Julian Agyeman Ph.D. FRSA Professor Tufts University


Julian Agyeman Ph.D. FRSA


Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning

Tufts University

April 2015


Telephone: (+1) 617 627 3394


Web Pages


Website: http://julianagyeman.com/

Blog: http://julianagyeman.com/blog/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/julianagyeman

Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/carfax/13549839.html


B.Sc. Joint Honours in Geography and Botany, subsidiary anthropology

(1980). Van Mildert College University of Durham, UK.

Post Graduate Certificate in Education. Geography and Environmental

Studies (1982). University of Newcastle on-Tyne, UK.

M.A. Conservation Policy (1987) Middlesex University, Enfield UK. Thesis:

Community participation and its influence in decision-making in environmental issues.

Ph.D. Environmental Education (1996) University of London. UK. Thesis: An alternative approach to urban nature in environmental education at KS2.

Employment History

(2008-) Professor of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning

(2007-2013) Chair, Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and

Planning, Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning

(2006-2008) Associate Professor of Urban and Environmental Policy and


(1999-2006) Assistant Professor of Urban and Environmental Policy and


Tufts University - Medford, MA

Agyeman 2

(1998-1999) Assistant Professor of Environmental Education and Director,

Business, Industry and Environmental Education Initiative, Pennsylvania

Center for Environmental Education

Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania - Slippery Rock, PA

(1992-1998) Consultant in Communicating Environmental and Sustainable


Julian Agyeman Associates - London, UK

(1990-1992) Environmental Education Adviser and Head of Curriculum


Education Department, London Borough of Islington – Islington, UK

(1986-1990) Senior Environmental Education Officer

Directorate of Environmental Health, London Borough of Lambeth - Lambeth, UK

(1985-1986) Environmental Education Officer

Notting Dale Urban Studies Centre - London, UK

(1982-1985) Teacher of Geography

St Aidan’s School - Carlisle, UK

Achievements as Department Chair, Urban and Environmental

Policy and Planning at Tufts University 2007-2013

Students/admissions: UEP recruits a class of ~47 MA and ~10 MPP plus up to

10 Certificate students each year. This has been stable 2007-2013 although

MA ‘yield’ was increased from 35% in prior years to 46% in 2009 and 2010.

While we are a graduate department, I re-launched the Undergraduate

Minor in Urban Studies. I managed a financial aid system of partial tuition remission scholarships each year based on each student's financial need.

Faculty: UEP has 13 full-time and 2 part-time faculty with 15 adjunct and 8 affiliated faculty. Under my watch I recruited one tenure track assistant professor, a professor of the practice and a full professor (new tenure line).

I tenured two assistant professors and did a lateral hire at full professor. I recruited numerous adjuncts and made one previously part-time lecturer full-time.

Accreditation: In 2011 UEP received the first full seven-year reaccreditation by the Planning Accreditation Board (PAB) in its history. This is reserved for departments that are excelling in all accreditation categories.

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Department visioning: I developed a six-year vision for UEP that focused on the ‘Two C’s’ namely Curriculum and Communication.

Curriculum: I oversaw a major restructuring of the core curriculum for the

MA degree including the move toward competency-based education, development of a new core course ‘Cities in Space, Place and Time’ and new thesis examining arrangements. I oversaw the development of three new degrees: An MA/JD with BC Law, an MA/MBA with BC Carroll School of Management and an MA/MPH with Tufts’ School of Medicine.

Communication (department image, branding and status): I developed a new website with a new, contemporary logo which is now used in all UEP communications. The UEP MA was ranked no 2 accredited planning program in departments without a Ph.D. by Planetizen magazine in 2011.

UEP is one of few Departments that has 100% success rate in the planning professional exam, the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP).

Engagement with local communities: I hired a Professor of the Practice in

2008, who was a Director of a well-respected Boston area non-profit, specifically to deepen our engagement with local communities. This has resulted in the development of a Community Strategy including community members speaking at Department Colloquia, a student/community

‘Practical Visionaries Workshop’ and the development of a program of

‘Visiting Practitioners’ to mirror our ‘Visiting Scholar’ program

Fundraising: While chair we celebrated our 35 th and 40 th anniversaries. I fundraised about $20,000 for each to bring in keynote speakers such as Van

Jones (now on CNN’s ‘Crossfire’) and Professor Robert D Bullard, hire venues for up to 300 and for catering.

Current Research Interests

My current research interests are in five broad areas, each of which critically explores some aspect(s) of the complex and embedded relations between humans and the environment, whether mediated by institutions or social movement organizations, and the effects of this on public policy and planning processes and outcomes, particularly in relation to notions of justice and equity.

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The areas are:


the nexus between the concepts of environmental justice and sustainability and, specifically, the possibility of a ‘just sustainability’;


the potential of the concept of ‘spatial justice’ to contribute to ‘just sustainability’;


the potential in emerging discourses around ‘food justice/sovereignty’ to contribute to discourses around ‘just sustainability’;


the concepts of interculturalism, cultural competency, culturally inclusive practice and culturally inclusive spaces in urban planning;


the potential in sharing in cities to decrease inequality, increase social capital and to cut resource use.

Research Grants

‘Evaluation of Boston Collaborative on Food and Fitness (BCFF)’ Third Sector

New England/Kellogg Foundation. Value $65,000. PI. June 2014-June 2016

(Note: From 2007-2013 I was department chair and undertook no externally funded research.)

'Feasibility Study for a 'Sustainable Community Planning Institute' Tufts Institute for the Environment. Value $19,500. May 2007.

'Vacant Lot Reclamation and Transformation: Improving Social and Environmental

Conditions in Boston's Environmental Justice Communities'. The Annonymous

Foundation. Value $27,500. October 2006-May 2007.

‘ Developing methods to identify and characterize vulnerable populations in northeast marine fishery communities' NOAA. Value $50,000. Co-PI Dr Seth

Tuler, George Perkins Marsh Institute, Clark University. July 2004-January


'Urban Audiences and Environmental Education' Massachusetts Audubon

Society. Value $26,225.50. October 2004-June 2005.

'Grant-In-Aid' Tufts Faculty Research Awards Committee (FRAC). Value

$1,495. February 2004.

'Developing and evaluating a strategy to encourage reduced energy use among

Tufts students '. Research for Tufts University College of Citizenship and

Public Service. Value $5,000. September 2001-May 2002. Co-researcher

Ann Rappaport

Agyeman 5

‘ Mapping sustainabilities ' research database. Value $10,000. Funded by

Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Co-researcher Dr Rob Krueger, WPI.

July-December 2003

" Environmental Justice Across the Mystic: Education and Training for Community

Capacity Building Project "’ $20,000 EPA Environmental Justice Grant. Co-

Researchers The Mystic River Watershed Association (MyRWA) and

Mystic Watershed Collaborative (MWC). Fall 2002.

‘ Towards a Sustainable Tufts ’ Value $4,000 July 2002 Research for Tufts

University College of Citizenship and Public Service

'Social marketing and sustainability ' Research undertaken in the City of

Brookline for Tufts University College of Citizenship and Public Service.

September 2000-June 2001. Value $10,000.

'Defining a strategy for sustainable urban community development ' Project undertaken for Boston Community Venture Catalysts. Value $14,000. Coresearcher Melvyn Colon. September 2000-March 2001.

Fellowships, Visiting Professorships and Honors

Visiting Professor, Northumbria University, Newcastle. UK (2010-2014)

Visiting Professor, University of South Australia, Adelaide (2008-2013)

Senior Scholar, Center for Humans and Nature, Chicago (2013-)

Affiliate, Civitas Athenaeum Laboratory KTH – Royal Institute of

Technology, Stockholm (2014-)

Outstanding Contribution To Graduate Studies. Graduate Student Council.

Tufts University (2005)

Tufts Hall of Diversity (2004)

Fellow, UK Royal Society of the Arts (FRSA) (invited 1996)

Publications and Articles


McLaren D and Agyeman J (fall 2015) Sharing Cities: An Agenda for Truly

Smart and Sustainable Cities (MIT Press)

Zavestoski, S and Agyeman, J (eds) (2014) Incomplete Streets: Processes, practices and possibilities (Routledge)

Agyeman, J (2013) Introducing Just Sustainabilities: Policy, Planning and Practice .

(Zed Books)

Agyeman 6

Alkon, A and Agyeman, J (eds) (2011) Cultivating Food Justice: Race, Class and

Sustainability' (MIT Press)

Carmin, J and Agyeman, J (eds) (2011) Environmental Inequalities Beyond

Borders: Local Perspectives on Global Injustices (MIT Press)

Agyeman, J and Ogneva-Himmelberger, Y (eds) (June 2009) 'Environmental

Justice and Sustainability in the Former Soviet Union (FSU)' (MIT Press)

Agyeman, J, Haluza-DeLay, R, Cole, P and O'Riley P (eds) (June 2009)

Speaking for Ourselves: Environmental Justice in Canada (The University of

British Columbia Press)

Neal S and Agyeman, J (eds) (2006) 'The New Countryside? Ethnicity, Nation and Exclusion in Contemporary Rural Britain'. The Policy Press

Agyeman, J (2005) 'Sustainable Communities and the Challenge of

Environmental Justice’. New York University Press.

Agyeman, J, Bullard, R, Evans, B (eds) (2003) 'Just Sustainabilities:

Development in an Unequal World ' London. (MIT Press)

Agyeman, J (1995) 'People, Plants and Places' Tiverton. Learning Through

Landscapes/Southgate Publishers.

Agyeman, J and Evans, B (eds) (1994) 'Local Environmental Policies and

Strategies '. Harlow. Longman.

Published Refereed Articles

Agyeman, J and McEntee, J (2014) 'Moving the field of food justice forward through the lens of urban political ecology' Geography Compass Vol. 8, Issue

3 pp 211–220

Agyeman, J (2013) ‘Global environmental justice or Le droit au monde?’ Geoforum http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2012.12.021

Agyeman, J and Erickson, J (2012) ‘Culture, Recognition and the

Negotiation of Difference: Some thoughts on Cultural Competency in

Planning Education’. Journal of Planning Education and Research V ol 32 no. 3 pp 358-366

Clarke, L and Agyeman J (2011) ‘Is There More to Environmental

Participation Than Meets the Eye? Understanding Agency, Empowerment and Disempowerment Among Black and Minority Ethnic Communities’ Area

Vol. 43, Issue 1, pp 88-95.

Agyeman 7

Clarke, L and Agyeman J (2011) ‘Shifting the Balance in Environmental

Governance: Ethnicity, Environmental Citizenship and Discourses of

Responsibility’ Antipode Vol. 43, Issue 3, pp 1773-1800.

McEntee, J.and Agyeman, J. (2010) 'Towards the development of a GIS method for identifying rural food deserts: Geographic access in Vermont,

USA, Applied Geography .

Bickerstaff, K and Agyeman, J (2009) 'Assembling justice spaces: the scalar networking of environmental justice in north-east England' Antipode . Vol 41

Issue 4 pp 781-806

Agyeman, J, Devine-Wright, P and Prange, J (2009) 'Close to the Edge,

Down by the River? Joining up Managed Retreat and Place Attachment in a

Climate Changed World' Environment and Planning A vol 41, pp 509-513.

Agyeman, J (2008) 'Toward a 'just' sustainability?' Continuum - Journal of

Media and Cultural Studies Vol. 22, Issue 6 pp 751-756

Agyeman, J (2008) 'Equity? “That’s not an issue for us. We’re here to save the world”' Projections. The MIT Journal of Planning

Tuler, S, Agyeman, J, Pinto da Silva, P, Roth LoRusso, K and Kay, R (2008)

'Assessing Vulnerabilities: Integrating Information about Driving Forces that

Affect Risks and Resiliencies in Fisheries Communities' Human Ecology

Review Vol 15 No 2 pp 171-184 .

Moser, S, Kasperson, R, Yohe,G and Agyeman, J (2007) 'Adaptation to

Climate Change in the Northeast: Opportunities, Processes, Constraints'

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change.


Agyeman, J (2006) 'Action, Experience, Behaviour and Technology: Why It’s

Just Not The Same?'. Environmental Education Research Vol 12 No 3/4 pp513-522.

Agyeman, J (2005) 'Alternatives for Community and Environment: Where

Justice and Sustainability Meet'. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable

Development Vol 47 No 6 pp 11-23

Krueger, R and Agyeman, J (2005) 'Sustainability Schizophrenia or “Actually

Existing Sustainabilities”: The politics and promise of a sustainability agenda in the US'.

Geoforum Vol 36 No 4 pp 410-417

Agyeman, J and Evans, B (2004) '' 'Just Sustainability': The Emerging

Discourse of Environmental Justice in Britain?" Geographical Journal Vol 170

No 2 pp155-164

Agyeman 8

Marcell, K, Agyeman, J and Rappaport, A (2004) ‘Cooling the Campus: A

Pilot Study Using Social Marketing Methods to Reduce Electricity Use at

Tufts University’ International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education

Volume: 5 Number: 2 pp169 -189

Agyeman, J (2003) ' "Under-participation" and ethnocentrism in environmental education research: Developing "culturally sensitive research approaches" Canadian Journal of Environmental Education Vol 8 pp 80-94

Agyeman, J, and Evans, T (2003) 'Towards Just Sustainability in Urban

Communities: Building Equity Rights with Sustainable Solutions' Annals of

American Academy of Political and Social Science 590 pp35-53

Agyeman, J and Angus, B (2003) 'The Role of Civic Environmentalism in the

Pursuit of Sustainable Communities' Journal of Environmental Planning and

Management Vol 46 No 3 pp345-363

Agyeman, J and Warner, K (2002) ‘Putting 'Just Sustainability' into Place:

From Paradigm to Policy to Practice’. Policy and Management Review

Agyeman, J (2002) 'Culturing Environmental Education: From First Nation to Frustration' Canadian Journal of Environmental Education Vol 7 pp 2-12.

Agyeman, J (2002) 'Constructing Environmental (In)justice: Transatlantic

Tales' Environmental Politics Vol 11 No 3 pp31-53

Agyeman, J, Bullard R and Evans, B (2002) 'Exploring the nexus: bringing together sustainability, environmental justice and equity' Space and Polity Vol

6 No 1 pp70-90

Kollmuss, A and Agyeman, J (2002) 'Mind the Gap: Why do people act environmentally and what are the barriers to pro-environmental behavior?'

Environmental Education Research Vol 8 No 3 pp239-260

Agyeman, J (2001) 'Ethnic minorities in Britain: short change, systematic indifference and sustainable development' Journal of Environmental Policy and

Planning Vol 3 Number 1 pp15-30

Agyeman, J (2000) 'Local sustainability: Balancing Quality and Equality'

Australian Journal of Environmental Education Vol 15/16 pp1-7

Agyeman, J (1998) 'Teaching urban nature at KS2 in England: Looking at what is there, not at what ecologists say should be there'. Environmental

Education Research Vol 4 No 2 p139-154

Agyeman 9

Agyeman, J and Evans, B (1995) 'Sustainability and Democracy: Community

Participation in Local Agenda 21'. Local Government Policy Making . Vol 22 No

2 pp35-40

Agyeman, J (1990) 'Black people in a white landscape: social and environmental justice' Built Environment Vol 16 no 3 pp 232-236.

Published Book Chapters

Agyeman, J and Simons, B (2012) 'Reimagining the local: Scale, race, culture and the production of food vulnerabilities' in S Dooling and G.Simon (eds)

Urban Vulnerabilities: Cities, Nature, Development. Ashgate Publishing


Agyeman, J and Neal, S (2009) 'Rural Identity and Otherness' in R Kitchin and

N Thrift (eds) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Elsevier

Agyeman, J, Doppelt, B, Lynn, K and Hatic, H (2007) 'The Climate-Justice Link:

Communicating Risk with Low Income and Minority Audiences' in S Moser and L

Dilling (eds) 'Creating a Climate for Change. Communicating Climate

Change and Facilitating Social Change'. Cambridge. Cambridge University


Agyeman, J, Bulkeley, H, and Nochur, A (2007) 'Just climate: Towards a

Reconstruction of Climate Activism?' in J Isham and S Waage (eds) Ignition:

What You Can Do to Fight Global Warming and Spark a Movement. Island


Agyeman, J and Ross, H (2007) 'Civic Engagement in Minority Neighborhoods:

Boston University Medical Center’s Bio-safety Level Four laboratory' in S

Ostrander and K Portney (eds) Civic Engagement Scholarship. University

Press of New England

Agyeman, J (2007) 'Environmental Justice and Sustainability' in Atkinson, G,

Dietz, S and Neumayer, E (eds) Handbook of Sustainable Development.

London. Edward Elgar.

Neal, S and Agyeman, J (2006) 'Remaking English Ruralities: Processes of

Belonging and Becoming, Continuity and Change in Racialised Spaces'. in S Neal and J Agyeman, (eds) 'The New Countryside? Ethnicity, Nation and

Exclusion in Contemporary Rural Britain'. Bristol. The Policy Press

Agyeman, J (2005) 'People, Plants and Prejudice' in Smith, V (ed) Down the

Garden Path, Seven Decades of Artists’ Gardens. New York. Queen's

Museum of Art.

Agyeman 10

Agyeman, J and Bryan, D (2005) 'Environmental Justice Across the Mystic:

Bridging Agendas in a Watershed in D Brugge and P Hynes (eds) Community

Research in Environmental Health: Lessons in Science, Advocacy and Ethics.

Ashgate Press.

Agyeman, J and Evans B (2005) 'Justice, governance and sustainability: perspectives on environmental citizenship from the US and Europe'.

in Dobson, A and Bell, D 'Environmental Citizenship' Cambridge. MIT Press

Heinrichs, H, Agyeman, J and Groß, M (2004) 'Die Umweltsoziologie und das

Thema der ökologischen Ungleichheit' in in G Bolte und A Mielck (eds.),

'Umweltgerechtigkeit: Die soziale Verteilung von Umweltbelastungen.

Weinheim. Juventa Verlag.

Agyeman, J and Crouch, C (2004) ‘The Contribution of Environmental Justice to

Sustainability in Higher Education’ in P Blaze Corcoran and Arjen Wals (eds)

'Higher Education and the Challenge of Sustainability: Problematics, Promise and Practice'. Kluwer Academic Publishers

Agyeman, J (2003) 'Sustainable Development' in Miller, RJ; Lerner, RM and

Schiamberg, LB (eds) Human Ecology: An Encyclopedia of Children,

Families, Communities, and Environments. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio.

Agyeman, J (2003) 'The contribution of urban ecosystem education to the development of sustainable cities' in Berkowitz A, Nilon C, Hollweg K (eds)

'Understanding urban ecosystems: A new frontier for science and education'. New York. Springer-Verlag

Agyeman, J (1997) The Multicultural City Ecosystem in F Slater, D Lambert and D Lines (eds) 'Education, Environment and Economy: Reporting research in a new academic grouping '. Bedford Way Papers. London. Institute of

Education, University of London.

Agyeman, J and Spooner, P (1997) 'Ethnicity and the rural environment'. In

P Cloke and J Little (eds) 'Contested Countryside Cultures' London. Routledge.

Agyeman, J and Kinsman, P (1997) 'Analysing macro and micro environments from a multicultural perspective'. In E Hooper-Greenhill

'Cultural Diversity. Developing Museum Audiences in Britain' . Leicester

University Press.

Agyeman, J, Morris, and Bishop, J (1996) Working with local government officers' In J Huckle and S Sterling (eds) 'Education for Sustainability'.

London. Earthscan.

Agyeman 11

Agyeman, J and Tuxworth, B (1996) The Changing Face Of Environmental

Policy and Practice in Britain'. In B Evans, and S Buckingham-Hatfield (eds)

'Environmental Planning and Sustainability' . London. Wiley.

Agyeman, J and Evans, B (1996) 'Black on Green: Race, Ethnicity and the

Environment' In B Evans, and S Buckingham-Hatfield (eds) 'Environmental

Planning and Sustainability' . London. Wiley

Published Conference Presentations

Agyeman, J (2000) 'Government, sustainability and governed: the role of

Agenda 21' 'Changing Landscapes ~ Shaping Futures'. International Landcare

Conference Melbourne Australia 2nd-5th March.

Agyeman, J and Tuxworth, B (1995)'Communicating for Local Agenda 21'

'International Sustainable Development Research Conference'. Manchester

Conference Centre/University of Manchester Institute of Science and

Technology, UK. 27th-28th March 1995.

Agyeman, J (1993) 'From community involvement to community environmental action' 'A Practical Approach to Local Agenda 21: From

Concepts to Results'. Leicester Conference Bureau, UK. 3-5th February


Agyeman, J (1991) 'Informing and involving the public: Local authority initiatives' 58th Annual Conference of the National Society for Clean Air.

Eastbourne, UK.

Agyeman, J (1991) 'Educating and involving people: the role of the urban forest' Second UK Conference on Urban Forestry. Wolverhampton

Polytechnic, UK.

Agyeman, J (1991) 'The multicultural city ecosystem' Proceedings of the

International Congress on Education in Botanic Gardens. Botanic Gardens

Conservation International. London

Published Reports

Agyeman, J, McLaren, D and Shaeffer-Borrego A (2013) ‘Sharing Cities.‘

London. Friends of the Earth.

Tuler,S, Agyeman,J, Pinto da Silva, P, and Roth LoRusso K (2006)

'Characterizing and identifying vulnerable populations among Northeast Marine fishery stakeholders: Literature Review and Case Study NOAA.

Agyeman 12

Agyeman, J, Newhall-Smith, K and Ringelheim, J (2006) 'Mainstreaming

Diversity:From Paradigm to Practice? Research into Urban Audiences and

Environmental Education'. Lincoln, MA. Massachusetts Audubon Society.

Lane, N et al (2006) 'Going the Distance? The Safe Transport of Spent Nuclear

Fuel and High Level Radioactive Waste in the United States' National Research

Council. Washington D.C. National Academies Press.

Grass, R and Agyeman, J (2003) 'Reorienting Environmental Education for

Environmental Justice: A Policy Paper for Summit II. 'People of Color

Environmental Leadership Summit II.

Agyeman, J (2000) 'Environmental justice: from the margins to the mainstream?' Town and Country Planning Association 'Tomorrow' Series.

London. TCPA.

Agyeman, J; Crane, PR; Phaliso, A; Seyani, J; Similiu, S and Wilkinson, M

(2000) 'Report of the External Review of the National Botanical Institute of

South Africa' Cape Town, NBI.

Ali-Kahn, S; Agyeman, J; and Gibson, M (1998) 'Partnerships for

Sustainability: Higher Education Local Agenda 21' London. Forum for the

Future/Local Government Management Board.

Agyeman, J (1997) 'Ethnic Minorities and Sustainable Development'. Local

Agenda 21 Round Table Guidance 14. London. Local Government

Management Board.

Agyeman, J (ed) (1996) 'Involving Communities in Forestry' Forestry

Practice Guide 10. Edinburgh. Forestry Commission.

Agyeman, J and Tuxworth, B (1994) 'Local Authority Environmental

Publicity Guide'. London. Department of Environment.

Agyeman, J (1992) 'Environmental education, information and public awareness' in 'Environmental Practice in Local Government' (Second

Edition) London. Local Government Management Board et al. 1992

Agyeman, J, Warburton, D and Ling Wong, J (1991) The Black Environment

Network Report: Working for ethnic minority participation in the environment. London. National Council for Voluntary Organisations

Book, Manuscript, Grant and Conference Paper Reviews

Agyeman, J (2008) Review of Checker, M (2005) 'Polluted Promises:

Environmental Racism and the Search for Justice in a Southern Town. New

Agyeman 13

York University Press. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research

Vol 32 No 3 pp 754-755

Agyeman, J (2005) Review of Girard, L, Forre, B, Caretta, M, De Toro, P and Forte, F (eds) 'The Human Sustainable City: Challenges and

Perspectives from the Habitat Agenda'. Aldershot. Ashgate Press. The

Journal the American Planning Association Vol.71, Iss. 2; p230.

Agyeman, J (2005) Review of Pinderhughes, R (2004) 'Alternative Urban

Futures: Planning for Sustainable Development in Cities throughout the

World'. Rowman and Littlefield. The Journal the American Planning Association

Vol.71, Iss. 2; pp. 225-226

Agyeman, J (2004) Review of Portney, K (2003) 'Taking Sustainable Cities

Seriously: Economic Development, the Environment, and Quality of Life in

American Cities'. Cambridge MA. MIT Press Urban Affairs Review Vol 40 No

1, pp 135-137

Agyeman, J (2003) Review of McDonald, D (ed) (2002) 'Environmental

Justice in South Africa'. Athens, Ohio University Press/Cape Town, Cape

Town University Press. Journal of Environmental Education Vol 35 No 2 pp49-


Agyeman, J (2003) Review of Thomashow, M. (2002). 'Bringing the

Biosphere Home: Learning to Perceive Global Environmental Change'.

Cambridge MA: MIT Press. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education Vol 8 pp 270-271

Agyeman, J (2001) Review of Shutkin, W (2000) 'The Land That Could Be:

Environmentalism and Democracy in the Twenty-First Century' Cambridge,

MA. MIT Press. Local Environment Vol 6 No 3 pp 377-378

Agyeman, J (1999) Review of Faber, D (1998) (ed) 'The Struggle for

Ecological Democracy: Environmental Justice Movements in the United

States' The Guilford Press. New York and London. Journal of Environmental

Policy and Planning Vol 1 No 3 pp 268-270

Agyeman, J (1993) Review of 'The Myth of Wild Africa: Conservation

Without Illusion' The Ecologist May-June Vol 23 No3 p114

Agyeman, J. (1987) Review of 'Value for People: Adult Education and

Popular Planning', Book Review, International Journal of Lifelong Education

Vol.6 No.1 pp 92-93.

Non-Peer Reviewed Publications

Agyeman 14

Agyeman, J and Prange, J (2008) 'Reframing climate change to ensure equity and human rights' Tufts Daily 4/2/08

Agyeman, J (2004) 'Environmental Justice and 'Just Sustainability'' Sustain

Issue 10 pp13-17 Spring/Summer

Agyeman J (2003) 'The Choice: Conservation or Profligacy? Providence

Journal September 18th 2003.

Agyeman, J (2002) 'Sustainable Development 101: The Greening of Foreign

Aid, or How to Avoid the Log in Your own Eye' EG Local Environment News

Vol 8 No 9 pp4-6.

Agyeman, J (2002) 'From responsibility to sustainability' MSNBC.com

'Opinion 'August 16th 2002

Agyeman, J (2001)'Steps to becoming culturally competent communicators'

Human Nature Vol 6 No 2 p1-2

Agyeman, J (2000) 'Environmental justice: from the margins to the mainstream'. Town and Country Planning . Vol 69 No 11 p320-322

Agyeman, J (2000) 'America TM : the resistance has started and the revolution will be televised. Town and Country Planning . Vol 69 No 1 p16

Williams, EJ and Agyeman, J (1999) 'Educating for a More Livable Urban

Environment' in ' EEducator '. Spring 1999. pp26-30 Washington. North

American Association for Environmental Education.

Agyeman, J. (1999) 'Local Agenda 21 - issues of environment and equality'

Local Environs: Newsletter of Environs Australia Vol 10. No1 March 1999 p4

Agyeman, J. (1998) 'Native Good, Alien Bad? Green Teacher No 34 p28-32

Agyeman, J. (1998) 'Education for Sustainability' Streetwise Issue 32 (Vol 8

No 4) pp13-15

Agyeman, J (1997) 'Step in the right direction' Times Educational Supplement

6th June 1997

Agyeman, J. (1996) 'Education for Uncertainty?' EG Local Environment News

Vol 2 No 4. London. University of Westminster.

Agyeman, J (1996) 'Drives to end a vicious cycle' Times Educational

Supplement June 21st.

Agyeman, J. (1995) 'Environment, Heritage and Multiculturalism'

Interpretation vol 1 no 1 pp5-6.

Agyeman 15

Agyeman, J. (1995) 'Education for Sustainability: A Role for Local

Government Officers' New Ground . No 42 Spring 1995. pp6-7.

Agyeman, J. (1995) 'The language of nature' (Opinion Piece) Fronds 1. The newsletter of the Botanic Gardens Education Network.

Agyeman, J (1995) 'Role reversal and the three green Rs' Times Educational

Supplement June 23rd

Agyeman, J (1994) 'The converging strands of environmental education' p

11 in Annual Review of Environmental Education 1993. 25 year Special Edition'

Council for Environmental Education.

Agyeman, J. & Evans, B. (1994) 'Local Government: From Rio to the

Doorstep' New Ground No. 37 pp 14-15.

Agyeman, J (1994) 'Next step: education for participatory democracy', p 52 in Annual Review of Environmental Education 1993. 25 year Special Edition'

Council for Environmental Education.

Agyeman, J. & Evans, B. (1994) 'Making Local Agenda 21 Work' Town and

Country Planning Vol 63 No 7/8 p197-8.

Agyeman, J. (1994) 'A Metropolitan Escalation' Museums Journal February


Agyeman, J. (1994) 'The wild side of town' The Times Educational

Supplement , 10th June.

Agyeman, J (1993) 'Alien Species' Museum Journal . December 1993 pp 22-3.

Agyeman, J (1993) 'Advice at a price' The Times Educational Supplement 14th


Agyeman, J. (1993) 'Please go away, we're saving the world' The Independent

21st June

Agyeman, J (1992) 'Who's ready for freedom of environmental information?' Town and Country Planning , vol 61 no 11/12 p 293.

Agyeman, J (1992) 'World, face up to the real issues' Black Briton 12th June


Agyeman, J. (1992) 'When black means green' Black Briton 20th March 1992 p 6

Agyeman, J (1991) 'The multicultural city ecosystem' Streetwise 7 1991 pp


Agyeman 16

Agyeman, J. (1991) 'Black people exposed to pollutants', The Socialist ,


Agyeman, J (1991) 'Hardy perennials' Times Educational Supplement 21st June


Agyeman, J (1990) 'Mind your language' New Ground Summer No 26 1990.

Agyeman, J (1990) 'Green Teaching' New Ground Autumn No.27 pp 7-8.

Agyeman, J. (1990) 'A positive image' Countryside Commission News 45: 3

Agyeman, J (1990) 'Ecological patchwork' Public Service and Local Government

July/August, pp 22-24.

Agyeman, J (1990) Into the 1990s: Quality and Equality. Annual Review of

Environmental Education Third Issue p23-25

Agyeman, J (1989) 'A snail's pace' New Statesman and Society 2 35 pp 30-31

Agyeman, J (1989) 'Black people, white landscape' Town and Country Planning vol 58 12 pp 336-338.

Agyeman, J (1989) 'Black people, white landscape', New Ground , Autumn

No.22 pp 6-8.

Agyeman, J (1989) 'Shakespeare Road Sidings, Brixton' ILEA Geography

Bulletin , Spring term No.28 pp 62-64.

Agyeman, J (1988) 'Access for all' City Farmer Spring No.35 pp 23-25.

Agyeman, J (1988) 'A pressing question for green organizations', Town and

Country Planning vol 57 2 pp 50-51.

Agyeman, J & Hare, T. (1988) 'Towards a cultural ecology' Urban Wildlife

June pp 39-40

Agyeman, J (1988) 'Sheep in Brixton ?' Urban Wildlife June p 6.

Agyeman, J (1988) 'Lambeth Acid Rain Project' ILEA Science News No. 37.

Agyeman, J (1988) 'Ethnic Minorities - An Environmental Issue?' ECOS Vol.9


Agyeman, J. (1988) 'Whose world is it ?' The Voice , September 6 1988.

Agyeman, J (1987) 'Local action' New Ground No.14 p 26.Agyeman, J (1987)

'Please send me everything you've got on.' Teaching Geography Vol.12 No.4 pp 178-9

Agyeman 17

Agyeman, J. (1986) 'Acid Rain' Classroom Materials Contemporary Issues in

Geography and Education . Vol.2 No.2 pp 51-61.

Agyeman, J (1986) 'Urban Studies: Place or Placelessness?' Review of

Environmental Education Developments Vol.14 No.2, pp 12-13

Agyeman, J (1986) 'Safe Routes to School: Pupils Exercise' Bulletin of

Environmental Education, 178, March, pp12-13.

Agyeman, J (1986) 'Placelessness and how to combat it' Town and Country

Planning , Vol.55 No.5 pp 150-151.

Agyeman, J., Armstrong, A., Hirst, L., Dixon, L. & Russell, G (1986) 'Urban studies - ideas in action' The Times Educational Supplement 27th June.

Agyeman, J (1985) 'Acid Rain. Crisis? What Crisis?' Contemporary Issues in

Geography and Education Vol.2 No.2, pp 51-61.

Miscellaneous manuscript and grant reviews for:

Nebraska University Press, Rutgers University Press, MIT Press, Cornell

University Press, Vanderbilt University Press, UNC Press,

Routledge/Earthscan Publishing Limited, Guilford Publications, Inc., Pluto

Press, Blackwell's, Kluwer Academic Publishing, Zed Books.

Antipode, Australian Journal of Environmental Education, Environment and

Planning A, Government and Policy C: Environment and Planning,

Projections: MIT Journal of Planning, the Journal the American Planning

Association, the Journal of Environmental Education, Economic Geography,

Sociology Compass, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, the

Journal of Environmental Management, Annals of the Association of

American Geographers, the Journal of Environmental Planning and

Management, The Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, Applied

Environmental Education and Communication, GeoForum, Journal of Urban

Affairs, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Polity,

Current Sociology, Society and Natural Resources.

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, The

Economic and Social Research Council (UK) and the Swiss National Science

Foundation National Research Programme 'Sustainable Development of the

Built Environment'

Recent Voluntary, Service and Advisory Work

Agyeman 18

Board member, EcoDistricts (2014-)

Chair, Friedman Award Committee of the Association of Collegiate

Schools of Planning (ACSP) for books on ‘planning sustainability’ (2013-)

Member, Advisory Board of The Living Space Project (2009-) in the UK;

Member, Massachusetts Audubon Society Board of Directors (2009-2013),

Member of Council (2013-)

Member of the Massachusetts Climate Action Network's (MCAN)

Advisory Board (2008-2012).

Member of the American Psychological Association's (APA) National Task

Force on the Interface Between Psychology and Global Climate Change


Board Member, Center for Whole Communities, Vermont (2007-2010)

Member, Massachusetts Stewardship Council (2004-), chair, policy subcommittee.

Member, Urban Affairs and City Planning Advisory Board of Boston

University (2003-)

Member, National Academies Board on Radioactive Waste Management,

Committee on Transportation of Radioactive Waste (2003-)

Honorary Committee Member, Royal Geographical Society's Planning and

Environment Research Group (2000-).

Member, Internal Advisory Board of the Global Development and

Environment Institute (GDAE) of Tufts University (2000-)

Member, Massachusetts Environmental Justice Advisory Committee

(MEJAC) (2000-)

Advisory Board Member, Windows on the Wild (WWF) (1999-)

Board Member, North American Association for Environmental Education


Invited Conference Presentations

Keynote, Falk School of Sustainability, Chatham University, Pittsburgh, PA

April 10 2015.

Keynote, Beyond Green Environmentalism: E/quality of Life and Just

Agyeman 19

Sustainabilities. Penn Humanities Forum, School of Arts & Sciences,

University of Pennsylvania. March 18 2015

Keynote, Elon University Sustainability Conference, Elon NC, February 24


Keynote, Yale Hixon Center for Urban Ecology, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, February 20, 2015

Keynote, National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE)

Winter Program Conference, Washington DC January 30 2015

Keynote speaker: Sustainability Science Congress 2014 University of

Copenhagen, October 24 2014

Distinguished Speaker: Altman Fellows Program, Miami University of Ohio,

October 2 2014

Keynote speaker: "Diaspora, Sustainability and Development: Meeting at the Nexus." Simon Fraser University Vancouver BC September 20 2014

Keynote speaker: Neighborhoods USA Annual Conference. Eugene OR

May 23 2014

Keynote speaker: Just sustainabilities. University of Oregon, Eugene OR,

May 22 2014

Keynote speaker: Just sustainabilities. Portland State University. Portland,

OR May 21 2014

Keynote speaker: Sacred Earth Sacred Self Conference, Actors Theatre of

Louisville Louisville, KY May 16 2014

Discovery Series Lecture: "Just Sustainabilities: Re-Imagining E/Quality,

Living within Limits" at Purdue University, West Lafayette on April 24.

Marjorie Stoneman Douglas Lecture: "Just Sustainabilities: Re-Imagining

E/Quality, Living within Limits" at Wellesley College, Wellesley on April 23


Agyeman 20

Landscape Studies Speaker Series: "Just Sustainabilities: Re-Imagining

E/Quality, Living within Limits" at Smith College, Northampton on April 21


Arizona State University Wrigley Lecture: "Just Sustainabilities: Re-Imagining

E/Quality, Living within Limits" at Civic Space Park, Phoenix on April

15 2014

Keynote speaker at the Integrated Network for Social Sustainability Second

Annual Conference at UNC Charlotte April 5 2014.

Keynote speaker at CUNY Graduate Center/New School NYC April 2


Keynote speaker at "Planning for the Possible: Visionary Planning in Québec and New England" Tufts University, March 28 2014

Keynote speaker at the Bucknell University Forum March 4 2014

Keynote speaker at the Center for Humans and Nature event: "How is nature critical to a 21st century urban ethic?" Spertus Institute, Michigan

Avenue, Chicago February 13 2014

Keynote speaker at the Sharing Economy Boston Conference at MassChallenge Headquarters, 1 Marina Park Drive Boston, December

12th 2013

Keynote speaker, Future Cities; Livable Futures symposium, University of

Cincinnati/Architectural Foundation of Cincinnati November 9-10 2013

Keynote speaker, 2nd Buffalo Food Policy Summit “Just sustainabilities and food systems research” SUNY Buffalo. October 23 rd 2013

Keynote speaker at The New England Campus Sustainability Forum,

Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston, October September 20th


Keynote speaker at the Environmental Protection Agency’s 2013

Community Involvement Training Conference, Boston, August 1st 2013.

Agyeman 21

UCL Environment Institute Inaugural Annual Conference 2013 keynote: Just sustainabilities: Policy, Planning and Practice . University College London, UK

June 18th 2013

Zube Annual Lecture at UMass Amherst on April 25th 2013: ”Just

Sustainabilities: Re-imagining e/quality, living within limits.”

Mid-South Planning & Zoning Institute/University of Memphis conference keynote: Just sustainabilities: Re-imagining (e)quality, living within limits April

19th 2013

Panelist in the discussion " Good for Me – Good for Us?


Community Values, and A Sustainable Future." Wake Forest University March

25th 2013

Keynote speaker in the Environmental Justice series co-sponsored by the

Kenan Institute for Ethics and the Nicholas School of the Environment,

Duke University February 5th 2013

Keynote speaker at Moravian College Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day

January 29th 2013

Colloquium Keynote Speaker Master of Arts Program, Prescott College AZ

8th November 2012

Keynote speaker at the North American Association for Environmental

Education (NAAEE) Conference in Oakland, CA October 11th 2012

Guest Speaker at the 65th Academic Convocation at Merrimack College,

September 4th 2012.

Keynote speaker at the 18th Annual International Sustainable Development

Research Conference at the University of Hull, England June 24th 2012.

Spoke in the University of San Francisco 2012 College of Arts and Sciences

Dean’s Lecture Series on May 3 2012

Speaker: University of Northern Colorado's Schulze Speaker Series:

Sustainability and Social Equity. April 23rd 2012

Publi c

+ Prescott College

220 Grove Ave - Prescott, AZ 86301

Agyeman 22

Keynote: University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Social Justice Week April 3

2012 Oshkosh, WI

Inaugural speaker at the launch of the Sustainable Communities Initiative

(SCI) at Rhode Island College, February 16th 2012.

Keynote speaker at The Canadian Association of Planning Students –

L’Association Canadienne des Étudiants en Aménagement et en Urbanisme

(CAPS-ACEAU) conference: “ Planning Horizons: The Edge, Future, and

Potential of Planning” February 3 2012, Vancouver, Canada.

Keynote speaker at the University of Alberta Office of Sustainability 2011-

2012 Sustainability Speaker Series, “Just Sustainabilities: Re-imagining

(E)quality, Living Within Limits” January 27 2012. Edmonton, Canada.

Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Homily and Keynote speech: “ The Dream Lives on:

Towards a Just Sustainability” at Bates College, Lewiston, Maine January 15-16


Keynote at the USGBS Greening the Heartland Conference & Exhibition

June 22 2011

Keynote speaker at “ The Geography of Climate Justice “, Royal Irish Academy,

Dublin May 12 2011.

Lecture “ Just sustainabilities: Re-imagining (e)quality, living within limits ” at the

School of Community and Regional Planning, University of British Columbia,

March 22 2011

Lecture “ Just sustainabilities: Re-imagining (e)quality, living within limits” at the

University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia, February 23 2011

Lecture “ Just sustainabilities: Re-imagining (e)quality, living within limits ” at the

The Centre for Building and Planning Studies, University of South Australia,

February 18 2011

Agyeman 23

Lecture “ Just sustainabilities: Re-imagining (e)quality, living within limits” at the

Australian National University, February 11 2011

Keynote speaker at “ Inspiring Communities – Portland Plan “, Portland OR

December 15 2010

Keynote speaker at the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in

Higher Education Annual Conference “ Campus Initiatives to Catalyze a Just and Sustainable World ” Denver, CO, October 11 2010

Keynote speaker, ‘Toward a just sustainability’ International Sociological

Association conference, Gothenburg, Sweden July 12-17 2010

Keynote speaker ‘Global Environmental Justice’ University of East Anglia,

UK, July 2-3 2010

Keynote speaker ‘Toward a just sustainability’ Association for

Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS) annual conference, Lewis and

Clark College, Portland, OR June 17 2010

Think Tank Leader at the Environmental (Dis)Locations Conference , Yale

Divinity School, 9-10 April 2010

Panel speaker at the American Sociological Association conference "The

New Politics of Community" San Francisco, August 7-11 2009.

Keynote Speaker at IXth International Conference on ‘Chemical and

Environmental Hazards: Working together, protecting communities ’ UK Health

Protection Agency. Manchester, UK May 18-21 2008

Keynote Speaker at UW Milwaukee 13th Annual Urban Studies

Program Student Forum , April 12 2008

Keynote speaker at the 2008 Annual UK-Ireland Planning Research

Conference 'Sustainability, Space and Social Justice' , Belfast March 18-20 2008.

Agyeman 24

Keynote speaker at the 2007 Annual conference of the Cultural Studies

Association of Australasia Sustaining Culture , December 6-8, Adelaide,


Keynote speaker at the 2007 Conference on Communication and the

Environment at DePaul University, Chicago, IL. , June 22 – June 25, 2007

Co-presenter (with Dr Karen Bickerstaff, University of Durham, UK) of

'(Dis)assembling environmental justice: developing cross-national comparisons' at the American Association of Geographers conference in San Francisco

April 17-21 2007.

Keynote speaker at Third International Conference on Environmental,

Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability at The University of Madras,

Chennai, India January 4-7 2007. 'Towards just and sustainable communities'

Plenary discussant 'Justice, nature and the City: environmental justice in post-

Hurricane New Orleans' at the Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British

Geographers conference 'Global social justice and environmental sustainability'

Royal Geographical Society, London, August 29-September 1 2006

'Conservation, Environmental Justice, and Resource Rights: Tensions and Overlaps' at Harvard University, October 21 2006. His paper was called 'Joined Up

Thinking: Bringing Together Sustainability, Environmental Justice and


Keynote at the UK Sustainable Development Research Network

Conference in London on September 21 2006. 'Just sustainability: A UK/US comparison'

'Beyond Environmentalism: Economic Development and Minority Communities in a Post-Environmental World' conference. The Greenlining Institute/The

Breakthrough Institute. Mills College, Oakland, CA July 14 2005.

‘Sustainable Development and Human Security Panel’ at the EPIIC

Symposium ‘ Oil and Water’ . Tufts University. February 25-28. 2005

Agyeman 25

Howard E Woodin Environmental Studies Colloqium paper on ‘Sustainable

Communities and the Challenge of Environmental Justice’ at Middlebury

College on Thursday November 18 2004

‘Sustainable Communities and the Challenge of Environmental Justice’.

Science, Technology, and the Environment A one-day conference at Rensselaer

Polytechnic Institute Saturday October 30 2004

'Visions of Sustainability' at the Fifth Annual Regional Sustainable Development

Forum on , MIT Friday, October 29 2004.

Developing Sustainable Communities: Perspectives from North America and Europe’ at the 'Building Sustainable Communities' Conference. Burlington,

VT July 14 2004

‘Justice, Governance and Sustainability: New Perspectives on Environmental

Citizenship’ Citizenship and the Environment Conference . 4-6 September 2003.

University of Newcastle, UK.

‘Environmental Justice and the Sustainable City: Observations from the US’

Sustainable Cities Seminar Series . University of Northumbria, Newcastle on

Tyne, UK. June 17 2003

From Corporate Responsibility to Planetary Sustainability’ Keynote Speech at the 19 th Annual National Environmental Careers Conference (NECC) Bayside

Exposition Center, Boston MA October 18-19 2002.

‘Environmental Education and Diversity Within a Multicultural Society’ at the North American Association for Environmental Education annual conference,

Park Plaza Hotel, Boston, MA August 6-10 2002

‘Environmental Justice and Sustainability’ at Global Approaches to

Environmental Democracy: Access to Information, Public Participation, Decision

Making and Environmental Justice. British Council . Bath, UK. 26-31 May 2002

Agyeman 26

‘Culturing Environmental Education’ North American Association for

Environmental Education Annual Conference . Little Rock, AR October 11-15


‘Local Sustainabilities: Just Sustainabilities?’ American Association of

Geographers Annual Conference. New York City . March 3 2001

‘Civic Environmentalism and the development of sustainable communities’

Civic Environmentalism Roundtable Series.

Tufts University 27 February 2001

‘Environmental justice: From the margins to the mainstream?’ Presentation to

Geography and Environmental Studies Faculty. Brunel University London.

January 9 2001

"Transatlantic Tales: Environmental (in)Justice in Britain" Harvard University

Environmental Justice Group . Tuesday, December 12, 2000

‘Environmental justice: From the margins to the mainstream? ‘ Equity and the

Environment’ . Royal Geographical Society. London. November 8 2000

‘Environmental justice: From the margins to the mainstream?’ Education for

Sustainable Development , United Nations Environment and Development

UK/ South Bank University. South Bank University, London. Friday 16th

June 2000

‘Government, sustainability and governed: the role of Agenda 21’ ‘Changing

Landscapes ~ Shaping Futures’. International Landcare Conference Melbourne

Australia 2-5 March 2000

‘Local Sustainability: Quality and Equality’ Keynote Speech: Australian

Association for Environmental Education International Conference on

Environmental Education Sydney, Australia 14-18 January 1999

‘Ethnic Minorities and Sustainable Development’ Royal Geographical

Society/Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference . Leicester, UK 4-8

January 1999 th

Agyeman 27

Finding Common Ground: Creating Business and Environmental Education

Partnerships . North American Association for Environmental Education Annual

Conference: Atlanta, GA 2-6 September 1998.

‘‘From Local Governance to Global Sustainability’ (with Dr B Evans)

Association of American Geographers 94 th Annual Meeting , 25-29 March 1998

Boston, Mass.

‘What is Environmental Education?’ Pennsylvania Chemical Industry Council

February 18 1998, Harrisburg PA

‘Education for Sustainability: It’s not just about Schools’ River Ocean

Research and Education/Ecohealth ‘97 . 22 nd November 1997. Brighton. UK.

‘Embracing the alien: The Multicultural City Ecosystem as a framework for studying urban nature at KS2’ Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British

Geographers Annual Conference . Exeter, UK. 9 th January 1997.

‘The journal ‘Local Environment’: its philosophy, aims and progress’ at the international workshop ‘Environmental Research and Policy in Europe: Filling the


Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Venice, Italy 26-27 th September 1996.

‘The multicultural city ecosystem’ at the Third International Congress on

Education in Botanic Gardens , Brooklyn Botanic Garden, New York City,

USA. September 7-11 1996

‘‘Task group on training needs for environmental coordinators’ at the Sixth

National Forum of Environmental Coordinators . Lancaster University, UK 24-

26 th July 1996

‘Social needs and sustainability’ Practical Planning for Sustainable Development.

Thames Valley University, Slough, UK. 11 th April 1995.

‘Communicating for Local Agenda 21’ International Sustainable Development

Research Conference.

Manchester Conference Centre/University of

Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, UK. 27 th -28 th March 1995.

Agyeman 28

Ensuring equality and quality of access’ Joint Council for Environmental

Education/Field Studies Council Conference on Outdoor Experience . London

Zoo, UK. 8 th December 1993.

‘Greening the corporate culture’ Third Association of Metropolitan Authorities

Conference Building Partnerships for the Environment . Leeds, UK. 29

March. 1993 th -30 th

‘From community involvement to community environmental action’ A

Practical Approach to Local Agenda 21: From Concepts to Results . Leicester

Conference Bureau, UK. 3-5 th February 1993.

‘Raising awareness through training and education’ Second National Forum of

Environmental Coordinators . Sheffield, UK. 13 th -14 th July 1992.

‘Informing and involving the public: Local authority initiatives’ 58 th

Conference of the National Society for Clean Air.

October 1991

Eastbourne, UK. 21

Annual st -24 th

‘Educating and involving people: the role of the urban forest’ Second UK

Conference on Urban Forestry. Wolverhampton Polytechnic . 18

1991. th -20 th June

‘The multicultural city ecosystem’ First International Congress on Education in

Botanic Gardens.

Utrecht University, The Netherlands. May 13 th -16 th 1991.

‘Educating the community’ Environmental Initiatives: The Planner’s Role and

Contribution . Royal Town Planning Institute. London, UK. 26 th April 1991

‘Culture, education and the environment’ Association of Metropolitan

Authorities Environment 2000 Conference . Manchester, UK. 21 st January


-23 rd

‘Environmental education and urban greenspaces’ (conference chair)

Environmental Education and Urban Greenspaces. Trust for Urban Ecology.

London, UK. 22 nd May 1990.

‘Environmental education’ First Association of Metropolitan Authorities

Conference: Caring for the Future . Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. 10

1989. th -12 th July

Agyeman 29

Honorary Conference Roles

Participant in the National Center for Atmospheric Research's

Communicating Urgency, Facilitating Social Change: New Strategies for Climate

Change June 8-12 2004

Participant in the Natural Step/Case Western Reserve University Dialogue

‘Effecting Change in Complex Social Systems: Examining Dynamics and Identifying

Leverage Points Case Western Reserve University 10-12 December 2003.

Facilitator ‘International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives World

Congress – Local Action 21’ Workshop B3 ‘ Local Governance and

Participatory Planning ’ and Plenary 6 ‘ Decentralization of Aid and Finance:

For or Against Local Governance’ ICLEI World Congress, Athens, Greece

November 3-7 2003.

Facilitator, 'Fourth Annual Regional Sustainable Development Forum' ,

Workshop H: “Creating Sustainable Communities Through Public

Participation”. MIT September 22nd 2003.

Moderator and Convenor, 'The Future of Sustainable Cities' The Sixth

Sharjah Urban Planning Symposium , Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, April 6-

8th 2003.

Facilitator, World Summit on Sustainable Development, Local Government

Session. Johannesburg, South Africa 27-30 th August 2002.

Conference Organizer and Chair, North American Association for

Environmental Education annual conference, Park Plaza Hotel, Boston, MA

August 6-10 2002

Facilitator at the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives

(ICLEI) ‘Local Agenda to Action: Building a Sustainable Future’ World Summit on Sustainable Development Preparatory Committee, Vancouver, Canada.

February 27 2002.

Roundtable Chair at the International Council for Local Environmental

Initiatives (ICLEI) U.S. and Canadian Municipal Leaders Rio + 10 Preparatory

Meeting in Ann Arbor MI. June 20-23 2001

Moderator for the ‘Tools for Transformation’ Session: 2R ‘Ensuring

Biodiversity in the Urban Setting’ at the ‘Global Cities 21 – ICLEI World

Congress’ . International Council for Local Environmental Inititiatives,

Sachsen-Anhalt. Germany. June 28-July 2 nd 2000

Agyeman 30

Conference Organizer and Chair, Towards Sustainability: Social And

Environmental Justice , Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British

Geographers, Tufts University, Medford MA May 31-June 2 2000

Conference Fellow at Eighth Cary Conference ‘Understanding Urban

Ecosystems: A New Frontier for Science and Education’ Institute of Ecosystem

Studies, Millbrook, New York April 27-29 1999
