the provisions of Part V of the Law of Property Act, 1925, shall, in their operation in relation to that lease, have effect subject to the provisions of this paragraph. 19 I S o h 9) A D . 1937 -— 5TH S C H . c o n t 3 . - ( 1 ) A R e c e i v e r shall, for t h e purpose o f ascertaining t h e a m o u n t to be recovered b y h i m in respect of rent r e s e r v e d b y a lease u n d e r receivership t h a t comprises b o t h coal o r a m i n e which w a s underleased i m m e d i a t e l y before the appointed d a y a n d i n t h e c a s e o f w h i c h a d i r e c t i o n is g i v e n u n d e r s u b s e c t i o n ( 2 ) o f s e c t i o n e i g h t o f this A c t as respects interests t h e r e i n arising u n d e r t h e lease a n d also premises other t h a n t h e coal h e r e d i t a ­ ments affected b y the direction, apportion provisionally the rent r e s e r v e d b y t h e l e a s e as b e t w e e n t h e p a r t s t h e r e o f a t t r i b u t a b l e r e s p e c t i v e l y t o the coal hereditaments affected b y the direction a n d t o the other premises comprised in t h e lease. (2) A R e c e i v e r shall n o t h a v e p o w e r t o r e c o v e r a n y p a r t o f t h e r e n t r e s e r v e d b y a lease u n d e r r e c e i v e r s h i p t h a t is a p p o r t i o n e d under the preceding sub-paragraph to the coal hereditaments therein mentioned. 4 . — ( 1 ) A R e c e i v e r shall, for t h e purpose o f t h e distribution b y h i m o f r e n t r e c e i v e d i n respect o f a lease u n d e r receivership t h a t comprises b o t h coal hereditaments t h e i m m e d i a t e reversion w h e r e i n is v e s t e d i n t h e C o m m i s s i o n a n d o t h e r p r e m i s e s , a p p o r t i o n t h e r e n t as b e t w e e n t h e p a r t s t h e r e o f a t t r i b u t a b l e r e s p e c t i v e l y to those coal hereditaments and to those other premises. ( 2 ) A R e c e i v e r shall p a y all rent r e c e i v e d b y h i m for a n y p e r i o d in respect o f a lease under receivership, b e i n g rent r e s e r v e d b y a lease t h a t comprises o n l y coal h e r e d i t a m e n t s t h e immediate r e v e r s i o n w h e r e i n is v e s t e d i n t h e Commission o r b e i n g r e n t t h a t is a p p o r t i o n e d u n d e r t h e p r e c e d i n g s u b ­ p a r a g r a p h t o such coal h e r e d i t a m e n t s , t o t h e p e r s o n o r p e r s o n s w h o , i f this A c t h a d n o t been passed, w o u l d h a v e been entitled, in r i g h t o f the reversion i m m e d i a t e l y e x p e c t a n t o n t h a t lease or o f a n y superior reversion, t o rent for t h a t p e r i o d in respect o f t h e coal h e r e d i t a m e n t s i n r e s p e c t o f w h i c h t h e r e n t so r e c e i v e d b y t h e R e c e i v e r w a s reserved, or t o w h i c h it w a s apportioned b y h i m , as t h e case m a y b e , i n p r o p o r t i o n i f m o r e t h a n o n e to the net amounts to w h i c h those persons respectively w o u l d h a v e b e e n s o e n t i t l e d ( t h a t is t o s a y t h e a m o u n t s w h i c h t h e y Avould h a v e b e e n e n t i t l e d t o r e c e i v e i n r e s p e c t o f s u c h r e n t less a n y amounts in respect thereof the burden of w h i c h w o u l d h a v e fallen upon t h e m ) . ( 3 ) A R e c e i v e r shall p a y all rent r e c e i v e d b y h i m i n respect o f a l e a s e u n d e r r e c e i v e r s h i p , b e i n g r e n t t h a t is a p p o r t i o n e d u n d e r sub-paragraph (1) o f this p a r a g r a p h to t h e other premises therein m e n t i o n e d , t o t h e person w h o , if the lease h a d n o t been under receivership, would have been entitled in right of the reversion i m m e d i a t e l y e x p e c t a n t on t h a t lease, t o r e c e i v e t h a t r e n t . 5. A R e c e i v e r m a y m a k e p r o v i s i o n a l l y a n y a p p o r t i o n m e n t s o t h e r t h a n as a f o r e s a i d a p p e a r i n g t o h i m t o b e r e q u i s i t e f o r g i v i n g effect t o t h e provisions o f this Schedule. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 5 6.—(1) A R e c e i v e r s h a l l t r a n s m i t to t h e c o m p e n s a t i o n t r i b u n a l particulars of r e n t received b y him, a n d of a p p o r t i o n ­ m e n t s m a d e b y h i m , hi r e s p e c t o f a lease u n d e r r e c e i v e r s h i p , a n d the t r i b u n a l shall cause those a p p o r t i o n m e n t s t o b e r e v i e w e d b y t h e v a l u e r c h a r g e d u n d e r t h e T h i r d S c h e d u l e t o this A c t w i t h t h e f u n c t i o n o f a s c e r t a i n i n g t h e v a l u e o f interests i n p r e m i s e s s i t u a t e d i n t h e v a l u a t i o n a r e a in w h i c h t h e p r e m i s e s c o m p r i s e d i n t h a t lease are situated. (2) W h e n 10 the said apportionments have been reviewed, t h e v a l u e r shall t r a n s m i t t h e s a i d p a r t i c u l a r s t o t h e C o m m i s s i o n , specifying a n y a m e n d m e n t s of t h e said a p p o r t i o n m e n t s appearing b y the review thereof to b e requisite. 15 ( 3 ) A n a p p o r t i o n m e n t a m e n d e d as specified u n d e r t h e l a s t p r e c e d i n g s u b - p a r a g r a p h is i n this S c h e d u l e r e f e r r e d t o a s a final a p p o r t i o n m e n t . 7 . — ( 1 ) I n c o m p u t i n g the total a m o u n t of the principal a n d interest p a y a b l e u n d e r s e c t i o n f o u r o f t h i s A c t b y w a y o f compensation i n respect of a n y reversion, there shall be treated as h a v i n g been p a i d o n account of such compensation all rent 20 25 r e c e i v e d b y a R e c e i v e r i n r e s p e c t o f a lease u n d e r r e c e i v e r s h i p o n which that reversion w a s expectant and p a i d to a person in r i g h t o f t h a t r e v e r s i o n u n d e r p a r a g r a p h 4 o f this S c h e d u l e ( w h e t h e r u n d e r s u b - p a r a g r a p h ( 2 ) or u n d e r s u b - p a r a g r a p h ( 3 ) t h e r e o f ) less a n a m o u n t e q u a l t o — (a) a n y p a r t o f t h e r e n t so r e c e i v e d t h a t a c c r u e d b e f o r e t h e lease c a m e u n d e r r e c e i v e r s h i p ; (b) any part of the rent and so r e c e i v e d t h a t appears by the r e l e v a n t final a p p o r t i o n m e n t s t o h a v e b e e n a t t r i b u t a b l e to p r e m i s e s c o m p r i s e d i n t h e lease t h e i m m e d i a t e r e v e r ­ 30 sion w h e r e i n is n o t v e s t e d i n t h e C o m m i s s i o n ; a n d for the p u r p o s e s o f this s u b - p a r a g r a p h t h e d a t e o n w h i c h a n y r e n t t h a t is t o b e t r e a t e d as h a v i n g b e e n p a i d o n a c c o u n t of compensation w a s p a i d shall be deemed to be the date of the p a y m e n t on account. 35 ( 2 ) W h e r e r e n t t h a t u n d e r t h e p r e c e d i n g s u b - p a r a g r a p h is t o b e t r e a t e d as p a i d o n a c c o u n t o f t h e c o m p e n s a t i o n f o r a n y reversion has b e e n p a i d t o a person other t h a n the person entitled t o the compensation for that reversion, the person entitled m a y recover an a m o u n t e q u a l to t h a t p a y m e n t as a simple contract 40 d e b t from the person t o w h o m the p a y m e n t w a s m a d e . 45 ( 3 ) N o t w i t h s t a n d i n g the foregoing provisions of this p a r a ­ g r a p h , as b e t w e e n t h e p e r s o n s b e n e f i c i a l l y i n t e r e s t e d in t h e c a p i t a l a n d i n c o m e r e s p e c t i v e l y o f t h e c o m p e n s a t i o n for a n y r e v e r s i o n , so m u c h o f a n y r e n t , t h a t u n d e r s u b - p a r a g r a p h ( 1 ) o f this p a r a g r a p h is to b e t r e a t e d as p a i d o n a c c o u n t o f s u c h c o m ­ p e n s a t i o n , as w o u l d h a v e b e e n a p p l i c a b l e as i n c o m e i f t h a t reversion h a d n o t been vested in the Commission as regards the 19 1 2 A . D . 1937. . 5 t h Scar, -cont. A . D . 1937. —­ 6TH S C H . -cont. premises t o which the rent was attributable, shall b e applicable f o r t h e benefit o f t h e person i n t e r e s t e d in t h e i n c o m e o f t h e compensation, and paragraph 2 2 o f the T h i r d Schedule to this A c t shall h a v e effect subject t o this p r o v i s i o n . 8. W h e r e r e n t r e s e r v e d b y s u c h a l e a s e a s i s m e n t i o n e d i n p a r a g r a p h 3 of this Schedule has b e e n r e c o v e r e d b y a R e c e i v e r o n t h e basis o f a provisional a p p o r t i o n m e n t m a d e under t h a t paragraph­ (a) (b) if the rent finally apportioned to the premises comprised i n the lease o t h e r t h a n t h e coal h e r e d i t a m e n t s affected b y the relevant direction exceeds the rent recovered, t h e R e c e i v e r shall be entitled t o recover t h e excess as a s i m p l e c o n t r a c t d e b t f r o m t h e lessee f r o m w h o m t h e rent w a s r e c o v e r e d and shall p a y it t o t h e person w h o , i f the lease h a d n o t b e e n u n d e r receivership, w o u l d have been entitled t o recover the rent in respect of those premises; if the rent recovered exceeds the rent finally apportioned t o those p r e m i s e s , t h e lessee f r o m w h o m t h e r e n t w a s r e c o v e r e d s h a l l b e e n t i t l e d t o r e c o v e r t h e e x c e s s as a simple contract debt f r o m the Commission. 9. W h e r e a Receiver receives a n y rent otherwise than 5 10 15 20 in m o n e y , h e shall sell t h e p r o p e r t y r e c e i v e d , a n d r e f e r e n c e s i n t h i s Schedule t o r e n t shall b e construed i n r e l a t i o n t o a n y property 25 s o r e c e i v e d as r e f e r e n c e s t o t h e n e t p r o c e e d s o f s a l e t h e r e o f . 10. A n y s u m r e c e i v e d b y a R e c e i v e r i n r e s p e c t o f a l e a s e u n d e r receivership o t h e r t h a n r e n t r e s e r v e d t h e r e b y shall b e held by him in trust— (a) i n s o f a r as t h e h a b i h t y o f t h e p e r s o n f r o m w h o m t h a t sum was recovered was a h a b i h t y in respect o f an event occurring or of a period elapsing before t h e lease c a m e under receivership, for the person w h o w o u l d h a v e been e n t i t l e d t o r e c o v e r t h a t s u m f r o m t h e lessee o r o t h e r person liable t o p a y t h a t sum i f this A c t h a d n o t been passed; ( 6 ) i n so f a r as t h a t n a b i l i t y w a s a l i a b i l i t y i n r e s p e c t o f a n e v e n t occurring or o f a p e r i o d elapsing after t h e lease came under receivership, for the person w h o w o u l d have been entitled as aforesaid a n d the Commission in t h e proportions respectively in which that Uability was incurred in respect of premises the i m m e d i a t e reversion w h e r e i n is d e e m e d t o b e c o n v e y e d t o t h e C o m m i s s i o n and o f other premises respectively. 11. A Receiver may require any person claiming to 30 35 40 be entitled to have payments made to h i m b y the R e c e i v e r under 45 this Schedule to furnish such evidence, documentary or otherwise, A . D . 1937. for that purpose as the Receiver may reasonably require. 5TH S o n . 12. A Receiver may retain out of any sums received by him in his capacity as a Receiver, in priority to the payments 5 which he is required under the preceding provisions of this Schedule to make, such percentages by way of remuneration as may be determined by the Commission, and in determining the amount thereof the Commission shall have regard to the percentages commonly allowed for the remuneration of persons 10 employed before the appointed day in the collection of rents reserved by coal-mining leases. [ 1 3 . — ( 1 ) The provisions of this paragraph shall have effect with respect to the assessment, collection and recovery of mineral rights duty and of royalties welfare levy in respect of coal heredita­ 15 ments comprised in a lease under receivership. ( 2 ) In relation to a lease under receivership the lessee where­ under is a working lessee within the meaning of section twenty­ four of the Finance ( 1 9 0 9 - 1 0 ) Act, 1 9 1 0 , the Receiver shall be deemed to be the immediate lessor for the purposes of the pro­ 20 visions of that Act relating (as originally enacted and as applied by Part I I I of the Mining Industry Act, 1926) to the assessment, collection and recovery of the said duty and levy. ( 3 ) Where a Receiver pays any duty or levy as being deemed by virtue of the last preceding sub-paragraph to be the immediate 25 lessor under any lease under receivership, the Receiver shall make the appropriate deductions in respect of the said duty and levy from the rent payable by him under this Schedule.] 1 4 . — ( 1 ) In the selection of persons to act as Receivers, the Commission shall, so far as may be reasonably practicable, give 30 preference to persons employed before the appointed day in collecting rents reserved by coal-mimng leases. ( 2 ) A Receiver shall keep proper accounts of all sums received and paid by him in respect of a lease under receivership and shall permit the Commission and any person interested in 35 the demised premises or in a reversion in right of which any sum is or may be payable under this Schedule to inspect and take copies of the accounts at all reasonable times. ( 3 ) Any person who suffers damage by the misappropriation, or by the wilful or negligent misapplication, by a Receiver of sums 40 received by him in his capacity as a Receiver shall be entitled to recover from the Commission as a simple contract debt the amount of the damage sustained by him. ( 4 ) A Receiver shall, in respect of any act or default in his capacity as a Receiver, be personally liable to any person who 45 suffers damage thereby to the like extent as a receiver appointed by the High Court and to that extent only. —eont. [1 E D W , 8. & 1 G E O . 6.] A.D. 1937. 5TH S O H . -cont. ( 5 ) The High Court may, on the application of the Com­ mission, or of any person interested in premises comprised in a lease under receivership in respect of a reversion not deemed to be conveyed tojthe Commission, direct that the powers and duties of a Receiver or any of them shall be exercised and performed 5 under the directions of the Court. (6) Subject to the preceding provisions of this Schedule, a Receiver shall exercise and perform his powers and duties there­ under in accordance with any directions that may be given in that" behalf, either generally or in any particular case, by the 10 Board of Trade. 15. In the application of this Schedule to Scotland any reference to a Receiver appointed by the High Court of Justice shall be construed as a reference to a judicial factor. SIXTH GRANT SCHEDULE. 15 OF N E W LEASES I N S U B S T I T U T I O N F O R RETAINED LEASES. 1 . — ( 1 ) Where in exercise of the powers conferred on them by section ten of this Act the Commission propose to require the lessee under a retained lease to take a substituted lease of 20 premises the immediate reversion wherein is vested in them, or to require the lessee to take and the person competent in that behalf to grant to him a substituted lease of other premises, they shall cause a draft of the proposed substituted lease to be prepared and to be delivered to the lessee, or to the lessee and to the lessor, 25 as the case may be. (2) I f the interest of the lessee in premises the immediate reversion wherein is vested in the Commission, or the interest of the lessee or of the lessor in other premises, is subject to a mortgage otherwise than by way of floating charge, the Com- 30 mission shall cause the draft of the substituted lease to be delivered to the mortgagee also, and shall further cause to be prepared and to be delivered to the mortgagee and to the mort­ gagor a draft of such instrument, whether being a substituted security or an instrument making provision for the variation of the 35 subsisting security, as may be requisite for preserving so far as may be the rights and liabilities of the mortgagee and of the mortgagor. 2. A person to whom a draft has been delivered under the preceding paragraph may within [six weeks] after the delivery 40 thereof serve notice on the Commission of his objection to the terms thereof on the ground that the proposed substituted lease does not comply with the provisions of subsection ( 3 ) of section ten of this Act, or that the proposed instrument does not comply with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, as the case 5 may be, and where notice is so served the terms of the draft may be modified by agreement between the parties concerned, and in default of agreement the terms of the lease or instrument thall be settled— 10 15 (a) so far as regards the amount of the rent to be reserved by the substituted lease, by the member of the com­ pensation tribunal charged with the function of ascer­ taining the value of interests in premises situated in the valuation area in which the premises to be comprised in the substituted lease are situated; and (b) as regards any other matter by an arbitrator selected by agreement between the parties or, in default of agree­ ment, by the Board of Trade. 3. When the draft of a substituted lease has been delivered under this Schedule and either no notice of objection has been duly 2 0 given or the provisions of the substituted lease have been settled under the last preceding paragraph, the Commission may determine the retained lease as regards the premises to which the draft relates, and upon the determination thereof, the Commission or the lessor, as the case may be, shall, if the lessee so requires, be 2 5 bound to grant, and the lessee shall, if the Commission or the lessor, as the case may be, so require, be bound to take, a new lease in the terms settled. 4. When the draft of an instrument relating to a mortgage has been delivered under this Schedule and either no 30 notice of objection has been duly given or the provisions of the instrument have been settled under paragraph 2 of this Schedule, the mortgagee and the mortgagor shall, if the other of them so requires, be bound to execute the instrument in the terms settled. 5. Subject as aforesaid the procedure for the determination of 35 retained leases and the grant of substituted leases or substituted securities, or the variation of securities, shall be such as may be prescribed by rules. 6 . — ( 1 ) Subject to the provisions of this paragraph, the costs incurred in giving effect to the provisions of this Schedule by 4 0 a person other than the Commission shall—­ (a) in the case of a mortgagee, as to the whole of such costs; and (6) in any other case, as to such part of such costs as may be determined by agreement between the Commission 45 and that person, or in default of agreement by an arbi­ trator to be selected as aforesaid, to. be attributable to such part of the transaction effected under this A . D . 1937. . ­ 6 t h S o h A . D . 1937. 6TH SOH. -cont. Schedule as was rendered necessary by the passing of this A c t ; be paid by the Commission. ( 2 ) In case of difference as to the amount of the costs, other than costs of a reference or award, to be paid under the 5 preceding sub-paragraph, the Board of Trade may direct in what manner they are to be taxed. ( 3 ) A n arbitrator may direct that the Commission shall not be liable to pay any such costs as aforesaid, being costs of a reference or award incurred by a party to a reference who appears 10 to the arbitrator to have been guilty of any such unreasonable failure to agree with the Commission or any other party, or of any such negligence or default, as to disentitle him to payment thereof. SEVENTH SCHEDULE. 15 G R A N T OF L E A S E S TO FREEHOLDERS LN POSSESSION OF COAL I M M E D I A T E L Y BEFORE T H E A P P O I N T E D D A Y . 1. Where application has been duly made to the Commission for the grant of a lease under section twelve of this Act, the Commission shall cause to be prepared arid delivered to. ..the 2 0 person entitled to the grant of the lease (in this Schedule referred to as " the lessee " ) a draft of the proposed lease. 2 . — ( 1 ) Where the interest of the lessee was immediately before the appointed day subject to a mortgage, other than a mortgage by way of floating charge, the mortgagee may, at any 2 5 time not later than the expiration of six months from the appointed day, give notice in writing to the Commission that he elects to have, in lieu of any interest in the compensation in respect of the fee simple in the demised premises, a charge upon the interest of the lessee under the lease. 30 ( 2 ) Where notice is duly given under the preceding sub­ paragraph in relation to any premises, the Third Schedule to this Act shall have effect as if those premises had not been subject to the mortgage, and the Commission shall cause to be prepared and delivered to the lessee and to the mortgagee a draft of such 3 5 instrument, whether being a substituted security or an instrument making provision for the variation of a subsisting security, as may be requisite for preserving so far as may be the rights and Habihties of the mortgagee and of the lessee. 3. A person to whom a draft has been delivered under either 4 0 of the two last preceding paragraphs may within [six weeks] after the delivery thereof serve notice on the Commission of his objection to the terms thereof on the ground that the proposed lease does not comprise all the premises to a lease of which the lessee is entitled or that the terms, or the conditions, specified A.D. 1937* in the draft do not comply with the provisions of subsection ( 2 ) -— . of section twelve of this Act, or that the proposed instrument ^ * —cont. does not comply with the provisions of the last preceding para­ 5 graph, as the case may be, and where notice is so served the terms of the draft m a y be modified b y agreement between the parties concerned, and in default of agreement the terms of the lease or instrument shall be settled b y an arbitrator selected b y agreement between the parties or, in default of agreement, b y the Board of 10 Trade. ; 7 4. W h e n the draft of a lease or of an instrument relating to a mortgage has been delivered under this Schedule and either no notice of objection has been duly given or the provisions of the lease or instrument have been settled b y agreement, or 15 b y an arbitrator, then, in the case of a lease, the Commission shall, if the lessee so requires, be bound to grant and the lessee shall, if the Commission so require, be bound to take, a lease in the terms settled, and, in the case of an instrument relating to a mortgage the lessee and the mortgagee shall, if the other of them so requires, 20 be bound to execute the instrument in the terms settled. 5. The provisions of paragraph 6 of the Sixth Schedule to this A c t shall have effect in relation to costs incurred in giving effect to the provisions of this Schedule as they have effect in relation to costs incurred in giving effect to the provisions of that Schedule. EIGHTH 25 SCHEDULE. A M E N D M E N T S OF 20 & 21 G E O . 5. o. 34, s. 13. 1. I n section thirteen, after subsection (1) thereof, there shall be inserted the following subsection : — " ( 1 A The following provisions shall have effect with respect to any scheme submitted to the Board of Trade b y the Coal Mines Commission— 30 35 40 ' ; (a) the scheme shall provide for the consideration to be given to each of the constituent companies from which property is to be transferred (herein­ after referred to as a transferor company) being given out of the securities of the new company or of the constituent company to which that property is. transferred, as the case may be (hereinafter referred to as the transferee company) and not otherwise, and for the amount of the considera­ tion being determined upon the basis of the value at the date of transfer of the property and liabilities of each transferor company transferred 19 K t h 0 j h [ 1 E D W , .8. & 1 G E O . 6.] A.D. 1937. r -"" 8TH S C H . cont. - b y the scheme; the value of the property being assessed a t w h a t w o u l d h a v e b e e n t h e v a l u e t h e r e o f a t t h e d a t e o f t r a n s f e r as b e t w e e n a willing b u y e r and a willing seller; J (6) t h e s c h e m e s h a l l d e t e r m i n e t h e c l a s s e s o f s e c u r i t i e s 5. of the transferee c o m p a n y which are t o be g i v e n to the transferor companies in respect o f the different classes o f p r o p e r t y t r a n s f e r r e d t o it­ a n d shall m a k e p r o v i s i o n f o r t h e d e t e r m i n a t i o n o f t h e a m o u n t o f t h e c o n s i d e r a t i o n t o b e g i v e n 10 to each of the transferor companies out of those s e c u r i t i e s , i n s o f a r a s i t is n o t d e t e r m i n e d b y t h e terms of the scheme, being finally determined u p o n principles specified therein, b y arbitration o r o t h e r w i s e , a f t e r t h e s c h e m e h a s c o m e i n t o 15 operation; (c) t h e scheme m a y p r o v i d e for a n y p r o p e r t y o f a transferor c o m p a n y t h e r e b y transferred t o a transferee c o m p a n y being so transferred either s u b j e c t t o , o r f r e e d f r o m , a l l h a b i h t i e s f o r t h e 20 repayment o f m o n e y lent which immediately before t h e date of transfer w e r e secured o n t h a t property, b u t if a scheme p r o v i d e s for t h e transfer ..of a n y p r o p e r t y f r e e d f r o m a l l s u c h H a b i l i t i e s , t h e . s c h e m e s h a l l m a k e p r o v i s i o n f o r e n t i t l i n g a l l 25 persons w h o i m m e d i a t e l y before t h e d a t e of transfer h a d , b y w a y o f security for such r e p a y ­ ment, an interest in that property, t o participate in the consideration t o be r e c e i v e d b y t h e trans­ f e r o r c o m p a n y b y m e a n s o f a c h a r g e o n t h a t 30 consideration or a n y p a r t thereof, a n d w i t h t h e l i k e p r i o r i t i e s b e t w e e n e a c h o t h e r as e x i s t e d before the coming into force of t h e s c h e m e ; (d) 2. F o r the scheme m a y m a k e provision for m a k i n g in a n y trust affecting p r o p e r t y or habihties transferred to the transferee company, including a n y compensation trust created in accordance with the provisions of the W o r k m e n ' s Compensa­ t i o n ( C o a l M i n e s ) A c t , 1934, such m o d i f i c a t i o n s as m a y b e c o n s e q u e n t i a l u p o n t h e a m a l g a m a t i o n or absorption t o be effected b y t h e s c h e m e . " subsection (2) of the said section, thirteen 35 4Q there shall b e s u b s t i t u t e d t h e f o l l o w i n g s u b s e c t i o n : — " Board (2) I n relation of Trade to under Commission, the A c t of any this scheme section submitted by 1926 shall h a v e the Coal effect to the Mines as if the proviso to subsection (2) of section seven thereof for and 45 section eight thereof (which b o t h relate to the consideration o f schemes b y the R a i l w a y a n d Canal Commission) there w e r e s u b s t i t u t e d t h e f o l l o w i n g p r o v i s o , t h a t is t o s a y : — ' P r o v i d e d that the R a i l w a y a n d Canal C o m m i s s i o n — (a) s h a l l h e a r s u c h p e r s o n s , w h e t h e r i n s u p p o r t o f o r a g a i n s t t h e s c h e m e , a s t h e y t h i n k fit, i n c l u d i n g representatives of persons e m p l o y e d in any undertakings affected b y the s c h e m e ; a n d 5 (6) s h a l l n o t h a v e p o w e r t o m a k e , or r e q u i r e t o b e m a d e , i n the scheme modifications inconsistent 10 w i t h a n y provisions required b y the enactments relating thereto to b e included in schemes s u b ­ m i t t e d t o the B o a r d of T r a d e b y the Coal Mines Commission; and 15 (c) s h a l l c o n f i r m t h e s c h e m e if t h e y a r e satisfied that. it conforms to the enactments relating thereto, a n d t h a t t h e a m a l g a m a t i o n o r a b s o r p t i o n effected b y the scheme will b e carried o u t u p o n terms a n d - conditions t h a t will, o n the one h a n d , b e fair a n d 20 25 e q u i t a b l e t o all t h e t r a n s f e r o r c o m p a n i e s a n d w i l l also, o n the other h a n d , enable the u n d e r t a k i n g o f the transferee company to be efficiently c a r r i e d o n w i t h d u e r e g a r d t o t h e interests o f a l l persons affected b y the scheme.' " 3. S u b s e c t i o n repealed. (4) of the NINTH said section thirteen hereby SCHEDULE. A M E N D M E N T S OE 2 0 & 2 1 G E O . c. 34, ss. 5 A N D 8. 30 is 5. 1. F o r s u b s e c t i o n (3) o f s e c t i o n five o f t h e C o a l M i n e s A c t , 1930, t h e r e s h a l l b e s u b s t i t u t e d t h e f o l l o w i n g s u b s e c t i o n s : ­ " (3) A committee of investigation m a y act n o t w i t h ­ standing a n y v a c a n c y in their number. ( 3 A ) T h e B o a r d o f T r a d e s h a l l c a u s e to b e c o n s t i t u t e d panel of persons suitable to exercise the functions o f 35 a 40 c h a i r m a n of a n y committee of investigation in t h e e v e n t of the c h a i r m a n of a n y such committee being u n a b l e to act on the investigation of a n y complaint, a n d i n such a n e v e n t a p e r s o n s h a l l , i n s u c h m a n n e r as t h e B o a r d o f T r a d e m a y direct, b e selected from the panel to act as c h a i r m a n , a n d a p e r s o n so s e l e c t e d f o r t h e i n v e s t i g a t i o n of a n y c o m p l a i n t shall, in relation to t h a t investigation, 19 L A . D . 1937, — ­ 8 t h S c h * -cont. A . D . 1937. 9TH SCH. -—cont. be deemed to be this the references in construed accordingly. chairman section to of ' the the committee, chairman' shall and be (3B) T h e chairman shall b e present a t every meeting o f a committee o f investigation, and a n y question at such a m e e t i n g shall, if the v o t e s o f all t h e members present and v o t i n g thereon are not unanimous, be deter­ mined b y the chairman. A n y such c o m m i t t e e m a y take e v i d e n c e o n o a t h , a n d for t h a t p u r p o s e t h e c h a i r m a n shall have power to administer an oath. Subject t o the fore­ going provisions o f this subsection, t h e meetings and p r o c e d u r e o f e v e r y c o m m i t t e e o f i n v e s t i g a t i o n shall be regulated in accordance w i t h rules m a d e b y the B o a r d o f T r a d e for the purpose, and such rules m a y m a k e pro­ vision as t o t h e q u o r u m o f a n y such c o m m i t t e e . " 5 10 15 2. I n s u b s e c t i o n ( 7 ) o f t h e s a i d s e c t i o n f i v e t h e w o r d s " s u b j e c t as h e r e i n a f t e r p r o v i d e d " a n d t h e p r o v i s o t o t h a t subsection are h e r e b y repealed. 3. I n s u b s e c t i o n ( 8 ) o f t h e s a i d s e c t i o n f o r t h e w o r d s f r o m " m a k e representations w i t h respect thereto " t o the end of the subsection t h e r e shall b e substituted t h e w o r d s following— " g i v e to the persons having p o w e r under t h e scheme to rectify " t h e m a t t e r such directions as t h e c o m m i t t e e t h i n k desirable " f o r t h a t purpose, a n d those persons shall c o m p l y t h e r e w i t h " a n d exercise their functions under the scheme in conformity " w i t h the directions " ; in subsection (9) o f the said section, for t h e w o r d s " referring a n y m a t t e r t o a r b i t r a t i o n , " there shall b e substituted the words " giving any directions," the words " the arbitrator^ decision a n d " shall b e o m i t t e d , for the word " therewith " there shall be substituted t h e w o r d s " w i t h the directions," a n d for the w o r d " decision " (where that word occurs f o r . t h e second t i m e ) t h e r e shall b e substituted the w o r d " d i r e c t i o n s , " a n d p a r a g r a p h (6) o f s u b s e c t i o n ( 1 0 ) a n d subsection (11) o f t h e said section are h e r e b y r e p e a l e d . 4. A t t h e e n d o f s e c t i o n e i g h t o f t h e s a i d A c t t h e r e s h a l l b e a d d e d the w o r d s f o l l o w i n g : — " ; a n d a n y such i n f o r m a t i o n p u b ­ " lished or disclosed t o t h e B o a r d of T r a d e o r a n y c o m m i t t e e o f " i n v e s t i g a t i o n w h i c h is r e l e v a n t t o t h e p r o c e e d i n g s u p o n a n y " inquiry or investigation held b y t h e m m a y be published or " disclosed b y t h e m t o a n y person being a p a r t y t o o r otherwise " directly concerned i n those proceedings, b u t only i n such f o r m " as does n o t disclose i n f o r m a t i o n relating t o a n y particular " business or u n d e r t a k i n g . " 20 25 30 35 40 D R A F T OF A B I L L To make provision for the property in all unworked coal and mines of coal and certain associated property and rights being transferred to or acquired by a Commission with power of management thereover; for empowering the Commission to promote a reduction in the number of coal-mining under­ takings; for continuing Part I of the Coal Mines Act, 1930, with amendments; for enabling the miners welfare committee to acquire land coin­ pulsorily; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid. CXV.—B. (27.) 27th April 1937. 19-15