Vision Flash 5 February, 1971 Views on Vision Eugene C. Freuder A. Vision Group I. Laboratory M.I.T. Introduction in our introduced discussion of the "object partition provide a unified theoretical base for a we be expanded upon to concepts which may a number of problem" wider segment of our work in vision research. This paper attempts to indicate some of the scope and subtlety of the issues involved. We discuss semantic, syntactic and contextual distinctions that bear on visual analysis. We focus on line predicate analysis, and indicate how various other aspects of the information content of treated With the tame partition analysis. view of scene structural the picture graph can be approach This consistency is analysis as an we applied to used to facilitate a interlocking heterarthy of knowledge structures, A very general discussion in Part our approach, is followed in I of Issues which shape Part II by a solidification and expansion of the discussion in the cbntext of some specific line predicates and the subproblems of visual analysis which they characterize. (Familiarity with Vision Flash 4, The Object Partition Problem, is assumed in this paper.) I, Model: Semantic/syntactic conceptual tool analysis is gaining currency as a basic in artificial intelligence. However care must be taken if the application is to We will w~11 the employ Wleld a net gain In Insight. mathematical of approach defined We will not logicians and model theoHists to such distinctions. develop this Informally, in approach great an attempt in detail to clarify but here, our view of rather, the scene analysis problem, We start "structure". with The a syntactic language will "language" and consist of a senantic the elements that form "line drawings" or "plicture graphs", points, line segments, regions, plus structure predicate symbols will consist individual that picture discussed of physical corne s, various physical predicates. "Interpretation" to be later. The edges, faces, and Our interest lies largely in maps graphs, constructs into in physical the the language, constructs, three dimensional physical scenes. We consider first Individual picture graphs without attendant predicate symbols. We seek the physical scene corresponds graph. We physical to the interpretation Interpretations are "best" picture is possible. interpretation, information about configuration may possible. the The and nature be viewed of as a may decide that no More likely several process obtaining the that of choosing furthee corresponding problem in the specific physical determining how appropriately to apply various predicate symbols to the picture graph. An Individual line, for example, may be representing one or several physical edges. Interpreted as A predicate symbol "$" might be applied to the line with the understanding that "$" Is Interpreted as the physical predicate "is a single edge". of label much. we have seen, in Howevet, we generalize this apprbach mean the partition problem paber, terms, to work directly in picturd how convenient It may prove and seem to manufacturing may not priori this sort A below. More importantly the predicate concept does not let us forget the semantic content of our syntactic manipulations. In particular the predicate approach stimulates the search for basic r lationships that be may used to characterize or Inform the more general questions of scene We will focus attention in this paper on a class of predicates we call "line predtiates". (in this paper we wili take the somewhat inelegant approach of using these distinctions where we need them for clarity and blurring them where we need to for simplicity. This approach is facilitated by the observation that a physical scene, in a given view, can indeed be corresponding will deal two largely treated largely isomorphically dimensional projection. "line" predicate with In rather with the particular, we "edge"l than predicate terminology. The concept of scene plus view could be expanded on. think it may be important to recognize that our low level We three dimensional predicates need not concern themselves with "hidden" views concerning invariant view dependent relations. relations, but The equating may rather describe of semantic physical models with full three dimensional encodings may have needlessly hindered and confused the required fusion of syntax and semantics in vision research work. At any rate it will be understood that we may still use the familiar terminology, line at the concave julction of "the the two regions", for example, as an abbreviation of "the edge represented by the line at the, etc.".) Line Predicates: A line predicate is simply a assertion involving a line. use predicate vertices more often or the regibns of the picture graph. oh the relation across line boundaries, vertex junctions. example, these concern the riglons generally are predicates to the Thus the on either the Our predicates ihht dbscribe th. as established at In the case of the partition predicateS, for the predicates line, but we key prb0ertles we of "line drawings." been focused will geherally f6tus of regions makes an It may seem tautological that lines as the basic unit of our analysit However, attention has that various levels concerned with the aplication of entering a given vertek. set of lines of picture bordering a given graph elements are drawn together In the line predicate concept. Some of the properties of lines that are of Interest are: definition or membershlp--whether they define or belong to one or both of the regions they bound, and if one, which; junction--convex, concave, flat, or illusory; multiplicity--whether they represent one physical edge or two. When the edge Is Illusory we are interested in which plane Is on top of which, and more generally when an defines only one of the bounding regions we are concerned with which region is "over" or "occluding" the other. There are relationships between Illusory them obvious. one edge; implies iMplies flat two associated regions belong to edge Implies that the one edges; thdse properties, some of the same body, two edies the opposite. may properties be the facilitates perhaps, line importance Of equal operated with in a heterarchical for predicatds these manner which uniform required Interaction of a successful vision system. Analysis: in brief, any lIre 0pedlcate may be given the treatment afforded the "partition predicates" as described in the previous immediate benefits may may vary from one predicate The paper. to another Increase but the basic theoretilal advantages remain, and as the aproach Is extended to unify more bf the vision system analysis. We begin predicates) our treatment by establishing a possible Intetpretations predicate from property. context dictate of and of a other base we knowledge picture graph. analysis, or alternative 4 arrive picture or rate on a plausibility a given at an operati predidate (bt "complete From this have in applying the predicate of a llne set of characterizatior'" of with respect the cad apply information structures to eliminate, scale the various choices we symbols to the various On to this basis analyses, of a we can given scene. portions compile ad We may 1 n terms of syntactid rules for manipulating the predicate symbols. The procedure will derive, however, from a semantic motivation, as it seeks to provide a semantic (physical) analysis. A complete characterization is Initiated with an enumeration of all possible intepretations of the various vertex configurations with predicates). of the a given with the restrictions; of the partition relation, for tend to reduce predicate was example,-and the symbols. predicate concept for posible corret0onding syntactic resttlcttvi. type will set corresponding predicate we examine the semantic equivalence predicate (or Syntactically we can list all possible labellings vertex type However, respect to observed to so we be an established a Symmatrtis within a vettek number of different labelling possibilities as well. The physical domain will very likely be restricted in some fashion, e.g. further concerned to planar restrictions on in this paper polyhedral solids. the with predicates. ady context This We more may will impose not be general than planar polyhedra, i.e. we are not concerned with curved objects. In this context we can observe that any line (segment) must be consistently labelled along its length for any of the predicates we consider. The line cannot receive one interpretation at one endpoint, another at the opposite endpoint; e.g. a line cannot change from a concave to a convex junction. Our "complete characterization" should be undertaken at the most general possible context level to begin with. we suggest a physical domain limited In our case to planar polhedra, with few Initial constraints on the picture graph or Interpretation. occlusions "degenerate" should allow the various Our most general context and overlaps of lines and vertlces. Certain of our specialists or initial programs may not be able to handle problems, but they should certainly universe which our system Establishing an optimal a given approach of these be included in the overall must ultimately understand. level for the most general context under Is itself a research decision.. planar polyhedra seems historically General views and technically to be a good top level context for line drawing analysis. At this level, after the semantic, symmetric and contextual Simplifications have 'been made, alternative labellings vertex predicates and range of we for vertex are left any types. with a list given set A complete of obtained from applying the vertices of the That cannot accept an overall vertices "global to receive This achieves combinations. "one line, one label" illegal a all consistent criteria, we labelling that requires any inconsistencies" as then various vertex labellings to the picture graph in is we must observe the line set of alternative interpretations of any given picture graph may be of labellings, and individual we must avoid in the case of partition labelling. complete characterization of property or set of properties in picture graph analysis. a given Often this much may buy us more than we expecL. The possibilities may be considerably narrowed down, basic questions such as "is there any least possible Interpretation" will we have a basis have been answered. At the fo ing, and that of our programs. We are, of course, generally interested in the question of which is the "best" or picture graph. "most likely" interpretation of a We need to build on our given characterization to provide an answer to that need. Cn text: Contextual Issues arise in several forms in the restriction or ordering analysis. of the decision space Often. we in a are Interested Interpretation will be (or if any given line in what the predicate most likely interpretation Is possible) under a restricted context. Further order the context predicate reStrictIons may labelling analyser may thus be Informed further narrow possibilities. "specialists" the advice of the The ultimate goal, which can handle any context, perhaps, on predicate by, or alternatively inform, context analyser of a heterarchical system. of course, is a system A dowh or employing the context analyser. Ih the course of development of such a system, we often need restrict the specialist, context analysis, either to produce a or merely to simplify a problem sufficiently to get a foothold on It. appreciate of to the It is imperative at such times that we fully nature restrictions we make. and implications of the context To place this problem In focus we return briefly to our model theoretic viewpoint. Restrictions may semantic domain, or on be imposed on either the the interpretation. for example, that only picture syntactic or We may stipulate, vertices joining three or fewer that only trihedral corners lines may occur In a picture graph; vertices are or that three line picture domain; appear in the. physical may interpreted as to be trihedral If we are to appreciate three possibilities are not Identical, the of difficulty we accomplishments understand must "general Huffman's restrictions. the and problems our These corners. of our of our criteria, for extent nature the Position" example, while a nice concept, is misleading in that it does hot embody all of the restrictions Huffman apperently expects it to. A common problem of newcomers to the area of partition is of restrictions that the imposition ahalysis effectively reduce the problem to the trivial case where separate objects meet only occlusions. T-joint restriction; it restrictions. quite reduction need This follows from quite not be natural at an explicit lower level Furthermore, exclusive T-joint demarcatlon is a It happens, however, that it common physical situation. is almost a degenerate partition analysis. case Unless as regards one realizes thý full problem this, there of is the temptation to possibly misuse the principle of generalizatio, in concluding that the methods used or have analogues in the for example, has make in the restricted case general case. possibilities in a it impossible to use In indication of partition; extend The "simple" T-joint, more general context that any straightforward-fashion as an on the contrary It may prove to be one of the most misleading and complex vertices to analyze. Furthermore, we might hote that restrictions we make, in order the nature of thb context to achieve va ious results, may at times be among the most Interesting aspects of our As in other mathematics, the required strengths, considerations involved restrictions, for realization of the an alternatives, and -various can constitute a significant An appreciation moreover, In theoretical may be model of a cOmprehdnsive analysis, hypothesis aspect 6f a result. context restrictions adequate analysis. required, or a model practical that can deal as effectively as possible with both restricted and unrestricted contexts. Insofar as they affect possible or likelV labelling choices for a given predicate, context restrictions can be viewed In least two alternative fashions. area in which we question are to in order to changing assumptive example the possible in a restrictions, based the option of lifting should latter case, on "general a given scene, or they the or lead to choice of experience", specific whatever, becomes a facility. In summary, our define our these it, with the restrictions In contextual analysis of vital questions, for physical realization Is limit or order such may formally define the They may heuristically define our decision space unsatisfactory results. context ask our of whether any given context. They at context restrictions results, and results without we cannot a clear help to properly assess analysis of direct and or extend these contextual assumptions. Semantics: Within any context, whether It be the most general context or some more restricted one, we use semantic information. The nature of the semantic structure Indicates the limits on the set of possible labelling dhoices in constructing a characterization of a given predicate. Semantic Information also assists our judgment on the relative plausibility of the various choices, in order to inform our "best possible interpretation" decision procedure. There seems to be some semantic/syntactic distinction benefit. from a formal needless at analysis. confusion on the we may this point. Again In loglc, a "theory" Is a collection of statements, in a syntactic language, which may defined either semantically, as statements which are some semantic domain, or syntactically, as statements from -true in derivable specified syntactic "axioms" by specified syntacti6 rules. Often the Interesting "metatheoretical" problem arises, a be whether semantically defined theory can 6e derived also syntactically a The axioms and rules that are employed in a syntactic formulation of a semantically defined theory are not, of course, pulled out of awareness of a random the semantic hat. They are chosen content they with will embody and a keen must Imply. Similarly in our work in artificial intelligence. We may seek a "syntactic" procedure for simulating a semantic function, but there should must be semantically informed language study, natural be no surprise language for may example, that our syntactic to be reasonable, the legitimate be regarded as a operations In hatural sentences of a semanticaily defined theory. to Some aspects of this theory are particularly syntactic formalization; or "syntax". and we generally term "grammar" This use of the term "syntax" may be are further definition of precise model need be no grammar" these we hindered language by a "semantics". that a misleading, correspondingly restricted However, theoretic semantic/syntactic surprise amenable reasonable in our more t6rminology, there syntactic "language must implicitly, or preferably explicitly, ackndwledge the semantic generate. motivation And there for the need theory be no semantically informed approach to simultaheous syntactic basis it is surprise attempting if to a successful language analysis provides a fbO "language grammar" and their own "language semantics. '1 Syntactic momentum. forebulations They may indeed sometimes suggest generate new semantic insights. However, we must keep semantic motivations in mind if we are to develop a comprehensive and comprehensible syntactic model. Knowledge Structures: Semantic context implications are certainly important in determining plausibilities In our scene analysis. Knowledge of many sorts, however, may have a bearing on our decisions for any particular problems. predicate or set of We require the individual predicates. We face identification and analysis of these various aspects of visual knowledge of a scene. need to employ the heterarchical structures, analysis. in their twin interrelation of the construction, for a given And we knowledge picture graph We may be aided in our implementation of the latter step if our individual analyses exhibit some common form. The partition analysis paper discussed advantages of a line predicate, in some detail the complete characterization approach to the description and analysis structure. noted, in particular, how th6 labelling network We of a given description built in the potentially global knowledge Interrelationship of the picture parts, and the comlete characterization allowed alternative aproach failure flexibility. allows us to use The predicate any and all parts an labelling of the network for information, and both positive and negative Indications. We are knowledge interested in structures which may be analysis, the predicates, or amenable this paper observation sets in the that bf predicates, content of of approached with this type of there are which are worthy Wd to an analysis of this sort. the information multiplicity picture several of line and believe that much of graphs can be profitably characterized thus by line predicates. Certain sets of these predicates units of analysis for various of visual analysis, may be useful as basic specific subproblems In the e.g. the partition several qualities whidh might recommend problem. area There are a set of predicates as basic analytical concepts for dealing with a particular problem. We would like the predicates to characterize the problem in some sense. Ideally characterize the we would problem, like in the the predicates sense interpretations of a given picture graph, given correspond to problem, will that to all "fully" possible with respect to the alternative "labellings" of the picture graph with the specified predicate symbols, and vice characterization of the predicate complete sense allows characterization in this A full 1-1 versa. the set to constitute a complete characterization of the specified problem, In the sense of all interpretations possible the of picture graph with respect to that problem. usual The will carry over to a particular the predicate network analysis line predicate advantages of problem. characterized predicate In convenient framework on network is a which to add the context and knowledge informatioh that we need to make our analysis choices. If we have chosen our characterizing predicates well, they will Indeed seem problem the under consideration. basic fundamental properties of to reflect the of nature the the This can be most revealing as to and problem, other relevant but secondary or separate con§iderations may then be brought to bear Isolatl6n and observation of In a natural and effective model. criteria of the basic their under modification interdependent understanding, property, anb a visual properties, and a restrictions, context Is an procedural model observation ideal outline of and for which follows naturally from our basic theoretical approach. If indeed many predicate of our knowledge network labelling conjoining the various that much more structures have the crucial process of .structure, the structures heterarchically tractable. Our model same of our may be made procedural implementation of the visual process will be clarified. II. Without high level of from the (ahem) descending too far generality intended for this paper we might indicate some of the areas in which than other predicates line are studying we partition analysis, in order to illustrate and elaborate some of the issues and concepts discussed here. Junction: Huffman has done some work with what we would term the line concavity, predicates convexity and (Huffman "illusory." uses two predicates which combine the illusory concept actually the true definition with an indication of These of the ýdge.) predicates have great relevance to the partition problem and the "possible configuration" or "existence" probleh--whether a given as a physical any realizable interpretation picture graph has scene. Their usefulness will be clearer with the inclusion the of two coplanar "flat" predicate (junction complete characterization strongly restricted predicates (Huffman approach However, context). concave, convex, planes), and a with a begins we believe flat, illusory, of that the characterize what might be termed the "junction problem", and are not appropriate as or possible basic units of configuration problem. characterize analysis They for do those problems in the the not partition characterize, or fully manner that we indicated we would like a set of predicates to characterize a visual analysis problem. It should that of be obvious, from our any attempt to use the partition partition problem paper, junction predicates as basic units analysts is unwarranted. A complete characterization could not even be attempted. The issues Involved in the characterization of the junction problem could be might be choose expanded upon more instructive the "possible at some for the length. purposes of configuration However, it this paper problem" for to further discussion. Configuration: We note "existence" first problem that is the in "configuration" problem. recall, In "possible a sense the case aspect or of a generAl of partition analysts, we were Interested first In characterizing all possible (physically realizable) partitions, one. an configuration" For the characterizing configuration all possible then in problem choosing the the interest configurations may beSt in lie largely in determining if any configuration I~ possible, i.e. the existence problem. of course, essentially answer is The question of choosing the "best" configuration is, of asks interest. for a generally the However, complete result of since this analysis of the question scene, its previous decisions on the various aspects of the s:cene analysis. This interpretation become more concrete if of of the "configuration" we choose an appropriate problem will formalization the configuration problem, e.g6 in terms of line predicates. Huffman is, of cobrse, not dealing in our characterization and framework, problem. existence wish to consider for appropriate as a be proposed such labelling upon the We have no argument there, of couase. We to be would the to approach characterization our bear predicates junction the whether another predicate set should basic analytical as provided advice relevant junction designed several problem, or whether configuration his presents clearly one- among as approach he characterization, on by which junction knowledge the structure might be hung. Huffmah indicates that the junction predicates are not used as what would we problem. In to complete any case, they less than even something respect term a the characterization -of characterization role problem. configuration hopefully address nature of the problem. criteria. than proper choice of themselves directly have to the basic The junction predicates do not meet this An attempt to view them as characterizing, rather relating to, the problem will indicate that there are more basic predicates, that A with problem will, as we characterizing predicates for a given indicated, suitable to assume do not appear a "full" this really assumed in seem to be the the definition of convex, criteria possible physical of a etc;, realization. Context: the basic issues involved should become clearer if we consider the configuration problem Its most general cOntext. In beginning with the restricted context Huffman deals in, we lose or obscure some of these issues. Guzman distinguishes pictures that have no pbssible physical interpretation as those which could not be produced by photographing or projecting any three dimensiondl scene from any view. This definition seems desirable as a basic characterization of an "Impossible" object. of the standard "optical Guzman notes that many illusion" "impossible" figures do not fall under this definition, however. The "Penrose special two three Triangle", for example, can dimensional projection dimensional illusions", or Constructs. "Impossible of at The be least two study figures", obtained of different such precisely "optical formulated, becomes then a question of which picture graphs have a Interpretation, ( given certain contextual as a physical constraints, on the physical domain, the picture domain or the Interpretation. This Is the problem that Huffman sets himself, for a context which he defines. Under these restrictions circuistances one can interesting aspects of content of a the consider becomes the study. reasonable nature In model of of one a sense what the of dontext the they form constitutes most the the "illusion". Characterization: We now have an Idea of the general nature of the configuration problem to which we wish to apply a line predicate characterization. We begin by seeking a basic dharacterizing predicate for the configuration problem, starting at the general L_·_l~_··~ C I·1 · · · · I context level or arDitrary views or planar polyhedra, Context restrictions may then be adduced in an instructive fashion. might tentatively belongs propose the to the bounddry of line following R1 as defined-by R2, We 1 predicate: or briefly R2 defines R1 along 1, where R1, R2 are faces, bordering an edge 1 in a given view of the scene, and 1 physically forms a bounding edge of R1. right might employ a "-~-", predicate symbol foe to be interpreted as this predicate, which we refer to example, as the We "definition" predicate. angles to a picture line, The arrow would be drawn at which Could be labelled with a single arrow in either direction or with two arrowS in directions Consider the (abbreviated as a doubld ended arrow)i opposite following labelled f.gure: We do not predicate here; ourselves it Intend to Indeed is the ideal present a complete we have not yet analysis of fully this satisfied predicate for our purposes. However, some further discussion should be instructive. From our most general semantic context we observe that this "definition" predicate Is anti-reflexive; Correspondingly any label for a line sides by the same region is impossible. believe, encompass all the truly RO-RO is impossible. which is bordered on both This criteria will, we "impossible" objects in our general context, and allow us a complete characterization of the possible configuration problem. Restricted Context: As it happens the context considerations here are very much the partition problem, for example, the opposite of that in the and discover the problem, aspects, not by configuration problem we enrich For the following sense. the most this fashion in "human" optical general difficult context, but by We may justify enriching the considering a restricted context. problem interesting and its most allowing In in the an thterest to by appealing illusions, or by noting the advantageous aspects of employing and understanding the implications of such context restrictions. In particular the context restrictions or assumptions that lead humans to perceive an optical object" or other assumptions, system. experience. angle likely human They they processing constitute and "Impossible straight line overlapping lines, Whatever-- dismissed as weaknesses More facilitate type)--right absence of colinear should not be illusion (of the are and in the human very good heuristics description plausibility perceptual of rankings interpretation decision structure, based in part on a that visual for the knowledge of context plauslbilitids derived from wide visual experience In a particular environment. In summary, strong very useful context plausibility judgments, while in choosing a "best" Interpretation, may essentially function as at least a temporary context restriction, which may interest In determining been has context based plausibility restricted of context a study (Though more interest should therefore be "Impossible figures". than useful bedeftt from criteria may well shown, Thus our ilUslons", or "impossible figures". lead to "optical in at times, context restrictions themselves, various alternative the made to whith can be "model" illusions".) various human "optical Consider the simple figure: This Is certainly nb Impossible object in any deep sense. could easily be looking straight down at the top of two bricks, for example, one cube, one L-shaped. We nested If we were looking at the bases of two pyramids we could shift our viewpoint a fair amount part without changing this projection much. here is in fact the contextual corresponding context assumptions and that lead us a cube might interpretation correspondingly lead verifier. consideration predicate,) (This of a to vision raises the a junction as our missing system obvious experience, and the context based judgments, choose with The interestihg to similar problem most line, call plausible and should in its line issues for our and thý junction A complete vision system would, of course, be aware of the of an possibility Similarly a knowledge of view" to "overhead the to the lead restrictions that on. back fall good or a vision system, a Penrose Triangle illusion gives us, idea of how to physically Yealize the Triangle in a more general context. Restricted Characterization: Very briefly how, various alternative context restrictions can be proposed which embody considerable permit formulation "defini-tion predicate" "context certain We observations, however, labellings, and to employ require number rather us to catch as in the assure "global the donsistency". other knowledke ttruttures, semantic sophisticated restrict which of possible- configurations, e.g. f,,lli tn the This enables labellings. impossible" figure. above on restrictions of principles possible We may also such the junctioh predicate labelling network, Huffman presents several subtle criteria that can be in these roles. Optimally, if choice was ideal, any cýiteria not our viewed characterizing predicate that implies a picture graph physically realizable under is the given context restrictions will also imply that no predicate labelling is possible that is consistent with the given context. This issue may partition analysis. be clearer in the familiar By applying certain syntactic restrictions, derived from the general semantic context we set for to the partition cOntext of predicate labelling procedurd, "complete characteri-zation" of the partition ourselves, we achieved a problem. That meant that for the general context "structure" we had achieved a 1-1 correspondence betWeen syntactically allowable labellings and semantically (physically) possible partitlions. (Technically a "complete" and "consistent" characterization.) We then observed that restricting the context further could indicate further partitions, and restrictions on the corresponding syntactic made on the labelling p6ssibillitle. physically possible restrictions could be These might take the form of general principles (such as the "transitive" property usedd in the general contekt) or possibilities. proving that for corresponding could be We any or that all would kiiVeh 6-ntext set of syntactic restrictions Insure there we can continue to That is, there the this case, restricted still a 1-1 as we 4uestlon of have a complete characterizatidn of configuration problem since in was is the the partition problem In various restlicted to restrictions a between poSslble syntactic labellings and possible - physical configurations. whether labelli-ng. did not concern ourselves at that time with nice (e.g. finite) found relationship |imple elimination of certain this contexts. issue becomes have noted, Applied more vital, Interest lies In the characterizations, whereas In partition analysis the general context forms the basis of our problem. Conclusion Well clearly several We are concluding others, as we concluded this paper by beginning the partition paper by leading into this discussion. this work are But then, the continuing implications of Indeed part "definition" predicate perhaps, partly Patrick Winston, as determination, as study, a on of the point of for example, formalization of physically the partiti6n this paper. could some associated Our be viewed, recent work of edges predicate analysis In shape formalizes the germinal work of Guzman and otheks in partition analysiS. Hopefully we have provided significance of a nuinber of some idea bf the scbpe and the key concepts, obserVatl6ns methods that are guiding our current vision researdh. and Acknowledgements The theoretical result of a atmosphere and happy the approach described confluence working of a - in this propitious environment of the paper is a theoretical Vision Group Vision System. Among those who contributed to either the atmosphere or the environment (Ralph Nader excepted): M. Dowson A. Griffith A. Guzman- B. Horn D. Huffman J. Lerman M. Minsky S. Papert M. Rattner P. Winston