The Office of Student Learning Assessment has awarded grants totaling... faculty-led projects designed to improve assessment of student learning outcomes.

The Office of Student Learning Assessment has awarded grants totaling $18,680 to seven
faculty-led projects designed to improve assessment of student learning outcomes.
Reporting of findings is to be done in the format of a public forum on September 18,
2009 at our Fall 2009 Assessment Kickoff Event.
We would like to extend our congratulations to the following CSU community members
who are the recipients of the AY 2008-2009 Assessment Grants: Jennifer Alexander
(Associate Professor and Co-Director of the Center for Non-Profit Policy and Practice in
the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs) for Initial Assessment Plan for the
Graduate Program in Non-Profit Administration and Leadership and the Graduate
Certificate Program in Non-Profit Management; Lili Dong (Assistant Professor, the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Fenn College of Engineering)
for An Investigative Project of Enhancing and Measuring Students’ Knowledge of
Information Literacy and Professional Ethics in the Undergraduate Program of
Electrical Engineering and the Graduate Program of Science in Electrical Engineering;
Tama Engelking (Professor and Chairperson, the Department of Modern Languages in
the College of Liberal Arts and Liberal Studies) for Assessing Intercultural Competency
in the Context of Language Programs (BA in Spanish and BA/MA in French) and Study
Abroad Programs; Jorge Gatica (Professor and Graduate Program Director, the
Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering in the Fenn College of
Engineering) for Building a Dynamic and Interactive Course and Program Assessment
System Using Internet Communities; Xiongyi Liu (Assistant Professor, the Department
of Curriculum and Foundations in the College of Education and Human Services) for A
Comparative Study of ePortfolio Assessment Practices in a Multi-Section Undergraduate
Course; Francine Peterman (Professor, the Department of Curriculum and Foundations
in the College of Education and Human Services) for Secondary Education Teaching
Events: Performance Assessment; and Patrick Wachira (Assistant Professor, the
Department of Teacher Education in the College of Education and Human Services and
the Department of Mathematics in the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences) for
Mathematics for middle school teachers: Assessment in a technology-based learning