(c) crown copyright Catalogue Reference:CAB/24/253 Image Reference:0004 ii n til w m 0 A B I N E T . EDUCATIONAL POLICY COMMITTEE. FIRST 1/ At their Conclusion 5) Educational (CP. Meeting the policy 37 ( 3 4 ) ) and That on F e b r u a r y Cabinet by 14th, had b e f o r e the President 1934, (Cabinet 5 them a Memorandum of the Board o f (34) on Education agreeds- a Cabinet The The The The The The The The REPORT. Committee, c o m p o s e d as follows Lord president of the Council ( I n the p r e s i d e n t of the Board of Education, Chancellor of the Exchequer, S e c r e t a r y of S t a t e f o r f a r , S e c r e t a r y of S t a t e f o r S c o t l a n d , P r e s i d e n t of the Board of Trade, M i n i s t e r of Labour, postmaster General, Chair), s h o u l d c o n s i d e r E d u c a t i o n a l p o l i c y on t h e b a s i s o f C P . 37 ( 3 4 ) and r e p o r t i n due c o u r s e t o t h e C a b i n e t . 2. The C o m m i t t e e h a v e b e e n with the President development of 23rd J a n u a r y , question 1935, w i t h in r e l a t i o n Minister raising b o t h to the from the General E l e c t i o n . annexed, the school for In his comes, from any p r a c t i c a l the president to a g e , more deputation raising expresses disadvantageous were furnished leaving the Memorandum., politically to time on (E. t o b e a d o p t e d by t h e Government forthcoming council president They a Memorandum b y the from t i m e Education with regard t o Policy. the a t t i t u d e of consultation t h e B o a r d of Educational with regard t o the of in the a copy view that which it would a b s t a i n when t h e G e n e r a l declaration of policy (34) 5 upon prime age and t o of the particularly to the school the on t h i s the is be Election subject. He draws attention,, however', to the fact that the simple raising of the age for compulsory education from 14 to 15 is not by any means the only method for extending the period of compulsory schooling, and that there is a considerable "body of opinion which favours other methods a s , for instance, the Continuation Schools system, 3. The president of the Board of Education accordingly recommends that a Departmental Committee should be set up composed, of representatives of local Education Authorities, teachers, Industrialists, including commerce and agriculture, and. educationists, with some such terms of reference as these ­ u T o consider and report what form or forms of extended education on a compulsory basis beyond the present age of 14+ will, when financial considerations permit, be best suited to the circumstances of England and Wales, regard being had to the educational and. social advantages likely to be derived, to the organisation and. requirements of trade, commerce, industry and agriculture, and to variations in local conditions". He goes on to suggest that the announcement of the Government' s intention to set up such a. Committee might conveniently be made when the prime Minister receives the deputation from the Council for Raising the School Age. 4, The president of the Board of Education in his Memorandum, whilst recognising that there may be some hesitation at the thought of appointing yet another Committee, draws attention to the difficulties to be faced, at the General Election if this course were not adopted. He emphasises, also, that on educational grounds it is desirable that an authoritative opinion on the subject of reference should be obtained. The Committee would n o t , however, "be in a position to complete their survey until after the General Election, and the President suggests that, this being so, pressure question of raising that b e f o r e the school committing representative question on a C a n d i d a t e in all schools, line though they were elementary educational financial decision 5, advance the assistance of The C o m m i t t e e h a v e this the Board of Education the but of 6. at of report being The g e n e r a l consultation President well to problem w i l l express the of him t h r o u g h t h e interests of to industry hope t h a t it policy the examine the grants take to the non-provided their part in any attaching report before to to and the the views to the on t h e the Committee ordinary the f i n a n c i a l would be p o s s i b l e so f a r and The of in a policy., on t h i s as i t the a the special of for of that t h e Board opinion channels, and a g r i c u l t u r e . is subject emerge, aspect to chance In framing outside in of oh t h i s advisers. inquiry and Election. the president inevitably feel lines Government General of to the Committee the of General t h e r e would be l i t t l e consult the the Committee his policy departmental aspects of probably be necessary majority to formulate tion being given also the since to the statement report consideration embarrassing would be o b l i g e d a s on o t h e r available will course would be f o r denominational the t h e Members o f the a might committee's a Departmental view of with his that on They a g r e e w i t h t h e P r e s i d e n t available before Education himself suggests, careful it the E l e c t i o n , more d e s i r a b l e the it. educational p r o p o s e d would be g r a v e l y its upon of the and c o n d i t i o n s the that by as r e g a r d s to play await given a majority appointment Candidates of Memorandum. make a d e c l a r a t i o n Election; assisted the Government expressed in that satisfied extent must he me t s e t up t o Similarly, Government, s c h o o l s must b e his views await w h i c h had b e e n voluntary that he must its bearings. the express age c o u l d he himself committee to would as be cohsidera­ subject and Committee the President to to reach conclusions their being 7, and s u b m i t considered The C o m m i t t e e h a v e To r e f e r t h e in the l i g h t them t o the and a d o p t e d b e f o r e now Cabinet with the General a view to Election. agreed,- question to the Cabinet f o r c o n s i d e r a t i o n of the views expressed above. S i g n e d on b e h a l f of the STANLEY BALDWIN Committee Q n 9 c3 £ ti I S DOCUMENT I S THE PROPERTY OP HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT. ECREI. .(34) 5. COPY N o . CABINET. Educational Compulsory Policy Committee. Education beyond Memorandum by President Since further the thought of to the the Board o f the l a s t the matter question of raising particularly in r e l a t i o n both the Prime M i n i s t e r and t o the finances question of Lords, year order is of school to-day On t h e election, or with regard subject to the I to at which raising to look leaving the age, for Raising have given attitude upon more forthcoming h a s b e e n no July, deputation the School avoid it saying when to the think round to the in addition would, practical will be with in to Age of of an extra something are very of than difficult the it for general on t h e i r policy schools, and t h i s is a dissociated from t h e question age. therefore s e e what the included), politics comes, the the t h e House allowances election voluntary leaving dec I t something b e f o r e be r e a d i l y school of such change age as i t maintenance other hand, cannot that (costing, t h e bounds grants when I leaving the view if least do n o t to school age, any n e a r e r the-Government begin last the £8,000,000, was t h e n . of since raising the the Government's school there as w o u l d w a r r a n t to of the Committee I election. assume t h a t national of from t h e Council general I Education. meeting the 14. that it is too soon our p o l i c y in this to matter should be, either when f i n a n c i a l when t h e general election minds some o f my c o l l e a g u e s of wisdom o f (l) the raising danger of controversies, voters of hovever, getting and (2) cannot politically reinforced as bodies, who s e e the justification who f a v o u r in for the step alternative course advantages is school there the age is room for rise favours d o u b t how in general, far and i n it is methods weighty for and. o f there which is and I those I not have some think offers definite aspects. though r a i s i n g h a s much v o c a l the support, w o u l d commend i t s e l f certain letter correspondence would grounds, quarters, would be l i k e l y Kenneth L e e ' s there it any increased and p o l i t i c a l exemptions of denominational pure n e g a t i o n , course be these, from schools, whether side, would as a g e an t o be r e m e m b e r e d t h a t 7 t h and t h e other the educational and a g r i c u l t u r e , show t h a t the of with difficulties educational a middle 15 w i t h o u t u n p o p u l a r S i r January fact has to of of to v o l u n t a r y of value it comes, to w h i c h extending to it be definitely of has given opinion which the period, of to e.g, i n "The Times" industrial the denominational Such a c o u r s e criticism that that the as t o other such r e a s o n s election on p u r e l y to electoral continuing raising in i t s electorate industry for in grounds involved, i n On t h e or that doubts on t h e conclusion asking myself in both It the realise all, policy, grants been there of joint accordingly that the when t h e declaration us i n at improve, may he policy. t h e y may be by involve there the u n c e r t a i n escape abstain, I ourselves disadvantageous, to practical held, question a raising-the-age I finance, the is conditions compulsory S 7£ £ (J f 6* schooling,. Moreover, in the regarding general prolonging education conditions of going into unnecessary t i m e comes that alternative educational adoption parts suited to four possible it (4) A combination, with m o d i f i c a t i o n s , these a l t e r n a t i v e s . old system, and many r e f o r m e r s children reason. It would f i t better Centres school might than life. disadvantages segregation the merits of that I course (as in juvenile w o u l d be t o from however, they think set those it of the of for an e x t r a minimise year of canvass alternatives, bat school kind of system Instruction on to some such short period to of this some s u c h as u n e m p l o y e d and t h e not broadest continuation plan Centres, from of transition by t h e that two organised Junior addition to the irregularity employment * the I relative r e m i n d my exist. am d i s p o s e d I favour would c e r t a i n l y the p o s s i b l e colleagues industry the for Schools be s a i d on easing the viz;­ exemptions be a r g u e d t h a t resulting am c o n c e r n e d h e r e , to when exemptions, Continuation the newly inherent of attendance also simple It for into with the 15 w i t h o u t a good deal think, c o u l d be made, A system o f p a r t - t i m e 14 t o 15 o r * 1 6 . 14-year Without possible, a g e t o 15 w i t h employment. policy varying I (5) social of are, R a i s i n g the beneficial of united the the country. (2) grounds not method Raising is is there upon w h i c h age t o this (1) inere of of details advance i s the of as n e c e s s a r i l y different lines opinion is accordingly co f e e l educationally up a D e p a r t m e n t a l that the r i g h t Committee our wisest course) composed of representatives teachers, of Local industrialists Education (including agriculture) and e d u c a t i o n i s t s , reference these as "To and extended education present age permit, be b e s t England and W a l e s , of 14+ w i l l , suited in up such Council for colleagues to this the thought must c o n s i d e r likely do n o t be to take three of the find advantages of forms of that of the likely to be and r e q u i r e m e n t s conveniently the deputation of and to unnatural committee, alternatives themselves b e made from when the reaction may b e a f e e l i n g another intention Age. a not proposal lines the considerations the Government's the School yet "basis beyond and a g r i c u l t u r e , might of but w i t h which faced at some such s t e p . possible of conditions". receives recognise or b e i n g had t o industry a Committee Raising I terms the circumstances Regard local the Prime M i n i s t e r is to the o r g a n i s a t i o n commerce, what form when f i n a n c i a l derived, set and some s u c h on a c o m p u l s o r y The announcement at report and s o c i a l variations to with educational trade, commerce ­ consider to Authorities, I the I my revulsion think we Government the E l e c t i o n There w i l l , of if we anticipate, which t h e Government might then take :­ (ij they could prevented (ii) they the say them that unspecified age considerations from d o i n g a n y t h i n g ; could, announce school financial as date, their from and intention ' to some s p e c i f i e d raise or v *) py p? (iii) they could extension for to advise view p o l i t i c a l l y to he alienate enjoy; been that I and that Setting and cons intention is of lay time themselves therefore, can committee the p o s s i b l e as I have s a i d , The second, m i g h t us o p e n setting that and, to my. well likely the about the to obvious committee alternatives we h a d it. suggestion indeed, t h o s e whose minds In s u p p o r t w h i c h we now be s u p p o r t e d by justification to up a called an e n q u i r y n e c e s s a r y in up a r e p r e s e n t a t i v e of set was and w o u l d he industrial we t h o u g h t one w h i c h the to is, unwise, t h i r d would think, some schooling disadvantageous. if that them. an u n c o n s c i o n a b l e committee compulsory educationally and t h e the view alternative a good deal criticism of and t h e i r The f i r s t prove express to solid a argument, the n e c e s s i t y examine would are not of the for pros commend c l o s e d upon this subj e c t . To conclusions be set of up a C o m m i t t e e the Committee embarrassing, definitely opinion that but i n desire, on t h e subject on i n f o r m a l be and t h e afforded their the be may n o t the p r e s e n t of our grounds, own c o n c l u s i o n s teaching profession, opportunity of an the authoritative is not enough d e p a r tin en t a l l y the interests, or Local such may r i g h t l y a formal what we do It Our p a r t n e r s , and t h e o t h e r sure infrequently instance the R e f e r e n c e . advice. Education A u t h o r i t i e s , industry will on e d u c a t i o n a l we s h o u l d f o r m proceed without being submission as claim of views. And t h e further justified appointment on t h e of ground such a C o m m i t t e e c a n that, at a time when be to ( financial made, it as t o the is less fairly circumstances is our b u s i n e s s form w h i c h be c r i t i c i s e d the examination importance time of to as of magnitude complete of 7 .'j : question statement that report the of examine the as r e g a r d s wish of to the of question to the intended to conditions would should enable in a l l the regard being to to we c o u l d say non-provided -part them attaching to to, in that c o u l d be met he must which had been an i m p o r t a n t set educational well must b e advance, of, assistance report, up section schools the Committee's the on w h i c h we may the extent a Similarly, elementary financial by await we w e r e do s o , views i while any to election. bearings. to the express his age schools, encouraging well the a position general himself its be attach work u n t i l in committee voluntary their p u r p o s e must a w a i t of be school committing representative to play and h a v i n g the not constructive to on a c a n d i d a t e raising before assisted get after finance election. would n o t until something that as i t : electorate, satisfied the guidance could : grants say for And I would not pressure ' delay from summer, survey lines being when t o make s u c h e n q u i r y time the problem, so, : to early their This being on t h e or take inasmuch problem. the decision an a d v a n c e authoritative on t h e s e enforced the whole of should dilatory, - The C o m m i t t e e spring obtain Action of separated in point late to admit such a d v a n c e intrue table. utilising do n o t 7 o­ and for and the this and t h e decision t h e G- ov ernm en t up o n i t . I colleagues ask^ therefore, to seek the up.- o f a Pepartmental given above. 2 3rd J a n u a r y , 1935. for sanction the authority of the Committee w i t h t h e Cabinet terras o f my to of H o the setting reference